New National Curriculum and Assessment presentation

Year 1 and 2 Parents’ Meeting
October 2015
What is the curriculum?
‘The sum total of
all learning and
that influence
and progress.’
Educational visits,
worship, Religious
after school clubs,
sports events
National Curriculum 2014
From September 2014 the new curriculum
was being taught across all subjects for
Years 1, 3, 4 and 5.
From September 2015 it is being taught
across all subjects in all year groups.
Curriculum Areas
Programme of study for Key Stage 1
is for ten subjects and Religious
Education (RE)
(11 subjects in Key Stage 2 including Foreign Languages)
Why the big curriculum change?
to raise standards
more challenging
less content
focus on essential core subject knowledge
and skills
Overview of changes
Changes for all subjects
o particularly significant for English, mathematics,
science and computing. Key Stage 2 children will
also learn a language as part of the curriculum.
No changes for Foundation Stage or
Changes to assessment.
 Speaking and Listening now called ‘Spoken Language’
 Only phonic reading strategies required
 Pupils in Years 1 and 2 now need to be able to make
inferences from their reading.
 Learning of poetry (including reciting poetry) introduced
 Joined writing expected in Year 2
 Proof-reading of own writing
 Strong emphasis on vocabulary development,
grammar, punctuation and spelling
 Rounding to nearest 10 removed from KS1
Year 1:
 No data handling required
 Counting & writing numbers to 100
 Write numbers words to 20
 Number bonds to 20
Year 2
 Finding fractions of quantities
 Adding two-digit numbers
 Telling the time to nearest 5 minutes
 Make comparisons using < > = symbols
 Solve simple money problems using £/p
 Some physics topics moved to KS2 only: Light & Dark; Sound;
Forces; Electricity
 Reduce requirement to know life processes
 No requirement to make predictions or fair tests
 Drugs as medicines removed
 Care for animals/others/environment removed
 Changing materials with heat moves to KS2
Year 1:
 Naming of plants and animals added
 Seasonable changes & weather added
Year 2
 Introduce simple food chains
 Some study of movement on different surfaces
 Strong focus on scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
 Computing replaces Information and Communication
Technology (ICT), with a significant change in focus from
digital literacy and applications to control and
 Introduction to creating programs in KS1
 E-safety included in Key Stages 1 and 2
 Logical reasoning and problem-solving to identify flaws
in instructions and correct them
Geography and History
 Reduced emphasis on investigative Geography
 Increased focus on geographical knowledge
Key Stage 1
 name continents and home countries
 compare local geography to UK & world
 introduce key vocabulary
 Reduced emphasis on sources & methodology
 Relatively little change at KS1, with slight increase in national focus
 Reduced emphasis on diversity & culture
Design and Technology
 Broadly similar requirements at both Key Stage 1 and 2
for main aspects, although slightly less specific detail:
o Design
o Make
o Evaluate
o Technical Knowledge
 Statutory requirement to include cooking at both Key
Stage 1 and 2.
 Greatly reduced detail in content, with much of the
broader detail included in the aims.
 Specific objectives include only four areas:
• Use a range of materials (KS1)
• Use drawing, paint & sculpture to share ideas
• Develop techniques in colour, line, form, etc.
• Learn about the work of artists, craft makers,
architects and designers
Music and PE
 Slimmed-down Programmes of Study in both subjects
 KS1 focus on experimentation with voice and tuned and
untuned instruments
 Musical elements (pitch, tempo, etc.) renamed as “interrelated dimensions”
 focus on mastering basic skills and playing in team
Cross curricular themes or Topics
commitment to a cross curricular thematic
approach and providing a creative
enrichment opportunities included
wherever possible.
Supporting your child’s learning at
Reading to the children at home
Listen to the children read and ask them questions to
develop comprehension skills
Reading Bug Club books
Encourage joined handwriting
Learn spellings
Support with grammar and pronunciation in reading and
Learn number bonds (Numbies homework)
Abacus homework
Statutory Assessments
National tests remain in Y2 and Y6,
Phonics in Y1 and the introduction of a
baseline test in Reception.
From 2016 new tests will be introduced.
Phonics test in Year 1
Reading, Grammar, punctuation and
spelling and maths in Years 2 and 6.
Assessment and Reporting
 Children are assessed against the steps towards the end
of Year expectations
 Children are judged as ‘beginning’, ‘working within’ or
‘secure’ in relation to the age bands.
 Assessments are recorded in Target Tracker in order to
be able to track data and measure progress throughout
the year.
 At parent meetings we will share with you where your
child is assessed at within the year bands for reading,
writing and maths.
 The annual report (July) will inform you whether your
child has met the end of year expectations in all