MANSOON / MAQBOOL DUAEIN- SUNNAH SUPPLICATIONS UNDER THE SPIRITUAL SIGHT OF MUJADDID- E- AZAM OF 14TH CENTURY A.H. AALA HAZRAT AL SHAH IMAM AHMED RAZA KHAN FAZIL-E-SARELVI RAHMATULLAH TAALA ALALH “Allah Humma Salle Ala Sayyendna MUHAMMAD Wa Aalehi; wa Ashabehi; wa Sallam.” (NOBLE PROPHET MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHO- ALAIH-WASSALLAM has said, “Supplication is the core of worship.”) The mission is to spread the teachings of Aala Hazrat to entire Muslim world and Ummah. His teaching is true teachings of PROPHET MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHO ALAIH WASSALLAM (Peace Be Upon Him) Ahl- us- Sunnah Wal Jamaa. ISTIKHARA-QADRIYA (DEVINE GUIDENCE QADRIYA) METHOD: Pray 2 rakats of nawafil namaz, in each rakat after surah Fateha- recite 303 times Surah Ikhlas. After praying face South and keep reciting until one goes to sleep. Inshallah, one will receive the answer in dreams. Keep reciting until goes to sleep: AL NOORO, ALZAHIRO, AL BASITO. ISTIKHARA GHOUS- E- AZAM (DEVINE GUIDENCE) METHOD: On THURSDAY, Take fresh bath, wear clean “Paak” clothes and use some attar (NON- ALCHOHOL Perfume) on your clothes, keeping fast in the day will be the best. At first recite 15 times Durood- Shareef and pledge the sawaab on the Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jeelani Rehmatullahi Alaihe and then recite: AKHBIRNI BEHALI……………….. ISTEKHARA (DEVINE GUIDENCE) METHOD: Take fresh bath, use clean “paak” cloths use some good aroma. At first recite Durood Shareef 11 times and then recite this Dua 1100 times and then go to sleep. YA BADEEHAL HAJAYIBE YA KASHIF- AL- GHARAIBE. ISTEKHARA (DEVINE GUIDENCE) This Istekhara is for things which are going to happen in a few days time to that person which are told in a dream recite 7 times. In the morning and evening after reciting for a few days one will start to see things which are going to happen in dreams Inshallah. METHOD: If someone wants to recite for a special reason for himself or someone else to find out something then one must recite for 1021 times and go to sleep where one has recited the Dua. If done on an empty stomach is more beneficial. Have the intention in heart for whatever reason you are reciting it for in all Istekhara. ALLAHUMMA KHIRLI WAKHTIRLEE WALA TOKILNE ILA IKHTIYARI- ISTEKHARA: DEVINE GUIDENCE: Recite this Isma-e-hasna at least 10001 times or unlimited in numbers. Keep your clean (paak) apply some attar on your clothes. Offer Namaz timely along with jamaat. Keep your intention in your heart. Keep reciting until one goes to sleep. YA ALEEMO YA KHABEERO- Our Noble Prophet Sallallaho Alaih Wassallam has said “Supplication is the core of worship.” WHEN ENTERING IN THE MOSQUE: BISMILLAH WAS- SALATU WAS- SALAMU ALAA RASOOLILLAHRABBIGH FIRLEE ZUNOOBEE WAFATH LEE ABWABA RAHMATEKA- With the name of ALLAH S.W.T. blessings and peace by upon the messenger of ALLAH; “O ALLAH! Open for me the gates of your mercy.” WHEN STEPPING OUT OF THE MOSQUE: BISMILLAH WAS- SALATU WAS- SALLAM ALAA RASOOL ALLAH“ALLAHUMMA INNEE AS- ALUKA MIN FADLEKA,” With ALLAH’S name, blessings and peace be upon the messenger of ALLAH “O ALLAH! I seek from your grace.” BEFORE ENTERING THE TOILET: ALAHUMMA INNEE AOOZO BIKA MINAL KHUBUSI WAL KHABA-ES. O, ALLAH! “I seek refuge with you from all male and female jinns.” AFTER COMING OUT OF THE TOILET: GHUFRANKA- ALHAMDO LILLAHILLAZEE AZHABA ANNIL AZAA WA AAFAANEE : “All praise is due to ALLAH alone, who has removed the distress from me and given me comfort.” WHEN SITTING ON A VEHICLE- DUA- E- SAFAR. ALHAMDU LILLAH- SUBHAN- ALLAZEE SAKH- KHARA LANA HAZAA WA MA KUNNA LAHO MUQRINEENAWA INNA ILA RABBINA LAMUN QALIBOON; “All praise is for ALLAH, pure is he who has put this in our control where as we could not have subjugated it, and indeed we are to return to our Lord.” AT THE TIME OF ANGER: AAOOZOBILLAHE MINASH SHAITANIR RAJEEM: “O ALLAH!” keep me away from satan, I seek refuge with you.” AMALIYANT FOR BETTERMENT IN LIFE: QAZAYE HAAJAT (TO FULFILL ONES WISH) This holy Dua is of Hazarat yousef Alaih Salaam. Recite 1200 times after FAJR or Isha prayer and one will Inshallah see the results. YA BAREE �ANOFU’SE BALA MESALIN KHALA MIN GHAYREHI YA BARIYO. BARAYE QAZA- E- HAAJAT (TO FUL FILL ONES WISH) Recite Durood Shareef before and after 11 times and then recite 1001 times this Dua. Repeat it for at least seven days to eleven days. Inshallah, you wish must be fulfilled. Better time is after Isha prayer. For love and affection too. ALLAH HUSS SAMADO BARAYE QAZA-E-HAAJAT (TO FULFIL ONES WISH) Recite this “MUQATTA-AAT” 2050 times in a single sitting. Repeat it for 40 days. Inshallah, your wish must be fulfilled. KAAF HA YA AIN SWAD – HA MEEM AIN SEEN QAAF QARZ SE NEZAT (TO RELIEVE DEBT) This holy Dua is of Hazrat Ebrahim Khaleel Ullah A.S. To relieve debt one must recite this Dua as much as possible. Inshallah will receive devine assistance. “YA MANNANO ZAL IHSANE QAD AMA KULLA KHALAIQUE MINA HU YA MANNANO.” BARYABI QARZ (TO RELIEVE DEBT) Offer 5 times Namaaz Bajamaat. After Isha prayer, when going to sleep, do fresh ablution (wuzoo) use some attar aroma, paak bedsheet and paak pillow cover. Lie down on the bed facing sky side. Recite, AAYAT-AL-KURSI 170 times, before and after 11 times durood is must. Do it for 40 days Inshallah AZZ-O-AJAL your debt will be clear. BARYABI QARZ (TO RELIEVE DEBT) Offer Isha prayer and sit idle on the same place. Recite Surah “AL-NASR” “EZA jaa aa Nasrullahe ……….” till end. Recite before and after Durood Shareef 11 times. Do this for 40 days. Inshallah your debt must be relieved. MULAQUAT-E-AWLIYA (TO MEET ALLAH’S FRIENDS “SAINTS”) If anyone recites this Dua frequently, one will soon meet ALLAH’S friends (Saints). INNAKA JAME’ONASE LE YAWM’ILA RAYBA FEE HE INNAL LAHA LA YUGHLIFUL MEEAAD. NEJAT AZAAB-E-QABR (PROTECTION FROM THE PUNISHMENT OF GRAVE) Shahenshah-e-Hind Hazrat Sheikh Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Sanjari Rehmat-Ullah-eTalla Alaih has said, recite these five soorah daily. Inshallah you will be protected from the punishment of the grave and later hell fire: SURAH-AL-RAHMAN, SURAH WALLAIL, ALAM NASHRAH, SURAH WAQIYA. SURAH WALSHAMS, SURAH BARAYE AULAD – DUA FOR CHILDREN (INFERTILE COUPLES) Recite after every Salat 3 times: By the sake of this Dua Inshallah one will have babies soon. “RABELA TAZAR NI FARDAWA ANTA KHAIRUL WARISEENA” OR Recite; after every Salah 11 times: “RAB E HABLI MILLA DUNKA ZUREYATAN TWAYE BATAN INNA KA SAMEEUD DUAA” KAMYABI IMTEHAN TO PASS ALL TYPES OF EXAMS & COMPETITIONS: Recite ISM-AL-HASNA (The Blessed Name of Almighty ALLAH) “YA HASEEBO” Recite this Ism 11000 times in one sitting along with before and after Durood Shareef Inshallah success in Exams and Competitions is yours by the will of ALLAH S.W.T. KHALAL NAMAZ (TO STOP “SHAITAN” WHISPERING DURING NAMAAZ) Read the meaning of Arabic Text and learn it. During Namaz remember the meaning of it. Insha ALLAH “SATAN” will go away. TO STOP SATAN’S (SHAITAN) WHISPERING: Recite this Dua 3 times Insha Allah Shaitan mardood will go away. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHEEM: HUWAL AWWALO WA AAKHIRO WA ZAHIRO WA BATINO WA HUWA BE KULLE SHAIEN ALEEM. MANPASAND SHADI (MARRIAGE WITH ONES OWN CHOICE) After Isha Namaz recite this Wazeefa 500 times along with Durood Shareef before and after 11 times. Do it for 21 days with the wish in ones heart Inshallah enable one to get married at his/her choice. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHEEM: AGHISNI AGHISNI AGHISNI YA MUGHEESO. RIJAL-AL-GHAYB (TO CALL UPON THE RIJAL-AL-GHAYB “THE UNSEEN AUTHORITY” FOR HELP) The Rijal-Al-Ghayb every night fly about helping people. Do fresh ablution (wuzoo) at midnight 2:00 a.m. and recite this URDU Ashaar 111 times every night at fix time. Inshallah by the will of ALLAH-O-AJAL the Rijal-Al-Ghayb will help. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHEEM: IRD KIRD AULIA JO, PAHRE JARI PAHAR MUSHKIL MERI KARO ASAN, YA JANAB DASTGEER. BARAYE QAZA-E-HAJAAT (FULFIL YOUR WISH) Recite this URDU couplet after Isha Namaaz 303 times for fourteen days. Tour wish will come true Insha Allah. YA ALLAH YA RASOOL, MAIN AKELA MANZIL MERI DOOAR, SADQUA HASSAN HUSSAIN DA, MADA MERI KARO ZAROOR. TEZI ZEHAN (FOR BETTER MEMORY) Recite it 786 times and blow on pure water and on the student. Use this water for better memory. BISMILLAH IRRAHMAN IRRAHEEM TEZI ZEHAN (FOR BETTER MEMORY) Recite this Dua 21 times after any namaz. Repeat it for 21 days.Blow on water and student too. “YA HAIO YA QAYYOM YA RAB MOOSA HAROON-O-EYSA.” TEZI ZEHAN (FOR BETTER MEMORY) After every Farz Namaz put your right hand on your head and recite 11 times ISM-AL-HASNA (THE BLESSED NAME OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY) “YA QAVIYYU” DUA-E-ILM (SUPPLICATION FOR BETTER KNOWLEDGE AND TALENT) This Dua is from HAZRAT HAROON A.S. & HAZRAT KHIZR A.S. One must recite this dua 99 times daily for 40 days. With the grace of ALLAH-AZ-O-AJAL. Inshallah, knowledge and wisdom will continue to flow. “YA MUBDEAL BADA’AE LAM YABGHA FE INSHAHEHA OWNAN MIN KHALQEHI YA MUBDEOO” LAQNAT ZUBAN – TEZI ZEHAN (FOR VOCAL PROBLEMS & BETTER MEMORY) Recite this Dua before you start reading your course books or other reading material. Inshallah by the will ALLAH S.W.T. speech problems will solve and memory must be sharpened. “RABBISHRAH LI SADRI WA YASSIRLI AMRI WAHLUL UQDATAM MIL LISANI YAFQAHOO QAWLI” BARAYE NAZAR BAD (EVIL SIGHT -FOR KIDS & ADULTS) Recite three Ayyat of SURAH-AL-BAQRAH AYYAT NO. 283 TO UPTO LAST- Its most prominent Dua for Nazarbad. SHIFA-E-AMRAZ (FOR CHRONIC DISEASES) Recite Surah AL-FATEHA 41 times and Aayaat-e-Shifa (can get it in any PANJ SURAH) along with Durood Shareef. Blow on the patient and on some pure water. Use this water as AAB-E-SHIFA. SHIFA-E-AMRAZ (FOR DISEASES) Do fresh wazoo (ablution) and put some attar on your clothes. Recite this ISM-AL-HASNA (THE BLESSED NAME OF ALLAH ALMIGHTY) 111 times and blow on the patient. By the will of ALLAH S.W.T. Inshallah patient will get relief. “YA SALAMO” KHATAM JADOO-SAHAR-KHALAL (DESTROY THE EFFECTS OF BLACK MAGIC OR EVIL WORKS) Recite BISMILLAH IRRAHMAN IRRAHEEM only once (DON’T FORGET ONLY ONE TIME – Recite Surah without “BISMILLAH”). BISMI BISMILLAH IRRAHMAN IRRAHEEM (1 TIME ONLY) SURAH FATEHA (7 TIMES ONLY) AAYAT- AL-KURSI (7 TIMES ONLY) SURAH KAFIROON (7 TIMES ONLY) SURAH IKHLAS (7 TIMES ONLY) SURAH FALAQ (7 TIMES ONLY) SURAH NAAS (7 TIMES ONLY) Blow on patient and on some pure water. By the will of Almighty ALLAH S.W.T. the effect of evil work will destroy completely. QADRI WAZEEFA TO SEE “PROPHET MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHO ALAIH WASSALLAM” IN DREAMS: METHOD: After Friday namaz, pray 4 rakats nafil. In every rakat after Surah Fateha recite Aayat-AL-KURSI 11 times and Surah IKHLAS 11 times. After completing 4 Nawafil recite Dorood-Shareef 100 times. Inshallah within 3 to 7 Fridays you must see our Noble beloved prophet in the dream. NOTE: Please take permission from a Qadri Sheikh to recite this wazeefa. “SALLALLAHO ALAN NABIAAL UMMIEY WA AALEHI SALLALLAHO ALAIH WASSALLAM SALATANV WA SALAMAN ALAIKA YA RASOOL ALLAH.” SHIFA-E-AMRAZ DIL (FOR ALL TYPES OF HEART AILMENTS) Recite before and after 11 times Durood Shareef and recite this Dua 11 times blow on the patient and on some drinking pure water. Inshallah, it’s the best Dua for heart patients and other chronic patients. BISMILLAH IRRAHMAN IRRAHEEM: YA ALLAHO YA RAHMANO YA RAHEEMO DIL MARAKUN MUSTAQUEEM BEHAQQI EYYAKA NAABUDO WA EYYAKA NASTAEEN. FOR BETTERMENT IN LIFE & HERE AFTER: Recite these Tasbeeh 100 times after every namaaz. AFTER FAJR PRAYER (YA AZIZO, YA ALLAH) AFTER ZOHAR PRAYER (YA KAREEMO, YA ALLAH) AFTER ASAR PRAYER (YA JABBARO, YA ALLAH) AFTER MAGHRIB PRAYER (YA SATTARO, YA ALLAH) AFTER ISHA PRAYER (YA GHAFFARO, YA ALLAH) DUA-E-HIFAZAT (SUPPLICATION FOR PROTECTION) One who recites this dua frequently will be protected by ALLAH AZZ-O-AJAL, Inshallah. We got this dua from Hazrat Sheikh Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri Sanjari Rehmat-Ullah-e-Talla Alaih. HASBEE ALLAHO WA NEMAL WAKEEL O NEMAL MAWLA WA NEMAN NASEER BARAYE NAFARMAN AULAD (CHILDREN WHO DON’T LISTEN TO PARENTS) Recite this dua after Maghrib prayer 41 times and blow on kids and on some pure water. Give them water to drink. “YA HANNANO ANTALA’ZI WASEHTA KULLA SHAIYIN RAHMATAN WA ILMAN YA HANNANO” BARAYE NAZARBAD (FOR KIDS-EVIL SIGHT) Recite this dua 3 to 7 times Inshallah kids will be happy and cool. “HASBI ALLAHO LA ILAHA ILLA HOO ALAIHE TAWAKKALTO WA HUWA RABBUL ARSHIL AZEEM.” PARESHANI SE NEJAT KI DUA (DUA TO GET RID FROM ALL DIFFICULTIES OF LIFE) METHOD: Recite this dua after every namaz 100 times Inshallah, Success will wait for you. “YA HAIYYO, YA QAYYOOMO, BIRAHMATEKA ASTAGHEESU, LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTUM-MINAZ ZALIMEEN.” BARAYE NEEND LAANE (FOR INSOMNIA PATIENT “SLEEP DISORDERS”) If someone is suffering from sleeping disorders (insomnia), before going to bed do fresh wuzoo (ablution) on your bed recite this Quranic dua. It will work fast Inshallah comparable with sleeping pills. “INNAL LAHA WA MALAIKATAHOO YOSALLOONA ALANNABI YA AIYYOHAL LAZEENA AAMANOO SALLO ALAIHE WA SALLEMOO TASLEEMA.” BARAYE FATEH MUQUADDAMA (DUA FOR VICTORY IN COURT CASES) This dua is from Hazrat SHOEIB ALAIHE MUSSALAAM. Recite this dua 100 times daily after any namaz. It’s better after Fajr or Isha namaz. Inshallah judgement will be in you favour. BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHEEM: “RABBANA AFTAH BAINANA WA BAIN QAWMENA BIL HAQQ WA ANTA KHAIRUL FATEHEEN.” DUA-E-BEEMARAN (WHEN SOMEONE IS CRITICALLY ILL) When someone is so critically ill that there is no hope for his recovery, under no circumstances should he (or she) pray for his (or her) death. But if one must, then one should recite the following supplication. (DUA) “LA BA’SA TAHOORUN INSHA ALLAH, LA BA’SA TAHOORUN INSHA ALLAH” Translation: No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins. No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins. DUA-E-BEEMAR (WHEN VISITING THE SICK) ALLAHUMMA AHYINI MA KAANATIL HAYYATU KHAIRALLEE WA TAWAFFANI IZA KANATIL FAATO KHAIRALLEE Translation: “O ALLAH keeps me alive so long as it in my best interest and gives me death when it is in my best interest.” DUA FOR ZAM-ZAM (HOLY WATER) ALLA HUMMA INNEE AS ALOOKA � ILMAN NAA-FEE-OW WA RIZQ-OW WASEE-OW SHEE-FA AMMIN KOOLLEE DAA-EEN. Translation: O ALLAH, I ask you to grant me beneficial knowledge, abundant sustenance and cure from all diseases. AFTER SNEEZING: ALHAMDULILLAH / ALHAMDULILLAH �ALA KULLEE HA-LEN Translation: Thanks and all praise to be ALLAH (or) Thanks and all praises to be ALLAH S.W.T. under all conditions. REPLY TO SOMEONE WHO SNEEZES: YARHOMO KALLAH Translation: May ALLAH S.W.T. have mercy on you. WHEN A NON-MUSLIM SNEEZES: YAHDEE KUMULLAHU WA YASLIH BA LAKDOM Translation: May ALLAH S.W.T. give you guidance and make your children pious. GREETING ANOTHER MUSLIM: AS SALAMO ALAIKUM WA RAHMATULLAHI WA BARAKATUH Translation: May the peace of ALLAH AZZ-O-AJAL descend upon you and His mercy & blessings. WHEN SOMEONE CONVEYS SALAM TO YOU ON ANOTHER’S BEHALF: ALAYKA WA ALAY-HIS SALAMU WA RAHMATULLAHI WA BARAKATUH. Translation: Upon you and upon him be the peace of ALLAH S.W.T., His mercy & blessings. BEFORE A MEAL: BISMILLAH WA ALA BARAKA-TILLAH Translation: With ALLAH’s name and upon his blessings granted by ALLAH (do we eat) AFTER HAVING A MEAL: ALHAMDO LILLAHILLAZEE AT AMANA WA SAQUANA WAJA’ ALANA MINAL MUSLIMEEN Translation: All praise is due to ALLAH S.W.T. who gave us food and drink and who made us Muslim. BEFORE ABLUTION (WUZOO): ALLAHUMMA-GH FIRLEE ZAN-BEE WA WASS SI’LEE FI DARI WA BARIKLEE FI RIZQ. Translation: O ALLAH, forgives my sins, make my home accommodating and grant me abundance in my livelihood. AFTER ABLUTION (WUZOO): ALLAHUMMA JAL-NI MINAT-TOWWA BEENA WAJ ALNI MINAL MUTAHIREEN. Translation: I testify that there is no deity except ALLAH; He is one and has no partner. And I testify that MUHAMMAD SALLALLAHO ALAIH WASSALLAM is His Prophet and Apostle. ………………………………………………………………………………… “Oh ye company of Jinn and Men, if you have the power to penetrate (all) the region of heavens and the earth then penetrate (them) you will never penetrate them except with (our) permission.” Q: 55: 33 SURAH AR RAHMAN There is something within ourselves that is beyond limitations our spirits may attain to the infinite. WAZEEFA FOR GETTING MARRIED (SUPPLICATIONS FOR BETTER MARRIAGE) If there is problem in getting married for a boy or girl. Recite SURAH: IKHLAS 41 times and 11 times Durood Shareef in the beginning and the end. Inshallah problem will soon have a better solution. OR BISMILLAH: If it is a young man that is looking to get married my naseeha is he should read “SURAH: YASEEN at Fajr namaz. Inshallah best proposal will come. On the other hand 70 needs are fulfilled a day when SURAH: YASEEN is read at Fajr and worldly needs are met also.” UPON AWAKENING: “ALHAMDO LILLAH – HILLAZEE AH – YANA BA’DA MA AMATANAWA ELAYHI NUSHOOR” Translation: Many thanks to ALLAH who gave us life after having given us death and (our) final return (On the day of Qiyyamah “Judgement”) is to him. DUA-E-TAOBA (REPENTANCE SUPPLICATION) Whenever a person commits any sin, he/she should immediately offer repentance to ALLAH, reciting the following dua: “ALLAH HUMMA INNEE ATOOBU ILAYKA MINHA LA-AR-JI-U ILAYHA ABADA.” Translation: O ALLAH, I repeat before you for all my sins and I promise never to return to the same. (Again) If ALLAH AZZ-O-AJAL helps you, none can over come you, If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you, in ALLAH, then, let believers put their trust (SURAH: AL: IMRAN) I want to die with my forehead on ground, The Sunnah in my heart, ALLAH S.W.T.’s mercy in my mind, Quran on my tongue, Tears in my eyes, AMEEN YA RABBAL AALAMEEN. BENEFITS OF SURAH YASEEN: 1. “Whosoever recites SURAH: YASEEN in the early part of the day his needs to be fulfilled.” (MISHKAT PAGE 189) 2. The Noble Prophet (Sallallahu Alaih Wassallam) said, “Whoever recites SURAH: YASEEN once ALLAh will record the reward of reciting the Quran ten times.” (TIRMIZI 2812/A, DHAHABI) 3. The Noble Prophet (Sallallahu Alaih Wassallam) said, “Surely everything has a heart, and the heart of the QURAN is SURAH: YASEEN. I would love that it be in the heart of every person of my people.” (TAFSEER VOL: 2) 4. It has been reported that Aisha (Radi Allahu-Anha) that the Noble Prophet said, “that there is a SURAH in the Quran that intercedes for its reciter and forgive its listener. Know! It is SURAH: YASEEN. It is called “MU’AMMA” in the “TORAH”.” It was enquired, then Noble Prophet said, “It embraces the person with the goodness of this world and removes the dismay of the hereafter.” (HASHIYA OF TAFSEER JALALAYN PAGE 368) 5. Imam Ghazali R.A. explained that this is because soundness of faith reads on acknowledging Resurrection and Judgement, and SURAH: YASEEN DETAILS this in the most emphatic of ways. 6. The NOBLE Prophet said, “Whoever recited SURAH: YASEEN in the night seeking ALLAH’s pleasure. ALLAH S.W.T. would forgive him.” (DARMI 3283/A) (ABU YALA-TABRANI-BALHAQUI) 7. The Noble Prophet said, “SURAH: YASEEN is the heart of Quran. Recite it for your deceased ones.” (ABU DAWOOD, NASAI AND HAKIM) QURANIC VERSES (SUPPLICATIONS) 1. It has been said that one who recites SURAH: FEEL 21 times after the “Zohar Prayer” he will receive wealth from the unknown. 2. If a woman keeps on having miscarriages, SURAH: IKHLAS must be recited 11 times then blown on a glass of pure water and she should be made to drink it daily. 3. One who reads SURAH: YASEEN before going to sleep will not ejaculate during his sleep. 4. To have a strong memory the following should be recited as much as possible on the specified days mentioned: SATURDAY – (SURAH: TAHA) SUNDAY – (SURAH: TAHA 116) MONDAY – (SURAH: A’ALA: 7) TUESDAY – (SURAH: A’ALA: 6) WEDNESDAY (SURAH: QIYAMAH: 16) THURSDAY – (SURAH: QIYAMAH: 17) FRIDAY (SURAH: QIYAMAH: 18). 5. When wanting a particular necessity to be fulfilled, offer TWO RAKAH SALAH should be offered and in each rakaa’h SURAH: FATIHA should be read 7 times. 8. When having to meet a high ranked person dignitary who is incharge, for instance a Judge etc. SURAH: FATIHA should be read 19 times and then blow on one’s self. Inshallah his strictness towards you shall disappear.
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