St. Mark’s Catholic Community March 8, 2015 Pastor ~ Rev. Ben Uhlenkott Parochial Vicar ~ Rev. Bruno Mgaya Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday~ Tuesday~ Wednesday~ Thursday~ Friday~ Saturday ~ 8 am 8 am 8 am 8 am 8:30 am 8 am Anointing of Sick/ End of Life 914-3472 Sunday Liturgy Schedule Saturday ~ 5 pm Sunday~8:30 am, 11 am, 5 pm Sacraments Baptism~ Class held on the second Saturday of each month at 10 am Reconciliation~ Saturday~ 3:00 pm Marriage~ Arrangements must be made four months in advance St. Mark’s Catholic Community 7960 Northview Boise, ID 83704 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm Sunday 9:30 am -11 am, 12 pm - 1 pm Wednesday 6 pm - 8 pm Parish Schools St. Mark’s Elementary 375-6654 7503 Northview, Boise, 83704 Mark Hopkins, Principal— Phone: 375-6651 Bishop Kelly High School Office 375-6010 Mike Caldwell, Principal— Fax: 375-3211 Anointing of Sick/ End of Life 914-3472 Rosary Devotions Rosary for Peace and Evening with Mary Monday at 7 pm (Adoration Chapel) Prayer Chain St. Mark’s has a prayer chain that prays for the needs of all and would like to pray for you. If you need prayer for any reason please call Janet Clark at 377-4789, or the parish office at 375-6651, or email [email protected] Parish Office Staff Business Coordinator Facilities Maintenance Finance Administrator Development Director Pastoral Associate—Ministries Office Manager Chuck Nelson Sergio Gonzalez Matt Lee Deb Miller Amy Wong-Little Phyllis Sawyer Marisela Baca Faith Formation Directors Sean Forrest Thomas Bailey Wendy Sleisher Debbie Campbell Catherine Calovich 24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration Kathy Webster Coordinator 853-5888 Youth Ministry Jr. High Youth Ministry Youth Sacramental Preparation 3-5th Grade Faith Formation Pre–School Faith Formation E-mail Addresses Parish Staff -first initial last name Music Director Katie Pape [email protected] Bulletin Items Bulletin items are due on Friday, 9 days before the Sunday in which they appear. Please email announcements to Chuck at: [email protected]. Development Message Thank you to everyone who has made a commitment of financial and prayerful support to the Appeal. Each and every gift is important. If you have not yet done so, we ask that you make your commitment today in order to provide the resources needed to continue vital diocesan programs, such as our seminarian formation, lay ministry training, counseling services and campus ministries at BSU, ISU and U of I. With every parishioner’s meaningful participation, we will succeed in reaching our goal of $173,735. Liturgical Ministries Outreach Extraordinary Ministers Dcn. Mike Lowe—559~3752, [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Barry & Jeanne Fitzgerald—376-2624, [email protected] Lectors Judy Ditter—376-1056 Ushers Pat Lind—377-4368, [email protected] Greeters Christine Haener —861-7359, [email protected] Altar Servers Mary Pasker—376-9122, [email protected] Liturgical Ministry Scheduler Gayle O’Donnell—939-0871, [email protected] Food Bank Teresa Taylor Raoul Johnson 327-0345 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Council of Catholic Women Mary Glenn—345-2723, [email protected] Funeral Information Dcn Mike Lowe—559~3752, [email protected] Megan Heying Page 1 Young Adult Ministry [email protected] The St. Mark’s Story St. Mark’s Garden Ministry “…it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” Matthew 13:32 St. Mark’s Garden Ministry is planting seeds to feed the spirit and the body. The mission of the ministry is twofold. Fresh produce is supplied to the St. Mark’s Food bank through the parishioner cared for Garden of Plenty and through donations of seeds for gardeners who grow the food at home and then donate to the food bank. The second facet of the ministry is to provide gardening space where refugees can raise vegetables to feed their families. The garden not only empowers the refugees to care for their families, it creates an opportunity to rebuild friendships and a sense of a community family that was lost when they fled to the United States. Currently there are 28 plots held by refugee families with a waiting list for more. We plan to add 6 additional plots this year. Would you like to get involved? Here are some easy ways to assist this valuable ministry who is truly fulfilling a need. Join us in the Garden of Plenty on Tuesday and Saturday mornings to tend the plants and harvest the vegetables for the food bank, or contact us if you need to come during a non-gathering time. We are happy to show you how to help anytime. Donate through the Respect Life Plant sale in the spring (they provide tomato and pepper starts to refugees which along with corn and beans are the main staple crops) Donate the use of a tiller. Finding a way to till nearly an acre of land in the spring is becoming more challenging as we expand. If you have access to a tiller or know of a resource we can contact, please let us know. Keep an eye out for bulletin announcements. We will be posting our big garden prep dates as they are finalized. These are fun and rewarding work opportunities! For more information please contact Shylo Evans at 340- 2150 or [email protected] or Gordon Jones at [email protected] Thank you to the church. Having the garden has helped my family. It is also something that we used to do back home, and helps make Boise feel like home —Lazaro We thank God we got a garden. The smallest plot helps a lot. Thanks for being there for others who need a place to get a plot…we are thankful for those who have a heart to keep givingnever give it up. —Maria Page 2 Thank you for providing the garden. I can plant beans and corn and my family likes the fresh food. I can also help others by providing food. —John Parish Calendar and Upcoming Events Parish Weekly Calendar Sunday, March 08, 2015 7:00 am Choir Rehearsal 8:30 AM Sunday Mass 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Sunday Mass 11:00 am RCIA Dismissal 2:00 pm Evangelization Music Practice 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Monday, March 09, 2015 6:00 am Monday Morning Men's Prayer Group 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Quilters 10:00 am Daniel Plan 10:00 am Library Ministry 1:00 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 6:00 pm Pneuma Dancers 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Evangelization Retreat meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 1:00 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 6:00 pm Cursillo 4th Day Group 6:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm School of Leaders - Cursillo 7:00 pm Legion of Mary 7:00 pm RCIA 7:00 pm Respect Life Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Centering Prayer 9:00 am Rosary Makers 10:00 am Jesus With Us Prayer Group 1:00 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 7:00 pm 8:30 am Choir Rehearsal Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:00 am Reel Men 8:00 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Cursillo - 4th Day Women 9:00 am Home School Co-Op 9:00 am St. Mark's Playgroup 12:30 pm Living Stations of the Cross Rehearsal 5:30 pm Yoga 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus 7:00 pm Jake's Music Ministry 7:00 pm Reel Men Friday, March 13, 2015 8:30 am Daily Mass 9:00 am Creed Sacramental Bible Study 9:30 am Living Stations 11:00 am Library Ministry 1:30 pm Living Stations of the Cross 5:00 pm Knights of Columbus Fish Fry 6:30 pm Living Stations of the Cross Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:00 am Daily Mass 8:30 am Carmelites 9:00 am Small Faith Facilitator Meeting 9:30 am CCW Meetings 10:00 am Cursillo Meeting 10:00 am Baptismal Class 11:00 am Marriage Prep Orientation 4:00 pm Sat. Eve. Choir Rehearsal 5:00 pm Sunday Mass Upcoming Events THURSDAY NOON PRAYER REFLECTIONS ON THE CROSS Thursday, March 12 12 noon STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 13 9:30 am ST MARK’S EIGHTH GRADE “LIVING STATIONS” Friday, March 13 1:30 AND 6:30 pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FISH FEED Friday, March 13 5 pm Tickets can be purchased from the office. LENTEN RECONCILIATION SERVICE Monday, March 16 7 pm THURSDAY NOON PRAYER REFLECTIONS ON THE CROSS Thursday, March 19 12 noon STATIONS OF THE CROSS Friday, March 20 9:30 am & 6:30 pm ST. MARK’S EVANGELIZATION RETREAT March 20-22 See Insert for more information STUDENT-LED MASS Sunday, March 22 11 am PALM SUNDAY Sunday, March 29 Masses as usual weekend schedule With distribution of palms Correction On the cover of the February 22nd Bulletin we wrote the wrong age for those abstaining from meat. It should have read: “In addition, all Catholics 14 years of age and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent.” Please accept our sincere apology. Page 3 Parish News and Information Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration How beautiful it is to be with Our Lord in the Adoration Chapel during Lent. If you have not yet had a chance to visit, please think about making time for this silent and holy experience. It can be before or after Mass or anytime day or night. If you need more information, please call Kathy at 8535888. “When the Sisters are exhausted, up to their eyes in work; when all seems to go awry, they spend an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. This practice has never failed to bear fruit: they experience peace and strength." — Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta Lenten Gathering Rite The words are: "Gather us in mercy Lord" and "From the depths we cry to you". The rite concludes with the Kyrie Eleison which is a slightly different melody. Follow the cantor. Fasting and Prayer On Friday Please join us this Wednesday for fasting and prayer for those on our prayer chain. (fasting = one full meal and two snacks) (prayer= Mass, Adoration, Rosary, etc) Readings for March 15, 2015, 4th Sunday of Lent 1st Rd.: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23 R. Ps: Ps 137: 1-6 2nd Rd. Eph 2:4-10 Gospel: John 3:14-21 St. Mark’s Evangelization Retreat Now is the time to register for the upcoming Evangelization Retreat to be held here at St. Mark’s on March 20, 21, & 22. As Catholics, we are called to a life of on-going conversion. One way to experience conversion is to take part in a life-giving event such as the Evangelization Retreat. The retreat is conducted by members of St. Mark’s community to provide a personal encounter with Jesus. It is a wonderful way to deepen your commitment to God and to make meaningful connections with fellow parishioners. All of this takes place right here on the parish grounds. Meals are provided and you can return home to the comfort of your own bed each evening. Open your heart to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit by attending the St. Mark’s Evangelization Retreat. For more information or to register online visit: or Contact the Parish Office or Val Allen at 938-3594. Recap of Passion and Purpose for Marriage St. Mark’s was pleased to host the Passion and Purpose for Marriage Conference February 20th, where over 400 people were in attendance, one of the largest audiences Dynamic Catholic has seen since the inception of the nationwide presentation. Dr. Allen Hunt, the keynote speaker said this of St. Mark’s, "This is an amazing Parish. We are fortunate to be here with you. We want to come back to Boise and do another seminar for you guys. Let's do it in the Fall sometime, go to a BSU game and eat at the Basque restaurant." It was a great event for all involved. Thank you for making it so successful! Next Baptism Class Will be held March 14th at 10 am at St. Mark’s. Page 4 Monday Night Rosary Make your Lenten experience a little better? Rosary is held every Monday night in the Adoration Chapel from 7pm-8pm. It will amaze you how one hour of prayer will change your life. Parish Information World Meeting of Families, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 22-25, 2015 Would you like to attend the World Meeting of Families this September? Please contact Lucy Hahn, 375-7584 as soon as possible to discuss travel options for a pilgrimage to attend the meeting and to see Pope Francis during his visit on Sept. 26-27th. Deadline to register for travel is fast approaching. Even if you are unable to attend, you can still prepare yourself to make the most of what will be happening at the World Meeting of Families. Check out the website: to stay informed. In chapter 4 of the preparatory catechesis, Love is Our Mission, the topic is “Two Become One.” “We are not made to be alone. Human beings need and complete each other. Friendship and community satisfy that longing with bonds of common interest and love. Marriage is a uniquely intimate form of friendship that calls a man and a woman to love each other in the manner of God’s covenant. Marriage is a Sacrament. Married love is fruitful and offered without reservation.” Pg. 41. “This love is in the image of Jesus’ faithfulness to the Church. The Lord knows that no marriage displays all the virtues all the time, but in his mercy, he gives us Penance and Eucharist so that we might grow in our capacity to love as Jesus does.” Pg. 47. Page 5 St. Mark’s Ministries Council of Catholic Women SAVE the DATE - April 11th - CCW's 35th Annual Fashion Show, the "No Fashion, Fashion Show - Wear Your Best Western" - Please contact Tracy Janis for tickets at 371-4418 (evenings are best) or email: [email protected]. Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner Spend an evening at St. Mark’s on Friday, March 13th, starting with a delicious fish dinner prepared by the Knights of Columbus from 5:00 to 6:30 followed by a Stations of the Cross presentation by St. Mark’s School at 6:30. The cost of the Fish Dinner is $7.00 for adults, $3.00 for children (12 and under), or $10.00 at the door. Tickets can be purchased from the Parish Office, St. Mark’s School Office or by calling Ray Forshey at 863-0050. Beer and wine will be available. FORTY CANS FOR LENT The Knights of Columbus and the St. Mark’s Food Bank again invites each family of St. Mark’s Parish to participate in a parish wide Lenten food drive. The goal this year is 8000 pounds. We are asking each family to contribute one can or package of food for each day of Lent. Please bring the 7 items of food to church each week during Lent. There will be labeled containers in the vestibule of the church to put the food in. The Knights will be gathering the food after Mass and reporting weekly how we are doing. Knights of Columbus Council Meetings † Next Business Meeting: † Next Social: Legion of Mary Invitation to Legion of Mary Auxiliary Members. Contact Margaret at 376-6631 to attend Acies March 31. Mar 12th, St. Mark’s @ 7 pm. March 26th, Pinnacle Grill. New Ushers Needed Upcoming Degree Ceremonies Upcoming Events † Annual Knight’s of Columbus Fish Dinner on Friday, March 13 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Are you interested in becoming an usher? If you are, please contact Patrick Lind at 377-4368 or email me at [email protected] Knights’ Medical Equipment Call Dale at 888-3782 Page 6 Faith Formation On the Ride Home In our first Reading, we hear of the Ten Commandments. The first three are on the importance of loving God and making Him #1 in our lives. The last seven are on how we are to love our neighbor. Which commandment are you struggling with? Ask your family to give you some ideas on what they think. Use the commandments as a way to examine your life at the end of the day, as well as to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In the Gospel, Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple, because they were putting themselves first, instead of God. During Lent, try to fast from what may be drawing you away from God (TV? Video games?...) and feast on reading some Bible stories about Jesus or spend some time in prayer. Students and Schools Dangers of the Digital World The opportunities and dangers of the digital world are simultaneously exhilarating and frightening. Many parents struggle with limits and boundaries while preparing their children for a new era. St. Mark's School is hosting a parent enrichment speaker, "Preparing and Protecting Young People in a Digital World." BSU professor, Dr. Chris Haskell, will share data, insights, practical strategies, and answer your questions about the tools and communities of our digital world. The event is Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Mark's School auditorium. It is free of charge and open to all parents. Shop at Amazon? Help Out the School Foundation As you are doing internet shopping and you shop online at, try using instead. It is the same website as, however, a small portion (0.5%) of your purchase price will be donated by Amazon to a foundation of your choosing. Our very own St. Mark’s School Foundation is registered with Amazon and this is a small way you can contribute to the financial foundation of our school. St. Mark’s School Calendar March 20 (Fri.) March 23-27 (Mon.-Fri.) April 3 (Fri.) April 6 (Mon.) April 24 (Fri.) May 25 (Mon.) End of Third Quarter - (12:00 dismissal) Spring Break - No School Good Friday – No School Easter Monday – No School Progress Reports – Full Day of School Memorial Day - No School Bishop Kelly High School Calendar Mar 12 (Thu) Mar. 13 (Fri) Mar. 14 (Sat) Mar 23-27 (Mon-Fri) Noon Dismissal – Parent/Teacher Conf. 4-6, 6:30-8:00 No School – Faculty Retreat BK Parent Association Irish Fest Spring Break – No School Page 7 Page 8 Around the Valley A Catholic Women’s Conference Woman: God’s Beautiful Beloved Women of all ages are invited to attend the Catholic Women’s Conference to be held at Holy Apostles Catholic Church in Meridian on Saturday, April 11, 2015. For more information or to register, please go to: or to Or call Rita Davis 890-4060 & Lylia Flager 870-4075. Registration deadline is March 21, 2015 Host Families Wanted “SHARE YOUR LOVE and experience the unique opportunity to experience your world through someone else’s eyes by opening your home to an International Exchange Student. We are currently seeking host families for several 15-18 year old boys and girls for the 2015-16 School year. Please call Ann Roe at 208-899-0505 or email [email protected] for more information.” United in Prayer, United in Silence – March 21 You are invited to attend a morning of Reflection with the Centering Prayer Interfaith Ministry on Saturday, March 21 from 9 am to noon at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Please RSVP by Saturday, March 14 to Ann Marie at 323-9251 or email [email protected] St. Mary’s Catholic School, Boise St. Mary’s Catholic School is actively seeking an elementary principal for the 2015-2016 school year. The candidate must have a Master’s Degree in elementary education or administration and an administrator’s certificate with a principal’s endorsement. At least five years teaching experience preferred. Deadline for applications is March 20th or until filled. An applicant’s completed packet includes: (1) a letter of application; (2) a “Diocesan Application for Employment in the Catholic Schools”; (3) a Supplemental Application; (4) Resume; (5) and at least three current letters of reference. A job description, compensation summary, a “Diocesan Application for Employment in the Catholic Schools” and “Supplemental Application” may be found on the diocesan website at Advertiser of the week Drum Lessons by Frank Mastropaola 573-1020 Page 9
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