WHY The Global Fund for Children? Annual Report and Resource Guide 2008–2009 Because Ingenuity begins from the ground up. Innovation. Creativity. Resourcefulness. When instability looms and resources are scarce, these principles are all the more vital. Children and youth, the inheritors of this tumultuous world, must not be overlooked; they are the seeds of a brighter future. Community-based organizations are often best positioned to make a positive impact in the lives of children, even during times of scarcity. Like a small child whose line of vision is close to the ground, grassroots groups have a unique and valuable perspective that larger institutions may miss. Rooted in local knowledge and leadership, homegrown organizations understand their communities’ needs and have the flexibility to adapt when new or unexpected challenges arise. Why begin with a child? Why start changing the world at the grassroots? Because ingenuity begins from the ground up. Our Vision Our Mission we envision a world where all children grow up to be productive, caring citizens of a global society. To this end, we work to advance the dignity of children worldwide. We Pursue Our Mission by making small grants to innovative community-based organizations At The Global Fund for Children, working with many of the world’s most vulnerable children and by harnessing the power of children’s books, films, and documentary photography to promote global understanding. Because worldwide, there are more than 75 million primary-school-age children who are out of school. Because education is a basic right of all children, regardless of their individual circumstances. Because children who are well nourished are better prepared to learn and to grow into productive, caring adults. Because all young people must be empowered to meet the challenges and opportunities that the future will bring. Because over 1 billion children live in areas affected by armed conflict, with millions internally displaced or living as refugees. Because investing in early childhood development not only benefits children and families but also increases social equality and generates high economic returns for communities and society as a whole. Because an estimated 158 million children aged 5 to 14 are engaged in child labor, a practice that places them in dangerous circumstances, limits their opportunities for learning and play, and perpetuates the cycle of poverty. Because a society cannot survive without protecting and nurturing its youngest citizens. Because more than 2 million children under the age of 15 are living with HIV. The Global Fund for Children Contents 8Letter from the Board Chair & President 54Clinton Global Initiative: Under-8 10 Grantmaking 55Grantee Partner: Yunnan Institute of Development 20 Portfolios 20 Learning 23 Grantee Partner: Door Step School 24 Enterprise 27Grantee Partner: Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth Development, Inc. 28 Safety 31Grantee Partner: Kiev Children and Youth Support Center 32 Healthy Minds and Bodies 35 Grantee Partner: Nia Foundation 36 Responding to Crisis 39 Grantee Partner: KID smART 42Sustainability Awards 45 Grantee Partner: AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad 48Special Partnerships 48 Goldman Sachs Foundation 49 Grantee Partner: The YP Foundation 50 Nike Foundation 51Grantee Partner: Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada 52 Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation 53 Grantee Partner: Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy 6 Globalfundforchildren.org Many of the photographs in this report were taken by Jesse Newman and Tiana Markova-Gold during their 2008–2009 GFC/ICP Fellowships. 56A Closer Look: Investing in the future of child waste pickers 60 Global Media Ventures 64 Giving 66 Our Donors 72 2008–2009 Grants 72 Selecting Our Grantee Partners 74Overview Resilience and Success in a Challenging Year 76Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East and North Africa 86Central and Eastern Europe Commonwealth of Independent States 92 East and Southeast Asia 98 Latin America and the Caribbean 106 South Asia 114United States Presidential Innovation Fund 118 Financials 122Leadership 124Index and Credits Globalfundforchildren.org 7 Letter from the Board Chair and President Innovation in a Time of Scarcity Throughout India, one often sees motorized contraptions with four wheels trundling along crowded highways or dusty back roads. Referred to as jugaad and cobbled together using parts from old cars, carts, and anything else on hand, these improvised vehicles provide a muchneeded, inexpensive mode of transportation. This type of ingenuity is evident at Karm Marg (Progress through Work), a New Delhi–based grantee partner that provides shelter and vocational training to formerly homeless young people. These youth create remarkable products—jewelry, candles, handbags, yoga mats, and more—using recycled materials. The profits from these goods, which are marketed under the brand name Jugaad, provide 60 percent of the funds needed to maintain the shelter in which the children live. Both innovative and resourceful, Karm Marg serves as a prime example of the unique perspective that grassroots organizations bring to the table in the effort to reach vulnerable children. In the Hindi language, jugaad has a broad meaning, indicating an innovative, low-cost way of operating or providing a much-needed service. Since opening its doors in 1994, The Global Fund for Children has incorporated innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness as guiding principles in all aspects of operations. Whether it is using the royalties from Global Fund for Children books to fund our grantmaking, or developing the key metrics we use to scout out prospective grantee partners, innovation is at the heart of everything we do. There is no question that the current economic climate, with its accompanying scarcity of resources, is placing a premium on innovation. And while the impact on government and business is undeniable, the effect on our grantee partners has been acute and deeply troubling. Through a survey of our grantee partners, we endeavored to assess the overall effect of the economic 8 Globalfundforchildren.org crisis on their operations. The most severe impacts include major cuts in funding, termination of donor relationships, and warnings from donors to expect substantial grant reductions in the future. Despite this disturbing picture, we are heartened by the knowledge that our grantee partners possess strong resolve and the nimbleness that is inherent in communitybased organizations. We believe that the best solutions are built from the ground up and are shaped to the needs of the community. It is often in times of scarcity that ingenuity, adaptability, and innovation spark grassroots organizations to create programs that have huge, long-lasting impacts. It is also clear that during these difficult times, our partners are doing what they do best—getting the most from available resources and using their local knowledge to stretch shrinking budgets. around the world. Since 1997, we have awarded over $14 million in grants to 362 groups in 72 countries. • In a difficult economic climate, we were able to attract a number of major gifts from funders such as Credit Suisse, Oprah’s Angel Network, and the Oak Foundation. • We expanded our grantmaking into six new coun- tries—Burundi, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan—allowing us to reach vulnerable children in even more corners of the world. • Our latest book release, Faith, which celebrates the diversity of religious expression around the world, became our fastest seller ever, boosted by a major sale to Scholastic Book Fairs. • We were able to award two Global Fund for Children/ Examples of innovation abound among our grantee partners. Since 2005, we have supported Men on the Side of the Road (MSR), a South African organization providing education, training, and resources to thousands of unemployed youth and adults who stand on the side of the road every day in West Cape Town, waiting for work. We awarded a Sustainability Award to MSR this year to enable this exceptional grantee partner to initiate a partnership with a local pedicab company, which will display MSR’s logo on its vehicles. Through this initiative, MSR will create jobs for the young men in its programs, increase its visibility, and earn additional revenue. We draw inspiration from our grantee partners’ creative, out-of-the-box approaches to solving difficult socioeconomic issues. It is in this light that we invite you to celebrate the highlights of this year’s accomplishments: • We awarded 488 grants valued at more than $3.28 million to grassroots groups serving vulnerable children and youth The board term of Raj Singh ended this year, and we want to honor his service and thank him for his wisdom, guidance, and support. We have made a gift in his honor to Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan (Sikar Girls Education Initiative) in Rajasthan, India, which operates a boarding school that offers high-quality education for rural girls, many of whom were at risk of early marriage. International Center of Photography Fellowships this year. Jesse Newman traveled to Thailand and Guatemala, photographing grantee partners working in early childhood development as part of our Under-8 Initiative. Tiana Markova-Gold visited our partners involved in the Nike Grassroots Girls Initiative in Brazil and Nigeria. We are encouraged by our ability to continue to attract strong philanthropic leaders to our board of directors, helping to ensure the continuation of our support when our grantee partners need it the most. It was with great pleasure that we welcomed Joan Platt to our board this year. Joan is a philanthropist and community volunteer whose focal interests are human rights, education, and international development. We were also excited to announce Margot Perot as the chair of our new Dallas Leadership Council. Margot is an active member of a number of national and regional boards, with an emphasis on humanitarian, healthcare, and arts-related institutions. These accomplishments affirm our work during this time of extreme economic distress. Like the inspirational Jugaad products produced by the children of Karm Marg, The Global Fund for Children relies on a combination of innovation and resourcefulness for its success. To ensure continued assistance to those most in need, we are being diligent with operational expenses and at the same time seeking creative, diversified funding sources. We are grateful to all of our supporters, who ensure that our grantee partners may continue their essential work with children and youth around the world. With our sincere gratitude, Juliette Gimon Chair, Board of Directors Maya Ajmera President & Founder Globalfundforchildren.org 9 Our Impact ARound the World Grantmaking Total value of Grants to Date $14,097,280 2008–2009 Value of Grants $3,287,858 Total Number of Grants to Date 2,445 2008–2009 Number of Grants The Global Fund for Children believes that positive, lasting change happens from the ground up. That’s why we identify and support homegrown organizations that are rooted in local initiative and driven by entrepreneurial leaders. Inherently invested in the communities they serve, these grassroots groups not only understand their communities’ unique needs but also have access to the language, knowledge, and local resources that can help provide solutions. As small, flexible organizations, our grantee partners often pioneer groundbreaking approaches that earn them recognition as local resources and models. Because our grantee partners are as varied as the children they serve, we also need to be flexible in our grantmaking support. In addition to maintaining core grant investment portfolios that respond to children’s fundamental needs, we offer additional strategic grants to our partners for organizational development, emergency situations, and special opportunities. This method of grantmaking allows us to tailor our grants to the particular needs of each organization. 488 Total Number of Grantee Partners to Date 362 2008–2009 Number of Active Grantee Partners 242 Total Number of Countries to Date 72 2008–2009 Number of New Countries 6 10 Globalfundforchildren.org Our Impact ARound the World We believe that to thrive in childhood and mature into contributing adults, children and youth must be engaged in the learning process wherever they may be. They must also be productive, safe, and healthy. These elements provide the basis for children’s development and positive engagement with the world around them. This fiscal year, eight grantee partners received these awards to acquire technical assistance and consulting services in their region, with the value of these services totaling $49,250. Our regional consultants offer diverse services such as helping to create strategic plans, improve information management systems, and develop human resources. Program Grants Legal Assistance The Global Fund for Children has four core program portfolios: Learning, Enterprise, Safety, and Healthy Minds and Bodies. We also maintain a Creative Opportunities portfolio to fund innovative programs that do not fit into these four major emphases and a Responding to Crisis portfolio for emergencies and post-disaster recovery and renewal work at the community level. Detailed descriptions of our grantmaking by portfolio are provided throughout this report. Our grantee partners can access pro bono legal services from a network of 160 independent law firms through our collaboration with the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation. This fiscal year, these law firms assisted grantee partners with applying for legal status in their home countries and nonprofit status in the United States, and also advised one grantee partner on land rights issues. Grants Learning Portfolio Grants Technology Grants $1,066,500 to 98 grassroots groups $22,000 to 5 grassroots groups Rapid Response Grants Health and Well-Being Grants $17,550 to 11 grassroots groups $139,000 to 139 grassroots groups Creative Opportunities Portfolio Grants $55,500 to 7 grassroots groups Safety Portfolio Grants Opportunity Grants $577,000 to 52 grassroots groups $31,857 to 28 grassroots groups Sustainability Awards Presidential Innovation Fund Grants $400,000 to 16 grassroots groups $23,500 to 7 allied grassroots groups Affinity Grants $17,473 to 11 peer organizations Tracking Grants $15,000 to 15 grassroots groups Recovery and Renewal Grants $143,000 to 10 grassroots groups GFC UK Trust Grant $61,228 to the UK Trust Organizational Development Awards Film Grants $49,250 to 8 grassroots groups $7,500 to 1 film production company Enterprise Portfolio Grants $463,000 to 41 grassroots groups Healthy Minds and Bodies Portfolio Grants $337,500 to 33 grassroots groups Supplemental Grants In addition to our core program grants, we provide health and well-being supplemental grants to our grantee partners on a competitive basis. Our grantee partners apply these $1,000 grants in the most appropriate way to improve the health, hygiene, and nutrition of children in their care, thereby providing a more holistic and integrated approach to the children’s overall well-being. We also help our grantee partners seize opportunities for conferences, training workshops, travel, and financial leveraging by offering supplemental support on a caseby-case basis. These opportunity grants allow grassroots leaders to share experiences and practices with others, acquire useful skills and knowledge, increase their organizational visibility, and build a network of relationships beyond their own communities. Value-Added Services In addition to financial support, we offer value-added services that help our grantee partners optimize the use of our grants, strengthen their organizations, and increase their sustainability. These services ensure an excellent return on our small investment and come in the form of expert assistance on organizational development, legal assistance referrals, support for network development and training, and facilitation of additional funding. KLARA Launched in 2007, the KLARA (Knowledge, Learning, and Resource Access) Network provides our grantee partners with a virtual forum through which to engage in dialogue, search for funding sources, link to resources, and meet other grantee partners. With renewed efforts this year, we greatly increased KLARA’s utilization as an enhancement to our knowledge initiatives by sharing the results of our surveys and facilitating discussion about important global trends such as food security and the global economic crisis. Leveraging Our leveraging work helps grantee partners identify and pursue opportunities for additional funding in order to promote sustainability and growth. These efforts are crucial since our support is often the first significant contact our partners have with international donors. We play an active role as advocates for our partners’ work, helping them achieve recognition and visibility. We often facilitate introductions to government, multilateral, and private donors through our networks and strong reputation for finding great groups operating under the radar. Since 1997, we have leveraged over $3.4 million for our grantee partners. We have begun tracking and monitoring this important service, and this fiscal year alone recorded 47 successful leveraging actions, which secured over $836,000 in new funding for our partners. Organizational Development Awards We understand that strengthening the organizational capacity of our grantee partners not only optimizes their use of grant funding but also makes them more sustainable over the long term. We offer customized organizational development and management support to individual grantee partners via regional consultants. KNOWLEDGE INITIATIVES Over the years, we have accumulated substantial knowledge and experience in grassroots grantmaking, groundbreaking philanthropy, and organizational capacity building. Our grantee partners also have much to share with each other and with the global development community as Globalfundforchildren.org 13 Our Impact ARound the World practitioners and advocates reaching the world’s most vulnerable children and youth. Our knowledge management initiative aims to gather, distill, and disseminate this knowledge to our grantee partners as well as to the wider development and philanthropic communities. Measuring Outcomes Our metrics framework is a core set of indicators that help us to better understand and assess our own effectiveness and to measure the value of our grantee partners’ programs and services. This tool includes eight indicators that measure grantmaking effectiveness, organizational capacity, and program effectiveness. Grounded in the best practices of peer organizations and in our own extensive experience, this cutting-edge framework is designed to help our grantee partners expand the reach and depth of their work. This year, we continued the implementation and refinement of our metrics, gathering our first full set of data from our grantee partners. This allowed us, for the first time, to analyze our partners’ organizational and program capacity both quantitatively and qualitatively. Our metrics indicators continue to evolve: a group of Harvard University graduate students compared our capacity assessment tool to those designed and used by other organizations and offered advice on tool revision, and a Georgetown University graduate student intern was dedicated to revising the reporting requirements for our grantee partners to refine our metrics data collection process. 14 Globalfundforchildren.org Knowledge Exchange Workshops Global Trend Surveys Regional Knowledge Exchange workshops provide an opportunity for our grantee partners to share experiences, forge strong networks, discuss organizational challenges and methodologies, and learn about broader issues affecting children and communities in a particular region. This year, we held two Knowledge Exchange workshops: 20 grantee partners from five countries in Central America gathered in Managua, Nicaragua, in January 2009; and in March 2009, 24 grassroots groups from nine countries in West Africa came together in Toubab Dialaw, Senegal, for our first Knowledge Exchange in the region. As part of our effort to gain and share knowledge from the grassroots experience, we conduct online surveys to gather on-the-spot information about global trends. This information provides new insights and is disseminated to our network of grantee partners, primarily through KLARA; to our own staff, who compare data cross-regionally; and to the wider community of stakeholders, including other donors, policymakers, the media, and researchers. This year, our surveys on food security and the global economic crisis provided comprehensive insight into the significant effects of these crises on organizations serving vulnerable children worldwide. This data helped guide our grantmaking strategy, as we pulled back on adding new organizations to our docket in order to focus on supporting our existing grantee partners. Tracking Grants All of our past grantee partners are eligible for a $1,000 tracking grant every two years in exchange for basic information on their current status. This allows us to monitor their development and evaluate our record in making “good bets” on emerging organizations. Since 2003, these tracking grants have been given to 44 organizations, providing a total of $72,000 in support to our former grantee partners. This year, 15 tracking grants were approved. We analyzed data from grant recipients’ surveys as a knowledge cluster, highlighting trends and themes that our former grantee partners reported. We were particularly drawn to their experiences with leadership and management transition as they continue to grow and evolve. This year’s William Ascher summer fellow was Megan Kauffmann, a graduate student at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Her research for us focused on setting guidelines for successfully identifying and supporting grantee partners that implement livelihood training programs. Megan traveled to Mali and Nigeria to visit some of our partners doing this work and developed case studies on their programs. This fellowship was created in honor of our founding chair, William Ascher, currently the Donald C. McKenna Professor of Government and Economics at Claremont McKenna College. Fellowships This year, we welcomed Amy Oyekunle into our office as the fourth participant in the international fellows program, which enables practitioners to spend time conducting research in Washington, DC. The executive director of grantee partner Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND) in Nigeria, Amy researched adolescent girls, bringing her keen insight and experiences to our current work with the Nike Foundation’s Grassroots Girls Initiative. Globalfundforchildren.org 15 Our Impact ARound the World 242 grassroots partners serving vulnerable children worldwide Central & Eastern Europe & Commonwealth of Independent States Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Georgia Hungary Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Romania Russia Serbia Tajikistan Turkey Ukraine Total North America United States Total Latin America & Caribbean Bolivia Brazil Colombia Dominican Rep. Ecuador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Nicaragua Panama Peru Total 16 Globalfundforchildren.org 5 9 6 4 2 7 3 1 1 5 5 1 3 52 11 11 1 2 3 1 3 2 3 2 5 2 2 3 29 Sub-Saharan Africa East & Southeast Asia Benin 1 Burkina Faso 4 Burundi 2 Congo, Dem. Rep. 1 Ethiopia 5 Ghana 2 Kenya 4 Liberia 4 Malawi 2 Mali 1 Mauritius 1 Mozambique 1 Nigeria 6 Rwanda 4 Senegal 4 Sierra Leone 2 South Africa 7 Tanzania 3 Togo 1 Uganda 2 Zambia 6 Zimbabwe 1 Total 64 Cambodia China Indonesia Laos Mongolia Philippines Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Total Middle East & North Africa Egypt Lebanon Total South Asia 1 1 2 Afghanistan Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Total 1 1 44 2 3 3 54 Globalfundforchildren.org 3 9 4 1 3 4 3 1 2 30 17 no matter where they are, children must be learning. They must be healthy, safe, and cared for. They must know their potential, and use it to pursue their dreams. Portfolio Learning Why? We believe that every child everywhere deserves access to a quality education. Not only is education every child’s right, it is also one of the keys to creating a healthier, more caring, and more productive global society. Education is regarded as one of the most effective means of reducing poverty, hunger, and social inequality. Despite overall gains in providing access to and increasing the quality of education in the last decade, 75 million children in the world are out of school. The desperately poor; those living in remote, conflicttorn, or marginalized communities; ethnic minorities; groups disenfranchised by gender or social stigma; and the disabled continue to have little access to education. Because education is a lifetime inheritance. 20 Globalfundforchildren.org Community-based organizations are often best positioned to serve these difficult-to-reach populations. Rooted in local leadership, they have the knowledge to tailor programs to the needs and circumstances on the ground and are able to utilize local resources to the fullest. Homegrown groups are often more innovative and flexible than more formal institutions, and they have a greater ability to meet vulnerable children where they are—in rural villages, in urban slums, at curbsides, and in marketplaces. Our priority areas under this portfolio are safety-net schools that catch and reintegrate those who have drifted away from the formal school system and those who never had the chance to go to school; early childhood education; and complementary and supplemental learning initiatives such as tutoring centers, children’s libraries, and literacy assistance. Our priorities include safety-net schools, early childhood education, and complementary and supplemental learning initiatives. This fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $1,066,500 to 98 grantee partners within the Learning portfolio: In Mumbai’s largest red-light district, mothers who hope to discourage their children from becoming second-generation sex workers know where to turn. They come to Prerana (Inspiration), which operates Globalfundforchildren.org 21 Profile Education comes knocking This Fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $1,066,500 to 98 grantee partners within the learning portfolio. a variety of programs to support the human rights of sexually exploited women and their children. Prerana’s Night Care Centre, preschool and daycare center, educational support program, and institutional-placement program offer educational services for children who might otherwise fall victim to the commercial sex trade. This year, our grant supported the Night Care Centre, which served 500 children. Recognizing that the one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in education, Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF) promotes education that is relevant to rural children’s livelihood opportunities and knowledge needs, which significantly differ from those of urban children. Under the Integrative Rural Education Program, RCEF staff and volunteers serve as teaching coaches to strengthen rural teachers’ educational methods and curriculum, cultivating promising locals as innovative teachers. Our grant this year was used for teacher and staff salaries and for communication and travel between sites so that educators could share teaching methods, experiences, and support. Each week at the District of Columbia’s jail, a group of incarcerated young men gather in a circle to discuss a piece of contemporary literature. These teens’ poor academic performance—their average reading ability is at the fifth-grade level—coupled with their fresh criminal records, have a devastating effect on their prospects for educational or professional achievement. Our grantee partner Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop introduces incarcerated youth to the life-changing power of books and creative writing by mentoring them and connecting them to support services throughout their incarceration and after their reentry into the community. They live in slums, on train platforms, and on the streets. They work on fishing docks and in marketplaces and as domestic servants. They are migrants, moving with their families between villages and the city. These are Mumbai’s uncounted and undocumented children, and they are everywhere—except in school. Door Step School is trying to change that. A nonprofit that targets street- and slum-dwelling children, Door Step finds vulnerable children and engages them in learning wherever they may be. The organization’s strategy is multifaceted: preschools introduce literacy and prepare young children for formal schooling; mobile libraries and a school-on-wheels bring structured learning to children’s workplaces at docks and markets; and a study center provides a space for schoolgoing children to get homework help and support. At present, Door Step’s programs reach over 7,000 children. The Global Fund for Children supports Door Step’s core program: communitybased nonformal education classes. By bringing services directly to children rather than removing them from their families and communities, Door Step accommodates working and migrant children and young girls, who represent 22 Globalfundforchildren.org Grantee Partner Door Step School Location Mumbai, India some of the hardest-to-reach children in Mumbai. Only two years ago, Jyoti was counted among these children. Door Step came across Jyoti, who had never attended formal school, while conducting a regular survey of the slum where she lives with her family. Her parents had not previously considered education for their daughter, but after Door Step staff convinced them to send her to one of the organization’s classes, she began to thrive. “She show[ed] great interest in reading stories, which she would enact for the class, sometimes using puppets,” says Bina Sheth Lashkari, director of Door Step School. After spending a year in the nonformal education class, Jyoti enrolled in a formal school and continues to love learning. “[A] number of these children, being firstgeneration learners, need quality educational inputs to cope with the regular studies taken up at schools,” Lashkari says. “The number of nonformal classes [is] decreasing, and study classes are increasing to fulfill the needs of schoolgoing children.” This year, a grant from The Global Fund for Children supported approximately 100 children enrolled in nonformal education classes. During the past four years, Door Step has more than doubled its budget by securing diverse sources of funding. A 2009 Sustainability Award winner, Door Step plans to establish a low-risk reserve fund to further safeguard the organization’s long-term viability. Door Step’s innovative and successful projects have had a measurable impact in Mumbai. Door Step reports an overall increase in the number of school-going children in the area it serves. Like Jyoti’s parents, more families are making their child’s education a priority. Door Step is nimble in addressing this shift, altering its strategy to provide more supplementary services. Globalfundforchildren.org 23 Portfolio Enterprise Why? We believe that enterprise programs must meet working children where they are, and must acknowledge their need to earn an income while promoting a more supportive work environment. Such an environment guarantees safety and dignity, balances work with learning and recreation, provides opportunities for growth and advancement, and gives youth a degree of control over their time and their earnings. Our grantee partners have found that, when supported by training, youth can successfully lay the building blocks of creative enterprises in their communities. Developing entrepreneurial skills in young people ensures that they will be better prepared to contribute positively to the economy and better able to support themselves, even during times of economic uncertainty. Because leadership creates opportunity. 24 Globalfundforchildren.org We support comprehensive programs that recognize the range of educational, economic, and social skills that vulnerable children and youth require to develop into productive adults. Rather than opposing involvement in any type of labor, we promote opportunities for adolescents to engage in enterprise and entrepreneurial training that promote their personal growth and development and respect their fundamental dignity and rights. Rooted in the concept of asset building, programs under this portfolio help young people accumulate and protect assets that will allow them to pursue a better future. Our priorities for this portfolio include youth-led enterprise, children’s banking and savings, entrepreneurship and leadership development, and comprehensive livelihood programs. This fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $463,000 to 41 grantee partners under the Enterprise portfolio: In the slums of Bhavnagar, India, children are learning how to save toward a better future. At Shaishav (Childhood) Trust, a child rights organization, the Balsena program provides child laborers and other children with a platform to voice their needs and aspirations and Our priorities include youth-led enterprise, children’s banking and savings, entrepreneurship and leadership development, and comprehensive livelihood programs. Globalfundforchildren.org 25 Profile Sustaining culture, empowering youth This Fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $463,000 to 41 grantee partners under the Enterprise portfolio. discuss issues and rights. Balsena’s Bachat (Savings) Bank helps children aged 8 to 14 learn independent decision-making skills regarding money, time management skills, and how to utilize resources wisely. Our grant has supported the expansion of the Balsena program, which last year registered 479 children as active savers with the Bachat Bank. Youth living in rural areas of Jamaica face immense challenges, especially if they are young parents. Regional rates of adolescent pregnancy, substance abuse, and violence are disproportionately high, while rates of school enrollment and employment are disturbingly low. The Rural Family Support Organization (RuFamSO), based in the rural region east of Kingston, recognizes that teenage parents need guidance in good parenting and income generation in order to raise healthy families and break the cycle of poverty. RuFamSO’s Roving Caregivers program makes weekly visits to young parents’ homes to teach parenting skills, while its vocational training program combines basic literacy and math with training in commercial food preparation, garment making, and masonry. To encourage financial responsibility and management, participants pay for a portion of the training costs. Since 2003, shortly after the end of the civil war in Sierra Leone, we have supported the Sam-Kam Institute (SKI), which provides education and career alternatives for ex-combatants, victims of kidnapping by combatants, victims of rape, and victims of forced labor. Through SKI’s People Developing Vocational Skills program, students aged 11 to 22 learn marketable skills such as welding, carpentry, sewing, auto mechanics, and computer technology, and receive training on entrepreneurial practices and workplace safety. This year, with our support, the program provided vocational skills training to more than 300 children and youth. Nestled in the mountainous rainforests of the northern Philippines, where terraced foothills dip into valleys of rice paddies, are the Kalingas, a tribal group of subsistence farmers. Geographically isolated, the Kalingas have preserved a strong cultural heritage and traditional techniques of farming and banking. But like many traditional cultures, they suffer from limited socioeconomic opportunities. Only 42 percent of the adult Kalinga population holds a high-school diploma, and a large number of the out-of-school youth in the region are involved in drug use and criminal activities. Lack of education, compounded by poverty and tribal wars that still affect the area, means that Kalinga youth find few livelihood opportuntities. “If we have illiterate and malnourished children today, what kind of society will we have in the future?” asks Donato Bumacas. In this seemingly bleak question, he sees a solution. “Children and youth are the owners of the future generations.” As the director of Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth Development, Inc. (KAMICYDI), Bumacas understands that sustaining the Kalinga people means nourishing the community: maintaining cultural traditions, supporting ecological and economical livelihoods, and—most of 26 Globalfundforchildren.org Grantee Partner Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth Development, Inc. Location Kalinga, Philippines all—providing opportunities for Kalinga children. KAMICYDI focuses its programs on empowering Kalinga youth with the education and skills needed to lead and define their future, while also upholding the traditional agriculture that has supported the community for centuries. “We have always been consistent in implementing programs and services that aim for reducing poverty and promoting biodiversity,” Bumacas says. “Our strategy for sustainable community development is through empowering the children and youth as main actors.” The Global Fund for Children supports the Young Entrepreneurship Skills (YES) program, which provides entrepreneurial workshops and trainings for school-going and out-of-school youth within Kalinga communities. KAMICYDI selects the most promising youth-generated microenterprise plans and provides loans as seed capital for implementation. This year, our funding helped KAMICYDI implement nine intensive training courses for 72 youth participants, who learned entrepreneurial skills and how to develop and implement their own business plans. The small businesses that emerge from these trainings, which include a neighborhood store, stalls at local markets, and traditional weaving and handicraft enterprises, support the rice-farming community and promote environmental sustainability. One enterprise that was started with seed money and support from the YES program provides organic fertilizer and natural pesticides to farmers to increase rice production. The youth use the farm inputs on their own farms and also sell the products to other farmers, generating income for themselves while improving overall farm production in Kalinga communities. Another enterprise, run by young adults who used YES seed money to purchase a vehicle, sells farm goods at markets in surrounding villages while simultaneously providing school transportation for area children. This year, The Global Fund for Children also gave KAMICYDI a small opportunity grant to enable Bumacas to attend an international meeting concerning the localization of the UN millennium development goals within indigenous communities. As a result of the trip and contacts made at the conference, KAMICYDI was able to leverage $18,000 in additional funding for critical programming. Globalfundforchildren.org 27 Portfolio Safety Why? We believe that children’s futures can be secure only when children are protected from threats to their safety and insulated from exploitation, violence, abuse, and neglect. A safe environment enables children to participate fully in their communities, to exercise their skills and talents, and to pursue their dreams. Providing children with safe environments in which to learn, play, live, and grow is a fundamental tenet of our work. Our concept of safety is broadly drawn because the diversity of problems facing children is vast: victimization by the criminal justice system, precarious shelter, exposure to violence and exploitation in a multitude of contexts—armed conflicts, child trafficking, hazardous labor—and many more. The global financial crisis is expected to exacerbate these existing dangers, with more children being forced into labor and sex trafficking as populations face increasing hardship. Because childhood is sacred. 28 Globalfundforchildren.org Grassroots groups are inherently invested in the safety of their communities and have access to local knowledge and resources that can help them find innovative solutions to effectively address these dangers. While they may serve relatively small numbers of children, the impact on the lives of those helped is dramatic. We give priority to organizations that intercede on behalf of children already in immediate danger or harmful circumstances, and to those that create safe passage for children at risk of becoming involved in unsafe pursuits. This fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $577,000 to 52 grantee partners under the Safety portfolio: Unfortunately common in the West African country of Benin is the custom of vidomegon, whereby poor families send their children to the homes of distant relatives or wealthier acquaintances as a means of ensuring basic care for their children. In exchange for room and board, the children work long days in the homes of their employers, are deprived of schooling and parental care, and are frequently abused. SIN-DO, based in Cotonou, helps children take charge of their lives by rescuing them from the homes of abusive employers, enrolling them in Our priorities include organizations that intercede on behalf of children in immediate danger or harmful circumstances, and those that create safe passage for children. Globalfundforchildren.org 29 Profile Graduates Giving Back This Fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $577,000 to 52 grantee partners under the safety portfolio. formal schools and skills training programs, and reuniting them with their families when possible. Our grant this year supported educational and legal assistance for child abuse victims, as well as funding SIN-DO’s youth-driven public awareness program concerning vidomegon. Centro Interdisciplinario para el Desarrollo Social (Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development), or CIDES, believes that children must be safe in order to thrive in school. Working with marginalized migrant children and families in Mexico City, many of whom are of indigenous origin, CIDES combats domestic violence and family dysfunction through community mobilization and social intervention projects. Our grant supported the organization’s Hummingbird Center, which works to keep children in school by forming child and youth discussion groups to talk about children’s rights and domestic violence, by training adolescents to become community educators on children’s rights, and by involving parents in anti-violence campaigns. Working throughout Thailand and in regions of Cambodia, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam, the Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights (CPCR) works to prevent and confront physical abuse, sexual exploitation, and neglect of children. CPCR’s residential shelter near Bangkok, Thailand, uses a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation and offers a number of support services to girls between the ages of 13 and 18 who are victims of abuse. Through our continued support of the shelter, more than 80 abused and exploited children received direct services and care this year. Globalfundforchildren.org Kiev Children and Youth Support Center Location Kiev, Ukraine What if every person who worked for justice in the world inspired ten others to do the same? graduates wanted a support center, and if they would help operate it. The orphans wholeheartedly agreed. Bogdan Bashtovy has far exceeded this ratio as director of the Kiev Children and Youth Support Center, which provides need-driven support to residents and graduates of area orphanages. “Every step we have made since then, and every decision we have made—we made it with orphanage graduates. The sense of ownership makes those young people more responsible and helps them believe in their own strength and abilities,” Bashtovy says. Bashtovy first witnessed the need for a support center when he began volunteering at Orphanage 12 in Kiev. “The children had to leave at the age of 16 with [a] very substandard level of education and absolutely no life skills,” he says. “Many children ended up on the streets, in prostitution, or involved in crime.” The vast majority of Ukraine’s 1 million orphaned children are considered “social orphans”—orphans due to their parents’ alcoholism, abandonment of them, or imprisonment. As in several other former Soviet countries, orphans “graduate” from government orphanages as teenagers, and they are often confronted with a world in which they do not know how to survive. In response to the graduates’ struggles, Bashtovy and his colleagues organized a meeting with orphans who had left Orphanage 12. He asked whether the 30 Grantee Partner Through a variety of programs, the center helps residents and graduates—up to 400 each year—find safe housing, employment, financial support, life skills training, and vocational training. The Global Fund for Children supports the Crisis Intervention Program, which is designed to help those graduates who are in immediate danger. Unfortunately common are instances of unlawful arrest by police, eviction, death of relatives, or unexpected hospitalization. Alyosha, a graduate of Orphanage 12, helps to run the crisis program. The center helped him enroll in a trade school, repair his old apartment, and find his first job. Now he helps orphans with similar problems. “I know exactly how they feel and what they are going through,” he says of the orphans. “It helps me find the right approach to solving their problems.” Alyosha is a role model for orphans not only in Kiev but throughout Ukraine. This year, the center expanded its operations into southern and eastern Ukraine, and it has increased efforts to reach the most vulnerable orphans in both of these areas by actively supporting orphanages for children with physical and mental challenges. The Crisis Intervention Program, like most of the work at the center, is run by orphanage graduates and focused on youth empowerment. While the services provided to orphans are an important part of the program, it is Bashtovy’s inspirational spirit and commitment to bringing orphans into the center’s management that makes the center a sustainable success. Globalfundforchildren.org 31 Portfolio Healthy Minds & Bodies Why? We believe that healthy minds and bodies are an important path to dignity and productivity. When children are not healthy, they are unable to meet all their basic needs, let alone pursue their dreams. Good health is not merely the absence of illness and disease. In order to grow, learn, and be active members of their communities, children must also be well nourished and protected from harmful substances, and they must have access to information, adequate social and emotional support, and a clean environment. Operating innovative programs that address the health and well-being of children and youth in their communities, our grantee partners provide a variety of services—from nutritional supplements for preschoolers to reproductive health education for adolescents— to encourage healthy bodies from the ground up. Because laughter brightens the world. 32 Globalfundforchildren.org Our priority areas in this portfolio are HIV/AIDS prevention and support, psychosocial health, reproductive health, and improved nutrition. We focus on programs that complement, fill the gaps in, and strengthen conventional healthcare systems, institutions, and infrastructure. Homegrown organizations are best positioned to identify and meet children’s health needs in this way. This fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $337,500 to 33 grantee partners under the Healthy Minds and Bodies portfolio: In Haiti, the most impoverished country in the Western Hemisphere, most families are unable to satisfy even their most basic needs, and those with disabilities face even greater difficulties. Working to overcome this is Pazapa (Step by Step), which provides educational and developmental opportunities to children with physical and mental disabilities through basic education, psychosocial support, and when possible, corrective surgery and physical therapy. Located in the city Our priorities include HIV/AIDS prevention and support, psychosocial health, reproductive health, and improved nutrition. Globalfundforchildren.org 33 Profile Spreading joy This Fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $337,500 to 33 grantee partners under the Healthy Minds & Bodies portfolio. of Jacmel, Pazapa’s special education school also provides children with hot meals and nutritional supplements. With our support, Pazapa was able to directly serve 121 children this year. Ba Futuru, whose name means “for the future,” signifies a new beginning for the Southeast Asian country of Timor-Leste and its people, who are building a culture of peace and nonviolence after years of fighting and destruction. The organization’s innovative Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education program, which serves children in orphanages, internally displaced persons camps, and institutional childcare centers, engages children and youth in playful and artistic activities focused on conflict resolution and human rights. Supported by our grant, this program directly reached over 2,000 children this year and indirectly reached hundreds more by increasing the child protection skills of teachers, community leaders, and parents. Kolkata Sanved (Kolkata Sensitivity) uses dance movement therapy as an alternative approach to recovery and healing for the most vulnerable and marginalized members of society—survivors of trafficking, exploitation, and abuse. Located in Kolkata, India, its weekly dance therapy classes, workshops, and youth training program reach more than 2,500 children. In 2009, our grant supported Kolkata Sanved’s core programs and continued to build the capacity of trainers to help strengthen and expand the organization’s services. Rahel wanted her daughter Aster, who has autism, to go to school and experience the joys of childhood just like the other children in Addis Ababa. But no school would accept her, and family members would not take care of Aster because they found her behavior difficult to understand and control. Rahel, a single mother struggling to make ends meet, could see no other choice: she tied her daughter’s hands behind her back with a shoelace, left her with a neighbor’s maid, and went to work. Aster and Rahel’s story is unfortunately common. In Ethiopia, mental health disabilities and developmental disorders are frequently misdiagnosed and grossly misunderstood. Often, children with these conditions are believed to have been cursed or possessed by the devil. Without social support, parents of autistic children lack the knowledge and wherewithal to provide care and support for their children. Parents often feel forced to restrain and isolate the children, preventing them from learning and reaching their full potential. Zemi Yenus, founder of Nia Foundation, understands these struggles. “Every morning when I was going to work and [to] take my other child to school, my 34 Globalfundforchildren.org Grantee Partner Nia Foundation Location Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Joy had to watch us depart through the window. This … broke my heart,” Yenus says, talking about her son Yousef, nicknamed Joy, who is autistic. When she could find no place for her son to socialize with other children and learn appropriate sensory, motor, and behavioral skills, Yenus decided to create one. The Joy Center for Children with Autism and Related Disorders, a program of Nia Foundation, is the first center of its kind in Ethiopia. The center is renowned for its innovative blend of therapy, life skills training, and advocacy for children with autism spectrum disorders. Nia Foundation, which Yenus co-founded with her older son, Billal, has two additional programs: a youth empowerment and rehabilitation project for child sex workers, and a program that mobilizes mothers of vulnerable children to lobby for change in local and national policies. the Geez alphabet, the root of regional languages such as Tigraic and Amharic. Yenus is happy to report that, since coming to the Joy Center, Aster is showing great improvement through treatments and therapies. “We are blessed to be able to share her mother’s burden, and contribute to Aster’s smile,” she says. In 2006, The Global Fund for Children was Nia Foundation’s only institutional donor; today, due to its innovative work at the Joy Center, the group boasts multiple funders. With 450 children on its waiting list, the Joy Center is working to increase awareness of autism and encourage replication of its programs throughout Ethiopia. With support from The Global Fund for Children, the Joy Center serves 65 children with autism through its individualized education and social integration programs. Because many of the children have difficulty communicating verbally, Yenus developed Abugida Fontetiks, a language curriculum and tool that uses Globalfundforchildren.org 35 Portfolio Responding to Crisis Why? We believe that in times of crisis, community-based groups are in the best position to respond immediately since they know the people and the local areas affected. In long-term recovery and renewal work, homegrown groups are keenly in tune with issues on the ground and play a key role in reknitting their communities and creating a safety net for children and youth affected by crisis. We offer two funding mechanisms for communitylevel crisis response, whether the crisis is a natural disaster, public health crisis, or violent conflict. Rapid Response Grants are given to existing grantee partners or affiliates that are addressing an immediate crisis. Recovery and Renewal Grants are awarded to new and existing grantee partners that are working in areas where the crisis has been declared over, but where reconstruction is either ongoing or has failed. This fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $160,550 to 21 grantee partners under the Responding to Crisis portfolio. Rapid Response Grants Because hope renews communities. 36 Globalfundforchildren.org Grantee partners in eight countries responded to crises brought about by hurricanes, heavy rains and severe flooding, cyclones, and political unrest. In the Dominican Republic and Haiti, where Hurricanes Fay and Hanna caused great devastation, we disbursed emergency funds to three grantee partners to provide affected families with food and relief services such as potable water, clothes, vitamin supplements, antiparasite medicine, and shelter. Our grantee partner Asanble Vwazen JakГЁ ( JakГЁ Neighborhood Association) used the grant to send an emergency delegation to GonaГЇves, the Haitian city hardest hit by Hurricane Hanna’s torrential rains. The delegation traveled by vehicle, foot, and in some places by canoe to reach families in need. We support our grantee partners’ responses to crises brought about by severe weather, political instability, and conflict, and we help communities recover from natural disasters. Heavy rains and flooding led to crises in other areas of the world this year as well. In Togo, where torrential rains displaced thousands of people and submerged entire villages, La Conscience (Conscience) helped Globalfundforchildren.org 37 Profile A Portrait of renewal This Fiscal year, we awarded grants valued at $160,550 to 21 grantee partners under the Responding to Crisis portfolio. fund shelter expenses for the displaced and provided food and medical supplies. In the wake of flash floods in the Tok Province in Thailand, a Rapid Response Grant helped replace damaged office equipment and repair facilities at Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment, which serves over 3,500 preschoolers through its early childhood development program. When the Russia-Georgia war erupted in August 2008, our grantee partners were poised to quickly respond to the immediate needs of affected children and youth. Several parents and children served by Society Biliki (Path Society) were killed during bombings in Gori, Georgia. Biliki implemented several post-conflict projects and utilized a Rapid Response Grant to support education for internally displaced children. As communities fled bombings in the south, Tbilisi Youth House Foundation provided children and youth arriving in Tbilisi with living essentials, psychosocial services, and rehabilitation activities. Tanadgoma (Assistance) Library and Cultural Center for People with Disabilities provided school supplies and clothing to displaced children who were attending school in Tbilisi until they could return home. Recovery and Renewal Long after international aid agencies pack up their relief efforts, community-based organizations carry on with long-term recovery and renewal initiatives. In Indonesia, Thailand, and Sri Lanka, five of our grantee partners continued working with the communities hardest hit by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. These partners have helped children and youth address the psychosocial aftereffects of the trauma, actively participate in educational programs, and reestablish normal, productive routines in their daily lives. Although this is our last year of tsunami recovery and renewal funding, we will continue to support all five grantees as part of our core portfolios. Since Hurricane Katrina devastated the US Gulf Coast in August 2005, five of our grantee partners in Louisiana and Mississippi have provided affected children and youth with services essential to the recovery and renewal of the region, including counseling, health education and workshops, and educational enrichment programs. As this area is transitioning into long-term renewal, this is our last year of funding for these groups, which will continue to serve children and youth in their communities. In the weeks following Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, search-and-rescue teams walked the streets of New Orleans and searched buildings and houses for signs of life. Upon exiting a home, the team spray-painted an X on the front door, with three pieces of information in the space surrounding it: the date, the search group’s identification number, and the number of bodies discovered inside. “We took that symbol and made it into a power symbol—a symbol of recovery,” says Echo Olander, director of KID smART, an arts education organization in New Orleans. At a series of public art events, Olander and her team of teaching artists helped children transform the symbol of death into a circular emblem that represents hope, community, and personal strength. “Art is really about expression,” Olander says. “What these kids had been through was this horrible thing. If they didn’t have a place for expressing that, how could they move past it?” Since 1999, KID smART has worked with children and the arts to promote discipline, self-respect, and teamwork through artists-in-residence, teacher training, after-school programs, and 38 Globalfundforchildren.org Grantee Partner KID smART Location New Orleans, Louisiana, United States summer camps. What began as a small art program has grown into a respected community organization serving more than 3,000 children in New Orleans public schools and community sites. After Hurricane Katrina, KID smART focused many of its projects on the healing power of art to foster community health. Like other grassroots organizations, KID smART was inherently in touch with the needs of the community when disaster struck. “When you go through an experience like that, you are definitely not the norm,” Olander says. But by networking with other Global Fund for Children grantee partners at the 2007 Recovery and Renewal Knowledge Exchange, Olander found that victims of other natural disasters were experiencing similar grief and challenges. Designed as an opportunity for nonprofit leaders to exchange best practices in disaster recovery, the Knowledge Exchange introduced Olander to grantee partner Dreamcatchers Foundation. Dreamcatchers, based in India, guides young people with histories of violence and trauma to discover their power to heal and rebuild their lives. tsunami victims. KID smART and its local grassroots partner, the Porch, work with children and families in the traditionally Creole, low-income Seventh Ward of New Orleans to facilitate community regeneration through the arts. This year, kids in the program created My Story books. Telling about their homes, families, values and fears, the children’s stories create a rich cultural portrait of a community in recovery. “Some [kids] got so into the project, they decided to use their My Story book as a personal time capsule, as a peek into the life of a youth living in the Seventh Ward in 2009,” says Voice TourГ©, a KID smART artist who helped facilitate the project. The Global Fund for Children is phasing out its Katrina funding as New Orleans transitions from recovery into long-term renewal. This year, in addition to a Recovery and Renewal Grant for the Wave of Life project, KID smART received a Sustainability Award to support a fundraising and marketing campaign. With guidance from Dreamcatchers, KID smART implemented the Wave of Life project, which was originally designed for Globalfundforchildren.org 39 Why begin with a child? Why, in times of scarcity, uncertainty, and fear, should we look to the grassroots for positive change? 40 Globalfundforchildren.org Because ingenuity begins from the ground up: Small organizations. Small grants. Reaching our smallest citizens— and solving the world’s biggest problems. Globalfundforchildren.org 41 Grantmaking Sustainability Awards The Global Fund for Children Sustainability Award is our highest level of funding and rewards our most exceptional grantee partners. This $25,000 award recognizes grassroots groups that are especially innovative and effective in their efforts to greatly improve the lives of vulnerable children and that are at a stage of development where higher levels of financial and program growth can be sustained. publish, and distribute a tool kit on the provision of social services to child survivors of abuse and violence. Association Jeunesse Actions Mali (Youth Action Association of Mali) Bamako, Mali Total support from GFC: $97,000 since 2003 AJA Mali provides basic education and life skills training, including long-term entrepreneurial apprenticeships, to out-of-school and working youth. The Educational Accompaniment for Apprentices program educates young apprentices in the same subjects taught to their school-going peers, monitors their relationships with their teachers, and advocates for their rights. AJA Mali is using this award to purchase equipment to expand its vocational training center, an investment that the organization expects will triple its annual revenue from professional trainings. Door Step School Mumbai, India Total support from GFC: $111,050 since 2004 Recipients of the Sustainability Award have demonstrated exceptional organizational development and strong management over the course of their relationship with us. They have expanded their budgets and programs, diversified funding sources, and increased their public profile and ability to leverage additional funds. In addition to proving their management capacity to administer larger grants, these organization have affected broader issues relating to children through advocacy, training, or replication of program models. In short, Sustainability Award winners are flourishing, and this award represents an important investment in their future. Targeted to support grantee partners at a critical stage in their organizational development, this award can be used in a variety of ways, including facility improvements, building institutional capacity in fundraising and communications, creating reserve funds, and implementing income-generation and self-sufficiency initiatives. bringing the number of awardees to 53 since we established the award five years ago. AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad (Women and Community Association) San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua Total support from GFC: $98,000 since 2003 MyC promotes the health, education, and safety of women and girls in rural Nicaragua. The Youth Scholarship Program, which supports boys and girls who would otherwise be unable to attend school, integrates academic scholarships with workshops that focus on the prevention of domestic and sexual violence. MyC is using this award to remodel six apartments that will provide future income for the organization. Association du Foyer de l’Enfant Libanais (Lebanese Child Home Association) Beirut, Lebanon Total support from GFC: $81,500 since 2004 Receiving a Sustainability Award does not mean the end of the grantee partner’s relationship with us. Awardees remain active in our network, participating in knowledge-sharing initiatives and receiving our help in leveraging funds from other sources. They are also eligible to receive tracking grants, which allow us to follow their progress as they continue to grow and develop. Sixteen of our most successful grantee partners were each given a $25,000 Sustainability Award this year, 42 Globalfundforchildren.org AFEL serves orphaned children and struggling families through a combination of literacy classes, youth clubs, summer camps, workshops, and a public-education program focused on strengthening family ties. The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Program targets children who are most at risk of either resorting to criminal pursuits or being exploited on the streets, working to simultaneously provide life skills and stabilize their personal lives. AFEL is using this award to develop, Door Step serves working, slum-dwelling, and street children through community preschools, classes for both school-going and out-of-school children, and mobile libraries and literacy classes. Working closely with the community and drawing on all available resources, Door Step’s innovative nonformal classrooms help accommodate working children and young girls, who often do not have the opportunity to attend formal school. Door Step is using this award to build a reserve fund. Espacio Cultural Creativo (Cultural Creative Space) La Paz, Bolivia Total support from GFC: $117,430 since 2002 ECC serves working children and street children by helping formal schools adapt to their needs and circumstances and by offering informal opportunities for cognitive development and creative expression. ECC workshops and ludotecas (programs centered around cultural and educational toys) use the same methodology in community centers and public spaces such as parks and plazas. ECC is using this award to design and implement a communications strategy in order to create a broader base of funders and promote its income-generating services. FundaciГіn Junto con los NiГ±os (Together with Children Foundation) Guayaquil, Ecuador Total support from GFC: $87,500 since 2004 JUCONI provides support to children working on the streets, with the aim of reducing or eliminating their street work, reintegrating them into school, and rebuilding the family environment, which is often plagued by violence and dysfunction. JUCONI’s family-based approach, which uses a highly personalized set of educational and therapeutic interventions, means the benefits affect all the children in the family. To decrease reliance on large institutional funders, JUCONI is using this award to implement a strategic fundraising initiative to attract individual donors. Fundatia COTE (COTE Foundation) Iasi, Romania Total support from GFC: $62,000 since 2006 COTE offers social assistance, counseling, and support to children and teenagers who are in or have recently left state-run orphanages in the impoverished region of Moldavia. Through the Graduate Program, young orphanage graduates receive housing and comprehensive training in personal, communication, and vocational skills to ensure a successful transition into mainstream society. COTE is further developing its organizational capacity and sustainability by using this award to implement a fundraising program and a reserve fund. Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan (Sikar Girls Education Initiative) Sikar, India Total support from GFC: $110,000 since 2002 By providing girls in rural Rajasthan with quality education, GMSS hopes to break the cycle of illiteracy, ignorance, and injustice, creating a world where boys and girls alike are given an opportunity to learn and take control of their lives. The science education program empowers girls, many of whom are at risk for early marriage, and enables them to find employment as professors, teachers, scientists, and researchers, simultaneously addressing the shortage of skilled science professionals in the area. GMSS is using this award to create a reserve fund for long-term financial stability. Jeeva Jyothi (Everlasting Light) Chennai, India Total support from GFC: $136,500 since 2002 Jeeva Jyothi treats both the consequences and the underlying causes of child labor in rice mills near Chennai through workplace-based nonformal education for children, adult literacy classes, and income generation training. Programs that focus on children’s economic empowerment and responsible citizenship contribute to the organization’s holistic approach to social change. Jeeva Jyothi is using this award to Globalfundforchildren.org 43 Profile purchase land for a training center, which will also be utilized by local organizations and government to generate additional revenue. KID smART New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Total support from GFC: $69,000 since 2006 Through artists-in-residence, after-school programs, and summer camps, KID smART offers students in New Orleans’s failing public schools a robust arts program that includes visual arts, poetry, dance, circus arts, and acting components. Believing that the arts are a powerful healing tool, KID smART facilitates psychosocial activities to help children rebuild connections to their families and community in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. KID smART is using this award to support activities critical to its organizational effectiveness and long-term sustainability. Men on the Side of the Road Woodstock, South Africa Total support from GFC: $97,000 since 2005 MSR provides employment and educational services to men and adolescent boys who spend their days waiting for short-term employment opportunities along the shoulders of major roadways in the Western Cape region. This award is being used to initiate a partnership with a local pedicab company, which will display MSR’s logo on its vehicles. Through this initiative, MSR will create jobs for the young men in its programs, increase its visibility, and earn additional revenue. Network of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Lucknow, India Total support from GFC: $95,400 since 2003 NEED facilitates the development of grassroots self-help groups that respond to the needs of undereducated women in villages throughout Uttar Pradesh. Organized and taught by women from these groups, NEED’s nonformal education centers in the Sitapur district provide children with basic education and training on children’s rights, gender equality, personal health, hygiene, and nutrition. NEED is using this award to implement a comprehensive fundraising campaign. Synapse Center Dakar, Senegal Total support from GFC: $127,500 since 2002 Synapse Center unleashes the entrepreneurial leadership potential of youth by encouraging them to start and grow their own initiatives and to take greater responsibility 44 Globalfundforchildren.org in their communities. The Education to Fight Social Exclusion Project promotes community investment in the fight against the marginalization of street children. In addition to funding new communications materials and fundraising outreach, this award is being used to create a short documentary on Synapse’s work. Changing the Gender Landscape Grantee Partner AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad (Women and Community Association) Location San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua Tasintha (Deeper Transformation) Programme Lusaka, Zambia Total support from GFC: $127,534 since 2003 Tasintha prevents women and children from entering the sex trade by giving them alternative income generation skills and raising community awareness about sexual exploitation. The Child Survival Project provides educational support to the children of sex workers and to street-dwelling children, aiming to equip them with the life skills and awareness to make positive life decisions, and to integrate them into formal schools. Tasintha is using this award to implement resource mobilization activities, including the training of income generation activity coordinators. Tbilisi Youth House Foundation Tbilisi, Georgia Total support from GFC: $111,500 since 2003 TYHF provides a variety of programs that help internally displaced children stay in or return to school, attend nonformal classes, and practice volunteerism. The New Opportunities through Active Learning program provides supplemental learning services to disadvantaged and low-income children. By using this award to implement a fundraising campaign, income generation activities, and a reserve fund, TYHF aims to improve its organizational sustainability. Young Playwrights’ Theater Washington, DC, United States Total support from GFC: $50,500 since 2006 YPT fosters literacy, facilitates dialogue on tolerance and respect, and teaches arts education and conflict resolution to youth in low-income schools. The In-School Playwriting Program, which weaves the elements of playwriting into existing curriculum, is specifically designed to help students reach new testing standards and improve literacy, speaking skills, vocabulary, and test comprehension. This award is being used to support capacity building at a crucial stage in YPT’s growth and to assist the organization in reaching the goals outlined in its recent strategic plan. Transforming traditional gender relationships is no small task. Just ask Zoraida Soza Sanchez. When describing the challenges facing San Francisco Libre, a municipality two hours outside Managua, Soza outlines a cycle of gender-based violence. “Women suffer and put up with many instances of violence and sexual abuse because society has taught them to do this for the unity of their family, and because they are economically dependent on men,” she says. “This situation of violence is passed to their daughters and sons, reproducing in the next generation the same roles—be it that of the victim or victimizer.” Soza’s organization, AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad (MyC) has been battling this intersection of poverty and genderbased violence for over 15 years. In San Francisco Libre, 70 percent of the population is unemployed or underemployed. Families do not have the resources to provide enough food for their children, let alone education. Women and girls suffer disproportionally in this reality from both domestic violence and economic hardship, with many girls leaving school at an early age to help with farming and housework. Using a three-pronged approach—targeting health, education, and the prevention of domestic and sexual violence—MyC supports the personal growth and development of women and girls while also developing a broader social consciousness in the community. The Global Fund for Children supports MyC’s Youth Scholarship program, which provides financial assistance for students at all levels of education, from primary school to university or technical school. “With [the youth scholarships], we alleviate this anguish of mothers when the money isn’t enough to send [their] daughters and sons to school,” Soza says, explaining that the men’s income is often only enough for food. Additional scholarships go to the young mothers themselves so they can become economically independent and provide education for their children. To introduce healthier relationship concepts, the scholarship program integrates workshops on topics such as gender violence, reproductive and sexual rights, selfesteem, and community service. of $98,000 in grants, providing nearly 100 scholarships each year for youth in the region. In that time, MyC has grown from a small women’s support group into a well-known and respected organization run by professional women—social workers, lawyers, agronomists, psychologists, nurses, and teachers. Many of these women have achieved these accomplishments with the help of MyC’s scholarships for youth and young women. “It is a team of women that has lost the fear to raise their voice to give an opinion in local, national, and international spaces,” says Soza, who is herself a survivor of domestic violence. In 2009, The Global Fund for Children gave MyC a Sustainability Award to help convert three MyC-owned houses into six apartments. These apartments will be rented out to consultants, students, and visiting professionals who need short-term lodging, thereby providing stability and income that can help support future scholarships. This combination of social and academic education is transforming San Francisco Libre’s gender landscape. Since 2003, The Global Fund for Children has supported MyC’s scholarship program with a total Globalfundforchildren.org 45 grassroots organizations are nimble, resilient, and creative. They find and assist the most hard-to-reach, vulnerable children in the world. They not only understand their communities’ unique needs but also have access to the language, knowledge, and local resources that can help provide solutions. Special Partner: Goldman Sachs Foundation Igniting the Potential of Youth Profile Connecting across cultures Grantee Partner The YP Foundation Location Delhi, India Marginalized young people are not devoid of aspirations, nor do they lack talent. What they require is the means through which their talent can find expression and their aspirations can be realized. At The Global Fund for Children, we have found that underserved children who are presented with opportunities do in fact become high achievers, and that their motivation impels exceptional energy and commitment. In India, tapping the potential of marginalized youth is the key to building a healthy economy. Despite the country’s booming economic growth, India accounts for a fifth of the world’s out-of-school children. Without opportunities for education and income generation, these children will grow into adults who are unable to support themselves or benefit from the growing economy. The existing gulf between India’s rich and poor will only expand as the level of poverty exceeds the country’s capacity to provide human services such as healthcare, sanitation, and education. Investing in an economy requires investing in its people. Young people must be prepared with a strong educational foundation, leadership skills, social and employment networks, and vocational skills—not only for the youth’s benefit but also for the country’s future. Our grantee partners are often among the first to recognize and cultivate the untapped assets of young people who may be invisible to or dismissed by others. Three years ago, the Goldman Sachs Foundation awarded us a grant valued at $1.2 million to help ensure that young Indians participate in the country’s economic advancement. This partnership, the Global Fund for Children / Goldman Sachs Foundation Initiative, supports community-based efforts to develop the leadership, entrepreneurial, and academic skills of marginalized Indian youth, particularly in Mumbai and Bengaluru. To date, we have supported 26 groups with more than 150 grants under this three-year initiative. 48 Globalfundforchildren.org Among them is Ananya Trust, which addresses the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of migrant children in Bengaluru through its school, Ananya Shikshana Kendra. Our grant supports the school’s Traveling Troupe, a musical and theater group for youth that functions as an interactive learning tool and combines learning with dance, music, and travel. Project Pygmalion, at the Institute of Leadership and Institutional Development, uses computer-aided instruction, role-playing, and interactive games to teach English and computer technology to children and youth from poor communities in Bengaluru, increasing their readiness for the global economy. Kherwadi Social Welfare Association provides educational, health, and vocational training programs to underprivileged youth living in Mumbai and the surrounding suburbs. Our grant supports the Yuva Parivartan (Youth Change) program, which works with slum-dwelling and out-of-school youth and young adults to create vocational opportunities that enable them to lead productive lives. “It’s really hard to get them together, but by the end, it’s totally worth it,” says Tanya, raising her voice to be heard over the children’s laughter and chatter. Standing in a colorful classroom at a hostel for street children, she is surrounded by small groups of children, each being led in an activity by a young college student. A volunteer from a project called Blending Spectrum, Tanya visits this hostel for boys in Delhi several times a week to teach life skills to urban slum children who are transitioning from street life to formal schooling. Like most of India’s 11 million street children, the children served by Blending Spectrum have had little or no access to education, and it can be challenging to integrate them into formal schooling when the opportunity arises. Blending Spectrum has developed an interactive, engaging curriculum that incorporates hands-on activities like music and art to teach both academic subjects and life skills. “This is a stepping stone for them,” Tanya, who is 19, says of the children, many of whom are orphans. “Before they go to school, they need these basic necessities like hygiene, memory, and concentration.” When Tanya isn’t working with Blending Spectrum, she studies political science at the University of Delhi. She found the volunteer project through The YP Foundation (TYPF), a nonprofit that empowers young people to develop projects addressing political and social issues they care about. Many of the volunteers, like Tanya, feel drawn to this model as a complement to their more traditional academic pursuits. “We have developed mindsets to identify problems, but we almost never develop systems to tackle them,” says Ishita Chaudhry, who founded TYPF when she was 17 years old. “I realized that we needed a space that was led by young people, which would encourage and challenge urban youth to develop leadership potential.” volunteer team of young people supported and implemented nonformal education programs that directly benefited 110 children and 35 volunteers. “The best part of the project is being in touch with … the child[ren] who have so much to give us,” says Shweta, a 19-yearold history honors student at the University of Delhi who also works with Blending Spectrum. “They are constantly motivating us to improve ourselves.” It is Chaudhry’s hope that, through projects like Blending Spectrum, the volunteers gain as much from the experience as the street children. “When a young person invests time and resources in helping a street child …, there is an irreplaceable and invaluable citizen change that occurs,” she says. Since 2002, TYPF has helped over 5,000 young people start more than 150 projects in India. This year, through a grant from The Global Fund for Children, TYPF’s Globalfundforchildren.org 49 Special Partner: Nike Foundation Profile Grassroots Girls Initiative Voices united against silence Grantee Partner Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada (Association for Supporting and Awakening Young Girls) Location Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso In much of the developing world, adolescence represents a critical juncture for girls, who face numerous obstacles to fulfilling their potential. Adolescent girls are frequently pressured to drop out of school, to economically support their families as domestic workers, or to marry and have children at a young age. They become susceptible to sexual trafficking and a multitude of health issues, including unintended pregnancies and HIV infection. At The Global Fund for Children, we believe in a different path for adolescent girls. When girls receive support and recognize the many opportunities available to them, they can become a powerful force in transforming their families, their communities, and the world. Believing in the power of girls as critical change agents is central to our participation in the Grassroots Girls Initiative (GGI), funded by the Nike Foundation. GGI aims to empower adolescent girls by supporting grassroots organizations in implementing programs, conducting advocacy, strengthening their organizational and programmatic capacities, and collaborating with other partners. Our GGI grantmaking partners include American Jewish World Service, EMpower–The Emerging Markets Foundation, Firelight Foundation, Global Fund for Women, and Mama Cash. Our grants under GGI provide both program-based and organizational support to a wide range of local groups. This year, we awarded a total of $270,000 in direct grants to 26 community-based organizations working with adolescent girls in Latin America, South Asia, and Africa. Our GGI grantee partners empower girls through a number of groundbreaking efforts: In Chimaltenango, Guatemala, Frente de Salud Infantil y Reproductiva de Guatemala (Guatemalan Front 50 Globalfundforchildren.org for Child and Reproductive Health) works with poor indigenous communities in the rural highlands of Guatemala to improve health, education, and overall quality of life. Our grant supports the Empowerment of Indigenous Girls program, which helps girls transition into adulthood through training, mentoring, and internships in life skills. Manav Aashrita Sansthan (Human Education Institute) in Rajasthan, India, forms village and tribal networks of young Muslim women and girls to promote access to quality education, employment, and income generation. The organization’s Young Girls Collective trains groups of adolescent girls to engage the community about issues such as early marriage, reproductive health, gender equality, and empowerment. In Nairobi, Kenya, the Centre for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD) helps domestic workers negotiate fair labor conditions and protect themselves from abuse and illness, in addition to encouraging them to consider formal-career alternatives. Our grant supports CDTD’s efforts to prevent child labor through community outreach and education programs, which specifically target adolescent girls because of their vulnerability to domestic labor and their proximity to children who are working in homes in their communities. A circle of packed mahogany dirt serves as a stage, with an aging baobab tree as a backdrop. The air is full of tension as the audience reacts to the unfolding story, occasionally shouting at the actors onstage. But this drama isn’t all pretend; the actors are playing out the all-toocommon scenario of sexual harassment in Burkina Faso schools. Maxine, who is in eighth grade, attended such a theater workshop coordinated by Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada (ADEP). “What struck me the most was seeing the composition of the audience at the workshop—school officials, teachers, and students [were there] to address an issue that concerns all of them,” she says. After the theater scenes, the students in the audience are asked what unhealthy behaviors they identified and what they would have done differently. The lively, open conversation that follows is one that would not occur in most schools in the country, where the topic of sex is taboo. Throughout Burkina Faso, a slew of health and social problems have been exacerbated by this pervasive silence, with women and girls carrying the burden. Sexual harassment and exploitation of girls—sometimes by teachers, neighbors, and family members—is a common and widespread problem. “Sexual education is virtually nonexistent in our societies,” says DГ©sirГ© Amadou Thombiano, the program coordinator for ADEP. “Our youth are left to their own devices and become easy prey to anything relating to sex.” To combat this problem, ADEP targets a myriad of goals to positively affect girls’ sexual and overall health: educating girls about AIDS and sexuality; working to eradicate gender-based violence; and helping society better understand the effects of early and forced marriage and the importance of girls’ education. The Global Fund for Children supports ADEP’s work to break the silence on sexual harassment by creating opportunities for open and safe dialogue inside school classrooms. Girls often experience harassment from peers, in the form of taunts and teasing, and from teachers who offer higher grades in return for sexual favors, abusing their positions of power and authority. ADEP works actively with teachers to ensure that the girls can learn in a safe and healthy environment, with their teachers assuming the role of protectors rather than predators. By creating safer classrooms and spreading the word through class curriculum, teachers and administrators play a pivotal role in ADEP’s programming. ADEP reaches a broad cross section of Burkinabe society by combining these school campaigns with innovative communications initiatives such as theatrical performances, radio broadcasts, and documentary films. This year, with support from The Global Fund for Children, ADEP organized ten community theater performances and continued to engage parents and teachers in the battle against sexual harassment through school-based workshops. Adding to last year’s roster of 20 teachers, ADEP succeeded in securing the commitment of 12 new teachers from six schools to include discussions on sexual harassment in school-based reproductive health workshops that reach 1,000 students. Globalfundforchildren.org 51 Special Partner: Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation Education for All Profile Cultivating Education and Opportunity Grantee Partner Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy Location Zhetasai, Kazakhstan At The Global Fund for Children, we constantly seek ways to reach the most vulnerable children in the world. This year, we received a $623,000 grant from the Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation to expand our work in the often underserved and underfunded regions of Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Each of these regions demonstrates challenges rooted in social and political cultures that inhibit children’s opportunities to become productive and healthy adults. Eastern Europe has experienced great economic and social upheaval in the last two decades. Trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation are serious problems, and it is estimated that 50 million children in the region live in poverty. In Central Asia, independence from the Soviet Union and a difficult economic transition have led to the collapse of most government support programs, including preschools and special-care facilities for disadvantaged children and youth. Children in the Middle East face political instability, violence and conflict, and pervasive gender disparities, and those in the least developed Arab countries also have difficulty gaining an education and securing productive employment. While these problems may seem overwhelming, emerging grassroots networks are providing solutions, one child at a time. Community-based organizations are best suited to evaluate and address local children’s needs through innovative methods, often utilizing resources that are readily available and culturally appropriate. With Credit Suisse’s two-year grant, we are supporting organizations that provide educational opportunities and job skills training to vulnerable children and youth in these regions. This grant will help fund approximately 17 grantee partners in six countries, with our support going to grassroots groups in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Hungary 52 Globalfundforchildren.org for the first time. This year, we invested $85,000, including one Sustainability Award, in eight groups. Among our grantee partners funded under the Credit Suisse grant is the Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (ROOF), which provides orphans in Moscow with high-quality learning opportunities. We support ROOF’s college preparatory program, which helps prepare orphans for college entrance exams through personal study plans and academic tutoring. ROOF was referred to us by an employee in the Credit Suisse Moscow office who volunteers with the group. In Diyarbakir, Turkey, Г‡ocuklar Ayni Г‡atinin Altinda Dernegi (Children Under the Same Roof Association) seeks to reduce the number of children working on the streets in this conflict-torn Kurdish area of the country by operating a mentoring and creative arts program that incorporates dance, visual arts, and theater. Its Ben U Sen Center, which our grant supports, relies on university-student volunteers to provide tutoring and serve as mentors to younger children. In Almaty, Kazakhstan, Eldany assists children and youth with physical disabilities and seeks to change attitudes about disability in the community. Participants in the youth employment program and in art therapy workshops create handicrafts that are then sold to generate income for Eldany and for the individual youth. When the Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy was established in 2005, eradicating child labor was not part of its mission. Located in southern Kazakhstan, the center focused on developing water user cooperatives and educating rural farmers in efficient use of water and land resources—significant issues in the country’s only cottongrowing region, where agriculture is the primary source of income. But grassroots groups like this one are inherently invested in the people they serve, and will often adapt their programs to address the community’s needs. This is precisely what happened when the center started utilizing its established networks and relationships to combat the serious problem of child labor in agricultural enterprise. Although the Kazak government has officially banned the worst forms of child labor, the problem persists. When harvest season arrives, migrant families—many from neighboring Uzbekistan, where wages are lower—descend on the hot, dry fields, ready to work. They bring their children, who pick cotton alongside their parents to help support their families. In addition to enduring brutal work conditions, these children grow up without the educational opportunities required to break the cycle of poverty. In 2007, the center’s director, Myrzakadyr Abdykhalikov, began working with the International Labor Organization to address labor issues within the region. By the following year, the center had integrated targeting child labor issues into its core mission, utilizing its unique position as an active resource for local farmers. Working directly with farmers who have been known to employ children, it facilitates trainings and presentations about the legal and socioeconomic effects of child labor and the worst forms of child labor. six-hour sessions each week. Simultaneously, the center provides trainings for the farmers who employ them. Educating a combination of community members, farmers, and children has a dual effect: the farmers end up adhering more closely to legal Kazakhstan work hours and conditions for children, and the children receive an education they would have gone without. This year’s grant from The Global Fund for Children supported the expansion of the education program for migrant children, doubling the program’s capacity from 25 to 50 children. “Initially, in the training of farmers, the issue was perceived negatively,” Abdykhalikov says. But through local awareness trainings, a documentary television program, and collaboration with local media, the center is shifting attitudes toward child labor in the region. The Global Fund for Children supports the center’s educational program for migrant child laborers who work in the cotton fields in Zhetasai and surrounding villages during the busy cotton-picking season. The children, who come from approximately 18 farms around three villages on the Uzbek border, attend school for three Globalfundforchildren.org 53 Clinton Global Initiative Profile Under-8 Initiative Breaking ground Grantee Partner Yunnan Institute of Development Location Yuxi, Yunnan Province, China The first eight years of a child’s life are critical to his or her physical, emotional, intellectual, and social development. Early deficiencies in nutrition, education, and emotional support often translate into long-term disadvantages that prevent young people from reaching their potential, thus perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization. Early intervention is needed to prepare these children to take on the challenge of formal schooling and fulfill their potential as global citizens. Through the Under-8 Initiative, which was announced at the 2007 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, The Global Fund for Children commits to investing $10 million in early childhood development and education for children who are 8 years old or younger. Over a five-year period, we will fund 100 innovative community-based organizations in 20 impoverished countries throughout the world, touching the lives of as many as 500,000 vulnerable children. We will also invest in children’s books, documentary films, and photography that raise awareness about the importance of early childhood education in the developing world. The grassroots groups we support are providing successful, high-quality early childhood development programs that ensure the healthy psychosocial and physical development of children aged 8 and under. We seek out promising models that build the skills of both children and their parents, and we strengthen these community-based organizations through a combination of financial, organizational, and technical support. This year, we awarded a total of $728,395 in grants to 60 grantee partners under the Under-8 Initiative. Since the launch of this initiative, we have given 231 grants worth more than $1.4 million to grassroots partners serving vulnerable children under 8 in 30 countries worldwide. Our funding has supported the work of many innovators: 54 Globalfundforchildren.org Skolta’el Yu’un Jlumaltic (Service to Our People) works to improve living conditions and opportunities in the indigenous slums around San CristГіbal, Mexico, through programs in early childhood development, basic education, health, nutrition, housing, sanitation, vocational training, and values. Our grant supports the Ch’ulme’il Mother-Child Educational Center, which provides early childhood education for children from birth to age 3 as well as parenting and life skills workshops for mothers. In Mumbai, India, Prerana (Inspiration) offers a range of educational activities, anti-trafficking initiatives, and support programs in order to protect the human rights of sexually exploited women and their children. Our grant supports educational services for the children of sex workers, including a night-care center that provides the children with basic education, nourishment, recreation, regular medical checkups, counseling, and a safe place to sleep. Hope for Children Organization provides psychosocial support, livelihood promotion, community resource mobilization, health education, life skills training, payment of school fees, and material support for orphans and other vulnerable children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Our grant supports the kindergarten and early childhood development center, which provides innovative early childhood education to orphaned and vulnerable children. On the opening day of the first preschool ever built in Baishamo, a rural village in China’s Yunnan Province, everyone came together to celebrate. Villagers took time away from their farmwork to hear the preschool teacher and village leader give speeches and to watch the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Parents and guests prepared lunch for the event and cheered for the children as they performed special songs and dances. That night, everyone gathered for a celebratory feast. This community-wide celebration was no surprise, considering how many villagers had taken part in the school’s development. Since 2003, the Yunnan Institute of Development (YID) has helped 19 villages like Baishamo establish preschools from the ground up—involving parents and village leaders at every step. YID, which began as a leadership training center for adults who wanted to work in development, implements rural education and health projects in ethnic minority communities in Yunnan Province, where access to early childhood education is staggeringly limited. Recent studies show that only one in six children under the age of 5 attends preschool, and less than 5 percent of children under the age of 3 have access to early childhood education opportunities. In areas dominated by ethnic minorities, rural children face the additional challenge of a language barrier. Because the need for early education centers in these villages is so great, the preschools enjoy incredible levels of community support, ensuring sustainability. “The parents attended the information meeting [held by YID],” says Mu Chunming, the preschool teacher in Baishamo. “They decided to start the preschool under the leadership of the village leader.” Once the community has expressed support for the preschool, YID helps parents and community members select a teacher and prepare the building. Parents contribute to the teacher’s salary, and villages often donate an existing space for the preschool and commit to maintaining the facility. YID offers monthly teacher training workshops to help the teachers strengthen their capacity and build networks. and well-being grant paid for seminars for parents about the importance of nutrition, hygiene, and medical checkups for preschool children. As a result of the programs, the attrition rate has been considerably reduced, and children from the preschools are able to successfully transition into primary school. The children’s parents, grateful for their children’s education, note other advantages as well. “We have more time to do farmwork,” says Zhu He Liang of Baishamo. “My child likes preschool very much,” says Wu Zheng Rong, whose daughter attends preschool in the village of Douzhe. “Even if there is no class, she likes to go to preschool and look for her friends.” A grant from The Global Fund for Children supported the establishment of five preschools in rural villages this year, including Baishamo, and funded teacher training courses. A supplementary health Globalfundforchildren.org 55 A Closer look Investing in the Future of Child Waste Pickers Phnom Penh, Cambodia This morning, I saw 25 children, ages 10 to 15 (although because of malnutrition they appear much younger), sitting under the awning on the curbside. Many of them walk to the Mobile Outreach and Education Program or ride their bicycles. They are barefoot and exhibit some of the most common ailments afflicting child waste pickers: severe skin rashes and open sores on their legs and feet, dog bites, glass and metal puncture wounds, and cuts. Sitting on the mat, they listen attentively to their enthusiastic and engaging teacher and identify photos of leaking acid, broken glass bottles, and medicinal waste like syringes and pills. The children eagerly raise their hands to identify the dangerous items and volunteer ways to avoid them. The children begin the session by washing their hands in a bucket and conclude the session by receiving their share of first-aid goodies—they use small fingernail clippers and apply alcohol and bandages to open wounds. Lastly, the children eat their snack, consisting of a small box of rice, grilled chicken or beef, and a bottle of water. —Hoa Tu Duong, Program Officer for East and Southeast Asia (excerpted from “Phnom Penh’s Curbside Classrooms for Child Waste Pickers,” originally featured on GFC’s blog, On the Road) Managua, Nicaragua I’m not easily stirred. I’ve seen a lot of poverty, disease, and the dark underbelly of depravity in my life. Each time, I’m grateful for my small chance to make a difference, facilitate change, and contribute to the well-being of others. But this visit profoundly affected me. As we turned onto the rutted, 56 Globalfundforchildren.org black mud road to the dump, we entered a new landscape marked by mountains of trash, rivers of sewage, and streams of slime. As I began to make sense of this new environment, I started to recognize order amidst the chaos. A blue hill of plastic bags, another of clear plastic bags, and a sorted heap of plastic water bottles lay to my right; all would be re-purposed later. Small piles of trash were being burned, having already been sufficiently picked over for anything that might possibly be of use. —Victoria Dunning, Vice President of Programs (excerpted from “Life in the Dumps,” originally featured on GFC’s blog, On the Road) A complex issue that spans much of the developing world, informal waste recycling offers a livelihood opportunity for millions of people in poverty. This type of recycling directly reduces waste and is more cost effective and less resource intensive than most formalsector recycling services. By collecting and turning in recyclables for cash, or salvaging and selling reusable materials like scrap metal, waste pickers are a staple of the informal economy in many developing nations. Yet informal waste recycling also presents extreme health and safety risks, especially for children, and the sector is not recognized by society at large as playing a meaningful role in recycling or urban development. Those who engage in informal waste recycling generally belong to the poorest and most disadvantaged sectors of the population. Although scavenging can be a source of income that allows waste pickers in some cases to earn more than the local minimum wage, they face significant dangers, ranging from illness and injury due to contact with hazardous materials to intimidation and harassment from authorities who consider this type of waste collection to be stealing and therefore illegal. Since many waste recyclers are ostracized and have limited access to formal services, they frequently face these risks without healthcare or legal protection. Whole families are involved in the informal waste recycling sector, and children are clearly the most negatively impacted by this work. Young people represent a large portion of waste pickers, and often it is the children who are tasked with sorting through the collected trash to find items to recycle and sell. In addition to being more susceptible to health and safety risks, these children are often forced to forgo education so they may contribute to their family’s income. This perpetuates the cycle of poverty and denies the children opportunities to build a better life. At The Global Fund for Children, we believe waste picking can be a viable pathway out of poverty if its adult participants work in a fair and safe environment, have access to basic services, and can send their children to school. For their environmental and economic potential to be fully realized, waste recyclers must have a role in determining their working conditions and be able to consider how these conditions impact their family’s well-being. When waste recyclers have the power to make decisions regarding their work, informal waste recycling can be an important tool for income generation and empowerment. We support several innovative grassroots organizations that work directly with wastepicking communities to improve working conditions for adults and to provide education and health services for children so they may transition out of this work. In Phnom Pehn, Cambodia, Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization (CSARO) addresses the needs of urban waste collectors through community development and waste management programs. We support CSARO’s Mobile Outreach and Education Program, which builds community awareness about the environment and sanitation while also providing basic education to child waste pickers. Curbside training sessions teach the children numeracy, writing, and reading, in addition to hygiene, safety, and children’s rights, through a variety of techniques specially designed for children at different literacy levels. CSARO’s Solid Waste Management Program helps adult waste pickers form self-help groups that enable participants to share knowledge and work together to further their social and economic development. In 2008, when a mountain of trash collapsed on and killed several waste recyclers—including at least one child—in Guatemala City’s landfill, Instituto para la SuperaciГіn de la Miseria Urbana (Institute for Overcoming Urban Poverty), or ISMUGUA, organized an extensive relief effort for children orphaned by the tragedy. After evaluating the children’s needs, ISMUGUA offered Globalfundforchildren.org 57 temporary shelter and helped the children get settled with relatives. Using a $2,000 emergency grant from The Global Fund for Children, ISMUGUA provided school clothes and supplies, medicine, soap, dental supplies, and food to children who had lost parents or guardians in the avalanche. Beyond its emergency intervention, ISMUGUA regularly provides training for adults from marginalized communities in alternative income generation, financial management, and organizational development. Many people in these communities earn a living by collecting recyclable materials from Guatemala City’s garbage dump. We support ISMUGUA’s community children’s centers, which provide poor working families with community-based childcare. the global economic crisis exacerbates poor working conditions. This year, Chintan published an in-depth study of the economic crisis’s impact on urban waste collectors in and around New Delhi. The study concluded that the resale value of scrap materials that waste recyclers collect and sort is crashing in tandem with the prices of commodities. Additionally, as production slows, available scrap materials are becoming more difficult to find and waste pickers are spending longer hours scavenging, sometimes into the night. Chintan’s study emphasizes the importance of gaining a more formal platform in society for adult waste recyclers so they will not be left out of government economic recovery efforts. Through its No Child in Bins program, Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group works with both children and junk dealers in and around New Delhi, India, to support children’s education and to ultimately remove children from the hazardous risks of waste picking. In New Delhi, waste-picking children can often be found working in and around trash bins, where they search for recyclables that are then sold to junk dealers, who resell the products in the marketplace. Chintan currently runs a series of projects, including nonformal education programs, legal protections for waste recyclers, right to citizenship initiatives, and waste resource centers. The Global Fund for Children provides funding for five grassroots groups working with waste recyclers around the world. These organizations are providing basic education for children from waste-picking communities and are offering adult waste pickers economically and environmentally viable options that enable them to pull themselves out of poverty and become valued service providers within society. These groups also provide critical services for the safety, education, and health of child and adult waste pickers, who are largely invisible to the rest of society. By supporting these organizations and the children they serve, we are making a long-term investment in individual lives and in the ability of waste-picking communities as a whole to determine their own future. The support that community-based groups provide to waste-picking communities is even more important as 58 Globalfundforchildren.org young people have the right to a clean and safe environment in which to live, work, and play. Because The Global Fund for Children Global Media Ventures Through the power of books, documentary photography, films, and digital media, the Global Media Ventures program shares the stories and voices of children and youth around the world, promoting their dignity and advancing global citizenship. Global Fund For Children Books At the heart of Global Media Ventures is the children’s book program, published under the imprint Global Fund for Children Books. These award-winning books teach children to value diversity and to grow into caring, productive citizens of the world. Each book seeks to integrate children’s perspectives and inspire young readers to explore diverse cultures and embrace global understanding. We have 25 children’s books and resource guides in publication and more than 600,000 copies in circulation. Our books have been read by over 2 million readers and have won many significant awards. The latest addition to the collection, Faith, explores from a child’s perspective different religious expressions around the world, including praying, singing, learning, and caring. The book is designed to pique children’s curiosity about different spiritual traditions and to help them explore the common threads that bring people together in religious celebration. Faith has been very well received; in a highlighted review, Kirkus Reviews calls the book an “impeccably designed introduction to spiritual practices around the world.” 60 Globalfundforchildren.org This year, we also released Global Babies / BebГ©s del mundo, an English-Spanish edition of the very popular Global Babies. This charming board book continues to delight young readers and their caregivers. Children of the U.S.A., published last year, won the Moonbeam Children’s Book Gold Award for multicultural nonfiction and was named one of Bank Street College’s Best Children’s Books of the Year. Global Fund for Children books are developed in partnership with Charlesbridge Publishing, a for-profit children’s book company. When we published our first book, Children from Australia to Zimbabwe, a portion of the royalties went to fund our grantmaking, and this practice continues today. Books for Kids The Books for Kids project donates Global Fund for Children books and resource guides to communitybased literacy organizations. In targeting local groups that demonstrate a pressing need for educational materials, Books for Kids hopes to reach children who may not otherwise have access to new and quality books. Since 1996, the Books for Kids project has donated more than 85,000 books, with a retail value of more than $1 million, to organizations and programs promoting children’s literacy around the world. Last year, Books for Kids focused on international donations made possible through a grant from Oprah’s Angel Network. This year, Books for Kids targeted domestic groups working with children in underserved communities. Our grantee partner Hope House received 400 books for its Father to Child Reading Program, through which children of incarcerated men receive new children’s books along with audio recordings of their fathers reading the text aloud. In recognition of the important services that public libraries provide to their communities, especially in times of economic hardship, Books for Kids also initiated a special library donation project of our award-winning book Children of the U.S.A. Reaching out to library systems in the 51 towns and cities featured in the book, Books for Kids donated 554 copies with a retail value of $13,268. With the vast majority of these books going directly into circulation at main and branch libraries, the children in these communities can read about their hometown peers as well as friends across the country. In total, Books for Kids this year donated 4,295 books, with a retail value of nearly $45,000, to children’s literacy organizations and programs. partners cultivate in the children they serve. It is also designed to inspire a new generation of photographers to document social change all over the world. The fellowship, created in 2004 in partnership with the New York–based International Center of Photography, has been awarded to six young photographers. This year, we awarded two photography fellowships. Jesse Newman, a freelance photojournalist and documentary photographer based in Brooklyn, New York, traveled to Thailand and Guatemala to photograph grantee partners working in early childhood development as part of our Under-8 Initiative. Tiana Markova-Gold, also a Brooklyn-based photographer, visited our partners involved in the Nike Foundation’s Grassroots Girls Initiative in Brazil and Nigeria. Through her fellowship, which was partly funded by the Nike Foundation, she documented grassroots groups working to empower, protect, and educate adolescent girls and young women. Many of the photographs illustrating this annual report were taken during their fellowships. Global Fund for Children Films Documentary Photography The Global Fund for Children / International Center of Photography Fellowship uses the power of photography to highlight the hope and opportunity our grantee The Global Fund for Children invests in films that bring the stories of vulnerable children and youth to wider audiences, focusing on the triumphs and vitality of young people and raising awareness of the issues confronting them. Globalfundforchildren.org 61 The Global Fund for Children This year, we invested in the second installment of Punam, an ongoing film project documenting the life of a young girl in Nepal. Serbian filmmakers Natasa and Lucian Muntean began filming Punam when she was 9 years old. As her family’s primary caregiver following her mother’s death, Punam looks after her two younger siblings while her father works from sunrise to sunset in a rice mill. The film’s second installment continues Punam’s story as her big dreams and determination to be educated present a testament to children’s inspirational and resilient spirits. Journey of a Red Fridge came out on DVD this year with a special feature on The Global Fund for Children. Also made by Natasa and Lucian Muntean, this film follows a 17-year-old porter on a journey through the Himalayas. War Child, documenting the life of former child soldier Emmanuel Jal, was released in select movie theaters across the country this year. We held special screenings in Washington, DC, co-hosted with Washington Life Magazine, and in Atherton, California, with our Silicon Valley Leadership Council. videos. This project was part of our 2008 Digital Media and Learning Award, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. To capture grassroots knowledge that is then disseminated through the media hub, we invested in 20 digital Flip cameras and a video camera to document the sights and sounds of our grantee partners’ work. In addition to conducting interviews and creating original short films, our staff distributed cameras and trained grantee partners to capture their own voices and share community knowledge. In January 2009, we partnered with the Center for Digital Storytelling to conduct a three-day video workshop with The YP Foundation, a grantee partner in India that helps youth volunteers create community service projects. The youth learned to make and share digital stories about their work. Our blog, On the Road, continues to share the firsthand experiences of our staff members as they travel and visit potential and current grantee partners. This year, we also began to seek out grantee partners to contribute stories through guest blogging, giving them the opportunity to showcase their successes and their strategies for coping with challenges. Digital Media In 2009, we launched a media hub on our website that serves as a clearinghouse for grassroots knowledge, a place to share the stories and strategies of our grantee partners through blogs, photographs, podcasts, and 62 Globalfundforchildren.org Globalfundforchildren.org 63 The Global Fund for Children Giving With the support of friends, advocates, and strategic partners, The Global Fund for Children continues to grow and thrive. Reaching America’s Workplaces The Global Fund for Children is pleased to be a member of America’s Charities’ Children First campaign. Since 1980, America’s Charities has brought the nation’s best-known and most-loved charities to workplace giving campaigns across the United States. Through this membership, we have been accepted into the 2010 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #28447) and over 90 corporate giving campaigns across the country, reaching over 10 million private- and public-sector employees. year, the students raised money for Ruchika Social Service Organization in India, Ananya Trust in India, and Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation in Ethiopia. Over the years, these dedicated readers have raised over $65,000 for Global Fund for Children grantee partners. Philanthropy through Fashion Tea Collection creates beautiful high-quality children’s clothing that carries our message to children and families around the world. Tea’s special collection of bodysuits and children’s T-shirts benefiting The Global Fund for Children is imprinted with the phrase “for little citizens of the world.” Since 2006, Tea’s children’s clothing has raised over $100,000 for our work with children and youth. Because children are the seeds of a brighter future. Nurturing Global Citizens The global action clubs of New Global Citizens empower high-school youth in the United States to learn about, advocate for, and raise money for global issues. These youth-led teams educate their communities about our grantee partners while raising funds in creative and fun ways. This year, Global Fund for Children grantees were chosen by global action clubs at Acalanes High School, Palo Alto High School, and Pioneer High School in California; Red Mountain High School and St. Mary’s Catholic High School in Arizona; and Shaker High School in New York. The clubs raised over $8,000 for their selected partners through bake sales, dance-athons, T-shirt sales, and a penny drive. Since 1999, The Global Fund for Children has been the recipient of the Mirman School read-a-thon in Los Angeles. Each year, the school’s third-grade classes read books to support our grantee partners. This past 64 Globalfundforchildren.org Socially Responsible Travel Elevate Destinations creates unique educational travel experiences that benefit environmental preservation and community development. This year, The Global Fund for Children and Elevate Destinations partnered to begin designing learning trips to visit grantee partners around the world. We are pleased to offer our donors and friends opportunities to see firsthand the work that we support, and we look forward to our first trip together, the Children of Guatemala Learning Tour in February 2010. Special Initiative Since 2005, The Global Fund for Children has been lucky to be a recipient of the Working Assets CREDO Mobile partnership program. Through this program, Working Assets sends a donation to its nonprofit partners each time a client uses its mobile telephone services. In total, this partnership has raised over $100,000 for us. Globalfundforchildren.org 65 2008–2009 Our Donors Individuals Anonymous (18) Rubina Adam Marjorie A. Adams Maya Ajmera and David Hollander Jr. Roopa and Ramesh Ajmera Bashayer J. M. Alakhawand Mohammad Alfalah Sunny Jung Alsup and William Byrn Alsup III Barbara Anderson Antonella Antonini and Alan Stein Barbara and William Ascher Melissa Ash Gregory Bader Amy Baernstein Marion Ballard Charles Bank Dorothy and Andrew Barnes Thomas C. Barry Linda G. Becker Marilyn Beller Beth Beller-Cirone and Thomas Cirone Marianne Bentley Pamela and Alan Bergman Jacqueline Berkman Juliet R. Bernstein Malavika and Siddharth Bhattacharji Chinmay S. Bhide Kevin Bird Sophie Black Tristan E. Blackwood Bethany Bond Alaine and Wayne Brandt Tod Breslau Anne Haley Brown and Wren T. Brown Teddie and Tony Brown Ellen Bartczak Buffington Dennis Burlingame Rachel Burnett and M. Evan McDonnell Maura C. and Michael T. Burns India and Michael Bush Stephanos Byrne 66 Globalfundforchildren.org Quynh-Tien and David Campion Kim Carr and John Friedrich Amy and Charles Carter Frances Carter Jing Chang and Jingsheng Jason Cong Katherine Alice Chang and Thomas Einstein M. Chow Jo Christie J. D. Chuah Jon Dee Chuah Annette Clear and Michael Begert Katherine Clements Susan and Steven Cobin Susan and Peter Colby Kate Collins Shantha Condamoor Julia Candace Corliss Patricia Cox and Katie and Will Hunckler Kathy Raymond Crow and Harlan K. Crow Paula and James Crown Blake and Michael Daffey Sandra and Howard Daniels Christina and Gareth Davies Charlotte Davis Dina de Angelo Allison and Andrew De Camara James Gregory Dees Jodi and Michael Detjen Cheryl Dorsey Victoria Dunning Suzanne Duryea and Tim Waidmann Adetunji Eleso Suzie M. El-Saden and Scott C. Goodwin Sarah Epstein Sean Erickson Pegah Banayan Etessami and Rambod Etessami Omar Evans Timothy Fant Brent Farmer Ruth Farnham Kathleen and Henry Faulkner Karen and Todd Fearon Evelina Feinberg Lisa Fiala Jayne and Gary Finch Jeanne Donovan Fisher Shelly and Jonathan Flicker Charlotte and Bill Ford Lawrence Freedman Joshua Friedman Fredi and Joseph Fries Dennis G. Gaffney Sarah and Michael Gale Christopher Gay Linda and Fred Gaylord Susan and Chuck Gaylord Elham Ghadishah and Kamran Broukhim Paola Gianturco Eleanor Gimon Stephen Goldstein Veronica Gonzales John Gordon Simone and Michael Gordon Kathleen and William Gourlie Catherine Greene Connie Allen Greig and Douglas Greig Lynn Grone Goh Kee Guan Anu Gupta and Arnab Ghatak Venu Gupta and Sendhil Revuluri Vineeta Gupta Susan Gutchess Anneliese and Thomas Haas Josette Haddad Jana Haimsohn Gayle and Roger Halpin Carolyn Hampton Georges Harik Susan Carter Harrington and Tom Harrington Susan Harris and Charles Harris III Fiona Harrison and Richard Sander Catherine Hart Susan and William Hart Christie and John W. Hastings Jennifer K. Hatlen Alicia and Matthew Hawk Jane and John Hepburn Esther B. Hewlett Mary Hewlett Sally M. Hewlett Hope Hollander Shirley Hollander Elizabeth and Robert Huffman Kristen and David Huffman-Gottschling H. Ingalls Farieda and Behram Irani Sarah Ireland Marisa and Jerry Irvine Jeanet and John Irwin Maxine Isaacs Julia and Adam Janovic Golda and Joshua Jeffries Kaili Mang Jeyarajah and Praveen Jeyarajah B. Jones Parie Kadir Guy C. Kaldis Raman Kapur Anjali Kataria and Vinay Bhargava Evelyn and George Kausch Suzanne Keech Anita and David Keller Lauren Keller Julie Kemper Angela Keniston Sanjiv Khattri Elena Lopez Khoury and Wael Khoury Courtney Klein Andrea Knott Gary S. Kolodaro C. Kooijman Mary and Nic Korte Judy Kramer Joanne Kogan Krell Patricia Lancaster Martha and Oscar Landeros Jonathan Lechter Rhonda Lees Erica Lehman-Aaron and Ian Aaron Solome Lemma Benjamin Lerman Paula Lewis Harry Lippy Elizabeth and Timothy Liu Joan Lombardi and Neville Beharie Chinmay Lonkar Marcena Love Jeannie Lowery Laura Luger Hari Singh Lunayach Ann Kew Lupardi and Vincent Lupardi Kieran Lynn and Brett Mosdell Rajesh Mallya Deborah Manegold Krishna Mantripragada Linda Zuehlke Mara and John Mara Jeffrey Martello Jimena Martinez and Michael Hirschhorn Annette Martinez-Novo and Jose Novo Marion and Norman Mazer Amanda McFall and Scott Peterson Suzanne and Patrick McGee Debbie and Mark McGoldrick Leslie McMullen Mary Patterson McPherson Suzanne and Howard Merkel Patricia and James Meyers Milena Mikael-Debass Karen and Daniel Miron Judy and Kevin Moak Kathryn E. Money and Aaron Stivers Money Karla Moore Nancy and Clay Mulford Florabel G. Mullick Farahnaz Nassim and Farid Amid Chiang Ling Ng Amanda North Tara Novick and E. Holly McDowell-Novick E. MacArthur Noyes Francesca and Frank Nuovo Trina and Frank Nuovo Linda and Richard O’Leary Mary M. O’Leary Lynn and Harry O’Mealia Cornelia and Dirk Ormoneit Marina Ospina-Walz Dorothy and Wilbur Parry Joan Pataky-Kosove Neha and Manesh Patel Elaine Pelc and Timothy O’Leary Nancy Peretsman and Robert Scully Katherine Perot Marcella Pethes Thomas R. Petty Jr. Marilyn E. and Thomas J. Pinnavaia Sandra Pinnavaia and Guy Moszkowski Joan Platt Cynthia Pon Phillip Portlock Jodi Michelle Price Caren Prothro Manikchand Rane Kristin L. Ransom Carolyn and Karl Rathjen Ron Rattner Palacharla Ravindranath Leigh Rawdon and David Rolf Adele Richardson Ray Donna Regalado Winter Reign and Brendan Armm Toni Rey Edward J. Rich Gay A. Roane Joseph E. Robert Jr. Manuela Rodrigues Patricia Rosenfield Nadine and Edward Rosenthal John Bernard Rubeli Katie and George Ruiz Globalfundforchildren.org 67 Melissa and Roy SalamГ© Alison Sands Jesse and Keith Sanford Rachel Savage Diane Scanlon Tamar Schiffman Sonja Schmidt Emily Schneider Gabriel Schwartz Karen and Robert G. Scott Robert W. Scully Maya Seiden and Sean Maloney Joel Shapiro Susanna Shapiro Preeti and Atul Sharan David Sherman Joan Shifrin and Michael Faber Anant Shivraj Rona Silkiss Heather and Adam Silver Janata Sims Dana Michelle Sinclair-Yariv and Amir Yariv Raj Singh Mona and Ravi Sinha Nancy and Paul Skelly Katina Smikle Anne Sorensen Roswell Spafford Suma and Naveen Srinivas Elizabeth Station and Christopher Welna Scott Staub Kelly and Gregory Stedman Ruth and Robert Steen Nancy Langen Steketee Margaret and Robert Stillman Brian Stolz Mark J. Strandquist Christopher Straus Sarah Strunk and Kent Lewis Joszef A. Szabo Jaime Tamez Nolan Taylor Nike Zachmanoglou Tirman and John Tirman Ellen and Benjamin Tombaugh Helene and David Toomey Sebastian Traeger Kathryn Troutman Lauren Uppington Alan Vollman 68 Globalfundforchildren.org Nick Watson Sasha and Howard Weinstein and Family Amy Berkowe Weiss and Daniel Weiss The Welna-Station Family Lisa and Lance West Alison Whalen and Steven Marenberg Willie Whitehead Marisel Balseiro Wilbur and Thomas Wilbur Judy and Don Williams Lenore Denise Williams Judith and Bayard Wilson Julia Lee Wood and Samuel Wood Nardos Worku Diana Wu Renate Zeitlin In Honor of Maya Ajmera and David Hollander Jr. from Anuja Khemka Rony and Catherine Shimony Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Marjorie R. Sims Matthew Windsor Kori Bardige from Anonymous Maya Bral from Anonymous Jesse K. Cataldi from Hoa Tu Duong Jim Cohen from Anonymous Hayley Crown from Mary and Charlie Gofen Pearl Rieger The first birthday of Sebastian Dorn from Patsey and George McMahon Deborah Miller Kathleen Phillips Donna L. Sharfinski and Tom L. Weertz Kathy and Harleigh Ewell from Constance Roberts Sue Feldwisch and Tish McMarren from Amy, Jason, and Ryan Roetgerman Gideon and Isaac Fenster from Kristen and Mitchell Fenster Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Frantz from Barbara J. Abernethy Thomas Frederick from Patricia Cox Gilbert Galle from Anonymous Karina Garcia-Barbera from Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones Anya George-Svahn from Monica Grover The Gerin Family from Meredith and Corridon Lapati Anne Greever from Anonymous Erin McCay Halle from Laura Heffernan Elsie Haskins from Jill Lafrenz The birthday of John Hepburn from Anonymous (3) Claes DahlbГ¤ck Donald Moore Christina and Leif Г–stling Joelle and Andrew Sell John Shakeshaft Vagn Soerensen Andreas and Max Stenbeck the Stenbeck/Fitzgibbons Clan Britt StrГ¶mberg Dieter Turowski Harold and Lillian Hoffman from Anonymous The guests of the wedding of Elizabeth Hong and Tim Liu from Elizabeth Hong and Tim Liu IABC Membership staff from Lee Anne Snedeker The marriage of Gay and Peter Jegers from Barbara Beuschlein Jo Kendall Colleen McGuinn Markham B. Miller Luke Jeter from the Jeter Family Sarah Johnson from Patricia Cox Deanna and Aaron Kahn from Elizabeth Kahn D. B. Kam from Denise Baldwin Debi Knoth from Anonymous Jordan Kroll from Elliot Kroll Chance Peets Leviatin from Roz and Victor Leviatin Cole Peets Leviatin from Roz and Victor Leviatin Neve Peets Leviatin from Roz and Victor Leviatin Samuel Joshua Leviatin from Roz and Victor Leviatin Arlo Isaac Bourdon Levy from Rosanne Brooks Lisa Ling from Columbus Academy Gary Logan from Molly Mednikow The children of Longmeadow Public Schools from Superintendent E. Jahn Hart The 49th anniversary of Judith and Mark Lowenstein from Sheri P. Lowenstein The marriage of Tina Lu and Jonathan Liu from Karen Tong Eli Jobrack Lundy and his friends from Jennifer Jobrack and David Lundy The birthday of Maithreya from Kalpana Kumari Gowda and Lingaiah Chandrashekar Michele McDaniel and Danny Mason from Scott Hurwitch The McShea Family from Ann Marcus Baby Siraj Mehta from Vaishali and Sumir Chadha Robin Myra Riske Trae Vassalo Stephanie Moleski from Anonymous Grace Dunning Mtunguja from Sandra and Shane Atherholt Suzanne and Carl Cross Demetria Newman from Melanie Davis-Jones Eli Offenkrantz from Isa Catto Shaw, Daniel Shaw, Fiona, and Duncan Stephanie and Makena Parel from Miriam Parel Pratima Prabhu from Anonymous Anu Ramachandran from Anonymous Subha Aahlad Anu Chirala V. Dilip Lizy and Boban John Excelle Liu and Jorden Woods Kathy Lomeli Eileen Reeker from Linda Maree Gabriel The Robertson Scholars team from Anthony Brown Rick Rome from Matthew D. Fleming Suzanne Hollman Rachel Miller Katie and George Ruiz from Katie Shvartsman Sevil Salur and Eric Gawiser from Michelle J. Neuman Schering Plough Reg. Office, Dubai, from Harini Shetty Tamar Schiffman from Nitsa and Irving Schiffman Ruth Zcharya Schober-Levine from Daniel Levine The wedding of Maya Seiden and Sean Maloney from an anonymous donor of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Joel Shapiro from Jackie and Ira Shapiro Jacob and Mara Silverstein from Suzanne Silverstein Shelley Smith from Anonymous Rachalle and Ernie Spears for Christmas 2008 from Frank Pantaleo The Thaman-Gathard Family from the citizens of Ottawa Hills Aaryan Vira from Anonymous The 50th wedding anniversary of Deborah and Walter Wagner from Shirley Hollander Oprah Winfrey from Anonymous Kianna Young from Susanne Wong Zak and Mason from Anonymous In Memory of Evelyn Zaban Benson from Phillip Portlock Sal Giancarli from Carmine Versaci Scott Hampton from Dana and Kevin Bird Lee Junk Jik from Penny and Roy Feldman Drs. Raja and Jenny Johnpulle from Jill Mraz Baskin Sara Karni from The Sarah and Ross Perot Jr. Foundation Hani Khalil from Anonymous Julie Hollander Paul Korshin from Juliet R. Bernstein Jeanne Conerly and David Venturo William Roger Lloyd from Roxanne Dawson Samuel and Isaac Lazar Mayer from Anonymous Ethlyn Amanda Pennant from Merlene V. Nembhard Rashad Richardson from Jon Hirschberger Jack Weiser from Randy Chauss GIFT FUNDS Anonymous donor of the Chicago Community Trust Anonymous donor of the Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan Anonymous donor of the Jewish Communal Fund Maya Ajmera and David Hollander Jr. Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Billingsley Fund of the Dallas Women’s Foundation Elizabeth Roberts Boyle Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis Gareth and Christina Davies Family Trust Cole Dodwell Family Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Driscoll Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Paul Fulton Non-Endowed Advised Fund of the Winston-Salem Foundation The globalislocal Fund of the National Philanthropic Trust The globalislocal Partnership Fund of the National Philanthropic Trust Hodgson Fund of the New York Community Trust Hurlbut-Johnson Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Katz Family Foundation Fund of the Tides Foundation Laura and Gary Lauder Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund Teresa Luchsinger Giving Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Globalfundforchildren.org 69 Kenlyn Mirbach Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Endowment Susan and Frank Myers Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Anthony and Carmen Paolercio Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Patricof Family Foundation Fund of the New York Community Trust Philanthropy Fund of America Regent Trust Company Limited, a Trustee of the Kwok Charitable Trust Stewart Family Fund of the Chicago Community Foundation G. Thompson and Wende Hutton Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Dorothy Y. Tsuji and Michael M. Tsuji Charitable Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Volpi-Cupal Family Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Working Assets/CREDO Grantmaking Fund of the Tides Foundation Yahoo Inc. Fund of Global Impact Corporate Giving All the J’s LLC Canoe, Inc. Capitol Office Solutions Charlesbridge Publishing CIBC World Markets Corporation Color DNA Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation Danya International Daruma Asset Management, Inc. DSA Architects International Fortent Americas, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Research and Development Site, Research Triangle Park, NC Goldman Sachs Foundation Hogan & Hartson LLP Indus Charitable Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Mв€™Aв€™C AIDS Fund Medipod, LLC Morgan Stanley Foundation Nike Foundation On-Site.com Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates R&M Enterprises Sun/California Natural Products TAMAC Tea Collection 70 Globalfundforchildren.org Temenos Tonic Generation, Inc. Trend Micro (EMEA) Limited Working Assets/CREDO Donation Program Matching Gifts and Workplace Giving Applera Corporation Carnegie Corporation of New York Flora Family Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Matching Gifts Program Goldman Sachs Gives Goldman Sachs Matching Gift Program Google Matching Gifts Program William and Flora Hewlett Foundation IBM Employee Services Center McKinsey & Company, Inc., Employee Giving Microsoft Employee Giving Campaign Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets Corporation Gift Matching Program Travelers Foundation United Way California Capital Region United Way of New York Verizon Foundation FOUNDATIONS Anonymous (2) blue moon fund Bridgemill Foundation Peter and Devon Briger Foundation Howard G. Buffett Foundation Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation Catto Charitable Foundation Chapin Foundation Colina Foundation Crystal Springs Foundation ELMA Foundation Flora Family Foundation The Global Fund for Children UK Trust Goerlich Family Foundation, Inc. Marc Haas Foundation Harrington Family Foundation Dr. Daniel Hartnett Family Foundation HASTAC MacArthur Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Keare/Hodge Family Foundation Kowitz Family Foundation The Libra Foundation MacKay Family Foundation Mariel Foundation Oak Foundation Oberoi Family Foundation Oprah’s Angel Network Overbrook Foundation Perot Foundation The Sarah and Ross Perot Jr. Foundation The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Ralph and Kim Rosenberg Foundation The Sage Foundation Shafran Family Foundation James and Chantal Sheridan Foundation Stanley S. Shuman Family Foundation Smith Richardson Foundation Robert K. Steel Family Foundation Bernard van Leer Foundation The Whitehead Foundation SCHOOLS Acalanes High School, Lafayette, CA Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA Jefferson High School, Minneapolis, MN Maples Elementary School, Dearborn, MI Miramonte High School, Orinda, CA The Mirman School, Los Angeles, CA Palo Alto High School, Palo Alto, CA Pioneer High School, San Jose, CA Red Mountain High School, Mesa, AZ Shaker High School, Latham, NY St. Mary’s Catholic High School, Phoenix, AZ GIFTS IN KIND Business Talent Group Google Checkout Google Grants Sacred Heart Preparatory School, Atherton, CA Pro Bono Legal Counsel Baker & McKenzie, LLP Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan LLP Special Thanks Karim Chrobog Susan Harrington Wende and Tom Hutton Legacy Venture Teresa Luchsinger Suzanne McGee Frank Minton Nancy Mulford Sarah and Ross Perot Jr. Rick Rome If we have left out or misspelled your name, please accept our apology and contact us so that we may correct our records. ONLINE GIVING Cards for Causes Change.org Changing the Present Charity Gift Certificates Everyclick Facebook Causes GoodSearch I Do Foundation JustGive Mission Fish Network for Good Universal Giving OTHER Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation, Bethesda, MD The Children’s Project LLC Christ Episcopal Church, Roanoke, VA Little Sweet Potato New Global Citizens Leaving a Legacy Ensure the future of The Global Fund for Children’s work around the world by becoming a member of the GFC Children’s Legacy Fund. By naming The Global Fund for Children as a beneficiary of your will, retirement plan, or life insurance policy, you will automatically become a member of the Children’s Legacy Fund. Your gifts will have meaningful and lasting benefits for vulnerable children and youth. As a member of the Children’s Legacy Fund, you can be certain that we will use your gift to continue and expand our important work. We have been a leader in grassroots grantmaking for over a decade. Our grantmaking model has proved effective and successful, and you can be assured that our mission will continue to be strong long into the future, bringing hope and opportunity to millions of children around the world. We welcome present gifts of securities and other property that we can use now. We also encourage future gifts, such as bequests, beneficiary designations, and trusts. These gifts increase our organizational stability and make long-range planning possible. For information about arranging such gifts, please contact The Global Fund for Children’s Development Office at 202-222-0819. We recommend that you consult with legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift. Globalfundforchildren.org 71 Eligibility Criteria And Selection Guidelines Selecting Our Grantee Partners The Global Fund for Children selects grantee partners based on their demonstrated potential to produce sustainable improvement in the lives of vulnerable children and youth and to serve as a resource or model for other organizations. Local leadership Community involvement Potential for sustainability Prospective grantee partners must be led by individuals who live and work in the community. We prioritize organizations whose leaders were born and raised in the community. We do not fund the local offices or affiliates of national or international organizations. We prioritize organizations that are rooted in their community and operate with community input, involvement, and investment, embracing the community as an integral part of their success. We prioritize organizations that have a strategy for ensuring the long-term sustainability of their programs, through donor diversification, mobilization of government funding, community investment, income-generating activities, and other creative measures. Effectiveness Eligibility Criteria Prospective grantee partners must meet the following eligibility criteria in order to be considered for our support. Appropriate size and stage of development With rare exceptions, a prospective grantee partner’s annual budget should not exceed $200,000. In most cases, new grantee partners have budgets in the $25,000 to $75,000 range. Our aim is to identify organizations at a relatively early stage in their development. Direct involvement with children and youth Prospective grantee partners must work directly with children and youth. We do not support groups engaged exclusively in advocacy or research. (We do, however, support organizations that perform both advocacy and direct service.) Capable management Prospective grantee partners must have systems and processes for ensuring responsible management of funds. At a minimum, an organization must have basic accounting and reporting systems as well as phone and email access. 72 Globalfundforchildren.org Legal status A prospective grantee partner must be registered with the local or national government as a nonprofit organization. If the political context makes legal registration unfeasible, the organization must demonstrate nonprofit equivalency. We do not provide start-up funding for the creation of new organizations. We prioritize organizations that can demonstrate sustained, meaningful improvement in the lives of the children and youth they serve. Reputation Empowerment The Global Fund for Children does not accept unsolicited proposals. Those interested in applying may inquire online at our website: www.globalfundforchildren.org. We prioritize organizations that engage children and youth as active participants in their own growth and development, rather than as passive recipients of services. We prioritize organizations that are recognized and trusted in their communities. Selection Guidelines Beyond these basic eligibility criteria, we use the following selection guidelines in identifying organizations that are truly exceptional. Innovation and creativity We prioritize organizations that tackle old problems in new ways, demonstrating innovation and creativity in their program strategies and approaches. A focus on the most vulnerable Our grantee partners reach the children of “the last mile”—those who are economically and socially outside the reach of mainstream services and support, including street children, child laborers, AIDS orphans, sex workers, hard-to-reach rural populations, and other vulnerable or marginalized groups. Strong leadership We prioritize organizations that have committed, respected, and dynamic leadership with a vision for change. Adaptability We prioritize organizations that generate models, methodologies, and practices that can be adapted and applied to similar issues and challenges in other communities. Globalfundforchildren.org 73 2008–2009 Grants List Resilience and Success in a Challenging Year Vice President of Programs Victoria Dunning Education MPH, Columbia University BA, Mount Holyoke College Languages French, Spanish, Swahili, Wolof This year tested the resolve of many—our grantee partners, our program officers, and in many ways, our model of grassroots grantmaking to organizations that serve the world’s most vulnerable children. Innovation in times of scarcity. Doing more with less. Stretching our time and our resources. I’m pleased to report that we passed this stress test with flying colors. And our success renews our resolve and inspires us to do more. As the economic crisis hit, we watched with bated breath to see how nonprofit programs and resources would be affected, and how demand for their critical services would strain the organizations. With our finger on the pulse of the work of over 240 community-level partners serving the most vulnerable children and youth, we went to check the vital signs. In spring 2009, we conducted an on-the-spot survey of our entire network of grantee partners to learn how the global economic crisis was trickling down to the grassroots. Our community-level partners responded from the four corners of the earth, and the results were simultaneously disheartening and inspiring. Nearly two-thirds of the survey respondents said they were moderately or severely impacted by the economic crisis, noting a decrease in financial support or termination of existing funding. Partners that typically operate on a shoestring budget—the median annual budget size of a new grantee partner this year was $55,000—often do not have a cushion of funding for such downturns. For the fortunate few with more stable organizational support, nearly 40 percent reported 74 Globalfundforchildren.org having to access reserve funding to provide continuity in programs and services. To add insult to injury for organizations that were straining their every resource, the needs of their communities were growing. Over two-thirds of respondents reported food scarcity, increased unemployment, and reduced household incomes in the communities they serve. Further, many reported observing an increase in school dropouts and in children and youth participating in the labor force to contribute income to their families. But the survey results also demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness. For example, one in four grantee partner respondents reported making strategic shifts in programs, services, and operations to better take advantage of the organization’s core competencies and to respond more accurately to community needs in the changing economic environment. Eighteen percent of our partners began planning or implementing strategic income generation activities. These adaptations alone illustrate one of our core reasons for supporting communitylevel work—grassroots groups are nimble, flexible, responsive, and adaptive to immediate community needs, and they are inherently invested in the well-being of their own communities. Witnessing the dedication and commitment of these mission-driven organizations helps to stimulate our own daily work. As budgets contracted and some nonprofit organizations weakened under the strain, we held our own. First, we held our own in our commitments to our partners. Despite economic uncertainty, we grew our total grant investments and upheld every commitment to current grantee partners to ensure they could count on our support to continue programs. We added new grantee partners as well, recognizing that there was, in fact, no scarcity of innovative organizations serving vulnerable children and youth, and certainly no scarcity of demand for their programs. Our program officers, who present some of the regional challenges and successes in the following pages, redoubled their efforts to ensure our financial and nonfinancial support to our partners, in addition to closely monitoring our grant investments, progress, and risk. They also focused on our valueadded services as a way to strengthen grantee partners to allow them to better weather the storm. As part of that commitment, they worked on leveraging additional external financial support for our partners. This year, we documented $836,000 in additional funds for our partners. In these times, those critical additional resources are worth more than ever. Resourceful. Resilient. Nimble. Adaptable. Innovative. These are the core qualities of our grantee partners, and the key elements of our grantmaking program that makes solid, sound investments in building and strengthening an emerging and essential civil society and the next generation of world citizens. In many ways, the year was defined by an economic downturn. For The Global Fund for Children, that only meant one thing—onward and upward. small amounts of money, strategically placed, can have long-lasting, significant impacts on the lives of children. Because 2008–2009 Grants List Region Senior Program Officer Countries in region Sub-Saharan Africa Solome Lemma Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Middle East and North Africa Education MPP, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University BA, Stanford University Languages Amharic, French Program Associate MilГ©na MikaГ«l-Debass Number of grantee partners 66 2008–2009 grants 120 grants valued at $913,627 Sub-Saharan Africa Learning Association Enfant Chez-Soi (Children at Home Association) Children in the Wilderness $15,000/2,151,240 Malawian kwachas Lilongwe, Malawi Director: Gladys Msonda [email protected] www.childreninthewilderness.com $7,000/3,890,250 Rwandan francs Kigali, Rwanda Director: Gloriose Mukanzanire [email protected] ECS provides education, nutrition, and medical support to children under the age of 5 who live with their mothers in prison; identifies foster families for the children; and conducts advocacy workshops on prisoners’ and children’s rights to train prison officials. Through a unique partnership with a private safari company, CITW offers life skills and alternative educational opportunities through experiential learning camps held at safari sites during the commercial off-season. Previous Funding: $34,000 since 2006 Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation $21,000/206,684 Ethiopian birr Addis Ababa, Ethiopia In a year marked by global economic crisis, the rippling effects of which compromised the well-being of poor communities around the world, the grassroots organizations we fund in Africa continued to strengthen their services, ensuring that the children in their communities were protected from further vulnerability and supported through these trying times. Across Africa, our grantee partners concentrate on orphaned and vulnerable children, including children living on the streets; child trafficking; hazardous child labor; displacement; sexual exploitation and abuse; and malnourishment. With the economic crisis, our partners are seeking new ways to continue their important work. For instance, the Amahoro Association, which provides home-based care and support to orphaned and vulnerable children in Rwanda, is helping these children start small businesses to better support themselves. One group of boys is successfully raising rabbits for sale, as well as giving rabbits to other children served by the organization. The majority of our partners in Africa focus on education, with 39 percent of our program grants falling under our Learning portfolio, followed by our Safety portfolio, which accounts for 24 percent. It is interesting to note that most of our partners in East Africa and southern Africa work with children who have been orphaned by AIDS, reflecting the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on these regions compared to West Africa. Many of our partners in West Africa address child 76 Globalfundforchildren.org protection needs such as hazardous child labor, child trafficking, and sexual exploitation and abuse, reflecting increased regional attention on these issues over the past decade. Other partners work specifically with adolescent girls and young children, projections of our global commitment to addressing the needs of these two population groups. In the Middle East and North Africa, our partners focus on children living on the margins, such as children who live on the streets and out-of-school children, and provide critical education and skills training services. We are in the process of expanding our presence in the region. The issues that our partners in Africa face are rooted in the systemic problems of extreme poverty, conflict, cyclical droughts, HIV/ AIDS, and poor governance. In most cases, our partners fill gaps in government services, providing key social services. However, systemic challenges require national-level commitment, and in many countries, that commitment lags far behind the courageous efforts of our partners. In addition, many African countries rely heavily on foreign aid, and while helpful and necessary, this aid has inadvertently created a donor-driven NGO industry that all too often is removed from the needs of communities. Perhaps one of the most frustrating challenges for the Africa team is the negative image of Africa in the Western world as a single, starving, dependent, and hopeless entity. Through our work, we witness the unconventional ways in which Africans are empowering members of their communities at their own initiative and through their own resources. Unfortunately, these stories rarely make media headlines. Association pour la Promotion de la Fille Burundaise (Association for the Promotion of the Burundian Girl) Director: Yohannes Gebregeorgis $7,000/8,263,150 Burundian francs www.ethiopiareads.org As you read through the following pages, we at the Africa team hope that the descriptions of our grantee partners’ work will help balance prevailing perceptions of Africa, one grassroots group at a time. [email protected] Bujumbura, Burundi Director: Bifunge GГ©nГ©rose Our partners continue to embody Africa’s hope and possibilities through their remarkable achievements at the child, community, national, and international levels. In Soweto, South Africa, Teboho Trust ensured that 100 percent of the children in its programs passed South Africa’s matriculation exam, a significant feat in a country where these exams determine higher education admission. La Conscience, a grantee partner in Togo, for years advocated for free universal primary education; the national parliament passed a bill this year giving children throughout Togo a chance at primary schooling. And finally, Yohannes Gebregeorgis, director of grantee partner Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation, was honored as a CNN Hero in a story televised around the world. [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] APFB works to awaken the sociopolitical and economic consciousness of young girls in Burundi through academic support, vocational training programs, and awareness-raising initiatives. EBCEF promotes children’s literacy in Ethiopia through its community, in-school, and mobile libraries; awareness-raising campaigns; and children’s book publishing programs. Previous Funding: $48,000 since 2004 Friends of the Disabled $7,000/830,655 Nigerian nairas Benishyaka Association Lagos, Nigeria $15,000/8,701,350 Rwandan francs Director: Aku Christy Orduh Kigali, Rwanda [email protected] Director: Betty Gahima [email protected]; [email protected] www.benishyaka.org Benishyaka promotes the development and empowerment of widows, orphans, and vulnerable families affected by Rwanda’s civil war, the 1994 genocide, and the ongoing AIDS epidemic. Its educational sponsorship program works to ensure that secondary-school students advance through each grade level by providing financial assistance and skills training. Previous Funding: $49,000 since 2005 Challenging Heights $7,000/10,042 Ghanaian new cedis Sankor, Ghana Director: James Kofi Annan [email protected] www.challengingheights.org FOTD provides learning opportunities for disabled children and works to eliminate societal biases and prejudices against disabled people. The group advocates for employment of disabled children with local businesses and teaches sign language to primary-school children. Girl Child Concern $6,000/892,956 Nigerian nairas Kaduna, Nigeria Director: Mairo Mandara [email protected] GCC works to ensure that Muslim adolescent girls in northern Nigeria complete their secondary schooling through scholarships, mentorships, and leadership development programs. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Challenging Heights works to ensure that children and youth in Sankor are protected from child trafficking through educational support, awareness-raising activities on child labor and trafficking, and policy advocacy. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Globalfundforchildren.org 77 2008–2009 Grants List Halley Movement Kindle Orphan Outreach $18,000/551,050 Mauritian rupees $10,000/1,441,600 Malawian kwachas Batimarais, Mauritius Salima district, Malawi Director: Mahendranath Busgopaul Director: Ian Williams [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] www.halleymovement.org www.kindleorphanoutreach.org Halley Movement offers a variety of educational, counseling, and supportive services to help the children of Mauritius stay in or return to the formal school system and keep pace with the demands of a rapidly industrializing society. Previous Funding: $61,000 since 2003 Kindle offers comprehensive educational, counseling, healthcare, and spiritual support services to orphaned and vulnerable children in the Salima district. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 Hope for Children Organization $13,000/147,719 Ethiopian birr Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Director: Yewoinshet Masresha Lapeng (Home) Child and Family Resource Service $8,000/72,534 South African rand Johannesburg, South Africa HFC’s kindergarten, one of the few public early childhood centers in Ethiopia, serves orphaned and vulnerable children under the age of 7 with innovative and quality early childhood education. Previous Funding: $34,000 since 2005 Nehemiah AIDS Relief Project $16,000/1,200,070 Zimbabwean dollars Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Director: Daisy Mutimba [email protected] Nehemiah is a faith-based nongovernmental organization that facilitates the church and community response to HIV/ AIDS, providing a variety of educational, material, and social support services to 800 child beneficiaries annually. Previous Funding: $35,534 since 2005 Sithuthukile Trust Middelburg, South Africa Director: Fanezile Sophie Mokoena Director: Juliet Chilengi [email protected] Lapeng serves one of the most violent neighborhoods in Johannesburg by running a model preschool, providing capacity-building support for community crГЁches, and holding weekly drop-in arts workshops for children and youth in the community. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Lusaka, Zambia [email protected] Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso [email protected] www.nho.kabissa.org NHM works with children who are orphaned, impoverished, or living with HIV/AIDS to promote their positive involvement in the community and in activities that reduce their vulnerability to sexual and other forms of exploitation. Its education support program helps orphans and abandoned children stay in primary and secondary school by covering school expenses and transportation. Previous Funding: $53,534 since 2005 Director: Mary C. Kasonde Maia Bobo works to ensure that adolescent girls stay in school through sexual and reproductive health education, provision of academic and social support to pregnant teens, and the creation of safe spaces where girls can discuss issues related to their sexual and reproductive health. Mary M. Momolu Development Foundation $6,000/396,000 Liberian dollars Kamitei Foundation Monrovia, Liberia $19,000/22,516,330 Tanzanian shillings Director: Olivia Sagbeh Masai and Mbulu communities, Tanzania [email protected] Director: Jeroen Harderwijk The Mary M. Momolu Development Foundation’s preschool provides quality early childhood education, including nutrition and medical support, for children under the age of 9. Globalfundforchildren.org Nyaka School $17,000/28,152,000 Ugandan shillings Nyakagyezi, Uganda Director: Twesigye Jackson Kaguri [email protected] www.nyakaschool.org Nyaka School provides AIDS orphans with a free, high-quality primary education and extracurricular activities, as well as access to social services, basic healthcare, nutritious food, and community gardens. Previous Funding: $31,000 since 2005 Prei Effort for Those Who Are in Need $10,000/98,421 Ethiopian birr Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Director: Fisha Tsion Tadesse [email protected]; [email protected] www.pefan.org Monduli Pastoralist Development Initiative $9,000/12,194,460 Tanzanian shillings Monduli, Tanzania Director: Erasto Ole Sanare [email protected] MPDI helps Maasai pastoralist communities maintain their traditional beliefs and systems while also ensuring that their children receive a modern education through 78 The City of Hope program, run by the Salesian Sisters of Zambia, provides holistic support services to adolescent girls who are survivors of neglect and sexual abuse and runs a transitional shelter, a successful community school, and a vocational skills training program that incorporates training on banking and saving. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Lusaka, Zambia $8,000/28,811,680 Zambian kwacha Kamitei Foundation’s Community Education Improvement Program works closely with small rural communities in western Tanzania to improve education by investing in facilities and teaching materials at the primary level and by providing scholarships for selected students to pursue postprimary vocational education. Previous Funding: $62,000 since 2003 [email protected]; [email protected] $6,000/54,401 South African rand Director: Aminata Diallo www.kamitei.org Director: Sr. Ryszarda Piejko $14,000/80,459,260 Zambian kwacha $6,000/2,966,760 CFA francs [email protected] Lusaka, Zambia [email protected] Maia Bobo ITEZO empowers orphaned and vulnerable children and youth through vocational skills training and educational support, including scholarships for children in urban shantytowns to allow them to break the cycle of poverty. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 $7,000/40,229,630 Zambian kwacha Director: Mathibedi Nthite International Trust for the Education of Zambia Orphans [email protected] Salesian Sisters New Horizon Ministries [email protected] www.hopeforchildrenorganization.org community-based early childhood development centers. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 PEFAN works to keep vulnerable children, including those in the preprimary-school and early-primary-school age groups, off the streets through holistic services that include educational support, access to healthcare, counseling, mentoring, and training in the performing arts. Previous Funding: $14,500 since 2006 Sithuthukile Trust works to ensure that children in Mpumalanga Province have access to quality early childhood education by supporting close to 60 community early childhood education and home-based centers, as well as parents and local early childhood development practitioners. Talented Young People Everywhere $7,000/20,983,900 Sierra Leonean leones Port Loko, Sierra Leone Director: Ibrahim H. H. Shaid [email protected] Working in the rural Port Loko community, where afterschool studying is difficult, TYPE provides a space that promotes education and academic excellence through peer-to-peer mentoring, tutoring, and material support. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 Teboho Trust $11,000/99,735 South African rand Johannesburg, South Africa Director: Jose Bright [email protected] www.teboho.com Teboho Trust ensures that orphaned and vulnerable children in preprimary, primary, and secondary school receive quality educational and life skills support through its Saturday School, which provides supplemental arts, English, math, science, and foreign language classes. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2007 Globalfundforchildren.org 79 2008–2009 Grants List Ubumi Children’s Project Men on the Side of the Road Women in Social Entrepreneurship $9,000/32,413,140 Zambian kwacha $10,000/90,668 South African rand $7,000/9,484,580 Tanzanian shillings Association La LumiГЁre (The Light Association) Kitwe, Zambia Woodstock, South Africa Dar es Salaam, Tanzania $15,000/7,416,900 CFA francs Director: Eddy Mulangala Director: Peter Kratz Director: Astronaut Bagile Tambacounda, Senegal [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Director: Ibrahima Sory Diallo www.ubumi.org www.unemploymen.co.za Ubumi Children’s Project works with orphaned and vulnerable children in impoverished shantytowns through its community school, which provides basic education and nutritional support to children in preschool and primary school. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2007 MSR provides employment and educational services to young boys and men who spend their days waiting for short-term employment opportunities along the shoulders of major roadways in the Western Cape region. Previous Funding: $62,000 since 2005 Sam-Kam Institute Enterprise Center for Women and Children Empowerment $7,000/437,500 Liberian dollars $19,000/56,956,300 Sierra Leonean leones [email protected] www.cwcevision.org CEWCE provides vulnerable children and women with vocational training in areas such as welding and carpentry, literacy and numeracy courses, leadership training, and a network of child resource centers that promote healthy living. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 Director: Amy Oyekunle [email protected] KIND works to empower future generations of Nigerian women leaders through leadership development and advocacy programs. Focusing on adolescent girls through its Junior Kudra Program, KIND addresses issues such as sexual harassment, sexual and reproductive rights, public service, and education, and aims to instill values and skills that will help the girls reach their potential as future leaders of Nigeria. Previous Funding: $18,000 since 2006 Love in Action Ethiopia $11,000/108,263 Ethiopian birr Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Regional State, Ethiopia Director: Aklilu Gebremichael [email protected]; [email protected] In order to foster sustainable change in the Hadiya region through the empowerment of young women, LIA runs a resource center that equips minority girls with microenterprise training in culturally relevant crafts like ceramics and embroidery. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 80 Globalfundforchildren.org Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada (Association for Supporting and Awakening Young Girls) La LumiГЁre promotes the well-being of street children, female domestic workers, migrant families, and other marginalized populations living in rural and underdeveloped areas. In rural mining towns, La LumiГЁre works to educate the community about child labor laws with the goal of protecting children from exploitation. Previous Funding: $49,000 since 2005 $17,000/8,405,820 CFA francs Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [email protected] Director: Maimouna Traore Association of People for Practical Life Education [email protected] $12,000/140,528,400 Ghanaian cedis SKI works to provide viable career opportunities to vulnerable children and youth through skills training courses and business development trainings. Previous Funding: $64,000 since 2003 Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable for Better Health, Education, and Nutrition $8,000/17,386,320 Ugandan shillings Kampala, Uganda Director: Richard Bbaale www.geocities.com/baindrew Accra, Ghana ADEP fights exploitation and violence against girls, educating them about HIV/AIDS and reproductive health and helping society better understand the effects on girls of early and forced marriage, the dangers of female circumcision, and the importance of girl child education. Previous Funding: $48,000 since 2005 Association des Jeunes pour le DГ©veloppement IntГ©gré–Kakundu (Youth Association for Integrated Development–Kakundu) $12,000/2,796,000 Congolese francs $15,000/1,779,975 Nigerian nairas Lagos, Nigeria Safety www.onglalumiere.org Director: Peter Samura [email protected]; [email protected] Kudirat Initiative for Democracy WISE inspires, empowers, and equips Tanzanian youth and women leaders through entrepreneurship and leadership training in the economic, governmental, and social sectors. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Freetown, Sierra Leone Monrovia, Liberia Director: Patience Blay-Attoh [email protected] SOVHEN helps orphaned and vulnerable children attain a better quality of life and an increased life expectancy through programs in financial literacy, income generation, education, health, nutrition, and environmental preservation. Previous Funding: $13,500 since 2007 Synapse Center $15,000/7,416,900 CFA francs Dakar, Senegal Director: CirГ© Kane [email protected] www.synapsecenter.org Uvira, Democratic Republic of the Congo Director: Bukeni Tete Waruzi Beck [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected] www.applegh.net APPLE offers community outreach, health, and education programs designed to end child labor in fishing villages in Ghana’s Lake Volta region. Previous Funding: $17,000 since 2006 Avenir de l’Enfant (Future of the Child) $14,000/6,327,804 CFA francs Rufisque, Senegal Director: Moussa Sow [email protected] In a country where children are the primary victims of war and are recruited as foot soldiers, AJEDI-Ka works to rehabilitate children affected by conflict through counseling and education programs that aid their healing and recovery. Previous Funding: $33,500 since 2005 Association Jeunesse Actions Mali (Youth Action Association of Mali) $15,000/7,416,900 CFA francs Synapse Center unleashes the entrepreneurial leadership potential of youth through education programs that encourage youth to start and grow their own initiatives and to take greater responsibility in their communities. Previous Funding: $87,500 since 2002 Director: James Jack Dawson Bamako, Mali Director: Souleymane Sarr [email protected] www.cyberbamako.org.ml/aja ADE works in the secondary city of Rufisque to safeguard street children and other at-risk children from sexual abuse and other forms of exploitation by leading education campaigns, providing children with shelter and support, and facilitating family reintegration. Previous Funding: $31,000 since 2006 Centre for Domestic Training and Development $7,000/554,026 Kenyan shillings Nairobi, Kenya Director: Edith Murogo [email protected] www.domestictraining.org AJA Mali provides basic education and life skills training, including long-term apprenticeships in the fields of carpentry, masonry, plumbing, metalworking, and mechanics, to out-of-school and working youth and works with apprentices’ teachers to ensure that the youth are not being exploited or abused. Previous Funding: $57,000 since 2003 CDTD assists children working as domestic laborers by helping them negotiate fair labor conditions, teaching them how to better protect themselves from abuse and illness, and encouraging them to consider formal-career alternatives. Globalfundforchildren.org 81 2008–2009 Grants List Giriyuja (Sanctuary) New Life Community Projects $7,000/8,263,150 Burundian francs Stellenbosch, South Africa Bujumbura, Burundi Director: Gerrie Smit Director: Aimable Barandagiye [email protected] [email protected] www.sun.ac.za/newlife $10,000/90,668 South African rand Healthy Minds and Bodies Action pour la Promotion des Droits de l’Enfant au Burkina Faso (Action for the Promotion of the Rights of the Burkinabe Child) Education as a Vaccine against AIDS $19,000/2,827,694 Nigerian nairas Abuja, Nigeria Director: Fadekemi Akinfaderin [email protected] www.evanigeria.org $19,000/8,587,734 CFA francs Giriyuja works to protect children who live or work on the streets by providing life skills training, educational support, and vocational training opportunities, and by guiding them through the process of family tracing and reunification. New Life helps children who live on the streets in Cape Town’s informal settlements by offering educational and psychosocial support through community-based home schools, psychosocial support groups, and partnerships with the public school system. Previous Funding: $13,000 since 2007 Heshima (Dignity) Kenya $7,000/554,026 Kenyan shillings Rescue Alternatives Liberia Nairobi, Kenya $14,000/896,000 Liberian dollars Director: Talyn Good Monrovia, Liberia [email protected]; [email protected] Director: R. Jarwlee Tweh Geegbe [email protected] Heshima Kenya identifies and protects unaccompanied refugee minors, particularly girls, and empowers them to lead healthy and self-sufficient lives through an education program focused on basic education and life skills, a safe house, and foster care placement. La Conscience (Conscience) $20,000/9,889,200 CFA francs TsГ©viГ©, Togo Director: Kodjo Djissenou [email protected] La Conscience works to prevent the trafficking and exploitation of Togo’s impoverished children through education programs that seek to transition children into formal schools and raise awareness about the realities of child trafficking. Previous Funding: $79,000 since 2003 Media Concern Initiative $9,000/1,067,985 Nigerian nairas Lagos, Nigeria Director: Princess Olufemi-Kayode [email protected] www.mediaconcern.kabissa.org To prevent and respond to the sexual abuse of children and youth, MCI provides free legal and counseling support, partners with health professionals and police, and raises public awareness about abuse through mediabased advocacy in Lagos. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2007 82 Globalfundforchildren.org www.pap.kabissa.org RAL, formerly Prisoners Assistance Program, advocates against torture and for human rights and prison reform by monitoring and reporting violations of prisoners’ rights. Its Youth Diversion Program diverts first-time juvenile offenders from entering prison and provides counseling and vocational training to incarcerated youth. Previous Funding: $29,250 since 2005 Dori, Burkina Faso Director: Goamwaooga Kabore [email protected] APRODEB aims to ensure that young children under the age of 5 are safeguarded from malnutrition through nutrition and health education, food distribution, and immunizations. Previous Funding: $49,000 since 2004 Amahoro Association $10,000/5,557,500 Rwandan francs Kigali, Rwanda Director: Susanna Grannis [email protected] www.chabha.org Amahoro Association provides education, nutrition, and counseling to orphaned and vulnerable children and their families, focusing on children in primary school. Previous Funding: $16,000 since 2006 EVA works to empower Nigerian youth to make responsible sexual-practice choices and personal development decisions through education programs that focus on the social, cultural, and economic factors that shape Nigerian adolescents’ and preadolescents’ sexual practices. Previous Funding: $77,000 since 2003 Grandmothers Against Poverty and AIDS $8,000/72,534 South African rand Cape Town, South Africa Director: Vivienne Yolisa Budaza [email protected] www.gapa.org.za As part of its support to grandmothers caring for their orphaned grandchildren, GAPA runs an early childhood center for young children and an after-school program for children in primary school to keep the children in a safe and supportive environment. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Integrated Community Health Services Cotonou, Benin Association des Artistes et Artisans contre le VIH/SIDA et les Stupifiants (Association of Artists and Artisans against HIV/AIDS and Drugs) Director: Flore-Emma Mongbo $7,000/3,461,220 CFA francs [email protected] [email protected] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso SIN-DO $16,000/7,911,360 CFA francs Director: Pyanne Djire SIN-DO promotes health and hygiene awareness; supports quality education; and provides training in civic participation, economic development, and HIV/ AIDS prevention to women and children living in marginalized communities in and around Cotonou. Previous Funding: $48,000 since 2005 [email protected] AARCOSIS engages musicians, artists, and artisans in the battle against HIV/AIDS and drug abuse by helping them integrate anti-AIDS and anti-drug messages into their work. Previous Funding: $15,500 since 2006 $10,000/830,684 Kenyan shillings Kisumu, Kenya Director: Kitche Magak In a region greatly impacted by the HIV/AIDS crisis, INCHES provides quality integrated healthcare services to vulnerable children and youth and educates the community through edutainment soap operas, school-based psychosocial programs, and a children’s rights and gender training curriculum. Previous Funding: $24,000 since 2006 Tasintha Programme (Deeper Transformation Program) Carolina for Kibera $19,000/109,194,710 Zambian kwacha $16,000/1,329,094 Kenyan shillings Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Lusaka, Zambia Nairobi, Kenya Director: Zemi Yenus Director: Clotilda Phiri Director: Salim Mohamed [email protected] [email protected]; tasinthaprogramme@ [email protected] zamnet.zm; [email protected] Tasintha prevents women and children from entering the sex trade by giving them alternative income-generation skills and raising community awareness about sexual exploitation. Previous Funding: $83,534 since 2003 Carolina for Kibera promotes youth leadership and ethnic and gender cooperation through sports, young women’s empowerment, and community development in the densely populated and impoverished Kibera urban slum. The Binti Pamoja center provides a place for adolescent girls to learn about reproductive health, financial literacy, and personal development. Previous Funding: $39,000 since 2006 Nia Foundation $10,000/98,421 Ethiopian birr Nia Foundation provides support to vulnerable children, offering programs for girls involved in commercial sex work, programs for children with mental challenges, and a support group for parents. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2006 Globalfundforchildren.org 83 2008–2009 Grants List Middle East & North Africa Physicians for Social Justice Youth Activist Organization $6,000/892,956 Nigerian nairas $7,000/40,229,630 Zambian kwacha Kontagora, Nigeria Lusaka, Zambia Director: Chukwumuanya Igboekwu Director: Matauka Muliokela [email protected] [email protected] Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women PSJ provides essential health services and elevates community awareness on healthcare issues through a mobile clinic that promotes the creation of local insurance plans and educates residents about root problems preventing them from attaining good health. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 In an effort to address the growing prevalence of HIV/ AIDS among Zambia’s youth, YAO runs a series of soccer camps where youth educate their peers, the spectators, and their communities about AIDS prevention. Previous Funding: $13,000 since 2007 $20,000/110,706 Egyptian pounds Projecto de Vida para CrianГ§as e Jovens (Life Project for Children and Youth) Never Again Rwanda $6,000/160,620,000 Mozambican meticais Maputo, Mozambique Director: Cremildo Goncalves [email protected]; Creative Opportunities $7,000/3,890,250 Rwandan francs Kigali, Rwanda Director: Joseph Nkurunziza [email protected] www.neveragainrwanda.org [email protected] www.providamz.blogspot.com PROVIDA provides meaningful after-school programs in such areas as sports, arts, and culture to teach children and youth about health, with a focus on HIV/ AIDS prevention. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Sophiatown Community Psychological Services $11,500/92,641 South African rand Johannesburg, South Africa Director: Johanna Kistner [email protected] SCPS, formerly Reginald Orsmond Counselling Services, works in the Sophiatown area of Johannesburg to provide community-based psychosocial support to vulnerable populations, including children and families affected by HIV/AIDS, women who are victims of domestic violence, and displaced populations. Previous Funding: $7,500 since 2007 Enterprise Cairo, Egypt Director: Iman Bibars [email protected] www.adew.org ADEW works to empower adolescent girls in Cairo’s squatter communities and to ensure that the girls are able to attain the skills they need to become self-reliant through individualized academic plans and vocational skills training. Previous Funding: $55,000 since 2004 Safety Founded by university students, NAR is committed to creating a peaceful and thriving country by equipping young people with skills and tools in conflict management and resolution and by engaging youth in issues around Rwanda’s past and human rights through dialogue, drama, and song. Association du Foyer de l’Enfant Libanais (Lebanese Child Home Association) Rural Human Rights Activists Program AFEL serves orphaned children and struggling families through a combination of literacy classes, youth clubs, summer camps, workshops, and a public-education program aimed at strengthening family ties. Previous Funding: $41,500 since 2004 $8,000/512,000 Liberian dollars Monrovia, Liberia Director: Lorma Baysah [email protected] $15,000/22,683,150 Lebanese pounds Beirut, Lebanon Director: Simone Warde [email protected]; [email protected] www.afelonline.org RHRAP promotes ethnic tolerance, human rights, and democracy in Liberia through advocacy and through peace education programs that teach primary-school children the values of tolerance, respect, and diversity and expose them to fundamental human rights principles as a way to address lingering ethnic and religious divisions. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 Synergie pour l’Enfance (Synergy for Children) $14,000/6,327,804 CFA francs Thiaroye, Senegal Director: Ngagne Mbaye [email protected] Synergie pour l’Enfance provides comprehensive prevention and treatment services to children who have been affected or infected by HIV/AIDS, with targeted services to children in rural regions as well as to street children. Previous Funding: $16,000 since 2006 84 Globalfundforchildren.org Globalfundforchildren.org 85 2008–2009 Grants List Region Program Officer Countries in region Central and Eastern Europe Lisa Fiala Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine Commonwealth of Independent States Education MA, School for International Training BS, Miami University Languages Bulgarian, Russian Number of grantee partners 29 Learning Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy $7,000/1,073,590 Kazakhstani tenge $5,000/17,076 Tajik somoni Khorog, Tajikistan Director: Kamoliddin Shanbe-zoda [email protected] Zhetasai, Kazakhstan Director: Myrzakadyr Abdykhalikov [email protected] 2008–2009 grants 51 grants valued at $325,100 Nur (Light) Center The Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy works within a rural, agricultural, and highly traditional community to educate farmers in the efficient use of water and land resources and to combat the use of child labor in rural agriculture and enterprise through specialized education programs targeting child laborers, mostly migrant children working in the region’s cotton fields. Nur Center offers customized basic education and professional development training for mentally and physically disabled minority children in the mountainous Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, a remote region of Tajikistan. Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund $6,000/200,201 Russian rubles Moscow, Russia Director: Georgia Williams [email protected] www.roofnet.org The Global Fund for Children’s grantmaking in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) grew by more than a third this year, adding ten new grantee partners in five new countries (Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan). Throughout the region, we support groups working on a wide range of issues, including early childhood development, trafficking, education, HIV/ AIDS, children with disabilities, and orphanage graduates. The fall of the Soviet Union left a decided mark on this region, and countries are still in a period of adjustment. Of the many children who still live in Soviet-style institutions, most are considered “social orphans,” those whose parents cannot take care of them. Disabled children, both those who are mentally or physically disabled and those who are labeled “disabled” for reasons such as dyslexia or attention deficit, have, since communism, faced life in an institution. There has been a recent movement against these institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, and many civil society organizations working with the disabled have been formed. This movement has been strengthened by an influx of funding from the European Union and a broad media campaign highlighting the suffering of children in such institutions. In Central Asia, migration for economic purposes is a growing trend that has brought several concerns to the region, including a growing rate of HIV/AIDS and, therefore, a growing need to support programs working 86 Globalfundforchildren.org on HIV/AIDS prevention, detection, and treatment. Grassroots groups in Central Asia continue to thrive and evolve as they work against the old structures. Under communism, everything was run as a system, and now that those systems have failed, progress is requiring the ingenuity of local people who tackle local issues with creative ideas. From the outside, these ideas may not seem terribly different, but within the context in which these groups are operating, they are truly significant—for instance, recognizing the different needs of minority children in an environment that was strongly focused on assimilation is a huge step forward. The media does not cover the CEE/CIS region often, and nonprofits and aid organizations often overlook this area or consider it more developed and thus beyond the need for assistance. The simple truth is that most people do not know enough about the needs of the children living in CEE/CIS. One of my favorite moments from this year was meeting with new grantee partner Eldany in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Eldany’s mission is to teach disabled children, most of whom society considers unable to learn, that they can positively contribute to society, and to extend this teaching to their parents and communities. When I visited, disabled youth from Eldany’s vocational handicraft program were teaching orphans at an orphanage for mentally disabled children the crafting skills they learn in Eldany’s program. Another highlight was visiting Children of Tien-Shan in Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan. The organization’s Crisis Center provides emergency shelter to children while working to reunite these children with their families or to find long-term family placements for them. I heard from many children and their parents about the integral role the Crisis Center and its staff have played in their lives. This coming year, I look forward to garnering additional grants and awards for our grantee partners, and to advocating for the region’s children by raising awareness of local issues. I know the future holds many possibilities for the continued growth of The Global Fund for Children’s activities in CEE/CIS. Chiricli (Bird): International Roma Women’s Charitable Fund $12,000/97,837 Ukrainian hryvnia Kiev, Ukraine Director: Zola Kondur [email protected]; [email protected] Chiricli promotes informal education, cultural awareness, healthcare, and health education for Ukraine’s vulnerable Roma population, with an emphasis on increasing educational opportunities and school attendance among children and youth and preparing preschool children for primary school. Previous Funding: $49,000 since 2003 Dushanbe Youth House $8,000/27,321 Tajik somoni Dushanbe, Tajikistan Director: Matluba Dadabaeva [email protected]; [email protected] DYH provides educational and vocational courses for vulnerable children, including street children, working children, and children from poor families, and offers psychological support to the children and their families. ROOF provides high-quality educational opportunities to children and young adults from Russian orphanages, who are systemically denied these opportunities. Its pre-university preparatory program mentors and tutors orphanage youth, leading to a high rate of acceptance at higher-education institutions. Society Biliki (Path Society) $17,000/28,475 Georgian lari Gori, Georgia Director: Marika Mgebrishvili [email protected] www.biliki.ge Biliki assists underprivileged, special needs, and internally displaced children from the conflict zones of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Its Day Center offers educational and creative courses in order to transition the children into formal schools and Georgian society. Previous Funding: $79,500 since 2003 Society for the Protection of Paralyzed Citizens of Aktobe $6,000/920,220 Kazakhstani tenge Early Intervention Institute Aktobe, Kazakhstan $8,000/65,225 Ukrainian hryvnia Director: Kuralai Baimenova Kharkov, Ukraine [email protected] Director: Anna Kukuruza [email protected] www.ei-kharkov.org EII’s work focuses on preventing the institutionalization of infants and young children who have developmental delays and disabilities and integrating them into their families, schools, and communities through therapeutic and educational services. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 SPPCA provides the foundation, inspiration, and resources for full participation in social, political, sporting, and cultural life by disabled citizens through a variety of activities for both children and adults. Globalfundforchildren.org 87 2008–2009 Grants List Tanadgoma (Assistance) Library and Cultural Center for People with Disabilities $16,000/22,416 Georgian lari Tbilisi, Georgia Director: Nana Alexidze [email protected] Tanadgoma promotes integrative and inclusive education for children with disabilities by providing them with basic educational and extracurricular activity programs; facilitating their transition into the mainstream school system; and training teachers, parents, and government officials on issues such as inclusive education, proper care for those with disabilities, and legal and policy matters related to disability. Previous Funding: $42,000 since 2004 Tbilisi Youth House Foundation $21,000/29,421 Georgian lari Tbilisi, Georgia Director: Nana Doliashvili [email protected] www.youthhouses.net Working in the central railway and market neighborhoods, TYHF provides a variety of programs that help internally displaced children stay in or return to school, attend nonformal classes, and practice volunteerism. Previous Funding: $63,000 since 2003 school, considers the interests and needs of the children, takes into account gender differences, works to eliminate prejudices, and recognizes the cultural and traditional values of the children’s families. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2007 Kitezh Children’s Community Children of Tien-Shan $6,000/200,201 Russian rubles $8,000/285,675 Kyrgyz som Kaluga, Russia Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan Director: Sergei Khlopenov Director: Irina Trofimova [email protected] [email protected] www.kitezh.org www.geocities.com/children_tienshan Enterprise Kitezh Children’s Community offers a sustainable alternative to the state orphanage system in Russia by providing permanent foster care for orphaned children in a therapeutic community in the countryside of the Kaluga region. Its vocational farming program provides the children with agricultural and horticultural skills that will enable them to be self-supportive in the future. Children of Tien-Shan runs an emergency shelter for vulnerable children, many of whom are under the age of 8, who are not receiving quality care at home. Alliance for Children and Youth $12,000/15,934 Bulgarian leva Sofia, Bulgaria Director: Mariana Pisarska [email protected] www.acybg.org Recognized as one of the authorities in Bulgaria on vulnerable children’s issues, the Alliance for Children and Youth’s 16+ Center offers comprehensive services, including healthcare, counseling, and educational and vocational training, to vulnerable, marginalized, unemployed, and homeless youth, 95 percent of whom are of Roma descent. Previous Funding: $18,000 since 2006 Eldany $6,000/920,220 Kazakhstani tenge Almaty, Kazakhstan Director: Alma Bekpan [email protected] www.eldany.kz Safety Fundatia COTE (COTE Foundation) $12,000/372,092,400 Romanian lei Lasi, Romania Director: Iulian Ghica [email protected] Asociatia pentru Libertatea si Egalitatea de Gen (Association for Liberty and Gender Equality) www.childrenontheedge.org $10,000/249,978,000 Romanian lei COTE offers social assistance, counseling, and support to children and teenagers who are in or have recently left state-run orphanages in the impoverished region of Moldavia, assisting them with securing employment and housing, accessing medical services, and interacting with authorities and society. Previous Funding: $25,000 since 2006 Sibiu, Romania Director: Camelia Blaga [email protected] www.aleg-romania.eu ALEG promotes gender equality and fights genderbased violence and discrimination in Romania through inclusive, empowering, and supportive programs for young people. Previous Funding: $16,000 since 2006 Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation $16,000/23,230 Bulgarian leva Sofia, Bulgaria Tudor Foundation $6,000/1,313,370 Hungarian forint Budapest, Hungary Director: Gabor Havas [email protected] www.tudor-alapitvany.hu Tudor Foundation works with talented underprivileged primary-school children in four communities, facilitating their chances for further education and helping them to achieve their full educational potential through classes in foreign languages, information technology, and other subjects; skills training; after-school programs; and summer camps. Umut IЕџiДџi: Kadin, Г‡evre, KГјltГјr, ve Isletme Kooperatifi (Light of Hope: Women, Environment, Culture, and Enterprise Cooperative) $8,000/9,936,160,000 Turkish lira Diyarbakir, Turkey Director: Naside Buluttekin [email protected]; [email protected] Umut IЕџiДџi’s Early Education and Childcare Cooperative provides early childhood education for children from birth to age 6 to prepare them for elementary 88 Globalfundforchildren.org Eldany focuses on rehabilitative, psychological, adaptational, and material support for children and youth with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and motor disabilities. Focused on financial empowerment, the group assists the youth in operating a number of income-generating programs, including a creative art studio, a theatrical studio, and a vocal studio. Fundatia Noi Orizonturi (New Horizons Foundation) $9,000/279,069,300 Romanian lei Lupeni, Romania Director: Dana Bates [email protected] Atina Director: Jivka Marinova $8,000/419,237 Serbian dinars [email protected] Belgrade, Serbia www.gert.ngo-bg.org Director: Ksenija Burzan Mandic [email protected] www.atina.org.yu Atina provides long-term direct assistance to women and children who are victims of trafficking and sexual or labor exploitation, with the aim of helping them overcome their trauma and gain the confidence to successfully reenter community life. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 www.new-horizons.ro Noi Orizonturi utilizes a unique program of adventure education and service learning to empower youth and encourage them to become agents of social change in a country saddled with widespread corruption. Youth in the program implement community service projects, develop partnerships with local government and businesses, and lead and participate in team-building activities, debates, and conflict resolution trainings. Previous Funding: $25,000 since 2006 GERT raises public awareness on issues linked to gender stereotypes, teaches young people about reproductive rights and HIV/AIDS, and improves gender relations among youth in order to reduce gender-based violence and sexual exploitation. Previous Funding: $51,000 since 2004 Kiev Children and Youth Support Center $8,000/65,225 Ukrainian hryvnia Kiev, Ukraine Centar za Integraciju Mladih (Center for Youth Integration) Director: Bogdan Bashtovy [email protected] $11,000/576,451 Serbian dinars Belgrade, Serbia Director: Milica Djordjevic [email protected] www.cim.org.yu CIM works to empower and fully integrate street children into their communities by building long-term relationships between staff and beneficiaries. Previous Funding: $17,000 since 2006 The Support Center, founded by orphanage graduates and staff, offers legal, medical, psychological, and financial assistance to young people who age out of Kiev’s orphanages. Previous Funding: $13,000 since 2007 Globalfundforchildren.org 89 2008–2009 Grants List Ulybka (Smile) Public Foundation $7,000/249,966 Kyrgyz som Yugoslav Association for Culture and Education of Roma Osh, Kyrgyzstan $5,000/349,648 Serbian dinars Director: Elmira Umarova Leskovac, Serbia [email protected] Director: Marjan Muratovic [email protected] Ulybka Public Foundation runs an emergency shelter for children in the southern region of Kyrgyzstan and focuses its activities on street children, working children, victims of trafficking or violence, orphans, physically disabled children, and at-risk women. Usdruzenje Nova Generacija (New Generation Association) $5,000/7,259 Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible marka Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Director: Bojan Arula [email protected] www.jaker.org.yu YAC-ER advances health education for the Roma population by providing healthcare to youth and health education to youth, pregnant women, new mothers, and those at increased risk of contracting HIV. Vulnerable youth engage in a peer educators program that breaks taboos and counters misinformation about sex. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Creative Opportunities www.newgeneration.cfsites.org Г‡ocuklar Ayni Г‡atinin Altinda Dernegi (Children Under the Same Roof Association) Nova Generacija operates a mentoring program in Bosnia’s Serb territories for vulnerable children and youth, many of whom are living with foster families, in orphanages, on the streets, in medical institutions, or in juvenile delinquent halls. Previous Funding: $11,000 since 2007 $10,000/12,420,200,000 Turkish lira Healthy Minds and Bodies Club 21—UdruЕѕenja za Pozitivnu Komunikaciju (Association for Positive Communication) $7,000/366,832 Serbian dinars Subotica, Serbia Director: Dezso Kiss [email protected]; [email protected] www.mesecina.subotica.net In order to prevent juvenile delinquency, Club 21 runs indoor sports clubs that strengthen the communication skills of young people from diverse backgrounds, including out-of-school children and children with different degrees of ability, and empower them to express their thoughts, personality, and creativity. Previous Funding: $5,000 since 2007 Incest Trauma Center $9,000/629,366 Serbian dinars Belgrade, Serbia Director: Dusica Popadic [email protected] www.incesttraumacentar.org.yu Targeting the most vulnerable citizens, such as Roma, refugee, and orphaned children, ITC provides counseling for child and female victims of sexual assault and operates a 24-hour crisis hotline. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2007 90 Globalfundforchildren.org Diyarbakir, Turkey Director: Azize Leygara [email protected] Г‡AГ‡A seeks to reduce the number of children working on the streets in conflict-torn Kurdish areas of Turkey by operating a mentoring and creative arts program that incorporates role-playing, dance, visual arts, and theater for children aged 4 to 15. Previous Funding: $8,000 since 2007 Because ingenuity fosters possibilities. 2008–2009 Grants List Region Program Officer Countries in region East and Southeast Asia Hoa Tu Duong Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam Education MPP, Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University BA, University of Pennsylvania Languages Chinese, Thai The Global Fund for Children’s East and Southeast Asia program spans nine countries, stretching from the deserts and steppes of Mongolia to the archipelago island nations of the Philippines and Indonesia. These nine countries account for roughly 1.7 billion of the world’s population, including approximately 445 million children. Our grantee partners address a variety of needs and target the most vulnerable populations in this region. This year, I met abused children from rural China who came to the city in search of work; teenage Cambodian boys addicted to drugs and considering gang membership as an alternative to street life; trafficked Burmese girls in debt bondage working as prostitutes in border towns far from home; Filipino children in the southern provinces who have felt the shocks of armed conflict; and Vietnamese preschoolers living with HIV/ AIDS selling lottery tickets or shuttered away in the home instead of going to school because their families and teachers believed them incapable of leading a normal life. Our grantee partners in China focus on education programs for rural, disabled, and minority children, with an emphasis on children under the age of 8. We also support several organizations combating HIV/AIDS in China through education and awarenessraising campaigns. In Indonesia, we support Responding to Crisis portfolio grantee partners, such as Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah and Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama NAD, both working in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to train preschool teachers 92 Globalfundforchildren.org in classroom management, curriculum design, effective teaching methods, and natural disaster preparedness. In Cambodia, Women Development Association coordinates monthly peer learning sessions and vocational trainings, while Tiny Toones uses hip-hop to generate buzz about its weekly education and health programs. Both of these projects target vulnerable boys. Finally, grantee partners in the Philippines, Thailand, and Mongolia are working to rehabilitate and reintegrate trafficked girls, with great potential for regional partnerships. The global financial crisis dealt a heavy blow to the region, deepening the poverty levels nearly threefold. In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, garment factory closures plunged thousands of women and girls into unemployment, simultaneously increasing their susceptibility to human trafficking. In Indonesia, the lack of arable land and rising cost of food took a toll on the rice- and corn-farming communities in Aceh. Expensive local products in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, made it difficult for one of our grantee partners there to raise staff salaries, putting the organization at risk of losing its staff to larger NGOs. Despite these challenges, our partners made headlines this year. Rural China Education Foundation and Big Brother Mouse were highlighted at Clinton Global Initiative meetings in New York and Hong Kong, respectively. Tiny Toones, which completed a US dance tour in April 2008, was featured in the New York Times and Philadelphia Inquirer. Number of grantee partners 30 2008–2009 grants 52 grants valued at $320,340 I visited seven countries in East and Southeast Asia this year, and I witnessed firsthand the living conditions of the children our grantee partners serve. While standing atop mountains of garbage in Cambodia, where children as young as 4 sort plastics to make less than a dollar a day, I saw very clearly the appropriateness of Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization’s basic literacy, health, and safety curriculum for its mobile outreach program. In western China, I was invited into the humble homes of scholarship recipients supported by The Global Fund for Children through Snowland Service Group. Most of the youth come from farming or nomadic backgrounds and are the first in their families to attend school, yet they understand with absolute certainty that education is the way to improve their lives. Our role here is simple: to support the tireless efforts of these extraordinary community leaders and to ensure that these children continue reaching toward a brighter future. Learning Achlal (Caring Kindness) Children’s Development Center Friends for Street Children $15,000/267,270,000 Vietnamese dong Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Director: Sr. Marie Le Thi Thao $16,500/18,928,800 Mongolian tugriks [email protected]; [email protected] Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia www.ffsccm.org Director: Azzayaa Davaanyam [email protected] Achlal provides community-based support for poor and disabled children and their families living in Bayankhoshuu, one of the poorest slums of Ulaanbaatar. Achlal’s school offers primary education and extracurricular activities for young people who were never enrolled in school or were forced to drop out due to disability, illness, or family poverty. Previous Funding: $42,000 since 2004 Baoji Xinxing Aid for Street Kids $6,000/41,016 Chinese yuan Baoji, Shaanxi Province, China Director: Du Chengfei [email protected] Xinxing provides rehabilitation, education, recreation, and vocational skills training to poor urban children, many of whom are migrants from rural areas, in Shaanxi Province. Xingxing’s socioeducation programs offer nonformal education covering basic knowledge and life skills, as well as special classes for mentally challenged children. FFSC’s nine development centers provide the youngest street children with nonformal education, shelter, and healthcare, incorporating a child rights approach. Previous Funding: $83,500 since 2000 Rural China Education Foundation $5,000/34,224 Chinese yuan Beijing, China Director: Diane Geng and Sara Lam [email protected]; [email protected] www.ruralchina.org RCEF places teaching assistants and coaches in a rural school to partner with local teachers and to experiment with and document effective curricula and teaching approaches for the rural context, with the aim of promoting learner-centered education that is relevant to children’s life needs and prepares students for active roles in improving their communities. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Snowland Service Group $9,000/61,603 Chinese yuan Yushu County, Qinghai Province, China Director: Rinchen Dawa Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization [email protected] www.snowlandsgroup.org $5,000/20,845,500 Cambodian riels Phnom Penh, Cambodia Director: Heng Yon Kora [email protected] www.online.com.kh/users/csaro CSARO addresses the needs of Phnom Penh’s waste pickers through community development, solid waste management, and mobile education programs that enhance the livelihoods, safety, and education of poor children throughout the city. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 SSG empowers Tibetan communities through sustainable community development projects in education, renewable energy, and basic infrastructure. In Yushu Prefecture, where over 60 percent of middle-school graduates are unable to continue their education, SSG provides scholarships to enable students to complete high school, thereby increasing the opportunities available to them. Previous Funding: $24,000 since 2006 Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment $18,000/612,443 Thai baht Development Organisation of Rural Sichuan Chiang Mai, Thailand $5,000/34,180 Chinese yuan Director: Maria Mitos Urgel Hanyuan County, Sichuan Province, China weave@weave women.org Director: Guo Yumei www.weave women.org In an effort to alleviate poverty in rural China, DORS implements small-scale village-based projects, including microcredit for women, educational support for children and youth, and renewable-energy, forestry, infrastructure, and income generation projects. WEAVE trains community preschool teachers, offers curriculum development assistance, and operates early childhood development centers serving displaced Burmese children in refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border, in addition to providing child development trainings for parents. Previous Funding: $41,000 since 2005 Globalfundforchildren.org 93 2008–2009 Grants List Yunnan Institute of Development $6,000/41,016 Chinese yuan Yuxi, Yunnan Province, China Director: Xing Mo [email protected] annual business plan competition aimed at identifying and supporting future youth entrepreneurs. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Safety YID focuses on health and education in rural communities through HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention programs, health and hygiene education, children’s clubs, primary-school and middle-school support, curriculum development, teacher training, and early childhood development. Center for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Enterprise CPCAN provides legal, rehabilitative, and psychosocial support for children who have been victims of violence and abuse. Its three-tiered approach includes peer education training for children, telephone hotlines, and awareness workshops for parents. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 $9,000/12,714,930 Mongolian tugriks Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Director: Baigalmaa Sunren [email protected] Children’s Legal Rights and Development Center Beijing LovingSource Information Center $9,000/431,254 Philippine pesos $7,000/47,914 Chinese yuan Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines Beijing, China Director: Rowena Legaspi Director: Xiangyang Cheng [email protected] [email protected] www.aids-care.org CLRD provides legal assistance to juvenile offenders, documentation for advocacy purposes, rehabilitation and general welfare support for released juvenile detainees, and training and education. Previous Funding: $37,500 since 2004 www.stopchildabuse.org.mn Laura VicuГ±a Foundation Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth Development, Inc. $7,000/335,420 Philippine pesos Gapan City, Philippines Director: Donato Bayubay Bumacas [email protected] www.freewebs.com/kalingamission KAMICYDI works to increase educational and vocational opportunities for the children and youth of the beleaguered Kalinga tribe. The organization provides development opportunities to school-going and out-ofschool Kalinga youth, teaching business development skills and entrepreneurship. Previous Funding: $16,300 since 2007 Women Development Association $16,000/66,705,600 Cambodian riels Saang District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Director: Soreach Sereithida [email protected] WDA addresses the development needs of impoverished women, youth, and children by working with communities to achieve long-term sustainable development through capacity building. The Peace Building for Youth program targets boys who are at risk of participating in criminal or violent activities by providing them with life skills training and emphasizing positive roles that are available to men in the community. Previous Funding: $56,000 since 2004 YouthWorks $5,000/239,586 Philippine pesos Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Director: Audrey Codera [email protected] www.youthmicrofinance.com Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights Foundation $20,000/680,492 Thai baht Bangkok, Thailand $12,000/575,005 Philippine pesos Victorias, Negros Occidental, Philippines Director: Sr. Maria Victoria P. Santa Ana [email protected] www.lauravicuna.com In addition to running a program for sexually abused and exploited girls, LVF builds young children’s capacities through educational and development programs and offers nutritional supplements and food for preschool-age children. Previous Funding: $42,000 since 2005 Director: Sanphasit Koomphraphant [email protected] Tiny Toones www.thaichildrights.org $6,000/25,014,600 Cambodian riels Phnom Penh, Cambodia CPCR works to prevent and confront the physical abuse, sexual exploitation, and neglect of children throughout Southeast Asia and to reintegrate affected children into society. The group operates a temporary shelter in Bangkok that provides physical, emotional, and social support for youth who are reentering society. Previous Funding: $61,000 since 2003 Children and Young People’s Protection and Development NGO $10,000/11,472,000 Mongolian tugriks Director: Tuy Sobil [email protected] Tiny Toones uses break dancing, hip-hop music, and contemporary arts as creative tools to empower street youth to live healthier lives free of HIV and drugs, build a more promising future by furthering their educational opportunities, and become positive role models for their community. Healthy Minds and Bodies Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Ba Futuru (For the Future) Director: T. S. Battuya $14,500 [email protected]; [email protected] Dili, Timor-Leste Director: Joana dos Santos Camoes CYPPD, formerly Equal Step Centre, offers a range of integrated programs for vulnerable children and focuses on safety, education, child rights, and health training. One program targets girls who are working in the marketplace, where the risk of prostitution is high, and helps them to return to school or find safe and productive employment. Previous Funding: $7,500 since 2007 [email protected] www.bafuturu.org Ba Futuru works to create a positive future for children in orphanages through creative arts by using role-playing, trust exercises, art, and drama for the psychological and emotional rehabilitation of the children. Previous Funding: $22,000 since 2006 LovingSource supports the psychosocial needs of young children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, while addressing HIV stigma and discrimination within the community. Its Children Assistance Project includes a pen-pal program to encourage psychosocial health and a quarterly magazine tailored to rural children to reestablish their interest in learning. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Jinpa Project $12,000/82,138 Chinese yuan Nangchen County, China Director: Tashi Tsering [email protected] www.jinpa.org The Jinpa Project works in the most remote areas of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to relieve the poverty of nomadic and semi-nomadic communities by building physical infrastructure and increasing access to education and healthcare. The organization trains youth, who in turn train additional youth, to spread healthcare knowledge in their respective communities. Previous Funding: $40,000 since 2005 Neng Guan Performing Arts Training Center $8,500/58,181 Chinese yuan Ruili, China Director: Zhang Yinzhong [email protected] Neng Guan raises awareness of the dangers of drug use and reduces stigma against HIV/AIDS among rural and ethnic communities through the use of traditional performing arts such as singing and dancing. The group works with underprivileged minority youth, providing them with the training and skills to educate their communities through public performances. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Ruili Women and Children Development Center $16,500/112,794 Chinese yuan Ruili, China Director: Chen Guilan [email protected] YouthWorks provides microfinance loans to underprivileged youth entrepreneurs and women in the Philippines in order to promote economic self-sufficiency. YouthWorks partners with local high schools to run an 94 Globalfundforchildren.org www.rwcdc.org RWCDC works to improve the overall well-being of neglected or sexually exploited women and children living in Ruili County, bordering Burma, with a Globalfundforchildren.org 95 2008–2009 Grants List particular focus on raising awareness about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. Previous Funding: $38,000 since 2004 ing on interacting with traumatized children, including those who survived the 2004 tsunami. Previous Funding: $41,000 since 2006 Smile Group—Friends of Thay Hung $6,000/106,908,000 Vietnamese dong Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (Indonesian Psychological Association) Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam $13,000/148,740,800 Indonesian rupiahs Director: Leslie Weiner Aceh Province, Indonesia [email protected] Director: Retno Suhapti www.smilegroupvn.org [email protected] www.himpsi.org The Smile Group, in addition to serving as a source for HIV/AIDS information, communication, and awareness-raising activities to help reduce the stigma attached to the disease, offers educational and financial support to HIV/AIDS-infected and -affected children aged 10 months to 18 years and assists them and their families in adopting a lifestyle that allows them to live with AIDS. Creative Opportunities Big Brother Mouse $5,000/43,700,500 Laotian kips Luang Prabang, Laos Director: Khamla Panyasouk [email protected]; [email protected] www.bigbrothermouse.com Big Brother Mouse offers a creative outlet for local talents to illustrate and publish books in the Lao language and brings books to rural children who have often not seen, let alone owned, a book that is not part of their school curriculum. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Sanggar Anak Akar (Workshop, Child, Root) HIMPSI, a professional association of psychologists, addresses the psychosocial, health, and environmental education needs of children as part of its ongoing tsunami rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. Its youth entrepreneurship initiative develops the vocational skills of youth and young adults, with an emphasis on building awareness and knowledge of environmental issues. Previous Funding: $47,000 since 2006 Life Home Project Foundation $13,000/460,277 Thai baht Phuket, Thailand Director: Somboon Aiyarak [email protected] www.lifehomeproject.org LHP provides services and support to women and children infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, whose numbers grew in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. LHP offers daytime and nighttime care for young children and supports the children’s emotional, mental, and physical development through outdoor environmental education, music and arts, and sports and recreation. Previous Funding: $30,000 since 2006 $6,500/74,370,400 Indonesian rupiahs Jakarta, Indonesia Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah Director: Susilo Adinegoro $14,000/160,182,400 Indonesian rupiahs [email protected] Aceh Province, Indonesia Director: Siti Chamamah Soeratno Sanggar Anak Akar teaches children to respect one another and strives to create a safe space for the physical and emotional well-being of marginalized children, specifically those living in slums, near garbage dumps, and on the streets. Previous Funding: $7,500 since 2007 Responding to Crisis Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama NAD $14,000/160,182,400 Indonesian rupiahs Aceh Province, Indonesia Director: Abriati Yusuf [email protected] Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama NAD operates seven kindergartens for young children and provides teacher train- 96 Globalfundforchildren.org [email protected] www.aisyiyah_pusat.org Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah implements rehabilitation programs for children affected by the 2004 tsunami, offering community disaster alertness and preparedness training, nutritional supplements, clothing, health services, and counseling at its children’s centers. Previous Funding: $44,500 since 2006 community-based solutions are the first steps toward worldwide change. Because 2008–2009 Grants List Region Program Officer Countries in region Latin America and the Caribbean Susanna Shapiro Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru Education MS, The New School BA, Stanford University Number of grantee partners Languages Jamaican Patois, Portuguese, Spanish Program Associate 52 While our grantee partners in LAC address common issues associated with poverty— limited educational opportunities, child labor, teen pregnancy, and violence—they also face challenges particular to the region. For instance, in Colombia, the perennial issue of internal displacement continues to adversely affect children. According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, over 380,000 Colombians were newly displaced in 2008 alone. Our grantee partners FundaciГіn Casa Hogar Nuestro SueГ±o and FundaciГіn ChocГі Joven work specifically with displaced youth in one of the most vulnerable regions of the country, providing vocational training and access to educational resources. In Guatemala, due to a severe drought and rising food prices, malnutrition has reached astonishing heights, with an estimated 400,000 people at risk. Recognizing that children often suffer the most during food shortages, our grantee partner ISMUGUA in Guatemala City teaches parents about providing adequate meals for their young children by emphasizing affordable ways to purchase and prepare nutritious food. 98 Globalfundforchildren.org Grassroots groups throughout the region have found that providing quality education is one of the most powerful ways to improve children and youth’s social and economic well-being. For this reason, almost half of our grantee partners in LAC fall within the Learning portfolio. These grantees not only work on improving access to high-quality primary education but also test new models for innovative nonformal education, bilingual education, early childhood education, and education tailored to the needs of children who spend most of their time working and/or living on the streets. Because of the economic crisis, many of our grantees are finding an increase in demand for their services, combined with a simultaneous shortage of resources to meet that demand. In response, according to our economic crisis survey, at least 12 LAC grantees have developed income-generating activities to build their resilience and financial sustainability. Examples of these activities include renting out space in the organization’s building, offering special courses for a fee to community members the organization would not otherwise serve, and other creative activities to generate revenue for the organization and reduce dependency on declining donor funding sources. Despite the challenges, many of our grantee partners continue to thrive by fully taking advantage of exciting opportunities. Instituto Fazer Acontecer in Salvador, Brazil, is expanding into the semi-arid northeastern region of the country and, with a strong $10,000/395,594 Haitian gourdes $19,000/156,932 Guatemalan quetzals Port-au-Prince, Haiti Nebaj, Guatemala Director: Reagan Lolo Director: Benito Terraza Cedillo [email protected] [email protected] AVJ is a grassroots community association that provides formal education and promotes civic participation among children aged 5 and older in the very poor JakГЁ neighborhood of Port-au-Prince. Previous Funding: $16,500 since 2006 APPEDIBIMI provides bilingual early childhood education in the Ixil and Spanish languages to more than 1,300 indigenous Maya children in 14 remote villages. Previous Funding: $76,167 since 2003 2008–2009 grants 104 grants valued at $686,795 Michael Gale Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) has the highest income inequality in the world. The situation for poor children in LAC has improved slightly over the past year due to more socially inclusive government policies in many countries, as well as a thriving and vocal civil society. Still, the gap between the rich and the poor is immense, resulting in a juxtaposition of two very separate and distinct worlds within one single region. Asanble Vwazen JakГЁ (JakГЁ Neighborhood Association) AsociaciГіn para el Desarrollo Integral y Multidisciplinario APPEDIBIMI (APPEDIBIMI Association for Comprehensive and Multidisciplinary Development) Learning recommendation from us, recently obtained a planning grant from the Inter-American Foundation to implement its work on a wider scale. With the assistance of an organizational development consultant sponsored by us, FundaciГіn Simsa in Bogota, Colombia, built a more active board and increased fundraising, which will allow the director to work full-time for Simsa within the next two years. In the Dominican Republic, SODHAIDESA received a $33,000 grant from a Spanish foundation, thanks to a strategic opportunity grant from us. With the additional funding, the organization finished its new health clinic and was able to purchase an all-terrain vehicle to reach the most isolated rural communities, which are frequently inaccessible to regular vehicles due to flooding. The challenges facing children in Latin America and the Caribbean are great, but the resolve of our grantee partners is greater. In the coming year, we will work to build on these and other successes in our grantmaking to improve the lives of the most vulnerable children throughout the region. AsociaciГіn Civil WarГЎ (WarГЎ Civil Association) AsociaciГіn para los Derechos de la NiГ±ez “MonseГ±or Oscar Romero” (Monsignor Oscar Romero Association for Children’s Rights) $2,500/7,889 Peruvian nuevos soles $16,000/120,122 Guatemalan quetzals Huayllarcocha, Peru Guatemala City, Guatemala Director: Williar CГЎrdenas Vargas Director: Elisa MarroquГn [email protected] [email protected] www.losromeritos.com AsociaciГіn Civil WarГЎ works in a rural indigenous community outside of Cusco to provide sports and educational activities for children who frequently work long, hard days in the fields. The Sports for Life program provides children with a space for recreation as well as access to critically important and empowering information in the areas of health, literacy, and the environment. Previous Funding: $3,500 since 2008 AsociaciГіn Educativa Maya Aj Sya’ (Maya Aj Sya’ Educational Association) $6,000/45,046 Guatemalan quetzals PatzicГa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala Director: Victoria Esquit Choy [email protected] Aj Sya’ promotes educational, cultural, spiritual, and economic development in PatzicГa by guaranteeing access to bilingual early-childhood and primary-school education for children who have little access to education and social development opportunities. AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad (Women and Community Association) Los Romeritos, as this group is locally known, provides access to primary education and other support services for the children of sex workers, street vendors, and underemployed single mothers to prevent these children from entering prostitution. Previous Funding: $50,000 since 2003 AsociaciГіn PromociГіn y Desarrollo de la Mujer NicaragГјense Acahual (Acahual Association for the Promotion and Development of Nicaraguan Women) $14,000/283,920 Nicaraguan cГіrdobas Managua, Nicaragua Director: Norma Villalta [email protected] Acahual, located in a community adjacent to Managua’s largest dump, runs a preschool for children of impoverished families that primarily pick trash for a living, thereby allowing the children to avoid the hazards of the dump while preparing them to enter primary school. Previous Funding: $57,500 since 2004 San Francisco Libre, Nicaragua Biblioteca Th’uruchapitas (Th’urichapitas Library) Director: Zoraida Soza Sanchez $6,000/43,039 Bolivian bolivianos [email protected] Cochabamba, Bolivia $17,000/338,099 Nicaraguan cГіrdobas Director: Gaby Vallejo Mujer y Comunidad promotes the health, education, and safety of women and girls in rural Nicaragua and provides scholarships for children to attend formal schools. The Youth Scholarship program combines financial support for education with workshops on various social issues, recreational and cultural opportunities, and youth social service projects. Previous Funding: $56,000 since 2003 [email protected] Biblioteca Th’uruchapitas provides a safe, supportive, educational space for the most disadvantaged children in Bolivian society, namely very young children living in prison with their incarcerated parents. Previous Funding: $13,000 since 2007 Globalfundforchildren.org 99 2008–2009 Grants List Centro Cultural Batahola Norte (Batahola Norte Cultural Center) $15,000/298,323 Nicaraguan cГіrdobas Managua, Nicaragua Director: Jennifer Marshall [email protected] age 3, providing English lessons, computer education, and environmental and cultural awareness classes. Targeting children in the favelas of Maceio, the school also offers healthy meals, free access to dental care, and a community service program at a local nursing school. www.friendsofbatahola.org CCBN promotes opportunities for vulnerable women and children through basic education and courses in domestic and technical skills and through scholarships for primary-school, secondary-school, and university students. The scholarship program integrates individual accomplishment with community solidarity, as scholarship recipients must maintain high grades and perform community service at CCBN. Previous Funding: $32,000 since 2005 Centro para la AutonomГa y Desarrollo de los Pueblos IndГgenas (Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Autonomy and Development) $6,000/121,680 Nicaraguan cГіrdobas Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua Director: Myrna Cunningham Kain [email protected] www.casamuseonicaragua.org CADPI, a research and education center for indigenous and Afro-descendant communities living on the North Atlantic coast of Nicaragua, provides innovative programming focused on indigenous people’s rights and autonomy, indigenous women’s rights, cultural revitalization, cross-cultural communication, and intercultural early childhood education. Colegio Miguel Angel Asturias (Miguel Angel Asturias Academy) $9,000/67,568 Guatemalan quetzals Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Director: Jorge ChojolГЎn [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] www.asturiasacademy.org Colegio Miguel Angel Asturias provides accessible, quality primary education to low-income children in Quetzaltenango in an effort to break the cycles of ethnic discrimination, sexism, poverty, and violence in Guatemala. Escola Estrela do Mar (Starfish School) $7,000/12,682 Brazilian reais Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil Director: Claudia Barbosa [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] www.escolaestreladomar.org Escola Estrela do Mar employs a comprehensive wholechild approach to education for children beginning at 100 Globalfundforchildren.org FundaciГіn Crecer (Growth Foundation) $9,000 Guayaquil, Ecuador Director: Pastora Castro pastoracastro@fundacioncrecer; [email protected] www.fundacioncrecer.org Espacio Cultural Creativo (Creative Cultural Space) $19,000/134,913 Bolivian bolivianos La Paz, Bolivia Director: Miguelangel Estellano Schulze [email protected]; [email protected] www.espacioculturalcreativo.org tion, and helps the community to plan for long-term self-sufficiency and sustainability. Previous Funding: $52,500 since 2004 Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitianas (Movement of Dominican-Haitian Women) $8,000/289,616 Dominican pesos FundaciГіn Crecer supports children who work on the streets, helping to reintegrate them into school, family, and community life, and through its family-strengthening program, builds the capacity of families to support their children’s personal and academic potential. Previous Funding: $17,000 since 2007 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Director: Sonia Pierre [email protected] MUDHA promotes the advancement of Dominicans of Haitian descent through programs on early childhood education, health, human rights, gender, domestic violence, and identity. In response to the widespread absence of public schools in the bateyes (housing settlements that formerly served as plantation barracks), MUDHA helps to create and support independent community schools, with the ultimate goal of integrating children into the public school system. Previous Funding: $17,500 since 2007 Espacio Cultural Creativo helps formal schools adapt to the circumstances and unique needs of working children while creating out-of-school opportunities for young children aged 3 and up to develop their cognitive skills and encourage creative expression. Previous Funding: $73,430 since 2002 FundaciГіn Junto con los NiГ±os (Together with the Children Foundation) FundaciГіn Alfonso Casas Morales para la PromociГіn Humana (Alfonso Casas Morales Foundation for Human Advancement) JUCONI provides support to children working on the streets, with the aim of reducing or eliminating their street work, reintegrating them into school, and rebuilding the family environment, which is often plagued by violence and dysfunction. Previous Funding: $44,500 since 2004 Poder Joven (Youth Power) Instituto para la SuperaciГіn de la Miseria Urbana (Institute for Overcoming Urban Poverty) Poder Joven offers programs that promote literacy, life skills, critical thinking, and personal responsibility, with the aim of preventing children living in the violent and impoverished neighborhoods of downtown MedellГn from abandoning their homes for the streets. Using Montessori methods, Poder Joven works with young children and their families to fully promote physical, cognitive, and social development. Previous Funding: $50,000 since 2004 $11,000/22,805,420 Colombian pesos BogotГЎ, Colombia Director: Pablo Henao MejГa [email protected] www.promocionhumana.com PromociГіn Humana helps children aged 6 to 12 on the northern outskirts of BogotГЎ to succeed in primary school through an accelerated learning program for children behind grade level, a tutoring program for children at risk of failing or dropping out, a free cafeteria, a computer center, and a community library. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 FundaciГіn Casa Hogar Nuestro SueГ±o (Our Dream Home Foundation) $9,000/18,658,980 Colombian pesos QuibdГі, Colombia Director: Milis Moya [email protected]; [email protected] Nuestro SueГ±o provides early childhood development opportunities for children in a slum community on the outskirts of QuibdГі, utilizing a curriculum that promotes health, nutrition, cognitive and motor skills development, psychosocial well-being, positive values, cultural identity, and environmental awareness. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 $18,000 Guayaquil, Ecuador Director: Adriana Alvarez [email protected] www.juconi.org.ec $21,000/157,660 Guatemalan quetzals Guatemala City, Guatemala Director: MarГa Elvira SГЎnchez [email protected] In pursuit of its mission to improve the dismal conditions in Guatemala City’s worst slums, ISMUGUA operates Learning Corners, innovative models of community-based childcare that promote physical and mental stimulation, socialization, and psychomotor skills in children aged 1 to 7. Previous Funding: $69,000 since 2003 Light for All $11,000/445,401 Haitian gourdes Lhomond, Haiti Director: Gerry Delaquis [email protected] www.lightforall.org LiFA helps rural Haitian communities to strengthen their preprimary and primary schools through a sponsorship program that covers basic costs, provides administrative and financial training for school administrators, educates parents on the importance of educa- $16,000/33,171,520 Colombian pesos MedellГn, Colombia Director: Clared Jaramillo Duque [email protected] www.poderjoven.org Puririsun (Let’s Journey Together) $9,000/63,906 Bolivian bolivianos La Paz, Bolivia Director: Juan JosГ© Obando [email protected]; [email protected] Puririsun provides educational support, enterprise training, health education, nutrition, and life skills workshops to disadvantaged children and youth living in La Paz. Its early childhood development program for infants and toddlers focuses on stimulating their physical, intellectual, and emotional development Previous Funding: $17,800 since 2006 Globalfundforchildren.org 101 2008–2009 Grants List Skolta’el Yu’un Jlumaltic (Service to Our People) $12,000/163,160 Mexican pesos San Cristobal, Chiapas, Mexico Director: Samantha Ibarra Avalos [email protected] www.syjac.org.mx arships, tutoring, vocational training, and workshops on leadership and community service. Previous Funding: $33,167 since 2006 AsociaciГіn Integral de la Juventud Q’anil (Comprehensive Association of Q’anil Youth) Frente de Salud Infantil y Reproductiva de Guatemala (Guatemalan Front for Child and Reproductive Health) $11,000/90,856 Guatemalan quetzals Chimaltenango, Guatemala Director: Silvia Angelica Xinico AjГє [email protected]; [email protected] $6,000/45,046 Guatemalan quetzals SYJAC works to improve living conditions and opportunities in the indigenous slums around San CristГіbal through a range of community development programs. Its education center focuses on early childhood development for children from birth to age 6 and requires mothers to attend parenting and life skills workshops and to volunteer at the center every month. Previous Funding: $18,000 since 2007 Sociedad Dominico-Haitiana de Apoyo Integral para el Desarrollo y la Salud (Dominican-Haitian Society of Comprehensive Support for Health and Development) $14,000/492,419 Dominican pesos Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Director: Frantz Compere [email protected]; [email protected] Nebaj, Quiche, Guatemala Director: Modesto GuzmГЎn Santiago [email protected] AsociaciГіn Integral de la Juventud Q’anil offers a range of programs to youth in the Ixil region, including a bilingual primary school, literacy courses, academic scholarships, workshops on traditional cultural identity, education and training in violence prevention, and courses in carpentry, shoe repair, and baking. Centro Transitorio de CapacitaciГіn y EducaciГіn Recreativa El Caracol (El Caracol Transitional Center for Training and Recreational Education) Enterprise Ação Forte (Strong Action) $9,000/16,305 Brazilian reais Campinas, Brazil Director: MatusalГ©m Pereira dos Santos [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Ação Forte helps young people from low-income neighborhoods in Campinas to complete their formal education and to transition successfully into the work world. Previous Funding: $14,830 since 2006 AsociaciГіn de Comunidades Eclesiales de Base (Association of Grassroots Christian Communities) $11,000/223,080 Nicaraguan cГіrdobas Managua, Nicaragua Director: Jenny Mayorga [email protected] CEB helps working children in the shantytowns of Managua reach their full potential by providing schol- 102 Globalfundforchildren.org Warma Tarinakuy (Assembly of the Children) $10,000/29,901 Peruvian nuevos soles FESIRGUA works with poor indigenous communities in the rural highlands of Guatemala to improve health, education, and overall quality of life. Recognizing that girls need a strong network of relationships to succeed, FESIRGUA’s Opening Opportunities program provides training, mentoring, and internships to small groups of young women, who then in turn train and mentor groups of younger girls, as well as their mothers and other community stakeholders. Previous Funding: $26,000 since 2006 Lima, Peru Guaruma Safety $10,000/192,650 Honduran lempiras Director: Ana Salas Vivanco [email protected] Warma Tarinakuy is a self-empowerment initiative that is managed by 100 adolescent boys who work in the local wholesale produce market and that is focused on achieving safe and fair working conditions, increasing access to education and educational support, improving health, and ensuring adequate nutrition. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 $16,000/217,547 Mexican pesos Director: Francisco CabaГ±as Cadillo Asociacion Civil Hamiraya (Hamiraya Civil Association) Mexico City, Mexico [email protected]; [email protected] $5,000/35,866 Bolivian bolivianos Director: Juan MartГn PГ©rez GarcГa www.guaruma.org Cochabamba, Bolivia Las Mangas, Honduras Director: Veronica Bustillos de Guerra [email protected]; [email protected] SODHAIDESA works to improve the living conditions for immigrant Haitians and their descendants living in the Dominican Republic by focusing on the community’s health and education needs, especially those of children. Its Right to a Name and Nationality Program presses for legal recognition of the Dominican nationality of children born in the Dominican Republic to Haitian parents, which gives children legal access to school and other social programs. Previous Funding: $36,075 since 2005 in their homes to give parenting guidance, while a vocational training program prepares these young parents to successfully transition from school to work. Previous Funding: $40,500 since 2004 www.elcaracol.org El Caracol uses a combination of street outreach and education, transitional housing, life skills workshops, computer training, enterprise and vocational training, a youth-run bakery and restaurant, a youth-led radio program, and graphic design and print media initiatives to help street children and youth acquire the skills, attitudes, and assets to allow them to leave the streets and transform their lives. Previous Funding: $49,800 since 2005 Guaruma uses photography, digital imaging, graphic design, website design, creative writing, and media technology to help children develop marketable skills and to provide a medium for self-expression, creativity, critical thinking, leadership, and reflection on their lives. Previous Funding: $29,000 since 2006 Instituto Fazer Acontecer (Make It Happen Institute) $12,000/26,670 Brazilian reais [email protected]; [email protected] AsociaciГіn Civil Hamiraya’s Community and Prison Integrated Support Center serves Cochabamba’s most marginalized children, many of whom are either abandoned or live in the San Sebastian prison with an incarcerated parent. Volunteers serve as educators and coaches, offering structured academic support as well as soccer, music, and art instruction to participating children. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Salvador da Bahia, Brazil Desarrollo Autogestionario AsociaciГіn Civil (Self-Managed Development Civil Association) $10,000/135,967 Mexican pesos Director: Renato Paes de Andrade [email protected] Associação Barraca da Amizade (Shelter of Friendship Association) www.fazeracontecer.org.br $10,000/22,225 Brazilian reais Fortaleza, Brazil Teocelo, Veracruz, Mexico Director: Gloria Agueda GarcГa [email protected] www.auge.org.mx AUGE promotes women’s economic empowerment and income generation through self-managed savings groups, technical training and leadership workshops, community gardens, and a community radio program. AUGE’s Children’s Solidarity Savings Group teaches self-discipline and planning for the future, as well as financial-management concepts and interpersonal skills. Previous Funding: $26,000 since 2006 IFA offers a combination of sports and citizenship training to promote teamwork, discipline, and physical well-being among youth in some of the poorest areas of Salvador and works to increase their awareness of the rights and responsibilities of citizens as protagonists in their communities. Previous Funding: $34,500 since 2006 Rural Family Support Organization $14,000/1,047,900 Jamaican dollars Director: Regino Santiago Mesquita [email protected] Barraca da Amizade provides transitional housing, psychosocial counseling, academic tutoring, and vocational training to boys and girls who are living on the streets and are often engaged in high-risk behaviors such as gang activity, substance abuse, and petty crime. Previous Funding: $26,000 since 2006 May Pen, Jamaica Director: Utealia Burrell [email protected]; [email protected] RuFamSO offers guidance, educational support, life skills training, and workshops on nutrition and personal health to adolescents in Jamaica’s rural communities. Its Roving Caregivers program visits teenage parents Associação Beneficente da CrianГ§a e do Adolescente em Situação de Risco (Beneficent Association for At-Risk Children and Adolescents) $5,000/11,113 Brazilian reais Fortaleza, CearГЎ, Brazil Director: Maria de Fatima Nogueira de Oliveira Globalfundforchildren.org 103 2008–2009 Grants List Pastoral do Menor (Pastoral Care of the Child), as this organization is locally known, works with children living on the streets of Fortaleza. Street educators engage children with games, art, and books as a means of gradually developing trust and building a relationship, with the ultimate goal of interesting the children in changing their path in life. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2008 Associação Excola (Excola Association) $13,000/28,893 Brazilian reais Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Director: Ivair Villa Real [email protected]; [email protected]; Centro para el Desarrollo Regional (Center for Regional Development) $14,000/100,423 Bolivian bolivianos PotosГ, Bolivia Director: Wilhelm PiГ©rola Iturralde [email protected] Yanapanakusun (Let’s Help Each Other) CDR promotes local development, economic opportunity, and improved quality of life for vulnerable women and children in the mining region of PotosГ. Its Child Miners Project focuses on preventing and reducing child labor in the mines by providing viable economic and educational alternatives through school scholarships, individual educational support, and vocational training. Previous Funding: $30,500 since 2006 [email protected] Excola helps children living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro to change their course in life through basic education, technical and vocational training, counseling, transitional housing, and a youth-run community radio program, Madam SatГЈ FM. Previous Funding: $26,000 since 2006 Centro de Apoyo al NiГ±o de la Calle de Oaxaca (Center for the Support of the Street Child in Oaxaca) $14,000/190,354 Mexican pesos Oaxaca, Mexico Director: MarГa del Carmen Espinosa [email protected] www.canicadeoaxaca.org CANICA works with children living and working on the streets of Oaxaca to promote school enrollment, provide a preschool education for young children, encourage skill development, offer health and nutrition services, ensure emotional well-being, and to ultimately transition these children off the streets. Previous Funding: $47,500 since 2005 Centro Interdisciplinario para el Desarrollo Social (Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development) $16,000/170,800 Mexican pesos Mexico City, Mexico Director: Alicia Vargas Ayala [email protected] CIDES supports indigenous migrant children in Mexico City through programs in education, community mobilization, and social intervention. Its Hummingbird Center addresses the issue of unsafe family situations by forming discussion groups to talk about children’s rights and domestic violence, and by training adolescents to become community educators. Previous Funding: $35,000 since 2005 104 Globalfundforchildren.org enrollment; providing academic support, vocational training, and psychosocial services; and strengthening family and community support structures. Previous Funding: $63,700 since 2002 Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Mujer y la Infancia (Institute for the Development of Women and Children) $10,000/10,242 Panamanian balboas Panama City, Panama Director: Bertha Vargas [email protected] $11,000/32,891 Peruvian nuevos soles Cusco, Peru Director: Vittoria Savio [email protected] Yanapanakusun helps girls working as domestic servants in Peru to reclaim their lives by providing temporary and longer-term shelter, formal education, healthcare, legal identification, and programs that reinforce their selfesteem, cultural identity, and understanding of their rights. Previous Funding: $27,500 since 2006 Healthy Minds and Bodies Associação de Apoio Г s Meninas e Meninos da RegiГЈo SГ© (Association for Support of Girls and Boys of the SГ© Region) $14,000/31,115 Brazilian reais IDEMI works with vulnerable children and youth in Panama, supplementing formal education and raising awareness on child labor, preventive healthcare, gender equality, and civic participation. IDEMI’s child labor program targets girls working as domestic servants in non-relative households, where they are almost always subjected to exploitation and abuse. Previous Funding: $15,500 since 2006 Ministerio Tiempo Decisivo (Decisive Time Ministry) $8,000/289,616 Dominican pesos Santiago, Dominican Republic Director: Pablo UreГ±a Rodriguez [email protected] Ministerio Tiempo Decisivo’s Children with a Hope program provides academic support, life skills training, health education, and personal development opportunities to more than 200 children aged 5 and up who previously lived and worked in the Santiago dump. Previous Funding: $19,000 since 2007 Movimiento para el Auto-Desarrollo Internacional de la Solidaridad (Movement for International Self-Development and Solidarity) $13,000/470,626 Dominican pesos Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic Director: MarГa Josefina Paulino [email protected] MAIS keeps girls and young women in Puerto Plata out of the sex tourism industry by promoting school violence and destruction. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2006 FundaciГіn ChocГі JГіven (Young ChocГі Foundation) $9,000/18,658,980 Colombian pesos QuibdГі, Colombia Director: JosГ© Murillo [email protected]; [email protected]; quibdo@ msn.com; [email protected] FundaciГіn ChocГі Joven employs a combination of educational, vocational, cultural, health, and human rights programs to promote leadership and empowerment among youth in the slum communities around QuibdГі, most of whom were displaced by Colombia’s armed conflict. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 FundaciГіn Simsa (Simsa Foundation) $10,000/20,732,200 Colombian pesos BogotГЎ, Colombia Director: Lida AlarcГіn [email protected] SГЈo Paulo, Brazil Director: Everaldo Santos Oliveira [email protected] AA CrianГ§a, as this group is called, defends the rights of the poorest and most marginalized children and youth of central SГЈo Paulo by providing a comprehensive range of legal, educational, psychological, social, and health-related services. Previous Funding: $39,000 since 2005 Through its flagship Boquitas Sanas (Healthy Little Mouths) program, FundaciГіn Simsa operates one-day mobile dental clinics and promotes good dental hygiene for children in poor neighborhoods throughout BogotГЎ. Previous Funding: $23,000 since 2006 Pazapa (Step by Step) $9,000/364,419 Haitian gourdes Jacmel, Haiti Director: Marika MacRae Centro de Documentação e Informação Coisa de Mulher (Center for Documentation and Information on Women’s Issues) [email protected] $14,000/25,364 Brazilian reais Pazapa serves children with physical and mental disabilities by providing formal schooling, physical therapy, psychosocial support, orthopedic surgery, nutritious meals, and family counseling and training. Previous Funding: $16,000 since 2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Director: Neusa das Dores Pereira [email protected]; [email protected] CEDOICOM provides education on reproductive health, commercial sexual exploitation, child labor, and HIV/ AIDS for women and girls who face discrimination due to gender, race, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Previous Funding: $37,000 since 2004 CorporaciГіn Salus $10,000/20,732,200 Colombian pesos www.pazapa.org Creative Opportunities Nucleo Socio-Cultural “Caixa de Sorpresas” (Box of Surprises Sociocultural Center) $7,000/12,682 Brazilian reais BangГє, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Director: Waldemir dos Santos CorrГЄa [email protected] UrabГЎ, Colombia Director: Loren Callejas [email protected] Salus provides psychosocial support to children and youth displaced by Colombia’s armed conflict, many of whom were either victims or witnesses of unspeakable Caixa de Sorpresas works to reduce the vulnerability of children and youth living in the BangГє section of Rio de Janeiro by engaging them in performing arts and Afro-Brazilian musical productions that help them overcome their social and psychological struggles. Globalfundforchildren.org 105 2008–2009 Grants List Region Program Officer Countries in region South Asia Vineeta Gupta Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka Education LLM, University of Notre Dame JD, Nehru Memorial Law College, Ajmer University, India MD, Medical College Patiala, India Languages Number of grantee partners 54 2008–2009 grants 107 grants valued at $751,100 Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu Learning Agastya International Foundation Our grantee partners understand the challenges facing children and youth in South Asia and are often among the first to recognize and cultivate the untapped assets of underprivileged young people. They furnish psychosocial support to vulnerable girls in urban areas and offer holistic support systems for children in nomadic and denotified tribes. They run vocational and English classes for underserved teens and provide informal education to children who are not admitted into other schools for social, economic, or academic reasons. They promote social and environmental justice for waste-picking children and offer leadership training to incarcerated boys. Our grantee partners not only provide direct services but also influence state and national actions on issues concerning young people. Masoom, a grantee partner in India that aims to ensure quality education for underprivileged students who work during the day and attend night school, is actively working with 106 Globalfundforchildren.org the state government to adapt for regional use the organization’s research-based, passiondriven, and innovative approach to improving night schools. In addition to helping Masoom strengthen its programming, we supported a press event that yielded tremendous coverage in local and national news outlets and leveraged additional resources. Kelambakkam, India Chittoor, India Director: D. Devanbu Director: Rama P. Raghavan [email protected] [email protected] www.acdsindia.org www.agastya.org Agastya makes education creative, practical, and responsive to students’ needs through mobile science labs, science fairs, teacher training, and communications and information technology programs. Previous Funding: $51,000 since 2004 Our grantee partners in Pakistan have continued to work tirelessly and effectively in a very tough political and socioeconomic environment. Our partners organized a conference to discuss the effects of conflict and violence on children and youth in the region. They shared and contemplated the best practices to provide safe and secure learning environments for children in affected areas. Our partnership with the Goldman Sachs Foundation has allowed us to deepen our involvement in India’s fast-growing urban centers and provided useful valueadded services to many of our grantees. Our grantee partners have benefited from organizational development support from experts, press events and expanded domestic exposure, and networking events with other organizations and Goldman Sachs staff in Bengaluru and Mumbai. One challenge we face as grantmakers working in India is the bureaucracy associated with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) process. To receive foreign funding, an organization must have FCRA permission, but to apply for FCRA permission, it must have received a commitment for foreign funding. The process to receive this permission can be long and taxing, leading most international funders to seek organizations that already have their FCRA permission. However, we feel that helping emerging organizations obtain their permission is an important value-added service that we can offer. Several crises—including increasing violence in Afghanistan, militant action in Pakistan, the terror attacks in Mumbai, and the global economic crisis—have challenged grassroots organizations in South Asia in new ways, at a time when children need their support more than ever. Our grantee partners cannot rely on “fate,” as Jamal did in Slumdog Millionaire, to address the needs of vulnerable children and youth. Through our grantmaking and valueadded services, we hope to help organizations in South Asia give children the opportunity to create their own luck, discover their potential, and maybe change their fate. $19,500/893,147 Indian rupees $18,000/824,443 Indian rupees Aikya (Unity) The movie Slumdog Millionaire provided international audiences with a glimpse into the lives of children growing up in the slums of India. Although Jamal Malik escapes the slums through the extraordinary good fortune of winning 20 million rupees on a game show, most vulnerable children in India and other countries in South Asia are locked into a life of extreme difficulty. Many of The Global Fund for Children’s grassroots partners are working to alter the fate of these children, addressing the greatest challenges in this diverse region. Association for Community Development Services ACDS seeks to end child labor in the stone quarries of the Kanchipuram district and to give the children of quarry workers access to free, high-quality primary education and healthcare. Previous Funding: $93,000 since 2003 Backward Society Education $13,000/959,033 Nepali rupees $9,000/412,222 Indian rupees Kailali district, Nepal Bengaluru, India Director: Dilli Bhadur Chaudhary Director: Philomena Vincent [email protected] [email protected] Aikya designs and implements programs that strengthen the entrepreneurial and leadership skills of the poor, ethnic minorities, women, and children by developing the resources inherent within these populations and linking beneficiaries to external resources. Anandan (Happiness) $8,000/406,117 Indian rupees BASE provides basic education, healthcare, income generation assistance, legal rights education, and other services to former bonded laborers in Nepal, particularly to members of the ethnic Tharu community and to women. Its child labor reduction program includes nonformal education centers for children and youth and community awareness programs. Previous Funding: $30,500 since 2005 Kolkata, India [email protected] Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group www.geocities.com/anandan_kolkata $10,000/507,646 Indian rupees Director: Indrani Ghosh Delhi, India Anandan provides functional, remedial, and holistic education to slum-dwelling children, especially girls who are at risk of early marriage, and directs their individual talents and dispositions toward suitable earning opportunities. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Ananya Trust $9,500/482,264 Indian rupees Bengaluru, India Director: Bharati Chaturvedi [email protected] www.chintan-india.org Chintan promotes social and environmental justice for waste-picking communities, particularly for women and children, by helping them gain access to better education and livelihood opportunities, including preschools located at urban garbage dumps. Previous Funding: $31,500 since 2006 Director: Shashi Rao [email protected] Door Step School www.ananyatrust.com $15,000/761,469 Indian rupees Mumbai, India Ananya Trust fulfills the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of migrant children through its school, Ananya Shikshana Kendra. Designed by youth at the school, Ananya’s Traveling Troupe is a musical and theater group that functions as an interactive learning tool, combining learning with dance, music, and travel. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2008 Director: Bina Sheth Lashkari [email protected] www.doorstepschool.org Door Step School serves working, slum-dwelling, and street children by providing community preschools, classes for both school-going and out-of-school children, and mobile libraries and literacy classes. Previous Funding: $71,050 since 2004 Globalfundforchildren.org 107 2008–2009 Grants List Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee Masoom (Innocent) Oruj Learning Center Society for Education and Action $10,000/507,646 Indian rupees $6,000/274,814 Indian rupees $8,000/405,040 Afghan afghanis $13,000/659,940 Indian rupees Kolkata, India Mumbai, India Kabul, Afghanistan Mamallapuram, India Director: Bharati Dey Director: Nikita Ketkar Director: Sadiqa Basiri Director: S. Desingu [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.durbar.org www.masoomforu.org DMSC, a forum of approximately 65,000 sex workers, works in red-light districts throughout Kolkata to promote and protect the civil and human rights of its members and provide holistic support for the care and development of their young children. Previous Funding: $32,000 since 2005 Masoom is focused on ensuring quality education for underprivileged students in night schools by strengthening the night schools’ methodologies and curriculum and by tailoring the schools’ operation to the needs of the students. Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan $14,000/710,704 Indian rupees Sikar, India Director: Chain Singh Arya Muktangan (Open Courtyard) $9,000/412,222 Indian rupees Mumbai, India Director: Elizabeth Mehta [email protected] www.muktanganedu.org [email protected] www.gmsssikar.com GMSS provides quality education for girls in rural Rajasthan who would otherwise be unable to attend school. Through its science and arts college, GMSS provides young women with a comprehensive science education and enables them to find lucrative employment while addressing the shortage of skilled science professionals in the area. Previous Funding: $71,000 since 2002 Institute of Leadership and Institutional Development $13,000/659,940 Indian rupees Bengaluru, India Director: G. K. Jayaram [email protected] www.ilid.org ILID’s Project Pygmalion uses computer-aided instruction, role-playing, and interactive games to teach English and computer technology to children and youth from poor communities in Bengaluru as a means of increasing their readiness for the global economy. Previous Funding: $19,000 since 2007 Mahita (Regeneration) $10,500/480,925 Indian rupees Hyderabad, India Director: Ramesh Sekhar Reddy Muktangan addresses the learning needs of underprivileged children by providing a holistic learning environment for the children’s physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development and by involving multiple stakeholders, including parents, community members, and government. Previous Funding: $7,500 since 2007 Mumbai Mobile CrГЁches $12,000/549,629 Indian rupees Mumbai, India Director: Devika Mahadevan [email protected] www.mobilecreches.org To ensure that the children of migrant construction workers are protected from the dangers of construction sites, Mumbai Mobile CrГЁches sets up mobile daycare centers at construction sites, providing nutritious meals and a supervised place for young children to play and learn while their parents work. Previous Funding: $18,500 since 2006 Focusing on vulnerable and marginalized children in the slums, and working in particular with girls and Muslim communities, Mahita creates opportunities for adolescent girls through education, income generation programs, and vocational and life skills training. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 108 Globalfundforchildren.org Oruj Learning Center works collaboratively to run six girls’ schools in the rural Wardak and Nangarhar provinces of Afghanistan, partnering with other nonprofits to confront the educational challenges facing girls, advocate for the expansion of primary education in villages, and lobby for the elimination of gender-based violence. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 Prerana (Inspiration) $21,000/961,850 Indian rupees Mumbai, India Director: Priti Patkar [email protected] www.preranaatc.org Prerana offers a range of educational activities, antitrafficking initiatives, and support programs in order to protect the human rights of sexually exploited women and their children, providing the children with comprehensive healthcare, protection against violence, and a preschool education. Previous Funding: $102,750 since 2002 Raza Educational and Social Welfare Society $9,000/456,881 Indian rupees Bengaluru, India Director: Benazeer Baig SEA promotes school enrollment and retention for children in the impoverished fishing communities south of Chennai, preventing their initial or continued work on fishing boats or docks. Previous Funding: $81,750 since 2004 Sunshine Charity $6,000/695,922 Sri Lankan rupees Trincomalee, Sri Lanka Director: Shadadha de Saram [email protected]; [email protected] www.sunshinecharity.org The Sunshine Charity assists struggling families affected by the 2004 tsunami and the ongoing ethnic conflict in the Trincomalee district through a holistic childcare center that provides education, nutritious meals, and creative and interactive workshops for highly vulnerable children aged 2 to 8. Vikasini Girl Child Education Trust $10,000/458,024 Indian rupees Secunderabad, India Director: Indira Jena [email protected] www.vikasini.org RESWS seeks to eradicate child labor by bringing children from economically deprived localities to RESWS’s formal school, which serves 500 students from the lower primary level to the high-school level. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2008 Vikasini, through its multidimensional curriculum and extracurricular activities, promotes self-confidence among girls by providing them with the chance to become self-sustaining individuals and informed participants of change. The Vikasini Girls School provides government-accredited classes, a library, computer courses, sports, and arts and music classes. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2006 Network of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Shilpa Children’s Trust YP Foundation $10,000/507,646 Indian rupees $11,000/1,189,397 Sri Lankan rupees $6,000/274,814 Indian rupees Lucknow, India Colombo, Sri Lanka Delhi, India Director: Anil K. Singh Director: Chandini Tilakaratna Director: Ishita Chaudhry [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.benazeer.org www.indianeed.org [email protected] www.mahita.org www.seaorg.in NEED facilitates the development of grassroots selfhelp groups that respond to the needs of undereducated women in villages throughout Uttar Pradesh. Organized and taught by women from these groups, NEED’s nonformal education center classes provide underserved children with basic education, children’s rights and gender equality awareness, and personal health training. Previous Funding: $60,400 since 2003 www.theyouthparliament.blogspot.com SCT provides shelter and education to children made destitute by civil conflict, offering nutrition, a stimulating preschool education, recreational activities, and preventive healthcare for children under age 8. Previous Funding: $125,643 since 2002 The YP Foundation is a youth-led organization that works to instill a sense of commitment, responsibility, and connection between young people, their environment, and society. Drawing on its volunteer team of young people, the Model One program supports and implements a nonformal education program that primarily serves orphans and street children. Globalfundforchildren.org 109 2008–2009 Grants List Enterprise Association of Community Movements for Social Action $8,500/431,499 Indian rupees Chennai, India Director: Y. John Manogaran [email protected] ACMSA provides training for and builds the capacity of Dalit women and adolescents in rural Tamil Nadu. Its economic empowerment program helps underprivileged young women establish tailoring units and also teaches them marketing strategies and basic business skills. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2008 De Laas Gul Welfare Programme $12,500/1,006,784 Pakistani rupees Peshawar, Pakistan Director: Meraj Humayun Khan [email protected]; [email protected] www.dlg.org.pk DLG was founded as a microenterprise organization for women and has since developed into one of the leading organizations working against child labor and for women’s empowerment. Providing girls with nonformal education, skills training, and access to basic healthcare, DLG’s rehabilitation center offers girls alternatives to child labor and increases their awareness of child rights. Previous Funding: $70,643 since 2004 Dhriiti (Courage) $7,500/343,518 Indian rupees New Delhi, India inspiring education that is relevant to the child’s life. The Be! program, which will ultimately produce a series of storybooks, a movie, and a radio series, focuses on leadership and social entrepreneurship in underprivileged children in India. Previous Funding: $68,500 since 2004 Jeeva Jyothi (Everlasting Light) $17,000/862,998 Indian rupees Makkala Jagriti (Children’s Awareness) Thiruvallar district, Chennai, India $4,500/228,441 Indian rupees Director: V. Susai Raj Bengaluru, India [email protected] Director: Joy Srinivasan www.jeevajyothi.org [email protected] www.makkalajagriti.org Jeeva Jyothi treats both the consequences and the underlying causes of child labor in rice mills near Chennai through workplace-based nonformal education for children, adult literacy classes, and income generation training. Previous Funding: $94,500 since 2002 Karm Marg (Progress through Work) $13,000/595,431 Indian rupees Faridabad, India Director: Veena Lal [email protected] www.karmmarg.org Karm Marg constructed a home outside of New Delhi that shelters and is run by former street children. Residents are encouraged to work, study, and play, and to learn a trade or specific skill in order to become productive members of Indian society. Previous Funding: $26,500 since 2005 Director: Anirban Gupta [email protected] Kherwadi Social Welfare Association www.dhriiti.org $8,500/389,320 Indian rupees Mumbai, India Dhriiti utilizes a multipronged approach to developing entrepreneurship, both focusing on the young individual and creating support mechanisms to build a bridge between education and enterprise and foster economic independence. Its Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow program promotes innovation and entrepreneurship among children and youth in government schools and teaches them the functional skills useful for starting enterprises. Previous Funding: $5,000 since 2006 Going to School $20,000/916,048 Indian rupees Director: Kishore Kher [email protected] Magic Bus Connect [email protected] $15,500/709,937 Indian rupees www.goingtoschool.com Mumbai, India Director: Matthew Spacie Globalfundforchildren.org Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy $17,500/1,409,497 Pakistani rupees Nara Mughlan, Pakistan [email protected] Sanghamitra Service Society $18,500/847,344 Indian rupees Vijayawada, India Director: Sivaji [email protected] Sanghamitra works in more than 100 rural villages in Andhra Pradesh to help the most marginalized members of Indian society improve their well-being through increased skills and greater social awareness. Sanghamitra’s satellite community-based organization is made up of small village groups led by adolescent boys and girls who take the lead in providing services to children and youth in their villages. Previous Funding: $129,500 since 2003 Shaishav (Childhood) Trust $13,500/685,322 Indian rupees Bhavnagar, India Director: Parul Sheth [email protected] www.shaishavchildrights.org Shaishav helps children understand their basic rights and play an active role in defending them through its nonformal education programs, mobile library, children’s collective, and financial education program. Previous Funding: $24,000 since 2007 Director: Sameena Nazir [email protected] Society for Awareness, Harmony and Equal Rights PODA works to build the capacity of rural communities to promote economic, social, cultural, and political rights in order to strengthen support for gender equality, diversity, and democracy. PODA provides vocational training to youth to increase their incomeearning potential and sets up ventures that will be beneficial for the communities it serves. Previous Funding: $80,300 since 2004 $6,000/304,588 Indian rupees Pravah (Flow) KSWA provides educational, health, and vocational training programs to underprivileged youth living in Mumbai and the surrounding suburbs. The organization’s outreach centers engage youth in activities such as sports, educational trips, and job placement counseling, which piques participants’ interest in finding suitable employment opportunities. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2007 Director: Lisa Heydlauff 110 Makkala Jagriti focuses on educational and developmental issues and seeks to build a holistic learning environment for emotionally and economically deprived children. As part of its Youth Leadership Program, disadvantaged youth are trained in leadership development to enhance their self-confidence, motivation, communication, and leadership qualities. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 www.yuvaparivartan.org New Delhi, India GTS is a multimedia project for children that celebrates every child’s right to go to school and participate in an Magic Bus empowers young people growing up in the slums and streets of India to discover their innate potential through sports. Magic Bus’s youth-focused Connect program provides information, advice, and mentoring to encourage young people to enter the workforce and build sustainable communities. Previous Funding: $68,000 since 2002 $11,000/503,826 Indian rupees New Delhi, India Mumbai, India Director: Sheikh Masood Akhtar [email protected] SAHER works with youth in the Mumbai suburb of Jogeshwari, encouraging them to accept differences and promoting equal rights, justice, and social peace. The Neenv (Foundation) program implements skills-based and vocational courses in computers, spoken English, fabric painting, and other subjects. Previous Funding: $7,000 since 2008 Director: Meenu Venkateswaran [email protected] Sree Guruvayurappan Bhajan Samaj Trust www.younginfluencers.com $7,500/343,518 Indian rupees Bengaluru, India Started by young professionals, Pravah encourages young people to become social entrepreneurs and agents of change and facilitate positive change in society. Targeting young entrepreneurs, the Change Looms fellowship program provides funding and capacity-building training to individuals addressing critical social needs for the most marginalized sectors of the population. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2006 Director: Ramesh Swamy [email protected] www.unnatiblr.org SGBS Trust delivers far-reaching benefits to economically underprivileged youth by providing education, employment, cultural enhancement, and vocational skills. Previous Funding: $11,000 since 2007 www.magicbusindia.org Globalfundforchildren.org 111 2008–2009 Grants List Safety Aangan Trust Jabala Action Research Organisation $14,500/664,135 Indian rupees Society Undertaking Poor People’s Onus for Rehabilitation Kolkata, India $13,000/595,431 Indian rupees $17,000/778,641 Indian rupees Director: Baitali Ganguly Mumbai, India Mumbai, India [email protected] Director: Sujata Ganega Director: Suparna Gupta www.jabala.org [email protected] [email protected] www.aanganindia.org Aangan Trust provides psychological rehabilitation to juvenile offenders and neglected children in juvenile detention centers, helping them to deal with past trauma, resolve their emotional and behavioral problems, and create sustainable change in their lives. Previous Funding: $74,750 since 2004 www.supportstreetchildren.org Jabala Action Research Organisation helps children in the red-light districts of Kolkata and surrounding areas better integrate into mainstream society by providing preschool care, educational support, healthcare, and rights awareness programs. Previous Funding: $39,143 since 2005 SUPPORT provides treatment and rehabilitation for child drug users through residential shelters that give boys and girls shelter, food, healthcare, vocational training, and education as part of their rehabilitation. Previous Funding: $18,000 since 2006 Janpath $6,000/304,588 Indian rupees StreetWise Education Foundation Ahmedabad, India $7,000/484,982 Bangladeshi taka Ankuram (Sprout) Woman and Child Development Society Director: Harinesh Pandya Dhaka, Bangladesh [email protected]; [email protected] Director: Anita Aparna Muyeed $10,000/458,024 Indian rupees www.janpathnetwork.org; www.nomadictribes@ [email protected] Hyderabad, India blogspot.com www.streetwise.com.bd Using a rights-based approach, Ankuram creates a safe and empowering space for women and children to strengthen their knowledge base, skills, and capacity through education and livelihood opportunities. Its residential shelter serves girls who have been victims of trafficking or sexual exploitation, including those escaping from child marriages, gender-based violence, and neglect, and provides them with counseling, healthcare, and education. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2006 Centre for Child and Women Development $7,500/343,518 Indian rupees Bhubaneswar, India Director: Mahendra Parida [email protected]; [email protected] CCWD works with poor and marginalized children from slums and Dalit communities to empower them through social mobilization, child labor rescue and intervention operations, and education and skills training. Janpath’s Vicharata Samudaay Samarthan Manch (Support Forum for Nomadic Groups) project, a forum for nomadic and denotified tribes in Gujarat, addresses the needs of tribal children and youth from birth to age 18 through activity centers, educational assistance, workshops for youth, and community involvement initiatives. Prisoners Assistance Nepal The StreetWise Education Foundation is an alternative education program that empowers children living on the streets through education, knowledge, and other tools. To prevent parents and guardians from restricting school attendance because school time reduces the children’s work time, StreetWise markets and sells the art produced in the children’s classes and gives a portion of the proceeds back to the children’s families. $9,000/663,946 Nepali rupees Kathmandu, Nepal Director: Indira Ranamagar Healthy Minds and Bodies [email protected] Developing Indigenous Resources www.panepal.org $6,000/274,814 Indian rupees Chandigarh, India By introducing the concept of community parenting and by working with prisoners and their children, PA Nepal implements reform, rehabilitation, and welfare programs in Nepal’s prisons, including a daycare center to serve children who live in the Kathmandu Central Female Jail with their incarcerated mothers. Previous Funding: $6,000 since 2007 Shangla Development Society Director: Frederick Shaw Director: Sohini Chakroborty [email protected] www.kolkatasanved.org Kolkata Sanved promotes dance movement as a therapeutic tool for the most vulnerable and underprivileged segments of society, including street children, victims of trafficking or violence, children of prostitutes, youth living in slum areas, and other at-risk children. Previous Funding: $21,376 since 2007 Manav Aashrita Sansthan (Human Education Institute) Rajasthan, India Director: Ajmal Singh Chouhan [email protected] MAS focuses on education, health, women’s empowerment, and participatory governance and works with the most vulnerable and marginalized tribal populations, which are predominantly Muslim, in southern Rajasthan. MAS’s Young Girls Collective, consisting of five groups of girls aged 11 to 18, conducts weekly meetings with the local community to address issues such as early marriage, health concerns, and gender equality and empowerment. Responding to Crisis www.dir-help.org $21,000/2,270,667 Sri Lankan rupees Kinniya, Sri Lanka DIR uses an empowerment approach and behavior modification model for its education, gender, and health interventions in slums near Chandigarh and Punjab. DIR’s health promoters, youth recruited from the slum communities, work in collaboration with trained physicians and nutritionists to provide access to healthcare and education. $7,000/563,799 Pakistani rupees Alpuri, Shangla District, Pakistan Mumbai, India Director: Iftikhar Hussain Director: Anna Fernandes [email protected] Dreamcatchers Foundation [email protected] www.sds.org $9,000/456,881 Indian rupees Director: A. R. M. Saifullah [email protected] www.kinniyavision.org KV promotes education, advocates for human rights, and works to reduce gender imbalances and conserve the environment in the Trincomalee district of northeastern Sri Lanka, an area heavily affected by both the country’s decades-long civil war and the December 2004 tsunami. Previous Funding: $56,500 since 2005 Mumbai, India www.corpindia.org Globalfundforchildren.org Kolkata, India Kinniya Vision $7,000/355,352 Indian rupees 112 $12,500/634,558 Indian rupees [email protected] Community OutReach Programme CORP provides support to children, especially girls, living in the slums of Mumbai through education, health, and community development programs that help participants blossom into confident and enthusiastic individuals. Previous Funding: $14,500 since 2007 Kolkata Sanved (Kolkata Sensitivity) $7,000/355,352 Indian rupees Director: M. Sumitra [email protected] children, in orphanages, and in rescue homes for girls. Previous Funding: $18,500 since 2007 SDS focuses on the development and rehabilitation of the Shangla district and advocates for a greater budget allocation for education in areas affected by the October 2005 earthquake and in conflict-ridden areas. By organizing sports festivals, debate competitions, and other recreational programming, SDS works to prevent children and youth from turning to militancy. Previous Funding: $16,000 since 2007 Director: Sonali Ojha [email protected] Dreamcatchers uses a participatory, child-centered methodology that helps children coping with grief, destruction, and violence to see the possibilities in life and to find healing, strength, and confidence. The central focus of Dreamcatchers’ Peacemakers Project is building a community of youth facilitators in shelters for street Globalfundforchildren.org 113 2008–2009 Grants List Region Program Officer Number of grantee partners United States Sarah Ireland 11 Education Washington, DC, and the Gulf Coast EdM, Harvard University BS, University of Portland Learning Healthy Minds and Bodies Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop Ascensions Community Services 2008–2009 grants $14,000 $8,000 18 grants valued at $166,195 Washington, DC, United States Washington, DC, United States Director: Kelli Taylor Director: Satira S. Streeter [email protected] [email protected] www.freemindsbookclub.org www.2ascend.org Free Minds introduces young male inmates at the DC Jail to the transformative power of books and creative writing by mentoring them and connecting them to supportive services throughout their incarceration and after their reentry into the community. Previous Funding: $22,000 since 2006 Ascensions provides disadvantaged and low-income children living east of the Anacostia River with individualized, culturally relevant assistance and psychological support that helps them to improve their interpersonal relationships and make positive contributions to their communities. Previous Funding: $15,000 since 2007 Special Program Number of allied Presidential Innovation Fund grassroots groups 7 2008–2009 grants 7 grants valued at $23,500 Hope House $6,000 Following our global commitment, we feel strongly that assisting those in need in the United States is an important part of our mission. In fact, statistics on the status of vulnerable children and youth in the United States are, at times, on par with those of developing countries. Furthermore, as our office is located in Washington, DC, we feel an obligation and a strong desire to support the surrounding community. Focused primarily on the poorest sections of the city, our partners are reaching out to vulnerable youth through the culture of hip-hop, helping incarcerated youth find their freedom and self-expression through reading and writing, providing critical mental health and psychosocial support to low-income children and their families, and strengthening the bonds between children and their incarcerated fathers through literacy. In addition to investing in our own community, we have supported the recovery and renewal of communities affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita since 2005. The hurricanes amplified to horrific proportions what was already a significant need for support services in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region, and the groups we have funded over the past three years have made remarkable progress in reknitting the fabric of their communities. Although our support is wrapping up this year, these grantees will continue to be members of the extended Global Fund for Children family through KLARA, tracking grants, and the friendships and bonds they made with other grantee partners from South Asia and the United States at the 2007 114 Globalfundforchildren.org Recovery and Renewal Knowledge Exchange in Mamallapuram, India. Our US-based grantee partners have been resourceful and strategic this year, making the most of every dollar, every in-kind donation, and every minute of volunteer support. They have also reached new milestones: our grantee partner Ascensions Community Services received national news coverage, and KID smART celebrated its tenth anniversary, which coincided with its Sustainability Award. Joining us as a new partner this year was Hope House, located in Washington, DC. Hope House’s innovative father-tochild reading program strengthens the bond between children and incarcerated fathers, improves literacy skills, and addresses the psychosocial needs of these children and their fathers. Hope House is at a pivotal point in its organizational development and, with our help, is poised to soar. In addition to managing our US portfolio, I have the pleasure of working closely with our president, Maya Ajmera, to support a small number of innovative organizations throughout the world; seven Presidential Innovation Fund grants were awarded this year. Recipients included Mirakle Couriers in Mumbai, India, which is a social enterprise that trains low-income deaf youth to work as corporate couriers. Another grantee, the nonprofit Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), helps start local businesses in developing countries to address socioeconomic and public health problems. SHE’s first spinoff business, located in Rwanda, works primarily with girls and women and, through sanitary pad franchising, aims to provide access to affordable, eco-friendly sanitary pads. I look forward not only to seeing what these grassroots groups achieve in the coming year but also to continuing to support our DC-based grantee partners and scouting for new partners. Washington, DC, United States Director: Carol Fennelly [email protected] www.hopehousedc.org Creative Opportunities Words Beats & Life $12,000 Washington, DC, United States Director: Mazi Mutafa Hope House strengthens families with incarcerated fathers by implementing programs to improve the father-to-child bond, holding summer camps for children in their fathers’ prisons, and facilitating peer support groups for mothers and children. United Houma Nation $7,000 Golden Meadow, Louisiana, United States Director: Brenda Dardar Robichaux [email protected] www.wblinc.org WBL aims to transform communities through hip-hop culture and provides job training and enterprise support to prepare youth for employment. Its DC Urban Arts Academy provides comprehensive arts-based educational activities for at-risk children and youth living in some of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. Previous Funding: $10,000 since 2007 [email protected] www.unitedhoumanation.org The United Houma Nation operates youth programs, cultural classes, and community events, as well as employment training courses and heritage preservation programs. An outgrowth of its summer leadership program is the Youth Media Team, a group of youth who are taking an active role in preserving cultural traditions through media. Previous Funding: $14,000 since 2007 Responding to Crisis Awesome Girls Mentoring Program $21,000 New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Director: James Rogers [email protected] www.agendaforchildren.org Awesome Girls provides a safe space in New Orleans’s Treme neighborhood, which is still recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, for African American girls to learn and practice leadership, conflict management, and decision-making skills that will help them become self-sufficient and confident adults. Previous Funding: $38,000 since 2006 Globalfundforchildren.org 115 2008–2009 Grants List KID smART Zion Travelers Cooperative Center Global Goods Partners $14,000 $12,000 $3,000 New Orleans, Louisiana, United States Phoenix, Louisiana, United States New York, New York, United States Director: Echo Olander Director: Rev. Tyronne Edwards Directors: Joan Shifrin and Catherine Shimony [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.kidsmart.org www.ziontcc.org www.globalgoodspartners.org KID smART offers students in New Orleans’s failing public schools a robust arts program that includes visual arts, poetry, dance, circus arts, and acting components. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, KID smART joined several of its cultural partners to develop a program to provide arts-in-education opportunities to schools facing enormous challenges. Previous Funding: $30,000 since 2006 Based in rural Louisiana, ZTCC works hand in hand with community members to help them rebuild their lives, rebuild their community, and improve the quality of life for their children in the difficult aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. ZTCC’s Holistic Center provides a reading room, computer training, health counseling, and educational programs that help children recognize depression, anxiety, and stress. Previous Funding: $33,500 since 2007 GGP provides improved distribution outlets for global artisan goods to fairly benefit community-based organizations and artisans, engages youth in global citizenship activities, and offers US companies socially responsible corporate gift items. Previous Funding: $18,000 since 2006 Presidential Innovation Fund Director: Dhruv Lakra AsociaciГіn de Desarrollo Integral (Association of Comprehensive Development) http://miraklecouriers.com $1,500 Mirakle Couriers works to mainstream the highly marginalized population of low-income deaf youth by providing youth between the ages of 18 and 21 with education, skills training, and employment opportunities as couriers in Mumbai. Moore Community House $9,000 Biloxi, Mississippi, United States Director: Carol Burnett [email protected] www.moorecommunityhouse.org Herradura de Rivas, PГ©rez ZeledГіn, Costa Rica MCH provides early childhood education to lowincome children from birth to age 5 in economically depressed East Biloxi, an area that was particularly hard hit by Hurricane Katrina, and offers education services and comprehensive health and family support services to this struggling community. Previous Funding: $18,500 since 2007 Vietnamese Initiative in Economic Training $12,000 New Orleans East, Louisiana, United States Director: Cyndi Nguyen [email protected] www.vietno.org VIET, a community and youth development organization, serves the predominantly Vietnamese American community in New Orleans East through mentoring and job-training programs and by providing disaster recovery assistance to neighborhood residents, many of whom are still feeling the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Previous Funding: $18,500 since 2006 Director: Olger Villarevia [email protected] AsociaciГіn de Desarrollo Integral is a community organization in Herradura that promotes the economic and social development of this small rural town by working to advance the well-being of its residents through infrastructure projects, health and education initiatives, and advocacy efforts. Mirakle Couriers $3,000 West Mumbai, India [email protected] Sustainable Health Enterprises $5,000 New York, New York, United States Director: Elizabeth Scharpf [email protected] www.sheinnovates.com Dasra $6,500 Mumbai, India Director: Deval Sanghavi [email protected] www.dasra.org To help nonprofit organizations in India scale up their work, Dasra provides growth capital and management expertise. Many of Dasra’s clients serve at-risk and marginalized youth, including abandoned children, children of commercial sex workers, and children in government-run institutions. SHE aims to improve the well-being of people living in resource-poor settings by helping to start up local businesses that address socioeconomic and public health problems. SHE’s first pilot business is working with girls and women in peri-urban and rural areas of Rwanda in a sanitary pad franchising business. Washington Youth Choir $1,500 Washington, DC, United States Director: Courtney Baker-Oliver [email protected] www.washingtonyouthchoir.org Educate! $3,000 Boulder, Colorado, United States Director: Eric Glustrom [email protected] www.experienceeducate.org WYC is an after-school music education and college preparatory program that enhances the educational experience of DC-area youth through the rigorous study and performance of music. Previous Funding: $1,200 since 2008 Educate! works to empower the next generation of socially responsible leaders in Africa by educating and equipping students to create social enterprises and gain the vision, experience, and skills needed to become socially responsible leaders. 116 Globalfundforchildren.org Globalfundforchildren.org 117 2008–2009 Financials Financials Statements of Financial Position Revenues 2008–2009 Individuals 47% June 30, 2009 and 2008 Foundations 36% Corporate 15% Book Revenue 1% Interest and Other 1% Despite the worst financial environment in decades, fiscal year 2008–2009 was a successful one for The Global Fund for Children. We were able to increase both our overall spending and our net assets by roughly 10 percent, even though our revenue dropped by a similar percentage, due mainly to a decrease in multiyear gifts. In practical terms, this means that we grew at a responsible, controlled rate consistent with what we quickly realized would be a difficult year in which to secure new gifts. We have grown, on average, 33 percent per year for the past five years, so growing by only 10 percent required disciplined spending decisions aimed at accomplishing our organizational goals for the year. We focused our spending on grantmaking and value-added services, as well as increasing our overall staff size. We are well positioned to take advantage of a recovery in the economy, which hopefully will result in increased charitable contributions and a return to our traditionally higher budget growth. Our ratio of funds spent on program services was the same as in the previous year, with 86 percent of spending directed to program activities and 14 percent to general, administrative, and fundraising costs. For the fifth year in a row, we received a four-star rating by Charity Navigator, meaning that our performance “exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in [our] Cause” (www.charitynavigator.org). Furthermore, we received BBB Wise Giving Alliance accreditation by meeting “all 20 Standards for Charity Accountability.” 118 Globalfundforchildren.org Our balance sheet shows an extremely healthy organization. Our current ratio (current assets to current liabilities) is 34 to 1, and our debt ratio (total liabilities to total assets) is a similarly strong 0.06 to 1. Like many nonprofits, we are rich in restricted cash (the use of which is guided by donor restrictions) and poor in unrestricted cash. Our development team has made it a priority to seek new and larger unrestricted gifts to support critically important operating and fundraising costs. In the coming fiscal year, much depends on the state of the economy around us. Our base-case scenario anticipates an unsettled, albeit improving, economic climate, during which we would continue modest budget growth focused on our core work of making grants and providing strengthening services to grassroots groups, as well as allocating our program resources where they are needed most. All financial information in this annual report relates to The Global Fund for Children and does not include figures for The Global Fund for Children UK Trust, which is a separate legal entity. For the full audited financial statements, please visit our website. 2009 2008 $4,824,752 250,000 $4,040,427 - 1,766,154 6,529 1,772,683 12,855 67,158 6,927,448 1,801,149 18,436 1,819,585 12,855 32,461 5,905,328 710,020 1,125,480 163,510 376,030 77,161 616,701 (177,094) 439,607 13,196 8,090,271 127,428 376,030 77,161 580,619 (101,532) 479,087 14,304 7,524,199 Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Accrued Vacation and Bonuses Deferred Revenue – Rent Capital Lease Obligation Total Current Liabilities 129,051 63,759 1,400 3,120 197,330 270,416 53,323 323,739 Deferred Leasehold Allowance Capital Lease Obligation Total Liabilities 308,102 7,207 512,639 290,670 614,409 1,127,129 5,369,521 1,080,982 7,577,632 1,344,849 4,487,505 1,077,436 6,909,790 $8,090,271 $7,524,199 Assets Current Assets Total Cash and Cash Equivalents Certificates of Deposit Accounts Receivable: Promises to Give Other Total Accounts Receivable Inventory Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets Promises to Give, Net of Current Portion Property and Equipment Office Equipment Leasehold Improvements Computer Software Less: Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization Total Property and Equipment Deposits Total Assets Commitments and Contingencies Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted (Endowment) Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets Globalfundforchildren.org 119 2008–2009 Financials Statement of Activities Statement of Cash Flows Expenditures 2008–2009 Total Program Expenses 86% June 30, 2009 and 2008 June 30, 2009 and 2008 Fundraising 8% Total Management and Administration 6% 2009 Revenue Gifts and Grants Book Revenues and Royalties Investment Income Other Net Assets Released from Restrictions Total Revenue 2008 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Unrestricted $1,971,186 $5,455,907 $ 3,546 $7,430,639 $ 2,422,182 53,037 52,359 29,856 18,849 4,573,891 6,646,141 Expenses Program Services: Communications Grantmaking Total Program Services 453,903 5,429,386 5,883,289 Supporting Services: Management and General Fundraising Total Supporting Services (4,573,891) 882,016 - 52,359 29,856 18,849 129,861 5,322 3,546 7,531,703 3,816,503 6,426,905 - 453,903 5,429,386 5,883,289 360,424 4,987,571 5,347,995 447,113 447,113 379,614 Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $5,092,953 $760,436 Total $8,275,571 53,037 129,861 5,322 (3,816,503) 1,276,450 - 760,436 8,463,791 - 360,424 4,987,571 5,347,995 379,614 533,459 980,572 - - 533,459 980,572 521,987 901,601 - - 521,987 901,601 Total Expenses 6,863,861 - - 6,863,861 6,249,596 - - 6,249,596 Change in Net Assets (217,720) 882,016 3,546 667,842 177,309 1,276,450 760,436 2,214,195 Net Assets Beginning of Year Net Assets End of Year 120 1,344,849 4,487,505 1,077,436 6,909,790 1,167,539 3,211,055 317,000 4,695,594 $1,127,128 $ 5,369,521 $1,080,982 $7,577,623 $ 1,344,848 $4,487,505 $1,077,436 $6,909,789 Globalfundforchildren.org Cash Flows from Operating Activities Change in Net Assets Adjustment to Reconcile Change in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Depreciation and Amortization Permanently Restricted Contributions Changes in Assets and Liabilities Accounts Receivable/Promises to Give Prepaid Expenses Inventory Deposits Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Accrued Vacation and Bonuses Due to UK Trust Deferred Revenue Deferred Leasehold Allowance Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Cash from Investing Activities Purchases of Certificates of Deposit Sales/Redemptions of Certificates of Deposit Purchases of Property and Equipment Net Cash Provided (Used) by Investing Activities Cash from Financing Activities Proceeds from Permanently Restricted Contributions Principal Payments on Capital Leases Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents – Beginning of Year Cash and Cash Equivalents – End of Year 2009 2008 $667,842 $2,214,195 75,562 (3,546) 37,400 (760,436) 462,362 (34,697) 1,108 (141,365) 10,436 1,400 17,432 1,056,534 (26,028) (3,446) (12,855) (1,858) 73,815 (6,957) (173,808) 290,670 1,630,692 (250,000) (24,210) (274,210) 200,000 (437,470) (237,470) 3,546 (1,545) 2,001 760,436 760,436 784,325 4,040,427 $4,824,752 2,153,659 1,886,768 $4,040,427 Globalfundforchildren.org 121 The Global Fund for Children Leadership National Board of Directors Juliette Gimon, Chair Google.org Flora Family Foundation New York, NY, and California Raj Singh Telcom Ventures LLC Alexandria, VA Isabel Carter Stewart, Secretary Chicago, IL Maya Ajmera The Global Fund for Children Washington, DC Robert Stillman, Treasurer Millbridge Capital Management Chevy Chase, MD Peter Briger Fortress Investment Group LLC New York, NY UK Trust Board of Trustees Sanjiv Khattri New York, NY Mark McGoldrick Mount Kellett Capital Management LP New York, NY Sarah Perot Sarah and Ross Perot Jr. Foundation Dallas, TX Sandra Pinnavaia Business Talent Group New York, NY Joan Platt The Joan and Lewis Platt Foundation Portola Valley, CA Patricia Rosenfield Carnegie Corporation of New York New York, NY Roy SalamГ© JPMorgan Chase & Co. New York, NY Robert Scully, Vice Chair New York, NY Mark McGoldrick, Chair Mount Kellett Capital Management LP Michael Daffey Goldman Sachs and Company Dina de Angelo Pictet John K. Hepburn Morgan Stanley (Europe) Ltd. David Kowitz Indus Capital Partners, LLC Dirk Ormoneit Bluecrest Capital Management James Sheridan James and Chantal Sheridan Foundation Directors Emeriti William Ascher Laura Luger Adele Richardson Ray Dallas Leadership Council The Global Fund for Children Team Development Interns Margot Perot, Chair Lucy Billingsley Kathy Crow Nancy Halbreich Patricia Patterson Suzanne Perot McGee Nancy Perot Mulford Katherine Perot Sarah Perot Carolyn Perot Rathjen Maya Ajmera Founder and President Anne Sorensen Director, Development Programs Katherine Clements Grant Writer Deborah Ahenkorah Hepburn Intern Bryn Mawr College Victoria Dunning Vice President, Programs Parie Kadir Database Coordinator Hoa Tu Duong Program Officer, East & Southeast Asia Lauren Keller Grant Writer Lisa Fiala Program Officer, Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Shana Weinberg Grant Writer Michael Gale Program Associate, Latin America and the Caribbean Finance and Operations Silicon Valley Leadership Council Susan Carter Harrington and Tom Harrington Wende and Tom Hutton Stacey Keare and John Hodge Teresa Luchsinger Joan Platt Leigh Rawdon and David Rolf Vineeta Gupta Program Officer, South Asia Sarah Ireland Associate Program Officer, Special Grants Solome Lemma Senior Program Officer, Africa MilГ©na MikaГ«l-Debass Program Associate, Africa Cynthia Pon Director, Children’s Books Susanna Shapiro Program Officer, Latin America and the Caribbean Communications Jerry Irvine Vice President, Communications Elise Hofer Derstine Assistant Editor Monica Grover Manager, Digital Media Projects Tamar Schiffman Marketing and External Relations Officer 122 Globalfundforchildren.org Mitchell Fenster Vice President, Finance and Operations Andrew Barnes Grants Manager Michael Bush Controller Lynn Grone Human Resources (TPO, Inc.) Kira Burke Vanderbilt University Tim Hagerty Georgetown University Lisa Hartland The George Washington University Wanlapa Komkai Westminster College Angela Mazer Johns Hopkins University Emily Ann Powers University of Nevada, Las Vegas Stefanie Solar Colby College Erik Suspanic Davidson College Meheret Mellese Director, Information Technology Nardos Worku Administrative Assistant Fellows Amy Oyekunle 2009 International Fellow Lagos, Nigeria Megan Kauffmann William Ascher Summer Fellow Duke University Summer Associate Gabrielle Bill Harvard Business School Globalfundforchildren.org 123 Index Aangan Trust, 112 Ação Forte (Strong Action), 102 Achlal (Caring Kindness) Children’s Development Center, 93 Action pour la Promotion des Droits de l’Enfant au Burkina Faso (APRODEB) (Action for the Promotion of the Rights of the Burkinabe Child), 83 Agastya International Foundation, 107 Aikya (Unity), 107 Alliance for Children and Youth, 88 Amahoro Association, 76, 83 American Jewish World Service, 50 America’s Charities partnership, 64 Anandan (Happiness), 107 Ananya Trust, 48, 64, 107 Ankuram (Sprout) Woman and Child Development Society, 112 Asanble Vwazen JakГЁ (AVJ) ( JakГЁ Neighborhood Association), 37, 99 Ascensions Community Services, 114, 115 AsociaciГіn Civil Hamiraya (Hamiraya Civil Association), 103 AsociaciГіn Civil WarГЎ (WarГЎ Civil Association), 99 AsociaciГіn de Comunidades Eclesiales de Base (CEB) (Association of Grassroots Christian Communities), 102 AsociaciГіn de Desarrollo Integral (Association of Comprehensive Development), 116 AsociaciГіn Educativa Maya Aj Sya’ (Maya Aj Sya’ Educational Association), 99 AsociaciГіn Integral de la Juventud Q’anil (Comprehensive Association of Q’anil Youth), 102 AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad (Women and Community Association), 42, 45, 99 AsociaciГіn para el Desarrollo Integral y Multidisciplinario APPEDIBIMI (APPEDIBIMI Association for Comprehensive and Multidisciplinary Development), 99 AsociaciГіn para los Derechos de la NiГ±ez “MonseГ±or Oscar Romero” (Monsignor Oscar Romero Association for Children’s Rights), 99 AsociaciГіn PromociГіn y Desarrollo de la Mujer NicaragГјense Acahual (Acahual Association for the Promotion and Development of Nicaraguan Women), 99 Asociatia pentru Libertatea si Egalitatea de Gen (ALEG) (Association for Liberty and Gender Equality), 89 Associação Barraca da Amizade (Shelter of Friendship Association), 103 Associação Beneficente da CrianГ§a e do Adolescente em Situação de Risco (Beneficent Association for At-Risk Children and Adolescents), 103–104 Associação de Apoio Г s Meninas e Meninos da RegiГЈo SГ© (AA CrianГ§a) (Association for Support of Girls and Boys of the SГ© Region), 105 Associação Excola (Excola Association), 104 Association d’Appui et d’Eveil Pugsada (ADEP) (Association for Supporting and Awakening Young Girls), 51, 81 Association des Artistes et Artisans contre le VIH/SIDA et les Stupifiants (AARCOSIS) (Association of Artists and Artisans against HIV/ AIDS and Drugs), 83 Association des Jeunes pour le DГ©veloppement IntГ©gré–Kakundu (AJEDI–Ka) (Youth Association for Integrated Development–Kakundu), 81 Association du Foyer de l’Enfant Libanais (AFEL) (Lebanese Child Home Association), 42, 85 Association Enfant Chez-Soi (ECS) (Children at Home Association), 77 Association for Community Development Services (ACDS), 107 Association for the Development and Enhancement of Women (ADEW), 85 Association Jeunesse Actions Mali (AJA Mali) (Youth Action Association of Mali), 43, 81 Association La LumiГЁre (The Light Association), 81 Association of Community Movements for Social Action (ACMSA), 110 Association of People for Practical Life Education (APPLE), 81 Association pour la Promotion de la Fille Burundaise (Association for the Promotion of the Burundian Girl), 77 Atina, 89 Avenir de l’Enfant (ADE) (Future of the Child), 81 Awesome Girls Mentoring Program, 115 Ba Futuru (For the Future), 34, 95 Backward Society Education (BASE), 107 Baoji Xinxing Aid for Street Kids, 93 Beijing LovingSource Information Center, 95 Benishyaka Association, 77 Biblioteca Th’uruchapitas (Th’uruchapitas Library), 99 Big Brother Mouse, 92, 96 board of directors, 122 Books for Kids project, 60–61 Carolina for Kibera, 83 Centar za Integraciju Mladih (CIM) (Center for Youth Integration), 89 Center for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (CPCAN), 94 Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights Foundation (CPCR), 30, 94 Center for Women and Children Empowerment (CEWCE), 80 Center of Support for Rural Enterprise and Economy, 53, 87 Centre for Child and Women Development (CCWD), 112 Centre for Domestic Training and Development (CDTD), 50, 81 Centro Cultural Batahola Norte (CCBN) (Cultural Center of Batahola Norte), 100 Centro de Apoyo al NiГ±o de la Calle de Oaxaca (CANICA) (Center for the Support of the Street Child in Oaxaca), 104 Centro de Documentação e Informação Coisa de Mulher (CEDOICOM) (Center for Documentation and Information on Women’s Issues), 105 124 Globalfundforchildren.org Centro Interdisciplinario para el Desarrollo Social (CIDES) (Interdisciplinary Center for Social Development), 30, 104 Centro para el Desarrollo Regional (CDR) (Center for Regional Development), 104 Centro para la AutonomГa y Desarrollo de los Pueblos IndГgenas (CADPI) (Center for Indigenous Peoples’ Autonomy and Development), 100 Centro Transitorio de CapacitaciГіn y EducaciГіn Recreativa El Caracol (El Caracol Transitional Center for Training and Recreational Education), 102 Challenging Heights, 77 Charity Navigator rating, 118 Charlesbridge Publishing, 60 Children and Young People’s Protection and Development NGO (CYPPD), 94 Children in the Wilderness (CITW), 77 Children of the U.S.A., 60, 61 Children of Tien-Shan, 86, 89 children’s book program, 60 Children’s Legacy Fund, 71 Children’s Legal Rights and Development Center (CLRD), 95 Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group, 58, 107 Chiricli (Bird): International Roma Women’s Charitable Fund, 87 Clinton Global Initiative, 54, 92 Club 21–UdruЕѕenja za Pozitivnu Komunikaciju (Association for Positive Communication), 90 Г‡ocuklar Ayni Г‡atinin Altinda Dernegi (Г‡AГ‡A) (Children Under the Same Roof Association), 52, 90 Colegio Miguel Angel Asturias (Miguel Angel Asturias Academy), 100 Community Outreach Programme (CORP), 112 Community Sanitation and Recycling Organization (CSARO), 57, 93 CorporaciГіn Salus, 105 Creative Opportunities portfolio, 12, 13 2008–2009 grants, 84, 90, 96, 105, 115 Credit Suisse EMEA Foundation, 9, 52 Dasra, 116 De Laas Gul Welfare Programme (DLG), 110 Desarrollo Autogestionario AsociaciГіn Civil (AUGE) (Self-Managed Development Civil Association), 102 Developing Indigenous Resources (DIR), 113 Development Organisation of Rural Sichuan (DORS), 93 Dhriiti (Courage), 110 directors, 122 documentary photography, 61 donors, list of, 66–71 Door Step School, 23, 43, 107 Dreamcatchers Foundation, 39, 113 Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee (DMSC), 108 Dushanbe Youth House (DYH), 87 Early Intervention Institute (EII), 87 Educate!, 116 Education as a Vaccine against AIDS (EVA), 83 Eldany, 52, 86, 88 Elevate Destinations partnership, 64 EMpower—The Emerging Markets Foundation, 50 Enterprise portfolio, 12, 13, 25–27 2008–2009 grants, 82–83, 85, 88–89, 94, 102–103, 110–111 Equal Step Centre, 94 Escola Estrela do Mar (Starfish School), 100 Espacio Cultural Creativo (ECC) (Cultural Creative Space), 43, 100 Ethiopian Books for Children and Educational Foundation (EBCEF), 64, 76, 77 Faith, 9, 60 Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama NAD, 92, 96 fellowships, 9, 15, 61 films, 60–61 financials, 118–121 Firelight Foundation, 50 Free Minds Book Club and Writing Workshop, 22, 115 Frente de Salud Infantil y Reproductiva de Guatemala (FESIRGUA) (Guatemalan Front for Child and Reproductive Health), 50, 103 Friends for Street Children (FFSC), 93 Friends of the Disabled (FOTD), 77 FundaciГіn Alfonso Casas Morales para la PromociГіn Humana (Alfonso Casas Morales Foundation for Human Advancement), 100 FundaciГіn Casa Hogar Nuestro SueГ±o (Our Dream Home Foundation), 98, 100 FundaciГіn ChocГі Joven (Young ChocГі Foundation), 98, 105 FundaciГіn Crecer (Growth Foundation), 100 FundaciГіn Junto con los NiГ±os ( JUCONI) (Together with the Children Foundation), 43, 101 FundaciГіn Simsa (Simsa Foundation), 98, 105 Fundatia COTE (COTE Foundation), 43, 89 Fundatia Noi Orizonturi (New Horizons Foundation), 88 Gender Education, Research and Technologies Foundation (GERT), 89 Giriyuja, 82 Girl Child Concern (GCC), 77 Girls, empowerment of, 50 Global Babies, 60 Global Fund for Children UK Trust, 12, 118 directors, 122 Global Fund for Women, 50 Global Goods Partners (GGP), 117 Global Media Ventures program, 60–62 Going to School (GTS), 110 Goldman Sachs Foundation, 48 Gramin Mahila Sikshan Sansthan (GMSS) (Sikar Girls Education Initiative), 9, 43, 108 Grandmothers against Poverty and AIDS (GAPA), 83 grantee partners eligibility and selection criteria, 72–73 value-added services for, 13 grantmaking, 10–17, 42–44 grants number of, 11 types of, 13, 14 Grassroots Girls Initiative (GGI), 9, 15, 50, 61 Guaruma, 103 Halley Movement, 78 health and well-being grants, 12, 13, 55 Healthy Minds and Bodies portfolio, 12, 13, 32–35 2008–2009 grants, 83–84, 90, 95–96, 105, 113, 115 Heshima (Dignity) Kenya, 82 Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) (Indonesian Psychological Association), 96 Hope for Children Organization (HFC), 54, 78 Hope House, 115 Incest Trauma Center (ITC), 90 Institute of Leadership and Institutional Development (ILID), 48, 108 Instituto Fazer Acontecer (IFA) (Make It Happen Institute), 98, 103 Instituto para el Desarrollo de la Mujer y la Infancia (IDEMI) (Institute for the Development of Women and Children), 104 Instituto para la SuperaciГіn de la Miseria Urbana (ISMUGUA) (Institute for Overcoming Urban Poverty), 57–58, 101 Integrated Community Health Services (INCHES), 83 International Center of Photography, 9, 61 International Trust for the Education of Zambia Orphans (ITEZO), 78 Jabala Action Research Organisation, 112 Janpath, 112 Jeeva Jyothi (Everlasting Light), 43 Jinpa Project, 95 Journey of a Red Fridge, 62 Kalinga Mission for Indigenous Children and Youth Development, Inc. (KAMICYDI), 27, 94 Kamitei Foundation, 78 Karm Marg (Progress through Work), 8, 9, 110 Kherwadi Social Welfare Association (KSWA), 48, 110 KID smART, 39, 44, 114, 116 Kiev Children and Youth Support Center, 31, 89 Kindle Orphan Outreach, 78 Kinniya Vision (KV), 113 Kitezh Children’s Community, 89 KLARA (Knowledge, Learning, and Resource Access) Network, 13, 15, 114 Knowledge Exchange workshops, 14, 39, 114 knowledge initiatives, 13–14 Kolkata Sanved (Kolkata Sensitivity), 34, 113 Kudirat Initiative for Democracy (KIND), 15, 80 La Conscience (Conscience), 37, 76, 82 Lapeng (Home) Child and Family Resource Service, 78 Laura VicuГ±a Foundation (LVF), 95 Learning portfolio, 12, 13, 20–23, 76, 98 2008–2009 grants, 77–80, 87–88, 93–94, 99–102, 107–109, 115 legal assistance, 13 leveraging, 13, 42 Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation, 13 Life Home Project Foundation (LHP), 96 Light for All (LiFA), 101 Love in Action Ethiopia (LIA), 80 Magic Bus Connect, 110–111 Mahita (Regeneration), 108 Maia Bobo, 78 Makkala Jagriti (Children’s Awareness), 111 Mama Cash, 50 Manav Aashrita Sansthan (MAS) (Human Education Institute), 113 Mary M. Momolu Development Foundation, 78 Masoom (Innocent), 108 Media Concern Initiative (MCI), 82 Men on the Side of the Road (MSR), 8, 44, 80 metrics indicators, 8, 14 Ministerio Tiempo Decisivo (Decisive Time Ministry), 104 Mirakle Couriers, 116 Mirman School partnership, 64 mission, 5 Monduli Pastoralist Development Initiative (MPDI), 78 Moore Community House (MCH), 116 Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitianas (MUDHA) (Movement of Dominican-Haitian Women), 101 Movimiento para el Auto-Desarrollo Internacional de la Solidaridad (MAIS) (Movement for International Self-Development and Solidarity), 104–105 Muhammadiyah ’Aisyiyah, 92, 96 Muktangan (Open Courtyard), 108 Mumbai Mobile CrГЁches, 108 Nehemiah AIDS Relief Project, 79 Neng Guan Performing Arts Training Center, 95 Network of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, 44, 108 Never Again Rwanda (NAR), 84 New Global Citizens partnership, 64 New Horizon Ministries (NHM), 79 New Life Community Projects, 82 Nia Foundation, 35, 83 Nike Foundation, 50 Nucleo Socio-Cultural “Caixa de Sorpresas” (Box of Surprises Sociocultural Center), 105 Nur (Light) Center, 87 Nyaka School, 79 Reginald Orsmond Counselling Services (ROCS), 84 Rescue Alternatives Liberia (RAL), 82 Responding to Crisis portfolio, 36–39, 92 2008–2009 grants, 96, 113, 115–116 Ruchika Social Service Organization, 64 Ruili Women and Children Development Center (RWCDC), 95–96 Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF), 22, 93 Rural Family Support Organization (RuFamSO), 26, 103 Rural Human Rights Activists Program (RHRAP), 84 Russian Orphan Opportunity Fund (ROOF), 52, 87 Pazapa (Step by Step), 33–34, 105 Physicians for Social Justice (PSJ), 84 Poder Joven (Youth Power), 101 Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA), 111 Pravah (Flow), 111 Prei Effort for Those Who Are in Need (PEFAN), 79 Prerana (Inspiration), 21–22, 54, 109 Presidential Innovation Fund, 114 Prisoners Assistance Nepal (PA Nepal), 112 Prisoners Assistance Program, 81 Projecto de Vida para CrianГ§as e Jovens (PROVIDA) (Life Project for Children and Youth), 84 Puririsun (Let’s Journey Together), 101 Safety portfolio, 12, 13, 28–31 2008–2009 grants, 76, 80–82, 85, 89–90, 94–95, 103–105 Salesian Sisters, 79 Sam-Kam Institute (SKI), 26, 80 Sanggar Anak Akar (Workshop, Child, Root), 96 Sanghamitra Service Society, 111 Shaishav (Childhood) Trust, 25–26, 111 Shangla Development Society (SDS), 112 Shilpa Children’s Trust (SCT), 109 SIN-DO, 29–30, 82 Sithuthukile Trust, 79 Skolta’el Yu’un Jlumaltic (SYJAC) (Service to Our People), 54, 102 Slumdog Millionaire, 106 Smile Group—Friends of Thay Hung, 96 Snowland Service Group (SSG), 92, 93 Sociedad Dominico-Haitiana de Apoyo Integral para el Desarrollo y la Salud (SODHAIDESA) (Dominican-Haitian Society of Comprehensive Support for Health and Development), 98, 102 Society Biliki (Path Society), 38, 87 Society for Awareness, Harmony and Equal Rights (SAHER), 111 Society for Education and Action (SEA), 109 Society for the Protection of Paralyzed Citizens of Aktobe (SPPCA), 87 Society Undertaking Poor People’s Onus for Rehabilitation (SUPPORT), 113 Sree Guruvayurappan Bhajan Samaj Trust (SGBS Trust), 111 StreetWise Education Foundation, 113 Sunshine Charity, 111 Supporting Orphans and Vulnerable for Better Health, Education, and Nutrition (SOVHEN), 80 Sustainability Awards, 8, 23, 39, 42–45, 52, 114 criteria for, 42 Sustainable Health Enterprises (SHE), 117 Synapse Center, 44, 80 Synergie pour l’Enfance (Synergy for Childhood), 84 Rapid Response Grants, 37–38 Raza Educational and Social Welfare Society (RESWS), 109 Recovery and Renewal Grants, 37, 38, 39 Talented Young People Everywhere (TYPE), 79 Tanadgoma (Assistance) Library and Cultural Center for People with Disabilities, 38, 88 Editorial Team Maya Ajmera, Andrew Barnes, Elise Hofer Derstine (Senior Writer), Victoria Dunning, Hoa Tu Duong, Mitchell Fenster, Lisa Fiala, Laurel Frodge, Michael Gale, Vineeta Gupta, Josette Haddad (Copy Editor), Sarah Ireland, Jerry Irvine (Managing Editor), Solome Lemma, MilГ©na MikaГ«l-Debass, Tamar Schiffman, Susanna Shapiro, Anne Sorensen, Wordfirm (Index) Photo Credits Cover: В© Jesse Newman. Inside Front Cover: В© Wonderlust Industries/Getty Images. Pages 2–3: В© Jesse Newman. Page 6: В© Jesse Newman. Page 14: left and right, В© Jesse Newman. Page 15: left, В© Andrew Barnes/The Global Fund for Children; center, В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children; right, В© Tiana Markova-Gold. Pages 18–19: В© Tiana Markova-Gold. Page 20: В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children. Page 22: left, В© Jesse Newman; right, В© Tiana Markova-Gold. Page 23: В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children. Page 24: В© Tiana Markova-Gold. Page 26: left, В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children; right, В© Solome Lemma/The Global Fund for Children. Page 27: В© Andrew Barnes/The Global Fund for Children. Page 28: В© Solome Lemma/The Global Fund for Children. Page 30: left, В© Tiana Markova-Gold; right, В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children. Oak Foundation, 9 On the Road blog, 56, 62 Oprah’s Angel Network, 9, 61 opportunity grants, 13, 27, 98 organizational development awards, 13 Oruj Learning Center, 109 outcomes, measuring, 14 Design Design Army Printed by Mosaic using recycled paper, vegetable inks and wind power. This annual report was funded by a portion of the royalties from Global Fund for Children books. В©The Global Fund for Children. Tasintha (Deeper Transformation) Programme, 44, 82 Tbilisi Youth House Foundation (TYHF), 38, 44, 88 Tea Collection partnership, 64 Teboho Trust, 76, 79 Tiny Toones, 92, 95 tracking grants, 14, 42 Tudor Foundation, 88 Ubumi Children’s Project, 80 Ulybka (Smile) Public Foundation, 90 Umut IЕџiДџi: Kadin, Г‡evre, KГјltГјr, ve Isletme Kooperatifi (Light of Hope: Women, Environment, Culture, and Enterprise Cooperative), 88 Under-8 Initiative, 9, 54–55 United Houma Nation, 115 Usdruzenje Nova Generacija (New Generation Association), 90 value-added services, 13 Vietnamese Initiative in Economic Training (VIET), 116 Vikasini Girl Child Education Trust, 109 vision, 4 War Child, 62 Warma Tarinakuy (Assembly of the Children), 103 Washington Youth Choir (WYC), 117 waste pickers, 56–59 Women Development Association (WDA), 94 Women in Social Entrepreneurship (WISE), 81 Women’s Education for Advancement and Empowerment (WEAVE), 38, 93 Words Beats & Life, 115 Working Assets partnership, 64 Yanapanakusun (Let’s Help Each Other), 105 Young Playwrights’ Theater (YPT), 44 Youth Activist Organization (YAO), 84 YouthWorks, 94 YP Foundation, 49, 109 Yugoslav Association for Culture and Education of Roma (YAC-ER), 90 Yunnan Institute of Development (YID), 55, 94 Zion Travelers Cooperative Center (ZTCC), 116 Page 31: В© Kiev Children and Youth Support Center. Page 32: В© Jesse Newman. Page 34: left and right, В© Jesse Newman. Page 35: В© Nia Foundation. Page 36: В© Jesse Newman. Page 38: left and right, В© Hoa Tu Duong/The Global Fund for Children. Page 39: В© KID smART. Page 45: В© AsociaciГіn Mujer y Comunidad. Pages 46–47: В© Tiana Markova-Gold. Page 49: В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children. Page 51: В© MilГ©na MikaГ«l-Debass/The Global Fund for Children. Page 53: В© Scott Simmons, PCV Kazakhstan. Page 55: В© Yunnan Institute of Development. Page 57: left and right, В© Vineeta Gupta/The Global Fund for Children. Page 58: left, center, and right, В© Hoa Tu Duong/The Global Fund for Children. Page 62: left, В© Tiana Markova-Gold; right, В© Jesse Newman. Page 63: В© Tiana Markova-Gold. 1101 Fourteenth Street, NW Suite 420 Washington, DC 20005, USA T 202.331.9003 F 202.331.9004 E [email protected] www.globalfundforchildren.org
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