Dying without Dignity: Homeless Deaths in Los Angeles County: 2000 – 2007 Written & Published by: Whitney Hawke, Max Davis and Bob Erlenbusch, Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger & Homelessness In partnership with: Michael Stoops, National Coalition for the Homeless December 21, 2007 National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day In memory of the lives of those lost while living on the streets of Los Angeles and around the nation Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger & Homelessness 2500 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1155 Los Angeles, CA 90057 213.251.0041 www.lacehh.org National Coalition for the Homeless 2201 P Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 202-462-4822 www.nationalhomeless.org 2 Table of Contents Executive Summary I. An Introduction to Homelessness in Los Angeles II. Methodology III. Results from Los Angeles County 2000-2007 a. Number of Homeless Deaths b. Comparison on Data c. Demographic Characteristics 1. Gender 2. Age 3. Ethnicity d. Leading Underlying Causes of Death: 1. Cardiovascular 2. Unknown 3. Substance Use 4. Trauma e. Geographical Distribution f. Seasonal Distribution g. Number of Lost Years Due to Early and Untimely Deaths IV. Discussion a. Comparison of Los Angeles to Other Cities: New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Boston b. Policy Recommendations 3 Executive Summary: This report is an investigation into 2,815 homeless deaths in Los Angeles County between January, 2000 and May, 2007, based on statistics provided by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office. Homelessness in Los Angeles: Los Angeles [city and county] has the disgrace of being the homeless capital of the United States with over 73,000 homeless people in the County of Los Angeles, approximately 50% of that in the City of Los Angeles. Only 16.7% of Los Angeles County’s homeless population is sheltered, which is lowest percentage of any major city. Results: Total deaths: 2,815 homeless deaths from January 1, 2000 to May 28, 2007, an average of more than one per day for the nearly 7.5 year period. Demographics: Gender: 2,406 (85%) of them were male, and 409 (15%) were female. Ethnicity: 41% were Caucasian; 31% were Hispanic; 25% were African American; 1% were Asian and 1% were American Indian. Age: the average age of death was 48.1 years, falling far short of the 77.2 year life expectancy of the average American. The age range of these homeless deaths was 0-89. Leading known causes of death: [As noted, since we did not have access to the death certificates, this analysis may have over estimated the percentage of cardiovascular causes of death and under counted substance use]. The leading known causes of death 4 were cardiovascular [24.4%]; [followed by “unknown”]; followed by substance use [22%] with trauma [17.8%] being the third leading cause of death among homeless people. Even with the disclaimer of lack of access to death certificates, these three causes of death among homeless people are consistent with other studies conducted in Seattle, San Francisco, New York and Boston. Geography: Not just in “Skid Row:” The largest concentration of Los Angeles County’s homeless deaths occurred within the City of Los Angeles (1,277 or 45 %). Other communities with homeless deaths included Long Beach (154), Santa Monica (111), Pasadena (55) and Hollywood (48). Season: Winter claimed the most homeless deaths with 27% of the total deaths, followed by Summer [25%]; Spring [24%] and Fall [23%]. Lives cut short: The 2,815 homeless people in our study were expected to live 211,878 years based on the average life expectancy of their gender and ethnicity. They only survived 135,528 of those expected years. In other words, their lives were cut short by 76,350 years. On average a homeless person’s life is 36% shorter than a housed person’s life. For homeless Latina females, their lives were 49% shorter than expected. Recommendations: 1. Annual report from LA County 2. Improved access to primary and preventive care 3. Support overdose prevention programs 4. Promote recovery 5. Improved discharge planning 6. Regional priority to end and prevent homelessness through creating permanent housing 7. Increase economic stability through employment and income supports. Raise the General Relief grant level. 5 I. An Introduction to Homelessness in Los Angeles County: When a homeless person dies they do not often get the same sense of dying with dignity as a housed person. December 21st has been commemorated as the National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day by the National Coalition for the Homeless in partnership with the National Health Care for the Homeless Council for communities around the nation to commemorate the lives of homeless people that passed away. Local advocates and service providers celebrate the lives of thousands of homeless people in hundreds of cities around the nation with candlelight vigils, a reading of names, and other acts to remember the lives of those lost while living on the streets of our nation. This report is an investigation into homeless deaths in Los Angeles County between January, 2000 and May, 2007, based on statistics from the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office. It is our hope that the homeless people who make up the statistics in this report did not die in vain and that policy makers move to implement the recommendations of this report in an effort to provide the dignity they did not find while living on the streets of our community. Equally important, to implement these strategies to help prevent the untimely deaths of homeless people in the future. Homelessness in Los Angeles: Los Angeles has the disgrace of being the homeless capital of the United States with over 73,000 homeless people in the County of Los Angeles on any given night and over 140,000 experiencing homelessness at some point during the year. 6 In other words, one out of 5 people who are homeless in California is homeless in LA, while conservatively one out of every eleven people who is homeless in this country is homeless in LA. If the homeless population comprised a “city” in LA County, their composition would be the 26th largest city among the 88 cities in the county. Overwhelmingly, the homeless population in LA are people of color, with African Americans representing nearly 50% of homeless people. 70% are male, while 30% are female and veterans, including veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq make up about 25% of the homeless population. Currently, only 16.7% of Los Angeles County’s homeless population is sheltered, which is lowest percentage of any major city. By contrast, Philadelphia, for example, shelters 97.4% of its homeless and Denver shelters 93.3%. Since 2005, the number of homeless people on Skid Row has increased 40% and the number of homeless people in jail is up 175%. The higher concentration of poverty and homelessness impacts the health of homeless people by enlarging the responsibilities of public services beyond their already thinly stretched reach. It is a disgrace that such a small percentage of the homeless population in LA is sheltered. With no resources and, forced to live outside, in their cars and in abandoned buildings, it’s no wonder that hundreds of homeless people die without dignity in our community every year. 7 II. Methodology: The individuals who appear in this study were included because they were declared as homeless by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office when their bodies were brought into the morgue. The Coroner’s office considers persons homeless if they did not have a home address at the time of their death. If the Coroner is able to contact the deceased’s next of kin, their homeless status remains on record. LACEH&H did an initial analysis of the causes of death and then consulted with the Homeless Liaisons for the Los Angeles Departments of Health Services and Public Health, given that they were conducting a one year study based not only on the Coroner’s report but also the death certificates. They indicated that our figures were higher than their initial findings in cardiac related deaths and lower than their findings in drug related deaths. They also encouraged us to utilize the classification scheme used in the Seattle-Kings County study which we did. LACEH&H then recruited a physician that works in a local shelter to reanalyze our initial findings related to causes of death and use the Seattle classification scheme. Nevertheless, the analysis which is presented in this report most likely undercounts the drug related deaths. The disclaimer for our study is that without access to official death certificates it is difficult to generate accurate numbers regarding deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. Undoubtedly in some cases where the cause of the death is categorized as cardiovascular disease, the condition was caused by alcohol and/or substance use. Ultimately, access to the official death certificates would have provided the primary underlying cause of death in these cases. Nevertheless, despite this limitation, Dying Without Dignity paints a tragic picture of seven years of 2,815 lives cut drastically, and unnecessarily, short by the fact that they were homeless. 8 III. Results from Los Angeles County 2000-2007: a. Number of Homeless Deaths The Los Angeles County Coroner’s office reported 2,815 homeless deaths from January 1, 2000 to May 28, 2007. As an average, this is more than one per day for the nearly 7.5 year period. b. Comparison of Data The range of homeless deaths spans from a low of 270 in 2002 to a high of 551 in 2006. The largest increase occurred between 2002 and 2003 when deaths increased from 270 to 393, a 45.5% increase in one year. Predictions indicate the year 2007 will experience a decline in homeless deaths. Through five complete months of 2007 there have been 180 homeless deaths recorded, just 32.6% of the previous year’s total over a 12 month span. If 2007 does show a decline in numbers, it will be the first time since 2002 that Los Angeles County has seen a decrease in homeless deaths. c. Demographic Characteristics • Gender: As shown in Figure 1, of the 2,815 homeless deaths, 2,406 (85%) of them were male, and 409 (15%) were female. 9 Figure 1: Homeless Deaths by Year and Gender 600 500 400 Total Deaths Male Female 300 200 100 0 • 2000 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 (01/01 05/28) Ethnicity: The racial/ethnic makeup of these deaths shows that 1,151 (41%) were Caucasian, 868 (31%) were Hispanic, 717 (25%) were African American, 33 (1%) were Asian, 26 (1%) were American Indian, and 29 (1%) were of other ethnicities. These figures are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Homeless Deaths by Ethnicity 50 40 30 20 % of Homeless Deaths 10 0 Am A Oth Ca H Af r uca ispa eri sian er ni c ican c sia a Am nI n ndi eri an can • Age: As shown in Figure 3, the average age of death was 48.1 years, falling far short of the 77.2 year life expectancy of the average American. The age range of these homeless deaths was 0-89. The 10 age distribution shows there were 95 (3.3%) deaths in the zero to 24 years-old age group, 918 (32.6%) deaths in the 25 to 44 age group, 1,575 (56.0%) deaths in the 45 to 64 age group, and 225 (8.0%) in the 65 and over age group. The average life span of the deceased homeless in Los Angeles County covered just 62.3% of the life expectancy of a person living in the United States. Figure 3: Homeless Deaths by Age 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Percentage of Total Deaths 0-2 4 d. 65 25 45 +y -44 -64 ye ea ye ye ars rs ars ars Leading Known Underlying Causes of Death: See Table 1 & Figure 4: 1. Cardiovascular: The primary cause of death among the 2,815 homeless was cardiovascular problems, accounting for 686 (24.4%) deaths. Again, it is important to note: without access to official death certificates, the primary underlying cause of death (such as alcohol and/or substance abuse) in these cardiovascular cases is unknown. Unknown: Unknown causes of death ranked second in the listing we were provided. The high death rates and low life expectancy highlighted reported here constitute an extremely serious health disparity for the homeless population group. Public health authorities should monitor, report on and plan for the health of homeless persons to a far greater extent than is currently the case. 11 2. Substance Use: The second most common cause was acute intoxication, which accounted for 619 (22.0%) of deaths. The leading substances abused were: heroin, cocaine, morphine and alcohol. 3. Trauma: The third most common were trauma related. In a preliminary review of a coroner's list of causes of death (without access to death certificates), we found that 502 deaths (or 17.8%) were caused by some type of trauma, many of which were related to violent acts or suicides. See Appendix II for causes of death by year. Figure 4: Causes of death: 25 20 15 % of Deaths by Cause 10 5 0 is los rcu be Tu ia rm the po Hy er nc Ca n tio ec Inf sis rho Cir nia mo eu Pn ted ela aR um n tio Tra ic a ox Int ute Ac n ow kn e Un as is e D io. rd Ca 12 Table 1: Leading Underlying Causes of Death [Note: LACEH&H used the typology developed by the epidemiologists for the Seattle/Kings County report] Cause of Death Number of Percentage of Deaths Total Cardiovascular Disease 686 24.4% Unknown 660 23.4% Acute Intoxication 619 22.0% Trauma Related 493 17.5% Trauma - Homicide 9 0.3% Pneumonia 110 3.9% Cirrhosis 102 3.6% Infection/Condition 90 3.3% Cancer 31 1.1% Hypothermia/Environmental 8 0.3% 7 0.2% Secondary to Alcohol or IV Drug Use Exposure Tuberculosis e. Geographical Distribution The largest concentration of Los Angeles County’s homeless deaths occurred within the City of Los Angeles (1,277 or 45 %). Although no other area compares to these figures, there are many neighborhoods with significant homeless mortality numbers. For example, Long Beach is second on the list, with 154 homeless deaths, followed by Santa Monica with 111, Pasadena with 55 and Hollywood with 48 [see Table 2]. Virtually every single neighborhood has at least a few homeless deaths on its record, which clearly 13 shows that this is not just a phenomena of “Skid Row,” but extends throughout the county. [See Figure 5]. Table 2: Number of Homeless Deaths by Neighborhood 2000-2007 Neighborhood Number of Homeless Deaths Los Angeles 1,277 Long Beach 154 Santa Monica 111 Pasadena 55 Hollywood 48 Pomona 44 Lynwood 44 Van Nuys 40 North Hollywood 37 Lancaster 37 Figure 5: Homeless Deaths by Neighborhoods 14 f. Seasonal Distribution: See Figure 6 Homeless deaths were fairly evenly distributed among the four seasons of the year, and do not appear to be weather-related. Winter was classified as the period of December 23 to March 20, and claimed 770 lives, or 27% of the total deaths. Spring (March 21 – June 20) was the second most deadly season, with 696 deaths [25%] over the seven year span. There were 687 deaths [24%] during the summer (June 21 – September 23) and 660 [23%] during the fall (September 24 – December 22). These numbers do not include the period of May 29, 2007 to the present – when an additional 23-27% of the homeless deaths will occur. Figure 6: Homeless Deaths by Season 780 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 # of Homeless Deaths Wi nte r Sp rin g Su Fa ll mm er 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Winter 67 60 68 90 93 126 148 118 770 Spring 69 65 62 88 112 100 122 79 696 Summer 60 81 63 111 114 113 146 n/a 687 Fall 73 75 72 95 86 133 128 n/a 660 Total 269 281 265 384 405 472 544 195 2815 15 g. Number of Lost Years Due to Early or Untimely Deaths The 2,815 homeless people in our study were expected to live 211,878 years based on the average life expectancy of their gender and ethnicity. They only survived 135,528 of those expected years. A statistical analysis of the number of years homeless people lived in comparison to the number of years they were predicted to live according to life expectancy revealed that their lives were cut short by 76,350 years. On average a homeless person’s life is 36% shorter than a housed person’s life. One of the most startling facts is that for homeless Latinas, their lives were 49% shorter than expected. Their lifetimes were cut in half by homelessness. African American females’ lives were 42% shorter than expected and Caucasian females lives were 40% shorter than expected. Latino’s lives were 42% shorter than expected, while Asian males’ lives were 40% shorter (See Appendix I). Table 3: Years of Life Lost by Ethnicity Ethnicity Total Life Total Years of Life Expectancy Total Years of Life Lost Caucasian 87,795 56,802 30,993 African American 50,845 35,632 15,213 Hispanic 67,369 39,471 27,898 American Indian 1,948 1,254 694 Asian 1,714 1,012 702 Other 2,207 1,357 850 Total: 211,878 135,528 76,350 16 Table 4: Years of Life Lost by Gender Gender Total Life Total Years of Total Years of Expectancy Life Life Lost Male 179,469 116,953 62,543 Female 32,409 18,575 13,834 17 IV. Discussion a. Comparison to Other Cities i. New York City: In 2005 the City of New York passed Local Law 63 (LL63) which requires the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to track and report the deaths of homeless persons. In 2006, the DOHMH began releasing quarterly reports and analyses of homeless deaths in New York City. LL63 defines a “homeless person” as “a person who at the time of death did not have a known street address of a residence at which he or she was known or reasonably believed to have resided.” This definition leads to a more accurate account of homeless deaths than does the process used by Los Angeles County. New York City’s Department of Homeless Services releases a daily census of the number of homeless people living in New York and an annual analysis of these figures which details successful strategies and new partnerships. These studies have shown that the number of unsheltered people has dropped 15% since 2005. Of the remaining unsheltered residents, 1,624 of them live in the city’s subway system. In comparison to Los Angeles County, New York has a much lower homeless population to general population ratio. New York City’s is one in 1,209 while Los Angeles’ is one in 137 according to 2006 data1. The demographics of New York City’s homeless population are much more polarized than Los Angeles’. In New York, 60% of the homeless are African American, 25% are Hispanic and 15% are Caucasian. In terms of gender, New York’s single homeless population is 76.8% male and 23.2% female. Like Los Angeles, New Yorks’ homeless population is aging. Since 1999, individuals over the age of 40 have made up more than 53% of the homeless population. 1 http://www.nyc.gov/html/dhs/downloads/pdf/hope_presentation-final.pdf 18 Nearly 1.7 billion is spent in New York from general funds to combat homelessness. On January 30, 2006, the City of New York released a report titled The Health of Homeless Adults in New York City which outlined five general recommendations including increasing the availability of permanent supportive housing and an immediate action plan to help improve the health of homeless adults in New York. By comparison, in 2005 the City and County of Los Angeles, in combined local, state, federal and private funds spent only $600 million on homelessness. Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa is proposing to spend a paltry .001% in new funds compared to what NYC spends annually. New York has built over 16,000 units of permanent supportive housing, reducing their homeless population significantly; and allowing them to close one of their large shelters of nearly 1,000 beds because they have been successful in ending homelessness for thousands of people. ii. San Francisco: The City of San Francisco has released a report on homeless deaths every year since 1987. The study is conducted by the Community Health Epidemiology Section of the City and County of San Francisco Health Department. They do this for two reasons: “so that their names won’t be forgotten and—for more practical purposes—to help us identify the gaps in our City’s system of care where we can best focus our efforts to prevent future homeless deaths.2” In the years ranging from 1990-1999 San Francisco experienced an average of 131.8 homeless deaths per year. Los Angeles, in contrast, averaged 380 deaths per year from 2000-2007, a rate nearly three times as high as San Francisco. In terms of gender, San Francisco’s homeless deaths have been similar to those of Los Angeles. Homeless deaths have been around 85% male and 15% female. However, in terms of race, San Francisco had higher rates of Caucasian (55%) and African American (28%) homeless deaths than Los Angeles, where 2 http://www.sfdph.org/press/1999PR/pr122299.htm 19 Caucasians made up 41% of deaths, while Hispanics made up 31% and African Americans 25%. The homeless population of the Los Angeles study (48.1 years) lived an average of six years longer than population of San Francisco’s study (42.3 years). San Francisco created the Local Homeless Coordinating Board in 1996. On August 1, 2007 the City of Coordinating Board released a five year strategic plan titled Toward Ending Homelessness in San Francisco which addresses the health of homeless people by providing “temporary respite to the medically frail and works towards finding permanent housing for these clients3.” These initiatives have created homes for thousands of San Francisco’s homeless. iii. Seattle: In 2003, the Health Care for the Homeless Network in Seattle-King County released their first King County Homeless Death Review which aimed to elucidate the problem of homeless deaths and health in their area. The Network released another study in 2005 which found there were 82 homeless deaths in Seattle-King County in 2004, 80% of which were men and 20% female. People of color, especially African Americans (15%) and Native Americans (10%), were disproportionately represented in relation to the area’s general population, however 63% of the deaths were Caucasian. The top three leading causes of death were: acute intoxication, traumatic injuries, and cardiovascular disease. Illness and other chronic conditions accounted for 33% of deaths. The average age of the homeless was 47 years, with 76% of deaths coming between the ages of 30 and 59 years of age. Most of the deaths occurred in Seattle (71%), followed by South King County (17%). The average life span of 47 fell 30 years short of the national average in 2004 of 77.6 years. The report outlined five critical steps that aim to alleviate suffering and prevent premature deaths for the County’s homeless. The steps call to first, make strategic increases in outreach and engagement. Second, to promote recovery 3 http://www.sfgov.org/site/uploadedfiles/lhcb/documents/SFCoCDraft.pdf 20 by ensuring that people in homeless shelters, day centers, and housing programs can and do access health care services—including addiction services, mental health care, and medical care. Third, to increase and sharpen strategies to address chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes among homeless people. Fourth, to increase access to housing and prevent loss of housing: housing is health care. And fifth, to support future homeless death reviews. iv. Boston: In 1997, a study was conducted on 606 homeless deaths that occurred in Boston from 1988 to 1993. The sample was comprised of persons who sought medical attention through the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program between 1 July 1988 and 31 December 1993. The age at time of death ranged from 18 to 86 with an average age of 47 years. An interesting fact brought to light in the study was that while the population of the sample was 68% male and 32% female, the makeup of homeless deaths was 86% male and 14% female. Nearly half (48%) of the deaths were of people ages 25 to 44 years. Homicide was the leading cause of death for persons between the ages of 18 and 24, followed by traumatic injuries and poisonings (such as drug overdoses). Between the ages of 25 and 44, AIDS was the leading cause of death, however heart disease was also a major contributor. The rate of death from heart disease was more than three times higher than the general population. For older homeless persons, heart disease and cancer were the major causes of death. From their analysis, the study’s authors outlined action steps and recommendations to reduce fatal health problems among Boston’s homeless population. The report statistically showed the devastating impact of the AIDS epidemic on Boston’s homeless population. Efforts to reduce the rate of AIDSrelated deaths in homeless persons and early treatment to prevent HIV infection were made a focus of homeless death prevention. Since pneumonia and 21 influenza were frequent causes of death, even in younger age groups, efforts to vaccinate all homeless persons against such diseases were made into a strong issue. The authors concluded that the efforts to reduce mortality rates among homeless persons should focus on treatable and preventable conditions. The treatment of underlying problems, such as substance abuse, would also need to be addressed4. 4 http://www.annals.org/cgi/content/full/126/8/625 22 Comparison of L.A. to other homeless reports: L.A. findings consistent with other studies: Year Homeless deaths Average age Gender Male Female Ethnicity White Latino Black Asian Native American Los Angeles Atlanta [1] Atlanta [2] SF Philadelphia Boston NYC 2000-2007 1985 19881990 19851990 1994 19881993 19871994 2815 40 128 644 48 44 46 41 47 85% 15% 92% 8% 98% 2% 89% 11% 68% 32% 38% 68% 2% 24% 1% 62% 7% 30% 41% 31% 25% 1% 56% 60% 1% n/a 22% 20% Heroin 35% Cocaine 20% 14% Morphine 14% 21% 40% 15% 55% 47% 39% 33% 45-64 yrs 7% 24.4% 3.6% n/a 10% 4.1% 7% n/a 60% 42% 53% 48% 50% 34% Accidental injuries Intentional injuries 18% Homicides Suicides .3% n/a 606 1% Cause of death Natural Alcohol Drugs Seizures Heart disease Liver Brain Lung disease External causes 96 18% 12% 8% 3% 23 13% 6% 18-24 yrs 164 78% 22% b. 1. Policy Recommendations: Annual report from LA County: The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors should instruct the appropriate County departments, including the Coroners office, Department of Health Services and the Public Health Department, to conduct an annual analysis of homeless deaths and issue a report along the lines of this report. Deeper analysis into selected homeless death cases can reveal specific weak points in homeless response efforts, and promote more effective work across the systems of care that are organizing to end homelessness in our community. In addition, analysis of homeless cases that are not captured by this methodology may provide greater integrity for comparison between years. In addition, further analysis needs to be done of what week of the month has the highest death rates. For example, Seattle found that it was the first week of the month. The increased number of deaths during the first week of each month may indicate that the arrival of disability checks at the beginning of the month leads to a flurry of substance abuse, injury, and death. If so, mortality in homeless persons might be reduced by carefully monitored payee programs that administer funds on behalf of disabled persons 2. Increase access to Primary and Preventive Care: The leading causes if death reported here are preventable and treatable. Regrettably, well documented barriers – chiefly lack of health insurance or ability to pay – continue to block homeless persons’ access to care. Local, state and national legislative bodies and health authorities should move immediately to assure that everyone has health care coverage and access to the quality health that can avoid unnecessary deaths. For example, pneumonia and influenza were frequent causes of death, even in younger age groups. Homeless persons may be at increased risk for these infections because of a high prevalence of alcoholism, smoking, HIV infection, and chronic disease. Efforts to vaccinate all homeless persons against pneumonia and influenza should be a priority. 3. Support overdose prevention programs: Los Angeles County should support and fund overdose prevention programs in emergency shelters, jails, substance abuse programs and other programs where those at high risk for overdose congregate. This would include support for a countywide Naloxone overdose prevention and distribution program as well as support for needle exchange programs countywide. 4. Promote recovery: Promote recovery by ensuring that people in homeless shelters, day centers, and housing programs can and do access health care services—including addiction services, mental health care, and medical care. 24 5. Improved discharge planning: Improve discharge planning from county facilities including hospitals, jails and foster care to ensure that people are not discharge into homelessness. 6. Regional priority to end and prevent homelessness through creating permanent housing: The high risk for death from homicide and accidental injury is a predictable result of poverty, substance abuse, and living on the streets. Increasing the availability of adequate low-income housing could conceivably reduce this risk. Los Angeles City, County and surrounding cities should pool their funding to begin to create 50,000 units or permanent housing over the next ten years. These jurisdictions should provide interim housing, not shelters, until permanent housing is available. 7. Increase economic stability: Los Angeles City and County and surrounding cities in greater LA should increase the economic stability of homeless people through increasing employment services, mainstream financial entitlements and education. Finally, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors must raise LA Countys’ General Relief level [$221 a month- the same level as in 1984] to an amount that will house GR recipients for the entire month. 25 Appendix I: Years of Life Lost By Gender and Ethnicity Males Females Totals Number of Caucasian Homeless Deaths Caucasian Life Expectancy Total Caucasian Life Expectancy Caucasian Years of Life Years Cut off Caucasian's Lives 989 75.7 74867 49074 25793 160 80.8 12928 7728 5200 Number of Black Homeless Deaths Black Life Expectancy Total Black Life Expectancy Black Years of Life Years Cut off Black Lives 575 69.8 40135 29415 10720 140 76.5 10710 6217 4493 Number of Hispanic Homeless Deaths Hispanic Life Expectancy Total Hispanic Life Expectancy Hispanic Years of Life Years Cut off Hispanic Lives 775 77.1 59752 35535 24218 91 83.7 7617 3936 3681 20 72.8 6 82 26 1456 962 492 292 1948 1254 494 200 694 Number of Asian Homeless Deaths Asian Life Expectancy Total Asian Life Expectancy Asian Years of Life Years Cut off Asian Lives 18 80.8 1454 850 604 3 86.5 260 162 98 21 Number of Other Homeless Deaths Others Life Expectancy Total Others Life Expectancy Others Years of Life Years Cut off Others Lives 24 75.2 1805 1117 688 5 80.4 402 240 162 Number of American Indian Homeless Deaths American Indian Life Expectancy Total American Indian Life Expectancy American Indian Years of Life Years Cut off American Indian Lives TOTAL # OF YEARS EXPECTED TOTAL # OF YEARS LIVED TOTAL # OF YEARS CUT OFF HOMELESS PEOPLE'S LIVES IN LA COUNTY 2000-2006 1149 87795 56802 30993 715 50845 35632 15213 866 67369 39471 27898 1714 1012 702 29 2207 1357 850 211878 135528 76350 26 Appendix II: Leading Underlying Causes of Death By Year Deaths by Cause Over Time Percentage of Total Deat 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Year Cardiovascular Dise Acute Intoxication Other Trauma Related Cause of death by year: 2000 2001 Cause Percentage Cause Percentage Cardiovascular Disease 25% Cardiovascular Disease 18% Other 25% Other 27% Acute Intoxication 21% Acute Intoxication 20% Trauma Related 17% Trauma Related 23% Trauma - Homicide 0.4% Trauma - Homicide 0.4% Pneumonia 3% Pneumonia 5% Cirrhosis 4% Cirrhosis 3% Infection/Condition 1% Infection/Condition 3% Secondary to Alcohol or IV Secondary to Alcohol or IV Drug Use Drug Use Cancer 1% Cancer 1% Hypothermia/Environmental 0.7% Hypothermia/Environmental 0 Exposure Tuberculosis Exposure 0 Tuberculosis 27 0 2002 2003 Cause Percentage Cause Percentage Cardiovascular Disease 23% Cardiovascular Disease 23% Other 24% Other 22% Acute Intoxication 25% Acute Intoxication 25% Trauma Related 16% Trauma Related 17% Trauma - Homicide Trauma - Homicide 1.4% 0.3% Pneumonia 3% Pneumonia 3% Cirrhosis 3% Cirrhosis 4% Infection/Condition 4% Infection/Condition 3% Secondary to Alcohol or IV Secondary to Alcohol or IV Drug Use Drug Use Cancer 1% Cancer 2% Hypothermia/Environmental 0 Hypothermia/Environmental 0.3% Exposure Exposure Tuberculosis 0.4% Tuberculosis 28 0.8% 2004 2005 Cause Percentage Cause Percentage Cardiovascular Disease 30% Cardiovascular Disease 25% Other 23% Other 22% Acute Intoxication 24% Acute Intoxication 29% Trauma Related 13% Trauma Related 16% Trauma - Homicide Trauma - Homicide 0.3% 0 Pneumonia 4% Pneumonia 6% Cirrhosis 3% Cirrhosis 4% Infection/Condition 3% Infection/Condition 2% Secondary to Alcohol or IV Secondary to Alcohol or IV Drug Use Drug Use Cancer 0.3% Cancer 1% Hypothermia/Environmental 1% Hypothermia/Environmental 0 Exposure Exposure Tuberculosis 0 Tuberculosis 29 0 2006 2007 Cause Percentage Cause Percentage Cardiovascular Disease 25% Cardiovascular Disease 21% Other 21% Other 32% Acute Intoxication 21% Acute Intoxication 14% Trauma Related 20.4% Trauma Related 17% Trauma - Homicide Trauma - Homicide 0.2% 0.6% Pneumonia 3% Pneumonia 4% Cirrhosis 4% Cirrhosis 4% Infection/Condition 4% Infection/Condition 5% Secondary to Alcohol or IV Secondary to Alcohol or IV Drug Use Drug Use Cancer 1% Cancer 2% Hypothermia/Environmental 0.2% Hypothermia/Environmental 0 Exposure Exposure Tuberculosis 0.4% Tuberculosis 30 0.6% Appendix III: Homeless Deaths in Los Angeles County 2000-2007: IN MEMORY OF: 31 ANTHONY JOSEPH MATTHEW NORMAN MELVIN ARMANDO JORGE ZAIDA JORGE JOHN GLENN GADES HENRY FRANK SHERRI RICARDO KENNETH PATRICIA CARMEN IRMA ARTEMIO RAYMOND JESSE FRANCISCO OMAR JUAN ROYCE MARCOS ALFONSO MARIO EDWARD FRANCISCO JOHN WILLIAM ARTHUR BEN ALICE ANDREW SUZANNE WAJID CRAIG DONALD JAMES MAYNARD MICHAEL RICHARD ROBIN ADAM HUGO MARIO JOSE MARK JOEL CHRISTOPHER MARIO JAIME EDGAR JULIO CATALINO JESUS JOHN ALLEN DARYL GLENN FARRELL ROI RICHARD SHENNEA GARY MARY MICHELLE CHARLES MANUEL VIRGINIA ANNETTE RUBEN HELEN EDWARD ABERASTURI ABNER ABRAM ABRAMS ACEVEDO ROD ACOSTA ACOSTA ACOSTA ACOSTA ACRES ADAIR ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS JR ADAMSON ADRIAN AGNEW AGUAYO AGUILAR AGUILAR AGUILAR AGUIRRE AGUIRRE AGUIRRE AHMED AJANEL AKI ALANIZ ALARCON ALAS ALATORRE ALATORRE ALBITZ ALBRITTON ALDATZ ALDOSA ALDRICH ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALLAH ALLAN ALLBRITTON ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN ALMENDRA ALUNNI ALVARADO ALVARADO ALVARADO ALVARADO ALVARADO ALVARE ALVAREZ ALVAREZ ALVAREZ AMATITLAN AMAYA-MEJI AMBRIS AMBROSE AMEPEROSA AMTHOR ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDRADE ANDRADE ANGEL ANGULO ANNIS ANTONIO CARLOS LARRY JUAN MIGUEL JUAQUIN JESUS COURTNEY EDWARD JESUS GEORGE ANDRES JOSE VICTOR FERNANDO VICTOR PEDRO ALEXANDER WILIAN APRIL DOUGLAS JOANNE MARIA JOSE DENISE ANGELA JILL ARTURO MARY STEPHEN JERRY JORGE FRANCIS KENNETH MICHELLE RONALD SCHALANDA ADOLPHO KASSON ORLANDO SANTOS MIGUEL MARIA JOSEPH GEORGE JOSE DAVID MARY SHANE VICTOR JACQUELYN CECIL PATRICK STEVEN DANIEL CARVELL ALICIA CHARLES CLARENCE CAROL MICHAEL ROBERT BRENDA DOUGLAS EDWARD JOSE RUBEN JAVIER TED GABRIEL ROBERT NYAN LAMONT RICHARD JOHN NUBIA GARY THOMAS SANDFORD APODACA APPLEBY AQUINO AQUINO ARAGON ARANDA ARCHIE ARCHULETA ARCOS ARDAVANIS ARDON ARGUETA ARGUMOSA ARIANAS ARIAS ARIAS ARIAS ARITA ARMAND ARNOLD ARNUM ARRIZON ARROYO ARTEA ARTHUR ASBELL ASCENCIO ASHCRAFT ASHICK ASHLEY ASPETIA ATKINS AUERBACH AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTON AVELAR AVERY AVILA AVILA AVILEZ AYALA AYALA JR BABB BACERANO BACH BACH BADIA BAEHENA BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAKEMAN BAKER BAKER BALDWIN BALL BALLINGER BALUS BAMBINO BANKS BANKS BANKS BANNER BANUELOS BANUELOS BARAJAS-PIZA BARBER BARBOZA Sr. BARCELO BARGAS BARKER BARKER BARNES BARNES BARNES BARNETT JR BARNS GEORGE EDMUNDO JULIO GUILLERMO SERGIO ARTURO DAVID MICHAEL BRADLEY ROBERT DONALD WILLIE JAVIER JUAN KAREN RIZALINA JOHN SCOTT JAMES DARYL RICHARD DALE KENT ADAH GLENN DAVID JAMES NATHAN JOHN PERRY ARNOLD MICHAEL HERBYE MATTHEW RAFAEL ARMAND SABINO MAURICIO WENDY HOWARD ARTHUR SELBIN STEVEN TRACI CHARLES MICHAEL ANTHONY GERALD DAVID ANTONIO ALBERT CAROLYN TERRENCE GEORGE ROBERT WILLIE DENNIS MAURICE RICHARD NINA DONALD JUDITH JERRY EDITH ELIJAH ROSE DANE ALEX RAYMOND DONALD CHRISTOPHER RONALD JEFFREY ROOSEVELT ROBIN ROSAURA BARNWELL BARRAZAS BARRERA BARRERA BARRERA-MUN BARRETO BARRIGAPEREZ BARRIOS BARRON BASILE BATES BATTLE BAUTISTA BAUTISTA BAXTER BAYLON BEAL BEAMON BEASLEY BEATTY BEAVER BECKER BEESINGER BEESON BEGGS BEIER BEIKMAN BELCHER BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL BELMONT BELTRAN BENEDETTI BENITEZ BENITEZ BENNETT BENNETT BENOIT BERELA BERRY BERRY BERRY BERRY BESICH BETZ BEYNON BIALES BIANCHI BIEBER BING BINGERMAN BIRCH BIRD BIRD BISE BITSON BLACK BLAKELY BLAKEY BLANDA BLASKOCK BLAXTON BLEA BLOCK BLOEDORN BLYE BODEEN BODIE BOHANNON BOHN BONDS JR BONDURANT BONE BONES TAMI RUBEIN DAVID GARY CARLOS WILLIAM CLARENCE RONALD BARBARA FLORENCE ROBERT PATRICK WILLIAM ANTHONY EDDIE DENNIS SHEILA JAMES CLEVELAND ROBERT RICHARD HUGH ANDREW PATRICK CLEVELAND ROBERT WILLIAM AUSTIN WILL MARINA CHARLES JON CHRISTINE EDDIE GREGORY ANTONIO STEPHANIE YOLANDA KIMBERLY ROBERT FREDDIE JOE JOE GERALD RONNIE CRAIG SAM FREDDIE CAROL KENNETH EARL ANTHONY JOHN CHARLES THELMA DEBORAH JAMES BRUCE STEPHEN TERRENCE GALVIN CATHERINE RICHARD LUCIUS VICTORIO PATRICIA ANTHONY REGINALD JASMINE RICKY JOHN JACOB DAVID VIRDEE LORI JOSEPH BONGIORNO BONNER BONNER BOONE BOR BOSHEARS BOSTICK BOTTEICHER BOUGHTON BOVEN BOWDEN BOWIE BOWMAN BOWMAN BOWMAN BOX BOYCE BOYD BOYD BOYD JR BOYER BRADBURY BRADFORD BRADY BRADY BRADY BRAGGS BRAHAM BRANCH BRANDT BRASHIER BRATTY BREEDLOVE BREW BREWER BRIBIESCA BRICENO BRICKNAC BRIDGWATE BRIGDEN BRIMMER BRINDLEY BRITO BROCK BROOKS BROOKS BROOKS BROUSSARD BROUSSARD BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN JR BROWNING BROWNLEE BRUNDIDGE BRUNO BRUNO BRYANT BUCK BUCKLEY BUCKNAM BUCKNER BUCKS BUDNICK JOSEPH FAITH FLOYD LOUIE CHRISTOPHER DENNIS JOHN RICK WILLIAM KEVIN ABNER EMANUEL JOSEPH BILLY LINDA RALPH JESSE WARREN MANUEL PAUL ALEX TIMOTHY PETER VIRGINIA CARMEN MARTIN VIVIANA LUIS BRENDA WILLIAM JORGE CARLOS JOSE GLENN JUDITH DEBRA ASCENCION DOROTHY JOSEPH ROBERT JOHNNY JOSE JULIO MARCOS OSCAR TYRA FRANK FRANCISCO DANIEL WILLIAM STEPHEN BERNARD ANITA JOHN BOBBY EDGAR ALBERT ROLAND GLENN GARY CHARLES CHARLES EFRAIN HENRY GEORGE RORY SIDNEY RICHARD MICHAEL DEXTER KURT JAVIER RAYMOND JAMES ARTURO 33 BULLARD BULLOCH BULLOCK BUONO BURCHA BURDICK BURGESS BURGETT BURKETT BURKHARDT BURKHOLDER BURNETT BURNETTE BURNS BURNS BURRESS BURTS BUSH BUSTAMANTE BUSTAMONTE BUTLER BYERS BYGLAND BYRON CABARUVIAS CABE CABO CABRERA CAGE CAGLEY JR CAJAS CALDERON CALDERON CALDWELL CALDWELL CAMACHO CAMACHO CAMARENA CAMPANA CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPOS CAMPOS CAMPOS CAMPOS CANADA CANAPP CANEL CANNON CANODE CANTER CANTY CANULETTE CAPELTON CAPPS CAPPS CARCERANO CARDIEL CARGIN CARINO CARKLEY CARKLEY CARLOSGRACI CARLSON CARMODY CARON CARON CARPENTER CARR CARR CARR CARRASCO CARRASCO CARREGAL CARRERA FABIAN JACK LAMONT REUBEN LEE KEITH JAMES GIOIA PAUL TRUDY DIANA JERRY THOMAS VINCENT SUSAN WINSTON OSCAR LOUIS TERENCE MOISES DAVID ALFONSO DAVID GERARDO JERALD JOSE AMILCAR CARLOS ROSA JESUS LEONARD ROBERT EDUARDO TERESA GREGORY MIGUEL DONALD ANGELA WILLIAM BENJAMIN DANIEL LUIS BENJAMIN GUMERCINDO ELIZABETH DOROTHY DIONISIO ALFRED PHILIP ALLEN ANTHONY THOMAS ROBERT TEODOSIO DARRYL RICHARD CHRISTINE RODOLFO MIGUEL RAYMOND ARTURO JOHN CARLOS DENNIS LOC SAUL CARLTON SCOT RUBEN ROBERT CHARLES THOMAS FERNANDO RICK STEPHEN JESSIE CARRERA CARRIER CARSON CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CASAREZ CASCIO CASCIOLI CASE CASEY CASEY CASH CASHAW CASILLAS CASILLAS Jr CASSIDY CASTANEDA CASTANEDA CASTANEDA CASTANEDA CASTILLO CASTILLO CASTILLO CASTILLO CASTILLO CASTILLO CASTRO CASTRO CASTRO CASTRO CASTRO CATCHINGS CATEDRAL CATO JR CATU CAULFIELD CAVANAUGH CAVAZOS CEBALLOS CEBALLOS CEDILLO CELAYA CELESTINE CERCADO CERVERA CESSNA JR CHALL CHAMBERS CHAMPION CHAMPLIN CHAN CHARLES CHAUBET CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHAVEZ CHEVALIER CHI CHICO CHIN CHOAT CHOLIC CHRISTENSEN CHRISTIANSO CHRISTY CISNEROS CLARK CLAWSON CLAYBORNE LAWRENCE DOROTHY RONALD JOHNNY LUCINDA GERALD CARY ARCHIE DAMAYNE MARK FRED DANIEL WILLIE DAVID GORDON LOUIS ORLANDO LEEROY HECTOR WAYNE LARRY TIMOTHY JAMES TERRY DALLAS ANDREW BENJAMIN DANIEL THERESA JASON DONALD BILLY GILBERT RICHARD ROBERT BILLY ERICA RAMON ART PORFIRIO JUAN GUSTAVO RICHARD TRACY STEVE JAMES WILLIAM MORRIS ANTHONY MICHAEL ARTHUR MICHAEL MARK EVA LOLITA NICHOLAS DAVID FREDY JOHN OTHELLO ALEJANDRO JESSE ROBERTO ARMANDO ROBERT MAROLEANU AUSTIN DRAVEN THOMAS ALEXANDER THOMAS JAMES ANDREW RICHARD MICHELLE NORMAN CLEARY CLEGGETT CLEMONS CLICK CLIFFORD CLIFTON CLOVICKO CLOWER COATES COBURN COHEN JR. COLBURN COLE COLE COLE COLEMAN COLES COLEY COLLAZO COLLEY COLLIER COLLINS COLLINS COLLINS COLLINS JR COLMAN COLON COLON COLONNA COMBS COMBS COMBS JR CONCHA CONKLIN CONNER CONNER CONO CONRADO CONTRERAS CONTRERAS CONTRERAS CONTRERAS COOK COOK COOK COOK COOKMAN COON JR COOPER COOPER COOPER COOPER COOPER COOTS COPELAND COPLEN CORADO CORDOVA COREY CORLEY CORONA CORRALES CORTEZ CORTEZ CORY COSTANTI COURTENAY COURTNEY COUVEAU COWDREY COX COX COZLOV CRANDALL CRAVEN CRAWFORD KIMBERLY ANTHONY RANDALL FELIX RICKY RANDY WANDA CHARLES JOHN RAQUEL JOHNNY PEDRO GATERIO MICHAEL JOSE GONZALO ULRIKE PABLO CARLOS RAYMOND ANA ROSE JAMES JUNE WILLIAM VICTOR FRANK PAUL GERARD DAVID LENORIA LAURA HENRY KIM SAVOY TODD LAWRENCE ROBERT ROBERTO ISMAEL VIRGILIO MARGARET ANDREW PEGGY EDDIE HOWARD LURLENE MICHAEL TROY JERRY REGINALD ROGER PETER PETER KIMMIE JAMES SHERMAN STEVEN KEVIN STEPHANIE JUAN FRANCISCO VICTOR DAVID NESTOR JOSE PEDRO MATIAS LENARD BRADLEY WILLARD JEFF DARRELL JOANNE GLENN WARREN CRAWLEY CREDIC CREIGHTON CRESPO CREW CRISLER CROCKETT CROW JR CROWE JR CRUTCHFIELD CRUZ CRUZ CRUZ CRUZ CRUZ SR CRUZ-DIAZ CSEH CUADRA CUELLAR JR CUELLAR-M CUESTAS CUEVA CUNNIGAN JR CURRIE CURTIS CURTIS SR. CUSHMAN CUSICK CUSTANCE DAMBROSIO DANIEL DANIELS DANIELS DANIELSON DARROUGH DAUGHERTY DAVENPOR DAVIDSON DAVILA DAVILA DAVILA DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAWSON DAY DE BRAUX DE LA FUENTE DEBOIS DEBRUYN DEEL DEGALEA DEL CAMPO-MAR DEL CAMP DEL PRADO DELANG DELEON DELGADO DELGADO DELGADO DEMENA DEMILITA DEMUTH III DENHARTOG DENNARD DENNIS DENNIS DENNISON 34 MICHAEL KATHLEEN MARK NICOLE MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER ROCKY ANDREA JOZSEF JOSE RICHARD GARY EFRAIN GERALD DAVID JAMES ANNAMARIE SCOTT NATHANIEL WILSON FAYE CAMDEN DANIEL LEONA JEFFERY JOHN JANE JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JANE JOHN JOHN JANE JOHN JOHN JANE JOHN JANE JANE JOHN JOHN ADA MARIO FELIX OSCAR ADOLFO CHARLES KEVIN THOMAS KEVIN MICHAEL GARY PATRICK JEROME REGINALD TERRY KEVIN DANIEL NATALIE NORMAN SAMUEL DONALD RICHARD JOHN OLIVER ERIN MAX DENOWSKI DEROULHAC DERUY DESANTIS DEVALCOURT DEVORE DEVRIES DEYO DEZSO DIAZ DICKSON DIDONNA DIEGO DIETRICH DILL DILLARD DIMATTES DISHMON DIXON DIXON DIXON DIXON DIXON SR DOCKERY DODSON DOE # 12 DOE # 18 DOE # 85 DOE #01 DOE #104 DOE #128 DOE #152 DOE #18 DOE #18 DOE #189 DOE #189 DOE #279 DOE #30 DOE #4 DOE #4 DOE #45 DOE #47 DOE #5 DOE #52 DOE #53 DOE #56 DOE #88 DOE #9 DOE #91 DOE#67 DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ DOMINGUEZ DOMINQUEZ DONALDSON DONALDSON DONNELLY DONOVAN DOOLEY DORAN DORN DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUTHART DOWNING DOWNING DOZIER DRAYTON DREESSEN DRING DRISCOLL DUARTE DUBE DUBIN GARY ANIKO FERNANDO DANNY JOHN DANNY JAMES EUGENE SCOT VERNELL KENNETH JOHN ROBERT ELDON FRANCISCO SALLY WALTER JEFFREY ROBERT CURTISS MELISSA THOMAS TANIA DONALD LUTHER HOWARD WILLIE ROCKY THOMAS TONY WILLIAM WILLIE JEROME FRANK DENNIS JOHN GERALD TODD FRANK STEVEN DIEGO RICKY HERSHEL WILLIAM CHRIS LEESA MARIO HECTOR JOSE CARLOS JORGE JAMES RICHARD RAYMOND WILLIAM NICOMEDES MARTIN RAUL AUGUSTINE MANUEL RUBEN LEE JASON DELORES MARCOS RUBEN MANUEL STEVEN ANDERSON CLAUD EDWARD THOMAS MARK THOMAS HENRY OMAR DUBIN DUDAS DUENAS DUFORT DUGGAN DULEY DULL DUNAWAY DUNBAR DUNN DUNN DUNN DUNNING DUPUY DURAN DURAN EAKIN EARWOOD EASLEY JR EASTERLING II EASTWOOD EAVES EBERTS ECHOLS ECKERT ECKHART EDDEN EDMUNDSON EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EGAN EHRHARDT ELDIEN ELLIS EMERY ENCINO ENGLISH ENGLISH ENSMINGER ERIACHO ERMITANO ESCALANTE ESCAMILLA-S ESCARCEGA ESCOBAR ESCOBAR ESKEY ESPARZA ESPARZA, JR ESPINOZA ESPINOZA ESPINOZA ESPINOZA ESPINOZA ESQUIVEL ESQUIVEL ESSEX JR ESSY ESTAVILLO ESTEVANOVIC ESTRADA ESTRADA ETCHISON EVANS EVANS EVANS EVERETT EVERS EWERT EXUM FAJARDO PETER CHARLES THOMAS MANUEL ROBERT RAMONA RANDY HARRY JESSE VICTOR WALTER ALFRED DAVID LIONEL FERNANDO EDDY CHRISTINE MICHAEL ERVIN LEROY DENNIS JOHN PHILLIP WILLIAM MARK ROBELLEDO CHARLES CESAR PHILIP SERGIO MAXIMILIANO GUADALUPE CARLOS GUILLERMO JAMES JOE JOSEPHINE FRED GARY JOHN JIM JOAQUIN PHILLIP DAVID ERIC JACQUELYN PORTIA ELIZABETH JOSEPH HERMAN JUSTIN TERRY TERRY ROLAND MACK JERMALE BARRY BENJAMIN STEPHEN ARTHUR VERONICA JOSE MICHAEL MARTIN RENEE ANTHONY CHARLES LEONARD ARMANDO JAMES RONALD ALFRED KEIO DENNIS SHAN ROBERT 35 FALCO FARRINGTON FAULDS FEBLES FELTWELL FENDERSON FENNELL FERDINANDSEN FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ FESSLER FIELDS FIELDS FIERRO FIERROS FILSAIME FIMBRES FINCH FISHER FITZGERALD FLANAGAN FLEMING FLEMING FLEMION III FLITTIE FLORENTI FLORENTINU FLORES FLORES FLORES FLORES FLORES FLORES FLORES FLOURNOY FLOYD FLYE FOGGIE III FOLDEN FOMIN FONG FONSECA FOOR FORBES FORD FORD FORD FORD FORMICA FORREST FORREST FORSTER FORSZEN FORTUNE FOSTER FOSTER FOSTER FOSTER FOSTER FOWLER JR FRANCO FRANCO FRANKLIN FREEMAN FREEMAN FREEMAN FRENZER,JR FREY III FRIAS FRIE FRIMMEL FRISCO FRISON FRITZ FRITZ FRYE LAUREANO JAIME RICHARD ANTHONY LISA LARRY THOMAS ROY ABEL GERALD FREDDIE JOSEPH ETHEL KENNETH CHRYSTOFFER JOSE GUILLERMO MARK BENJAMIN MARK MARTIN JAMES ARIEL ROBERTO DANIEL SHERITA DEAN GILBERTO LISA JOSE ALFRED ULISES FREDDIE JOSE JUAN FRANCISCO EDWARD MERY PAULINO CARLOS JUAN GILBERT TIMOTHY EVERADO LOUIS AMADEO JUAN PAUL MANUEL JOHNNY LUIS GABRIEL VLADIMIR PEDRO JOSE SANDRA JAMES TOMMY EVAN PATRICK ROBERT JAMES RICKEY BOBBIE LEONARD FRANCISCO BERNIE RICARDO PETER JEAN ALEXANDER HAROLD LINDSEY ROBERT MELVIN FUEGO FUENTES FULKERSON FULLAH FULLER FURTICK GADDIS GADLIN III GAETA-RIVAS GAINES GAITHER GALANTE GALBERT GALE GALEA GALICIA GALINDO GALLAGHER GALLARDO GALLARDO GALLOB GALLOWAY III GALVAN GAMA GAMALA GAMBLE GAMBOA GAMEZ-SAN GANDARA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA-CRUZ GARCIAMENDOZ GARDNER GARNER GARNER GARNETT GARNIER GARRETT GARRETT GARRISON GARRISON GASTELUM GAVIDIA GAY GAYTAN GEIBERGER GEMEINER GEORGE GERBER JR GERREN GIBSON GIBSON MARTHA EDWARD ABLE ANDREA MICHAEL TED YVONNE ROY RICHARD KENNETH FABIO BABY STEVE MARK JIMMIE THOMAS GASPAR WILLIS OZELL WILLARD KEVIN JOHN RUBEN GUILLERMO CLITO RAFAEL AMERICA JORGE VICTOR MARCELLO ROBERT JUAN BARRY RICHARD RAYMOND ISABEL LOREN FELIPE EDUARDO ROBERTO JOSE EDUARDO JORGE JUAN JOSE RAFAEL BARBARA EMILIO MARIA FRANCISCO MARCELO HENRY ERNEST DON CARROLL HAROLD MARSISA JOSEPHINE EDWARD WILLIAM LOREN RICHARD WESLEY RICHARD BOBBIE BREGETTA KENNETH TYRONE WARREN WILLIE MELVIN JOEL ISIDRO RICKEY MAURICE IAN GIEBE GILDA GILES GILFORD GILL GILLIAM GILMORE GILMORE GILMORE GINTHER GIOVINO GIRL OWENS GJURICH GLABMAN GLADNEY GLANDT GODINEZ GOINS GOLDEN GOLDMAN GOLDSTON GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GOMEZ GONZALES GONZALES GONZALES GONZALES GONZALES GONZALES GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ GONZALEZ J GOODMAN GOOKIN GOTTO GRAHAM GRAHL GRAMAGO GRANGER GRANT GRAVES GRAY GREATHOUSE GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN, JR GREENBERG GRIEGO GRIER GRIFFIN GRIFFITH GARY EDDIE JOSEPH EMILY ROSIE WALTER JUAN VICTOR JERRY FRANCISCO JOSE MIGUEL PEDRO GREGORY JOSE LEEXANDER CARMEN HELIO MAURICIO GILBERT GENARO CHALINO JESUS PAUL INOCENCIO VICTOR MARK ERICH JOHN GARY MARK MARK GREGORY STEVE STEVEN BRENDA JAMES JEANETTE ROY MACK CHRISTOPHER WILLARD FRANKLIN HARRY DUSTIN BERT DENNIS DANA JAMES JAMES EDWARD CLAUDE VAUGHN KHADIJAH ANDREW DAVID LEMORAL AARON LEROY ALFONSO ALBERT JERRY JOHN CHRISTINA MICHAEL JESSE PAMELA GERALD RENEE JOYCE LIONEL JIMMIE JAMES CHARLES JOHN 36 GRIFFITH GRIFFITH GROGAN GROSSLEY GUARDADO GUARDADO GUARDADO GUDINO GUEDRY GUERIN-AL GUERRA GUERRA GUERRERO, JR GUNTHER GUTIEREZ GUTIERRE GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ GUY GUZMAN GYORGY HACKETT HADDIX, JR HAFELI HAFLEY HAGGARD HAIDY HAJSKI HALE HALL HALL HALL HALL HALL HALL HALL HALL HALL JR HALTERMAN HAMBY HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMPTON HANKINS HANKINS HANKTON HANSON JR. HAPNER HAQQ HARDING HARLEY HARMON JR HARPER HARPER HARRILL JR. HARRIMAN HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS JR HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON DRENA WILLIAM BORIS SCOTT THOMAS DAVE GEORGE GREGORY MICHAEL JOHN JOSHUA VERNON BRYAN JAMES RONALD JERYL JEREMY CASEY TIMOTHY JEREMY STEPHEN CLIFTON PETER JEFFREY DAVID DAVID CEPHAS JEFF REGINALD LAWRENCE ESAU BABY GIRL JAMES TONY DANIEL JOHN Jr GEORGE FLORENCIO FRANCISCO AUGUSTINE ALEJANDRO FERMIN RODOLFO JOSE HUGO JOSE HERMINIO MARIA ARMANDO DIEGO JUAN JESUS TOMAS PAUL EDVIN TRINIDAD JAVIER ARTEMIO ERMINIO CALIXTO JOSE JOSE ROBERTO EVARISTO EMILIO ARNOLDO LEMPIRA GEORGE ISAAC SALVADOR CARLOS JOSE ROBERT ELISEO JOSUE HARRISON HART HART HART HARVEY HATHAWAY HATHCOCK HATTENBAC HAVENS HAVIKEN HAWKINS HAWKINS HAYDEN HAYES HAYES HAYES HAYNES HAYNIE HEATH HEATH HEATHER HEFFNER HEFLIN HEGEDUS HEINE HEINO HENDRICKS HENDRIX HENDRIX HENGEFOL HENOA HENRY HENRY HENRY HEREDIA HERGENROTH HERMANCE HERNANDE HERNANDE HERNANDE HERNANDE HERNANDES HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ-C HERNANDEZMAR HEROUX HERRERA HERRERA MICHAEL CHARLES ROBERT GREGORY JEANETTE CHARLOTTE MICHAEL MARK WILLIAM KATRINA KENNETH SHIRLEY EDWIN FRANCIS GILBERT SUSAN LOUISA CHRISTIAN JESSE GREGORY LAURA KURT STEVE ANTHONY PHILIP THOMAS MARC DAVID MICHAEL CHARLES CHARLES RENEE CARL ARMETRICE LEROY ANTHONY MICHAEL MIRACLE GLENN CLAUDE MARSHALL JAMES KIMBERLY DALE JACK LESLIE ANNA MICHAEL EDDIE JESSE ROY JEFFERY LLOYD ROBERT CHARLES THOMAS LARRY ROGER RICHARD ROBERT SANTONA LARRY DEBRA KENT JAMES MARK DASHIELL DAVID ROBERT PAUL RAYMOND JOHN JOSEPH GLORIA ANGELICA JAIME HERRERA HERRING HESS HEXIMER HICKS HICKS HIERHOLZER HILL HILL HILL HILL HILL HILL HILL JR HILL JR HILLMAN HIMMEL HINES HINES HODGES HOEF HOELSCHER HOERNER HOGAN HOHMAN HOLCOMB HOLDEN HOLGUIN HOLLEY HOLLIDAY HOLLIDAY HOLLINGSWORT HOLLINQUEST HOLMAN HOLMEN HOLMES HOLMES HOLMES HOLOPITZA SR HOOD JR HOOKS HOOTEN HOOVER HOPKINS JR HOPPER HOPSTER HORGAN HORST HORTON HORTON HOSICK HOSLER HOUSTON HOUZE HOWARD HOWLAND HOWSLEY HOYOPATUBBI HUARD HUBBER HUDSON HUDSON HUFF HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUMDY HUNNEWELL HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HURLBUTT HUTOCZKI IBARRA IBARRA IBARRA HUMBERTO CURTIS KASANDRA GENE AUDREY GARY HUGO DELTON TANIA AHMED EVETT PATRICIA STEVE EXCELL PHILLIP ORIS NICOLETTA GEORGE JAMES RONALD FRANKLYN ANDREW DANNY LOUIS HELEN TRAVIS LINDA RONALD WILLIAM GARY GENE JOHN MARTIN J GREGORIO BERNARDO MARIA RICHARD ELLIE FORREST CHRISTOPHER BOBBY TOMMY MILTON HOWARD STEPHANIE GLENN JOHNNY RONALD SARAH RONALD CHRISTOPER JOHN TERRY ROY TIMOTHY WALLIE EULA JAMES JUAN PHILIP BETTIE BILLY RANDY JAMES PAUL THEOPLIS WILLIAM FREDERICK JOHN ROYCE HERBERT VENETA DELORIS 37 IBARRA INDRISANO INOUYE INTRIERI INZAR ISBELL ISCAMPARI ISIAH ISNAGA ISSA ISSIAH IVORY JACE JACK JR JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACOBSON JACOBSON JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JANECK JANES JANOW JAROSZ JENCHEN JERSKY JESUS LEON JIMENEZ JIMENEZ JIMENEZ JIMINEZ JIMMERSON JOHN JOHNSO JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON BAILEY JOHNSON JR JOHNSONALVER JOLET JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES CATHY JAYSON TONYA JANE RONALD DAVID CATHERINE MARLOW MARLENE ANTHONY JAMES MILFORD SAN SERGIO TUNG JODY ROBERT MELVIN GARY RICHARD KEVIN MUJAHID JEFFEREY JACQUELINE LELAND ALISON SHELINI GEORGIOS WALTER SHAN DWIGHT JAMES KEITH TERRY LARRY DONALD ERROL HARRY STEVEN ROBERT JAMES DANIEL HARRY THOMAS PATRICIA JAMES ROSE ARMOND PAVEL DORAN MICHELLE BRIAN SON KWANG DRU DALE RANDY SIMMIE THEODIS WILLIE CHADD GEORGE BRADLEY JIMMY KIM PAUL SANFORD DANIELLE DIORRY MARK MICHAEL TOM PIERE JEFFREY LABETH BARBARA JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JOO JORDAN JORDAN JORGENSEN JOSEPH JOYCE JUAN JUAN Chino JUAREZ JUE JUNG KADY KAGEYAMA KAIL KANDA KANE KARIEM KARPE KARPE KARST KARVONEN KASHYAP KASSARAS KAZEKA KEINO KELLEY KELLEY KELLOGG KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELSO KEMP KENDRICKS KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KERR KESSINGER KEZELE KHACHATORE KHOLOSTOY KIDD KIENEL KIEP KIM KIM KIM KIMBALL KIMBLE KINCHENS KINERMON KING KING KING KING KIRK KIRKWOOD KITE KLEIN KLEIN KLOSS KNIGHT KNOX KNOX KOEHLER KORDICK KOVAKKA KRETZMER VINCENT DALE EARL EARL NESTOR DANIEL BRUCE ALFRED PATRICIA GUY KENNETH MANUEL JAMES JOHN RENE MARY SERENA KERMIT JAMES THOMAS JESSE JOHN MICHAEL MICHAEL LARRY JEFFREY RICHARD LOUIS DONALD VAUGHN LEROY KENNETH DON WILLIAM MICHAEL A SANDRA JUAN BARBARA MELVIN MICHAEL SPENCER RICK GIR ROBERT KURT SANG CHARLES CHINA HOWARD DONG ALDEN MICHAEL CHARLES GEORGE JEROME TRINIDAD CARLOS JUAN JULIE HECTOR DAVID CRAIG BENJAMIN STEVE BERT CHARLES RICHARD CLARK BRENDA DONALD EARL ALFREDO TJIA BRIAN RONNIE KRIZ KRZYWICKI KUBIK KURTZ LA BONTE LA FARGO LA VOIE LACROIX LAFRANCE LAGROE, JR LAKODUK LAMAS JR LAMB LAMBETH LAMOTHE LAMOTTE LAND LANDRY LANE LANG LANGARICA LARIMORE LARRY LARSEN LARSON LARSON LARSON LASKEY LASTER LATOUR LATTIER LAURENCE LAWRENCE LAWS JR LAWSON LAWTON LAWTON LAZO LEACHMAN LEASSEAR JR LEBACK LEDLOW LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEIDIG LENMARK LENNINGTON LENNON LEON LEON LEON LEON-COTA LEPAGE LESCOT LESSARD LETENDRE LEVEY LEVINE LEWE LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS JR LEYBAS LIAN LIGGETT LIGORRIA RICHARD LINDSAY JOSE FRANCISCO THOMAS ROGER CHARLIE ROBERT ANDREW ROSS STANFORD DARRELL JAMES RUSSELL WILLIAM LESTER GERARDO JOSEPH ALBERT RUBEN JOSE WALTER OSCAR ESTRELLA ISAAC JOHN BERNARDINO ARMANDO EDUARDO EFRAIN MATEO ANTHONY RICHARD SAMUEL FRED TITO RUDY MANUEL MIGUEL JOSE MARIO FRANCISCO PATRICIA MICHAEL JUAN RITA ANGELO ANTONIO JESUS JOSE JOHN ROGER ZACHARY JAMES SENDA THADEUS DEBORAH MANLY MARCO ALAND KEN PARKER MANUEL RAUL RICHARD RAUL RAYMOND GENE TERRANCE OLIN LUCRETIA TRACI DORIS RONALD ANDREW 38 LILLIS JR LILLY LIMA LINARES LINGENFELTE LINN LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE JR LITWIN LIVINGSTON LIVINGSTON LOEHNDORF LOEST LOGAN LOGAN LOMELIN LONG LOONEY LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ LOPEZ VASQUEZ LORENZO LOUDAMY LOVE JR LOVELACE LOVELACE LOWE LOWRY LOYA LOZANO LOZANO LUBIN LUCAS LUCERO LUJAN LUKVEC LUNA LUNA III LUNDWALL Jr LUNG LUPER LUSTER LYLES LYNN MACARI MACEACHERN DAVID CARMEN FLORENTINO REBECCA CHRISTOPHER CLEOPHAS ELIZABETH SCOTT STUART JAMES MICHAEL JOSE GILBERT FERNANDO ARTHUR ISAAC ISAAC GREGORY DAVID SAMMY LUIS JERRY JOSE MARK KEVIN FRANCISCO ADAN ENRIQUE CLARA REUBEN JANNETTE RAYMOND TODD JAMES KENNETH ANTONIO ERNESTO JUAN GREGORY WALTER DAVID CLINT JOHN SHIRLEY STEVEN EDDIE DANIEL MARIALOUISA CONCEPCION LOUIS SANTIAGO ROGER TRINIDAD MICHAEL ANTONIO JOE MIGUEL JULIAN EDGAR MARIO MARGARITA ADAN JUAN JOHNNY TONY JR. VICTOR GUILLERMO JOSE NELSON JOSEPH SARKIS MICHAEL RENIKA JAMES BARBARA STEVEN MACIAS MACIAS MACIAS MACIEL MACK MACK JR MACKENZIE MACKENZIE MACLEAN MACMURRAY MACRIS MADRID, JR MAESTAS MAGANA MAGANA MAILLELLE MAILLELLE MALJIAN MALLEY MALONE MALTEZ MALVIN MANDUJANO MANEIRO MANEY MANRIQUE MANRIQUEZ MANZO MARCY MARDIROSSIA MARECK MARIN MARKILLIE MARKOVICH MARLOW MARQUEZ MARQUEZ MARQUEZ MARQUEZ MARROQUIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTINE MARTINE MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTINEZ MARTIROSYAN MASON MASON MASON MASON MASON JOSE ROY JANICE PEDRO CLIFFORD CARL TIMOTHY BOBBY DREW CHARLES BILL LUIS JERRY RANDY NATHAN EDWIN TEFONI JOHN MICHAEL JERRY COBY CRIS BRENDA BERNARD FRANKLIN LYNN RICHARD EZELL VALERIE WALTER LARRY PAUL LEONARD KERRY CARL SPENCER KENNETH VERNON NATHANIEL LAWRENCE HAROLD DIEDRE DENNIS JOHN HARRIGAN MACK LAWRENCE ELLIOTT JOHN JOHN MICHAEL KEVIN ROBERT JAMIE GLENN DANIEL DOUGLAS THOMAS JOHNNIE MARIA AUGUSTIN STEVE BARBARA ROSENDO JOHN RUBEN ABEL DANIEL JUAN FRANCISCO JUAN BRUCE RICHARD JESSIE DIPOLITO MATA MATHIS MATHUES MATIAS MATLOCK MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MAXWELL MAXWELL MAXWOLD MAY JR. MAYEN MAYES MAYS MAYWEATHER MAZARIEGOS MAZEN MAZZONE MC CORMICK MC NEIL MCBEE MCCAIN MCCARVERY MCCLENTON MCCLIMAN MCCLOUD MCCLURE MCCONNELL MCCORVEY MCCOY MCCRACKEN MCCULLA MCCUNE MCCURDY MCCUTCHEON JR MCDANIELS MCDAVID MCDOWELL MCDOWELL MCELVANE MCFALL MCFRAZIER MCGILL MCGLON MCGOSKI MCGOWAN Jr MCGREW MCGUIRE MCINTOSH MCLEES MCMAHAN MCMASTER MCMULLEN MCNEAL MCNEIL MCQUARIE MCSWEENEY MCWILLIAMS MEDINA MEDINA MEDINA MEDLIN MEDLOCK MEDRANO MEEKS MEJIA MEJIA MEJIA MEJIA MEJIA MELGOZA MELLIES MELTON MENA MENDEZ OSCAR FLEIX BALDOMERO REYNALDO JOSE FELIPE PABLO JOSEPH GUADALUPE DAVID ROGELIO MATTHEW TIMOTHY DEBRA FELIX CHARLES PATRICIA MATTHEW LUIS SYLVIA VALERIA PATINO GUILBERTO JOHN MICHAEL DEBRA KURT PAUL STEVEN RICKY JEFFREY KEVIN WILLIAM HENRY DAVID BRYAN DOLPHIS JOE WILLIAM RONALD RICHARD KENNETH MICHAEL RICHARD WILLIAM CHESTER MANUEL PETE DAVID CHARLES SIDNEY WILBUR LORENZO JON WILLIAM JAMES CARLOS JUAN ANGELINA JOHN LAWRENCE GERALD KAREN CHARLES JESSE DAVID MAXIMILIANO LAURENTINO FREDERICK THEODORE LOLETHA VINCENTE JOSE GUSTAVO EMERSON ROBERT 39 MENDEZ MENDEZ MENDEZ MENDIBLES MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MERCER MERCER MERGAREJO MERITY MERJANIAN MERRITT MESA MEZA MICKENS MIGUEL MIJANGOS MIKITA MILANO MILES MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER, JR MILLIKAN MILLS MINICH MINKLE JR MIRAMONTES MIRAMONTEZ MIRANDA MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MOCHERMAN MOHAWK MOLDER MOLINA MOLINA MOLINA MOLLRING MONET MONK MONROE MONROY MONTANEZ MONTEMAYOR MONTES MONTES MONTGOM MONTGOM MONTGOMER MONTOYA MONTOYA MONTUFAR MONZON MOORE JAMES DONNIE GEORGE CHARRIA DAISY FRANK JAYJAY ROBERT GLENN PRENTISS RUTILO JULIO GUADALUPE EUGENE JUAN PEDRO CLARK FRANCISCO JOSE MIGUEL MIGUEL ANTHONY JESUS KRISTI GARCIA JOSE PAULA EUGENE GILBERT FERNANDO TERRY KEITH RUSSELL BILLIE GARY JILL SUSAN MATTHEW PETER COREY BOYCE SAMUEL ROBERT ANDREW JOHN LOUISE HERBERT JAMES CARLOS ARTHUR ROMEO MARCO AARON ENRIQUE ROBERT ANTHONY RONALD WILLIE JOHN GARY ALLAN VALSI JAMES MICHELLE RAFAEL ANGELA REBECCA JOSE JOSEPH ERNESTO BENITO FERNANDO AUGUSTO LUBY HOWARD MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE JR MORA MORA MORA MORA MORA MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORALES MORAN MOREIRA MORELLO MORENO MORENO MORGAN MORISETTE MORRILL MORRIS MORRIS MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORTENSON MOSBY MOSES MOSLEY JR MOSQUEDA MOTYLEWSKI MRAKOVICH MULL MULLENIX MUMOLO MUNOZ MUNOZ MUNOZ MUNOZ MUNOZ MURILLO MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURRAY MUSHEGAN MYERS MYLES MYLONOPOUL OS NAILS NAPIER NARVAEZ NASARIO NAVA NAVA NAVA NAVA NAVAREZ NAVARRET NAZCHO NEAL NEAL JR BRENT JAMES ERNESTO FREDERICK THOMAS BOBBY CHARLES WILLIAM JASON ALBERT SAM LUCHEL HAI NORTON KENNETH CINDY LEE PAUL PAUL MICHAEL CARLOS KARL JOSEPH GARY JUAN FRANCISCO MARTIN CAROL MARIA WILLARD CRAIG MIGUEL CHRISTINE PATRICIA JIMMY MELVIN SYLVIA MUSHI JUAN OLIVER JORGE JESUS BRIEAN RAY HELEN GUILLARMO CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY EMILY JUAN SANTOS HECTOR BENIGNO CARLOS MYRA JOSEPH PAUL JOSE FERNANDO PATRICIA MONETTE HARRY EVERETT GLEN CHARLES JACQUELINE WILLIAM ROBERT GILBERTO JOSE MARK ORLANDO MICHAEL PASCUAL RENE STEPHEN NELMS NELSON NELSON NELSON NELSON NELSON NELSON JR NEMEC JR. NERREN NETTER NEWBANKS JR NEWTON, Jr NGUYEN NICHOLS NICHOLS NICHOLSON NICKERSON NIELSEN NIGRO NILSON NINO NIX NOBILE NOLAN NOLASCO NOPALES NOPERI NORIEGA NORRIS NORWOOD NOWLIN NUCAMEDI NUGENT NUNEZ NUNEZ NUNN NUNN NUNN OCEGUERA OCHOA OCHOA OCHOA ODESSKY ODOM OH OJEDA OLIVAN OLMEDA OLSON ORDONEZ ORELLANA ORNELA ORNELAS ORNELAS OROZCO OROZCO OROZCO ORTIZ ORTIZ-HER OSBORNE OSBORNE OSSNER OSTERHOUD OSTIC OSWALD OVSAK OWENS OYE PABON PADILLA PADILLA PADILLA PADWORSKI PAHUA PALACIOS PALMER BOBBY DAVID ROGER ALBERT ROBERT SUSAN TESSIE WILLIAM MAURICE ESCO HELENA STEVEN JOSEPH MICHAEL FILIPO PALMER PALMER PANNETON PAPPIN JR PAREDES PARENTEAU PARK PARKER PARKS PARSONS PASCH PASCHEL PASOL PASQUIN PATELESIO PATERNOSTE R PATRIQUIN-W PATTERSO PATTERSON PATTERSON PATTERSON PAUL PAVESE PAVON PAVON PAXTON PAYAN PAYSON PAYTON PEARL PEARSON PEDERSON PEDRAZA PEDROZA PEGG PELAAYO PEMBERTON PENA PENA PENA PENA PATIN PENNEY PENNINGTON PENNIX PENSON PEOQUINTO PERALES PEREA JR PERELTA PEREYDA PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ PEREZ HERNA PERINE PERIR PERKINS PERO CRAIG PATRICIA DESHONAY RODNEY LILLIAN JAMES NANCY JONATHAN ORLANDO MARIO JOHN MIGUEL JOHN CLINTON WILLIAM MYLES RONALD ELIAS JESUS LARRY FELIX RICK RUBEN JOSE STELLA DOMINGO JEFFREY GARY OZZIE ALBERT ARTURO ANTONIO RAUL MARIE GAYLE BERNARDO ELIZABETH MICHAEL DALILA MIGUEL JUAN GUILLERMO ADRIAN VICTOR MARVIN RUBEN FERNANDO HERMAN LUIS AUSENCIO PATRICIA VICTOR MIGUEL MORO ROLANDO JOSE IRA AMBROSIO JAMES JOSHUA 40 RICHARD SCOTT WILLIAM JACQUELINE JOHN THERESA PATRICK KRISTINE JOE HOWARD DAVID LEON JAMES REYNALDO PETER ALBERT RUBEN LUIS HUMBERTO EFREN MAYRA JOHN OTONIEL JERRY STEPHEN GEORGE BING KATHERINE ELEANOR LIONEL FORREST PEDRO MICHAEL CLARENCE PAUL DYLAN WILLIAM SHARON JOSEPH FRANCISCO SUMENDRA RONNIE JOHN JOHN HAILE PETER DODD WILLIAM EDWARD GINA ABEL LUIS KAREN LEE GLENN VINCENTE ALBERTO FRANCISCO FIDEL JICK THOMAS ROBERT THOMAS CHARLES ROBERT JOHN JAMES GUADALUPE PEDRO MARCELINO EDWARD CARLOS JESUS JOSE HILARIO VENTURA PERREIRA PERRY PERRY PETERSO PETERSON PETERSON PETRONE PETTIBONE PETTIES PETTY PHEBUS PHIFER PHILLIPS PICAYO PICINISCO PIDWELL PIEDRA PIMENTEL PINEDA PINEDA PINEDA PLASK PLEITES PLINENTON POCILUK POCK POCK POHL POLIMER POLK POLLARD PONCE POOLE PORTER PORTILLO POWELL POWELL POWELL POWELL PRADO PRASAD PRATER PRATT PRESCOTT PRESTON PREW PRIDE PROCTOR PRUETT PSAL PULIDO PULIDO PURCARO QUIJANO QUINN QUINTANILL QUINTERO QUINTERO QUINTEROS QUON RABINE RACE RAIDT RAINES RAITT RAKISITS RAMEY RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMIREZ RAMOS RAMOS RAMOS GABRIEL JOHN GREGORY CATHERINE RAQUEL JOSEPH BRUCE MICHAEL EDWARD PAULA JOHN LUEVENEA DAVID GUILLERMO LUIS ANTHRONE CECIL TOM JACK KEYANTE MYRU MARTIN CHARLES NANCY RICHARD ROY PATRICK LOUIE (Luis) RUSSELL RINA WILLIAM ERNESTO DOUGLAS HOMER LEANN CELOLIO JOY FRANCISCO ROMEL SALVADOR GREGORIO JOSE RAFAEL MOISES RICARDO COLLEEN MIGUEL JESUS ROBERT RUBEN JOSE CARLOS JAMES JOSEPH RODNEY GLENN DAVID RONALD DORIAN STEVEN KAREN WILLIAM HERBERT BRENT SHEILA STEPHEN CALVIN JEFFREY LAVELLE DAVID FRANCISCO ANTONIO VICTOR JUAN CHRISTOPHER RAMOS RAMSEY RANDALL RANDALL RANGEL RANKIN RANSDELL RAPP RASAK RATHBURN RAVENCRAFT RAY RAYFORD RAYMUND RAZO RECARLO REDDING REED REED REED REED REED REED REED REEDER REES REEVES REGALAD REINER REISFEDERMAN REITER REMIJIO RENAUD RENDER RENETZKY RENNER RENTERIA RENTERIA RESENDIZ REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYES REYNOLDS REYNOSO RHODES RICE RICE RICHARD RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDSON RICHERS RIDLEY RIEHL RIESSEN RIGGINS RIGLER RIGMAIDEN RINDLES RIOS RIOS RIOS RIOS RIOS ROGER HECTOR JUAN FELIPE ROBERT MARTIN GENE JOSE CARLOS CATHY OSCAR JULIO WILFREDO HIRAM ANTONIO CAMPOS MARTHA ARNETTA CHRIS RICHARD DAVID WILLIAM JONATHAN LEONARDO CRAIG JAMES ROBERT ROWENA MICHAEL VENUS KEVIN FRANCISCO TIMOTHY SALVADOR EVERADO ARMANDO GEORGE ANTONIO JOSE RALPH PETE JOSE MOISES EMILO VIRGINIA CARLOS SANDRA JUAN ROY RAMIRO JOHN JOSEPH ROBERT EDWARD ARMANDO ANGEL EDITH FRANK MARTIN MALCOLM HAROLD KENNETH FREDRICK GARY DOUGLAS ORVILLE JUAN FRANCISCO JUAN ANTONIO EDNA COLEN CASTANEDA JESUS JAVIER ERICK RISO RIVAS RIVAS RIVAS RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERA RIVERO ROBELIO ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS JR ROBIC ROBINETT ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBISON ROCHA RODABAUGH RODGERS RODGERS RODGERS RODRIGUE RODRIGUE RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ RODRIQUEZ ROE ROEDER ROGERS ROGERS ROGERS ROGERS ROGERS ROGERS ROJAS ROJAS ROJO-VALDEZ ROLDAN ROMAN ROMANO ROMERO ROMERO ROMERO ROMERO 41 JULIAN MIKE OTIS JOHN CARLOS BAUDELIO DANNY RODNEY MARK MADELINE NATHAN STEVEN DANIEL DUWAYNE KONSTANTEN OS HOWARD REX JOE JOSE DANNY ALEXANDER JOAQUIN ANTONIO LEONARDO STEPHEN ANNIE DON NICHOLAS AGNES ROBERT PATRICK JOHN ROGER KENNETH STEPHEN ROGELIO WILLIE VALADIMIR CARLOS AVELINO MARGARITA RAYMOND OSCAR LAURA ELOI JOSE MOSES RAYMOND LEON JUAN JAIME FRANCISCO ANTHONY JOHNNY DONALD RAYMOND DEBORAH HENRY EDUARDO SALVADOR MYNOR LUIS JUAN MANUEL ERNEST RODOLFO JUAN JAVIER DAVID JIM JOHN ELICERO MIGUEL PABLO JOSE ROMO ROOT ROOTS ROQUEMORE ROSALES ROSALES ROSARIO ROSE ROSENBROCK ROSS ROSSBACH ROTHELL, JR ROULEAU ROUSTER ROUT RUBIN RUBIN RUELAS JR RUIZ RUIZ RUIZ RUIZ RUIZ RUIZ RUP RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSO RUTHLEDGE RYAN RYAN SAATHOFF SABIN SABINE SABO SACEDO SAFFORE JR. SAKHOROV SALAS SALAZAR SALAZAR SALAZAR SALAZAR SALAZAR SALAZAR SALCEDO SALCEDO SALDANA SALGADO SALGADO SALIS SALOMON SAMARCO JR SAMPSON SAMPSON SAN MARTIN SAN PEDRO SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANCHEZ SANDERS SANDERS SANDLER SANDOVAL SANDOVAL SANOR SANTANA GUADALUPE GUADALUPE TEODORO STEVEN JESUS JULIO REBECCA MICHAEL WILLIAM DON HELEN SEAN LINDA FLORENCE AROUNKONE JEFFREY RALPH MARK ROBERT IRINA TOMMY PAUL DAEL TAMMY WILLIAM KURT BEAU MARLINA ALEXANDER JOYCE DAVID AUSTIN ANTHONY JOHN XAVIER DION ROBERT ELIJAH LEONARD JEFFREY RAMON THERESA RAFAEL DOMINGO LUIS MONICA JACOBO MARK GLORIA MANUEL DANIEL RIGOBERTO ERIC JEFFERY ANTHONY ROGER SCOTT ALLEN RICHARD KARRY RICHARD JOSEPH ROBERT JERRY RICKEY BYRON JAMES PAUL JOHN PAUL ROBERT LOREN JAMES DENVER TIMOTHY SANTANA SANTANA SANTILLAN SANZ SAPIEN SARCENOLEE SARKISSIAN SARNICOLA SAUCERMAN SAULS SAUNDERS SAVAGE SAVOREN SAXTON SAYCOCI SCAGGS SCHAAL SCHACKNIES SCHAFFER SCHERZMANN SCHEUCH SCHLEIGER SCHMIDT SCHMOE SCHNOOR SCHOLTZ SCHOTT SCHULTZ SCHUPPER SCOGGINS SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT III SCOTT, JR SCRUGGS JR SEGALE SEGOVIA SENART SENDEJAS SEPULVEDA SEPULVEDA SEPULVEDA SERA SERENO SERNA SERNA SESSIONS SEVILLA SHACKELFOR D SHADE SHAIA SHAIN SHAND SHANE SHARGOTS SHARP SHARP SHARPE SHAW SHELBURN SHELTON SHELTON SHERMAN SHERMAN SHERROD SHIELDS SHON SHROYER SHUMAKER SHUPE SIEVERT ALBERT BRADLEY JAVIER ARTURO LUIS GARY RANDY MARY RECY TAKESHA RUSSELL MICHAEL BOBBY MITCHELL RUDY RANDY WILLIAM PATRICK RONALD DONALD JACKIE TYRONE LARRY TINA NICHOLAS SEAN LEE KATHRYN FRANK NOAH KATHERINE THOMAS SAM DOUGLAS OWEN ANTWON GARY GEORGE JEROME RAYMOND LESLIE CHRISTOPHER PAUL WILLIE WILLIAM GARY CRISTIAN MILFORD MARION WILLIAM EDWARD DONALD JERRY ANTHONY TERRY CAROL MANUEL LUCIA CARMEN MIGUEL GREGORY WOODROW MIGUEL DAVID EDITH FRANCISCO JOSE WILFREDO RICHARD PAUL GILBERT LARRY CHARLIE SEAN ANGEL FRANKLYN 42 SIKORSKY SILLETTO SILVA SILVA SILVA SIMON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMS SIMS SIMS SINGLETON SINGLETON SINK SIQUEIROS SKELY SLATON SLEEPER SMALL SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH JR SNOWBERGER SNOWDEN SNYDER SNYDER SODEN SOISTMAN SOKOLOWSKI SOLARES SOLIS SOLIZ SOLTERO SOMBRERO SORENSEN SOSA SOTELO SOTO SOTO SOTO SOTO SOTUYO SOUZA SPAGNOLI SPEED SPENCE SPENCER SPENCER SPICER JOSEPH RONALD ANTHONY EZEKIEL ROY LINWOOD KURT JOSEPH PHILIP ANTHONY ORAN GEORGE ROY JEFFREY WALTER WILLIAM TRACY HOLGER NORMAN WILLIAM TROY WILLARD LENTON MAURICE JIMMIE RICHARD ALLEN JAMES ROYAL DIANE ANTHONY VINCENT BRUCE WILLIAM MICHAEL MARK MICHAEL SCOTT WILLIE DON MICHAEL RICHARD CALVIN LINDA GABRIEL EARLENE WILLIAM RUSSELL VINCENT JOSEPH ERWIN ROBERT LOUIS YUZO WALTER GARY ANTOINETTE OBRA STEFAN ROBERT VERONICA WILLIAM DONALD MATTHEW ROBERT GREGORIO NADINE JOSE JOSE MANUEL RICHARD GEORGE GLORIA LEOPOLO BRIAN MICHELE SPIDELL SPIGHT SPIRTOS SPIVEY SPRUCE SPRUILL ST. GERMAIN ST. PETER ST. PIERRE STAFFORD STAGG STALLWORTH STAND STANDISH STANFILL STANLEY STANLEY STARKE STAUFFER STAVROPOUL STEELE STEELE STEPHENS STEPHENS STEPHENS STETSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STIDHUM STITT STONE STONE STOUCH STOVER STRAITEN STRANGER STRONACH STRONG STROUD STRUYS STRYCHARZ STUARD STUMP SUAREZ SUGGS SUMMERS SUMMERVILL SUMMO JR SUPERNAULT SUPOLY SURRATT SUSAETA SUTALO SUTHERBY SUTHERS SUTTON SUTTON JR SWAN SWANSON SR SWAYNGIM SWEENEY SWETNAM SZETO TAITT TALAMANTE TALAMANTES TAMAYO TAMAYO TAMBRIZ TANKERSLEY TAPIA TAPIA TAPIA TAPLIN TARLOW GUADALUPE STEVE WILLIE LAWRENCE GERARDO RICHARD PETER WILLIAM MILTON MICHAEL MICHAEL FRANK ANTOINE FLOYD RAMON BENNY DUSAN PAUL JOHN FRANKLIN KEVIN ROGER HIEN GARY FREDDIE CONSTANCE PHILLIP CHARLES MARCUS JOSEPH STEVEN MARTIN CHARLES MILTON DANIEL RICHARD WANDA ROBERT RAYMOND HARRY MARK THOMAS DEBORAH JERRY THOMAS FRANK ALLEN SHERRY ROBIN MICHAEL HERBERT NATHAN WAYNE RICHARD JOSE GEORGE ISMAEL RAUL CLARA LUIS BRENT FERNANDO JOSE GARY GUILLERMO ALBERTO MARIO MARIO BABY GIRL ALFRED ANDREW JOSE ANTHONY CARL TRAVLEN DAVID TARZO TATA TATE TATE JR TAVARES TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TEDDER TELLEZ TEMPLE TENIAK TENNIS TERRY TERRY TERRY THACKERSON THAI THIERRY THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS III THOMAS JR THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON JR THORNTON THORSBORNE THORTON THURSTON TICE TIERNAN TILLMAN TILS TIMIRIND TIMMONS TIPTON TITUS TIZNOR TODT TOLEDO TOMAHAWK TOMAS TOME TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TORRES TOTH TOVAR TRAHAN III TRAVIS TRAVIS TRENBERTH STACY PATRICIA JERI WILLIAM CYNTHIA WILLIAM PAUL CHARLES CHARLES THOMAS THOMAS BRENDA GAYNOR GREGORY VICTOR MELVIN JOHNNY JOHNNY EDWARD WILLIE MARGARET ERNESTO FRANK RAPHEAL CARLOS JIMMY ALEX JUAN LORENA CLAUDIA WILLIAM MIGUEL PAULINE GUINARDO ROBERT JOSE LAURA JOSE AGUSTIN RUDOLPH NORA JOHN DEAN RAY JOSE ANTONIO JOHNNY ANGEL CHRISTOPHER ROBERT JUAN JANIE ROY WALTER HECTOR DAVID MICHAEL MICHAEL JOSE JESUS JAIME STUART IRENE PEDRO EDDIE PEDRO LARRY MILTON NORMA MALCOLM ROBERT LUPE DAVID MIGUEL JUANA LEOPOLD 43 TRESKES TRINIDAD TROTTER TRUJILLO TUCKER TULLY TUMMINELLI TURK TURNER TURNER TURNER TURNER TURNER TURNER TUTULLI TYLER TYSON TYSON SR. UCCELLINI ULLOA ULLOA UMANA UNDERWOOD USHER VALDES VALDEZ VALDEZ VALDIVIESO VALDOVINOS VALENCIA VALENCIA VALENCIA VALENCIA VALENZUEL VALENZUELA VALENZUELA VALESQUEZ VALLADARES VALLE VALLEJO VALLES VANTOL VANZANDT VARELA VARGAS VARGAS VARGAS VARGAS VARGAS VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VASQUEZ VAUGHAN VDOVKIN VEGA VELASCO VELASQUEZ VELASQUEZ VELASQUEZ VELASQUEZ VENEGAS VENTURO VERA VERRETT VIERA VILAS, IV VILLAGAS VILLALOBOS VILLANUEVA VILLARREAL VILLEGAS VINCENT JAMES DAVID JOHN WILLIE EDWARD EVELYN RUDOLPH ROBERT WILLIAM KENTON STEPHEN JAMES HILLIARD WABEYUMA GAYLE DELTON ANDRE DOUGLAS CYNTHIA CALVIN COLEMAN SYLVIA NORMAN CALVIN GEOFFREY SHARON MICHAEL WILLIE HOWARD CALVIN CAROL DONNA ALVIN DONALD WILLIAM HARRY YVONNE GEORGE MONICA CHARLES DAVID MAESHAN MAXINE ANNE DOROTHY ANITA PAMELA ANTHONY JEFFREY LARRY JAMES THEODORE EDWARD VICKY ROBERT GILBERT BJORN STEVEN ALAN DENSON ROBERT PHILIP ENELL JAMES DONNIE BRIAN VINCENT STEVEN MILTON DANNY DAVID CONSTANCE GEORGE MICHAEL BRETT RONALD VIRGIN VITOSH VOLLENWEIDER WADE WADE WAGNER WAGNER WAGNER WALDMANN WALDRON WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLS WALLS WALTER WALTER WARD WARD JR WARNER WARREN WARTHAN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON WATKINS WATKINS WATROUS WATSON WATSON WATSON WATTERS WAUGH WAY WAY WEAVER WEBB WEBSTER WEIR WEISSBACH WELCH WELLS WELLS, III WERCHINSKI WESLEY WEST WEST WESTLY WETZEL WEXLER WHEELIS WHIPPLE WHITBECK WHITE WHITE WHITEHURST WHITNEY WIBERG JR WIERSEMA WIGGINS WIGGINS WILCOX WILKERSO WILKERSON WILKERSON WILKS WILLIAMS BRODERICK WALTER JAMES KIRK MARVIN RUFUS DARRYL PAUL TERRY MARION BRUCE CLYDINE DAVID THOMAS JULES CLIFFORD LOVERT YOLANDA HENRY JOAN TIMOTHY GARY CAROL TONETTE LUKE JESSIE HOWELL RAYMOND ALEISHA HARRY KEITH MICHAEL ALBERT GERALD EDWARD PETER VICTOR RODGENIA WILLIAM JOSEPH DONALD KEVIN JOHN CHARLES ERICK ERIC FERDINAND DAN JAMES MICHAEL CAROLYN DONALD NICHOLE WILLIE RHODA PAUL HENRY RODNEY CAROL SHIRLEY EDWARD LARRY NICOLAS WILLIAM ROBERT CEDRIC TIFFANY ELIHUE KENNETH HENRY ANDRE JAMES JOSEPH BENJAMIN SALVADOR LOUIS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS JR WILLIAMS, J WILLIAMSON WILLIS WILLIS, JR WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON III WIMBERLY WINSTON WINTERS WISE IV WITHERS WOOD WOOD WOOD WOOD WOOD WOODARD WOODS WOODS WOODS III WOODY WOTRING WOZNIAK WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT JR WRIGHTSMAN WYATT YANCY YIANAKOPULO YNFANTE YONKO YOON YORK YORKE YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNGBLOOD ZACK ZAMORA ZAMORA ZARAGOZA JOHN GUADALUPE MICHELLE AUGUSTO GUILLERMO GREGORY ROBERT RAUN COLIN MICHAEL AGAPITO ZAVALA ZAVALE ZEMAK ZEPEDA ZEPEDA-AL ZERA ZICARI ZICARI ZIMMERMAN ZMUDSKY ZUNIGA 44
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