The Scroll CONGREGATION SHAARA TFILLE 84 Weibel Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Tel. (518) 584-2370 Fax (518) 584-5226 E-mail: [email protected] April 2015 Published Monthly CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 4-11 Passover 3 1st Seder 4 Community 2nd Seder ... 6:30 pm 7 Board Meeting ............ 6:00 pm 8 Adult Ed ...................... 7:00 pm Kehillah Kedoshah 14 Sisterhood Meeting ..... 7:00 pm 15 Holocaust Remembrance Day Service ..................... 7:00 pm (Yom Hasho’ah) 17 Family Service ............ 7:30 pm 19 Jewish War Veterans .. 10:00 am 19 Synagogue Luncheon.. 12:30 pm 19 Concert ....................... 2:00 pm Rabbi Blatt and Michael Clement 21 Havurah Vatik ...........11:00 am 21 Synagogue Dinner ...... 6:30 pm 21 92nd Street Y ............... 7:30 pm David Brooks 22 Earth Day 23 Yom Ha’atsma’ut (Israel Independence Day) Regular Services Mondays and Thursdays .... 7:30 am Saturdays: April 4 and 18...............10:30 am April 11 and 25 ............... 9:30 am Yizkor Service .... April 11 Hebrew School Sundays ............................ 9:30 am Wednesdays ..................... 5:30 pm No Hebrew School April 5, 8, 12, and 15 Bingo Thursdays ..................... 5:30 pm No Bingo April 9 Office Hours Mon-Fri ............. 9:00 am - 1:00 pm The office will be closed April 3 and 10 12 Nisan – 11 Iyar, 5775 Vol. 8 Issue # 4 From the Desk of Rabbi Blatt: The “Sefer” or sacred Torah is the holiest object in Judaism. Both literally and figuratively, the Torah has saved our faith from extinction by making Judaism portable and possible even when our people were forcibly separated from Eretz Yisrael, that is, the land of Israel. Although a Jew may not be familiar with the contents of the Torah scrolls or the wide range of its commandments, all Jews recognize the centrality of the Torah in Jewish religious life and its function as the moral guide of the Jewish people. By extension, the garments used to adorn and decorate the Torah are also considered regal and worthy of respect. When the Torah is stored in the Holy Ark in the synagogue, it is usually covered with a decorative mantle, often containing an inscription honoring the loved ones of those who donated it. In its shape, the mantle recalls the robe of the High Priest in the ancient Temple. The Talmud, the vast collection of the Oral Law, mandates that it is obligatory to write a beautiful scroll and to wrap the finished scroll in beautiful silk based on the statement in the Bible, Exodus 15:2 — “This is my God and I will glorify Him.” Thus, the function of the Torah mantle is both to protect the scroll and to beautify it. Mantles are made of a variety of fabrics and come in an assortment of colors. They are embroidered by hand or machine and are adorned with a variety of iconic Jewish symbols: the tablets of the Ten Commandments, the lions of Judah, the Star of David, crowns, menorahs, flowers and wreaths, to name a few. In addition to the mantle, a fabric covering or “mappa” is used to cover the open Torah scroll when it is on the reading table in between readings. To leave the Torah exposed and unread is considered disrespectful. Due to its intimate relationship with the scroll, the “mappa” is also adorned and decorated with appropriate symbols of Judaism and worthy of a dedication to the donor and/or his loved ones. Periodically, the mantles are replaced as they get worn out after many years of use. Our synagogue is in the process of getting ready to replace these Torah accessories to fulfill the Talmudic mandates and provide our four Torah scrolls with the respect and loving care that they require. Thank you. Sincerely, Serving the greater Jewish community for over 100 years Dr. Kenneth Stuart Blatt Rabbi/Cantor Congregation Shaara Tfille In the event of an emergency, Rabbi Blatt may be contacted by cell phone at (917) 723-4571. The Board of Congregation Shaara Tfille Rabbi .......................................... Dr. Kenneth Blatt Board of Directors Judith Ehrenshaft ................................... President Philip Weissman ............................ Vice-President Michael Fischer ...................................... Treasurer Barbara Opitz ......................................... Secretary Volunteers Needed !!!!!!!!! Board Members Joseph Greenbaum .............. House and Grounds Deborah Sabin ............................ Youth Education ........................................Program & Social Action Allen Kasin ............................................. Cemetery Mort Zelikofsky .................................Gabbi Liaison Robert Katzman ............................... Legal Advisor Jerry Grodin ................................... Board Position Eileen Woodcock ........................... Board Position Pamela Polacsek ........................... Past President We are in need of volunteers to help prepare and/or sell Bingo food. It takes about 1½ hours to make the sandwiches and 2 hours to sell them (these are two different jobs). Please call the office if you would be willing to donate your time once a month or every other month. Please remember: the funds raised from Bingo help with our annual budget. Thank you. Committee Chairs Religious ......................................... Milton Mintzer Membership ........................................... Tera Nadi Fundraising ............................................................ Budget .......................................... Michael Fischer Strategic Planning ...................... Pamela Polacsek Sisterhood Liaison. ....................Judith Ehrenshaft Men’s Club Liaison......................... Allan Polacsek Bingo Liaison. ........................ Joseph Greenbaum Pull Tabs Liaison......................... Carole Polacsek Endowment Fund. ..........................Stephen Golub Computer & Web ......................... Michael Fischer Scroll ....................................... Susan Greenbaum If you have volunteered to help make bingo sandwiches, sell bingo food, sell pull tabs or help with selling of bingo cards, PLEASE remember to show up at your scheduled time. We have asked only the number of people needed to volunteer. We do not have extra people to help when others forget to show up. We appreciate all of our volunteers and their dedication to Congregation Shaara Tfille. Office Administrator ....................Carole Leakakos Rabbi Blatt’s office hours are by appointment. Please call the office at 584-2370 to set up an appointment with him. Please notify the office if you or a member of your family would like to request a hospital visit by the Rabbi. Call the office at 584-2370 if you have any questions about any of our programs. Support the Local Food Bank The deadline for all articles is the 10th of the month prior to publication. If possible, please e-mail articles to: [email protected]. Otherwise, leave in the synagogue office. Thanks. Sue Greenbaum, Scroll Editor Please remember our neighbors in Saratoga who are less fortunate than we are. Please be generous with your food pantry donations. We have a box in the front lobby waiting to be filled. Please bring unopened, nonperishable foods. Thank you in advance for your generosity. A Congregation Shaara Tfille Community Project Reminder: Due to the increase in postage and materials, the price of contribution cards sent from the synagogue will be a minimum of $10. 2 MEMORIAL CANDLES Sondra and David Silverhart in memory of Peter Silverhart Naomi and Bernard Raphan in memory of Morris Raphan Shirley and Harold Schultz in memory of Ray Schultz Shirley and Harold Schultz in memory of Isadore Schultz Sharon Dunn and Harvey Zirofsky in memory of Irving Dunn Sharon Dunn and Harvey Zirofsky in memory of Bessie Dunn Helen and Sidney Gordon in memory of David Gordon Helen and Sidney Gordon in memory of Morris Gordon Mort Zelikofsky in memory of Dorothy Zelikofsky Alice and Irving Goldsmith in memory of Morris Goldsmith Joseph Jacobson in memory of Bessie Jacobson Judith Ehrenshaft in memory of Murray Linden Ina Gonick in memory of Pearl Gonick Dianna and Eugene Nachamkin in memory of Rose Rosenblum Roslyn Goldsmith in memory of Morris Goldsmith Roslyn Goldsmith in memory of Louis Getzoff Ruth and Charles Weintraub in memory of Dora Weintraub Norman Mann in memory of Roberta Mann Norman Mann in memory of Harry Mann Norman Mann in memory of Gustav Pincus Norman Mann in memory of Anne Pincus Norman Mann in memory of Yetta Mann Susan and Joseph Greenbaum in memory of Doris Greenbaum Iris and Michael Jourdan in memory of Pearl Tobias CONTRIBUTIONS Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards in honor of Bob Katzman, with appreciation for his assistance Iris and Michael Jourdan wishing Miriam Messinger and her family well KIDDUSH CONTRIBUTION Judith Ehrenshaft in honor of her grandson Jacob Roman Barr’s 15th birthday RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Mort Zelikofsky MITZVAH CLUB 2015 Helen and Sidney Gordon Felice Karlitz and Jerry Grodin Celebrate your special birthday, anniversary, or other happy event with all your friends. Sponsor a Sabbath Kiddush or Friday night Oneg. Call the synagogue office at 584-2370 to arrange a date. RESERVATIONS: Due to the significant increase in synagogue programming and special events, it is important that we have an accurate count of the number of people attending each event so that we can prepare accordingly. Therefore, we will not accept reservations for any event after the posted deadline. This applies to everybody. This policy has the support of the Rabbi and the President of the Board. Thank you for your cooperation. Prayer Book Dedications: Chumashim (Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary) can be dedicated in honor of someone for $72. Siddurim can be dedicated for $36. Please contact the synagogue office for details. CONGREGATION SHAARA TFILLE 2015 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY W e are in the process of updating our Membership Directory for 2015. Please check your copy of the 2013 directory for accuracy of the following items: Name (s) Address (es) Phone # (s) Cell Phone # (s) E-mail address (es) I A f you have any changes or additions, please inform Carole in the office at 584-2370. If you don’t have a copy of the 2013 directory, Carole can help. s you know, Shaara Tfille keeps address, telephone, and e-mail listings for important congregation notifications such as mailing and e-mailing of “The Scroll” and phone and e-mail reminders, updates and emergency announcements. If you choose to give us this information but keep it out of the directory, please let Carole know. 3 Please note: Our Synagogue kitchen is now kosher for Passover. Please do not bring any chometz into the kitchen, until April 12th. Please join the congregation on Friday, April 17th at 7:30 p.m. for Shabbat Evening Services There will be an Oneg after services. Sisterhood Meeting P lease join us on Tuesday, April 14th at 7:00 p.m., for a synagogue Sisterhood monthly meeting with a speaker. ll women at Congregation Shaara Tfille are invited to attend. *SAVE THE DATE* lease mark your calendars for PWednesday, May 13, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. for the annual Synagogue meeting. P A lease note, all of your Synagogue obligations must be paid in full for you to have voting and speaking privileges at the meeting. If you have any questions about payment status, please call Carole in the office at 584-2370. We will be having an election of officers at this meeting. Jewish War Veterans Post 36 T he monthly JWV meeting will be held on Sunday, April 19th at 10:00 a.m. Adult Education In the Beginning . . . Kehillah Kedoshah th On Wednesday, April 8 , 2015 at 7:00 p.m., we will initiate a one-hour Jewish healing circle meeting for prayer, Torah study, discussion and support. This once-a-month gathering is open to everyone, and I especially encourage those who do not attend religious services to strengthen their connection to Judaism by participating in the Kehillah Kedosha, the Holy Community. How Are the Congregation’s Expenses Funded? from Michael Fischer, Treasurer C ongregation Shaara Tfille expenses include salaries, building and grounds maintenance, building mortgage, utilities, office expenses, insurance, programs and capital improvements. Programs and capital improvement expenses are funded primarily from grants and donations. Membership dues, the High Holiday Appeal, and various fund raising programs fund all other expenses. Membership dues provide about 40% of the cost of expenses. Less than 10% of these expenses are raised from the High Holiday Appeal. Other donations and fund raising programs must raise the remaining expenses. Since the beginning of 2015, the Congregation Board has initiated two new fund raising initiatives: • A new ‘Mitzvah Club’ for which a letter was recently sent to Congregation members • Funds to support new Torah, Table and Bimah covers; a notice on this program is forthcoming In addition, the Board has approved the payment of dues and contributions by the transfer of stock. Based on the current tax law, the contributor of appreciated stocks does not pay tax on the capital gains. Contact Shaara Tfille’s office for specific details. 4 April Yahrtzeits Apr Heb 2 Nisan 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 6 17 6 17 7 18 8 19 9 20 10 21 11 22 12 23 13 24 16 27 18 29 18 29 18 29 19 30 20 Iyar 1 20 1 20 1 22 3 23 4 23 4 23 4 23 4 23 4 27 8 28 9 29 10 Member's Name Irma Mintzer Samuel Siegel Marsha Katzman Susan Edwards Jay Goldman Sondra Silverhart Philip Weissman Howard Zuckerman Nancy Goldberg Judith Ehrenshaft Michael Fischer Samuel Siegel Ina Gonick Marc Robin Lawrence Golub Marsha Katzman Irma Mintzer Patricia Balasuriya Arthur Ostrov Jerome Ostrov Richard Ostrov Milli Macy Iris Jourdan Iris Jourdan Iris Jourdan Iris Jourdan Iris Jourdan Harold Weinstein Barbara Opitz Piper Lutbak T he Cemetery Rules and Fees document spells out eligibility, rights, and fees. It also sets guidelines for use of the building and sanctuary during funerals. This document can now be found on our website: Deceased Rel Viola Roston M Malka Pletman GM Dorothy A Jacobs M Harry Britt GF Sol Goldman F Click on “About Us/General Info.” Then under Sol Goldman F “MINYAN! MINYAN! MINYAN!,” click on “rules, Woodrow Weissman F regulations and prices.” Eugene Zuckerman F Maxwell Albach F Or call Carole in the office at 584-2370 or Joseph Ehrenshaft F/L Al Kasin, cemetery committee chair, at 587-3737 Eduard Fischer F for a copy or if you have any questions about the Esther Globerson M/L cemetery. Stanley Gonick H Ann Robin M lease help us keep our yahrtzeit list up-to-date. Yetta Isaacson Golub M Call Carole in the office with any additions or Simon Jacobs F Lisa Mintzer Daughter corrections. Enid Wijesekera M Annie Ostrov GM Annie Ostrov GM Annie Ostrov GM Joseph Marks F As stated in the articles on pages 1 (From the Desk Ceil Weiss GM of Rabbi Blatt:) and 4 (How Are the Congregation’s Eugene Weiss U Expenses Funded?), the time has come to purchase Gital Spitz Weiss A a new set of covers for the Torah, shulkan, podiums Anci Weiss C and tables on the bimah, as well as four gartels (Torah Babci Weiss C wraps) for every day and for the High Holidays. Martin Weinstein F Some members of the congregation have already Jacob Lupian F made donations. Their generous support has started Bernard Perlman F P Garments to Adorn and Decorate the Torah this campaign off on a positive note. Congregants will soon be receiving a letter explaining this fundraiser in detail and asking for consideration of donating one or more Torah items in memory or in honor of a loved one. No new pieces will be purchased until the cost of an entire set has been donated. There will be a special Shabbat service to unveil the new covers, with a Kiddush afterwards honoring the donors. Donations to this appeal will also count towards the 2015 Mitzvah Club. Please contact the office if you are interested in making a donation, and one of the following members of the Torah Committee will then contact you: Deborah Sabin Susan Weissman Judith Ehrenshaft Eileen Woodcock Torah Emes $2,200 Flame $2.100 Mantle $2,500 High Holiday–White $2,500 5 Star of David Table Covers: $800 Gartels: $128 (may be embroidered) O O n behalf of Congregation Shaara Tfille, I thank Rabbi Joseph Solomon for leading services and for his inspirational sermons while Rabbi Blatt was on vacation. Judith Ehrenshaft President n behalf of the entire congregation, Rabbi Kenneth Blatt and President Judith Ehrenshaft, extend a warm welcome to Susan and Philip Weissman on the engagement of their son Evan Weissman to Ellen Kapitan M A Z E L T O V! to Michael Jourdan into our congregational family. e are delighted to have you join us! W Mazel Tov Helen and Sid Gordon Sevelod Gordon Erickson Great Grandparents February 26, 2015 10 pounds 10 ounces 25 inches long Congregation Shaara Tfille presents: Rabbi/Cantor Ken Blatt in Concert! Accompanied by Michael Clement and his Band of Renown April Birthdays and Anniversaries 1 1 2 3 4 6 10 10 11 Arthur Isenberg Milton and Stella Mintzer Brian Lee Helen Gordon David and Sondra Silverhart Philip Weissman Charlotta Chudy Ted Orosz Stephen Golub 16 19 21 21 22 24 25 27 Carole Leakakos Allen and Bunny Kasin Sue Edwards Frank Rapp Patricia Carson Deborah Sabin Lawrence and Barbara Golub Susan Greenbaum From New York to South Florida, Rabbi Ken Blatt has engaged audiences in cabarets, theaters, hotel and condo showrooms and cruise ships. Enjoy great songs from the American Songbook, Broadway, Country and “Pop” hits and the Joy of Jewish music. Sunday, April 19th at 2:00 p.m. Join us for a delicious luncheon before the concert at 12:30 p.m. Tickets: $18 (concert & lunch) For more information and to RSVP call Carole in the office at 584-2370. 6 Please join The Sisterhood of Congregation Shaara Tfille as we honor SONDRA G. SILVERHART THE 2015 WOMAN OF VALOR Eshet Chayil Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 1:00 pm Congregation Shaara Tfille 84Weibel Avenue Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Our desire in creating the Woman of Valor award is to honor women who had distinguished careers and have served as leaders and role models in the greater Saratoga community. These women follow in suit from the Eshet Chayil described in Proverbs 31:10-31 from our Hebrew Scriptures where we believe, “She opens her hand to the needy and extends it to the poor. She is robed in strength and dignity and cheerfully faces whatever comes her way. She tends to the affairs of her household and eats not the bread of idleness. Many women have done superbly, but they surpass them all.” Sondra (Sandy) has been a trailblazer for women in our community as a very successful businesswoman and active volunteer. This tribute provides an opportunity for her family, many friends, fellow congregants and businesspeople to recognize Sandy’s accomplishments. We are hoping that you join us in celebrating Sandy’s dedication to Saratoga Springs by supporting this event. Shortly you will be receiving your formal invitation to the catered luncheon fundraiser in honor of Sandy as our 2015 Woman of Valor. Listed below are suggested levels of giving. If you cannot join us for the celebration, please donate generously. You will be with us in spirit. Adults will attend @ $54 each and Underwriter:... $900 Benefactor: .... $540 Patron: .......... $360 Sponsor: ........ $180 Friend: ............. $72 Greetings:........ $36 Named: ........... $18 Children under 18 @ $30 each – Three tickets and full back or inside front page ad in the Celebration Program – Two tickets and a full inside page ad in the Celebration Program – Full inside page ad in the Celebration Program – One-half page ad in the Celebration Program – One-quarter page ad in the Celebration Program – One-eighth page ad in the Celebration Program – Name listed on the Best Wishes page in the Celebration Program. Please use the response card enclosed with your invitation to R.S.V.P. by May 10th 7 April 2015 Sunday Monday 12 Nisan – 11 Iyar, 5775 Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 12 Nisan 13 Nisan Frida 3 Saturday 14 Nisan Services 7:30 am 4 15 Nisan Passover Day 1 Services 10:30am Office Closed Hebrew School 5:30 pm Bingo 5:30 pm 7:05 pm Erev Passover 1st Seder 5 16 Nisan Passover Day 2 No Hebrew School 6 17 Nisan Passover Day 3 Services 7:30 am 8 7 18 Nisan Passover Day 4 9 20 Nisan Passover Day 6 Services 7:30 am 19 Nisan Passover Day 5 12 23 Nisan No Hebrew School 13 24 Nisan Services 7:30 am 14 25 Nisan Sisterhood 7:00 pm 19 20 21 30 Nisan 1 Iyar 2 Iyar Rosh Chodesh Hebrew School Rosh Chodesh Havurah Vatik 9:30 am Services 7:30 am 11:00 am Jewish War Veterans 10:00 am Light Dinner Luncheon 6:30 pm 12:30 pm 92nd St Y Concert with Rabbi Blatt 7:30 pm 2:00 pm David Brooks 26 7 Iyar Hebrew School 9:30 am 27 8 Iyar Services 7:30 am 28 9 Iyar 26 Nisan 7:12 pm 16 27 Nisan Yom Hasho’ah Services 7:30 am No Hebrew School Holocaust Remembrance Day Service 7:00 pm 22 3 Iyar 29 10 Iyar 8 18 29 Nisan 25 6 Iyar Passover Day 8 Services 9:30 am Yizkor Service 7:14 pm 17 28 Nisan Shemini Services 10:30am 7:22 pm Services 7:30 pm 23 4 Iyar Bingo 5:30 pm 30 24 5 Iyar Tazria-Metzora Services 9:30 am 7:30 pm 11 Iyar Services 7:30 am Hebrew Schoo l 5:30 pm 22 Nisan Bingo 5:30 pm Yom Ha’atsma’ut Services 7:30 am Hebrew Schoo l 5:30 pm Passover Day 7 11 No Bingo Adult Ed: Kehillah Kedoshah 7:00 pm 15 21 Nisan 8:08 pm Office Closed No Hebrew School Board Mtg. 6:00 pm 10 Community 2nd Seder 6:30 pm The office will be closed April 3rd and 10th No Hebrew School April 5th, 8th, 12th, and 15th Bingo 5:30 pm No bingo April 9th I n a world in which Anti-Semitism still thrives and Jews around the world continue to be threatened and targeted by terrorists, it is incumbent upon us to remember, Zachor, the Holocaust on Yom Ha Shoah. This year, in lieu of Hebrew School at 5:30 p.m., we will hold a Yom Hashoah Commemorative Service for the Hebrew School students and the Congregation on Wednesday evening, April 15th from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. We would like to have all of our Hebrew School families and students who attend participate in the Candle Lighting ceremony that we do during this service. Thank you, YOM HASHOAH Wednesday, April 15th, at 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaara Tfille Rabbi Kenneth Stuart Blatt NEVER FORGET ! Bringing the talk of NYC to Saratoga Springs! Join New York Times columnist David Brooks for an in-depth discussion about what constitutes character as explored in his new book. Tuesday, April 21st at 7:30 p.m. This presentation will be preceded by a light dinner. Dinner begins at 6:30 p.m., The Broadcast begins at 7:30 p.m. (promptly) Cost for the dinner & broadcast: $12; Cost for only the Broadcast: $5. Reservations for Dinner & Broadcast, by Friday, April 17th Call: 584-2370 or e-mail: [email protected] 12th Annual North Country – Federation Event Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Saratoga City Center 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs Catered dinner and dessert reception $30 per person ‘The New Middle East and The World in Shambles with Miri Eisen All attendees will be asked to privately sign a pledge card for the 2015 Saratoga – North Country /Federation Israel Campaign. e urge all members of Congregation Shaara Tfille to attend the 14th Annual Saratoga/North Country Federation event on Sunday, May 17, 7:00 p.m., at the Saratoga City Center. iri Eisen, former International Media Advisor to Israeli Prime Ministers is the speaker. She was the “face” of Israel to CNN, FOX, BBC, and MSNBC during several conflicts. The topic “The New Middle East and The World in Shambles” is most timely. The program includes a catered dinner and a dessert reception by “As You Like it” caterers, with plenty of time to network and socialize. Miri spoke eloquently two years ago and is being brought back by popular demand. ederation is very generous to the Saratoga Jewish community and specifically to our synagogue. In addition, Federation funds many programs and services which help and serve our individual members. Participation is a beautiful way to “give back” and say thank you. Congregation Shaara Tfille’s President, Judith Ehrenshaft, is an event chair. he cost of the event is only $30.00 pp. Reservations can be made by calling Sara Mastro at 783-7800 ext. 232 or on-line at www.jewishfednyorg. W M F T 9 HAPPY PURIM 2015 - 5775 Purim Celebration, March 4th The following congregants sent Purim greetings (Shalach Manot bags) to the members of Congregation Shaara Tfille: Rabbi Kenneth Blatt Ruth and Ed Dweck Rita and Michael Fischer Sue and Joe Greenbaum Iris and Michael Jourdan Al and Bunny Kasin Wilma and David Koss Carole and Bill Leakakos Brian Lee and Patricia Carson Chag Samayach from Piper and Barry The Messing Family Stella and Milt Mintzer 10 Pamela Polacsek Seth Rosner and Judith Ehrenshaft Judy and Rick Singer Abraham and Angie Sultan Skip and Eileen Woodcock CONTEMPORARY PASSOVER SEDER Help us celebrate the Jews’ freedom from slavery. Congregation Shaara Tfille will be hosting the second Seder on Saturday, April 4, 2015. Time: The Service and Seder starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. Cost: Adults — $36 per person member, $45 non-member Children under 13 — $15 member, $20 non-member Catered By Traditional Seder Plate Matzo Ball Soup Gefilte Fish Boneless Chicken Breast over Spaghetti Squash topped with Roasted Tomatoes and Caramelized Onions or Giant Portobello Mushroom over Spaghetti Squash topped with Roasted Tomatoes and Onions Oven Roasted Potatoes Roasted Vegetables Dessert Fruit Hot and Cold Beverages Reservations were due by Friday, March 27, 2015. For late reservations call Carole at 584-2370 to see if space is available. Sisterhood is looking for volunteer cooks. th For the community seder on April 4 : Wednesday April 1st: Baking apple cake Thursday, April 2nd: Preparing charoset Help also needed in preparing for the luncheon on Sunday, April 19th. To volunteer, or for more information, call Linda Bertrand at 306-5931. Reminder: The men’s and women’s veteran shelters of Saratoga County are always in need of clothes, household goods, books and magazines. There is a box in the synagogue coat room for donations. Authorization to Sell Chametz I hereby authorize Rabbi Kenneth Blatt of Congregation Shaara Tfille to sell the Chametz (all material that is unfit for Passover consumption or possession by a Jew) of: Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ before Passover, according to Jewish law. Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________ I enclose a contribution of $_________ as a token “agency fee”. Please return this form with payment made payable to: Congregation Shaara Tfille This form must be received by Friday, April 1, 2015 11 Havurah Vatik March Event Tuesday, April 21st, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaara Tfille All area Jewish Seniors 55 plus are welcome! Tales from the Twentieth Century: Modern Jewish Stories Come hear Storyteller Kate Dudding share true stories about both famous and little-known Jewish characters such as the Gershwin brothers, Irving Berlin, Rodgers and Hammerstein, as well as people you’ve never (before) heard of, ----------- but will (now) never forget. A catered lunch will be served. It is very important that you contact Temple Sinai at 584-8730, mailbox 4, or [email protected] by April 16th if you are planning to attend, need to cancel your reservation, or if you need transportation. Keep Havurah Vatik alive and well – bring along a friend to enjoy this program. We are grateful to our sponsors: and . Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop HALF PRICE SALE ! Final Sale ! (Case next to the grandfather clock only.) 50% Off Prices as Marked. Everything Must Go ! d God Pen Hand of ant Vivian Siegel Cookbook These are pictures of actual sale items. c 12 assortment of candlesticks all Carole in the office at 584-2370 to set up a convenient shopping time. 13 Congregation Shaara Tfille 84 Weibel Ave. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #8 Saratoga Springs, NY The Jewish Community Center Address Service Requested YOM HASHOAH Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemorative Service (appropriate for children and adults) Wednesday, April 15th, at 7:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaara Tfille OPEN TO THE SARATOGA SPRINGS COMMUNITY NEVER FORGET ! 14
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