Sacred Heart Church 9460 N.E. 14TH STREET • BELLEVUE, WA 98004 (425) 454-9536 • Fax- 450-3909 PARISH OFFICE 425-454-9536 Rev. Steve Sallis, Pastor 425-454-9536 Val Keller, Pastoral Associate 425-454-9536 Mary Dickins, Pastoral Assistant for Pastoral Care & Parish Life 425-450-3908 Grant Boggs, Pastoral Assistant for Youth &Young Adult Ministry 425-450-3911 Deanna Tighe, Pastoral Assistant for Stewardship425-454-9536 Anne Marie Brandes, Pastoral Assistant for Children’s Faith Formation425-454-9536 March 15, 2015 Sunday Masses 9:00 and 11:00 A.M. Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00 P.M. Confessions: Saturdays, 3:00-4:30pm Wednesdays, 8:00 - 8:45am Administration Staff John Meyer, Pastoral Assistant for Administration425-454-9536 Val Bromfield, Administrative Assistant 425-454-9536 Jeanine Kasprick, Bookkeeper 425-454-9536 Patty Oscar, Administrative Assistant 425-454-9536 Music Ministry Diane Figaro, Sacred Heart Chorale Director 206-271-5117 Andre Spichak, 11 A.M. Sunday Mass Choir Director 425-269-2669 PARISH SCHOOL 425-451-1773 David Burroughs, Principal Connie Gray, Vice-Principal Bridget Lawler, Vice-Principal for Staff Development Theresa Daigle, School Development Director Susana Knapp, Director of Admissions Kerry Wyman, Administrative Assistant INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Deanna Tighe 425-454-9536 INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Val Keller 425-454-9536 CONFIRMATION PREPARATION Grant Boggs 425-450-3911 MARRIAGE PREPARATION Six months as registered parishioner required prior to setting wedding date. 425-454-9536 SUNDAY NURSERY (during 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Masses) Lucy Paulsen 425-454-9536 OFFICE HOURS Parish 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday School 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday through Friday OUR MISSION STATEMENT Sacred Heart Parish, striving to grow in relationship with God and one another through prayer, sacraments and service, is a welcoming community rooted in Gospel values. We live the Catholic faith by sharing our time, talent and resources with those who hunger for insight and understanding, who seek healing and compassion, and who yearn for justice and love. Weekly Calendar & Liturgies WEEKLY CALENDAR Saturday, March 14th, 2015 Lenten Weekday Hosea 6:1-6 Luke 18:9-14 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Fourth Sunday of Lent 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41 5:00 PM Mass (RIP Richard Issa by SHS Staff ) ~ Church Sunday, March 15th, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a Ephesians 5:8-14 John 9:1-41 8:00 AM Chorale Warm-up ~ Saints Room 9:00 AM Mass (INT For the People) ~ Church 9:00 AM Individual First Communion Photos ~ Parish Hall 9:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 9:15 AM CLOW ~ Parish Hall 10:05 AM Faith Formation Classes ~ SH School 11:00 AM Mass (RIP Michie McReynolds by SHS Staff) ~ Church 11:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 12:00 PM Middle School Youth Group ~ Youth Room 12:45 PM First Communion Group Photo ~ Church Monday, March 16th, 2015 Lenten Weekday Isaiah 65:17-21 John 4:43-54 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Audrey Jones by Mary Barry) ~ Church 10:00 AM Carpe Diem Bridge ~ Parish Hall 7:00 PM RCIA Inquiry ~ Conference Room 1 7:30 PM Rosary & Prayer Hour ~ Church Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 St. Patrick, Bishop Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12 John 5:1-16 9:00 AM Word & Communion Service ~ Church 9:30 AM Scripture Study ~ Conference Room 1 11:30 AM Carpe Diem St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon ~ Narthex Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 Lenten Weekday Isaiah 49:8-15 John 5:17-20 8:00 AM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Kathleen Bray Vassar by Jean M. Bray) ~ Church 9:45 AM Triduum Reflection ~ Church 3:15 PM Middle School Open Youth Room ~ Youth Room 4:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (11:00 AM Choir) ~ Church 6:00 PM Chorale Rehearsal ~ Church 6:30 PM Chorale Childcare ~ Saints Room 7:00 PM High School Youth Group ~ Youth Room 7:00 PM Carpe Diem Bridge ~ Saints Room 7:00 PM Triduum Reflection ~ Church Thursday, March 19th, 2015 St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22 Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Richard Schwasnick by Charles Hollenbeck) ~ Church 9:45 AM St. Joseph Table Feast Day Refreshments ~ Narthex 7:00 PM Bereavement Support Group ~ Meeting Room 1 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting ~ Youth Room Friday, March 20th, 2015 Lenten Weekday Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22 John 7:1-2, 8:45 AM Mass (RIP Jim Aiken by Ken &Dottie McGowan) ~ Church 6:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Room 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross ~ Church Saturday, March 21st, 2015 Lenten Weekday Jeremiah 11:18-20 John 7:40-53 9:00 AM Baptism Preparation Session ~ Conference Room 1 3:00 PM Confessions ~ Reconciliation Chapel Fifth Sunday of Lent Ezekiel 37:12-14 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 5:00 PM Mass w/Third Scrutiny (RIP For the People) ~ Church 6:15 PM Lenten Fish Fry ~ Gym Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Ezekiel 37:12-14 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 8:00 AM Chorale Warm-up ~ Saint’s Room 9:00 AM Mass (RIP Jeff Eichner by Ken & Dottie McGowan) ~ Church 9:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 9:15 AM CLOW ~ Parish Hall 10:05 AM Faith Formation Classes ~ SH School 11:00 AM Mass (INT Alice Buck by Stella Kahrs) ~ Church 11:00 AM Nursery ~ Nursery 12:00 PM Middle School Youth Group ~ Youth Room & Parish Hall 1:00 PM First Communion Interviews ~ Parish Office PLEASE PRAY FOR: THE SICK Henry Streuli, Tiffany Larson, Theresa Rotella, & Ben Youtsey & THE DECEASED Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, Holy Cross Father; Fr. William J. Bichsel S.J.; Cardinal Edward Egan; Nathlie Slagle (sister of Vern Slagle); Sr. Rose Marie Nigro, CSJP; & Charles Diller. From the Pastor & Liturgy FROM THE PASTOR LENTEN FISH FRY—Our parish Stewardship Commission is hosting a Fish Fry next Saturday; it will begin after the 5 PM Mass. More than 90 parishioners have already purchased tickets. Parishioners who have joined our parish in recent months will be special guests at the dinner. Tickets are available for purchase after Masses this weekend or at the door next Saturday night. Please come and enjoy the fish and meeting new parishioners. HEARTS ON FIRE—Our parish planning process is proceeding on schedule. Some have been asking some questions, and I wanted to clarify a couple of things. Last spring when the Pastoral Council talked about making plans for our parish’s future, they felt it would be most beneficial to have a process where as many people in the parish as possible could participate in offering their input. The Pastoral Council also recognized that to do such a parish wide process would be beyond what they had the expertise and time to do, so we decided to hire a consultant to help us. We then asked for applications from different organizations and after gathering information decided to hire John Reid from The Reid Group to facilitate our planning process. After the input has been gathered , the Futuring Committee will make a recommendation to the Pastoral Council about the plan in June. The plan would begin on July 1, 2015. Please mark your calendar for May 15-16 for Parish Gathering III to offer your input. Let us continue to work together to build up the Kingdom of God here at Sacred Heart. TRIDUUM REFLECTION: WHY THE THREE DAYS ARE SO IMPORTANT Fr. Steve will explain the mystery, the prayers, and rituals of the Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday). Come on Wednesday, March 18 at 9:45 – 11:00 AM (childcare provided) or 7:00-8:30 PM in church. Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper—April 2—7 pm followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10 pm. Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion —April 3—7 pm. Easter Vigil—April 4—9 pm. Easter Sunday Masses—April 5—7 am, 9 am, and 11 am. THE LOST HAS BEEN FOUND Please check out the table outside the Liturgical Minister Room (the northwest corner of the narthex) to see if there any items you have left in the church over the past few months. Unclaimed items will be given to the poor. SAINT JOSEPH The feastday of Saint Joseph is on Thursday, March 19. He was “an honorable and just man who took the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as his wife. While engaged to Mary, Joseph found out that she was pregnant, but he knew he was not the father. After an angel appeared to him in a dream, in which he was told that the child was from the Holy Spirit, he courageously moved forward, and still planned to marry his beloved Mary and protect the soon-tobe Messiah. St. joseph, a carpenter by trade, appears at various points in the four Gospel accounts, including Luke’s genealogy, the infancy narratives, and the flight into Egypt. Although he disappears from the Gospel after Jesus’s early years, he continues to be a source of inspiration and veneration for many.” (2015 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays, 125) We will have a St. Joseph table after the 9 am Mass on Thursday. Please bring pastries or other items to share. ABSTINENCE DURING LENT Catholics in the United States are obliged to abstain from meat on all Fridays during the season of Lent. On days of abstinence eating of meat is not allowed. The obligation of abstinence applies to those 14 years and older. The law does not oblige when health or ability to work would be seriously affected. CONFESSIONS DURING LENT During Lent, there are three weekly opportunities for individual confession: Wednesday morning from 8-8:45, Friday evening from 6-7 pm, and Saturday afternoon from 3-4:30. Individual confession takes place in the Reconciliation Chapel in the northwest corner of the narthex. If you cannot come during one of the regularly scheduled times, you can contact Father Steve for an appointment. Area parishes celebrating communal celebrations of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation this coming week are: St. Jude (Redmond) on Monday, March, 16 at 7 PM; St. Brendan (Bothell) Wednesday, March 18 at 7 PM. STATIONS OF THE CROSS We will have Stations of the Cross on Friday at 7 pm during Lent; this week’s Stations will be led by the High School Youth Group. Everyone is welcome to come and participate in this Lenten devotion. LOOKING FOR GUITARIST FOR 11 AM MASS 11 am Mass Youth & Young Adult ensemble needs a guitar player to accompany contemporary anthems and hymns at the 11:00 AM Mass. If you can strum basic guitar chords, you ARE a qualified accompanist! The choir practices on Wednesdays from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM. For more information, please, contact Andrey Spichak, choir director, via e-mail: [email protected] or in person after the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. Faith Formation COMMUNITY OF MOTHERS LENTEN LONGINGS Join the Sacred Heart Community of Mothers at our meeting on Wednesday, March 25 at 9:45 AM – 11:15 AM in the Parish Hall (Entrance off of 14th St.). The Sacred Heart Community of Mothers is an open group of mothers with children of all ages, sharing in prayer and enriching discussions in the areas of parenting, personal growth, relationships and faith formation. Complimentary childcare is available in the nursery while we meet. For more information contact Malia Larson or Holly Tennant at [email protected]. A six week study and discussion of the Sunday Lent Readings will take place on Tuesdays through March 31 from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM in the Parish Office Conference Room 1. No previous study experience needed. Registration and books for $8.50 are available in the Parish Office. Attend one, some or all of the sessions. RCIA SCRUTINIES The Scrutinies are rites that are celebrated in Lent by the Elect. The Elect are the unbaptized. The Scrutinies call the elect to scrutinize their lives, to take a good long, careful look to see where sin is in their lives and where they are called to grow and change. They also celebrate the blessings and goodness in the lives of the elect. It is an opportunity too for the assembly to look at their own faith lives and to support these elect in their journey. The Scrutinies are celebrated using the Cycle A Sunday Readings. Jill Birkeland, our adult catechumen, now known as “Elect” will celebrate these Rites this weekend and the following weekend. We keep all those preparing for Sacraments in our prayers. SACRED HEART BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP March has a lot of “reading” days. If you find time to read THE INVENTION OF WINGS by Sue Monk Kidd, please join us as we discuss it on Tuesday, March 31 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall off of 14th St. Questions: Betsy Komarnitsky, 425-453-9106 or [email protected]. QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION The set of readings from John is chosen because, during this Lenten season, we have people preparing for Baptism and the passages are appropriate for those being initiated into the faith who will be baptized at the Easter Vigil. The readings also help us all reflect on our identity as baptized Christians in the world. What is the blindness in my life that prevent me from seeing clearly the image of God in every person I encounter? Who helps me remove the blindness in my life? How can I “see” with new eyes? PHILADELPHIA PILGRIMAGE Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme that energizes and enlivens the event while adding great depth of meaning to our understanding of families. The theme of the World Meeting of Families – Philadelphia 2015 is “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive,” emphasizing the impact of the love and life of families on our society. The Archdiocese of Seattle is organizing two pilgrimage packages for people from the Archdiocese who want to travel to the World Meeting of Families (WMF), including the Papal Mass on Sept. 27. The theme of this year's WMF is "Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive." You won't want to miss this opportunity to participate in Pope Francis' first visit to the U.S. For a complete list of speakers and other details about the WMF, visit the official WMF website: Trip details for Seattle travelers visit BAPTISM PREPARATION Congratulations as you anticipate a new arrival in your household and are thinking about Baptism. Before scheduling baptisms parents attend a preparation session. You are encouraged to participate before the arrival of your child. Godparents are welcome to attend. The next session is on Saturday, March 21 at 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in Parish Conference Room 1. Entrance through Parish Office main doors on West side of building off the upper parking lot. Registration two weeks prior to the session is necessary. For registration and further information, please contact Val Keller at [email protected]. SUNDAY MISSALS 2015 Sunday missals that contain the Sunday Scripture Readings, the Order and prayers for Mass and songs and traditional catholic prayers are available for purchase at the Parish Office for $4.00. Administration & Stewardship CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) ANNUAL COLLECTION This weekend, March 14-15, the 4th Sunday of Lent, our parish takes up the annual Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Collection. The theme this year is “Help Jesus in Disguise.” This collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives around the world. The funds from the collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and Christ’s love and respect to all people. How will you help Jesus in disguise? Please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection this weekend. Please contribute using the special collection envelope found in this month’s offering envelope packet. Extra envelopes are available in the pews. To assist our transfer of these funds, please make your check payable to Sacred Heart Parish. This collection is one of several special collections taken up each year at Sacred Heart. It is an opportunity to give from the “other half” of your financial stewardship, the percentage set aside for other charities of your choice. During Lent, Catholic Relief Services provides two opportunities for Catholics in the United States to live in true communion with our brothers and sisters worldwide—through CRS’ annual collection and through CRS’ Operation Rice Bowl. Operation Rice Bowl offers simple yet powerful ways for families to bring our Catholic faith to life during the holy season of Lent. The program provides resources for families to foster their faith life in the home. By participating in the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving through Operation Rice Bowl, the faithful are making a positive difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are most in need. CONTRIBUTIONS BEHIND BUDGET As you can see by the Stewardship of Treasure summary below, actual financial contributions are behind budgeted projections after seven months of the current fiscal year. If you are behind in your 2015 commitment, please do what you can to catch up as soon as possible. Thank you to all who make an annual stewardship commitment to Sacred Heart and do their best to fulfill it. Your ongoing and consistent support with time and talent as well as treasure makes all of our parish ministries possible and allows us to be good stewards of our parish and school campus. LOOKING FOR A PARISH TO JOIN? USE OF PARISH AND SCHOOL FACILITIES Welcome! Sacred Heart Parish is excited to welcome new members to our Christian community. Whether you are a Catholic looking for a new parish or someone searching to belong to a Catholic parish for the first time, we hope that you will consider becoming part of our parish. If you would like to join Sacred Heart, please contact Deanna Tighe at the parish office, (425) 454-9536 or [email protected], for more information. We look forward to having you with us and know that the gifts and talents you share will enrich our community. Parishioners and parish groups (including school parents and school groups) are reminded that ALL USE of any Sacred Heart parish or school facility (including parking lots and play fields)—large or small, long-term or short-term, planned or last minute—must be scheduled in advance and before publication through Val Bromfield at the parish office, [email protected], (425) 454-9536. Thank you for your cooperation. Time, Talent and Treasure – Prayer, Service and Money Stewardship of Treasure Summary: Stewardship Projected Giving Goal July-January $920,355 A Way of Living Contributions Received July-January $825,499 Amount Under Budgeted Goal Please remember the Church in your will! $94,856 Pastoral Care & Parish Life Announcing Sacred Heart’s 55+ BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP St. Patrick’s Day MARCH 16th thru APRIL 9th 2015 Luncheon 11: 30 a m T uesday , M arch 17 THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE th Corned Beef & Cabbage ! In the Narthex ~ $10/person Tickets: Sat/Sun 15-16 Questions? Contact Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908 or [email protected] Hosted by Carpe Diem All parishioners 55 + are invited to a Potluck & Thursday Evenings at 7PM in Parish Office lunch movie Thurs., March 26 11:45 AM: Arrive/Narthex 12-noon: Let’s eat! 1PM: Movie Time Food Assignments A – C : dessert for 8-10 D – I : salad/side for 8-10, J – Z : main dish for 8-10 Questions? Contact Mary Dickins, 425-450-3908 Thinking of making major changes in your Life? This day is for you! LIFE TRANSITIONS Nurturing the Spirit, Body and Mind. Keynote Speaker: Sr. Betty Schumacher, OSB Holy Family Church—Kirkland Friday, April 10th ~ 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Cost: $20.00 (Breakfast & Lunch included) Workshops available: 1. Legal Issues associated with Aging 2. Overview of Elder Abuse 3. Dementia Island—Alzheimer’s Association 4. Senior Housing and Care 101 Brochures with more information and registration are available in the kiosk in the narthex. Questions: Mary Dickins 425-450-3908 Grief is a natural response to loss, but when feelings of grief become overwhelming or begin to interfere with your daily life, it can be beneficial to seek help from a support group. At Sacred Heart Church, we are here to provide you with the tools you need to move forward toward a happier, healthier future. To register: Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 or [email protected]. READ MY PINS THE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT COLLECTION Where: Bellevue Art Museum When: Wednesday, April 22nd 2015 Time: Meet on Lower Parking Lot 10.30am Cost: $7.00 In reaction to being described as an “unparalleled serpent” by Saddam Hussein’s press, Madeleine Albright –then U.S. ambassador to the U.N. wore a golden snake brooch to her next meeting with Iraqi officials. This symbolic act of adornment led to a career long relationship between Albright’s political views and her jewelry. Showcasing over 200 pins from her personal collection, the exhibition highlights jewelry’s ability to communicate in a nonverbal yet powerfully articulate way— diplomacy through pins. The works on view are chosen for their symbolic, rather than material value, and the exhibition will explore the stories behind these brooches as well as their historical significance. RSVP: Mary Dickins 425-450-3908 Hosted by Carpe Diem HOSPITAL ADMISSION? If you are admitted to the Hospital and would like to receive Communion or receive the Sacrament of the Sick, it is your responsibility to let us know. The Hospital will only contact us if you ask them to or you can call yourself. Any questions: Mary Dickins at 425-450-3908 What Else is Happening ATTEND THE PARISH FISH FRY ASSOCIATION FOR CATHOLIC CHILDHOOD MAUDE ROGERS CIRCLE Annual Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show Saturday ~ April 18th Overlake Golf & Country Club 11 AM Social Hour 12 Noon Luncheon Tickets $45 All Sacred Heart Parish and School Families are invited to attend! Purchase your tickets after Mass this weekend! Cash or check only for tickets and auction items. All proceeds go to support children in need. Reservations can be made by check, payable to ACC. Call Mary Geraghty at 425-455-4261. When: Saturday, March 21st Where: Sacred Heart Gym Time: 6:15 PM Proceeds will be donated to Congregations for the Homeless so that others can enjoy a hot meal. Children of Mary Retreat Day Tuesday, March 24, 2015 10:00 AM St Bridget’s Parish Fireside Room 4900 NE. 50th St. Seattle, 98105 Complimentary parking on site, level entrance Retreat Master Fr. Patrick Ritter Mass and Presentation of Medals Bring sack lunch (coffee, rolls, and cookies provided) Free will offering Bring toiletries for Christ Our Hope 8_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 8 Need an Electrician? 2.972 xHours: 2.776Mon-Sat 10am to 6pm “A P L AC E T O F E E D T H E S O U L” Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland With Three Locations! BOTHELL ~ KENT ~ TACOMA 425-828-7800 WWW.KRUEGERBECKLAW.COM Guests welcome RSVP: Betty Ferguson (206) 254-1657 Mention this ad, get $10 off! 425-460-4965 ...Give a Catholic Gift! SE HABLA ESPAÑOL 253. 520. 0695 Attention: New Year Special Call Now! Push Talk Help is on the way! 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