Dr. Ergin YILMAZ Department of Biomedical Engineering Bülent Ecevit University 67100, Zonguldak, TURKEY Phone: +90 372 257 4010-1273, e-mail: [email protected] Education 2012 BULENT ECEVIT UNIVERSITY Electrical and Electronics Engineering, July, 2012 (PhD) 2008 BULENT ECEVIT UNIVERSITY Electrical and Electronics Engineering, July, 2008 (MSc) 2003 KOCAELI UNIVERSITY Electronics and Communications Engineering, July, 2003 (BSc) Academic Positions 2012- Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Bulent Ecevit University 2008-2012 Research Assistant, Computer Engineering, Karabuk University 2006-2008 Research Assistant, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Zonguldak Karaelmas University Research Interests The long-range goal of Dr. Yılmaz is to uncover linking principles from a single computational unit (neuron) of brain to behavior using computational models. This goal is being pursued with a combination of theoretical and experimental approaches at several levels of investigation ranging from the biophysical single neuron level to the network and systems level. Biophysical models of electrical and chemical signal processing within neurons are used as an adjunct to physiological experiments. The central issues being addressed are how dendrites integrate synaptic signals in neurons, how networks of neurons generate dynamical patterns of activity, how sensory information is represented in the cerebral cortex. Refereed Journal Publications (SCI-Indexed) [1] Yılmaz E, Ozer M, “ Delayed feedback and the detection of weak periodic signal in a stochastic HodgkinHuxley neuron”, Physica A, 421,455-462, 2015. [2] Uzuntarla M, Yılmaz E, Wagemakers A, Ozer M., “Vibrational Resonance in a Heterogeneous Scale Free Network of Neurons”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 22(1-3), 367-374, 2015. [3] Yılmaz E, “Impacts of Hybrid Synapses on the Noise-Delayed Decay in Scale-Free Neuronal Networks”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 66, 1-8, 2014. [4] Uzuntarla M, Uzun R, Yılmaz E, Özer M, Perc M, “Noise-delayed decay in the response of a scale-free neuronal network”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 56, 202-208 (2013). [5] Yılmaz E, Uzuntarla M, Özer M, Perc M, “ Stochastic resonance in hybrid scale-free neuronal networks ”. Physica A 392(22), 5735-5741, 2013. 1 [6] Yılmaz E, Özer M, “Collective firing regularity of a scale-free Hodgkin–Huxley neuronal network in response to a subthreshold signal”, PhysicsLetters A, Volume 377, Issue 18, pp 1301-1307, 2013. [7] Öztürk E, Yılmaz E, “Comparisons of Various Pulse Shapes for DS-UWB Signals over the UWB Channel”, Telecommunication Systems, Volume 42, Issue 3, pp 213-222, 2009. Other Refereed Journal Publications [1] Yılmaz E, Özer M and Çavu¸soglu ˘ A “Impact of the Ion Channel Blockage on the Collective Spiking Regularity of a Scale-Free Neuronal Network”, Procedia Technology, 1:199-204, 2012. International Conference Proceedings [1] Yılmaz E, Ozer M, “Stochastic Multi-Resonances on Scale-Free Hodgkin-Huxley Neuronal Networks via Pacemaker” 9th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation,1-3November 2012, AnkaraTurkey. [2] Yılmaz E. Ozer, M. Cavusoglu, A. “Effects of channel blocking on the spontaneous firing regularity of scale-free Hodgkin-Huxley neuronal network”, INISTA2011, 15-18 June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. [3] Öztürk E, Yılmaz E, "Performance of DS-UWB signals over the CM1 Channel Model", Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac 2007), pp.107-111, Chania, Crete, Greece, October 2007. National Conference Proceedings [1] V. Baysal, E. Yılmaz, M. Özer, Ölçeksiz Nöral Aglarda ˘ Periyodik Kuplajın E¸sik-Altı Sinyal Kodlamaya Etkileri, Elektrik-Elektronik, Bilgisayar ve Biyomedikal Mühendisligi ˘ Sempozyumu, ELOCO’2014, Bursa, 27-29 Kasım, 2014. [2] V. Baysal, E. Yılmaz, M. Özer, “Periyodik Kuplajın Ölçeksiz Nöronal Agda ˘ Ate¸sleme Düzenliligine ˘ Etkisi ” ˙ sleme ve Ileti¸ ˙ sim Uygulamaları Kurultayı SIU2014, ˙ IEEE 22. Sinyal I¸ Trabzon, 23-25 Nisan, 2014. [3] E. Yılmaz, M. Özer, B.¸Sen, "Stokastik Ölçeksiz Nöral Agda ˘ E¸sik-altı Uyartımın Kodlanması",IEEE 18. Sinyal ˙ sleme ve Ileti¸ ˙ sim Uygulamaları Kurultayı SIU2010, ˙ I¸ Diyarbakır, 22-24 Nisan, 2010. ˙ Kutuplu Dogrudan ˙ saretlerin CM1-CM4 Kanal Modelleri [4] E. Yılmaz, E. Öztürk, "Iki ˘ Dizili Ultra Geni¸s Bant I¸ ˙ Üzerindeki Ba¸sarımları", (HABTEKUS2008),Istanbul, Ekim 2008. ˙ sim Teknolojileri Kar¸sıla¸stırmalı Analizi" EMO III. Ileti¸ ˙ sim [5] E. Yılmaz, E. Öztürk, "Yeni Nesil Kablosuz Ileti¸ ˙ Teknolojileri Ulusal Sempozyumu, (ITUSEM 2007), Adana, Ekim 2007 ˙ saretlerin Log-normal Sönümlü Kanalda Perfor[6] E. Öztürk, E. Yılmaz, "Dogrudan ˘ Dizili Ultra Geni¸s Bant I¸ ˙ ˙ ˙ mansları" IEEE 15. Sinyal I¸sleme ve Ileti¸sim Uygulamaları Kurultayı SIU2007, Eski¸sehir, Haziran 2007. [7] E. Öztürk, E. Yılmaz, "Çoklu Kıymık/Veri Hızlı DD-KBÇE Sistemlerde Dalgacık ve Kara Kök Yükseltilmi¸s Kosinüs Kıymık S¸ ekillendiricilerin Performanslarının Kar¸sıla¸stırılması", Elektrik-Elektronik ve Bilgisayar Mühendisligi ˘ Sempozyumu, ELECO’2006, Bursa Aralık 2006. Teaching Tought Courses: Circuit Theory, Numeric Analyses, Probability and Statistics, Electronics I, Electronics II, Mathematical Physiology, Signals and Systems, Biomedical Signal Processing. 2 Administrative Service Vice Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Bulent Ecevit Univertisty, 2014 Marc to present Vice Head of the Biomedical Calibration Application and Research Center, 2013 to present. Vice Head of the Karaelmas Syber Security Application and Research Center, 2014 November to present Referee and Editorial Service Fluctuations and Noise Letters Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Collobrators Matjaz Perc, University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Maribor, Slovenia. 3
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