The Okeha pton College Keeping you informed November 2014 Issue 17 We have received very positive feedback about our new look Newsletter but we are aware that there are other ways of communicating information to you. With this in mind, we will be introducing both a Twitter and Facebook feed very shortly from the College, the launch of which will coincide with receipt of this Newsletter. If you are familiar with Twitter and Facebook you can follow the links on the homepage of the College website or use the addresses set out below: Twitter account – Facebook – Year 11 Exams In the next couple of weeks, the Year 11 students will be taking the first of two sets of internal exams designed to prepare them for their GCSE examinations next summer. In order to accommodate all the exams, they will begin on Friday 21 November 2014 and will run for one week until Thursday 27 November 2014. All Year 11 students received a copy of the Parent Guide Booklet and a copy of the exam timetable last week in their Assembly. Where possible, these exams are designed to inform the Year 11 Parents’ Evening which will take place on Wednesday 3rd December 2014, which we hope you will be able to attend. Non-Pupil Day Friday 28th November 2014 is a non-pupil day and the College will be closed to students on that date. Daryll Chapman Executive Principal Drugs Awareness Evening for Parents/Guardians Wednesday 26th November 2014 between 6.30 - 7.30pm in the Octagon We have an opportunity to invite parents/guardians of all our students to a Drugs Awareness talk which will be given by the local Police Community Officers. More information about this presentation can be found further on in this Newsletter. We would be very grateful if you could return the reply slip, even if you do not wish to attend the evening. If you are a parent or guardian of a Year 11 student you may have heard about the things that they have been doing in relation to their options for next year. Year 11 students have recently been spending time in the College Post-16 Centre talking to current Year 12/13 students and finding out about different courses on offer. In addition they have had an Assembly and an Extended Learning Day presentation about our Post-16, alongside other options such as Apprenticeships and the Armed Forces. The next phase, in terms of our own Post-16, is that all Year 11 students will soon receive a Prospectus which goes into detail about the courses being offered for study from September 2015. After Christmas students and parents will be invited to attend our Post-16 Options Evening. This is where all subjects will be represented in order to answer all of your questions and to provide you with the information that you need when considering what to study. Year 11 Options Evening will take place on Thursday 22nd January 2015 Below is a timeline showing the process for students who are interested in applying to our Post-16 area. If you have any questions about any aspect of Post-16 please do not hesitate to contact me at the College. Many thanks Neil Sproats Post-16 Leader Timeline for applying to Okehampton College Post-16 December 2014 – Prospectus Issued January 2015 (Thursday 22nd) – Post-16 Options’ Evening February 2015 – Application forms due in March 2015 – Interviews for applicants June 2015 – Taster Day (following the last GCSE exams) August 2015 – GCSE Results’ Day September 2015 – Final interviews and start of term Breast Cancer Awareness Day – �Pink Friday’ 24 October 2014 The day was a great success and was well supported by students and staff who together, raised an amazing… £906.58 Thank you for your support Drugs Awareness Evening for Parents/Guardians Wednesday 26th November 2014 We have an opportunity to invite parents/guardians of all our students to a Drugs Awareness talk which will be given by the local Police Community Officers on Wednesday 26th November 2014 between 6.30 - 7.30pm in the Octagon. The presentation will consist of a general power point presentation covering all aspects of drug awareness, which will be supported by samples of drugs as well as an opportunity to take part in a question and answer session at the end of the presentation. If you are interested in attending this session, please complete and return the reply slip at the foot of this article to: Mrs Morrison, Curriculum Support Office by Wednesday 19th November 2014 PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SESSIONS ARE FOR PARENTS/GUARDIANS ONLY! I hope that you will find all the information you require here but should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the college. Yours faithfully Ms Gibson Assistant Principal Cut here To: Mrs Morrison, Curriculum Support Office Drugs Awareness Presentation – Wednesday 26th November 2014 6.30 - 7.30pm I confirm receipt of your notification dated 10th November and would like to attend the Drugs Awareness Presentation. I confirm receipt of your notification dated 10th November and will be unable to attend the Drugs Awareness Presentation. Student Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Tutor Group:………………………………. Parent/Guardian Signature:……………………………………………………………………… Date:…………………………............….…… Please return to Mrs Morrison, Curriculum Support Office, by Wednesday 19th November 2014 Genre: Steampunk Ms Griffiths Steampunk is a subgenre of speculative fiction, usually set in an anachronistic Victorian or quasi-Victorian alternate history setting. It could be described by the slogan "What the past would look like if the future had happened sooner." It includes fiction with science fiction, fantasy or horror themes. To continue the theme of recommending genres from the last newsletter I stumbled upon this rather short but excellent list by Alex Woolf who also happens to be a novelist. This is what he has to say : �As it happens, most of the steampunk books I’ve read so far were written for adults. I’ve now learned that there is a whole library out there of fabulous-looking steam-powered stories for younger readers, which I plan to start reading as soon as I find the time. For this reason, the following list is rather short, and in no way comprehensive. Call it a list-in-progress!’ His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman I read this trilogy before I’d even heard of the term Steampunk. Although I read it as an adult, it had a similar heady impact on me as the Narnia books, which I read as a child. It follows two children’s adventures through various parallel worlds and includes talking, armoured bears, vagabond gyptians (gypsies) and a Texan with a hot-air balloon. I loved the second one, The Subtle Knife, in particular. Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld Someone recommended this book to me, thinking I’d love it – and they were right! It’s set on the eve of World War I, but a very different World War I than the one we’ve studied in history books. In this world, the Axis Powers are armed with Clankers, steam-driven iron machines bristling with guns. Opposing them are the British �Darwinists’, whose weapons are specially altered animals. Leviathan is their whale-airship, the most powerful beast in the British fleet. The story, focusing on a boy prince and an aviator girl caught up in the action, is enhanced by some beautifully intricate illustrations. Altogether wonderful! Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve The premise of this book is so ingenious I wish I’d thought of it myself. Imagine it: Mobile cities! Big cities hunting down and eating smaller cities for their resources. It’s called �Municipal Darwinism’. Added to this, it’s a real pageturner: an adventure involving murder plots, obsession and betrayal. The book features a host of unforgettable characters, including Grike, a veteran soldier who’s more machine than man, Chrystler Peavey, the posh pirate, and Mayor Chrome, the power-mad leader of London. During the October Half Term 29 Year 11 History students went to Berlin. The trip was designed to support their preparation for their GCSE History exams next summer which includes topics such as the Rise of the Nazi Party in the 1920’s, Life in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and The Cold War from 1945. There were two very long overnight coach journeys and three very busy days but I was hugely impressed with how every student engaged and demonstrated great maturity. Mr Sweeney Trip Leader A collective account from a group of students who went on this trip… “A fantastic educational trip, extremely beneficial.” - Jessie James “The monuments were unbelievable and shocking. They really opened your eyes to reality.” - Chloe Voaden and Nicole Morrison On 24th October 2014, the start of our 24 hour voyage to Berlin began. Through France, Belgium and the Netherlands we travelled to our first concentration camp, Bergen – Belsen, we got our first insight into the life in a labour exchange camp. We were lost for words. We travelled onward to Berlin where we all cherished a good night’s sleep. After a filling breakfast, we set off again to Sachsenhausen and experienced a truly moving and realistic tour of this extermination camp. The reality was just shocking, 13,000 people were shot in only 10 weeks, and many of these were prisoners of war. It was fascinating to learn that this camp was first used as a camp for political opposition. In the afternoon, we visited the Wannseekonferenz Haus (an amazing lake side mansion owned by the Nazi Party) where Hitler and his men composed �The Final Solution’ in an attempt to completely remove the Jewish population of Europe. Berlin 2014 GCSE History Trip Our last stop for the day was the awe striking Olympic Stadium which hosted the 1936 Olympic Games. It was constructed as a replicate of the Coliseum in Rome to reflect the authority of Nazi Germany that Hitler was trying to create. Here we sat in the most expensive room in our lives – it was made of pure gold. The Olympic Stadium was a platform for Hitler to �show off’ what he and the Nazi Party had achieved since coming to power in 1933. On our final day in Berlin, we caught the train into the city centre where we met the tour guide and experienced the modern vibe of the city whilst we visited the Reichstag building, Checkpoint Charlie and the Holocaust Memorial. Before heading home, we reflected on our exhilarating trip whilst devouring burgers in The Hard Rock Café! “A trip to remember!”- Munkla Elkins By Jessie James, Nicole Morrison, Chloe Voaden, Flora Daniel, Victoria Mugliston Okehampton College The Sponsored Walk REMINDER We would like to send off the sponsorship money to the chosen charities so this is a FINAL REMINDER to bring in the money you have raised by the 21st November You will need to get your tutor to sign that you have completed the walk on your sponsorship form if you haven’t already done so. Bring it in with your sponsorship money (don’t forget to tell your tutor) and hand it into the Curriculum Support Office. Many thanks Mr Smith Sponsored Walk Co-ordinator Surname Forename Reg Group House Aven Rhys HM ELM House Balsdon Alison MHA BEECH House Beacom Patrick AL WILLOW House Passes for some of our Year 11 Students! Bonfield Georgia AL WILLOW House Butt Nicola JW WILLOW House Crocker Valeron Sophie SMW ELM House Elkins Munkhbayar EBP ASH House Foster Bryony GLM ELM House Frangleton Beth LJW BEECH House Goodger Larissa JAB ASH House Hansen Verity ALC ASH House Congratulations to the following Year 11 Students who have been awarded a break and lunchtime pass in to Café Six – our Post-16 Café. Harbron Holly EMR ELM House Hayes Bethany EDE ASH House Higgs Hannah BMT ASH House Jacobs Maria LP BEECH House James Jessica CV BEECH House Knight Matthew RJN ELM House Knott Bethany EMW BEECH House Mahoney Madeleine SJA WILLOW House Mccarthy Eliza AL WILLOW House Mokandpuri Iona AW ELM House These students have been identified as having an extremely positive approach to learning. Morrison Nicole PKK BEECH House Mugliston Victoria CCG OAK House Nightingale Elisa PFG OAK House O'neill Elizabeth LP BEECH House Pan Isobel JAD ELM House Passereau Teoni OVS OAK House Pearce Amy MLW BEECH House Phipps Tyler JLE ELM House This pass is valid until the Christmas break and will be reviewed each half term, allowing other students the opportunity to use this excellent facility. Reynolds Kerri JMK OAK House Rickwood Mollie JW WILLOW House Roissetter Chloe CCG OAK House Seaton-Burn Will LN ASH House Shaw Tristan CCG OAK House Sherlock Jacob SMC WILLOW House Skull Richard EMW BEECH House Squires Ellie KRN WILLOW House Stoner Matthew SMW ELM House Vern Theresa PFG OAK House Voaden Chloe MPC/SBR ASH House Walter Isaac JES OAK House Wingfield Digby Emily GLM ELM House Sun Shines on GCSE Geographers in Dawlish Warren Earlier this term, all Year 11s taking GCSE Geography were taken to the coastal resort of Dawlish Warren, to complete fieldwork for their coursework. Coursework is currently worth 25% of the GCSE and this year a challenging field trip was planned including sediment analysis, beach profiles and wave measurements. The students were lucky enough to enjoy the late summer sun, which helped to ensure they took quality data back to the classroom for their write ups. In recent years, GCSE Geography fieldwork has been undertaken in Boscastle and Lyme Regis. Dawlish Warren was chosen as the location this year, as the coursework title linked well to the extensive coastal defences and the interesting local geology of the area. The Geography Team at Okehampton College, would like to thank all of the Year 11 Geographers for their excellent behaviour and for being outstanding ambassadors for the College, throughout the fieldwork. Science Revision Guides KS3 and KS4 If you still would like Science Revision Guides, please complete and return the appropriate form with your payment to the Curriculum Support Office by Thursday 27th November KS4 Science Revision Guides To: Mrs C Mackenzie, Curriculum Support Office I would like to purchase the following Science Revision Guide/s as indicated below. I confirm that I have enclosed the correct payment. (Cheques to be made payable to Okehampton College, with your child’s name and “Science Revision Guides” written on the back) Student name ………………………………………………………… KS3 Science Revision Guides Tutor group……………. To: Mrs C Mackenzie, Curriculum Support Office Parent/Guardian Signature: …………………………… I would like to purchase the following Science Revision Guide/s as indicated below. Year 9 and 10 I confirm that I have enclosed the correct payment. Core Science Foundation Revision Guide (Cheques to be made payable to Okehampton College, with your child’s name and “Science Revision Guides” written on the back) Year 11 Double Science Student name ………………………………………………………….. Tutor group……………. Date:…………………. SAHR42 £2.75 SAFR42 £2.75 Additional Science Higher Revision Guide SQHR45 £2.75 Additional Science Foundation Revision Guide SQFR45 £2.75 Core Science Higher Revision Guide Parent/Guardian Signature: ………………………………………….. £5.00 Year 11 Additional Applied Science Date:………………….…. KS3 Revision Guide – Higher SHR32 £2.50 Year 9 - Thinking about Triple Science? KS3 Revision Guide – Foundation SFR32 £2.50 plus, Triple Science students in Year 10 and 11 KS3 Workbook with answers SHW32B £5.00 Biology Revision Guide BAR44 £2.75 Total Chemistry Revision Guide CAR44 £2.75 Physics Revision Guide PAR46 £2.75 Total Festival of Physics University of Exeter Saturday 22nd November 10:00am - 4:00pm This exciting event is free to attend, and only requires a ticket to be reserved to ensure entry. The day will involve four talks on fascinating aspects of Physics, plus demonstrations and exhibits from University students and other organisations. The Festival is suitable for anyone age 12+ with a curious mind and an interest in science. Further details and ticket reservations can be obtained by contacting Dr Kelly at: [email protected] or by visiting the website: Free parking is available at the campus, and refreshments will be made available. I hope to see you there! Dr Kelly Dartmoor Federation Football Club We are delighted with the progress of the club and very much hope your child is enjoying the session. As many of you will know, we intend to relocate the club to Okehampton College using the All Weather Facility and, in particular, to make use of the floodlit pitches. From Wednesday, 19th November the sessions will be held at Okehampton College and will begin at 5pm and end at 6pm. Please ensure your child checks in with the OCRA Coach as soon as you arrive at the College. Parking is available behind the College, next to the All Weather Pitches. Please contact your child’s school if you require more information. Mr M Brady Head of Primary Okehampton Hockey Club offers fantastic coaching for boys and girls aged 11 to 16 Come along to Okehampton College All Weather Pitch Saturday mornings from 10.30am to 11.30 am Dear Parent/Carer Okehampton Music Centre Scholarships – Last Few Remaining We have had a fantastic response to our invitation to apply for scholarships with the Okehampton Music Centre. We have had over 100 applications so far and are currently sorting the pupils into groups with a view to writing to parents to confirm times and instrument places as soon as possible. Although the original deadline was not until later in November, places for cello, trombone and viola are now completely full, but if your child is interested in one of the other instruments, please still apply and we will do our best to accommodate them. You can get application forms from Val Berry at Okehampton College or myself by phoning 01837 650933 or emailing: [email protected] (or you can print out the form on the next page) Please note: Pupils will be offered one of two time slots (4pm - 5pm or 5pm - 6pm) and the Music Centre will run at Okehampton College on a Thursday after school starting in January. If you require further information, please contact me. Kind regards Heather Parks Community Links SW CIC, c/o Okehampton College, Mill Road, Okehampton EX20 1PW Tel: 01837 650933 Community Links SW CIC is a Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales. Company number 7601118 Okehampton Music Centre What is it? The Music Centre is an ini�a�ve to encourage children and young people to become more involved in music making; possibly by taking up a new musical instrument or by par�cipa�ng in workshops designed to develop a wide range of musical skills. In par�cular it seeks to promote some of the instruments not currently taught in many schools in the hope that, over �me, Okehampton will be able to put together a full community orchestra. Group instrumental lessons will be offered for beginners in bassoon, oboe, trombone, tuba, French horn, viola and cello with the workshops being open to everyone from beginner to experienced players and singers. When is it? The Music Centre was launched by Julian Lloyd Webber on 14 October and will start in January 2015 at Okehampton College on Thursday nights from 4‐6pm; there will be 10 sessions per term. Times for your child will be confirmed once all applica�ons are in. Who can go? The Music Centre is for all children from year 3 upwards in the Okehampton Learning Community regardless of previous musical experience with priority for instrumental tui�on given to those in Years 3-9; students in Years 10-13 are encouraged to volunteer with the project in return for lessons. What does it cost? Thanks to funding from Okehampton United Charity and the Arts Council, three types of scholarships are available to help meet the costs of joining the Music Centre. There are no complicated forms and no means tes�ng of ability to pay; simply apply for the scholarship that best meets your need using the form below. Scholarship type What’s included Parental Contribu�on Group instrumental lesson Gold-suitable for beginners in any of the instruments listed above, regardless of previous experience in other instruments. Please select Instrument hire this op�on if you require funding to cover classes and instrument hire. Music Workshops £1 per session (or £10 per term) Silver-as for gold; but please select this op�on if you feel able to make Group instrumental lesson Music Workshops a dona�on for instrument hire. By making this dona�on, our funding will go further and more children will be able to take part. £30.00 instrument hire for 12 months (or you may supply your own) £1 per session (or £10 per term) Bronze– suitable for those not op�ng for tui�on in the instruments available, but wan�ng to join in with the workshops. £1 per session (or £10 per term) Music Workshops To apply for a place at the Music Centre please complete the following and return to your school by 25 November 2014 Child’s Name: Year Group: School: Age: Address: Type of scholarship requested: For Gold and Silver Scholarships: Gold 1st Choice instrument of from list above Silver Bronze 2nd Choice instrument of from list above (Please circle) Email Address (parent): Phone Number (parent): Previous Musical Experience (if any): For further information contact Heather Parks at Community Links [email protected] or 01837 650933 Brand New 1Life Juniors TUESDAY and Thursday 3:30-4:30 10 sessions for £30 (includes induction) Parent/Guardian must complete a consent form before any children will be able to enter the gym. Parklands Leisure Centre 01837 659154 LINK TO ALL OKEHAMPTON COLLEGE NEWSLETTERS: We raise money for all the students to enrich their time at Okehampton College. We provide important support for Epraise awards, classroom equipment, workshops/talks, the College text alerts and much more - totalling over £5,000! WE NEED NEW MEMBERS TO HELP KEEP UP OUR IMPORTANT FUND RAISING EFFORTS [email protected] Dates for your diary & forthcoming events MONTH DATE EVENT Autumn Term 2014 From Friday 21st Year 11 Mocks NOV Friday 28th Non Pupil Day Thursday 4th & Okehampton College Christmas Fare Tuesday 16th Major Awards Evening Friday 19th Last Day of Term Edwardian Evening DEC Christmas Break Monday 22nd to Friday 2nd January 2015 Inclusive Spring Term 2015 Mon 5th Non Pupil Day Thursday 15th Parents’ Evening Year 9 w/c Mon 19th 6th Form Mock Exams Thursday 22nd Options Evening Tuesday 3rd Year 11 Revision Day Thursday 5th Parents’ Evening Years 12 &13 w/c Monday 9th Year 11 Mocks Thursday 19th Parents’ Evening Years 8 & 11 Parents’ Evenings Thur 20th Wed 3rd Thur 15th Thur 5th Thur 19th Thur 23rd Nov 2014 Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Feb 2015 Mar 2015 Apr 2015 Years 10 & 13 Year 11 Year 9 Years 12 & 13 Years 8 & 11 Year 7 Options Evening Thurs 22nd January 2015 Meet New Year 7 Mon 20st July 2015 JAN FEB MAR Summer Term 2015 APR Thursday 23rd Parents’ Evening Year 7 MAY JUNE JULY 22nd Year 10 Exams w/c Mon 29th Year 9 Exams Thursday 2nd Year 6 Taster Day Monday 6th Year 6 Taster Day Monday 20st Meet New Year 7’s w/c Mon w/c Mon 13th Wednesday 22nd Curriculum Extension Week & Work Experience LAST DAY OF TERM Vaccination Programme 2014/2015 Sessions being held in College are as follows: Thursday 22nd January 2015 Tetanus / Diphtheria / Polio & Meningitis C, Year 10 girls and boys. HPV catch up sessions. Please return completed consent forms to 1st Aid room asap. Friday 23rd January 2015 Year 10 girls and boys- Tetanus / Diphtheria / Polio & Meningitis C. HPV catch up sessions. Friday 5th June 2015 Tetanus / Diphtheria / Polio & Meningitis C catch up sessions. Please note that if you have not completed and returned to school a full permission form your child will not be given the vaccination. It cannot be handed in on the day of the vaccination! Any concerns please contact Mrs Harris in College.
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