The Okeha pton College Keeping you informed March 2015 Issue 23 Hopefully your son/daughter has given you the letter informing you that we are in the process of consulting with parents and interested parties about the proposal for Northlew & Ashbury Parochial Church of England Primary School to join The Dartmoor Federation. The Federation currently comprises, Okehampton College, Bridestowe, Boasley Cross, Exbourne C of E, and Lydford Primary Schools and we have been approached by Northlew & Ashbury as they would like to join us. We would welcome their involvement in The Federation as we believe we are now starting to see the benefits of the work we have been doing. It was great to see two of our Federation Primary Schools in the finals of the Rotary Quiz this week and the recently created Federation Sports Teams enjoying great success in netball and football. Staff from across The Federation are working really well together and we, as a College, are benefiting from the cross phase work that is underway. The consultation evenings for The Dartmoor Federation will be held on Wednesday 11th March at the College: 4.00pm for staff 5.30pm for parents 6.00pm for members of the community If you would like to find out more information about the proposal or have any questions, we would love to see you at the meeting or you might prefer to email your comments/though to Ian Courtney, Chair of Governors: [email protected]. The consultation will run for 6 weeks, after which both sets of governing bodies will meet and make a decision on whether to proceed based on the feedback from the consultation process. If the proposal goes ahead, Northlew & Ashbury will join The Dartmoor Federation on 31st August 2015. Daryll Chapman Executive Principal Design and Technology Practical Work Intermediate Maths Challenge Contribution towards materials Congratulations to all those in Year 10 who took part in the recent Intermediate Maths Challenge run by the United Kingdom Maths Trust (UKMT). The UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) is a registered charity whose aim is to advance the education of children and young people in mathematics. The UKMT organises national mathematics competitions and other mathematical enrichment activities for 11-18 year old UK school pupils. Students who did particularly well and were awarded Silver Certificates were: Nya De Kock Jewell Caleb Bourne Beth Pyle Katerina Westman Sol RoweWelch Jordan Rolfe and Sam Cook There were a further 8 students who achieved a Bronze Certificate. Nya, Caleb, Beth and Katerina will be going on to represent the College in an upcoming Year 10 team competition. Wish them well and watch this space to see how they get on. The D&T faculty would like to thank all who have paid their voluntary contribution and ask those who have yet to do so make their contribution, as per the table shown, by the end of March. Contribution per Year (2014/2015) Year Group Year 7 £7 Year 8 £7 Year 9 £7 Year 10 £10 Year 11 £10 Year 12 £15 Our preferred method for receiving contributions is by use of the College’s online system. Payment is easy: just access your child’s Squid account, click on the Trips button and you will find the Technology offer there. Please note: Food Technology and Catering are not included in this arrangement and students are still expected to provide their own ingredients. Could you do it? A voucher code is made up of four characters. The first is a letter: V, X or P. The second and third are different digits. The fourth is the units digit of the sum of the second and third digits. How many different voucher codes like this are there? A. 180 B. 243 C. 270 D. 300 E. 2700 On 30th April it is the turn of Year 8 when selected students will sit the Junior Maths Challenge. Good luck to all! Key Stage 3 Art & Drama Work with Music from the School Orchestra Wednesday 11th March 5.30pm – 7.00pm Please come and join us for an evening of celebration of KS3 Art and Drama work where we will exhibit the majority of the work done by our KS3 Art Students since September and show a performance created by the KS3 Drama club. The evening will kick off in the Octagon with music from the school orchestra. There will then be an opportunity to get light refreshments before moving on to the 6th Form Art Studio where you can view the KS3 Artwork. We then return to the Octagon to watch the KS3 Drama Club Performance. (a small donation for the light refreshments would be appreciated) Entry will be by ticket only Please book your FREE ticket by collecting a letter from the Curriculum Support Office and returning the reply slip. Ashbury Evening Thank you to everyone who came along to the Ashbury Evening on Friday 27th February. We hope you all had a good time. We raised £1458 towards our PTFA funds. A big THANK YOU must go to Mr and Mrs Essex for their kind generosity and to their hard working staff who helped to make our evening a success. Library News Ms Griffiths CARNEGIE SHADOWING This year Okehampton College will be participating in the Carnegie Shadowing event, where local schools meet up to discuss and vote for books on the Carnegie shortlist as well as meeting every week within school to encourage wider reading for pleasure. All students are invited to join the group, so please encourage your children to sign up for this if you think it will appeal. It is being run by the English Department in conjunction with the library. Any queries or question should be directed to Ms Sum, Mrs Rowe or Ms Griffiths. The Carnegie Medal is a British literary award that is presented annually to an author of an outstanding new book for children or young adults. It is awarded by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and was established in 1936. It is named after the great Scottish-born philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) who founded more than 2800 libraries in the English speaking world, and there is at least one Carnegie library in more than half of British library authorities. He was quoted as saying, “if ever wealth came to me that it should be used to establish free libraries.” Nominated books must be written in English and first published in the UK during the preceding school year (September to August). The award by CILIP is a Gold Medal and £500 worth of books which are to be donated to the winner’s chosen library. There is also the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal which is awarded to an outstanding book in terms of illustration for children and young people. The Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals are often described by authors and illustrators as ‘the one they want to win’. Previous winners of the Carnegie medal include Maggot Moon, The Graveyard Book and River Boy. Shadowing the judging process in your school There is a Carnegie and Kate Greenaway shadowing site which aims to inspire and engage thousands of children and young people in reading the books on the shortlist every year. Students are able to post and read reviews, as well as watching exclusive videos, of the short-listed authors and illustrators talking about their books. Children and young people “shadow” the judging process and then decide their own favourites and this is what we will be doing this year. The scheme engages up to 90,000 children and young people in reading activity and is an excellent way to encourage reading for pleasure in young people and highlights the unique role that librarians play. Watch out for the shortlist to be released on March 17th! Calling all Year 10’s! On Thursday 19th March there will be a visit to the SKILLS SOUTH WEST SHOW at Plymouth Pavilions Look out for the poster in reception to find out more and see if you would like to go. There is no cost. Collect a letter from the Curriculum Support Office and return slip ASAP. THERE ARE ONLY 50 PLACES and you will be notified if you are successful. You will be back in school for period 5 on that day. Need more info? Contact Mrs Harris [email protected] ATHLETICS SILVER MEDALLISTS Following their amazing result at the West Devon qualifier for the indoor athletics at the beginning of February the team travelled down to the Life Centre in Plymouth for the County Final. There were a couple of changes to the team with Hayley Shaw joining the girls and Jordan Hill coming into the boys' team. With the top 16 teams from all over the county ready to do battle, the gloves were off from the very start. The girls put in some really good performances with Annie Strawbridge winning the Vertical Jump by 5 centimetres and the Obstacle Relay Team of Annie Strawbridge, Issy Shannon, Mya Goudie and Emily Baggot winning by 3 seconds. They were ably supported in other events by Sadie Carter and Hayley Shaw. As a team the girls were 3rd overall, but still posted an excellent score. The boys, although not winning any individual events, did well overall with Greg Haste putting in some amazing runs and Theo Jackson-Clist underlining his speed! Archie Brown and Jack Skilton were well placed in the distance events. Josh Hunter was really speedy on the Speed Bounce, well backed up by Jordan Hill! All these excellent results put the boys in first place in the boys' competition. However, it was a 'whole team' result and once the scores for all the teams were added up, we came in as Silver Medallists, annoyingly behind the team from Ivybridge which we had beaten in the qualifier! Well done to all of our Athletes and let's hope that this competition will act as a good spring board into 'proper' athletics starting any time now! Mrs Colton Devon Schools Individual Table Tennis Championships Nine students entered the Devon Schools Individual Table Tennis Championships and all played extremely well to reach the knock-out stages. They then had to play each other and so, unfortunately, some were knocked out. The final results were: Edward Haskell was the Under 16 Devon Champion. Emily Haskell was the Under 13 Devon Girls Champion. Cameron Brooking came 2nd in the Under 13 Boys. Zoe Bennett and Sam Drew both came 3rd in their Under 13 competitions and Josh Parsons came 5th. Mr Farr College Students in National Championships Congratulations to Ben Bowles and Lachie Mills who have been selected to compete in the National Speed Championships as part of Bovey Tracey Lifesaving Club. It will be held at the London Olympic Aquatic Centre on 7th and 8th March. KS4 Science Intervention Sessions The following Intervention Sessions are available to any Year 10 and 11 students who would like additional help with their Science work in preparation for their forthcoming exams. This is a very important time of year for our GCSE students, and some extra revision and exam practice can make all the difference. Your teachers are available to help you from 1.20pm on the following days: Mon Biology Room 401 MLW Thurs Physics Room 410 RJK Fri Chemistry Room 416 PFG Year 12 BTEC Science students have recently been gaining laboratory experience at North Wyke Research Centre near North Tawton Students used specialist equipment to analyse water samples and carried out a variety of standard procedures in the lab. The knowledge gained will help them complete their up and coming assessment. Many thanks to the team at North Wyke for such an informative and enjoyable day. The Bill Bryson Prize for Science Communication 2015 “Science is always, I mean always, interesting, fascinating, useful.” - Bill Bryson Have you ever tried to explain something you learned in class to a friend or your parents? If you have, then you’re a communicator – and if that something happened to be about science, you’re a science communicator! The Bill Bryson Prize is a creative science communication competition. It is open to students around the world from ages 5–18. There are three categories: ages 5–11, 12–14 and 15–18. Your entry can take absolutely any form you want, and you can choose to enter individually or in a team (the age of the oldest team member will decide which category your team falls into). The theme for 2015 is Chance. From the Big Bang to evolution, from probability to penicillin, all kinds of scientific concepts relate to ‘Chance’. We want you to tell us about your favourite. Previous entries have included videos, songs, sculptures, posters, poems, press articles, cartoons, games, magazines – even plays and podcasts! We love creativity and originality, so our judges are looking for imaginative entries that communicate science in interesting ways. All entries must be submitted online. THERE IS STILL TIME TO ENTER! The deadline for submitting entries is 31 March 2015. If you make our shortlist, you will be told in late May. To submit your entry online and look at some examples of previous entries go to: THE PRIZE ● The top 100 entries will win a Bill Bryson book. 12-18 year olds will get a copy of A Short History of Nearly Everything. 5-11 year olds will get a copy of A Really Short History of Nearly Everything. ● The top 25 short listed entries will win a Bill Bryson book and a £100 Amazon voucher. ● The runner up in each category will get a Bill Bryson book and a cash prize of £250. ● The first prize winner in each category will be given a Bill Bryson book and a cash prize of £400. ● The overall winner of the Bill Bryson Prize for Science Communication 2015 will receive a signed copy of a Bill Bryson book and a cash prize of £500! The Fairtrade Schools Conference was hosted at the College on the 25th February as part of the 20th Fairtrade Fortnight (23 February - 8 March 2015) Members of the Green Flag Group helped to facilitate the day’s events which was also attended by pupils from local feeder schools; Lydford, Bridestowe, Boasley Cross, Okehampton and Buckland Brewar. The children took part in a teatasting exercise and explored the many benefits buying Fairtrade products. The Global Centre in Exeter led the conference which was organised by the Devon County Fairtrade Steering Group. We were also fortunate to welcome Paul Tiony - a Fairtrade tea producer from Kenya who shared his unique insight into the benefits of Fairtrade. Paul told the students how the extra money received from the Fairtrade Premium has allowed him and the 8,017 other farmers in his co-operative, to improve working conditions and invest in community projects including water supply, health sanitation and even building a secondary school. The students who attended will now be able to support the College’s Green Flag and Fairtrade groups and continue the College’s impressive work on reducing it’s carbon footprint and highlighting the impact and potential of Fairtrade in the College and the wider community. Let’s Make a Difference! Take a look at the verges of the A30 (or just about any road anywhere) and see the amount of litter that has been thoughtlessly abandoned. It would be a bit dangerous for us to try to pick up litter from the A30 but we could do parts of Okehampton safely. On Saturday 25th April a group of volunteers is going to tidy Okehampton and Mr Webber and Miss Smith are going to concentrate on the school grounds and surrounding areas. If you would like to join us please get in touch by emailing Mr Webber [email protected] to express your interest in helping. Click here for the Devon Schools Sustainability Bulletin 2. A group of 13 Year 9’s and 10’s have successfully earned a place on this years Marine Wildlife Champions funded by the Wildlife Trust and National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. They have the challenge of tackling one of 5 issues facing the marine environment and have selected plastic as their focus from now until June 2015. More news to follow soon! At Okehampton we have been focused on Waste Week from the 2nd to the 6th of March 2015. In order to promote our fantastic attitude to waste at the college we are doing several things and we're asking the whole college community to join in. 1. We have signed up to Science for Schools with Wastebuster via our EDF Pod membership. This will enable us to collect unwanted textiles from students, staff and parents, send them for recycling and turn the tonnes of textiles into science equipment for the school. Students will be provided with a bag and info sheet to take home. We need filled bags returned to school by Friday 20th March. These can be taken to Miss McLintock's room (414) in the Science Department. 3. Miss McLintock has taken waste week to a new extreme following a challenge from The Pod. She was challenged to keep a 24 hour food packaging diary and was so shocked by the amount of non-recyclable packaging, has vowed to go plastic packaging free from now until Easter. In order to document her challenge over the next few weeks she is keeping a blog, as well as asking students to upload their food packaging diaries too. To keep up-to-date follow this link: all/all/0/0/0/na/1 www.scienc eintoschools .org wastepledge Okeha pton College Print Workshop, Okehampton College Passes for some of our Year 11’s Congratulations to the following Year 11 Students who have been awarded a break and lunchtime pass for Café Six (Post-16 café), for having an extremely positive approach to learning. This pass is valid until the Easter break and will be reviewed again thereafter, allowing other students the opportunity to use this excellent facility. Surname Surname Forename Forename ATOUGUIA Heather MORRISON Nicole BALSDON Alison MUGLISTON Victoria BARBER Ella MUIR Alex BONFIELD Georgia NIGHTINGALE Elisa BUTT Nicola O'NEILL Elizabeth CROCKER VALERON Sophie PEARCE Amy DENNIS Becky PHIPPS Tyler DUFFY Evie REYNOLDS Kerri DUNN Sophie RICKWOOD Mollie ELKINS Munkhbayar ROISSETTER Chloe FOSTER Bryony SEATON-BURN Will GOODGER Larissa SHERLOCK Jacob GUNNING Ryan SHORT Zoe HANSEN Verity SIMPSON Isabel HARBRON Holly SKULL Richard JACOBS Maria SQUIRES Ellie JAMES Jessica STONER Matthew KETTLES Hannah TIMMS Amy KNIGHT Matthew TONKIN Heather LEWIS Madeleine VERN Theresa MAHONEY Madeleine VOADEN Chloe MCCARTHY Eliza WALTER Isaac MOKANDPURI Iona Child Protection Officers The Child Protection Officers for Okehampton College are: Mrs Charlie Edwards Mrs Debbie Provan The reserve Child Protection Officer Is: Mr Sean Freeman We can be contacted via the main College switchboard, or directly on (01837) 650914 featuring available from Mrs Morrison in the Front Office Upcoming Big Band Gigs: Saturday 7th March Ashbury Golf Hotel with the Tamar Male Voice Choir Doors open at 6.45pm for 7.15pm start Tickets at £7.50 available from Donalds in Okehampton FA FOOTBALL MASH UP Every Wednesday - Term Time Only Venue: Astro Turf Time: 3.45 - 4.45 pm Cost: £2 per session FOR 14 - 17 YEAR OLDS Golf Lessons at Okehampton Golf Club Free Okehampton Golf Club are again offering free golf lessons for Okehampton College students. Each course of six lessons will take place on Fridays from 3.30 – 4.30pm at the Golf Club. The lessons are suitable for any student who would like to try the sport, no matter whether they have swung a club before or not. All equipment will be provided, as will expert tuition. College Coaching Start Dates: FRIDAY 13TH MARCH AT 3.30 OUTWARD BOUND COURSES ABSOLUTELY FREE!! Do you enjoy outdoor activities, meeting new people, seeing new places and having fun? Applications are now being sought from young people for courses in the summer of 2015 Closing date for applications – 7th April 2015 The Sir Francis Chichester Trust offers young people from Devon, aged between 16 and 19 years of age, the opportunity to attend a 19 day Outward Bound, Skills for Life Award course based in Wales, Scotland or the Lake District. FRIDAY 24TH APRIL AT 3.30 FRIDAY 1ST MAY AT 3.30 FRIDAY 15TH MAY AT 3.30 FRIDAY 5TH JUNE AT 3.30 FRIDAY 19TH JUNE AT 3.30 To book coaching please ring the Pro Shop on 01837 53541 ARE YOU INTERESTED? FOR MORE DETAILS AND AN APPLICATION FORM CONTACT: Anthea Parkyn at [email protected] or 01932 250976 or the form can be downloaded from the website Dates for your diary & forthcoming events MONTH DATE EVENT Parents’ Evenings Thur 19th Mar 2015 Years 8 & 11 Spring Term 2015 Thur 23rd Apr 2015 Year 7 MAR w/c Monday 9th Year 11 Mocks Thursday 19th Parents’ Evening Years 8 & 11 Wednesday 25th Easter Concert Friday 27th Last Day of Term Monday 30th to Friday 10th April EASTER MAY Vaccination Programme 2015 Sessions being held in College are as follows: Friday 5th June 2015 Tetanus / Diphtheria / Polio & Meningitis C catch up sessions. Summer Term 2015 APR Meet New Year 7’s Mon 20st July 2015 Monday 13th All Pupils Return Please note that if you have not completed and returned to school a full permission form your child will not be given the vaccination. Thursday 23rd Parents’ Evening Year 7 It cannot be handed in on the day of the vaccination! Monday 4th May Day Bank Holiday If you have any concerns please contact Mrs Harris in College. Monday 25th to Friday 29th HALF TERM Monday 1st All Pupils Return w/c Mon 22nd Year 10 Exams w/c Mon 29th Year 9 Exams Thursday 2nd Year 6 Taster Day Monday 6th Year 6 Taster Day Monday 20st Meet New Year 7’s w/c Mon 13th Curriculum Extension Week & Work Experience Wednesday 22nd LAST DAY OF TERM JUNE JULY Important Information for Parent/Carers Please be aware of new safeguarding guidance, ‘Keeping Children Safe’ Paragraph 117 - Parents/Carers using Facebook, Twitter and other social media to make derogatory remarks about staff is not acceptable under the prohibition on reporting and publishing allegations about teachers in section 141F of the Education Act 2002. Schools across the country are reporting issues relating to the misuse of social media sites. If any such abuse of these sites regarding Okehampton College takes place, appropriate action will be taken. Twitter account Facebook
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