January 11, 2015 CROATIAN FRANCISCAN FRIARS Fr. Ivan Strmecki, O.F.M., Pastor RECTORY & OFFICE 774-9418 Fax 774-7406 E-mail [email protected] Feast of The Baptism of the Lord Parish Council Chairperson Trustees Andrew Williams 324-4862 John Hrdi 543-8637 August Cincotta 774-4974 Building Maintenance Joe Dejanovich 262-255-8672 Custodian Juro Ljevar 545-3039 Human Concerns Yvonne Wentlandt 342-5661 Organist John Myszka 305-8885 Parish Life Mary Schauer 235-9458 Prayer & Worship Pat Cincotta 774-4974 Religious Education Christine Michalski 423-6252 Safety Director Jerry Endries 771-1723 Secretary D'Ann Fisher (Office) 774-9418 Office Hours: Mon.-Tues. 9 am-1 pm and Wed. 9 am-4 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday Daily Mass 4:30 p.m. (English) 9:00 a.m. (English) 10:30 a.m. (Croatian) 7:45 a.m. (English) SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:00 p.m. Marriage Call Parish Office 6 months in advance Baptism Call Parish Office Anointing of the Sick and Communion Call Parish Office at any time Communion for the shut-ins ordinarily on First Friday Funerals Call Parish Office SVETKOVINA KRŠTENJA GOSPODINOVA BULLETIN NOTICES Deadline Monday Evening 1 . Enjoy Catholic radio in Milwaukee! Try listening to 1640 on the AM dial. No static! SACRED HEART PARISH — HRVATSKA ŽUPA SRCA ISUSOVA ŽUPNE AKTIVNOSTI U OVOM TJEDNU NEDJELJNO RAZMIŠLJANJE DANAS (11. siječnja) - Blagdan Krštenja Isusova — Društvo "Imena Isusova" - engleska misa Veliki su uvijek ponizni... PONEDJELJAK (12. siječnja) — Hrvatska škola za odrasle u 6:30 sati navečer — Međugorska molitvena grupa u 7:30 sati navečer Krštenje Gospodinovo je događaj početka. Krist nakon krštenja počinje svoj javni život, svoje služenje, propovijedanje. On dolazi pred svetog Ivana i moli ga da ga krsti. Isusova poniznost znak je njegova gospodstva. Pravi veliki su uvijek ponizni, a ponizni su uvijek sveti. Krštenje je poziv Duha Svetoga u život osobe kako bi bila dovoljno snažna za cijeli život. Krštenjem postajemo dio velike obitelji, velike zajednice ljudi koji vjeruju. Postajemo dijete Božje. Postajemo i dio i cjelina Božjeg zahvata. Krštenje nam govori kako je ugodno pripadati i osjećati da sam dio velike Božje zamisli koja uključuje i naše ime i naš cijeli život. Radosni budimo zbog te velike istine našeg života. UTORAK (13. siječnja) — Sastanak za ''Respect Life'' u 8:45 sati ujutro — "Prayer and Worship" sastanak u 2 sati popodne — Sat pobožnosti od 6 do 7 sati navečer — dođite! — Hrvatski crkveni zbor - proba u 7:15 sati navečer SRIJEDA (14. siječnja) — Engleski crkveni zbor - proba u 6:30 sati navečer — Hrvatska škola za djecu u 6:00 sati navečer ČETVRTAK (15. siječnja) PETAK (16. siječnja) SUBOTA (17. siječnja ) — Vjeronauk za djecu 9:30 do 10:45 ujutro — ''Prime Rib Dinner'' i Društvo Imena Isusova Božićna zabava održat će se u 5:30 sati navečer — svi ste dobro došli ali rezervacije trebate urediti unapred IDUĆE NEDJELJE (18. siječnja) — Radio Klub godišnji sastanak nakon hrvatske Mise Društvo Imena Isusova održat će svoj godišnji ‘‘Christmas Party’’ ovu subotu 17. siječnja u našoj dvorani (iza Mise u 4:30). Svi ste pozvani i dobro došli. Posluživat će se ‘‘Prime Rib’’. Ako želite doći na ovu večeru, rezervirajte svoje mjesto najkasnije sutra — listiće za rezervaciju možete naći na stolu ispred Ushers Room. Možete, također, nazvati Župni ured za rezervaciju. Cijena je $25. U VEZI S BOŽIĆNIM OBITELJSKIM DRVCEM (koje je kraj kipa Majke Božje), ako ste donjeli kuglicu od Vaše objitelji za ovaj obiteljski bor, molimo Vas da uzmete Vašu kuglicu doma danas, prije nego skinemo bor. FRA TIM MAJIĆ JE SLAVIO 101. ROĐENDAN Prikupljamo zimske rukavice, šalove i kape... Možete ih donijeti i staviti u košaru koja se nalazi na ulazu crkve. Ove zimske obuće ćemo predati župi svete Ruže Limske (528 N. 31st St.). Prikupljat ćemo za ove potrebe kroz cijelu zimu. Hvala na pomoći. Naš dragi bivši župnik od 1967. do 1979., fra Tim Majić, je ispunio njegovu sto i prvu godinu života prošli petak u Chicagu. Bogu hvala da je njegov glas jak, da pamet je bistra i da hodanje walkerom je njemu lako! Naša prva riblja večera (''Fish Fry'') ove godine će biti petak 23. siječnja. RIBLJA Molimo dođite pomoći i pozovite ljude da VEČERA uživaju u našoj dobroj hrani. Ako možete Ako imate nekoga u obitelji tko je bolestan ili ne može doći u crkvu, a želi primiti sakramente u ovo vrijeme nove godine, nazovite Župni ured 414774-9418 da se dogovorimo kad je najpovoljnije da se dođe. pomoći nama ujutro, u poslje podne od 3:30 do 7 sati, ili sa čišćenjem, nazovite naš župni ured ili upišite se na papiru na ulazu crkve. Hvala! 20 Zidne kalendare na hrvatskom jeziku možete naći ovaj vikend u našoj crkvi. Ima dovoljno za svaku hrvatsku obitelj u našoj župi! 15 OVO VRIJEME GODINE JE VRIJEME ZA KUĆNE BLAGOSLOVE Zovite fra Ivana na župni ured (414-774-9418) da planiramo kad je dobro vrijeme doći. 2 . MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN FINANCIJSKI IZVJEŠTAJ ZA TAKSOVE MOŽETE NARUČITI KROZ 24. SIJEČNJA I PREDIĆI NAKON TOG DANA. Zovite Župni ured, 414-774-9418. Hvala. FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 11, 2015 THIS WEEK'S PARISH ACTIVITIES FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year 2014 can be obtained at the Parish Office by calling after January 24th. You will be able to pick it up at the Office or it will be mailed to you. Thank you. TODAY (January 11) — Feast Day of the Baptism of the Lord — Holy Name Mass: 9:00 a.m. MONDAY (January 12) — Croatian School for Adults: 6:30 p.m. — Medjugorje Prayer group: 7:30-9:30 p.m. WALL CALENDARS FOR THE YEAR 2015 were, again, donated by SCHAFF FUNERAL HOME. These calendars are available to our parishioners in the back of church. TUESDAY (January 13) — Respect Life: 8:45 a.m. — Prayer & Worship: 2:00 p.m. (Special Time) — Holy Hour: 6-7 p.m.—please come to accompany Jesus — Croatian Choir: 7:15 p.m. The Spiritual Services Department of Froedtert Hospital is seeking additional volunteer Holy Communion Ministers who would like to be involved in the sacred and meaningful work of bringing Communion to the hospital’s Catholic patients. Being a regular Communion Minister requires approximately one to two hours per week. They are also seeking substitute Communion Ministers who would fill in for those who are away. If you would like to be become a part of this fulfilling ministry, please contact Sister Helen Harry at (414) 805-4663. Thank you. WEDNESDAY (January 14) — English Choir: 6:30 p.m. — Croatian School for Children: 6:00 p.m. THURSDAY (January 15) FRIDAY (January 16) SATURDAY (January 17) — Religious Instruction: 9:30-10:45 a.m. — Holy Name Society’s Prime Rib dinner and Christmas party: 5:30 p.m. NEXT SUNDAY (January 18) The Croatian Radio Club’s Annual Meeting is next week, Sunday, January 18, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. All members are urged to come. OUR NEXT PARISH FISH FRY will be held on Friday, January 23rd in our hall from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. Mark you calendars and plan to be with us that day. If ___________________________________________________________________________ SAVE THE DATE anyone could help, even for a few hours, it would be appreciated… there is a signup sheet in the back of church. We especially need help on the _____________________________ ¡ Saturday, January 17 — Prime Rib Dinner Holy Name Society Christmas Celebration ¡ Sunday, January 18 — Radio Club Annual Meeting After the 10:30 a.m. Mass ¡ Friday, January 23 Sacred Heart Fish Fry resumes serving/steam table. Thanks. Prices for Fish Fry are as follows: $9.00 for adults; $8.00 for seniors (65+); $7.50 - carry-outs; and $4.50 for children under 10 years of age. Also available are a Grilled Cheese Platter $4.00 or Grilled Cheese Sandwich - $2.50. Hope to see you at our first Fish Fry of 2015! 101ST BIRTHDAY: Father Tim Majic, our pastor from 1967 to 1979, turned 101 on Friday. He is still vigorous of mind and voice, and gets around well with his walker. May God continue to bless Fr. Tim! If your family put a Family Ornament on the Christmas Tree by the statue of the Blessed Mother, please take it home this weekend, because the decorations will come down soon. Thank you! Blessing of Homes: If you would like your home blessed in the new year, please call the Parish Office to make the arrangements. . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 3 ¡ Sunday, February 15 Pre-Lenten Dinner ¡ Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday ¡ Friday, February 20 Family Movie Night ¡ Friday, February 27 Fish Fry ¡ Saturday, March 7 Charitable Spaghetti Dinner after 4:30 Mass ¡ Sunday, March 8 Altar Society Bake Sale ¡ Saturday, March 14 Altar Society’s Family Fun Night MASS INTENTIONS - MISNE NAKANE Monday, January 12 - Ponedjeljak, 12. siječnja 7:45 a.m. †† Marie & John Zalewski………….………Marty Rajandran Tuesday, January 13 - Utorak, 13. siječnja 7:45 a.m. † Cecilia E. Muthauf……………………………………..….family Wednesday, January 14 - Srijeda, 14. siječnja 7:45 a.m. † Dennis Burdick..............................................Marlene Thursday, January 15 - Srijeda, 15. siječnja 7:45 a.m. † Charles Fischer…...............................Tim & Sue Todd Friday, January 16 - Petak, 16. siječnja 7:45 a.m. † Margaret Hrdi………………………….……….….…Anna Gass Saturday, January 17 - Subota, 17. siječnja 7:45 a.m. For All Parishioners, living and deceased - Za župljane 4:30 p.m. † Harold Kaminski…………………………………...……JM & MJ Sunday, January 18 - Nedjelja, 18. siječnja 9:00 a.m. † John Brahm………………….…..……Parish Life Committee 10:30 a.m. † Margaret Hrdi..........................Franjo i Milka Pelicaric † Josef Becker............................................Helen Cirko † John Brahm .................................Joe i Mary Schauer † Marija Jurkovich..................................Sharon Sharko † Sandor Virovec.................................Ivo i Luca Dujak †† Za sve pokojne familije Sarich……...........Ivica Sarich LITURGICAL ROLES FOR JANUARY 17 & 18 LECTORS 4:30 p.m. M. Hagan 9:00 a.m. M. Rogers 10:30 a.m. I. Heller EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 4:30 p.m. L. Zeidler 9:00 a.m. Y. Wentlandt, A. Malloy, D. Jerome (H) 10:30 a.m. Lj. Jelic, L. Susac, K. Hampel USHERS 4:30 p.m. F. Ruhland, R. Penn, D. Myszka, D. Doehr 9:00 a.m. R. Fisher, T. Hawkins, P. Magnowski 10:30 a.m. D. Braovac, J. Endries, M. Hrdi COLLECTION FROM DECEMBER 27/28: $3,777. COLLECTION FROM NEW YEAR’S DAY: $1,168. LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTION: $3,707. MAINTENANCE FUND: $899. Thank you! Hvala! 4 . JANUARY 11, 2015 SUNDAY MEDITATION The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River marked a pivotal point in salvation history. It was the beginning of the end of the ministry of St. John the Baptist, who was preparing the way for the Messiah, and the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus. This ministry would consist of Jesus preaching, teaching and healing, and then climax with his sacrificial death and resurrection. The baptism of Jesus must have been a great blessing to John the Baptist. He had longingly awaited the Suffering Servant of God, proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah. John knew that the promised Messiah was coming. He spent his life preparing the people to be attentive to the coming of the Christ. Finally, he was able to see and hear for himself that Jesus was the promised one. The baptism of Jesus was a profound moment for John and for the world. With the descent like a dove of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus, and the voice of the Father saying, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased,” Jesus was clearly revealed. Deadline to return Holy Name Dinner form is tomorrow, Monday, January 12th The Holy Name Society’s Prime Rib Dinner and Christmas Party will be this Saturday, January 17, in our hall, after the 4:30 p.m. Mass. All are invited and welcome to attend and enjoy this annual feast. The cost is $25. The Prime Rib dinners are available with reservation—reservation sheets are on the table by the Ushers Room or please call Parish Office. 4 NEW HATS, SCARVES AND MITTENS - The Human Concerns Committee is again collecting new (or like new) hats, scarves, and mittens for children 1 year old and up as well as adults. Committee members will deliver the gifts to St. Rose of Lima Parish (528 N 31st St.). We will continue with this collection through the winter months. Please put your donation in the container at the entrance of the church. Thank you! Norm’s 49th Street Auto Body Funeral Home COMPANY INC. Family Owned & Operated 5920 W. Lincoln Ave. 414-541-7533 • www.schafffuneralhome.com Quality Name Brand Supplies Do-it-Yourself Or We’ll Do It Your Full Service Plumbing Contractor Sewer & Drain Cleaning MP#225467 6734 W. Wells St. BALISTRERI’S Daily 9-9; Sunday 10-2 Beer - Wine - Soda - Liquor 5031 W. Oklahoma Ave., Milw. 545-2175 919 N. Barstow, Waukesha (262) 547-7525 WWW.DISCOUNTLIQUORINC.COM ITALIAN/AMERICAN RISTORANTE 68TH & Wells – Wauwatosa 475-1414 BLUEMOUND INN 65th & Bluemound – Milwaukee 258-9881 Parish Supporters • www.balistreris.com 258-1100 ROMAN ELECTRIC Residential Work 640 S. 70th St. 414-471-8565 BRUSKIEWITZ 1912 - 2012 5355 W. Forest Home Ave. 414-321-1700 American European Foods QUALITY SMOKED MEATS FRESH SAUSAGE SMOKED CROATIAN & SLOVENIAN SAUSAGE Catering For all occasions 5625 W. North Ave. Ph: 444-2121 Pelicaric Family 817 North 49th Street 774-4910 West Milwaukee • 645-1011 1641 Miller Parkway Open Daily From 10:00 am to 11:00 pm In The New Target Center HENRY PAUL, ATTORNEY Wills - Probate - Taxes Bankruptcy - Real Estate Financial Planning for Elderly Landlord - Tenant 11430 W. Bluemound Rd., #205 Wauwatosa, Wi. FUNERAL HOME Celebrating 100 Years of Service full service collision repairs Hairstyling for Men & Women John Endries Parishioner 2215 So. K.K. 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