St. Andrew Lutheran Church NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE 4420 Center Point Rd. N.E. Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 PAID HIAWATHA, IOWA PERMIT NO. 7 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Saturday Worship ...................................... 5:30 p.m. Office Hours.................... Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00 Sunday Worship ........................................ 9:30 a.m. Church Phone ................................. (319) 393-4021 Sunday School/Adult Forum .................... 10:45 a.m. Email .................... [email protected] (Nursery available Sundays 9:00 a.m.-noon) Pastor Zach’s Hours Mon., 1-5; Tues.-Thurs. 9:30-12 Website: Place address label here. The Messenger St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa April 2015 St. Andrew Lutheran Church Sunday of the Passion • Palm Sunday 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 28 9:30 a.m. Sunday March 29 Procession with Palms The Passion according to St. Mark Holy Communion Sunday School and Adult Forum, 10:45 a.m. The Three Days (Triduum) Maundy Thursday April 2, 7:00 p.m. Footwashing Holy Communion Good Friday April 3, 12:00 and 7:00 p.m. The Passion according to St. John Adoration of the Cross Clergy & Staff Pastor: Zachary Johnson Cell: (319) 429-4750; [email protected] (office); Pastor Johnson will be on vacation April 18-26. Please contact the office in an emergency. Teresa Girard, Office Administrator Brett Formanek, Sexton Ben Luedcke, Music Director Robin Wagner, Organist There will be an Easter Egg Hunt following service Easter Sunday, Children should meet in the library to start. The Resurrection of Our Lord Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4, 7:00 p.m. Service of Light; Service of Readings; Holy Baptism; Holy Communion Easter Day, Sunday, April 5, 9:30 a.m. Congregation Council (2015-2016) Lillian Davis, president ...................(319) 624-3634 [email protected] Chris Formanek, vice president......(319) 361-9297 [email protected] Lori Krueger, secretary ..................(319) 378-4158 [email protected] Dan Lewis, treasurer......................(319) 395-0074 [email protected] Mike Barton ...................................(319) 294-1054 [email protected] John Horth...................................... (319) 294-0993 [email protected] Bill Logan........................................ (319) 377-7039 [email protected] Pete Martin ..................................... (319) 378-3124 [email protected] Stephen Nilsen ..................................................... [email protected] Paul Thulin............................................................ [email protected] Karen Wolf ........................................................... [email protected] 12 Festival Service of Holy Communion Easter Breakfast, 8:00 a.m. Festive Prelude, 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 18, 8 am –2 pm Details page 6. Sunday, May 3 During Worship 1 Inside this Messenger: Blessings from Pastor Zach ........................ p2 Cantor’s Corner ........................................ p.3 Worship Ministry ................................. pp.3,5 Congregation Council .............................. p.4 Newsletter Poll.......................................... p.5 Learning Ministry ..................................... p.6 SAY (St. Andrew Youth) .......................... p.7 Service Ministry........................................ p.7 LSI............................................................ p.8 Witness Ministry ....................................... p.9 Birthdays, Anniversaries ......................... p.10 Bits and Pieces ........................................ p.10 Flowers for the Church ............................ p.11 In Our Prayers ......................................... p.11 Financial Summary ................................. p.11 Directory................................................. p.12 H God is Still Making All Things New! the kingdom here and now. One of these glimpses plays out in our worship each week. Each week we gather around the means of grace (as known as the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as well as God’s word) to hear, once again, the life-giving story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. The Holy Spirit gathers us so that we can grow in faith and find a Christ-centered community who will support us on our baptismal journey. Through experiencing worship each week God opens our eyes to how the kingdom is very much alive in the world today. In other words, we come to worship to experience God’s saving activity in the world (Through the means of grace) which then points us to God’s saving activity outside the walls of our church. appy Easter! Well, Easter Sunday was April 5th and it was a wonderful celebration as we heard the good news proclaimed that Christ is risen! Alleluia! The Easter season is the most important season in the life of the church because, not only does it remind us of the reason we are Christians, but it is also a time to remember that we have been given the gift of new life in Christ’s resurrection and that God is making all things new! But wait, how can this be true? How can God be possibly making things new when there is so much going on in our world that contradicts it? There is still conflict in the Middle East, that’s not new. There are still corrupt politicians and governments, plenty of people living in poverty, lots of violence, and the church is still losing people. This saving activity that God points us to can then How can we possibly believe that God is making be seen in the new life of creation at springtime; in the reconciliation of a long severed relationthings new? ship; in a cancer free diagnosis; in people volunOne of the struggles that we have to live in as a teering their time to feed the homeless; in the post-resurrection people is the theological para- work that the ELCA Malaria Campaign and dox of an “already and not yet” reality. What this ELCA World Hunger do for our international means is that we believe that the world has al- brothers and sisters; in the peaceful protestors who ready been redeemed by Christ’s resurrection, that try and give voice to issues of injustice; in the we have already been redeemed by Christ’s resur- kindness of a neighbor who helps without expectrection, yet the kingdom of God has not fully ing anything in return; when someone dear to us come into being yet. Why is this? Well, as genera- says the words, “I love you;” and in simply shartions of people pass away new generations of peo- ing the story Jesus with our children and grandple emerge. These new generations, in their infan- children. cy, haven’t had the opportunity to learn about God or the good news of Christ’s resurrection. There are many ways that God is continually makWe are then given the opportunity to pass down ing all things new in our own lives and in the the amazing story of Jesus to other generations so world around us. Coming to worship helps us see that they can come to know how much God loves and experience these new things that God is doing them. If we don’t share that story, future genera- in the world. This is why we celebrate Easter evetions will not know of the love and grace of God. ry year. Thanks be to God for the wonderful reminder that we are always being made new beSo, as you can see, there is still work to be done, cause of Christ’s resurrection! Christ is risen! people that still are in need of redeeming (by Alleluia! God is making all things new! Alleluia! Christ). Yet, as a way to help us keep the faith until the Last Day, God does give up glimpses of Peace, Pastor Zach 2 IN OUR PRAYERS Hospitalized Hospitalized? Please call the church office at 3934021, to let us know when you or a family member will be having surgery or is hospitalized. Due to privacy legislation, the hospitals no longer call us except upon specific request. And because of this legislation, we can no longer publish the names of those hospitalized in print. We do, of course, continue to include names of those hospitalized in prayer Loved Ones in the Military (Prayers and cards are appreciated; addresses available from the church office): Brandon Schau is serving at Fort Carson, Colorado. Brandon is Irv & Kathy Schau’s grandson. Eric Walker is stationed at Offut Air Force Base, NE (near Omaha). Eric, a member of St. Andrew, is Dennis & Deb Walker’s son. We welcome into the Fellowship of Christ’s Church by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism Nolan Fenton Reeder, son of Jourdan & Melinda Reeder; sponsors: Ashley Borchardt, Katlin Borchardt, and Keaton Reeder. . Flowers for the Church The 2015 Flower Charts are posted on the bulletin board outside Bethsaida Hall. Please sign for the dates you wish to give flowers. April Anniversaries Altar Flowers for April 2015 We display no altar flowers during Lent Apr. 5 Bill & Muriel Logan (1) Apr. 12 Chris & Brett Formanek (2) Apr. 19 Mike & Chris Calef (2) Apr. 26 open May 3 open Bill & Muriel Logan ............................ 4/1/1978 Brett & Chris Formanek .................... 4/10/2010 Kevin & Karla Hamdorf .................... 4/10/1999 Larry & Debbie Griffin...................... 4/11/1987 Jenna & Ken Kositzky ....................... 4/12/2104 Craig & Marcia Nilsen ...................... 4/17/1982 Beth & Scott Sigmund ....................... 4/30/2011 February 28, 2015, Financial Summary OUR GIVING Beginning balance Regular Offerings Other Offerings Total Receipts Ministry Expenses Benevolent Ministries Other Ministries Difference + or (-) Jan. 2015 $ 26,302 78 $ 26,380 $ Year to date $ 14,696 $ 40,657 667 $ 41,324 0 20,098 $ 20,098 $ $ $ 36,000 39,874 45,874 $ $ (-3,547) 6,282) 11 100.0% 18.0% 1.3% 14.9% $ 61.6% 8.7% 11.0% $ $ Budget . 14,696 226,065 51,503 277,568 $ 9,750 216,315 226,065 $ 0 April Birthdays SHELTER CARE/ASSISTED LIVING/ NURSING HOME RESIDENTS Dan Rosenthal ............................ 4/1 Chet Reisner ............................... 4/2 Sherry Borchardt......................... 4/3 Ryan Mudd ................................. 4/4 Barb Polglaze ............................. 4/5 Martha Svenson .......................... 4/5 Cheryl Burns............................... 4/7 Hannah Skow ............................. 4/7 Kary Miller ................................. 4/8 Katlin Borchardt ......................... 4/9 Mike Calef ................................ 4/10 Larry Johnson ........................... 4/13 Dan Lewis ................................ 4/13 Kaitlyn Boline .......................... 4/14 Adelyn Pierce ........................... 4/14 Scott Svenson ........................... 4/15 Terry Alef ................................. 4/16 Donna Coon.............................. 4/16 Parker Senner ........................... 4/18 Eleanore Johnson ...................... 4/20 Gwyn Aarhus ............................ 4/21 Lana Franzman ......................... 4/21 Rebecca Lewis .......................... 4/21 Judy Potts ................................. 4/21 Ron Charlier ............................. 4/22 Erin Saladay ............................. 4/23 Nancy Bauer ............................. 4/24 Diane Etienne ........................... 4/24 Dennis Walker .......................... 4/25 Jason Dallege ............................ 4/26 Veryl Hansen ............................ 4/27 Ellison Pierce ............................ 4/27 Daniel Nilsen ............................ 4/29 Sandra Brenneman Irma Gunderson Clarence Sampson Lita Schminke Walt Stoner Addresses and phone numbers are available through the office. Don’t forget to donate those items you no longer need or want to SAY Garage Sale. Items can be brought to Bethsaida Hall, Sunday, April 12, after Sunday School. CANTOR’S Bits and Pieces CORNER The musicians at Saint Andrew know how important Lent is to each and everyone of us as we reflect on Christ's sacrifice on the cross, and we hope that the music at Saint Andrew in the past several weeks has brought you closer to God. Looking ahead, we are anticipating two more months of choir and bell rehearsals with music that continues to celebrate Christ's resurrection and ascension. It is never too late to join us on Wednesday nights! We recently welcomed a few new members to our ensembles and we look forward to making music in the months to come. Please note: if your special day is not included it means we don’t have your information. Please call the church office to update. Thank you. Deadlines for May Messenger May Calendar will be finalized Thursday, April 16, for inclusion in the May Messenger. Stop by the church office to add meeting times and activities. For our worship assistants (acolytes, assisting ministers, servers, etc.), this is also the deadline to let the church office know the dates you will be unavailable for April. Deadline for May Messenger is 9:00 a.m. Thursday, April 23. Please submit all items on diskette, CD-ROM, or camera-ready email attachment to [email protected]. Weekly Bulletin/Announcements Deadline: As always, please have all items for the Sunday bulletin and announcements to the church office by 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAYS by camera-ready email attachment, CD-ROM, or on diskette. 10 Wanted Dirty Cars! Car Wash on Sunday, May 3 9:00-12:00. Get your car washed while you are in Worship! WORSHIP AT ST. ANDREW… April 4/5 – Resurrection of Our Lord: Easter Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Mark 16:1-8 April 11/12 – Second Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2; 2 John 20:19-31 St. Andrew Lutheran Church Pastor: Rev. Zachary Johnson 4420 Center Point Rd. NE · Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 Church Office: (319) 393-4021 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri. April 18/19 – Third Sunday of Easter Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 Worship with us at Holy Communion— Saturday, 5:30 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Forum: 10:45 a.m. April 25/26 – Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18 3 CONGREGATION COUNCIL WITNESS MINISTRY Congregation Council Highlights – March 5, 2015 THANK YOU, LENTEN SUPPER HOSTS! Treasurer’s Report: Dan Lewis reported contributions of $25,810 and expenses of $20,098 for February 2015 resulting in a month end general fund balance of $13,928. Expenses were about $4,000 higher in February due to property insurance payment, snow removal costs, higher utility costs and expenses associated with Pastor Zach’s move. Witness Ministry: Chris Formanek reported the Witness Ministry Team has updated the Easter advertisement to be published in the Gazette, the Lenten banners will be set up and the team will be distributing flyers in the neighborhood and to local hotels for Easter Worship services. Facilities Ministry: Pete Martin reported the tuck -pointing of the education/office wing will be done this spring; however the exact dates are unknown at this time. The Facilities team is also discussing installing additional lighting in the parking lot, adding signage to the building and replacing the parking lot. The cost for paving the parking lot is estimated at about $70,000 and will require a special fundraising effort to accomplish this project. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Zach reported he will be gone April 18-24, June 1-7, and August 7-8. He will also be accompanying SAY to the National Youth Gathering on July 15-19. Education Meeting: Pastor Zach reported that about 38 people, of all ages, attended the March 1, 2015 meeting focused on Education at St. Andrew. The turnout shows that education is important here. Pastor Zach reported the Education Ministry team will be following up with interviews of families with school-age children to find out how we can support them in teaching their children about God. Exterior Sign Update: Chris Formanek presented a proposal from Nesper Signs to update our current sign from a fixed text format to a three-line changeable format for about $1,500. A motion was m/s/a to authorize Nesper Signs to proceed with the proposal. Council Retreat: Pastor Zach reported the council retreat will be held on Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at Prairie Woods. Bill Logan and Chris Formanek will be unable to attend due to prior commitments. Feed Iowa First Garden: Chris Formanek reported we will again be hosting the Feed Iowa First garden at St. Andrew. Facilities would like to talk with Sonya, garden coordinator, about ways to make the mowing easier in and around the garden. STATIC Committee: St. Andrew Techies in Committee (STATIC) is a new committee focused Email Newsletter: Lilian Davis reported 45 memon developing ways to use social media to reach out bers have responded to the informal poll about to our members and the larger community. distribution of the monthly newsletter. 21 members want to continue receiving the Messenger via Worship Ministry: Paul Thulin reported we have mail (USPS) and 24 expressed either no preference been using the piano more often in worship lately or would prefer to receive via email. This matter due to two pedals sticking on the organ. We have will continue to be reviewed. been trying to resolve the issue via phone calls to the builder, but we are due for organ maintenance this year. The team is also busy preparing for Holy Next Council Meeting: April 9, 2015 @ 6:30 pm. Week services. Lutheran Service in Iowa will be Respectfully Submitted, here to preach on April 25/26. Lori Krueger, Secretary 4 Once again, various groups within our congregation prepared and served the Wednesday evening Lenten Suppers. Every Wednesday, 45 - 50 people gathered in Bethsaida Hall to share a delicious meal, relax, and spend some time visiting with one another. Then they moved into the sanctuary for a meaningful time of Lenten worship. Serving were the Confirmation Families and Learning Ministry Team, Witness & Service Ministry Teams, Chapel Choir and Worship Ministry Team, and the All-Star Cooking Team. The Congregation Council was scheduled for the first Wednesday of Lent, but weather conditions cancelled both the meal and worship that evening. Several council members then were transformed into All-Stars by volunteering for that team. The offerings were combined to give a significant gift to the "Build a Village" project through the ELCA -- final total wasn't available at the time of this writing. Serving one another and sharing in the project that is a Lenten Supper are opportunities to grow and learn together -- part of what makes us a congregation, and not just a membership! Thanks so much to all who participated -- including the guests every week! Mary Rogers, Fellowship Coordinator STARS April Plans Happy Easter from St. Andrew Email Devotions! All are welcome to join St. Andrew Retirees on Tuesday, April 14, when we're off to Emil's Hideaway, a fun spot tucked away at 222 Glenbrook Drive SE. This little street is across First Avenue from Lindale Mall, and west of Home Depot. Use the access road, look just behind the Taco John's, and you'll spot it. We'll meet at the restaurant at 11:30 a.m. and will have seating arranged in advance -- just show up and join this friendly group! Please note: A new four-month schedule was mailed out a couple of weeks ago. If you didn't get one, lost your copy, or want to share our activities with someone, please feel welcome to take one of the extras pinned on the bulletin board by the kitchen door. Remember, also, if you need a ride, want to make a suggestion or ask a question, please feel free to call Mary Rogers (377-3016) or Nancy Gable (393-9045). The weekly devotion that arrives in your e-mailbox every week is a friendly contact from your fellow members at St. Andrew. It's short, original, and sent as a form of in-reach for and from those of us in our congregation. Please consider taking a few minutes to read the messages of the Good News of Jesus' resurrection, his appearances to the disciples, and how he continues to be with us in our life journeys. It's an easy, meaningful way to continue the celebration of the Easter season and welcome the beautiful days of spring. If you'd like to contribute a devotion or make a suggestion for a subject, please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex, or talk to Mary Rogers or Chris Formanek. Remember, printed copies of all the devotions are available on the narthex table if you'd like one in print, or want to send a copy or two along to someone who might enjoy it. 9 Lutheran Services in Iowa said Gaylene, an LSI caseworker. “They are very good parents. They just needed a little more confidence in their skills.” For example, the family learned new communication tips to use with their son Gabe, age 4. April is Month of the Young Child & Child Abuse Prevention Month In 2014, LSI’s early childhood programs made more than 14,900 home visits to Iowa families with infants, toddlers and preschoolers. These programs help parents learn about child development, parenting strategies and community resources, and they can also help reduce some of the risk factors that may lead to child abuse or neglect, such as critical stress. LSI often partners with parents who grew up in unstable home environments and desire to give their own children a different quality of life. Your support helps our youngest Iowans grow up healthy and safe! LSI is proud to be an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Learn more at and “Before we started the program, Shane and I fought a lot about different parenting styles,” Kalee said. “We would get frustrated when we couldn’t get Gabe to understand what we wanted him to do. We learned how to talk to him better, and now we’re on the same page.” Through Families Together, LSI can partner with families at any time from before their child is born up to age 18. On average, an LSI caseworker will meet with a family for 10 – 12 months. That approach, which builds trust and relationships, is comforting, Kalee said. “Gaylene feels like a part of our family,” Kalee said. “Gabe always asks when she’s coming. Having her here also helped prepare Gabe for school.” A New Parenting Path When Kalee became a young mom in high school, Kalee hopes her two children will grow up happier she knew exactly what kind of parent she didn’t than she was, she said. want to be. “I don’t think it will be as much of a struggle for “My childhood was very different,” she said. them to succeed,” she said. “They will feel more “There was a lot of miscommunication on all lev- secure and loved than I felt growing up.” els and yelling all the time. I had a lot of trouble growing up, and I didn’t want my kids to go through that.” Instead, Kalee and her partner Shane are finding their own parenting style, thanks to some support from LSI’s Families Together program. Families Together is a voluntary home visitation program that offers families parenting education, community resources, support and more. WORSHIP MINISTRY Festival in April Saturday, April 25, is the festival of St. Mark, Evangelist. He was not numbered among the twelve apostles, yet Mark was probably a member of the early church community. The gospel that bears his name is the shortest and most direct, and many scholars think it was the first to be written. From Sundays and Copyright 2014 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #23160. Join Us in Prayer! Join the Prayer Chain! Praying for others and knowing that others are praying for you can be such a healing experience. If you would like to join the St. Andrew Prayer Chain, please call the office or e-mail Nan Schroeder at [email protected]. We will notify you by e-mail each week of prayer requests and ask that you include those requests in your daily prayers. For more information, call Nan at 521-1317. St. Andrew’s Vision A welcoming community, blessed by God’s grace, joyfully serving Jesus Christ and spreading the Good News - “Kalee and Shane are so much fun to work with,” God’s promise of Eternal Life. 8 5 Due to the number of households in this congregation decreasing to lower than the bulk mailing limit and to the modern convenience of receiving Newsletters by email, we would like everyone to reply whether they would prefer their newsletter be sent by regular mail or by email. If you prefer email, please confirm your email address. If you prefer regular mail please confirm your mailing address. The post office asks us to confirm the mailing addresses on our bulk mail every year. Those people who do not respond will be contacted. Those receiving this newsletter who are not members, please indicate whether you wish to continue receiving the newsletters by email. _______________________________ Name: _______________________________ Email or mailing address You may mail, email, or place this in the collection plate. SAY! News - St. Andrew Youth LEARNING MINISTRY Sunday School News Book Club News The St. Andrew Book Club will be doing something different for our meeting in April. Instead of meeting at the church, we'll be traveling to the North Liberty Community Library to listen to author Robin Oliveira discuss her book My Name is Mary Sutter. The program is taking place at 6:30 on Tuesday April 21. The book being highlighted is a Civil War era novel which was chosen as the All Iowa Reads selection for 2015. The book shows how tirelessly Mary works to ease the suffering of wounded soldiers and try to achieve her goal of becoming a surgeon despite prejudice and misunderstanding of what a woman's proper role in society should be. Please join us in making the short drive to North Liberty on April 21 at 6:30 to hear Robin Oliveira's special presentation. In May we'll be discussing One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey. The book, which was popular back in the 1960s, was recently chosen as the Linn Area Reads selection for 2015. The book is being used as a spring board for a community wide discussion of mental health issues, a timely topic as funding for programs is being cut and the need remains great. Please join us for book discussions whenever you can and participate in metro area programs as you have time. A meeting was held Sunday, March 1 to discuss low Sunday School attendance and gather ideas and options to pursue as a congregation going forward. The Learning Ministry team was pleased with the number present at the meeting and all the feedback we received; and we feel there are still voices to be heard. We will be conducting additional sessions in smaller groups, so be on the look -out for more information on those. No concrete decisions came from the March 1st meeting, however, starting the wheels in motion to explore alternatives is an important step. Continue to pray for the education and youth programs at St. Andrew. Please pass comments, concerns, frustrations, or ideas to anyone on the Learning Ministry team. Those team members include Jan Thulin, John and Beth Horth, Marcia Nilsen, Nan Schroeder or Pastor Zach. Last day of Sunday School for this year is May 17th (week before Memorial Day). Don’t miss it, always a good time. EWALU Day Camp: Save the date: Monday, July 27 - Friday, July 31, 2015 Vacation Bible School will be a joint week of day camp again with Holy Redeemer, Our Savior's and St. Andrew... hosted this year by Holy Redeemer (Sunday night meal will be at Holy Redeemer to kick off the week). Day Camp is for kids entering 1st - 6th grades (completed Kindergarten this school year). More info will be coming - tell your friends, neighbors, grandchildren, nieces, nephews ...the more, the merrier! Spring Garage Sale will be on April 18th from 8 am to 2 pm. SAY is requesting donation items for sale. Drop off items beginning Sunday, April 12th in the youth room. Please do NOT bring items before April 12. Accepting toys, household items, tools, books, children’s clothes newborn up to 6x. Thanks! 6 SERVICE MINISTRY April Gracious Groceries goes to CrossRoads Mission. Items needed in- Sunday Apr. 5 Easter Breakfast Wed. Apr. 8 Huddle, 6:30 p.m. Wed. Apr. 15 NO Huddle Thurs. Apr. 16 Garage Sale Setup Fri. Apr. 17 Garage Sale Setup Sat. Apr. 18 Garage Sale (8 a.m.-2 p.m.) Wed. Apr. 22 Huddle (take items to Stuff etc. & go to Orange Leaf. Wed. Apr. 29 Huddle,6:30 p.m. Sun. May 3 Car Wash, 9-11—Youth will be ready to wash your car during church clude: Non-Perishable Food: Meat products (canned and frozen), Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Canned Tuna, Tuna Helper, Baby Food, Perishable Food , Fresh Eggs, Dairy Products, and Fresh Produce. Personal Items: Toliet Paper, Tooth Brushes, Disposable Razors, Wash Cloths, Diapers and Pull-ups of all sizes, and Small Samples of: -Shampoo -Toothpaste Soap. Clothing: Clothing from new born to seniors appropriate for the season and in good repair and clean. (Jeans always), NEW Under-garments and shoes are accepted. Spring season is accepted now. National Youth Gathering Meetings Saturday, April 25th after church. Volunteering at Green Square Meals Note: These meetings are highly encouraged and if you cannot attend please contact Karen Lint (319) 393-6473) to let her know In the past, St. Andrew provided volunteers one night a month and we had 15-20 members in the pool. They volunteered when they were able to and there was one coordinator who did the scheduling. SERVICE MINISTRY Green Square Meals is program located in downtown Cedar Rapids that serves an evening meal five days a week. They serve an average of 120 meals each day. There are opportunities to help Green Square Meals by donating items, money and by volunteering to serve a meal. During April and May we will be collecting food and money to be donated to Green Square Meals. Money goes in the milk jug and will be used for this program to purchase milk. Food items needed are: any vegetables, instant potatoes, salt & pepper, sugar, creamer, paper towels, styrofoam to-go containers. Place these items in the box labeled “Green Square” in the Narthex. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the information sheet and place in the offering plate. Thank you for your help with this project. The Service Team If you would like to join in the effort, please fill out this sheet and place it in the offering plate. Able to be the volunteer coordinator: Yes Able to be a volunteer from 3:30-5:45 Monday: Yes Tuesday: Yes Wednesday:Yes Thursday: Yes Friday: Yes Name:________________________ Phone:________________________ Email:_________________________ Please place this form in the offering plate. Thanks-The Service Team 7
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