ORTA ANADOLU İHRACATÇI BİRLİKLERİ GENEL SEKRETERLİĞİ Sayı: Konu: TİM.OAİB.GSK.ORG.2014/1642-24733 Türkiye-Litvanya İş Forumu Ankara, 01/12/2014 SİRKÜLER (G/2014) Sayın Üyemiz, Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu’ndan (DEİK) alınan yazıda; Litvanya Cumhurbaşkanı Sayın Dalia Grybauskaitė’nin Türkiye’ye resmi ziyareti kapsamında, DEİK organizasyonu ve Litvanya Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası ile Enterprise Lithuania işbirliğiyle 09 Aralık 2014 Salı günü saat 09. 00 – 14. 30 arasında “Türkiye – Litvanya İş Forumu”nun İstanbul Conrad Hotel’de düzenleneceği belirtilmektedir. Yazının devamında anılan iş formunun konuk Cumhurbaşkanı ile beraber her iki ülke Ekonomi Bakanları Sayın Nihat Zeybekci ve Sayın Evaldas Gustas’ın katılımlarının beklendiği bildirilmektedir. Anılan iş forumu kapsamında, Avrupa Birliği’nin önde gelen ulaşım ve lojistik merkezlerinden birisi olarak Litvanya’da yatırım imkanları ve işbirliği fırsatları, yüksek teknoloji (bilişim, lazer ve doğa bilimleri) konularında sunumlar gerçekleştirilecektir. İkili firma görüşmelerinin yapılacağı organizasyonda, Litvanya’dan katılım sağlayacak işadamları heyeti, bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri, lazer teknolojileri, biyoteknoloji, lojistik ve ulaştırma,kereste, gübre, hayvan yemleri (büyükbaş, küçükbaş ve kanatlı), süt ve et ürünleri gibi gıda ve hayvancılık sanayi ürünleri alanlarında iştigal etmekte olup, Litvanya tarafı katılımcı listesi ve iş forumuna ait taslak program ekte gönderilmektedir. Bu çerçevede, anılan iş forumuna ve ikili iş görüşmelerine katılmak isteyen firmalarımızın ekteki katılım formunu doldurup 5 Aralık 2014 Cuma günü mesai bitimine kadar DEİK’e (Aycan Damalı,Tel 0212 339 50 74) e-posta: [email protected] ) göndermeleri gerekmektedir. Bilgilerine sunulur. Ebru ATAMER Genel Sekreter a. Şube Müdürü V. Ek: Litvanya katılımcı listesi, taslak program ve katılım formu Ayrıntılı bilgi için: Çelebi Aslan - Uzman Orta Anadolu İhracatçı Birlikleri Genel Sekreterliği Ceyhun Atuf Kansu Cad. No: 120 06520 BALGAT ANKARA Tel : (312) 447 27 40 Faks : (312) 446 96 05 - 447 01 80 e-posta : [email protected] / www.oaib.org.tr 5070 sayılı kanun gereğince güvenli elektronik imza ile imzalanmıştır. ID:5432435762014121143121. Bu kod ile http://evrak.oaib.org.tr/ adresinden doğrulayabilirsiniz. Turkey – Lithuania Business Forum 09 December 2014, Conrad Hotel, Istanbul Firma – Kuruluş /Company - Institution : Faaliyet Alanı / Field of Activity : Temsilci İsmi / Name of the Representative : Temsilci Ünvanı / Title of the Representative: Tel / Phone : Fax: E-Mail : İkili görüşme gerçekleştirmek istenen firmalar / List of companies for B2B meetings: Not: “Türkiye – Litvanya İş Forumu” kapsamında düzenlenecek ikili firma görüşmeleri için, görüşmek istediğiniz firma ismini lütfen belirtiniz. Toplantıda Türkçe - İngilizce simultane tercüme hizmeti sağlanacaktır. TURKISH- LITHUANIAN BUSINESS FORUM B2B meetings , Istanbul , 2014-12-09 Item No Name of the company 1 ALTECHNA, UAB www.altechna.com Activity of the company Altechna is a supplier of laser related products and solutions, specializing in the following key fields of activity: Laser related components. R&D solutions in laser optics. Manufacturing of laser related components. Objectives of the visit Companies: Laser, laser instruments or systems manufacturers; integrators or industrial companies using lasers in manufacturing processes; Largest R&D centres related to photonics and laser technologies. Representative (name and position) E-mail [email protected] 2 AMBER TOURS, UAB www.ambertours.lt 3 BALTIC FEZ www.balticfez.com 4 BIOTECHPHARMA, UAB www.biotechpharma.lt Biotechpharma is a contract development and Companies involved in development of Vladas Bumelis manufacturing organization (CDMO), supporting our biopharmaceuticals: biotech and pharma companies. clients world-wide. We are offering fully integrated services, thus saving our clients as real one-stopsolution valuable time and money. In state-of-the-art R&D/ process development and manufacturing facilities, Biotechpharma performs different projects at any stage, starting from cell line construction and process development up to cGMP production of biopharmaceutical products. We have expertise in development and GMP compliant manufacturing of as well biotechnological drug substances as drug products. High quality and on time performance is guaranteed by a team of highly qualified and experienced researchers, engineers, technologists and management professionals. [email protected] ; [email protected] 5 Community of Professional Auditors (Auditoriu profesine bendrija,UAB) www.auditai.lt Assets (shares package) valuation; The Companies with the same activity. asset (shares package) market value determination; Companies which would like to establish companies Application of International Accounting Standarts (IAS) or invest in Lithuania. and Local Accounting Standarts in serving the clients’ accountancy; [email protected] Incoming tourism, conferences, events Local tour operators, Travel Agencies and MICE planners, who are interested in the outbound tours and conferences To look for investors and responsibly assist them in the Would like to meet companies that are interested in setting up and developing a profitable business in Baltic investing in Lithuania, representatives from FEZ. government and Business associations that are responsible for promotion of Lithuanian-Turkish cooperation. The company is look for investors and responsibly assist them in the setting up and developing a profitable business in Baltic FEZ. Gintare Antanelyte, Director [email protected] [email protected] Simonas Petrulis, Director General [email protected]; [email protected] Aldona Kabokienė, Owner 6 EDMUNDAS IR CO, UAB www.edmundaspartners.eu 7 EMP RECYCLING www.emp.lt 8 IBRAHIM, UAB www.ibrahim.lt; www.eastanbul.lt; www.uzuolaiduaura.lt 9 ICECO, UAB www.iceco.lt 10 KAMINERA,UAB www.kaminera.com Sewing services of different clothes for ladies, men and To find new clients for our service and to find new suppliers for fabrics and accessories, to meet children representatives of textile and sewing companies and Association of apparel The key activities of EMP Recycling include purchasing, Meetings with business partners (EVCILER company), collection, recycling and sales of secondary raw search for new business contacts and possibilities for materials cooperation. Recycling Companies, Scrap Steel Melting Companies, Ministry of Environment Real estate Food , textile and technology products related Textile companies, Food retail, wholesale Dairy products New born baby clothes “ICECO” is the producer of top-quality ice cream, frozen desserts and fish products in Lithuania. “ICECO” produces more than 120 fish products SKU and more than 130 ice cream and frozen desserts SKU. 430 people are constantly employed in a company. The company owns the trademarks “Aurum”, “Tirpukas”, “Zigmas” and “Junga” which are well-known both in Lithuania and other countries. “ICECO” exports approximately 60% of its products. Company is developing a chain of its own branded stores across Lithuania. Quality of ICECO production is approved by quality standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, IFS, BRC, GLOBALG.A.P. CoC, MSC CoC, ASC CoC, certified organic products. "Kaminera", Ltd., having many years of experience in field of loads' expedition by railroads and ice-free seaport Klaipeda, offers following services to clients: Railroad transportation using all types of wagonloads – import, export, transit; Payment of railroad (competitive) tariffs in territory of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.; Declaration of loads, execution of customs and transport documents; Congestion of loads in Klaipeda port; Supervision of load's position in the railroad Aldona Zindziuviene, Owner/Director [email protected] Almontas Kybartas, Chief executive officer [email protected] [email protected] Ahmet Demir, Import- export manager [email protected] To find commercial partners, which would be able Valdemaras Šalauskas, CEO [email protected] [email protected] and willing to merchandise UAB „ICECO“ products and offer Private Label production service for fish and ice cream products. ICECO JSC is seeking wholesalers, supermarkets, HORECA for fish and ice cream products distribution. To meet with potential partners and find new business contacts in Turkey Arūnas Tuma Member of the Board [email protected] 11 LITHUANIAN RAILWAYS (Lietuvos gelezinkeliai) AB www.litrail.lt/en An object of JSC Lithuanian Railways’ activities is a Freight forwarders, stevedoring, transport and performance of duties of the public railway logistics companies infrastructure manager stipulated by legal acts of Lithuania, passenger and freight transportation by rail, arrangement of railroad and relevant equipment protection zone maintenance works, execution of other economic and commercial activities consistent with legal acts of Lithuania, as well as assurance of quality of services provided under by regulatory documents and continuity of them. Albertas Šimėnas, Deputy Director General [email protected]; [email protected] 12 Lithuanian Road Carrires'Association LINAVA www.linava.lt The Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association LINAVA mission is to defend the interests of Lithuanian international road transport operators, to ensure the harmonious conditions in the transportation market and to improve the competitive ability of Lithuanian road transport operators. The Association LINAVA is an active member of the International Road Transport Union (the IRU). We are interested to meet public authorities in charge of transport, transport association, transport sector business representatives for future partnership. Algimantas Kondrusevicius President [email protected] [email protected] 13 MARIJAMPOLES PIENO KONSERVAI,UAB www.milk.lt Manufacturing of dairy products (milk powder, butter, condensed milk and other milk products). Nerijus Ruminas Looking for potential distributors/direct wholesale buyers (dairy products) and for potential investors (investment in dairy sector etc.). Chiefs (executives) of biggest food products distributors, market chains. Chiefs (executives) of dairy companies who is looking for cooperation. [email protected]; 14 PANEVEZIO AURIDA, UAB www.aurida.lt To find new contacts and partners in similar business Mantas Klupsas, Deputy CEO sector, if there be possibility to introduce our company’s activity. [email protected] 15 RAZ GROUP http://raz-group.eu/ Mainly – production of automotive compressors recognized worldwide. Services: Aluminium melting and die casting; Thermal heating operations; Mechanical treatment of parts; Empty buildings rent or sale RAZ Group is a Strategic Alliance and merging holdings of the Rakauskas family and Zabolis Partners in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The combined assets of the Rakauskas family and Zabolis Partners exceed 500 million Euro. As the leading regional investment group, RAZ has been investing in the fields of real estate, retail, energy, finance, and e-commerce in the Baltics and other CEE countries. Large retailers, considering a market entry in CEE, esp Guido Wolf, Partner/ Director LC Waikiki of Group Development [email protected] [email protected] 16 RUPTELA, UAB www.ruptela.com Ruptela is helping organizations to manage their Companies with vehicle fleets more than 500; Danas Masiliūnas, Business property effectively, while using the latest Transportation Associations Presidents (like UND) Development Manager communication technologies. We are offering Mobile Network Operators (M2M department Heads) sophisticated added value solutions for customers to lower their operational costs related to transportation needs and data collection from remote areas. Big transportation companies, NATO, passenger transportation companies, mobile network operators and others are using our solutions. Ruptela is one of the most financially stable companies in Baltic region (by CreditInfo and Coface) and Deloite has named us TOP5 in 2013 and TOP7 in 2014 as Fastest Growing Technology Company in Central Europe. [email protected] [email protected] 17 RUVERA, UAB www.inbio.com; www.ruvera.lt [email protected] [email protected] 18 SILUTES RAMBYNAS, UAB www.zpienas.lt Production and distribution of veterinary preparations and medicines, feed, feed suplements, zoogoods, prie/post milking hygiene products. Production of human cosmetic products (cooling, warming creams, gels, etc.). SCF Šilutės Rambynas has strong cheese making tradition since 1942 year. • Šilutės Rambynas SCF is dairy company located Šilutė in Lithuania. • The company since 1997 year belong to one of the biggest exporters and dairy group “Žemaitijos pienas” SC. • Public limited liability company „Žemaitijos pienas“, one of the largest milk processing companies, was established in 1924 in Telsiai. The work experience acquired through many years and the unique formulas allow presenting a wide range of products of perfect taste and high quality to the customers. 19 STUMBRAS, AB www.stumbras.eu Stumbras is one of the oldest and largest producers of Companies who are in alcohol business: super market Darius Juozas Mockus President [email protected] spirit drinks in the Baltic region. Company focuses on chains, independent buyers, distributors in different of MG Baltic Group producing vodkas, bitter, brandies and liqueurs. areas of Turkey. Stumbras has the most modern manufacturing facilities in the Baltic region. Annual production average 13 million liters. The distillery operates nine bottling lines. SC Stumbras is one of the subsidiary companies of the MG Baltic group. 20 Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts www.chambers.lt Represents the regional Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts and their members interests in the governmental institutions, international organisations Companies (wholesalers and distributors) which would be interested in the company's veterinary products and human cosmetics; Turkish Veterinary Medical Association. Arunas Rupšys, Director Distributor of dairy products, retailers and wholesale Vytautas Oleškevičius, Director [email protected] of dairy products, governmental institutions which of marketing and sales responsible for trading. Leader of the delegation Rimantas Šidlauskas, Director General [email protected] [email protected] 21 Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts www.cci.lt 22 Versli Lietuva Public Enterprise www.verslilietuva.lt IPSUN JSC www.ipsun.lt 23 Coordinator of Turkish- Lithuanian B2B meetings Vilnius CCIC is the biggest Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania, operating in the south-eastern part of Lithuania. It offers the following services for foreign companies: •provides general information on economic situation and business opportunities in Lithuania; • informs on tax system, business registration procedures; • receives the business delegations from over the world and offers full package of services (individual meeting programs with the Lithuanian companies, interpreting services, booking the hotels and transport); • organizes companies presentations; • publishes business proposals and requests on the Chamber’s website and own publications. Vilnius CCIC is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network, which joins about 600 organisations from 54 countries. Wholesale of fresh fruits and vegetables, grocery The company would like to find new partners and products, dried fruits, personal hygienc items, domestic suppliers chemicals, glassware Irena Jasiukevičiūtė, Director of [email protected]; [email protected] International Relations Department Dovydas Varkulevičius, Director [email protected] of Business Development Department [email protected] Tauras Justinas Janickas Director Bus Turkijoje TÜRKİYE – LİTVANYA İŞ FORUMU 9 ARALIK 2014 Conrad Hotel, Istanbul 09:30 – 10:30 Kayıt 10:30 – 11.00 Açılış Hitapları: - Sayın Nail Olpak, DEİK Başkan Yard./ MÜSİAD Başkanı - Sayın Rimantas Šidlauskas, Litvanya Ticaret, Sanayi ve Esnaf Odaları Birliği Direktörü - Sayın Evaldas Gustas, Litvanya Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanı - Sayın Nihat Zeybekçi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanı (teyit beklenmektedir) - Sayın Dalia Grybauskaitė, Litvanya Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı 11:15 – 12:30 Yatırım ve Sektör Sunumları - Litvanya’da İş Yapma ve İş Ortamı Sayın Dovydas Varkulevičius, Girişimcilik Departmanı Müdürü, Enterprise Lithuania - Litvanya’nı Türkiye İçin Sunduğu Lojistik Hizmetler Sayın Albertas Šimėnas, Genel Müdür Yardımcısı, JSC Lithuanian Railways - Litvanya’da İleri Teknoloji Biyoteknoloji, Doğa Bilimleri) Sanayileri (Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri, Lazer Endüstrisi: Sayın Tadas Lipinskas, Genel Müdür, JSC “Altechna” Doğa Bilimleri Endüstrisi: Prof. Vladas Bumelis, Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı, JSC “Biotechpharma” - Türkiye’de İş ve Yatırım Ortamı T.C. Başbakanlık Yatırım ve Destek Ajansı 12:30 – 15:00 Firma Görüşmeleri ve Açık Büfe Öğle Yemeği
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