1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Annex III: 1st Call for Proposals (for Partners): List and full description of Topics Version 2 - 15 December 2014 - Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 1 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Clean Sky 2 Work Plan 2014-2015 ANNEX III: 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01): List and Full Description of Topics Document ID N°: V2 Version: 2 Date: 17/11/2014 Revision History Table Version n° Issue Date Reason for change V1 4/11/2014 First Release V2 17/11/2014 The Annex III is amended to reflect the outcome of the discussion which took place between the European Commission, the SRG Members and the JU on the Type of Action of some topics. In particular, the updates mainly regard the following topics: JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-05 “Environmental Friendly Fire Suppression” JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-04 “Smart Oil pressure sensors for oil cooled starter/generator” The Annex III is amended to change the identification of the topics from the AIRFRAME ITD JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 2 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Index 1.1. Clean Sky 2 – Large Passenger Aircraft IAPD ......................................................................... 8 1.2. Clean Sky 2 – Regional Aircraft IADP ................................................................................... 91 1.3. Clean Sky 2 – Fast Rotorcraft IADP .................................................................................... 103 1.4. Clean Sky 2 – Airframe ITD ................................................................................................ 174 1.5. Clean Sky 2 – Engines ITD .................................................................................................. 264 1.6. Clean Sky 2 – Systems ITD ................................................................................................. 329 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 3 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) List of Topics for Partners (CFP01) Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA01-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA01-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA01-03 Title Type of #Topics Value Action (Funding in M€) OPEN ROTOR Engine Mounting System IA 14,9 2 IA 2 RIA 0,45 IA 0,35 IA 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-03 Support to future CROR and UHBR propulsion system maturation Development of advanced laser-beam welding technology for the manufacturing of structures for titanium HLFC structures. Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly – Blind fastener inspection technology for quality control Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly - Definition And Development Of An Inspection Tool To Characterize Inner Surface Hole Quality Rapid Assembly Of Bracket For Structure-System Integration RIA 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-04 Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and IA Enabling Technologies 0,6 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-06 Environmental Friendly Fire Suppression IA 0,6 Development of Thermoelastic Stress Analysis for the detection of stress hotspots during structural testing Process and Methods for E2E Maintenance Architecture development and demonstrations and solutions for technology integration Aircraft System Prognostic solutions integrated into an airline E2E maintenance operational context Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers IA 0,35 RIA 1,75 RIA 1,7 RIA 4,4 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA03-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA03-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA03-03 JTI-CS2-CFP01-REG JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-REG02-01 12 1 Aerodynamic characterization of control devices RIA for wing loads control and aircraft response characterization of a regional turboprop aircraft Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 4 of 375 0,5 0,5 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Identification JTI-CS2-CFP01-FRC JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-07 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-08 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-04 Title Type of #Topics Value Action (Funding in M€) 8 Support to the aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a trimmed, complete compound R/C and related issues. Aerodynamic and functional design study of a fullfairing semi-watertight concept for an articulated rotor head Support to the aerodynamic analysis and design of propellers of a compound helicopter Tools development for aerodynamic optimization on engine air intake HVDC Starter/Generator RIA 4,4 0,8 IA 0,4 RIA 0,4 IA 0,4 IA 0,8 High Voltage Network Battery IA 0,8 Power Conversion IA 0,4 HVDC Network management IA 0,4 14 Aerodynamic and acoustic capabilities developments for close coupling, high bypass ratio turbofan Aircraft integration. Advanced predictive models development and simulation capabilities for Engine design space exploration and performance optimization CROR Engine debris Impact. Shielding design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation Aero-acoustic experimental characterization of a CROR (Contra Rotating Open Rotor) engine WT model with core flow in propellers architecture. RIA 9,55 2,4 RIA 0,35 IA 0,36 IA 0,96 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-05 Blade FEM impact simulations and sample RIA manufacturing for CROR Aircraft 0,36 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-06 Design and demonstration of a laminar nacelle IA concept for business jet 0,75 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 5 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR01-07 Eco Design for Airframe - Re-use of Thermoplastics IA Composites 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-01 Flightworthy Flush & Lightweight doors for IA unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft 1 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-02 Bird strike - Erosion maintainable windshields 0,6 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-03 Curved stiffened panels in thermoplastics by IA preindustrial ISC process 0,425 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-04 New enhanced acoustic damping composite RIA material 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-05 Structural bonded repair of monolithic composite RIA airframe 0,5 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-06 Simulation tool development for a composite RIA manufacturing process default prediction integrated into a quality control system Design Against Distortion: Part distortion RIA prediction, design for minimized distortion, metallic aerospace parts 0,7 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR02-07 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG01-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG04-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG04-02 Type of #Topics Value Action (Funding in M€) resistant and fast IA 0,45 10 Engine Mounting System (EMS) for Ground Test IA Demo Development of an all-oxide Ceramic Matrix RIA Composite (CMC) Engine Part Characterisation of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue RIA Behaviour 13,4 1,5 3 0,56 Advanced analytical tool for the understanding RIA and the prediction of core noise for large civil aero engine with low emission core VHBR Engine - Advanced bearing technology RIA 1 Crack growth threshold analysis in TiAl alloys 0,44 2,4 IA Power Density improvement demonstrated on a IA certified engine High Performance Turbocharger IA Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 0,5 0,5 Page 6 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Identification Title Type of #Topics Value Action (Funding in M€) JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01-ENG04-03 Alternative Architecture Engine research RIA 2,5 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG04-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-03 Engine Installation Optimization IA 1 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-07 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-08 8 Smart Integrated Wing – Life extended hydrostatic & lubricated systems Modular, scalable, multi-function, high power density power controller for electric taxi Robust package for harsh environment and optimization of electrical characteristic of rectifier bridge using high current diode Smart Oil pressure sensors for oil cooled starter/generator Instrumented bearing for oil cooled starter/generator Evaluate mechanical and fatigue capabilities for diode die in harsh environment Development of MODELICA libraries for ECS and thermal management architectures Embedded sensors technology for air quality measurement TOTAL Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 RIA 5,2 0,7 IA 1,5 RIA 0,7 RIA 0,6 RIA 0,5 RIA 0,4 RIA 0,5 IA 0,3 53 Page 7 of 375 47,96 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.1. Clean Sky 2 – Large Passenger Aircraft IAPD I. Open Rotor Engine Mounting System Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP1.1.3 – Open Rotor Demo Engine (CROR) Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 2000 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 72 months Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA01-01 Open Rotor Engine Mounting System Start Date1 09-2015 (T0) Short description (3 lines) Design, manufacture, assembly and instrumentation of an Engine Mounting System for CROR Flight Test Demo Engine; EMS Set for characterization and validation through Partials tests: manufacture, assembly and instrumentation, mechanical tests. 1 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 8 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Originating in mid to late 1970’ies NASA concept studies, the Open Rotor engine has been shown to offer significant fuel savings over traditional ducted engines. Compared to these engines, the Open Rotor should save up to 40% of fuel burn. The Clean Sky 2 Open Rotor Demonstration Project aims at designing, manufacturing & testing such engine which will be installed on a pylon located on the flight tests aircraft (A340-FTD). The scope of the project is targeting the engine mounting system, which will attach the engine on one side by the means of links and bearings and integrate into the pylon structure on the other. Depending on the final concept chosen, it may also include some form of cradle between the pylon and engine. The Clean Sky 1 Open Rotor Demonstration will serve as a baseline for these studies, in order to minimize the rework on the different components composing the engine mounting system. pylon Aft mount Elastomeric dampers For illustration only Front mount The breakdown in this WP1.1.3 is the following: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 9 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP1.1.3 Open Rotor Demo Engine WP1.1.3.0 Engineering WP1.1.3.1 Propulsion System Integration WP1.1.3.2 Modules Adaptations or Modifications WP1.1.3.3 Systems and Controls Development WP1.1.3.4 Component Maturation Plan WP1.1.3.5 Preparation and Participation to Demo Flight Test 2. Scope of work The scope of work of this CfP is covering the perimeter of the Engine Mounts System for the Flight Test Demo engine (FTD) and the applicant’s tasks are mainly located in WP In the first phase, the applicant is required for checking the feasibility, freezing the architecture and interfaces, and for identifying the validation plan in order to comply with the EMS specifications that will be provided by the Engine Manufacturer and the Airframer in WP In the second phase, the applicant will perform preliminary design, detailed design, manufacture of three sets of EMS: - Pass-off test demonstrator EMS - CROR FTD demonstrator EMS - Component Test EMS As well as: - instrumentation and partial tests of Component Test EMS - instrumentation and support for pass-off test of CROR FTD demonstrator EMS - instrumentation and support for flight test of CROR FTD demonstrator EMS Tasks associated with the activities “Instrumentation and support for pass-off and flight test of CROR FTD demonstrator EMS” will be located in WP Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 10 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) DIAGRAMME GANT - CROR - cfp MOUNTS REF 1 Label CFP MOUNTS T0 Management MS 1 T1 3 MS3 FTD demo Mounts System :Critical Design Review T2 Mount system component tests MS4 Mount system delivery for component test T3 Mount system delivery for pass-off test T4 Mount system delivery for flight test MS6 1 2 3 2017 4 1 2 3 2018 4 1 2 3 2019 4 1 2 2020 3 4 1 2 3 2021 4 1 2 mount system design FTD demo Mounts System : Preliminary Design Review T5 4 2016 Mount systems development plan review MS2 MS5 2015 Mount system hardware delivery for flight demo Support to ground & flight test (mounts) Flight test demo 5 TRL 6 Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Task 0 Management T0 + 72 Progress Reporting & Reviews: months Quarterly progress reports in writing shall be provided by the partner, referring to all agreed work packages, technical achievement, time schedule, potential risks and proposal for risk mitigation. Monthly coordination meetings shall be conducted via telecom. The partner shall support reporting and agreed review meetings with reasonable visibility on its activities and an adequate level of information. The review meetings shall be held at the topic manager’s facility. General Requirements: The partner shall work to a certified standard process Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 11 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 mount system design The partner shall design the mounts and elastomeric dampers, according to the topic manager and to the airframer’s demonstrator flight-worthiness requirements in case this mounts concept would be selected for flight tests. The partner shall deliver to the topic manager the mount system data required for Whole Engine Model Analysis and for the Airframer’s GFEM to be used for loads & Aero elastics loops The partner shall deliver a design justification report of the mounts and elastomeric dampers The partner shall support the technical review for mount system architecture approval organized by the topic manager. Mount system component tests The partner shall propose a mount system verification plan. This verification plan will be approved by the topic manager through a technical review. The partner component test activities shall include: o detailed design of test benches and manufacturing or procurement of components based on existing test plan & test bench sketches o design and procurement of instrumentation required for the different tests o test benches modifications and commissioning including test bench control and instrumentation o testing of the relevant parts o tests results analysis o test results report Mount system delivery for pass-off test The partner activities shall include: o manufacturing and/or procurement of the instrumented mounts and elastomeric dampers for engine assembly o conformity documents Mount system delivery for flight test The partner activities shall include: o manufacturing and/or procurement of the instrumented mounts and elastomeric dampers for engine assembly o conformity documents T0 + 18 months Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 39 months T0 + 37 months T0 + 41 months Page 12 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Task 5 Support to ground & flight test (mounts) T0 + 70 The partner shall support the topic manager during the ground & months flight tests: o monitoring o measures analysis o hardware changes if required by engine dynamic behavior Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 13 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description D1 Mount systems development plan Including detailed risk analysis and mitigation proposal and a preliminary test pyramid Mount system preliminary design substantiation document for Preliminary design review To check the feasibility and to freeze the architecture and interfaces, to identify the validation plan Design progress reports for mount systems To check the feasibility and to freeze the architecture and interfaces, to identify the validation plan. Mount system detailed design substantiation document for the critical design review To approve design before hardware manufacturing engagement. Including Test pyramid, structural FEM model adapted for integration to global Aircraft FEM (GFEM) & local thermal model Mount systems Components Tests benches readiness review To verify test benches capability to meet validation plan requirements Mount system hardware delivery for component test Hardware for component test Mount systems Components Tests completed – hardware inspection review To substantiate mount systems design & permit to fly Mount system hardware delivery for demo pass-off test Engine assembly Mount system hardware delivery for flight demo Hardware for flight demo Component Tests reports for mount systems To contribute to engine test readiness review D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type(*) Due Date R T0 + 1 month R and RM T0+10 months R and RM T0+16 months R and RM T0+18 months R and RM T0+27 months D T0+27 months R and RM T0+39 months D T0+37 months R T0+ 41 months R and RM T0+ 41 months Page 14 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description D11 Engine readiness review documentation: o Delivered Hardware status compared o Instrumentation o Test plan requirements To contribute to engine test readiness review Engine pass-off test report for mount systems To contribute to engine after-test review Engine Flight Test report for mount systems To contribute to engine after-test review D12 D13 Type(*) Due Date R and RM T0+ 41 months R T0+ 57 months R T0+ 70 months Type Due Date *Type: R: Report RM: Review Meeting D: Delivery of hardware/software Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description MS 1 Mount systems development plan review RM MS 2 FTD demo Mounts System : Preliminary Design Review FTD demo Mounts System :Critical Design Review RM D MS5 Mount system hardware delivery for Component Test Mount system hardware delivery for flight demo D T0 + 41 months MS 6 Engine Flight Test report for mount systems R T0+ 70 months MS 3 MS4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 RM T0 + 4 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 18 months T0+27 months Page 15 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Experience in design, manufacturing, testing and certification of aircraft engine mounts is mandatory Experience in elastomeric dampers is mandatory Experience in dynamic and vibration engine complex environnement analysis is mandatory Experience in test bench design and modification is mandatory Experience in endurance tests or other relevant tests contributing to risks abatment is mandatory Availability of test benches to support test campaign is mandatory English langage is mandatory Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 16 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 5. Glossary CFP CROR CS2 CSJU EC EMS FTD GTD IADP ITD SPD STD TRL WP Call for Proposals Counter Rotating Open Rotor Clean Sky 2 Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking European Commission Engine Mount System Flight Test Demonstrator Ground Test Demonstrator Innovative Aircraft Development platform Integrated Technology Demonstrator Strategic Platform Demonstrator Strategic Topic Description Technology Readiness Level Work Package Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 17 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) II. Support to future CROR and UHBR propulsion system maturation Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP1.1; WP1.2; WP1.6 Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 2.000k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 72 months Start Date2 October 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01LPA-01-02 Support to future CROR and UHBR propulsion system maturation Short description (3 lines) This topic consists of key activities dedicated to the maturation of future CROR and UHBR propulsion system integration from TRL3 to TRL6. The main areas of activities are aerodynamic and acoustic calculations, wind tunnel acoustic liners development and flight-test ground instrumentation & chase aircraft as well as blade/fuselage impacts calculations & tests. 2 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 18 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The powerplant Integration activities in IADP-LPA, Platform 1 are aiming at identifying and developping innovative integration solutions for both, future large by-pass ratio turbofan engines (UHBR) and contra rotating open rotor engines (CROR). The CROR technology demonstration will focus on the validation of the aerodynamic efficiency versus noise level for a full size airworthy CROR engine under operational conditions (TRL 6) , the demonstration and validation of the viability of the chosen engine concept and associated technologies like power gearbox, pitch control, lubrication system, etc. Synthesize available data from Clean Sky with CROR demo-engine flight test data, re-calibrate tools. The UHBR technology demonstration will focus on the validation of key powerplant system technologies enabling the efficient integration of larger bypass ratio geared engine, notably in the domain of aerodynamic integration, acoustic sources & treatment, thermal management, loads & vibrations. The scope of activities within the Large Passenger Aircraft is the maturation of solutions including flight testing or ground testing of key enablers for future applications. Also, in parallel to the technologies, the scope of activity contains the development of capabilities to enable those demonstrations in the most efficient manner. This topic will contribute to those powerplant integration maturation exercise within the Work Package 1.1 related to the in-flight demonstration of a CROR Engine as well as Work Package 1.2 related to the ground demonstration of CROR Aircraft Rear End structure and finallyto the Work Package 1.6 related to the preparation and in-flight demonstration of large geared turbofan Engine together with the associated powerplant technologies. 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Contribution to CROR Flight test demonstration WP1.1 T0+72 T2 Contributions to CROR ground test demonstration WP1.2 T0+72 T3 Contributions to UHBR flight test preparation WP1.6 T0+48 T4 Contributions to UHBR Flight test demonstration WP1.6 T0+60 Within the Task T1 the applicant will contribute to the CROR Flight test demonstration with the following activities: - Numerical aerodynamic and acoustic characterization of both the CROR Flight Test Demonstrator (FTD) aircraft and the target product generic aircraft and transposition of inflight data to target product aircraft. For high speed conditions, this shall include acoustic refraction effects on the fuselage. - Perform blade deformation prediction under installed conditions (development of fluid- Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 19 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) structure simulation techniques for blade flexibility effects CFD-CSM) and correlate with both wind tunnel and flight test results, to check impacts on performance, acoustics & vibrations. - Develop and validate in FTD-testing conditions advanced acoustic measurement for model, wind tunnel, FTD and acoustic chase aircraft. - Develop or enhance acoustic liner solutions for wind tunnels to improve the quality of CROR near field noise measures. - Provide acoustic ground instrumentation in accordance to measurement specification such that the best transposition from FTD to target-product aircraft could be realized. - Perform chase-aircraft acoustic measurement of the CROR FTD in low and High Speed conditions. Within the Task T2 the applicant will contribute to CROR-ground test demonstration with the following activities: - Perform blade and fuselage impact numerical simulations (including rebound and fragment trajectories). - Contribute to the impact test and residual strength tests supporting the maturation of blade and shield technologies (from material characterization up to full component test). Within the Task T3 the applicant will contribute to UHBR-flight test preparation in WP1.6 with the following activities: - Numerical simulations of installed UHBR engines for load, vibrations and acoustic (near field and far field) in both high and low speed conditions. The interaction between the installed distorted flow field and the rotating fan shall be taken into account. Within the Task T4 the applicant will contribute to UHBR-flight test demonstration in WP1.6 with the following activities: - Provide acoustic ground instrumentation in accordance to measurement specification such that the best transposition from FTD to target product Aircraft could be realized. - Perform chase-aircraft acoustic measurement of the UHBR FTD in low and high-speed conditions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 20 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1.1 Numerical aerodynamic and acoustic characterization of both the CROR-FTD aircraft and the target-product generic aircraft and transposition of in-flight data to target product aircraft. Perform blade deformation prediction under installed conditions (CFD-CSM) and correlate with both wind tunnel and flight test results. Develop and validate advanced acoustic measurement for model, wind tunnel, FTD and chase aircraft. Develop or enhance acoustic liner solutions for wind tunnels to improve the quality of CROR near-field noise measurements. Provide acoustic-ground instrumentation in accordance to measurement specification such that the best transposition from FTD to target-product aircraft could be realized. Perform chase-aircraft acoustic measurement of the CROR FTD in low and high-speed conditions. Perform blade and fuselage impact numerical simulations (including rebound and fragment trajectories). CFD/CAA, reports T0+72 CFD, reports T0+72 Design &hardware Design & hardware T0+30 Design& hardware TO+48 FT acoustic data Simulation results, reports Test results, reports T0+72 CFD results, CFD-CAA results, reports Hardware, reports T0+48 Acoustic data, reports T0+60 D1.2 D1.3 D1.4 D1.5 D1.6 D2.1 D2.2 D3.1 D4.1 D4.2 Contribute to the impact test and residual strength tests supporting the maturation of blade and shield technologies (from material characterization up to full component test). Numerical simulations of installed UHBR engines for load, vibrations and acoustic (near field and far field) in both high and low-speed conditions. Provide acoustic ground instrumentation in accordance to measurement specification such that the best transposition from FTD to target product aircraft could be realized. Perform chase-aircraft acoustic measurement of the UHBR FTD in low and high speed conditions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+30 T0+72 T0+72 T0+36 Page 21 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1.1 Contribution to CROR Flight Test Demonstrator Concept Freeze Review Contribution to CROR FTD Preliminary Design Review Contribution to CROR FTD Conceptual Design Review Contribution to CROR FTD Flight Test Readiness Review Contribution to CROR integrated Rear End Demo (iRED) Preliminary Design Review Contribution to CROR integrated Rear End Demo (iRED) Conceptual Design Review Contribution to CROR integrated Rear End Demo (iRED) Test Readiness Review Contribution to UHBR Flight Test Demonstrator Preliminary Design Review Contribution to UHBR Flight Test Demonstrator Conceptual Design Review Contribution to UHBR Flight Test Demonstrator Flight Test Readiness Review Review T0+24 Review T0+36 Review T0+48 Review T0+60 Review T0+36 Review T0+48 Review T0+60 Review T0+20 Review T0+32 Review T0+48 M1.2 M1.3 M1.4 M2.1 M2.2 M2.3 M3.1 & M4.1 M3.2 & M4.2 M3.3 & M4.3 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 22 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant shall be able to demonstrate sound technical knowledge in the field of proposed contributions; he shall be able to demonstrate that this knowledge is widely recognized. The applicant shall demonstrate experience in project management in Time, Cost and Quality together with evidence of past experience in large project participation. The applicant shall have the following special skills: - Extensive experience in High energy impact skills both from experimental and numerical standpoint, specifically in composite/metal impacts and in explicit formulations for the numerical analysis of impact. - World-class experience in high energy impact simulation and test. Extensive experience in characterisation High speed deformation mechanical behaviour of innovative materials. Demonstrated knowledge and background on shielding developments. - World-class experience in simulation and test on blade release trajectory evaluation. - World-class experience in dynamic analysis, simulation and test of engine vibration and imbalance loads after blade and other debris release and other high speed dynamic phenomena. - Extensive experience in Aerodynamic CFD modelling, from simplified to unsteady methods (RANS, URANS, disk Actuator, hybrid approach) - Extensive experience in Aero-elasticity and flutter analysis, simulation and correlation by test (fluid-structure coupling approach integrated force/displacement/mesh deformation approaches) and adapted blades specificities: rotation, high twist, limited aspect ratio. - The applicant should be able to support these studies with a multi-disciplinary approach, combining aerodynamic and structural simulations. Experience in this kind of research, in multinational projects and with industrial partners, would be preferred. - Ability to perform chase aircraft activities for flight tests: access to an adequate aircraft, habitations to instrument the aircraft & to perform such kind of tests. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 23 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) III. Development of advanced laser-beam welding technology for the manufacturing of structures for titanium HLFC structures Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area LPA-IAPD Platform 1 Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP Level 1.4 – HLFC Large Scale Demonstration Estimated Topic Value (funding in k€) 450k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 32 months Start Date July 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01LPA-01-03 Development of advanced laser-beam welding technology for the manufacturing of structures for titanium HLFC structures. Short description (3 lines) Development of process and system technology for reproducible laser welding and straightening of titanium structures for Hybrid Laminar Flow Technology (HLFC) structures with the assistance of an FE-based process for laser welding and straightening, including 3D deformation and residual stress prediction. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 24 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background LPA-IAPD WP 1.4 investigates the application of Hybrid Laminar Flow Technology (HLFC) for drag reduction on commercial transport aircraft. One specific issue is the manufacturing of leading edge segments with microperforated outer skins out of titanium. Those skins are supported by spanwise titanium stringers which are laser-welded to the inner surface. The laser-welding process has to be reproducible and consistent with stringent surface quality requirements. Such a reproducible laser beam welding and straightening process has to be developed for producing such structures consisting of multiple narrowly-spaced stringers-to-sheet joints made from of titanium. 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date 1 System technology – Development of a system technology for reproducible manufacturing conditions Welding Process – Development of a laser welding process for onesided joining of stringers to the skin sheet Straightening Process – Development of a laser straightening process for compensating welding distortion Demonstrator Manufacturing – Manufacturing of four large scale HLFC demonstrators Distortion and Residual Stresses Modelling – Development and validation of a process model to predict distortion and residual stresses in dependence of processing parameters Model-based Process Parameter Prediction – Processs parameter prediction and optimisation for laser welding and straightening Tensile and Fatigue Strength – Tensile and fatigue strength testing at coupon level M9 2 3 4 5 6 7 M15 M18 M24 M10 M18 M20 For manufacturing of titanium parts for HLFC structures, the applicant should firstly design and implement a suitable system technology, allowing a reproducible positioning and clamping of skin sheets and stringers for a fillet-T-joint welding process, given the stringent requirements with respect to the required accuraccy. Typically, stringers with a length of 3800mm and a wall thickness of 0.8 mm should be weldable (fig. 1a). A process control system should be integrated considering seam tracking and seam penetration as well as temperature-field measurement to obtain a reproducible root formation in single-sided laser welding of narrowly spaced stringers (fig. 2). The signals from the process control system (such as temperature field data) shall also be used to validate the simulation. For compensating welding distortion (fig. 1b) the applicant should ensure a reproducible system technology for the straightening process (fig. 1c). Therefore the path and the angular distortion Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 25 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) should be measurable online to control process parameters and ensure a flat outer skin after straightening (fig. 1d). Temperature field measurement shall also be integrated during the straightening process. The process combination welding and straightening should be demonstrated on test specimens with a length of 2000 mm. Fig. 1: Laser processing steps and its results On the basis of the system technology, the applicant shall develop a welding and straightening process, investigating the effect of all relevant parameters on the resulting properties first on coupon level, then on demonstrator level. In special, on coupon level, microstructure, static strength and fatigue properties shall be assessed. On demonstrator level, dimensional accuracy shall be measured (flatness, distortion). In order to facilitate process development and reduce experimental effort, the experimental process development shall be supported by the development of a process modell based on FEM. With this model, the dependence of both global and local deformation and residual stresses on the process paramteres shall be described. This model shall then be able not only to predict angular welding distortion of the skin sheet along the stinger joint, but also longitudinal distortion and buckling effects, which have proven to be of special significance in large-scale welded skin-stringer structures. Furthermore the model should be able to simulate the straightening process and predict suitable straightening parameters to compensate the angular welding distortion. The final stringer position and outer sheet flatness should be simulated and measured to verify the reproducibility and dimensional accuracy of the process combination. Finally the applicant should manufacture four demonstrator structures (fig. 3). Drawings of the Demonstrator and Materials for both skin sheets and stringers are provided by Airbus. Moreover, temperature-dependent data of the Titanium alloy will be provided by Airbus. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 26 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Fig. 2: Cross-section of a T-joint made by laser welding from Fig. 3: Stainless steel skin sheet with welded stringers for HLFC structures 3. Major Deliverables and Schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date 1 Kick-off meeting - Presentation of planned manufacturing and modelling method to Airbus System technology – Report on the implementation of system technology Test Samples - Delivering of welded and straightened test specimens, with report on metallurgical evaluation of the seam formation FE-Process – Documentation of the final process chain including Task 5 and 6 in a comprehensive report Demonstrators – Delivery of four large-scale manufacturing demonstrators to Airbus with reports Final Report Report M0 Report M9 Report M16 Report M18 Reports / Hardware Report M24 2 3 4 5 6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 M32 Page 27 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant - The applicant should provide large-scale system technology with suitable laser-welding equipment. The applicant should have extensive expertise in laser-beam welding of large thin sheet structures in T-joint configurations. The applicant should have extensive expertise in welding of titanium. The applicant should have extensive expertise modeling of laser welding and welding distortion. The applicant should have expertise in optical measurment techniques and temperature measurement during welding processes. The applicant should have expertise in assessment of welded joints. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 28 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IV. Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly – Innovative blind fastener inspection technology for quality control Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP Level 1 – 2.2 Non-Specific-Design technologies Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 350 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start Date3 06-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-01 Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly – Innovative blind fastener inspection technology for quality control Short description (3 lines) The expected outcomes are the definition, development and prototype realization of an innovative inspection monitoring process for specific and complex high strength blind fasteners that pose a challenge in terms of online process monitoring in typical aerospace assembly application. 3 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 29 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background To change from today’s differential design to a more integral design strategy by merging functions and parts, design and manufacturing processes must be more driven by a holistic point of view. This specific WP is orientated to development, assessment and selection of integrative concepts, which will be completed by specific technologies development to optimize assembly and integration of elementary parts, sub-components and modules. The solutions identified are part of a wider strategy leading to cost reduction on composite structure assembly and rivet less assembly on the aircraft, with focuses to save weight and provide greener solution than current processes applied. LPA IADP. Platform 2 - “Innovative Physical Integration Cabin – System – Structure” WP 2.2 Non-Specific Design technologies WP 2.2.2 Technologies for elementary parts, subcomponents and modules WP2.2.2.1 COST REDUCTION ON COMPOSITE STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY In order to reduce cost on composite structure assembly, one of the major objectives is to promote blind fastener & related inspection method Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 30 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T2221-05 Blind fastener installation monitoring April 2019 T2221-05 Aircraft structures are still mainly assembled by fasteners. Beneath one piece solid rivets and two part bolts with nut or collar, blind fasteners are applied mainly in closed structures which do not allow to install a nut or collar to the pin or to squeeze a solid rivet. Inspection of correct blind head formation in closed structures – necessary to guarantee the fastener function – often only is possible using costly and time consuming borescope testing or in worst case no inspection possibility exists at all, leading to heavier design compensating for possible fastener failures. In this project, possibilities to enable a monitoring process ideally performed during fastener installation shall be assessed. The aim is to identify imperfect installations only by measurement and evaluation of installation parameters. Failed installations could result from fastener defects itself (e. g. no preload generation, defective blind heads, premature rupture of pull or threaded spindles) as well as from installation of not suitable fastener lengths or insufficient hole preparation operations. Time consuming endoscopic inspections of the fastener blind heads in closed structures could be ceased if an appropriate monitoring or inspection process would be resulting from the project. Process monitoring during the installation of simple blind or “pop” rivets is commonly used in the automotive industrie for years. The more complex high strength blind fasteners used in the aviation industry nevertheless pose a challenge in terms of online process monitoring. Two fastener types are under investigation since some time, threaded stem (Figure 1) and pull stem (Figure 2) blind bolts. Torque-angle of rotation respectively force-travel measurements to date did not deliver a comprehensive process control possibility, only a few of the quality criteria could have been detected so far. Thus, in the frame of this project, new strategies of blind fastener monitoring are in demand. The project partner shall develop strategies and investigate applicability in a serial production environment. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 31 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Figure 1: Threaded stem fastener installation sequence (cross sections) Figure 2: Pull stem fastener installation sequence (cross sections except for stem) In detail this process has to be capable to detect the failures listed here under: - Low or no preload due to lacking blind head to surface contact - Cracked head - Blind side spindle failure, e. g. premature rupture - Double bulbed blind head - Tulip shaped sleeve And optionally : - Determination of excessive blind side slope out of tolerance - Countersink angle deviation due to hole preparation process Real time monitoring of installation parameters would be the prefered method to investigate but alternative innovative inspection could be investigated as long as they have low impact on the assembly time. Ultrasonic inspection shall be excluded of the scope of the methodologies to investigate. The 2 types of blind fasteners (pull type and threaded type) shall be addressed but the inspection method and/or monitoring can be different from one type to another. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 32 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date T2221-05-01 Check of available documentation, selection of suitable installation monitoring variables and/or inspection process. Test bench, specimen and test program definition. Report T0+9m Report T0+16m Manufacturing of test bench and specimen and pilot test Report including evaluation. If pilot test is conclusive, repeatability study with fasteners Report from different lots, diameters and lengths. Variation of material thickness, hole diameters, installation parameters, assessment of sealant application influence. Demonstration of applicability in production. T0+24m T2221-05-02 T2221-05-03 T2221-05-04 T0+36m Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) T2221-05: Skill 1- Profound knowledge in metrology methods, contact free or in contact. Blind fastener function from installation start to end is to be recorded and suitably analysed in order to find quality-relevant characteristics. Improper installations e. g. without preload or misformed fastener closing heads shall be detectable directly within or after the installation process. Skill 2- Data management skills are important to find the essential information within the recorded data. Due to scatter and also altered installation conditions, graphs usually cannot be evaluated at a look. Mathematical analysis approaches thus are indispensable. Skill 3- Installation trials and analysis to be performed in a laboratory with mechanical assembly capability including drilling, countersink preparation in metallic and composite material, hole geometry measurement and blind fastener installation. Skill 4- Design and manufacturing engineering supporting test bench development. It will be designed for installation analysis, pull type and threaded type blind fasteners shall be monitored or inspected. Skill 5- Engineering development of interfaces, hardwares and softwares, to integrate the development technology into the industrial system capabilities. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 33 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly - Definition and development of an inspection tool to characterize inner surface hole quality V. Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP Level 1 – 2.2 Non-Specific-Design technologies Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 350 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 27 months Start Date4 09-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-02 Cost Reduction On Composite Structure Assembly - Definition and development of an inspection tool to characterize inner surface hole quality Short description (3 lines) The objective of this work is to define a relevant criteria to characterize the surface quality and which could be industrially controlled to characterise the inner surface of the hole. 4 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 34 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background To change from today’s differential design to a more integral design strategy by merging functions and parts, design and manufacturing processes must be more driven by a holistic point of view. This specific WP is orientated to development, assessment and selection of integrative concepts, which will be completed by specific technologies development to optimize assembly and integration of elementary parts, sub-components and modules. The solutions identified are part of a wider strategy leading to cost reduction on composite structure assembly and rivet less assembly on the aircraft, with focuses to save weight and provide greener solution than current processes applied. LPA IADP. Platform 2 - “Innovative Physical Integration Cabin – System – Structure” WP 2.2 Non-Specific Design technologies WP 2.2.2 Technologies for elementary parts, subcomponents and modules WP2.2.2.1 COST REDUCTION ON COMPOSITE STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY In order to reduce cost on composite structure assembly, one of the major objectives is to reduce cost of hole drilling by adaptation of requirements to composite environment. Drilling is the most common operation in composite structures. Because of the heterogeneous nature of laminates, cutting modes generate different damage scenarios and complex defect mappings. For this reason the traditional roughness criteria widly used in metallic apllication is not enough representative of the quality of the produced holes. The defects can be divided into three groups: defects at the hole entry, defects at the hole exit, and hole wall defects. The first two types have been extensively studied in the literature because the tools can generate delamination that reduce the strength of the composite parts. In general, these defects have to be avoided, especially in aeronautics. The third type of defects has been less studied although evaluation criteria, usually used for metals, such as Ra, do exist. The objective of this work is to define a criteria which is relevant to characterize the surface quality Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 35 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) and which could be industrially controlled to characterise the inner surface of the hole that will complete recent developed roughness surface measurements, such as in LOCOMACHS works. 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T2221-01 Identify possible outcomes from LOCOMACHS, JU project and associated benchmark Define an innovative criteria to characterise the inner surface of a hole made by drilling processes in composite materials Characterise the interest, advantage and limitations in composite joints with fastening systems of the innovative criteria (interaction with the fasteners…) Definition of methods to measure the criteria including interest, advantage, limitations… Validation of the applicability in industrial environment Q1/2016 T2221-02 T2221-03 T2221-04 T2221-05 Q4/2016 Q2/2017 Q3/2017 Q4/2017 Airbus will provide state of the art, including outcomes from LOCOMACHS. Development of the innovative technology will deliver a complete description of a new measurement device. 3. Major Deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date D2221-01 Bibliography survey Report Q1/2016 D2221-02 Definition of an appropriate innovative methodology to control the surface quality and relevant associated criteria Finale report including validation in industrial environment of the innovative method Report Q2/2017 Maturity report Q4/2017 D2221-03 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 36 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2221-01 Presentation of intermediary results Q1/2016 M2221-02 Presentation of intermediary results M2221-03 Presentation of intermediary results Milestone meeting Milestone meeting Milestone meeting Q4/2016 Q2/2017 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant shall have: - Skill on composite materials characteriztion in general and particular in composite joints for typical aeronautic industries - Skill on fastening systems and drilling processes used in aeronautic industries - Capacities in creation of FMEA analysis - Knowledge on standards applicable in aerospace specific to assemblies processes - Capacity and knowledge in non destructive methodologies relative to hole measurements (including metrology) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 37 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VI. Rapid Assembly Of Bracket For Structure-System Integration Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP Level 1 – 2.2 Non-Specific-Design technologies Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 350 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start Date5 06-2015 (based on call period) Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-03 Rapid Assembly Of Bracket For Structure-System Integration Short description (3 lines) This specific WP is orientated to development, assessment and selection of integrative concepts, which will be completed by specific technologies development to optimize assembly and integration of elementary parts, sub-components and modules 5 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 38 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background To change from today’s differential design to a more integral design strategy by merging functions and parts, design and manufacturing processes must be more driven by a holistic point of view. This specific WP is orientated to development, assessment and selection of integrative concepts, which will be completed by specific technologies development to optimize assembly and integration of elementary parts, sub-components and modules. The solutions identified are part of a wider strategy leading to cost reduction on composite structure assembly and rivet less assembly on the aircraft, with focuses to save weight and provide greener solution than current processes applied. LPA IADP. Platform 2 - “Innovative Physical Integration Cabin – System – Structure” WP 2.2 Non-Specific Design technologies WP 2.2.2 Technologies for elementary parts, subcomponents and modules WP2.2.2.2 RAPID ASSEMBLY OF BRACKET FOR STRUCTURE-SYSTEM INTEGRATION Brackets are the link between the aircraft structure and systems and cabin. They are one of the most challenging part regarding the industrialization of the aircraft and one key for a successful commercially viable aircraft product. This is mainly due to the high number of stakeholders involved in their definition, manufacturing and assembly process. Figure 1 : Standard brackets Brackets represent ten of thousand parts on A350-XWB. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 39 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The aim of this Work Package, is to develop ultrasonic welding as an alternative technology for bonded brackets assembly onto CFRP. Figure 2 : Welding technology illustration The benefits of this assembly method compared to bonding is that there is no surface preparation, no handling of adhesive “on the spot”, no curing time and no quality control. Assembly cost and lead-time savings are expected at part level, Major Component Assembly and Final Assembly Line. Weight savings opportunities are expected too if a multi-functional surfacing media can be validated and supplied. The objective of this call for proposal is to define and develop an innovative test method to asses the welding compatibitity between bracket and the parent material on which it will be bonded, that will allow a quick charcterization of different materials. Based on the results, the partner will develop a surfacing media able to be co-cured with the thermoset composite and compatible with thermoplastic brackets. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 40 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 1 Test method to evaluate welding compatibility T0+6 2 Development of a surfacing media for application on CFRP and compatible with PEI brackets Assessment of welding performances T0+36 3 T0+54 Task 1: The objective is to develop a test method to evaluate the compatability between thermoplastics materials such as PA 6.6 , PEEK, and PEI used for brackets manufacturing with thermoplastics and thermosets composites used for frames ans stringers manufacturing. The test method should allow a quick evaluation of different materials and be the base for a first downselection of materials. This test method could be a combination of chemical and mechanical test methods. Figure 3 : Micrographic cut Figure 4 : Example of DSC curve Task 2 : Depending on the couple of material used, the technology requires the use of an additional surfacing material between the structure and the bracket. PEI brackets are usually bonded onto thermoset composite. The objective of this task is then to develop a surfacing media able to be co-cured with the thermoset composite and compatible with PEI brackets. The actitviy will need to develop collaborations with R&T departments of materials suppliers, ensure the deployment of the test method and provide guidance in the formulation of new materials to be used as surfacing media. Task 3 : Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 41 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The objective is to assess the performances of bracket/(surfacing media)/composite assembly. The activity will include series of tests such as tensile tests at room temperature, after hot wet conditionning, fluid resistances, etc. to demonstrate that the assembly complies with the requirements stipulated in the bonded brackets specification. Figure 5 : Tensile tests Figure 6 : Welded bracket 3. Major deliverables and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. 1 Title - Description Type Test method Test report T0+36 3 Creation of a test method to evaluate the welding compatibility of materials (DSC, other…) Search of compatibilities between PEI to be welded on other surfacing media. Discovery and/or definition of other surfacing medias. Testing of welding performances Due Date T0+18 T0+48 4 Reporting test results of welding performances. Mechanical testing Test report 2 T0+54 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant - Skill 1: in thermoplastic material and related manufacturing processes including welding Skill 2: material database, Skill 3: classical testing methods such as mechanical test, DSC, micrography… aeronautical qualified Lab capabilities such as :tensile machine, micrography, DSC… Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 42 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VII. Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and Enabling Technologies Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP – Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and Enabling Technologies Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 600 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 24 months Start Date6 09-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-04 Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and Enabling Technologies Short description (3 lines) Development of automation concepts and technologies to radically increase the use of automation systems in Aircraft Section Assembly (MCA) and Aircraft Final Assembly (FAL) including concepts for realization of industry 4.0 approach. Linked to JTP chapter 6.6 (2.2.3) 6 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 43 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Assembly of aircraft sections and final assembly of aircrafts including structural assembly, system installation, cabin installation and test nowadays is done mainly manually or semi automated, which is also true for the supporting activities like logistics. Many of the activities are in non ergonomic conditions and the process chains are very complex and today not transparent. In this context automation of logistic processes, delivery of aircraft parts e.g. to the stations, humanmachine colaboration at installation and full automated processes for structural assembly, system and cabin installation shall be investigated integrating also possibilities to optimize process chains and to make the current status of the assembly transparent at each time. There are challenges in many perspectives like the limited access for example inside the Aircraft and the need of moving autonomous automation systems through aircraft doors, because the fuselage will in the end be finally completed. On the other side the automation systems have to be very flexible, to be able to perform different operations at different locations to minimize the amount of specialized systems and therefor to get a good utilization. Another challenge will be the maximum allowed weight of the automation system to be able to work inside the Aircraft on the aircraft floor. On the other hand, having such kind of automation would be a leap forward with regards to lead time, RC-costs and also flexibility and transparency, because autonomous systems could also use the night-shift without extra costs and by having all systems connected by a common data backbone with a direct link to the design systems, the system could be able to fully automatically assemble customized aircrafts. Technical Description In the frame of this work package the Topic Manager refers to (JTP chapter 6.6) the vision about the Future Factory, which shows an overview about the future assembly and installation processes in the Final Aircraft assembly line. The first part of the work package is the concept development. Therefor the different tasks to be automated have to be collected and single automation solutions per task have to be selected from of the shelf available solutions. In parallel a concept for a manipulator system (e.g. industrial robot on a moveable platform) has to be developed. Therefor the application areas have to be mapped and grouped in a meaningful way. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 44 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Out of this application area groups, a concepts for the manipulator systems have to be derived, taking into account as well industrial requirements and Aircraft requirements (provided by the Topic Manager). The full automation scenario should be visualized in a 3D visualization and also be described in the order of estimated costs and savings. It also has to be taken into account, that the automation system has to interact with the existing IT infrastructure and that concepts will be needed to control different automation systems interacting with other automation system and/or humans. Due to full integration into a single production planning and control system a high level of transparency has to be achieved. Proposal for the Work Plan: Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and Enabling Technologies Topic Manager As Is Process Partner T2231-01: Concept Development of Solutions per Tasks to be automated Concept Development T2231-02: Concept Development of manipulator systems Assessment of application aereas Grouping of application areas Concept definition for automation systems D2231-03: Concepts for automation systems D2231-04: 3D Visualisation of concept T2231-04: Establishment of proposals for design for automation Selection of solution per task D2231-02: Selected automation solutions and requirements to manipulator system List of application aereas 3D Visualisation Further development Design for automation Assessment of different solutions D2231-01:List of possible automation solutions per task Future Factory Vision Requirements from Topic Partner collectiont of possible solutions per task T2231-03: 3D Visualisation of automated FAL concept D2231-05: Design for automation proposals Continuation in a further CFP Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 45 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date T2231-01 Concept Development of Solutions per Tasks to be automated • Concepts for different tasks (e.g. riveting, sealing,…) • Assessment of the possible solutions and down selection Concept Development of manipulator systems • Assessment and grouping of different application areas (e.g. inside aircraft, outside aircraft) • Concepts for possible automated systems taking into account solutions per task (D2331-02) 3D Visualisation of automated FAL concept • Visualization of the overall automation concept • Detailed visualization of the automation system • Process description Design for Automation • Derive proposals for design to automation for the different tasks to be automated Q1/2016 T2231-02 T2231-03 T2231-05 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Q4/2016 Q2/2017 Q3/2017 Page 46 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2231-01 Report Q1/2016 Report Q1/2017 Report, demonstrator Q2/2017 D2231-04 List of possible automation solutions per task Selected automation solutions and requirements to manipulator system Concepts for automation systems 3D Visualisation 3D-Data, Movie, Report Q3/2017 D2231-05 Design for Automation Report Q3/2017 D2231-02 D2231-03 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2231-01 Regular Milestone reviews / decision gates to analyse current status and adjust future project scope. Milestone / Report Regular bases (4*/year) Year 2014 month Activity Year 2015 0 Year 2016 3 6 9 12 Year 2017 15 18 21 24 Concept development for single tasks Concept development for system 3D Visualisation Design for Automation Reporting Periods 12 months 12 months Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 12 months 12 months Page 47 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The Applicant shall be a worldwide operating and leading expert in the development of automation systems possessing additionally the skills and capacities necessary for the implementation of a research & development project within the aerospace industry. • • • • • Capabilities and knowledge in requirement based engineering. Capacities and testing facilities in order to deliver adequate automation systems in Aircraft Assembly environment Knowledge of and compliance with aerospace requirements in general and particular such as loads, stress, airworthiness and environmental requirements Knowledge of and compliance with aerospace certification and qualification procedures as well as safety & reliability requirements Toolsets and procedures for CAD design and the creation of 3D files, e.g. CATIA Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 48 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VIII. Environmental Friendly Fire Suppression Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA – IADP Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Platform 2 – Innovative Physical Integration Cabin-SystemStructure Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 600 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 42 month Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-05 Environmental Friendly Fire Suppression Start Date7 September 2015 Short description (3 lines) Design, development, and testing of an environmental friendly fire suppression system for aircraft cargo holds. Proof of fire suppression performance against applicable performance standards. Demonstration of fire suppressant distribution and agent hold time. 7 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 49 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background This topic is linked to JTP chapter 6.6 (sub task: Environmentally friendly cabin materials and fire protection) The main objective for the specified work is the development and testing of an environmental friendly and sustainable fire suppression system intended for use onboard aircraft for aicraft cargo hold fire protection. The work to be conducted shall contribute to make substantial progress in finding an adequate replacement agent for the currently used Halons and in designing an economically viable halon-free fire suppression system while maintaining an equivalent level of safety comparted to the state-of-the-art system. The specified work is targeting a Technology Readiness Level of 6. Tentative Work Breakdown Structure Task Fire Suppression System Task - 1 Task - 2 Task - 3 Task - 4 Requirements and Concepts Fire Suppression System Design Demonstrator Development Performance Testing The following figure depicts a generic Product Breakdown Structure for a cargo hold fire suppression system. Fire Suppression System Fire Knockdown System Long-term Fire Suppression System The fire knockdown system knocks down the flames and provides immediate protection once activated. This system is normally sized as a function of compartment volume. The long-term fire suppression system provides protection for the remaining flight time. The scope of work described in this document comprises only the design, development and testing of a fire knockdown system. The long-term fire suppression system will be developed by a third party and will provide inert gas to compensate for cargo hold leakage. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 50 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) For its work the applicant has to consider an interface with the long-term fire suppression system. WP – 1 – Requirements and Concepts Boundary conditions: the applicant shall take into account that a future system shall protect enclosures having a volume ranging from 15m3 to 130m3 with a hight ranging from 1.4m to 1.7m. For future system integration and operation the applicant shall take into account that the system might be installed and operated in areas with the following temperature ranges: – 15°C to +70°C (+85°C) – 35°C to +70°C (+85°C) – 55°C to +70°C (+85°C) The following tasks describing the main work to be conducted under WP–1 o o o o Clarify, derive and define main requirements; define overall system boundaries and main interfaces. Develop fire suppression concepts, select fire extinguishing agent, characterize and describe fire extinguishing agent, select final concept. Provide information characterizing the physical and chemical properties of the selected fire extinguishing agent; provide data on potential thermal decomposition products of the fire extinguishing agent; provide data on fire extinguishing agent´s behavior if agent is exposed to dry and/or humid air; provide information about the agent´s fire suppression mechanism. Perform risk and opportunity analysis and provide risk and opportunity register. Note: It may be worthwhile for the applicant to review the work of the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) on the “Exothermic Reaction of Fire Suppressants”. Reports are available in the public domain. WP – Fire Suppression System Design o o Design and specify system, sybsystems and components and their interfaces taking into account the boundary conditions formulated under WP and the information given under WP Develop and provide contol & indication concept and provide adequate information allowing to perform a preliminary System Safety Analysis. WP – Demonstrator Development o o The applicant shall provide an adequat demonstrator in order to perfom the tasks specified under work package Key components, subsystems and their functions shall be tested according to RTCA-DO160 – section 4 – Temperature and Altidude Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 51 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP – Performance Testing o o o o o o o The applicant shall determine the (volumetric) extinghuishing concentration necessary to meet the required fire suppression performance standard. The performance requirements in terms of fire suppression effectiviness that an environmental friendly fire suppression system for cargo holds shall meet are described in the “Minimum Performance Standard for Aircraft Cargo Compartment Halon Replacement Fire Suppression Systems (2nd Update)”. The document is available in the public domain - document reference is DOT/FAA/TC-TN12/11. The applicant shall demonstrate the fire suppression effectiviness of the choosen agent and shall verify the established exinigushing concentration. The applicant shall determine fire extinguishing agent distribution profiles over time at standard atmospheric conditions. The applicant shall determine fire extinguishing agent distribution profiles over time for flight phase conditions. The applicant will get access to a test facility allowing to perfom tests in an environment similar to that what could be expected in a cargo hold for different flight phases (e.g. cruise and decent). The applicant shall provide an adequate test system that will be integrated into the ”flight test facility” allowing to perform tests to determine agent distribution profiles for different flight phase conditions. The applicant shall provide adequat information allowing to integrate the system into the test facility and shall operate the system during the course of the test. The applicant shall provide analytical equipment allowing to measure fire extinguishing agent concentrations over time. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 52 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date T-1.1 T0+3 month T-1.3 Clarify, derive and define main requirements Define main system boundaries and interfaces Pre-select and characterize fire extinguishing agent; develop and assess concepts and select final concept Perform risk and opportunity analysis T-2.1 Design and specify system and system architecture T0+9 month T-3.1 Design, develop, specify and build demonstrator T0+12 month T-4.1 Perform tests to determine required extinguishing agent concentration Perform tests to verify fire suppression capability of concept T0+15 month Perform tests to demonstrate fire suppression agent distribution capabilities Perform equipment and subsystem tests under representative temperature conditions Integrate subsystems and perform tests on system level in a representative environment Prepare final report including lessons learnt T0+25 month T-1.2 T-4.2 T-4.3 T-4.4 T-4.5 T-4.6 T0+6 month T0+6 month T0+18 month T0+30 month T0+36 month T0+42 month 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date D1 Requirements compliance matrix Report T0+3 month D2 Technology proposal document Report T0+6 month D3 Risk and opportunity matrix Report T0+6 month D4 Report T0+9 month D5 System description document including characteristics of the chosen fire suppression agent System interface document Report T0+9 month D6 Control and indication concept Report T0+10 month D7 Demonstrator Hardware T0+12 month D8 Test results – extinguishing agent concentration Report T0+15 month D9 Test results – fire suppression performance testing Report T0+18 month D10 Test results – fire extinguishing agent distribution contours Report T0+25 month Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 53 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) D11 Test results - environmental testing Report T0+30 month D12 Test results – integrated system tests Report T0+36 month D13 Final project report including lessons learnt Report T0+42 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date M1 Requirements validated T0+4 month M2 Concepts review M3 Proof of Concept M4 Architecture review M5 Suppression concentration established M6 Suppression performance verified M7 Agent distribution capabilities demonstrated M8 Environmental testing completed M9 System tests completed M10 Closure and Hand-over Maturity Gate Decision Gate Maturity gate Decision Gate Maturity gate Maturity gate Maturity gate Maturity Gate Maturity Gate Maturity Gate T0+7 month T0+18 month T0+12 month T0+15 month T0+18 month T0+25 month T0+30 month T0+36 month T0+42 month 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) o The applicant shall have a proven strong background and expertise in perfoming fire tests. o The applicant shall demonstrate in-depth experience in perfoming envirionmental tests according to the procedures described in document RTCA-DO 160F / EUROCAE ED-14. o The applicant shall have a profound knowledge about Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. o The applicant shall be familiar with ISO Standard 14520 and/or NFPA 2001 Standard. o The applicant shall provide adequate information necessary for an effective and efficient project management during the course of the project. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 54 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IX. Development of Thermo-elastic Stress Analysis for the detection of stress hotspots during structural testing Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA Platform 2 Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP2.3.2 – Testing Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 350 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start Date8 09-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA02-06 Development of Thermo-elastic Stress Analysis for the detection of stress hotspots during structural testing Short description (3 lines) The objective is to prove the feasibility of applying Thermo-elastic-Stress Analysis (TSA) in a structural test environment for detecting stress hotspots. The detection and quantification of localised stress will help to reduce the product development time, risk and cost. 8 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 55 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Key objectives: Evaluate TSA for qualitative and quantitative assessment of stress hot-stops during structural testing Develop methods and protocols for its application to aircraft structure fatigue and damage tolerance tests Propose approach for the implementation of the technology on large components and full-scale tests with the provision of quantitative results (objective to be achieved during follow on Call for Proposals) Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) is a unique tool for full-field, high-resolution stress measurement during fatigue tests. The technology is cheaper and quicker to apply than strain gauges or other full field techniques and shows more relevant details than image correlation methods. The rapid visualization of complex stress fields facilitates the early identification of critical areas where unexpected failures may occur. Recent advances in camera technologies made this method even simpler, more attractive and cost effective, offering the potential for extensive surveys of large areas. The objective of this project is to demonstrate the feasibility of the Thermo-Stress Analysis application in a structural test environment. The goal is to assess the added value and the potential of integrating this technology into Airbus. It mainly aims to identify the technical constraints and requirements that apply in structural test environment such as optical access, cycling frequencies, loading spectra, scalability, calibration, perturbation by environmental factors, etc. These objectives align with the stated objectives in the CleanSky2 JTP as defined in WP2.2.1 and WP 2.3.2. The work breakdown structure is follows the detailed task breakdown given in the following sections. It is supported by, but is not rigidly linked to, the overall internal development plan for this technology as shown in Figure 1. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 56 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) T.1 – Crack initiation and crack growth monitoring T.3 – Scanning capability for hot-spots T.2 – Assessment with complex loading and geometry T.4 – Automated implementation T=0 T.5 – Feasibility of in-service applications Figure 7: Overall plan for the development of TSA as a method for identifying Stress Hot-Spots during structural testing. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 57 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Crack initiation and crack growth monitoring using TSA T+15 T2 Assessment with complex loading and geometry T+22 T3 Scanning capability for hot-spots T+26 T4 Automated implementation T+30 T5 Proposal and feasibility assessment of in-service applications T+36 T.1 Crack initiation and crack growth monitoring For this task there will be a requirement to perform detailed and intensive monitoring of cracks to identify initiation and the crack path during propagation. This should be feasible even during early stage loading so automatic or adaptive scaling of the stress field data should be considered. Data captured during recent tests will provide the first data sources for this task with further tests required to provide relevant data for the development of the instrument and software settings. Naturally occurring and artificially initiated defects arising from stress raisers such as holes and notches should be considered in this task. The effect of frequency, stress level, R ratio, etc. must be analysed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the sensitivity of the technique to these parameters. All of the above are to be considered in the context of the need to compare the experimental data with detailed linear or non-linear finite element models. The potential for automated crack tip identification and tracking or monitoring must also be investigated so as to provide an understanding of the possibility of developing this feature and applying it routinely in an industrial context. T.2 Assessment with complex loading and geometry The efficacy of stress/strain measurement and hot-spot detection by TSA must be demonstrated for aircraft spectrum loading with solutions to be determined where input loading cannot be provided in the traditional way. Issues related to through thickness bending (stress averaging) and under shear loading must be addressed to demonstrate that TSA is able to provide surface or near surface stress data that can reliably be compared to simulations in a quantitative manner. Some fundamental aspects of the method are to be clarified, particularly in relation to the consistency or otherwise of the response and measurements obtained under tensile and compressive loads, and monotonic spectra. A demonstration of the method when applied to complex 3-Dimensional components and structures should show that it provides consistent identification of strain fields at different viewing angles and Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 58 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) conditions. For situations where the response deviates from the expected, suitable correction methods should be proposed and evaluated. T.3 Scanning capability for hot-spots One of the most attractive aspects of the TSA method is that it may be possible to use it to very rapidly identify areas of high stress that have not been predicted. The rapid scanning of structures or components with hidden but known defects should be demonstrated and an understanding of the conditions under which the scanning should be performed must be developed and described. Existing structural tests at Airbus will be offered for the development and evaluation of this work. Bespoke test specimens may also be required to provide a reference set of identifiable hot-spot data. The application of TSA to Carbon Fibre composites should demonstrate that hot-spot detection is viable. T.4 Automated implementation (simple robotic platform) One long term goal is to apply TSA to large scale structural tests. In this task the investigators should identify the technical constraints and requirements that apply in the structural test environment, such as optical access, cycling frequencies, loading spectra, scalability, calibration and perturbation by environmental factors. The effects of these environmental and test conditions on the capability of the system to provide quantitative and qualitative data must be understood and described. Proposals for the automated implementation of TSA in an industrial test environment (using a robotic system or otherwise) should be developed and be linked to the automated crack tip detection and tracking developed in T.1. T.5 Proposal and feasibility assessment of in-service applications The potential for extending the TSA method outside of the test environment has been considered in recent years. In this task a proposal and feasibility assessment TSA for hot spot detection under inservice conditions should be produced. Special consideration should be made in relation to the structural excitation and its practical implementation. A small scale demonstration of the proposal is desirable but by no means required. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 59 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 D3 Scanning capability for hot-spots Report & Demonstration Report &Demonstration Demonstration T+18 D2 Identification of crack initiation and crack growth monitoring Complex loading and geometry D4 Automated implementation Report T+30 D5 Proposal and feasibility assessment of in-service applications Report & Demo(optional ) T+36 T+22 T+26 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Detailed technical project plan and demonstration schedule established and agreed Instrument set-up and draft protocol for crack identification and monitoring Draft proposal for in-service applications and Preliminary Design Review for concept validation Plan T+3 Report T+9 Report T+18 M2 M3 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 60 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The prospective applicant(s) or consortium must demonstrate that they have: - Skill 1: Extensive knowledge, expertise and a strong track record of the use and understanding of the Thermoelastic Stress Analysis technique for strain measurement and fracture mechanics applications. - Skill 2: Capability and a strong track record of using numerical analysis techniques (e.g. linear and non-linear FEM) for fatigue and damage tolerance studies. In particular experience of developing and implementing validation methods for simulations using experimental methods will be highly beneficial. - Skill 3: Proven experience in creating and running testing programmes and experimental stress analysis skills that will support the TSA technology development and its evaluation. - Skill 4: Experience and a track record of successful project management (administrative and technical) of collaborative government funded research programmes with multiple partners. A particular focus on the ability to generate robust projects with a thorough understanding of the relevant risks and opportunities must also be indicated. - Skill 5: Demonstrable capacity and skill levels in relation to the personnel that will be performing work on the project tasks. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 61 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) X. Process and Methods for E2E Maintenance Architecture development and demonstrations and solutions for technology integration Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP3.6 Maintenance Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 1.750k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 48 months Start Date9 10-2015 Identification Title LPA PL3 WP3.6 - 1 Process and Methods for E2E Maintenance Architecture development and demonstrations and solutions for technology integration Short description (3 lines) Provide Methods for Integrated Health Monitoring and Management System Design, Performance optimization and the overall Architecture evaluation (methods, simulation solutions, collaborative framework for demonstration purposes). Development of integrated structure health monitoring solution as condition based maintenance enabler. 9 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 62 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Within the frame of the Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) Platform 3 WP3.6 Maintenance provides the demonstration of increased mobility and industrial leadership enabled by an integrated End-to-End Maintenance Services, value oriented architecture based on integrating health monitoring and management technologies supported by maintenance execution enhancing solutions (e.g. mobile tools, remote support functionalities, etc.). The key objectives of WP3.6 Maintenance are to maximize aircraft availability and increase economic efficiency of airlines, MROs, OEMs and suppliers based on a collaborative approach. Within the scope of LPA WP3.6 Maintenance focus is set on enhancements for the legacy fleet of short range and long range type of operations in a mixed fleet context with large passenger aircrafts above 120 PAX (aircraft type such as e.g. A320, A330 among others) recognizing their existing aircraft capabilities and functions. Solutions for selected use cases for aircraft CFRP structures (e.g. door surroundings, vertical tail plane) and systems (e.g. APU, pneumatics and electrical power generation systems) and the integration into an airline and maintenance operational environment are addressed. In that context several development and demonstration streams have been established, which are supported by three specific call for proposal topics dedicated to processes, methods and tools for architecture development, optimization, demonstration and technology integration, development of specific enabling technologies (e.g. System Health Monitoring, Prognostic solutions) and the integration of solutions into the airline and maintenance operational context. This research oriented call for proposal Process and Methods for E2E Maintenance Architecture development and demonstrations and solutions for technology integration is addressing the following aspects: - the ability to define and develop service oriented architectures for the legacy fleet - the capability to evaluate the efficiency and performance of an E2E Architecture - the ability to integrate key fundamental technology bricks for e.g. structure health monitoring into and condition based maintenance concept LPA WP3.6 Maintenance is structure in multiple Sub-Work packages providing the major integration and demonstration deliverables for the End-To-End service architecture and its enablers, such as aircraft level solutions for structure and system health monitoring and management, collaborative environment to connecting all actors and providing the integration into the airline operational fleet and maintenance environment. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 63 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) LPA WP3.6 Maintenance required a strong coordination of activities and deliverables between WPs to ensure the definition and demonstration of the E2E Architecture. All activities and deliverables of this call topic shall be aligned with the overall LPA WP3.6 master schedule: Q1 WP1.1 WP1.2 WP1.3 WP1.3 Year2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 M0 M3 Service & Operation Design PMT Business Scenarios Operational Scenarios E2E Architecture Specific Capacities Safety Certification Security Connectivity E2E Architecture Architecture Definition IHMM Specification Development Plan-mean-Demo/eval WP2 WP3 WP4 Prognostics and CBM Fleet Data Management Maintenance Execution WP1.4 E2E Architecture Evaluation Evaluation Strategy & Plan Evaluation Means Development E2E Architecture Evaluation Q1 M6 Year2015 Q2 Q3 Q4 M9 M12 M15 Q1 M18 Year2016 Q2 Q3 Q4 M21 M24 M27 Q1 M30 Year2017 Q2 Q3 Q4 M33 M36 M39 VV Q1 M42 VV Year2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 M45 M48 M51 Q1 M54 Year2019 Q2 Q3 Q4 M57 VV SOA plan TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 SOA SOA SOA TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 Kick-off partners Annual EC review yearly internal review Kick-off meeting CDR or TRL board validation SOA State of the Art and Technology studies Annual EC review Annual EC review Intermediate deliverable Final deliverable Demonstrators The subjects addressed in this call are dedicated to research and demonstration activities in LPA Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 64 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP3.6.1 and LPA WP3.6.2 and are clustered by modules recognizing the nature and architecture level of research and demonstration activities foreseen: Module Title Module A ~25% E2E Maintenance Architecture IVV and Evaluation: associated to LPA WP3.6.1 E2E Maintenance Operations definition and improvements SWP3.6.1-1: Process, Method and Tool (PMT) definition enabling to drive the service oriented Architecture development; design and the E2E simulated demonstrator development. SWP3.6.1-4: Simulation based E2E platform architecture evaluation as defined in SWP3.6.1-2 to validate the project objectives. The demonstration needs to integrate other WP demonstration results. E2E Maintenance Platform Definition and IHMM Development associated to LPA WP3.6.2 Prognostics and Condition based Maintenance SWP 3.6.2-1: Structural Health Monitoring aims at integrating health-monitoring functions into system and operational architecture based on load measurement technologies developed by Airbus in IADP LPA Platform 2 SubWP2.3.2.3. The work in this SubWP is following a step-by-step approach whereas different levels of integration and increasing design assurance levels are allocated to separate use cases Module B ~75% Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 65 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Module I E2E Maintenance Architecture IVV and Evaluation T361-1.1 Design process and IVV strategy: Define, select, deploy and support the design Process/Methods/Tools (PMT) for WP3.6.1 specifications with respect to the needs of the E2E simulated demonstration and evaluation (T361-4.1). Define Verification and Validation strategy for the E2E platform design and the demonstrators (form other WPs). E2E Evaluation Strategy: based on the PMT (T361-1.1), specify the E2E simulated demonstration needs, directives to drive and cascade into scenario definition, E2E architecture specification and development of maintenance demonstrators proposed in the other WPs. E2E Evaluation Development means: Develop all means to support the E2E maintenance platform evaluation by simulation and to integrate the results from other WP demonstrators. E2E architecture and project evaluation: Collect overall demonstrator results, run the E2E simulation, assess E2E simulation results with regards to Business and operational Use Cases and architecture specification Structural Health Monitoring for condition based maintenance T361-4.1 T361-4.2 T361-4.3 Module II T362-1.1 Due Date 12/2015 06/2016 12/2018 06/2019 Development and Validation of Load Assessment Solutions for 01/2016 CFRP structures: Derive initial system and performance requirements on health monitoring system required for efficient load assessment algorithms for aircraft vertical tail plane applications. Develop efficient load assessment algorithms accounting for flight maneuvering and turbulence encounter and for on-ground operation. Validate load assessment performance and provide comparison between model based and direct measurement based load assessment solutions Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 66 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description T362-1.2 Development and Impact Analysis for Aircraft Level (global) 12/2018 SHM solution: Analyse current design rules for improvements (Maintainability and/or Weight Benefit) based on global structural health monitoring. Derive system and performance requirements based on design analysis and develop concept and models (algorithms) for identification and characterization of global structural damages / changes and provide validation for vertical tail plane CFRP structures on representative structural tests at the topic managers facilities Development of condition based maintenance solutions: 09/2019 Analyse aircraft/fleet usage versus design envelope , Estimate maintenance impact by fatigue analysis based on actual usage versus original maintenance program as function of accuracy of the usage history, Develop concept for improved maintenance based on life time monitoring system derived from estimation of T362-1.2 Integration and Validation of US Guided wave technologies for 09/2019 damage detection for CFRP structures for door surrounding areas: Concepts for operational performance demonstration of integrated US Guided Wave Damage Detection System under operational/environmental conditions (before and after structural repairs). Validation of performance of US Guided Wave Damage Detection System under operational conditions T362-1.3 T362-14-1 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 67 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Module A E2E Maintenance Architecture IVV and Evaluation D361-1.11 Design process and IVV plan: Specification of design process (Who, What, When, PERT, RASCI, risks, KPIs …) applicable to define maintenance services and the E2E architecture, includes cross WP requirement V&V means E2E Evaluation plan: Strategy to enable the E2E maintenance architecture/project demonstration and evaluation by simulation means. The needs and directives to be cascaded in each WPs demonstrators and demonstrations for the purposes of the E2E simulation (e.g. needs for results integration). E2E Evaluation means: Documentation at different evaluation iterations mean developments performed and the integration achieved for the purposes for the E2E evaluation by simulation. Develop/adapt the simulator to integrate the results from other WP demonstrators and demonstrations and to enable the E2E maintenance platform evaluation. E2E iterative Evaluation result Analysis: Reports which document at the different evaluation loops the demonstration run description, analysis of the obtained results with regards to project objectives, defined services scenario and the specified E2E maintenance platform performances incl. impact analysis on economic, social, cultural aspects. Structural Health Monitoring for condition based maintenance Development and Validation of Load Assessment Solutions for CFRP structures: System and performance requirements, Load assessment algorithms and performance validation Development and Impact Analysis for Aircraft Level (global) SHM solution: Design rules analysis, System and performance requirements, global concepts, algorithms prototype, overall validation D361-4.11 D361-4.21 D361-4.22 D361-4.31 D361-4.32 Module B D362-1.1.1 D362-1.1.2 D362-1.2.1 D362-1.2.2 D362-1.2.3 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date Reports 12/2015 Reports 06/2016 Reports Simulator 09/2017 12/2018 Reports 03/2019 Report Prototype Report 01/2016 06/2018 12/2018 Report Prototype Report 09/2016 09/2017 12/2018 Page 68 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description D362-1.3 Development of condition based maintenance Report solutions: Reports on Aircraft and fleet usage versus design envelope analysis, impact of life time monitoring system on maintenance and improvement concepts Development and Validation of US Guided wave Report technologies for damage detection for CFRP structures for door surrounding areas: Concepts for operations and performance validation before and after structural repair, Validation Reports D362-1.4.1 Type Due Date 09/2017 08/2018 03/2019 09/2017 08/2018 09/2019 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) It is expected that the applicant provides the following proven and recognized knowledge and experience in: the governing processes, technologies and capabilities regarding airline operations and associated large aircraft maintenance procedures. project management in Time, Cost and Quality together with evidence of past experience in large research project participation. taking responsibility for work package lead (incl. co-developing the project management plan and closely monitoring the project progress) which in detail has to be defined in the negotiation phase. skills and/or equipment solution to develop or adapt for the E2E evaluation by simulation (T3614.2 and T361-4.3). It includes the capabilities to formalize a process and directives (T361-1.1 and T361-4.1) for the usage of this E2E simulation and to develop/adapt the simulator (T361-4.2) for integrating heterogonous demonstrator results. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 69 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 5. Glossary A/L Airline AC Aircraft CBM Condition Based Maintenance CFRP Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer E2E End-To-End IVV Integrated Validation and Verification KPI Key Performance Indicator LPA Large Passenger Aircraft MCC Maintenance Control Center MIS Maintenance Information System MRO Maintenance Repair Organization OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PAX Passengers PERT Project Evaluation and Review Technique PMT Process, Methods, Tools RASCI Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed SOA State of the Art SHM Structure Health Monitoring UC Use case US Ultra Sonic V&V VR Validation and Verification Virtual Reality Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 70 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XI. Aircraft System Prognostic solutions integrated into an airline E2E maintenance operational context Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP3.6 Maintenance Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 1.700 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 48 months Start Date10 10-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA03-02 Aircraft System Prognostic solutions integrated into an airline E2E maintenance operational context Short description (3 lines) Demonstration of system health monitoring and prognostic architectures (on-board/on-ground solutions) for selected system use cases (e.g. APU, pneumatic and electrical power generation system) for large passenger aircrafts. Demonstration of specific prognostic solutions (e.g. data processing, failure mode identification, prognostic algorithm, degradation models, etc.) and its integration into the overall Integrated Health Monitoring Management System. Development and demonstration of the efficiency of augmented reality based maintenance tools making use of information as provided by the integrated health monitoring system is addressed. 10 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 71 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Within the frame of the Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) Platform 3 WP3.6 Maintenance provides the demonstration of increased mobility and industrial leadership enabled by an integrated End-to-End Maintenance Services, value oriented architecture based on integrating health monitoring and management technologies supported by maintenance execution enhancing solutions (e.g. mobile tools, remote support functionalities, etc.). The key objectives of WP3.6 Maintenance are to maximize aircraft availability and increase economic efficiency of airlines, MROs, OEMs and suppliers based on a collaborative approach. Within the scope of LPA WP3.6 Maintenance focus is set on enhancements for the legacy fleet of short range and long range type of operations in a mixed fleet context with large passenger aircrafts above 120 PAX (aircraft type such as e.g. A320, A330 among others) recognizing their existing aircraft capabilities and functions. Solutions for selected use cases for aircraft CFRP structures (e.g. door surroundings, vertical tail plane) and systems (e.g. APU, pneumatics and electrical power generation systems) and the integration into an airline and maintenance operational environment are addressed. In that context several development and demonstration streams have been established, which are supported by three specific call for proposal topics dedicated to processes, methods and tools for architecture development, optimization, demonstration and technology integration, development of specific enabling technologies (e.g. System Health Monitoring, Prognostic solutions) and the integration of solutions into the airline and maintenance operational context. This enabling aircraft technology oriented call for proposal Aircraft System Prognostic solutions integrated into an airline E2E maintenance operational context is addressing the following aspects: Capabilities to develop, adapt and integrate system health monitoring solutions with prognostics concepts for use case dedicated to APU, pneumatic and electrical power generation systems for typical short range type of aircraft applications Capabilities to develop and demonstrate aircraft/system level prognostics solutions as services offers to airlines for maintenance planning and maintenance execution purposes Ability to integrate these prognostics solutions into an aircraft/ground based IHMM platform Capability to integrate above prognostic solutions with airline maintenance operational environments (e.g. Maintenance Information Systems and multi-type of aircraft fleet context provided by short- and long range type of large passenger aircrafts) Capability to use health management information as provided above among other maintenance relevant information with other technologies supporting maintenance task execution such as augmented realty solutions LPA WP3.6 Maintenance is structure in multiple Sub-Work packages: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 72 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) These SubWork Packages are providing the major integration and demonstration deliverables for the End-To-End service architecture and its enablers, such as aircraft level solutions for structure and system health monitoring and management, collaborative environment, connecting all actors and providing integration into the airline operational fleet context and maintenance execution. The subjects addressed in this call are dedicated to development, integration and demonstration activities in LPA WP3.6.2 and LPA WP3.6.4 and are clustered by modules recognizing the nature and architecture level of development, integration and demonstration activities foreseen: Module Title Module I System Prognostics and Service development and demonstration ~70% associated to LPA WP3.6.2 Prognostics and Condition based Maintenance SubWP 3.6.2-2: System Prognostic will develop A/C manufacturer/system suppliers system failure prognostic capabilities to tackle in-service issues not identified during A/C development SubWP3.6.2-3: Prognostic integration in Health Management systems will support all activities required for integration of technologies in the WP3.6.1 E2E Architecture. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 73 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Module Title Module II Maintenance Execution Enhancement through integrated augmented reality applications ~30% associated to LPA WP3.6.4 Maintenance Execution SubWP 3.6.4-1 Mobile Tools for Maintenance execution enhancement will develop mobile tool solutions integrating different types of emerging technologies into the line maintenance process and its integration into a maintenance control center based remote support solution. Within this specific call topic the technology of augmented reality for mobile tool application in an airline operational environment, making use of information as provided by the integrated health monitoring and management solution shall be demonstrated for specific use cases (aligned with the activities in SubWP 3.6.2). LPA WP3.6 Maintenance requires a strong coordination of activities and deliverables between WPs to ensure the definition and demonstration of the E2E Architecture. All activities and deliverables of this call topic shall be aligned with the overall LPA WP3.6 master schedule: Q1 WP1.1 WP1.2 WP1.3 WP1.3 Year2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 M0 M3 Service & Operation Design PMT Business Scenarios Operational Scenarios E2E Architecture Specific Capacities Safety Certification Security Connectivity E2E Architecture Architecture Definition IHMM Specification Development Plan-mean-Demo/eval WP2 WP3 WP4 Prognostics and CBM Fleet Data Management Maintenance Execution WP1.4 E2E Architecture Evaluation Evaluation Strategy & Plan Evaluation Means Development E2E Architecture Evaluation Q1 M6 Year2015 Q2 Q3 Q4 M9 M12 M15 Q1 M18 Year2016 Q2 Q3 Q4 M21 M24 M27 Q1 M30 Year2017 Q2 Q3 Q4 M33 M36 M39 VV Q1 M42 VV Year2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 M45 M48 M51 Q1 M54 Year2019 Q2 Q3 Q4 M57 VV SOA plan TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 SOA SOA SOA TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 Kick-off partners Annual EC review yearly internal review Kick-off meeting CDR or TRL board validation SOA State of the Art and Technology studies Annual EC review Annual EC review Intermediate deliverable Final deliverable Demonstrators Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 74 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Module I System Prognostics and Service development and demonstration T362-2.1 Prognostic concept and use case identification: Summary of prognostic goals, actors, impact on the business, identification of prognostic candidates and indicators, data-collection specifications based on initial & additional algorithms/sensors for each of the prognostic candidates (feasibility). Process definition for prognostic indicator performance demonstration, means for efficiency measurement, use case identification based on demonstration needs (as provided by WP3.6.1) and cost benefit analysis Prognostic architecture: Detailed prognostic architecture specification incl. detailed interface specification between ground prognostic modules; this architecture shall integrate prognostic at aircraft and system levels to offer a global and consistent offer to A/L. Focus will be put on ground prognostic architecture. Prognostic directives and framework: Definition of prognostic data model and relationship (degradation, anomaly, failure, …). Identification of design data (at system and aircraft level) required for system prognostic description, validation and integration within Health Management (diagnostic, decision support, …). Evolution of knowledge management systems to integrate prognostic design data System Prognostic use case demonstration: Prognostic solution development (model-based, data-driven, …), demonstration and airline operations validation (degradation scenario/data processing / advice generation to the A/L) WP3.6.1 E2E Platform and Ground Infrastructure / Prognostic interface requirements: Link between prognostics function and IHMM infrastructure, Specification of IHMM airborne part enabling CBM solutions by capturing data on aircrafts as per aircraft customizable configuration, computing degradation condition according to customizable rules. Link between prognostics function and ground infrastructure, its specification, enabling CBM by capturing data from aircrafts, disposal of ground prognostic software, capturing data from A/L, MRO, Supplier shop facilities to assess prognostic performances T362-2.2 T362-2.3 T362-2.4 T362-3.1 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date 03/2016 06/2016 12/2016 03/2019 06/2016 Page 75 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T362-3.2 E2E WP3.6 performance evaluation: Contribution to WP3.6 demonstrator performance evaluation Maintenance Execution Enhancement through integrated augmented reality applications SOA system adaptation, integration and demonstration: SOA selection for the system, Identification of use cases and demonstration scenarios, data and information sources for SOA demonstration, integration of Computer Vision algorithms into SOA System including, development/adaption of HMI using Near-to-Eye (NTE) display technologies. Provide demonstration and experience capturing (requirements) of the integrated system (HW/SW) in operational context including the impact and performances analysis for the Computer Aided Maintenance (CAM) relevant Maintenance processes Next Generation CAM Architecture development and demonstration: Development of an open architecture for CAM taking into account the SOA experience capturing and requirements, development and demonstration of next generation computer vision algorithms enabling the integration of expert systems for remote support, troubleshooting functions, maintenance documentation functions (technical information, aircraft health information) and documentation updates (as provided by WP3.6.3 and WP3.6.4) IVV and end-user evaluation: Provide functional demonstration in a maintenance operational context and provide performance evaluations and impact assessment on the airline and MROs related maintenance processes 06/2019 Module II T364-1.1.1 T364-1.1.2 T364- Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 06/2017 06/2018 01/2019 Page 76 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Module I System Prognostics and Service development and demonstration Prognostic concept and use case identification: Description of prognostic goals, actors and impact on the business of partner prognostic cases, Prognostic use case description, Prognostic performance indicators definition Prognostic architecture : Architecture description, interface description and specification Prognostic directives and framework: Prognostic ontology/ Identification of design data required for system prognostic description, validation and integration within IHMM, Knowledge Management System evolution for prognostic System Prognostic use case demonstration; Prognostic prototype, Demonstration plan and results WP3.6.1 E2E Platform and Ground Infrastructure / Prognostic interface requirements: Use case driven Interface requirements Contribution to WP3.6 performance evaluation D362-2.1 D362-2.2 D362-2.3 D362-2.4 D362-3.1 D362-3.2 Module II D364-1.1.1 D364-1.1.2 D364- Maintenance Execution Enhancement through integrated augmented reality applications SOA system adaptation, integration and demonstration : Description of the SOA, Demonstration strategies incl. use cases, Software with SOA Computer Vision algorithms Prototype, List of requirements for the further developments Next Generation CAM Architecture development and demonstration: Description of architecture, requirements and use cases for the further development phases, Intermediate prototype embodying new capabilities, CAM tool IVV and end-user evaluation: Compliance, validation and integration analysis Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date Report Report 12/2015 03/2016 Report Report Report, Model Report 06/2016 Report Prototype Report Report 03/2018 06/2018 03/2019 06/2016 Report 06/2019 Report Report Prototype Report 03/2016 06/2016 07/2017 06/2017 Report Demonstrator Report 09/2017 03/2018 06/2018 Report 01/2019 06/2016 12/2016 Page 77 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) It is expected that the applicant provides the following proven and recognized knowledge and experience in: the governing processes, technologies and capabilities regarding airline operations and associated large aircraft maintenance procedures. project management in Time, Cost and Quality together with evidence of past experience in large research project participation. taking responsibility for work package lead (incl. co-developing the project management plan and closely monitoring the project progress) which in detail has to be defined in the negotiation phase. In-deepth knowledge and skills into system design, system failure modelling, architecture definition and integration. In-Deepth knowledge on the adaption and functional integration of visulization technologies (software/hardware) 5. Glossary A/L Airline MIS Maintenance Information System AC Aircraft MRO Maintenance Repair Organization AR Augmented Reality NTE Near-To-Eye OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PAX Passenger PMT Process, Methods and Tools SOA State of the Art BPMN CBM CFDS CFRP Business Process Model and Notation Condition Based Maintenance Centralized Fault Display System Carbon fiber reinforced plastic E2E End-To-End SW Software HMI Human-Machine-Interface UC Use case KPI Key Performance Indicator V&V LPA Large Passenger Aircraft VR Virtual Reality MCC Maintenance Control Center WP Work Package Validation and Verification Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 78 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XII. Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area LPA Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP 3.6 Maintenance Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 4.400 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 48 months Start Date11 10-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA03-03 Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers Short description (3 lines) Multidisciplinary Integration and real-life operational demonstration of E2E Maintenance Services Architecture, enabling effective cooperation between OEMs, suppliers, airlines and MROs featuring solutions with focus on mixed legacy fleet maintenance operations, technology enablers for Integrated Health Monitoring Management solution based on prognostics, maintenance planning and optimization, remote support and maintenance mobile tools/applications and its seamless integration in the existing maintenance operations landscape (incl. MIS) 11 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 79 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Within the frame of the Large Passenger Aircraft (LPA) Platform 3 WP3.6 Maintenance provides the demonstration of increased mobility and industrial leadership enabled by an integrated End-to-End Maintenance Services, value oriented architecture based on integrating health monitoring and management technologies supported by maintenance execution enhancing solutions (e.g. mobile tools, remote support functionalities, etc.). The key objectives of WP3.6 Maintenance are to maximize aircraft availability and increase economic efficiency of airlines, MROs, OEMs and suppliers based on a collaborative approach. Within the scope of LPA WP3.6 Maintenance focus is set on enhancements for the legacy fleet of short range and long range type of operations in a mixed fleet context with large passenger aircrafts above 120 PAX (aircraft type such as e.g. A320, A330 among others) recognizing their existing aircraft capabilities and functions. Solutions for selected use cases for aircraft CFRP structures (e.g. door surroundings, vertical tail plane) and systems (e.g. APU, pneumatics and electrical power generation systems) and the integration into an airline and maintenance operational environment are addressed. In that context several development and demonstration streams have been established, which are supported by three specific call for proposal topics dedicated to processes, methods and tools for architecture development, optimization, demonstration and technology integration, development of specific enabling technologies (e.g. System Health Monitoring, Prognostic solutions) and the integration of solutions into the airline and maintenance operational context. This architecture operational integration and demonstration oriented call for proposal Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers is addressing the following aspects: Capability to develop value driven maintenance service scenarios, requirements and KPIs based on real life experience of the main maintenance actors (airlines, MROs, OEMs) Ability to integrate and implement above scenarios, requirements into E2E architectures and Integrated Health Monitoring and Management platforms (aircraft/ground) Capability to develop and demonstrate the technical infrastructure and data management, analytics solutions enabling the connection of all data sources (provided by airlines, MROs, OEMs, for aircraft data, schedule data, weather, resources, etc.) taking into account todays maintenance information system standards (e.g. preferable as used by airlines/MROs participating to this call) Ability to provide integration and operational performance demonstration of prognostic solutions, configuration management, maintenance planning and optimization solutions in an airline operational context (mixed fleet of short and long range type of aircrafts) Capabilities to adapt integrate and demonstrate the performance of maintenance mobile tool technologies with a remote support functions in real airline maintenance environment. Please note: The Module content and expected contribution by applicants to this call for proposal is different in each of the modules as outlined in the following description of the modules. To achieve a close and seamless cooperation and coordination of the “neighboring activities”, it is at the heart of the technical management to be offered by the applying Partner candidates. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 80 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) E2E Maintenance service platform Business Segment Extended enterprise Service Layer Value Chain Analysis Start Segment Aircraft Aircraft Aircraft Segment Segment Structure Systems HM agent HM agent E2E (m) Service Architecture definition Service offer definition F Ground Segment Collaborative data warehouse IHMM Ext. Connectors: MIS Weather A/C mission … Dispatch assessment Work assignment/supervision/report Configuration capture Virtual/ Aumgnented reality Contextualized documentation … Incl. connectivity Mobile service tools Structure Health Monitoring (SHM) Ground service tools Maintenance Execution Layer Module Module A ~6% Module B ~15% Module C ~15% Module D ~16% System prognostics Maintenance planning and optimization Configuration Management Fleet Management Layer Condition Based Maintenance Layer Title E2E Service & Operations Design associated to LPA WP3.6.1 E2E Maintenance Operations definition and improvements: Development of value driven service scenarios, requirements, KPIs based on real life experience of the main process actors (airlines, MROs, OEMs) ideally contributing to WP3.6. E2E Maintenance Platform and IHMM Development and Demonstration associated to LPA WP3.6.1 E2E Maintenance Operations definition and improvements: Identification of safety, certification, airline operations requirements constraining architecture (functional/logical) and IHMM platform development for legacy fleet type of aircrafts for short and long range operations. Provide E2E architecture demonstration and its enabling means Prognostics solution development, integration and operational performance demonstrations associated to LPA WP3.6.2 Prognostics and Condition based Maintenance: Prognostics solution development and aircraft/ground based integration into airline specific maintenance environment and infrastructure based on selected use cases for aircraft systems (e.g. APU, pneumatics and electrical power generation) for aircrafts typically operating short range such as e.g. single aisle type of aircrafts. Collaborative and Data Analytics Environment Demonstration associated to LPA WP3.6.3 Fleet Data Management: Development and Demonstration of environment for data collection, taking into account the security, intellectual property and the liability concerns. Development and Demonstration of data analytics environment for data aggregation and storage for further reuse through data analytics algorithms developments Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 81 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Module Module E ~14% Module F ~34% Title Maintenance Planning and Optimization and Configuration Management Solutions associated to LPA WP3.6.3 Fleet Data Management: Maintenance Planning and Optimization and aircraft configuration management capability development taking into account functions and performance as provided by Collaborative and Data Analytics Environment (Module E) and the airline operational needs. Integrated Mobile solutions for maintenance execution enhancement associated to LPA WP3.6.4 Maintenance Execution: Adaption, integration, demonstration of MCC remote support functions integrated with maintenance mobility tool applications for short- and long-range airline operational scenarios, integrating augmented reality (development provided by other CfP), contextualized documentation, knowledge databases, live remote support and dispatch decision support solutions. Develop, integrate and demonstrate in the same scenarios, aircraft maintenance process enhancement enablers for maintenance tasks duration tracking, aircraft configuration changes and defects reporting. LPA WP3.6 Maintenance requires a strong coordination of activities and deliverables between WPs to ensure the definition and demonstration of the E2E Architecture. All activities and deliverables of this call topic shall be aligned with the overall LPA WP3.6 master schedule: Q1 WP1.1 WP1.2 WP1.3 WP1.3 Year2014 Q2 Q3 Q4 M0 M3 Service & Operation Design PMT Business Scenarios Operational Scenarios E2E Architecture Specific Capacities Safety Certification Security Connectivity E2E Architecture Architecture Definition IHMM Specification Development Plan-mean-Demo/eval WP2 WP3 WP4 Prognostics and CBM Fleet Data Management Maintenance Execution WP1.4 E2E Architecture Evaluation Evaluation Strategy & Plan Evaluation Means Development E2E Architecture Evaluation Q1 M6 Year2015 Q2 Q3 Q4 M9 M12 M15 Q1 M18 Year2016 Q2 Q3 Q4 M21 M24 M27 Q1 M30 Year2017 Q2 Q3 Q4 M33 M36 M39 VV Q1 M42 VV Year2018 Q2 Q3 Q4 M45 M48 M51 Q1 M54 Year2019 Q2 Q3 Q4 M57 VV SOA plan TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 SOA SOA SOA TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 Kick-off partners Annual EC review yearly internal review Kick-off meeting CDR or TRL board validation SOA State of the Art and Technology studies Annual EC review Annual EC review Intermediate deliverable Final deliverable Demonstrators Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 82 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Module A E2E Service & Operations Design T361-1.1 Design process and IVV plan: Define the global V&V strategy and 12/2015 provide the design Process/Methods/Tools (Who, What, When, PERT, RASCI, KPIs,…) for Architecture specifications. E2E Maintenance Business Analysis: Analyze/model main actors 06/2016 value chains (incl. BPMN models and simulation), define drivers for As-is and To-Be processes and characterize service offers (actors, performance, enablers, KPIs) E2E Maintenance Operations Analysis: Analyze SOA technologies 06/2016 provided by all WPs, define/model operational use cases for E2E scenarios and provide/cascade E2E maintenance operations KPIs E2E Maintenance Platform and IHMM Development and Demonstration E2E Maintenance Platform Safety & Certification Analysis: Identify 09/2016 Safety, certification and regulation requirements from the UC to provide architecture constraints and orientations. E2E Maintenance Architecture Definition: Specify functions, system 09/2018 behaviors, performances supporting operations and services, provide functional, logical architectures for requirement cascades to other WPs and implementation verification. Integrated Health Management and Monitoring platform 09/2018 Specification, Evaluation and Demonstration: Cascade operational Use Cases/KPIs, specify IHMM and its demonstrator architecture and performance. Define evaluation/demonstration concept and means for different environments (e.g. TRL4 lab test to TRL6 onboard ground test), prepare and run demonstrations. E2E architecture and WP3.6 evaluation: Based on T361-1, specify E2E 06/2019 demonstration, directives to drive, cascade scenarios/requirements for cross WP3.6 demonstrator developments. Develop means for simulation based E2E maintenance platform evaluation integrating other WPs results (based on iterative/multi-step approach). Collect cross WP results, run the E2E simulation, provide E2E assessment/ evaluation against project objectives, impact analysis due to change management process (economic, social, cultural …). Prognostics solution development, integration performance demonstrations T361-1.2 T361-1.3 Module B T361-2.1 T361-2.4 T361-3 T361-4 Module C Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 83 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T362-2.1 Prognostic Concept Development: Identification of prognostic goals/actors from an operational/business view identifying its impacts on actors. Identification of prognostic candidates from an operational standpoint. Define airline/MRO oriented KPIs and maintenance advice content to enable the integration in maintenance planning Prognostic architecture Development and Demonstration: architecture and interface specification, integrating prognostic at aircraft, system levels to enable global, consistent and ground based service offers in airline environment (as defined by T361-2 and T3613). Definition and specification of prognostic modules (e.g. anomaly detection function identifying, capturing deviation to be used for failure prediction or data driven prediction module) that will be integrated within the overall prognostic solution. Support of prognostic solution integration/ validation with airline operational view for degradation scenarios, data processing, advice generation. WP3.6.1 E2E Platform and Ground Infrastructure / Prognostic interface requirements: Link between prognostics function and IHMM infrastructure, Specification of IHMM airborne part enabling CBM solutions by capturing data on aircrafts as per aircraft customizable configuration, computing degradation condition according to customizable rules. Link between prognostics function and ground infrastructure, its specification, enabling CBM by capturing data from aircrafts, disposal of ground prognostic software, capturing data from A/L, MRO, Supplier shop facilities to assess prognostic performances E2E WP3.6 performance evaluation: Contribution to WP3.6.1 demonstrator performance evaluation Collaborative and Data Analytic Environment Demonstration Collaborative Environment Security, Intellectual property and liability management: Development, cascade requirements and use cases based on WP3.6.1 functional and operational architecture, Security Threat Analysis and solution proposals for Intellectual Property and liability management approach Collaborative Environment Development and Demonstration: Definition, Selection and development of the Collaborative Environment (Data source connectivity, E2E Architecture solutions adaptation for infrastructure, HMI development for exchange, data management and applications. Provide use cases identification, specification, demonstrator development/production, demonstration adapted to the applicants airline operational environment 12/2016 T362-2.2 T362-3.1 T362-3.2 Module D T363-1.2 T363-1.3 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 03/2019 06/2016 09/2018 03/2016 12/2017 Page 84 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description T363-2.2 Data Consolidation Environment Development: Definition and 09/2017 qualification of solutions (Data models, repositories, enrichment and linkage, configuration management retrieving, querying and posting) Data Analytics Development: Definition and development of Data 09/2017 Analytics functions for Profiling, benchmarking, trend analysis, abnormal situations detection/alerting, visualization of huge/ numerous data sets, support of decision support functions Data Consolidation and Data Analytics Demonstration: use cases 06/2018 identification, specification, demonstrator development/production, demonstration Maintenance Planning and Optimization and Configuration Management Solutions T363-2.4 T363-2.5 Module E T363-3 T363-4 Module F T364-1.1 T364-1.4 Due Date Maintenance Planning and Optimization functions development, 06/2018 Integration and Demonstration: Development of methods/rules, development and integration of IHMM, Data Analytics triggered task with resources data, flight schedule data, long-term operations planning and scheduled maintenance planning, work order triggering, resource assignment and optimization solution based on applicants airline/MRO operational environment (preferably for mixed short and long range fleet). Provide specification, demonstrator development/production, demonstration. Configuration Management functional link identification and 06/2018 functions Demonstrations: Interface development required for Maintenance execution (enable contextualized documentation, enhanced trouble shooting, remote support functions). Use cases identification based on applicants airline operational environment, specification, demonstrator development/production, demonstration Integrated Mobile solutions for maintenance execution enhancement Augmented Reality (AR): Integration in collaborative Environment 06/2018 and airline operational demonstration for selected APU, pneumatic systems and electrical power generation system use cases (link to other CfP and Module C) Contextualized Documentation: Definition, development, Integration 09/2018 in collaborative Environment and airline operational demonstration of applications (SW) and making use of AR, VR solutions providing strategy to troubleshoot and fix failures Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 85 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T364-1.5 Defects reporting: Definition, development, Integration in collaborative Environment/MIS and airline operational demonstration of applications (SW) supporting defects reporting on aircraft during maintenance tasks execution for planning optimization purposes. Maintenance Elapsed Time Control: Definition, development, Integration in collaborative Environment/MIS and airline operational demonstration of tasks execution elapsed time tracking solutions. Dynamic database correlating failures with optimized final fix strategies: Definition, development, Integration in collaborative Environment and MIS and airline operational demonstration of knowledge database applications (SW) for optimized final fix solutions Dispatch Assessment Tool: Definition, development, Integration in collaborative Environment/MIS and airline operational demonstration of decision support applications (SW) for optimized aircraft maintenance dispatch solutions Aircraft Configuration Update: Definition, development, Integration in collaborative Environment/MIS and airline operational demonstration of applications (SW) to capture aircraft configuration changes Portable Service Tools: Selection, integration of portable service tools providing the capabilities to host mobile and remote support applications MCC remote support communication Infrastructure: Definition, specification and airline operational demonstration of communication infrastructure enabling effective two-way communication and remote support function integration between mobile tools, collaborative environment, MCC, MIS and Aircraft (e.g. CFDS) 03/2018 T364-1.9 T364-1.10 T364-1.12 T364-1.7 T364-1.14 T364-2.1 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 06/2018 06/2018 06/2018 06/2018 09/2017 06/2018 Page 86 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Module A E2E Service & Operations Design D361-1.1 12/2015 Module B Design process and IVV plan: Specification, definition of Report design process, requirement cascade, V&V E2E Maintenance Business and Operational Analysis: Report, business/service scenarios (“as is” and “to be”) including Models data collection strategy, assumptions, KPIs, Technology SOA, Operational Use cases E2E Maintenance Platform and IHMM Development and Demonstration D361-2.1 E2E Maintenance Platform Safety & Certification Analysis 09/2016 D361-2.4 D362-3.1 E2E Maintenance Architecture Definition: function Report, 09/2016 specifications, physical E2E Architecture and its models, Models 09/2018 behaviours and performances along project evolution IHMM Specification: Specification of UC and cascaded KPIs Reports 06/2016 cascaded, IHMM Architecture behaviour, demonstrator 04/2017 specification along project evolution 12/2017 IHMM Evaluation and Demonstration: demonstration plan Reports 04/2016 and scenarios descriptions with multiple iteration to reflect 09/2016 integration a long project evolution, execution and 04/2017 evaluation 09/2018 E2E architecture and WP3.6 evaluation: E2E Evaluation plan Report, 06/2016 (Strategy, Specification demonstration), Specification of Simulator 12/2018 evaluation means, Development/Adaption of simulator Reports 03/2019 (multi-step approach), Evaluation Results Prognostics solution development, integration and operational performance demonstrations Prognostic Concept development: Prognostic goals and Reports 12/2015 actors impact analysis, performance definition, Prognostic 03/2016 maintenance advice definition (Specification, Prognostic 12/2016 modules specification(function specification, architecture 06/2016 and interface specification)), Prototypes Prototypes 03/2018 Interface Requirements for Prognostic integration in IHMM Reports 06/2016 D362-3.2 E2E WP3.6 performance evaluation Module D Collaborative and Data Analytics Environment Development and Demonstration D363-1.2 Collaborative Environment Security, Intellectual property and liability management: Specification D361-1.2 D361-1.3 D361-3.1 D361-3.3 D361-4.1 Module C D362-2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Report Reports Reports Due Date 06/2016 09/2018 03/2016 Page 87 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description D363-1.3 Collaborative Environment Development and Reports 07/2015 Demonstration: SOA and Requirements to WP3.6.1 for Reports 09/2016 Architecture definition, Specification, Collaborative Prototypes 03/2018 Environment development (prototypes), demonstration Reports 12/2018 Data Consolidation and Data Analytics Environment Reports 07/2015 Development: SOA and Requirements to WP3.6.1 for Reports 09/2016 Architecture definition, Specification, Development Prototypes 09/2017 (prototypes), demonstration Reports 06/2018 Maintenance Planning and Optimization and Configuration Management Solutions D363-2 Module E Type D363-3 D363-4 Maintenance Planning and Optimization and Configuration management functions development, Integration and Demonstration: SOA and Requirements to WP3.6.1 for Architecture definition, Specification, Development (prototypes), demonstration SOA and Requirements to WP3.6.1 Architecture Module F Integrated Mobile solutions for maintenance execution enhancement D364-1.1 Augmented Reality: Requirements, Final compliance analysis for integration, verification and validation, demonstration Contextualized Documentation, Defects reporting, Elapsed Time Control, Dynamic database correlating failures with optimized final fix strategies, Dispatch Assessment, Configuration Update: SOA, requirements, architecture/ demonstration strategy, compliance analysis for integration, verification/validation, technology demonstrations Portable Service Tools: SOA, requirements, architecture and demonstration strategy, Demonstration, compliance analysis D364-1.4 D364-1.5 D364-1.7 D364-1.9 D364-1.10 D364-1.12 D364-1.14 D364-2.1 Communication Infrastructure: Specifications, Interface specifications, demonstrator solutions definition, execution, compliance analysis Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Reports Reports Prototypes Reports 07/2015 03/2016 09/2017 06/2018 Reports 03/2016 06/2018 Reports 03/2016 06/2016 Prototypes 09/2017 06/2018 03/2016 09/2016 09/2017 03/2016 06/2018 Reports Prototypes Reports Prototypes Page 88 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) It is expected that the applicant provides the following proven and recognized knowledge and experience in: Experience in maintaining a parent’s airline fleet of large passanger aircrafts (e.g. of A320, A330 types among others) performing short- and long-range operations, with the ability to contribute to specification/testing of innovative maintenance support solutions in a diversified array of operational scenarios. Solid background on the development of IT solutions supported by quick development tools with workflow-based engines, multi-technology user interfaces, distributed execution capabilities, integration frameworks and cloud-enabled infrastructure. Experience in the development of tools for optimizing workforce and asset management promoting full service enterprise mobility services Experience in developing and applying strategy to operations and implementation, with deep understanding of the airline maintenance sector and its assets Expertise in the development of high-performance sensing and monitoring systems used to measure physical parameters in extreme environments. Expertise in contextualized maintenance documentation solutions Expertise in optimization methods, stochastic modelling and knowledge-based systems development for Aircraft Operations, Airline Operations and Airline Safety Ability of developing parametric, feature based, fully associative solid modeling IT solutions with background in the development of Internet architecture solutions for product data management and collaboration. Expertise in technical inspections, non-destructive testing, structural integrity, quality assurance, maintenance management, risk based inspection Experience in work package lead (incl. co-developing project management plans and closely monitoring the project progress) which in detail has to be defined in the negotiation phase Project management in Time, Cost and Quality together with evidence of past experience in large research project participation. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 89 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 5. Glossary A/L Airline MIS Maintenance Information System AC Aircraft MRO Maintenance Repair Organization AR Augmented Reality OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PAX Passenger SOA State of the Art SW Software UC Use case BPMN CBM CFDS CFRP Business Process Model and Notation Condition Based Maintenance Centralized Fault Display System Carbon fiber reinforced plastic E2E End-To-End V&V Validation and Verification KPI Key Performance Indicator VR Virtual Reality LPA Large Passenger Aircraft WP Work Package MCC Maintenance Control Center Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 90 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.2. Clean Sky 2 – Regional Aircraft IADP I. Aerodynamic characterization of control devices for wing loads control and aircraft response characterization of a regional turboprop aircraft Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area REG Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP3 Demonstrations WP3.5 Integrated Technologies Demonstrator for Turboprop Flying Test Bed #2 (FTB2) Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 500 k€ (funding) Duration of the action (in Months) 31 months Start Date12 05-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-REG02-01 Aerodynamic characterization of control devices for wing loads control and aircraft response characterization of a regional turboprop aircraft Short description (3 lines) The calculation, analysis and prediction of the aerodynamics of control surface devices installed in a turboprop regional aircraft taking into account elastic effects in conjunction with other innovative devices. These controls are devoted to perform loads control on wing and therefore the wing loads and the aircraft response are the top objectives pursued. 12 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 91 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activities under this CfP will support the development of Loads Control (LC) technologies for an innovative Regional Turboprop A/C concept that has been proposed by the company of the Topic Manager targetig the Horizon 2020 objectives as described in the JTP document of Clean Sky 2 (CS2). This innovative A/C concept is based on a set of new technologies that will be investigated and developed in CS2, many of which will be selected for their implementatio and integration in the FTB2 Demonstrator according to a higer maturity level as describred in the WP3.5 of the REG Paltform of CS2 and, finaly, tested in flight to show a TRL6. The FTB2 Demonstrator is based in a EADS-CASA C295 with fixed winglets recently installed and a FCS developed in the National FT4B project -declared as Additional Activity- that will be extended with new added functions to control the new wing control surfaces in CS2 (aileron, flap, spoiler and winglet) for the optimal A/C peroformances and aerodynamic efficiency at each flight phase, and for the loads control (Manoeuvre and Gust Loads Alleviation, MLA & GLA). Active controls will include pilot and sensors in the loop within safety levels to perform experimental flights in Regional FTB2 demonstrator. Figure 8 below depicts the FTB2 Demonstrator and the set of technologies for the “air vehicle” proposed by by the company of the Topic Manager to be developed in CS2 . It includes new technologies that are focused in the improvement of the aerodynamics performances in low speed, like the “Multi-Functional Flaps” (to be implemented in the outer flap) and the “Adaptive Winglets” (to be implemented in the winglets) and other technologies whose aim is reducing the A/C weight, like new wing design based on composites (to be implemented in the outer wing) and the different concepts and functionalities for loads control. Inner Wing MLA & GLA Adaptiv e Morphing Leading Aeroelastic Spoiler by EMA Composit e Outer Wing Flap Inboard Fluidi c OAD Aileron MultiFunctional Flap WTT MDO Figure 8: CS2 Air Vehicle Concepts within the framework of the FTB2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 92 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The activities proposed in this CfP are focused on the Air Vehicle technologies for Loads Control and Loads Alleviation. The main objective is to perform the development of the most promising related technologies; especially those enough mature to be implemented in the FTB2 and tested in flight. The involvement of the “Beneficiary” of this CfP will be: to evaluate different passive and active concepts, to investigate the most promising ones and to characterize selected concepts proposed for their implementation and testing in the FTB2. In particular, the spoiler concept will be assessed and compared against the fluidic spoiler concept to be developed in parallel by a core partner. The “Beneficiary” of this CfP will also provide the achievements with respect to Horizon 2020 and ECO-Design objectives. The results of the works need to be evaluated in terms of environmental and productivity objectives aligned with Clean Sky 2 strategy (CO2 and NOx emission reductions, fuel consumption efficiency and noise footprint impact) versus the current existing ones technologies. The technology challenges pursued by by the company of the Topic Manager in the framework of the Loads Control technologies within CS2 are summarized in the Table 1. Most of them shall be addressed through the activities defined in this CfP, except those representing very specific technology challenges -in italic-. LOADS CONTROL ACTIVE COMPONENT TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES AILERON & SPOILER by EMA Mitigation of adverse effects due to the spoiler deflection Aileron functionalities in symmetrical deflections Optimal combination of aileron and spoiler deflections for loads control EMA technology and its use in primary controls FLUIDIC SPOILER Effective Active Flow Control used for Loads Control as alternate to conventional spoiler device. Specific Flow Control technology and complexity of its integration on A/C FCS Overall optimal devices settings EXTENDED and actuation for LC FUCNTIONALITIES Schedules for all new devices Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATORS Simulation with Hi-Fi models WTT: aileron and new spoiler (steady characterization) FTB2: Aileron and new Spoiler actuated by EMA. Simulation with Hi-Fi models WTT: Flow Control devices spoiler FTB2: Fluidic Spoiler Engineering Simulator: Complete functionalities (open and close loop) Page 93 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) LOADS CONTROL PASSIVE COMPONENT AERODYNAMIC CONCEPTS AEROELASTIC TAILORING TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGES Control Laws (CL) for active control loads Operations and sensors& actuators for close loop Innovative aerodynamic concepts for passive loads control preserving aerodynamic efficiency. A/C location and integration of concepts Useful and effective concepts on the outer wing or winglet. Optimal structural flexibility Structural Implementation TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATORS FTB2: FCS extended functionalities (open and close loop) Simulation with Hi-Fi models WTT: new devices FTB2: new devices. Simulation with Hi-Fi models FTB2: outer wing or winglet Table 1: Technology Challenges in Loads Control for the FTB2 in CS2 REG Platform Work Packages and Tasks The proposed activities are grouped in two Work Packages (WP), one for active technologies ( WP1) and another for passive technologies (WP2) and are distributed in a total of 8 tasks. The proposed activities are described in the Table 2 below which shows also the deadline for each Task, all of them related to aerodynamic design and characterisation. Both WP’s are included in the WP3.5 of the CS2 REG Platform, specifically in the WP3.5.1 “FTB2 Wing”. The WP1 of this call is also linked to the WP’s B3.2 “All Electrical Wing” of the CS2 ITDAirframe, specifically to B-3.2.1 and B-3.2.2 that are devoted to the structural and system design of the aileron and spoiler driven by EMA respectively The WP1 comprises 6 Tasks. The task 1.1 is devoted to aerodynamic design of an innovative spoiler and is followed by tasks 1.2 and 1.3 devoted to the aerodynamics characterization of the aileron and spoiler respectively. The task 1.4 includes WTT that serves for validation of simulations in previous tasks and to obtain a dataset combined with CFD to evaluate the loads control capabilities of combined use of aileron and spoiler. The next task 1.5 investigates those aspects not adressed by the WTT, like the flexibility effects and the A/C. The last task 1.6 of the WP1 includes WTT at high Reynolds number that will serve to generate and to transpose the data real flight and will allow also to prescribe the optimal control control law skedules for loads control to be implemented in the FCS as new functionalities. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 94 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The WP2 covers the passive technologies and includes 2 tasks, one (T2.1) devoted to aerodynamic concepts and devices; and another (T2.1) devoted to aeroelastic tailoring (AT) concepts applied to the winglet, although the structural solutions and implementation are not included in the CfP The reference A/C configuration to be employed is the departure A/C configuration existing before the modifications for the FTB2. The aileron already exists altough some geometrical modifications have to be performed by by the company of the Topic Manager in order to perform the LC functionalities adequately. The spoiler is new and has to be designed and accomodated in the wing region of the outer flap beign its size and shape susceptible to be refined based on the outcomes of the activities of this call. It is desirable that the activities will be carried out using accurate tools and models for the aerodynamics and the structural behaviour, specially considering the nature of the flows behind the spoiler and some fying conditions near wing stall and the wing deformations under extreme wing loads conditions. Two Wind Tunel Test (WTT) campaigns are planed by by the company of the Topic Manager for all new concepts of the FTB2, one at low Reynolds number to evaluate and assess the different configurations and concepts and another at high Re number for the final assessment and provision of data trasposed to fligh conditions. The WT Model is propertry of by the company of the Topic Manager and will be at disposal of the Beneficiary for specific tests related to the aileron and spoiler during the general test campaings accomodated by by the company of the Topic Manager along the CS2. The beneficiary will assume only the wind tunnel costs and the responsibility of those especific tests devoted to aileron and spoiler. Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date Task 1.1 Aerodynamic Design of the Spoiler The company of the Topic Manager will provide the description of the location on wing and the maximum dimensions available for the spoiler. The beneficiary will perform the aerodynamic design of the spoiler and will perform the trade-offs and optimization of the spoiler shape and size for its maximum loads alleviation. Any proposal and analysis of innovative aerodynamic concepts applied to the spoiler in order to improve its performances is welcome. January2016 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 95 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date Task 1.2 Aerodynamic characterization of the Aileron The beneficiary must to perform aerodynamic computations of symmetrical and anti-symmetrical aileron up and down for nominal deflections. Test cases number and deflections (range and settings) TBD by the beneficiary upon results. The company of the Topic Manager, will specify two flying conditions for three A/C configurations (flaps up and flaps down in Take Off and Landing). CFD model can be restricted to the wing-body configuration (no tails). Surface pressure distributions and span loads distributions have to be reported. Aerodynamic characterization of the Spoiler The beneficiary must to perform aerodynamic computations with spoiler deflections. Test cases number and nominal deflections and limits defined by the beneficiary. The same configuration and flying conditions than in the Task 1.2 will be applied. Surface pressure distributions and span loads distributions to be reported. Assessment of the Aileron and Spoiler capabilities. To perform Wing Tunnel Test at low Reynolds number in WT facilities of selected Core Partner for aerodynamics characterization of aileron and spoiler installed on the wing and to assess the simulation results from previous tasks. A data set must be provided gathering WT data in the whole range of controls deflections for the analysis of loads control. At least span loads distributions have to be reported parameterized with controls deflections Using these available data, the beneficiary shall perform a study of the capabilities of the combined deflections of aileron and spoiler for loads control as well as the compatibility of the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical aileron deflections for loads control in maneuvers. Results must be provided in some kind of efficiency map vs. angles of incidence and controls deflections. January2016 Task 1.3 Task 1.4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 January2016 Dec-2016 Page 96 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date Task 1.5 Evaluation of flexibility effects and dynamic response effects. The combination of aileron and spoiler deflections shall be analysed to perform loads control and loads alleviation in real scenarios of manoeuvres and gust. For doing it, the beneficiary has to perform aerodynamic computations of the complete A/C configuration taken into account the flexibility effects (FEM model) and the A/C dynamic response (6DOF and mass model) coupled to the CFD model. The Complete A/C model have to be considered in three configurations (flaps up and flaps down in TO and Landing) and computed in at least two steady flight conditions and two gust conditions for each configuration to be specified by the company of the Topic Manager. The same previous test cases with controls (spoiler and aileron) deflections (for two selected prescribed law of controls deflections) have to be computed as well. Surface pressure distributions and span loads distributions to be reported. Analysis and conclusions of loads control and alleviation capabilities must be reported. Data transposition to flight and optimal schedules of controls deflections Wing Tunnel Test campaign at high Reynolds number in pressurized WT facilities (TBD) is scheduled. The beneficiary will propose and perform specific test devoted to aileron and spoiler. The beneficiary will collect, analyse and correct the hi-Re test results and compare them against lo-Re WTT results. Experimental data analysis and corrections have to be performed in order to transpose the WT results to real flight. The beneficiary has to generate and provide Data Sets for Loads and Handling Qualities respectively parameterized for the spoiler and aileron deflections. They will be used by by the company of the Topic Manager. for structural dimensioning, for the integration of loads control devices in the FTB2, and for the permit to fly. Based in these Data Sets and on all previous simulations, the beneficiary will also analyse and propose the most adequate schedules for aileron and spoiler deflections for their implementation in the FCS loads control functionalities. June-2017 Task 1.6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Dec-2017 Page 97 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date Task 2.1 Aerodynamic Devices and Concepts for Passive Loads alleviation. Prospection, selection and evaluation of innovative aerodynamic devices and concepts for passive loads control suitable for the FTB2. The evaluation will be done by CFD (RANS) on a simplified wing model with winglets with flaps up and down. Upon results, selected concepts will be tested in the low Re WTT. Aeroelastic Tailoring on Winglets The Beneficiary must investigate the feasibility of an aeroelastic tailored winglet for passive loads alleviation in maneuvers and gust. The company of the Topic Manager will provide the aerolines of the winglet. The Beneficiary must develop the structural concept which provides the aforementioned loads alleviation. Generation of new FEM model for winglets that allows tuning flexibility effects on winglets. Coupled CFD and FEM models of the wing and winglet with flap retracted must be computed. Fuselage and tails are not mandatory to be modelled for this task. To perform a tradeoff of loads alleviations due to flexibility effects of winglet FEM models based in computation of different test cases to be defined by the beneficiary for one steady flight condition and one gust condition to be specified by by the company of the Topic Manager. June-2017 Task 2.2 June-2017 Table 2: Tasks definition and description of activities. Requirements and Specifications Activities must be carried out using accurate tools and models for the aerodynamics and the structural analysis, especially considering the flying conditions near wing stall and the wing deformations under extreme wing loads conditions. At least RANS/URANS methods are required. CFD coupled to FEM models have to be employed for the loads prediction with flexibility effects. As part of the innovative approaches, the use of additional innovative methods and tools (M&T) are welcome (e.g. variable fidelity methods, surrogate models, etc). They have to be intended to enhance the accuracy and resolution of the outputs as well as to expand and to speed up the exploratory space. Inputs and Outputs The company of the Topic Manager will provide to the beneficiary the following information: CAD model files of the A/C (CATIA, STEP or IGES) FEM model (NASTRAN) of the A/C Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 98 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Mass models of the A/C (CONM2 –NASTRAN cards-) The output files from the beneficiary for the different deliverables are as follows. Files format TBD based on standards available by the beneficiary whenever possible. Other files (loads and data bases) can be provided on specific formats in conjunction with the API S/W to read them. The output data have to include at least: Outputs from CFD: A/C Pressure distributions Outputs from FEM: Wing surfaces displacements Loads results: o wing span loads (forces and moments) distribution along the span (1D distribution). o Hinge forces and moments for the wing aerodynamic controls (aileron and spoiler) o Surface pressure distributions would be desirable Aerodynamic data sets: o Handling Qualities: global A/C aerodynamic coefficients vs angles of incidence and controls deflections o Loads: pressure distributions vs angle of incidence and controls deflections mapped into a reduced surface grid (~3-5K nodes) to be provided by the company of the Topic Manager 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) The deliverables and milestones are in accordance with the general work plan of the Regional Aircraft FTB2 demonstrator as shown in Figure 9. The main reference milestones are the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and the Critical Design Review (CDR) and therefore relevant results and outcomes from this activity have to be provided in advance to these review meetings. M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Figure 9: Milestones for the Regional Aircraft FTB2 and related Milestones (M1 to M5) of the CfP (at the bottom line) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 99 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The Deliverables and Milestones are correlated to the different tasks as described in the previous section and are provided in the following two tables. Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description M0 Project Kick-off M1 Spoiler design and controls characterization FDR Jan 2016 M2 Low Reynolds WTT PDR June 2016 M3 Assessment of Loads Control Capabilities (active) CDR Dec 2016 M4 High Reynolds WTT Assessment of Loads Control Capabilities (passive) ADB for integration of devices in FTB2 CDR June 2017 TRR Dec 2017 M5 Type Due Date May 2015 Table 3: List of Milestones. Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Aileron Design Data files & Documents Jan 2016 D2 Aileron characterization Data files & Documents Jan 2016 D3 Spoiler characterization Data files & Documents Jan 2016 D4 Aileron and Spoiler concepts data sets (lo-Re) Data files & Documents July 2016 D5 Active Loads Control assessment Data files & Documents Dec 2016 D6 Passive Loads Control assessment Data files & Documents D7 Active Loads Control assessment Data files & Documents D8 Data Sets for HQ and Loads transposed to flight Data files & Documents June 2017 June 2017 Dec 2017 Table 4: List of Deliverables. Effort and costs The whole activities devoted to all passive concepts (WP2) should not exceed 20% of the total budget. The effort devoted to the spoiler design and the characterization of control devices is recommended to be confined within the 25% of the total budget. It is claimed that the proposal would include an estimation of cost share for some items like the WTT, HPC, and R&T effort. In general, details about budget distribution are welcome. The cost for the hi-Re WT, which is the most expensive one, is of 6-7K€/h, and the estimated time blowing the aileron and spoiler concepts is around 12 hours. Low Re WT is not yet known because it depends on the final CP selection providing the WT facility, but in any case, it’s expected to be much lower than the Hi-Re WTT cost (ROM 30%).. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 100 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The Applicant Mission and IPR‘s The mission of the applicant will be to support the company of the Topic Manager in the development of the Loads Control capabilities to be tested in the FTB2. The applicant will work in close cooperation with company of the Topic Manager who will provide the adequate information and models. Further innovations and improvements and recommendations from specific studies and analisys proposed by the applicant will be welcomed. All the information and data to be exchanged between company of the Topic Manager and the Beneficiary of this CfP will be regulated under specific NDA and IPR regulations that will recognice mutually the their property following the recommendations and directives of the CSJU. 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Experience in aeronautics Involvement with airframe industry Knowledge of turboprop A/C type Knowledge/Experience in Aerodynamics of the Aircraft Knowledge/Experience in Loads processes and loads control in Aircrafts Knowledge and experience in CFD and other coupled processes to CFD (Matlab, CATIA, FEM). HPC resources Engineering software and licenses for CAD/CAE, CFD, CSM Participation in R&T projects cooperating with industrial partners. Experience in technological research and development in aerodynamics fields. Capacity of evaluating results in accordance to Horizon 2020 environmental and productivity goals following Clean Sky 2 Technology Evaluator rules and procedures. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 101 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 5. Glossary 6DOF AoA CAD CAE CFD CL 6 Degrees of Freedom Angle of Attack Computed Aided Design Computed Aided Engineering Computational Fluid Dynamics Lift Coefficient FTB2 GLA GRA HPC HQ IADP CP CfP CSM Core Partner Call for Proposal Computational Structural Mechanics Capability and Technology Domain Airbus Defence and Space European Aeronautics Defense and Space – Construcciones Aeronaúticas S.A. European Aviation of Safety Agency Electro Mechanical Actuator Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Regulations Finite Element Method Flight Tests ITD JTP LC Flight Test Bed 2 Gust Loads Alleviation Green Regional Aircraft High Performance Computing Handling Qualities Innovative Aircraft Demonstrator Platforms Integrated Technology Demonstrator Joint Technical Proposal Loads Control MLA OAD R&T Manoeuvre Loads Alleviation Overall Aircraft Design Research and Technology REG STM TRL WBS WT WTT Regional Platform of Clean Sky 2 Strategic Topic Manager Technology Readiness Level Work Breakdown Structure Wind Tunnel Wind Tunnel Tests CTD ADS EADS-CASA EASA EMA FAA FAR FEM FT Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 102 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.3. Clean Sky 2 – Fast Rotorcraft IADP I. Support to the aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a trimmed, complete compound R/C and related issues. Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area FRC Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. 2.1.3 – [Digital Wind Tunnel] Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 800 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 48 months Start Date13 T0 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-01 Support to the aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a trimmed, complete compound R/C and related issues. Short description (3 lines) Within the Digital Wind Tunnel activity line of the Fast RotorCraft IADP the selected partner is asked to support the topic leader, from predevelopment until demonstrator first flight, in performing trimmed, free flight complete rotorcraft simulations accounting for complex aerodynamic and aeroelastic phenomena. 13 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 103 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The final goal of the “Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft (LifeRCraft)” demonstration program is to mature the compound rotorcraft configuration and pave the way for the development of future products fulfilling expectations in terms of door-to-door mobility, protection of the environment and citizens’ wellbeing better than conventional helicopters. To accompany the acoustic, aerodynamic, flight mechanic and aeroelastic development of such a novel architecture, comprehensive simulations (digital wind tunnel approach) are required, able to model the complete rotorcraft in trimmed flight conditions, accounting for complex aerodynamic interactional phenomena and acoustic emissions at low, as well as high speed, in ground effect (IGE) and out of ground effect (OGE). The requested level of complexity of such simulations shall increase during the program development: during pre-development it might be sufficient to describe the rotors via their effects on the flow field (Actuator Disk approach – figure left), whereas during development it will be necessary to have a very detailed, reliable modelling of the rotorcraft in order to predict its aerodynamic/acoustic behaviour in complex flight conditions (figure right), in order to reduce technical risks before the demonstrator’s first flight. The effect of the engine, i.e. exhaust jet and air inlet suction, on the global flow filed through engine boundary conditions shall be also accounted for. CFD Simulation of a compound Rotorcraft with the rotors modelled as Actuator Discs CFD-CAMRAD II coupled simulation of a helicopter with the rotor blades modelled This Call for Partners looks for assistance in acoustic-aerodynamic-aeroelastic coupled numerical simulations and specific tool developments. The partners shall be prepared to propose and cooperate on a common method set-up, and to harmonise and share developments and findings. Tool developments shall be delivered on source code basis. The partner shall install the software and train the Engineers in situ at the Topic leader location. Moreover the partner shall perform complex, CPU-intensive numerical simulations in agreement with the topic leader and deliver results and data. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 104 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The applicant is asked to structure its proposal into four main Tasks (see Table below), with the associated Deliverables and Milestones as described in the following. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 0 Project Management T0 - T0+48 1 Method development – Enhance existing software at the applicant to account for trimmed complete compound rotorcraft aerodynamic and acoustic simulations Aerodynamic simulations – Aerodynamic and aero-elastic computations of a complete compound rotorcraft Acoustic Analysis – Aeroacoustic analysis of unsteady CFD simulations of a compound rotorcraft Data exchange and synthesis – Data and software delivery to the Topic Leader and Summary of the achieved results. T0 - T0+36 2 3 4 T0+2 T0+40 T0+2 - T0+46 T0 - T0+48 Task 0: Project Management The task accounts for all project management activities of the Applicant. Task 1: Method development At the kick-off of the project the applicant shall define in agreement with the topic leader the software modules and the coupling scripts necessary to carry out the simulations of Tasks 2 and 3 (M1.0). If necessary, the topic leader will provide the partner with proprietary software under signature of dedicated NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). The applicant will either enhance the existing software provided by the topic leader or write new modules. Finally the enhanced or newly developed software shall be installed at the topic leader location and a manual documentation provided (M1.1, M1.2, M1.3 and M1.4) at dedicated intervals whenever a major development has been achieved. The tool chain will consist of pre-processing modules (e.g. CATIA and ANSYS ICEMCFD), CFD flow solvers coupled to a comprehensive rotorcraft code accounting for blade elasticity and rotorcraft trim (e.g. CAMRAD II), and post processing modules (e.g. Tecplot). A scripting interface implementing preferably a GUI shall manage the coupling between CFD and the comprehensive rotorcraft code. Acoustic computations shall be conducted by using tools based on Ffowcs-Williams Hawkings (FWH) formulation. Each delivery milestone M1.i is achieved when the applicant has installed the tool chain at the topic leader location, delivered the software manuals and trained engineers at the topic leader location, assuring they can use the new tool chain. Therefore, a stay of at least 4 Months in 4 years of one engineer of the applicant institution at the topic leader location is highly probable and shall be Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 105 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) planned. Task 2: Aerodynamic simulations To accompany the topic leader in the development of a novel compound rotorcraft, the applicant is asked to perform computations of increasing complexity. Moving from pre-development to development and finally approaching first flight, the geometrical detail requested in the coupled aerodynamic and acoustic simulations will of course increase. Accordingly, the level of complexity of the simulations will rise, and the physical interaction phenomena to be simulated will be more and more challenging. In the pre-development phase the rotors shall be modelled by means of Actuator Disks. In this case the applicant will be asked to simulate a maximum of 20 different steady flight conditions ranging from Hover out of ground effect (OGE) and in ground effect (IGE) to very high speed Forward Flight. During development, when the rotor geometries will be known the applicant will be asked to compute unsteady simulations of a maximum of 12 different flight conditions being a subset of the previous 20 steady ones. 6DOF-trim of the rotorcraft shall be applied during a later stage of the pre-development phase in connection with the AD method, and in the development phase in connection with an aero-elastic modelling of the rotor blades of each rotor. The elasticity of the drive train, which is modelled in the comprehensive rotorcraft code and results in non-constant rotational speed, shall be considered in the aero-elastic coupling at the rotors. Furthermore, trimmable control surfaces (such as rudders) and the airflow through engine intakes and exhausts shall be modelled by implementing engine boundary conditions as specified by the topic leader (In-4.1). During development it is highly probable that the geometry of the compound rotorcraft will change. For each relevant modification the topic leader will issue a new specification (In-4.i), and the applicant in agreement with the topic leader will repeat a given number of the above mentioned flight cases. Task 3: Acoustic analysis A subset of the flight conditions simulated in Task 2 will be relevant for acoustic evaluation, which shall be based on CFD simulations of the complete compound rotorcraft. Additionally, CFD simulations of sub-components of the rotorcraft may be selected for acoustic analysis. Acoustic footprints shall be computed by using the FWH approach, considering noise shadowing by the fuselage / wing if possible. An acoustically optimized solution shall be proposed and its effectiveness be demonstrated by simulation (D3.1 and D3.2). Task4: Data exchange and synthesis At project kick-off the applicant will receive some preliminary data and information from the topic leader concerning the geometry and the flight mechanics model of the compound rotorcraft to be simulated (In-4.1). Regularly during the project the input provided by the topic leader will be updated (In-4.2, In-4.3 and In-4.4) according to evolution of the rotorcraft development. Roughly four loops have been envisaged. The applicant shall plan a stay at the topic leader location to get this Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 106 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) information and data. At the same time the applicant might deliver intermediate versions of the software as described in Task 1. At the end of the project the applicant shall deliver an exhaustive document D4 summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned. 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Proposed Deliverables and Milestones, as well as the topic leader inputs, are listed in the following: Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2.1 Synthesis of the aerodynamic predictions – Collection of results about the complete rotorcraft with the rotors simulated by Actuator Disks (AD) and or inlet and exhaust by engine boundary conditions. Synthesis of the aerodynamic predictions – Collection of preliminary results about the 6-DOF trim of the complete rotorcraft with the rotors modelled as AD and as elastic blades Synthesis of the aerodynamic predictions – Collection of preliminary results about the 6-DOF trim of the complete rotorcraft with the rotors modelled as AD and as elastic blades Synthesis of the aerodynamic predictions – Collection of the final results about the 6-DOF trim of the complete rotorcraft with the rotors modelled as AD and as elastic blades. Synthesis of the acoustic predictions – Collection of preliminary results of the CFD simulations carried out for acoustic analysis, and of the related acoustic evaluation. Suggestion of an optimized design. Synthesis of the acoustic predictions – Collection of preliminary results of the CFD simulations carried out for acoustic analysis, and of the related acoustic evaluation. Suggestion of an optimized design. Synthesis of the acoustic predictions – Collection of final results of the acoustic evaluation and the proposed improvement. Document T0+6 Document T0+12 Document T0+24 Document T0+40 Document T0+12 Document T0+24 Document T0+46 D2.2 Issue 1 D2.2 Issue 2 D2.3 D3.1 Issue 1 D3.1 Issue 2 D3.2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 107 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) In-4.1 In-4.2 In-4.3 In-4.4 D4 Specification 1 – Data (CATIA geometry and flight mechanic model) of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated will be delivered too. Specification 2 – Data (CATIA geometry and flight mechanic model) of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated might be revised. Specification 3 – Data (CATIA geometry and flight mechanic model) of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated might be revised. Specification 4 – Data (CATIA geometry and flight mechanic model) of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated might be revised. Final synthesis – Synthesis of the main results, difficulties and lessons learned. Topic Leader data delivery to Partner T0 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner T0+12 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner T0-24 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner T0+36 T0+48 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1.0 Definition of the computational method – The topic leader in agreement with the partner shall define the aerodynamic (CFD), acoustic (FWH), the comprehensive rotorcraft simulation software and the basic interfacing architecture to be used within the partner project, and which will be finally installed at the topic leader site. Delivery of software package vr. 1 – Pre and postprocessing tools, interfacing modules and any further software in addition to M1.0, enabling the computation of the compound rotorcraft with the rotors and propellers modelled as actuator disks, and with modelling of the engine intake and exhaust. Delivery of software package vr. 2 – Pre and postprocessing tools, interfacing modules and any further software in addition to M1.1, enabling the computation of the 6-DOF trimmed complete compound rotorcraft with AD or with elastic blades (baseline version) Decision T0+1 Software and Manual delivery to topic leader T0+3 Software and Manual delivery to topic leader T0+10 M1.1 M1.2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 108 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1.3 Delivery of software package vr. 3 – Enhanced software package of M1.2, able to compute the 6-DOF trimmed complete compound rotorcraft with AD or with elastic blades, and with trimmable control surfaces (enhanced version) Delivery of software package vr. 4 – Final delivery of a software package, able to compute the 6-DOF trimmed complete compound rotorcraft with AD or with elastic blades, with engine intake and exhaust and with trimmable control surfaces, and able to carry out the acoustic analysis. (final version) Software and Manual delivery to topic leader T0+24 Software and Manual delivery to topic leader T0+36 M1.4 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Qualified and demonstrated skills with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Rotorcrafts including the ability to model and simulate blade elasticity and rotorcraft trim through coupling with Comprehensive rotorcraft codes such as the CAMRAD II commercial software of W. Johnson. The CFD solver selected by the applicant shall implement at least a URANS (Unsteady Averaged Navier-Stokes) formulation. Of crucial importance is the capability of the selected flow solver to preserve wakes long enough to account for aerodynamic interactions and a reliable acoustic modelling. Therefore, higher-order numerical conservative schemes or vortex confinement techniques shall be preferred, as wells as the ability to efficiently compute on Cartesian meshes. To account for rotation, for bodies in relative motion and for elastic deformation, the ability of the CFD solver to compute on overlapping (Chimera) or sliding meshes is a must. In its proposal the applicant shall dedicate a section to the selected flow solver in which compliance to these conditions shall be demonstrated. - Qualified and demonstrated skill with acoustic emission prediction for rotorcrafts. - Qualified and demonstrated skill in developing interfaces for the coupling of CFD and Comprehensive rotorcraft codes is essential. - Moreover, the detailed knowledge of the following commercial software, from data preprocessing to solvers and post-processing, will be fully appreciated during the selection phase: CATIA V5®, ANSYS-ICEMCFD®, CAMRAD II®, and Tecplot®. - List of publications on relevant international journals and participation to conferences is required to certify the expertise in the field. - Access to High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities is mandatory to perform the requested simulations. It is expected here that the applicant is able to compute on CFD meshes above 100 Million cells: This is state-of-the-art at the topic leader location. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 109 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) II. Aerodynamic and functional design study of a full-fairing semi-watertight concept for an articulated rotor head. Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area FRC Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. 2.4.1 – [Lifting Rotor / Hub adaptation & drag reduction design & stress] Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 400 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 48 months Start Date14 10/2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-02 Aerodynamic and functional design study of a full-fairing semi-watertight concept for an articulated rotor head. Short description (3 lines) Within the Lifting Rotor activity line of the Fast RotorCraft IADP the selected partner is asked to support the topic leader, from predevelopment until demonstrator first flight, in performing aerodynamic and functional design study of a full-fairing semi-watertight concept for an articulated rotor head hub fairing. 14 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 110 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The final goal of the “Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft (LifeRCraft)” demonstration program is to mature the compound rotorcraft configuration and pave the way for the development of future products fulfilling expectations in terms of door-to-door mobility, protection of the environment and citizens’ wellbeing better than conventional helicopters. To meet the expected aerodynamic performances of this platform, rotor head aerodynamic performance is a key topic to address. Rotor head fairings are known to bring a high level gain of aerodynamic drag reduction in forward flight, as flown on Airbus Helicopters X3. 3 Airbus Helicopters X without rotor head fairing 3 Airbus Helicopters X with rotor head fairing, configuration holding a speed record Yet, to make rotor head fairings practically feasible on an actual aircraft, some other critical topics have to be addressed properly, first being the impact of these fairings on global rotor head aerodynamics (hover flight condition, wake minimization to avoid to generate aerodynamic excitations on the stabilizing aerodynamic surfaces located at the rear of the aircraft), and second the practical feasibility (mechanical design, taking into account costs and maintenance issues). To accompany the aerodynamic development of such a critical topic, aerodynamics simulations including the precise rotor head kinematics are thus required, together with a good portion of mechanical design work, to ensure reduced costs, light weight, accurate mechanical sizing and easy maintenance. Besides, an almost airtight rotor head may call for a check on internal aerodynamics inside the fairing, to check if any overheating appears and if so, to work on gaps to ease aerodynamic cooling. Flight conditions to take into account include obviously forward flight, but there is also to check the influence of rotor head fairings on hover in ground effect (IGE) and out of ground effect (OGE). The requested level of complexity of simulations shall increase during the program development: during pre-development it might be sufficient to work on the rotor head fairings with simplified computations (fixed, non-spinning rotor head with blade stubs only, put on a realistic fuselage), whereas during development it will be necessary to have a very detailed, reliable modelling of the operating rotor head (complex kinematics including cyclic movements to study impact on wake, main rotor blades addition on blade sleeves for hover cases, some computations giving the link between Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 111 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) external and internal aerodynamics for cooling aspects) so to reduce technical risks before demonstrator first flight. This Call for Partners looks mainly for assistance in aerodynamic numerical simulations and specific tool developments, with some mechanical design work to be done as well. The partners shall be prepared to propose and cooperate on a common method set-up, and to harmonise and share developments and findings. Tool developments shall be delivered on source code basis. The partner shall install the software and train the Engineers in situ at the Topic leader location. Moreover the partner shall perform complex, CPU-intensive numerical simulations in agreement with the topic leader and deliver results and data. 2. Scope of work The applicant is asked to structure its proposal into five main Tasks (see Table below), with the associated Deliverables and Milestones as described in the following. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 0 Project Management 10/2019 1 Method development – Enhance existing software at the applicant to be able to automatically optimize (automated surface morphing) a blade sleeve fairing, a full-fairing beanie, and the pylon fairing. Computations are for a series of simplified flow conditions, representative of later, more complex flow conditions. Preliminary aerodynamic optimisation – Aerodynamic optimization of blade sleeves, beanie and hub fairing for drag reduction in forward flight, with a non-spinning rotor head. First assessment of various levels of hub fairing diameters on complete rotor aerodynamics in hover, taking into account the fuselage underneath. Refined aerodynamic optimization – Introduction of rotation. Shape optimization refinement accounting for rotor spinning (interactional drag). Check internal flow for thermics, fairing openings definition to ensure cooling if necessary. High precision aerodynamic simulations to assess the effect on wakes, of different reduced drag shapes. Fairings mechanical design –.Hub-fairing mechanical design accounting for complex kinematics, low cost and weights, and easy maintenance. Data exchange and synthesis – Data and software delivery to the Topic Leader and Summary of the achieved results. 10/2016 2 3 4 5 04/2018 10/2018 04/2019 10/2019 Task 0: Project Management The task accounts for all project management activities of the Applicant. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 112 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Task 1: Method development At the kick-off of the project, the applicant shall define in agreement with the topic leader the coupling scripts necessary to carry out the optimizations of Tasks 2 and 3 (M1.0). If necessary, the topic leader will provide the partner with proprietary software under signature of dedicated NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). The applicant is expected to write new relevant scripts to ensure automated surface morphing and automated optimization. The newly developed scripts shall be installed at the topic leader location and a manual documentation provided (M1.i) at dedicated intervals whenever a major development has been achieved. The tool chain will consist in pre-processing modules (CATIA, ANSYS ICEMCFD, others), CFD flow solvers (elsA, TAU, FLUENT, others) coupled with an open-source optimizer software (DAKOTA). A first series of scripts shall manage the automated generation of 3D grids from relevant parameterizations of bodies. Dedicated scripts shall manage the coupling between pre-processing modules and CFD codes on the one hand, and between the CFD codes and the optimizer software on the other hand. The scripts are expected to extract relevant data from CFD results and provide relevant inputs to the optimizer software, which will provide updated inputs for the surfacemorphing scripts. The applicant will demonstrate the operation of newly developed scripts on the generation of optimized sleeve fairings, beanies and hub full fairings when coupled to CFD codes in steady-state (non-spinning) mode with relevant flow conditions. Each delivery milestone M1.i is achieved when the applicant has installed the tool chain at the topic lead location, delivered the script manuals and trained engineers at the topic leader location, assuring they can use the new tool chain. Therefore, a stay of at least 1 Month in 4 years of one engineer of the applicant institution at the topic leader location is highly probable and shall be planned. Task 2: Preliminary aerodynamic optimisation To accompany the topic leader in the development of a novel compound rotorcraft, the applicant is asked to perform rotor head shape optimization of increasing complexity. Moving from predevelopment to development, to finally approach first flight the geometrical details. The preliminary aerodynamic optimization phase will be aimed at generating a first set of low-drag shapes, with a first good insight of the influence of the rotor head fairing on hover performances. The optimization work, using simplified flow conditions (non-spinning rotor head, two different forward-flight conditions) will be conducted as follows: — Isolate elements and optimize them in relevant conditions to go faster could be done at first. For instance, a single blade sleeve fairing could be optimized alone, starting first from 2D thick profiles. — Going then to the 3D optimization of a set of sleeve fairings in interactions with fuselage. Intermediate steps will consist in: o Designing a 3D reference fairing solution based on the newly developed 2D thick profiles Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 113 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) o Placing them in different azimuthal positions on a non-spinning rotor head and assessing drag o Automatically optimizing these fairings in 3D. It consists in updating one sleevefairing shape; then automatically updating the other fairings’ shape as well; the optimization objective will be a minimization of the overall rotor head drag. Concerning the full-fairing beanie, the applicant is asked to perform an assessment of the influence of the diameter and shape for both hover and forward flight. A full automation is not mandatory for these investigations. In hover, the influence of 4 different diameters of beanie on the global mainrotor’s (so, including the complete blades spinning) aerodynamic performances must be assessed. In forward flight, the influence of 2 different diameters, in conjunction with 3 different full-fairing beanie’s heights, must be assessed. For these forward-flight investigations, only a part of main-rotor blades can be retained. Task 3: Refined aerodynamic optimization In this task, the applicant is asked to further optimize shapes of blade sleeves and full-fairing beanies, considering a spinning rotor head with cyclic-kinematics inputs. For this purpose, the applicant is also asked to investigate the influence of at least 4 pylon-fairing’s shapes. Objectives for these optimizations will be: — to minimize the overall drag (rotor-head drag and interaction drag at the fuselage); — to reduce the wake generated by the rotor head. To achieve these objectives, a 2-step approach is recommended. 1. Step #1 consists in searching for optimal combinations of shapes’ modifications (sleeves, full-fairing beanie, pylon fairing) for maximal drag reduction and reduced wake in the vicinity of the rotor head; 2. Step #2 consists in convecting numerically the wake generated by 2 sets of new shapes selected in step #1, up to the rear parts’ location. Depending on the diameter of the full-fairing beanies and their fairing capabilities (i.e. including the lead-lag dampers inside the fairing or not), further aerothermic investigations may be carried out. In particular, if the lead-lag dampers are inside the fairing, there will the need to ensure its cooling, using openings in the initially airtight full-fairing beanie. To this purpose, aerodynamics simulations accounting for both internal and external flows with temperature sources inside the fairing should be performed. These studies will be aimed at defining the minimal openings’ surface ensuring sufficient cooling while not causing important penalty on drag. Task4: Fairings mechanical design This task is dedicated to mechanical design of the full fairing elements. The applicant will deliver CAD geometries of full-fairing beanies, optimized blade sleeves and pylon fairings. These CAD geometries must take into account the complex kinematics, low cost and weights, and easy maintenance objectives and constraints. In particular, the step between an optimized aerodynamic surface to a practical mechanical part is critical (attachment to the existing elements and mechanical sizing of various thicknesses accounting for aerodynamic and inertia loads). For this purpose, a strong interaction with the topic leader will be set up. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 114 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Task5: Data exchange and synthesis At project kick-off the applicant will receive some preliminary data and information from the topic leader concerning the geometry of the compound rotorcraft, including the full, articulated rotor head, to be simulated. Regularly during the project the input provided by the topic leader will be updated according to evolution of the rotorcraft development. Roughly four loops have been envisaged. The applicant shall plan a stay at the topic leader location to get this information and data. At the same time the applicant might deliver intermediate versions of the scripts as described in Task 1. At the end of the project the applicant shall deliver an exhaustive document D5 summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned. 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Proposed Deliverables and Milestones, as well as the topic leader inputs, are listed in the following: Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Optimization tool chain delivered at the topic leader location 3D optimized sleeve fairings together with the scripts, based on D1, employed to generate the optimized shapes Best combinations of updated optimized surfaces ensuring best benefits on drag & wake Influence of new shapes on the main-rotor wake, and aerothermic risk mitigation, including if necessary CAD files of fairings with openings Mechanical design, including a report about the sizing of the structure design Updated mechanical design, including a report about the sizing of the structure design Final synthesis Software, manuals & script examples CAD files 10/2016 Software, manuals & script examples Document, CAD files 10/2018 Document, CAD files Document, CAD files Document, CAD files, software, manuals 04/2018 D2 D3.1 D3.2 D4.1 D4.2 D5 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 04/2018 10/2018 04/2019 10/2019 Page 115 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1.0 Definition of the computational method – Decision 11/2015 M1.1 Delivery of software package vr. 1 – 04/2016 M2.3 Software and Manual delivery to topic leader Delivery of software package vr. 2 – Software and Manual delivery to topic leader Delivery of 2D optimized thick profiles for sleeve CAD files or list fairings of points Delivery of 3D reference sleeve fairings based on 2D CAD files optimized shape Delivery of 3D optimized sleeve fairings CAD files M3.1 Delivery of optimized shape combinations CAD files 06/2018 M3.2 Report on the influence of new shapes on the mainrotor wake Report on the aerothermic risk mitigation, including if necessary CAD files of fairings with openings Report and CATIA files allowing the practical implementations of newly developed fairings All the data exchange & software/methodology delivered at the topic leader location Document 08/2018 Document and CAD files Document and CAD files Software/ Manuals/CAD files/Document 10/2018 M1.2 M2.1 M2.2 M3.3 M4 M5 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 10/2016 04/2017 10/2017 04/2018 04/2019 10/2019 Page 116 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Qualified and demonstrated skills with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for Rotorcrafts including : o the ability to model and simulate complex blade kinematics (collective and cyclic components); o the ability to model and simulate complete main rotor (rotor head + rigid blades) with the fuselage underneath in hover OGE and IGE; o the ability to model and simulate low speed internal flow with thermal source in interaction through openings with higher speed external aerodynamics; o the ability to model and simulate complex wakes, and to reasonably conserve them until the rear parts location - The CFD solver selected by the applicant shall implement at least a URANS (Unsteady Averaged Navier-Stokes) formulation. Of crucial importance is the capability of the selected flow solver to preserve wakes long enough to account for aerodynamic interactions. Therefore, higher-order numerical conservative schemes or vortex confinement techniques shall be preferred, as wells as the ability to efficiently compute on Cartesian meshes. To account for rotation, and bodies in relative motion (flap, pitch and lag articulations), the ability of the CFD solver to compute on overlapping (Chimera) or sliding meshes is a must. In its proposal the applicant shall dedicate a section to the selected flow solver in which compliance to these conditions is demonstrated. - Qualified and demonstrated skill in developing aerodynamic optimisation using CAD, surface morphing, meshing, CFD and an optimisation algorithm is essential. - Moreover, the detailed knowledge of the following commercial software, from data preprocessing to solvers and post-processing, will be fully appreciated during the selection phase: CATIA V5®, ANSYS-ICEMCFD®, FLUENT®, and Tecplot®. - List of publications on relevant international journals and participation to conferences is required to certify the expertise in the field. - Access to High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities is mandatory to perform the requested simulations. It here expected that the applicant be able to compute on CFD meshes above 100 Million cells: this is today state-of-the-art at the topic leader location. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 117 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) III. Support to the aerodynamic analysis and design of propellers of a compound helicopter Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA FRC 2.5-1 400 k€ 24 months Start Date15 10/2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC- Support to the aerodynamic analysis and design of propellers of a 02-03 compound helicopter Short description (3 lines) The selected partner is asked to compute with CFD method the performance (power and thrust as function of pitch angle, airspeed and speed of rotation) and aerodynamic control loads of propellers of a compound helicopter. Local parameters (angles of attack, airspeed Mach number) as function of radius and chord will be analyzed. 15 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 118 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The final goal of the “Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft (LifeRCraft)” demonstration program is to mature the compound rotorcraft configuration and pave the way for the development of future products fulfilling expectations in terms of door-to-door mobility, protection of the environment and citizens’ wellbeing better than conventional helicopters. To accompany the aerodynamic, flight development of such a novel architecture, comprehensive simulations (digital wind tunnel approach) are required, able to model the propellers in trimmed flight conditions, accounting for complex aerodynamic phenomena at low as well as high speed. CFD simulation of a propeller in cruise flight (streamlin velocities and blade pressure distribution) This Call for Partners looks for assistance in aerodynamic numerical simulations. The partner shall perform complex, CPU-intensive numerical simulations in agreement with the topic leader and deliver results and data. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 119 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The applicant is asked to structure its proposal into two main Tasks (see Table below), with the associated Deliverables and Milestones as described in the following. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 0 Project Management 1 Aerodynamic simulations – Aerodynamic computations of a compound rotorcraft propellers Data exchange and synthesis – Data and software delivery to the Topic Leader and Summary of the achieved results. 10/2015 10/2017 10/2015 10/2017 10/2015 10/2017 2 Task 0: Project Management The task accounts for all project management activities of the Applicant. Task 2: Aerodynamic simulations To accompany the topic leader in the development of a novel compound rotorcraft, the applicant is asked to perform computations of: performance i.e. thrust and power of propeller as function of pitch angle, airspeed and speed of rotation aerodynamic control loads of blades i.e. pitching moment at blade root In a first phase, the topic leader will provide a first definition of the propeller to be computed with objectives of thrust for different flight cases (In1). The applicant shall compute associated required power and aerodynamic control load and propose blade modifications (airfoil, twist, chord, sweep angle, …) in order to minimize these power and aerodynamic control load and deliver his proposal (D1). Several modifications maybe proposed as some flight cases (at least 3) may be antagonistic. The topic leader will choose and integrate this modification in the complete rotorcraft design and make a definitive choice. This choice will be sent (In2) to the applicant for a second batch of computations to be delivered (D2). A third loop will be foreseen (In3, D3). Task 3: Data exchange and synthesis At project kick-off the applicant will receive some preliminary data and information from the topic leader concerning the propeller of the compound rotorcraft to be simulated (In1). The input provided by the topic leader will be updated (In2, In3) according to evolution of the rotorcraft development. At the end of the project the applicant shall deliver an exhaustive document D4 summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 120 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Synthesis of aerodynamic computations and proposal for a modified propeller V1 Synthesis of aerodynamic computations and proposal for a modified propeller V2 Synthesis of aerodynamic computations and proposal for a modified propeller V3 Final synthesis – Synthesis of the main results, difficulties and lessons learned. Specification 1 – Data (CATIA geometry) of the initial version of the propeller. The flight conditions to be simulated will be delivered too. Specification 2 – Data of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated might be revised. Specification 3 – Data of the current version of the compound rotorcraft. The flight conditions to be simulated might be revised. Document + data file of performance and loads Document + data file of performance and loads Document + data file of performance and loads Document 02/2016 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner 10/2015 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner 4/2016 Topic Leader data delivery to Partner 10/2016 D2 D3 D4 In1 In2 In3 08/2016 02/2017 10/2017 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - - Qualified and demonstrated skills with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for propellers. The CFD solver selected by the applicant shall implement at least a URANS (Unsteady Averaged Navier-Stokes) formulation Moreover, the detailed knowledge of the following commercial software, from data preprocessing to solvers and post-processing, will be fully appreciated during the selection phase: CATIA V5®, ANSYS-ICEMCFD®, ANSYS-CFX®. List of publications on relevant international journals and participation to conferences is required to certify the expertise in the field. Access to High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities is mandatory to perform the requested simulations. It here expected that the applicant be able to compute on CFD meshes above 100 Million cells: this is today state-of-the-art at the topic leader location. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 121 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IV. Tools Development For Aerodynamic Optimization On Engine Air Intake Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-04 IA FRC 2.7.3 – [Engine Air Intake] 400 k€ 18 months Start Date16 10-2015 Title Tools Development For Aerodynamic Optimization On Engine Air Intake Short description (3 lines) Within the Digital Wind Tunnel activity line of the Fast RotorCraft IADP the selected partner is asked to support the topic leader to set up a workflow dedicated to engine air inlet aerodynamic optimization. This workflow will be used to define the next generation of rotorcraft engine air inlets. 16 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 122 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The final goal of the “Low Impact, Fast & Efficient RotorCraft (LifeRCraft)” demonstration program is to mature the compound rotorcraft configuration and pave the way for the development of future products fulfilling expectations in terms of door-to-door mobility, protection of the environment and citizens’ wellbeing better than conventional helicopters. To accompany the acoustic, aerodynamic, flight mechanic and aeroelastic development of such a novel architecture, comprehensive simulations (digital wind tunnel approach) are required, able to model the complete rotorcraft in all flight conditions, accounting for complex aerodynamic interactional phenomena and acoustic emissions. A rotorcraft engine air inlet has the mandatory requirement to be able to feed the engine with the minimum pressure losses and total pressure distortion in all flight conditions (ie. In hover rearward and forward flight cases) . Example of engine air inlet duct V1 V1 V0 V0 = 0 V2 V2 Examples of aerodynamic behaviour of a dynamic air inlet This Call aims in developing a workflow using latest technics of 3D optimization for aerodynamic of air inlets. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 123 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The applicant is asked to structure its proposal into four main Tasks (see Table below), with the associated Deliverables and Milestones as described in the following. Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date 0 Project Management 1 Method development – Develop workflow for 3D optimization process (links between CAD, mesh, CFD code and optimizer) Aerodynamic simulations – Aerodynamic optimization computations of a classical dynamic air inlet Data exchange, installation and synthesis – Software and data delivery to the Topic Leader, installation of software in Topic Leader’s company and Summary of the achieved results. Inlet Barrier Filter simulation – Develop a methodology to simulate macroscopic behaviour of IBF Aerodynamic simulations – Aerodynamic optimization computations of a filtered air inlet 10/2015 10/2016 10/2015 - 4/2016 4/2016 6/2016 4/2016 10/2016 2 3 4 5 6/2016 – 12/2016 12/2016 – 4/2017 Task 0: Project Management The task accounts for all project management activities of the Applicant. Task 1: Method development The partner shall developp a workflow adapted to the specificities of rotorcraft engine air inlet optimization. The aerodynamic objectives will be the minimization of all the engine interation criteria (figures will be provided by the Topic Manager at the beginning of the project. These criteria are the folowing: 1- IDR IDR pring min ptot ptot Where ptot : Mean total pressure at AIP pring min : Minimum value of mean total pressure at any ring sector of AIP (Aerodynamic Interface Plane) 2- DC60 DC60 ptot60 ptot pdyn Where Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 124 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) ptot60 : Minimum value of mean total pressure at any 60° sector of AIP. ptot : Mean total pressure at AIP. p dyn : Mean dynamic pressure at AIP. 3- Local total pressure variation dp p tot (r , ) p tot q p dyn Where ptot (r , ) is local total pressure at AIP 4- Total pressure loss dp ( ptot ) AIP p ref p p ref Where ( ptot ) AIP is the mean total pressure at AIP α: 5- Local and average speed swirl angle The angle between the ortho-radial and the axial components of the speed at AIP Rotor effects shall be taken into account through an actuator disc approach. Rotor loads will be provided by the Topic Leader. 3 flight cases shall be analyzed: 1- Hover out of ground effect 2- Climbing flight conditions (forward flight at speed around 70 kts) 3- High forward flight speed (around 200 kts) The engine mass flow rate will evolve with rotorcraft velocity. The shape optimization should be led thanks to a CFD-Optimizer chain able to modify the reference geometry provided as input. The air intake lips, duct and limited part of the cowlings are part of the optimization. Addition of guide vanes (ribs) in the air inlet shall be possible in the final delivery of the tool. Current state of the art design of experiment methods are envisaged, but the applicant shall also consider sensitivity based apporaches or Adjoint method. Any software developed within this package must be made available as source code to the Topic manager. The tools used shall be part of the list below: Catia V5® SpaceClaim® ANSYS ICEMCFD® ANSYS Meshing® ANSYS Fluent Meshing® ANSYS Fluent® Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 125 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) ANSYS Workbench® DAKOTA Tecplot® FieldView® Task 2: Aerodynamic simulations The topic manager will provide to the applicant a reference geomtry to be optimized. The applicant shall apply the newly developped optimization wrokflow in order to get an optimized design of the reference geometry. Task 3: Data exchange, installation and synthesis At project kick-off the applicant will receive some preliminary data and information from the topic leader concerning the reference geometry, engine mass flow rates and the quantitative limitations of installation criteria. The applicant might deliver intermediate versions of the software as described in Task 1. At the end of the project the applicant shall install the workflow in the Topic Leader’s company, launch a part of the process performed in task 2 aiming at demonstrating the non-regression of the workflow and deliver an exhaustive document D3 summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned. Task 4: Inlet Barrier Filter simulation Inlet Barrier Filters (IBF) are pleated filters with very high filtration ratio. IBF are defined by some geometric parameters (size of pleats) and filter media. The partner shall develop a methodology to simulate the global behaviour of any IBF, aiming at taking this macroscopic behaviour into account during engine air inlet simulations and so during optimization loop. The partner can propose On-the-shelf tools coupling or develop methodology within ANSYS-FLUENT in order to generate data base to be used during inlet computation. The developed methodology shall permit to estimate the pressure losses generated by a clean IBF, but also the clogging process and the pressure losses associated. The topic leader will provide test data base of pressure losses variation as a function of incidence, sideslip and mass flow rate. The partner shall validate its methodology, at least, thanks to this data base (any other validation data will be appreciated). Task 5: Aerodynamic simulations The topic manager will provide to the applicant a filetred air inlet geomtry to be optimized. The applicant shall apply the newly developped optimization wrokflow in order to get an optimized design of the filtered air inlet geometry. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 126 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) In the following the proposed Deliverables and milestones are given: Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date In1 CATIA model of the loft of the reference configuration T0 In2 Engine mass flow rates and installation criteria D1-1 Document describing the workflow of optimization and detailed tools used Final document, installation, user and developer manual of the workflow Software package and test case delivery Topic Leader data delivery to Partner Topic Leader data delivery to Partner Document Document T0 + 6m Software T0 + 6m Difficulties encountered by Topic leader to install and run tool developed Synthesis of the aerodynamic optimization. Document T0 + 7m Document T0 + 8m Exhaustive document summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned of optimization workflow development IBF definition and test data base to be used for validation Software package and test case delivery Document T0 + 12m Document T0 + 8m Software T0 + 14m Exhaustive document summarising the achievements, the difficulties encountered and the lessons learned of IBF simulation methodology Synthesis of the aerodynamic optimization. Document T0 + 14m Document T0 + 18m D1-2 D1-3 In3 D2 D3 In4 D4-1 D4-2 D5 T0 T0 + 3m Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Tools selection for optimization Decision T0 + 1m M2 Workflow selection Decision T0 + 4m M3 Tools selection for IBF simulation Decision T0 + 9m Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 127 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Successful applicants will have a qualified and demonstrable skill set in aerodynamic, CFD and numerical tools disciplines and a track record in relevant industry sectors. Evidence of publications in the relevant journals or forums would be a good indicator of expertise in the field. An intimate and working knowledge of the following commercial packages is expected: CATIA V5® and ANSYSFLUENT®. All software used must be compatible with that used by the industrial partner. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 128 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) V. HVDC Starter/Generator Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP FRC2.8.7 Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 800 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 42 months Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC02-05 HVDC Starter/Generator Start Date17 06/2015 Short description (3 lines) Objective: to develop up to TRL6 a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) controlled Starter/Generator (S/G) intended to be installed on the LifeCraft helicopter for Demonstration in flight. 17 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 129 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activity of this sWP is a part of the “electrical Generation and Distribution & Lighting system” for the Life Craft demonstrator: WP 2.8.1. The electrical generation and distribution system will be an 270Vdc innovative electrical system. WP 2.8.1 Organization: 2.8.1 Electrical Generation, distribution system & Lighting System activity and adaptation Power management strategy & electrical System optimization HVDC Generators Engine starter generator Power storage HVDC Network management Power converter Interior and exterior lighting Laser landing light Electrical system testing Activity AH: Architecture, load analysis, system spec, equipment spec, partner selection, partner follow up, verification plan for Permit to flight Extrapolation to serial Aircraft. Activity partner: Electrical system component optimization and energy management strategy. Validation of optimization and strategy with simulation, verification on bench Activity partner: 20/40kVA HVDC generator Activity partner: Starter generator - starter HVDC, generator 28Vdc Activity partner: HVDC battery for engine starting Activity partner: HVDC electrical master box & secondary distribution (SSPC) Activity partner: HVDC/28Vdc converter AC115Vac/HVDC converter HVDC/115vac converter Activity AH: Interior and exterior lighting system for demonstrator Activity partner: Laser landing light for demonstrator Activity AH: Bench test integration and verification for permit to flight Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 130 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The aim of this document is to detail the activities required for designing and developing the innovative HVDC Controlled starter generator to be integrated in the life craft helicopter. The controlled starter generator is a major component of the HVDC Network. The aims of the HVDC Network are: To manage power sources connection to the network To satisfy the electrical power protection and distribution requirements both in flight and on ground To satisfy the engine starting operation requirements To improve safety conditions on board in observance of official safety regulations: o Compliance with CS29: Certification Specification for Large Rotorcraft o Compliance with FAR PART 29 To improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs HVDC Network management system description: The following picture depicts the electrical system of the demonstrator: CFP The electrical system supplies all installed equipment from available power generation equipment: starter-generators (SG1 and SG2), HVDC generator (HVGEN), batteries (HV BAT and EMER BAT) or Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 131 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) External Power Unit (EPU); while satisfying safety conditions. The HVDC Network management system is composed of one High Voltage Direct Current Electrical Master Box (HVEMB). The following guidelines establish the main operational modes of the HVDC Network management system: Under normal operation of the helicopter, the HVEMB provides power to high power consumers via dedicated interfaces (F2, F3 and F4). The 28Vdc network is supplied via the DC/DC Converter and the both starter generator. In case of a single starter-generator failure, EMB3 is automatically reconfigured so that it can supply power from the DC/DC Converter to that side of the network (either EMB1 or EMB2). If both starter-generators fail, EMB3 is reconfigured so that the HVdc generator, via the DC/DC converter, supplies the essential equipment necessary to ensure the flight safety (“Emergency flight" operation). A secondary backup solution is implemented by means of the 28Vdc emergency battery. On ground, before starting the engine, power supply to the distribution network is provided via the HV BAT and/or EPU. 2.1. S/G Technical description 270VDC H/C network 270Vdc 84A max ~2m DRIVING MODE GEN MODE ~2m STARTER MODE SM : 050% of GM speed 17kW ~7m 28VDC H/C network 30Vdc 300A GEN MODE ECU RM N phases Engine GM : 12~15krpm* Secondary Distribution S/G Only in Starter Mode (SM): 28V, 5A max Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 132 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) As described on above picture the S/G is composed of two components: Electrical Control Unit (ECU), installed in the cabin compartment, and the Rotating Machine (RM), installed in the engine compartment on the Engine Gaz Generator auxiliary unit. The main characteristics of the S/G are the following: - Output nominal speed: GM=12~15krpm* and SM=050% of GM speed * to propose best speed for weight reduction and compatible with grease lubrication - Minimum Starter torque (SM): as per below figure MINIMUM S/G TORQUE FOR A SPEED AT 12 000 RPM (EXAMPLE) 70 66 60 66 AUTHORISED TORQUE 50 Torque (N.m) 66 52.7 52.7 43.7 40 30 40.57 NOT AUTHORISED TORQUE 20 17.56 10 0 0 2500 3500 6480 Speed (rpm) - Starter duration: worst case of below sequences (Xdefined by partner without oversizing the S/G): Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 133 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) ≥20s ≥30s ≥20s Crank Crank Aborte d ≥30s ≥15s ≥30s Successful ≥20s ≥20s X Crank X Crank ≥30s X Successful - Overspeed: 125% for 5 minutes - Electrical Current generated: In=300A from 18Vdc up to 28,5Vdc - GM Overload: In x 150% for 5 minutes with no impact on reliabilty of S/G In x 200% for 5 seconds with no impact on reliabilty of S/G - Starter current and generator voltage characteristics as per EN2282 - Voltage precision in generator: ± 1% of Point Of Regulation - Efficiency: Motor≥75% / Generator≥80% - Torque ripple ≤10% min Torque in Starter and Generator mode - Communication: anolog, discreet and numeric BUS (preferred CAN) - Testability: at least PBIT and CBIT - Mechanical interface with Engine: Shaft with spline compliant with AS972 Shear section (Max torque x 2,5) S/G removal and replacement within 30 minutes - MTBF: 2000h - RM Lubrication: Grease - Weight objective for ECU+RM+cables btw ECU and RM: 28kg - Volume objective: RM=as per below drawing / ECU=max. 1L/kg Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 134 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - Cooling: RM=self air-cooled via a duct from outside / ECU=self cooled - Max T°C: RM cooling air≤55°C / RM ambient≤125°C / ECU (cabin)≤70°C - Min T°C: Storage≥-55°C - FDAL: as per below table Ref S/G function F DAL F1 Starter Mode C F2 Generator Mode B F2.1 Provide electrical power to H/C network B (Independent from 2.2) F2.2 Monitor electrical power generation B (Independent from 2.1) F3 Overvoltage protection B F4 Fire or overheating A - Fire/hot surface for RM: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 135 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Behaviour without S/G failure: o S/G not activated: RM temperature < ambient + 15°C. o S/G activated: RM shall not lead to hot surfaces/points higher than 315°C Behaviour in case of S/G failure(s): o No single failure shall lead to create sparks and overheating higher than 175°C o Upon single failure, RM temperature shall not exceed 315°C - Induced skin T°C on H/C structure for ECU ≤150°C - At least, 3 independent failures shall be necessary to create an equipment fire 2.2. Activities description Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Product Description The main objective of this task is to review the customer specification, and describe the product to be design, manufactured, qualified and provided to the customer for testing. This activity will be closed by a review: Product Description Review. Preliminary design The main objective of this activity is to validate the Equipment requirements and check that equipment preliminary design is consistent with these requirements: architecture concept according to performance and safety requirements, sizing, interfaces definition, substantiation of design choice. The test plan and procedure will also be defined. This activity will be closed by a review: Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Critical design The main objective of this activity is to realize the detailed design (mechanical, electrical, thermal, …), realize drawings, finalize safety analysis, prior to launch equipment manufacturing. This activity will be closed by a review: Critical Design Review (PDR). B1 model manufacturing The main objective of this activity consists of manufacturing the first prototypes B1 model for test (B1 model is model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment). This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. June 2015 To September 2015 TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2015 To December 2015 January 2016 To June 2016 July 2016 To March 2017 Page 136 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS TRL5 tests As part of the development verification, this activity consists of testing the equipment against the key aspects of the operational environment (functional, environmental). This activity will be completed by a TRL5 analysis. This activity will be closed by TRL5 validation. Integration tests at Customer’s In parallel of TRL5 testing activity, the applicant will have to deliver B1 models to the customer for bench integration tests. This activity will be closed after bench tests. Loop on Critical Design Objective of this activity is to define design correction after TRL5 assessment and integration tests in order to prepare B2 model manufacturing (B2 model is a model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment model at latest design that will be qualified for flight test clearance). This activity will be closed by a new Critical Design Review. B2 model manufacturing The applicant will have to manufacture B2 model according to design file validated in last Critical Design Review. This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. Flight Clearance Tests Objective of this activity is to perform the necessary tests and analysis to demonstrate B2 models are flight cleared. This activity will be closed by Declaration of Design and Performance. Flight test The applicant will deliver B2 models and support the customer during tests on flight demonstrator. This activity will be closed at the end of testing activity TRL6 demonstration The applicant will provide the complementary evidence for TRL6 validation. This activity will be closed by TRL6 validation. April 2017 To June 2017 TS TS TS TS TS TS April 2017 To June 2017 July 2017 To August 2017 September 2017 To March 2018 April 2018 To June 2018 July 2018 To December 2018 December 2018 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date Page 137 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date September 2015 September 2015 Product Description Documents D2.8.1.4-1.1 Compliance matrix to customer specification Document D2.8.1.4-1.2 Product Description with requirements tracking Document Preliminary Design Documents D2.8.1.4-2.1 Preliminary design file including: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Thermal analysis Interface Control Document (electrical, mechanical, thermal, cooling, …) Preliminary safety and reliability assessment (FHA) Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 D2.8.1.4-2.5 Test plan and procedure (Acceptance Procedure and Qualification Procedure) Weight and balance report Document December 2015 D2.8.1.4-2.6 3D model Software December 2015 Document June 2016 D2.8.1.4-3.5 Detailed design file & drawings: - Detailed design description - Mechanical drawings - Electrical and electronics drawings Substantiation file including update of: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Mechanical static and fatigue substantiations - Thermal analysis Safety and reliability assessment (SSA, FHA, Fault Trees, FMEA, CCA) Software and/or Hardware Complex requirement specification and design document if applicable Weight and balance report update D2.8.1.4-3.6 3D model update D2.8.1.4-2.2 D2.8.1.4-2.3 D2.8.1.4-2.4 Critical Design Documents D2.8.1.4-3.1 D2.8.1.4-3.2 D2.8.1.4-3.3 D2.8.1.4-3.4 June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 B1 model manufacturing Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 138 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2.8.1.4-4.1 First Article Inspection Document March 2017 Document June 2017 2 equipment prototypes (B1 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports Loop on Critical Design Documents Hardware + Document March 2017 D2.8.1.4-7.1 Document August 2017 Hardware + Document March 2018 TRL5 Demonstration Documents D2.8.1.4-5.1 TRL5 questionnaire + evidences Integration tests at Customer’s D2.8.1.4-6.1 Updated CDR documentation B2 model manufacturing D2.8.1.4-8.1 First Article Inspection Flight Clearance Documents D2.8.1.4-9.1 Qualification Reports Document June 2018 D2.8.1.4-9.2 Declaration of Design and performance Document June 2018 D2.8.1.4-9.3 Software and/or Hardware Complex verification results Document June 2018 3 equipment prototypes (B2 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports TRL6 Demonstration Documents Hardware + Document March 2018 D2.8.1.4-11.1 TRL6 complementary evidences Document December 2018 D2.8.1.4-11.2 Serial application extrapolation Document December 2018 Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.4-0 Kick off Meeting Review June 2015 M2.8.1.4-1 Product Description Review Review September 2015 M2.8.1.4-2 Preliminary design Review Review December 2015 M2.8.1.4-3 Critical Design Review Review June 2016 M2.8.1.4-4 First Article Inspection B1 models delivery TRL5 Review Delivery March 2017 Review June 2017 Critical Design Review 2 Review August 2017 Flight Tests D2.8.1.4-10.1 Milestones M2.8.1.4-5 & M2.8.1.4-6 M2.8.1.4-7 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 139 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.4-8 Review March 2018 M2.8.1.4-9 First Article Inspection 2 B2 models delivery Declaration of Design and Performance Delivery June 2018 M2.8.1.4-10 First Flight Milestone July 2018 M2.8.1.4-11 End of Project review – Extrapolation to serial product Review December 2018 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 140 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) General Schedule 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant must have design and manufacturing capability in electric machine Field. The applicant shall demonstrate ability to design and manufacture aeronautic equipment, he must show experience in utilization of DO160, DO178, DO254 standards. The applicant must show equivalent activities for airborne equipment in his technical field. Minimum qualification required: ISO9001, EN9100, CS PART21, PART 145 if possible. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 141 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VI. High Voltage Network Battery Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-06 IA FRC WP FRC2.8.8 800 k€ 36 months Start Datei 06-2015 Title High Voltage Network Battery Short description (3 lines) The work consists of design, development, manufacturing, qualification and support of a prototype battery for flight tests. This battery is connected to a helicopter high voltage electrical network and used for pre-flight power supply and starting. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 142 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activity of this workpackage is required to build the electrical Generation and Distribution & Lighting system for the Life Craft demonstrator: WP 2.8.1. The electrical generation and distribution system will be an 270Vdc innovative electrical system. WP 2.8.1 Organization: 2.8.1 Electrical Generation, distribution system & Lighting System activity and adaptation Activity AH: Architecture, load analysis, system spec, equipment spec, applicant selection, applicant follow up, verification plan for Permit to flight - Extrapolation to serial Aircraft. Power management strategy & electrical System optimization Activity applicant: Electrical system component optimization and energy management strategy. Validation of optimization and strategy with simulation, verification on bench HVDC Generators Engine starter generator Activity applicant: 20/40kVA HVDC generator Activity applicant: Starter generator - starter HVDC, generator 28Vdc Power storage HVDC Network management Power converter Interior and exterior lighting Laser landing light Electrical system testing Activity applicant: HVDC battery for engine starting Activity applicant: HVDC electrical master box & secondary distribution (SSPC) Activity applicant: HVDC/28Vdc converter AC115Vac/HVDC converter HVDC/115vac converter Activity AH: Interior and exterior lighting system for demonstrator Activity applicant: Laser landing light for demonstrator Activity AH: Bench test integration and verification for permit to flight 2. Scope of work Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 143 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The aim of this document is to detail the activities required for designing and developing the innovative High Voltage Network Battery (HVNB) to be integrated in the life craft helicopter. This battery ensures the following functions: Power supply of the distribution network, on ground, before starting up the engine, when no other power supply is available on the network, via a DC/DC Converter. Power supply, on ground or in flight, of the starter-generator for starting up the engine. The electrical generation and distribution system will be an High Voltage 270Vdc according to MILSTD-704-F. CfP HVEPU HVGEN HVNB SG2 SG1 HVEMB HVdc HVEPLC HVBATC S/G1 ECU HVGLC HV MAIN BUS ECUC1 F2 F3 HPC F2 HLC F3 F1 ECUC2 S/G2 ECU F4 CONC F1 F4 DC/DC Converter EMER BAT 28Vdc EMB1 EPU EMB3 EMB2 Objective of this workpackage is to design, develop, manufacture, test and qualify a High Voltage Network Battery (HVNB) for the purpose of flight tests. Before main electrical generation is providing power to the HVDC network, the battery shall provide 2kW to the helicopter systems. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 144 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) To size the HVNB, the supplier shall consider the following sequence of operation, as per following figure: - Power supply of helicopter systems on ground before engine start, when no other DC power supply is available on the network; - One aborded engine start; - One successful engine start. Power 25kW Aborded 2kW Successful Helicopter system power supply 5 minutes 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds The battery voltage shall never go under 200V. The battery will recharge directly on the HVDC bus, which steady state maximum voltage never goes above 280V. The battery shall integrate a charger (current limitation, voltage protection). The applicant shall propose an external charger. Tha battery mass shall be 25kg as target and shall not exceed 35kg including charger. The volume shall not be higher than 30 liters. Operation shall be ensure considering helicopter environment. The battery functions are MAJOR and shall be developped with DAL C, but undesired event (emission of gaz nont contained / fire / explosion) are catastrophic event and must be developped with DAL A. The battery shall be tested and complied with the very last version of DO311 version A. All monitoring and protection mean shall be designed to ensure safe operation in all helicopter environment conditions. Communication shall be propose in CAN bus and analog/discret. A MTBF of 10 000 Fh shall be reach, considering 1.5 starting per hour. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 145 of 375 Time 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Product Description The main objective of this task is to review the customer specification, and describe the product to be design, manufactured, qualified and provided to the customer for testing. This activity will be closed by a review: Product Description Review. Preliminary design The main objective of this activity is to validate the Equipment requirements and check that equipment preliminary design is consistent with these requirements: architecture concept according to performance and safety requirements, sizing, interfaces definition, substantiation of design choice. The test plan and procedure will also be defined. This activity will be closed by a review: Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Critical design The main objective of this activity is to realize the detailed design (mechanical, electrical, thermal, …), realize drawings, finalize safety analysis, prior to launch equipment manufacturing. This activity will be closed by a review: Critical Design Review (PDR). B1 model manufacturing The main objective of this activity consists of manufacturing the first prototypes B1 model for test (B1 model is model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment). This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. TRL5 tests As part of the development verification, this activity consists of testing the equipment against the key aspects of the operational environment (functional, environmental). This activity will be completed by a TRL5 analysis. This activity will be closed by TRL5 validation. June 2015 To September 2015 TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2015 To December 2015 January 2016 To June 2016 July 2016 To March 2017 April 2017 To June 2017 Page 146 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Integration tests at Customer’s In parallel of TRL5 testing activity, the applicant will have to deliver B1 models to the customer for bench integration tests. This activity will be closed after bench tests. Loop on Critical Design Objective of this activity is to define design correction after TRL5 assessment and integration tests in order to prepare B2 model manufacturing (B2 model is a model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment model at latest design that will be qualified for flight test clearance). This activity will be closed by a new Critical Design Review. B2 model manufacturing The applicant will have to manufacture B2 model according to design file validated in last Critical Design Review. This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. Flight Clearance Tests Objective of this activity is to perform the necessary tests and analysis to demonstrate B2 models are flight cleared. This activity will be closed by Declaration of Design and Performance. Flight test The applicant will deliver B2 models and support the customer during tests on flight demonstrator. This activity will be closed at the end of testing activity TRL6 demonstration The applicant will provide the complementary evidence for TRL6 validation. This activity will be closed by TRL6 validation. April 2017 To June 2017 TS TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 July 2017 To August 2017 September 2017 To March 2018 April 2018 To June 2018 July 2018 To December 2018 December 2018 Page 147 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date September 2015 September 2015 Product Description Documents D2.8.1.5-1.1 Compliance matrix to customer specification Document D2.8.1.5-1.2 Product Description with requirements tracking Document Preliminary Design Documents D2.8.1.5-2.1 Preliminary design file including: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Thermal analysis Interface Control Document (electrical, mechanical, thermal, cooling, …) Preliminary safety and reliability assessment (FHA) Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 D2.8.1.5-2.5 Test plan and procedure (Acceptance Procedure and Qualification Procedure) Weight and balance report Document December 2015 D2.8.1.5-2.6 3D model Software December 2015 Document June 2016 D2.8.1.5-2.2 D2.8.1.5-2.3 D2.8.1.5-2.4 Critical Design Documents D2.8.1.5-3.1 D2.8.1.5-3.2 D2.8.1.5-3.3 D2.8.1.5-3.4 D2.8.1.5-3.5 Detailed design file & drawings: - Detailed design description - Mechanical drawings - Electrical and electronics drawings Substantiation file including update of: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Mechanical static and fatigue substantiations - Thermal analysis Safety and reliability assessment (SSA, FHA, Fault Trees, FMEA, CCA) Software and/or Hardware Complex requirement specification and design document if applicable Weight and balance report update Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Page 148 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2.8.1.5-3.6 3D model update Document June 2016 Document March 2017 Document June 2017 2 equipment prototypes (B1 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports Loop on Critical Design Documents Hardware + Document March 2017 D2.8.1.5-7.1 Document August 2017 Hardware + Document March 2018 B1 model manufacturing D2.8.1.5-4.1 First Article Inspection TRL5 Demonstration Documents D2.8.1.5-5.1 TRL5 questionnaire + evidences Integration tests at Customer’s D2.8.1.5-6.1 Updated CDR documentation B2 model manufacturing D2.8.1.5-8.1 First Article Inspection Flight Clearance Documents D2.8.1.5-9.1 Qualification Reports Document June 2018 D2.8.1.5-9.2 Declaration of Design and performance Document June 2018 D2.8.1.5-9.3 Software and/or Hardware Complex verification results Document June 2018 3 equipment prototypes (B2 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports TRL6 Demonstration Documents Hardware + Document March 2018 D2.8.1.5-11.1 TRL6 complementary evidences Document December 2018 D2.8.1.5-11.2 Serial application extrapolation Document December 2018 Flight Tests D2.8.1.5-10.1 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.5-0 Kick off Meeting Review June 2015 M2.8.1.5-1 Product Description Review Review September 2015 M2.8.1.5-2 Preliminary design Review Review December 2015 M2.8.1.5-3 Critical Design Review Review June 2016 M2.8.1.5-4 First Article Inspection B1 models delivery Delivery March 2017 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 149 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.5-5 & M2.8.1.5-6 M2.8.1.5-7 TRL5 Review Review June 2017 Critical Design Review 2 Review August 2017 M2.8.1.5-8 Review March 2018 M2.8.1.5-9 First Article Inspection 2 B2 models delivery Declaration of Design and Performance Delivery June 2018 M2.8.1.5-10 First Flight Milestone July 2018 M2.8.1.5-11 End of Project review – Extrapolation to serial product Review December 2018 General schedule 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 Q1 Q2 2017 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 TS Equipment specificatio TS Preliminary design TS Critical design TS B1 model manufacturing TS TRL5 tests TS Integration tests at Customer’s TS Loop on Critical design TS B2 model manufacturing TS Flight Clearance Tests TS Flight test TS TRL6 demonstration Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 150 of 375 Q4 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant must have design and manufacturing capability in high voltage rechageable battery field. The applicant shall demonstrate ability to design and manufacture aeronautic equipment, he must show experience in utilization of DO160, DO178, DO254, D0311, ARP4754A standards. The applicant must show equivalent activities for airborne equipment in his technical field. Minimum qualification required: ISO9001, EN9100, CS PART21, PART 145 if possible. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 151 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VII. Power conversion Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area FRC Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP FRC2.8.6 Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 400 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 42 months Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-07 Power conversion Start Date18 06-2015 Short description (3 lines) The work consists of design, development, manufacturing, qualification and support prior flight tests of power conversion equipment dedicated to be embedded on board of the life craft helicopter. 18 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 152 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activity of this workpackage is necessary to build the electrical Generation and Distribution & Lighting system for the Life Craft demonstrator: WP 2.8.1. The electrical generation and distribution system will be based on an innovative 270Vdc electrical system. WP 2.8.1 Organization: 2.8.1 Electrical Generation, distribution system & Lighting System activity and adaptation Power management strategy & electrical System optimization HVDC Generators Engine starter generator Power storage HVDC Network management Power converter Interior and exterior lighting Laser landing light Electrical system testing Activity AH: Architecture, load analysis, system spec, equipment spec, partner selection, partner follow up, verification plan for Permit to flight Extrapolation to serial Aircraft. Activity partner: Electrical system component optimization and energy management strategy. Validation of optimization and strategy with simulation, verification on bench Activity partner: 20/40kVA HVDC generator Activity partner: Starter generator - starter HVDC, generator 28Vdc Activity partner: HVDC battery for engine starting Activity partner: HVDC electrical master box & secondary distribution (SSPC) Activity partner: HVDC/28Vdc converter AC115Vac/HVDC converter HVDC/115vac converter Activity AH: Interior and exterior lighting system for demonstrator Activity partner: Laser landing light for demonstrator Activity AH: Bench test integration and verification for permit to flight Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 153 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The aim of this document is to describe the preliminary main technical requirements for the developpment of the innovative high power density converters, parts of the power generation system to be integrated in the lifecraft helicopter. Overview of the electrical system of the lifecraft demonstrator System operation in short: Under normal operation, the HVEMB provides DC power to high power consumers via dedicated interfaces (F2, F3 and F4). The 28Vdc network is supplied via the DC/DC Converter and the both starter generators. In case of a single starter-generator failure, EMB3 is reconfigured so that it can supply power from the DC-DC Converter to that side of the network (either EMB1 or EMB2). If both starter-generators fail, EMB3 is reconfigured so that the HVDC generator, via the DCWritten Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 154 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) DC converter, supplies the essential equipment necessary to ensure the flight safety (“Emergency flight" operation). A secondary backup solution is implemented by means of the 28Vdc emergency battery. On ground, before starting the engine, power supply to the distribution network is provided via the HV BAT and/or EPU. WP Power conversion work package: The aim of this document is to detail the activities required for designing and developing the innovative conversion bricks which are strategic parts of the electrical generation system of the helicopter. The converters shall be designed with innovant architecture and last technologies in order to reach the targeted power density and to be compliant with Helicopter stringent environment and constraints (Safety, reliability, temperature, vibration, EMC, HIRF, Indirect lightning effects..) WP DC-DC converter The aim of the DC-DC converter is to manage energy tranfer between the HVDC and the LVDC (28V) Helicopter networks. The aim of the bidirectional DC-DC converter is dual: - to provide power to the LVDC bus "EMB3" from the HVDC bus: [Buck mode] - to provide power to the HVDC bus from the LVDC bus:[Boost mode]. Buck mode: Rated output voltage : 28V (adjustable from 26V to 30V) compliant with EN2282 Output voltage accuracy: ± 1% Rated output current : 300A (ILn) Long overload: >1.5 x ILn during 5 minutes ( output voltage > 22V (TBC)) Short overload: > 2 x ILn during 10 seconds ( output voltage > 16V(TBC)) Input voltage: 270V according to MIL-STD-704-F.(TBC – extendable range) Boost mode: Rated output voltage : 270V (adjustable TBD) Output voltage accuracy: ± 1% Rated output current : 30A (IHn) Overload: (TBD) Input voltage: 28Vdc according to EN 2282 DC-DC converter main features: Galvanic insulation barrier between the HVDC and LVDC buses. Protections at least against overvoltage, short circuits/overloads, overheating Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 155 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Integrated BIT functions (PBIT, CBIT) Control and monitoring with discrete and CAN bus Cooling: self-cooled by ambient air (-45°C - +70°C) MTBF: > 20 000 FH (ARW +30°C) Safety: o overvoltage generated by the converter outside the standard limits are catastrophic events in buck and boost modes o Fire initiated by the converter is catastrophic event o Loss of power generation in buck mode is a major event DAL: o power generation: DAL B o Protection chains (overvoltage/ overheating) : DAL A Not to exceed weight: 10 kg. Not to exceed volume: 10 dcm3. WP DC-AC inverter The aim of the DC-AC inverter is to provide a three phase ac network for single and three phases helicopter loads from the HVDC bus. Rated output voltage : 115Vac compliant with EN2282 Output wave shape : sinusoidal -THDV< 2,5 % Output frequency: 400HZ ± 1% Output voltage accuracy: ± 3% Rated output power : 5kVA (Pn) Long overload: >1.5 x Pn during 5 minutes ( output voltage (TBC)) Short overload: > 2 x ILn during 10 seconds ( output voltage (TBC)) Input voltage: 270V according to MIL-STD-704-F.(TBC – extendable range) Inverter main features: Galvanic insulation barrier between the HVDC input and ac output Availability of the neutral for single phase loads (neutral could be connected to airframe) Compatible with non-linear and ± 0,7% to unity power factor loads Compatible with very unbalanced loads Protections at least against overvoltage, output out range frequency, input reverse polarity, short circuits/overloads, overheating Integrated BIT functions (PBIT, CBIT) Control and monitoring with discrete and CAN bus Cooling: self-cooled by ambient air (-45°C - +70°C) MTBF: > 20 000 FH (ARW +30°C) Safety: o overvoltage generated by the converter outside the EN2282 limits is a catastrophic Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 156 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) /hazardous event Fire initiated by the converter is catastrophic event Loss of ac power generation is a minor event o o DAL: o AC power generation: DAL C o Protection chains (overvoltage/ overheating) : DAL A Not to exceed weight: 8 kg. Not to exceed volume: 8 dcm3. WP AC-DC rectifier (ATRU) The aim of this rectifier is to provide the main HVDC network from the HVGEN alternator. This rectifier will take place if a conventional alternator is selected instead a HVDC machine, the need will be confirmed during preliminary studies phases. Rated output voltage : 270Vdc compliant with MIL-STD-704-F Output voltage accuracy: non-regulated Rated output power : 35KW (Pn) Long overload: >1.5 x Pn during 5 minutes ( output voltage (TBC)) Short overload: > 2 x ILn during 10 seconds ( output voltage (TBC)) Input voltage: 115Vac according to EN2282 Inverter main features: No galvanic insulation required between the ac input and the HVDC output (ATRU) Input current THDI: < 10 % (12 pulse rectification or more) Protections at least against overvoltage, short circuits/overloads, overheating Integrated BIT functions (PBIT, CBIT) Control and monitoring with discrete and CAN bus Cooling: self-cooled by ambient air (-45°C - +70°C) MTBF: > 40 000 FH (ARW +30°C) Safety: o overvoltage generated by the converter outside the limits is a catastrophic /hazardous event o Fire initiated by the converter is catastrophic event o Loss of HVDC power generation is a major event DAL: o DC power generation: DAL B o Protection chains (overvoltage/ overheating) : DAL A Not to exceed weight: 12 kg. Not to exceed volume: 12 dcm3. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 157 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Product Description The main objective of this task is to review the customer specification, and describe the product to be design, manufactured, qualified and provided to the customer for testing. This activity will be closed by a review: Product Description Review. Preliminary design The main objective of this activity is to validate the Equipment requirements and check that equipment preliminary design is consistent with these requirements: architecture concept according to performance and safety requirements, sizing, interfaces definition, substantiation of design choice. The test plan and procedure will also be defined. This activity will be closed by a review: Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Critical design The main objective of this activity is to realize the detailed design (mechanical, cooling, electrical, electronics, firmware …), realize drawings, finalize safety analysis, prior to launch equipment manufacturing. This activity will be closed by a review: Critical Design Review (PDR). B1 model manufacturing The main objective of this activity consists of manufacturing the first prototypes B1 model for test (B1 model is identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment). This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. TRL5 tests As part of the development verification, this activity consists of testing the equipment against the key aspects of the operational environment (functional and environmental tests). This activity will be completed by a TRL5 analysis. This activity will be closed by TRL5 validation. Integration tests at Customer’s In parallel of TRL5 testing activity, the applicant will have to deliver B1 models to the customer for bench integration tests. This activity will be closed after bench tests. June 2015 To September 2015 TS TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2015 To December 2015 January 2016 To June 2016 July 2016 To March 2017 April 2017 To June 2017 April 2017 To June 2017 Page 158 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Loop on Critical Design Objective of this activity is to define design correction after TRL5 assessment and integration tests in order to prepare B2 model manufacturing (B2 model is a model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment model at latest design that will be qualified for flight test clearance). This activity will be closed by a new Critical Design Review. B2 model manufacturing The applicant will have to manufacture B2 model according to design file validated in last Critical Design Review. This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. Flight Clearance Tests Objective of this activity is to perform the necessary tests and analysis to demonstrate B2 models are flight cleared. This activity will be closed by Declaration of Design and Performance. Flight test The applicant will deliver B2 models and support the customer during tests on flight demonstrator. This activity will be closed at the end of testing activity TRL6 demonstration The applicant will provide the complementary evidence for TRL6 validation. This activity will be closed by TRL6 validation. July 2017 To August 2017 TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 September 2017 To March 2018 April 2018 To June 2018 July 2018 To December 2018 December 2018 Page 159 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date September 2015 September 2015 Product Description Documents D2.8.1.7-1.1 Compliance matrix to customer specification Document D2.8.1.7-1.2 Product Description with requirements tracking Document Preliminary Design Documents D2.8.1.7-2.1 Preliminary design file including: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Thermal analysis Interface Control Document (electrical, mechanical, thermal, cooling, …) Preliminary safety and reliability assessment (FHA) Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 Document December 2015 D2.8.1.7-2.5 Test plan and procedure (Acceptance Procedure and Qualification Procedure) Weight and balance report Document December 2015 D2.8.1.7-2.6 3D model Software December 2015 Document June 2016 D2.8.1.7-2.2 D2.8.1.7-2.3 D2.8.1.7-2.4 Critical Design Documents D2.8.1.7-3.1 D2.8.1.7-3.2 D2.8.1.7-3.3 D2.8.1.7-3.4 D2.8.1.7-3.5 Detailed design file & drawings: - Detailed design description - Mechanical drawings - Electrical and electronics drawings Substantiation file including update of: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Mechanical static and fatigue substantiations - Thermal analysis Safety and reliability assessment (SSA, FHA, Fault Trees, FMEA, CCA) Software and/or Hardware Complex requirement specification and design document if applicable Weight and balance report update Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Document June 2016 Page 160 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2.8.1.7-3.6 3D model update Document June 2016 Document March 2017 Document June 2017 2 equipment prototypes (B1 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports Loop on Critical Design Documents Hardware + Document March 2017 D2.8.1.7-7.1 Document August 2017 Hardware + Document March 2018 B1 model manufacturing D2.8.1.7-4.1 First Article Inspection TRL5 Demonstration Documents D2.8.1.7-5.1 TRL5 questionnaire + evidences Integration tests at Customer’s D2.8.1.7-6.1 Updated CDR documentation B2 model manufacturing D2.8.1.7-8.1 First Article Inspection Flight Clearance Documents D2.8.1.7-9.1 Qualification Reports Document June 2018 D2.8.1.7-9.2 Declaration of Design and performance Document June 2018 D2.8.1.7-9.3 Software and/or Hardware Complex verification results Document June 2018 3 equipment prototypes (B2 models) with Acceptance Tests Reports TRL6 Demonstration Documents Hardware + Document March 2018 D2.8.1.7-11.1 TRL6 complementary evidences Document December 2018 D2.8.1.7-11.2 Serial application extrapolation Document December 2018 Flight Tests D2.8.1.7-10.1 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.7-0 Kick off Meeting Review June 2015 M2.8.1.7-1 Product Description Review Review September 2015 M2.8.1.7-2 Preliminary design Review Review December 2015 M2.8.1.7-3 Critical Design Review Review June 2016 M2.8.1.7-4 First Article Inspection B1 models delivery Delivery March 2017 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 161 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.7-5 & M2.8.1.7-6 M2.8.1.7-7 TRL5 Review Review June 2017 Critical Design Review 2 Review August 2017 M2.8.1.7-8 Review March 2018 M2.8.1.7-9 First Article Inspection 2 B2 models delivery Declaration of Design and Performance Delivery June 2018 M2.8.1.7-10 First Flight Milestone July 2018 M2.8.1.7-11 End of Project review – Extrapolation to serial product Review December 2018 General schedule: 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 Q1 Q2 2017 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 TS Product specification TS Preliminary design TS Critical design TS B1 model manufacturing TS TRL5 tests TS Integration tests at Customer’s TS Loop on Critical design TS B2 model manufacturing TS Flight Clearance Tests TS Flight test TS TRL6 demonstration 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant must have design, development and manufacturing capabilities in state of the art high power density power electronics for harsh environment. The applicant shall demonstrate ability to design and manufacture aeronautic equipment, he must show experience in utilization of DO160, DO178, DO254, ARP4754A standards. The applicant must show equivalent activities for airborne equipment in his technical field. Minimum qualification required: ISO9001, EN9100, CS PART21 and PART 145 if possible. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 162 of 375 Q4 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VIII. HVDC Network Management Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-08 IA FRC WP FRC2.8.2 400 k€ 42 months Start Date19 06-2015 Title HVDC Network management Short description (3 lines) Partner shall design and develop a HVDC electrical master box (HVEMB) for the Cleansky 2 helicopter demonstrator. The partner shall support the integration of this equipment into Airbus Helicopters system rigs, prior to perform flight tests in the aircraft. 19 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 163 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activity of this WP is necessary to build the electrical Generation and Distribution & Lighting system for the Life Craft demonstrator: WP 2.8.1. The electrical generation and distribution system will be a 270Vdc innovative electrical system. WP 2.8.1 Organization: 2.8.1 Electrical Generation, distribution system & Lighting System activity and adaptation Power management strategy & electrical System optimization HVDC Generators Engine starter generator Power storage HVDC Network management Power converter Interior and exterior lighting Laser landing light Electrical system testing Activity AH: Architecture, load analysis, system spec, equipment spec, partner selection, partner follow up, verification plan for Permit to flight Extrapolation to serial Aircraft. Activity partner: Electrical system component optimization and energy management strategy. Validation of optimization and strategy with simulation, verification on bench Activity partner: 20/40kVA HVDC generator Activity partner: Starter generator - starter HVDC, generator 28Vdc Activity partner: HVDC battery for engine starting Activity partner: HVDC electrical master box & secondary distribution (SSPC) Activity partner: HVDC/28Vdc converter AC115Vac/HVDC converter HVDC/115vac converter Activity AH: Interior and exterior lighting system for demonstrator Activity partner: Laser landing light for demonstrator Activity AH: Bench test integration and verification for permit to flight 2. Scope of work Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 164 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP HVDC Network management. Topic description: The aim of this document is to detail the activities required for designing and developing the innovative HVDC Network management system to be integrated in the life craft helicopter. The voltage level of this network is 270Vdc according to MIL-STD-704-F. The aims of the HVDC Network management system are: To manage power sources connection to the network To satisfy the electrical power protection and distribution requirements both in flight and on ground To satisfy the engine starting operation requirements To improve safety conditions on board in observance of official safety regulations: o Compliance with CS29: Certification Specification for Large Rotorcraft o Compliance with FAR PART 29 To improve reliability and reduce maintenance costs The selected partner will design, develop and test a High Voltage Electrical Master Box (HVEMB). Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 165 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) HVDC Network management system description: The following picture depicts the electrical system of the demonstrator: CFP The electrical system supplies all installed equipment from available power generation equipment: starter-generators (SG1 and SG2), HVDC generator (HVGEN), batteries (HV BAT and EMER BAT) or External Power Unit (EPU); while satisfying safety conditions. The HVDC Network management system is composed of one High Voltage Direct Current Electrical Master Box (HVEMB). The following guidelines establish the main operational modes of the HVDC Network management system: Under normal operation of the helicopter, the HVEMB provides power to high power consumers via dedicated interfaces (F2, F3 and F4). The 28Vdc network is supplied via the DC/DC Converter and the both starter generator. In case of a single starter-generator failure, EMB3 is automatically reconfigured so that it can supply power from the DC/DC Converter to that side of the network (either EMB1 or EMB2). If both starter-generators fail, EMB3 is reconfigured so that the HVdc generator, via the DC/DC converter, supplies the essential equipment necessary to ensure the flight safety (“Emergency flight" operation). A secondary backup solution is implemented by means of the 28Vdc emergency battery. On ground, before starting the engine, power supply to the distribution network is provided Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 166 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) via the HV BAT and/or EPU. The HVdc battery ensures the following functions: Power supply of the distribution network, on ground, before starting up the engine, when no other power supply is available on the network. Via the DC/DC Converter. Power supply, on ground or in flight, of the starter-generator for starting up the engine. Brief description of the HVEMB: The HVEMB is the main item of the HVDC Network management system. It shall ensure the following functions: Network protection against power source failures Battery monitoring Conjunction of the power sources on to the networks Operating logic (network reconfigurations to ensure the safety requirements) Protection against short-circuits Protection of distribution networks Interface between the generation and distribution system and the indication, control and monitoring system Testability The following power ratings are provided for each of the power interfaces of the HVEMB: HVGEN: rated power is 40KW EPU: rated power is 40KW HVDC Battery: Its discharge modes are: o 2KW in permanence o 25KW for starting the engines (during 30 seconds) ECU1 and ECU 2: Maximum power for starting the engines is 20KW (during 30 seconds) DC/DC Converter: rated power is 10KW The HVEMB consists in: High Voltage Electrical Master Box HVdc EMB Control Unit Power Unit An EMB Control Unit for external EMB communication (CAN & analog), internal EMB control and monitoring, power network control logics and protections. The partner shall propose Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 167 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) technical solution to allow easy evolution of the EMB logics without Hardware redesign An EMB Power Module Unit including HVdc power functions: power relay, bus bars, current protection, current sensors, voltage sensors… And includes the following items: Protection circuitry against power source failures (Generators, EPU, DC/DC Converter…) Battery monitoring circuitry Conjunction and switching devices (contactors) Command and control circuitry Testability circuitry Power bus bars Distribution protection devices For the HVdc secondary distribution of the demonstrator, 270Vdc State Power Controllers (SSPCs) can be proposed by the partner. The equipment to be developed is also intended to allow evolution to future systems and functions. The limits of possible future evolution shall be agreed between AH and the partner during the design phase, and frozen at the Critical Design Review. Equipment realization concepts, diagrams, digital values, associated to different components defined in this specification, are liable to be modified, further to the technical analysis evolution, and will be frozen in development phase. The following table states all the activities linked to the design and development of the electrical master boxes. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 168 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Product Description The main objective of this task is to review the customer specification, and describe the product to be design, manufactured, qualified and provided to the customer for testing. This activity will be closed by a review: Product Description Review. Preliminary design The main objective of this activity is to validate the Equipment requirements and check that equipment preliminary design is consistent with these requirements: architecture concept according to performance and safety requirements, sizing, interfaces definition, substantiation of design choice. The test plan and procedure will also be defined. This activity will be closed by a review: Preliminary Design Review (PDR). Critical design The main objective of this activity is to realize the detailed design (mechanical, electrical, thermal, …), realize drawings, finalize safety analysis, prior to launch equipment manufacturing. This activity will be closed by a review: Critical Design Review (PDR). B1 model manufacturing The main objective of this activity consists of manufacturing the first prototypes B1 model for test (B1 model is model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment). This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. TRL5 tests As part of the development verification, this activity consists of testing the equipment against the key aspects of the operational environment (functional, environmental). This activity will be completed by a TRL5 analysis. This activity will be closed by TRL5 validation. Integration tests at Customer’s In parallel of TRL5 testing activity, the applicant will have to deliver B1 models to the customer for bench integration tests. This activity will be closed after bench tests. June 2015 To September 2015 TS TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 June 2015 To December 2015 January 2016 To June 2016 July 2016 To March 2017 April 2017 To June 2017 April 2017 To June 2017 Page 169 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date TS Loop on Critical Design Objective of this activity is to define design correction after TRL5 assessment and integration tests in order to prepare B2 model manufacturing (B2 model is a model identical in fit, form and function with the specified equipment model at latest design that will be qualified for flight test clearance). This activity will be closed by a new Critical Design Review. B2 model manufacturing The applicant will have to manufacture B2 model according to design file validated in last Critical Design Review. This activity will be closed by a First Article Inspection. Flight Clearance Tests Objective of this activity is to perform the necessary tests and analysis to demonstrate B2 models are flight cleared. This activity will be closed by Declaration of Design and Performance. Flight test The applicant will deliver B2 models and support the customer during tests on flight demonstrator. This activity will be closed at the end of testing activity TRL6 demonstration The applicant will provide the complementary evidence for TRL6 validation. This activity will be closed by TRL6 validation. July 2017 To August 2017 TS TS TS TS Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 September 2017 To March 2018 April 2018 To June 2018 July 2018 To December 2018 December 2018 Page 170 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date Product Description Documents D2.8.1.6-1.1 Compliance matrix to customer specification Document D2.8.1.6-1.2 Product Description with requirements tracking Document September 2015 September 2015 Preliminary Design Documents D2.8.1.6-2.1 D2.8.1.6-2.2 Preliminary design file including: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation Document - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Thermal analysis Interface Control Document (electrical, Document mechanical, thermal, cooling, …) December 2015 December 2015 D2.8.1.6-2.3 Preliminary safety and reliability assessment (FHA) Document December 2015 D2.8.1.6-2.4 Test plan and procedure (Acceptance Procedure Document and Qualification Procedure) December 2015 D2.8.1.6-2.5 Weight and balance report Document December 2015 D2.8.1.6-2.6 3D model Software December 2015 Critical Design Documents D2.8.1.6-3.1 D2.8.1.6-3.2 D2.8.1.6-3.3 D2.8.1.6-3.4 D2.8.1.6-3.5 Detailed design file & drawings: - Detailed design description Document - Mechanical drawings - Electrical and electronics drawings Substantiation file including update of: - Architecture choice - Sizing substantiation - Software and/or Hardware architecture - Mechanical static and fatigue substantiations - Thermal analysis Safety and reliability assessment (SSA, FHA, Fault Document Trees, FMEA, CCA) Software and/or Hardware Complex requirement Document specification and design document if applicable Weight and balance report update Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Document June 2016 June 2016 June 2016 June 2016 June 2016 Page 171 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D2.8.1.6-3.6 3D model update Document June 2016 Document March 2017 Document June 2017 B1 model manufacturing D2.8.1.6-4.1 First Article Inspection TRL5 Demonstration Documents D2.8.1.6-5.1 TRL5 questionnaire + evidences Integration tests at Customer’s D2.8.1.6-6.1 2 equipment prototypes (B1 Acceptance Tests Reports models) with Hardware + March 2017 Document Loop on Critical Design Documents D2.8.1.6-7.1 Updated CDR documentation Document August 2017 B2 model manufacturing D2.8.1.6-8.1 Hardware + March 2018 Document First Article Inspection Flight Clearance Documents D2.8.1.6-9.1 Qualification Reports Document June 2018 D2.8.1.6-9.2 Declaration of Design and performance Document June 2018 D2.8.1.6-9.3 Software and/or Hardware Complex verification Document results June 2018 Flight Tests D2.8.1.6-10.1 3 equipment prototypes (B2 Acceptance Tests Reports models) with Hardware + March 2018 Document TRL6 Demonstration Documents D2.8.1.6-11.1 TRL6 complementary evidences Document December 2018 D2.8.1.6-11.2 Serial application extrapolation Document December 2018 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.6-0 Kick off Meeting Review June 2015 M2.8.1.6-1 Product Description Review Review September 2015 M2.8.1.6-2 Preliminary design Review Review December 2015 M2.8.1.6-3 Critical Design Review Review June 2016 M2.8.1.6-4 First Article Inspection B1 models delivery Delivery March 2017 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 172 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M2.8.1.6-5 & M2.8.1.6-6 M2.8.1.6-7 TRL5 Review Review June 2017 Critical Design Review 2 Review August 2017 M2.8.1.6-8 Review March 2018 M2.8.1.6-9 First Article Inspection 2 B2 models delivery Declaration of Design and Performance Delivery June 2018 M2.8.1.6-10 First Flight Milestone July 2018 M2.8.1.6-11 End of Project review – Extrapolation to serial product Review December 2018 General schedule: 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 Q1 Q2 2017 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2018 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TS Product specification TS Preliminary design TS Critical design TS B1 model manufacturing TS TRL5 tests TS Integration tests at Customer’s TS Loop on Critical design TS B2 model manufacturing TS Flight Clearance Tests TS Flight test TS TRL6 demonstration 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant must have design and manufacturing capability in Electrical Power Management and Distribution field. The applicant shall demonstrate ability to design and manufacture aeronautic equipment, he must show experience in utilization of DO160, DO178, DO254 standards. The applicant must show equivalent activities for airborne equipment in his technical field. Minimum qualification required: ISO9001, EN9100, CS PART21, PART 145 if possible. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 173 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.4. Clean Sky 2 – Airframe ITD I. Aerodynamic and acoustic capabilities developments for close coupling, high bypass ratio turbofan Aircraft integration Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA AIR TS-A_WP1.2.1– Turbofan Powerplant 2400 k€ 24 months Start Date20 06-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Aerodynamic and acoustic capabilities developments for close coupling, 01-01 high bypass ratio turbofan Aircraft integration. Short description (3 lines) In order to prepare the capabilities for future Powerplant system integration into Aircraft, the applicant will extend existing numerical capabilities to be able to tackle the specificities of those integrations: strong coupling between Powerplant and Aircraft; Reduced size nacelles; Low drag nacelle solutions. 20 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 174 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The powerplant Integration activities in ITD AIRFRAME Technology stream A-1 workpackage 1.2 are generally aiming at identifying and developping innovative integration solutions for both, future large by-pass ratio turbofan engines and contra rotating open rotor engines. The specificities of both CROR and UHBR integration into the Aircraft lead to develop further the capabilities for aerodynamic and acoustic characterisation in the context of strong interaction between the Engine and the Aircraft. These capabilities will be used within ITD Airframe to identify and perform the initial maturation of candidate technologies. They will be used as well within the Large Passenger Platform for further maturation up to in flight demonstration. The major aerodynamics objectives of this topic are the understanding of fan/airframe aerodynamic integration and development of associated capabilities. For acoustic, the applicant is expected to bring significant contributions in the characterization, the understanding and potentially low noise solutions with regards to the following noise challenges: Shorter inlet and bypass duct: reduction of treated area + Inlet flow distorsion noise Geared Turbofan Engine: Lower regime but shift of the global spectrum to lower frequencies, more difficult to attenuate with classical liners. Possible BSN in cruise. Reduction of Fan-OGV space, low count OGV. Increased close-coupling between engine and wing during takeoff and approach leading to jet-wing interaction noise. New architectures of bypass nozzle and pylons 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 1 Generic Fan /OGV configuration definition The applicant will propose a generic configuration to be used for the application and development of methods Aerodynamic CFD capabilities development linked to large by-pass ratio turbofan engines integration Acoustics CFD-CAA capabilities development linked to large by-pass ratio turbofan engines integration Acoustics experimental means development linked to large by-pass ratio turbofan engines integration T0+6months 2 3 4 TO+24months TO+24months TO+24months Task 1 description In order to properly develop the numerical capabilities that will allow to assess UHBR engine integration in close interaction with the Aircraft, the applicant will perform the geometrical definition Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 175 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) of a generic Fan/ OGV combination, representative of future UHBR Engine. This geometry will be reviewed and complemented by nacelle /installations with the topic Manager. Task 2 description New challenges linked to large by-pass ratio turbofan engines, such as more close-coupled engine installation, require to better understand fan/airframe aerodynamic integration; to do so, the development of aerodynamic capabilities is mandatory. In this respect, the applicant will develop: Capabilities for installed rotating fan computations. Capabilities for Fan blade transition prediction: CFD development, blade laminarity diagnosis. CFD-CSM for installed fan aero-elastic characterization. Capabilities for evaluation of 1P loads and moments prediction from various methods. CFD capability for air intake in crosswind with ground. CFD to qualify A/C system integration within powerplant. Active and passive flow control capabilities for close coupled powerplant under-wing integration. Capabilities for skin friction prediction on hot and / or non smooth surfaces (acoustic, grooves…). Some of the capabilities developed in this frame could be calibrated through experiments and Flight tests (in LPA platform). Task 3 description The applicant is expected to bring significant contributions in the prediction and the understanding of the following noise challenges in order to drive further mitigation or low noise reduction technologies - Shorter inlet and bypass duct: reduction of treated area + Inlet flow distortion noise - GTF Engine: Lower regime but shift of the global spectrum to lower frequencies, more difficult to attenuate with classical liners. Possible BSN in cruise. Reduction of Fan-OGV space, low count OGV. - Increased close-coupling between engine and wing during take-off and approach leading to jet-wing interaction noise. New architectures of bypass nozzle and pylons In this respect, the applicant will develop the following CFD-CAA capabilities: - Heterogeneous OGV and pylon/bifurcations/splitter predictions. Impact on Fan-OGV interactions, - Non-linear propagation of shocks (BSN) with heterogeneous 3D geometry/flow and acoustics treatments. - Acoustics treatment modelling in time-domain propagation - Fan-OGV broadband noise modelling Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 176 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - DES/LES simulation for tonal & broadband Fan noise High order CFD/CAA coupling for noise propagation in non uniform inflow. Modelling of fuselage turbulent boundary layer acoustic refraction effects Fan noise scaling laws methods Evaluation of multichorochonic CFD approach for acoustics Impact of Fan blade transition on acoustics Installed Jet noise prediction for aggressive UHBR integration Task 4 description In order to foster the experimental characterisation of UHBR close-coupled Integrated PPS noise (mainly installed Fan noise and Jet noise), The applicant is expected to develop the following experimental means : Inflow Instrumentation for WTT - Metrology development for in-flow acoustic instrumentation for WTT and for FTD (to be followed in LPA platform) - Specific Instrumentation for Fan acoustic characterization of Turbofan in Wind Tunnel such as modal detection, hot wire, LDV, wall kulites close to blades and OGVs, … - PIV (static /dynamic) and time-resolved turbulence measurements (e.g. LDV) for installed jet noise characterization Acoustic WTT post processing with corrections - Screen recessed microphone development and correction (wire mesh…), Penny washer correction - Near field : TBL (steady and unsteady) refraction correction, WTT Acoustic liner development for HS tests - Far field : Open test section shear layer refraction correction - Denoising (non acoustic source noise, TBL noise), Dereverberation in WTT, method development and validation Specific means and features for noise reduction (acoustics liners) - Acoustics treatments characterisation means with grazing flow and thermal gradient - Innovative liners technologies for broader and low frequency attenuation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 177 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 1 Work plan description covering all the aspects identified on tasks 1 to 4 Generic Fan /OGV configuration definition Document T0+3 CAD T0+3 Capabilities development review – prioritization, go/no go decision on the full scope of activities from task 1 to 4. Capabilities development review – final evaluation and identification of way forward for further developments on the full scope of activities from task 1 to 4. Review, documents T0+12 Review, documents T0+24 2 3 4 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 1 Workplan agreed Review T0+3 2 3 4 List of capabilities identified and improvement objectives agreed Initial capability development assessed T0+6 Plan defined for further capability calibration after this topic closure T0+24 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+12 Page 178 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Due to the large scope of problematic, it is recommended that the applicant is a consortium. This project could develop into further activities, including maturation of those capabilities through calibration against experiments (Wind Tunnel test and/or Flight tests within the IADP-LPA platform). The applicant shall be able to demonstrate sound technical knowledge in the field of proposed contributions; he shall be able to demonstrate that this knowledge is widely recognized. The applicant shall demonstrate experience in project management in Time, Cost and Quality together with evidence of past experience in large project participation. The applicant shall have the following special skills: Aerodynamic CFD modelling skills, from simplified to unsteady methods Aeroelasticity skills (fluid-structure coupling approach integrated force/displacement/mesh deformation approaches) Flow control simulations Aeroacoustics predictions numerical/analytical/semi-empirical modelling skills (CFD-CAA, unsteady CFD, analytical tools) Aeroacoustics experimental instrumentation, signal processing Acoustics liners characterisation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 179 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) II. Advanced predictive models development and simulation capabilities for Engine design space exploration and performance optimization Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA AIR TSA-WP1.2.1 – UHBR Engine integration 350 k€ 48 months Start 06-2015 21 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Advanced predictive models development and simulation capabilities for 01-02 Engine design space exploration and performance optimization Short description (3 lines) Advanced predictive models development and simulation capabilities for Engine design space exploration and performance optimization 21 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 180 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background This work package is dedicated to the overall performance assessment and optimization of a future engine architecture Propulsion system (Contra-Rotative Open Rotor (CROR), Ultra High Bypass Ratio TurboFan (UHBR), combined gas turbine cycles …) which is getting more and more complex. As such, at a preliminary design stage, it is of prime importance to develop a reliable and robust predictive model to assess not only the performance (in term of thrust capabilities and fuel consumption) but also the design impact on the engine weight, the life of the engine components, the overall mission fuel burn, and, finally, the direct maintenance costs for the aircraft. While there are models already existing for the engine core which is similar between different architectures (UHBR TurboFan, Open Rotor, Hybrid propulsion systems…), there is a strong need to develop and adapt models dedicated to specific components for the future engine architecture such as the propulsor (including additional systems like propellers, gearbox, pitch control mechanism (PCM), variable nozzle area …). An overall and modular approach is here proposed in order to develop the main modules/models and to ensure their integration into an unique preliminary design process. In parallel, the process efficiency will be supported by the development of advanced solvers and adequate numerical methods to address complex systems simulations which involve significant interactions between various models. Advanced simulation techniques will be developed to improve the monitoring of communication between those models, to ensure stability in calculations through better coupling (engine models with secondary cycles) and managing convergence issues. A more integrated and stable process will favour optimization of complex propulsion systems performance within multiconstraints. In addition to steady state performance calculations, it is also proposed to develop extended transient capabilities and functions to simulate complex systems transients and control. Advanced solvers will be then required for engine dynamic systems simulations and real-time applications. An appropriate partnership can be settled for the above and dedicated tasks. The partner should have competences and industrial software capabilities for gas turbine and complex systems simulation and modelling development involving various disciplines (thermodynamic, heat exchange, mechanic, electrical, systems control). The partner should also have strong experiences in software development and industrial applications (cycle and power plant sectors). Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 181 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 1. Process development and models functional integration T0 + 24 2. Gas turbine components modelling and developments 3. Develop advanced functions and numerical methods for gas turbine design and robust modelling. Improve and develop advanced solvers for complex systems simulation (models combinations and interactions, engine including secondary cycles, new systems and propulsors…) Contribute to process implementation and integrate models for optimization studies at aircraft level. Manage models stability and convergence issues. Develop and refine optimization techniques for design space exploration for Aircraft +Engines simulations Refine engine components scaling techniques based on multipoint design and constraints T0 + 24 Adapt and upgrade generic models for optimization studies Identify and evaluate the relevant design criteria for key components associated to the chosen engine architecture. Examples: Propeller, PCM, gearbox for CROR; UHBR Fan, PCM, gearbox for a UHBR Geared TurboFans… Propose and develop methods or correlations for trade studies. Examples Propeller and UHBR Fan efficiency, Thermal management in gearbox, sizing of UHBR Fan hub… Assess and perform sensitivity of key components on overall engine performance Elaborate an integrated preliminary sizing and prediction model for the propulsor, including those key components. Advanced gas turbine transient performance and Control T0 + 48 4. Develop control functions and library for gas turbine transient performance simulations, including additional transient models. Objective is to predict transient behaviour and trends of new powerplant systems. Refine and develop real-time simulations capabilities based on models linearization processes or implementation of new solvers. Demonstrate feasibility for a new gas turbine system. Process demonstrator for aircraft performance evaluation, considering T0 + 48 various engine concepts and multidisciplinary optimization Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 182 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description 5. Evaluate the influence of engine design and configuration on aircraft performance and mission fuel burn (Impact of engine fuel consumption and weight) Integrate the gas turbine and surrogate aircraft performance model into the preliminary design process for overall performance optimization studies. Simulate aircraft design process with various engine concepts and more complex architectures using advanced modelling techniques. Ranking of concepts performance Gas turbine Lifing prediction models 6. Due Date T0 + 36 For conventional turbofans, there are some existing prediction models developed in the past for the engine lifing assessment (mainly correlated with the engine life limited parts such as high pressure turbines blades and disks). It is proposed to revisit these existing methods, update them and propose complementary correlations for other engine architecture specific components (like UHBR Fans hub or either contra-rotating gearbox, pitch control mechanism). A good understanding of the drivers that limit the life of those components is crucial (components cooling and thermal management, maintenance cycles, failure mechanisms and lifing of these components). Direct Operating Cost and Maintenance cost predictions T0 + 36 On the basis of Engine lifing predictions and engine design data, it is proposed to develop a dedicated prediction model for economic impact assessment based on existing literature. This model shall take into account key aspects such as maintenance cost and direct operating cost relying on relevant factors (like maintenance cycles, fuel price, materials use…) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 183 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type 1.1 Numerical approach and modelling for gas turbine design Tech Note T0 + 6 months 1.2 New tool/software for gas turbines performance simulation including required functions, solvers and monitoring of convergence issues Advanced engine multipoint design capabilities for representative engine sizing and scaling process Modelling capability for non-conventional power plant systems, high-flexibility simulation code Adapted optimization techniques for combined aircraft and gas turbine performance predictions Engine performance evaluation based on relevant design criteria for key components and various engine architectures Review of design criteria and semi-empirical sizing correlations for propellers Review of design criteria and semi-empirical sizing correlations for UHBR Fan Review of design criteria and semi-empirical sizing correlations for Gearbox design dedicated to CROR or UHBR architecture Sensitivity study of key components and impact on overall engine performance (Propeller, UHBR Fan, Gearbox, PCM …) Integrated preliminary sizing and performance prediction models, test on various propulsion systems. Development and implementation of transient functions for gas turbine simulations in retained tool Development and implementation of control functions for gas turbine simulations in retained tool Software offering real-time simulations and applications for gas turbines Sensitivity and impact of engine design and configuration on aircraft performance and mission fuel burn calculation Surrogate engine and aircraft models coupling, with selected concepts studies Tech Note T0 + 24 months 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 24 months Tech Note T0 + 48 months Tech Note T0 + 48 months Tech Note T0 + 48 months Tech Note T0 + 48 months Tech Note T0 + 48 months Page 184 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type 4.3 Preliminary optimization capabilities for aircraft-engine combinations State of the art of engine lifing prediction methods, identification of specific needs depending on architecture (CROR, UHBR…) Analysis of engine specific architecture life limiting parameters (CROR, UHBR…) Life prediction model setting and implementation in the engine design process (CROR, UHBR…) Identification of DMC and DOC drivers for specific engine architectures (CROR, UHBR…) DMC and DOC estimation models setting and implementation in the engine design process (CROR, UHBR…) Tech Note T0 + 48 months 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.1 6.2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Tech Note T0 + 36 months Tech Note T0 + 36 months Tech Note T0 + 36 months Tech Note T0 + 36 months Tech Note T0 + 36 months Page 185 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Skills required for industrial codes development and complex systems simulations Flexible tool/software development to simulate different engine architectures: objectoriented model architecture and detailed components library, setting of constraints in engine model, schematic principle, library of components and model generation, flexible engine architectures Multipoint design capabilities and advanced solvers for complex systems simulations Tool capabilities for engine decks generation (customer/parametric sizing), datapack (consistent with SAE standard for gas turbines) Use efficiency proposed by the simulation tool (GUI, experiment, monitoring, postprocessing) Tool interface/Connections with external programs (Matlab, Excel, Optimizer Isight, C++ programs) Capabilities for gas turbine transient simulations and control (specific solvers for transient calculations) Skills required for aerospace applications Aircraft gas turbines performance modeling and simulation Multidisciplinary and complex systems simulations Mechanical systems design Gas turbine dynamics and transient simulations Engine thermal management and simulations Propulsor systems and subsystems modelling Thermo-mechanical analysis Failure mechanisms & life estimation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 186 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) III. CROR Engine debris Impact. Shielding design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR TS-A_WP1.2.2 360K€ 24 months Start Date22 07-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- CROR Engine debris Impact. Shielding design, manufacturing, simulation 01-03 and Impact test preparation Short description (3 lines) These work package deals with the development and maturation of innovative shielding and panels able to sustain high and low energy debris linked to the engine burst. It also includes the manufacturing and preparation for impact test for such shielding and panels. 22 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 187 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background New, eco-efficient aircrafts are challenged by a demand to significantly reduce the CO2 and NOx emission. To achieve these goals, the topic manager is exploring new configurations for integrating advanced engines and propulsion concepts to the aircraft. Most of such promising concepts as the CROR-engine, Boundary Ingestion Layer (BIL), Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines (UHBR), multiple fan cannot be targeted simply by replacing engines of the current generation, but require a substantial change of the principle aircraft configuration. Results from recent research programmes have provided much evidence that many of these concepts do lead to better gains of ecologic and economic efficiency by installing them on the rear end of the fuselage. The advantage of an installation on the rear fuselage is motivated by the favorable spatial integration conditions in particular for large fan or rotor diameters or multiple fans which can be the key for achieving unprecedented fuel efficiencies. In case of un-ducted engine architecture as the CROR, the rearward shift of the engines away from the wing provides additional advantages in cabin noise and passenger comfort and safety improvement. Regarding the safety, main issue is the CROR engine debris that can be release with high energy when there is a failure. It is mandatory to develop innovative solutions for panels and shielding able to shield and reduce damage at impact, to secure the airframe integrity, so that aircraft can make safe continuation of flight and landing after engine burst event. This topic deals with the development and maturation of innovative shielding and panels able to sustain high and low energy debris linked to the engine burst. Figure 2. R&T concept study with rear mounted open rotor engines Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 188 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The objective of the work is to develop, design and manufacture, structural and nonstructural panels for aircraft shielding against high and low energy debris release. The solutions will need to arrest middle/high representative engine debris impact, producing minimum damage on the structure with minimum penalty weight. The target is to reduce at least 60% areal weigh of the shielding compare to reference shield of AL 2024 T351 monolithic plate. The solution should weight 60% less than minimum thickness of mentioned reference solution able to stop the final impact test, describe below as level 2. The applicant is also responsible also to manufacture representative impactor specimens made of composite and metallic to be defined indetail below. Physical test is part of another work package but applicant is responsible to develop pre-test simulations, support final test definition and test evaluation and perform Test simulation and correlations, describing both the panel and the impactor behavior. Applicant is responsible to demonstrate the final validation of the solutions at final impact test, describen below as level 2. There will be two level of validation: 1) Level 1. Lower representative level preliminary evaluation and screening of solutions. Flat panels impacted by simplified impactor. Details described below. 2) Level 2. Higher representative level final evaluation. Curved panels with final geometry will be impacted with representative real impactor segment of a blade and metallic disc. Details described below. For level 1 the work will be performed by the applicant following the steps: 1) To review, refine and consolidate shielding detail requirements with topic manager and compile such requirements. 2) To perform identification of a collection of solutions based on different architectures and materials applicable to structural and no in structural solution. This collection will be a minimum of 30 solutions. It will be provided evidences based on bibliography and preliminary analytical assessment and pre-simulations, that provided solutions could cope with given requirements. At least 10 nonstructural and 10 structural solutions will be down-selected by the topic manager from the collection for evaluation on more detail on subsequent steps. Provided solutions must cope with environment requirement required for integration on an aircraft that will be defined in detail on step 1. 3) To perform a detailed evaluation of the solutions based on pre-test detailed impact explicit simulation with simulation codes as Abaqus, dyna, etc….for the test level 1 impact conditions defined below. Details of the simulation results and predictions will be provided to topic manager that will select at least 5 structural and nonstructural solution for evaluation on more detail on subsequent Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 189 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) steps. Results and models should be provided to topic manager in Abaqus exploitable format. Also detailed refined test specification will be provided and agreed with topic manager following level 1 description below and requirement consolidation step. 4) To perform final design and manufacturing of the selected 5 structural and 5 nonstructural solutions to be validated at level 1 test. Level 1 test will be of two kinds, with metallic impactor and composite impactor: Impact test level 1.1: Steel ball impactor (30mm diameter), 111g Room Temperature Dry Applicant should provide at least 500 ball impactors Impact test level 1.2: • • • • • • • Material: CFRP Mass: 111g Thickness: 11mm (60 plies) approx. Length: 150m Width: 42mm Chamfered Projectile velocity, V_init (60-250m/s) Applicant should manufacture and provide at least 300 composite impactors Detail test conditions are orientative and could be adapted by the topic manager on the requirement consolidation phase. At least 30 flat panels of different thickness for each selected solutions of a dimension of 500x500mm will be manufactured by the applicant, in order to be able to capture ballistic limit at both test for each solution. 5) To perform a detailed evaluation of the solutions based on post-test impact explicit simulation correlations with simulation codes as Abaqus, Dyna, etc….for the test level 1 impact conditions defined below. Details test and simulation results, models and material properties, and predictions will be provided to topic manager that will select at least 3 structural and 3 nonstructural solutions for evaluation on more detail on subsequent steps. Results and models should be provided to topic manager in Abaqus exploitable format. For level 2 the work will be performed by the applicant following the steps: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 190 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1)To review, adapt and consolidate shielding detail requirements with topic manager and perform update of compilation such requirements. 2)To perform a detailed evaluation of the selected solutions based on pre-test impact explicit simulation with simulation codes as Abaqus, dyna, etc….for the test level 2 impact conditions defined bellow. Details test and simulation results, models and material properties, and predictions will be provided to topic manager that will select at least 3 structural and 3 nonstructural solutions for evaluation on more detail on subsequent steps. Also detailed refined test specification will be provided and agreed with topic manager following level 2 description below and requirement consolidation step. Results and models should be provided to topic manager in Abaqus exploitable format. 3)To perform final design and manufacturing of the 6 final selected structural and nonstructural solutions, including the integration supports, structural or nonstructural, to be validated at level 2 test. Level 2 test will be of two kinds, with metallic impactor and composite impactor: Impact test level 2.1: • • • Steel segment disc impactor (at least 300mm diameter approx.) Upto 80KJ impact energy Room Temperature Dry Impact test level 2.2: • • Material: CFRP blade section( at least 350x350 mm) Upto 150KJ impact energy Applicant should manufacture and provide at least 80 metallic impactors Detail test conditions are orientative and could be adapted by the topic manager on the requirement consolidation phase. At least 15 curved panels of different thickness for each selected solutions of a dimension of 2500x2500mm, will be manufactured by applicant, in order to be able to capture ballistic limit at both test for each solution. Integration supports for each solution, structural or nonstructural need to be also manufactured. 4)To perform a detailed evaluation of the solutions based on post-test impact explicit simulation correlations with simulation codes as Abaqus, Dyna, etc….for the test level 2 impact conditions defined above. Details of test, simulation results, models and material properties, and predictions will be provided to topic manager as final validation of the solutions, including final performance results compared to initial target. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 191 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Results and models should be provided to topic manager in Abaqus exploitable format. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Requirement consolidation (Level 1) T0+1month T2 Shielding collection identification, preliminary evaluation and down T0+3 months selection (Level 1) T3 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 1) T4 Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing T0+10month (Level 1) T5 Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and down selection T0+12months T6 Requirement consolidation (Level 2) T0+8month T7 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 2) T0+14month T8 T9 T0+6 months Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing T0+18month (Level 2) Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and final T0+24months performance evaluation (Level 2) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 192 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Requirement consolidation (Level 1) Report T0+1month D2 Report T0+3 months D3 Shielding collection identification, preliminary evaluation and down selection (Level 1) Shielding down selection Report T0+3 months D4 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 1) T0+6 months D5 Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing (Including impactors) (Level 1) Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and down selection Report & simulation models Drawing and specimens Report & simulation models Report Report & simulation models Drawing and specimens Report & simulation models T0+14month D6 D7 Requirement consolidation (Level 2) D8 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 2) D9 Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing (Including impactors) (Level 2) Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and final performance evaluation (Level 2) D10 T0+10month T0+12months T0+8month T0+18month T0+24months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Requirement consolidation (Level 1) Report T0+1month M2 Report T0+3 months M3 Shielding collection identification, preliminary evaluation and down selection (Level 1) Shielding down selection Report T0+3 months M4 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 1) T0+6 months M5 Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing (Including impactors) (Level 1) Report & simulation models Drawing and specimens Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+10month Page 193 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M6 Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and down selection T0+12months M7 Requirement consolidation (Level 2) Report & simulation models Report M8 Detailed pre-test simulation and evaluation (Level 2) T0+14month M9 Panel and shield solution detailed definition, design and manufacturing (Including impactors) (Level 2) M10 Test analysis, post-test simulation and correlation and final performance evaluation (Level 2) Report & simulation models Drawing and specimens Report & simulation models T0+8month T0+18month T0+24months 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant • • • • • • • • • • Extensive experience in manufacturing of composite, Hybrid structure and shielding panels for Aircraft structures. Demonstrated experience and hardware availability for manufacturing composite structures and shielding panels , using Resin transfer molding, liquid resin infusion, automatic type layout, automatic fiber placement and other composite manufacturing technics Expertise use and development of Impact simulations with explicit solver Abaqus. Expertise in translation of different models from other equivalent software to Abaqus explicit. Expertise in composite, metallic and hybrid shielding design and development for engine debris impacts: uncontained engine rotor failure, blade release, ice shedding, etc… World class experience in airframe structure analysis, simulations, test, impact and mechanical characterization. Expertise in correlation of Impact and mechanical characterization by test and simulation for blade impact problematic and other high energy similar problematic (Bird impact, crash impact, UERF, etc…) up to full scale. Multidisciplinary and complex systems simulations Mechanical systems design Failure mechanisms & life estimation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 194 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IV. Aero-acoustic experimental characterization of a CROR (Contra Rotating Open Rotor) engine WT model with core flow in propellers architecture Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR TS-A_WP1.2.2 960 k€ 18 months Start Date23 01/07/2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Aero-acoustic experimental characterization of a CROR (Contra Rotating 01-04 Open Rotor) engine WT model with core flow in propellers architecture. Short description (3 lines) The CROR engine architecture with primary flow ejection into propellers is a promising technology to reduce CROR engine weight. Unfortunately, state-of-the-art numerical methods are not mature enough to predict the impact of this technology on broadband noise. Wind-tunnel test is then necessary to assess the noise. 23 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 195 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The objective of the WP is to assess the impact on tonal and broadband noise of the “core flow into propeller” architecture versus the conventional CROR architecture through wind tunnel test in low speed conditions. The targeted scale is around 1/5th. The wind-tunnel model will be based on existing hardware belonging to the topic manager. Two wind-tunnel tests will be required: one for core flow jet turbulence assessment in aerodynamic testing environment with possibly special measurement as PIV or hot wires and the other for noise characterization assessment in acoustic testing environment. The WBS is as follow: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 196 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Core flow in propeller CROR WTT WP1 - Wind-tunnel model design, manufacturing and integration WP2 - Turbulence characterisation windtunnel test in BLSWT WP1.1 - A170C CROR air motor repair and WP2.1 - Floor mouting on BLSWT maintenance WP2.2 - Connection to low compressor WP1.2 - Blades system WP1.3 - Dummy pylon and nacelle with WP2.3 - WT test operation core flow + pylon BL blowing WP1.4 - Device for helium injection and WP2.4 - Helium supply mixing WP2.5 - Core flow turbulence and velocity characterization WP2.6 - Test engineering and management WP2.7 - Rigging WP3 - Noise characterisation windtunnel test WP3.1 - Mounting - Support WP3.2 - Mounting - Core nozzle air supply adaptation WP3.3 - WT test operation WP3.4 - Helium supply WP3.5 - Test engineering and management WP3.6 - Rigging BLSWT = Bremen Low Speed Wind-Tunnel (Airbus internal) The wind tunnel test work packages are preparation, derigging and all needed to run the test included. The different characteristics to run the model (engines, core blowing and pylon blowing) are estimated below: Engine Requirements for CFP Mass flow 5,80 kg/s Motor intake total pressure supply at 300kW 51,00 bar Model entry total pressure supply at 300kW 60 bar Model entry total temperature 50 °C Return line total pressure capability (drive air has to 20 be bar routed completely out of the test section Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 197 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Core flow Requirements for CFP Air density Air total temperature Mass flow Nozzle pressure ratio Model entry total pressure supply TBD 50 °C 1.5 TBC kg/s 1,1 3 TBC bar Ensure use of Helium is feasible in WTT Pylon blowing Requirements for CFP Mass flow for 2 slots Pressure 0,05 kg/s 5 bar 2. Scope of work List of the task where the applicant is contributing (fully or partially). The Due Dates correspond to a Start Date T0 of 1/7/2015, the whole project could be executed earlier, shifted as the start date T0. The mentions T0 + nb of months provide the time relative to T0. : Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date WP1 Wind-tunnel model design, manufacturing and integration (TO+10) WP1.2 Blades (TO+10) WP1.3 Dummy pylon and nacelle with core flow + pylon BL blowing (TO+10) WP1.4 Device for helium injection and mixing (TO+10) WP2 Turbulence characterization wind-tunnel test (TO+13) WP2.1 Floor mounting in BLSWT (TO+10) WP2.2 Connection to low compressor system (TO+10) WP2.4 Helium supply (TO+9) WP2.5 Core flow turbulence and velocity characterization (TO+13) WP2.6 Test engineering and management (TO+18) WP2.7 Rigging (TO+11) WP3 Noise characterization wind-tunnel test (TO+15) WP3.1 Mounting – Support (TO+12) WP3.2 Mounting – Core nozzle air supply adaptation (TO+11) WP3.3 WT test operation (TO+13) WP3.4 Helium supply (TO+11) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 198 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date WP3.5 Test engineering and management (TO+18) WP3.6 Rigging (TO+13) In the WBS below, the task in which the applicant is expected to contribute are marked by WP underlined in grey. WP1 – Wind-tunnel model design, manufacturing and integration WP1.1 – A170C CROR air motor repair and maintenance This task is dealt by the topic manager as it is its own hardware and does not involve the applicant. WP1.2 – Blades Applicant is expected to design and manufacture blades at an approximate scale 1/5th. Shapes will be provided by the topic manager. Blades are clipped to existing hubs and RSB hardware. 11 blades are considered for the front rotor and 9 for the rear one. Inner part of the blades which is on the core flow is at a fixed blade pitch while the outer part should be representative of 2 different pitch settings. 2 different set of blades could be planned to represent these 2 settings. Unsteady pressure sensors are requested on blade inner part. Survey instrumentation should be planned as well. The WP includes design, manufacturing, inspections reports. Design and manufacturing of a specific device to clip the blades on the hub could be requested if the existing device is not adapted. Balancing of the rotors is included in the WP as well as the instrumentation supply. A third blade configuration to be defined is included in this call. Applicant will provide all the necessary documentation (stress report, geometric inspection, instrumentation report…) WP1.3 – Dummy pylon and nacelle with core flow + pylon BL blowing This WP includes design, manufacturing and integration on the existing hardware the dummy pylon and nacelle with core flow and pylon BL blowing. It includes also the instrumentation needed. Software to control the flow shall be supplied as well. The topic manager will provide the blowing characteristics. Applicant will provide all the necessary documentation (stress report, geometric inspection, instrumentation report…) WP1.4 – Device for helium injection and mixing This WP includes the device for injection and mixing of helium that could be used for WP2 and WP3. It includes hardware and software. The use of helium is required to have representative primary flow density (hot air for real engine). In fact the topic manager anticipates a show-stopper for the use of hot primary flow due to the proximity of high accuracy rotating shaft balances. WP2 – Turbulence characterisation wind-tunnel test in BLSWT WP2.1 – Floor mouting on BLSWT This WP is dealt by the topic manager and consist in adapting mounting of the model on BLSWT floor. The mounting on BLSWT is already existing and the adaptation is highly dependent of technical solution found in WP1.3. A support from the applicant could be requested (supply of material and instrumentation). Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 199 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP2.2 – Connection to low compressor system This WP is to adapt the air pressure circuit of BLSWT to the mounting and the device for helium injection and mixing. The BLSWT facility has a low pressure compressor that will supply the blowing. Following WP1.3 and WP1.4 outputs, the connection between model and this low compressor system should be done. WP2.3 – WT test operation This task is dealt by topic manager. WP2.4 – Helium supply This WP deals with the renting of helium and all necessary hardware to use it.. The applicant will determine the quantity needed for this test entry, contact the helium supplier, order the helium and necessary hardware (regulators), ensure that the supplier is shipping the helium frames in this facility, organize and ensure the shipment to the WP3 test facility, ensure there is the place necessary to store the frames during the test campaign WP2.5 – Core flow turbulence and velocity characterization PIV and/or hot wire solution are expected to be installed and operated by the applicant in BLSWT. It includes the post processing and the data delivery. WP2.6 – Test engineering and management This WP is dealt by by the topic manager, a support from applicant is requested for active participation to the review, global management support and wind-tunnel test engineering (test preparation, specification and test program writing, data validation and test report writing). WP2.7 – Rigging This WP deals with the operation on WT model to be carried out during the WT test and is partially dealt by topic manager. The applicant should partipate to this by providing a rigger during the test who will perform in collaboration with topic manager staff the configuration changes on the windtunnel model or on compressed air circuit. WP3 – Noise characterisation wind-tunnel test WP3.1 – Mounting – Support This WP deals with design, manufacturing and integration of all the hardware needed to adapt mechanical support to this test and all interfaces with the model. This topic and its cost is highly linked to the applicant Wind-Tunnel test facility choice. Applicant will provide with different concept solution to be validated by the topic manager, will design and manufacture the part and provide all the necessary documentation (stress report, geometric inspection, instrumentation report…) WP3.2 – Mounting – Core nozzle air supply adaptation This WP is to adapt the air pressure circuit selected wind-tunnel to the mounting and the device for helium injection and mixing. This topic and its cost is highly linked to the WP3.1. Applicant will provide with different concept solution to be validated by the topic manager, will design and manufacture the part and provide all the necessary documentation (stress report, geometric inspection, instrumentation report…) WP3.3 – WT test operation This WP deals with the WT test slot in anechoic low speed conditions. 8 productive testing days are expected. It includes the test operation, the test requirement studies, the resources to perform the WT, the test occupancy cost, the energy cost necessary to achieve the requested conditions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 200 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP3.4 – Helium supply This WP deals with the renting of helium and all necessary hardware to use it. The applicant will determine the quantity needed for this test entry, contact the helium supplier, order the helium and necessary hardware (regulators), ensure that the supplier is shipping back the helium frames after the test, ensure there is the place necessary to store the frames during the test campaign. WP3.5 – Test engineering and management This WP is dealt by topic manager, a support from applicant is requested for active participation to the review, global management support and wind-tunnel test engineering (test preparation, specification and test program writing, data validation and test report writing).. WP3.6 – Rigging This WP deals with the operation on WT model to be carried out during the WT test and is partially dealt by topic manager. The applicant should partipate to this by providing a rigger during the test who will perform in collaboration with topic manager staff the configuration changes on the windtunnel model or on compressed air circuit.. 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) 2015 2016 Tasks J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D WP1 - Wind-tunnel model design, manufacturing and integration WP1.1 - A170C CROR air motor repair and maintenance WP1.2 - Blades WP1.3 - Dummy pylon and nacelle with core flow + pylon BL blowing WP1.4 - Device for helium injection and mixing WP2 - Turbulence characterisation wind-tunnel test in BLSWT WP2.1 - Floor mouting on BLSWT WP2.2 - Connection to low compressor system WP2.3 - WT test operation WP2.4 - Helium supply WP2.5 - Core flow turbulence and velocity characterization WP2.6 - Test engineering and management WP2.7 - Rigging WP3 - Noise characterisation wind-tunnel test WP3.1 - Mounting - Support WP3.2 - Mounting - Core nozzle air supply adaptation WP3.3 - WT test operation WP3.4 - Helium supply WP3.5 - Test engineering and management WP3.6 - Rigging TRL3 TRL4 TRL5 TRL6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 201 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date D1.2 Blade delivery (TO+10) D1.3 Dummy pylon and nacelle (TO+10) D1.4 Device for Helium (T0+10) D2.1 Floor mounting on BLSWT (TO+10) D2.2 Connection for low compressor system (TO+10) D2.4 Helium renting (TO+9) D2.5 PIV results (TO+11) D2 BLSWT test results delivery (TO+11) D3.1 New upstream part / mounting (TO+12) D3.2 Core nozzle air adaptation (TO+12) D3.4 Helium renting (TO+11) D3 Acoustic test results (TO+15) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Preliminary design review (TRL3) – Feeder milestones accepted but left to applicant’s initiative, for blades for example Critical Design review (TRL4) – Feeder milestones accepted, for blades or BLSWT adaptation pieces Test Readiness Review (TRL5) – Feeder milestone accepted, for BLSWT test Data Delivery (TRL6) – Feeder milestones accepted for BLSWT test TRL3 (TO+3) TRL4 (TO+7) TRL5 (TO+12) TRL6 (TO+15) M2 M3 M4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 202 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Model blades design and manufacture - Anechoic LS wind-tunnel - PIV set-up, operation and post processing - Wind-tunnel model and test engineering As these skills are highly specialized it is suggested the applicant be a consortium of several companies offering each of it the best skills to contribute. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 203 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) V. Blade FEM, impact simulations and sample manufacturing for CROR Aircraft Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA AIR TS-A_WP1.2.2 360K€ 24 months Start Date24 07-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Blade FEM, impact simulations and sample manufacturing for CROR 01-05 Aircraft Short description (3 lines) These work package deals with the development and maturation of blade impact simulation model and physical specimen manufacturing to be used for Impact simulations and test, to mature both the blade itself and the Aircraft shield. 24 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 204 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background New, eco-efficient aircrafts are challenged by a demand to significantly reduce the CO2 and NOx emission. To achieve these goals, the topic manager is exploring new configurations for integrating advanced engines and propulsion concepts to the aircraft. Most of such promising concepts as the CROR-engine, Boundary Ingestion Layer (BIL), Ultra High Bypass Ratio engines (UHBR), multiple fan cannot be targeted simply by replacing engines of the current generation, but require a substantial change of the principle aircraft configuration. Results from recent research programmes have provided much evidence that many of these concepts do lead to better gains of ecologic and economic efficiency by installing them on the rear end of the fuselage . The advantage of an installation on the rear fuselage is motivated by the favourable spatial integration conditions in particular for large fan or rotor diameters or multiple fans which can be the key for achieving unprecedented fuel efficiencies. In case of un-ducted engine architecture as the CROR, the rearward shift of the engines away from the wing provides additional advantages in cabin noise and passenger comfort and safety improvement. Regarding the safety, main issue is the CROR engine debris that can be release with high energy when there is a failure. It is mandatory to develop innovative solutions for panels and shielding able to shield and reduce damage at impact, to secure the airframe integrity so that aircraft can continuity to flight and have a safe landing after engine burst event. In order to be able to develop innovative shielding, it is mandatory to have as realistic as possible definition of the threat. It is necessary to have very precise definition of the blade on simulations models and physical specimens that can be used for Impact test with shield at representative level of energy and scale. In addition, these developments on blade will allow adapting its design to explore its energy absorption mechanism at impact, to minimize the damage on the shield and weight penalty This topic deals with the development and maturation of blade impact simulation model and physical specimen to be used for Impact simulations and test, to mature both the blade itself and the Aircraft shield. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 205 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Figure 2. R&T concept study with rear mounted open rotor engines Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 206 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The objective of the work is divided in two parts: 1. To develop Impact simulation models of the CROR blade. The applicant is responsible to develop the design and Abaqus explicit or equivalent simulation explicit model. In this last case, model must be translated to Abaqus explicit, template in which the model will be delivered. The applicant must demonstrate by means of test and simulation that the provided design is able to cope with the blade certification and performance requirements with the minimum weight compared to state of art blades. It is also responsible to develop low level mechanical and impact test to demonstrate the properties used on the Blade model. Test results and resulting properties will be shared with topic manager. The applicant is responsible to define all the design details and material properties on the FEM model so that the FEM model will be realistic and predictive of impact behaviour. The work will be performed in two steps, a first step in which it will be developed several FEM model of at least 3 different partial representative section of the span of the blade, including tip, root and intermediate section. On second step, a full aerofoil model FEM simulation model with all required level of details will be developed. 2. To manufacture blade samples representative of the CROR blade to be used for Impact test with the shielding. The applicant must demonstrate that the provided blade samples follow the final design of step 1, and also that it is able to cope with the blade certification and performance requirements with the minimum weight compared to state of art blades. The work will be performed in two steps, a first step in which it will be manufactured partial representative section of the chord of the blade, including tip, root and intermediate section. The blade samples should represent a section of the blade of 300mm of blade span. It is required to produce at least 50 samples to be used at middle level impact demonstration test.. On second step, a full aerofoil blade with all required level of details will be manufactured. It is required to deliver at least 5 samples of the full aerofoil to be used at high level impact demonstration test. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 207 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Blade design concept T0+1month T2 FEM Impact simulation model partial sections T0+4months T3 FEM Impact simulation model full sections T0+9months T4 Blade physical partial sections T0+9months T5 Blade physical full sections T0+24months 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Blade design concept dossier Dossier and review T0+1month D2 FEM Impact simulation model partial sections FEM model and report T0+4months D3 FEM Impact simulation model full sections FEM model and report T0+9months D4 Blade physical partial sections T0+9months D5 Blade physical full sections Blade fragment specimens Blade specimens T0+24months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Blade design concept review Review T0+1month M2 Review T0+4months M3 FEM Impact simulation model partial sections delivery review FEM Impact simulation model full sections delivery review Review T0+9months M4 Blade physical partial sections delivery review Review T0+9months M5 Blade physical full sections delivery review Review T0+24months Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 208 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant Skills required for industrial codes development and complex systems simulations: Expert use and development of Impact simulations explicit solver (Abaqus, LS-dyna, Pam,…) Expertise in translation of different models from other software to Abaqus explicit. Expertise in blade composite materials impact and mechanical characterization. Expertise in correlation of Impact and mechanical characterization by test and simulation for blade impact problematic and other high energy similar problematic (Bird impact, crash impact, etc…) up to full scale. Skills required for aerospace applications: Intensive experience in blade structure developments, test and certification validation and demonstration up to full scale Expertise in manufacturing of engine blades for Turbo-prop and other related aircraft or blade industries. Aircraft gas turbines and propellers performance modelling and simulation Multidisciplinary and complex systems simulations Mechanical systems design Gas turbine and propellers dynamics and transient simulations Failure mechanisms & life estimation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 209 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VI. Design and demonstration of a laminar nacelle concept for business jet Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR WP A-2.1 – Advanced Laminarity / Laminar Nacelles 750 k€ 20 months Start 01/05/2015 25 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Design and demonstration of a laminar nacelle concept for business jet 01-06 Short description (3 lines) This topic is devoted to design and validate a structural concept of laminar nacelle. Target benefit is to increase the laminarity area up to 30%-40% of nacelle length by taking into account many constraints and functions and to achieve a gain of at least 1% drag at aircraft level compared to a classical design at same weight and effort in production and operation. 25 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 210 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The activity is a contribution to WP A-2.1 (Advanced Laminarity / Laminar Nacelles), part of the High Performance and Efficiency activity line and of the Advanced Laminarity Technology Stream. With more advanced, more fuel efficient next generation turbofan engines growing even bigger in diameter, weight and friction drag penalties are the key parameters to determine the equilibrium between net benefit or net penalty when integrated and operated at aircraft level. Improvements in the nacelle global aerodynamic qualities are then required, and laminarity is a technology stream with a good potential of achievement. With the significant progress made in laminar technology in Clean Sky SFWA and in on-going nationally funded R&T programs, the transfer and application to the nacelle design and structure concept is of high relevance to secure the fuel saving potential of the engine technology. Target benefit is to achieve a gain of ~1% drag at aircraft level compared to a nacelle of same size without laminar technology at same weight and effort in production and operation, and also to address this significant potential for even larger size engines expected for the next generation aircraft. The key technical objective is of fully multidisciplinary nature: combine a low weight structure that enables high surface quality and low tolerances in waviness, steps and gaps, while ensuring appropriate integration and access to all relevant aircraft and engine systems, and avoiding any engine performance degradation. R&T of the manufacturing and assembling strategy and methods is a key element of the work package. The innovation results in the challenge of designing a nacelle with laminarity up to 30%-40% by taking into account many constraints and functions and for smaller aircraft: - Accessibility to equipments for maintenance (rethink integration of the engine and related equipments), - Integrated noise protection, - Engine burst protection, - Operational potential surface degradation. The size of the nacelle to be studied in this topic is from 40 inches to 44 inches. It will be integrated on a rear fuselage in lateral position. It is a “long” nacelle with thrust reversers. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 211 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The following tasks are to be performed by the Partner: Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Study several new concepts (TRL2) T0+2 months T2 Analysis of two concepts and selection of the best (TRL3) T0+3 months T3 Full scale Demonstrator (TRL4) T0+15 months T4 Partial mechanical tests T0+18 months T5 Analysis of bird-strike effect T0+18 months T6 Synthesis Report (TRL5) T0+20 months Task T1 – Study of several new concepts (TRL2) The applicant will explore different concepts of nacelle to access the laminar quality and constraints and study these new concepts. The shape of the nacelle is an input from the Topic Manager (TM). The geometric criteria for the laminarity are also an input from the TM. A scoring table should be defined by the applicant taking into account a set of criteria including at least: Aerodynamic gain and related performances (which is an input from TM), Technical feasibility, Maintenance impact, Weight and cost impact, Robustness of laminarity performance along a flight and along the lifecycle. Other relevant parameters will be considered as well to support laminar / turbulent tradeoffs. The applicant will sort all the different concepts using the scoring table. The ranking will be discussed in detail with the TM. Task T2 – Analysis of two concepts and selection of the best (TRL3) The applicant will explore in more details the two concepts selected at end of task T1, in agreement and close cooperation with the TM. The objective of the task is to produce conceptual designs and reach a TRL3 level for both concepts. The comparison of both concepts will be conducted by considering the above criteria for a final selection of the concept to mature through further demonstration. This concept will be the baseline for the full scale demonstrator. The task will be concluded by a PDR of the selected concept. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 212 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Task T3 - Full scale Demonstrator (TRL4) A detailed design of the concept selected at end of task T2 will be carried out with a critical design review. A demonstration plan will be elaborated and optimized to cover all technological risks in order to mature the concept up to TRL 4. The demonstration plan will lead to the definition of one demonstrator of a complete nacelle or, maybe more efficiently, several demonstrators of critical parts. In both cases a complete digital demonstrator will deliver (CAD files) The applicant shall manufacture the demonstrator(s) defined before. Task T4 – Partial mechanical tests The applicant will perform some partial mechanical tests to demonstrate that all the constraints are satisfied and that the concept is robust. The demonstration will cover: Robustness of the technology and manufacturing process to reach shape requirements (surface smoothness, steps and gaps…), Acceptability of the maintenance and repair tasks with respect to impact on laminarity performance, This task will contribute to raise the TRL level to 5. Task T5 – Analysis of bird-strike effect Bird-strike effect shall be studied by dynamic simulation and/or tests on partial specimen. This task will contribute to raise the TRL level to 5. Task T6 – Synthesis Report (TRL5) The applicant shall write a synthesis report of this study. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 213 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Major deliverables and milestones are summarized on the following tables: Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Report to explain the choice of the chosen concept Document T0+4 months Full scale demonstrator(s) of the laminar nacelle + T0+15 months T0+20 months D3 Data of the mechanical tests and analysis CAD files Hardware Data D4 Synthesis report Document D2 T0+18 months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Design Review T0+4 months M2 Choice of the final concept - PDR T0+6 months M3 Full scale demonstrator(s) detailed design – CDR T0+15 months M4 Delivery of the full scale demonstrator(s) T0+15 months The overall proposed schedule is represented on the following figure: Tasks Title - Description T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Study several new concepts (TRL2) Analysis of two concepts and selection of the best (TRL3) Full scale Demonstrator (TRL4) Partial mechanical tests Analysis of bird-strike effect Synthesis Report (TRL5) M J J 2015 A S O N D J M1 M2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2016 F M A M J J A S O N D M3 M4 Page 214 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant shall have a large experience in designing nacelles, integrating and operating them at business jet aircraft level. This topic must be executed by or in close collaboration with a motorist. The applicant must indeed have access to entire characteristics of the engine and have the skills to rethink the localization of the engine equipments and instrumentations to improve the architecture of the Integrated Power Plant System. In particular the applicant shall have a large experience in: Ventilation systems design to define the better place for the inlet and outlet of all the ventilations. Engine synthesis to evaluate the penalties or benefits on the engine behavior Integration of the IPPS Accessibility to equipments for maintenance Integrated noise protection Engine burst protection Operational potential surface degradation Detailed weight break down Certification of engine / support to OEM in aircraft including IPPS certification Iterations with Topic Manager will take place in order to converge the external shape of the nacelle with respect to IPPS integration constraints. The applicant will sign a specific agreement or the grant agreement for the confidential aspects with all partners participating in the AIRFRAME platform. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 215 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VII. Eco-Design for Airframe – Re-use of Thermoplastic Composites Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA ITD Airframe A WP Level 1 – 3.4 350 k€ 24 months Start Date26 06-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Eco-Design for Airframe – Re-use of Thermoplastic Composites 01-07 Short description (3 lines) In the context of re-use of Thermoplastic Composites, the objective of the work package is to contribute to the development of technologies to enable the reuse of thermoplastic composite waste with the creation of concrete demonstrators. This project is limited to define typical material characterization needed and development one typical process. The recycled material (ready for reuse) should be compatible with press moulding and injection moulding processes. 26 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 216 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background TS A-3: High Speed Airframe WP A-3.1 Multidisciplinary wing for high & low speed DAv , SAAB, AIB WP A-3.2 Tailored front fuselage DAv WP A-3.3 Innovative shapes & structure SAAB, DAv, SAAB, AIB WP A-3.4 Eco-Design DAv, FhG, AIB WP A-3.4.1 Technology Development The general technical objective is to make available to the aerospace industry and its supply chain a set of new technologies reducing the environmental foot print of the aircraft production from the global life cycle view point by developing new processes, methods, manufacturing & recycling technologies that enable “Green” manufacturing, maintenance and disposal. Status Quo: Thermoplastic Composite (TPC) waste production is increasing every year within the aerospace industry and its reuse is a key point of the aerospace industry. The costs of thermoplastic composites are very high and therefore the reusing of recycled TPC could reduce the part price and open also the range of applications. Therefore the recycled TPC can be used for such applications where the virgin material price is too high. The buy to fly ratio of thermoplastic composite parts has to be improved considering TPC waist/cut-offs at the material manufacturer and the part manufacturing (including nonconformed parts) Innovation: Give the waste a second life. Participate in circular economy. Create new application and optimization of manufacturing process flow Objectives: Develop technologies to enable the reuse of composite waste with the creation of concrete demonstrators Potential benefit on recurring cost because new components will be made from scraped material; ; weight reduction; improvement of global environmental footprint Technology Target & Content of Work: - Re-Use -Concepts needs to be validated - Evaluation of the properties of recycled CFRP materials in order to assign potential towards interior and structure applications - Recycling process should lead to reproducible material quality/ properties - Quality control aspects need to be considered and addressed in order to define a quality strategy (manufacturing, material batch definition, etc.) - Availability of material needs to be evaluated, considering the ramp-up of A350, but also the cutting optimization Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 217 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 Definition of material waste / left over T0+6 Task 2 Definition of material characterization T0+12 Task 3 Process definition / development T0+18 Task 4 Manufacturing and delivery of test samples and demonstrators T0+24 Task 1 description: - Definition of material waste / left over (e.g. amount, type of material, geometry) coming from material and part suppliers Task 2 description: - Definition of relevant material characterization for the relevant manufacturing process: Flake size dependencies (“ball model” etc.) - Identification of granulate dependencies (sizes, process step for infusion etc.) - Determination of additional resin content for final product (e.g. for injection moulding) - Testing of several “recycling loop” in order to detect material degradation incl. necessary mechanical test program - Production and testing of test samples (e.g. based on injection moulding and press moulding processes) - Definition of the material test program to be defined with Topic Manager Task 3 description: Development of a cutting and manufacturing process for the recycling of a thermoplastic composite material leftover: - Definition and development of a cutting and splitting process (incl. flake size and geometry development/assessment) - Definition and development of a manufacturing process (thermoforming) for the recycled material (flakes) to produce a semi-finished product (e.g. plates) - Definition and development of a manufacturing process (injection moulding) for the recycled material (granulate) to produce a finished product (e.g. clips, brackets) - Definition of a quality concept (e.g. batch definition, quality tests, reproducibility) incl. of shipping strategy (e.g. collection of waste / leftover at material and part suppliers and bringing back recycled material for re-using in state of the art processes) Task 4 description: Production and delivery of test samples and demonstrators Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 218 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - Plates (500 x 300) with different thicknesses (1, 2, 4mm) Clip/brackets: 3 Prototypes with thermoforming and injection molding process (size and geometry approved by Airbus) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 1 Definition of material waste / left over (e.g. amount, type of material, geometry) coming from material and part suppliers Definition of material characteristics Model/Report T0+6 Model specification/Re port Test samples T0+12 Model T0+12 Model specification Specification T0+18 Component T0+20 Component T0+24 2 3 7 Production and testing of different test samples made from recycled thermoplastic composite (test program will be defined by the topic manager) Process definition / development (gradation and preparation process chain for waste / left over ) Definition of a quality concept for re-using thermoplastic composites (e.g. batch definition, quality control) Definition of process control parameters incl. Process Specification Production and delivery of prototype demonstrators 8 Production and delivery of final demonstrators 4 5 6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+12 T0+18 Page 219 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Skill1 : deep knowledge on thermoplastic composite materials Skill 2: chemical processes associated to thermoplastics Skill 3: knowledge in Health & Safety regulation and associated limitations Skill 4: design of composite component Skill 5: manufacturing of thermoplatic component Skill 6: process definition that must respect the aeronautical specifications - Capability 1: Design tool for new component development Capability 2: Laboratory for thermoplastic component protype manufacturing, for preliminary developments and component realization Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 220 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VIII. Flightworthy Flush & Lightweight doors for unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR B-0.3 Rotorcraft OAD & Configuration Management 1000 k€ 60 months Start 06-2015 27 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Flightworthy Flush & Lightweight doors for unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft 02-01 Short description (3 lines) Three different doors have to be developed and manufactured for the Fast Rotorcraft (FRC). It comprises of the Pilot-, Passenger- and Cargo Doors for e.g. rescue mission. The doors have to be developed, manufactured and acceptance tested according to the requirements for a Fast Rotorcraft (min. impact on drag & max. operational performance). 27 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 221 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The Fast Rotorcraft Project (FRC) aims at demonstrating that the compound rotorcraft configuration implementing and combining cutting-edge technologies, as from the current Clean Sky Programme, opens up to new mobility roles that neither conventional helicopters nor fixed wing aircraft can currently cover in a sustainable way, for both the operators and the industry. The project will ultimately substantiate the possibility to combine in an advanced rotorcraft the high cruise speed, low fuel consumption and gas emission, low community noise impact, and productivity for operators. A large scale flightworthy demonstrator embodying the new European compound rotorcraft architecture will be designed, integrated and flight tested. In addition to the complex vehicle configurations, Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITDs) will accommodate the main relevant technology streams for all air vehicle applications. They allow the maturing of verified and validated technologies from their basic levels to the integration of entire functional systems. They have the ability to cover quite a wide range of technology readiness levels. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 222 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The subject of this Call for Partner are all the activities needed for developing and manufacturing the Doors as part of the ITD Airframe for further application and use in the High Speed Rotorcraft LifeRCraft IADP. Therefore activities such as engineering activities, manufacturing and test are to be performed in this call. In addition to the technical activities the relevant management activities have to be performed also. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description T1 Development, layout, design and certification of the Pilot door for a High T+9 Speed H/C. Features to be included: Minimum impact on over-all drag (minimized gap btw. Frame and door, no protruding handles, flush window, etc.) Light weight design Locking and latching mechanism incl. emergency release capability (in/out) Arrest able in open position Easy window attachment (replicable) Transparencies (incl. Bad Weather window) Optimized for Pilot’s view capability Ergonomic design of handles and inner fairings/insulation The development has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. Development, layout, design and certification of a light weight Passenger T+9 door for a Fast Rotorcraft. Features to be included: Minimum impact on over-all drag (e.g. minimized gap btw. Frame and door, no protruding handles, flush window, etc.) Light weight design Locking mechanism incl. emergency release capability (in/out) Arrest able in open position Easy window attachment (replaceable) Ergonomic design of handles and inner fairings/insulation Integrated and foldable steps (tbd) The development has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. T2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 223 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description T3 T5 Development, layout, design and certification of a light weight Hoist door for a High Speed H/C T+9 Features to be included: Minimum impact on over-all drag (e.g. minimized gap btw. Frame and door, no protruding handles, flush window, etc.) Light weight design Locking and latching mechanism incl. emergency release capability (inside/outside) Opening/closing mechanism Arrest able and secure able in open position Flight with open Cargo door up to XXX kts Transparencies Easy window attachment (replaceable) Ergonomic design of handles and inner fairings/insulation Provisions for remote operation/weight balancing Guiding/sliding rails The development has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. Depending on the selected cargo door concept, the door may have to carry the loads caused by the rescue hoist system (to be determined). Development, layout, design and certification of a light weight Cargo door T+9 for a High Speed H/C Features to be included: Minimum impact on over-all drag (e.g. minimized gap btw. Frame and door, no protruding handles, flush window, etc.) Light weight design Locking and latching mechanism Opening/closing mechanism Arrest able and secure able in open position Ergonomic design of handles and inner fairings/insulation The development has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. Manufacturing of the Pilot door T+26 T6 Manufacturing of the Passenger door T+26 T7 Manufacturing of the Hoist door T+26 T8 Manufacturing of the Cargo door T+26 T9 Acceptance testing of the doors in order to demonstrate the required T+27 characteristics T4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Due Date Page 224 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T10 Support to installation T+28 T11 Contributing to obtain permit to flight documentation for the doors T+34 T12 Contributing to flight test campaign T+60 General remarks: The architecture of the doors will be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. Minimum impact on drag and minimum weight are the main conditions. All doors have to be equipped with a door locking/latching- and hinge mechanism. The systems of door and door-frame must be designed such to allow a fine-adjustment when installed in the fuselage. The development of the door (shape, dimensions, interface to fuselage, etc) has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager. Door must be air-, water- and sound tight by appropriate sealing(s). The doors must be designed in a way to prevent detrimental structural vibrations of the doors. Door locking/latching mechanism, door structure and windows must be designed, manufactured and tested such as to fulfil all qualification requirements according to CS29 and Special Conditions. The substantiation documentations have to be done according the requirements of the Topic Manager. A harmonization process of the terms of conditions will take place at start of the project (e.g. tools to be used). Sketches & Dimensions ca. ca. ca. Figure 10 Pilot Door Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 225 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Figure 11 Passenger Door ca. 600mm Figure 13 Cargo Door Figure 12 Hoist Door Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 226 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 T+9 D2 Concept for doors (material, structure, locking Doc mechanism, etc.) Detailed dwgs. Doc D3 Doors (hardware) for Mockup HW T+24 D4 Doors (hardware) for FRC HW T+28 D5 Test and Certification documentation Doc T+32 D6 Report about contribution to flight test Doc T+60 T+18 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 PDR MS T+9 M2 CDR MS T+21 M3 Flight test survey MS T+60 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 227 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The Topic Manager is the responsible in front of the airworthiness agency, and it is therefore mandatory that the Topic Manager will be supported by the Partner with respect to all certification related activities in relation with the doors. Therefore the Partner has to provide all documentation necessary to achieve “Permit to Fly”: Providing material data which are required to achieve a “Permit to Fly”. Using material, processes, tools, calculation tools etc. which are commonly accepted in the aeronautic industry and certification authorities. Harmonization (through Topic Manager) of calculation processes/tools. Acting interactive with the Topic Manager at any state of work. Access to the production and test sites. It is expected, that latest 2015 TRL level 4 is achieved for each system/technology proposed. If this is not achieved on time, Partner has to initiate a mitigation plan how to reach the target of TRL 6 at the end of demonstration. The Partner has to perform the updates of documentation in case of in-sufficient documentation for authorities. Special Skills - Experience in design and manufacturing of structures in non-conventional and conventional composite materials (thermoset and thermoplastic plus high temperature systems) and innovative metallic components. - Design, analysis and configuration management tools of the aeronautical industry (i.e. CATIA v5 release 21, NASTRAN, VPM) - Competence in management of complex projects of research and manufacturing technologies. - Experience with TRL Reviews or equivalent technology readiness assessment techniques in research and manufacturing projects for aeronautical industry - Proven experience in collaborating with reference aeronautical companies with industrial air vehicle developments with “in – flight” components experience. - Capacity to support documentation and means of compliance to achieve experimental prototype “Permit to Fly” with Airworthiness Authorities (i.e. EASA, FAA and any others which may apply). - Capacity to specify material and structural tests along the design and manufacturing phases of aeronautical components, including: material screening, panel type tests and instrumentation. - Capacity to perform structural and functional tests of aeronautical components: test preparation and analysis of results - Capacity to repair “in-shop” components due to manufacturing deviations. - Capacity of performing Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of materials and structures. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 228 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Capacity of evaluating design solutions and results along the project with respect to Ecodesign rules and requirements. - Design Organization Approval (DOA). - Product Organization Approvals (POA). - Quality System international standards (i.e. EN 9100:2009/ ISO 9001:2008/ ISO 14001:2004) - Qualification as Material and Ground Testing Laboratory of reference aeronautical companies (i.e. ISO 17025 and Nadcap). Technologies for composite manufacturing with OoA processes: e.g. RTM, Infusion, SQRTM Thermoforming, Roll-forming Mechanical processes, in both composite material and metallic. Hybrid joints (CFRP + Metal) Manual composite manufacturing: hand lay-up Tooling design and manufacturing for composite components. Advanced Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) and components inspection to support new processes in the frame of an experimental Permit to Fly objective: - - Material and Processes In order to reach the main goals of the project two major aspects have to be considered for materials and processes, namely: maturity and safety for the project. Because of the ambitious plan to develop a flying prototype in a short time frame, the manufacturing technology of the partner must be on a high maturity level (TRL4) in order to be able to safely reach the required technology readiness for the flying demonstrator. To secure this condition, the core partner will have to demonstrate the technology readiness for his proposed materials and process and manufacturing technology with a TRL review, to be held together with the Topic Manager. The TRL review must be held within one year after beginning of the project and must confirm a maturity of TRL5 or at least TRL4 if a solid action plan to reach TRL5 within the scope of one further year and finally meet the TRL target for the demonstrator is validated and accepted by the Topic Manager. Furthermore, since the schedule of the project and the budgetary framework don’t allow for larger unanticipated changes in the middle of the project, it is required that at the start of activities the partner demonstrates his capability to develop and manufacture the required items with a baseline technology (which can be e.g. Prepreg, RTM or equivalent) which will be a back-up solution if the new technology to be introduced, proves to be too challenging. This back-up plan, which shall secure the meeting of the project goals shall also be agreed between AH and the Partner within half a year after start of the activities and approved by the JU. Furthermore the M&P activities in the ITD shall support the safe inclusion of the partner technology into the complete H/C. Certification: Design Organization Approval (DOA). Product Organization Approvals (POA). Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 229 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Quality System international standards (i.e. EN 9100:2009/ ISO 9001:2008/ ISO 14001:2004) Qualification as Material and Ground Testing Laboratory of reference aeronautical companies (i.e. ISO 17025 and Nadcap). Qualification as strategic supplier of structural test on aeronautical elements. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 230 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IX. Bird strike - Erosion resistant and fast maintainable windshields Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR WP B-0.3 Rotorcraft OAD & Configuration Management 600 k€ 60 months Start 06-2015 28 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Bird strike - Erosion resistant and fast maintainable windshields 02-02 Short description (3 lines) A complete set of lightweight windshields for the Fast Rotorcraft has to be developed, manufactured and tested. This encompasses both sides of the front area as far as the upper pilot- and the lowerwindshields. The requirements for a High Speed Helicopter (min. impact on drag & max. operational performance) and the requirements for bird strike resistance according to EASA CS29 have to be fulfilled. 28 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 231 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background High Speed demonstrator, expanded flight envelope, low drag design, bird strike resistance, enhanced maintainability The Fast Rotorcraft Project (FRC) aims at demonstrating that the compound rotorcraft configuration implementing and combining cutting-edge technologies as from the current Clean Sky Programme opens up new mobility roles that neither conventional helicopters nor fixed wing aircraft can currently cover in a way sustainable for both the operators and the industry. The project will ultimately substantiate the possibility to combine in an advanced rotorcraft the high cruise speed, low fuel consumption and gas emission, low community noise impact, and productivity for operators. A large scale flightworthy demonstrator embodying the new European compound rotorcraft architecture will be designed, integrated and flight tested. In addition to the complex vehicle configurations, Integrated Technology Demonstrators (ITDs) will accommodate the main relevant technology streams for all air vehicle applications. They allow the maturing of verified and validated technologies from their basic levels to the integration of entire functional systems. They have the ability to cover quite a wide range of technology readiness levels. 2. Scope of work Innovation target is to achieve a weight reduction of 40% for double-curved bird-strike resistant windshields with included and improved de-fogging and de-icing capability, fast maintainability and long-term scratch resistance with optimal optical quality. Helicopter windshields have to ensure superior optical quality and bird strike resistance (only CS29 types) under all kinds of environmental conditions and operations. Today, these requirements cause tremendous extra cost and weight. For instance: Before take-off, De-Fogging and De-Icing of helicopters is realized by air conditioning that leads to long-time delay and (unnecessary) high fuel consumption. During operation, polymeric windshields suffer under insufficient scratch resistance that causes frequent demand for repair/exchange of windshields by/at the customers. These requirements induce additional weight to recent heavy double curved windshield design granting sufficient bird strike resistance. The subject of this Call for Partners are all the activities needed for developing and manufacturing the windshields of the LifeRCraft Demonstrator as part of the ITD Airframe for further application and use in the High speed Rotorcraft LifeRCraft IADP. Therefore activities such as engineering activities, manufacture and test are to be performed in this call. In addition to the technical activities the relevant management activities have to be performed also. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 232 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date 1 T0+21 2 Development, layout, design and certification of the windshields for a High Speed H/C. Features to be included: Bird strike resistance according to CS29 Optimized for Pilot’s view capability Superior optical quality Scratch/abrasion resistance (also gravel, wisher/wiper) Light weight design Easy and fast maintainability and assembly (bonding) De-fogging capability (coating) Repellent characteristics Compatible with electrical anti-icing Low recurring costs Media resistance Noise reduction HUD compatibility (only for the upper pilot windshields) Mitigation laser threats The development has to be done in close cooperation with the Topic Manager Manufacturing of left and right pilot windshields for test article 3 Manufacturing of left and right lower windshields for test article T0+25 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+25 Page 233 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date 4 T0+27 5 Testing of the windshields will comprise e.g. optical quality, scratch resistance, bird strike… Manufacturing of left and right pilot windshields for FRC 6 Manufacturing of left and right lower windshields for FRC T0+30 7 Support to installation T0+30 8 Contributing to obtain the permit to flight Contributing to obtain permit to flight documentation for the windows Contributing to flight test campaign T0+34 9 T0+30 T0+60 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date T0+09 D2 Concept for windshields (materials, coatings, Doc composite approach, de-fogging, de-icing, etc.) Concept for windshields assembly + maintainability Doc D3 Detailed drawings Doc T0+21 D4 Windshields (hardware) for Mock-up HW T0+25 D5 Windshields (hardware) for FRC HW T0+30 D6 Contributing to “Permit to Fly” Doc T0+34 D7 Report about contribution to flight test Doc T0+60 D1 T0+12 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 PDR MS T0+12 M2 CDR MS T0+24 M3 Flight test survey MS T0+60 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 234 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The Topic Manager is the responsible in front of the airworthiness agency, and it is therefore mandatory that the Topic Manager will be supported by the Partner with respect to all certification related activities in relation with the windshields. Therefore the Partner has to provide all documentation necessary to achieve “Permit to Fly”: Providing material data which is required to achieve a “Permit to Fly”. Using material, processes, tools, calculation tools, etc. which are commonly accepted in the aeronautic industry and certification authorities. Harmonization (through the Topic Manager) of calculation processes/tools. Acting interactive with Topic Manager at any state of work. Access to the production and test sites. It is expected, that latest 2015 TRL level 4 is achieved for each system/technology proposed. If this is not achieved on time, Partner has to initiate a mitigation plan how to reach the target of TRL 6 at the end of demonstration. The Partner has to perform the updates of documentation in case it appears to be insufficient in front of the authorities. Special Skills - - - Experience in design, manufacturing and testing of polymeric transparencies. Design, analysis and configuration management tools of the aeronautical industry (i.e. CATIA v5 release 21, NASTRAN, VPM). Competence in management of complex projects of research and manufacturing technologies. Experience with TRL Reviews or equivalent technology readiness assessment techniques in research and manufacturing projects for aeronautical industry. Proven experience in collaborating with reference aeronautical companies with industrial air vehicle developments with “in – flight” components experience. Capacity to support documentation and means of compliance to achieve experimental prototype “Permit to Fly” with Airworthiness Authorities (i.e. EASA, FAA and any others which may apply). Capacity to specify material and structural tests along the design and manufacturing phases of aeronautical components, including: material screening, panel type tests and instrumentation. Capacity to perform structural and functional tests of aeronautical components: test preparation and analysis of results. Capacity to repair/rework “in-shop” components due to manufacturing deviations. Capacity of performing Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of materials and structures. Capacity of evaluating design solutions and results along the project with respect to Ecodesign rules and requirements. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 235 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - - Design Organization Approval (DOA). - Product Organization Approvals (POA). - Quality System international standards (i.e. EN 9100:2009/ ISO 9001:2008/ ISO 14001:2004) Qualification as Material and Ground Testing Laboratory of reference aeronautical companies (i.e. ISO 17025 and Nadcap). Technologies for polymeric material manufacturing. Mechanical processes, regarding assembly of windshield to surrounding structure. Material and Processes In order to reach the main goals of the project two major aspects have to be considered for materials and processes, namely: maturity and safety for the project. Because of the ambitious plan to develop a flying prototype in a short time frame, the manufacturing technology of the partner must be on a high maturity level (TRL4) in order to be able to safely reach the required technology readiness for the flying demonstrator. To secure this condition, the partner will have to demonstrate the technology readiness for his proposed materials and process and manufacturing technology with a TRL review, to be held together with Topic Manager. The TRL review must be held within one year after the beginning of the project and must confirm a maturity of TRL5 or at least TRL4 if a solid action plan to reach TRL5 within the scope of one further year and finally meet the TRL target for the demonstrator is validated and accepted by AH. Furthermore, since the schedule of the project and the budgetary framework don’t allow for larger unanticipated changes in the middle of the project, it is required that at the start of activities the partner demonstrates his capability to develop and manufacture the required items with a baseline technology (which can be e.g. PMMA or PC windshields with established coatings and adhesives as well as screwed windshield frames) which will be a back-up solution if the new technology to be introduced, proves to be overly challenging. This back-up plan, which shall secure the meeting of the project goals, shall also be agreed between AH and the Partner within half a year after the start of the activities and approved by the JU. Furthermore the M&P activities in the ITP shall support the safe inclusion of the partner technology into the complete H/C. Certification: Design Organization Approval (DOA). Product Organization Approvals (POA). Quality System international standards (i.e. EN 9100:2009/ ISO 9001:2008/ ISO 14001:2004) Qualification as Material and Ground Testing Laboratory of reference aeronautical companies (i.e. ISO 17025 and Nadcap). Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 236 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) X. Curved stiffened panels in thermoplastics by pre-industrial ISC process Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA AIR WP B2.2 - High lift wing WP B3.3 - Advanced integrated cockpit WP B2.1 - High lift / large Tprop nacelle configuration 425 K€ 18 months Start 01-06-2015 29 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Curved stiffened panels in thermoplastics by pre-industrial ISC process 02-03 Short description (3 lines) The aim of this CfP is to manufacture a curved stiffened structure in thermoplastic representative of an aero-structure (i.e wing, fuselage panel or engine cowling) preferably with double curvature using thermoplastic high strength material (i.e PEEK) and an advanced pre-industrial “in situ consolidation” process through adaptation and enhancements of existing machine into a more advanced prototype 29 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 237 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background With reference to the Airframe structure ITD, the technologies in the High Lift Wing WP B2.2 are related to the objective of increase lift performance on larger wing aspect ratio by means of high lift systems, advanced structural architecture involving innovative materials and manufacturing processes and embedded system integration. WP B3.3 objectives are technological lines applied to aircraft integrated cockpit in order to reduce manufacturing costs, reduce weight due to multidisciplinary, introduce new multifunctional materials and improve manufacturing and assembly skill and capabilities. The activities in CS2 linked with the composite cockpit developed in CS1 will start after its end in CS1. The objective of WPB2.1 is devoted to architectural concepts for advanced structural design of Nacelles Airframe integration by means of multi-disciplinary approach: Engine Mounting, Cowling, Nacelle-Engine integration and Engine Air intake (low power ice protection). The topic Manager activities in 2014 and 2015 involved structural conceptual studies of high aspect ratio external wing box, involving Core Partners who will be involved in component detailed design, innovative OoA manufacturing processes and new material applied to components to be fully tested on-ground and in-flight in the FTB2 demonstrator 2. Scope of work This work being performed is allocated into AIRFRAME ITD applicable to research streams described within WP B2-2, B3-3 and B2.1 to complement other composite technologies being explored for wing or fuselage demonstrators manufacturing. The aim of this CfP is to manufacture a curved stiffened structure representative of an aero-structure (i.e wing or fuselage panel) preferably with double curvature using thermoplastic high strength material (i.e PEEK) and an advanced pre-industrial “in situ consolidation” process. The manufacturing concept prescribes usage of multi-tow head machine and industrial lamination speeds and Life Cycle Assessment to be compared with state of the art process agreed with ITD. The geometry is foreseen to be adapted to aero-structure panel concept prone of being fitted on double curvature external skin and fully stiffened longitudinally and/or transversally to meet stiffness requirements with pad-ups and reinforcements providing different thicknesses, integrating, as it became required, lightning protection. 2.1. Requirements - Conceptual design of stiffened panel will be proposed by the topic manager for detailed assessment - The basic manufacturing process must be ISC when it becomes suitable and practical according to the general project schedule and time constraints - Double supplier material will be assessed accounting variability into the head machine systems performance - Stiffeners might be manufactured under thermo conformal process or equivalent industrial Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 238 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) process (i.e roltrusion) tailored accordingly to fit demo internal geometry (i.e joggles) - Skin might be laid-up at the external surface with metallic mesh to improve electromagnetic or impact protection characteristics - Design allowable will be characterized in parallel to the manufacturing process of each structural element to be documented at the end of the project 2.2. Tasks Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Detail design of applicable demonstrator in agreement with the topic manager. Foreseen double curved stiffened structure representative of an aero-structure (i.e wing or fuselage panel) using thermoplastic high strength material (i.e PEEK). Geometry is foreseen to be adapted to aero-structure panel concept with pad-ups and reinforcements providing different thicknesses integrating as it became required lightning protection and fully stiffened longitudinally and/or transversally to meet stiffness requirements Manufacturing concept development through fibre placement multi-tow and industrial lamination speeds and correspondent machine heading systems enhancement. Head machine systems design & implementation Tooling design & manufacturing observing 1st layer holding and tolerances requirements together with disassembly issues covering skin local reinforcements (thickness for quotation 1:10 & 1:20), double curvature, longitudinal stiffeners, optimized for suitable geometry Demonstrator manufacturing according to acceptability indications and repair suitability evidence Evaluation of LCA to feed research carried on ecological aspects in comparison with equivalent manufacturing on thermoset material and correspondent process Design allowable substantiation from appropriate test results on coupons extracted from flat panels manufactured with pre-industrial heading machine and process used for curved demonstrator T0+04 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+8 T0+10 T0+18 T0+18 T0+18 Page 239 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Conceptual assessment for industrialization including head machine systems enhancements Article & head machine detail design Document T0+02 CATIA Mod. & Doc. Hardware & Doc. Hardware & Doc. Hardware & Doc. Document T0+04 Type Due Date D2 D3 D4 Description of head machine enhancements implementation Tooling design & manufacturing D5 Demo production D6 Design allowable characterization T0+08 T0+10 T0+18 T0+18 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description M1 Head machine readiness for manufacturing T0+10 M2 Demonstrator manufacturing T0+18 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Experience in ISC high strength thermoplastic industrial process & demonstrators Experience in head machine systems design and implementation Experience in tooling design for thermoplastic items integration Experience and capability of thermoplastic material characterization Experience on thermoplastic inspection and “in shop” or/and “in service” repair 5. Remarks The meetings for project monitoring will be held physically on a regular basis at Topic manager premises. It is foreseen a meeting every three months. Those meetings will be complemented by non-physical meetings if needed. For quotation proposal purpose, the overall dimensions of demonstrator to be considered should be 1600 mm x 1200 mm and average thickness 3.5 mm. Curvature radius will be decided in coordination with Topic manager once physical performances of enhanced head machine had been assessed, depending on the configuration of pre-industrial head machine configuration. For reference, a minimum value of 350 mm should be aimed, always subjected to other physical or functional constraints. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 240 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XI. New enhanced acoustic damping composite material Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-04 RIA ITD AIRFRAME part B WP 3.3 – Highly Integrated Cockpit 350 k€ 36 months Start Date30 09-2015 Title New enhanced acoustic damping composite material Short description (3 lines) The activities will be oriented on development of innovative composite materials, from different suppliers, to meet future aircraft program needs and requirements. Both structural and nonstructural materials will be considered 30 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 241 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Into the ITD Airframe part B, this call for proposal is linked to WP B-3.3 oriented to highly integrated cockpit and specifiquely to WP B-3.3.2 LPA Cockpit innovative structural components – New enhanced materials topic as represented by the workbreakdown structure hereunder. This task is devoted to the development of new composite materials, from different suppliers, to meet future aircraft program needs and requirements. Different types of materials will be considered: Structural composite materials: materials that need to perform a structural function in the aicraft and, then, to support structural loads. Whithin this type, specific materials that, apart from the structural function, include other type of functions, like acoustic attenuation or electrical conductivity, will also be developed. Non-structural composite materials: novel and advanced add-on material concepts (materials to be added to the structure), that do not need to meet a structural function but other different functionalities (electrical conductivity …) Ancillary materials: low cost, integrated, reusable and removable concepts of materials that are used to produce structural composite aircraft parts, but they do not remain in the flying part. Among the different types of materials to be developed in this task, this call for proposal is focused on the development of structural composite materials with an additional embedded and/or Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 242 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) integrated functionality: acoustic damping. 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date 01 Material development T0 + 12 Months 02 Material screening T0 + 24 Months 03 Material process ability T0 + 36 Months Task 01 – Material Development: In current Aircraft programs, the sound and vibration attenuation function is carried out by cabin materials, insulations (glass wool, silicone layers…) to ensure the passenger well-being (required noise level inside the cabin). However, for future programs, the aim is to integrate such function in fuselage structural composite materials, in order to reach a further integration between cabin and fuselage, and, then, an important associated weight saving. In the present call for proposals, the objective is to develop a structural composite material with fully integrated and /or embedded technology, component and/or material to fulfil the acoustic and vibration requirements of a future Single Aisle program pressurized fuselage area, being cost decrease and high production rate two of the main drivers of this research frame. The topic manager will supply the specific target requirements to be met by the composite material with integrated damping function, in terms of: Acoustic damping (frequency range to be covered, loss factor, acoustic pressure…) Structural / mechanical performance: first and key objective is to maintain the same level as current fuselage materials HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) requirements Resistance to environmental factors (temperature, moisture, chemical resistance to aeronautical fluids, …) FST (Fire, Smoke & Toxicity)resistance requirements, due to fuselage application Automatic manufacturing, process ability Cost The partner will develop a material concept to meet the provided specifications by integrating and/or embedding a damping element in the composite, based on thermoset resin and carbon fiber, being the prepreg format the preferred one for the final application. Within this development phase, different material options / solutions can be approached to meet the requirements, and the selection will be done in function of key criteria preliminary testing. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 243 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Task 02 – Material screening The selected material will be deeply characterized, as per a complete test matrix at coupon level defined by the topic manager, including the following properties, which will be tested in both the raw damping material and the complete CFRP with the embedded damping system: Damping behaviour (loss factor…) Physico-chemical properties (DSC, HPLC, IR, water absorption…), at least 3 specimens per test Mechanical properties, dry and after Hot/Wet aging (tensile, compression, ILSS, IPSS, G1c, G2c, CAI…): at least 6 specimens per test Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) Resistance to aggressive media (Skydrol, Skydrol + water, fuel, MEK) Fire, Smoke and Toxicity (FST) properties Electrical properties (electrical conductivity, lightning strike protection) Paint ability: paint adhesion Thus, the topic manager will supply a screening program containing all the tests to be performed at coupon level for the evaluation of the new proposed damping material concept, which will be prioritized as per Technology Readiness Levels, discused and agreed with the partner. As per this test matrix, the needed panels and coupons (damping material and/or CFRP + damping material) will be produced. Finally, these coupons will be tested as per the proposed screening program, the failure modes will be analysed, and the results will be reported in a technical report. Task 03 – Material processability The composite material with embedded damping function, proposed by the partner, shall be suitable for automatic fuselage production. That is why this material needs to be evaluated at the plant / shop floor, by using automatic production means (Automatic Fiber Placement - AFP…). For this, specific manufacturing trials will be done at demonstrator, stiffened curved panel level (dimensions of A320, Single Aisle Fuselage panel) in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the developed material for final part manufacturing. These panels will be analysed by NDI and additional testing can also be required (compression and/or shear...), which will be defined by the topic manager . As per the results of these trials, specific material adjustments could be needed to improve its process ability. Provided these changes can affect the final material performance, they need to be taken into account in previous task (material screening), which can involve the need to repeat specific coupon level testing. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 244 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables & Milestones Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Material development Proposed material solutions to meet the requirements and preliminary evaluation Material selection Deliverable Report T0 + 10 months Milestone T0 + 12 months Material screening coupons Panels and coupons produced for material screening Material screening results Coupon level test results Deliverable Report + Coupons Deliverable Report T0 + 16 months M2 Material screening assessment Milestone T0 + 24 months D4 Material process ability Demonstrator / stiffened fuselage panel produced T0 + 30 months D5 Demonstrator tests Results of tests performed for demonstrator evaluation Final review Deliverable Report +Demonstrator Deliverable Report Milestone T0 + 36 months M1 D2 D3 M3 T0 + 22 months T0 + 34 months Time Schedule Year2015 Activity Task 01 Task 02 Task 03 Year 2016 Year 2017 Year 2018 month Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 245 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Skills: - Airframe composite materials (carbon fiber, prepregs…) - Resin (thermoset, elastomers…) chemistry - Damping (sound and vibration) Capabilities: - Material (coupon level) testing equipments: Topic manager test methods Damping behaviour (loss factor…) Physico-chemical properties of the raw materials as well as of the cured laminate: HPLC, DSC, IR, rheology, gel time, volatile content… Mechanical properties (dry and after aging): tensile, compression, interlaminar shear strength, in plane shear strength, G1c, G2c, CAI… NDI: ultrasounds technique Resistance to aggressive media: Skydrol, Skydrol + water, fuel, MEK … Hot/wet chambers Fire, Smoke and Toxicity resistance Electrical properties: conductivity, lightning strike Paint ability Aeronautical qualified material test lab Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 246 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XII. Structural bonded repair of monolithic composite airframe Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA ITD AIRFRAME part B WP 3.3 – Highly Integrated Cockpit 500 k€ 48 months Start Date31 06 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Structural bonded repair of monolithic composite airframe 02-05 Short description (3 lines) The activities will focus on mid-term needs for innovative faster repair process of monolithic composite airframe (fuselage and box structures) and long-term repair processes for future epoxy and thermoplastic materials. 31 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 247 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Into the ITD Airframe part B, the call for proposal is linked to WP B-3.3 oriented to highly integrated cockpit subdivided in 08 sub workpackages, with specifiquely WP B-3.3.2 orientated on LPA Cockpit innovative structural componentsincluding Structural bonded repair innovative process development. This call for proposal will be focused mid-term needs for faster repair processes for monolithic composite airframe such as structural fuselage and box components, and, long-term needs on repair processes for future epoxy and thermoplastic materials. The objectives of these bonded repairs are two-fold. First to deliver benefits in terms of cost savings, such as avoid part scraping in composite plants, by another solution than bolted repair. Secondly to allow lead time saving with more rapid repair processes that will decrease the time to implement a repair, which is a key factor for Airlines operations. The topic manager will define: - typical damages to be repaired , such as lightning strike and accidental impact - state of the art on associated repair design principles, and processes ( damage removal, NDT, repair patch polymerization…) - three structure configurations, on fuselage and wing structure, with different layup design, accessibility conditions and concerned composite material requiring specific repair process The partner will develop innovative repair processes that will comply with the objectives identified here above, applicable in aircraft maintenance repair shops and in manufacturing lines environment. 2. Scope of work Developments will be driven by 3 tasks described hereunder. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 01 Process development for airlines operation context T0+24 02 Demonstration of performance T0+36 03 Validation of the selected solution aeronautical qualification process based on an T0+48 Task 01 – Process development for airlines operation context: On the selected repair design configurations, the partner will develop specific repair processes, identifying specific design of the repair lay-up adapted to the structure one. Define new material combination, ancillary tools, polymerisation cycling and associated tools, that could be applied in Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 248 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) airline repair shops or in manufacturing line configurations defined at the beginning of the project by the topic manager. Within the full repair process (from damage localisation to completion of the repair, the partner will choose one or several step for which they develop innovative process (es) to meet the provided specifications finalized T0+6. For example: Repair material system development (not only process development): o Repair material: 140ºC curing, high mechanical performance, low void content o Repair adhesive: 140°C curing, low sensitivity to pre-bond moisture (humidity inside the composite structure to repair, that migrates to the adhesive) Fast / efficient out-of-autoclave repair process development for in-service application, including surface preparation for bonding (able to eliminate source of contamination), curing, NDI / quality assurance process (e.g. propose alternative Process Control Specimen to G1c fracture toughness) Smarter heating blanket (e.g. with independently controlled zones onto the same heating blanket) and hot bonder technology Within this development phase, different material options / technological solutions can be approached to meet the requirements, and the selection will be done in function of key criteria given T0+6. Task 02 –Performance Demonstration The selected processes, maximum 3, will be characterized, as per a test matrix defined by the topic manager, including, the following properties: Time saving vs. state of the art repair process Mechanical properties of the repair patch NDI capability of the repair patch Resistance to aggressive media FST Properties Electrical properties All testing will be performed by the partner. Some will be performed out of classical clean or grey room, in order to be representative of the envirronmental conditions, dust, temperature variation, we may have on an airport or in maintenance hallrepresentative of airlines context. Innovative NDI will be proposed and realized by the partner, that will be applicable on site for in service maintenance checks. Partner will offer the best innovative solutions per design/operation context. Operation contexts will be related to structure accessibility and environmental such as technical and health & safety constraints defined by the project. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 249 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Task 03 – Validation of the selected solution based on an aeronautical qualification process Based on a defined qualification process applicable in aeronautical context given by the topic manager, the partner will complete the testing and deliver reports to finalize the validation process. It consists in implementation and realization of typical test that will demonstrate the different repair process compatibility with surface coatings generally used in aeronautics, typical ageing with temperature and humidity cycling corresponding to normal use of aircraft. The test conditions will be given by the topic manager. 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 01 02 Embodiment of repair in real conditions 03 Performance and selected process reporting Technical dossier Processes specifications 3 Physical Demonstrators Report T0+12 02 Definition of three typical repairs onto three locations of fuselage or wing structure. Repair process development 04 Test reporting on performance demonstration Report T0+36 05 Test reporting on validation expertise’s Report T0+48 T0+20 T0+22 T0+31 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 01 Validation of the typical repair process designs T0+19 02 Validation of the physical composite structures to repair 03 Critical review of the repair implementations Decision GoNogo Decision GoNogo TRL review 04 Interim maturity evaluation of the repair processes TRL review T0+36 05 Maturity evaluation of the repair processes TRL review T0+47 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+20 T0+27 Page 250 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Skill 1 – Knowledge in typical composite materials used in the airframe structure (carbon fiber, prepregs…) - Skill 2 – Knowledge in Resin (thermoset, elastomers…) chemistry - Skill 3 - Familiar with typical standards applied in the frame of repair processes in aerospace - Skill 4 - Design of heating blankets and hot bonder Capabilities: - Material (coupon level) testing equipments: Airbus test methods Physico-chemical properties of the raw materials as well as of the cured laminate: HPLC, DSC, IR, rheology, gel time, volatile content… Mechanical properties (dry and after aging): tensile, compression, interlaminar shear strength, in plane shear compression, G1c, G2c, bearing… NDI Resistance to aggressive media: fuel, Skydrol, MEK… Hot/wet portable tools Fire, Smoke and Toxicity resistance Electrical properties: conductivity, lightning strike - Design and manufacture of tools and means for repair o Heating blancket and hot bonder o Tools to machine the composite structure (stepping” / scarfing) o Etc Certifications - Qualified material test lab Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 251 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XIII. Simulation tool development for a composite manufacturing process default prediction integrated into a quality control system Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA ITD AIRFRAME part B WP 3.3 – Highly Integrated Cockpit 700 k€ 36 months Start Date32 06-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Simulation tool development for a composite manufacturing process 02-06 default prediction integrated into a quality control system Short description (3 lines) In the frame of non desctructive testing integration on the manufacturing line, the activities will be oriented on the development of an innovative simulation tool of a composite manufacturing process capable to predict typical default that will interact with non desctrutive inspection tools, it will be oriented on a specific process defined by aeronautical stakeholders. 32 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 252 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Into the ITD Airframe part B, the call for proposal is linked to WP B-3.3 oriented to highly integrated cockpit and specifiquely to WP B-3.3.2 LPA Cockpit innovative structural components that includes development to integrate non desctructive testing into the manufacturing line. The selected manufacturing process is Resin Transfer Molding, named RTM in this document., consisting in injection of resin into dry composite fiber maintained into a tool as shown in figure 1 hereunder. Figure 1 – Basics of RTM process The RTM Process main characteristics are: Low pressure resin injection (<7 bar) in a fibrous reinforcement in a mold Injected length limited (decrease when fibre rate increase) Applications to complex structures The aim of the simulation tool development is to contribute to perform classical inspection only where requested, therefore reducing NDT operations in production and saving cycle costs. High attention will be paid on the suspicious areas with high defect probability occurrence. Manufacturing process simulation tools will be used to support the identification of the potential areas with higher risk of non-quality. The simulation tool development will be done to facilitate implementation of “Online NDI/Process Monitoring” in composite manufacturing processes. The tool will be integrated into the manufacturing system and interact with specific software for two typical components such as one complex shape as visible in figure 2, and an integrated rib into a spare shown in figure 3. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 253 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Figure 2 – Small complex shape Figure 3 – Integrated rib into structure Typical defect to be detected are wrong lay up of composite tissues, part distortion and lack of resin, such as visible in figure 4 hereunder. Figure 4 – Typical lack of resin Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 254 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description 01 Predictive tool development of typical defaults T0+24 – Based on the manufacturing process selected (Resin transfer moulding RTM) by project contributors, a simulation tool will be developed that will permit to model injection process in order to optimise parameters, predict possible defects and distortions and definitely reduce manufacturing cost and time. The models will be validated by use of Online NDI concept and conventional NDI. It will be developed into selected parts and then step by step applicable to the 2 selected serial RTM production. Integration on a manufacturing line – the predictive tool will be T0+36 implemented on a RTM manufacturing line available at the topic manager facility, the demonstration will be done on each of the 2 selected component complexity 02 Due Date 3. Major Deliverables / Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables/Milestones Ref. No. Title - Description D1 Definition of the defect characterization related to the non-destructive detection capability and the Report manufacturing step related to T0+06 M1 Acceptance of the deliverable N°01 T0+07 D2 D3 Type Due Date Milestones Definition of interfaces within the manufacturing process Report system Definition of interfaces with the non-destructive testing Report system T0+12 T0+12 M2 Acceptance of the deliverables 02 and 03 Milestone T0+13 D4 Simulation tool codes prototype T0+24 D5 Integration and demonstration tests into manufacturing Proof lines of each of the 2 selected components Report M3 Demonstration tests completed Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Milestone & T0+36 T0+36 Page 255 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Skill 1 : Knowledge in RTM process in CFRP aeronautical parts Skill 2 : Experienced in design, modelling and in simulation tool development Skill 3 : Have a good background in defectology in composite parts Skill 4 : Have a good background in non destructive inspection techniques applied on composite materials Capability: - Computer system for modelling softwares Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 256 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) XIV. Design Against Distortion: Part distortion prediction, design for minimized distortion, metallic aerospace parts Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA ITD Airframe B WP Level 1 – 3.4 450 k€ 36 months Start Date33 09-2015 (based on call period) Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR- Design Against Distortion: Part distortion prediction, design for 02-07 minimized distortion, metallic aerospace parts Short description (3 lines) Develop rapid distortion prediction methods for machining and additive layer manufacturing (selective powder sintering of metals). Topology optimisation accounting for distortion. 33 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 257 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Into the ITD Airframe part B, the call for tender is linked to WP B-4.3 oriented to more affordable composite fuselage and specifically to WP B-4.3.4 on design against distortion topic as represented by the workbreakdown structure hereunder. Distortion of aerospace parts is a significant burden on the European aerospace industry, in terms of recurring cost, and in terms of waste production / avoidable impact on the environment. Numerical modelling allows to foresee distortion issues and take corrective measures. These corrective measures are often not taken until a design is already in production. The number of “adjustable variables” is reduced at that stage. The Design Against Distortion Work-Package (WP) aims at developing a means to take corrective action already during part design. In its most innovative form, this means having topology-, shape- and lay-up optimisation tools that account for the risk of part distortion, and provide the basis for part designs that are more robust against distortion. “Robustness” in this context can mean two things: 1. Distorting very little; 2. Distorting always in the same, predictable way – irrespective of possible variations in material and processing. The Work Breakdown Structure for this WP is given in Figure 14: The topic manager will contribute relevant uses cases, in collaboration with the CleanSkyII Demonstration Platform; Within the scope of this Call, partners will make distortion predictions and devise ways to exploit these in design; Towards the end of the work, the topic manager will demonstrate the new technology on the Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 258 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) use cases – with support from the partners. Scope of CfP Use cases (from Demonstration Platform) Manufacturing of validation coupons; Distortion measurement Prediction of distortion Exploit distortion prediction in design: first time right Improvement of SoA on distortion prediction Develop topology- & shape optimisation methods that exploit distortion predictions Validation of improved models Investigate best ways of using distortion prediction in design Demonstration on use cases Figure 14 To perform these tasks, it will be necessary to develop sufficiently capable distortion prediction methods, for the processes of machining and Selective Melting (SM) (Selective Laser Sintering, Selective E-beam Melting). These must be validated against experiments on coupons. The coupons must be manufactured. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 259 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Develop rapid distortion prediction methods for machining and additive layer manufacturing (selective powder sintering of metals, laser or ebeam) Topology optimisation accounting for distortion t0+24 T2 t0+36 T1 The manufacturing process of metal machining is widely used in the aerospace industry and will remain so for many years to come. Distortion during and after machining is mainly due to residual stresses present in the material prior to machining. The source of these residual stresses is usually heat treatment, required for obtaining the desired microstructure and material properties, and cannot be avoided. It is, however, possible to predict these residual stresses. In many cases, it is also possible to simulate the process of machining in a simplified and rapid way, by mapping the residual stress of the material or forged part onto the finite element mesh of the machined part and solving for static equilibrium with appropriate boundary conditions (e.g. isostatic). Given the above, the following is called for here: Combine existing models for the prediction of residual stress with a rapid machining simulation such as the one described above, in order to obtain a versatile and rapid machining distortion prediction tool; Cover rolled aerospace plate as well as aerospace forgings, both in the most used aluminiumand titanium alloys (AA7050 T7451; Ti-6Al-4V); Implement the combination, either in a widely used commercial software (e.g. CATIAv5; Abaqus) or an open source alternative (e.g. FreeCAD; CalculiX); Demonstrate predictive capability of the developed tool by applying it to at least one usecase, in collaboration with the topic manager, then manufacturing that use-case, measuring the distortion and comparing prediction with measurement; Express predicted risk of distortion in such a way that it can be used in topology optimisation (link with T2); Not called for: local simulation of chip forming, prediction of machining-induced stress. The Additive Manufacturing (AM) process of building metal aerospace parts from on bed of powder using selective melting is gradually finding wide use in aerospace. Distortion during and after this process is mainly due to thermal gradients and local strains caused by with phase changes. It cannot be avoided, but the support structure can be designed in such a way that distortion is minimised. Within this workpackage, it can even be investigated whether changes in the part design itself can reduce distortion, or make the process more robust. Many researchers are already working on the simulation of relevant AM-processes, but most simulation approaches are still very time-consuming (both human time and processor time). Given the above, the following is called for here: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 260 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Develop a method for rapid prediction of part distortion during- and after the AM-process of laser sintering or e-beam melting; Cover Ti-6Al-4V powder; Implement the method in a widely used commercial software (e.g. CATIAv5; Abaqus) or an open source alternative (e.g. FreeCAD; CalculiX); If coupons are required for calibration of the simulation (e.g. eigenstrain approach), manufacture the required coupons and accurately measure distortion (or other quantity of interest); Demonstrate predictive capability of the developed toolset by applying it to at least one usecase, in collaboration with the topic manager, then manufacturing that use-case, measuring the distortion and comparing prediction with measurement; Express predicted risk of distortion in such a way that it can be used in topology optimisation (link with T2). The effort invested in machining distortion prediction should be kept to a minimum in order to dedicate sufficient resources to the work on AM. T2 Both of the above processes, machining and AM, allow extensive design freedom. This is more and more exploited designers by inspiring their part topologies on the results of topology optimisations. However, the risk of part distortion is never taken into account in this design process. Also, for AM, the support structure is never part of the topology optimisation. However, to account for distortion within the topology optimisation loops, it will probably be necessary to account for support structure in some (simplified) way. The following is therefore called for here: Develop one or more methods to account for the risk / magnitude of part distortion during the topology optimisation, using the rapid methods developed in T1; Develop (a) prototype implementation(s) of these methods, preferably in an open source code (e.g. Python; FreeCAD; CalculiX; …); Together with the topic manager, apply this (these) to at least one aerospace use-case, such as a wing rib or corner fitting. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 261 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Numerical model(s) for machining distortion prediction Model T0+12 D2 Model T0+24 Report T0+18 D4 Numerical model(s) for prediction of distortion during and after Selective Melting (SM) (Selective Laser Sintering, Selective E-beam Melting). Machining distortion prediction implementation on selected use case SM distortion prediction application on selected use case Report T0+30 D5 Machining of distortion coupons or validation part Coupons T0+15 D6 SM of distortion coupons and/or validation part Coupons T0+27 D7 Distortion measurements machined coupons/part Report T0+18 D8 Distortion measurements SM coupons/part Report T0+30 D9 Experimental validation of machining model by comparison to measurements Experimental validation of SM model by comparison to measurements Prototype topology optimisation code capable of accounting for risk of part distortion, as predicted by above models. Report T0+21 Report T0+33 Code (e.g. C, Python, …) T0+36 D3 D10 D11 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Machining distortion prediction T0+12 M2 SM distortion prediction Technology review M3 Machining distortion prediction T0+21 M4 SM distortion prediction Validation review M5 Topology optimisation code capable of accounting for risk of part distortion, as predicted by above models Technology review T0+36 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0+24 TO+33 Page 262 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) T1 Experience with non-linear simulation of metal transformation processes, such as welding, forging, machining and selective sintering: coupled metallurgical-thermal-mechanical analysis. Experience with prediction of distortion of aerospace components made by machining (out of forging, out of additive layer manufactured net-shape). Additive Manufacturing machine, powder-bed selective melting type, capable of building Titanium and Aluminium test articles. Laboratory-type environment: experiment with build strategies, measure shape distortions accurately. T2 Experience with topology optimisation, prior work on topology optimisation algorithms. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 263 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.5. Clean Sky 2 – Engines ITD I. Engine Mounting System (EMS) for Ground Test Demo Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area ENG Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP 2 – Ultra High Propulsive Efficiency (UHPE) Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 1500 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 72 months Start 09-2015 ††††††††† Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG01-01 Engine Mounting System (EMS) for Ground Test Demo Short description Design, manufacture, assembly and instrumentation of an Engine Mounting System for UHPE Ground Test Demo ; EMS Set for characterization and validation through Partials tests : manufacture, assembly and instrumentation, mechanical tests. ††††††††† The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 264 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The UHPE Demonstration Project aims at designing, manufacturing & testing a Ultra High Propulsion Efficiency Engine Demonstrator. It involves most of the best European Engine & Engine Modules & Sub-systems Manufacturers. The UHPE demonstrator will be installed on a pylon located on a test bench (ground tests). An Engine Mount System (EMS)must be designed and manufactured so as to connect the engine and its pylon. Front Mounts Aft Mounts Figure 15 : Example of Mount system - Engine side This Engine Mount System will be isostatic. In particular, The front mount will comprise a yoke, rods, ball joints that will be consistent with the engine interfaces. The aft mount will comprise a yoke, rods, and ball joints and a beam that will be consistent with the exhaust frame interfaces (to be designed by the topic manager) The dynamic behaviour of the test mount system will be representative of the aircraft / engine interface behaviour. Concept studies are performed in WP2.1.2. EMS specifications are provided in WP2.1.1. Engine mount parts are matured (if needed), designed and manufactured in WP2.5.6. The breakdown in this WP2 is the following : Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 265 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP2.0 : Project Management WP2 UHPE demonstrator for SMR aircraft WP2.1 : Demo Architecture and Integration WP2.2 : Propulsive System WP2.3 : Transmission system WP2.4 : Low Pressure Turbine (LPT) WP2.5 : Control & Other systems WP2.6 : Demo built up and ground Tests WP2.1.1 : Whole demonstrator design WP2.2.1 : Fan Module WP2.3.1 : Fan shaft WP2.4.1 : Turbine center Frame WP2.5.1 : Control system WP2.6.1 : HP core WP2.1.2 : Aircraft engine integration WP2.2.2 : Intermediate frame WP2.3.2 : Power Gear Box WP2.4.2 : Low Turbine Pressure WP2.5.2 : Oil system WP2.6.2 : Engine Assembly WP2.2.3 : Fan Nacelle and variable Fan Nozzle WP2.3.3 : Low Pressure shaft WP2.4.3 : Turbine rear Frame WP2.5.3 : Auxiliary Gearbox & Equipment WP2.6.3 : Test bench adaptation WP2.2.4 : Core Cowls WP2.3.4 : Alternate Gearbox WP2.4.4 : Primary nozzle and plug WP2.5.4 : Heat exchangers WP2.6.4 : Engine ground test WP2.2.5 : Booster WP2.3.5 : Bearings WP2.5.5 : Engine Dressing and Equipment WP2.2.6 : Intermediate compressor frame WP2.3.6 : Transmission System Integration WP2.5.6 : Mounts Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 266 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The scope of work of this CfP is covering the perimeter of the Engine Mounts System. The applicant is required for participating in up-stream tasks as concept selection and EMS specifications ; in this phase, the interfaces between Aircraft and Engine will be defined, using the previous experience of the Airframer, the Engine Manufacturer and the Mount System Manufacturer and the level of activity of the applicant will be moderate. In the second phase which is the core of this CfP, after issuance of EMS Specifications of UHPE Demonstrator, the applicant will perform preliminary design, detailed design, manufacture of both UHPE demonstrator EMS and Component Test EMS, instrumentation and partial tests of Component Test EMS, instrumentation and support for ground test of UHPE demonstrator EMS. DIAGRAMME GANT - UHPE - cfp MOUNTS 2015 REF 1 3 T0 M1 T1 T2 M2 T3 M3 T4 M4 T5 T6 M5 Label CFP MOUNTS Engine Mount System – Management and reporting Mount systems development plan review Engine Mount System – Concept studies Demonstrator EMS – Contribution to specifications Contribution to the Demo : Mounts System Specifications Demonstrator EMS – Preliminary design of mounts Demo Mounts System : Preliminary Design Review Demonstrator EMS – Detailed design of mounts Demo Mounts System :Critical Design Review Demonstrator EMS – Parts delivery of mounts Demonstrator EMS – test report of mounts behavior Demo Mounts System : engine readiness review 2016 4 1 2 2017 3 4 1 2 2018 3 4 1 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2 2019 3 4 1 2020 2 3 4 1 2 Page 267 of 375 2021 3 4 1 2 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 0 Engine Mount System – Management and reporting T0 + 72 months Progress Reporting & Reviews: Quarterly progress reports in writing shall be provided by the partner, referring to all agreed workpackages, technical achievement, time schedule, potential risks and proposal for risk mitigation. Monthly coordination meetings shall be conducted via telecom. The partner shall support reporting and agreed review meetings with reasonable visibility on its activities and an adequate level of information. The review meetings shall be held at the topic manager’s facility. Task 1 General Requirements: The partner shall work to a certified standard process. Engine Mount System – Concept studies T0 + 7 months Task 2 EMS Concept studies with Topic Manager to support a score card with Airframer. Evaluation of 3 different pylons and engine mount support concepts for a UHBR engine for SMR. Demonstrator EMS – Contribution to specifications T0 + 10 months Task 3 To contribute to the UHPE demonstrator EMS specifications written under Topic Manager leadership Demonstrator EMS – Preliminary design of mounts T0 + 25 months Task 4 To perform preliminary design of UHPE demonstrator EMS complying with the specifications provided by WP2.1.1 Demonstrator EMS – Detailed design of mounts T0 + 37 months Task 5 To perform detailed design of UHPE demonstrator EMS complying with the specifications provided by WP2.1.1 Demonstrator EMS – Parts delivery of mounts T0 + 46 months To manufacture and deliver both UHPE demonstrator EMS and Component Test EMS complying with the specifications provided by WP2.1.1 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 268 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 6 Demonstrator EMS – test report of mounts behavior T0 + 70 months To perform partial Test of Component Test EMS and to support for ground test of UHPE demonstrator EMS complying with the specifications provided by WP2.1.1 . To issue reports of these tests for EMS. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 269 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type (*) Due Date D1 Mount systems development plan R T0 + 4 months Including detailed risk analysis and mitigation proposal and a preliminary test pyramid Mount system preliminary design substantiation document for Preliminary design review R and RM T0 + 25 months R and RM T0 + 31 months R and RM T0 + 37 months R and RM T0 + 43 months D2 D3 D4 To check the feasibility and to freeze the architecture and interfaces, to identify the validation plan Design progress reports for mount systems Design activities status Mount system detailed design substantiation document for the critical design review D5 To approve design before hardware manufacturing engagement. Including Test pyramid, structural FEM model adapted for integration to test bench Mount systems Components Tests benches readiness review D6 To verify test benches capability to meet validation plan requirements Mount system hardware delivery for component test D T0 + 46 months D7 Hardware for component test Mount system hardware delivery for demo engine D T0 + 46 months Hardware for Engine Assembly Mount systems Components Tests completed – hardware inspection review R and RM T0 + 49 months D8 To substantiate mount systems design & permit to test Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 270 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type (*) Due Date D9 Engine readiness review documentation: Delivered Hardware status compared Instrumentation Test plan requirements R and RM T0 + 58 months R T0 + 70 months D10 To contribute to engine test readiness review Engine Ground test report for mount systems To contribute to engine after-test review *Type: R: Report RM: Review Meeting D: Delivery of hardware/software Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date MS 1 Mount systems development plan review RM T0 + 4 months MS 2 RM T0 + 10 months MS 3 Contribution to the Demo : Mounts System Specifications Demo Mounts System : Preliminary Design Review RM T0 + 25 months MS 4 Demo Mounts System :Critical Design Review RM T0 + 37 months MS 5 Demo Mounts System : engine readiness review RM T0 + 61 months Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 271 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) • Experience in design, manufacturing, testing and certification of aircraft engine mounts is mandatory • Experience in elastomeric dampers is mandatory • Experience in dynamic and vibration engine complex environment analysis is mandatory • Experience in test bench design and modification is mandatory • Experience in endurance tests or other relevant tests contributing to risks abatement is mandatory • Availability of test benches to support test campaign is mandatory • English language is mandatory Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 272 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) II. Development of an all-oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Engine Part Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA ENG WP4 Geared Engine Configuration 3000 k€ 48 months Start 07-2015 Date‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- Development of an all-oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Engine 02-01 Part Short description (3 lines) Based on functional requirement of an Inter Turbine Duct component, the partner is expected to provide codes , optimisation strategies and mechanical simulation tools for the design of such a component as well as to characterize the chosen material and to provide qualified parts for engine demonstrator testing. ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 273 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background A first generation of geared turbofan engine (GTF) technology has found its way into the regional and narrow body market due to significant reductions in fuel consumption and noise. The purpose of the advanced geared turbofan demonstrator as part of the Engine ITD WP4 platform is to further advance these technologies and to achieve a next step change in fuel burn reduction combined with an additional decrease in noise emission. Components and modules with new technologies are to be developed, implemented and validated through suitable testing as required before integration into the engine demonstrator for full engine demonstration. The successful demonstration in real engine environment is substantial part of the overall validation strategy with the clear intention to achieve TRL6. The present Call for Proposal supports the further development of ceramic materials with a high optimization potential to allow alternate designs of environment-friendly aero-engine components. Advanced Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC) applied in the hot section part of an engine offer two main advantages. provide a 3 times lower specific weight than metallic alloys and can significantly contribute to the weight reduction of aero engines. provide a higher temperature resistance than the existing metallic alloys. This allows to reduce parasitic cooling air for the affected hot section parts at specified life requirements. This is a major contribution to further reduce the specific fuel consumption and gaseous emissions. Objective of the Task The objective is the development and manufacturing of a segment/s for the turbine intermediate duct. The part has to provide the inner and/or outer diameter flow path leading the main hot gas flow between the High Pressure Turbine (HPT) exit and the inlet of the Low Pressure Turbine (LPT). The Topic Manager will provide the design of the part, the partner will provide the necessary information regarding manufacturing methods and constraints and perform the mechanical simulation according manufacturing constraints. This will result in a final component design provided by the Topic Manager. The part has to be designed and optimized for minimum weight and cooling air requirement meeting a specified life requirement. The necessary material data for a proper design are either available or will be provided as part of the task by the partner. The part will be manufactured according a defined manufacturing process which shall include all aspects of industrialization and quality control. All necessary qualification tests on parts level will ensure compliance for the use in the demonstrator engine. The partner will support the review process of the Topic Manager with the necessary information. This will be defined at the beginning of the task. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 274 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 1. Management During the Organisation: whole Project The partner shall nominate a team dedicated to the project and should inform the Topic Manager about the name/names of this key staff. At least the responsibility of the following functions shall be clearly addressed: Program (single point contact with Topic Manager), Techniques & Quality. Time Schedule & Work package Description: • The partner is working to the agreed time-schedule & work package description. • Both, the time-schedule and the work package description laid out in this call shall be further detailed as required and agreed at the beginning of the project. Progress Reporting & Reviews: • Quarterly progress reports in writing shall be provided by the partner, referring to all agreed work packages, technical achievement, time schedule, potential risks and proposal for risk mitigation. • Regular coordination meetings shall be installed (preferred as telecon). • The partner shall support reporting and agreed review meetings with reasonable visibility on its activities and an adequate level of information. • The review meetings shall be held at Topic Manager premises. General Requirements: • The partner shall work to an established standard process. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 275 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 2. Mechanical Simulation of Part for inter Turbine Duct: According to a functional requirement the part shall be designed for specified life requirement. The Topic Manager will provide the design of the part, the partner will provide the necessary information regarding manufacturing methods and constraints and perform the mechanical simulation. For the mechanical simulation the codes and optimisation strategies from the partner shall be used. The results of the mechanical simulation task have to be provided to the Topic Manager for discussion and review. Material Characterisation (qualified material properties) The development process for a high temperature Ox-Ox material including environmental barrier coating (EBC) starts with the composition of a fiber/matrix system with high strength and low inner strains. Specific design rules for laminate thickness and fiber orientation shall be developed. In the following step the acceptable limits in terms of stress and environmental resistance must be tested by certifiable test methods. The acceptable stress limits and thermo-physical properties shall be evaluated at different test temperatures up to 1100°C. Material testing must be conducted in aged and un-aged condition, testing details and conditions (e.g. aging, strength, fatigue, creep,…) are to be agreed on at the start of the program by the leader. The material data can be derived off former activities; a sufficient documentation of the tests is available. The material characterisation and the design process have to be consistent to the selected and specified manufacturing process, based on a qualified material data base. The results of the material’s characterisation have to be provided to the Topic Manager. during design and review process of Topic Manager T0+48M 3. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Preliminary T0+24M Final T0+36M Page 276 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 4. Manufacturing of Hardware for tests on specimen, parts and engine demonstrator level The quality management of the part and specimens manufacturing must be defined by specifications. This includes destructive and nondestructive test methods to control the quality of the part (tolerances , properties, manufacturing defects). The acceptance limits are jointly defined at the beginning of the program. The manufacturing of the part has to be performed according to a specified manufacturing process (process specification). The validation strategy has to be passed to provide sufficient evidence to exclude a basic failure of the part during demo engine testing. This strategy has to be reviewed by the Topic Manager close to the program start. Interim and final reports to document the tests will be provided by the partner for review by the Topic Manager. Delivery of parts The part will be delivered according jointly defined quality documents and acceptance standards. The necessary documentation will be specified explicitly at the beginning of the program. The following hardware has to be delivered: - 20 parts for destructive and non-destructive tests - 15 engine parts. T0+36M 5. T0+36M T0+40M 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date 1 Progress Reporting & Reviews: • Project Plan • Risk management plan. D, R T0+1M D, R T0+3M 2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 277 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description 3 • Quarterly progress reports in writing shall be provided by the partner, referring to all agreed work packages, technical achievements, time schedule, • Regular coordination meetings shall be installed (preferred as telecon). • The partner shall support reporting and agreed review meetings with reasonable visibility on its activities and an adequate level of information. The review meetings shall be held at Topic Manager premises. Interim and final Report for part design including manufacturing constraints to support the review process of the leader Material data (static, dynamic, thermo-mechanical,…) in statistically sufficient number of each test, with respect to the anisotropy of the material. (Details to be defined at the start of the program). Specified Manufacturing process; Certificate of conformity for all tested materials 4 5 6 7 Delivered parts (Engine Hardware) must meet acceptance limits. 20 parts for destructive and non-destructive tests 15 engine parts. R=Report, D-Data, HW=Hardware Type Due Date During the whole project D, R T0+24 D, R Preliminary data T0+12 R T0+36 HW, R T0+36M T0+40M Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description 1 Preliminary Material Specification T0+12 2 Manufacturing and coating process frozen and demonstrated T0+24 3 Final Material Spec and manufacturing specification T0+36 4 Delivery of HW for component tests T0+40 5 Delivery of HW for engine demo T0+45 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date Page 278 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) In order to safeguard the completion, technology insertion and successful demonstration in the engine demonstrator the selected partner have to provide substantial and essential contribution. Therefore, the partner needs to have the expertise and the technical means to fulfill the tasks outlined in chap. 2. The selected partner needs to feature the following competences and skills: 1. Proven knowledge in structural simulation of hot section engine parts in CMC material. This comprises of the availability of a validated simulation tools to describe the morphology of composite based material (CMC) including all specific characteristics in material properties. It is also essential that the partner has the capability to use optimization tools to optimize the structure of the CMC- part according the loads applied on the part. 2. Proven knowledge in material characterization of the CMC parts. This means that either the partner has available the necessary properties, or is capable to specify the process and requirements for material tests as well as to derive the material properties in an auditable manner. The material properties have to be representative to the selected manufacturing process for the engine part. 3. Proven knowledge and capability in manufacturing the part for the engine demonstrator. The partner has to have the capability to control the manufacturing process as part of a controlled quality process. This includes the knowledge to create the necessary documentation. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 279 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) III. Characterisation of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behaviour Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA Engines - ITD WP 5 – VHBR – Middle of Market Technology 560 k€ 60 months Start 09-2015 §§§§§§§§§ Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- Characterisation of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behaviour 03-01 Short description (3 lines) The proposed project is focused on the development of predictive tools and experimental techniques to characterise thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) crack initiation (CI) and crack propagation (CP). Experimental data will support the calibration and validation of the predictive tools, where characterisation of the metallurgical damage mechanisms is required to support this. §§§§§§§§§ The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 280 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Gas turbine components are subjected to ever more demanding mechanical and thermally loaded environments to improve efficiency and to reduce fuel consumption and environmental impact. Significant thermal transients during take-off and descent occur, and local stresses can peak at temperatures far below the flight cycle maximum. The phenomenon of thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF) is characterised by the cyclical variation of temperature and load. This TMF behaviour is common in disc rims, aerofoils and rear structures and may cause cracks to form. Compared to isothermal fatigue and crack growth data there is little mechanical test data available for these complex loading conditions. As a result, conservatism is applied in lifing calculations to account for uncertainty in the application of isothermal fatigue or crack growth data and assumptions made to address the effects of TMF. A deeper understanding of the metallurgical phenomena and development (and validation) of improved lifing methods will allow more accurate prediction of design lives. This will support future engine designs and products, such as Ultrafan. 2. Scope of work The proposed scope of work is centred on the development of both experimental techniques and constitutive material models to enable the characterisation of TMF behaviour and the corresponding damage mechanisms affecting this in relation to gas turbine applications. To achieve this, the following investigations have been identified, separated into themes of crack initiation and crack propagation: Crack Initiation (CI) The characterisation of the idealised cycle TMF CI behaviour of a disc alloy(s) of interest The characterisation of the damage mechanisms driving the variation in TMF lives across different idealised cycles and the direction of loading relative to these The development of a robust, user friendly UMAT based on a constitutive (Chaboche-type) model to predict the cyclic stress-strain evolution of the material Crack Propagation (CP) The comparison of conventional furnace and induction coil isothermal fatigue crack growth tests The characterisation of the dynamic response of the heat transfer across the crack tip from an induction coil The characterisation of the idealised cycle TMF CG behaviour of a disc alloy(s) of interest The comparison of different CG models to predict the observed behaviour seen in experimental tests The development of a crack growth model to characterise crack shape evolutions (such as crack tunnelling) due to TMF loading Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 281 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The initial phase of the activity will define the experimental test requirements and then complete these as required. The second phase will then utilise these results to provide validated modelling capability of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the identified alloys. The final phase will ensure write-up of the results from this research and technology action. Tasks Ref. No. T.1 Title - Description Due Date Management of all activities T0 + 60 months T2 Experimental related Tasks T.2.1 Acquisition of relevant disc material(s) for testing and manufacture of test coupons T.2.2 Characterisation of static and dynamic thermal gradient across test coupons to be used for fatigue and crack propagation tests T.2.3 Complete like-for-like conventional furnace and induction coil heated isothermal fatigue crack growth tests T.2.4 Define and complete set of experiments to assess presence of crack tip heating in induction field T.2.5 Define and complete a set of experiments to characterise the straincontrolled isothermal and thermo-mechanical fatigue response of the alloy(s) T.2.6 Define and complete a set of experiments to characterise the isothermal and thermo-mechanical crack propagation response of the alloy(s) T.2.7 Define and complete a series of experiments to characterise the thermo-mechanical loading at a component representative feature(s) of interest T3 Modelling related Tasks T0 + 12 months T.3.1 Completion of literature review of state of the art in the testing and life prediction of thermo-mechanical fatigue Define fundamental material model requirements to inform isothermal fatigue experiments Develop UMAT model to characterise cyclic stress-strain evolution of the material(s) Develop and incorporate complimentary life prediction methods into UMAT model and/or additional model Incorporate statistical assessment(s) in life prediction method T0 + 8 months Define fundamental crack growth model requirements to inform isothermal crack growth experiments T0 + 42 months T.3.2 T.3.3 T.3.4 T.3.5 T.3.6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 8 months T0 + 6 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 10 months T0 + 18 months T0 + 24 months T0 + 40 months Page 282 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. T.3.7 T.3.8 Title - Description Due Date Develop crack growth methods to predict onset of non-planar crack growth and/or crack tunnelling resultant from thermo-mechanical fatigue loading Incorporate statistical assessment(s) in crack growth method T0 + 48 months T0 + 52 months 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D.1 Source code (including comments) and User-friendly guide for the developed UMAT material model describing initiation and/or crack growth T0 + 24 months D.2 Literature Review on State of the Art Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Life and Crack Propagation Prediction Methods Test plan of thermo-mechanical loaded component feature representative test matrix Completed Technical Summary Report Source Code + User Guide Report Report T0 + 30 months Report Report T0 + 36 months & T0 + 60 months T0 + 60 months D.3 D.4 D.5 Report pack detailing all experimental test data, modelling and validation completed. T0 + 9 months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M.1 Characterisation of static and dynamic thermal gradient across test coupons to be used for fatigue and crack propagation tests Completion of Benchmark Strain-controlled Fatigue and Crack Propagation Tests to Demonstrate Test Rig Capability across Desired Strain, Load and Temperature Ranges Present basis and plans for UMAT model theory and development Completion of 50% of planned isothermal fatigue and crack propagation tests Technical Review of Year 1 Activities Review T0 + 8 months Review T0 + 10 months Review T0 + 12 months Status T0 + 12 months Review T0 + 12 months M.2 M.3 M.4 M.5 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 283 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M.6 Technical Review of Year 2 Activities Review T0 + 24 months M.7 Completion of 50% planned thermo-mechanical fatigue and crack propagation tests Completion of 50% planned thermo-mechanical fatigue and crack propagation tests Technical Review of Year 3 Activities Status T0 + 23 months Status T0 + 28 months Review T0 + 36 months T0 + 37 months M.12 Plan representative test matrix for component feature Plan application Completion of 50% of component representative thermo- Status mechanical fatigue and crack propagation tests Technical Review of Year 4 Activities Review M.13 Close-out and Technical Review of Year 5 Activities T0 + 60 months M.8 M.9 M.10 M.11 Review T0 + 39 months T0 + 48 months 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant must have a servo-electric or servo-hydraulic test rig with a proven TMF CI and CG capability. The strain-controlled fatigue capability of the test rig should ideally be compliant with ISO 12111:2011(en) “Metallic Materials – Fatigue Testing – Strain-controlled Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing Method”. Test coupons are expected to use a thin-walled cyclidrical gauage section. The fatigue crack growth capability of the test rig should use corner crack geometry in a square crosssection. Measurement of the crack growth rate should be by use of an alternating current potential difference (ACPD) method. The test rig should be able to apply loads up to a maximum of 100kN. The extensometry should at a minimum be able to apply mechanical strain amplitude of 5%. The thermal profile should be applied by an induction coil with controlled forced air cooling to provide rapid thermal cycles. The desired control temperature range should envelope 300°C to 1200°C. The applicant should demonstrate a proven track record in both modelling and experimental capabilities. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 284 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IV. Advanced analytical tool for the understanding and the prediction of core noise for large civil aero engine with low emission core Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area Engine ITD Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP 5 – VHBR – Middle of Market Technology Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 1000 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start June 2015 (T0) ********** Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-02 Advanced analytical tool for the understanding and the prediction of core noise for large civil aero engine with low emission core Short description (3 lines) The current proposal is aimed at understanding the flow physics involved in the generation and propagation of combustion noise through turbine blade rows in low emission core aero engines and developing advanced analytical combustion noise prediction tool for industrial purpose. This tool will be used to design a quieter (i.e. low noise) low-emission technology for the middle-of-market VHBR engine in WP5 of Engine ITD, and for the large engine market VHBR engine demonstrator in WP6 of Engine ITD. ********** The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 285 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background As a part of engine projects in Clean Sky 2, the topic manager will lead the design and development of VHBR technologies for middle of market (WP5 of Engine ITD) and VHBR engine demonstrator (WP6 of Engine ITD) for large engine market. One of the key technologies developed to meet the goals of WP5 is a low emission combustion system. A low emission combustion process is highly unsteady and may produce high levels of combustion noise (refers to only ‘broadband’ combustion noise in this proposal). There are two noise sources for the broadband combustion noise: ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’. The direct noise is produced by the unsteady heat release during the combustion process, and the indirect noise is produced when the ‘hot spots’ generated during the combustion process are accelerated through the turbine stages. Hence, in order to reduce the overall combustion noise, the generation mechanisms of both the sources, i.e. direct and indirect, need to be well understood. As other noise sources of engine come down in magnitude as a result of advancement in technology, the combustion noise source is expected to dominate the total noise generated by an aircraft. Hence it is imperative to understand the generation and propagation mechanism of combustion noise, and to develop mitigation strategies based on simple design rules and hot stream liners. The current understanding held by the topic manager is built upon low TRL experiments and has the following shortcomings: 1) Combustor geometry: The combustor geometry used for experimental tests is simple lab scale combustor geometry, and is not representative of those found in aero engines. 2) Combustor Boundary conditions: The test cases mostly involved only choked boundary conditions downstream of combustor. These conditions are largely representative of high power conditions encountered by aero-engines. As far as noise generation is concerned, there is a need to understand the combustor flow field at both high and low power conditions. In addition, the impact of combustor cooling flows, as encountered in real engine environment, on the combustion noise source needs to be understood. 3) Noise Source identification: The understanding of flame structure is one of the key elements for quantifying the heat release in a combustion process. The experimental data available to the topic manager are qualitative in nature, and are limited to very low frequency range (~10Hz). For real engine cases, frequency range up to 1 kHz needs to be resolved accurately. 4) Combustor flame: The flame generated in the lab scale experiments is a premixed flame, whilst one of the options considered for the low emission combustion system in WP5 involves a partially pre-mixed flame. The current proposal is expected to deliver higher TRL level understanding of the generation and the propagation of combustion noise by low emission core aero engines. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 286 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The objectives of the current proposal are to: - understand the turbulent reacting flow field inside a low-emission combustor understand the generation of indirect noise and the propagation of combustor unsteadiness through a high-pressure turbine stage in a low-emission core aero-engine - develop advanced combustion noise prediction tool that can be readily used by industry - quantify experimentally the combustor unsteadiness (i.e. pressure, temperature) in an aeroengine representative low-emission combustor 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T1 Management T0 + 12 months T2 High fidelity computations of turbulent combustion in a low emission combustor High-fidelity computations of combustor unsteadiness through turbines Advanced analytical tool for broadband combustion noise prediction T0 + 36 months Unsteady measurements of flow field in an aero-engine representative low-emission combustor T0 + 24 months T3 T4 T5 T0 + 36 months T0 + 36 months A brief description of the tasks is given below: Task-1: Management Organisation: The partners shall nominate a team dedicated to the project and should inform the consortium programme manager about the name (s) of this key staff Time schedule and work-package description: The partners will work to the agreed time-schedule and work-package description Both the time-schedule and the work-package description laid out in this call shall be further detailed and agreed at the beginning of the project. Progress reporting and reviews: Seven progress reports (i.e. deliverables) will be written over the duration of the programme For all work packages, technical achievements, timescales, potential risks and proposal for risk mitigation will be summarised Regular coordination meetings shall be conducted via telecom or webex where appropriate The partners shall support reporting and review meetings with reasonable visibility on the activities and an adequate level of information Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 287 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) The partners shall support quarterly face-to-face review meetings to discuss the progress Task-2: High-fidelity computations of turbulent combustion in a low emission combustor A thorough understanding of combusting turbulent flow field inside a combustor is imperative to identify and understand the noise sources related to broadband combustion noise. High fidelity simulations will be carried out to resolve the turbulent combustion flow field inside a topic manager’s low emission combustor at two test conditions, i.e. low and high power settings as defined by the topic manager. The low power condition should correspond to a case where the combustor is operating in ‘pilot only’ mode, and the high power should correspond to a case where the combustor is operating in both ‘pilot and mains’ mode. The test conditions will be supplied by the topic manager. The combustion of Jet-A fuel in the combustor and its interaction with the turbulence will be modelled using well established models for partially premixed combustion. The high fidelity simulations will involve URANS and LES methodologies, and will be performed using the topic manager’s in-house CFD tool along with its default spray model for handling the liquid fuel. In order to understand the role of burner-to-burner interaction on the noise generation mechanisms, two separate simulations will be carried out: one with a single-sector model i.e. only one burner in the computational geometry, and the other with a double-sector model, i.e. two burners in the geometry. The topic manager will supply the computational geometry that extends from the compressor exit OGV to the throat of the HP NGV downstream of the combustor. In addition to the simulations inside the topic manager’s combustor (as detailed above), simulations (at high and low power conditions) will be carried out inside a test rig geometry as defined in Task-5. These simulations are carried out as a validation exercise for the well-established model for partially premixed combustion. Task-3: High-fidelity computations of combustor unsteadiness through turbines High fidelity single row simulations are to be carried out to understand the propagation and scattering of direct combustion noise and the generation of indirect combustion noise across a HP turbine stage. The simulations will also be carried out to quantify the diffusion of hot spots across the turbine stage. Two cases are investigated: the first case involves a single row HP NGV only model, and the second case involves a single row of a HP NGV and a HP rotor. For each case, simulations are to be carried out for two test conditions, i.e. low and high power conditions, as defined in Task-2. The high fidelity simulations will involve URANS methodology. The geometry and the relevant mean flow conditions will be supplied by the topic manager. The unsteady inlet boundary conditions will be based on the results from Task-2. Findings from the current simulations may be further used to develop the loworder analytical tool described in Task-4. Task-4: Advanced analytical tool for broadband combustion noise prediction The results from the high fidelity simulations of Task-2 and Task-3 will be used to develop an advanced analytical tool for predicting the broadband combustion noise at turbine exit for low emission core aero engines. This is achieved by improving the low TRL analytical tool currently held Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 288 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) by the topic manager. The low TRL analytical tool of the topic manager is a combination of a loworder thermo-acoustic network model for a combustor and a semi-actuator disk model for turbine stages. The low-order network model of the combustor predicts the unsteady waves in a combustor and provides the ability to calculate the transfer function between the specified unsteadiness in the rate of combustion and the waves, i.e. entropy, vorticity and acoustic, incident on the HP NGV assuming the combustor exit to be choked. The results from the high fidelity simulations of Task-2 may be used to understand the influence of the simplified assumptions used in the model, and to develop this low-order network tool. The semi-actuator disk model for turbine stages predicts the interaction of waves (i.e. entropy, vorticity and acoustic) at each stage of the turbine, enabling the prediction of wave propagation through turbine stages. The results from the high fidelity simulations of Task-3 will be used to understand the influence of the simplified assumptions used in the model, and to develop the semiactuator disk model. The results predicted by the advanced analytical tool will be compared against experimental results (to be supplied by the topic manager) and analytical results obtained by the topic manager’s preliminary analytical tool. Task-5: Unsteady measurements of flow field in an aero-engine representative low emission combustor Experimental investigation of unsteady flow field of a low emission combustor is indispensable to gain insight into the noise sources of combustion noise. In addition, the experimental results provide valuable data for the validation of the high fidelity simulations carried out in Task-2, which is used for the development of the advanced analytical tool in Task-4. Unsteady temperature and pressure measurements will be made inside and downstream (i.e. combustor exit plane) of a low emission combustor incorporating a lean direct injection system involving staged pilot and mains fuel streams. The frequency range of interest for the measured temperature and pressure is 0 to 1 kHz. For the temperature field, point measurements over a plane are required for both inside and downstream of the combustor. For the pressure field, combustor wall dynamic pressures are required for both inside and downstream of the combustor. The results, for both pressure and temperature, will include the mean and the RMS levels. Measurements will be carried out at two operating conditions: low power and high power conditions as defined in Task-2. Prior to starting the experiments, a literature survey of various techniques for unsteady measurements of pressure and temperature inside an aero-engine representative combustor will be carried out to identify the best way forward for the current experiments. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 289 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Single-sector simulations of combustor flow field: results from high-fidelity simulations using single-sector combustor model describing the correlations required for the understanding of combustion noise. Combustor unsteadiness through turbines based on singlesector model: results summarising the propagation of direct noise and the generation of indirect noise across a turbine stage based on single-sector combustor model. Double-sector simulations of combustor flow field: results from high-fidelity simulations using a double-sector model will be compared against the results from D1, and in particular, the burner-to-burner interaction on broadband combustion noise generation mechanisms will be quantified. Combustor unsteadiness through turbines based on doublesector model: results summarising the propagation of direct noise and the generation of indirect noise across a turbine stage (i.e. NGV and rotor) based on double-sector combustor model. Results will be compared against D2. Literature survey of unsteady flow measurement techniques in aero-engine combustor: report summarising the various measurements techniques for resolving unsteady temperature and pressure field inside an aero-engine representative combustor. Recommendation will be made on the appropriate techniques for the experiments in D6. Unsteady measurements of flow field in a low-emission combustor: report summarising the unsteady measurements of pressure and temperature in an aero engine representative low emission combustor. Unsteady simulations of flow field in a low-emission combustor: results summarising the high fidelity unsteady simulations of flow field inside the low emission combustor of D6. Comparisons will be made against the experimental results. Report T0 + 15 months Report T0 + 15 months Report T0 + 36 months Report T0 + 36 months Report T0 + 2 months Report T0 + 24 months Report T0 + 24 months D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 290 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title – Description Type Due Date M1 Management report: summarise the project management of the programme, including deliverables, level of spend and dissemination Advanced analytical tool for broadband combustion noise based on single-sector model: report summarising the advanced analytical tool based on single-sector combustor model for predicting the broadband combustion noise. Comparisons will be made against the results supplied by the topic manager. Advanced analytical tool for broadband combustion noise based on double-sector model: report summarising the advanced analytical tool based on double-sector combustor model. Comparisons will be made against results of M2. Report T0 + 12 months Report T0 + 24 months Report T0 + 36 months M2 M3 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Experience in low-order turbomachinery thermo-acoustic modelling of combustor Experience in semi-actuator disk modelling of turbines for acoustics Experience of working with topic manager under non-disclosure agreement Experience of combustor flow simulations with partially premixed combustion process Detailed understanding and familiarity with generic CFD tools required. Where specific tools e.g. code, these will be provided to the successful applicant, under agreed terms, and as required. Experience in high temperature unsteady measurements inside an aero-engine representative low emission combustor Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 291 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) V. VHBR Engine - Advanced bearing technology Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA Engines ITD WP6 – VHBR – Large Turbofan Demonstrator [UltrafanTM ] 2400k€ 60 months Start 06-2015 Date†††††††††† Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- VHBR Engine - Advanced bearing technology 03-03 Short description (3 lines) To develop and demonstrate various individual technologies required to deliver rolling element bearings with increased load carrying capacity. This should be interpreted as delivering up to 15% higher rolling contact stress capability with no detrimental impact to component life and operational speed than is available from today’s aerospace bearing materials. †††††††††† The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 292 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Through Clean Sky 2, Topic Manager Company is developing and demonstrating the complete range of technologies required for Very High Bypass Ratio engines. Within the timescales of Clean Sky 2, Very high bypass ratio engines will realize significant environmental benefits: Up to 25% fuel burn and CO2 emission reduction relative to year 2000 baseline (consistent with 10% reduction relative to year 2014 baseline) Noise levels making a significant step towards to ACARE 2035 targets (- 11 EPNdB per operation relative to 2000 situation: including engine, nacelle, aircraft technologies airframe noise reduction, novel aircraft configurations – and ATM benefits) Contribute to delivery of NOX emission reductions through reduced fuel burn. Specific objectives will not be defined owing to the strong dependency on overall core engine cycle decisions. Development of VHBR technology will also maintain European competitiveness in the development and integration of engines for Middle of Market short range commercial aircraft, to ensure capability across the full range of technologies required by geared engines, and develop a world-leading European capability for Very High Bypass Ratio engines for the large aircraft market, establishing a lead in this emerging market. In a typical turbofan engine there are typically between six and ten main-shaft rolling element bearings, both ball bearings and roller bearings; additionally there are a number of bearings supporting the power off take. They locate and support the rotating turbo-machinery as well as reacting the gas and structural loads through the engine. The development of advanced bearing technology will be a key enabler, and therefore critical to the success of the VHBR engine. Through Clean Sky 2, Topic Manager Company is developing and demonstrating the complete range of technologies required for Very High Bypass Ratio engines. Key to this is the development of rolling element bearings that are capable of higher speeds and loads, lower heat generation and increased service reliability when compared to today’s product. The work intended to be covered by the Partner selected will be to develop and demonstrate various individual technologies required to deliver rolling element bearings with increased load carrying capacity. This should be interpreted as delivering up to 15% higher rolling contact stress capability with no detrimental impact to component life and operational speed than is available from today’s aerospace bearing materials. The successful Partner will demonstrate both the capability to deliver cutting edge technology based on established track records of innovation, test facility capability and availability, as well as a proven and established capability for the delivery of this product range. This implies demonstration of strong evidence of existing research and development facilities, design and manufacturing capabilities, Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 293 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) demonstrated readiness of the corresponding supply chain and the internal capacity to deliver in the timescales required, as well as experience with EASA flight clearance aspects in order to deliver world-class bearing technology for the Topic Manager as an outcome of the joint work within Clean Sky 2 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description Due Date WP1.1 Confirmation of existing boundary envelope WP1.2 15% improvement in terms of rolling contact stress capability WP1.3 Understanding and mitigation of fatigue related mechanisms WP 1.4 Identiy a potential route to achieving a 30% improvement against today’s material capability. Develop the analysis tools and methodologies for component life prediction A planned suite of tests including component, sub and full scale. 3 months from programme start 5 years from programme start 3 years from programme start 5 years from programme start 4 years from programme start Throughout the programme WP 1.5 WP 2.1 The over-arching theme of the work scope is to deliver rolling element bearings with enhanced load carrying capabilities and hence enable the rotating turbo-machinery to deliver an aerodynamic and aeromechanical componentry and sub-system design for optimized multi-stage compressor and turbine operation. Additional to the increased load carrying capability, complementary technologies offering reduced heat generation and increased speed envelopes for rolling element bearings should be developed as part of this work package. Targets for reduced heat generation and speed increase should be taken as 25% when compared against today’s aerospace material and design capability. The technology described herein may be ultimately deployed in a number of engine markets and therefore scalability between middle-of-market and large civil applications are essential. Additionally the technologies and understandings developed through this programme should be seen as the building blocks for further work relating to material enhancements and potentially new materials over a further period of time with the ultimate target of a 30% higher rolling contact stress capability with no detrimental impact to component life and operational speed than is available today. To enable the delivery of a successful programme two distinct work packages (WP) have been identified. WP 1 for development of material enhancements and capability and WP 2 for testing. It likely that the two work packages will at times run concurrently enabling appropriate tests to follow a specific development. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 294 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) WP 1.0 - Development WP 1.1 Initial work will confirm the boundary operational envelopes of today’s aerospace bearing steels within a high speed medium to high load environment. WP 1.2 A material enhancement and development programme which will focus on materials, manufacturing processes and surface engineering and aim to deliver a 15% improvement in terms of rolling contact stress capability and hence an increase in the load carrying capacity leading to life and reliability improvements. It will be necessary for the proposer to work closely with a steel foundry to enable different alloying treatments to be investigated. WP 1.3 Although not limited to, key elements will be the understanding and mitigation of fatigue related mechanisms. This will include classical sub-surface related fatigue and crack propagation and also surface related fatigue and failure mechanisms. WP 1.4 This work package will focus on the development of a new material suitable for use in rolling element bearings. This, if successful may form the basis of a future development programme having identified a potential route to achieving a 30% improvement against today’s material capability. WP 1.5 Additional to the enhancement and development of materials it will be necessary to further develop the analysis tools and methodologies for component life prediction consistent with any material improvements and enhancements. WP 2.0 – Validation Testing WP 2.1 A planned suite of tests will be a requirement of the proposal. These will include but not be limited to; fatigue; wear; skid resilience; indentation and pre-damage. A method of quantifying any improvements above today’s materials capabilities will be required. The tests shall include component level, sub-scale and full scale. Testing will include single component, sub-scale and full scale of the appropriate material combinations. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 295 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 (WP 1) Agreement with the chosen materials manufacturing house Current materials test if required Agreement 3 months Test 8 months Report 9 months D4 (WP 1) Confirmation of establishment of current materials envelope Confirmation of material/s for enhancement Agreement 1 year D5 (WP 1) First iteration change to material Task 1.5 years D6 (WP 1 & 2) Characterisation of chosen material 2 years D7 (WP 1) Second iteration change to materials Test and report Task D8 (WP 1 & 2) Second characterisation of chosen material 3 years D9 (WP 1) Identification and implementation of process changes First iteration tests for process changes Test and report Agreement and task Test Second iteration for implementation of process changes Second iteration tests for process changes Task 3.5 years Test 4 years Agreement and task Task 2 year D14 (WP 1) Identify and implement surface change methodologies First sample reflecting surface changes D15 (WP 2) Testing for surface enhancement Test 3 years D16 (WP 1) Second sample reflecting surface changes Task 3.5 years D17 (WP 2) Testing for surface enhancement Test 4 years D18 (WP 2) Testing of final material for +15% 5 years D19 (WP 1) Decision on likely material for further development Test and report Agreemnt D20 (WP 1) Fundamental research into new material: Alloy composition; manufacturing process; heat treatments Agreement, task, tests report 5 years D2 (WP 2) D3 (WP 1) D10 (WP2) D11 (WP 1) D12 (WP2) D13 (WP 1) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2.5 years 2 year 3 years 2.5 years 5 years Page 296 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 (WP 1) Confirmation of establishment of current materials envelope Confirmation of material/s for enhancement Milestone 9 months Milestone 1 year Milestone 2 year M4 (WP 1 & 2) Identification and implementation of process changes Second characterisation of chosen material Milestone 3 years M5 (WP2) Second iteration tests for process changes Milestone 4 years M6 (WP 2) Testing for surface enhancement Milestone 4 years M7 (WP 1) Decision on likely material for further development Milestone 5 years M8 (WP 2) Testing of final material for +15% Milestone 5 years M2 (WP 1) M3 (WP 1) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) It is expected that a specific set of skills and facilities are required by the candidate and it is therefore expected that the response will address the following areas of expertise as a minimum WP 1 - Skill 1: Materials development including alloy modelling and verification, heat treatment and surface engineering - Skill 2: Materials evaluation including but not limited to micro structural assessment - Skill 3: Methods development including component lifing methodologies WP 2 - Skill 1: A proven record of test facility management - Skill 2: Test facilities with the appropriate Aerospace approvals - Skill 3: Test facilities capable as a minimum of the referenced tests - Skill 4: A proven record for generating, post processing and interpreting bearing test data VI. Crack growth threshold analysis in TiAl alloys Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 297 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area Engines - ITD Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP6 – VHBR – Large Turbofan Demonstrator [UltrafanTM ] Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) 440 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start 06-2015 ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG03-04 Crack growth threshold analysis in TiAl alloys Short description (3 lines) This programme will investigate the fatigue crack growth threshold of second generation TiAl alloys suitable for use in the IP turbine of the UltraFan engine. The alloy will be defined by the Topic Manager. This package of work will determine the fatigue crack growth threshold and crack growth rates, evaluate the effects of temperature and also the effects of the variation in properties within the designated heat treatment window. The influence of original defect size and morphology is also within scope. ‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡ The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 298 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The change in engine architecture from a typical three shaft engine to the UltraFan requires the blades in the last stages of turbine to run at more elevated temperatures and higher rotational speeds than previously seen. These blades are likely to run at temperatures up to 750°C and are required to be as light as possible. The first generation TiAl alloys do not have the temperature capability required and the Ni based alloys will add 65lbs per stage to the engine weight. There is a programme of work being undertaken to evaluate the second generation TiAl alloys for use in cast IP blades. As TiAl alloys are brittle and have high crack growth rates it is necessary to use a defect tolerant design approach to give the components the required life. It is expected that this programme will investigate the fatigue crack threshold for the alloy being developed within Topic manager Company and the supply chain. This data will then support the work on lifing of these high stress, high speed components. This programme will investigate the fatigue crack growth (FCG) threshold of second generation TiAl alloys suitable for use in the IP turbine of the UltraFan engine. The alloy will be defined by the Topic Manager, as will the broad heat treatment window required to develop the required property mix. This package of work will determine the fatigue crack growth threshold and crack growth rates, evaluate the effects of temperature and also the effects of the variation in properties within the designated heat treatment window. The influence of original defect size and morphology is also within scope. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 299 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The analysis and evaluation of the fatigue crack growth threshold and growth in a second generation TiAl alloy. This package of work will determine the fatigue crack growth threshold and crack growth rates, evaluate the effects of temperature and also the effects of the variation in properties within the designated heat treatment window. The influence of original defect size and morphology is also within scope. It is expected that the evaluation will be at R ratios from 0.1 to 0.8. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date 1 Room temperature fatigue testing of standard 15mm testbars in the selected alloy at key R ratios of 0.1, 0.5 and 0.8. This will be focussed on the determination of the FCG threshold and rate at Room Temp. Fatigue testing of standard 15mm testbars in the selected alloy at key R ratios of 0.1, 0.5 and 0.8, at a test temperature of 750degC. This will be focussed on the determination of the FCG threshold and rate at 750°C Room temperature fatigue testing of standard 15mm testbars in the selected alloy at key R ratios of 0.1, 0.5 and 0.8. The testbars for this work will be heat treated at the extremes of the heat treatment process window and in the centre. This will allow the determination of the variation of FCG threshold and rate at room temperature within the allowable heat treatment window and hence enabling an evaluation of the likely process spread in a production type run. Fatigue samples will be manufactured with typical defects from the manufacturing process, subsequent handling and foreign object damage. Effects of defects morphology on FCG threshold and rate at room temperature will be evaluated, and an assessment of the property deficit for different types of defect will be made. Fatigue samples will be manufactured with typical defects from the manufacturing process, subsequent handling and foreign object damage. Effects of defects morphology on FCG threshold and rate at 750degC will be evaluated, and an assessment of the property deficit for different types of defect will be made. T0 + 6 months 2 3 4 5 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 12 months T0 + 18 months T0 + 24 months T0 + 30 months Page 300 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Interim report on results related to FCG threshold and rate (both room temperature and 750°C) Interim report on results related to variation of FCG threshold and rate (both room temperature within the heat treatment window) Interim report on results related to effects of defect morphology on FCG threshold and rate (at both room temperature and at 750°C) Report T0 + 14 months Report T0 + 18 months Report T0 + 30 months Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M1 Management report of project progress at end of year 1 Management report of project progress at end of year 2 Management report of project progress at end of year 3 Report detailing the FCG behaviour of a second generation TiAl alloy (composition will be determined by RR) Report T0 + 12 months Report T0 + 24 months Report T0 + 36 months Report T0 + 36 months D2 D3 Milestones M2 M3 M4 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) This package of work will require expertise in the set up and measurement of fatigue crack growth at room and elevated temperatures. It would be necessary to have familiarity with the alloys in question. 1. Fatigue crack threshold measurement at temperatures up to 750degC in brittle materials 2. Fatigue crack growth measurement at temperatures up to 750degC in brittle materials Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 301 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VII. Power Density improvement demonstrated on a certified engine Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA ENG ITDEngine/WP7.1 Light weight and efficient Jet-fuel piston engine 500 k€ 18 months Start Sept 2015 §§§§§§§§§§ Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- Power Density improvement demonstrated on a certified engine 04-01 Short description (3 lines) The purpose is to increase the power density from a state of the art engine by introduction of adequate technologies for which TRL 6 is targeted. To increase the power output/reduce weight, engine parts design could be modified (as crankcase with unit pumps, cylinders/sleeves, cylinders head, rod, bearing...) using alternative materials (High characteristics Aluminium, Titanium…). Alternative manufacturing process may be studied. §§§§§§§§§§ The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 302 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The “compression ignition” engines burning the aeronautical kerosene/Jet fuels, otherwise called “diesel” engines, can reduce fuel burn by 50% to 65% compared to a small turbine engine, and by 30% to 50% compared with an avgas engine. These points bring both an environmental benefit and a drastic reduction of operating costs. Replacement of an Avgas piston engine by a diesel engine brings a high cumulative benefit of fuel burn and fuel price reduction. Jet fuels are also worldwide available, have a low flamability and are lead free. On the first generation of diesel engines, the weight penalties were, for a medium range mission, more or less compensated by the fuel weight savings, but with the new high power density diesel engines, the global weight balance can be favourable to diesel versus avgas engines, even for short flight legs. Thus, it provides an additional benefit of payload for a medium range mission. A similar conclusion is obtained when new diesel engines and turbines are compared. There are also additional benefits for the diesel engines as: - The lower speed of rotation allowing important noise reduction, both inside (in the cabin) for passengers and pilots comfort, and outside for the community. This last point may allow the survival of airfields near cities and by consequence the development of the small aviation transportation market. - Reduction of the number of levers (no mixture) for a simpler control by the pilot, - Reduction of inspection and maintenance (no magnetos, no sparks igniters ...). Thus, the use of piston engines burning the affordable and worldwide available Kerosene fuel is a logical step to overcome these drawbacks. Airframers producing small airplanes create strong pressure to engine manufacturers to get their compression ignition power units more mature and certified with high performance. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 303 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work General Goal The purpose is to increase the power density from a state of the art engine by introduction of adequate technologies to reach TRL 6. The current certified engine SR305-230E is refered as a baseline to evaluate improvements. This engine is initialy rated at 169kW at 2200rpm for a dry weight of 207kg. Baseline demonstrator to evaluate new technologies The targets for improvement are : - to increase the power (+20%), - to reduce the weight (-10%). Obviously, the durability of the engine shall be maintained at a reasonable level, as well as the specific fuel consumption (215 g/kWh). The parts shall be compliant with the Reach regulation, and the manufacturing cost will be a part of the criteria. Preliminary work In order to provide elements of work to initiate the tasks, analysis and tests will be performed by the Topic Manager to better define the improvement axis and provide the baseline for further performance evaluation. Partners scope of work The role of the partner(s) is to participate to : Provide validated technologies or solutions, Redesign some parts, Manufacture prototype parts, Parts Analysis after the demonstrator tests. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 304 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Several partners may be associated in order to cover the field of work. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 0 Preparation Presentation of the current situation Detail schedule and T0 + 2 month activities consolidation Analysis and part redesign 1- The engine arrangement: - a new crankcase arrangement with unit high pressure fuel pumps will be studied to evaluate weight savings, - a new turbocharger location, impacting primary exhaust and turbocharger braket system. Task 1 2- Adaptation of existing parts using alternative materials as high characteristics Aluminium or Titanium to accept higher temperatures and pressures and/or to provide weight reduction. Typically herebelow parts that will be included in the analysis (partners can also bring some ideas and solutions): - Cylinders and sleeves, T0 + 9 months (each one can be improved or may be merged) - Cylinders head, - Connecting Rod, - Saddle, - Bearing. 3- Evaluation of improvement proposal from partners. The analysis will take into account the possibility to change the engine speed of rotation, and the possibility to adapt the manufacturing process. Task 2 Task 3 Manufacturing of prototype parts The prototype part production will be decided depending on a Pro T0 + 14 months and Con analysis for each part or system according to the criteria described above. Engine assembly ,tests , disassembly and evaluation. T0 +18 months After the test the engine will be disassembled to analyse the parts with the partners and conclude. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 305 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D0 Design specifications T0 + 2 months D1 Design review T0 + 9 months D2 Prototype parts delivery T0 + 14 months D3 Demonstrator test results T0 + 18 months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description M1 Readiness review Type Due Date T0 + 15 months 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Experience in Thermo-Mechanical analysis, Experience in engine design, Experience in prototype manufacturing, Experience in production with aeronautical standard of quality, English language is mandatory. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 306 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VIII. High performance Turbocharger Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA ENG ITDEngine/WP7.1 Light weight and efficient Jet-fuel reciprocating engine 500 k€ 18 months Start Sept 2015 Date*********** Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- High performance Turbocharger 04-02 Short description (3 lines) Participation to the development of a high performance aeronautical turbocharger with high pressure ration/flow rate, low maintenance, and reasonable cost. This equipment could integrate the at most state of the art of the already available elements into aeronautical certificable product. *********** The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 307 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The “compression ignition” engines burning the aeronautical kerosene/Jet fuels, otherwise called “diesel” engines, can reduce fuel burn by 50% to 65% compared to a small turbine engine, and by 30% to 50% compared with an avgas engine. These points bring both an environmental benefit and a drastic reduction of operating costs. Replacement of an Avgas piston engine by a diesel engine brings a high cumulative benefit of fuel burn and fuel price reduction. Jet fuels are also worldwide available, have a low flamability and are lead free. On the first generation of diesel engines, the weight penalties were, for a medium range mission, more or less compensated by the fuel weight savings, but with the new high power density diesel engines, the global weight balance can be favourable to diesel versus avgas engines, even for short flight legs. Thus, it provides an additional benefit of payload for a medium range mission. A similar conclusion is obtained when new diesel engines and turbines are compared. There are also additional benefits for the diesel engines as: - The lower speed of rotation allowing important noise reduction, both inside (in the cabin) for passengers and pilots comfort, and outside for the community. This last point may allow the survival of airfields near cities and by consequence the development of the small aviation transportation market. - Reduction of the number of levers (no mixture) for a simpler control by the pilot, - Reduction of inspection and maintenance (no magnetos, no sparks igniters ...). Thus, the use of piston engines burning the affordable and worldwide available Kerosene fuel is a logical step to overcome these drawbacks. Airframers producing small airplanes create strong pressure to engine manufacturers to get their compression ignition power units more mature and certified with high performance. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 308 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work 2.1. Turbocharger Requirements The turbocharger performance is a key parameter on turbo diesel to provide engine power in a wide domain of altitude and temperature. A turbocharger The goal of this work is to develop a high performance aeronautical turbocharger: Requirements (typically), - High compressor pressure ratio (5) , - Capable to be used in a large domain of altitude (minimum 6000m) and temperatures (ISA+/-35°C) - High flow rate (compressor outlet close to 0.1 m3/s), - High G and gyroscopic loads (9 G, 4 rad/s in all directions), - Long endurance at high loads (2400 hr), - Operability and control: Actuator and wastegate systems will be avoided if possible (Long steady loads endurance are required rather than very fast transient performance), - Low maintenance and robustness: o Robust to oil pollution and oil flow variations (capable to survive without oil during a certain duration to be defined), o Introduction of “fail safe” technologies, o Simple technologies will be preferred, - Production capable at reasonable cost with a high process control and robustness, - Low or reasonable weight (high density materials avoided), - Aeronautical certificability. For better performance, robustness, operability and control, this equipment could integrate the state of the art of technology in term of concept of: Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 309 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - Bearing, Damping, Materials (ceramic, titanium…), Assembly, Balancing, Wheels design and machining, Casing design with retention optimization, Etc. 2.2. Partners scope of work The role of the partner(s) is to participate to : Specification, Parts design and integration simulation, Manufacture prototype parts, Gas stand testing, Parts Analysis after the turbocharger tests. Several partners may be associated in order to cover the field of work. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 0 Specification & Development plan 1. Requirements analysis taking into account the state of the art of technologies in order to elaborate detailed specifications, 2. Pre-selection of the state of the art technologies, 3. Elaboration of the development plan and detailed schedule. Design of the solution 1. Integration design, 2. Calculation and simulation, 3. Confirmation and detail of technologies, for parts production and assembly. 4. Test plan and the test facilities requirements to be able to demonstrate the turbocharger specifications. Manufacturing of the turbocharger prototype 1. Parts manufacturing, 2. Assembly and Balancing. Turbocharger tests and analysis 1. Gas stand facility adaptation and preparation, 2. Tests, 3. Disassembly, parts analysis and conclusion. T0 + 3 month Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 9 months T0 + 14 months T0 + 18 months Page 310 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D0 Design specifications & development plan T0 + 3 months D1 Design review T0 + 9 months D2 Prototype parts delivery T0 + 14 months D3 Turbocharger test results T0 + 18 months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description M1 Readiness review Type Due Date T0 + 15 months 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Experience in turbocharger (or parts) design and production, Experience in Thermo-Mechanical analysis, Experience in Lubrication, bearings and cooling, Experience in Dynamic analysis, Experience in CFD analysis, Experience in prototype manufacturing, Experience in production with aeronautical standard of quality, English language is mandatory. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 311 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IX. Alternative Architecture Engine research Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. RIA ENG ITD Engine/WP7.1 Light weight and efficient Jet-fuel reciprocating engine Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) 2500 k€ 34 months Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CPW01-ENG-04-03 Start Sept 2015 Date††††††††††† Title Alternative Architecture Engine research Short description (3 lines) Very High Power density engine Research, targeting a power density of 2.5 KW/kg for dry engine, with a specific fuel burn of 215 g/kWh. The project aims to develop new technologies that enable a piston engine to reach such a power density never achieved before. ††††††††††† The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 312 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The “compression ignition” engines burning the aeronautical kerosene/Jet fuels, otherwise called “diesel” engines, can reduce fuel burn by 50% to 65% compared to a small turbine engine, and by 30% to 50% compared with an avgas engine. These points bring both an environmental benefit and a drastic reduction of operating costs. Replacement of an Avgas piston engine by a diesel engine brings a high cumulative benefit of fuel burn and fuel price reduction. Jet fuels are also worldwide available, have a low flamability and are lead free. On the first generation of diesel engines, the weight penalties were, for a medium range mission, more or less compensated by the fuel weight savings, but with the new high power density diesel engines, the global weight balance can be favourable to diesel versus avgas engines, even for short flight legs. Thus, it provides an additional benefit of payload for a medium range mission. A similar conclusion is obtained when new diesel engines and turbines are compared. There are also additional benefits for the diesel engines as: - The lower speed of rotation allowing important noise reduction, both inside (in the cabin) for passengers and pilots comfort, and outside for the community. This last point may allow the survival of airfields near cities and by consequence the development of the small aviation transportation market. - Reduction of the number of levers (no mixture) for a simpler control by the pilot, - Reduction of inspection and maintenance (no magnetos, no sparks igniters ...). Thus, the use of piston engines burning the affordable and worldwide available Kerosene fuel is a logical step to overcome these drawbacks. Airframers producing small airplanes create strong pressure to engine manufacturers to get their compression ignition power units more mature and certified with high performance. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 313 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work 2.1. Requirements In order to prepare long term evolutions of jet fuel piston engines, this work package is dedicated to research about alternative architectures and technologies capable to provide a very high power density (2,5 kW/kg) with a low specific fuel consumption (215 g/kWh) and obviously a significant durability (> 2000 hr) at low maintenance cost. The purpose of these research is to achieve the TRL 6 and to take into account the aircraft certification rules. 2.2. Preparation The Topic manager has developped a mono-cylinder bench in order to test many technologies (as a first step) and preparing further multicylinders studies (next steps). 2.3. High power density features The role of the partner(s) is to participate to the design analysis, to propose solutions and in fine to elaborate some prototype parts to be mounted on the mono-cylinder bench. The parts and system are : o Piston, o Crankcase, o Cylinder head. To achieve the objectives, some high characteristics materials will be studied (Carbon, high durability steel, ceramics, light weight alloy, low friction coatings…) to sustain high temperature and pressure. 2.4. Multicylinder development The goal is to extrapolate towards the multicylinder the result of the monocylinder. 2.5. Integration and Physical mock-up Due to the very high power density, the heat rejection will be high. A specific study of the cooling system will be performed in a realistic environment, followed by a physical mock-up to complete the study. 2.6. Organisation Several partners may be associated in order to cover the field of work. The main partner (project coordinator) to be identified will be responsible of the work package integration for all the technologies. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 314 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 0 Management (transversal activities for coordination) T0 + 34 months Time Schedule & Workpackage Description: The partner is working to the agreed time-schedule & work-package description. Both, the time-schedule and the work-package description laid out in this Call shall be further detailed as required and agreed at the beginning of the project. Progress Reporting & Reviews: Quarterly progress reports in writing shall be provided by the partner, referring to all agreed workpackages, technical achievement, time schedule, potential risks and proposal for risk mitigation. Monthly coordination meetings shall be conducted via telecom. The partner shall support reporting and agreed review meetings with reasonable visibility on its activities and an adequate level of information. The review meetings shall be held at the topic manager’s facility. Task 1 General Requirements: The partner shall work to a certified standard process Specification Task 2 The partner shall propose an engine specification in order to reach the power density and the fuel burn targets, The partner will refer to Topic Manager requirements to suggest the technologies to be tested, The partner shall propose at least 3 technologies to improve the power density on cylinderhead design, crankcase design and piston design. Development plan T0 + 2 months T0+3 months The partner will propose a integrated plan of development to reach the power density Sub workpackages will be detailed in order to test the features on the SCE engine. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 315 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 3 High Power density features (For each technology) T0+22 months Design studies The partners will perform design, calculation and simulation studies, The partner shall propose a verification plan for each technology and will be approved by a technical review. Manufacturing of prototype parts Tests preparation detailed design of test benches and manufacturing or procurement of components based on existing test plan & test bench sketches, design and procurement of instrumentation required for the different tests, test benches modifications and commissionning including test bench control and instrumentation. SCE Demonstration & Analysis Tests and disassembly for analysis Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 316 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 4 Multicylinder preparation T0 + 34 months The partner shall propose a cooperation plan with key players to develop multicylinder features in order to reach the power density ( Engine control, air boosting system, fuel system layout, sensors) Sub workpackages will be detailed in order to test the features on the components bench tests Multicylinder design The partner will develop a proposal of multicylinder engine based on SCE engine features improvments The partner shall propose a complete engine targeting the power density requirements given by the topic manager including all the functios required to integrate the engine in an airframer environnement ( lubrication, thermics, load, torque, vibrations, power, engine control) The partner shall propose at least 1 technology for each function defined by the topic manager to improve the power density on fuel system, air management system, engine control system, engine mounts, lubrication system, cooling system The partner shall propose a verification plan for each technology and each will be approved by a technical review. Manufacturing of prototype parts Multicylinder tests The partner technology test activities shall include: o detailed design of test benches and manufacturing or procurement of components based on existing test plan & test bench sketches o design and procurement of instrumentation required for the different tests o test benches modifications and commissionning including test bench control and instrumentation o testing of the relevant parts o tests results analysis test results report Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 317 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 5 High compactness powerplant design T0 + 34 months task 6 Specifications : An airframer could be associated to the partner in order to provide specifications. The partner shall manage a complete integration of the multicylinder predevelopment layout in this airframer environnement (UAV, H/C, A/C) The partner shall develop a complete external cooling system enabling to have compact and lightweight exchangers The partner shall define and manage all interfaces in order to mount the engine in the suggested environnment The partner shall develop a complete packaging study to fit the airframer environment The partner activities shall include: o 3D models and 2D drawings o Calculations reports o Tolerances stack up o Airframer environment modifications request book High compactness powerplant mock-up T0 + 34 months A physical mock-up will be designed for demonstration purpose in the airframer environment The partner shall support the topic manager during the physical mockup creation including o Parts manufacturing o Engine mounting o Engine installation Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 318 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type(*) Due Date D1 Engine development plan Including detailed risk analysis and mitigation proposal and a preliminary test pyramid Cooperations plans with 3 key players To explain the way 3 technologies will be worked on SCE engine in order to make a breakthrough in power density Cylinderhead feature development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a cylinderhead able to sustain 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Crankcase feature development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a crankcase able to sustain 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Piston feature development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a piston able to sustain 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Cylinderhead feature concept justification To prove that the cylinderhead feature develop on the SCE engine enable to reach 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Crankcase feature concept justification To prove that the crankcase feature develop on the SCE engine enable to reach 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Piston feature concept justification To prove that the piston feature develop on the SCE engine enable to reach 2.5 KW/Kg of power density MCE development plan o explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a multicylinder engine including the different functions, FMEA analysis MCE Specification delivery To confirm with documents that functions are designed in order to achieved the power density keeping aeronautic constraints as mandatory (CS-e). Expectation are for all functions ( lubrication, thermal management, control, air management, loads, torque, vibrations R T0 + 1 month R T0+2 months R T0+3 months R T0+3 months R T0+3 months R and RM T0+22 months R and RM T0+22 months R and RM T0+22 months R T0+6 months R and RM T0+9 months D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 319 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type(*) Due Date D11 ( MCE cooperation planwith 3 key players To explain the way 3 technologies will be worked on MCE engine in order to make a breakthrough in power density ( ECU, Turbocharger, fuel system) Engine control development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have an ECU able to manage a MCE in an airframer environment Turbocharger development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a turbocharger able to reach a power density of 2.5 KW/Kg Fuel system development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a fuel system able to reach a power density of 2.5 KW/Kg External cooling development plan To explain what will be the detailed activities in order to have a a lightweight and compact external cooling system for high power density engines ECU feature concept justification R and RM T0+7 months R T0+8 months R T0+8 months R T0+8 months R T0+8 months R and RM T0+33 months R and RM T0+33 months R and RM T0+33 months R and RM T0+33 months R and RM T0+15 months R and RM T0+34 months D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 To prove that the ECU feature enable to drive the MCE on aeraumotic field of use Turbocharger concept justification To prove that the turbocharger feature develop on the MCE engine enable to reach 2.5 KW/Kg of power density Fuel system concept justification To prove that the Fuel system feature develop on the MCE engine enable to reach 2.5 KW/Kg of power density External cooling concept justification To develop a lightweight and compact external cooling system for high power density engines Interfaces check list delivery To freeze the interfaces between MCE and airframer Complete package study report To deliver 3D models and 2D drawings of the complete packaging including the interfaces and the external cooling. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 320 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type(*) Due Date D22 Air framer packaging modifications report To detail what has been modified on aircraft to accept the engine BOM delivery To detail all the parts including masses, sizes, material definition, part numbering Physical mock up manufacturing To deliver all the parts with inspection report to mount the mock-up of MCE Physical mock up mounting To report the engine mounting and limitations Physical mock up installation in aircraft To assist the installation of the physical mock up in an aircraft for demonstration R T0+34 months R and RM T0+34 months R and D T0+32 months R T0+33 months R T0+34 months D23 D24 D25 D26 *Type: R: Report RM: Review Meeting D: Delivery of hardware/software Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 321 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) Experience in 4 strokes diesel technologies, Experience in high power density demonstrator, The partner will be responsible of the integration shall demonstrate expertise in engine design and integration, The partner shall have experience in material, processes, simulation and testing, Experience in prototype manufacturing, Experience in prototype testing, Experience in test bench design and modification, English langage is mandatory. 5. Glossary CFP HD SCE MCE BOM CS2 EC WP Call for Proposals High power density Single cylinder engine Multicylinder engine Bill of Material Clean Sky 2 European Commission Work Package Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 322 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) X. Engine Installation Optimization Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA ENG ITDEngine/WP7.1 Light weight and efficient Jet-fuel reciprocating engine 1000 k€ 24 months Start Sept 2015 43 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG- Engine Installation Optimization 04-04 Short description (3 lines) Aircraft Installation optimisation studies in order to improve the global powerplant performance (cooling optimisation, compactness and drag reduction, and global weight savings). 43 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 323 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The “compression ignition” engines burning the aeronautical kerosene/Jet fuels, otherwise called “diesel” engines, can reduce fuel burn by 50% to 65% compared to a small turbine engine, and by 30% to 50% compared with an avgas engine. These points bring both an environmental benefit and a drastic reduction of operating costs. Replacement of an Avgas piston engine by a diesel engine brings a high cumulative benefit of fuel burn and fuel price reduction. Jet fuels are also worldwide available, have a low flamability and are lead free. On the first generation of diesel engines, the weight penalties were, for a medium range mission, more or less compensated by the fuel weight savings, but with the new high power density diesel engines, the global weight balance can be favourable to diesel versus avgas engines, even for short flight legs. Thus, it provides an additional benefit of payload for a medium range mission. A similar conclusion is obtained when new diesel engines and turbines are compared. There are also additional benefits for the diesel engines as: - The lower speed of rotation allowing important noise reduction, both inside (in the cabin) for passengers and pilots comfort, and outside for the community. This last point may allow the survival of airfields near cities and by consequence the development of the small aviation transportation market. - Reduction of the number of levers (no mixture) for a simpler control by the pilot, - Reduction of inspection and maintenance (no magnetos, no sparks igniters ...). Thus, the use of piston engines burning the affordable and worldwide available Kerosene fuel is a logical step to overcome these drawbacks. Airframers producing small airplanes create strong pressure to engine manufacturers to get their compression ignition power units more mature and certified with high performance. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 324 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The goal of the this Work Package is to demonstrate a high efficient diesel engine installation. Exemple of CFD simulation for a single engine installation The study will try to focus on a twin engine aircraft, with wing mounted engines, as it is the configuration with both a lot of constraints in term of compactness, and corresponding to the CS2 SAT (Small Air Transportation) target. This WP should address the following points : 2.1. Specification & Design The engine installation will be based upon both a : - An aircraft model (at least a nacelle and a wing portion), - Aircraft requirements for the engine installation, - An engine model. A CAD model including propeller, engine and aircraft equipments and accessories, the nacelle with flaps, mountings, firewall… will support the study. All the design will be performed with the capability to be certified. 2.2. Cooling design The engine cooling should be efficient. It requires as low air flow rate as possible and/or as low pressure drop as possible.This could lead to a downsizing of the cooling system providing possibilities: For high compactness and low drag, - To maintain the installed weight under control. The cooling systems includes : Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 325 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - Coolant (oil), cylinder baffles, turbocharger intercooler, fuel cooler… Ducts, cowl flaps, Links with the engine air inlet (usually alternate air for cold day). Fluid dynamic simulation (CFD) will be a part of the analysis. To define the boundary conditions of the ducts, it will include the propeller, the nacelle, and a portion of the wing. 2.3. Installation compactness The compactness is directly linked to the cooling analysis in order to reduce both: - the size of coolers, - the size of ducts. Some requirements to the engine design could be done, as it participates to its installation optimization. The compactness will specifically focus on the frontal area. 2.4. Drag of the nacelle A small frontal area studied for compactness will allow drag reduction. The drag calculation will take into acount the “cooling drag”. CFD simulation will evaluate the drag. A comparison will be done with regular turbo engine installation. A similar drag for a diesel engine should be considered as a success. 2.5. Weight Based on the CAD model, a global weight analysis will be performed including : - the weight for each system, - A global weight included the fuel weight and calculated for different missions and reserves. A similar value of regular turbo engine (if comparison possible) should be considered as a success. 2.6. Demonstrator Once the study will be theoritically completed, a physical demonstrator will be done. In additition to the ground demonstration, a flight demonstration will be performed to better evaluate the installation performance. 2.7. Organization Several partners may be associated in order to cover the field of work, but a major one should take the lead of this work package, ideally an airframer of a twin engine aircraft. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 326 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 Specification & Development plan 1. Elaboration of the development plan and detailed schedule. 2. A/C requirement analysis providing the installation specifications Design phase including validation preparation 1. CAD – digital mock-up elaboration 2. Weight analysis (details and global) 3. Inside CFD analysis and thermal analysis (engine cooling) 4. Outside CFD analysis (Drag calculation) One iteration between these points. These points include the presentation of the method to prove the calculation by tests. Ground Demonstration 1. Preparation, instrumentation, 2. Collect of parts, Assembly, 3. Ground Tests and analysis. In flight demonstration T0 + 3 months Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 12 months T0 + 18 months T0 + 24 months Page 327 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 A/C specification review T0 + 3 months D3 D4 Digital mock-up optimization including details of each subsystems and weight analysis Global weight conclusion T0 + 12 months D5 Thermal conclusion D6 Nacelle drag conclusion D7 Ground demonstration results T0 + 18 months D8 In flight demonstration results T0 + 24 months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date T0 + 6 months M2 Preliminary Digital mock-up including details of each subsystems and preliminary weight analysis Design review M3 Ground demonstrator assembly T0 + 15 months M4 Aircraft demonstrator assembly T0 + 19 months M1 T0 + 9 months 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Experience in aircraft design, production and certification, Experience in on wing engine installation and certification, Capable to provide a nacelle / wing physical and digital model, Experience in prototype manufacturing, Experience in fluid and thermal calculation, Experience in design and prototype manufacturing, English language is mandatory. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 328 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1.6. Clean Sky 2 – Systems ITD I. Smart Integrated Wing – Life extended hydrostatic & lubricated systems Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP3 – Innovative Electrical Wing 700 k€ 36 months Start Date44 07-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Smart Integrated Wing – Life extended hydrostatic & lubricated systems 02-01 Short description (3 lines) The partner will work on equipment and processes extending the life of lubricated components such as gear boxes and spindle for Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMA), and high pressure hydraulic components such as Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators (EHA). This should happen through the use of innovative sealing technologies and sensor techniques and by associated methods. 44 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 329 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Please provide here the WBS and explain the objectives of the WP. The objective of the WP3.2.2 Sensor Concepts and Health Monitoring is to define how improved sealing and new sensor capabilities could support the life extension and improved maintenance planning of wing systems, such as actuation systems. The first steps will focus mainly on ElectroHydrostatic Actuators (EHA) and Electro-Mechanical Actuators (EMA). The life extension should occur through innovative maintenance methods in combination with the utilisation of new sensors and innovative sealing concepts. Lifetime and maintenance intervals of actuators are mainly determinded by the quality of lubrication. Lacking lubricant resp. hydraulic fluid, chemical condition (humidity, aging), and debris / particles, deriving from mechanical wear, deteriorate the lubrication performance. Also the type lubricant itself has a big influence on it. The challenging aspects of the WP are: - Environmental and operating conditions, such as o temperature (-55 °C … +120 °C) o pressure range up to 10.000 PSI (supply, burst) and 6000 PSI (return, burst) o demanding vibration level o high numer of duty cycles (up to 100.000 flight cycles, 7.500.000 Mio fatigue cycles) o high degree of deformation, resulting in reasonable gaps to be sealed - Aerospace approved material, processes and fluids - Aerospace requirements - Long life Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 330 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Depending of the actuator type, the kind of lubrication (hydraulic fluid, oil or grease), appropriate sensing and monitoring methods shall be identified in order to ensure proper lubrication. For instance: - Efficiency monitoring - Thermal monitoring - Humidity and oil quality sensing New types of lubricants shall also be considered. These sensing methods and requirements will be defined jointly by the selected partner and Topic Manager. Sensor types, analysing methods and data processing have to be matched to obtain a functional oil sensing system, which is able to determine the on time lubrication performance. Also, innovative sealing concepts and technologies shall be investigated as enabler for sealed systems life extension. The overall concepts will be steered by Topic Manager as actuator designer and may involve definition of additional topic descriptions along the program. The identified concepts shall be elaborated analysed and evaluated. Retrofit solutions shall be considered. The function and applicability of the developped technologies shall be prooved by test. Therefore corresponding functional demonstrators have to be provided in attunement with Topic Manager. Topic Manager will provide demonstrator hardware (EHA, EMA or actuator components) which shall be modified and equipped with the selected monitoring equipment and sealing systems by the partner. The partner is also in charge to provide the test facility, execute the tests and the documentation of the test results. Due to the short demonstration phase (6 months) the demonstration will principally consist of functional tests. Performance and behaviour of the sealing and monitoring concepts will be prooved under different conditions and operational modes. In addition it is conceivable to conduct accelerated tests with used or primed lubricants. Note: Specifications of EHA and EMA actuators will be provided by Topic Manager once the partner has been selected after signature of a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) between the two companies. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 331 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T01 State of the Art analysis– Analysis of existing lubricating solutions and sensing technologies, as well as upcoming technologies enabling innovative concepts. New sealing and sensing concepts on generic sealed systems proposal will be analysed Technology use cases identification – Sensing, processing and lubricant solutions to be faced to use cases and relevant solutions to be sorted. The applicability of the proposed sensing and sealing concepts for the defined use cases defined by Topic Manager will be screened. Analysis of performance and aging. The technologies will be benchmarked with regards to costs, duration and reliability impacts. Adequate sealing concepts and lubrication monitoring methods will be determined. Solution design – Together with Topic Manager, the partner will propose full life extension solutions for lubricated mechanical and hydraulic systems (Electro Mechanical Actuators and Electro Hydrostatic Actuators). The selected concepts will be matured and adapted to Topic Manager actuators in order to fit the demonstration platform of Clean Sky 2. The costs, duration and reliability impacts should be estimated and matched with market expectations. Design of the demonstration – Support to bring the innovative solution on the high level Demonstrators. The concepts shall be then designed in accordance to the demonstration foreseen and proposed for prototyping approval. Short test campaign will be communicated by Topic Manager. The Demonstration should cover at least 2 different solutions on 3 different types of actuators (EHA, EMA rotary and linear). Modification and equipping of the demonstrator hardware with the developed lubrication/sensor solution (demonstrator hardware will be provided by Topic Manager). The applicant shall be responsible for: - planning and provision of test equipment (rigs, supply), - execution of verification tests, - reporting and analysis of the test results. T0 + 6 M T02 T03 T04 T05 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 16 M T0 + 25 M T0 + 30 M T0 + 36 M Page 332 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date T0 + 6 M D03 State of the Art analysis report on existing Document lubrication solutions Concept study improved lubrication, sensing and Document processing methods Solution design Design D04 System design for demonstration Design T0 + 30 M D05 Demonstration hardware, Test equipment Hardware T0 + 36 m D01 D02 T0 + 16 M T0 + 25 M Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date M01 Use cases and requirements frozen Use cases T0 + 16 M M02 Start of technology demonstration T0 + 32 M 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) - Mechanical stress and finite elements calculation - Fluid mechanics, tribology to enable fluid quality analysis - Materials and coating, in particular for aging studies - Sensors capabilities and environmental conditions - Statistic models - Sealing systems, other industrial background appreciated (automotive…) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 333 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) II. Modular, scalable, multi-function, high power density power controller for electric taxi Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Estimated Topic Value (funding in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) IA SYS WP 4 – Landing Gear Systems 1500 k€ 51 months Start Date 09-2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Modular, scalable, multi-function, high power density power controller 02-02 for electric taxi Short description (3 lines) This project will develop a next generation power controller for electric taxi. This controller shall feature increased power density, bidirectional power conversion, modularity, scalability, and multifunctionality to support wide range of aircraft applications. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 334 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Active 2014-2015 Not active 2014-2015 Studies for the electric taxi system have shown that it will provide significant fuel savings (and emissions reductions) for single aisle aircraft. The studies have also indicated fuel and emissions reduction opportunities in other aircraft types ranging from helicopters, through business jets and regional jets, up to a short-haul wide body aircraft. The current demonstration systems, used for proof of concept, can be significantly improved in many respects, including the following: - Weight and size: Weight reduction of the electric taxi system has direct impact on aircraft fuel burn; the power density of the power controller is an important driver with the potential for dramatic improvement. - Landing gear integration: Integration of the wheel actuators into the landing gear is challenging due to the severe environment. There is an opportunity to develop a robust, integrated system that can be used across multiple applications. To achieve optimal integration of the overall system, both the wheel actuator and the power controller must be developed in close collaboration. - Cost reduction: Considering the range of target platforms, an efficient approach to modularity must be taken, and the system and its elements should be carefully designed to fulfill the varying range of requirements while maximizing re-use. - Increased efficiency: The overall aircraft system energy efficiency needs to be maximized. This can be achieved by employing advanced energy management to ensure energy is not wasted, and power sources are not oversized. Regenerated energy produced by braking Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 335 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) during taxi shall be absorbed by the system to perform useful work, rather than being dissipated in resistors as is the case in the first generation of the system. This capability requires the power controller to manage bi-directional energy flow, including conditioning the regenerated power into a usable form with acceptable power quality. This project shall develop the next generation power controller which will be part of a scalable and modular electric taxi system. It will interface with the system controller, aircraft electric power system, and the electric taxi system wheel actuators. Its functions are to provide controlled power to the wheel actuator electric motor, and to condition/return regenerated power to energy storage or the aircraft power system. Specific and detailed requirements will be defined during the initial studies, to support an overall, optimized electric taxi system design. These studies, led by the electric taxi system integrator, will consider: using direct drive vs. geared actuators; different motor topologies; smart actuators (where the power/control electronics are colocated with the actuator); and approaches to regenerated energy management/use. The power controller architecture will have to address all these requirements. The power system architecture and power controller must developed taking into account aircraft integration constraints such as volume, temperature/cooling, vibration, noise, EMI/EMC, cost, etc. to achieve a demonstration close to TRL6 standard. The proposed activity is aligned with the following Systems ITD Strategic Objectives: - CO2 and fuel burn: The fuel burn (and related CO2 emisions) reduced by 61% during the taxi phase. Depending on the mission type, up to 4% reduction of overall specific fuel consumption. - NOx emisions: The NOx emissions reduced by 51% during the taxi phase. Depending on the mission type, up to 3% reduction of the overall NOx emissions. - Population exposed to noise / Noise footprint impact: Reduction of the ground noise level during taxiing by approximately 10 dB during the taxi phase. While the existing demonstration systems are targetting specific aircraft, the development of the modular and scalable system allows utilization on various aircraft types. This development is therefore a necessary enabler for an industry-wide electric taxi system introduction. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 336 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work The project will develop the modular, scalable, multi-function, high power density power controller for the next generation electric taxi system. A significant power density increase (reduced size and weight), compared to current state-of-the-art, shall be achieved. The power controller shall feature bidirectional power conversion capability to manage and condition the energy regenerated by electric taxi motors during aircraft deceleration. It shall be modular and easily scalable to support a wide range of platform requirements with maximized re-use. The power controller shall have the capability to perform multiple functions should it be necessary in some aircraft applications. Cooling requirements shall be minimized, unless it is proven that another approach is more beneficial from a system perspective. The controller shall be designed for optimal integration with the electric taxi system traction motor and wheel actuator design, as well as with the electric taxi system controller. Integration of the communication interfaces, integration with the cooling system, and mechanical integration within the aircraft or landing gear shall be included in the project scope, and will be conducted at the site of the activity leader in Velizy - France. The technology focus of the project will include: - Innovative packaging, cooling, and filtering technologies - Advanced controller topologies - Optimized control algorithms - Analysis and possible use of wide band-gap semiconductors - Additional functions as agreed between the applicant and the activity leader The specific requirements for the power controller include: - Modularity/scalability – The power controller shall be reconfigurable/modular to support wide range of power ranges without any significant redesign - Multi-functionality – The power controller shall be designed to optionally control other aircraft electrical actuators and motors as a redundant controller - Bi-directional operation for braking energy regeneration - Power range – The power controller shall be scalable within the range from 10kVA to 100kVA - Bus voltage – The power controller shall operate from the +-270V DC bus - Motor frequency – up to 1000Hz - Torque – The power controller shall control motors with the torque range between 500 and 10000 Nm - Environmental conditions – The power controller shall meet the DO-160 standard - Electrical standards: The power controller shall meet DO-160 standard Quantified objectives: - Weight – target mass power density is 4kW/kg - Volume – target volume power density is 2kW/l Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 337 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) An Implementation Agreement will be prepared and signed between the applicant, activity leader, and its partners, to define the intellectual property rules and means to the exploitation of results. Tasks Ref. No. Title – Description T4. T4. Support analysis of the overall system requirements and definition of power controller detailed requirements (provide inputs for system optimization: optimum design between Power Electronic, Storage device and Motor Characteristics) Support analyses and trade-off studies of an approach to scalability and modularity (provide input for aircraft integration & installation system activities) Analyses and trade-off studies of wide-band-gap semiconductors usage, converter topologies, and filtering approach Analysis and trade-offs of mechanical integration approaches, including packaging and cooling Support identification and analysis of potential additional functional requirements Definition of interface requirements and integration procedures T4. Power Controller architecture definition T0+9 T4. Power Controller safety and reliability analysis T0+9 T4. Development of the Power Controller to TRL3 T0+27 T4. Laboratory evaluation of the Power Controller critical functions T0+27 T4. Power Controller integration simulation model development T0+33 T4. Development of the Power Controller to TRL5 T0+39 T4. Laboratory testing and evaluation of the Power Controller T0+39 T4. EMI/EMC testing T0+45 T4. Laboratory demonstrator integration T0+51 T4. Laboratory testing T0+51 T4. T4. T4. T4. Due Date [T0+mm] T0+3 T0+9 T0+9 T0+9 T0+9 T0+9 The initial stage of the project will analyze the high-level requirements and prepare detailed requirements for the Power Controller. This will be followed by technology trade studies to analyze and define: - The best topology of the Power Controller - Suitability and benefits of using wide-band-gap semiconductors - The best approach to Power Controller cooling and packaging, accounting for different target platforms, and scalability Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 338 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) - The best approach to electrical modularity/scalability of the Power Controller and its multifunctionality This will be followed by the interface definitions and an overall integration procedure preparation together with the activity lead. The next stage will define the Power Controller architecture, followed by the preliminary safety and reliability analysis. In the following stage, the applicant will develop the power controller to TRL3, perform laboratory validation tests for any critical functions. A power controller simulation will feed an overall integrated system simulation performed by the activity leader. The development of the Power Controller will then continue to reach TRL5. This will include additional laboratory performance tests, and EMC/EMI testing. The TRL5 prototype will then be integrated with the rest of the next generation electric taxi system which will be tested, validated, and demonstrated in collaboration with the activity leader. The project shall therefore develop the next generation Power Controller to TRL6 validated by system tests. To achieve this, it is assumed that the applicant will build on existing designs and knowledge, and that only specific portions of the effort (for example; those which address power density, minimized cooling, etc.) will be developed from low TRLs. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 339 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D4. Report Q4 2015 Report Q4 2017 D4. Power Controller system requirements analysis and detailed requirements definition Power Controller TRL3 critical function laboratory test report Power Controller simulation model Model Q2 2018 D4. Power Controller TRL5 laboratory test report Report Q4 2018 D4. TRL6: Power Controller integrated with system ground demonstrator Laboratory demonstrator test report Hardware Q3 2019 Report Q4 2019 D4. D4. 2015 H2 T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. 2016 H1 H2 Report 2017 H1 H2 2018 H1 H2 2019 H1 H2 Report Data and Report T4. T4. T4. T4. T4. Report Hardware Report TRL3 TRL5 Laboratory demonstration Table 5 – Project estimated schedule Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 340 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant Technical: - The applicant must have relevant expertise in aircraft power electronics development - The applicant must have relevant experience in aircraft system integration and installation, it should preferably be a mature aircraft electronic system supplier - The applicant should have a proven track record in the development and demonstration of components for electric taxi or similar high power systems, up to 100 kVA - The applicant must have a proven track record in research - The applicant must have a relevant experience in multi-disciplinary integration in aerospace (covering at least the following: systems, electrical, mechanical, thermal, avionics) Process: - The applicant is required to follow appropriate aerospace development and quality standards and must have internal processes to ensure compliance with them - The related product development organization should be certified to a widely recognized standard, and should have established and documented technology development and Technology Readiness Level (TRL) assessment process - The applicant must be certified for Quality regulations such as AS9100 - The applicant must have a proven track record of working with aerospace certification authorities - The applicant must have a proven track record in delivering to agreed time, cost and quality - The applicant must have demonstrated project management and quality management capability in aerospace Organizational: - The applicant must ensure resources are available for main taks in-house and should avoid subcontracting for the research, development, simulation, and testing - The applicant must have reliable supply chain for all the necessary components and material Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 341 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) III. Robust package for harsh environment and optimization of electrical characteristic of rectifier bridge using high current diode Type of action (RIA or IA) RIA Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP 5 – [WP 5.1.1] 700 k€ 18 months Start March 2015 45 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Robust package for harsh environment and optimization of electrical 02-03 characteristic of rectifier bridge using high current diode Short description (3 lines) Electrical components need to meet harsher aircraft requirements; mechanical constraints combined with high temperature conditions weaken the die and the packaging of the component. The target is to develop a robust diode package (high reliability) based on an optimized die. The diode component performances shall meet electrical and environmental constraints for a harsh environment. The foreseen application is a high current rectifier leg and/or full bridge operating in harsh mechanical, thermal and fluid constraints. 45 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 342 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The WP5 WBS and objectives of the WP5.1.1 in which the CfP is proposed. The major objective of “Main and APU Power Generation” project is to actively prepare the ATA24 System for the future generation of aircraft power network and to develop the next generation of power starter generator. Through these studies, process and technologies will be evaluated and challenged to usual solutions. 2. Scope of work Please fill in the table to identify the tasks to be carried by the CfP (I would use either Topic, or project; CfP is not appropriate), and provide a more detailed description of each task under the table. Keep in mind that this CfP text is NOT a "justification" of your needs but an "explanation" of your requirements. Make sure applicants understand precisely what they are expected to do. Future Aircraft need more electrical power on board and electrical components need to meet aircraft environment requirements. Mechanical constraints, high temperature (ambient temperature over 85°C and maximum junction temperature up to 200°C) and harsh environment (salt spray, humidity) weaken the die of the component with consequences on the holding of electrical characteristics in the cycle life of component The foreseen application is a high current rectifier leg and/or three phases bridge. The main characteristics of the diode are forward current up to 240A, low forward voltage drop (targeted value close to 0,5V at 175° junction temperature and IF = 240A, value including electrical contact resistance Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 343 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) in the case assembly), reverse voltage up to 200V with a targeted leakage current lower than 1mA. The dissipated power is evacuated through a cooling plate. For this application, a solution with a symmetrical diode (Anode –Cathode and cathode anode) should be proposed The goal of this topic consists on proposing to progress the following activities: - Design new and robust solutions to meet the requested electrical performances in thermal constraints and sustaining the main environmental representative stress: vibrations; shocks, humidity, fluids susceptibility, salt spray, - State of the art of low forward voltage drop and for this dedicated application and analyze the opportunities to update with the latest progress on semiconductor diode for high current (Schottky, Junction Barrier Schottky (JBS) and Silicon carbide (SiC)). - Develop methodology to optimize the choice of component with dedicated characteristics and/or to reduce the dispersion of forward voltage drop for this application optimize the selection of low forward voltage drop and study reason of the forward voltage dispersion. note : The applicant shall manufacture an estimated batch of at least 80 pieces. (See the minimum quantity for each test). This quantity could be adapted and increased if necessary. In the estimated batch, 40 pieces shall be delivered to topic manager for specific tests. All indicated tests are usually required for this type of analysis. The applicant shall provide all test benchs to achieve the required tests. Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 establish state of the art of semiconductor diode and packaging solutions (1 leg and 3 phases bridge) for the dedicated application study the optimization of the forward voltage and leakage current characteristics to reduce dispersion or fluctuation on this characteristic in a batch of component T0 + 2 Month define the new die substrate with associated packaging (1 leg and 3 phases bridge) and design new diode manufacture new diode mock-ups , batch of 80 pieces (samples for different tests : quantity for topic manager is 40 diodes in the new package, and 40 pieces for the applicant) T0 + 5 Month Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 +12 Months Page 344 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 5 characterize electrical performances in thermal conditions (all diode need to be characterized) In addition of the electrical characterization, the following tests shall be done: - reverse voltage withstand at hot temperature (150 to 175°C) (Qty = at least 10 pieces) - climatic environment (humidity) compliance with D0160 (Qty = at least 10 pieces) evaluate mechanical and fatigue capabilities of the new diode in compliance with DO160 (Qty = at least 5) evaluate robustness to an environmental representative stress. Robustness tests are destructive ones allowing a definition of a margin design ( upper limit and lower limit of destruction) and a drift of a key parameters. Robustness test will be led on statistical batch ( Qty = at least 5). define methodology to select diode through a specific electrical characteristics (described above) with end of life criteria ( to be defined in partnership with topic manager) perform tests and reports. Topic manager will help in tests procedure elaboration. Tests will be done by supplier. In case of lack of test benches, supplier shall find adequate suppliers. T0 +15 Months Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 +15 Months T0 +15 Months T0 +15 Months T0 +18 Months Page 345 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Report state of the art and optimizations solution document T0 + 2 Month D2 document T0 + 5 Month component T0 + 12 Months D4 Definition file of the new diode (1 leg and 3 phases bridge) Delivery of prototypes (1 leg and 3 phases bridge) Batch of 80 pieces (40 pieces for topic manager and 40 pieces for applicant) Report on performances document T0 + 15 Months D5 Report on robustness document T0 + 17 Months D3 Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Trade Review T0+2M Article review 1 state of the art of semiconductor diode and propositions of optimizations of characteristic (solution to reduce dispersion on the forward voltage and leakage current) definition of the new die and choice of dedicated semiconductor technology and definition of the substrate material and die design with optimized packaging able to satisfy specification of Topic Managers company deliver diode mock-up according to the definition Article review 2 diode selection methodology T0+15M Test review Evaluate electrical, mechanical and robustness performances according to evaluation procedures specification jointly by the applicant and Topic Managers company T0+18M Design review 1 Design review 2 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date T0+5M T0+8M T0+12M Page 346 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant will be able to: semiconductor diode manufacturer or contacts with manufacturer design and product dies packaging of semiconductors characterize electrical tests conduct fatigue and combined robustness tests Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 347 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) IV. Smart Oil pressure sensors for oil cooled starter/generator Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP 5 – [WP 5.1.1] 600 k€ 18 months Start March 2015 46 Date Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Smart Oil pressure sensors for oil cooled starter/generator 02-04 Short description (3 lines) Development and test of a smart oil pressure sensor technology that will have to operate in harsh environment (temperature, pressure, vibration …). This sensor will have to integrate” Health Monitoring” capability in order to allow failures detection and prediction. 46 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 348 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The major objective of “Main and APU Power Generation” project is to actively prepare the ATA24 System for the future generation of aircraft power network and to develop the next generation of power starter generator. Through these studies, process and technologies will be evaluated and challenged to usual solutions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 349 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work As starting point, future Aircraft will need more electrical power on board. Consequently, the associated electrical rotating machine power will increase. Oil cooling machines seems the solution as it enables more compact machines, along with long bearing life and higher rotation speeds. Today the rotating electrical machine manufacturers have implemented oil cooling system comprising hydraulic pump, regulator valve, and filters. In order to monitor the proper running of the cooling system oil pressure indicators can be implemented into the machine. Standard technology is limited for aircraft applications because of different reasons as industrial environment (limited operating temperature) and electrical interface by using electronic treatment inside the sensor. Current technology is also based on on/off switch working at a set pressure and does not allow to anticipate any failure. The actuation thresholds are fixed and cannot be set up according to the real conditions of the machine (variation of temperature, speed…). In this aim, a smart oil pressure sensor technology must be developed able to make Health Monitoring of the cooling system. Functional requirements are the followings: Smart pressure sensor application: 0,5 to 8 bar Smart differential sensor application: 0,5 to 5 bar In both applications the accuracy pressure output (current or voltage, values defined later) must be better than 5% on the whole operating temperature range. This smart sensor technology must be compliant with very severe environmental constrain: Sensor operating temperature: -40°C to +180°C Electronic data processor operating temperature: Full integrated option (preferred): -40°C to +180°C Separated box option: -55°C to +125°CVibration level: DO160 category U&W with amplification factor of 500% from 150 to 300Hz. EMC : compliant with D0160 standard Hydraulic fluid to be monitored: turbine oil MIL-PRF-7808 and MIL-PRF-23699 The sensor is placed in an oil mist environment (oil mist of turbine oil MIL-PRF-7808 and MIL-PRF23699) The goal of this topic is to find partner(s) able to develop the technology and demonstrate a high level of maturity on two demonstrators: one oil pressure sensor and one differential pressure sensor and their data processor (Integrated solution preferred) TRL5 is expected at the end of the project. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 350 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 Specification freeze the topic manager and the partner(s) shall contribute to freeze the specification State of the art Applicant is requested to investigate general state of the art of sensors and data processing for oil pressure application. At the end of this phase, the partners shall provide a choice matrix justifying the technology choice according to the specification criteria provided in task 1. Preliminary design Applicant is requested to develop a mock-up able to demonstrate the accuracy of the technology selected. Applicant shall provide a preliminary design analysis including functional justification, mechanical calculation, drawings and electronic schematics. All the justification shall be based on a DFMEA. Design Applicant is requested adapt the selected technology for the two applications identified according to the specification. Applicant shall provide updated design justifications and applied on whole sensor perimeter. Demonstrator manufacturing Applicant is requested to manufacture at least 5 demonstrators of each application. Two of each will be transmitted to Topic Manager for integration tests. The remaining parts will be dedicated to the partner(s) for qualification tests. Qualification tests Applicant is requested to carry-out qualification tests on the two part numbers including: - Performance at low and high temperature - Vibration - EMC susceptibility - Endurance (vibration, pressure cycling, pollution, temperature cycling, altitude….) - Robustness (Vibration and temperature) Applicant shall provide test reports and examination reports. T0 + 1 Month Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 T0 + 2 Months T0 +6 Months T0 + 9 Months T0 +15 Months T0 +18 Months 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 351 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 State of the Art document T0 + 2 Month D2 Technology choice matrix component T0 + 4 Months D3 Preliminary technology design justification document T0 + 6 Months D4 Sensors design justification document T0 + 10 Months D5 2 Demonstrators of each sensor delivery hardware T0 + 15 Months D6 Tests and examination reports document T0 + 18 Months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description KOM Kick Off meeting T0 T0+6 months TRR Predesign review : sensor architecture and technology selection Design review : sensor definition and Test bench design freeze reproducing environmental conditions (mechanical constraints and temperature variation, dedicated or combined conditions) Test readiness review : test specification freeze. QR Qualification review : Tests results and reports T0+18 months PDR CDR Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date T0+10 months T0+15 months Page 352 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, certification or equipment expected from the applicant(s) The applicant should have the following knowledge & equipment: - Strong knowledge of sensors technology and data processing - Strong knowledge and extensive experience on mechanical calculation and EMC electronic design - Strong knowledge in product development and design tools (Development plan, Product and process FMEA) - Facilities to conduct fatigue and combined robustness tests, The applicant should have the following experience in management project: The activity will be managed with a Phase & Gate approach and management plan has to be provided. The Topic Manager will approve gates and authorise progress to subsequent phases. Technical and programme documentations, including planning, drawings, FMEAs, manufacturing and inspection reports, must be made available to the Topic Manager. Experiences in R&T and R&D programs. Experience of aerospace related research programs would be an advantage. In-house testing capability will have to be emphasized in order to propose an integrated design, manufacturing and testing approach. Availability of test benches to support test campaigns is mandatory. English language is mandatory. Activities shall be conducted using ISO standards. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 353 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) V. Instrumented bearing for oil cooled starter/generator Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP 5 – [WP 5.1.1] 500 k€ 18 months Start Date47 March 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Instrumented bearing for oil cooled starter/generator 02-05 Short description (3 lines) The rotating electrical machine manufacturers are looking for solutions to reduce the mass of these machines. One of them is to increase the rotation speed of these machines. So this solution requires to conduct studies on the bearing health in high speed environment and establish the failure modes in these conditions 47 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 354 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The WP5 WBS and objectives of the WP5.1.1 in which the CfP is proposed. The major objective of “Main and APU Power Generation” project is to actively prepare the ATA24 System for the future generation of aircraft power network and to develop the next generation of power starter generator. Through these studies, process and technologies will be evaluated and challenged to usual solutions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 355 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work As starting point, future Aircraft needs more electrical power on board, so the associated electrical rotating machine weight increase can be a drawback for MEA architectures. Consequently the rotating electrical machine manufacturers are looking for solutions to reduce the mass of these machines. One of them is to increase the rotation speed of these machines. Today bearing failure is one of the most important cause of breakdown or unscheduled maintenance. In this aim, a high speed instrumented bearing must be developed. The Health Monitoring processor shall be able to anticipate at least 100 Hours before the total bearing failure at a probability of 3 Sigma. Functional requirements are the followings: Oil cooled and lubricated Oil type: MIL-PRF-7808 and MIL-PRF-23699 Axial strength: 1000N Radial strength: 180N Inner diameter (on shaft): Ø 50 to 70 mm Maximum operating speed: 26000 RPM Maximum speed (overspeed): 30000 RPM Maximum ambient temperature: 180°C Oil inlet normal operating temperature: 60 to 120°C Oil inlet extreme operating temperature -55°C to 135°C Average time-weighted oil inlet temperature: 80°C For the electronic data processor, operating temperatures: Full integrated option (preferred): -40°C to +180°C (operating), minimum -55°C non operating. Separated box option: -55°C to +125°C Vibration level: DO160 category U&W with amplification factor of 500% from 150 to 300Hz. EMC: compliant with the D0160 standard. The goal of this topic is to find partner(s) able to develop the bearing and the data processor able to foresee bearing failure. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 356 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 Specification freeze: During this phase, the topic manager and the partner(s) shall contribute to freeze the specification. State of the art and methodology choice: Applicant is requested to investigate general state of the art of failure detection methodology. At the end of this phase, the partner(s) shall provide a choice matrix justifying the methodology to monitor bearing health (temperature evolution, vibration…) Methodology freeze: Applicant is requested to develop a mock-up able to demonstrate the accuracy of the methodology selected. Applicant shall carry-out fatigue test with aged bearing and monitor the selected parameter chosen in task 2. Data processor mock-up design: Applicant is requested to develop the electronic data processor laboratory demonstrator able to monitor and detect bearing failure. Design justifications and schematics will be supplied to Topic Manager for design freeze review. Data processor mock-up manufacturing: Applicant is requested to manufacture a mock-up according to design freeze of task 4. Verification tests: Applicant is requested to carry-out tests on at least 2 aged bearings to demonstrate the proper running of the data processor. Applicant shall provide test reports and examination reports. T0 + 2 Month Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 4 Month T0 + 6 Month T0 +12 Months T0 +15 Months T0 +18 Months Page 357 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 State of the Art : report of tasks 2 document T0 + 4 Month D2 Methodology choice matrix: report of tasks 2 document T0 + 6 Month D3 Tests and examination reports : report to task 3 document T0 + 12 Months D4 T0 + 15 Months D5 Sensor and data processor design justifications: report to document task 4 Mock-up delivery : report to task 5 component D6 Tests and examination reports: report to task 6 T0 + 18 Months document T0 + 15 Months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description Trade Review state of the art and methodology choice T0+4M Design review Design justifications T0+12M Article review deliver mock-up according to the definition T0+15M Final review Final report T0+18M Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date Page 358 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant should have the following knowledge & equipment: - Strong knowledge of bearing selection and bearing failure mode analysis - Strong knowledge and extensive experience on sensors and data processing - Strong knowledge in product development and design tools (Development plan, Product and process FMEA) - Facilities to conduct fatigue and combined robustness tests, The applicant should have the following experience in management project: The activity will be managed with a Phase & Gate approach and management plan has to be provided. The Topic Manager will approve gates and authorise progress to subsequent phases. Technical and programme documentations, including planning, drawings, FMEAs, inspection reports, must be made available to the Topic Manager. Experiences in R&T and R&D programs: Experience of aerospace related research programs would be an advantage. In-house testing capability will have to be emphasized in order to propose an integrated design, manufacturing and testing approach. Availability of test benches to support test campaigns is mandatory. English langage is mandatory. Activities shall be conducted using ISO standards Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 359 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VI. Evaluate mechanical and fatigue capabilities for diode die in harsh environment Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Indicative Funding Topic Value (in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP 5 – [WP 5.1.1] 400 k€ 24 months Start Date48 March 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Evaluate mechanical and fatigue capabilities for diode die in harsh 02-06 environment Short description (3 lines) Electrical components need to withstand very harsh environment conditions, along with mechanical constraints. Thus analysis need to be conducted to fully characterized mechanical and temperature constraints applied on component die in high cycled stress and to elaborate a mechanical model according to the product duty cycle. 48 The start date corresponds to actual start date with all legal documents in place. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 360 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background The WP5 WBS and objectives of the WP5.1.1 in which the CfP is proposed. The major objective of “Main and APU Power Generation” project is to actively prepare the ATA24 System for the future generation of aircraft power network and to develop the next generation of power starter generator. Through these studies, process and technologies will be evaluated and challenged to usual solutions. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 361 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Future Aircraft need more electrical power on board and electrical components need to meet aircraft environment requirements. Electrical equipment need to withstand very harsh environment conditions, with mechanical constraints in bending and torsion stress and with high temperature variation from -55°C to 200°C for junction temperature. For these harsh conditions, the quality of electrical contact inside the package is difficult to ensure. The foreseen application is high power electronic die (diode button cell). The major characteristics of the diode are forward current up to 200A, reverse voltage up to 1400V. Current diode use Silicon based die. If the opportunity occurs, the Topic Manager could ask the applicant to use Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology. The high revolution speed leads to high cycled stress on the diode die: Compression strength: 160MPa (Value will be confirmed during task 1) Shear strength: 100MPa ( Value will be confirmed during task 1) The goal of this topic consists on proposing to realize the following activities: - analyze mechanical and temperature conditions - develop mechanical and thermal constraint/fatigue model - develop test bench and tests specification (including fatigue test). - tests running and mechanical/thermal fatigue model optimization Topic manager delivers: - Harsh Environment specification and geometrical packaged diode model - Standard diodes samples for fatigue tests - Contribution in test procedure Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 362 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date Task 1 Evaluation mechanical and temperature constraints in the dedicated applications Identify the failure mode and characterization tests to carry out based on Silicon die state of the Art T0 + 2 Months Design the proper test bench reproducing environmental conditions (mechanical constraints and temperature variation, dedicated or combined conditions) T0 + 13 Months Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 T0 + 4 Months T0 + 13 Months Develop a combined fatigue model Evaluate electric, mechanical and robustness performance according to evaluation procedures specification jointly by the applicant and Topic Managers company Proper final reports redaction, hardware examinations, hardware delivery. Optimize the combined fatigue model Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 T0 + 21 Months T0 + 24 Months Page 363 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables/ Milestones and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D1 Evaluation Report document T0 + 2 Month D2 Preliminary model model T0 + 4 Month D3 Test procedure & test bench design Document T0 + 13 Months D4 multiphysics (mechanical/thermal) fatigue model model T0+ 13 Months D5 Report on performances (preliminary) document T0 + 21 Months D6 Final tests reports examination and optimized fatigue model document T0 + 24 Months Milestones (when appropriate) Ref. No. Title - Description KOM Kick Off meeting T0 SOR T0+2M QR Solution orientation review : Based on first environmental constraints analysis Solution functional review : Identify the failure mode and characterization tests to carry out based on Silicon die state of the Art. Preliminary Design review : - Test bench design freeze Critical Design Review : Finalized test bench design and multiphysics (mechanical/thermal) model Test readiness review : Evaluate electric, mechanical and robustness performance according to evaluation procedures specification. Qualification review : Tests results, examinations FR Final review : model optimization T0+24M SFR PDR CDR TRR Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Type Due Date T0+4M T0+7M T0+13M T0+17M T0+21M Page 364 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant(s) The applicant will be able to: - Evaluate mechanical constraints in operating system, - Propose combined fatigue model for electronic substrate - Carry-out electrical characterizations, - Conduct fatigue and combined robustness tests. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 365 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VII. Development of MODELICA libraries for ECS and thermal management architectures Type of action (RIA or IA) Programme Area Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. Estimated Topic Value (funding in k€) Duration of the action (in Months) RIA LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE WP 6 – major loads 500 k€ 36 months Start Date 09 - 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS- Development of MODELICA libraries for ECS and thermal management 02-07 architectures Short description (3 lines) In order to support the definition of optimized E-ECS architectures extended to thermal management perimeter, this project aims to develop MODELICA libraries (Dymola compatible) to simulate the performance of such architectures. In particular the applicant will develop a VCS model optimized for both steady state and dynamic modelling. A methodology for coupling electric and thermal architectures will be addressed within this project in order to simulate complete architectures on electrical and thermal aspect by optimizing time computing. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 366 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Please provide here the WBS and explain the objectives of the WP. The objective of the WP6.1.1 Environmental Control System is to investigate Electrical ECS for more electrical aircraft. The studies will be focused on the refinement of EECS architectures (including thermal management perimeter) for a single-aisle application based on experience gained on Clean Sky 1 . The studied perimeter will be extended for trans-ATA consideration and a full scale e EECS demonstrator for Large aircraft application will be developed and validated up to TRL6 in the frame of a flight test campaign. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 367 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T01 Specification of modelling requirements: - components to be modelled: - Vapour cycle system, including valves, heat exchangers), reservoirs and refrigerant compressors and other specific components - Air cycle system, including compressor, turbines, air – air heat exchangers, water extractors and sprayers, fans,… - jet pumps - Liquid loop systems, including piping, pumps, valves, cold plate, heat exchanger, liquid and diphasic coolants - Electrical components including, power electronics, electrical motors - Wing ice protection system - Complete E-ECS architecture to be simulated in thermal and electric point of view MODELICA library structure definition (Dymola compatible): - requirements definition for steady state and dynamic modelling with optimized computation time (model with multi-level approach) - switching between dynamic and steady state modelling for different design phases) Components models development according to member requirements with focus on VCS and liquid loop modelling: - in steady state and dynamic modelling approach - implementation of multi-level approach to optimize the computation time modelling according to development phase Methodology for coupling electric and thermal architecture 2015 Modelling on use cases (EECS architecture will be defined by the Topic manager) 2017 T02 T03 T04 T05 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2016 2017 2016 Page 368 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. D01 D02 D03 Title - Description Type Due Date Models development for steady state and dynamic modelling Methodology for EECS architectures modelling (including thermal and electrical aspects) Simulation reports on use cases (defined by topic manager) Model library Report 2017 Report 2017 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2016 Page 369 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant significant experience in: - using object oriented physical model library development on Modelica (Dymola compatible) - modelling of complex cooling and/or air conditioning system in aerospace field including mixed vapour cycle and liquid loop technology Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 370 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) VIII. Embedded sensors technology for air quality measurement Type of action (RIA or IA) IA Programme Area LPA / REG / FRC / AIR / ENG / SYS / SAT / ECO / TE Joint Technical Programme (JTP) Ref. WP 6 – major loads Estimated Topic Value (funding in k€) 300 k€ Duration of the action (in Months) 36 months Start Date 07 - 2015 Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS02-08 Embedded sensors technology for air quality measurement Short description (3 lines) This project aims to select and test sensors technologies enabling the measurement of VOCs and ozon concentration in the cabin. An integration analysis in the overall ECs architectures will also be carried out with the member’s support. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 371 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 1. Background Please provide here the WBS and explain the objectives of the WP. The objective of the WP6.1.4 is to investigate solutions to improve ai qualtiy and cabin comfort for more electrical aircraft. The studies will include the development of devices enabling to remove VOCs generated in the cabin (foods, material in the cabin) and entering in the cabin through the air conditioning system. The removal of ozon at low temperature (specific request due to bleedless EECS) will also be adressed. Such air qualtiy systems will be associated to monitoring functions in order to control the air quality in the cabin. Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 372 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 2. Scope of work Tasks Ref. No. Title - Description Due Date T01 Specification of sensors for air quality monitoring: - pollutants to be detected and measured - minimum and maximum concentrations to be measured - integration constrains - environmental constrains - reliability requirements The applicant will decline at component level the system requirements defined by the topic manager State of the art: - Synthesis of the various aerospace standards.for cabin air quality - literature review of sensors technologies that can be implemented in the recicualtion loop for air quality monitoring Differents type of sensors technology may be considered: 1- smart sensor using chromatography enabling to detect and the measure the concentrations of several pollutants. 2- passive sensors using dielectric component whos electrical conductivity evoluate according to the pollutants "trapped" in its surface. Such component is used in automotive field and enable to detect a preselected polutant only There is no preferred solution from the topic manager. Development and qualification of embedded sensors according to the specification. Tests will be performed by injecting air with controlled concentration and with preselected tests pollutants (Ethanol, Ethylen, Acolhol) Experimental validation: - performance tests with selected pollutants - validation of measure accuracy for different pollutants concentration 2015 T05 Sensors technology optimization based on the performance tests 2018 T06 Tests in integrated ECS system demonstrator (will be performed in Topic manager facilities) 2018 T02 T03 T04 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 2015 2017 2017 Page 373 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 3. Major deliverables and schedule (estimate) Deliverables Ref. No. Title - Description Type Due Date D01 Bibliographic report: sensors technologies for air quality measurement Sensors prototypes for performance tests Report 2015 Hardware 2016 Experiment report: performance tests with selected pollutants Optimized sensors Report 2016 Hardware 2017 Experiment report: performance tests in integrated ECS system demonstrator Report 2018 D02 D03 D04 D05 Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 374 of 375 1st Call for Proposals (CFP01) 4. Special skills, Capabilities, Certification expected from the Applicant - significant experience on air quality measurment sensors for embedded systems Capabilties to perform tests with different pollutants (VOCs, ozon) Written Proc. 2014 - 07 Annex III of Amendment nr. 1 to the Work Plan 2014 – 2015 Page 375 of 375
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