Fikret ADAMAN Curriculum Vitae, April 2014 Department of Economics Boğaziçi University Istanbul, 34342, Turkey Phone/fax: (90) (212) 287 24 53 Email:[email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D. Economics, Manchester University, 1993 (Title: “Economic Calculation Debate—with special reference to Maurice Dobb’s contribution”; committee: Pat Devine [supervisor], Martin Currie and Geoff Harcourt) M.A. Economics, Boğaziçi University, 1987 (Title: “The Utilitarian Foundations of the Utility Theory”; committee: Ayşe Buğra [supervisor], Cem Behar and Deniz Gökçe) B.A. Economics, Boğaziçi University, 1985 FIELDS OF RESEARCH Turkey: Political economy Turkey: Social policy Ecological economics History of economic thought Methodology of economics EMPLOYMENT Professor of economics, Boğaziçi University, 1993-present. Visiting scholar, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 2012. Visiting scholar, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 2008. Visiting scholar, Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, 2003. Visiting professor, University of Utah, Spring 2000. Teaching assistant, Manchester University, 1991-1992. Teaching assistant, Boğaziçi University, 1986-1989. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Undergraduate History of Economic Thought Comparative Schools of Economic Thought Environmental Economics Introduction to Economics Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics Public Finance Advanced Microeconomics Math for Economists Game Theory 1 Graduate Environmental Economics Seminar Courses on History of Economic Thought and Methodology of Economics OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES - Rector’s advisor, 2012-. - Workshop on the Organising committee member, “Conflicts over Commons Summer School Series”, Boğaziçi University and the University of Manchester, August 2012 and August 2013 - Director, Centre for Disaster Management (CENDIM), Boğaziçi University, 2011-. - Advisor on “Social Inclusion in Turkey” (with Dr. Burçay Erus), European Commission, 2009-. - European Society for History of Economic Thought (ESHET) 2011 Istanbul Conference, local organization committee chair. - European Ecological Economics Association 2011 Istanbul Conference, local organization committee member. - Southern European Economic Association (ASSET) 2009 Istanbul Conference local organization committee member. - Chairperson, Economics Department, Boğaziçi University, 2006-2007; 2009-2011 - Director, Executive Economics and Finance MA Programme, 2004-2007; 2009-2010. - Member, commission for handicapped students, Boğaziçi University, 20072007Executive Committee member, Social Policy Forum, Boğaziçi University, 20042006. - Co-organiser, “Environmentalism in Turkey” international workshop, held at Boğaziçi University (funded by Boğaziçi University), 2004. - Co-organiser, “A Turkish-Greek Dialogue” conference, held at Boğaziçi University (funded by the Open Society), 2003. - Advisor to the Agricultural Reform Implementation Programme (ARIP) of Turkey (funded by the World Bank), 2002-2004. -Participation at the Johannesburg World Summit as the editor of the Chapter “Poverty and Sustainability” (with Dr. Begüm Özkaynak) of the National Report of Turkey, 2002. -Co-organiser, “Corruption in Turkey-Business” conference, held at Boğaziçi University (funded by TESEV, World Bank and Boğaziçi University), 2002. -Head, commission for preparedness against disasters, Boğaziçi University, 2000-. -Co-organiser, “Corruption in Turkey-Household” conference, held at Boğaziçi University (funded by TESEV, World Bank and Boğaziçi University), 2000. -Co-organiser, “Environmental Discourses, Policies and Perceptions in Northern and Southern Europe” conference, held at Boğaziçi University (funded by EU Scientific Research Fund), 2000. -Vice-chairperson, Economics Department, Boğaziçi University, 1998-2005. -Member, commission for strategic planning of Boğaziçi University, 1998-2004. -Member, commission for student affairs, Boğaziçi University, 1997-2000. -Head, commission for handicapped students, Boğaziçi University, 1997-2007. -Member, commission for research-fund allocation, Boğaziçi University, 1997-1999. 2 -Co-organiser, “The Forms of Participation at Local Government Level” conference (for the Helsinki Citizens Assembly), 1996. -Associate editor, Boğaziçi Journal, 1995-2008. GRANTS AND RESEARCH CONTRACTS - Project coordinator for “Gelir Getirici Projelerin Değerlendirme Araştırması Projesi” (“Evaluation of Income-Generating Projects Research Project”), conducted for the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity. - Project coordinator for “Political Economy of Turkey” (with Ayça Akarçay and Kıvanç Karaman), conducted for Agence Française de Developpement, 2011-. “Estimation of the Economic Costs of Abiding EU Regulations on the Automotive, Batteries and Paint Sectors” (with Burçay Erus and Ayşe Mumcu), a project funded by Regional Environment Center (REC), 2010-2012. -“Experts’ Research on Social Exclusion” (with Burçay Erus), a project funded by the European Commission, 2009-. “Türkiye’de Kamu-Yurttaş İlişkisi (The Relationship between the Public and the Citizen in Turkey)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), a project funded by TEPAV, 2008-2009. -“Türkiye’de Çevre Koruması ve Politikalarında STK’ların Rolü (Environmental Protection in Turkey and the Role of NGOs)” (with Barış Baykan, Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu, Begüm Özkaynak and Hande Paker), a project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2008-2009. -“Informal Economy in Turkey” (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Mine Eder), a project funded by the World Bank, 2008-2009. -“Environmental Problems of Uluabat Lake: A Game Theoretical Approach” (with Begüm Özkaynak and Ceren Soylu), a project funded by Boğaziçi University, 20072009. -Co-researcher, Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes (SESAME), a project funded by European Commission, 2007-2011. -“Environmental Attitudes of Urban Turkey” (with Begüm Özkaynak, Ünal Zenginobuz and Kerem Saysal), a project funded by Boğaziçi University, 2007-2009. -“Willingness to Pay for CO2” (with Begüm Özkaynak, Ünal Zenginobuz, İlhan Or and Gürkan Kumbaroğlu), a project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2006-2008. -“Hanehalkı Varlık ve Borç Stokları: Türkiye’de Tüketici Finansal Tercihleri Üzerine Anket Çalışması (Households’ Stocks and Assets: A Survey on Consumers in Turkey about their Financial Choices” (with Mehmet Kaytaz and Tansel Yılmazer), a project funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2006-2008. -“Study on Social Dimension in the Candidate Countries – Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Turkey” (BALKANDIDE) (with Begüm Özkaynak, Ali Çarkoğlu, Refik Erzan, Alpay Filiztekin, Serdar Sayan and Sinan Ülgen ile birlikte), Country Report for Turkey, The European Commission, 2006-2007. -“Conservation of Burdur Lake” (with Begüm Özkaynak and Serra Hakyemez), a project funded by Boğaziçi University, 2006-2007. 3 -“Social Exclusion in Turkey” (with Çağlar Keyder), prepared for the European Commission (co-sponsored by Boğaziçi University), 2005-2006. -“Microcredit Institutions in Turkey” (with Tuğçe Bulut), a project funded by Boğaziçi University and the Open Society, 2004-2005. -“Working Conditions, Labour and Syndicalism: The Industry Sector in Turkey” (with Ayşe Buğra and Ahmet İnsel), a project funded by Boğaziçi University, 2004-2005. -“Yerel ve Merkezi Yönetimlerde Hizmetlerden Memnuniyet (Satisfaction from Services of Local and Central Governments)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), funded by TESEV, 2004-2005. -“Yalova: A model for a sustainable city” (with Begüm Özkaynak), a project funded by Boğaziçi University and the Open Society, 2003-2004. -“Poverty Eradication and ICT: The case of Turkey”, prepared for UNDP, 2003. “Social Protection System in Turkey”, prepared for the European Commission, 20022003. -“Poverty-Sustainability: The Case of Turkey”, prepared for UNDP, 2002. -“Türkiye’de Yolsuzluk Problemi-İş Dünyası (The Corruption Problem in Turkey: The Business)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), prepared for the World Bank and TESEV, 2001. -“Türkiye’de Yolsuzluk Problemi-Hanehalkı (The Corruption Problem in Turkey: The Households)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), prepared for the World Bank and TESEV, 1999-2000. -“Reforming the Public Service Delivery Mechanism in Turkey: Challenges and opportunities” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), prepared for the Economic Research Forum, 19992000. -“Belediyelerde Performans Kriterlerinin Oluşturulması (Developing Performance Criteria for Municipalities in Turkey)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), prepared for TESEV, 19992000. -“İstanbul’da Okul Dışı Eğitim Araştırması: İktisadi, Politik ve Sosyal Boyutlar (A Research on the Extra-curricular Activities in Istanbul: The economic, social and political dimensions)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), prepared for TEGV (Voluntary Education Foundation of Turkey), 1999. -“The Multi-Faceted Aspects of Population Related Environmental Problems and Willingness to Pay for Environmental Improvements” (with Fatoş Gökşen and Ünal Zenginobuz), prepared for the Population Council, 1997-1999. -“The Economic Costs of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Turkey” (with Ünal Zenginobuz), prepared for the AIDS Task Force of EC, 1997. -“STDs Including HIV/AIDS as a Public Policy Issue: The Paradigmatic Case of Turkey”, prepared for the AIDS Task Force of EC, 1996. -“Belek Coastal Zone Management,” prepared for Doğal Hayatı Koruma Derneği (Association for Protection of Natural Life), worked as a social-economist, 1995-1996. -“The Prospects for Co-determination in Turkish Textile Industry” (with Sina Mandalinci and Yahya Madra), prepared for IDRC of Canada, 1994-1995. -“State-Policy Networks and the New Economic Strategy in Turkey”, prepared for the Ford Foundation; research assistant, 1989. 4 -“Dengeli Gelişme Politikaları (Policies for a Balanced Development)”, prepared for TÜSES (Economic and Political Research Foundation of Turkey); research assistant, 1989. -“An Evaluation of Management and Ownership Alternatives”, prepared for IDRC of Canada; research assistant, 1986-1989. ACADEMIC PAPERS, NOTES & BOOK CHAPTERS - Book Review of Landscapes of Development: The impact of modernization discourses on the physical environment of the Eastern Mediterranean (edited by Panayiota Pyla), Mediterranean Historical Review, forthcoming. - “The Economy: Hitting the wall” (with Bengi Akbulut, Yahya Madra and Şevket Pamuk), The Middle East in London, forthcoming. - “Environmentalism of the Malcontent: Anatomy of an anti-coal power plant struggle in Turkey” (with Bengi Akbulut and Murat Arsel), Journal of Peasants’ Studies, forthcoming. - “Is the Value of Environmental Goods Sensitive to the Source of Public Funding? Evidence from a Marine Restoration Programme in the Black Sea” (with Kyriaki Remoundou, Phoebe Koundouri and Paulo Nunes), Empirical Economics, forthcoming. - “Neoliberal reason and its forms: Depoliticization through economization” (with Yahya Madra), Antipode, forthcoming. - “Contested Spaces of Environmental Protection: The Case of Uluabat, Turkey” (with Ceren Soylu and Bengi Akbulut). In Müge Koçak ed. Contested Spaces in Contemporary Turkey (forthcoming). - “Furthering the Link between Social Capital and Corruption) (with Meltem Odabaş). In John Davis and Asimina Christoforou eds. Social Capital and Economics: Social Values, Power, and Social Identity (Routledge Advances in Social Economics) (forthcoming). - “Türkiye’de Kalkınmacılığı Yeniden Okumak: HES’ler ve Değişen Doğa-Toplum İlişkileri” (“Re-reading Turkey’s Developmentalism: Hydro-Power Plants and Changing Society-Environment Relationships”) (with Bengi Akbulut and Murat Arsel). In Evren, E., Erensü, S. & C. Aksu (eds.) Sudan Sebepler: Kalkınma ve Çevrecilik Kıskacında Hidro-Enerji ve HES Karşıtı Mücadelenin Ekoloji Politiği (Hydro-Power Between Development and Environmentalism and the Political Ecology of the Struggle against Hydro-Power Plants). İletişim: İstanbul. (forthcoming). - Book Review of New Organs Within Us: Transplants and the moral economy (by Aslıhan Sanal), Turkish Studies, 2013. - “Türkiye’de Çevre Siyasasının Ekonomi-Politiği: Kurumlar ve Devletin İnşası” (“The Political Economy of Environmental Policy in Turkey: Environmental Institutions and State Building”) (with Bengi Akbulut and Murat Arsel). In Aysan, A. F. & D. Dumludağ (eds.) Kalkınma Literatüründe Yeni Yaklaşımlar (New Approaches in the Development Literature). İmge: Ankara, 2013. - “Determinants of Tax Evasion by Households: Evidence from Turkey” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), in Turkey's Democratization Process, edited by Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yilmaz, Ana Planet, 2013. 5 - “Understanding Neoliberalism as Economization: The Case of the Ecology (with Yahya Madra)”, in Y. Atasoy (ed.), Global Economic Crisis and the Politics of Diversity, London & New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. - “Payments for Ecosystem Services and the Fatal attraction of Win-win Solutions” (with Muradian et al.), Conservation Letters, 2013. - Ekolojik Paylaşıma Dayalı İhtilaflarin Kategorilendirilmesine Yönelik Bir Taslak Çalışması (An Attempt to Categorise Environmental Conflicts)” (with Bengi AKbulut and Duygu Avcı), Üç Ekoloji, 2013. -“Environmental Organizations in Turkey: Engaging the State and Finance Capital” (with Hande Paker, Zeynep Kadirbeyoğlu and Begüm Özkaynak), Environmental Politics, 2013. -“The Unbearable Appeal of Modernization: The fetish of growth” (with Bengi Akbulut), Perspectives: Political Analysis and Commentary from Turkey, 2013. - “Network Effects in Credit Market Access: Evidence from Istanbul” (with Didem Tüzemen and Pınar Ardıç), İktisat, İşletme ve Finans, 2013. - “The Impact of Financial Development on Homeownership and Housing in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Turkey” (with Tansel Yılmazer and Mehmet Kaytaz), Review of Middle East Economics and Finance, 2012. - “Citizens’ Preferences on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Sources: Evidence from Turkey” (with Pınar Ertör Akyazı, Begüm Özkaynak and Ünal Zenginobuz), Energy Policy, 2012. - “An Inquiry on Introducing a Minimum Income Scheme in Turkey: Alternating Between Cost Efficiency and Poverty Reduction” (with Burçay Erus and Burçu YakutÇakar), Journal of European Social Policy, 2012. -“The Identity of Ecological Economics: Restrospects and Prospects” (with Begüm Özkaynak and Pat Devine), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2012. -“Political Economy of the Environment in Turkey” (with Murat Arsel), in M. Heper and S. Sayarı (eds), Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, 2012. -“Piyasanın İdaresi: Neoliberalizm ve bağımsız düzenleyici kurumların anatomisi” (with Ayşe Mumcu), Toplum ve Bilim, 2012. -“Power Inequalities in Explaining the Link between Natural Hazards and Unnatural Disasters”, Development and Change, 2012. -“Impact of Turkish-Origin Returnees/Transmigrants on the Turkish Society” (with Ayhan Kaya), in S. Ozil, M. Hofmann and Y. Dayıoğlu-Yücel (eds) 50 Jahre Türkische Arbeitsmigration in Deutschland, V&R Press, 2011. -“Is Corruption a Drawback to Turkey’s Accession to the European Union?”, South European Society and Politics, 2011. -“What Determines Urban Households’ Willingness to Pay for CO2 Emission Reductions in Turkey: A Contingent Valuation Survey” (with Nihal Karalı, İlhan Or, Begüm Özkaynak and Ünal Zenginobuz), Energy Policy, 2011. -“Valuation Languages in Environmental Conflicts: How Stakeholders Oppose or Support Gold Mining at Mount Ida, Turkey” (with Duygu Avcı and Begüm Özkaynak), Ecological Economics, 2010. -“Public Economics after Neoliberalism: A Theoretical-historical Perspective” (with Yahya Madra), European Journal of History of Economic Thought, 2010. 6 -“Globalization, Development, and Environmental Policies in Turkey” (with Murat Arsel), in T. Çetin and F. Yılmaz (eds), Understanding the Process of Institutional Change in Turkey: A Political Economy Approach, New York: Nova, 2010. - “The Logic of Neoliberal Agricultural Reform Initiatives: Perspectives and Consequences” (with Koray Çalışkan), in B. Karapınar, F. Adaman and G. Özertan (eds), Rethinking Structural Reform in Turkish Agriculture, New York: Nova, 2010. -“The Political Ecology of a Ramsar Site Conservation Failure: The Case of Burdur Lake, Turkey” (with Serra Hakyemez and Begüm Özkaynak), Environment and Planning C, 2009. -“Hospital Choice: Survey Evidence from Istanbul” (with Oya Pınar Ardıç, Burcay Erus and Didem Tüzemen), Turkish Studies, Volume 10, Number 3 (September 2009). -“Societal Context of Labor Union Strategy: The Case of Turkey” (with Ayşe Buğra and Ahmet İnsel), Labor Studies Journal, 34: 168-188, 2009. -Review Article: “Engaging with Turkish Politics in a Changing World: Global Dynamics and Domestic Transformations by Fuat Keyman and Ziya Öniş” (with Ayça Zayim), Boğaziçi Journal, 22: 141-149, 2008. -“The European Union and Turkey: Who Defines Environmental Progress?” (with Murat Arsel), International Journal of Middle East Studies, 40: 541-543, 2008. -“Social Exclusion in the Slum Areas of Large Cities in Turkey” (with Oya Pınar Ardıç), New Perspectives on Turkey, 38: 29-60, 2008. -“(Re)embedding the Economy in Society and Nature” (with Pat Devine and Begüm Özkaynak), in M. Harvey, R. Ramlogan and S. Randles (eds), Karl Polanyi: New perspectives on the place of the economy in society, Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 78-93, 2007. -“Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İktisat, İktisadi Düşünce Tarihi ve Yöntembilim İlişkileri” (with Eyüp Özveren), İktisat Öngörü Çalışması 2003-2023. Ankara, TÜBA, 2007, 139151. -“Marxisms and Capitalisms: From Logic of Accumulation to Articulation of Class Structures” (with Yahya Madra), in H. Chodos, D. Glaser and D. Walker (eds), Twentieth Century Marxism, Routledge, pp. 212-29, 2007. -“Neoklasik İktisat, Kurumsal İktisat ve Ekonomi-Çevre İlişkisi (Neoclassical Economics, Institutionalist Economics and the Economy-Environment Relationship)” (with Begüm Özkaynak), in E. Özveren (ed.), Kurumsal İktisat. İmge Yayınları, pp. 30937, 2007. -“Perceptions and Practices of Farmers toward the Salinity Problem: The Case of Harran Plain” (with Gökhan Özertan), International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 6(4/5): 533-51, 2007. -“Türkiye’de Farklı İşçi Dünyaları ve Sendikaların Toplumsal Konumu (Different Worlds of Labor in Turkey and the Societal Position of Unions)” (with Ayşe Buğra and Ahmet İnsel), Birikim, 217:100-13, 2007. -“The Promise of Participatory Planning: A Rejoinder to Hodgson” (with Pat Devine), Economy and Society, 35(1):141-7, 2006. “ICTs and Poverty Eradication: The Case of Turkey”, in Y. Esmer (ed.) Perspectives on ICT and Human Development: Turkey. İstanbul: Human Development Center Publications, 2004. 7 -“Social Capital and Corruption during Times of Crises: A look at Turkish firms in economic crisis of 2001” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), Turkish Studies, 2003. -“Political Economy of Citizens’ Participation in Environmental Improvement: The Case of Istanbul (with Fatoş Gökşen and Ünal Zenginobuz), in O. Seippel, F. Gökşen, M. O’Brien, F. Adaman, Ü. Zenginobuz and J. Grolin (eds), Integrating and Articulating Environments. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003. -“A Participatory Framework for Poverty Eradication and Environmental Sustainability: The case of water management” (with Yahya Madra), in R. Gupta, A. Kibaroğlu and O. Ünver (eds), Water Management and Poverty Eradication. Boston: Kluwer, 2003. -“Reinstituting the Economic Process: (Re)embedding the economy in society and nature” (with Pat Devine and Begüm Özkaynak), International Review of Sociology, 2003. -“The Economics-Environment Relationship: The Neoclassical, Institutional, and Marxist Approaches” (with Begüm Özkaynak), Studies in Political Economy, 2002. -“Theorizing the Third Sphere: A Critique of the Persistence of the Economistic Fallacy” (with Yahya Madra), Journal of Economic Issues, 2002. -“On Environmental Concern, Willingness to Pay, and Postmaterialist Values: Evidence from Istanbul” (with Fatoş Gökşen and Ünal Zenginobuz), Environment and Behavior, 2002. -“On the Theory of Entrepreneurship” (with Pat Devine), Review of Political Economy, 2002. -“The Prospects of Co-determination: The textile industry in Turkey” (with Sina Mandalinci and Yahya Madra), in Adaman, F. and P. Devine (eds), Economy and Society, Montreal: Blackrose, 2001. -“Economic Decentralization: Some guidelines for Turkey” (with Aslı Leblebicioğlu), New Perspectives on Turkey, 2001. -“A Response to Professor Hodgson” (with Pat Devine), Economy and Society, 2001. -“Extensions and Limitations of the Neoclassical Approach to Firm Theory: Some lessons for the case of Turkey”, in T. Bulutay (ed.), Wages, Income and Wage Distributions, Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Yayınları, 2001. -“Türkiye’de Kamu Yönetimlerinin Yeniden Yapılanması (Restructuring of Public Governance in Turkey)” (with Ali Çarkoğlu), Görüş, 2000. -“The Economic Costs of STDs in Turkey” (with Ünal Zenginobuz), Boğaziçi Journal, 1999. -“STDs Including HIV/AIDS as a Public Policy Issue: The paradigmatic case of Turkey”, Boğaziçi Journal, 1999. -“State Structures: Coercion versus Co-ordination. Some Lessons for Turkey” (with Zeynep Kadiybeyoğlu), New Perspectives on Turkey, 1999. -“The Political Economy of the Environment in Turkey”, New Perspectives on Turkey, 1997. -“The Changing Role of the State from a Turkish Perspective” (with Murat Sertel), in H. Handoussa (ed.), Economic Transition in the Middle East: Global Challenges and Adjustment Strategies, Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 1997. -“On the Economic Theory of Socialism” (with Pat Devine), New Left Review, 1997. 8 -“Yönetime Katılmanın İktisadi Boyutu (The Economic Dimension of Participation to Decision-Making)”, in T. Belge and O. Bilgin (eds), Yurttaş Katılımı, Bursa: Burfaş 1997. -“The Economic Calculation Debate: Lessons for socialists” (with Pat Devine), Cambridge Journal of Economics, 1996. -“A Response to Professor Foss” (with Pat Devine), Studies in Political Economy, 1996. -“‘Hesaplama Tartışması’ Üzerine Bir Not (A Note on the ‘Calculation Debate’)” (with Yahya Madra), Toplum ve Bilim, 1995. -“Türkiye’de Devletin Değişen Ekonomik Rolü (The Changing Role of the Turkish State)” (with Murat R. Sertel), Özelleştirme Sempozyumu Tebliğleri, Koç University, 1995. -“Katılımcı Ekonominin Nedenleri ve Nasılları Üzerine Bir Önsöz (An Introduction to the Hows and Whys of a Participatory Economics)”, İktisat, 1994. -“Socialist Renewal: Lessons from the ‘Calculation’ Debate” (with Pat Devine), Studies in Political Economy, 1994. -“‘Sanayi Ötesi Toplum’ Üzerine Bir Ekleme (A Rejoinder to ‘Post-Industrialised Society’)”, Toplum ve Bilim, 1993. -“The Effects of Ownership Structure on Efficiency – Is There any Rationale for Privatization?”, Boğaziçi Journal, 1993. -“Pseudo-Experimental Estimates of Labor Supply Functions in Two Turkish State Enterprises” (with Murat R. Sertel and Ünal Zenginobuz), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 1992. BOOKS -Rethinking Structural Reform in Turkish Agriculture (edited with Barış Karapınar and Gökhan Özertan), New York: Nova, 2010. - Türkiye’de Vergiler, Temsiliyet ve Demokrasi (Taxation, Representation, and Democracy in Turkey), (with Ü Zenginobuz, F. Gökşen, Ç. Savcı, and E. Tokgöz), Boğaziçi University Publications, Istanbul, 2010. -Türkiye’de Kamu Reformu (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), Ankara: TEPAV, 2009. -Diyarbakır’dan İstanbul’a 500 Milyonluk Umut Hikayeleri: Mikrokredi Maceraları (Stories of Hope from Diyarbakır to Istanbul: Microcredit Adventures) (with Tuğçe Bulut), İstanbul: İletişim, 2007. -Environmentalism in Turkey, co-edited with Murat Arsel, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. -Toplumun Kamu Yönetimine, Kamu Hizmetlerine ve Reforma Bakışı (Citizens’ Position vis-à-vis Public Governance, Public Services and Reform) (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), İstanbul: TESEV, 2005. -Sürdürülebilir Kentleşme: Yalova örneğinde sürdürülebilir kent tasarımına yönelik bir yöntem önerisi (Urban Sustainability: A methodological inquiry through the case of Yalova) (with Begüm Özkaynak), İstanbul: TÜSES, 2004. -Integrating and Articulating Environments, co-edited with Ornulf Seippel, Fatoş Gökşen, Martin O’Brien, Ünal Zenginobuz and Jesper Grolin, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 2003. -İşdünyası Gözünden Türkiye’de Yolsuzluk (Corruption in Turkey from the Perspective of Business) (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), İstanbul: TESEV, 2003. 9 -Economy and Society, co-edited with Pat Devine, Montreal: Blackrose, 2001. -Hanehalkı Gözünden Türkiye’de Yolsuzluk (Corruption in Turkey from the Perspective of Household) (with Ali Çarkoğlu and Burhan Şenatalar), İstanbul: TESEV, 2001. -Türkiye’de Yerel ve Merkezi Yönetimlerde Hizmetlerden Tatmin, Patronaj İlişkileri ve Reform (Reform, Patronage Networks and Satisfaction from Public Services at the Local and Central Levels: The Case of Turkey) (with Ali Çarkoğlu), İstanbul: TESEV, 2000. -Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılında Üniversitelerimiz (Universities in Turkey at the 75th Anniversary of the Republic), ed., Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Publications, 2000. Translation: Devlet ve İşadamları, from State and Business in Modern Turkey (New York: Suny, 1994) by Ayşe Buğra, İstanbul: İletişim, 1995. OTHER PUBLICATIONS -Co-editor (with Deniz Yükseker) of the special issue of New Perspectives on Turkey on Social Exclusion and Poverty, 2008. -Co-editor (with Diane Sunar) of the special issue of Boğaziçi Journal on Symposium on Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of HIV/AIDS in Turkey, 1999. -Editor of the special issue of Boğaziçi Journal on Reforming the State, 1997. REFEREE FOR Boğaziçi Journal Cambridge Journal of Economics Economic Design Environment and Planning Environmental Science and Policy Journal of Economic Issues METU Development Review of Social Economy Review of Political Economy Turkish Studies AWARDS Academics Award of Boğaziçi University, 2008. Manchester University Fellowship, 2000. FEMISE Award (shared with A. Çarkoğlu), 1999. Junior Academics Award of Boğaziçi University, 1998. Population Council Award (shared with Ü. Zenginobuz), 1997. Economic Research Forum (ERF) Award (shared with M.R. Sertel), 1995. IDRC Award (shared with S. Mandalinci), 1994. British Council Foreign and Commonwealth Scholarship, 1989-1992. 10
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