www.icci.com.tr 24 25 26 APRIL 2014 9-10-11 Halls Istanbul Expo Center Turkey th THE M AN EETIN DE NV G POI IRO N NM T OF ENT ENE SEC RGY TOR www.icci.com.tr th THE M AN EETIN DE NV G POI IRO N NM T OF ENT ENE SEC RGY TOR Index FAIR ICCI 2013 Exhibitor List ICCI 2013 Visitor Profile ICCI 2013 Views ICCI 2014 Fair Layout Fair Participation Sponsorship Fair Product Groups 3 5- 6 7-10 11-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 21-22 CONFERENCE Conference Focal Points Paper Submission Deadlines ICCI 2013 Conference Views 23 25-26 26 27-28 B2B MEETINGS 29-30 Supporters Technical Supporters 2 Fair Energy & Environment www.icci.com.tr FAIR th THE M AN EETIN DE NV G POI IRO N NM T OF ENT ENE SEC RGY TOR Year in the Energy Industry.. The most sustainable international energy fair organized every year on a regular basis in Turkey since 1994... It is Turkey’s biggest energy fair with its record high number of exhibitors of 359... It is also the most environmentalist event for it is Turkey’s first carbon neutral fair and conference... It is the only international platform where conference, B2B meetings and fair activities carried out concurrently... With around 16.000 visitors, it is the most popular energy fair... The biggest energy and environment fair where the energy and environment technologies developed by best suppliers of the sector meet the energy sector and the industry... We Invite All Sector Players To The Most Important Meeting Point of The Energy Industry... 4 ICCI 2013 Exhibitor List COMPANY NAME 2G ENERGIETECHNIK GmbH 3M SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. 3TIER 4E ENERJİ LTD. AALBORG CSP A/S AALBORG ENGINEERING A/S ABB ABENGOA ACCIONA WIND POWER ADUNOS AE3000 GmbH AF CONSULT AB AKIM ELEKTRONİK İNŞ. BİL. TAAH. SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ALFA LAVAL ALİMAR MAKİNA ALSTOM POWER ANEL ENERJİ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM SAN. TİC. A.Ş. ANSALDO ENERGIA S.p.A. ANT-MT BİYOGAZ ENERJİ TEKNOLOJİ VE YAPI SAN. A.Ş. ARAKO ARI-ES ENERJİ DANIŞMANLIK ARKE ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ARPON ENDÜSTRİYEL EKİPMANLAR SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ARTAŞ ENDÜSTRİYEL TESİSLER TAAHHÜT VE TİC. A.Ş. ART'S TECH INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. ATLAS COPCO MAKİNALARI İMALAT A.Ş. ATOMENERGOPROEKT ATOMEXPO LLC / ROSATOM AUTOFLAME AWS TRUEPOWER BABCOCK BORSIG STEINMÜLLER GmbH / a COMPANY OF BILFINGER POWER SYSTEMS BABCOCK WILCOX VOLUND BBB Umwelttechnik GmbH BEIJING HOLLAND TRADING CO., LTD. BELLELI ENERGY CPE SRL BERDAN CİVATA SOMUN MAKİNA YED. PARÇA SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. BERGEY WIND POWER BERLIN SOLAR NETWORK BERTSCHENERGY JOSEF BERTSCH GmbH & Co. KG BETODECK ENDÜSTRİYEL ZEMİN KAPLAMALARI VE YÜKSELTİLMİŞ DÖŞEMELER / OTARİ TUR. MİM. PAZ. A.Ş. BFP ENERJİ A.Ş. BGM ENDÜSTRİYEL TESİSLER MÜHENDİSLİK İMALAT VE TAAHHÜT SAN. TİC. A.Ş. BIOCONSTRUCT GmbH BIOGASMART BI-YOUNG BIOTECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. BM HOLDİNG BOREN - ULUSAL BOR ARAŞTIRMA ENSTİTÜSÜ BORUSAN GÜÇ SİSTEMLERİ SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. BOTAŞ - BORU HATLARI İLE PETROL TAŞIMA A.Ş. BRUSH SEM BSI GROUP EURASIA BTC BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. BTS YANGIN GÜVENLİK YAPI TEKNOLOJİLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. BUSINESS SWEDEN C.C. JENSEN (GREECE) LTD. CANTAŞ İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET SOĞUTMA SİSTEMLERİ A.Ş. CENK ENDÜSTRİ TESİSLERİ İMALAT VE TAAHHÜT A.Ş. CENTRAX LIMITED CHONGQING YUNHE HYDROPOWER INC. CNC TVAR S.R.O CON / ENERGY AG CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC CONVECO S.r.l CONVEX CS ENERJİ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM VE DAĞITIM HİZ. SAN. TİC. A.Ş. DALIAN HIVOLT POWER SYSTEM CO., LTD DANFOSS SOLAR INVERTERS DANISH MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INNOVATION & HIGHER EDUCATION DANISH POWER SYSTEMS LTD. DANISH TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE DD ENERJİ HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. DEUTSCHE BÖRSE AG DEV TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. - DUYAR VANA MAK. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. DEWI DGS BERLIN DHL FREIGHT ditec DICHTUNGSTECHNIK GmbH DNV KEMA DONGFANG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. DONGGUAN KANG DE WEI TRASNFORMER CO., LTD DOOSAN POWER SYSTEMS LTD. DOSİDER DURKO ÇEVRE ENERJİ TEKNİĞİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. www.icci.com.tr COUNTRY COMPANY NAME COUNTRY GERMANY U.S.A U.S.A TURKEY DENMARK DENMARK SWITZERLAND SPAIN SPAIN GERMANY GERMANY SWEDEN TURKEY SWEDEN TURKEY FRANCE TURKEY ITALY TURKEY CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TAIWAN TURKEY RUSSIA RUSSIA UNITED KINGDOM SPAIN E3 / DC GmbH E7 ENERJİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ECG ERDGAS CONSULT GmbH EDH ENERJİ ELEKT. ELEKTR. YAPI SAN. MÜH. DANI. HİZM. İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. EGE MAKİNE VE TEKNİK MALZEME SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. EGERES ENERJİ DANIŞMANLIK HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. EKE ENDÜSTRİ TESİSLERİ TAAHHÜT VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. EKOIQ DERGİSİ EKOLOJİ TEKNİK DERGİSİ EKOSİNERJİ ELEKTRİK SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. EKOTANK - HİSTAŞ HİSAR İNŞAAT TUR. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. EKSİM YATIRIM HOLDİNG A.Ş. - İLTEK ENERJİ YAT. SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. ELKİN İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ELTEM-TEK ELEKTRİK TESİSLERİ MÜHENDİSLİK HİZMETLERİ ELTES ENERJİ MÜHENDİSLİK LTD. ŞTİ. ELVACO AB ENDRESS HAUSER ELEKTRONİK SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. ENERCON ENERJİ MERKEZİ DANIŞMANLIK İNŞ. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ENERPRO DAN. TAAHÜT SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ENF ENERJİ DANIŞMANLIK ENİSOLAR ÇEVRE TEKNOLOJİLERİ ENERJİ VE TEKSTİL SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ENOR ENERJİ VE ÇEVRE TEKNOLOJİLERİ A.Ş. ENPRO MÜH. MÜS. TAAH. VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş. ENSA ENERJİ VERİMLİLİĞİ ETÜD PROJE DANIŞMANLIK HİZ. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. EOLUS VIND EPSİLON - NDT A.Ş. ERALP MAKİNE KAZAN KİMYA VE EKİPMANLARI SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ERENSAN ISI CİHZ. PAZ. SERV. A.Ş. ERICSSON TELEKOMÜNİKASYON A.Ş. ERKA-EVD ENERJİ VERİMLİLİĞİ DANIŞ. ETÜD PROJE ESM YAYINCILIK LTD. ŞTİ. (ENERJİ DERGİSİ) ETD TRANSFORMÁTORY ETKB - ENERJİ VE TABİİ KAYNAKLAR BAKANLIĞI & YEGM - YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ GERMANY TURKEY GERMANY GERMANY DENMARK GERMANY CHINA ITALY TURKEY U.S.A GERMANY AUSTRIA TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY ITALY TAIWAN TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY CZECH REPUBLIC UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY DENMARK TURKEY TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM CHINA CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY CZECH REPUBLIC ITALY AUSTRIA TURKEY CHINA DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK DENMARK TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY GERMANY CHINA CHINA UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY TURKEY EWT B.V. EXEGER FAAL ENERJİ DERGİSİ FANS FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG FİNA ENERJİ HOLDİNG A.Ş. FLEXUS BALASYSTEM AB FOSHAN LEATECK ELECTRIC CO., LTD. FOSTER WHEELER FOSTER WHEELER BİMAŞ BİRLEŞİK İNŞAAT VE MÜH. A.Ş. FOTOELEKTRON / MOTİF PROJE PLANLAMA İNŞ. SAN. BİLG. EĞ. LTD. ŞTİ. FREE BREEZE FRİTERM TERMİK CİHAZLAR SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. G&G PARTNERS S.r.l G.A.M. HEAT GAIA FİNANSAL DANIŞMANLIK HİZ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. GAMA GÜÇ SİSTEMLERİ MÜHENDİSLİK VE TAAHHÜT A.Ş. GE TRIVENI GENBA ENERJİ - CMİ MÜHENDİSLİK İNŞ. ENERJİ MAK. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. GENEL SİSTEM DİZAYNI A.Ş. GENERAL ELEKTRİK SERVİS A.Ş. GENSAN ELEKTRİK MAKİNALARI SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. GENSED - GÜNEŞ ENERJİSİ SANAYİCİLERİ VE ENDÜSTRİSİ DERNEĞİ GESBEY ENERJİ TÜRBİNİ KULE ÜRETİMİ SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. GİZMO İLETİŞİM REKLAMCILIK YAY. LTD. ŞTİ. / EKO YAPI DERGİSİ / İKİBİN50 DERGİSİ GL GARRAD HASSAN & PARTNERS LTD. GLOBAL TAN ENERGY LTD. ŞTİ. GLOBAL WIND GTW BEARINGS GUODIAN UNITED POWER TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LTD. GÜNEŞEVİ LTD. ŞTİ. - TTE GÜNEY MARMARA KALKINMA AJANSI GÜNIŞIĞI AYDINLATMA ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. HAASE ENERGIETECHNIK GmbH HALK ENERJİ YATIRIMLARI ÜRETİM İNŞ. TAAH. TİC. SAN. A.Ş. HAMON & CIE HANGZHOU BOILER GROUP CO., LTD. HAREKET PROJE TAŞIMACILIĞI VE YÜK. MÜH. A.Ş. HIS RENEWABLES GmbH Hi-VAWT TECHNOLOGY CORP. HUAWEI HUNAN ZUEFENG MECHANICAL AND ELEC. EQU. MAN. CO., LTD. HYDROLINK HYTORC BARBARINO&KILP GmbH IMV CORPORATION INACCESS SA ING-BUERO FISCHER-UHRIG INSPECCO BELGELENDİRME VE GÖZETİM HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY SWEDEN TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY SWEDEN TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY SWEDEN TURKEY TURKEY CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY THE NETHERLANDS SWEDEN TURKEY CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY TURKEY SWEDEN CHINA U.S.A TURKEY TURKEY CANADA TURKEY ITALY CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY TURKEY INDIA TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY DENMARK CZECH REPUBLIC CHINA TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY BELGIUM CHINA TURKEY GERMANY TAIWAN CHINA CHINA CZECH REPUBLIC GERMANY JAPAN GREECE GERMANY TURKEY COUNTRY COMPANY NAME COUNTRY INVEST IN SKANE IPEK ENERGY GmbH IPSOS INDUSTRIAL CONSULTING GMBH ITALIAN ENERGIA GREEN POWER İDEA MÜMESSİLLİK İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. PROMOSYON SAN. TİC. LTD. İLTEKNO İLERİ TEKNOLOJİ MÜHENDİSLİK TİC. A.Ş. İNEGİ TURKEY YENİLENEBİLİR ENERJİ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. İRES ENERJİ İSİAD - İSTANBUL SANAYİCİ VE İŞ ADAMLARI DERNEĞİ İŞ DÜNYASI YAYINCILIK / SU VE ÇEVRE DERGİSİ / YEŞİL BİNA DERGİSİ İŞ FİNANSAL KİRALAMA A.Ş. İŞBİR ELEKTRİK SAN. A.Ş. İTÜ İSTİKLAL PROJELENDİRME VE UYGULAMA TOPLULUĞU JEAN MULLER JOULE ENERJİ SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. KINTECH ENGINEERING / EOL ZENITH KK-ELECTRONIC A/S KONELSİS KONT. ELEKT. SİS. OTOM. İNŞ. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. KONTROLMATİK ENERJİ YÖNETİM SİSTEMLERİ SAN. VE DIŞ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. KSB KUŞGÖZ İZMİR VİNÇ KİRALAMA VE NAK. HİZ. A.Ş. KUZEY MEDYA / KOBİLİFE DERGİSİ LEM SOFTWARE LİDER - LİSANSSIZ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM DERNEĞİ LOCTITE / TÜRK HENKEL KİMYA SAN. TİC. A.Ş. LORENTZ GmbH & Co. KG LU HWA INDUSTRY CO. LTD. Manz AG MARS ENERJİ MCE ALTERNATİF ENERJİ A.Ş. MEGAJOULE MEVLANA KALKINMA AJANSI MILLER / HONEYWELL CO. MITI REPRESENTATION IN ISTANBUL / CZECHTRADE MİMAR VE MÜHENDİSLER GRUBU MİRSU MÜHENDİSLİK MİMARİ PROJE İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT GIDA SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. MN BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİ VE DANIŞMANLIK LTD. ŞTİ. MOBIL OIL MOELLER OPERATING ENGINEERING GmbH MONTEL MSA MUNTERSFROM MÜSİAD - MÜSTAKİL SANAYİCİ VE İŞ ADAMLARI DERNEĞİ MWH NALBANTOĞLU HIRDAVAT SANAYİ VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. NORDEX SE NORTHEL ENERJİ NORWIN A/S NRG SYSTEMS NRW INTERNATIONAL GMBH OMAŞ TEKNİK PAZARLAMA TEMSİLCİLİK İNŞ. TUR. SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. OPET FUCHS MADENİ YAĞ SAN. TİC. A.Ş. SWEDEN GERMANY GERMANY ITALY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY SPAIN DENMARK TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY GERMANY GERMANY TAIWAN GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY PORTUGAL TURKEY U.S.A CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY SIEMENS SIGMA SİTERM ISI SİTEMLERİ SKF SMARTGEN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD SOLAR BABA SOLAR DÜKKAN SOLARSTEP GmbH & CO. KG SOLIA A/S SOLTECH ENERGY SOLVOTEK MÜHENDİSLİK VE BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. SOMMER MESS-SYSTEMTECHNIK SP ÇAMLICA BORU İNŞ. TAAH. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. SPERIAN / HONEYWELL CO. SPIG S.p.A. STANDART POMPA VE MAKİNA SAN. TİC. A.Ş. STATKRAFT STEAG ENERGY SERVICES GmbH STF S.p.A GERMANY CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY SWEDEN CHINA TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY DENMARK SWEDEN TURKEY AUSTRIA TURKEY U.S.A ITALY TURKEY GERMANY GERMANY ITALY THE NETHERLANDS ITALY TURKEY DENMARK GERMANY TURKEY CHINA DENMARK TAIWAN TURKEY U.S.A CZECH REPUBLIC OPRA TURBINES BV ORTADOĞU ENERİ SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. OSTİM ORGANİZE SANAYİ BÖLGESİ OUTOTEC OYJ PENTA OTOMASYON SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. PERMA-PIPE PERRY JOHNSON PİKOTEK MEKANİK VE KONTROL SİSTEMLERİ PLARAD TORK POLDAW WIND PUMPS POWEL ENERGY MANAGEMENT AB POWERSERV - ENERJİ SERVİS YEDEK PARÇA DAY. TÜK. SAN. TİC. A.Ş. PROCOM GmbH PROJE KARGO VE YAT TAŞIMACILIK LTD. ŞTİ. PROMER MÜŞAVİRLİK MÜHENDİSLİK LTD. ŞTİ. PRÜFTECHNIK PSI AG PUSULA İMAR İNŞAAT VE DANIŞMANLIK LTD. ŞTİ. RAINPOWER RANEL ELEKTRİK ENERJİ OTOMASYON MAK. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. RAYSEL RE-CONSULT RÜZGAR ENERJİSİ DANIŞMANLIK, İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. RENES ENERJİ REPOWER SYSTEMS SE RINA DENİZCİLİK VE BELGELENDİRME LTD. ŞTİ. RITTMEYER AG ROBOSOFT KONTROL VE BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. ROBOTRON DATENBANK-SOFTWARE GmbH ROLLS-ROYCE plc ROSENERGOATOM JSC ROTA MÜHENDİSLİK MAK. İNŞ. SAN. TİC. LTD. ROTORK CONTROLS ROXTEC INTERNATIONAL AB RUDIS d.o.o. RUNH POWER PLANT ENGINEERING TECH. CO. LTD. S&Q MART KALİTE GÜVENLİK SAN. TİC. A.Ş. SAE IT-SYSTEMS GmbH & CO. KG SARESWIND RÜZGAR ENERJİ SANTRALLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. SARILAR ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT İTHALAT İHRACAT LTD. ŞTİ. SCHNEIDER SECURITAS SEEBURGER AG SEHAD - SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİR ENERJİ HAREKETİ DERNEĞİ SEKTÖREL FUARCILIK A.Ş. SEKTÖRÜM DERGİSİ SELNİKEL ISITMA VE KLİMA CİH. SAN. A.Ş. SERGI FRANCE SGS SUPERVISE GÖZETME ETÜD KONTROL SERVİSLERİ A.Ş. SGURRENERGY SHELL & TURCAS PETROL A.Ş. SICK - SENSÖRLER VE İLERİ CİHAZLAR KONTROL A.Ş. TURKEY TURKEY U.S.A GERMANY NORWAY CZECH REPUBLIC SWEDEN TURKEY U.S.A TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY DENMARK U.S.A GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY THE NETHERLANDS TURKEY TURKEY FINLAND TURKEY U.A.E U.S.A TURKEY GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY GERMANY TURKEY NORWAY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY SWITZERLAND TURKEY GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM RUSSIA TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM SWEDEN SLOVENYA CHINA TURKEY GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY FRANCE SWEDEN GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY FRANCE TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY TURKEY STORK TECHNICAL SERVICES HOLDING B.V. STUDIO TECNICO BFP S.R.L. SUBOR BORU SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. SUNARC TECHNOLOGY A/S SUNFLOW AG SUNPLAST ENERJİ VE PLASTİK SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. SUZHOU DEFENG ELECTRIC MACHINER CO., LTD SUZLON WIND ENERGY A/S TAIWAN EXTERNAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (TAITRA) TARGET ENERJİ A.Ş. TAS ENERGY TEDOM TEKGAZ DOĞAL ISI SİSTEMLERİ PROJE YAPIM ETÜD MÜ. KONT. VE DEN. İNŞ. SAN. TAAH. LTD. ŞTİ. TEKNAM LTD. ŞTİ. TEKNO RAY SOLAR ENERJİ SİSTEMLERİ SANAYİ VE TİC. A.Ş. TEKSAN JENERATÖR SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. TELEPATİ REKLAMCILIK / ARITMA VE SU TEKNOLOJİLERİ DERGİSİ TEMI TERMİK ENERJİ VE EKİPMANLARI İMALAT SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. TEROSON / TÜRK HENKEL KİMYA SAN. TİC. A.Ş. TES TESTMER ÖLÇÜM VE TEST HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. TESTO ELEKTRONİK VE TEST ÖLÇÜM CİHAZLARI DIŞ TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ. THE TRADE COUNCIL OF DENMARK IN TURKEY THERMAX THÖNİ INDUSTRIEBETRIEBE GmbH THYEAST KORUMA RÖLELERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. THYTRONIC PROTECTION RELAYS TMS TURBOMASCHINENSERVICE GmbH TNA MAKİNE MÜH. SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. TOPKAPI ENDÜSTRİ MALLARI TİC. A.Ş. TORISHIMA TOTAL ENERGY SERVICES LTD. TRADE KEY TRIVENI TURBINE LTD. TROYER AG - SpA TUĞRAN MOTOR VE TRANSFORMATÖR SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. TULİP EĞİTİM VE DANIŞMANLIK LTD. ŞTİ. TURBINE TECHNICS INC. TURBOMACH TURNKEY PROJECTS CONSULTING & ENGINEERING GmbH TÜBİTAK MAM TÜREB - TÜRKİYE RÜZGAR ENERJİSİ BİRLİĞİ TÜREVMAK MAKİNA ELEKTRİK DOĞALGAZ ISI SİSTEMLERİ SAN. TİC. LTD. TÜRKİYE KALKINMA BANKASI TÜRKOTED - TÜRKİYE KOJENERASYON VE TEMİZ ENERJİ TEKNOLOJİLERİ DERNEĞİ TÜRKSOY ENERJİ MÜHENDİSLİK VE DANIŞMANLIK LTD. ŞTİ. TYCO FIRE & INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS ÚJV ŘEŽ ULUSTRANS ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT VE TİC. A.Ş. VAPTECH LTD. VESTAS VITKOVICE GEAR WORKS VITKOVICE POWER ENGINEERING VİTO TİCARİ MÜMESSİLLİK VE YATIRIM A.Ş. / RAINPOWER VOLT ENERJİ VE BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ LTD. VORTEX FACTORIA de CALCULS S.L. WAGFORS AB WARTSILA WEIR YES WIND NORDIC A/S WUXI KIPOR POWER CO., LTD WWW.ALTERNATİFENERJİ.COM YANTAI LONGYUAN POWER TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. YES-SUN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECH CO., LTD. YINGLI GREEN ENERGY ZENİT ENERJİ VE ÇEVRE TEKNOLOJİLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Z-GROUP STEEL HOLDING, A.S. ZHEJIANG ORIENT ENGINEERING CO. LTD. ZOK INTERNATIONAL GROUP ZORLU ENERJİ GRUBU FAIR COMPANY NAME TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY GERMANY CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY TURKEY DENMARK INDIA AUSTRIA TURKEY ITALY GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY JAPAN DENMARK PAKISTAN INDIA ITALY TURKEY TURKEY U.S.A SWITZERLAND GERMANY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY BULGARIA DENMARK CZECH REPUBLIC CZECH REPUBLIC TURKEY TURKEY SPAIN SWEDEN FINLAND SPAIN DENMARK CHINA TURKEY CHINA TAIWAN CHINA TURKEY CZECH REPUBLIC CHINA UNITED KINGDOM TURKEY Total Number of Exhibitors 359 6 ICCI 2013 Visitor Profile www.icci.com.tr FAIR Foreign and Local Visitors % 82 18 Lo ca l Local : 12.780 Foreign : 2.806 Visitor Profile Private Sector Public Academy Press % 72% 14% 8% 6% 8 ICCI 2013 Visitor Profile www.icci.com.tr FAIR International Visitors Based on Countries Germany Italy United Kingdom Denmark Greece France United States Of America China Netherlands Belgium Iran Finland Taiwan Czech Republic Spain South Africa 1 1 1 1 1 2 % Poland Sweden South Korea Bulgaria Austria Switzerland Turkmenistan Azerbaijan Canada Japan United Arab Emirates Romania Egypt 20% 9% 6% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2 % 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 20 9 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 Visitors Based on Sector % Energy Environment Machinery Construction Automotive & Manufacturing Industry Ceramic & Glass Training, Consulting Textile Health 32% 8% 7% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% % Informatics Tourism Finance, Insurance Institution, Association, Foundation Agriculture & Livestock Law Logistics 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 10 ICCI 2013 Fair Views www.icci.com.tr 12 FAIR ICCI 2013 Fair Views www.icci.com.tr 14 FAIR ICCI 2014 fire hose fire exit HALL 10 fire hose Fair Layout www.icci.com.tr TERRACE A RESTA B INF LADIES’ ROOM C HALL 10 FO D CLOAK ROOM E fire hose fire hose FLOOR HALL FLOOR +1 Floor -1 Floor White Hall Orange Hall VIP Room Press Room Hall 11 Red Hall Green Hall B2B Meetings Yellow Hall Turquoise Hall Masjid +1 10 HALL 9 0 EXHIBITORS CAR PARK FLOOR -1 HALL EXHIBITOR SERVICES DESK 11 TERRACE FAIR HALL 9 fire hose fire hose fire exit F AURANT G O DESK OYER HALL 9 H MEN’S ROOM I J fire hose EXIT FIRE EXIT fire hose HALL 11 Green Conference HALL cafe restaurant HALL 9 & HALL 10 MASJID Info Desk B2B Meetings Area REGISTRATION ENTRANCE Whole entrances will be from Hall 11 ENTRANCE EXIT 16 Fair Participation The Most Environmentalist Fair and Conference... www.icci.com.tr FAIR Participation with a Standard Booth 1. The booth constructed with aluminium separator panels, 2. Erection of booth, carpet flooring and installation of power and lighting network 3. 100 watts lamps for each 3 sqm group sockets with extension cable 4. Requested quantity of Fair & Conference Invitation Cards 5. 5 copies of Proceedings CD 6. Free entrance for conferences 7. Free entrance for B2B Meetings Participation with Special Design Booth (Space Only) 1. Empty exhibition space at requested dimensions 2. Requested quantity of Fair & Conference Invitation Cards 3. 5 copies of Proceedings CD 4. Free entrance for conferences 5. Free entrance for B2B Meetings Exhibition Tips The key to a successful exhibition is leveraging available tools and techniques to maximize your sales opportunities. Experienced exhibitors take advantage of the many promotional opportunities in event directories, on-site signage, advertising and sponsorships to set their company apart from the rest. Remembering the following guidelines will greatly improve your exhibiting experience. Provide qualified information and education Connect to important trends in the industry Integrate your marketing for maximum exposure Make the benefits of your products understandable and compelling Have well-qualified staff in your booth to answer any technical questions Marketing Opportunities www.icci.com.tr Mayıs-Haziran 2013 Sayı/Issue 102 Yılda 8 Sayı yayımlanır Fiyatı: 6 TL th ULUSLARARASI ENERJİ VE ÇEVRE FUARI VE KONFERANSI Enerji Sektörünün En Önemli Buluşma Noktası ICCI 2013 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT FAIR AND CONFERENCE 24 25 26 9-10-11. Salonlar-Halls NİSAN-APRIL 2013 Istanbul Expo Center - Turkey Yine Sektörü Bir Araya Getirdi FUAR KATALOĞU FAIR CATALOGUE 01 ÇE / Tü rki ye zi VE Jİ ER EN 20 1 Me 4 rke 25 an bu l Fu ar RA SI RA 24 NİS / İst A N LA US Sa lon lar . UL 20 “BU FUAR 5174 SAYILI KANUN GEREĞİNCE TOBB (TÜRKİYE ODALAR VE BORSALAR BİRLİĞİ) İZNİ İLE DÜZENLENMEKTEDİR” * Fair Catalogue Advertising 26 VR E FU 2 AR I VE - ICCI ● ICCI 2013’ün 2013’ünÖnemli ÖnemliPanel Panelve ve Oturumlarından Özetler Oturumlarından Özetler - ICCI ● ICCI 2013’ün 2013’ün Katılımcı Katılımcı Firmalarına Mikrofonumuzu Firmalarına Mikrofonumuzu Yönelttik Yönelttik * Outdoor Advertising KO 4 NF ER AN SI Sponsorlar / Sponsored By 9-1 0-1 1. * * * * * * Advertising in Energy World Magazine (Official Media of ICCI) * Meeting Room Rental for Special Meetings and Seminars 18 Sponsorship www.icci.com.tr Why Become A Sponsor? ICCI specialty fair and conferences are unique sales environments that attract the most influential and important buyers in the global energy and environment industry. Having a through marketing campaign can really reinforce your sales message in a dynamic setting where exhibitors compete for attention. Sponsorships Companies can participate in ICCI 2014-20th International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference as Name Tag Sponsor, Visitor Bag Sponsor, Proceedings CD Sponsorship, Document Kit Sponsor, Hall Sponsor and Exhibitor & VIP Network Cocktail Sponsor. Common services provided to all Special Sponsors and Event Sponsors; 1. The logo of the sponsors will appear on all announcements, brochures, posters, advertisements, programme, Proceedings CD, invitation cards and web site of ICCI. 2. The logo of the sponsors will be displayed on the main hall of conference upstage visuals. 3. Requested number of Invitation Cards will be provided to sponsors. 4. Sponsors will be provided by 10 copies of Proceedings CD Sponsorship each. 5. Free entrance for conferences 6. Free entrance for B2B Meetings Lead the World Energy Market With ICCI FAIR Name Tag Sponsorship 1. On the obverse and reverse sides of the name tags the logo and the company details of the sponsor company will appear respectively. 2. The title of the sponsor will be visible on the lanyards of the name tags. Visitor Bag Sponsorship AR Bİ RL İĞ İ) İ ZN İ İL ED ÜZE NLE NME KTED IS FAIR IS ORGANIZED W İR”. “TH ITH T HE P ERM www.icci.com.tr IS S ION OF TH ET TOC VE R LA DA 19th INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT FAIR AND CONFERENCE DS KİY 19. ULUSLARARASI ENERJİ VE ÇEVRE FUARI VE KONFERANSI AN ÜR RS EO BE B (T U AM CHAN K EX TOB SH CH İNCE Proceedings CD Sponsorship KI OF Sponsorlar / Sponsored By OBB) IN ACCORDANCE WIT GES (T H TH Bildiriler Proceedings Medya Sponsoru / Media Sponsor “BU F SAYILI KANUN G UAR 5174 EREĞ UR ON BO AL NI RS 1. The logo of the sponsor company will be visible on the front side of the bag with requested design. 2. There will be the brochures of the sponsor company in the bag. E LA W5 174 ” 24 25 26 9-10-11. Salonlar-Halls NİSAN-APRIL 2013 Istanbul Expo Center - Turkey Organizasyon / Organized By 1. The logo of the sponsor company will be printed on the front cover of the CD in appropriate dimensions. 2. The logo of the sponsor company will be printed on the sleeve of the CD and the first page of the file included on the CD will allocated for the announcements of the sponsor company. 3. Sponsor will be provided 30 copies of Proceedings CD. Document Kit Sponsorship 1. Document Kit includes, note pad and pen. 2. The logo of the sponsor company will be replaced on the front cover of the note pad. 3. The advertisement of the sponsor will be replaced on the back cover of the note pad. 4. The logo of the sponsor will be replaced on the pen and on the each page of the note pad. Exhibitor & VIP Network Cocktail Sponsorship 1. An inauguration cocktail will be organized on the first day of the Exhibition & Conference. 2. The banner of the sponsor will be displayed in the cocktail hall. 3. The sponsor company will be entitled to perform a presentation of 10 minutes to participants during the cocktail. 4. Live instrumental music will be performed during the cocktail. 5. There will be logo on the cocktail invitation card. Hall Sponsorship 1. 2. 3. 4. Companies can be a sponsor of the halls where the conferences will be held for 3 days in 5 halls. The logo of the company will be printed on visual materials replaced in the hall. The logo of the sponsor company will be printed on thanks board and door directions. The halls which are sponsored, will be announced with their logos in the conference program. Golden And Silver Sponsorships Companies can participate in ICCI 2014 as Golden and Silver Sponsors. 1. The logo of sponsors will take place in all brochures, media kits, banners, advertisements, programmes, fair catalogue and visitor invitations. 2. The logo of the sponsor will take place in stage visual in main conference hall. 3. Fair and conference invitations will be provided as many as requested. 4. Sponsor will be provided 10 Proceedings CD. 5. The logos of golden and silver sponsors will take place smaller than special sponsor logos. 6. There is going to be dimension differences between golden and silver sponsor’s logos. 20 Fair Product Groups www.icci.com.tr The Newest and the Most Innovative Technologies & Products Power and Steam Generation 1.1 Fossil Fuel Systems 1.1.1 Cogeneration Plants Main Systems > Turbine > Gas Engine - Diesel Engine > Boiler > Generator > Transformer > > In-plant Communication System Grounding and Lightning Protection System 1.1.5 Related New Technologies > > > > IGCC - Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle - Coal Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Technology Gasification Units Burning Technologies 1.1.6 District Heating Auxiliary Systems > Fuel Storage Tanks > Fuel-Water Pumps > Water Conditioning Plants > Condenser Unit > Cooling Water System > Condenser > Heat Exchanger Units > Absorption cooling systems > Storm water Draining System > Plant Automation System > Plant Lighting > In-plant Communication System > Grounding and Lightning Protection System 1.2. 1.1.2 Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants Main Equipment > Water Turbines > Generator > Penstock Pipes Main Systems > Gas Turbine > Gas Turbine Generator > Steam Turbine > Steam Turbine Generator > Transformer Systems (Step Up - Service) > Waste Heat Steam Boiler Auxiliary Systems > RMS Station > UPS System > MCC (Motor Control Center) > Fuel Storage Tanks (In case of secondary fuel, naphtha etc) > Fuel-Water Pumps > Water Conditioning Plants > Condenser Unit > Cooling Water System > Water Cooling Tower > Compressed Air supply, compressor station > Storm water Draining System > PWaste Water Treatment Systemi > HVAC Systems (Heating, ventilation, air conditioning) > High-Medium Voltage Distribution Switch Assembly > Plant Automation System > Plant Lighting > In-plant Communication System > Grounding and Lightning Protection System > Green House 1.1.3 Coal Plant Main Systems > Steam Turbine > Steam Turbine Generator > Steam Boiler > Transformer Systems Auxiliary Systems > Coal Transporting Systems > Coal Preparation Units > Coal Burning Units > Air Blowing Units > Ash Collection, Washing, Removal Units > Stack Filtration Units > Water Conditioning Plants > Condenser > Cooling Water System > Water Cooling Tower > Storm Water Draining System > Waste Water Treatment System > HVAC Systems (Heating, ventilation, air conditioning) > High-Medium Voltage Distribution Switch Assembly > UPS System > Plant Automation System > Plant Lighting > In-plant Communication System > Grounding and Lightning Protection System 1.1.4 Fuel Oil Plants Main Systems > Steam Turbine > Steam Turbine Generator > Steam Boiler > Transformer Systems Auxiliary Systems > Fuel Storage Tanks > Fuel Transportation Units (Lines, Pumps, etc.) > Pre-heating Units > Stack Filtration Units > Water Conditioning Plants > Condenser > Cooling Water System > Water Cooling Tower > Storm Water Draining System > Waste Water Treatment System > HVAC Systems (Heating, ventilation, air conditioning) > High-Medium Voltage Distribution Switch Assembly > UPS System > Plant Automation System > Plant Lighting Renewable Source Systems 1.2.1 Wind Main Equipment > Wind Turbine > Generator Auxiliary Equipment > Monitoring Units > Turbine - Floor Connection Units > Connection Equipments 1.2.2 Hydraulic Auxiliary Equipment > Plant Automation System > Plant Lighting > In-plant Communication System > Control Valves > Pumps 1.2.3 Solar Energy Main Equipment > PV, Solar Cell > Collectors (Parabolic Trough Collectors, Parabolic Dish Systems, Central Receiver Systems, Vacuum Solar Collectors, Solar Pools, Solar Stacks) > Grid-connected Inverter > Solar Regulator > Batteries > Solar Panels > Steam Boiler > Steam Turbine > Generator 1.2.4 Geothermal > > > > > Geothermal Resource Research Geothermal Maps Feasibility Studies Geothermal Drilling, Efficiency Studies Green House Main Equipment > Production Well Drilling Equipment > Circulation Pumps > Re-injection Pumps > Exchangers > Insulated Lines Auxiliary Equipment For zone heating; > Distribution Lines (Indoor - Outdoor) > Flow Adjustment Valves > Exchangers > Accumulation Tanks > Radiators > Circulation Pumps > Pressure Boosting Units FAIR 1. > > > Data Collection Systems Emission Measurement- Monitoring - Control Systems Analysers 3. Power Conducting Systems > > > > > > > > Distribution Panels Rectifiers Frequency Control Units Harmonic Filtration And Compensation Systems Power Transmission Lines (Pylons, Lines, İnsulators, Cables, Grounding) Concrete - Steel Above Ground Equipment Conduit, Connecting And Splicing Materials Power Transformers And Protection of Power Systems 4. Maintenance-Repair And Service In Power Plant > > > > > > > IT Solutions Turbine - Motor - Pump Lubrication Units Rotational Equipment Sealing Elements Water Conditioning Chemicals Corrosion Prevention, Plating, İnsulation, Special Paint Etc. Products Equipment Periodic Maintenance Services Baroscope Devices 5. Environmental Technologies > > > Environmental Problems and Solutions of Power Plants Solutions for Emissions Spreaded Over Atmosphere Environmental Problems in Refineries and Petrochemical Plants and Solutions 5.1. Recycling Systems > > > > Energy Generation Using Treatment Sludge and Town Wastes Utilisation of Forest and Agricultural Wastes Biological Treatment Waste Collection Units and Transportation Systems 5.2. Environmental Consulting Services > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Environmental Impact Assessment Pre-feasibility, Feasibility Chemical and/or Biological Industrial Waste Water Treatment Systems Scrap Metal Chemical Waste Water Treatment Systems Waste Water Recovery Units Fully Automated Neutralisation Units Chemical Preparations and Dosing Units Prevention Plants Sludge De-watering Systems Waste Water Treatment Plant Equipment Oil Separators Heavy Metal Removal Units Chromium Reduction Units Green House 6. Design - Consultancy - Financing Construction Services > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Engineering and consultancy services, Field analysis, resource identification Feasibility reports Financing, loan services Investment incentive consultancy Legal consultancy Contracting services (plant construction, installation,commissioning, construction of power transmission lines, construction and installation of distribution systems) Cooling water systems and water provision (well, river, sea pump and piping works) Construction of water conditioning and waste water treatment plants Shaft construction Installing filtration systems Construction of power transmission lines International Employee Work Permit & Tracking Government Support Process fro Exportation Global Registration, Consultancy and Guarding for Patent, Brand, Designs Import Product Permissions - Varanty Certificates & Post-Selling Adequateness Documents International Company - Branch, Unit Opening, Marketing, Advertising, Promotion Supports Energy Trade and Sales Carbon Trade 7. Logistic > Equipment Logistics of the Energy Projects 8. Energy Efficiency > > > > > Energy Management Industrial Automation Heating and Cooling Motor Systems Industrial Lightening 1.3 Nuclear Energy > > > Reactor Technologies Fuel Rods and Control Rods Steam Turbine 2. Auxilary Systems For Power And Steam Generating Plants 2.1 Electrical System And Connecting Equipment > > > > > Switch System (Breaker, Separator, Panel, Switching Equipment, Synchronisation Equipment, Frequency-Voltage Measuring Devices, Meters, Cable, Lv-Mv-Hv Transformers) Medium Voltage And Low Voltage Distribution Systems (Panel, Table, Control Desks, Breaker And Separator Switchers, Fuses, Surge Arrester, Lightning Rod And Grounding Systems, Cables) Electric Meters Wiring Materials Transformer Systems 2.2. Fire Safety Systems > > > > Fire Detection Equipment (Gas-Flame-SmokeHeat Detectors, Panels) Fire Extinguishing Systems (Gas-Liquid-FoamDry Chemical Powder) Fire Pumps Emergency Signage, Lighting Systems 2.3. Plant Automation Systems 9. Ministry, Institution, Association, Foundation > > > Energy Management Systems Control Panels Scada Software 10. Media > Visual and Printed Media 22 Conference Energy & Environment www.icci.com.tr th Year in the Energy Industry.. CONFERENCE THE M AN EETIN DE NV G POI IRO N NM T OF ENT ENE SEC RGY TOR The most sustainable and objective international energy exhibition organized every year on a regular basis in Turkey since 1994... The most effective meeting point bringing together the public, private and academic institutions on the energy platform... The most reliable energy organization supported by public institutions and local and international non-governmental organizations... With around 16.000 visitors, it is the most popular energy exhibition... An unbiased conference where technical, scientific and the most current issues are discussed by around 250 professional speakers... 250 presentations in 5 halls during 3 days... Simultaneous translation in every hall... Side events, bilateral business meetings... We Invite All Sector Players To The Most Important Meeting Point of The Energy Industry... 24 Conference Focal Points Share Your Ideas for a Livable World www.icci.com.tr 4.2. > 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 4.6. protection of environment EU Environment Regulations and Policies; Turkey in terms of Energy-Environment liabilities within the EU accession stage Emissions Trade Competition and environment in energy The contributions of efficient energy use on economy and the environment Recycling technologies and practices for the environment Energy and Environment TURKEY... 5. Environment Technologies 2. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. Environment Technology Systems Recyling Systems Energy Generation from Wastes Utilisation of Forest and Agricultural Wastes 6. Energy Generation Technologies 1. General Outlook on the World Energy Sector 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. World Energy Supply and Demand Projections in Energy Markets, in The Medium and Long Term Liberalisation Practices in Energy Energy Investments; Financing Markets; Energy Investment Models; Pricing Policies Energy Sector in TURKEY 2.1. Financing Energy Investments 2.2. The State of Fossil and Renewable Energy Resources (Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Hydroelectricity, Geothermal, Wind, Solar, and Other Resources) 2.3. Sustainable Energy Policies 2.3.1. Energy Efficiency 2.3.2. Energy Supply and Demand Projections for Turkey 2.3.3. Supply Security in Energy 2.4. Assessing the Liberalisation Practices 2.4.1. Electricity, Electricity Generation-Distribution 2.4.2. Natural Gas,Natural Gas Supply and Transportation 2.5. Natural Gas, Oil Markets 2.6. Renewable Energy Market > Wind > Hydroelectricity > Solar > Geothermal > Biomass and the other resources 2.7. Coal 2.8. Nuclear Energy 3. General Outlook on the EU Energy Sector 3.1. Energy Policies, Legislation and Practices 3.2. Compliance, Practices and Progress in The Process of Accession to The European Union 3.2.1. Energy Efficiency; Renewable Energy Sources 3.2.2. Electricity and Natural Gas Markets; Restructuring and the Problems Encountered 4. Energy and Environment CONFERENCE WORLDWIDE... 6.1. Fossil Fuel Systems 6.1.1. Cogeneration, Mini-Micro Cogeneration and Trigeneration Systems 6.1.2. Natural Gas Combined Cycle Systems 6.1.3. Coal Fired Systems 6.1.4. Fuel Oil Fired Systems 6.2. Renewable Energy Technologies 6.2.1. Wind Energy 6.2.2. Solar Energy 6.2.3. Hydraulic - Hydroelectric 6.2.4. Geothermal 6.2.5. Biomass, biogas, landfill gas (LFG) 6.3. Energy Generation from Waste 6.4. Hydrogen Energy 6.5. Operation and Maintenance in Power Plants 7. New Horizons in Energy 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. Energy Trade and Sales and Sample Applications Worldwide Energy Exchange Energy Risk Management Energy Law UCTE (Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity) activities and importance Unlicensed Electricity Generation Energy Logistics IT Solutions for Energy Sector Shale Gas 4.1.Energy-Environment relationship within the framework of International Obligations for the Paper Submission Deadlines 1. The deadline for abstract submissions is; December 20, 2013 Abstracts should be sent to: [email protected] [email protected] 2. The deadline for full paper submissions is; February 14, 2014 26 ICCI 2013 Conference Views www.icci.com.tr * 5 Conference Halls * 29 Sessions & 10 Interactive Panels * 250 Proceedings Mr. Taner YILDIZ Minister of Energy and Natural Resourses Republic of Turkey Independent Industrylists’ and Businessmen’s Association Special Session: Mr. M. Mücahit FINDIKLI Turkish Grand National Assembly Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission President Mr. Hasan KÖKTAŞ President of Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA - EPDK) Mr. Erol KAYA Turkish Grand National Assembly, President of the Environment Commission Mr. Muharrem YILMAZ President of Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) CONFERENCE Turkey’s Energy Sector from Investors’ Point of View Dr. Selahattin ÇİMEN Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resourses Republic of Turkey Mr. Nail OLPAK President of Independent Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association (MÜSİAD) Dr. Fatih BİROL International Energy Agency Chief Economist 28 B2B Meetings With the aim of enhancing new business opportunities and collaborations as a result of B2B Meetings and thereby increasing the volume of trade, we are bringing together the Turkish companies with international and buyer delegations at a prestigious platform. The event will be realised during the conferences and exhibition. ICCI 2014 B2B Meetings will not only include energy but also environment sector. B2B www.icci.com.tr Participant Countries Turkey Germany Czech Republic Denmark Sweden Greece Netherlands Slovak Republic Spain United Kingdom China % 54 12 8 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1,5 India Austria Belgium Ireland Italy Japan Pakistan Serbia Taiwan USA % 1,5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 More participation from the Middle East, Gulf Countries, North Africa, CIS and Far East countries is expected. For more information & registration please visit our website: http://b2bmeetings.icci.com.tr Foreign - Turkish Participants % Turkish Participants : 84 Foreign Participants : 72 54 46 TOTAL PARTICIPANTS : 156 B2B MEETINGS Contact: [email protected] - Tel: +90 212 288 00 46 / Fax: +90 212 211 38 50 Meeting Numbers Turkish- Foreign Meetings: 155 Turkish - Turkish Meetings: 30 Foreign - Foreign Meetings: 11 % 80 15 5 TOTAL MEETING NUMBERS: 196 30 www.icci.com.tr 24 September 2013 JW Marriott Hotel Ankara Fair This Fair is Supported by KOSGEB. Conference B2B Meetings
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