FIRST U NITED METH OD I ST CHU RCH , WEST ALLIS, WISC ONSIN The Messenger Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dr. Earl F. Lindsay Our Staff Oksana Carlson Executive Treasurer [email protected] Laurie Halvorsen Palm Sunday is March 29 Worship 8 and 11am with Easter Egg Search from Noon – 2PM! Holy Thursday is April 2 P R Worship 10:30am & 7pm Labyrinth open to walk 9am to 9pm L 2 0 1 5 and Minister of Visitation [email protected] Jonathan Kinney Nursery Director A I Director of Senior Ministries Good Friday is April 3 Noon to 3pm at VMP-Manor Park’s Palmer Chapel 3023 South 84th Street Pastor Susan leading 2:30 – 2:55pm [email protected] Louis LaFrance Custodian [email protected] Rev. Susan B. Lockman Pastor [email protected] Alyssa & Raymond Roberts Music & Creative Worship [email protected] Easter Sunday is April 5 6:30am Sunrise Service on the Labyrinth, 7am Breakfast, Worship 8am & 11am (Note: NO Sunday School Classes today or April 12) Designate your special EASTER OFFERING in support of First Church’s vital ministries or for the Greater Milwaukee Free Clinic, providing health care for the working poor among us. Bonnie Bartelt and Lance Lambert Music Assistants Carole Schumm Office Manager [email protected] Pat Shapiro, R.N. Parish Nurse [email protected] Michele Tegen Director of Family Ministries [email protected] P AGE 2 Music Notes! Labyrinth will be open on Holy Thursday, April 2nd from 9am to 9pm. Come and walk as you reflect on the meaning of the Lenten season, and how Christ is involved in your living. New Members Welcome “As members of First United Methodist Church of West Allis, will you faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, your presence, your gifts, your service, and your witness?” Persons interested in church membership should contact Pastor Susan Lockman to schedule a visit with her: Church: 414-774-5500 / Home: 414-329-4044. Save the date—Final Fling!: Final Fling (adult choir party) will be held on Friday, May 15th. All people involved in Chancel Choir, Asbury Bell Choir, Celebration Ringers, Learn to Ring Bell Choir, and all instrumentalists are invited to celebrate our musical season together. More details to come. Madrigal Dinner Update: As a result of the Madrigal Dinners held this past December, the Music Ministry here at First Church raised $3,233 to be given towards the 2015 Thanksgiving Baskets. Thank you, again, to all who participated! Not only was it lots of fun, it helps a great cause! ALL-CHURCH CLEAN-UP DAY 9AM Saturday, May 16 INGATHERING 2015 Outside: United Methodists from across Wisconsin are collecting items for our regional outreach! Items will be brought to the Annual Conference in Madison June 12 – 14 and delivered to the United Methodist Midwest Missions Distribution Center in Chatham, Illinois. raking, weeding, planting Inside: polishing, scrubbing, clearing-out A complete listing of specific items is available at First Church in the narthex, and online at, and includes: Health Kits, School Bags, Bedding Kits, Cleaning Buckets, Layette Kits, Sewing Kits. We are also collecting specific kits for men, women, and children to be distributed at Harbor House, United Methodist Children’s Services, Northcott Neighborhood House, and Solomon Community Temple. Thank you for your faithful generosity! T HE M E SSE N GE R P AGE 3 EASTER EGG SEARCH Sunday, March 29th Palm Sunday Noon-2:00pm Your family is invited to Hippity Hop on down to Fellowship Hall for lunch, a short program and the chance to discover where your special Easter eggs are hidden. All youth ages 2-12 are invited to look for eggs! Everyone is invited for lunch and the program. The Easter bunny’s helper is joining us for this fun event. Please register with Michele Tegen or just come!! Catching Up. . . Your gifts make it possible for First Church to accomplish and grow in our mission and ministry. Your contributions are important and make a vital difference in what we are able to do. If you have fallen behind in your giving, we encourage you to please consider what you could do to fulfill your pledge. If you are current in your giving, please consider giving a little extra. If you have not been giving, the time to begin is now. Those who are generous from the heart are becoming more like Christ, putting treasures in heaven for eternity. And God often blesses us in this life, too, for the sacrifices we make in his service (Luke 18:29-30). Your Stewardship Committee wants you to know… Scholarship & Endowment Fund The First United Methodist Church of West Allis Scholarship and Endowment Fund was established on April 11, 1969. The fund provides funding for church property, missions, scholarships and special needs and ministries as determined by the church leadership. Church property items identified in the fund are as follows: Hand bell maintenance, Organ maintenance, elevator maintenance, technology and major property repair. Each category’s funds are broken down into restricted and unrestricted. Restricted funds are used only for the specific category and the unrestricted portion can be used per the committee’s discretion. The scholarship fund provides for scholarships in two areas. Scholarships in the amount of $1,000 are provided annually to a single student from West Allis Central High School and West Allis Nathan Hale High School. Other $1,000 scholarships are awarded to members of the church or their children upon submitting and application to the committee. The scholarships for undergraduate schooling can be awarded for up to five years. Each year the committee has provided funds for approximately eight scholarships. The majority of the money in the fund is invested in the Wisconsin UM Foundation. The growth of the fund is accomplished through gains from investments and funds received from members of the church who have left funds from their trusts or wills. Photo Permission With our popular Facebook page, website and promotional videos FUMCWA has been using social media to spread the word of our mission. Images of our church family and friends in prayer, ministry, connection and fellowship help us to invite others to join our church family. We try to get permission whenever possible before publishing images, but if you would prefer NOT to be included please let the church office know. P AGE 4 Building Relationships Celebrating Fellowship Serving Together Praying For One Another Senior High Youth Sunrise Service Rehearsal Wednesday, April 1st from 5-9pm we will set up the Labyrinth and rehearse for the Easter Sunrise Service. Dinner will be provided. Dance! All Ages – Youth to Seniors Friday, May 8th from 6-8pm Our Winter Dance was so much fun we’ve planned another one before the end of the school year. Everyone is welcome! This is a wonderful opportunity to invite friends, neighbors and family to join in fellowship. It’s Mother’s Day weekend so invite your mom or a special woman in your life and we’ll celebrate them this evening. Back by popular demand! All Church Picnic @ McCarty Park Sunday, July 12th 3pm-7pm Food, games, worship and fellowship – fun for the entire family. We will be at Picnic Area #1 and have the pool reserved from 5-7pm – you won’t want to miss this special time together in fellowship! Pastor Gary will begin preaching in our pulpit beginning Sunday, July 12. That is the same day as our church picnic and we hope to continue our introductions at that event. More details coming soon. Save the dates: State Fair Parking – August 6-16 Vacation Bible School - August 17-21 Pet Blessing – Saturday, October 3 Fall Fest - Sunday, October 11 T HE M E SSE N GE R P AGE 5 Missions News Second Saturday Servants COINS OF LOVE for April A monthly opportunity for hands-on service! and Easter Offering Greater Milwaukee Free Clinic APRIL 11 All are invited to meet for Second Saturday Servants on April 11 at 8:30am at First Church in the Small Dining Room. After a brief devotion, we will form work crews to: Coins of Love for April will go to the GREATER MILWAUKEE FREE CLINIC. We at First Church have supported this community need since it's beginning. Now is a time to continue our support. For new members, here is some history. Serve breakfast through the Morning Glory program at Clark Square Park Go to Northcott Neighborhood House for a variety of projects: 2460 North 6th Street After the endorsement of the MEDICAL SOCIETY OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY, a core group of volunteers founded and opened the doors in December of 1995. Equipped entirely with donations, and staffed by volunteer physicians, nurses and receptionists, the clinic treated more than 22,000 patients since opening. Stay at First Church to make lunches for distribution through “Larry Under the Bridge” for our homeless neighbors In 2008 the clinic provided 2,452 physician visits to 1,463 individuals. Aurora West Allis Medical Center laboratory and radiation departments have provided additional support to the 45 physicians who care for patients in the clinic. By 2008 over $10 million in free medical care has been provided to local individuals. The clinic is open only Tuesdays and Thursdays with registration beginning at 4:30pm. Patients are seen on a first-come first-served basis. Those eligible are uninsured, employed with low income. The clinic continues to run only on donations and volunteers. We are needed to help our community with this mission, so please give what you can. The members of the Missions Committee thank you for your continued generosity The Missions Committee New servants needed and welcomed! Bring friends! MILWAUKEE AREA WALK FOR “IMAGINE NO MALARIA” United Methodists across Wisconsin are walking in support of “Image No Malaria” on Saturday, April 25. The Milwaukee area walk is sponsored by Bay View United Methodist Church along with the other churches of their circuit. Invite your neighbors and friends to join us! Together, we will: gather at 9:00AM at Bay View UMC 2772 S. Kinnickinnic Avenue, Milwaukee 53207 "Walk Beautiful Bay View" with maps showing a few different routes of varying distances and destinations (neighborhoods, water, etc.) enjoy food truck cuisine celebrate with music, face-painting, and other festivities- outside or inside, weather dependent raise important funds to end malaria! P AGE 6 United Methodist Women Annette Intravaia, President On Wednesday, April 22nd, Rev. Earl Lindsay will present a program on his trip to Africa. Please join us at 6:30pm. Signs will direct you to the location of the program. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome. Wednesday, May 20th at 5:30pm, we will have a Salad Potluck. Please bring a salad to share. The program will be on Container Gardening and Gardening Tips. It will take place in the Small Dining Room. We would love to see you there and you just may pick up some new gardening tips! Our next Executive Committee is scheduled for March 30th at 1:30pm in the Fireside Room. Unity Circle will meet on April 13th at 1:30pm in the Fireside Room. Please join us! Other dates to remember: THE SENIOR LEAGUE! SCOOP ON THE GROUP by Laurie Halvorsen, director It has been a very cold January and February but our Sr. League members have been in attendance very well with our average being 60+ at our meetings. As spring is arriving soon, we have new programs and day coach trips coming up. Our next meeting dates are: April 1st : Noon- Sandwich Variety, Potato Chips, Brownies Program: Milwaukee High School of the Arts, Choral Ensemble- Raymond Roberts, Director and The Way of the Cross Devotionals Devotions: Jean Wasson April 15th: Noon- Lasagna (meat & meatless), Garlic Bread, Salad, Spumoni Program: The Healthy Kidney, Rebecca Larson Devotions: Annette Intravaia October 21st – Unit Meeting – Program: Estate Planning and Safe Sanctuary – Dave Carlson – Fireside Room 6:30pm December 12th – Sugar Plum Sweets and Holiday Treats Sale – Fellowship Hall 10:00am – 1:00pm We are now signing up for one day coach trips in the spring and summer: All are invited to attend these events, you do not have to be a member to attend. We welcome any gentlemen that would like to attend these events to also join us! If you have any questions, please call me. Annette Intravaia (414-257-4166). I would love to see you there! June 17th: Coach Trip: The Soap Lady & The Clauson Family Music Show Reservations Required $89.00 inclusive, seats available May 6th: Coach Trip: Eddie Cash Lunch/Show & Berres Coffee and more! Reservations Required $72.00 inclusive, seats available Extended Coach Trip: September 29- October 1 A 3 day/2Night Adventure “LaCrosse & The Mississippi River Fall Foliage” Reservations Required $15.00 Early Bird Discount by May 6th, 2015 Promotional brochures are available on all trips. See Laurie Halvorsen or the church office. Come and join us for the wonderful fellowship group for Seniors in 2015!! T HE M E SSE N GE R P AGE 7 Health Ministry News from the Parish Nurse By Pat Shapiro, R.N. will meet next on... PARISH NURSING AND YOU—PART 3 Parish Nursing is an outcome of the holistic health movement. Holistic health seeks to unite care for one’s body, mind and spirit. The practice of parish nursing provides health care in a religious setting, joining two places of health and healing, the church and the medical environment. As a health counselor, I am able to address issues such as coping with chronic illness, caring for a family member, management of a medical regimen, health education and end of life issues. I make home, hospital, rehab and nursing home visits as needed. Monday, April 20th at 5:30pm in the Library Our Book Club will be discussing THE END OF YOUR LIFE BOOK CLUB, by Will Schwalbe on Monday, April 20th at 5:30pm in our Library. The public library has many copies. It has many recommended reading to enjoy. Please join us. I encourage you through presence and spiritual support to express your faith beliefs and utilize them to maintain your daily health. As you shop, see how the church can benefit... My usual work days are Tuesdays and alternating Wednesdays and Sundays (1/2 days) but can be reached through the church office when I am at my other work site. (Nurse Diabetes Educator). SCRIP! The Diabetes Support Group will not meet in April, next meeting May 21st. Order by April 13 Receive Gift Card on April 27 With the Scrip program, you will be able to purchase gift cards for your favorite stores, and 2 to 20 percent of the face value of the card will go to First Church to support missions like our Second Saturday Servants. Cards are for stores you already shop at: K-Mart, Target, Walgreens, Sam's Club, Family Video, Jiffy Lube, Kwik Trip, Marcus Theaters, Pick N' Save, and hundreds more. You must place your order with payment (cash or check) no later than 12:30PM on the second Sunday of each month. You will receive your cards on the fourth Sunday. Orders placed April 13 will be received April 27. . P AGE 8 FROM YOUR CHURCH L I B R A RY ! The Church Library Committee would like to thank the enthusiastic and engaged audience who attended the Dr. Seuss Readings in the library on March 15th. The readings were held to honor the memory of Bernice Nailen and in appreciation of her wonderful Dr. Seuss collection donated to the church library by Dick Nailen. We especially want to express appreciation to our energetic readers – Michele Tegen, Raymond Roberts, Pastor Susan, Victoria Fuller and Dick Nailen. Thank you so much. Congratulations to the winners of the Dr. Seuss goodie baskets: Victoria Fuller, Dan Nikolaus, and Audrey Nikolaus. Everyone is invited to visit the church library and check out our new Dr. Seuss Collection. + + + Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor In Pastor Susan’s first sermon of 2015, she spoke of the Magi’s journey to Bethlehem as a seeking after light in the darkness – “a light that shined in the darkness, and the darkness shall not prevail against it.” We learn early to fear the dark and its invisible menace. Literature and entertainment floods us with ways to avoid darkness. But in “Learning to Walk in the Dark,” Episcopal priest and teacher Barbara Brown Taylor tells us how she developed faith to “explore the dark” – especially spiritual darkness. Scripture speaks so often of light as good, darkness as evil; yet many important Biblical events took place in the dark. God called Abraham out to count the stars in the night sky, “if you are able.” Angels revealed themselves to Jacob during the night. And Moses saw God in the “dazzling darkness” of a cloud. The life of Joseph and his people changed forever because of his nighttime dreams. The exodus from Egypt began at night; God parted the Red Sea at night. The list goes on. We learn from study of sleep rhythms that all of us need darkness, as well as light, “The light that shines in the darkness” is only visible in the darkness. Why did so many significant happenings in our Bible involve three days? (Jonah within the whale, Jesus in the tomb, Paul’s time of blindness.) From earliest times, says Barbara, people learned that we must wait that long in the dark for the first sliver of the new moon to appear; “for three days every month, they practiced resurrection.” Exploring utter darkness deep within a cave, she realized that “whether it is a seed in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in the tomb, new life starts in the dark.” She points out that although all the great mystics of Christian history describe darkness as part of the journey into God, “Today’s seekers seem more interested in getting God to turn the lights on than in allowing God to turn them off.” Her final advice is to “learn to walk in the dark – become more curious about your own darkness.” This is an easy read – and a challenging one. P AGE 9 T HE M E SSE N GE R FAMILY MINISTRY FUN! CIRCUIT 35 United Methodist Churches “From A to Z: the Airport to the Zoo!” Cudahy Rev. Mpoyo Mulongo Greenfield: Christ Rev. Mao Vang Her Greenfield: Memorial Rev. Janet Hartzell Victoria Fuller went “Unplugged” for a weekend retreat at Camp Timber-Lee in East Troy for praise, worship, introspection and fun. Greenfield: So Beautiful Korean Rev. Sung-Keun Kim Milwaukee: Faith UMC Rev. Rachel Olson Oak Creek: Community UMC Rev. Wendee Nitz South Milwaukee UMC Circuit Leader: Rev. Harsha Kotian West Allis: Calvary UMC Rev. Rachel Olson West Allis: First Rev. Susan Lockman Family Ministries had a great group of jumpers that met at Helium Trampoline Park for a night of fellowship and fun! Circuit representatives from First Church: Tom Bolton, Dick Nailen, Mary Pike, and Rev. Susan Lockman Summer Church Camps Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate (below zero wind chills) the day we originally planned our tubing outing to Sunburst, but a few were able to reschedule on a glorious winter’s day for slip sliding away. Check out the brochures in the Narthex… Swim, fish, hike, campfire, meet new friends… Scholarships are available… Contact Michele Tegen if you would like to go! First United Methodist Church Time Sensitive Material NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 7520 West Lapham Street U.S. POSTAGE PAID West Allis, WI 53214 Telephone: 414-774-5500 Permit No. 4726 April, 2015 Milwaukee, WI E-Mail: [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Web Site: SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:00am and 11:00am Worship 9:00am to 9:30am Coffee Fellowship 9:30am Christian Education for all Ages 7:45am to 12:15pm Nursery Care CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday - 9:00am to 1:00pm CLOSED—Friday - Saturday - Sunday SERVICES AVAILABLE: Nursery Care Are you moving? Elevator Please contact the church office with your new address!! Large Print Bulletins Hearing Enhancement Aids Sunday, April 5 6:30am Sunrise Service on the Labyrinth, 7am Breakfast, Worship 8am & 11am (Note: NO Sunday School Classes today or April 12)
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