UNIVERZITET “SV.KIRIL I METODIJ” FAKULTET ZA FIZI^KA KULTURA IZVE[TAJ ZA SAMOEVALUACIJA NA FAKULTETOT ZA FIZI^KA KULTURA ZA PERIODOT OD 2007-2012 Skopje, 2012 2 S O D R @ I N A 1. VOVED ........................................................................................................................ 3 2. MISIJA NA FAKULTETOT ...................................................................................... 3 3.NASTAVNO-NAU^EN, SORABOTNI^KI I ADMINISTRATIVEN KADAR ...................................................................................... 4 3.1. Nastavno-nau~en i sorabotni~ki kadar .............................................................. 4 3.2. Za Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie ................................................................. 5 3.3. Administrativen kadar ........................................................................................ 7 4. NASTAVNO-OBRAZOVNA DEJNOST ....................................................................... 8 4.1. Dodiplomski studii .............................................................................................. 8 4.1.1. Karakteristiki na studiskite programi ......................................................... 8 4.1.2. Struktura na studiskite programi ................................................................. 11 Studiska programa za predmetna nastava po fizi~ko obrazovanie ili Prv ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie ............................................................ 11 Studiska programa za sport ili I ciklus stru~ni studii za sportski treneri .............................................. 12 Studiska programa za vi{e obrazovanie za sport .................................... 13 4.2. Postdiplomski studii......................................................................................... 14 4.3. Doktorski studii ................................................................................................. 15 5. PROSTORNI I MATERIJALNO-TEHNI^KI RESURSI ..................................... 15 5.1. Biblioteka ........................................................................................................... 17 5.2. Centar za fizi~ko obrazovanie ........................................................................ 17 5.3. Logistika .............................................................................................................. 17 6. STUDENTI ............................................................................................................... 18 6.1. Dodiplomski studii ............................................................................................ 18 6.1.1. Studentska anketa ............................................................................................ 19 Informiranost .......................................................................................... 19 Prisustvo na nastava i rabota vo tek na semestarot ........................... 19 Mislewe na studentite za predmetite od studiskite programi od vtora godina ............................................... 19 Potrebno vreme za u~ewe ......................................................................... 20 Literatura ................................................................................................. 21 Mislewe za nastavnicite ........................................................................ 22 Mislewe za asistentite .......................................................................... 23 Kolokviumi/testovi .................................................................................. 25 Zavr{en ispit ........................................................................................... 25 Mobilnost na studentite ......................................................................... 27 6.2. Postdiplomski studii (magisterski i specijalisti~ki) ............................... 27 6.4. Nadvore{na sorabotka ........................................................................................ 28 6.5. Nau~no-istra`uva~ka dejnost ............................................................................ 28 7. FINANSII .............................................................................................................. 29 8. ZAKLU^OCI ............................................................................................................. 30 3 1. VOVED Ovoj izve{taj sodr`i vnatre{na samoevaluacija, odnosno ocenuvawe na rabotata na Fakuletot za fizi~ka kultura, nastavnonau~niot i stru~niot kadar i negovite studiski programi za periodot po 2007 godina, koga e usvoen posledniot Izve{aj za samoevaluacija. Vo samoevaluacijata u~estvuva{e komisija koja so odluka na Nastavno-nau~niot sovet na Fakultetot broj 0201-289/16 e formirana na 14.04.2011 godina. Komisijata ja so~inuvaa: red. prof. d-r Daniela [ukova Stojmanovska - pretsedatel, red. prof. d-r Len~e Aleksovska Veli~kovska - ~len, red. prof. Robert Hristovski d-r - ~len, red. prof. d-r Vojo Nastevski - ~len, red. prof. d-r Orce Mitevski - ~len, student Rumen Ampovski - ~len i student Filip Masevski - ~len. Za potrebite na samoevaluacijata se zemeni predvid sogleduvawata na nastavnicite, sorabotnicite, stru~niot kadar i drugite vraboteni na Fakultetot. Osven toa be{e sprovedena i anketa na studentite, za da se utvrdi i nivnoto mislewe vo vrska so sproveduvaweto na nastavata, vidot na nastavnite sodr`ini i na~inot na nivnoto prezentirawe, odnosot na nastavnicite i sorabotnicite kon studentite, na~inot na sproveduvawe na ispitite i kolokviumite i formiraweto na ocenkata. Komisijata se sostana pove}e pati, a se so cel da se napravi Izve{taj koj }e ja otslika vistinskata sostojba. 2. MISIJA NA FAKULTETOT Glavnata misija na Fakultetot e sozdavawe na zdrava populacija na deca i mladi koi namesto da zastranuvaat po nesakanite pati{ta (narkomanija, pu{ewe, alkoholizam), }e gi naso~ime kon fizi~kata aktivnost i sportot. Za da mo`e toa da se ostvari, potrebno e Fakultetot da obrazuva kadri koi }e bidat stru~ni i koi so li~en primer }e mo`at da im poka`at deka fizi~kata aktivnost i sportot navistina zna~at zdravje, podobar kvalitet na `ivotot vo sekoja vozrast, no i pomalku bolesti (ne samo na onie koi se povrzani so neaktivnost (debelina, deformiteti i zaboluvawa na rbetniot stolb i stapalata), tuku i namaluvawe na simptomite na nekoi drugi hroni~ni bolesti ({e}erna bolest, hipertenzija, revmatski zaboluvawa, osteoporoza i dr). Za da ja ostvari ovaa misija, fakultetot treba da ja sproveduva nastavata na postoe~kite dodiplomski (prv stepen) studii vo dvete nasoki - fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie i stru~ni studii za sportski treneri po razli~ni sportski disciplini, postdiplomski i doktorski studii po kineziologija. 4 Druga misija na Fakultetot e da se bori za otvarawe i na novi nasoki na Fakultetot, kako: kineziterapija, rekreacija, sportski menaxment, sportsko pravo, sportsko novinarstvo, fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie za predu~ili{na i oddelenska nastava, zdravje itn., a so cel podetalno da se naso~i kon obu~uvaweto na kadri koi }e bidat osposobeni da rabotat vo sekoja oblast oddelno. Taka }e se ovozmo`i stru~nite kadri koi gi sozdava Fakultetot da po~nat da rabotat so decata u{te od najrana vozrast, bidej}i tie mo`at da pridonesat vo pravilniot razvoj na decata od najranata vozrast, pa se do najstarata populacija. Pritoa, otkako decata }e gi steknat tie zdravi naviki, sigurno e deka }e gi sproveduvaat i primenuvaat do krajot na `ivotot. Treta misija na Fakultetot e da po~ne da se sproveduva zakonot za sport, so koj e predvideno vo sportot da mo`e da rabotat samo kadri koi gi sozdava Fakuletot i koi se edinstveno stru~ni za rabota vo ovaa oblast. Vo na{ata dr`ava ima preku 2000 sportski klubovi, vo koi rabotat neobrazovani i nestru~ni lica, a so toa mo`at mnogu pove}e da na{tetat, otkolku da im pomognat na decata, mladite i vozrasnite kategorii vo sportot, no i vo rekreacijata. ^etvrta misija e vospostvauvawe sorabotka so ostanatite srodni fakulteti vo sosedstvoto, no i vo Evropa, preku u~estvo vo zaedni~ni proekti i razmena na studenti i nastavno-nau~en kadar. Na toj na~in bi se ovozmo`ilo ne samo, pribli`uvawe na nastavnite programi, tuku i obuka na nastavnicite vo odnos na metodite i na~inite na sproveduvawe na nastavata i ispitite. Osven toa, taka bi se ovozmo`ilo i zedni~ko u~estvo na istra`uva~ki proekti, so koi mo`e da se sporeduvaat rezultatite, no i da se utvrdat nasokite za vo idnina. 3.NASTAVNO-NAU^EN, SORABOTNI^KI I ADMINISTRATIVEN KADAR 3.1. Nastavno-nau~en i sorabotni~ki kadar Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura vo Skopje se vraboteni vkupno 29 lica, od koi nastavno-nau~niot kadar go so~inuvaat 23 nastavni~ki i 6 sorabotni~ki kadri. Pritoa od niv 17 se redovni profesori, 6 vonredni profesori, 1 asistent so doktorat, 5 asistenti i 1 pomlad asistent. Osven toa na Fakultetot imame i nastavno-nau~en kadar (~etiri nastavnici), od drugi fakulteti. Na Fakultetot ima samo 4 nastavnici i 2 asistenti od `enski pol. Starosnata struktura na nastavniot kadar na Fakultetot e takva da ima eden profesor koj od po~etokot na ovaa u~ebna godina e vo penzija, a vtoriot profesor, pak e vo penzija od januari. No na predmetite koi tie gi predavaat ima sorabotnici, koi }e mo`at vo naredniot period da gi prevzemat obvrskite okolu istite. Sepak, nema 5 asistenti na site predmeti i zaradi toa se vlo{eni pokazatelite za brojot na sorabotnici na eden nastavnik. Istite bi trebalo da se okolu eden, {to bi zna~elo deka sekoj nastavnik ima sorabotnik. Na Univerzitetot ovoj pokazatel se dvi`i od 1,5 do 4 (isklu~ok e medicinskiot fakultet kade iznesuva 0,5). Na FFK toj e pribli`no 4. Ova zna~i deka sostojbata na na{iot Fakultet e identi~na so pove}e fakulteti na celiot Univerzitet. Kaj nas, asistetnite se anga`irani samo na eden predmet i ne u~estvuvaat vo nastavata (prakti~na ili teoretska) na drugi predmeti. Zaradi toa, se javuva zgolemena opteretenost na nastavnicite koi nemaat sorabotnici, bidej}i samite treba da gi dr`at ~asovite i na teoretskata i na prakti~nata nastava i da ja vodat celokupnata evidencija za prisustvo na ~asovite, za sledewe na aktivnosta na studentite za vreme na nastavata, za aktivnostite okolu izbor na tema za seminarska i nejzina izrabotka i evidencija okolu polagaweto na kolkviumite i ispitite. Ako se zeme predvid deka tie predavaat i po dva predmeti, toga{ mo`e da se zaklu~i deka nivnata optovarenost e mnogu golema. Spored Pravilnikot za normativite i standardite za vr{ewe na visokoobrazovna dejnost, nastavnicite bi trebalo da imaat 8 ~asa nedelno, a sorabotnicite 14, i toj kriterium vo odnos na nastavata, na Fakultetot se primenuva. Osven toa, nastavnicite i sorabotnicite ne se anga`irani samo okolu nastavata, tuku i vo nau~no-istra`uva~kata rabota (u~estvo na kongresi, simpoziumi, proekti). Zaradi toa morame da istakneme deka bi trebalo da se korigira ovaa restriktivna politika za vrabotuvawe na mladi kadri na Univerzitetot no Fakultetot i vo naredniot period da se ovozmo`i vrabotuvawe na sorabotnici na site predmeti. Vo me|uvreme bi mo`ele sorabotnicite da "pomagaat" i okolu drugi srodni predmeti, {to e praksa na pove}e fakulteti. So odluka na Nastavno-nau~niot sovet broj 0201-380/6 od 12.05.2011 godina, se donese odluka vo komisiite za diplomski raboti da mo`at da u~estvuvaat i sorabotnicite na predmetot od ~ija oblast e diplomskata. So toa se ovozmo`i nivno pointenzivno vklu~uvawe i vo istra`uva~kata rabota i vo stru~nite aspekti na sekoj predmet. I voveduvaweto na EKTS na Fakultetot, bara dopolnitelna anga`iranost na nastavniot i sorabotni~kiot kadar. No bavnoto obnovuvawe i stareeweto na nastavniot kadar, a namaluvaweto i neobnovuvaweto na sorabotni~kiot kadar, mo`e da pretstavuva problem vo kvalitetna implementacija na EKTS vo idnina, no i vo postdiplomskite i doktorskite studii, kako i vo nau~noistra`uva~kata rabota. 3.2. Za Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie Vo sostavot na Fakultetot od 1992 godina e i Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie, kade rabotat: 1 profesor na visoka {kola, 10 vi{i 6 predava~i i 1 predava~. Toj realizira nastava po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sportski aktivnosti za studentite na site fakulteti na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", osven na studentite na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura. I pokraj toa {to na pove}e fakulteti vakva nastava e predvidena vo site studiski godini, sepak, naj~esto istata se izveduva samo vo prva godina. Problem pretstavuva toa {to ovaa nastava se izveduva vo iznajmeni sportski objekti, pa za istata mora da se plati. Za `al, fakultetite ne ja pla}aat ovaa nastava, a Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", odnosno Rektoratot, mo`ebi treba da se zalo`at pove}e za da gi prinudat oddelnite fakulteti da si ja platat nastavata za nivnite studenti. Vo poslednite godini duri na nekoi fakulteti se slu~uva{e ovaa nastava voop{to da ne se izveduva, a studentite na mati~nite fakulteti da dobivaat potpis za istata od nivnite nastavnici, namesto od nastavnicite od Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie. Najverojatno pri~ina za ovaa sostojba e toa {to, ovaa nastava sekoj fakultet treba da ja pla}a. Sakaj}i da go izbegnat toa, im zemale na svoite studenti pomala suma na pari (koja ostanuvala na nivnite fakulteti) i im davale potpis. Se nadevame deka vo idnina, Univeritetot }e se zalo`i ovaa sostojba da ne se povtoruva i }e se zalo`i sekoj fakultet da si ja pla}a nastavata po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport, bidej}i vo izminatite godini se slu~uva{e Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura (bidej}i Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie ne e praven subjekt) da e istovremeno i davatel na uslugata (nastava po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport) i onoj koj pla}a za studentite od celiot Univerzitet da ja imaat nastavata koja im e predvidena so nastavnite programi. Tokmu zaradi toa vo izminatite osum godini, Fakultetot, pla}aj}i ja nastavata po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport, a koja ja izveduva Centarot, se soo~uva{e so golemi finansiski problemi. Zatoa mora u{te edna{ da se potencira deka Univerzitetot so svoite ~lenki, a preku nadle`nite institucii, mora da iznajde re{enie za pokrivawe na finansiskite obvrski za uspe{no realizirawe na nastavata po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport. Tokmu poradi vakvata te{ka finansiska sostojba na Fakultetot, pri~ineta od nastavata na Centarot, so odluka na Nastavno-nau~niot sovet na Fakultetot broj 0201-1220 od 3.12.2008 godina, be{e pokrenata inicijativa za razdru`uvawe so Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie. Za `al, taa ne se realizira. Vo Zakonot za visoko obrazovanie (Slu`ben vesnik 35/08) ne be{e predvideno postoeweto na Centarot, tuku Univerzitetski sportski centar. Vo 2010 godina Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie be{e vklu~en vo Pravilnikot na Fakultetot, kade se poso~eni nivnite prava i obvrski, no samo do iznao|awe na trajno re{enie. Imeno, nemaj}i prostorni i materijalni uslovi za prevzemawe na Centarot vo ramkite na Fakultetot, vo Pravilnikot e predvideno istite da gi obezbedi Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie. Pritoa, za iznao|awe na definitivno re{enie, treba da pomogne i Rektoratot i 7 Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij". Postojat dve mo`nosti, prvata e Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie da se transformira vo Univerzitetski sportski centar, a vtorata e sekoj fakultet da prevzeme po eden nastavnik od ovoj Centar, koj }e ja izveduva nastavata po fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport za toj fakultet. Dvete mo`nosti se dobri, so ogled na toa {to dr`avata ve}e gi pla}a tie rabotni mesta, pa samo bi se napravila preraspredelba. Vo ovoj moment nastavnicite od Centarot nemaat sopstveni prostorii za vr{ewe na svojata osnovna dejnost, tuku privremeno se smesteni i obavuvaat nastava na Ma{inskiot fakultet vo Skopje. 3.3. Administrativen kadar Administrativniot kadar na Fakultetot go so~inuvaat stru~en i administrativno-tehni~ki kadar. Od niv 4 se so visoko obrazovanie, 1 e so vi{o, 9 so sredno i 2 so osnovno obrazovanie. Od niv 11 se plateni rabotni mesta od dr`avata, a 5 gi pla}ame od sopstveni sredstva. Vo vrska so ova mora da se istakne deka vo poslednive godini, na Fakultetot prakti~no nema novi rabotni mesta od ovoj kadar. Ova e navistina problem, imaj}i predvid deka nekoi rabotni mesta treba da se pla}aat od sopstveni sredstva. Taka na primer, prethodno i na Fakultetot i vo Centarot imalo vraboteno po eden diplomiran pravnik (zna~i vkupno dva), koi bile pla}ani od dr`avata i bez koi Fakultetot ne mo`e da funkcionira, me|u drugoto i poradi toa {to zakonski se regulirani nadle`nostite i obvrskite na sekretarot, kako i na~inot na negovo birawe. I pokraj toa {to ve}e so godini edniot e vo penzija, a drugiot e po~inat, ne se odvojuvaat sredstva za pravnikot (sega samo eden) koj vo momentot raboti i go pla}ame od sopstveni sredstva. Se nadevame deka dr`avata }e go re{i ovoj problem i vo idnina }e ni go finansira ova rabotno mesto. Osven toa, postoi problem i so tehni~kiot personal, bidej}i i pokraj toa {to poslednite godini zaminaa vo penzija 2 ~ista~ki, nivnite uprazneti mesta dravata ne gi finansira, pa i niv mora da gi pla}ame od sopstveni sredstva. Potrebata od ovie rabotni mesta e naglasena i zaradi specifi~nostite na nastavata na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, koja se izveduva i vo u~ilinica, no i vo salite. 8 4. NASTAVNO-OBRAZOVNA DEJNOST 4.1. Dodiplomski studii 4.1.1. Karakteristiki na studiskite programi Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, ima dve studiski programi na dodiplomskite studii, koi se vo odredena merka kompatibilni so srodnite fakulteti vo na{eto sosedstvo (Srbija, Hrvatska, Slovenija, Crna Gora i Bugarija). Ednata nasoka e fizi~ko obrazovanie, odnosno I ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie, a vtorata e sport, odnosno stru~ni studii za sportski treneri. Prvata obu~uva idni profesori po fizi~ko vospitanie, a vtorata - diplomirani treneri po odredena sportska disciplina. Za nasokata I ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie Fakultetot ima akreditacija od negovoto formirawe vo 1977 do denes. Istata e reformirana 1988, 2000 i 2010 i se realizira vrz osnova na Re{enie za akreditacija na izmeni i dopolnuvawa na studiski programi na I ciklus univerzitetski studii na studiskata programa po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", broj 12-116/4 od 22.10.2010 i Re{enie za po~etok so rabota broj 13-1570/1 od 8.03.2011 god. na studiskata programa od I ciklus univerzitetski studii na studiskata programa po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij". Od 2009/2010 godina ovie studii se realiziraat so nova studiska i novi predmetni programi (ednosemestralni), vo soglasnost so EKTS sistemot. Vo tek e i poslednata modifikacija na ovaa programa spored barawata na Univerzitetot, a koe se odnesuva na toa sekoj student da mo`e da slu{a predmeti i od drugi fakulteti (do 10% od vkupniot font na ~asovi). Za ovaa posledna modifikacija ima odluka na Nastavnonau~niot sovet na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura broj 0201-73/11 od 1.02.2012 god. za usvojuvawe na predlog proekt za izmeni i dopolnuvawa na ~etirigodi{nite univerzitetski studii po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie na FFK. Za istata e dobiena soglasnost od Rektorskata uprava i Senatot na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", a potoa }e se dostavi i do Odborot za akreditacija, no se o~ekuva dobivawe na istata, poradi toa {to izmenite vo odnos na prethodnata (akreditiranata) studiska programa se minimalni i se odnesuvaat samo na usoglasuvawata koi gi bara UKIM. Na ovaa nasoka se obu~uvaat profesori po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie. Nastavata na ovaa nasoka se realizira vo 8 semestri. 9 Od 2001/2002 godina na Fakultetot se realizira i vtorata nasoka za sport, odnosno I ciklus stru~ni studii za sportski treneri. Za nea postoi re{enie za akreditacija na studiskata programa od I ciklus na stru~ni studii za sportski treneri na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" so broj 12-75/3, koe e dobieno na 20.12.2011. Re{enieto za po~etok so rabota na studiskata programa od I ciklus na stru~ni studii za sportski treneri na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" e so broj 13-848/1 od 1.02.2012 god. Vo tek e i poslednata modifikacija na ovaa programa spored barawata na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", a koe se odnesuva na toa sekoj student da mo`e da slu{a predmeti i od drugi fakulteti (do 10% od vkupniot font na ~asovi). Za ovaa posledna modifikacija ima odluka na Nastavno-nau~niot sovet na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura broj 0201-73/12 od 1.02.2012 god. za usvojuvawe na predlog proekt za izmeni i dopolnuvawa na studiskata programa od I ciklus za trigodi{ni stru~ni studii za sportski treneri. Za istata e dobiena soglasnost od Rektorskata uprava i Senatot na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", a potoa }e se dostavi i do Odborot za akreditacija, no se o~ekuva dobivawe na istata, poradi toa {to izmenite vo odnos na prethodnata (akreditiranata) studiska programa se minimalni i se odnesuvaat samo na usoglasuvawata koi gi bara UKIM. Pritoa mora da se istakne nesebi~noto zalagawe na noviot Dekanat vo ispolnuvawe na site kriteriumi i izvr{uvawe na site korekcii na postoe~kata studiska programa za dobivawe na ovaa akreditacija. Na ovaa nasoka se osposobuvaat diplomirani treneri po odredena sportska disciplina. Vo vrska so ovie kadri koi se osposobuvaat na Fakultetot, potrebno e da po~ne da se primenuva Zakonot za sport, spored koj za site treneri koi rabotat vo nekoj sport, potrebno e da imaat soodvetno obrazovanie. Nastavata na ovaa nasoka se realizira vo 6 semestri. Osven postoe~kite programi, na Fakultetot ve}e se izraboteni programi za dodiplomski studii za fizi~ko obrazovanie vo predu~ili{na i oddelenska nastava. Fakultetot ima namera vo najbliska idnina da pobara akreditacija i za niv. Vo 1998 godina na Fakultetot zapo~na so osposobuvawe na treneri po odredena sportska disciplina, no so vi{e obrazovanie (studiski programi so 4 semestri). Ovaa programa postoe{e samo do 2000 godina, koga zakonski prestanaa da postojat vi{ite {koli. Za studiskite programi za kineziterapija vo fizi~kata kultura i rekreacija postoi Soglasnost od Univerzitetot „Sv. Kiril i Metodij i od nadle`niot resor za obrazovanie, u{te od 1988 godina, no tie seu{te ne 10 po~nale da se realiziraat. Mo`ebi treba da se podnese barawe do odborot za akreditacija i za niv. Na Fakultetot se primenuva principot na interdisciplinarnost vo studiskite programi. Taka, na Fakultetot predavaat vkupno ~etiri nastavnici od drugi fakulteti, i toa 2 od medicinskiot, 1 od Pedagogija i 1 od Fakultetot za op{tonarodna odbrana. No, vpe~atok e deka na nekoi fakulteti i pokraj toa {to vo nastavnite programi imaat srodni i sli~ni predmeti so na{iot Fakultet, na{ite nastavnici ne se povikuvaat tamu da predavaat, odnosno ne postoi reciprocitet. Mo`ebi stanuva zbor za neinformiranost, no sepak ovaa sostojba treba vo idnina da se promeni. Osven toa, i pokraj toa {to vo nastavnite programi na site fakulteti be{e postignat konsenzus za vklu~uvawe na predmetot sport i sportski aktivnosti, toa ne e slu~aj na nekoi fakulteti i taa nastava na nekoi fakulteti voop{to ne se izveduva, a studentite dobivaat potpis od nastavnicite na mati~niot fakultet, a ne od na{ite nastavnici. Ovaa praktika vo idnina treba da bide nadminata, bidej}i nastavata mora da ja realiziraat stru~ni lica. Pritoa, finansiraweto na nastavnicite koi predavaat kaj nas, a se od drugi fakulteti, odi od smetkata na Fakultetot, a se presmetuva po formula. Za `al, i za ova nema reciprocitet. Nekoi fakulteti od Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" pla}aat za nastavata po sport i sportski aktivnosti, no sepak ne po istata formula i istiot princip kako {to ni se naplatuvaat nam tie uslugi. So toa smetame deka FFK e staven vo neramnopravna pozicija. Se nadevame deka vo bliska idnina ovaa nepravilnost }e se koregira i istiot princip }e se primenuva na site fakulteti od Univeriztetot. Web stranata na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura postoi pove}e godini, no ne be{e dopolnuvana so novi informacii. Od ovaa u~ebna godina, noviot Dekanat insistira{e taa da profunkcionira. Taka, sega taa e celosno redizajnirana i navistina sekojdnevno se dopolnuva so site novi informacii koi im se potrebni na studentite. Morame da napomeneme deka ovaa godina Rektorot odvoi odredeni finansiski sredstva za da se formiraat Univerzitetski sportski ligi vo ko{arka, rakomet, fudbal i odbojka, vo koi }e u~estvuvaat site fakulteti, a {to pretstavuva vistinska promocija na sportot. Pritoa, natprevarite }e se igraat vo novata sala na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura. So ogled na toa {to celokupnata organizacija na ovie ligi }e mu bide prepu{tena na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, se nadevame deka }e ja opravdame doverbata. 11 4.1.2. Struktura na studiskite programi Ovaa godina (2012) Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura izraboti Pravilnik za studirawe za I ciklus na studii i Vodi~ za studirawe, koi se vo zavr{na faza i vo bliska idnina }e bidat staveni vo funkcija. Vo ovie dokumenti se regulirani pravata, obvrskite i mo`nostite na studentite koi studiraat na dvete nasoki na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura. Studiska programa za predmetna nastava po fizi~ko obrazovanie ili Prv ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, na nasokata - I ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie, vo momentov postojat dve generacii na studenti. Generacijata na studenti koi se zapi{ani 2004/2005 godina i koi sega se na treta i ~etvrta godina studii, i generacijata zapi{ana vo 2009/2010 godina, a koi vo u~ebnata 2010/2011 se prva i vtora godina. Tabela 1. Nasoka - Prv ciklus akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie generacija zapi{ana vo 2009/2010 god. studiska godina 1 2 3 2004/2005 4 god. vkupno predmeti zadol`itelni predmeti 7 7 izborni predmeti 3 2 fakultativni predmeti / / 12 12 2 2 2 2 38 9 4 Od prika`anata tabela mo`e da se vidi deka na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, vo ovaa nasoka ima vkupno 47 predmeti vo site 4 godini i vo 2 programi - stara so dvosemestralni ispiti i nova - so ednosemestralni ispiti. Ako se zeme brojot na predmeti po novata programa (prva i vtora godina) }e se vidi deka ima 14 zadol`itelni (ili 50%) i 5 izborni (ili 25%). Poslednoto osovremenuvawe na nastavnite programi se slu~i 2009/2010 godina, od koga site predmeti se ednosemestralni, sekako vo soglasnost so EKTS. Pritoa se vode{e smetka za optovarenosta na studentite so predmetnite sodr`ini (optovarenosta vo krediti e 60 po semestar). Osven toa, postojat 9 izborni predmeti, za da se izleze vo presret na razli~nite afiniteti 12 na studentite. Iako na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura postoi mo`nost za pove}e izborni predmeti, nevozmo`no e da se organizira nastava za pomalku studenti i vo pove}e grupi (spored afinitetite) zaradi nemaweto prostorni uslovi. Re~isi na site predmeti (so mali isklu~oci), postoi kontinuirano ocenuvawe so kolokviumi, seminarski raboti ili drugi zada~i koi se razli~ni na sekoj predmet, so {to se olesnuva polagaweto na ispitite. Procesot na voveduvawe na dodatok na diploma (Diploma supplement) e vo tek. Mora da se istakne deka na nekoi predmetni programi, naj~esto od fakultativnite predmeti, predavaat lica ~ij izbor ne e usoglasen so aktite za izbor na nastavni~kiot kadar. Brojot na ~asovite za predavawa i ve`bi za studiskita programa fizi~ko obrazovanie, e zadovolitelen. Osven toa, studentite imaat mo`nost posebno da navlezat vo odredena problematika i preku izrabotka na seminarski raboti i preku konsultacii. Sepak nedostasuvaat materijalni sredstva za osovremenuvawe na nastavata so dijagnosti~ki metodi i postapki, za koi vo momentov Fakultetot nema mo`nosti da gi obezbedi. Na ovaa studiska programa predavaat vkupno 23 nastavnici i 6 asistenti. Studiska programa za sport ili I ciklus stru~ni studii za sportski treneri Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, na nasokata - I ciklus stru~ni studii za sportski treneri, vo momentov postojat dve generacii na studenti. Generacijata na studenti koi se zapi{ani 2004/2005 godina i koi sega se na treta i ~etvrta godina studii, i generacijata zapi{ana vo 2009/2010 godina, a koi vo u~ebnata 2010/2011 se prva i vtora godina. Na ovaa nasoka, po novata programa (so ednosemestralni predmeti) ima vkupno 21 predmet, od koi 18 zadol`itelni i 2 izborni, a po starata programa (so dvosemestralni predmeti) ima 48 zadol`itelni, 8 izborni i 8 fakultativni predmeti. Poslednoto osovremenuvawe na nastavnite programi se slu~i 2009/2010 godina, od koga site predmeti se ednosemestralni, sekako vo soglasnost so EKTS. Pritoa sekako se vode{e smetka za optovarenosta na studentite so predmetnite sodr`ini (optovarenosta vo krediti e 60 po semestar). Osven toa, postojat dovolno izborni predmeti (po dva vo godina), za da se izleze vo presret na razli~nite afiniteti na studentite. Re~isi na site predmeti (so mali isklu~oci), postoi kontinuirano ocenuvawe so kolokviumi, seminarski raboti ili drugi zada~i, so {to se olesnuva polagaweto na ispitite. 13 Procesot na voveduvawe na dodatok na diploma (Diploma supplement) e vo tek. Ona {to e mnogu bitno e deka golem del od nastavniot kadar na ovaa nasoka i samite se vklu~eni vo sportot, kako treneri vo sportski klubovi, no i kako selektori na reprezentacijata na Makedonija vo odredeni sportovi, {to na ovaa nasoka & dava posebna te`ina. Mora da se istakne deka na nekoi predmetni programi, naj~esto od fakultativnite predmeti, predavaat lica ~ij izbor ne e usoglasen so aktite za izbor na nastavni~kiot kadar. Tabela 2. Nasoka - I ciklus stru~ni studii za sportski treneri generacija zapi{ana vo 2009/2010 god. studiska godina 1 2 zadol`itelni predmeti 9 9 izborni predmeti 2 / fakultativni predmeti / / 3 4 12 12 2 2 2 2 42 6 4 2004/2005 god. vkupno predmeti Brojot na ~asovite za predavawa i ve`bi za studiskata programa sport e zadovolitelen. Osven toa, studentite imaat mo`nost posebno da navlezat vo odredena problematika i preku izrabotka na seminarski raboti i preku konsultacii. Osven toa, mnogu ~esto studentite od ovaa nasoka, prakti~nata nastava ja realiziraat i so neposredno u~estvo vo organiziraweto na trena`niot proces vo sportskite klubovi. Studentite u~estvuvaat i vo analizite na treninzite i na natprevarite, so {to steknuvaat dragoceno iskustvo u{te za vreme na studiraweto. Sepak nedostasuvaat materijalni sredstva za osovremenuvawe na nastavata so dijagnosti~ki metodi i postapki, za koi vo momentov Fakultetot nema mo`nosti da gi obezbedi. Na ovaa studiska programa, za eden sport predavaat vkupno 22 nastavnici i 6 asistenti, no so ogled na toa {to ima pove}e sportovi vo koi se vklu~eni i drugite nastavnici, mo`e da se ka`e deka re~isi site nastavnici i sorabotnici predavaat i na ovaa nasoka. Studiska programa za vi{e obrazovanie za sport Ovaa studiska programa po~na da se realizira vo 1998 godina i obrazuva{e kadri - treneri po odredena sportska disciplina (ili vi{i sportski treneri). Vo ovaa nasoka bea opfateni re~isi istite predmeti kako i vo nasokata sport, no vo pomal obem i so pomalku sodr`ini. 14 Studentite bea vklu~eni vo analizata i organizacijata na sportskite natprevari od ponizok rang. 4.2. Postdiplomski studii Na Fakultetot kontinuirano, od 1991/92 godina kontinuirano se sproveduvaat poslediplomski studii (magisterski i specijalisti~ki). Specijalisti~kite studii se realiziraat so studiski programi za oddelni sportski disciplini ili oddelni predmeti za koi postoi interes, a se raboti po mentoriski sistem. Magisterskite studii se organiziraat vrz osnova na Soglasnost od Univerzitetot “Sv. Kiril i Metodij” i od Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie i nauka. Vo 2000 godina se podgotveni novi predmetni programi za magisterskite i specijalisti~kite studii. Za niv e dobiena soglasnost od Univerzitetot “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, no ne i od Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie i nauka. Poslednata modifikacija na nastavnite programi za magisterskite studii, koja e vo soglasnost so EKTS sistemot i kontinuiranoto u~ewe e napravena 2010/2011 godina. Za ovie studii e dobieno re{enie za akreditacija na studiskata programa za Univerzitetski studii od II ciklus (magisterski studii po kineziologija) na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", so broj 12-98/8 od 11.11.2011 god. A re{enieto za po~etok so rabota na studiskata programa za Univerzitetski studii od II ciklus (magisterski studii po kineziologija) na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura pri Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", e so broj 13-847/1 i e od 1.02.2011 god. Poslednata generacija na postdiplomci be{e realizirana vo u~ebnata 2008/2009 godina, koga se zapi{aa 11 kandidati. Vo tek e sorabotka so ekonomskiot fakultet od Univerzitetot “Sv. Kiril i Metodij”, a vo vrska so vospostavuvawe na nova nasoka za II stepen studii - Sportski menaxment, na koja }e predavaat nastavnici od dvata fakulteti (Fakultet za fizi~ka kultura i Ekonomski fakultet). Istata e vo zavr{na faza i se o~ekuva vo najskoro vreme da se dostavi do Odborot za akreditacija zaradi dobivawe na akreditacija i re{enie za rabota. Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura e vo faza na pregovori i so Medicinskiot fakultet vo Skopje, a vo vrska so otvarawe na zaedni~ka studiska programa za Univerzitetski studii od II ciklus po kineziterapija. Fakultetot vo najbliska idnina mora da ponudi i drugi nasoki na postdiplomski studii, na primer, za rekreacija, za sportsko pravo, za sportsko novinarstvo, za zdravje i dr. 15 4.3. Doktorski studii Na Fakultetot vo periodot 2010/2011 godina e izrabotena i nova studiska programa za doktorski studii, a koja e vo soglasnost so EKTS sistemot. Za III ciklus na studii (doktorski studii) ima odluka od Univerzitetskiot senat so broj 02-533/2 od 8.07.2010 god. za usvojuvawe na proekt za voveduvawe na studiska programa od III ciklus doktorski studii po kineziologija. I za ovaa studiska programa e podneseno barawe do Odborot za akreditacija i se ~eka soglasnost. 5. PROSTORNI I MATERIJALNO-TEHNI^KI RESURSI Prostornite uslovi na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura vo Skopje samo delumno gi zadovoluvaat potrebite, prvenstveno zaradi toa {to gi koristime zaedno so Sportskata gimnazija “Metodij Mitevski - Brico”. Zaradi toa nastavata na Fakultetot se izveduva vo dve smeni. Sostojbata se uslo`nuva zaradi nemawe na termini vo koi studentite }e mo`at dopolnitelno da se anga`iraat i ve`baat za sovladuvawe na nastavnite sodr`ini od prakti~niot del na ispitite. Sostojbata bi bila polesna dokolku Fakultetot bi rabotel samo vo edna smena. Vkupnata povr{ina na predavalnite na Fakultetot, sportskite sali, kabinetite za nastavno-nau~niot kadar, kako i na nastavnata dejnost na Centarot e 5362 m2. Povr{inata na ovoj prostor na eden student ne gi zadovoluva kriteriumite vo odnos na kvalitetot na materijalno-tehni~kite uslovi. Noviot dekanat se obiduva da go re{i ovoj problem, na toj na~in {to podnese ideen proekt i barawe za rekonstrukcija na administrativnata zgrada do Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie (Sektor za investicii). Vo bliska idnina se o~ekuva ova barawe da se realizira ili vo smisol na rekonstrukcija na postoe~kiot objekt ili vo smisol na izgradba na sosema na nova zgrada. Za potrebite na nastavata, Fakultetot koristi i dva amfiteatri od drugi ustanovi (no samo za nastavata na Medicinski fakultet) i bazen. No so ogled na toa deka za nivnoto koristewe FFK mora da pla}a od sopstveni sredstva, toa go doveduva Fakultetot vo u{te polo{a finansiska polo`ba. Agencijata za mladi i sport i Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie izgradija nova sportska sala na Fakuletot. Za `al, i taa ne mo`e vo celost da se koristi i preku celata godina za potrebite na nastavata, zaradi toa {to nema greewe, pa e nevozmo`no vo takvi uslovi da se dr`i 16 nastava (osobeno vo zima). So ogled na te{kata finansiska sostojba zaradi dolgot, Fakultetot ne be{e vo sostojba ova da go obezbedi od sopstveni sredstva. Zaradi toa, e podneseno barawe do Agencijata za sport i mladi, koja se nadevame deka }e najde na~in {to poskoro da gi obezbedi potrebnite sredstva, a se so cel novata sala da mo`e da se upotrebuva za nastavata na FFK, no i za organizirawe na Univerzitetskata sportska liga i vo idnina. Pred izgradbata na salata, Fakultetot ima{e nadvore{no igrali{te za ko{arka, odbojka, rakomet, fudbal i atletska pateka, koi vo tekot na izgradbata na salata bea uni{teni. Zaradi toa, Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura podnese barawe do Agencijata za sport i mladi, za povtorna izgradba na nadvore{ni multifunkcionalni objekti, koi }e pridonesat vo sozdavawe na podobri uslovi za studirawe. Osven toa, na Fakultetot nema soodveten amfiteatar. Nastavata se izveduva vo u~ilnici ili koga brojot na studentite e pogolem, vo adaptirana fiskulturna sala, koi koi ~esto se premali za da gi soberat site studenti. Zaradi toa nastavata (naj~esto teoretskata, koga se prisutni site studenti odedna{), ponekoga{ se izveduva ote`nato. I materijalno- tehni~kite uslovi na Fakultetot ne se na zavidno nivo i samo delumno gi zadovoluvaat potrebite na nastavnoistra`uva~kata rabota. Imeno, na Fakultetot sekoj nastavnik ima svoj komjuter, t.e. laptop, koi se koristat vo nastavata. Site komjuteri se vrzani vo internet mre`a i se povrzani me|usebno vo mre`a. Osven toa, na Fakultetot ima 4 LCD - proektori, koi isto taka, se koristat vo nastavata i nekolku skeneri. Sepak, morame da istakneme deka na Fakultetot nema sovremeni aparati i softveri koi se koristat vo svetot, a koi slu`at za podobra dijagnostika na sostojbata na sportistite, no i za sledewe na nivnata sportska forma. Vo taa smisla se pravat napori da se obnovi postoe~kata i da nabavi nova oprema za taa namena. Zaradi novite kriteriumi predvideni vo Zakonot za visokoto obrazovanie, dr`avata treba da odobri pove}e sredstva za nau~noistra`uva~ka rabota, za da mo`e pogolem broj na nastavnici i sorabotnici da se vklu~at vo proekti i da mo`at da u~estvuvaat na kongresi i simpoziumi vo stranstvo. Osven toa, treba da se potencira i va`nosta na razmenata na kadar (nastavnici i sorabotnici) so srodni fakulteti vo stranstvo. So ogled na toa {to prostoriite na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura se nao|aat vo strog centar, se slu~uva{e mnogu ~esto na parkingot na Fakultetot da parkiraat i stanari od okolnite zgradi, no i vraboteni vo drugi institucii od okolinata. Zaradi toa ~esto pati se slu~uvaa pomali i pogolemi {teti na vozilata. No od ovaa godina Fakultetot uspea da 17 nabavi vrata so karti~ki samo za vrabotenite, pa e nadminata starata praksa i e nevozmo`no drugi lica da go koristat parkingot na Fakuletot. 5.1. Biblioteka Vo bibliotekata ima preku 4000 knigi. Me|utoa za `al, nivniot broj e mal, no i izborot odi pove}e na knigi od makedonski i srpski jazik, a mnogu malku ima stranski avtori i mnogu malku sovremena literatura. Bibliotekata ne e vklu~ena vo elektronski sistem na razmena na knigi i u~ebnici vo zemjata i vo stranstvo i ne postoi mo`nost za nara~ka na knigi. Vrabotenite ne se informiraat za nabavkata na novi knigi. Vo bibliotekata nema kompjuterski programi za nao|awe na bibliote~ni podatoci, nitu za transfer na biblografski informacii. I brojot na stranski stru~ni spisanija e nezna~itelen. Vo bibliotekata nema fotokopir. Pogolem del od nastavnicite imaat izdadeno u~ebno pomagalo (knigi, skripti ili praktikumi), od koe studentite mo`at da u~at i istite se zastapeni i vo bibliotekata. Vo idnina bi trebalo da se otvori i kni`arnica na Fakultetot, za da mo`at studentite koi sakaat da kupat kniga, toa da go storat na toj na~in, a ne so kupuvawe li~no od profesorot. 5.2. Centar za fizi~ko obrazovanie I Centarot za Fizi~ko obrazovanie (koj ne e praven subjekt), nastavata ja izveduva vo iznajmeni objekti i za toa Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, kako praven subjekt, e dol`en da pla}a. Vo momentov im e otstapena salata na Ma{inskiot fakultet, vo koj ja izveduvaat nastavata. Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" planira vo idnina Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie da go modificira vo Univerzitetski sportski centar. Za da ja ostvari taa cel, UKIM zapo~na so izgradba na univerzitetska sala, koja }e ja koristi Univerzitetskiot sportski centar i vo koj }e se odvivaat site aktivnosti na UKIM. Tamu se predvideni i prostorii za vrabotenite vo toj centar. 5.3. Logistika Slu`bata za studentski pra{awa ne e dovolno organizirana, pred se zaradi toa {to ne e dovolno sovremena. Imeno, i pokraj postoeweto na 2 kompjuteri, sepak do sega ne postoe{e programa za vodewe na evidencijata so baza na podatoci za sekoja studiska programa i za site godini oddelno. No ovaa sostojba po~na da se menuva, pred se zaradi stapuvaweto vo sila na zakonot za visoko obrazovanie so koj site fakulteti se obvrzani da vovedat elektronsko bele`ewe i za nastavniot i administrativniot kadar, no i za studentite. Od tie 18 pri~ini za studentite od prva godina na dvete nasoki, po~na uspe{no da se implementira sistemot iKnow, so koj na studentite, profesorite, asistentite i studentski pra{awa im se ovozmo`uva uvid za site informacii vo vrska so nastavata, ispitite i obvrskite kon Fakultetot. So toa i slu`bata za studenti pra{awa po~na da se osovremenuva i }e mo`e da se vodi i elektronska evidencija za sekoj student i za sekoj ispit oddelno i za site godini. Vo slu`bata za studentski pra{awa ima trojca vraboteni i so toa potrebite se celosno zadovoleni. 6. STUDENTI 6.1. Dodiplomski studii Na nasokata fizi~ko, vo u~ebnata 2010/2011 godina studiraat 258 studenti ili 108 vo prva godina, vo vtora 61, vo treta 38 i vo ~etvrta 51 studenti. Od niv, 241 se redovni, a 17 vonredni. Pritoa, 138 studenti se zapi{ani vo dr`avana kvota, a 103 so samofinansirawe. Od niv, 241 se redovni, a 17 vonredni. Tabela 3. Nasoka - akademski studii za fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie godina 1 2 3 4 vkupno Tabela 4. redovni studenti dr`avna samofinankvota sirawe 51 45 36 23 24 13 27 22 138 103 vonredni studenti 12 2 1 2 17 vkupno 108 61 38 51 258 Nasoka - stru~ni studii za sportski treneri godina 1 2 3 4 vkupno redovni studenti dr`avna samofinankvota sirawe / / 28 4 23 8 17 11 68 23 vonredni studenti 25 4 8 6 43 vkupno 25 36 39 34 134 Na apsolventski sta` se 21 student vo dr`avna kvota, 45 studenti so samofinansirawe i 12 vonredni studenti. Na nasokata za sport vo momentov studiraat 134 studenti ili 25 vo prva godina, vo vtora 36, vo treta 39 i vo ~etvrta 34 studenti. Od niv, 91 19 se redovni, a 43 vonredni. Pritoa, 68 studenti se zapi{ani vo dr`avana kvota, a 66 so samofinansirawe. Na ovaa nasoka vo momentov ima 34 studenti od ovaa nasoka koi se na apsolventski sta`, i toa vo dr`avna kvota, 17 so samofinansirawe i 9 vonredni. 6.1.1. Studentska anketa Za potrebite na Komisijata za samoevaluacija, me|u drugoto e sprovedena i anonimna studentska anketa. Istata sodr`e{e 44 pra{awa i e sprovedena na 57 studenti od vtora godina. Informiranost Najgolem del od anketiranite studenti (86%) se dobro informirani za toa kolku i kakvi nasoki ima na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura. Samo 7% od studentite ne se informirani, i isto tolku (7%) delumno se zapoznaeni so mo`nostite za studirawe na ovoj fakultet. Prisustvo na nastava i rabota vo tek na semestarot Najgolem del od studentite se redovno prisatni na teoretskata nastava (86%), a 98% od niv se redovni na prakti~nata nastava po site predmeti. Mislewe na studentite za predmetite od studiskite programi od vtora godina Vrz osnova na dobienite rezultati od anketata, mo`eme da ka`eme deka za 56% od studentite, predavawata se interesni, a za 30% se te{ki. Mnozinstvoto od studentite mo`at da gi sledat predavawata i da gi razberat, {to verojatno me|u drugoto zna~i deka imale dovolno predznaewa od sredno u~ili{te, za da mo`at na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura da gi nadgradat. No za 30% od studentite predavawata se te{ki. Pri~inata za ova verojatno e postoeweto na predmeti od pove}e oblasti koi imaat svoi specifi~nosti, a mo`ebi i zavr{eni sredni u~ili{ta koi ne im ovozmo`ile dovolno predznaewa. Mo`ebi vo idnina treba da se primenuvaat drugi metodi i na~ini na prezentirawe na sodr`inite koi na studentite im se pote{ki za razbirawe i u~ewe. Tabela 5. Mislewe na studentite za predmetite od studiskite programi od vtora godina predmetite se interesni procent na studenti 56% te{ki neophodni zdodevni nepotrebni 30% 7% 5% 2% lesni / 20 Vo ramkite na mo`nostite na Fakultetot da se obezbedat sredstva i za dopolnitelna nabavka na oprema i aparati so ~ija pomo{ }e mo`e polesno da se razberat pote{kite sodr`ini. Samo 7% od studentite smetaat deka predmetite od vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura se zdodevni ili nepotrebni. Potrebno vreme za u~ewe Na Univerzitetot „Sv Kiril i Metodij” studentite prose~no u~at 2 do 5 ~asa sekojdnevno. Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura 51% od studentite u~at od 1 do 3 ~asa, {to e pribli`no kako na celiot UKIM. I pokraj toa {to za 30% od studentite predmetite na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura se te{ki (tabela 5), sepak samo 7% od studentite u~at od 3 do 5 ~asovi dnevno, a duri 42% od niv u~at pomalku od 1 ~as sekoj den, {to zna~i deka sepak nastavata na Fakultetot e na visoko nivo, od edna strana, a od druga strana, golem del od studentite se vrvni sportisti, {to e pri~inata golem del od materijalot polesno da go sovladaat. Tabela 6. Kolku vreme pominuvaat studentite vo u~ewe sekojdnevno? kolku ~asovi na den u~at? procent na studenti pomalku od 1 ~as od 1 do 3 ~asovi od 3 do 5 ~asovi pove}e od 5 ~asovi 42% 51% 7% / Na Univerzitetot „Sv Kiril i Metodij” na pove}e od polovina od studentite prose~no im trebaat pove}e od 5 dena za da podgotvat kolokvium ili test, a na 1/3 im trebaat 3 dena. Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura na 39% od studentite im trebaat od 3 do 5 denovi, a na 22% od 5 do 7 denovi. Samo na 16% im trebaat pomalku od 3 dena, na 14% im trebaat pove}e od 10 denovi za da se podgotvat za kolokvium ili ispit. Tabela 7. Kolku denovi im se potrebni na studentite za da podgotvat kolokvium kolku denovi u~at? procent na studenti pomalku od 3 dena od 3 do 5 denovi od 5 do 7 denovi od 7 do 10 denovi pove}e od 10 denovi 16% 39% 22% 9% 14% Na 37% od studentite na Univerzitetot „Sv Kiril i Metodij” im trebaat 15 dena za da podgotvat zavr{en ispit, a na isto tolku (37%) im trebaat 30 dena. Na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura na 79% od studentite im trebaat pomalku od 15 dena za da podgotvat zavr{en ispit, 21 a samo na 21% im trebaat pove}e od 15 dena. Na 16% od studentite im se dovolni pomalku od 5 dena za ovaa namena. Tabela 8. Kolku denovi im se potrebni na studentite za podgotvat zavr{en ispit kolku denovi u~at? procent na studenti pomalku od 5 dena od 5 do 10 denovi od 10 do 15 denovi pove}e od 15 denovi 16% 39% 24% 21% Literatura Koga stanuva zbor za koristenata literatura na predmetite od vtora godina, zaklu~ok od sprovedenata anketa e deka del od studentite (64%) koristat originalni knigi od profesorite koi imaat u~ebnik ili od drugi avtori, no knigi ili u~ebnici, drugi koristat fotokopii na knigi ili u~ebnici (54%), treti - bele{ki od predavawa (30%), a samo mal del koristat elektronska forma (10%). Morame da potencirame deka vkupniot procent e pogolem zaradi toa {to eden student mo`e da koristi pove}e formi na literatura na pove}e predmeti. Tabela 9. Kakva literaturata koristat studentite od vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura kakva literatura koristat procent na studenti originalni knigi fotokopii bele{ki od predavawa elektronska forma 60% 54% 30% 10% Pritoa, 39% od studentite smetaat deka literaturata e razbirliva, 44% smetaat deka taa e samo delumno razbirliva, a 17% mislat deka istata voop{to ne e razbirliva. 61% smetaat deka taa e usoglasena so predavawata, 30% smetaat deka toa e samo delumno, a 7% mislat deka voop{to ne e usoglasena. Ovde morame da potencirame edna slabost na celiot sistem na UKIM vo vrska so literaturata, za koja vo idnina }e mora da se najde re{enie (na nivo na celiot Univerzitet), koe }e gi usoglasi potrebite i na studentite i na profesorite. Vo {to e problemot? Imeno, od edna strana se studentite, koi baraat {to e mo`no pove}e profesori da imaat svoi u~ebnici, bidej}i taka se predavawata i u~ebnicite kompletno usoglaseni, istite se na makedonski, pa u~eweto im e polesno i pobrzo. No site studenti, iako gi znaat prednostite, sepak ne sakaat da ja kupat knigata na profesorot, pa na krajot, del od studentite gi kupuva u~ebnicite (na nivo na UKIM samo 15% od 22 studentite), a drug del gi fotokopira (na nivo na UKIM duri 73% od studentite), ili duri i pozajmuva, smetaj}i deka otakako }e go polo`at ispitot, knigite pove}e nikoga{ nema da im bidat potrebni, {to ne e taka. Od druga strana se profesorite, koi ne se stimulirani da pi{uvaat knigi ili u~ebnici, bidej}i avtorskite prava ne im se za{titeni. Imeno, iako fotokopiraweto e zabraneto so zakon, ni{to ne mo`at da prevzemat (iako postojat zakonski odredbi koi se odnesuvaat na ovaa problematika). Vo vrska so cenata na knigite, morame da istakneme deka iako mal del od cenite se previsoki (i moraat da se korigiraat, na predlog na mati~niot fakultet ili na UKIM), sepak pogolem broj na u~ebnici imaat pristapna cena, koja i kako takva, za mnogu studenti ne e dovolno niska. Kako da ne se zema predvid vlo`eniot trud na profesorot za da napi{e kniga ili u~ebnik i te`inata na napi{anoto, tuku vrednosta na knigata se presmetuva kako da se smeta samo potrebnata hartija, {to ne vo red. Mislewe za nastavnicite Tabela 10. Mislewe na studentite za profesorite od vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura profesorite se: procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno redovni na predavawa imaat razbirlivi predavawa podgotveni na predavawa pottiknuvaat interaktivnost 72% 65% 79% 63% 5% 2% 2% 12% 10% 28% 21% 26% Tabela 10 (prodol`enie). profesorite se: procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno korektno se odnesuvaat dostapni za konsultacii po~ituvaat mislewe na studentite 68% 56% 53% 5% 12% 9% 25% 32% 38% 23 Spored dobienite rezultati od sprovedenata anketa na studentite od vtora godina, mo`eme da ka`eme deka 72%od studentite smetaat deka profesorite se redovni na predavawata, 79% mislat deka profesorite doa|aat podgotveni na predavawata, a 65% od niv imaat razbirlivi predavawa. Mnozinstvoto od profesorite se odnesuvaat korektno (68%) i pottiknuvaat interaktivnost (63%), no edvaj polovinata od niv se dostapni za konsultacii (56%). Sostojbata e sli~na i UKIM. Morame da napomeneme deka profesorite prvo treba da gi ispolnuvaat svoite rabotni zada~i i da bidat redovni na predavawata. Osven toa treba da se potrudat predavawata da bidat porazbirlivi ili po mo`nost da koristat drugi metodi i na~ini kako da ja prezentiraat materijata koja studentite pote{ko ja razbiraat. Na krajot mora da se napomene deka komunikacijata so studentite mora da bide podobra, a konsultaciite bi trebale da im pomognat na studentite polesno da ja sovladaat materijata. Verojatno, del od profesorite se potradicionalni i zaradi toa pote{ko go prifa}aat misleweto na studentite (53%). Tabela 11. Mislewe na studentite za predavawata na profesorite od vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura predavawata na profesorite se procent na studenti interesni korisni neinteresni zdodevni 31% 57% 5% 7% Za 88% od studentite predavawata na profesorite od vtora godina se interesni ili korisni, a samo za 5% neinteresni i za 7% zdodevni. Mislewe za asistentite Na UKIM asistentite se poredovni na nastavata od profesorite, ve`bite im se porazbirlivi na studentite otkolku predavawata i imaat podobra komunikacija so studentite, polesno ostvarlivi konsultacii. Za `al, spored dobienite rezultati od studentskata anketa mo`eme da ka`eme deka profesorite na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura se poredovni, popodgotveni za predavawata i imaat porazbirlivi predavawa, vo sporedba so redovnosta, podgotvenosta i razbirlivosta na asistentite. Spored misleweto na studentite profesorite pove}e pottiknuvaat interaktivnost, pokorektno se odnesuvaat, pove}e go po~ituvaat misleweto na studentite (53%) vo sporedba so asistentite (49%) i se re~isi isto dostapni za konsultacii (56%), kako i asistentite (60%). 24 Kako zaklu~ok morame da istakneme deka asistentite moraat se potrudat pove}e i vo odnos na nastavata (redovnost, podgotvenost i razbirlivost na ve`bite), i vo odnos na nivniot odnos kon studentite, no i vo odnos na nivnata komunikacija so pomladite kolegi (vo smisla na konsultacii i razmena na mislewe). Tabela 12. Mislewe na studentite za asistentite od vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura asistentite se: redovni na prakti~na nastava imaat razbirlivi ve`bi podgotveni za prakti~nata nastava pottiknuvaat interaktivnost 68% 60% 70% 56% 7% 20% 4% 14% 25% 20% 26% 30% procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno Tabela 12 (prodol`enie). asistentite se: procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno korektno se odnesuvaat dostapni za konsultacii po~ituvaat mislewe na studentite 61% 60% 49% 14% 10% 12% 25% 30% 39% Tabela 13. Mislewe na studentite za prakti~nata nastava vo vtora godina na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura ve`bite na asistentite se procent na studenti interesni korisni neinteresni zdodevni 42% 39% 5% 7% 25 Kolokviumi/testovi Od rezultatite dobieni so anonimnata studentska anketa mo`e da se zaklu~i deka na pove}e od polovina od studentite (56%) im e odnapred poznat na~inot na ocenuvawe na koloviumite ili testovite. 60% smetaat deka ocenuvaweto e objektivno, za 61% od studentite rezultatite od kolokviumite se dostapni za uvid i komentari, a za 60% od niv pra{awata na kolokviumite se jasni i nedvosmisleni. Bi morale da potencirame deka na onie predmeti kade ne e odnapred jasen na~inot na ocenuvawe, profesorite da se obidat da bidat potransparentni i da im se uka`e na studentite koi aktivnosti kolku bodovi im nosat. Osven toa, site profesori treba da se potrudat pra{awata za testovite ili kolokviumite da bidat jasni i nedvosmisleni. Na krajot, nastavnicite moraat da im gi dadat na uvid testovite ili kolokviumite na studentite, za da mo`at da vidat kade zgre{ile, no i da se uverat vo objektivnosta na ocenuva~ot (profesorot). Tabela 14. Mislewe na studentite za koloviumite/testovite kolokviumite/ testovite se: procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno na~inot na ocenuvawe odnapred poznat dali ocenuvaweto e objektivno dali rezultatite se dostapni za uvid i komentari dali se pra{awata na kolokviumite jasni i nedvosmisleni 56% 60% 61% 60% 24% 14% 10% 10% 20% 26% 10% 30% Zavr{en ispit Samo na polovina od anketiranite studenti (50%) im e poznat na~inot na ocenuvawe na zavr{niot ispit, a samo 37% smetaat deka ocenuvaweto e objektivno, 60% mislat deka pra{awata na zavr{niot ispit se jasni i nedvosmisleni, a samo za 44% od studentite rezultatite od ispitot se dostapni za uvid. Sepak, studentite ne se dovolno informirani i za toa kolku se boduvaat oddelni aktivnosti na sekoj predmet (74%) i kako se formira zavr{nata ocena (68%). Od ova mo`e da se zaklu~i deka profesorite moraat da se potrudat pove}e i vo odnos na informirawe na studentite za na~inot na ocenuvawe, vo odnos na boduvawe na site aktivnosti na studentite za da se odbegne subjektivnosta pri ocenuvaweto, no i vo odnos na dostapnosta na rezultatite od zavr{niot ispit na uvid. 26 Tabela 15. Mislewe na studentite za zavr{niot ispit kolokviumite/ testovite se: na~inot na ocenuvawe na zavr{niot ispit e odnapred poznat dali ocenuvaweto na zavr{niot ispit e objektivno dali rezultatite od zavr{niot ispit se dostapni za uvid i komentari dali se pra{awata na zavr{niot ispit jasni i nedvosmisleni 50% 37% 44% 60% 10% 10% 20% 10% 40% 53% 26% 30% procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno Tabela 15 (prvo prodol`enie) kolokviumite/ testovite se: dali znaete kolku bodovi vi nosat oddelnite aktivnosti dali znaete kako se formira ocenkata na sekoj predmet dali znaete koi uslovi treba da gi ispolnite za da polo`ite nekoj ispit dali teoretskite predavawa vi pomagaat polesno da go polo`ite ispitot 74% 68% 65% 72% 14% 30% 7% 5% 12% 2% 28% 24% procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno Tabela 15 (vtoro prodol`enie). kolokviumite/ testovite se: procent na studenti koi odgovorile so da procent na studenti koi odgovorile so ne procent na studenti koi odgovorile so delumno dali polagaweto na kolokviumi vi go olesnuva polagaweto na zavr{niot ispit dali ima ispiti koi mo`e da gi polo`ite samo so kolokviumi, a bez zavr{en ispit dali prakti~nata nastava vi koristi polesno da go podgotvite ispitot 91% 91% 79% / 9% 7% 9% / 14% Polagaweto na kolokviumi na 91% od studentite im pomaga polesno da go polo`at zavr{niot ispit. Osven toa na 72% od studentite teoretskite predavawa im pomognale, a na 79% od studentite prisastvoto na prakti~nata nastava im pomognalo polesno da go polo`at zavr{niot ispitot. Dobro e {to duri 91% od studentite ja koristat 27 mo`nosta da polo`at ispiti od vtora godina, samo so polagawe na kolokviumi i ostvaruvawe na nekoi drugi obvrski (redovnost, seminarska, praktikum), a bez zavr{en ispit. Mobilnost na studentite Spored dobienite rezultati od anketata, mo`eme da ka`eme deka 37% od studentite smetaat deka na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura ima mobilnost, 40% smetaat deka taa e samo delumna, a 23% smetaat deka voop{to nema mobilnost. Vo odnos na ovoj problem smetame deka e neophodna pointenzivna sorabotka so ostanatite fakulteti vo R. Makedonija, vo sosedstvoto (Srbija, Bugarija, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Slovenija), no i na podale~ni destinacii vo Evropa. Potoa, vo slednata faza treba da se vovede programata Erazmus, so koja }e se ovozmo`i vistinska mobilnost na studentite, no i na profesorite i asistentite i prestoj na drugi srodni ili isti fakulteti, so {to }e se ovozmo`i razmena na iskustva, mislewa i znaewa. 75% od studentite na Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura smetaat deka steknatite znaewa za vreme na studiraweto mo`at da se primenat i vo praksata, a 23% smetaat deka toa e samo delumno. Od ova proizleguva deka na Fakultetot treba da se primenuvaat pove}e aplikativni sodr`ini, koi vo u{te pogolem stepen }e gi osposobat studentite za prakti~na rabota. 6.2. Postdiplomski studii (magisterski i specijalisti~ki) Poslednata generacija na postdiplomci be{e zapi{ana vo u~ebnata 2008/2009 godina, koga se zapi{aa 11 studenti. A od formiraweto na postdiplomskite studii do sega se zapi{ale 236 studenti, a zavr{ile, odnosno magistrirale 74. 6.3. Doktorski studii Za ovaa studiska programa e podneseno barawe do Odborot za akreditacija i se ~eka soglasnost. Morame da napomeneme deka vo izminatiot period zaradi Zakonot za visoko obrazovanie spored koj zaklu~no so 31.12.2011 godina, kandidatite koi gi ispolnuvaa uslovite mo`ea da prijavat proekt za doktorska disertacija (bez doktorski studii), 30 kandidati podnesoa proekti, a od niv 20 gi ispolnuvaa kriteriumite i istite se usvoeni, {to zna~i deka im e odobreno da po~nat da ja rabotat svojata doktorska rabota. 28 6.4. Nadvore{na sorabotka Do sega nemalo praktika nastavnicite i sorabotnicite od Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, da prestojuvaat na drugi fakulteti vo stranstvo. Mo`ebi vo idnina bi bilo dobro i korisno, ova da se promeni. Imeno, najbitna e sekako razmenata na iskustva i znaewa vo oblastite koi se izu~uvaat kaj nas, no i da se vidat, a potoa i implementiraat i novite moduli na sproveduvawe na nastavnite sodr`ini, a se so cel nastavata da se modernizira i osovremeni. Osven toa, na toj na~in }e mo`e da se pro{iri sorabotkata i preku zaedni~ko u~estvo na me|unarodni proekti, a so toa }e se ovozmo`i stekuvawe na pogolemo nau~no-istra`uva~ko iskustvo. Postojat poedine~ni primeri na profesori koi predavaat na magisterski ili doktorski studii vo stranstvo, pred se na biv{ite jugoslovenski prostori, no taa brojka sepak bi trebalo da bide pogolema. Osven toa, mnogu se retki primerite na nastavnici od stranstvo koi doa|aat da predavaat na osnovni ili postdiplomski studii. Osven sorabotkata so fakultetite i Univerzitetite vo stranstvo, mnogu e va`na i sorabotkata so drugite organizacii i asocijacii, a koja do sega be{e relativno slaba. No noviot Dekanat se obiduva da vospostavi podobra komunikacija i sorabotka so Agencijata za mladi i sport, a se so cel da se pomogne sproveduvaweto na Zakonot za sport so koj e predvideno vo sportot da rabotat samo treneri koi imaat soodvetno sobrazovanie. Potoa, bi trebalo da se podobri sorabotkata so MOK (Makedonski olimpiski komitet), bidej}i stru~niot kadar na Fakultetot mo`e aktivno da u~estvuva i da pomogne vo podgotovkite na kandidatite za Olimiski igri. Sorabotka so federaciite vo site sportovi, preku obu~uvawe na kadar koj }e bide stru~no osposoben da raboti vo sekoj sport oddelno, potoa preku testirawe na formata na sportistite, pravewe na programi za psiholo{ka podgotovka, ishrana i dr. Sorabotkata so Fakultetot za bezbednost e dobra i istata treba da prodol`i. 6.5. Nau~no-istra`uva~ka dejnost Nastavnicite i sorabotnicite na Fakultetot u~estvuvaat na kongresi i simpoziumi, no vo pogolem obem na onie koi se organiziraat vo zemjata, a pomalku vo stranstvo i toa pred se na biv{ite jugoslovenski prostori i Bugarija, i objavuvaat stru~ni i nau~ni trudovi. Na podale~ni destinacii sepak, mnogu poretko se patuva. Pri~ina za toa, mo`e da bide i slabata poddr{ka od Ministerstvoto za nauka, koe i pokraj toa {to odvojuva sredstva za taa namena, mnogu ~esto istite docnat ili izostanuvaat. Ova bi trebalo da se koregira vo idnina, osobeno zemaj}i go predvid i Zakonot za visoko obrazovanie, so koj e predvideno da napreduvaweto vo zvawa e usloveno i od u~estvoto na 29 kogresi, odnosno od objavuvawe na trudovi vo spisanija so impakt faktor (za {to isto taka se potrebni finansiski sredstva). Nastavnicite i sorabotnicite na Fakultetot u~estvuvaat vo nau~no-istra`uva~ki proekti, na nacionalno, no iako poretko i na me|unarodno nivo. Istite glavno gi finansira Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie i nauka. Vpe~atok e deka sepak brojot na realiziranite proekti e relativno mal. Fakultetot do sega ne uspea da dobie nekoj od evropskite programi Tempus i Phare, iako poka`uva dovolno interes za u~estvo vo niv. Tokmu toa {to Fakuletot nema realizirano aplikativni proekti, no i toa {to mora{e da plati 13 milioni denari od sopstveni sredstva za tu| dolg (objasnuvaweto e podolu), e edna od pri~inite za dosega{nata slaba i nedovolna nau~no-istra`uva~ka oprema. No sega postojat mo`nosti i ovaa sostojba da se promeni, pa e vo plan nabavka na nova i sovremena oprema za nau~no-istra`uva~ka rabota (se razbira vo granicite na mo`nostite). Od osobeno golema va`nost e {to noviot Dekanat aplicira{e so tri proekti, kade nositel e Fakultetot za fizi~ka kultura, i toa: 1. 2. 3. Kontinuirano usovr{uvawe ili permanentna edukacija na nastvanicite po fizi~ko obrazovanie vo R. Makedonija (proektot e dostaven do Agencija za sport i mladi) Analiza na iskoristenosta na ~asot po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie vo R. Makedonija (proektot e dostaven do Ministerstvo za obrazovanie) Samovrednuvawe i vrednuvawe na nastavata po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie vo srednite u~ili{ta vo gradot Skopje (proektot e dostaven do gradona~alnikot na Skopje) Se o~ekuva pozitiven ishod, odnosno prodlabo~uvawe na sorabotkata so trite institucii i dobivawe na sredstva za da mo`e da se realiziraat barem nekoi od proektite. Osven toa, vo idnina Fakultetot planira i da organizira Kongres ili Simpozium. 7. FINANSII Fakultetot obezbeduva sredstva od dr`avata (buxetski), no se finansira i od sopstveni sredstva. Na visinata na sredstvata bitno vlijae{e namaluvaweto na dr`avnata kvota od 400 na 200 evra, a toa pak vlijae{e na cenata za samofinansiraweto. Na toj na~in Fakultetot poslednive dve godini ima pomal priliv na sredstva po taa osnova. Osven toa, Fakultetot e prinuden od sopstveni sredstva da go pla}a i 30 sekretarot (pravnik), bez kogo institucijata ne bi mo`ela da raboti, no i tehni~ki personal, za koi dr`avata isto taka, ne odvojuva sredstva. Ovaa godina e donesen i noviot Pravilnik za plati, vo koj detalno se regulirani site obvrski na vrabotenite, no i nagraduvaweto spored izvr{enata rabotna zada~a. Mora da se istakne deka Fakultetot dolgo vreme (izminatite 8 godini) e vo te{ka finansiska sostojba, pred se zaradi dolgot vo vrska so koristewe na prostor za nastava na Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie. Imeno, namesto site ostanati fakulteti na UKIM da ja pla}aat nastavata za fizi~ko vospitanie i sport za svoite studenti i za iznajmuvawe na objektite kade se vr{i istata, poradi nepravedni sudski odluki Fakultetot be{e prinuden toa sam da go plati. Pritoa morame da istakneme deka za taa cel se odvoeni okolu 11 milioni denari od sopstveni sredstva i okolu 2 milioni denari buxetski sredstva, koi bea dobieni za materijalni tro{oci na Fakultetot, a koi bea prisilno odzemeni zaradi izvr{ni sudski re{enija. Istite, podocna bevme prinudeni da gi nadomestime i vratime od sopstveni sredstva. Zaradi toa i nekolku godini (za sre}a ne vo kontinuitet), smetkata na Fakultetot be{e blokirana. Se nadevame deka vo idnina, Rektorot }e mo`e ovaa gre{ka da ja ispravi i da ovozmo`i prvo, sproveduvawe na Zakonot za visoko obrazovanie, so koj na site fakulteti e predviden predmetot fizi~ko vospitanie i sport, a potoa i da se pogri`i sekoj fakultet oddelno, taa nastava i da ja plati. Se razbira deka vo idnina Fakultetot mora da se potrudi i da se obide da najde novi na~ini na finansirawe (mo`ebi preku novi studiski programi) i da se ovozmo`at novi na~ini na finansiska ili pomo{ vo oprema od drugi institucii i fakulteti od stranstvo. 8. ZAKLU^OCI 1. Na Fakultetot ve}e se izraboteni programi i treba vo najbliska idnina da pobara akreditacija i za dodiplomski studii za fizi~ko obrazovanie vo: • predu~ili{na nastava • oddelenska nastava • sportsko novinarstvo • sportsko pravo • sport i turizam • nasoka kineziterapija • nasoka rekreacija • zdravje • drugi 31 2. Osven toa, treba da se razmisli i da se ponudat pove}e nasoki i na postdiplomskite, no i na doktorskite studii. Pritoa sekoj nastavnik da se potrudi da poso~i sovremena i {to e mo`no ponova literatura. Sekako bi trebalo da se sproveduvaat kolku e mo`no pove}e istra`uvawa i tie da se prezentiraat na predavawata ili da prezentiraat drugi istra`uvawa od sli~na oblast. 3. Da se donese odluka predmetot fizi~ko obrazovanie i sport da se sproveduva kako zadol`itelen predmet na site fakulteti. 4. Da se ponudat izborni predmeti od Fakultetot na celiot Univerzitet (vo ramkite na 10% od vkupniot font na ~asovi). 5. Bi trebalo da se korigira restriktivnata politika za vrabotuvawe na mladi kadri na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij", i vo naredniot period da se ovozmo`i vrabotuvawe na sorabotnici na site predmeti. Vo me|uvreme bi mo`ele sorabotnicite da "pomagaat" i okolu drugi srodni predmeti, {to e praksa na pove}e fakulteti. 6. Akademskiot kadar gi zadovoluva potrebite vo odnos na nivnata kompetentnost za vr{ewe na nastavno-obrazovnata i nau~noistra`uva~kata dejnost. Del od nastavnicite i sorabotnicite objavuvaat trudovi vo periodi~ni publikacii. Samo mal del objavuvaat vo spisanija so impakt faktor. Izborot na nastavnicite i sorabotnicite vo nastavno-nau~ni zvawa e vo soglasnost so univerzitetskite kriteriumi. 7. Pokrienosta na predmetite so nastavnici, vo najgolem broj slu~ai, zadovoluva. 8. Realizacijata na predavawata, mentorskata i terenskata nastava vo site studiski programi zadovoluva. 9. Fakultetot sorabotuva so pove}e fakulteti na Unniverzitetot i ima nastavnici koi predavaat od drugi fakulteti. No mnogu malku profesori od na{ata institucija se pokaneti na ostanatite fakulteti. Smetame deka vo idnina toa treba da se promeni. 10. Me|unarodnata sorabotka so isti ili srodni fakulteti vo stranstvo vo mometov postoi, no e na nisko nivo. Smetame deka vo idnina istata bi trebalo da se intenzivira. 11. Vo odnos na osposobuvaweto na studentite smetame deka usmenata komunikacija e na visoko nivo, no za `al ne se primenuva dovolno stru~nata i nau~nata literatura, osobeno stranskata. Nastavata treba da bide interaktivna i toj princip treba da se primenuva pove}e. Komjuterskata tehnika i drugite sovremeni tehnologii se primenuvaat vo izvesen stepen, no bi mo`elo da bide i poizrazeno. 12. Izborot na diplomska rabota, nejziniot kvalitet i zastapenosta po predmeti i izborot na komisijata, ne zadovoluva sekoga{. Zatoa, smetame deka toa treba da se korigira i vo idnina izborot na tema za diplomska rabota, mentor i komisija za odbrana, da se verifikuva na Nastavno-nau~en sovet. 13. Vo odnos na uspisite na novi studenti - treba da se prevzemat pointenzivni aktivnosti i marketin{ki postapki so koi }e se istaknuva vrednosta na ovie studii. 32 14. Fakultetot treba da prevzeme i aktivnosti za definirawe, egzistencija i zakonodavno prifa}awe na nomenklaturata na zvawata i zanimawata za koi Fakultetot izdava diplomi. 15. Fakultetot da bara od dr`avata da gi finansira rabotnite mesta koi porano postoele, a sega se ukinati, kako: sekretar na Fakultetot (diplomiran pravnik) i tehni~ki personal. 16. Materijalnite i prostornite uslovi na Fakultetot ne zadovoluvaat. Fakultetot gi koristi site objekti za teoretska i prakti~na nastava zaedno so Sportskata gimnazija (sredno u~ili{te) i zaradi toa mora da raboti vo smeni, {to e neprifatlivo za fakultetska ustanova. Brojot na amfiteatri, sali i laboratorii, isto taka ne e dovolen ili izostanuva. Ogromen problem za Fakultetot e salata koja ja donira{e Agencijata za mladi i sport, bidej}i e izgradena bez parno greewe. Zaradi toa Fakultetot ne mo`e da ja koristi vo zimskite meseci za nastava, a ne mo`e nitu da ja izdava. Osven toa, istata ne e priklu~ena na kanalizacija, pa i toa vo idnina }e bide problem. Taka se soo~uvame so visoki smetki za nejzino odr`uvawe, od edna strana, a od druga strana zaradi nejzinoto nepotopolno opremuvawe ne mo`eme da ja izdavame, za da pokrieme del od nejzinite tro{oci na toj na~in. Za ova ve}e e podneseno barawe do Agencija za mladi i sport, koja se nadevame deka vo najbliska idnina }e uspee da go re{i ovoj problem. 17. So ogled na toa {to pri izgradbata na novata sala, bea uni{teni nekolku nadvore{ni objekti (igrali{te za ko{arka, rakomet, fudbal i atletska pateka), podneseno e barawe do Agencijata za mladi i sport za povtorna izgradba na nadvore{ni multifunkcionalni objekti. 18. Vo odnos na opremata za nastavata - site nastavnici imaat svoi komjuteri i printeri. Ima 4 vkupno LCD aparati i nekolku skeneri. mo`ebi vo idnina treba da se razmisli i za druga oprema, koja na vrabotenite na Fakultetot bi im ovozmo`ila podobra mo`nost za istra`uva~ki proekti. Ima internet vo site kabineti. 19. Da se napravat napori i da se obezbedat sredstva za da se obnovi postoe~kata, no i da se nabavi nova sovremena oprema, koja }e mo`e da se koristi vo nau~no-istra`uva~kata rabota. 20. Bibliotekata ne povrzana so internet bibliotekite vo svetot i nema mo`nost da se nara~uvaat knigi i spisanija. Vo idnina ova treba da se promeni. 21. Zapo~nata e elektronska evidencija na studentite, elektronska evidencija za ispitite, no samo vo prva godina. Istiot sistem treba da se implementira i vo ostanatite godini, za [to treba ne samo osovremenuvawe na Slu`bata za studentski pra{awa, tuku i vreme. 22. Od site aktivnosti koi gi prevzemaat vrabotenite na Fakultetot na rabotnoto mesto, treba da se odvojuva procent za Fakultetot, kako odbrana na dimplomski i magisterski raboti i doktorati. 33 23. Finansiskite sredstva koi doa|aat na Fakultetot po razli~ni osnovi, da se strogo namenski i da ostanuvaat vo oblasta od koj do{le. Imeno, ako parite do{le od odbrana na diplomski raboti, sredstvata koi }e se soberat po taa osnova da se koristat za nastavata. Sredstvata od odbrana na magisterski raboti i doktorati da se koristat za vtor i tret stepen studii (odnosno obezbeduvawe oprema koja e potrebna za istra`uva~ka rabota). 24. Fakultetot da konkurira sam, no i so ostanatite srodni fakulteti, za pove}e i razli~ni proekti, za da mo`e i na toj na~in da se obezbedat sredstva za kupuvawe na oprema na Fakultetot i steknuvawe na iskustvo vo odnos na istra`uva~kata rabota. 25. Da se postavi cel Fakultetot da organizira kongres i da se napravi se {to treba za da taa cel se realizira, {to e mo`no pobrgu. 26. Za svoite vraboteni Fakultetot da obezbeduva sredstva za ednomese~en stru~en prestoj vo drugi srodni instiucii vo stranstvo, zaradi razmena na iskustva, steknuvawe na novi soznanija vo razli~ni oblasti i usovr{uvawe. 27. Da se baraat dopolnitelni ~asovi po fizi~ko i zdravstveno obrazovanie (sekojdnevno) koi }e bidat protivte`a na celodnevnoto sedewe na u~enicite vo u~ili{te. 28. Centarot za fizi~ko obrazovanie treba da vleze vo sostav na Univerzitetskiot sportski centar ili nivnite vraboteni da se preraspredelat na fakultetite kade {to predavaat. 29. Podnesen e ideen proekt i barawe za rekonstrukcija na administrativnata zgrada do Ministerstvoto za obrazovanie (Sektor za investicii). Vo bliska idnina se o~ekuva ova barawe da se realizira ili vo smisol na rekonstrukcija na postoe~kiot objekt ili vo smisol na izgradba na sosema na nova zgrada. KOMISIJA ZA SAMOEVALUACIJA: prof. d-r Daniela [ukova Stojmanovska - pretsedatel s.r. prof. d-r Len~e Aleksovska Veli~kovska - ~len s.r. prof. Robert Hristovski d-r - ~len s.r. prof. d-r Vojo Nastevski - ~len s.r. prof. d-r Orce Mitevski - ~len s.r. student Rumen Ampovski - ~len s.r. student Filip Masevski - ~len s.r. 34 SS. CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY IN SKOPJE FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION SELF-EVALUATION REPORT OF THE FACULTY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE 2007-2012 PERIOD Skopje, 2012 35 CONTENTS 1.INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................36 2. FACULTY MISSION...................................................................................................36 3. TEACHING AND RESEARCH STAFF, ASSOCIATES, AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF...............................................................................................................................37 3.1 Teaching and research staff and associates.................................................................37 3.2 About the Physical Education Centre....................................................................38 3.3. Administrative staff................................................................................................40 4. TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY........................................................40 4.1. Undergraduate studies.............................................................................................40 4.1.1. Characteristics of the study programmes.................................................................40 4.1.2. Structure of the study programmes.......................................................................43 Study programme for P.E. subject tuition or I cycle of academic studies in Physical and Health Education........................................................................................43 Study programme for Sports or I cycle of professional studies for Sports Coaches.....................................................................................................44 Study programme for 2-year sports education....................................................45 4.2. Postgraduate studies................................................................................................46 4.3. Doctoral studies......................................................................................................46 5. SPATIAL, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES......................................47 5.1. Library...................................................................................................................48 5.2. Physical Education Centre........................................................................................49 5.3. Logistics.................................................................................................................49 6. STUDENTS...............................................................................................................49 6.1. Undergraduate studies..............................................................................................49 6.1.1. Student poll.........................................................................................................50 Being informed.................................................................................................50 Tuition attendance and activities during the semester.........................................51 Student opinion regarding subjects covered by the second-year study programmes.........................................................................................................51 Time spent on studying......................................................................................51 Literature..........................................................................................................52 Students’ opinion about professors.......................................................................54 Opinion about the teaching assistants..................................................................55 Colloquia/tests............................................................................................57 Final examination..............................................................................................57 Students’ mobility............................................................................................59 6.2. Postgraduate studies (Master’s and specialised studies)............................................60 6.3. Doctoral studies......................................................................................................60 6.4. External collaboration..............................................................................................60 6.5. Research work..................................................................................................61 7. FINANCES..............................................................................................................62 8. CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................................63 36 1. INTRODUCTION This report contains internal self-evaluation, i.e. assessment of the work of the Faculty of Physical Education, the professional teaching and research staff and, as well as its study programmes after 2007, upon adopting the last Self-Evaluation Report. The self-evaluation was conducted by the Committee on 14.04.2011, which was formed upon the Decision No. 0201-289/16 by the Professors’ Board. The Committee consisted of: prof. Daniela Šukova Stojmanovska, PhD – Chairperson, prof. Robert Hristovski, PhD – member, prof. Vojo Nastevski, PhD – member, prof. Orce Mitevski, PhD – member, Rumen Ampovski – student member, and Filip Masevski – student member. The perspectives of the professors, associates, and the professional staff, as well as other employees at the Faculty were taken into consideration for the needs and purposes of the self-evaluation. Moreover, students took a poll in order to express their opinion regarding the realisation of tuition, the type of tuition material and the way it is presented, the professor/associate–student relationship, the manner of exam/colloquium realisation, and the grade formation. The Committee met several times with the purpose of composing a Report that was to reflect the real situation. 2. FACULTY MISSION The main mission of the Faculty is to create a healthy population of children and youths that will not go astray (drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism), but rather be directed towards physical activities and sports. In order to accomplish that, the Faculty has to educate staff that will be qualified and that will serve as an example of health and better quality life as a result of physical activities and sports, and also fewer diseases – not only those associated with inactivity (fatness, deformities and disorders of the spinal column and the feet), but also reducing the symptoms of other chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, rheumatic diseases, osteoporosis, etc.). For the realisation of this mission, the Faculty has to conduct the tuition for the existing undergraduate (I level) studies within the two divisions of orientation – Physical and Health Education, and the professional studies for Sports Coaches in various sports disciplines, postgraduate, and doctoral studies in Kinesiology. The second mission of the Faculty is to strive for opening new divisions at the Faculty, such as: Kinesiotherapy, Recreation, Sports Management, Sports Law, Sports Journalism, Physical and Health Education for Preschool and I-IV Grade Tuition, Health, etc., all in order to make a more detailed orientation towards educating staff that will be qualified to work within each scope. This will allow professionals who come out of the Faculty to start working with children at their earliest age, mostly because they can contribute to the correct development of children from their earliest age to the oldest population. In 37 addition, upon adopting those healthy habits, it is almost certain that children will exhibit them until the rest of their lives. The third mission of the Faculty is to start enforcing the Law on Sports, which provides for work of cadres created only by the Faculty and who have the credentials to work within this domain. Our country has 2000 sports clubs with uneducated and unqualified employees who can do more harm than good for the children, youth, and adult sports categories, but also in recreation. The fourth mission is to establish mutual collaboration with other allied faculties in the neighbourhood and in Europe, by participation in joint projects and student exchange, as well as teaching and research staff exchange. Not only would this allow comparable syllabi, but it would also train the teaching staff regarding the methods and manners of realisation of tuition and exams. Furthermore, this would allow joint participation in research projects as a reference point for comparison of results and determining the future directions. 3. TEACHING AND RESEARCH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF STAFF, ASSOCIATES, AND 3.1 Teaching and research staff and associates The Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje has 29 employees, 23 of which are professors and 6 of them are associates. 17 of them are full professors, 6 are associate professors, 1 is a teaching assistant with a doctoral degree, 5 are regular assistants, and 1 is a junior assistant. Moreover, the Faculty has additional teaching staff composed of 4 teachers from other faculties. There are only 4 female professors and 2 female teaching assistants. As for age frame of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Physical Education, there is one professor who retired at the beginning of this academic year, and the second one retired in January. Their teaching subjects are taken over by associates, who can take over the responsibilities as well. However, there are no teaching assistants for every subject, which is a bad indication of the number of associates per professor. The number of associates per professor should be one, which would mean that each professor should have one associate. The University indicator ranges from 1.5 to 4 (the Faculty of Medicine is an exception, with an indicator of 0.5). The indicator at the Faculty of Physical Education is approximately 4, meaning that the condition at our faculty is identical with several faculties within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Our teaching assistants are engaged only in one subject and they do not get involved in tuition (practical or theoretical) in other subjects. For this reason, there is a work overload of the professor not having associates, because they are left on their own resourcefulness regarding the theoretical and practical lectures, the overall keeping records of student 38 attendance in lectures, their activities during the lectures, the activities in relation to choosing a topic for seminar paper and its elaboration, and keeping records in relation to taking exams and colloquia. If we take into account the fact that some of the professors teach two subjects, it can easily be concluded that they are overloaded with work. According to the Rulebook on the Table of Norms and Standards for Conducting Higher Education Profession, professors should teach 8 lectures per week, whereas associates should teach 14 lectures per week, and this criterion is implemented by the Faculty of Physical Education. Furthermore, the professors and associates are not only involved in tuition – they are also involved in research work (participation in congresses, symposia, projects). Thus, we have to emphasise that this restrictive policy of not employing young staff within the University should be corrected and that the projected period should allow employment of associates for each subject. Meanwhile, the existing associates could provide some “help” with the allied subjects, which is a common practice at many faculties. With the Decision No. 0201-380/6 on 12.05.2011 by the Professors’ Board, it was decided that the associates whose subject is in the graduate domain could take part in the committees for graduate affairs. This allows for their more intensive involvement in research work and in the professional aspects of each subject. Also, the implementation of ECTS at the Faculty asks for additional engagement of the teaching and associate staff. The slow-paced innovation and the aging of the teaching staff can pose a problem for the quality implementation of ECTS in future, as well as for the postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the research work. 3.2 About the Physical Education Centre Since 1992, the Faculty includes the Physical Education Centre with 1 professor with an associate’s degree, 10 senior lecturers, and 1 lecturer. The Centre realises Physical Education and Sports Activities tuition for students at all the faculties within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, except for the students at the Faculty of Physical Education. Despite the fact that this kind of tuition is to be realised each academic year during the overall academic education, practice has shown that it is only realised in the first year of studies. The problem lies in the fact that tuition is held in rented sports facilities, which entails money payment. Unfortunately, the faculties do not make the payment for the tuition, so, in our opinion, the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, or, more precisely, the Rector’s Office should make more efforts to make the faculties pay for the tuition held for their students. Furthermore, in the past several years, some of the faculties did not conduct this type of tuition at all and students at their home faculties were granted signatures for attending tuition by their professors instead of by professors from the Physical Education Centre. 39 Most likely, the underlying reason for this situation is that, as mentioned before, each faculty is obliged to pay for the tuition. Thus, in an attempt to avoid that, they charged their students a smaller amount of money (amount intended for their own faculties) and gave students the needed signatures. We hope that in future the University will take measures in order to alleviate this situation and that it will make sure each faculty pays for the tuition in Physical Education and Sports, because for the past several years, there were times when the Faculty of Physical Education (since the Physical Education Centre is not a legal entity) simultaneously was a service provider (Physical Education and Sports tuition) and a financier for the students of the entire University whose syllabus provided for this type of tuition. Hence, for the past eight years, the Faculty of Physical Education has been facing enormous financial difficulties, so, one more time, we must emphasise that the University with its members, via the competent authorities, has to come to a solution for covering the financial liabilities in order to have a successful realisation of the tuition in Physical Education and Sports. These financial difficulties of the Faculty of Physical Education caused by the Centre resulted in an initiative for disunion with the Physical Education Centre, upon the decision No. 1201-1220 on 03.12.2008 by the Professors’ Board at the Faculty of Physical Education. Unfortunately, this disunion never took place. The Law on Higher Education (The Official Gazette No. 35/08) did not provide for existence of the Centre, but a University Sports Centre. In 2010, the Physical Education Centre was included in the Rulebook of the Faculty, which pointed out their rights and obligations, but only until a permanent solution was found. Namely, not being able to provide facilities and materials for including the Centre within the Faculty, the Rulebook provides for the Ministry of Education to cover them. Thereto, in order to find a definite solution, the other body that has to help is the Rector’s Office at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. There are two possibilities: 1) transformation of the Physical Education Centre into a University Sports Centre, and 2) each faculty to take one professor from the Centre, who will realise tuition in Physical Education and Sports at that faculty. Both options are good if one takes into account that the state already pays for those work positions, so the only real change would be the redeployment of the teaching staff. For the time being, the professors from the Centre do not have the needed facilities at their disposal, so they conduct tuition at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Skopje. 40 3.3. Administrative staff The administrative staff at the Faculty of Physical Education is consisted of professional and administrative technical staff. Four of them have completed higher education, 1 has completed post-secondary education, 9 of them have completed high school, and 2 of them have completed primary school. Eleven of them hold work positions financed by the state, whereas five of them are paid from our own finances. Regarding this issue, we must point out that, technically, there have not been new work positions at the Faculty in the previous few years. This is a real problem, since some of the positions are paid for with our own assets. For example, the Faculty and the Centre had a legal secretary (altogether two) paid by the state, without whom the Faculty could not work. In addition, their competencies and obligations, as well as the manner of their election are regulated by law. Despite the fact that one of the abovementioned secretaries is retired and the other one is deceased, no financial assets are provided for the legal secretary (currently only one), so this position is paid for with our own finances. We sincerely hope that the state authorities will resolve this problem and that, in future, they will provide assets for this work position. Moreover, there is also a problem with the technical personnel, because two genitors have retired in the past couple of years, and their vacancies are not financed by the state; hence they are paid with our own assets, too. The need for these work positions is highly emphasised, mostly because of the specificity of the tuition in Physical Education at the Faculty, which is conducted in classrooms and sports halls. 4. TEACHING AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY 4.1. Undergraduate studies 4.1.1. Characteristics of the study programmes The Faculty of Physical Education has two undergraduate study programmes, which are, to a certain measure, compatible with the allied faculties in our neighbourhood (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Monte Negro, and Bulgaria). The first division of professional orientation is Physical Education, i.e. I cycle of studies, whereas the second division is Sports, i.e. professional studies for Sports Coaches. The first educates future P.E. teachers, and the latter educates sports coaches for a certain sports discipline. I cycle of academic studies in Physical and Health Education has been accredited since the foundation of the Faculty in 1977. The division was reformed in 1988, 2000, and 2010, being realised pursuant to the Decision on Accreditation of Amendments of I Cycle of Academic Studies in Physical and Health Education at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, No. 12-116/4 on 22.10.2010, 41 and the Decision on Initialisation No. 13-1570/1 on 08.03.2011 of I Cycle of Academic Studies in Physical and Health Education at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Since 2009/2010, these studies have been conducted with a new study programme and a new subject programme (one-semester programme) according to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The last modification of this study programme according to the requirements set by the University is in progress, and is in relation to the possibility each student to attend tuition in subjects from other faculties (up to 10 per cent of the total number of classes). Regarding the last modification, there is a Decision by the Professors’ Board at the Faculty of Physical Education No. 0201-73/11 on 01.02.2012 on adoption of the project proposal for amendments of the 4-year university studies in P.E. at the Faculty of Physical Education. It has been agreed upon by the Rector’s Head Office and the Senate of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and it will be delivered to the Accreditation Board. Accreditation is expected, mostly because the amendments in comparison with the previous one (the accredited study programme) are minimal and are in relation to the readjustments required by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. As it was mentioned earlier, this division educates P.E. teachers. Tuition is realised in 8 semesters. Since 2001/2002 the Faculty of Physical Education works with the second division of orientation – Sports, i.e. I cycle of studies for sports coaches. There is a Decision on Accreditation of I Cycle of Professional Studies for Sports Coaches at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, No. 12-75/3 on 20.12.2011. The Decision on Initialisation of I Cycle of Professional Studies for Sports Coaches at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje is with No. 13-848/1 from 01.02.2012. The last modification of this study programme according to the requirements set by the University is in progress, and is in relation to the possibility each student to attend tuition in subjects from other faculties (up to 10 per cent of the total number of classes). Regarding this last modification, there is a Decision by the Professors’ Board at the Faculty of Physical Education No. 0201-73/12 on 01.02.2012 on adopting the project proposal for amendments of the 3-year professional studies for Sports Coaches at the Faculty of Physical Education. It has been agreed upon by the Rector’s Head Office and the Senate of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and it will be delivered to the Accreditation Board. Accreditation is expected, mostly because the amendments in comparison with the previous one (the accredited study programme) are minimal and are in relation to the readjustments required by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Thereto, we must highlight the unselfish efforts of the new Dean’s Office to fulfil all the new criteria and to make the necessary corrections of the existing study programme, all in order to obtain the accreditation. 42 This division educates coaches for a certain sports discipline. In this respect, it is necessary to start enforcing the Law on Sports, under which all the coaches who work in the sports domain are required to have proper education. Tuition is realised in 6 semesters. Besides the existing programmes, the Faculty also has undergraduate programmes for Physical Education in preschool and I-IV grade tuition. The Faculty intends to seek their accreditation in the foreseeable future. In 1998, the Faculty started educating coaches of a certain sports discipline, but with post-secondary education (study programmes with 4 semesters). This programme existed until 2000, when the law abolished post-secondary institutions. Since 1988, there also exists consent by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the competent department for education regarding study programmes in Kinesiotherapy and Physical Education and Recreation; however, their realisation has not been started yet. Perhaps we should make a formal request to the Accreditation Board. The Faculty applies the principle of interdisciplinary study programmes. Thus, there are four professors teaching at the Faculty of Physical Education, but who come from different home faculties: 2 of them are from the Faculty of Medicine, 1 is from the Faculty of Pedagogy, and 1 is from the Institute of Defence. Nonetheless, the general impression is that although there are many subjects at the other faculties that are allied to the subjects from our Faculty, our professors are not asked to teach there, so there is no reciprocity. Perhaps we are talking about ignorance; still, this situation should be changed in future. Furthermore, despite the fact that all the faculties reached consensus on inclusion of the Sports and Sports Activities subject, it is not the case at many faculties, because they do not implement this subject and students are given signatures for attendance by their home professors instead of the professors from our Faculty. This practice should also be put to an end because tuition must be conducted by professionals. In addition, financing of the professors who teach at our Faculty but come from different faculties, falls on the back of the Faculty, which is calculated with a formula. Unfortunately, there is no reciprocity, again. Some faculties within the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje pay for the tuition in Sports and Sports Activities; however, the same formula and the same principle as when we are charged for services are not followed. Thus, we consider that the Faculty of Physical Education is in unequal position. We hope that in the foreseeable future this irregularity will be corrected and that the same principle will be applied for each faculty within the University. The web page of the Faculty of Physical Education exists for many years, but it was not updated with new information. At the beginning of this academic year, the new Dean’s 43 Office insisted on its proper reactivation. Now, it is completely redesigned and is updated on a daily basis with new information needed by students. We must mention that this year the Rector’s Office allocated funds for formation of University Sports Leagues in basketball, handball, football, and volleyball, in which every faculty will take part. This is a real sports promotion. The competitions will take place in the new sports hall of the Faculty of Physical Education. Regarding the fact that the overall organisation of these leagues will be taken over by our faculty, we hope that we will justify your trust. 4.1.2. Structure of the study programmes This year (2012), the Faculty of Physical Education is working on composition of a Rulebook on Studying I Cycle of Studies and Study Guidebook, which are in the final stage and soon to be put into operation. These documents regulate the rights, liabilities, and opportunities of the students from both divisions of orientation at the Faculty of Physical Education. Study programme for P.E. subject tuition or I cycle of academic studies in Physical and Health Education Currently, there are two student generations studying I cycle of academic studies in Physical and Health Education at the Faculty of Physical Education. Those are students enrolled in 2004/2005 and are now third and fourth-year students, and the students enrolled in 2009/2010, who are first or second-year students in 2010/2011. Table 1. I cycle of academic studies in Physical and Health Education Generation enrolled in Academic year 2009/2010 2004/2005 Total of subjects 1 2 3 4 Mandatory subjects 7 7 12 12 38 Elective subjects 3 2 2 2 9 Optional subjects / / 2 2 4 The table shows that, at the Faculty of Physical Education, this division covers 47 subjects during 4-year studies and 2 programmes – the old one with two-semester subjects and the new one with one-semester subjects. Considering the number of subjects according to the new study programme (first and second year), there are 14 mandatory (or 50%) and 5 elective (or 25%) subjects. The most recent updating of the syllabi was in 2009/2010, when all the subjects were changed into one-semester subjects, of course, in 44 accordance with ECTS. Special care was taken not to overload students with subject material (60 credits per semester). In addition, there are 9 elective subjects, all in order to meet students’ different affinities. Although there are many electives, it is impossible to organise tuition for a few students in several groups (according to their affinities), because there are not enough premises. For almost every subject (with smaller exceptions) grading is done by colloquia, seminar papers, and other forms of tasks which are different for every subject, which alleviates taking examinations. The process of introduction of Diploma supplement is in progress. What must be emphasised is that some subjects, mostly the optional ones, are taught by persons whose election is not in accordance with the acts for teaching staff election. The number of theoretical and practical lectures for P.E. study programme is satisfactory. In addition, students are given the opportunity to exhibit special interests in a certain subject by elaborating seminar papers and by consultation. However, there is a lack of materials for tuition modernisation with diagnostic methods and procedures – materials which are currently impossible to be provided by the Faculty of Physical Education. This study programme is realised by 23 professors and 6 teaching assistants. Study programme for Sports or I cycle of professional studies for Sports Coaches There are currently two student generations at this division at the Faculty. The fist one enrolled in 2004/2005 (now third or fourth year students), whereas the second one enrolled in 2009/2010 (in 2010/2011 academic year - first or second year students). According to the new programme (with one-semester subjects), this division covers 21 subjects, out of which 18 are mandatory and 2 are electives. The old study programme (with two-semester subjects) covers 48 mandatory, 8 elective, and 8 optional subjects. The most recent updating of the syllabi was in 2009/2010, when all the subjects were changed into one-semester subjects, of course, in accordance with ECTS. Special care was taken not to overload students with subject material (60 credits per semester). In addition, there are 9 elective subjects, all in order to meet different affinities of the students. Although there are many electives, it is impossible to organise tuition for fewer students in several groups (according to their affinities), because there are not enough premises. For almost every subject (with smaller exceptions) grading is done by colloquia, seminar papers, and other forms of tasks which are different for every subject, which alleviates taking examinations. The process of introduction of Diploma supplement is in progress. 45 The most important thing is that most of the teaching staff at this division is actively engaged in sports, working as sports club coaches, or as selectors of national teams for various sports in the Republic of Macedonia, which only adds to the importance of this division. What must be emphasised is that some subjects, mostly the optional ones, are taught by persons whose election is not in accordance with the acts for teaching staff election. Table 2. I cycle of professional studies for Sports Coaches Generation enrolled in Academic year 2009/2010 2004/2005 Total of subjects 1 2 3 4 Mandatory subjects 9 9 12 12 42 Elective subjects 2 / 2 2 6 Optional subjects / / 2 2 4 The number of theoretical and practical lectures for P.E. study programme is satisfactory. In addition, students are given the opportunity to exhibit special interests in a certain subject by elaborating seminar papers and by consultation. In addition, very often students from this division realise the practical tuition with direct participation in organisation of training processes in sports clubs. They also participate in analyses of training sessions and competitions, which presents precious experience from their studies. However, there is a lack of materials for tuition modernisation with diagnostic methods and procedures – materials which are currently impossible to be provided by the Faculty of Physical Education. There are 22 professors and 6 teaching assistants at this division; since there are many sports in which other professors are involved, we can say that almost all of the teaching staff teach at this division. Study programme for 2-year sports education This study programme was initialised in 1998 and dealt with educating prospect professionals – coaches in certain sports discipline (or post-secondary sports coaches). This division comprised almost the same subjects as the sports division, only with smaller volume and contents. Students were involved in analyses and organisation of sports competitions at lower ranks. 46 4.2. Postgraduate studies Since 1991/1992, the Faculty of Physical Education has incessantly conducted postgraduate studies (Master’s and specialised studies). The specialised studies are realised as study programmes for certain sports disciplines or certain subjects in which students express their special interest, and are conducted according to a mentor’s system. The Master’s studies are organised on the basis of Consent by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and the Ministry of Education and Science. In 2000, new subject programmes were created for both types of studies. There was Consent by the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, but not by the Ministry of Education and Science. The last modification of the syllabi for the Master’s studies was made in 2010/2011 and was in accordance with ECTS and continual studying. There is a Decision on Accreditation of the Study Programme for II Cycle of University Studies (Master’s Studies in Kinesiology) at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje No. 12-98/8 on 11.11.2011. The Decision on Initialisation of the Study Programme for II Cycle of University Studies (Master’s Studies in Kinesiology) at the Faculty of Physical Education at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje No. 13-847/1 was brought on 01.02.2011. The last generation of postgraduate students is from the academic year 2008/2009, when 11 candidates enrolled in these studies. Our Faculty is currently collaborating with the Faculty of Economics at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje regarding establishment of a new division of orientation for II cycle of studies – Sports Management, with professors from both faculties (the Faculty of Physical Education and the Faculty of Economics). This process is in the final stage and is expected to be ready for submission to the Accreditation Board in order to obtain accreditation and initialisation decision. At the moment, the Faculty of Physical Education is under negotiation with the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje in relation to organising a new joint study programme for II cycle of academic studies in Kinesiotherapy. We hope that in the foreseeable future, the Faculty will offer more divisions of professional orientation at postgraduate studies, such as: Recreation, Sports Law, Sports Journalism, Health, etc. 4.3. Doctoral studies Within 2010/2011, the Faculty created a new study programme for doctoral studies in accordance with ECTS. This III cycle of studies (doctoral studies) has been decided upon by the University Senate. It was the Decision on Adoption of a Project for Introduction of 47 a Study Programme for III Cycle of Doctoral Studies in Kinesiology No. 02-533/2, brought on 08.07.2010. Regarding the above-mentioned, a formal request has been made and sent to the Accreditation Board and we are waiting for consent. 5. SPATIAL, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL RESOURCES The premises or the space conditions at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje partially meet the needs, primarily because they are shared with the Metodi Mitevski – Brico Sports Gymnasium. For that reason, the Faculty tuition is held in two shifts. The condition is additionally complicated because there are not any time slots for students to be able to exercise and master practical lectures. It would be much easier if the Faculty had only one shift of work. The total area of lecture rooms, sports halls, teaching staff offices, as well as the Physical Education Centre is 5362 m2. The allocated area per student does not meet the criteria in respect to quality of material and technical conditions. The new Dean’s Office has been trying to find solution to this problem by sending a draft and a petition for reconstruction of the administrative building to the Ministry of Education and Science (Sector of Investments). We expect to have a fast realisation of our petition by reconstructing the existing facility or by building a completely new facility. For the purposes of conducting tuition, the Faculty uses two lecture halls from other institutions (but only for tuition at the Faculty of Medicine) and a swimming pool. Taking into account that the Faculty of Physical Education has to pay for their use, it only aggravates the current financial situation. The Youth and Sports Agency and the Ministry of Education and Science have built a new sports hall for the Faculty. Unfortunately, it cannot be used throughout the entire year because it does not have any heating, so it is impossible to hold lectures under those conditions, especially in winter. Regarding the difficult financial situation due to the debt, the Faculty has not been able to provide those heating conditions from its own assets. On this account, the Faculty of Physical Education has made a request to the Youth and Sports Agency, hoping that it will provide us with the needed financial assets in the nearest future and the Faculty of Physical Education will be able to hold lectures and organise a University Sports League. Prior to construction of the sports hall, the Faculty had an outdoor playground for basketball, volleyball, handball, and football, as well as a running track, which were destroyed during the construction. On this account, the Faculty of Physical Education has 48 made a request to the Youth and Sports Agency for reconstruction of the outdoor multifunctional facilities, thus creating better study conditions. Moreover, the Faculty is not in possession of a proper lecture hall. Tuition is held in classrooms, or when the number of students is higher, in an adapted gym often too small for all the students. For this reason, when all the students attend theoretical lectures, it is hard to have proper learning conditions. The material and technical conditions at the Faculty are also unsatisfactory, only partially meeting the needs for teaching and research work. Namely, each professor at the Faculty has their own computer, or lap-top used in tuition. All the computers are connected to the Internet as well as in a work network. Moreover, the Faculty has 4 LCD projectors and several scanners, also used in tuition. However, it is our obligation to point out that the Faculty does not have any modern apparatuses and software used worldwide for better diagnostics of athlete’s condition, or for monitoring their physical status. Thus, we are making efforts to update the existing equipment and to procure new one. Because of the new criteria under the Law on Higher Education, the state authorities should provide more assets for the purpose of research work, thus allowing more professors and associates to take part in projects, congresses, and symposia which are held abroad. We must also emphasise the importance of staff exchange (professors and associates) with allied foreign faculties. Taking into consideration the fact that the campus of the Faculty of Physical Education is located in the city centre, common practice was the parking lot to be overcrowded with vehicles belonging to people who live in proximity to the Faculty, as well as with employees from surrounding institutions. This led to minor or major damages to the parked vehicles. Nevertheless, this year the Faculty managed to put an end to this practice by providing an electronic gate, so external people cannot park their vehicles at the parking lot. 5.1. Library There are over 4000 books in the library. Unfortunately, this number seems to be small, and the choice comes down to books in Macedonian and Serbian language; there are only a few books by foreign authors and a few books from the modern literature. The library is not included in an electronic system of book exchange on a national or international level, so we cannot order any books. Employees are not informed about procurement of new books. The library does not have any computer programmes for finding library data, nor does it have programmes for transfer of bibliographic information. The number of foreign learned periodicals is also insignificant. There is no copy machine in the library. A great number of professors have published learning materials (books, lecture notes, 49 practice supplements) for their students to be able to learn, so they can be found in the library. The Faculty should also have a bookshop in future, so that students could buy a certain book there and not directly from the professor. 5.2. Physical Education Centre The Physical Education Centre (which is not a legal entity) also holds tuition in rented facilities, for which the Faculty of Physical Education, being a legal entity, is obliged to pay. For the time being, the Centre holds tuition in the hall of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje intends to transform the Physical Education Centre into University Sports Centre. To be able to do that, the University has started constructing a university hall for the future University Sports Centre, where all its activities shall take place. Premises for employees from the Centre are projected to be situated in this site, too. 5.3. Logistics The Student Services Office is not well organised, primarily because it has not been modernised. Namely, there are 2 computers in the office, but up to now there have not been any programmes for keeping records in data base for each study programme and for each academic year. However, this situation is currently being changed, above all because of the effectiveness of the Law on Higher Education under which all the faculties are to introduce electronic record keeping for the teaching and administrative staff, as well as for students. For these reasons, the iKnow System has started with a successful implementation regarding both divisions, so students, professors and teaching assistants are able to have a closer look into all the information in reference to tuition, examinations, and Faculty liabilities. This is an important step towards updating the services and now every student will have their own electronic records regarding every single examination for every single year. There are three employees in the student services, so the needs are met. 6. STUDENTS 6.1. Undergraduate studies In the academic year of 2010/2011 at the P.E. Division, 258 students enrolled or, more precisely, 108 students enrolled in first year, 61 in second year, 38 in third year, and 51 in fourth year of studies. Out of them, 241 are full-time students and 17 are part-time students. In addition, 138 students are in the state quota, whereas 103 are self-financing. 50 Table 3. Academic studies in Physical and Health Education Year 1 2 3 4 Total Full-time students State quota Self-financing 51 45 36 23 24 13 27 22 138 103 Part-time students 12 2 1 2 17 Total 108 61 38 51 258 Table 4. Professional studies for Sports Coaches Full-time students Part-time Total students State quota Self-financing 1 / / 25 25 2 28 4 4 36 3 23 8 8 39 4 17 11 6 34 Total 68 23 43 134 The final-year generation counts 21 state quota students, 45 self-financing students, and 12 part-time students. Year At the moment, the Sports Coaches Division counts 134 students or, more precisely, 25 first-year students, 36 second-year students, 39 third-year students, and 34 fourth-year students. Out of them, 91 are full-time students, whereas 43 are part-time students. Moreover, 68 students are enrolled in the state quota, and 66 are enrolled by selffinancing. The final-year generation counts 34 students, 17 of them are self-financing and 9 are part-time students. 6.1.1. Student poll For the needs of the Self-evaluation Committee, amongst other things, an anonymous student poll has been carried out. It contained 44 questions and was conducted on 57 second-year students. Being informed The majority of the students who took the poll (86%) are well informed about the divisions at the Faculty of Physical Education. Only 7% of the students are not properly informed and another 7% of the students are partially acquainted with the possibilities of studying at this Faculty. 51 Tuition attendance and activities during the semester The majority of students regularly attend theoretical lectures (86%) and 98% regularly attend practical lectures in each subject. Student opinion regarding subjects covered by the second-year study programmes Based on the results obtained from the poll, we can say that 56% of the students find the tuition interesting and 30% find it difficult. A great part of the students can keep up with the tuition, which probably means that they have the fundamental knowledge from high school serving as a basis for upgrading future knowledge. However, 30% of the students find it difficult to follow. It is most likely that the reason lies in the fact that there are some subjects covering various domains with their own specificities, or maybe it is because secondary schools have not provided students with the necessary knowledge. Perhaps in future, there should be other methods and means of presentation of the teaching material students find difficult. Table 5. Student opinion regarding subjects covered by the second-year study programmes Subjects are Per cent of students Interesting Difficult Necessary Boring Unnecessary Easy 56% 30% 7% 5% 2% / Within possibilities of the financial framework of the Faculty, assets should be provided for additional procurement of apparatuses which would make the teaching material easier. Only 7% of the students think that that second-year subjects are boring or unnecessary. Time spent on studying Students from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje spend an average of 2 to 5 hours per day on studying. At the Faculty of Physical Education, 51% of the students study from 1 to 3 hours, which is similar to the time calculated for all the University students. Despite the fact that 30% of the students at the Faculty of Physical Education find the subjects difficult (see Table 5), only 7% of the students study from 3 to 5 hours per day and 42% of them study for less than an hour a day, which means that the tuition at the Faculty is on a higher level and, on the other hand, a great deal of students are notable athletes, so the difficult material is easier for them. 52 Table 6. How much time do students spend on everyday studying? Hours per day Less than an hour 1-3 hours 3-5 hours More than 5 hours Per cent of students 42% 51% 7% / For more than one half of the University students, it takes an average of more than 5 days to prepare for a colloquium or test and for 1/3 it takes 3 days. At the Faculty of Physical Education, for 39% of the students it takes 3 -5 days and for 22% it takes 5-7 days. Only for 16% it takes less than 3 days, for 14% it takes more than 10 days to prepare for colloquium or examination. Table 7. How many days does it take students to prepare for colloquium? How many days Per cent of students Less than 3 days 3-5 days 5-7 days 7-10 days More than 10 days 16% 39% 22% 9% 14% For 37% of the students at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, it takes 15 days to get ready for a final examination, and the same figure (37%) goes for students who need 30 days for preparation. At the Faculty of Physical Education, 79% of the students need less than 15 days to prepare for the final examination and 21% of them need more than 15 days. It takes less than 5 days for 16% of the students. Table 8. How many days does it take students to prepare for final examination? How many days Less than 5 days 5-10 days 10-15 days More than 15 days Per cent of students 16% 39% 24% 21% Literature When it comes to literature for the second-year subjects, the poll shows that 64% of the students use original books by their professors or by other authors, 54% use copies of books and textbooks, 30% use notes taken during lectures, and only 10% use electronic books. We must note that the total per cent is higher because a student can use different forms of literature for several subjects. 53 Table 9. What kind of literature do second-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education use? Literature used Original books Copies Notes taken during lectures Electronic books Per cent of students 60% 54% 30% 10% Furthermore, 39% of the students consider that the literature is comprehensible, 44% consider that it is only partially comprehensible, and 17% consider that it is not comprehensible at all. Up to 61% consider that the literature is in accordance with lectures, 30% consider that it is partially in accordance with lectures, and 7% consider that it is not in accordance with lectures at all. Speaking of literature, we must note that the overall University system of literature has a weakness, for which a solution should be found (on a University level) – solution that will coordinate the needs of both students and professors. So, what seems to be the problem? Namely, on one hand, students require professors to publish more textbooks, which would be coordinated with lectures and they would be in Macedonian, so studying would be easier and faster. Although students acknowledge the advantages, some of them still do not want to buy the textbooks (on a University level, only 15% of the students do), some copy them (on a University level, up to 73% do that), or some of them borrow books because they consider that upon having taken the examination, they will not be in need of the textbooks anymore (which is not the case). On the other hand, professors are not stimulated to write books and textbooks because there is no copyright protection. More precisely, although it is punishable by law to have original materials copied, no actions have been taken so far (despite the regulations regarding this issue). As for book price, we must note that a small portion is too high (therefore must be corrected, upon a suggestion by the home faculty or the University). Still, most of the books have a more reasonable price, which again, many students find not being low enough. It is as if professors’ hard work is not taken into account and the book is valued according to the paper needed for printing, not by the significance of the contents. 54 Students’ opinion about professors Table 10. Students’ opinion about second-year professors at the Faculty of Physical Education Professors (are) Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ Regular in lectures Comprehensible in lectures Well prepared for lectures Stimulate interaction 72% 65% 79% 63% 5% 2% 2% 12% 10% 28% 21% 26% Table 10 (continues) Professors (are) Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ Have fair treatment Available for office hours Respectful of students’ opinion 68% 56% 53% 5% 12% 9% 25% 32% 38% According to the poll results from second-year students, 72% of the students consider that professors hold their lectures regularly, 79% think that professors are well prepared for their lectures, and 65% consider that professors are comprehensible in lectures. Most of the teaching staff exhibit fair treatment (68%) and encourage interaction (63%), but hardly half of them are available for office hours (56%). This condition is similar to the condition at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. 55 We must note that, first and foremost, professors should fulfil their work obligations and to be regular regarding lectures. Besides, they should make more efforts to be more intelligible during lectures or, if possible, to use other means and methods of presentation of the more difficult material. And last, but not least, teacher-student communication must be improved and the office hours should help students internalise the new material. It is most likely that most of the professors have conservative points of view, so it is harder for them to accept students’ opinion (53%). Table 11. Students’ opinion about second-year tuition at the Faculty of Physical Education Professors’ lectures are Per cent of students Interesting Useful Uninteresting Boring 31% 57% 5% 7% Up to 88% of the students find the second-year lectures interesting or useful, whereas only 5% find them uninteresting and 7% find them boring. Opinion about the teaching assistants Teaching assistants at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje are more regular regarding holding tuition than professors, their practical lectures are more comprehensible for students than theoretical lectures, they have shown to have better communication with students, and they are more available for office hours. Unfortunately, the results obtained from the poll show that at the Faculty of Physical Education, the situation is reversed, which means that the professors are the ones that are more reliable when it comes to regular lectures, readiness, and comprehensiveness. In students’ opinion, it is the professors who encourage interaction, exhibit fair treatment, and are respectful of students’ opinion (53%) in comparison with the teaching assistants (49%) and are as much available for office hours (56%) as are the teaching assistants (60%). In conclusion, we must say that the teaching assistants must try harder when it comes to tuition (regular lectures, readiness, and comprehensiveness), as well as with their relationship with students, or their communication with the younger colleagues (in terms of office hours and opinion exchange). 56 Table 12. Students’ opinion about second-year assistants at the Faculty of Physical Education Teaching assistants (are) Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ Regular in lectures Comprehensible in lectures Well prepared for lectures Stimulate interaction 68% 60% 70% 56% 7% 20% 4% 14% 25% 20% 26% 30% Table 12 (continues) Teaching assistants Available for office Respectful of Have fair treatment (are) hours students’ opinion Per cent of students who gave positive 61% 60% 49% answers Per cent of students who gave negative 14% 10% 12% answers Per cent of students whose answer was 25% 30% 39% ‘’partially’’ Table 13. Students’ opinion about second-year practical tuition at the Faculty of Physical Education Teaching assistants’ practical lectures are Per cent of students Interesting Useful Uninteresting Boring 42% 39% 5% 7% 57 Colloquia/tests The results obtained by the anonymous poll show that more than half of the students (56%) are familiar in advance with how their colloquia and tests are graded. Up to 60% consider it to be objective, 61% of the students said the results from colloquia and tests are available for reference and review, and 60% think that colloquia questions are clear and explicit. We must also emphasise that regarding those subjects with more unclear way of grading, professors should come up with a more transparent way of grading by explaining the students the scores given for certain activities. Moreover, all the professors should try to make their test questions clearer and unambiguous. Finally, the professors must give the tests to their students so that they could realise their mistakes and make sure that the grader’s (professor’s) mark is objective. Table 14. Students’ opinion about colloquia/tests Regarding colloquia/tests Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ The way of grading is known in advance The grading is objective Results are available for reference and review Questions are clear and unequivocal 56% 60% 61% 60% 24% 14% 10% 10% 20% 26% 10% 30% Final examination When it comes to final examination, only half of the students are familiar with the grading in advance (50%), 37% find it objective, 60% find the final exam questions clear and unambiguous, and only 44% consider that exam results are available for further reference. However, students are not well informed with regard to scoring certain activities from a given subject (74%) and how the final grade is formed (68%). 58 Hereof, we can conclude that the professors must make some improvements in relation to the above-mentioned grading (manner, scoring, objectivity, and post-exam availability). Table 15. Students’ opinion about the final examination Regarding colloquia/tests Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ Table 15 (continues) Regarding colloquia/tests familiarity with Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ The way of grading is known in advance The grading is objective Results are available for reference and review Questions are clear and unequivocal 50% 37% 44% 60% 10% 10% 20% 10% 40% 53% 26% 30% Whether theoretical lectures are helpful in passing the examination Scoring of certain activities How the grade is formed Which criteria are to be followed in order to pass the examination 74% 68% 65% 72% 14% 30% 7% 5% 12% 2% 28% 24% 59 Table 15 (continues) Regarding colloquia/tests Taking colloquia helps passing final examination Are there any subject examination which can be passed only by passing colloquia, and not a final examination? Is practical tuition more helpful when it comes to getting ready for the final examination? 91% 91% 79% / 9% 7% 9% / 14% Per cent of students who gave positive answers Per cent of students who gave negative answers Per cent of students whose answer was ‘’partially’’ Up to 91% of students consider that passing colloquia is helpful in passing final examination. In addition, 72% find theoretical lectures and 79% find practical lectures helpful in passing final examination. The good thing is that up to 91% of the students use the opportunity to pass second-year examinations by passing colloquia and fulfilling other types of activities (regular attendance, seminar paper, and practice supplements). Students’ mobility According to the poll results, 37% of the students consider that the Faculty of Physical Education has mobility, whereas 40% consider that there is partial mobility. Up to 23% consider it nonexistent. Regarding this problem, we think that there is a necessity for more intensive collaboration with other faculties in the Republic of Macedonia, with the neighbouring countries (Serbia, Bulgaria, Monte Negro, Croatia, and Slovenia), but also with farther European destinations. The following phase should introduce the Erasmus Programme, which will enable true mobility of students, as well as professors and teaching assistants, and will allow accommodation within other allied faculties, simultaneously allowing exchange of experience, opinion, and knowledge. Up to 75% of the students at the Faculty of Physical Education consider that the internalised knowledge during their studies can be applied in real life practice, whereas 23% think it is only partially true. Subsequently, the Faculty of Physical Education 60 should implement more applicable teaching materials for future qualification of students regarding practical work. 6.2. Postgraduate studies (Master’s and specialised studies) The last generation of postgraduate students enrolled in the academic year of 2008/2009, its number being 11 students. Since the foundation of postgraduate studies, 236 students have enrolled and 74 students have completed the studies, i.e. have become Masters of Science. 6.3. Doctoral studies Regarding this study programme, a request has been sent to the Accreditation Board and we are now waiting for consent. We must note that under the Law on Higher Education, all the eligible candidates could apply for a doctoral dissertation project (without doctoral studies) up to and including 31.12.2011, so 30 candidates filed for their projects, and out of them, 20 fulfilled the criteria and were granted permission to start with their work on the doctoral dissertation. 6.4. External collaboration So far, practice has shown that none of the teaching and associate staff at the Faculty of Physical Education has stayed as guests at other faculties from abroad. Perhaps it would be good and useful to change this practice in future. Namely, exchanging experiences and knowledge in areas studied at our Faculty seems to be of great importance, as well as the possibility to become familiar with and later implement new modules of conducting the teaching material, all with the purpose of modernising and updating tuition in general. This would extend the mutual collaboration and by joint participation in international projects, it would allow gaining extensive research experience. There are isolated cases where professors teach at Master’s or doctoral studies abroad, primarily in former Yugoslav countries. Nonetheless, this figure should be bigger. Moreover, rarely do foreign professors teach at our Faculty when it comes to undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Besides collaboration with foreign faculties and universities, it is very important to have collaboration with other organisations and institutions, which up until now has been quite bad. However, the new Dean’s Office tries to establish better communication and collaboration with the Youth and Sports Agency, which could help in enforcement of the Law on Sports, under which coaches are to exercise their profession only if they are properly qualified. We also consider that our Faculty should improve the collaboration with the Macedonian Olympic Committee, mostly because our professional staff can actively participate in candidate athletes’ preparation for the Olympic Games. 61 Collaboration with sports federations of all sports is also important, primarily because we train professionals to work in each sport, and because they could properly test athletes’ fitness, design psychological preparation programmes, nutrition programmes, etc. The collaboration with the Faculty of Security is satisfactory and should be further maintained. 6.5. Research work Our professors and associates take part in congresses and symposiums which are mostly organised on a national level and less abroad (in the neighbouring countries such as former Yugoslav region and Bulgaria). They regularly publish proceedings and articles. As for more distant locations, rarely do they visit them due to the improper financial support by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Macedonia (although it allocates funds for this purpose, the same are frequently late or gone). This should be corrected in future, especially because of the Law on Higher Education, under which advancement in one’s profession is conditioned by participation in congresses, i.e. publishing articles with an impact factor in learned periodicals (which also requires financial assets). The professors and associates at the Faculty participate in research projects in our country, and rarely internationally. They are financed by the Ministry of Education and Science. However, the general impression is that the number of realised projects is very small. So far, the Faculty has not succeeded in obtaining a European programme such as Tempus or Phare, despite showing interest in them. So, because the Faculty has not implemented applicative projects and because it had to pay 13 million denars from its own funds in order to cover someone else’s debt, the research means are insufficient and poor. Nevertheless, this situation is about to change because it is our plan to procure new modern equipment for research activities (of course, within our possibility limits). It is of great importance that the new Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Physical Education in Skopje has applied for three host projects, such as: 1. Continuous improvement and permanent education of P.E. teachers in the Republic of Macedonia (the project has been submitted to the Youth and Sports Agency) 2. Analysis of the P.E. lesson utilisation in the Republic of Macedonia (the project has been submitted to the Ministry of Education) 3. Self-assessment and assessment of P.E. tuition in secondary schools in the City of Skopje (the project has been submitted to the City Mayor) 62 A positive outcome is expected, that is to say, deepening the collaboration with the above-mentioned institutions and obtaining assets for realisation of at least some of the projects. Moreover, the Faculty has plans for future organisation of a congress or symposium. 7. FINANCES The Faculty gets state funds (from the budget), but it also uses its own assets. The greatest impact on the amount of those assets had the lowering of the state quota from 400 to 200 euros, which on the other hand had an impact on the self-financing price. Thus, for the last couple of years, the Faculty of Physical Education has had a smaller inflow of capitals. Besides, the Faculty has to allocate funds in order to pay for the secretary (Bachelor of Laws), without whom the institution could not function, but assets are also needed for the technical staff, which is not paid for by the state. Since this year, there is a new Rulebook on Salaries, which regulates in detail all the employees’ responsibilities and awards according to the accomplishment of tasks. It must be noted that the Faculty has suffered a great deal of financial difficulties in the past 8 years, first and foremost because of the debt regarding the use of facilities for tuition by the Physical Education Centre. Namely, instead of all the faculties within Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje paying for the tuition in P.E and Sports, for which renting facilities is necessary, the Faculty had to pay for those services due to unjust court decisions. For this purpose, The Faculty allocated 11 million denars; the state budget provided 2 million denars for material costs, but those assets were withdrawn because of executive court decisions. Thus, later we had to compensate for those assets from our own budget. Due to this issue, the account of the Faculty was blocked for several years (fortunately, not in continuation). We sincerely hope that, in future, the Rector of the University will be able to correct this mistake by firstly enabling enforcement of the Law on Higher Education, under which Physical Education and Sports is a mandatory subject at all the faculties, and secondly, by making sure that each faculty pays for its tuition services. It is most certain that in future the Faculty will try to find other ways of financing (perhaps through new study programmes) and will also try to seek financial help for new equipment from other institutions and faculties from abroad. 63 8. CONCLUSIONS 1. The Faculty has already elaborated study programmes and the foreseeable future should include seeking accreditation for undergraduate studies in Physical Education in: • Preschool Tuition • I to IV-grade Tuition • Sports Journalism • Sports Law • Sports and Tourism • Kinesiotherapy • Recreation • Health • Other 2. Furthermore, there should also be new divisions regarding postgraduate and doctoral studies. Each professor should make efforts in reference to more updated literature. Also, new research projects should be conducted on a regular basis, if possible, which will be presented in tuition or other research projects in related areas. 3. Decision should be made according to which P.E should become a mandatory subject at faculties. 4. The Faculty should offer elective subjects for the entire University (within 10% of the total classes) 5. The restrictive policy towards employing new cadres at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje should be put to an end, after which new associate staff can be employed for each subject. Meanwhile, the new staff could ‘’help’’ with other allied subjects, which is a common practice at many faculties. 6. The academic staff meets the needs in relation to their competence for exercising teaching and research activities. A part of the professors and associates publishes articles in periodicals. Only a few publish articles with an impact factor. The election of professors and associates is in compliance with the University criteria. 64 7. The number of professors covering subjects is in general satisfactory. 8. The realisation of mentor, practical, and theoretical tuition in all study programmes is on a satisfactory level. 9. The Faculty collaborates with many faculties within the University and there are teaching professors from other faculties. However, very few professors from our Faculty are invited to teach elsewhere, which should be corrected in future. 10. International collaboration with same or allied faculties do exist, however, it is on a lower level. In our opinion, this should be changed in future. 11. As for qualifying students, we consider that oral communication is on a higher level but, unfortunately, scientific literature is not frequently used, especially the foreign one. Tuition should be more interactive. Computer techniques and other contemporary technologies are applied to a certain extent; however, it should be more intensified. 12. The choice of graduation thesis, its quality and presence per subject, and the choice of the Commission are not always satisfactory. Therefore, we think that this should be changed and that everything in relation to the choice of graduation thesis should be verified by the Professors’ Board. 13. Regarding student enrolment – more intensive activities and marketing strategies should be applied, all in order to emphasise the value of these studies. 14. The Faculty should also take actions regarding definition, existence, and legislative acceptance of nomenclature of titles and qualification for which the Faculty issues diplomas. 15. The Faculty should ask the state authorities to finance the work positions which were previously financed and are now closed, such as: Secretary at the Faculty (legal secretary) and technical staff. 16. Material and space conditions at the Faculty are not satisfactory. The Faculty uses the same facilities for tuition with the Sports Gymnasium, and for that reason they work in different shifts, which is unacceptable for a faculty institution. The number of lecture halls, sports halls, and laboratories is also small and insufficient. A major problem is the sports hall constructed by the Youth and Sports Agency, which does not have any heating. Thus, the Faculty does not use it in winter conditions, nor does it rent it. Moreover, the hall is not connected to a sewerage system, so we are continually facing issues regarding its maintenance and not being able to rent it so that we could have some income to cover the costs. 65 We have sent a request to the Youth and Sports Agency and we are looking forward to a fast solution to this problem. 17. Regarding the fact that during the construction of the new sports hall, several outdoor objects were destroyed (basketball, handball, football playground and a running track), we have also made a request to the Youth and Sports Agency for their reconstruction. 18. As for the equipment for the tuition, all the professors have their own computers and printers. There are 4 LCD projectors and several scanners. Perhaps we should consider other forms of equipment in future, which the employees would find helpful in research projects. The entire campus is covered by the Internet. 19. Efforts should be made to upgrade the existing equipment, but also to obtain new one for research purposes. 20. Our library is not connected to any online libraries worldwide, so there is no opportunity to order books or journals. This should be changed in future. 21. The Faculty has started with electronic record keeping for students and examinations, but only for the first year of studies. This system should be applied to the rest of the years, but it takes time and updating of the Student Services Office. 22. For all the activities covered by the Faculty employees, per cent should be allocated to the Faculty, such as defence of graduation, Master’s, and doctoral thesis. 23. All the financial income should be for intended purposes only, within the framework of the area where it came from. For example, if those assets come from defence of graduation thesis, they should be intended only for teaching purposes. The assets from Master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation should be used for II and III level of studies (provision of equipment necessary for research activities). 24. The Faculty should apply independently, but also with other faculties, for many different projects, so that assets could be obtained for supplying the Faculty with new equipment and for gaining experience in the research area. 25. The Faculty should organise a congress and everything should be done in order to realise this goal as soon as possible. 66 26. The Faculty should allocate assets for one-month stay of the staff at other allied institutions abroad, for the purposes of exchange of experiences, acquiring new perspectives in various areas and further improvements. 27. Additional P.E. classes should be held to serve as counterpoise for students’ all day sitting in school. 28. The Physical Education Centre should be transformed into a University Sports Centre and all of its employees should be relocated as employees at the faculties they teach. 29. A project has been put forward and a request has been made for reconstruction of the administrative building to the Ministry of Education (Sector of Investments). We expect that this issue will be realised very soon, either by reconstruction of the existing building, or by construction of an entirely new one. SELF-EVALUATION COMMITTEE: Prof. Daniela Šukova Stojmanovska, PhD – Chairperson (personal signature) Prof. Lenče Aleksovska Veličkovska, PhD – Member (personal signature) Prof. Robert Hristovski, PhD – Member (personal signature) Prof. Vojo Nastevski, PhD – Member (personal signature) Prof. Orce Mitevski, PhD – Member (personal signature) Rumen Ampovski – Student member (personal signature) Filip Masevski – Student member (personal signature)
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