Geothermal Heat Pumps Overview CTGeo Assn

Geothermal Heat Pumps
John Sima, PE
Connecticut Geothermal Association
Today’s Topics
The Concept
Why Geothermal is “Renewable”
What’s Inside the Box?
The Geothermal ‘Loop’
Heat Metering
See For Yourself
Every Geothermal Heat Pump System is Unique
Geothermal Heat Pumps Use Proven
Technology to Extract Renewable Energy
Geothermal Heat Pumps don’t make heat, they simply
Move Heat.
Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) use the same
technology as conventional heat pumps, with one very
important difference – they are coupled to the earth,
rather than the outside air.
GHPs move renewable thermal energy from the ground
during the winter to heat buildings, and move heat back
into the ground during the summer.
Why is it Renewable?
The earth’s temperature reflects the average heat
absorbed from the sun over the course of the seasons.
Heat from the sun renews heat in the earth.
Some heat in the earth is also renewed by the GHPs in
the summer, when operating in the air conditioning
So How Do They Work?
The technology is similar to that inside your refrigerator,
or auto’s air conditioner. These all move heat. The big
advantage with geothermal systems is that they move
heat out of the earth, where the temperature is constant.
Refrigerators extract heat from the air inside the refrigerator, and
reject it to the air inside the house. (Everybody knows that.)
Auto air conditioners extract heat from the air inside the car, and
reject it outside.
Conventional air conditioning systems are the same, extracting
heat from indoor air, and rejecting it to air outside.
Refrigeration Loop
- 4 Main Components
Refrigeration Loop
- Absorb Heat on the Cold Side
(Evaporate the Refrigerant)
- Reject Heat on the Warm Side
(Condense the Refrigerant)
Tuning for Efficiency:
- Use more efficient motors
- Use larger heat exchangers
- Adjust expansion valve for
minimum superheat
Geothermal Systems Reject Heat to the Earth,
or Absorb heat from the Earth Using Water
For air conditioning, geothermal systems work almost
the same as air-source air conditioners, with one
important difference - the outdoor radiator and fan are
replaced by a water-cooled heat exchanger and pump.
It is so much easier to reject heat to the 50-degree earth than
90-degree (or warmer) outside air.
Similarly for heating, geothermal systems absorb heat
from water through the same heat exchanger.
The big advantage over air-source heat pumps is that the earth’s
temperature about 50 degrees. So the heat source is much
warmer than the 30-degree or colder outside air.
The Geothermal Loop
Small pumps circulate a water / antifreeze solution
between the heat pump’s heat exchanger and a
geoexchange loop installed in the earth.
In Connecticut, the most effective geoexchange loop
field consists of deep drilled wells.
 Deep wells offer two advantages – saving space
(land), and more importantly, connecting to a
constant heat source (deep earth).
Heat Metering – Renewable Energy
In New Hampshire, geothermal heat pump owners can
be paid for the energy their systems extract from the
 The concept is simple – measure the flow rate and
temperature change of the water / antifreeze mixture,
to calculate the amount of renewable energy
extracted from the earth.
 This concept also works for solar thermal (hot water)
energy extracted from sunlight.
Heat Metering Now
You can go online now, to see the actual performance of
geothermal heat pump systems.
Geothermal Heat Pump Systems are being metered
right now. Heat metering information may be viewed in
real time, from Live Sites, at
Key Points
Geothermal energy is a renewable resource.
These systems simply move heat into and out of the
Geothermal systems provide efficient, comfortable
heating and air conditioning.
Geothermal systems save Money, save Energy, and
Reduce CO2 Emissions
This is GREEN Technology
Most Important Point
Geothermal Heat Pump systems are unique. Every
installation is unique, and every system needs to be
designed from scratch.
Many heating & cooling contractors have the know-how
to select the right size heat pump, but special skills are
needed to design the right geoexchange loop field.
If the geothermal system is not designed properly, it will
not save energy or money. Hire a professional.
Go to to find an experienced geothermal