CHRIST THE KING PARISH 1599 Tunner Drive, Courtenay, B.C.V9N 8N3 Phone: 250-334-4716 Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hrs: 8 a.m. - Noon 1-3 p.m. Weekend Eucharistic Liturgies 5:00 p.m. Saturday 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday at 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer (Week 3): Sunday - Friday at 7:45 a.m. Rosary: Monday - Saturday at 8:15 a.m. Adoration: Friday morning 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 - 4:50 p.m. Baptism: For newborns through to 6 years old, parents attend a Baptism Preparation. Contact Fr. Marek at 334-4716, ideally before the birth of your child thereby allowing sufficient time to attend the group preparation session and to take other steps if needed. Children 7 years and older prepare through Religious Education Classes. Baptisms are usually held the first Sunday of each month. Adults wishing to be Baptized should also contact the Pastor. Funeral: By individual arrangements with the pastor at 334-4716. Marriage: Because the Church is deeply concerned about each marriage & because growth and preparation of a couple is vital to the success of the marriage, couples are asked to give six months notice prior to the intended date of their wedding. Contact the Parish office at 334-4716. The Sick: Those in hospital wishing a visit from a priest should make this desire known as soon as possible. Those homebound wishing to receive communion are asked to call the Parish office. The Sacrament of Anointing is available on request and during communal celebrations. 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 19, 2015 Pastor: Fr. Marek Paczka, SDS 250-218-4230 Pastoral Staff & Ministry Co-ordinators Parish Secretary: Council Chairperson: Dale Jeffrey 334-4716 Peter Lineger 339-9790 Adult Faith Formation: Murray Lindman 941-6554 Children’s Liturgy: Kathleen Murphy 465-2426 Ministry Assistance: Fr. Joe Killoran 339-6140 Youth Altar Servers: Michael Tran 334-4716 Youth Group [email protected] Young Adult Group [email protected] Religious Education: [email protected] R.C.I.A.: Parish Office 334-4716 Eucharistic Ministers: Parish Office 334-4716 Lectors: Denise Buckley 339-1807 Ushers/Greeters 5:00 p.m. Murray Wilson 339-0750 8:30 a.m. Barry Kruger 334-9260 10:30 a.m. Larry Jangula 334-9373 Music Ministry: 8:30 a.m. Pam Burton 339-1176 10:30 a.m. Maureen Bedford 871-2547 C.W.L.: Pat Carew 334-2565 Cenacle Group: Bernadette Lothian 337-8177 Communion Calls to Hospital: Joan McGrath 339-0931 CTK Parish Heritage Society Margaret Beardon 334-3938 Christian Life Community Ralph and Sue Rambow 334-4984 Eucharist to Home-bound: Lorraine Lloyd 871-3507 Justice and Life: Christina Aislabie 338-1304 Knights of Columbus: André Melançon 339-7768 L’Arche Comox Valley: Christine Monier 334-8320 Marriage Encounter: Julius & Margaret Keresztesi 941-2229 Prayer Ministry: Bridget Bradshaw 334-4320 Respect Life: Mary McCaffrey 334-1526 St.Vincent de Paul Society: “Dispatcher” 334-0070 Keeping in Contact....... We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. We thank God that you are with us. If we may assist you, please fill out the form below and place it in the collection basket or mail to the Parish Office. ¨ New parishioner. ¨ Have moved, here is new address. ¨ I am home-bound and would like someone to visit Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ me. Bulletin No.15/2015 This Week in the Parish Morning Prayer: Sunday to Friday at 7:40 a.m. Rosary: Monday to Saturday at 8:15 a.m. Daily Mass celebrated 9 a.m. Shaw Ch. 116, Telus Ch. 871 Sunday 19th 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:30 a.m. MASS. For Antonio Afonso - RIP 10:30 a.m. MASS. For Parishioners of Christ the King 2:00 p.m. MASS. For Michael Geoghegan - RIP (Hornby) Tuesday 21st ST. ANSELM 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Francesco & Peppina - RIP Wednesday 22nd 7:00 a.m. Men’s Fellowship/Breakfast (Rectory) 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Intentions of Net Beks 9:30 a.m. L’Arche Mini Retreat (St. Augustine Room) 11:00 a.m. Funeral - Milan Banko 1:00 p.m. CWL Information Session (St. Monica Room) 4:15 p.m. Religious Education, Grs. 1-6 Thursday 23rd ST. GEORGE, ST. ADALBERT 9:00 a.m. MASS. For Harmut Mohr - RIP 4:00 p.m. Choir (8:30 a.m.) 7:00 p.m. Adult Faith Study (St. Augustine Room) ST. FIDELIS OF SIMARINGEN MASS. For Int. of Eugene & Cecile Coté Adoration Benefiction Saturday 25th 4:30 p.m. Confessions 5:00 p.m. MASS. For Intentions of Ellen Stadel 6:00 p.m. Youth Sunday 26th 4TH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:30 a.m. MASS. For Donald Watkins -RIP 10:30 a.m. MASS. For Parishioners of Christ the King Surprise, Surprise Always do right this will gratify some people and astonish the rest. Weekly Collections Regular Envelopes Loose Property & Maintenance Prop. & Maintenance (2015 Year to date) There will be an info session for new and/or interested members and women of the parish who would like to know more about the CWL on Wednesday, April 22nd from 1:00pm to approximately 2:00pm. Topics will include History, Objectives, Levels of Organization, Patroness/Symbols, Principal Ministries/Activities, Constitution/Policies, Communications. In other words, all you ever wanted to know about CWL. Ethnic EXTRAVAGANZA Monday 20th 9:00 a.m MASS. For Joe Veloso - RIP Friday 24th 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. CWL Info Session $5,573.90 $753.55 $180.00 $15,294.00 Come Savoouurr World r*OUFSOBUJPOBMMZ*OTQJSFE'BNJMZ4UZMF.FBMr &OKPZBOFWFOJOHPGDVMUVSBMFOUFSUBJONFOUBOEBDUJWJUJFT Saturday May 23, 2015 Doors Open at 5:30 'MPSFODF'JMCFSH$FOUSFt"OEFSUPO"WF$PVSUFOBZ Featured Entertainers: Tickets available at the Parish Office, Laughing Oyster, Blue Heron Books and L’Arche office. Victoria Pro Life Gala The Kumugwe Dance Group Anela Kahiamoe Azucena Axe Capoeira Group Guest Speaker Bishop Garry Gordon r$PNFPVUGPSBDVMJOBSZDVMUVSBMFYQFSJFODF $55/ticket t $60/ticketMay BUUIFEPPS 14,r&UIOJD&OUFSUBJONFOU 2015 For more info: 250-334-8320 r$FMFCSBUF%JWFSTJUZ St. Leopold’s Church Tickets Hall, 4081 Gordon Head Road available at: #MJOET#VCCMFT#PVUJRVFt#MVF)FSPO#PPLTt$ISJTUUIF,JOH$IVSDIt&OHSBWF*U Doors Open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner served at 6 p.m. -BVHIJOH0ZTUFS#PPLTt.JOETFU8FBMUI)PMMJT8FBMUIt1SFTMFZ1BSUOFST Tickets: $25 by May 10th For tickets and more Sponsors information, visit events or contact Anastasia Pearse: AUTO BODY (2001) LTD. [email protected], 604-365-3484 For those among us who are sick, and for those who have asked for our prayers, especially: Monique Ellis, Leanne Lemieux, Norah Bernard, Martin Beks, Ken Ackert, Candace, Mirelle and June LaFleur, Jane Hebert, Ursula Zanussi, Glenn Parker, Irene Clavier, Therese Ackert-Smith, Dulcie Rogers, Kay Butka, Ilene Knockwood, Rachel & Enda Murray, Joyce Clapham, Kathleen O’Hanley, Lori Worden, Tom Carew, Justice Simon, Joseph Nguyen, Tony Apostolakos, Anna Martin, Camden Walker, Judy Lamb, Richard Tomalty, Eva Bedard, Virginia Lukay, Chandler Christie, Kelly Schmidt, Jean Novak, Valerie Hughes, Caroline Ang, Stephan Lahey, Lois Hawkins, Reynaldo Ceballo. L’Arche Raffle Tickets The L’Arche iBelong Campaign - Buy a Ticket for wherever WestJet flies….and you could win one return trip for two people on WestJet! (Valid on any WestJet regular scheduled destination (Charters exempt from this offer.) Tickets are $20 and can be purchased at the parish office. Syrian Refugee Committee Update The Darwish Family extends Easter greetings to everyone. They renewed their Algerian visas as they had expired in February. The Family has had to move as the landlord did not want them any further. They continue to take precautions to remain relatively safe however their personal funds are running out and will need additional help very soon. The following is an email from Yasser confirming their applications have taken another step in the UN process: Hello Madam Caron and Darren I hope you are well. Today we had got UNHCR certificates for me and Waad, and here I have attached the scanned photos of it, for both sides (front and rear). Again it is a new step which help my application, and sure your help and advice were the major cause to achieve it. It was very long day we started at 2:30 a.m. today when we have took a car direct to Algiers, we were at UNHCR at 8:00 a.m., and we spent the whole day there up to 5:00 p.m, then we drive back to our home in Constantine, we arrived home at 10:00 p.m. Again my best greeting to you and really I appreciate your great support. Best Regards,Yasser March for Life Bus Join thousands of others from throughout B.C. and Washington State, Thursday, May 14 for the Annual March for Life,Victoria embracing the theme ‘Protect Human Life.’ Depart for Victoria: May 14th at 8:00 a.m. Arrive: Victoria, B.C. 11: a.m. Mass: St. Andrew’s Cathedral 12 Noon March to Legislature: 1:45 p.m. departs from Centennial Square Cost: $30.00 per person. Please register at the parish office. Depart for Courtenay: 3:30 p.m. You are responsible for your own lunch in Victoria. The bus will stop on the return trip for a meal break. Marchers should arrive at the Centennial Square by 1:45 p.m. and head down Government Street to the B.C. Legislature. Marchers will arrive at the Legislature front lawn at approximately 2:30 p.m. for the Rally for Life, which will have inspiring speakers and lively music until 3:15 p.m. Donating made easy! With permission, the committee has created the ability to receive online donations through To donate, go to website and enter a search for Christ the King Parish, select Courtenay BC and follow the site’s instructions. An official tax receipt will be emailed directly to the donor. All donations are greatly appreciated! A Lobster Boil – Fundraising Event The Syrian Refugee Committee is preparing a fundraising event for our Canadian Immigration approved family, the Darwish’s. All funds raised go toward their settlement in the Comox Valley. The event will take place: Date: Saturday, June 6th, 2015 Time: doors open at 6:30pm Place: Christ the King Hall Price: $50 per person Tickets are available at the Parish office, Laughing Oyster, Red Carpet Consignment, Bay Community Church and Comox United Church. Stay tuned for more information! Grade 12 Student Bursary! The parish will award a Bursary to a Grade 12 Catholic student, less than 20 years of age, currently residing in the Valley and attending Christ the King Parish and graduating from a recognized institution of learning. Application forms are available from the parish office and must be submitted by May 15th in order for the successful applicant to qualify. CWL News Sunday, May 31 - "June" Brunch - 12:00 Noon - Bamboo Gardens - $13.00 - Tickets available from Bridget Bradshaw at 250-334-4320 or Cindy Wilson at 250-339-0750. Diocesan Convention - May 4 & 5 - Duncan- Any member planning to attend and requiring a ride, please contact Deanne Pilchak at 250-334-1825. *WE APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT OF THESE ADVERTISERS - PLEASE SUPPORT THEM* Oak Hills Woodcraft Custom Cabinetry HERB ROBERTSON Phone 250-338-5885 Fax 250-338-5485 NORTHC OAS T DO O R & W I N D OW LT D. Business Services Forestry & Residential Tree Care GRANT & EDITH FERGUSON Specializing in •Home Renovations •Door & Window Replacement •Window Screens •Sealed Unit Replacement 5352B Island Highway, Courtenay, B.C., V9J 1S9 Phone: 250-334-3350 Fax: 250-334-3278 Maureen Eby Peter Jungwirth Ph: 250-334-4559 Al’S HANDYMAN SERVICES Renovations, repairs, painting, tiling, etc. No job too small Free Estimates Al Riederer 250-650-3250 margie anderson J Kevin Dobbelsteyn P.Eng., MBA, CFP, CPCA 250-338-7811 ColdBlaster 1994 COMOX AVE., COMOX, 250-339-2261 2503392021 250-339-2119 Natural Products Inc. 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Serving the Comox Valley since 1979 - licenced & bonded AUTOMOTIVE • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL 24 HOUR EMERGENCY MOBILE SERVICE Term & Permanent Life Insurance • Long Term Care • Disability Income Retirement Products • TFSAs • RRSPs • RRIFs 250-338-6442 (250-287-1034) Beaufort COUNSELLING and CONSULTING SERVICES DEBORAH JOYCE MA, MACP, RCC #11 1822 Comox Ave Comox, BC V9M 3M7 email: [email protected] 250 898 4400 Shawn Fetter, CFP, FIC Field Agent OPEN: Tues. to Sun. 11:30 AM - 7:30 PM #8 - 2401 Cliffe Ave. Tel: 250-703-0001 Courtenay, B.C. V9N 2L5 Fax: 250-703-0001 Office: 778-549-6570 [email protected] PLANTLAND “Your Indoor & Outdoor Garden Centre” 2855 Wentworth Road Corner Island Highway N. Phone 250-334-3024 Serving the Comox Valley Call Phil: 1.844.660.7324 “Experience the Coastal Difference” Music Lessons for All Ages [email protected] Hearing tests, hearing aids and more! Tel: 250-337-8964 Fax: 250-334-2953 8896 Clarkson Drive Black Creek, BC, Canada V9J 1B1 Courtenay*(250)*87132285* Cumberland*(250)*40035451 Maria&Buckley CCR Susan&Sinclair&M.A.,&Aud&(C)& Registered&Audiologist Sherill Barr Crown 1 Carpet & Upholstery Care CELL: 250-650-2277 Family Owned and Operated RE/MAX Ocean Pacific Realty ! COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL Tile & Grout Cleaning R.V. Cleaning Fire & Flood Restoration Affordable Pricing from our Family to Yours ROBERT MULROONEY Senior Investment Advisor Suite 1 - 145 19th Street Courtenay, BC V9N 9G2 Damon Gaudet Qualified & Bonded Insured 250-334-4484 1101 Ryan Road Courtenay, B.C. 250-334-0707 For quality Financial Solutions and Unsurpassed Service Please call 250-703-4153 or 250-792-1230 PHONE 250-334-4428 RES. 250-338-5805 F U N E R A L H O M E C R E M AT I O N AND RECEPTION CENTRE LOCALLY OWNED CANADIAN INDEPENDENT PRE-ARRANGEMENT PLANS AVAILABLE Robert G. Buckley,BSc,BA,SFC,PFP Branch Manager Coastal Community Credit Union Fourth Street Branch 291 4th Street, Courtenay, BC ROBERT KIRK Comox Valley Tel: 250-338-5222 [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: Delaney Relocation Anne Delaney, CSA Piano/Organ Voice Recorder Call Maureen to book a Free Trial Lesson Reasonable Rates 871-2547 Grant&Mullan&& Parishioner& 250346532044 St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary Cottage Thrift Shop All proceeds are donated to St. If you are moving to Casa Loma, the cost Joseph’s Hospital of your move is FREE! Call Anne for Shop hours Donation Drop off hours details. Wed - Fri. 10 am-4 pm Mon. & Tues. 9 am Phone: 250-339-1188 or 250-334-9922 Sat. 10 am- pm Noon
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