Deniz TÜRSEL ELİİYİ Assoc. Prof. Dr. PERSONAL Place of Birth: Izmir, Turkey Languages: Turkish (Native), English (Fluent), Spanish (Basic), German (Basic) Address: Yaşar University, Industrial Engineering Department, Selçuk Yaşar Kampüsü, Bornova, 35100, Izmir. Phone: +90-232-4115697 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, September 2004, Thesis Title: Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Meral Azizoglu. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY M.S. in Industrial Engineering, September 2001, Thesis Title: A Decision Support System for Cell Formation Problem, Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Levent Kandiller. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY B.S. in Industrial Engineering, June 1998. ACADEMIC WORK EXPERIENCE Assoc. Prof., September 2014 – ongoing Department of Industrial Engineering, Yaşar University, Izmir, Turkey. Systems Analysis and Systems Design (capstone design project) Course Coordinator Courses: Deterministic Operations Research, Optimization Models and Algorithms, Systems Analysis, Systems Design Assoc. Prof., September 2012 – September 2014 Department of Industrial Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. Courses: Optimization I - Linear Models, Optimization II - Nonlinear Models, Combinatorial Optimization, ISE Senior Project I, ISE Senior Project II, Advanced Scheduling Systems Student Evaluation: 4.77 out of 5, in the last 4 years. Visiting Researcher, Summer term 2013. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Pamplin College of Business, Department of Business Information Technology, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. Research Topic: Data mining and scheduling decisions using real big data sets of public transportation. (Assoc. Prof. in Industrial Engineering as of 28.09.2012) Asst. Prof., December 2009 – September 2012 Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. Courses: Engineering Economics, Optimization I - Linear Models, Optimization II - Nonlinear Models, Combinatorial Optimization, Special Topics in Production Management, ISE Senior Project I, ISE Senior Project II, Advanced Scheduling Systems 1 Asst. Prof., October 2006 – December 2009 Department of Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. Courses: Production and Operations Management, Advanced Production and Operations Management, Production Planning and Inventory Control, Management Science, Advanced Management Science, Management Information Systems, Total Quality Management, Supply and Purchasing Management, Project Management Instructor Dr., June 2005 – October 2006 Department of Statistics - Operations Research Division, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey. Courses: Discrete Optimization, Production and Operations Management, Network Analysis, Active Learning Modules on Operations Research Part-time Instructor Dr., February 2006 – July 2006 Department of Business Administration, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, Courses: Management Science Research and Teaching Assistant, September 1998 – December 2004 Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Assisted Courses: Combinatorial Optimization, Operations Research, Production Planning, Facility Location and Layout, Network Flows and Project Management, Service Systems, Advanced Production Planning, Work Study, Human Factors Engineering, Engineering Statistics, Engineering Economy. INTEREST AREAS Interval Scheduling, Container Port Operations, Combinatorial Optimization, Production and Operations Management, Metaheuristics. AWARDS AND HONORS The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) – International Scientific Publication Encouragement Award: Nov. 2006, Apr. 2008, Feb. 2009, Apr. 2009, Sep. 2010, May 2011(1), May 2011(2), July 2011, February 2012, September 2013, December 2013. First prize in the OR/IE National Competition of Student Projects, METU, Ankara, Turkey, June 1998: Eliiyi, D.T., Ulu, C., Vardar, C., Seref O., “Design of an Express Pizza Service for Tadim Pizza in Bahcelievler”. APPLIED RESEARCH PROJECTS AND CONSULTANCY Technical and Academic Consultant, January 2014 - July 2014, Nemport Container Yard Automation and Optimization Decision Support System, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, TUBITAK TEYDEB Project (Project No: 3140041, Budget: 1,300,000 TL). Project Leader, April 2010 - April 2012, Capacity Planning and Capacity Expansion Problems in Interval Scheduling, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, TUBITAK 3501 Project (Project No: 109M576). Technical Consultant, February 2010 - May 2010, ENTAC – ENTERE Agency Management System - Transshipment Planning of Transit Containers for Arkas Bimar, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, TUBITAK TEYDEB Project (Project No: 3090319). Researcher, January 2007 - January 2009, ARTEMIS European Project - Achieving Reinforcement in Training of Employees and Managing Innovation in South-Eastern Europe, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey. 2 Researcher, March 2004 - September 2004, Munitions Planning in Land Combat for Turkish Armed Forces, Modeling and Simulation Research and Application Center (MODSIMMER), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. (The project is a part of the “Integrated Logistics Support System” project for the modernization of the Turkish Armed Forces. Project is funded by the Turkish Ministry of Defense.) Technical Consultant, April 2003 - October 2003, Reorganization of BOTAS (Turkey’s Major Pipeline Transportation Company), System Sciences Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Researcher, January 2001 - September 2001, Sales Forecasting for EFES GROUP (Market-Leading Beer Producing Company), System Sciences Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoğlu, M. 2006. Spread Time Considerations in Operational Fixed Job Scheduling, International Journal of Production Research, 44, 20, 4343-4365. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Özlen M. 2008. A Lagrangean Relaxation Approach for Mixed Model Flow Line Sequencing Problem, Computers & Operations Research, 35, 3, 933-943. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Kandiller, L. 2008. A Decision Support System for the Cell Formation Problem, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 3, 3, 348-367. 4. Eliiyi, D.T., Gürler, S. 2008. A Reliability-Driven Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Problem, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 4, 5, 521-531. 5. Eliiyi, D.T., Örnek, A., Karakütük, S.S. 2009. A Vehicle Scheduling Problem with Fixed Trips and Time Limitations, International Journal of Production Economics, 117, 1, 150-161. 6. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoğlu, M. 2009. A Fixed Job Scheduling Problem with Machine-Dependent Job Weights, International Journal of Production Research, 47, 9, 2231 - 2256. 7. Eliiyi, D.T., Korkmaz, A.G., Çiçek, A.E. 2009. Operational Variable Job Scheduling with Eligibility Constraints: A Randomized Constraint-Graph-Based Approach, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 15, 2, 245 - 266. 8. Eliiyi, U., Eliiyi, D.T. 2009. Applications of Bin Packing Models Through The Supply Chain, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 1, 1, 11-19. 9. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoğlu, M. 2010. Working Time Constraints in Operational Fixed Job Scheduling, International Journal of Production Research, 48, 21, 6211 – 6233. 10. Eliiyi, D.T. 2010. Integrated Capacity Expansion and Scheduling Decisions in a Sewing Workshop, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 20, 4, 366-372. 11. Eliiyi, D.T., Çaylan, T., Eliiyi, U. 2011. Economic and environmental viability analysis for a photovoltaic-powered led system in tunnel illumination, Energy Education Science and Technology Part A – Energy Science and Research, 27, 2, 233-248. 12. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoğlu, M. 2011. Heuristics for operational fixed job scheduling problems with working and spread time constraints, International Journal of Production Economics, 132, 1, 107-121. 13. Eliiyi, D.T, Yurtkulu, E.Z., Şahin, D.Y. 2011. Supply Chain Management in Apparel Industry: A Transshipment Problem with Time Constraints, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, 21, 2, 176-181. 14. Demir, L., Tunali, S., Eliiyi, D.T. 2012. An adaptive tabu search approach for buffer allocation problem in unreliable non-homogenous production lines, Computers & Operations Research, 39, 7, 1477–1486. 15. Demir, L., Tunalı, S., Eliiyi, D.T., Løkketangen, A. 2013. Two approaches for solving the buffer allocation problem in unreliable production lines, Computers & Operations Research, 40, 10, 2556-2563. 16. Eliiyi, D.T., Mat, G., Ozmen, B. 2013. Storage Optimization for Export Containers in the Port of Izmir, PROMET Traffic&Transportation, 25, 4, 359-367. 3 17. Eliiyi, D.T., 2013. Integrating Tactical and Operational Decisions in Fixed Job Scheduling, Engineering Optimization, 45, 12, 1449-1467. 18. Demir, L., Tunalı, S., Eliiyi, D.T., 2014. The state of the art on buffer allocation problem: A comprehensive survey, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25, 3, 371-392. 19. Köse, S.Y., Demir, L., Tunali, S., Eliiyi, D.T., 2014. Capacity improvement using simulation optimization approaches: A case study in the thermotechnology industry, Engineering Optimization, in press (DOI:10.1080/0305215X.2013.875166). PUBLICATIONS IN NATIONAL REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Sancar Edis, R., Örnek, A.M., Eliiyi, D.T. 2007. A Review on Lot Streaming Problems with Transportation Activities, İstanbul Commerce University Journal of Science, 6, 11, 129-142. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Gürler, S. 2007. Güvenilir Olmayan Sistemler İçin Aralık Çizelgelemesi Problemi, İstanbul Commerce University Journal of Science, 6, 12, 67-79. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Çaylan, T. 2008. Güneş Enerjisi ve LED ile Etkin Enerji Kullanımı: Yol Aydınlatmalarına Yönelik Bir Uygulama, Endüstri Mühendisliği, 19, 2, 2-15. 4. Eliiyi, D.T., Sevil, B., Yumurtacı, I.Ö., Güldoğan, E.U., Ada, E. 2008. Liman Yönetimi ve Rıhtım Atama Problemi, Ege Akademik Bakış, 8, 1, 245-258. INTERNATIONAL BOOKS OR BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Şahin, Y.D., Eliiyi, D.T (2012), Improving Performance and Customer Satisfaction via the Use of Information Technologies in Public Transportation and Logistics Systems, Chapter 12 in: Public Sector Reform Using Information Technologies: Transforming Policy into Practice, ed: Thanos Papadopoulos, Panagiotis Kanellis, 212222, PA: IGI Global, ISBN 978-1-60960-839-2. 2. Ada, E., Oflaç, B.S., Yumurtacı, I.Ö., Eliiyi, D.T., Aktan, A.A. (2011), A network approach for the healthcare business as a service supply chain, Chapter 14 in: Health Studies: Economics, Management and Policy, ed: Douglas Angus and Zoe Boutsioli, 201-214, Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), ISBN: 978-960-9549-25-7. PROCEEDINGS IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Eliiyi, D.T., Kandiller, L., A Decision Support System for the Cell Formation Problem, Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, Tinos Island, Greece, Vol. 2, 929-934, June 2002. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Balçık B., A Tabu Search Approach for a Multi-Item Integrated Location Inventory Problem, Proceedings of the International Logistics Congress 2004, İzmir, Vol. 1, 454-463, December 2004. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Integrated Locational Planning of Schools: A Case Study, Proceedings of the International Logistics Congress 2004, İzmir, Vol. 1, 245-254, December 2004. 4. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Approximation Algorithms for Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problems, Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, İstanbul, Vol. 1, 567-572, June 2005. 5. Eliiyi, D.T., Uzunoğlu Koçer, U., Stochastic Online Scheduling, Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Modeling in Honor of Enrique Castillo, Ciudad Real, Spain, CD ISBN: 84-689-85775, June 2006. 6. Eliiyi, D.T., Çelik, A.F., Özlem, E., Yüksel, H.S., Seasonal Demand Forecasting in a Multi-Product Setting: A Case Study, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation 2006, Konya, Vol. 2, 777-782, August 2006. 4 7. Eliiyi, D.T., Analytical Models in Optimum Packaging: Knapsack, Bin Packing and Cutting Stock Problems and Applications, Proceedings of the V. International Packaging Congress and Exhibition, İzmir, Vol. 1, 545-555, November 2007. 8. Eliiyi, D.T., Yumurtacı, I.Ö., Sevil, B., The Usage and Role of Management Information Systems in Logistics and Supply Chains: The World Ports, Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge, Economy and Management International Congress, İstanbul, 608-617, December 2007. 9. Eliiyi, D.T., Sevil, B., Yumurtacı I.Ö., The Impact of New Economy on Supply Chain Operations, Proceedings of the 6th Knowledge, Economy and Management International Congress, İstanbul, 1063-1072, December 2007. 10. Eliiyi, D.T., Korkmaz, A.G., Çiçek, E., Optimal Berth Allocation with Variable Job Scheduling, 20th International Euro Mini Conference (EUROPT-2008) Selected Papers, Neringa, Lithuania, 358-363, May 2008. 11. Eliiyi, D.T., Özçam, B., Ada, E., Güldoğan, E., Sevil, B., Yumurtacı, I.Ö., Simultaneous Allocation of Continuous Berths and Mobile Cranes with Variable Handling Times, 20th International Euro Mini Conference (EUROPT2008) Selected Papers, Neringa, Lithuania, 364-369, May 2008. 12. Atik, D., Eliiyi, D.T., Constrained Creativity: Influential Dynamics Behind Fashion Design, Proceedings of ICOVACS 2008: International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, İzmir, 325-330, November 2008. 13. Eliiyi, U., Eliiyi, D.T., Applications Of Bin Packing Models Through The Supply Chain, Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, İzmir, Vol. 2, 11-19, September 2009. 14. Eliiyi, D.T., Çaylan, T., Led And Solar Energy Utilization For Tunnel Illumination: A Case Study For Energy Efficiency, Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social Sciences, İzmir, Vol. 3, 351358, September 2009. 15. Özler, B.Ş., Kanca, A., Gürler, S., Eliiyi, D.T., Nonparametric estimation for strategic decision in reliability-based preventive maintenance modeling, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering (ISCSE), Kuşadası, 1216-1221, June 2010. 16. Eliiyi, D.T., Gürler, S., A Hybrid Reliability Model for Imperfect Preventive Maintenance Planning, The 24th Mini Euro Conference (EUROPT-2010) Selected Papers, İzmir, 213-219, June 2010. 17. Demir, L., Tunalı, S., Eliiyi, D.T., An Adaptive Tabu Search Approach for Buffer Allocation Problem in Unreliable Production Lines, The 24th Mini Euro Conference (EUROPT-2010) Selected Papers, İzmir, 207-212, June 2010. 18. Örnek, A., Eliiyi, D.T., Sargut, Z., Öztürk, C., Assignment of Transit Container Bookings for a Transit Agency, The 24th Mini Euro Conference (EUROPT-2010) Selected Papers, İzmir, 220-225, June 2010. 19. Eliiyi, D.T., Eliiyi, U., Capacity and Working Time Determination in a Reservation System, Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modeling (APMOD 2012) Extended Abstracts (ISBN 978-3-8448-1794-2), Paderborn, Germany, 440-446, March 2012. 20. Eliiyi, D.T., Sargut, Z., Container Storage Allocation: A Reservation-based MIP Model, Applied Mathematical Optimization and Modeling (APMOD 2012) Extended Abstracts (ISBN 978-3-8448-1794-2), Paderborn, Germany, 303-309, March 2012. 21. Demir, L., Köse, S.Y., Tunali, S., Eliiyi, D.T., An integrated binary-tabu search approach for the buffer allocation problem: An industrial case study, Proceedings of the 24th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 44-49, September 2012. 22. Özdemirel, A., Gökgür, B., Eliiyi, D.T., An assignment and routing problem with time windows and capacity restriction, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 54 - Proceedings of the 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Paris, France, 149-158, September 2012. 5 23. Demir, L., Diamantidis, A., Eliiyi, D.T., O’Kelly, M.E.J., Papadopoulos, C.T., Tsadiras, A.K., Tunali, S., A Comparison of Three Search Algorithms for Solving the Buffer Allocation Problem in Reliable Production Lines, Proceedings of the IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1648-1653, June 2013. 24. Güven, C., Eliiyi, D.T., Trip allocation and stacking policies at a container terminal, Transportation Research Procedia, in press (DOI 10.1016/j.trpro.2014.10.035). PROCEEDINGS IN NATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoğlu, M., Fixed Job Scheduling Problem: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 24th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Adana, 1-3, June 2004. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Özlen, M., A Lagrangean Relaxation Approach for Mixed Model Flow Line Sequencing Problem, Proceedings of the 24th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Adana, 330-332, June 2004. 3. Sancar Edis, R., Örnek, A., Eliiyi, D.T., A review on Lot Streaming Problems with Transportation Activities, Proceedings of the 26th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, 94-97, June 2006. 4. Yetkin Ekren, B., Örnek, A., Eliiyi, D.T., Facility Layout Problems: Emerging Trends, Solution Procedures and Research Challenges, Proceedings of the 26th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, 82-85, June 2006. 5. Eliiyi, D.T., Uzunoğlu Koçer, U., Scheduling Under Uncertainty: Stochastic Online Scheduling Models, Proceedings of the 26th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Kocaeli, 294297, June 2006. 6. Eliiyi, D.T., Gürler, S., A Reliability-Driven Scheduling Model on Parallel Machines, Proceedings of the 5th Statistical Congress and Risk Measures and Solvency Meeting, Antalya, 238-243, May 2007. 7. Sevil, B., Yumurtacı, I.O., Özçam, B., Eliiyi, D.T., Ada, E., Izmir Alsancak Konteyner Terminalinde Etkin Alan Kullanımı, Proceedings of the 27th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering (in CD format), İzmir, 1029-1034, July 2007. 8. Eliiyi, D.T., Özpeynirci, Ö., Özpeynirci, S. Operational Fixed Job Scheduling with Machine-Dependent Job Weights and Working Time Constraints, Proceedings of the 28th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering (in CD format), İstanbul, June 2008. 9. Eliiyi, D.T., Korkmaz, A.G. Berth Allocation Problem: A New Model and Possible Solution Approaches, Proceedings of the 28th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering (in CD format), İstanbul, June 2008. 10. Eliiyi, D.T., Çaylan, T. Yol Aydınlatmalarında LED ve Güneş Enerjisi Kullanımı: Enerji Verimliliği ve Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarına Yönelik Bir Uygulama, Proceedings of the 7th National Congress on Illumination, İstanbul, 59-64, November 2008. PRESENTATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Eliiyi, D.T., Ozlen M., A Lagrangean Relaxation Approach for Mixed-Model Line Sequencing Problem with Makespan Minimization, Euro/Informs Joint International Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2003. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Sahan Vahaplar, S., Systems Thinking Approach in Education: Problem-Based Learning Systems Design, 2nd International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, Izmir, Turkey, June 2006. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Gürler, S., Interval Scheduling with an Unreliable System of Servers, Joint EUROPT-OMS Conference 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007. 6 4. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Heuristics for Time-Constrained Interval Scheduling Problems, Joint EUROPT-OMS Conference 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007. 5. Eliiyi, D.T., Ozpeynirci, O., Bilgin, S., A Multi-Objective Maximum Class Scheduling Problem with System ShutDown Time Consideration, Joint EUROPT-OMS Conference 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007. 6. rd Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Operational fixed job scheduling problems with time limitations, 23 European Conference on Operational Research, Book of Abstracts, pp. 252, Bonn, Germany, July 2009. 7. Ada, E., Eliiyi,D.T., Sevil,B., Yumurtaci,I.O., Aktan,A.A., A Network Approach For The Healthcare Business of a th Service Supply Chain, 8 International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, Athens, Greece, June-July 2009. 8. Eliiyi, D.T.,Capacity Planning and Expansion in Fixed Job Scheduling, ECCOXXIII - CO2010 European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, Book of Abstracts, pp. 76, Malaga, Spain, May 2010. 9. Eliiyi, D.T., Integrating Seasonal Capacity Planning and Fixed Job Scheduling, International Conference on Operations Research (MUNICH 2010) - Book of Abstracts, pp. 147, Munich, Germany, September 2010. 10. Eliiyi, D.T., Optimal Capacity Expansion in Fixed Job Scheduling, International Conference on Operations Research 2011 (OR 2011) - Book of Abstracts, 102, Zurich, Switzerland, August-September 2011. 11. Özdemirel, A., Eliiyi, D.T., Gökgür, B., An Assignment-Based Approach for Distributing Donated Items to Indigent Residents, International Conference on Operations Research 2011 (OR 2011) - Book of Abstracts, 87, Zurich, Switzerland, August-September 2011. 12. Dik, G., Mat, G., Eliiyi, D.T., Hnich, B., Models for Working Time Determination Problem in Interval Scheduling, th ECCOXXV, 25 Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization - Book of Abstracts, pp. 3, Antalya, Turkey, April 2012. 13. Demir, L., Tunali, S., Eliiyi, D.T., A comparative study of heuristic algorithms on buffer allocation problem, th ECCOXXV, 25 Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization - Book of Abstracts, pp. 28, Antalya, Turkey, April 2012. 14. Eliiyi, U., Eliiyi, D.T., Integrating Tactical and Operational Decisions in Parallel Machine Scheduling with Time th Windows, ECCOXXV, 25 Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization - Book of Abstracts, pp. 28, Antalya, Turkey, April 2012. 15. Göksülük, D., Gürler, S., Eliiyi, D.T., A Bayesian Approach to Preventive Maintenance Optimization in Unreliable th Systems, Euro/Informs 26 European Conference on Operational Research- Abstract Book, Rome, Italy, pp. 10, July 2013. 16. Özdemirel, A., Eliiyi, D.T., Gökgür, B., A heuristic for the integrated assignment-routing problem with time windows, Joint International IIE Conference - 33nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 104, June 2013. 17. Ulusoy, B., Demircan, G., Koç, I., Ündar, İ., Yaşar, Ö., Eliiyi, D.T., Simulation-based Scheduling for a Flow Shop in Automotive Industry, Joint International IIE Conference - 33nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 113, June 2013. 18. Seferoğlu, S., Akdeniz, G., Aydın, N., Aytekin, M., Kurtuluş, İ., Eliiyi, D.T., Analysis and Improvement of the Production Planning Process at Bosch Thermoteknik, Joint International IIE Conference - 33nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 243, June 2013. 19. Öner, E., Çakın, H., Eliiyi, D.T., Optimizing Public Bus Schedules for Izmir Public Transportation System: A Case Study, 2nd Annual International Conference on Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2326 June 2014. 7 20. Eliiyi, D.T., Eliiyi, U., Urban Bus Transit Boarding Pattern Analysis and Route Planning for the Disabled, 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies - Book of Abstracts, Barcelona, Spain, pp.142, 13-18 July 2014. PRESENTATIONS IN NATIONAL CONFERENCES 1. Eliiyi, D.T., Ulu, C., Vardar, C., Seref O., Design of an Express Pizza Service for Tadim Pizza in Bahcelievler, 19th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Ankara, Turkey, June 1998. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Fixed Job Scheduling, 2nd OR and IE Doctoral Students Colloquium, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2003. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., The Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem with Working Time Constraints, 25th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2005. 4. Karakütük, S.S., Eliiyi, D.T., Ornek, A., A Real-life Vehicle Scheduling Problem in UNIVERSIADE 2005 Games, 25th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2005. 5. Gürler, S., Eliiyi, D.T., Göksülük, D., Şahin, A., Güvenilir Olmayan Sistemlerde Önleyici Bakım Zamanlarının Bayes Yaklaşımı ile Belirlenmesi, 7. İstatistik Günleri Sempozyumu Bildiri Özetleri, 55-56, Ankara, June 2010. 6. Eliiyi, D.T., Aralık Çizelgelemede Kapasite Planlama ve Kapasite Artırımı Problemleri, 30th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, 306-307, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30-July 2, 2010. 7. Eliiyi, D.T., Şahin, D.Y., Yurtkulu, E.Z., Tekstil Sektöründe Zaman Unsurlu Bir Aktarma Problemi Uygulaması, 30th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, 302-303, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30-July 2, 2010. 8. Eliiyi, D.T., Bütünleşik Değişken İş Çizelgeleme Problemi, 32nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, 27-28, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012. 9. Mat, G., Aykaç, B.Y., Korkmaz, B., Özmen, B., Gündüz, B.D., Eliiyi, D.T., İhraç Konteyner İstifleme Problemi, 32nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, 64-65, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012. 10. Güven, C., Pehlivan, E., Peker, K., Ceviz, O.C., Eliiyi, D.T., Öner, E., Depolama Sistemi Optimizasyonu, 32nd National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering- Book of Abstracts, 186, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2012. 11. Inanlı, A., Unsal, B., Ay, D., Gokceer, D., Kilic, G., Eliiyi, D.T., Determination of Optimal Distribution Routes for a Perishable Food Manufacturer, 34th National Congress on Operational Research and Industrial EngineeringBook of Abstracts, 89, Bursa, Turkey, June 2014. TECHNICAL REPORTS 1. Kandiller, L., Meral, S., Seref O., Eliiyi, D.T., Ulu, C., Vardar, C., Design of an Express Pizza Service for Tadim Pizza in Bahcelievler, Technical Report No: 98-05, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, July 1998. 2. Eliiyi, D.T., Karasakal O., Erdem E., Integrated Locational Planning of Schools in Turkey, Technical Report No: 02-05, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, May 2002. 3. Eliiyi, D.T., Ozlen M., A Lagrangean Relaxation Approach for the Mixed Model Flow Line Sequencing Problem, Technical Report No: 04-02, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, February 2004. 4. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem with Working Time Constraints, Technical Report No: 04-10, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, May 2004. 5. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem with Spread Time Constraints, Technical Report No: 04-11, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, May 2004. 8 6. Eliiyi, D.T., Azizoglu, M., Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem with Eligibility Constraints, Technical Report No: 04-12, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, May 2004. 7. Eliiyi, D.T., Kandiller, L., A Decision Support System for Cell Formation Problem, Technical Report No: 04-14, IE, METU, Ankara, Turkey, June 2004. 8. Demir, L., Diamantidis, A., Eliiyi, D.T., O’Kelly, M.E.J., Papadopoulos, C.T., Tsadiras, A.K., Tunali, S., Three search algorithms for solving the buffer allocation problem in reliable and unreliable production lines: Myopic, Adaptive Tabu Search and Degraded Ceiling, Technical Report No: TR-2012.11.1, School of Economics, Department of Business Administration, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2012. ORGANIZED CONFERENCES Scientific and Steering Committee Member: BEMM’13 - International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing & Management Research, November 2013, Sousse, Tunisia. Organizing Committee Member: ECCO 2012 – 25th Conference of European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, April 2012, Antalya, Turkey. Program Committee Member: LOGISTIQUA 2011 – 4th International Conference on Logistics, University of Sfax, May 2011, Hammamet, Tunisia. Program Committee Member: 2011 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, April 2011, Paris, France. Organizing Committee Member: 24th Mini EURO Conference on Continuous Optimization and Information-Based Technologies in the Financial Sector, Izmir University of Economics, June 2010, Izmir, Turkey. Organizing Committee Member: Conference on EU Enlargement and Consequences about the labor market Achieving Reinforcement in Training of Employees and Managing Innovation in South Eastern Europe, URDE Center for Urban Regional Development and Environment Research Center, Izmir University of Economics, February 2008, Izmir, Turkey. Organizing Committee Member: ICOVACS 2008 - International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, Izmir University of Economics, November 2008, Izmir, Turkey. SEMINARS "Decision Problems and Operations Research Applications at Container Terminals", Department of Industrial Engineering, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey, December 2013. "Integrating Tactical and Operational Decisions in Fixed Job Scheduling", Department of Industrial Engineering, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, October 2012. “Berth Allocation in Container Ports: An Application in Izmir Port”, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, April 2008. “Berth Allocation Problem: A Solution Approach based on Variable Job Scheduling”, Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, April 2008. “Time Limits in Operational Fixed Job Scheduling”, Department of Mathematics, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, March 2007. “Interval Scheduling”, Department of Statistics, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey, February 2006. “Forecasting Monthly Beer Sales using a Hybrid Method with Multiple Linear Regression and Triple Exponential Smoothing”, Anadolu Group Efes Pilsen Headquarters, Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2005. “Operational Fixed Job Scheduling Problem”, Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, September 2004. 9 “A Decision Support System for Cell Formation Problem”, Department of Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, October 2001. THESES SUPERVISED Burcu Çelik, “A Container Storage Problem in Port Operations”, M.S. Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, October 2013. Oktay Karabağ, “Sales and Return Forecasting for Inventory Control”, M.S. Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, May 2013. Ceyhun Güven, “Online Stacking Policies for Container Storage Optimization”, M.S. Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, May 2014. Aybike Özdemirel Akıcı, “An Integrated Assignment-Routing Problem with Time Windows”, M.S. Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, Turkey, May 2014. REFEREE WORK Computers and Industrial Engineering, Computers and Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Optimization, Production and Operations Management, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, OR Spectrum. ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences Promotion Representative, Izmir University of Economics, December 2011 – June 2014. Member of the Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Committee, Izmir University of Economics, January 2010 – January 2012. Member of the Departmental Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Committee, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, January 2010 – January 2012. COMPUTER SKILLS Programming languages: C++, C#, Java, Pascal, Visual Basic, Fortran. Optimization software: IBM ILOG OPL, CPLEX, GAMS, LINDO, LINGO, GLPK, QM for Windows. Statistical analysis software: SPSS, SAS, MINITAB. Simulation software: SIMAN, ARENA. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Memberships: Operational Research Society of Turkey (YAD), which is a member of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO) and International Federation Of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO), European Working Group on Locational Analysis (EWGLA), EUROPT - The Continuous Optimization Working Group of EURO. Free time activities: Vocal performance of jazz (former student of Yildiz Ibrahimova), movies, trekking, site seeing. 10
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