LIFE A Publication of St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 2363 West Third Street, Davenport IA 52802 Phone: 563-322-5318 Pastor Travis Fisher: 563-676-8160 Annual subscription of $1.00 per year is included in payment of weekly pledge of members. Email: [email protected] April 2015 Volume 48 Issue 4 Thursday, April 2, 2015 Maundy Thursday Worship - 7:00pm Friday, April 3, 2015 Good Friday Worship 11:00am & 7:00pm April 4 , 2015 Saturday Evening Worship - 5:00PM Special Easter Baptismal Service Easter Baptisms will take place on Saturday Night, April 4th at the 5:00pm service. This special time is for both children and adults who have not yet been baptized. Please call the church office for more information, 563.322.5318 Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Schedule 8:00am Worship 10:00amWorship There is no Sunday School on this day. Easter Egg Hunt April 4, 2015 Camp Oakwood at 11:00am Lunch will be serviced Candy donations will be accepted through March 29th. A basket is in the lounge. Healthy treats are gladly accepted, such as: Fruit snacks, Roll-ups, Mini boxes of raisins, trail mix, etc. If anything is donated in bulk, we will bag it individually. Any questions you have may be directed to Kim Sherrod-Hensler at 563-322-4369. Volume 45 Page 2 THE ELCA & You by Bob Beckman Wartburg Castle is located in the middle of Germany and is where Martin Luther had sanctuary for a year in 1520 and he was able to translate the Bible into German. Wartburg College is a Lutheran college located in Waverly, Iowa. Wartburg Theological Seminary is an ELCA Seminary located in Dubuque, Iowa and is of 2 ELCA seminaries that receives funding from the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the ELCA. Wartburg Theological Seminary was established in 1854 and currently offers 3 graduate level degrees - Master of Arts, Master of Arts Diaconal Ministry, and Master of Divinity. Its current president is the Rev Stanley N. Olsen. Past alumnae with ties to St. Mark Church are Michael L. Burk, Bishop of Southeastern Iowa Synod ELCA; the Rev Erica Cunningham, pastor at Faith Lutheran Church, Valders, Wisconsin; and the Rev Dan Witkowski, pastor at First Lutheran Church in Moline, Illinois. St. Mark Blood Drive In April-Give the Gift of Life and Benefit our St. Mark Preschool. We have been asked by the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center to host a blood drive here at St. Mark and if we collect a minimum of 20 units of blood, the blood center is offering a grant of $250 to the St. Mark Preschool. We would like to host this in April if there is enough interest and want to get an idea of how many would participate in coming to the church to donate. There is a sign-up sheet in the lounge in March. This would be a great way to support the preschool and the blood center! General Fund Summary Finance Corner Feb Income Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church year round. Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It’s easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. Get started today! Ask for an authorization form in the church office. Or visit our church website: Church Women United Forum Friday, April 10, 2015 at 1:00pm St. Johns United Methodist Church (4th and Brady) Ladies, please join us and meet new friends from other denominations, enjoy treats, and participate in an interesting and informative program. The program will be presented by someone from Unity House. They are a local group which reaches out to those with substance and behavioral addictions. Regular Offerings Year to Date Food Pantry Report-Feb. 1/31/15 Balance $ 4,691.90 Budget Amount $ 71,783.34 Feb Income $ 4,036.75 Amount behind $ (9,338.29) Feb Expenses $ 836.11 2/28/2015 Balance $ 7,892.54 $ 31,670.49 Received Feb Expenses $ 32,106.54 $ (436.05) $ 62,445.05/86.99% Volume 45 Christ Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed! Page 3 from Pr. Travis The celebration of Easter is absolutely central to the life of the church and to faithful Christians. Why? Without the new life of Christ’s touch in every aspect of who we are and what we do, we are simply going through religious motions, playing religious games, and glazing a religious veneer over lives that are just like anyone else’s. To live lives touched by the Resurrection means many things, but I’d like you to think about these two: First, it means that we live unafraid of death and all that it brings with it. Many live in such a way that they will do anything to avoid pain, aging, illness and death. They go to extraordinary lengths to deny the inevitability of it, fooling only themselves and a few select others who are in on the game. We use drugs to lessen the impact of what’s coming, or we choose damaging lifestyles, or we try to fool ourselves into acting or looking much younger than we are, or we are simply paralyzed by fear into a kind of stupor that keeps us from doing or being anything. Second, it also means that we live free from sin’s power. Has someone done something to you that controls your heart and mind? Have you done something that has clouded or affected your whole life? Have you taken a road of temptation that leads only to damage to you and others? Have you allowed prejudice or fear to warp your heart so that you cannot love and forgive? Easter isn’t just about eggs, bunnies, jelly beans and hollow chocolate Easter bunnies, and dressing up. It’s about the new life we have in Christ. A new life in which we are set free to love, forgive and serve, and thereby find a sense of peace and joy in all that we do. By grabbing hold of the cross, we share in Jesus’ victory over sin, death and all that would destroy us. Please join us as we prepare for and celebrate Easter. Palm th Sunday, March 29 , we will have our Sunday school youth join in the procession and sing “The Palms” and our youth will host and serve a breakfast in the gym for a “free will” offering. During Holy Week we will not have Worship on Wednesday, but we will have a Maundy Thursday Service, April 2nd at 7pm with first communion participants, and two Good Friday Services, April 3rd at 11am & 7pm. Easter Saturday, April 4th at 5pm, we will welcome newly baptized members and their families, and on Easter Sunday, April 5th at 8am and 10am we will have festival worship celebrating Christ’s resurrection. In Resurrection Hope, Pr. Travis Fisher ******************************************** Please welcome Pr. Bob Krueger to St. Mark. Pr. Bob (as he wants to be called) will be here during Pr. Travis’ sabbatical, which begins April 13th. Pr. Bob recently retired from full-time ministry after serving the church for 36 years, 33 of them in Sabula, IA. Pr. Bob and his wife live in Sabula. They have two adult children and they just welcomed a new grandchild in February. Pr. Bob will be in the office on Wednesdays and here for weekend worship. The staff will be able to contact him in cases requiring a pastor. He looks forward to meeting you in the near future. Volume 45 Page 4 (W)holistic Living.... Thoughts from the Parish Nurse April is Donate Life month. Are you an organ and tissue donor? Do your family and friends know your wishes? Now is a good time to have these conversations. Donate Life month is about bringing awareness to organ and tissue donation, but it is also about honoring the hundreds of individuals who, in death, save lives by giving this gift. Organ donation takes healthy organs and tissues from one person for transplantation into another. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save or help as many as 50 people. Organs you can donate include: internal organs such as kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines and lungs; skin; bone and bone marrow; and cornea. Organ and tissue donation and transplantation provide a second chance at life for thousands of people each year. You have the opportunity to be one of these individuals who make these miracles happen. By deciding to be a donor, you give the gift of hope for those thousands of individuals awaiting organ transplants and hope for those millions of individuals whose lives can be enhanced through tissue transplants. Each day, about 79 people receive organ transplants. However, 18 people die each day waiting for transplants take that can’t take place because of the shortage of donated organs. People of all ages and backgrounds can be organ donors. If you are under age 18, your parent or guardian must give you permission to become a donor. You may register with your state donor registry if available and/or designate your decision on your driver’s license. If you know someone who is/was an organ or tissue donor, find a way to honor them this month. Source- In faith, hope and love and on the Lenten journey together, Parish Nurse Bev Wellness Reminders for April 2015 Soulfit exercise class meets each Tuesday @ 9:30am in Luther Hall. 40 Steps for Lent ends April 4. Life Together meets Monday, April 13 @ 11:15am at Heritage Court for lunch and devotions. The cost for lunch is $5. Let PN Bev know if you would like to attend or need a ride. PN Bev’s weekends in April are April 11-12 and 25-26. UnityPoint Foot Care Clinic meets Monday, April 27 1-3pm in the bride’s room by appointment. We offer the Families Of James Plagmann, Shirley Platt, Neoma Stamm, and Thomas Zuber words of love, support and comfort. May they rest assured in the midst of their challenges and adjustments that God will sustain them in the loss of their loved one through faith in our Risen Lord. Because He lives, we too shall live. Hospitalized in March Phyllis Ashcraft Phyllis Frymoyer Pauline Jacobs Fred Keding Robert Lantau Christian Sherrod Volume 45 Notes from the Organ Bench Page 5 by Ellen Bowlin… April 2015 Thanks to all those who will (or already have) participated in our Holy Week and Easter services, especially the Chancel Choir, Celebration Bells & Instrumentalists. It was nine years ago (2006) on Palm Sunday when our beautiful Cassavant pipe organ was heard for the first time in worship. It has been my utmost joy to be able to play it these past years and to have others -Pam, substitute organists and concert performers play it as well. It is a glorious instrument, lovingly crafted for the Glory of God. Next year, we will celebrate its 10th anniversary! God be with you this joyful Eastertide. The St. Mark’s MOPS group will meet Monday April 6th and Monday April 20th. Our topics will be “The Courage to Find Significance in the Everyday” and “The Courage to Risk.” All Women of St. Mark are invited to the MOPS Mom’s Night Out on Saturday, April 18th, 2015. We will be meeting at Huckleberry’s Pizza (223 18th Street, Rock Island) for dinner at 5:30pm. We will then go around the corner to The Establishment Theater (220 19th Street, Rock Island) for a night of fun and laughs at the Comedy Sportz Show at 7pm. We will need to reserve tables in advance, so if you would like to come along for the fun, please contact Amber Sherrod at 309-721-6022, at [email protected] or see her after Sunday services. All R.S.V.Ps and ticket money will be due by Sunday, April 12th. Tickets are $12 each. Thank You What a blessing to be a part of a caring church family. Thanks to each of you that remembered me in prayer, phone calls, cards and the beautiful prayer shawl. Thanks be to God, Florence Reedy Ray and Alice Danielsen’s New Address: 2150 West Randolph Street Bldg 2 Apt 121-F St. Charles, MO 63301 Rummage Sale Meeting It’s that time of year when we gather a group of folks together to plan the Rummage Sale held in October. The meeting will be May 3rd at 2pm in the Conference Room. Anyone who would like to help plan is welcome to join us! Bring any ideas you have. Explorers Meeting The Explorers group will meet April 13th at 6:30pm in the Lounge. They will begin planning their next adventures (day trips and extended trips). Come and join the fun! Need Boxes? If you are spring cleaning and plan to donate to our rummage sale, Rich Ricketts has boxes you can use. Please contact him or Lisa Willey in the church office (563)-322-5318. Jeff Anderson 344-7558 [email protected] Jeff Bass 505-7525 [email protected] Nancy Beaderstadt 381-4386 [email protected] Pr. Travis Fisher 676-8160 [email protected] Bob Garman 332-1199 [email protected] Julie Ginn [email protected] Don Henderkott [email protected] Joyce Hines [email protected] Barb Jakubowski [email protected] Chip Schumann [email protected] 324-4904 391-1615 322-5889 381-2030 322-2496 Volume 45 A total of 304 people, representing 176 families, were served at our food pantry February 2015. We received donations from St. Mark, Ridgecrest, Good Samaritan, Monroe School, Grace Lutheran, Faith United Methodist, Bettendorf Rotary Club, Midwest Food Bank and and other individual donors. Thank you! Page 6 Special Birthday The Friendship Group will meet at the Happy Joe’s Grille 1616 West Locust, Davenport April 7th. Everyone is welcome to join us for lunch! If you would like to come, please sign up in the lounge and indicate if you need a ride. Hope to see you there! Lois Lundvall will be 100 years old March 31, 2015. She played duets with Ellen Bowlin for church services. Lois was on the piano while Ellen played the organ. Her address is: Crest Center #121 4128 Northwest Blvd. Davenport, IA. 52806 Share-a-Meal April 23rd at 6pm Please take time to look over the sign up sheet in the lounge to see where you can help. Each month we need servers, hot casseroles, vegetables and desserts. This is a worthwhile ministry that St. Mark is involved in. The beauty of this is anybody can help, no special skills are needed. Just a warm and giving heart is all you need. I promise, once you break the ice and take that first step you will find out how gratifying it really is. The meal site is located at the Salvation Army Family services building at 5th and Harrison Streets. Meal starts at 6pm. Please email me at [email protected] or call 563-508-6127 for more exciting details! -God Bless you, Dave Jessen MISSION ACTION REQUESTS FOR APRIL 2015 FAMILY RESOURCES and PREGNANCY RESOURCES Two hundred sixty seven items were donated to FAMILY RESOURCES for the month of FEBRUARY. They received lots of sample personal care items. Household items included paper towels, toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish soap and cleaners. Blankets, pillow shams, a crib sheet, gloves, shoes, clothing and miscellaneous items were included in this number. PREGNANCY RESOURCES received 64 items: baby food, diapers, wipes and formula samples. THANK YOU for all of your donations. The needs for APRIL are as follows: FAMILY RESOURCES: pots, pans, dishes, utensils, towels, diaper wipes, baby lotion, powder, shampoo, bed linens, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent and personal care items. PREGNANCY RESOURCES: Boy's and Girl's size 18, 24 Mo., 2T Winter Clothing, Diapers sizes: newborn & 2-5, Bottles, Body wash, Lotion We will be assembling PERSONAL CARE KITS for FAMILY RESOURCES and LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES of IOWA at our APRIL circle meeting. If you would like to help us with any of these items or make a kit please put them in the big plastic tote in the lounge closet. Each kit will have one bath size towel (dark color recommended), two bath-size bar soap, one adult-size toothbrush, one tube of toothpaste, one sturdy comb and metal nail clippers. They will be wrapped in the towel and tied with yarn or ribbon. We will be delivering them at the end of APRIL. Thank you for any help you can give us for this project. 1Peter 3:15 "Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and reverence." MISSION ACTION: Fred and Milly Heskett Volume 45 Page 7 It takes a lot of help to make a successful Trivia Night. Thanks to all those who participated (15 tables), donated raffle baskets and door prizes, helped set up, ran the event and cleaned up, babysat, and donated their winnings back to the preschool. What a caring community St. Mark is! Over $1500 was raised for the Preschool flooring project. Thank You! - Pam Carstens Sessions: Preschool hours are 9:00am—1:30am Level II: Age 3 by September 15, 2015 Tuesday-Thursday or Monday-Wednesday-Friday day Pre-Kindergarten: Age 4 by September 15, 2015 Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Monday through Friday (5 days) **Children are grouped in “classes” which are subject to availability. They must be potty-trained and ready for a group experience. Please enroll early! Tuition: See below plus one-time $35 registration fee 2-day 3-day 5-day $110per month $160 per month $260 per month *Kid’s Crossing Day Care available Monday through Friday 7am—5:30am ages 3-5 Kid’s Crossing Summer Enrichment starts June 1st. Call 326-5060 for more information. Preschool Fun Night Friday, April 24th 5:30—7:30pm In the gym Games & activities (geared for under age 8: lollipop tree, duck pond, fishing, kid’s Kitchen, Book Walk & More! Tickets available at the door. HELP! We could use help in the kitchen or with games, as well as donations of canned pop, baked goods, or prize items. If you can help, please contact Pam. Thanks! Save the Dates! M.A.D. Camp (Music, Art, & Drama) June 22-26 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VBS- July 13-17 (Vacation Bible School) Volume 45 Page 8 Egg-stra facts • Although Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals, they’ve become Christian symbols of new life. A crackedopen shell also represents Jesus’ empty tomb on Easter morning. • The early Christians of Mesopotamia began staining eggs red in honor of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. Red eggs remain part of Greek Orthodox celebrations today. • For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard-boiling them in various broths, which led to colored eggs. • In medieval times, churches held “eggthrowing” festivals. The priest threw a hardboiled egg toward the choir boys, who tossed it back and forth. When the clock struck 12, whoever was holding the egg got to keep it. • In some European countries, children go from house to house to collect Easter eggs. • Each year, the PAAS Dye Co. sells more than 10 million egg-coloring kits, which consumers use to decorate 180 million eggs. • The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever produced weighed 16,000 pounds — more than an elephant! ©, 2015 Our Church Staff Pr. Travis Fisher Bev Blake Ellen Bowlin Pam Carstens Mick Carstens Pastor Parish Nurse Minister of Music/Organist Dir. of Preschool & Asst. Dir. of Music Administrator Lisa Willey Milly Heskett Paul Regginello Steve McCalester Trianna McCalester Emily Droegmiller Office Coordinator Event/Facility Coordinator Sunday Custodian Sunday Custodian Nursery Supervisor Nursery Attendant 6:30pm Preschool Board 11:00am Good Friday Worship 7:00pm Good Friday Service ST. MARK LIFE St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church 2363 West Third Street, Davenport, Iowa 52802 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 909 Davenport, Iowa Address Service Requested Weekly WorshipSchedule Saturday Worship with Holy Communion 5:00pm Sunday Worship with Holy Communion 8:00 & 10:00am The St. Mark Youth Group will once again host a breakfast on March 29th, Palm Sunday morning. Join us for food and fellowship between 7:00am and 10:30am in the Meyer Activity Center. Free will donations will be accepted as support for Work Camp. Cleaning We are looking for some helping hands! Is God calling you to spend some time to help make our church reflect God’s beauty? If so, join others in our annual “Spring Cleaning” at the church on April 11th beginning at 9:00am. There are things to be done inside and out. Bring a rake and your work gloves!
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