UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CONGREGATION NEWSLETTER March 2015 Year 50, Issue 3 1301 Gladewood Drive Blacksburg, VA 24060 Website: www.uucnrv.org E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (540)552-9716 Minister’s Musings This month in worship we explore the theme of “knowing”. How do we “know what we know”? How does Unitarian Universalism embrace many ways of knowing? This March, we’ll celebrate and reflect upon the 6 “Sources” in our Unitarian Universalist living tradition. I welcome you take a look at the 6 Sources below. Is there a Source that is most meaningful to you? What are the particular sources of knowledge that you rely on in your spiritual and religious journey? Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and openness to the forces, which create and uphold life; Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love; Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life; Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves; Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit; Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. May your month be filled with opportunities for insight… With Bright Blessings, Rev. Dara March Highlights President’s Message Upcoming Events News from LFD Community News Info on Stewardship Meet New Members Info on General Assembly Services for March Monthly Calendar page 2 pages 3-4 pages 5-7 pages 8-11 page 8 page 9 page 11 page 12 page 13 Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA March 2015 Contact Information Minister: Rev. Dara Olandt 415-374-0656 [email protected] President: Margo Walter 540-230-0641 [email protected] Director of Lifespan Faith Development: Karen Hager 540-577-8043 [email protected] Administrator/ Newsletter/Website: Lisa Evanylo 540-257-3612 [email protected] Pianist: Jared Gibbs [email protected] Choir Director: Ella Kromin [email protected] Lay Pastoral Care Ministry: [email protected] UUC Website: uucnrv.org UUC Office Phone: 540-552-9716 Minister Emerita: Rev. Christine Brownlie Staff Office Hours: Minister: Tuesdays - Sundays, Call for appointment Administrator: Mondays 9-12, Fridays 1-4 DLFD: Call for appointment Message from Our President Margo Walter The Ides of March is a movie by George Clooney and marks the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Roman calendar and is also a hit song by Peterik, et al. For most of us, March 15 comes and goes without fanfare. I don’t think Hallmark is selling cards for the occasion, yet. Why am I making it newsworthy in our UUC monthly newsletter? Give up? This year, March 15 is two weeks before our Sunday Activity Fair and five days before the vernal equinox, the first day of spring. This message is not about looking back or visioning the future. We are going to be extremely mindful and stay in the present. Let's examine together “Mindfulness” and “One Day at a Time.” Why is this important for our faith community? I am sure each of you has heard of, or practice, this concept of staying in the moment. You probably have witnessed what happens when we make future plans for ourselves or others. We all make plans but need to remember not to plan the outcomes. There are too many variables out of our control. Services on Sunday are cancelled due to freezing snow and ice. A vacation is cancelled due to sudden illness. The job promotion is postponed due to the economy. The list goes on. One adage that we hear is “If you have one foot in the past and one foot in the future, you are probably dumping (sic) on the present.” What about taking today and being mindful of the twenty-four hours we each have to live life to the fullest? Practice simple acts of kindness (SAKs) and be a walking example of our UU principles. Our Principles (http://www.uua.org/beliefs/principles/) are a guide for us in how to live life, and they are best served by practicing all of them one day at a time. Mindfulness is an active process with attention to the present and an acceptance of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Being mindful is not passive, and it helps you to experience life fully. We are asked to give of our time, talent, and money in our UU congregation. This does not mean showing up for one potluck or signing a check once a year. Stewardship is a year-long process that occurs daily. What can I do today to contribute to my faith community? And how can I awaken to experience life and continue my spiritual journey? Here are some suggestions from Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness-Based-StressReduction: Pay close attention to your breathing, especially when you're feeling intense emotions. Notice - really notice - what you're sensing in a given moment (sights, sounds, and smells). Recognize that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting and do not define you. Tune into your body's physical sensations, from the water hitting your skin in the shower to the way your body rests in a chair at the Sunday Service. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA (cont’d on pp 9) 2 March 2015 Upcoming Events International UU Partnership Church Program Come learn about this exciting program on Sunday, March 1, 11:30 AM in our Sanctuary! Hosted by Rev. Dara Olandt and Peter Lazar Did you know there are UU congregations in Transylvania, Uganda, India, and the Philippines? Did you know many of these congregations are seeking partnerships with UU congregations like ours in the U.S.? Partnership can include enriching opportunities for mutual growth, travel, learning, faith formation… and just plain fun! Come learn more about the Partnership Church Program! All are welcome for this exploratory conversation! Could a partnership be right for us at UUC? Childcare provided. Sunday Activity Fair Stay following the service on Sunday, March 29 and visit the many tables manned by our wonderful committee members with much information on what each committee does, how to join, when the group meets, and more. Perhaps you will find a committee that suits your many talents, skills, and availability. There are so many different ways that you can participate in the life of the congregation! UU Music Breakfast Club Love to make music? Join the UU Music Breakfast Club on Saturday, March 21 from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM to prepare special music for the service on Sunday, March 22. All are welcome for this low-commitment, but fun music-making. Contact Natalie or Jared Gibbs for more information. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 3 From the UU Partnership Church Council… Partnerships between UU and Unitarian congregations around the world forge connections and build lasting relationships that strengthen each others’ faith, opening all of us to new vistas of understanding. The UU Partner Church Council (UUPCC) helps connect churches looking for partners and offers a wide variety of resources and support for U.S. and Canadian UU churches contemplating partnership. To learn more go to http://www.uupcc.org/. Women’s Lunch Group March will hopefully bring us a taste of spring, but no matter, we warm ourselves in “small groups” for good food and conversation. All UUC women are invited to meet for our twice-monthly lunches. On Friday, March 6, we gather at Al’s Metro Deli at 1655 Roanoke St. in Christiansburg (across from the shopping center with Food Lion and Lucie Monroe’s). On Friday March 20 we will gather at the Olive Garden near the NRV Mall. Try to arrive a few minutes early for this one as it gets very busy at lunchtime. Noon is our regular meeting time. Hope to see you there! March 2015 An Unforgettable Evening of Music Second-Sunday Potluck Everyone is invited to enjoy lunch together following the service on March 8. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet new people while sharing a delicious meal. This month, if your last name begins with Mor-Ph, bring a beverage; A-Lam bring a main dish; Lan-Mop or Pi-Z, bring a side dish or dessert. Don’t forget your list of the ingredients in your dish to assist those with food allergies. Please be sure to bring a LARGE DISH as there are many mouths to feed and to be considerate of those at the end of the line that are also hungry. Lastly, please place all food trash in the garbage and not in the sink as we have no disposal. Be sure to bring your non-perishable food donations (canned meats, fruits, vegetables, macaroni and cheese, rice, beans, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, coffee, sugar, etc.) for the Interfaith Food Pantry. The donation basket is in the lobby just outside the Sanctuary. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 4 EarthSpirit Sisters Full Moon Ritual All women are invited to the monthly full moon ritual on Thursday, March 5 on the lower level. Come at 6:30 PM for social time, with the ritual beginning at 7:00. March 2015 Lifespan Faith Development March 2015 Dumbledore’s Army ~ Our weapon is love Dumbledore’s Army begins the fight against the Animal Cruelty Horcrux this month and will work to raise item donations and money for the Humane Society of Montgomery County (HSMC). Items for cats and dogs will be collected in boxes upstairs and downstairs, used in next month’s annual Easter Egg Hunt for HSMC, and donated in April. Our March Fourth Sunday collection will also benefit HSMC. All families can also fight this horcrux by pledging to help stop puppy mills and other forms of animal cruelty. Do not buy pets from pet stores or internet sites and avoid purchasing supplies from pet stores or websites that also sell puppies. If your family is thinking of adding a pet, always consider adoption first from HSMC, another shelter, or a rescue group. “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” ~ Albus Dumbledore MSYG YRUU Friday, March 13 6:30-8:30 PM Sunday evenings 6:00-8:00 PM Middle School Youth Group meets at UUC for a Project Linus Blanket Build (postponed from last month). Our high school youth group, YRUU, is open to all teens in grades 9-12. YRUU meets on Sunday evenings, with some meetings held offsite. MSYG meets the 2nd Friday of the month and is open to youth in grades 6-8. Contact [email protected] to learn more. For more information, contact [email protected]. Fleece donations of 1 yard or greater needed for MSYG Project Linus blanket build. Donations can be given to DLFD Karen Hager. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 5 March 2015 PAGE 6 LI FE S P A N FA I T H D E V E L O P ME NT Harry Potter Movie Night Friday, March 20 6:30-8:30 PM Harry Potter Movie Night continues with a showing of the 6th movie in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. As Harry begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as “the property of the Half-Blood Prince” and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past. Order pizza when you arrive (optional), and you can enjoy dinner with your movie. We supply the popcorn and drinks! Parents are encouraged to visit the IMDb Parent Advisory on this movie at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417741/parentalguide?ref_=tt_stry_pg to determine if it is suitable for their child. This is an intergenerational showing—children and adults are welcome to bring friends! Our Whole Lives (OWL) K-1 & 4-5 OWL, Sunday, March 22 & 29. Adult OWL, Sunday, March 22. Our acclaimed sexuality education program continues this month. Pre-registration is required. An optional parent meeting for parents of children enrolled in 4-5 OWL will also be held on March 29 in our Library; parents are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. New 8-9 OWL teacher needed for next year. One additional female OWL teacher needed to teach grades 8-9 in winter of 2016. Special training (paid for by UUC) is required. Contact DLFD Karen Hager. Sunday Circle Meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month 8:30-9:30 AM in Room A. March 1: Today will be an open discussion of current issues. Come with several topics you would like to present and have discussed. March 15: UUC member William (Bill) Baker will be discussing the one “thing” you hate most— ponder what that is and be ready to discuss why you chose it, and what impact it has on you and the world in which we live, as well as any “solutions” toward diminishing this hate. Please come prepared. Each person will be given 3 minutes to make their case. Come join this fun and illuminating exercise! Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 6 March 2015 PAGE 7 LI FE S P A N FA I T H D E V E L O P ME NT Coming Out in Faith: LGBTQ Voices in UUism March 4, 18, 25, April 1 7:00-9:00 PM This collection of poignant testimonials illuminates the lived experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Unitarian Universalists. Discuss UUism's active role in promoting a vision of humanity that not only embraces LGBTQ people but seeks to learn from their unique strengths of personal faith and organizational vitality. Meets for 4 sessions. Registration is required. Contact DLFD Karen Hager to register. Writing as a Spiritual Practice Friday, March 13 & 27, 10:00 AM—12:00 noon Participants will be introduced and exposed to a variety of ways writing can be used to explore, access and deepen spiritual life. Members will connect with themselves and each other in a free and responsible search for meaning. Classes will be held the 2nd and 4th Friday morning of the month February through April. Register online. A Course in Miracles Conversations on Our Faith Meets Mondays, 7:30-9:30 PM Meets Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 PM A Course In Miracles (ACIM) allows one to reconnect with God without a religious doctrine. Inner peace is achieved through an understanding of the meaning of the world and through the collective practice of forgiveness, gratitude, asking for what is wanted and communion with the divinity that dwells within. New members are always welcome! Contact Dick Kates for more information. Bring a brown bag lunch and join our conversation as we discuss the book, Children of the Same God, by Susan Ritchie. All are welcome, even if you have not read the chapters of the book being discussed. Group members share their insights and personal experiences, and all thoughts and opinions are welcome. For more information, contact Cynthia Luke. Library Committee Recommends . . . And Tango Makes Three, the bestselling true story of two penguins who create a nontraditional family. At the penguin house at the Central Park Zoo, two penguins named Roy and Silo were a little bit different from the others. But their desire for a family was the same. And with the help of a kindly zookeeper, Roy and Silo get the chance to welcome a baby penguin of their very own. Selected as an ALA Notable Children’s Book Nominee and a Lambda Literary Award Finalist. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 7 March 2015 UUC Community News Be Generous… Community Service Team (CST) With your time, with your love, with your life. Fourth Sunday Collection: All cash and designated checks on Sunday, March 22 will be donated to the Humane Society of Montgomery County. This is an annual collection, taken in conjunction with the LFD Easter egg hunt for “dog biscuits” (see page 5 for more info). Please give as generously as you are able. Checks should be written to HSMC. Contact Polly Stimson with your questions. Your Stewardship Committee has been busy planning our spring celebration of giving and generosity. We are looking to celebrate generosities of time, love, life, talents, treasures and the many other things that we can share with each other. This year we will be mailing each congregant information about our Stewardship Campaign along with a pledge card and opportunities to participate more fully in the life of the congregation. Our Stewardship Sunday service will be held on Sunday, April 12 and will include a celebration of commitment along with the turning in of pledge cards (with your annual pledge). During the following five weeks, we will update the congregation as to how we are doing towards reaching our financial goal. We will celebrate together the culmination of our Stewardship drive on Sunday, May 17. Stay tuned for additional details and start thinking about your contribution of time, talent and money to our beloved congregation. Did You Know….. The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is pleased to announce that it has received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Certification for its new headquarters located at 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston's Innovation District. LEED certification, awarded by the U.S. Green Building Council, is recognized across the country as the premier mark of achievement in green building. Platinum is the highest of the four possible LEED certifications. If you are interested in joining the Stewardship Committee, please contact one of the committee members below. Ann Norris, 2015 Chairperson Committee: Beth Lyman, John Sangster, Margo Walter, Susan & Don Blanchard, Lisa Evanylo and Rev. Dara Olandt Our Mission We are a caring and diverse community bringing spirit, love, justice, learning, and reason to our Congregation and to the larger world. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 8 March 2015 Meet Our Newest Members Dr. Hollister ‘Holly’ Hartman is a lefty-liberal animal person challenged by dozens of relocations across America, first as a Navy brat and then her own ambitious corporate career. First job~ prototype G.I.S; most fun~ aerospace engineer; most envied~ automotive engineer awarded seven U.S. patents; pinnacle job~ Pentagon ORSA. Playtime: Ivy League tennis champ, symphony violist, skier, 10K runner, international folk dancer, world traveler. Encephalomyelitis in 1997 ended all that, launching her path of spiritual revelation. Matt Pollard is an English teacher at Eastern Montgomery High School in Elliston. He grew up in Christiansburg, attended James Madison University, then began teaching in 2008. He enjoys writing, jogging, meditating, and directing plays. Eric Thornton grew up in Radford and graduated from Radford Univ. with degrees in Economics and Philosophy/ Religion. He earned a Master’s degree in Philosophy from Northern Illinois University and an M.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. Eric worked for the State of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin-Madison for 14 years. He is a Certified Public Accountant currently working in financial administration with the Roanoke City Public Schools. Eric lives in Roanoke with his wife, Victoria, and stepdaughter, Joycelyn. He enjoys reading and learning about a variety of topics (philosophy, science, religion, history) and exercising in various ways (running, biking, hiking, dancing). Denise J. Mathews grew up on Long Island (yay, New York) but has been a Virginian for 30 years. She is married to Frank and has 3 grown sons. Denise has worked as an adjunct at Radford Univ. and been a freelance writer -- all English majors want to be published! She is a Master Naturalist member, a cancer survivor, and is interested in healthy foods. Questions & Ideas for UUC’s Board Do you have a question, suggestion, complaint, or comment for our Board members and don’t know what to do with it? Just send an email to [email protected]. President’s column continued from page 2: If you can develop these skills in everyday life, one day at a time might become your mantra. Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist meditation and has found its way to our UU congregation. Embrace the Ides of March and each day as a new beginning. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA Benefit UUC When Ordering Via Amazon Simply go to our website’s fundraising page. The Amazon link takes you to the usual Amazon homepage (can be bookmarked). Then just shop as usual, and UUC receives up to 10% of the purchase price. However, you must purchase by entering Amazon through UUC’s link every time you shop! Please do not use this link if you are purchasing free e-books. 9 March 2015 Note$ from Our Treasurer Linda Powers The percentages are of the total budget. (YTD = year to date) Financial Summary January 31, 2015 (YTD) 58.3% of the year Pledges Paid YTD Total Income YTD Budgeted Expenses Paid YTD Income – Expense Outstanding long-term debt (mortgage and member loans) Current FY $193,949 (71.2%) $232,467(71.6%) $181,960 (56%) +$50,507 Prior FY $168.009 (61.7%) $200,821 (61.9%) $172,534 (53.1%) +$28,287 $1,005,694 $1,026,133 Current overall financial picture: GOOD An updated and detailed financial report is available via the members’ area of our website. Contact [email protected] for login info. Board Meeting Highlights An after-service Soup and Scoop gathering and the Sunday Activity Fair were discussed. The ad hoc committee, Space Cadets 2, has been formed and will meet in early March to look at space allocation in the entire building. The Finance Committee is gathering budget requests from all committees and working on a draft budget. The annual Congregational Meeting was set for June 7 and the information meeting for May 24—both following the service. Stewardship plans were presented. See page 8 for more information. The next Board meeting will be held on March 10 at 6:30 PM. All are welcome to attend. The agenda can be accessed through our web calendar prior to the meeting, and the minutes and reports are available for the current meeting and the past two calendar years. Contact our administrator for login info. Support the WVTF Spring Fund Drive Support public radio, help tell people about our growing community, and get a tax deduction for 2015—all with one check! The spring WVTF Public Radio is now underway. Contributions made through UUC not only help the station, but also pay for day sponsorship announcements about all four area UU congregations: Blacksburg, Roanoke, Lynchburg, and Charlottesville. To contribute please make your check out to UUC with “WVTF fund” on the memo line and put it in the offering basket or mail it to UUC by March 29. If you’d like to make a direct pledge to be eligible for drawings for prizes or to have your name announced on the air, please consider splitting your contribution and sending part through UUC. Thank you for supporting public radio. Participate in Grocery Rewards Program to Benefit UUC Visit the scrip table in Elarth after services to: 1) learn how to sign up for Kroger rewards so that UUC receives 5% cash back on your purchases at no charge to you, and 2) buy gift cards to Food Lion and earn money for UUC, again with no additional cost to you. UUC receives $8,000-10,000/year because so many of us participate in these programs. If you haven’t signed up, please consider doing so to increase our income each time you food shop. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 10 March 2015 Seeking Delegates for UUA General Assembly This year’s General Assembly (GA) of Unitarian Universalist Congregations will take place in beautiful Portland, OR, June 24-28. The number of delegates is based upon membership size of each congregation, and UUC is entitled to 5. Registration cost for this event is $350 ($405 after April 30), and delegates are entitled to apply for reimbursement from the congregation. Applicants must be members of UUC and are expected to vote in plenary sessions. These business sessions help UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) leadership determine the priorities of the Association. In addition, delegates meet informally beforehand with Rev. Dara to look over the workshop offerings which would most benefit UUC. There is always enough time to attend workshops and lectures of personal interest as well. There is also substantive programming for children. For more information about GA, check out http://www.uua.org/ga/. Please consider availing yourself of this unique opportunity to go deeper into both the spiritual and business aspect of this large gathering of Unitarian Universalists. Our Board will vote to designate our representation at its meeting on April 14. Contact Marilyn DuPont for more information or to submit your name for delegate status. Community/Grassroots Organizer Training various cultural cues, differences in styles of communication, attributions about power and authority, and a range of other considerations. The skill sets include, among other things, the ability to diagnose resource capacities and deficiencies, to develop comprehensive actionplans, to conduct outreach to individuals and communities, and to effectively respond to unanticipated and/or detrimental events with the aim of catalyzing stalled energies, and even to transform toxic, negative situations into opportunities for mutual gain.” VTAction* in partnership with Virginia Organizing is seeking community members interested in participating in a free skill-based community/ grassroots organizer training at UUC on March 27 & 28, 9 AM-5:30 PM. Participants are expected to attend both days. What do organizers do? “Through methods of invitation, outreach, story-telling, community forums, and other time-tested strategies, organizers learn, practice, develop leaders, and apply their skills to help people bridge the isolation of privacy and the merely technical demands of public citizenship. The work of organizers in-between fosters and sustains community with a specific interest in enhancing diversity and social justice. In training, organizers learn a variety of crucial conceptual and actionbased skills sets. They gain conceptual knowledge understanding how to interpret and respond to Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA If interested in participating, follow this link for the application which is due by 5 PM on March 16. Space is limited, so do act promptly. Questions? Contact [email protected]. *VTAction provides skill-based training in grassroots and community organizing to advance diversity and social justice at VT as well as in the local community. 11 March 2015 Unitarian Universalist Congregation Sunday Services March 2015 Services at 10:00 AM in the Meeting Hall Religious Education Classes and Nursery Care All are invited to share coffee & conversation following the service. Each month, our services focus on a particular theme. This month the theme is KNOWING. This month in worship we explore these questions: How does Unitarian Universalism embrace many ways of knowing? We’ll celebrate and reflect upon the 6 “Sources” in our Unitarian Universalist living tradition (see Rev. Dara’s message on pp. 1). Is there a Source that is most meaningful to you? What are the particular sources of knowledge that you rely on in your spiritual and religious journey? March 1: Rev. Dara Olandt, Mysticism, Awe & Knowledge of the “Heart”: What is the role of mysticism in Unitarian Universalism... and in the world's religious traditions? What do ancient and contemporary “Mystics” teach? What ways of knowing are embraced and challenged by a “mystic” path? All are welcome to this service of inquiry and possibility. The UUC Choir will sing at the service. March 8: Rev. Dara Olandt, Sacred Texts & Opening the “Text” of Life: What is the role of “sacred texts” in Unitarian Universalism... and in the world's religious traditions? In what ways may literature, poetry, music, art, and our very lives be approached as “sacred texts”? Why do we - or should we - care? All are welcome for this service of celebration. All are invited to stay for the Second Sunday Potluck following the service. March 15: Rev. Dara Olandt, Reason & Humanism: What is “Religious Humanism”? What is the historical role of “reason” and “science” in Unitarian Universalism? What ways of knowing are embraced by these perspectives? All are welcome for this service of exploration. The UUC Choir and Children’s Choir will sing at the service. March 22: Rev. Dara Olandt with Lay Pastoral Care Associates, A Rose in Wintertime (rescheduled for this month due to severe weather cancellation last month): In our Singing the Living Tradition hymnal is a song with lines, “I’ll bring you hope, when hope is hard to find, I’ll bring a song of love and a rose in the wintertime.” In this annual service, we celebrate the Lay Pastoral Care Associates Program at UUC. Today we explore the life-renewing hope which can be found in practices of giving and receiving care when humans most need it. We also honor new members in our New Member Recognition Ceremony! The UU Music Breakfast Club will provide the music. March 29: To be announced. Information for February’s Sunday Circles can be found on page 6. Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Blacksburg, VA 12 March 2015 Unitarian Universalist Congregation 1301 Gladewood Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: (540) 552–9716 E-mail: [email protected]: P.O. Box 10116, Bburg 24062–10116 URL: uucnrv.org MONDAY SUNDAY (All Sundays) 10:00 AM Worship Service & Children's RE ℵ 6:00 YRUU CALENDAR: March 2015 Staff Office Hours: Minister: Tu thru Sunday by appointment Admin: Mon. 9 AM to Noon ; Fri. 1– 4 DLFD: By appointment TUESDAY (All Mondays) 7:00 AM Women’s Breakfast 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast Both at Panera Bread (Bburg) ℵ 7:30 A Course in Miracles WEDNESDAY THURSDAY (All Wednesdays) ℵ Noon Conversations on Our Faith 5:30 Yoga ℵ 7:00 Coming Out in Faith: LGBTQ Voices in UUism (All Thursdays) 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 2:00 Sages 7:00 Lay Pastoral-Care Ministries ℵ 11:15 AM Second-Sunday Potluck 11:30 Children's Choir Rehearsal Noon People's Fellowship 12:30 Space Cadets 2 7:00 PFLAG ℵ 8:30 AM Sunday Circle 11:30 Children's Choir Rehearsal 11:30 Community Service Team 11:30 Men's Group 11:30 Stewardship Committee 5:00 YAC 22 23 24 29 30 31 11:30 AM People's Fellowship 1:00 WSC and WA Training ℵ 2:00 Adult OWL ℵ 4:00 4–5 OWL and 4:15 K–1 OWL ℵ 11:30 AM Activities Fair ℵ 4:00 4–5 OWL and 4:15 K–1 OWL ℵ 4:00 4–5 OWL Parents' Group Noon Adult RE Committee 4:00 Poetry Group All times are PM unless noted otherwise. 6 7 12 13 14 18 19 20 5:30 Committee on Ministries 7:00 Leadership Development Committee ℵ Noon Women’s Lunch Bunch Olive Garden (Cburg) ℵ 6:30 Harry Potter Movie Night 21 ℵ 10:30 AM Music Breakfast Club 1:00 Coming of Age 25 26 27 28 5:45 Finance 2:00 Sages Committee 6:30 Children's RE Committee 7:00 Connection Committee 4:00 Poetry Group 6:30 Board Meeting SATURDAY ℵ indicates that there is a write-up in the newsletter 1 ℵ 8:30 AM Sunday Circle 11:30 Children's Choir Rehearsal 11:30 Green Sanctuary Team ℵ 11:30 Info Meeting on Partner Church 11:30 Men's Group FRIDAY ℵ 6:30 ℵ Noon Women's EarthSpirit Lunch Bunch Al's Sisters Full Metro Deli (Cburg) Moon Ritual 7:30 Strategic Planning 9:00 April Newsletter Deadline ℵ 7:00 Sounds & Sonnets Concert ℵ 10:00 AM Writing as 5:00 Parents' a Spiritual Practice Covenant Group ℵ 6:30 Middle-School Youth Group ℵ 9:00 AM ℵ 9:00 AM community/grassroots community/grassr organizer training oots organizer ℵ 10:00 Writing as a training Spiritual Practice 7:30 Dances of Universal Peace
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