Homework 2

2014 Güz Dönemi
Ödev 2
Teslim Tarihi: 8/10/2014 17:30
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Hüseyin Çetintürk’e (Teknoloji Merkezi ETU HIDRO ZA-06 nolu oda) teslim ediniz
Soru 1) A planar truss pin and rolelr supports at A and B, respectively, is subjected to a vertical
load P at joint E, as shown in Figure. Determine;
a) The vertical displacement of point E.
b) The horizontal displacement of point E.
Given: P = 50 N, Q = 0 N, L = 1 m.
Soru 2) A cantilevered beam is subjected to a concentrated load P at its free end, as shown in
Figure. Find the deflections and slope at point A with Castigliano’s theorem.
Given: P = 50 N, L = 1 m.
Assumption: The origin of the coordinates is placed at the fixed end.
Soru 3) A steel I-beam is fixed at B and supported at C by an aluminium alloy tie rod C, D of
cross-sectional area A. Using Castigliano’s theorem, determine the tension P in the rod caused
by the distributed load depicted, in terms of w; L, A, Ea, Es, and I, as needed.
Given: Ea = 70 GPa, Es = 200 GPa, w = 100 N/m, A = 0.1 m2, L = 2 m, I = 16*106 mm4?
Soru 4) Find the displacements in x and y directions at point A with Castigliano’s theorem.
Given: P = 100 N, L = 2 m, a = 0.4 m
Soru 5) A beam of rectangular cross-sectional area A is supported and loaded as shown in
Figure. Find the deflection due to bending by integration method.
Given: P = 100 N, a = 0.4 m, L = 2 m
Soru 6) Determine the slope at B and the deflection at point C of the simply supported beam.
E = 200 GPa, I = 45.5*(106) mm4