nd of on. ksi ne le ng n. of an ge re nd us al he re p in ic ne ess of to based on a 0.2% strain offset method. The rigid is supportedspecimen by a pinhas at the A and an F3–11.3–15. The material forpipe the 50-mm-long 3–18. A tension test was performed on an aluminum 2014A-36 guy wire shown. BD. If If thePwire haskN a diameter 0.25 in., stress–strain diagram = 150 is applied of and T6 alloy specimen. The resulting stress–strain diagram is determine the loadthe P permanent if the end C is displaced 0.075 in. then released, determine elongation of the 3 shown in the figure. Estimate (a) the modulus of resilience; specimen. *3–4. downward. A tension test was performed on a specimen having and (b) modulus of toughness. an original diameter of 12.5 mm and a gauge length of 3.8 F AILURE OF MATERIALS DUE TO CREEP AND FATIGUE 111 50 mm. The data are listed in the table. Plot the stress–strain 3 diagram, and determine approximately the modulus of s (ksi) ÖDEV NO 5. elasticity, the ultimate stress,Pand the fracture stress. Use a mm 20PROBLEMS mm = 50 MPa and 20 20 mm = 0.05 mm>mm. scale ofs (MPa) 70 mm ve uzunluğu 100 mm olan bir Soru 1. Çapı 15 B region, using the same stress scale Redraw the linear-elastic çubuğa 100 kN60eksenel çekme yükü tesir etmektedir. but a strain 500 scale of 20 mm = 0.001 mm>mm. P •3–25. The acrylic plastic rod is 200 mm long and 15 mm in *3–28. The elastic portionE=200 of the stress–strain diagram for Boyundaki değişimi hesaplayınız. GPa. 50 3–5.diameter. A450 tension was performed a steeltospecimen If antest axial load of 300 N ison applied it, determine a steel alloy is shown in the figure. The specimen from having original diameter of 12.5 mm and gauge length 40 it was obtained had an original diameter of 13 mm the an change which 4 ft in its length and the change in its diameter. P of 50 Using the 2. Şekilde gösterilen mmIf auzunluğunda np =data Ep mm. = 2.70 GPa,the 0.4. listed in the table, plotSoru and30a gauge length of 50 50 mm. load of P = 20 bir kN is stress–strain diagram, and determine approximatelynumunenin the applied to the specimen, determine ilişkisi its diameter and gauge gerilme-birim deformasyon verilmiştir. modulus of toughness. 20 Take n = 0.4. A Use a scale of 20Dmm = 50 MPa and length. Numuneye etki eden P kuvveti 100 kN iken uzamayı 20 mm = 0.05 mm>mm. C 10 300 N 300 N hesaplayınız. Numuneye 150 kN yük uygulanır ve yük 3 3 ft 200 mm 0.03 0.00225 3 ft P (mm/mm) kaldırılırsa numunenin kalıcı 0.04 uzaması olur. 0 0.02 0.06ne kadar 0.08 0.10 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 P (in./in.) 0.010 Probs. 3–14/15 Prob. 3–25 Soru 3. Ölçüm mesafesi 50 mmProbs. ve orijinal 3–17/18 çapı 12.5 mm F3–10/11 Load (kN) Elongation (mm) bir numune çekme s(MPa)deneyine tabi tutulmuştur. Deney 3–26. The short cylindrical block of 2014-T6 olan aluminum, 0 0 The stress–strain diagram for Deformasyon a bone is shown, and having an original diameter of 0.5 in. and a length of 1.5 in.,tabloda3–19. verileri verilmiştir. Gerilme-Birim 0.0175 11.1 can be described by the equation P = 0.45110-62 s ! 400 is placed in the smooth jaws of a vise and squeezed until the F3–12.*3–16. If the Determine elongation of wire BC is of 0.2the mm after the bar 0.0600 31.9 ilişkisini milimetrik kağıda the elongation square hollow -12 3 (veya Excel gibi bir program 0.36110 2 s , where s is in kPa. Determine the yield applied lb.the Determine (a) the decrease in its 0.1020 37.8is 800to forceaxial Pwhen is load applied, determine wire it is subjected the magnitude axial forceof kN . If this beyaz kağıda) P P. = The 100 kullanarak elastisite modülünün, strength assumingçizerek a 0.3% offset. length and (b) its new diameter. 0.1650 40.9 is A-36 steel and has a diameter of 3 mm. axial force is increased to P = 360 kN and released, find 0.2490 43.6 maksimum gerilmenin ve göçme gerilmesinin yaklaşık the permanent of the bar. The bar is made of a *3–20. The stress–strain diagram for a bone is shown and 1.0160 53.4elongation800 800 lb lb değerlerini belirleyiniz. Çizim için = 50PMPa ve 20 -6 metal alloy having a stress–strain can be described by 20 the mm equation = 0.45110 2s! 3.0480 diagram which can be 62.3 approximated64.5 as shown. mm = 0.05 mm/mm Lineer-elastik 6.3500 is in kPa. Determine the modulus 0.36110-12ölçeklerini 2 s3, where skullanınız. 8.8900 62.3 of toughness andve the20 amount of elongation of a 200-mmbölgeyi aynı gerilme ölçeği mm= 0.001 mm/mm C 11.9380 58.8 long region just before it fractures if failure occurs at P P(mm/mm) ölçeği ile yeniden çiziniz. 300 mm P = 0.12 mm>mm. 0.002 200 mm Probs. 3–4/5 Prob. 3–28 Soru 4. Şekilde verilen içi boş kare kesitli s (MPa) A 500 P B 112 C H400 A P mm TER 3 M E C H A N I C600 AL PROPERTIES OF mm Prob. 3–26 3–6. A specimen is originally P 1 ft long, has a diameter of 50 mm 0.5 in., and250 is subjected to F3–12 a force of 500 lb. Whendiagram the force 3–27. The elastic stress–strain forisa 3–30. The block portion is madeofofthetitanium Ti-6A1-4V and is increased from 500 lb to 1800 lb, the specimen elongates steel alloytoisashown in the figure. specimen which subjected compression of 0.06The in. along the y from axis, and its 5the mm a 0.009 in. Determine the modulus diameter of elasticity for it was had and shape isobtained given a tilt ofan u original = 89.7°. DetermineofPx13 , Pmm y, and gxy. material remains elastic. P (mm/mm) gaugeif it length of linear 50 mm. When the applied load on the 0.00125 y P 0.05 çubuğun P=100 kN eksenel yükleme altındaki uzamasını belirleyiniz. P yükü 360 kN değerine M AT E R I A L S s yükseltildikten sonra kaldırılırsa çubukta m eyd a n aThegsupport e l e c e kconsists k a l ı of c ı three d e fo r mplates, a s yowhich nu •3–33. rigid are connected together using two symmetrically placed hesaplayınız. gerilme-birim •3–29. The Çubuk, aluminum block has a deformasyon rectangular cross #6 of 5 N is #12 rubber pads. averilen vertical applied plate P " 0.45(10 s + 0.36(10 )s3 to section and isIfsubjected toforce an )axial compressive force of ilişkisi şekilde metal alaşımdan imal A, determine the approximate vertical displacement of 8 kip. If the 1.5-in. side changed its length to 1.500132 in., edilmiştir. this plate due to shear strains in the rubber. P Each P pad 50 mm 5Determine mmof a is 50 kN, the diameter is 12.99265 3–7.specimen A structural member in a nuclear reactor mm. is made determine Poisson’s ratio and the new length of the 2-in. Poisson’s ratio for the material. has dimensions of 30 mm and 20 mm. zirconium alloy. If an axial load of 4 kip is to be supported side.cross-sectional Eal ! 10(103) ksi. Prob. 3–16 Probs. 3–19/20 Gr = 0.20 MPa. by the member, determine its required cross-sectional area. s(MPa) Use a factor of safety of 3 relative to yielding. What is theSoru 5. Çapı 15 mm, uzunluğu 100 mm olan bir load on the member if it is 3 ft long and its elongation is çubuk 10 kN eksenel çekme kuvvetine maruz kalırsa 4004 in. u 3 0.02 in.? Ezr = 14(10 ) ksi, sY = 57.5 ksi. The material has çapında meydana gelecek değişimi hesaplayınız. E=70 elastic behavior. 3 x 5 in. GPa ve ν=0.35 alınız. 1.5 in. C Soru 6. Bir çelik alaşımın gerilme-birim2 Bin. deformasyon 8 kip diyagramının elastik kısmı şekilde gösterilmiştir. 8 kip 3–31. The shear stress–strain diagram for a steel alloy is shown in the figure. If a bolt having a diameter of 0.75Numunenin in. orijinal çapı 133 in. mm ve ölçüm 40 mm 40 mmmesafesi 50 P(mm/mm) 0.002 is made of this material and used in the double lap joint, mm dir. 50 kN yüklendiğinde çap 12.99265 mm determine the modulus of elasticity E and the force P oranını hesaplayınız. Prob. 3–27 Prob. 3–29 required to cause the material to yield. Take n = 0.3. olmaktadır. Malzemenin Poisson Prob. 3–30 A P/2 P/2 P t(ksi) 60 Soru 7. Şekildeki çelik alaşım için gerilme-birim deformasyon diyagramı verilmiştir.5 N Bu malzemeden yapılmış 0.75 in. çapında bir Prob. bulon3–33 şekildeki birleşimde kullanılmıştır. Elastisite modülünü belirleyiniz. Malzemenin akmasına sebep olacak P kuvvetini hesaplayınız. ν=0.3 alınız. g(rad) 0.00545 Prob. 3–31 *3–32. A shear spring is made by bonding the rubber annulus to a rigid fixed ring and a plug. When an axial load P is placed on the plug, show that the slope at point y in 3–34. A shear spring is made from two blocks of rubber, each having a height h, width b, and thickness a. The blocks are bonded to three plates as shown. If the plates %41 are rigid and the shear modulus of the rubber is G, determine the displacement of plate A if a vertical load P is applied to this plate. Assume that the displacement is small so that d = a tan g L ag.
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