ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] Range will be open for daily members on Sundays only. Friday, Saturday, and Monday are for Clark Rifles INC. member, family and guests only. Range opens at 0900 Range hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. RSO may shoot until 6pm or dusk, whichever comes first Non-Members Cost: $20 Guest of member $5 Household Family of Member: no charge President’s Corner March 2015 We had a great meeting last night. After the business meeting, we discussed the incident with one of our neighbors and an alleged round that left our range. It was alleged that a round left range #4. A round has never been found and at the time of the incident there was no one firing on the range #4. We are going to continue to keep the 300 and 200 yard targets closed. We are going to build some baffles and walls on the south side of range #4. When the walls are build we will open the 200yd targets and when we get an eyebrow build on the 300yd line, we will open the 300yd targets. I am proud of our RSO's and the great job they do for us. They are currently logging all the shots that are heard off our range. The last couple of weeks there have been numerous shots fired from the area off our range. Our RSO’s keep on keeping our range safe. Our range was inspected by a gentleman from the Oregon Range Association. He had never been on our range and said it is safer than 80% of the ranges in Oregon. What a compliment. With your help we had a great 2014 and we are looking ahead to an even greater 2015. Our meetings are open to any member. It is the 4th Wednesday of the month at Clark Rifles, Inc, in the Club House, at 6:00pm. We do listen to our members. If you have any comments or suggestion for range improvements don’t hesitate to contact me, or any board member, by phone or email. This is your range and we are trying to make it the best we can for you. I really do appreciate members that have come to me and made suggestions. I will tell you that the first thing the board thinks about is "how many members will this change affect". We are not perfect, but we do work hard to make this the best shooting club in the area. Thanks for being members of Clark Rifles, Inc. I know that I put this comment in all of my newsletters, but we really mean it. If it weren't for our members we would not have a club. I get emails and have people tell me almost every day what a great club we have. So I really mean it when I say "thanks for being members of Clark Rifles, Inc.". I also want to thank our board if it wasn't for them we wouldn't get anything done. They all pitch in and help out with the running of the board. I will say that all the board members are interested in helping out our members and giving them a great and safe range to shoot. Bob Kadow President, Clark Rifles Inc. Remember...Safety First, Last and Always! Secretary’s Scribblin’s Well, it’s been a pretty uneventful month, I was going to write about ‘Teddy Bears’ but then as one of our Forensic Investigators and I were inspecting Range 4 he mentioned the “Teddy Bear” strategy in which an accuser or defender, right or wrong, comes to court with a Teddy Bear clutched in her arms, so the only thing I can say about Teddy Bears are that I notice their eyes are always open. ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] We will be going forward with some construction projects, some new ones and some I mentioned at the Annual Meeting, so expect Range Four to be closed for various periods of time, hopefully no longer than a one week time period and most likely we won’t be able to give a long lead time into the closing down but we will try. We have implemented some new range rules, some of them will be permanent others will be temporary awaiting completion of our projects. We will try and put out a list of the newer rules, but suffice it to say that if you have read the Range Safety Rules for the year, as every one of us is required to do and sign that we have read and understood them, then there isn’t that much new going on. There are procedural policies, operational policies as well as safety policies that everyone using our Range need to abide by. In point of fact if we simply obey the NRA Rules of Gun Safety we would accomplish as near to absolute safety on our Range as possible: 1st point your firearm in a safe direction at all times and know where the bullet is impacting, not just the target but also what is behind the target, 2nd keep your finger off the trigger until you are sighted onto your target, 3rd do not load your firearm until you are ready to use it and a 4th thing I add in the Safe and Accurate Shooting Instruction class that I teach is - - all guns are always loaded, there is no such thing as an unloaded gun so treat all guns as loaded - -Safety is a State of Mind! We want to thank those of you that volunteer as Range Safety Officers, as volunteers our guys and gals do such a great job. I personally couldn’t be prouder of the effort that our RSO’s make, once in a great while I hear from a member that might not totally agree with me, but that is rare. Keep in mind the reason we are able to operate those days of the week that we are open is because of Members volunteering their time as RSO’s, we need approximately 140 volunteer RSO’s in order to be open the amount of days we do. By the way - The RSO’s on duty the day of the alleged incident did a fantastic job, thank you Wiley Stoddard and Dave Richardson! As soon as we have the scheduled construction projects complete we will reopen the 200 and 300 yard target lines on Range 4. The 200 yard line will open sooner than the 300, so please be patient. Well, I haven’t said much about the alleged incident that occurred on January 26th mainly because we are still in process of gathering evidence and building cases against those that claimed to have suffered injury from Clark Rifles. When we have everything in line we will proceed and we will keep you informed. Oh did I mention that there was no one shooting on Range Four the date and time of the alleged incidence? Also, I did figure out why Teddy Bears eyes are always open? They are always looking after little boys and girls so our children can sleep peacefully - - chuck RSO Desk: Jim Sevier 360-904-1456 RSO director [email protected] Clark Rifle has accepted some new RSO’s. They are William Jennings, Gary Darley, Darrel Moore, Scott Pratka, Jeff Hendrickson and Peter Dean. I would like to thank these members for stepping up to help keep Clark Rifle a Safe place to shoot. We could use a few more RSO’s. Please contact me if you are interested. ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] 11. Position Shooting: h. Members are allowed to shoot from STANDING position ONLY without certification only on Range #2. I. Daily members, under the direct supervision of a duty RSO, may shoot from STANDING, only on Range #2. If the duty RSO must leave for other duties, that daily member must suspend position shooting, but may continue shooting from a seated bench position. REMINDERS: Check in with the RSO every time you come to the range for any new or changes to the rules; and to sign the book that you have read and understand the these rules. Every rifle (Every time you come up to shoot) shot on range 2 or 4 must have a certification target shot at 25 Yards and that target will be signed and dated by a RSO and kept on the bench while shooting; when finished shooting for the day return certification targets to the RSO. All members need to make sure they badge in and out even if the gate is open. You still need to swipe your badge. Jim Shoot safe and straight Upcoming Activities – CY 2015 USBR Rimfire and Air gun Matches every Thursday, 9-12, Range #2. (Air gun start at 8) USBR Centerfire Matches every second and fourth Thursday, 9-12, Range #2. Cast Bullet Matches Third Saturday of each month through August, Range #4. Military Cast Bullet Matches First Wednesday of each month thru August, Range #4 Club Meetings: Every 4th Wednesday, 6PM, Clubhouse, except January. Work Parties: Every third Tuesday and Wednesday Open to the public on Sunday only. (Ranges #2 and #4) Listed are the remaining matches / activities for CY 2015 EASTER, Sun, 4/5/15 RANGE CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY, Mon, 5/25/15, RANGE CLOSED Sharpshooter Match Sat, 7/11/15, 9-1,Range #4 AXIS-ALLIES MATCH Sat, 11/14/15, 9-1, Rng.#4 Sharpshooter Match Sat, 4/11/15, 9-1,Range #4 Garand Match Sat 6/13/15, 9-1, Range #4 Garand Match Sat 8/15/15, 9-1, Range #4 THANKSGIVING, Thu, 11/26/15 RANGE CLOSED P.I.G. Match Sat, 5/9/15, 9-1, Range #4 Annual Picnic & Swap Meet Sat 6/27/15, 9-1,All Ranges LABOR DAY, Mon, 9/7/15, RANGE CLOSED Annual Turkey Shoot Sat, 12/5/15, 9-5, All Ranges CHRISTMAS, Thu,12/25/15 RANGE CLOSED Garand Matches There will be two Garand matches at Clark Rifles this year. One on 6/1 and the other on 8/8. Loneoak, in Longview, will have three Garand matches: 5/30, 6/27 and 11/8. For information contact: Ed Perry [email protected] Tel 360 574 0929. ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] P.I.G. MATCH POLITICAL INCORRECT GUNS This should be a fun match to determine the fastest and most accurate shooter with a rifle in the area. Any rifle can be used in the match but as you can see from the course of fire, speed is important. Since this match is on range 2 anyone can shoot in the match without being pre qualified. WHEN: MAY 9th 2015 WHERE: CLARK RIFLES 25115 NE RAWSON RD BRUSH PRAIRIE WA ON RANGE 2 CONTACT MATCH INFORMATION: Ed Perry [email protected] Tel 360 574 0929 TIME: MATCH WILL START AT 9AM; REGISTRATION BEGINS AT 8:30 COST: $10 PRIZES: Cash prizes for top three shooters CATAGORIES: Iron and scoped in center fire and rim fire. RELAYS: There will be 4 shooters per relay that will progress down the range to shoot at the various distances. The rifles will have a chamber flag in the chamber and the magazines removed while in transit to insure safety. TARGETS: Small silhouette B-24 COURSE OF FIRE: Unlimited sighters @ 100 yards in 10 minutes any position Mark and paste sighters 10 shots standing @ 100 yards 120 seconds left target 10 shots standing @ 75 yards 80 seconds right target Score and paste targets 10 shots standing @ 50 yards 40 seconds left target 20 shots standing @25 yards 20 seconds right target Score and paste targets NRA Official Action Pistol Targets B-24 12 x 20 inches 12 20 inches ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] President – Bob Kadow 360-606-5195 [email protected] Vice President – Dave Christie (360) 921-2733 [email protected] Secretary – Chuck Fox 360-892-9983 [email protected] Treasurer – Pete Sellen 360-892-0372 [email protected] Facilities Director – Keith Christensen 360-247-5234 [email protected] Newsletter DirectorLaurits Dixon 360-696-2547 [email protected] Activities Director –. Shaun Curtin 360-687-8589 [email protected] Member @ Large – Bob Cruden 360-693-1897 [email protected] Range Officer Director – Jim Sevier 360-904-1456 [email protected] Recording Secretary Lew Snodgrass 360-687-2748 [email protected] Are you interested in a Free NRA Reloading Class at Clark Rifles? Contact: Shaun Curtain [email protected] Date to be scheduled (most likely, on a Monday daytime (9-3pm), based on interest. Shaun Curtain Firearm Training NW (360) 921-2071 Match results Weekly Match Report for USBR 2/5/2015 Bolded Scores Mean That They Are Class Winners For The Week High Score Paul Prather 240/5X High 3-Gun Aggregate Chuck Duncan 698/9X Tightest Group Rich Bumgardner 0.107 .22 RIFLE CLASSES USBR WORLD RECORDS CLUB RECORDS SHOOTERS NAME Paul Prather Chuck Duncan Walt Miller Bill Elliott Dan Johnson Rich Bumgardner Jayson Cottle Ed Sudol AIR RIFLES USBR WORLD RECORDS CLUB RECORDS SHOOTERS NAME 242/3X 240/7X 248/8X 244/4X 247/6X 246/1X SPORTER 224/2X 236/3X 206/2X 197/0X 215/2X 221/2X 217/0X CUSTOM 229/2X 228/4X 219/0X 192/0X 215/0X 228/1X 222/2X 240/4X UNLIMITED 240/5X 234/2X 216/0X 206/0X 220/5X 240/3X 229/3X 239/4X 250/9X 250/11X 248/3X UNLIMITED PCP MATCH 725/14X 718/12X 3-GUN AGG. 693/9X 698/9X 641/2X 595/0X 650/7X 689/6X 668/5X 244/8X 244/8X 239/3X 216/2X C0-2 243/1X 243/1X SPRING PLINKER GROUP 0.117 0.457 0.107 Group ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] Chuck Duncan Bob Wilgus Walt Miller Paul Prather Dan Johnson 186/0X 228/2X 193/1X 209/1X 217/0X Weekly Match Report for USBR Centerfire 2/12/2015 RIFLE USBR WORLD RECORDS 238/8X CLUB RECORDS SHOOTERS NAME Caleb Duncan Ed Sudol Chuck Duncan 83/0X SPORTER/HUNTER 235/3X 248/9X 226/1X FACTORY 246/5X VARMIT 249/16X 244/7X UNLIMITED 215/5X Group 207/2X 180/0X Weekly Match Report for USBR 2/26/2015 Bolded Scores Mean That They Are Class Winners For The Week High Score Paul Prather 246/5X High 3-Gun Aggregate Rich Bumgardner 702/1X Tightest Group Paul Prather 0.054 SHOOTERS NAME Paul Prather Chuck Duncan Walt Miller Bill Elliott Bob Wilgus Rich Bumgardner Ed Sudol Dan Johnson Caleb Duncan Tom Agosti AIR RIFLES USBR WORLD RECORDS CLUB RECORDS SHOOTERS NAME Chuck Duncan Bob Wilgus Walt Miller Paul Prather Dan Johnson SPORTER 213/1X 198/1X 229/5X 202/0X 223/3X 230/1X CUSTOM 246/5X 228/3X 230/3X 220/3X 222/1X 232/5X 235/3X 216/2X 223/3X 227/3X UNLIMITED 223/2X 244/5X 237/1X 227/5X 238/4X 239/5X 236/4X 217/0X 217/4X 236/4X 250/9X 250/11X 248/3X UNLIMITED PCP MATCH 208/3X 207/0X 3-GUN AGG. 682/8X 670/9X 696/9X 649/8X 683/8X 701/11X PLINKER 0.234 0.125 0.250 641/5X 647/7X 685/10X 239/3X 216/2X C0-2 243/1X 243/1X SPRING 219/1X 236/5X 229/1X 207/0X 206/2X GROUP 0.054 0.157 Group ON TARGET Clark Rifles P.O. Box 1682 Brush Prairie, WA 98606 March 2015 www.clarkrifles.org Range phone 360-944-1118 [email protected] Clark Rifle Inc. Trading Post No items for the “Trading Post” this month. All you have to do to post something for sale, trade, or want is to email [email protected] and your post will run for two months FREE.
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