Turistička zajednica Općine Rogoznica Poznaju nas već dva milenija Od Argonauta do najbolje marine u svijetu Jason i Argonauti, detalj s grčke vaze, oko 425. - 375. prije Krista. Jason and Argonauts, Greek vase detail, around 425 – 375 BC. Povjesna jezgra Rogoznice na otoku Kopari razvila se oko nastambi prvih obitelji koje su se na njemu naselile sredinom 15. stoljeća. Historical part of Rogoznica on the island of Kopara has developed around the residences of the first families who settled on it in the mid-15th century. They have known us for two millennia From Argonauts to the best world marina Marina Frapa – najbolja hrvatska marina i najbolja nautička baza u svijetu po ocjeni njemačkog Master Yachting-a i Trade Leaders Cluba. Marina Frapa – the best Croatian marina and the best nautical base in the world according to the German Master Yachting and Trade Leaders Club. . Poznaju nas već dva milenija Rogoznica uživa status jednog od najljepših mjesta na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora još od sredine 19. stoljeća kada se počelo putovati zbog užitka i odmora, a zaljev u kojem se skriva mornarima je kao mirna i sigurna luka poznat već više od tri tisuće godina. Prema antičkoj legendi uz njene su obale, u davno doba između 12. i 9. stoljeća prije Krista pristali Argonauti među kojima su bili najveći junaci iz grčke mitologije Jason, Heraklo, Kastor, Orfej i Tezej. Tri milenija kasnije utočište modernih Argonatua postala je marina „Frapa“, najbolja marina u Hrvatskoj, najbolja nautička baza svijeta i jedna od najljepših marina na Mediteranu. Kao naselje na otoku Kopari, Rogoznica se prvi puta spominje 1518. godine, kao mjesto idealno za odmor otkrivena je prije nego što je 1870. godine obitelj Lušić – Rankov izgradila prvi hotel, a kao mondeno ljetovalište europskih industrijalaca, intelektualaca i umjetnika postala je poznata 1920. godine kada je na otoku Velikoj Smokvici uređena plaža i izgrađen ljetnikovac . Danas je Rogoznica prestižno nautičko središte Mediterana i jedno od rijetkih jadranskih odredišta koje se može pohvaliti kristalno čistim morem i ljepotom prirodnih plaža duž svoje pedeset kilometara duge obale koju sunce obasjava 2600 sati godišnje. They have known us for two millennia Since the mid-19th century, when people started travelling for pleasure and relaxation, Rogoznica has enjoyed the status of one of the most beautiful places on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, and the bay where it hides from the sailors is known as a peaceful and safe haven for more than three thousand years. According to the Ancient legends, between the 12th and 9th centuries BC Argonauts were sailing along its shores, among which were the greatest heroes of Greek mythology: Jason, Hercules, Castor, Orpheus and Theseus. Three millennia later the haven of modern Argonauts became the marina ‘Frapa’, the best marina in Croatia, the best nautical base in the world and one of the most beautiful marinas in the Mediterranean. As a settlement on the island of Kopara, Rogoznica was first mentioned in 1518; as an ideal place for vacation it was discovered even before the Lušić–Rankov family built the first hotel in 1870, and as a fashionable resort for European industrialists, intellectuals and artists it became known in 1920 when a beach was arranged and a mansion built on the island of Smokvica. Today, Rogoznica is a prestigious nautical center of the Mediterranean and one of the few destinations in the Adriatic, which boasts crystal clear waters and beautiful natural beaches along its fifty kilometers long coastline where the sun shines 2600 hours per year. Rogoznica Rogoznica je mirno i toplo mediteransko mjesto u središtu Dalmacije. Već gotovo 150 godina slovi kao idealno mjesto za ugodan obiteljski odmor koje rado posjećuju i nautičari zbog njene luke, najljepše i najsigurnije na Jadranu. Rogoznica se ponosi ljepotom svoje preko 50 kilometara duge obale koja je gotovo cijelom svojom dužinom riznica šljunčanih, stjenovitih, prostranih i malih skrovitih intimnih plaža. Tijekom ljeta Rogozničani organiziraju puno zabavnih i kulturnih programa za svoje goste, a rogoznički restorani nude obilje dalmatinskih i mediteranskih specijaliteta od riba, rakova i školjaka, izvrsna hrvatska i dalmatinska vina, mirisno domaće maslinovo ulje, sir i pršut te s ljubavlju čuvana i pripremana jela iz obiteljske gastronomske baštine. Povijesna jezgra Rogoznice nalazi se na otoku Kopari koji je od 1922. godine nasipom spojen s kopnom. Taj stari dio Rogoznice zadržao je autentični šarm malog mediteranskog grada u kojem se svi poznaju i gdje je sve na dohvat ruke, a živi se opušteno i bez prevelike žurbe. Oko otoka Kopare, ispod krošnji stoljetnih borova, Rogozničani su uredili stazu za šetnju duž koje je moguće na svakom koraku osvježiti se u kristalno čistom moru. U noćima nakon vrelih ljetnih dana oživi mjesna riva. Tu se uvijek nešto zanimljivo događa, a u dosegu od stotinjak lakih koraka svatko može pronaći nešto za sebe. Rogoznica Rogoznica is a calm and warm Mediterranean town in central Dalmatia. For almost 150 years it stands for an ideal place for family vacation and because of its port, the most beautiful and the safest in the Adriatic, it is frequently visited by boaters. Rogoznica is proud of its beautiful, over 50 kilometers long coastline, which is almost in its entire length a treasury of pebble, rocky, spacious and secluded intimate beaches. In summer the inhabitants of Rogoznica organize numerous entertaining and cultural programmes for their guests, and Rogoznica restaurants offer a plenty of Dalmatian and Mediterranean fish, crab and shellfish specialties, excellent Croatian and Dalmatian wines, aromatic homemade olive oil, cheese and prosciutto and well preserved and prepared meals that belong to a family culinary heritage. The historical core of Rogoznica is located on the island of Kopara which has been connected with the mainland since 1922 by a levee. The old town of Rogoznica kept the authentic charm of a small Mediterranean town where everyone knows everyone, where everything is at your fingertips, and where life is relaxing, without too much haste. Around the island of Kopara, beneath the tree tops of ancient pines, the inhabitants of Rogoznica have arranged a path along which you can freshen up in the crystal clear sea at every step. At night, after a hot summer day, the local boardwalk comes alive. There is always something interesting going on and in the scope of one hundred easy steps everyone can find something for themselves. MARINA FRAPA UVALA SOLINE 1 22203 ROGOZNICA RECEPCIJA TEL: +385 (0)22 55 99 00 FAX:+385 (0) 22 55 99 32 E-MAIL: [email protected] Marina Frapa najljepša je marina Jadrana, i zasigurno jedna od ljepših na Mediteranu. Suvremen, elegantan i otmjen ambijent marine zrači smirenošću i gostoprimstvom. Raznovrsna ponuda i vrhunska usluga, profesionalno i srdačno osoblje se brine da Vaš boravak bude ugodan. Priznanjem Plava zastava, marina Frapa potvrđuje zalaganje i brigu o zaštiti okoliša i očuvanju prirodnog sklada. „Plava zastava“ za marinu te zaštitu mora i okoliša. „Plava zastava“ za plažu, marinu te zaštitu mora i okoliša. The marina Frapa is the most beautiful marina in the Adriatic and certainly one of the most beautiful in the Mediterranean. A modern, elegant and noble ambiance of the marina radiates tranquility and hospitality. A diverse offer and high quality service, the professional and friendly staff ensures that you have a pleasant stay. With the recognition Blue Flag marina Frapa confirms the commitment and respect for the environment and conservation of natural harmony. Najbolja nautička baza u svijetu po ocjeni New Millenium Awarda 2007. i 2008. godine. Najbolja nautička baza u svijetu po ocjeni New Millenium Awarda 2007. i 2008. godine. “Kristalni cvijet” u kategoriji “Najbolje marine Jadrana” 2008. “Kristalni cvijet” u kategoriji “Najbolje marine Jadrana” 2008. Plaže Beaches Sa svojom više od 50 kilometara dugom obalom, Općina Rogoznica vam nudi veliki izbor prekrasnih plaža, uglavnom šljunčanih, betonskih i prirodnih kamenitih plaža. Neke od njih smještene su odmah pored naselja, a neke su skrivene u uvalama s potpuno očuvanom prirodom. Ova raznolikost vam daje mogućnost da uvijek pronađete jedan dio ovog raja samo za sebe, gdje možete uživati u vlastitom miru i prirodnim ljepotama Rogoznice. Čak i na vrhuncu turističke sezone uz malo truda i kratku šetnju izvan naselja moguće je pronaći plažu i mjesto pod suncem samo za sebe. Šljunčane plaže: Šepurina, Lozica 1, Lozica 2, Miline, Gradina, Stupin – Čeline, Račice, Art, Varoš Ražanj. Šljunčane i kamene plaže s uređenim ulazima u more i betoniranim dijelovima: Lozica 3, Crljina, Gornji Muli, Kopara, Zatoglav, Loljinica – Mezaroca, Kalebova luka, Stivašnica, Malo Zečevo, Zečevo, Kanica, Oštrička luka. Prirodne plaže: Jezero Zmajevo oko, otok Jaz Bazen: u sklopu marine „Frapa“ 1 U Republici Hrvatskoj zabranjeno je i podliježe zakonskim strogim sankcijama Većina ugroženih vrsta stalno ili povremeno obitava u rogozničkom akvatoriju. Čuvajmo CRVENI KORALJ (Corallium rubrum) ŠKOLJKA PRSTAC (Litophaga Litophaga) LJUBIČASTA GORGONIJA (Paramuricea clavata) 2 5 With its more than 50 km long coastline, Rogoznica offers you a huge variety of beautiful beaches, mostly pebble, concrete and natural stone beaches. Some of them are just in front of the village, and some are hidden in bays with completely preserved natural look. This variety gives you a possibility to always find a one part of this paradise just for your self, where you can enjoy in own peace and Rogoznica’s natural beauty. Eeven in high season, by making small effort, short walk outside the settled area, you can find some natural beach and place under the sun, just for your self. Pebble beaches: Šepurina, Lozica 1, Lozica 2, Miline, Gradina, Stupin – Čeline, Račice, Art, Varoš Ražanj. Pebble and rocky beaches with access to the sea and paved areas: Lozica 3, Crljina, Gornji Muli, Kopara, Zatoglav, Loljinica – Mezaroca, Kalebova luka, Stivašnica, Malo Zečevo, Zečevo, Kanica, Oštrička luka. 6 Natural beaches: Dragon’s Eye lake, island Jaz. Swimming pool: at Marina Frapa uznemiravanje, lov, branje ili oštećivanje ugroženih morskih bića i organizama. ih jer su bogatstvo čovječanstva, a njihov opstanak briga i odgovornost svih ljudi svijeta. MORSKI KONJIC (Hippocampus) RIBA KOVAČ (Zeus faber) TRPOVI (Holothurioidea) 12 9 10 13 15 Molimo vas ne bacajte otpad u more i ne ostavljajte otpatke na plažama. Ako uočite zagađenje ili ekološku ugrozu mora i obale odmah nazovite ++385 (0) 95 505 44 08. O čistoći mora brinu nadležne službe Općine Rogoznica, Turistička zajednica i Eko patrola, udruge OKEA. Zbog besprijekorne čistoće mora moguće je kupati se bilo gdje duž preko 50 kilometara rogozničke obale. In the Republic of Croatia the harassment, hunting, picking or damaging of the Most endangered species inhabit the waters of rogoznica permanently or occasionally. Let us MORSKA MEDVJEDICA (Monachus monachus) – najugroženiji sisavac na svijetu DOBRI DUPIN (Tursiops truncatus) U jadranskom moru obitava samo oko 220 jedinki, a često ih se može MORSKA KORNJAČA – GLAVATA ŽELVA (Chelonia) Due to the impeccable cleanliness of the sea, one can swim anywhere along the coast of Rogoznica which is more than 50 kilometers long. 17 19 22 23 Please, do not throw rubbish in the sea or leave it on the beach. If you notice sea and coast pollution or environmental danger, make immediate call ++385 (0) 95 505 44 08. Competent services of Rogoznica municipality, Tourist board, Eco patrol and OKEA association take care of the sea cleanliness. endangered species of sea creatures is prohibited and will be subject to strict legal sanctions. protect them because they are our greatest value and we are all responsible for their survival. PUŽ BAČVAŠ (Tonna galea) PLEMENITA PERISKA (Pinna nobilis) SPUŽVE (Poriferia) Ronjenje Diving Rogozničko podmorje zbog bogatstva morske flore i faune, brojnih brodskih olupina te čistoće i pozornosti mora privlači ronioce iz cijelog svijeta. Atraktivni podmorski lokaliteti blizu su kopna i lako su dostupni pa se na izlete u fantastični podvodni svijet, koje organiziraju specijalizirane i ovlaštene agencije, mogu upustiti i oni koji nemaju veliko ronilačko iskustvo, čak i početnici. HRID MULO - DUBINA: 10 - 40 m, maksimalno 90 m, TEŽINA URONA: početnici i ronioci viših kategorija, VIDLJIVOST: 30 - 50 metara, CILJ: morska flora i fauna – ribe, školjke i koralji OTOK MALA SMOKVICA - DUBINA: 17- 24 m, maksimalno 40 m, TEŽINA URONA: idealno za početnike i iskusne ronioce, VIDLJIVOST: 30-40 metara – kristalno čisto more, CILJ: olupina potonulog broda / morska flora i fauna – ribe, školjke, spužve i koralji OTOK VELIKA SMOKVICA DUBINA: 10- 40 m, maksimalno 90 m, TEŽINA URONA: do 20 m – početnici / dublje od 40 m iskusni ronioci, VIDLJIVOST: 30 - 50 m, CILJ: polja crvenih i narančastih gorgonija / kraljevi morskih dubina jastozi i hlapovi PLIĆINA SMOKVICA - DUBINA: 10 - 40 m, maksimalno 60 m, TEŽINA URONA: do 20 m - početnici / do 40 m iskusni ronioci, VIDLJIVOST: 30 - 50 metara, CILJ: idealni uvjeti za podvodni foto safari RT PLANKA - DUBINA: 10 - 40 m, maksimalno 100 m, TEŽINA URONA: do 20 m početnici / 20 – 40 m iskusni ronioci, VIDLJIVOST: 30 - 50 m, CILJ: okomite stijene i podvodne pećine – spužve, koralji, ribe i rakovi Due to the diversity of marine flora and fauna, numerous shipwrecks as well as crystal clear sea, the Rogoznica underwater attracts divers from all around the world. Because the attractive underwater sites are close to the shore and are easily accessible, they enable discovering a fantastic underwater world organized by specialized and authorized agencies to everyone without a great diving experience, even the beginners. CLIFF MULO - DEPTH: 10 - 40 m, 90 m maximum, DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN DIVING: beginners and higher categories divers VISIBILITY: 30 - 50 meters, TARGET: sea flora and fauna – fish, seashells and corals ISLAND MALA SMOKVICA DEPTH: 17 - 24 m, 40 m maximum, DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN DIVING: beginners and experienced divers, VISIBILITY: 30 - 40 meters crystal clear water, TARGET: ship wreck / sea flora and fauna – fish, seashells, sponge and corals ISLAND VELIKA SMOKVICA DEPTH: 10 - 44 m, 90 m maximum, DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN DIVING: < 20 m beginners / > 40 m experienced divers, VISIBILITY: 30 50 meters, TARGET: fields of red and orange gorgonian / lobsters, the kings of the deep sea SHALLOWS SMOKVICA - DEPTH: 10 - 40 m, 60 m maximum, DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN DIVING: < 20 m beginners / > 40 m experienced divers, VISIBILITY: 30 - 50 meters, TARGET: great conditions for photo safari CAPE PLANKA - DEPTH: 10 - 40 m, 100 m maximum, DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY IN DIVING: < 20 m beginners / 20-40 m experienced divers, VISIBILITY: 30 - 50 meters, TARGET: vertical cliffs and underwater caves – sponge, corals, fish and crabs Gospa od Kapelice Our Lady of the Chapel Blagdan Gospe od Kapelice najvažniji je događaj, a slikovito zavjetno hodočašće Gospi od Kapelice najljepša duhovna, folklorna i tradicijska manifestacija, u Rogoznici. Dani su to kada Rogozničani već gotovo tri stoljeća obnavljaju zavjet vjernosti i izražavaju štovanje svojoj nebeskoj zaštitnici Djevici Mariji, majci božjoj, koja se čudesno ukazala na poluotoku Gradini 1722. godine i od tada bdije nad Rogozničanima, Rogoznicom i njenom mirnom lukom. Prema predaji koja se vjekovima prenosi s koljena na koljeno ribar Tumburko 1722. godine lovio je ribu na rtu poluotoka Gradine i ugledao neobičnu svjetlost. Kada se približio ugledao je svetu sliku koja prikazuje Djevicu Mariju koja je došla u posjet Elizabeti, svojoj rođakinji koja je božjom milošću zatrudnjela i uskoro će roditi Ivana Krstitelja koji će pripremiti narod za dolazak Isusa Krista. Sliku je odnio kući i spremio je u škrinju, ali se ona na neobjašnjiv način vratila na isto mjesto. Tri je puta Tumburko donosio sliku kući, ali se ona svaki puta vraćala tamo gdje ju je našao. Kada su doznali za čudesnu svetu sliku koja se vraća tamo gdje je nađena Rogozničani su to protumačili kao znak da Gospa želi čuvati njih i njihovu luku od zla i pogibelji pa su na tom mjestu podigli kapelicu. Štovanje čudesne svete slike ubrzo je preraslo u veliko zavjetno hodočašće koje se kao središnja rogoznička svečanost redovno slavi od 1776. godine. Potvrdu da je Gospa od Kapelice njihova istinska nebeska zaštitnica Rogozničani su dobili 1887. godine kada je Rogoznicu pogodila smrtonosna epidemija crnih boginja. Nakon procesije i molitve pred Gospinom kapelicom zdravi su prestali obolijevati, a bolesni su ozdravili pa se zato još i danas svakog 24. siječnja Rogozničani okupljaju u molitvi pred kapelicom na Gradini. Zavjetno hodočašće Gospi od Kapelice slavi se svake godine 2. srpnja kada se Gospina slika dovozi iz kapelice u župnu crkvu Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije na nebo gdje ostaje do prve nedjelje iza blagdana Gospe od Karmela kada se vraća u svoje svetište na Gradini. Brod s gospinom slikom plivajući prate djevojke i mladići, a od pristaništa do svetišta nose je u bijelo odjevene djevojke koje uz molitvu prate vjernici. Feast of Our Lady of the Chapel is the most important event, and the picturesque votive pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Chapel is the most beautiful spiritual, folklore and traditional ceremony in Rogoznica. For almost three centuries those are the days when the inhabitants of Rogoznica renew the vows of fidelity and express their worship to the heavenly patroness, the Virgin Mary Mother of God who miraculously appeared on the peninsula of Gradina in 1722, and since then has watched over Rogoznica, its peaceful port and its inhabitants. According to tradition, which has been transmitted from generation to generation for centuries, a fisherman Tumburko saw a strange light when he was fishing on the Gradina Cape in 1722. When he approached near he saw the holy image of the Virgin Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who got pregnant by God’s grace and will soon give birth to John the Baptist who will prepare the people for the arrival of Jesus Christ. He took the picture home and put it in the chest, but it inexplicably returned to the same place. Tumburko brought the picture home three times, but each time it returned to where it was found. The miraculous holy image that keeps turning back to the place it was found for the inhabitants of Rogoznica was interpreted as a sign that Our Lady wants to protect them and their port from harm and danger, and they built a chapel there. Worshiping the miraculous holy image has soon turned into a great votive pilgrimage, regularly celebrated as main ceremony in Rogoznica since 1776. Confirmation that Our Lady of the Chapel is their true heavenly patroness, the inhabitants of Rogoznica received in 1887 with the appearance of smallpox epidemic. After the procession and praying in front of the Chapel, the healthy stopped getting sick and the sick got cured, so even today the inhabitants of Rogoznica gather in prayer on every January 24, in front of the Chapel on the Gradina Cape. Votive pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Chapel is celebrated every year on July 2, when the picture of Our Lady is brought from the Chapel to the parish church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven where it stays till the first Sunday after the holiday called Lady of Carmel and then it is returned to its sanctuary on the Gradina Cape. The ship with the picture of Our Lady is followed by swimmers - young girls and boys, and from the port to the sanctuary it is carried by girls dressed in white followed by people praying. Jezero Zmajevo oko Lake Dragon’s Eye Jezero Zmajevo oko jedinstven je hidrogeomorfološki fenomen na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora. U njemu se zbog posebnih fizikalno– kemijskih svojstva vode razvila osebujna flora i fauna. Smješteno je na poluotoku Gradina. Okruženo stijenama visokima od 4 do 24 metra, najveća mu je dubina 15 metara, a površina oko 10 000 četvornih metara. Legende o jezeru Zmajevo oko Bila jednom tri brata koja su nakon smrti roditelja trebala među sobom podijeliti on što su naslijedila. Jedan od njih bio je slijep što su druga dvojica iskoristila pa su ga prevarila, a on im je, shvativši da nešto nije u redu zaprijetio: -Ako niste pravedno dijelili, neka se sve što imamo pretvori u jezero i neka iz njega iskoči zmaj koji će vas progutati! Na to se zemlja pod nogama nepoštene braće otvorila, a golemu jamu je preplavilo more. Tako je nastalo jezero u kojem se nastanio zmaj koji i danas svojim dahom truje sva živa bića u njemu. Legenda koja potječe iz antičkih davnina govori o zmaju Murin, vanbračnom sinu Here i Posejdona koji je iz svojih dvora na otoku Velikoj Smokvici vladao polisom Heraklejom koji se nalazio negdje na području današnje Rogoznice. On je štitio svoj narod od osvajača i pljačkaša, a oni su mu svake godine, na najduži dan u godini, morali dati najljepšu djevojku za ženu. Nijedna nesretnica nije preživjela prvu bračnu noć sa strašnim zmajem. Ali jednog se dana jašući na krilatom konju Pegazu u Herakleji pojavio heroj Aristoles, praunuk Argonauta Jasona i zaljubio se u djevojku koja je trebala biti nevjesta zmaju Murinu. Mladi je junak izazvao Zmaja na dvoboj. Kopljem koje je uz pomoć Hefesta i mjesečeve prašine iskovala moćna božica Atena smrtno je ranio zmaja koji je, umirući u mukama, kandžama iskopao vlastite oči. Jedno oko bacio je daleko iza otoka Mljeta pa je na tom mjestu Jadransko more postalo najdublje, a drugo mu je palo pod noge i istopilo kamen. U kamen se ulio more i tako je nastalo jezero koje se zove Zmajevo oko. Prema toj legendi o zmaju Murinu ako se dvoje zaljubljenih okupa u Zmajevom oku bit će jedno drugom vjerni do kraja života, a njihov će brak biti blagoslovljen vječnom ljubavlju i zdravom djecom. Lake Dragon’s Eye is a unique geohydromorphological phenomenon on the eastern Adriatic coast that has developed distinctive flora and fauna because of its special physical and chemical properties. It is situated on the peninsula of Gradina. The lake is surrounded by sheer cliffs with average height between 4 and 24 meters, has maximum depth of 15 meters, and surface area of approximately 10,000 square meters. Dragon’s Eye Legends Once upon a time there were three brothers and after their parents’ death they had to divide their inheritance among themselves. One of the brothers was blind and the other two took advantage of it and deceived him, but as soon as he realized that something was wrong he threatened them: ‘ If you did not divide fairly, may all we have turn into a lake and may a dragon jump out of the lake and eat you all up!’ Immediately after, the land beneath the unfair brothers opened and the huge pit got filled with water. The lake was created that way and a dragon settled in the lake. Even today it poisons every living creature in the lake with his breath. The legend that originates from the ancient ages is about the dragon called Murin, the illegitimate son of Hera and Poseidon, who ruled the polis of Heraclea from his palace on the island of Velika Smokvica. He protected the inhabitants from invaders and marauders, and in return every year, on the longest day of the year, the people had to give him the most beautiful girl for a wife. Unfortunately, no one survived the first wedding night. But one day riding the winged horse Pegasus, in Herakleja appeared the hero Aristoles, the great-grandson of the Argonaut Jason, and he fell in love with a girl who was supposed to wed the cruel dragon the next day. The young hero challenged the dragon to a duel, and mortally wounded the beast with a spear made by the powerful goddess Athena with lunar dust and the help of Hephaestus. As he lay dying, Murin dug out his own eyes with his claws. One of them he threw far beyond the island of Mljet, so that place became the deepest on the Adriatic sea, and the other slipped under his feet and melted the rock. Water filled the pit and formed a lake, which came to be called Dragon’s Eye. According to this legend about the dragon Murin, if the two people who are in love bathe in the Dragon’s Eye, they will be faithful to each other till the rest of their lives, and their marriage will be blessed with eternal love and healthy children. Čudesna i tajanstvena Punta Planka Miraculous and mystical Punta Planka Dva kilometara jugoistočno od Rogoznice nalazi se Punta Planka (rt Ploče) najistureniji dio istočne obale Jadranskog mora koji zemljopisno i klimatski dijeli Jadran na sjeverni i južni. To je mjesto na kojem se snažno sudaraju sjeverni i južni vjetrovi, ciklone i anticiklone, morske struje. Na njemu se lome najveći valovi Jadranskog mora i vladaju najtiše bonace koje se mogu zamisliti. Sve to stvara gigantski prirodni spektakl koji se ne propušta jer nešto slično nije moguće vidjeti i doživjeti nigdje drugdje. Taj rt dramatično djeluje na vremenske prilike u Dalmaciji, a posebno u Rogoznici na čijem području zbog njegovog utjecaja tijekom tri ljetna mjeseca padne svega oko 60 milimetara kiše, gotovo tri puta manje nego u susjednim gradovima Splitu i Šibeniku. Puntu Planku i njena ćud spominje se u najstarijim sačuvanim opisima istočne obale Jadrana. Grčkim pomorcima bio je pod imenom Diomedov rt poznata i prije 6. stoljeća pr. K. Homer u “Ilijadi” daje naslutiti da je do njega nakon Trojanskog rata doplovio i sam Diomed, jedan od najvećih junaka grčke mitologije, a grčki povjesničar Timej već je u 4. stoljeću pr. K. opisao neobične prirodne anomalije koje izaziva. Njegov opis vremenskih prilika nad Diomedovim rtom spada među najstarije opise neke meteorološke pojave u europskoj kulturi. O Diomedovom rtu u 3. stoljeću pr. K pisao je i grčki učenjak, otac zemljopisa, astronom i matematičar Erastoten, tu se događa i jedna od važnih epizoda epa o Argonautima, a u 1. stoljeću spominje ga Plinije Stariji u “Prirodoslovlju”, prvom enciklopedijskom djelu europske kulture. Za Puntu Planku vezano je i jedno od čuda koja se pripisuju kršćanskom svecu Ivanu Trogirskom, trogirskom biskupu iz 11. stoljeća . Prema legendi on je nakon brodoloma kod Planke hodajući po valovima spasio život kralju Kolomanu i svim mornarima. U spomen na njega i njegova čudesna djela tu je 1324. godine izgrađena zavjetna crkva. Two kilometres south-east from Rogoznica there is a Punta Planka (cape Ploče) which is the most outstretched part of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, and it is a geographical and climate divider of the north and south Adriatic. It is a place of strong north and south collision of wind, cyclones and anticyclones, and sea currents. The largest waves of the Adriatic Sea crash there and on the other hand the sea is as calm as you could possibly imagine. It all creates a stunning natural spectacle which noone should miss because you can neither see nor experience similar things anywhere in the world. This cape dramatically affects the weather conditions in Dalmatia, especially in Rogoznica where, because of its impact during the three summer months, the rainfall is only 60 mm/ month, almost three times less than in the neighbouring cities of Split and Šibenik. Cape Planka and its mood was first mentioned in the oldest preserved descriptions of the eastern Adriatic coast. It was known to Greek sailors under the name of Diomede’s Cape in the 6th century BC. Homerus in his work ‘Iliad’ reveals that after the Trojan war Diomedes himself, who was one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, sailed around it, and Timaeus, a Greek historian, already in 4 century BC described the unusual natural anomaly which it causes. His description of weather conditions over the Diomede’s Cape belongs to the oldest descriptions of a meteorology phenomena in the European culture. Also a Greek scholar, geographer, astronomer and mathematician Eratosthenes wrote about Diomede’s Cape in the 3rd century BC, an important epic poem about the Argonauts took place there, and in the 1st century it was mentioned by Pliny the Elder in ‘Natualis Historia’, the first encyclopedic work of European culture. One of the miracles attributed to the Christian saint John, the bishop of Trogir from the 11th century is related to Cape Planka. According to the legend, after the shipwreck by Cape Planka he walked on the waves and saved the lives of King Coleman and all the sailors. In memory of him and his miracles, at this place a votive church was built in 1324. W Povijest i baština Historical overview and heritage 2000. godina pr. K. - Arheološki nalazi potvrđuju kontinuitet života oko Rogozničke luke u neprekidnom trajanju od oko 4000 godina. Od oko 1000. godine pr. Kr. do 600. godine n.e. - Od konca brončanog doba i u antičko doba na rogozničkom području obitava ilirsko pleme Delmati. 6. stoljeće pr. K. – Rogoznički rt Planka, antičkim pomorcima poznat pod imenom Diomedov rt, spominje se u najstarijim sačuvanim opisima istočne obale Jadrana. 4. stoljeće pr. K. - Grčki povjesničar Timej opisuje neobičnu meteorološku pojavu zbog koje je među pomorcima Diomedov rt bio na zlu glasu. 3. stoljeće pr. K. - O grčkim trgovcima na Hilejskom poluotoku, Hilejcima i Diomedovom rtu pisao je i grčki učenjak, otac zemljopisa, astronom i matematičar Erastoten. 3. stoljeće pr. K. - Jedna od važnih epizoda epa o Argonautima Apolonija Rođanina događa se upravo na rogozničkom području. 9. godina - Područje Rogoznice dolazi pod rimsku vlast. Iz toga doba potječu brojni rimski grobovi i ostaci rimske solane u uvali Soline 1. stoljeće n. e. - Plinije Stariji spominje Diomedov rt u “Prirodoslovlju” prvom enciklopedijskom djelu europske kulture. 3. stoljeće – Iz 3. stoljeća potječe nadgrobna ploča pronađena u rogozničkoj uvali Stupin. Na njoj su uklesani likovi roditelja koji tuguju za umrlim djetetom. Oni su odjeveni u dalmatiku (dalmatica vestis), odjeću kakvu su nosili pastiri ilirskog plemena Delmata, a koja je kasnije postala liturgijskim ruhom u Katoličkoj crkvi zato što, raširena, ima oblik križa pa podsjeća na Kristovu muku, a simbolizira spasenje, radost i pravednost. 7. stoljeće - Na područje Rogoznice doseljavaju se Hrvati. 1105. – Brod kojim su se sveti Ivan Trogrski, trogirski biskup Ivan Orsini i kralj Koloman, prvi hrvatski vladar iz dinastije Arpadovića, vraćali iz Šibenika u Trogir doživio je kod rta Planka brodolom, a biskup Ivan čudesno je spasio kralja i mornare hodajući po vodi. 1333. - U spomen na sv. Ivana Trogirskog i njegova čudesna djela na rtu Planka izgrađena je zavjetna crkva. 15. stoljeće – Kartografi na zemljovidima Europe i Mediterana Rogozničku luku nazivaju Porto cavalieri. 1467. - Juraj Devković i njegova obitelj prvi su stanovnici na otoku Kopari o kojima postoje sačuvani zapisi. 1485. - Rogoznica postaje samostalna crkvena župa. 1494.- Talijanski pisac Giovanni Boccaccio u svom zemljopisnom rječniku “De montibus, silvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus et de nominibus maris liber” spominje rt Planka pod imenom Punta Bianca. 1518. - Povjesničar Ivan Lučić prvi spominje Rogoznicu kao naselje. 1615. – Biskup Arrigioni posvetio je prvotnu crkvu sv. Nikole na otoku Kopari. 1683. - Župna je crkva proširena i nazvana imenom Velike Gospe odnosno Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije na nebo. 2000 BC - Archaeological findings confirmed that around the port of Rogoznica people have continuously been living for about 4000 years Catholic Church because, widespread, it has the shape of the cross, and recalls the suffering of Jesus Christ and symbolizes salvation, joy and justice. From 1000 BC to 600 - Since the end of the Bronze Age and in the Ancient times Rogoznica area was inhabited by the Illyrian tribe Delmats. 7th century – The area of Rogoznica was settled by Croats. 6th century BC– Rogoznica Cape Planka, to the Ancient sailors also known as Diomede’s Cape, was mentioned in the oldest preserved descriptions of the eastern Adriatic coast. 4th century BC- Timaeus, a Greek historian, described an unusual meteorology phenomenon and because of it the sailors found Diomede’s Cape notorious. 3th century BC – Eratosthenes, a Greek scholar, the father of geography, an astronomer and mathematician, wrote about the Greek merchants of Hyllus peninsula, Hylean people and Diomede’s Cape 3th century BC - One of the most important episodes in the epic poem of the Apollonius of Rhodes Argonauts took place in the area of Rogoznica itself. 9 th year – The area of Rogoznica came under Roman rule. Many Roman tombs and remains of a Roman saltpans in the bay Soline date back from this period. 1st century - Pliny the Elder mentioned Diomede’s Cape in ‘Naturalis Historia’, the first encyclopedic work of European culture. 3rd century – A tombstone found in Rogoznica bay Stupin originates from the 3rd century. The characters of parents grieving over the loss of their dead child are engraved in it. They are dressed in dalmatics (dalmatica vestis), clothing that was worn by shepherds of Illyrian tribes Delmats, which later became the liturgical vestments of the 1105 – The ship which was taking the Saint John of Trogir - John Orsini who was the bishop of Trogir and King Coleman, the first Croatian ruler of the Arpad dynasty from Šibenik to Trogir, suffered a shipwreck near Cape Planka and Bishop John miraculously saved the king and the sailors by walking on the water. 1333 – A votive church was built on the Cape Plank in memory of St. John of Trogir and his miracles. 15th century – The port of Rogoznica was called Porto Cavalieri on the maps of Europe and by the Mediterranean cartographers. 1467 – According to the preserved records, Juraj Devković and his family were the first inhabitants on the island of Kopara. 1485 - Rogoznica became an independent parish. 1494 - Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio mentioned Cape Planka as Punta Bianca in his geographical dictionary ‘De montibus, silvis, fontibus, lacubus, fluminibus, stagnis seu paludibus et de nominibus maris liber’. 1518 - Historian Ivan Lučić first mentioned Rogoznica as a settlement. 1615 – Bishop Arrigioni consecrated the original St. Nicholas church on the island of Kopara. 1683 - The parish church was expanded and named after Assumption of Mary that is Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. 1722 –The Mother of God appeared to the fisherman John Bogović Tumburk in the form of a holy image 1722. – Ribaru Ivanu Bogoviću Tumburku ukazala se Majka Božja u obliku svete slike koja se čudesno vraćala na poluotok Gradinu gdje ju je pronašao. 1776. – Podignuta je kapelica na poluotoku Gradini posvećena Gospi od Kapelice, zaštitnici rogozničkog puka i luke. Od ove godine slavi se zavjetno hodočašće Gospi od Kapelice. 1858. - Otvorena je prva škola u Rogoznici. 1870. – Obitelj Lušić – Rankov izgradila je prvi hotel u Rogoznici. 1873. - Podignut je zvonik uz crkvu. Izgrađen je od kamena pripremljenog za gradnju francuske napoleonske utvrde na Kopari. Iste godine izgrađen je svjetionik Mulo na istoimenoj hridi. 8. travnja 1874. - Rogoznički župnik Julije Paljetak baca prvi kamen u more i započinje gradnju nasipa koji će otok Koparu spojiti s kopnom. 1875. - Rogoznica je dobila prvi javni sat. Darovala ge je Pomorska vlast u Trstu kao obeštećenje za oduzimanje hridi Mulo na kojoj je izgradila svjetionik. 1894. - Pošumljen je otok Kopara. Šume su dobile imena hrvatskih velikana Stjepana Radića i Matije Gupca. 1904. - Izgrađena je današnja kamena obala na zapadnom dijelu otoka Kopare. 1909. – Ivan Quero iz Lecce u Italiji izgradio je uz staru, novu veću kapelicu na poluotoku Gradini posvećenu Gospi od Kapelice. 1910. - Otvorena zračna luka za hidroavione u uvali Miline. 1912. - Završena je gradnja nasipa pa je otok Kopara povezan s kopnom i pretvoren u poluotok. 1918. - Na Milinama se dogodila prva zrakoplovna nesreća u Hrvatskoj. 1920. – Austrijski industrijalac kupio je otok Veliku Smokvicu i na njemu izgradio ljetnikovac, uredio plažu i zasadio palme te ga pretvorio u mondeno ljetovalište austrijskih bogataša, intelektualaca i umjetnika. 1936. - Rogoznica je povezana turističkom cestom s Grebašticom i Šibenikom. 1918. – 1940. - Između 1. i 2. svjetskog rata Rogoznica postaje poznato turističko mjesto u europskim razmjerima. 1987. - Nikica i Branko Lovrić - Caparin posadili su palme na rogozničkoj rivi. Iste godine u Rogoznici počinju djelovati škola mačevanja i Međunarodni mačevalački kamp. 1993. – Izgrađena je marina „Frapa“. 1997. - Rogoznica postaje općinsko središte u samostalnoj i suverenoj Republici Hrvatskoj. that was miraculously returning to the peninsula of Gradina, where it was found. 1776 – A chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Chapel, the patroness of the inhabitants of Rogoznica and its port was built on the peninsula of Gradina. Since that year a votive pilgrimage to Our Lady of the Chapel is celebrated. 1858 – The first school in Rogoznica was opened. 1870 – The Lušić-Rankov family built the first hotel in Rogoznica. 1873 – The bell tower was built next to the church. It was made of stone prepared for the construction of the French Napoleonic fortification on the island of Kopara. Later that same year, the lighthouse Mulo was built on the homonymous cliff. April 8, 1874 – Julius Paljetak, the pastor of Rogoznica threw the first stone to the sea and began the construction of the levee that will connect the island of Kopara with the mainland. 1875 - Rogoznica received the first public clock. It was a gift from the Maritime authorities in Trieste as compensation for taking cliff Mulo where the lighthouse was built. 1894 – The island of Kopara was afforested. Forests were given the names of the great Croats Stjepan Radić and Matija Gubec. 1904 – The present coast made of stone on the western part of the island of Kopara was built. 1909 – Ivan Quero from Lecce in Italy built a new chapel next to the old chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Chapel on the peninsula of Gradina. 1910 - The airport for seaplanes was opened in the bay Miline. 1912 – The levee was finished, the island of Kopara was turned into penisula and it was connected with the mainland. 1918 – The first airplane crash in Croatia happened in bay Miline. 1920 – An Austrian industrialist bought the island of Velika Smokvica where he built a mansion, arranged the beach, planted palm trees and turned it into a fashionable resort for the Austrian rich people, intellectuals and artists. 1936 – Rogoznica was connected by tourist road with Grebaštica and Šibenik. 1918-1940 – Between World War I and World War II Rogoznica became a well known tourist destination in European terms. 1987 - Nikica Branko LovrićCaparin planted several palm trees in Rogoznica boardwalk. That same year, Fencing school and the International Fencing Camp started with their work in Rogoznica. 1993 –Marina ‘Frapa’ was built. 1997 - Rogoznica became a municipal center in the independent and sovereign Republic of Croatia. Dobrodošli! Welcome! Info VATROGASCI FIRE BRIGADE Hrvatske mornarice bb Tel: 193, Tel: +385 22 559 294 LJEKARNA PHARMACY Franje Tuđmana bb Tel: +38522 558 330 LUČKA KAPETANIJA PORT AUTHORITY Hrvatske mornarice bb Tel: +385 22 559 045 OPĆINA ROGOZNICA ROGOZNICA ADMINISTRATION Hrvatske mornarice bb Tel: +385 22 559 040 www.rogoznica.hr TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA TOURIST BOARD Obala kneza Domagoja bb Tel: +385 22 559 253 www.tz-rogoznica.hr HITNE SLUŽBE EMERGENCY SERVICE Tel: 112 POLICIJA POLICE Crnica 25, Primošten Tel: 192, Tel: +385 22 570 092 www.policija.hr AMBULANTA AMBULANCE Obala kneza Domagoja 140A Tel: 112, Tel: +385 22 559 032 POŠTA POST OFFICE Obala kneza Domagoja 140A Tel: +38522 559 080 www.posta.hr CRKVA Razgledavanje: Ljeti 15. 6 - 15. 9. - 1 sat prije mise i to od 9 do 10 i od 19 do 20 sati (za veće organizirane skupine po dogovoru) Ostala razdoblja: od 9 do 10 sati Nedjeljna misa: 10 sati CHURCH Open for visitors: Summer 15.6 – 15.9 one hour before mass (from 9 am – 10 am, 19 pm – 20 pm) (for bigger groups by arrangement) Rest of the year: from 10 am - 10am Sunday mass: 10 AM CRKVA SV. IVANA TRGOIRSKOG NA RTU PLOČE Stalno je otvorena i dostupna. CHURCH OF ST. JOHN ON CAPE PLOČE Open every day. MUZEJ ŽIVOTA 1. 6. – 30. 9. od 9 do 12 i od 19 do 22 sata. Odrasli 15 kn Djeca (od 6 do18 godina) 10 kn MUSEUM OF LIFE Open 1.6 – 30.9 from 9 – 12h and from 19 -22 h. Tickets adults 15 kn Children (from 6 – 18 years) 10 kn MARINA „FRAPA“ Svi sadržaji i programi marine „Frapa“ dostupni su svim gostima Rogoznice. Tel: +385 22 55 99 00 www.marinafrapa.hr MARINA “FRAPA” All facilities and programs of marina “Frapa” are available to all guests of Rogoznica. Tel: +385 22 55 99 00 www.marinafrapa.hr NAUTIČKI VEZOVI / PRIHVAT PLOVILA ROGOZNICA: I kategorija 1. 4. - 31. 10. 2014. Dubina gaza: 5 m Cijene dnevnog veza neovisno o vrsti plovila: Prva dva sata: besplatno / free 1m - 15 m - 26 kn/m 15m - 19 m - 30 kn/m 19m - 29 m - 40 kn/m 29 m - 60 kn/m PORT OF ROGOZNICA / BOAT MOORING: I. Category 1.4 - 31.10. 2014 Draft max: 5m Charge per day for boat: First two hours: free 1m - 15m - 26 kn/m 15m - 19m - 30 kn/m 19m - 29m - 40kn/m 29m - 60kn/m RADNO VRIJEME UGOSTITELJSKIH OBJEKATA 1. 6. – 30. 9. 11,00 – 24,00 h (osim bistroa „Le Piaf“ 7,00 – 23,00 h) 1. 10. – 30. 5. , 11,00 - 23,00 h WORKING HOURS of RESTAURANTS BENZINSKA STANICA ZA PLOVILA Marina „Frapa“ Radno vrijeme: 1. 4. - 1. 10. - 8 – 20 h 1. 10. – 30. 3. – 8 - 17h GAS STATION FOR BOATS MARINA “Frapa” Working hours: 1.4 – 1.10 (8.00am – 20.00pm) 1.10 – 30.3 (8.00am – 17.00pm) ZAVJETNA PROCESIJA 2. 7. kada se Gospina slika donosi brodom do rogozničke rive, a zatim prenosi u župnu crkvu gdje ostaje do prve nedjelje iza Gospe od Karmela, (20. 7. 2014.) kada se u svečanoj procesiji morem i kopnom vraća u svoje svetište na poluotoku Gradini. 1. 6. – 30. 9. 11,00 – 24,00 h (except bistro „Le Piaf“ 7,00 – 23,00 h) 1. 10. – 30. 5. , 11,00 - 23,00 h FEŠTE Ribarska fešta: 9. 8. 2014. Kalendar svih događanja na: www.tz-rogoznica.hr PARKIRANJE ROGOZNICA 15. 5. – 30 . 9. 1 sat 5 kn 1 dan 100 kn 1 tjedan 200 kn Sezonska karta 400 kn 1. 10. - 14. 5. besplatno /free PARKING ROGOZNICA 15.5 – 30.9. 5 kn/hour 100 kn/day 200 kn/week 400 kn/season ticket PLAŽE / BEACHES Besplatno / free EVENTS Fisheman’s party: 9.8.2014. Calendar of all events on: www.tz-rogoznica.hr PROCESSION OF “OUR LADY OF THE CHAPEL” 2.7. when the picture of our Lady is brought by boat to Rogoznica’s seafront, and then is transferred to the parish church where it remains until the first Sunday after the Lady of Carmel, (20. 7. 2014.) when in the ceremonial procession by sea and land the picture is returned to its sanctuary on Gradina peninsula. ŠETNICA OKO KOPARE Osvijetljena Dužina: 800 m Trajanje šetnje: oko 15 minuta PROMENADE AROUND KOPARA Illuminated Length: 800 m Time: about 15 minutes AKVARIJ AQUARIUM 31. 4. – 30. 10. 0 – 24 – besplatno / free PRIJAVA ZAGAĐENJA MORA I OKOLIŠA Eko udruga „Okea“ + 385 (0) 95 505 44 08 REPORTING THE SEA AND ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION Eco Patrol ˝Okea˝ + 385 (0) 95 505 44 08 HOT SPOT Besplatan WiFi Internet Free WiFi Internet Generalni pokrovitelj: Turistička zajednica Šibensko – kninske županije IZDAVAČI: MOK d.o.o. ŠIBENIK I TZ OPĆINE ROGOZNICA • ZA IZDAVAČE: DIANA FERIĆ I MARIJO MLADINIĆ • SADRŽAJ, IDEJNO RJEŠENJE I KONCEPT: STANKO FERIĆ • UREDNICI: STANKO FERIĆ I MARIJO MLADINIĆ • TEKSTOVI: STANKO FERIĆ I TZ OPĆINE ROGOZNICA • FOTOGRAFIJE: ANDRIJA CARLI, RED BULL, BORKO PUSIĆ, JOŠKO PERIĆ / www.croatia-skipper.com, ANTE KATIĆ, STANKO FERIĆ, OBRT D.S.S. ŠIBENIK, FOTO ARHIVI MARINE FRAPA I TZ OPĆINE ROGOZNICA• PRIJEVODI: IDI VIDI d.o.o. VELIKA GORICA • GRAFIČKA PRIPREMA: NINO TOCIGL • TISAK: • COPIRIGHT: STANKO FERIĆ, mOK d.o.o. I TZ OPĆINE ROGOZNICA • SVA PRAVA PRIDRŽANA • ROGOZNICA 2014. Projekt “Takuin” ostvaren je zahvaljujuću potpori Ministarstva turizma Republike Hrvatske
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