V O D I Č Z N A M E N IT O ST I - ATT R A CT I O N G U I D E Tajne Dobrinjskoga Pregled znamenitosti i zanimljivosti Dobrinjskoga, koje vrijedi pronaći, razgledati i upamtiti. Sažet opis popraćen fotografijama i GPS koordinatama) An overview of the sights and interesting attractions of the Dobrinj Region (Dobrinjsko) worth finding, exploring and remembering. A brief description accompanied by photographs and GPS coordinates. OTKRIJTE TAJNE DOBRINJSKOGA Od stoljeća sedmog 2 DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF THE DOBRINJ REGION Since the 7th century „Od stoljeća sedmog“ vjerojatno, od „leta 1100.“ zasigurno su tu... sa samo jednom vizijom, jednim ciljem – preživjeti. Jedan cilj, jedna vizija, volja kao jedino uporište, žuljevite, izranjavane ruke kao jedini alat. Zemlja, kamen, drvo, pijesak, more, voda – sve to prolazi kroz njihove ruke. Ruke koje, svijesno trpeći studen i žegu, rane i boli, oblikuju svoje i živote njima najbližih, a istovremeno nesvjesno oblikuju djelić po djelić povijesti Dobrinja i dobrinjskoga kraja... They have probably been here ‘since the 7th century’ (‘od stoljeća sedmog’) and definitively since ‘the year 1100’ (‘leta 1100’). They had only one vision, one goal: to survive. One goal, one vision, strong will as the only thing to hold onto, and blistered, wounded hands as their only tool. Dirt, stone, wood, sand, sea, water, etc. They work with all these materials. The hands that, consciously suffering the freezing cold and the scorching heat as well as the wounds and the pains, shape their own and the lives of their closest ones, at the same time unconsciously shaping bit by bit of the history of Dobrinj and the Dobrinj Region. Od „leta od Hristova rojstva 1100”, tj. od prvog pisanog spomena Dobrinja, pa tijekom narednih stoljeća, njihove su ruke ostavljale trag. Tragovi njihove borbe za život nadživjeli su brojne druge borbe i nedaće, te su danas tek podsjetnici, simboli prohujalih vremena. Since ‘the year 1100 after the birth of Christ’ (‘leta od Hristova rojstva 1100’), i.e. since the first written mention of Dobrinj, and throughout the ensuing centuries, their hands have been leaving traces. The traces of their fight to survive have outlived numerous other fights and misfortunes, and are today only the reminders, i.e. symbols, of the times gone by. U traganju za tim vremenima, naišli smo na mnoge vrijedne, a premalo ili nimalo isticane tragove prošlosti. Uz ovaj katalog lako ćete ih pronaći! Vrijedi ih pogledati i upamtiti... jer sve su to stvorili oni – mali, obični ljudi... Posvetimo stoga ovaj katalog njihovoj uspomeni! In the search of those times, we have come across numerous valuable yet too little or not at all highlighted traces of the past. You will easily find them with this catalogue, however! They are worth seeing and remembering since all of them were created by the common, ordinary people. So, let’s dedicate this catalogue to their memory! Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr 3 MAP OF THE SIGHTS KARTA ZNAMENITOSTI A list of the sights on the territory of the Municipality of Dobrinj divided into the Soline Bay (Uvala Soline), Šilo, Dobrinj and the inland. Popis zmamenitosti na području Općine Dobrinj podijeljene na Uvalu Soline, Šilo, Dobrinj i unutrašnjost. IC EN V IK E65 A CR E65 LJ IŠA OM D102 IK BN VR E IC IV NJ SK IN AL M ŠK BA D102 A T NA PU D102 ŠK AR ST KR SK BI L VA A Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Karta znamenitosti/ Attraction map Karta znamenitosti/ Attraction map A K D104 4 A BA A 5 ZNAMENITOSTI UVALE SOLINE Od davnine određena morem, odnedavno - zahvaljujući ljekovitom mulju - Uvala Soline postaje jedno od atraktivnijih ljetnih odredišta, a prirodno okruženje jednaku ugodu pruža i putnicima/ namjernicima koji ju pohode i tijekom zimskih mjeseci. IZDVOJENO Antički lokalitet Sveti Petar, kojim, uz izvorni krajobraz, dominiraju ostaci srednjovjekovne crkvice posvećene svecu kojemu su povjereni ključevi raja. THE SIGHTS OF THE SOLINE BAY Determined by the sea since the ancient times, the Soline Bay has recently become, due to its healing mud, one of the more attractive summer destinations, and its natural environment offers the same pleasure to chance travellers who come here during the winter months. 1 CRKVICA SV. KLEMENTA I GLAGOLJAŠKI NATPIS CHAPEL OF SAINT CLEMENT AND THE GLAGOLITIC INSCRIPTION N 45 09.315 E 14 37.215 N 45 09.292 E 14 37.220 HIGHLIGHTS Saint Peter (Sveti Petar), an ancient site dominated by an authentic landscape and the remnants of a medieval church dedicated to the saint to whom the keys to heaven have been entrusted. VIŠE NA STR. 12 MORE AT PAGE 12 P Pod protektoratom Krčke biskupije samo je jedna crkvica posvećena rimskom biskupu i učeniku svetog Petra, svetom Klementu. Ovo minijaturno, ali vrijedno romaničko zdanje stoji usred Klimna, mjesta koje je ime dobilo upravo po crkvici, čiji prvi spomen datira u 1381. godine. Malena obujmom, crkvica svetog Klementa diči se vrijednom baroknom oltarnom reljefnom palom, koja je proglašena nacionalnim spomenikom kulture. Crkvica svetog Klementa u Klimnu u svojim je počecima pripadala obitelji Malatestinić iz obližnjih Solina. Spomen na tada uglednu (po svemu sudeći imućnu) obitelj i danas postoji. Njihovo je prezime uklesano uglatom glagoljicom na nadvratniku kuće nedaleko crkvice. Uz prezime Malatestinić stoji i godina 1514. Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay 6 Only one chapel under the protectorate of the Krk Diocese is dedicated to Saint Clement (Sveti Klement), a Roman bishop and St. Peter’s disciple. This miniature yet precious Romanic building stands in the centre of Klimno, a village named after the chapel that was first mentioned in 1381. Small in size, the Chapel of Saint Clement (Crkvica Svetog Klementa) boasts a valuable Baroque altar relief painting proclaimed a national cultural monument. The Chapel of Saint Clement in Klimno belonged in its beginnings to the Malatestinić family from the nearby village of Soline. The then respectable and, judging by all, wealthy family is remembered to this day. Their surname is engraved in cuneiform Glagolitic letters on the transom of a house standing not far away from the chapel. The year 1514 is inscribed next to the surname Malatestinić. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay O 7 2 SIDRO ANCHOR 3 N 45 09.286 E 14 37.200 I I laici po pitanju mora i pomorstva znali bi odgovor na pitanje što je sidro, ali rijetki su oni koji će dati točan odgovor na pitanje gdje se na otoku Krku nalazi najveće sidro? Odgovor na pitanje nalazi se u Klimnu, u središtu mjesta. Uvjerite se sami da je zaista riječ o sidru „rekorderu“ na otoku, a usuđujemo se zaključiti – i šire! 8 Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 09.052 E 14 36.561 P Potreba je najbolji učitelj, veli stara poslovica, kojom su se vjerojatno vodili i oni koji su kruh za sebe i svoje zarađivali prodajući drva za ogrjev u Rijeci, Crikvenici itd. Mnogi od tih „prijevoznika“ bili su analfabeti, tj. nepismeni, ali istovremeno i mudri: kako za trgovanja ne bi bili prevareni, dali su napraviti „kalup“ za tzv. “bodulski metar drva“. Koliko metara, toliko kovanica, ili kasnije papira! Djelić te prošlosti možete pogledati na jednom od ishodišta nekadašnjih trgovaca, na rivi (mulu) u Solinama… N Necessity is the best teacher, goes the old saying. The people who earned a living for themselves and their families by selling wood for heating in Rijeka, Crikvenica, etc. probably lived by it as well. Many of those ‘shippers’ were unalphabets, i.e. illiterates. They were wise nevertheless: in order to avoid being cheated during a trade-off, they had a ‘mould’ made for the so-called ‘islander’s wood measuring tape’ (‘bodulski metar drva’). As many meters, that many coins and later bills! You can witness a part of that history at one of the departing points of the former merchants, i.e. on the waterfront (pier) in Soline. Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay E Even those who are laymen when it comes to the sea and seamanship know the answer to the question: what is an anchor? However, rare are those who will give a correct answer to the question: where is the largest anchor on the Krk Island located? The answer is: in the centre of Klimno. See for yourselves and you will discover that it is truly a ‘recorder’ of the island and, we dare say, even wider! BODULSKA MJERA ZA DRVA AN ISLANDER’S MEASURE FOR WOOD 9 4 ŠTRADA ŠTRADA 5 N 45 09.016 E 14 35.971 S I I Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Intended for the swimmers in the summer and promenaders during the rest of the year in more recent times, it was, until the second half of the 20th century, a place full of barrels in which the locals cooked salt day and night. They would later trade it for flour, sugar, and similar across the territory of Slavonia, Zagorje, etc. While strolling along the štrada (waterfront) in Meline near Soline, try to picture in your mind a roof tile factory in that landscape. It really existed there in the 19th century! The workers from the factory would spend their short breaks during the scorching months on the štrada. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr S pravom je prozvana izvorom života. Brojne su djevojke i žene pomoću nje pokušale zaraditi za život, no nerijetko su studen i žega uzimali njihove živote. „Perila“, svakidašnje postaje „težakinja“, mjesta na kojima su usred zime razbijale led, a ljeti vrebale na dragocjene kapi. Jedno takvo perilo i danas se može vidjeti u središtu Čižića, ili, kako domaći stanovnici kažu,“perilo pod topol“. A koncem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća, mladići koji bi odlazili u potragu za boljim životom u Ameriku, zavjete ljubavi svojim izabranicama izražavali bi upravo Pod topolon! It was rightfully proclaimed a source of livelihood. Numerous girls and women tried to earn their living using it but it often happened that they would lose their lives in the freezing cold or the scorching heat. Perila were washing places used daily by the hard-labouring women (‘težakinje’), where they had to break ice during the winter and wait for precious drops during the summer. One such perilo can be seen today in the centre of Ćižići or as the locals would call it ‘perilo pod topol’ (a perilo under the poplar-tree). At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, young men going to America in search of a better life made their romantic promises to their chosen ones exactly under that poplar-tree (‘pod topolon’)! Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay 10 N 45 09.360 E 14 35.838 I I dok je u novije doba namijenjena kupačima ljeti, a šetačima u ostatku godine, do polovice 20. stoljeća bila je puna bačvi, u kojima su ovdašnji stanovnici danju i noću kuhali sol, te je za brašno, šećer i sl. mijenjali po Slavoniji, Zagorju i sl. Dok se budete šetali „štradom“ (rivom) na Melinama kod Solina, pokušajte u tom krajobrazu zamisliti tvornicu crijepova; vjerovali ili ne, postojala je u 19. stoljeću! A radnici iz tvornice kratkotrajni bi odmor za vrelih mjeseci potražili upravo na „štradi“… PERILO PERILO 11 6 OSTACI CRKVE SV. PETRA REMNANTS OF THE CHAPEL OF SAINT PETER 7 N 45 09.853 E 14 36.382 P F B Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay From the died-out villages of the Dobrinj Region, the toponyms of which have been preserved, we would like to highlight Šugare (located next to Rudine). Not far from this village that died out in the first decade of the 19th century, there is an ancient site called Saint Peter (Sveti Petar) dominated by an authentic landscape and the remnants of a medieval chapel dedicated to the saint to whom the keys to heaven have been entrusted. A piece of this earthly heaven awaits you in this part of the Dobrinj Region. Go in and see for yourselves. It’s open! Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Po kiši, suncu, magli ili vedrini nije ga teško uočiti. Ako ga i ne tražite, on se sam pokazuje, „nudi“. Iako je malen opsegom, odaju ga njegove razvaline, relikti prošlosti. Bolje rečeno, ostaci nekadašnjeg ugostiteljskog objekta, restorana „Veli Škoj“. „Veli Školjić“, samo „Škoj“, ovaj je otočić u uvali Soline među domicilnim stanovništvom poznat i po četvrtom imenu, odnosno jednom od najstarijih dobrinjskih prezimena, „Kirinčić“. Be it rain, sun, fog or clear weather, you cannot miss it. Even if you are not looking for it, it presents itself; it ‘offers’ itself to you. Although small in area, its ruins, relics of the past, attract attention. More precisely, the remnants of an old restaurant named Veli Škoj. Veli Školjić or simply Škoj is an islet in the Soline Bay (Uvala Soline) known to the locals also as Kirinčić, which is its fourth name and one of the oldest surnames in the Dobrinj Region. Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay 12 N 45 09.807 E 14 36.785 O Od izumrlih sela na Dobrinjskom, čiji su toponimi ipak sačuvani, izdvajaju se Šugare (pored Rudina). Nedaleko ovog, u prvoj dekadi 19. stoljeća izumrlog sela, nalazi se antički lokalitet Sveti Petar, kojim uz izvorni krajobraz, dominiraju ostaci srednjovjekovne crkvice posvećene svecu kojemu su povjereni ključevi raja. A djelić zemaljskog raja čeka na vas i na ovome dijelu Dobrinjskoga… uđite i uvjerite se - otključano je! OTOČIĆ ŠKOJIĆ ‘ŠKOJIĆ’ ISLET 13 8 RUDINE I ŠPILJA BISERUJKA RUDINE AND THE BISERUJKA CAVE N 45 11.052 E 14 36.723 9 N45 4511.246 09.807 N 14 36.582 36.785 EE 14 T 14 I It is impossible to resist the progress of civilisation, or maybe it is? A few (literally a few!) permanent inhabitants of one village on the eastern part of the island of Krk would replace the word ‘maybe’ with ‘certainly’. More precisely, although keeping pace with the times, the village of Rudine still walks the paths of old or even ancient times and preserves the original architecture. Not only that: the nearby Biserujka Cave (Špilja Biserujka) of 110 metres in length has for centuries been hiding a pirate treasure in its depths. No one has been able to find it yet. Maybe you will be so lucky as to find that treasure and the permanent inhabitant of the Biserujka Cave, the endemic and only 5 mm long crab of the Alpioniscus christiani species! Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 11.259 E 14 36.763 J Jednu od najljepših plaža na otoku Krku čuva Uvala Slivanjska („Slivonjska“ u dobrinjskom govoru). Osim ove pješčane ljepotice, u Uvali se nalaze se i ostaci jedne ideje, koja je, nažalost, ostala smo ideja, ideja o gradnji „bijelog hotela“. Od ideje o bijelom hotelu, koja se razvijala početkom i sredinom prošlog stoljeća, ostalo je ono na čemu je ideja stala – kamenje… O One of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Krk is found in the Slivanjaska Cove (Uvala Slivanjska or Slivonjska in the dialect of Dobrinj). Except for this beautiful sandy beach, the Cove also preserves the memory of an idea, which has unfortunately remained nothing more but an idea, an idea of building a ‘white hotel’ (‘bijeli hotel’). What was left from the idea of building a white hotel, which was developed at the beginning and in the middle of the past century, are only the stones representing the point where the idea was abandoned. Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Tekovinama civilizacije nemoguće je oduprijeti se... ili možda ipak je? Nekolicina (doslovce nekolicina!) stalnih stanovnika jednog sela na istočnoj obali otoka Krka ovo „možda“ zamijenili bi riječju „sigurno“. Jer Rudine, iako ukorak s vremenom, i dalje kroče putevima (pra)davnih dana, čuvajući izvorno graditeljstvo. I ne samo to: obližnja špilja Biserujka, dužine 110 metara, u svojoj dubini vjekovima skriva blago koje su zaplijenili gusari. Još ga nitko nije uspio pronaći – možda se vama posreći pronaći blago, ali i stalnog stanovnika „Biserujke“ endemskog račića Alpioniscus christiani, dugog samo 5 milimetara! UVALA SLIVANJSKA SLIVANJSKA COVE 15 10 FRANE I LIJANA FRANE AND LIJANA 11 N 45 11.075 E 14 37.123 S 16 E Every love story has its beginning and its end, and every end is a new beginning. Who would have though that the sad end of a love story would be the beginning of a legend which would be imparting the strength of true love for several centuries?! Frane and Lijana, just like Romeo and Juliet, were not allowed to legalise their relationship due to social norms and status differences. While running away from those who were against the young couple’s romantic relationship, Frane and Lijana found their eternal resting place in the ‘azure tomb’ (‘modri grob’). The legend about the unfortunate newlyweds later became the topic of folk songs. An anonymous folk artist also carved the images of Frane and Lijana on one cliff close to Rudine. It’s worth seeing and imagining. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 09.597 E 14 38.793 M More daje, more uzima… U noći sa 7. na 8. siječnja 1968. more, potpomognuto vjetrom, u svoje je dubine nedaleko od Šila povuklo grčki teretni brod „Peltastis”. Od dvanaest članova posade spasila su se četvorica. Kapetanovo tijelo pronađeno je u olupini broda nekoliko mjeseci kasnije. „Peltastis“ još uvijek u jednom komadu stoji u uspravnom položaju, na dubini od 33 metra. Brod tragičar postao je jedna od najpopularnijih ronilačkih destinacija na Kvarneru. T The sea gives, the sea takes. In the night between 7 and 8 January 1968 not far from Šilo, the sea, with the help of the wind, pulled to its depths a Greek freight ship called Peltastis. From the twelve crewmembers, only four survived. The captain’s body was found in the shipwreck a few months later. Peltastis still stands in one piece in an upright position at the depth of 33 meters. This tragic ship later became one of the most popular diving sites in the Kvarner Region. Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Znamenitosti uvala Soline / Sights in Soline Bay Svaka ljubavna priča ima svoj početak i završetak, a u svakome završetku krije se neki novi početak… Tko je mogao pomisliti da će tužni završetak jedne ljubavne priče biti početak legende, koja će nekoliko stoljeća prenositi snagu prave ljubavi?! Franu i Lijani, inačicama Romea i Julije, društvene norme i klasne razlike ograničavale su ozakonjenje njihove ljubavi. Bježeći od onih koji su se protivili ljubavi mladog para, Frane i Lijana posljednje su počivalište pronašli u „modrome grobu“. Legenda o nesuđenim mladencima postala je tema narodnih pjesama, a na jednoj stijeni nedaleko Rudina, anonimni je pučki umjetnik uklesao likove Frana i Lijane. Vrijedi pogledati. I zamisliti se... POTOPLJENI BROD “PELTASTIS” PELTASTIS SHIPWRECK 17 ZNAMENITOSTI ŠILA I OKOLICE THE SIGHTS OF ŠILO AND THE SURROUNDING AREA Iako jedno od naseljenošću mlađih mjesta Dobrinjskoga, Šilo se afirmiralo kao turističko središte Općine Dobrinj, ali i kao kolijevka krčkog parobrodarskog društva, te polazište prve trajektne linije na Jadranu (1958.god.). Although one of the more recently inhabited villages in the Dobrinj Region, Šilo has affirmed itself as a tourist centre of the Municipality of Dobrinj and as the cradle of the Krk Steamboat Association and the point of departure of the first ferry line in the Adriatic Region (1958). IZDVOJENO 12 TUNERA TUNERE N 45 09.332 E 14 40.162 HIGHLIGHTS Ostaci rimske vile – natpis je koji će vas uz pomoć sličnih oznaka odvesti do ostataka bizantske utvrde, koja datira iz 6. stoljeća. The Remnants of a Roman Villa (Ostaci rimske vile). This is a signboard inscription which will, with the help of other similar signs, lead you to the remnants of a Byzantine fort dating from the 6th century. VIŠE NA STR. 22 MORE AT PAGE 22 O Od starih Feničana do novijeg doba manje-više zadržale su isti oblik gradnje i istu nakanu, a posebno su prisutne diljem sjevernog Jadrana. Tunere ili drvene osmatračnice s ljestvama, evociraju dane kada je lov na tune bila jedna od primarnih ribarskih aktivnosti. Uspješan ulov tune jamčio je dobru zaradu, a tijekom svjetskih ratova doslovce osiguravao egzistenciju ovdašnjeg stanovništva. Kad bi tunere mogle pričatu… koliko bi samo priča o spašenim životima i nahranjenim gladnim ustima mogla ispričati tunera na Punti Šila… 12 F 14 18 ŠILO POLJE Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr 15 Znamenitosti Šilo / Sights in Šilo Znamenitosti Šilo / Sights in Šilo 13 From the time of the old Phoenicians to the modern era, they have more or less preserved the same type of construction and the same intended use, and are especially found across the Northern Adriatic Region. Tunere or wooden observation posts with ladders evoke the memory of the days when tuna fishing was one of the primary fishing activities. A successful catch of tuna guaranteed good earnings, and during world wars it literally provided sustenance for the local population. If only ‘tunere’ could talk. Just imagine how many stories about lives saved and hungry mouths fed the ‘tunera’ on the Šilo Cape (Punta Šila) could tell. 19 13 SIDRO ANCHOR 14 N 45 08.811 E 14 39.860 P Podsjetnik na jednu od najvećih pomorskih nesreća na Jadranu sačuvan je i na kopnu i u moru; riječ je o već spomentom grčkom brodu „Peltatstis“, zauvijek usidrenom na morskome dnu, ali jedan njegov detalj ipak na danjem svjetlu svjedoči o tragediji. Riječ je o sidru s “Peltastisa” koje je izvađeno iz olupine potonulog broda… I kao da želi reći: „Ploviti se ipak mora“… 20 A reminder of one of the largest maritime catastrophes in the Adriatic Region has been preserved both on the land and in the sea. We are referring to the already mentioned ship called Peltastis which is forever anchored at the bottom of the sea. There is a part of it, however, that bears witness to the ship’s tragic fate that is visible in the daylight. We are speaking of the anchor of the Peltastis which has been pulled out from the shipwreck and now stands as if trying to say: ‘One must sail nevertheless’ (‘Ploviti se ipak mora’). Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 08.908 E 14 39.684 N Nisu daleko za nama ostala vremena kada je na Dobrinjskom jedna od garancija donekle pristojne egzistencije bio pijesak. Zahvaljujući Krčkom parobrodarskom društvu, osnovanom u Šilu 1905. godine, ustalila se djelatnost prevoženja pijeska („mela“) iz Šila do Rijeke, Crikvenice, Opatije itd. A prijevozu je prethodilo mukotrpno iskopavanje pijeska iz „Kave“ (između Šila i Polja), zatim prijevoz zaprežnim kolima do rive u Šilu, a potom iskrcaj pijeska na tzv. „place“, odakle bi se opet pijesak ukrcavalo na brodove. Jer ploviti se mora, ali i živjeti se mora… a pomorski je kruh, kruh sa sedam kora… T The times when sand was one of the things that promised a relatively decent existence in the Dobrinj Region are not long gone. Thanks to the Krk Steamboat Association, founded in Šilo in 1905, the activity of shipping sand (locally known as ‘mel’) from Šilo to Rijeka, Crikvenica, Opatija, etc. became permanently established. What preceded the shipping was the hard job of excavating the sand from Kava (between Šilo and Polje). Afterwards, the sand was transported by a pulled wagon to the waterfront in Šilo and then unloaded onto ‘place’, i.e. sand unloading places, wherefrom the sand was loaded onto ships. Yes, one must sail, but one must also live. And a sailor’s bread is a bread with seven crusts (‘a pomorski je kruh, kruh sa sedam kora’). Znamenitosti Šilo / Sights in Šilo Znamenitosti uvala Šilo / Sights in Šilo A PLACE ZA MEL PLACA ZA MEL – A SAND UNLOADING PLACE 21 15 OSTACI BIZANTSKE UTVRDE REMNANTS OF A BYZANTINE FORT PRVA TRAJEKTNA LINIJA NA NAŠOJ OBALI FIRST FERRY LINE ON OUR COAST N 45 08.658 E 14 40.477 O Ostaci rimske vile – natpis je koji će vas uz pomoć sličnih oznaka odvesti do ostataka bizantske utvrde, koja datira iz 6. stoljeća. No, čim se prepustite pogledu na Crikvenicu, Selce i okolni krajolik, bit će vam jasnije da je ova, sada derutna „vila“, imala i dodatnu funkciju – služila je kao osmatračnica. Odavde bi domaćini vrebali na lopove i napadače, koji kroz minula stoljeća nisu zaobišli ni ovaj kraj. 22 The Remnants of a Roman Villa is a signboard inscription which will lead you, with the help of other similar signs, to the remnants of a Byzantine fort dating from the 6th century. However, as soon as you start enjoying the view of Crikvenica, Selce and the surrounding landscapes, it will become clear to you that this, now ruinous, villa had an additional function. It also served as a watch post. From here, the locals would watch out for the thieves and attackers who did not spare this area during the past centuries either. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Š Šilo nije samo perjanica turizma na dobrinjskom području; Šilo je i perjanica, bolje rečeno, kolijevka parobrodarstva otoka Krka. Početkom 20. stoljeća u Šilu je osnovano Krčko parobrodarsko društvo, čiji je parobrod „Dinko Vitezić“ 1905. godine označio početke linije Šilo – Crikvenica. Prvo pristanište u Šilu bilo je na suprotnoj strani od pristaništa koje je i danas vidljivo i obilježeni. „Dinko Vitezić“, potom njegov nasljednik „Frankopan“ pristajali su nasuprot današnjeg buffeta „Macao“. Parobrodi su uskoro zamijenjeni trajektima a staro pristanište novim, iz kojeg je 12. travnja 1959. isplovio trajekt „Bodulka“, označivši prvu trajektnu liniju na našoj obali, liniju Šilo – Crikvenica.Devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, trajektna linija „Šilo –Crikvenica“ uplovljava u neka druga mora, mora sjećanja baš kao i parobrodi i trajekti koji su spajali otok i kopno. Tek morem uspomena danas plove „Dinko Vitezić“, „Frankopan“ , „Petar Svačić“, „Bar“,“Bodulka“... Š Šilo is not only the tourist gem of the Dobrinj Region; Šilo is also the gem or, better said, the cradle of the steamboat building industry of the island of Krk. The Krk Steamboat Association was established at the beginning of the 20th century. Its steamboat called Dinko Vitezić marked the beginnings of the Šilo - Crikvenica line in 1905. The first docking area in Šilo was on the opposite side of the docking area which is still visible and marked today. The Dinko Vitezić, and later his successor the Frankopan, used to dock in an area opposite the present-day Macao buffet. The steamboats were, however, soon replaced by ferries, and the old docking area with the new one. On 12 April 1959, a ferry called Bodulka sailed out from the new docking area, marking the beginnings of the first ferry line on our coast, the Šilo - Crikvenica ferry line. In the 1990s, the Šilo - Crikvenica ferry line sailed into some other seas, the seas of memories, just like the steamboats and ferries that connected the island and the land. These days, the Dinko Vitezić, the Frankopan, the Petar Svačić, the Bar and the Bodulka are sailing only the sea of memories. Znamenitosti Šilo / Sights in Šilo Znamenitosti uvala Šilo / Sights in Šilo T N 45 08.864 E 14 39.820 23 ZNAMENITOSTI UNUTRAŠNJOSTI Vremenski stroj koji bi vratio vrijeme ili vrijeme ne postoji. Oživljavanje prošlosti izvedivo je i to je ono što u unutrašnjost Dobrinjskoga privlači turiste i izletnike željne „revije prošlosti“. IZDVOJENO Gromače ili suhozidi jedna su od specifičnosti otoka Krka. Najveći otočni primjer tog oblika pučke arhitekture je tzv. „Vela gromača“. THE SIGHTS OF THE INLAND A time machine that takes one back in time or there is no such thing as time? It is possible to revive the past and that is what attracts tourists and excursionists craving a ‘history show’ to the inland of the Dobrinj Region. 16 DOLOVA DOLOVA N 45 06.758 E 14 36.612 HIGHLIGHTS Gromače or drywalls are one of the distinct features of the island of Krk. The largest example of this type of folk architecture on the island is the so-called ‘Vela gromača’. VIŠE NA STR. 26 MORE AT PAGE 26 N Napušteno selo Dolova… ili začarana bodulska šuma, kako je zaključio jedan izletnik, skrenuvši s glavne ceste između Krasa i Dobrinja na šumsku stazu, koja ga je odvela do izumrlog sela Dolova. U tom selu, kaže usmena predaja, živjele su neke od najljepših djevojaka Dobrinjskoga. Možda je tajna njihove ljepote bila u slapovima s Vretenice ili Skakavice - dvaju izvora vode nedaleko Dolova? Ili je zaista riječ o začaranoj šumi, baš kao onoj iz bajke, u kojoj se krije usnula ljepotica?! Vrata napuštenih kuća širom su otvorena, a ne nađete li usnulu ljepoticu, zasigurno ćete naći tajnu ljepote – ljepote življenja u iskonskom okružju prirode, nestalu u drugoj polovici 20. stoljeća, s posljednjim stanovnicima Dolova…. Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland 24 The abandoned village of Dolova or the enchanted island forest, as concluded by an excursionist who turned from the main road between Kras and Dobrinj onto a forest path that led him to the died-out village of Dolova. In that village, the oral legend says, lived some of the most beautiful girls of the Dobrinj Region. Maybe the secret to their beauty lay in the waterfalls of Vretenica or Skakavica, the two water springs found not far from Dolova?! Or maybe it really is an enchanted forest, just like the one from the fairytales, hiding a sleeping beauty?! The doors to the abandoned houses are wide open and if you find a sleeping beauty inside, you will definitely find the secret to beauty, the beauty of living in an authentic natural environment, which disappeared in the second half of the 20th century with the last inhabitants of Dolova. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland T 25 17 VELA GROMAČA I OSTACI CRKVE SV. JURJA VELA GROMAČA AND THE REMNANTS OF THE CHAPEL OF SAINT GEORGE N 45 06.709 E 14 36.347 N 45 06.554 E 14 36.509 P G T Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland Park glagoljice u Gabonjinu, otvoren 2010. godine, nastavak je aktivne brige mještana da se glagoljica i vrijeme iz kojeg ona datira, istovremeno sačuvaju, ali i propagiraju. Šesnaest kamenih „znamena“ koji čine Park glagoljice podsjećaju na važne trenutke iz lokalne i nacionalne povijesti, ali i na pojedince koji su ostavili trag u glagoljaškoj tradiciji. Glavninu posla - od ideje do realizacije - odradio je, pogađate, Svetko Ušalj. The Park of the Glagolitic Alphabet (Park Glagoljice) in Gabonjin, opened in 2010, is part of the further efforts made by the citizens to ensure that the Glagolitic alphabet and the time from which it dates are preserved and promoted at the same time. The sixteen stone tablets making up the Park of the Glagolitic Alphabet are the reminders of the important moments from the local and national history as well as of the individuals that left their traces in the Glagolitic tradition. The main part of the job, from the concept to the execution, was carried out by, you guess, Svetko Ušalj. Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland Gromače or drywalls are one of the distinct features of the island of Krk. The largest example of this type of folk architecture on the island is the so-called ‘Vela gromača’. It is located close to Kras, on the highest summit of Dobrinj Region, known as Kuševica (311 asl). The locals call this part of the Dobrinj Region Sveti Juraj (Saint George). The remnants of a Romanic chapel dedicated to the victorious saint in the fight against a dragon, Saint George, is also found in the vicinity of Vela gromača. It dates from 1230. PARK GLAGOLJICE PARK OF THE GLAGOLITIC ALPHABET N 45 06.849 E 14 33.710 G Gromače ili suhozidi jedna su od specifičnosti otoka Krka. Najveći otočni primjer tog oblika pučke arhitekture je tzv. „Vela gromača“. Nalazi se nedaleko od Krasa, na najvišem vrhu Općine Dobrinj, vrhu zvanom Kuševica (311 metara nadmorske visine). Kod lokalnog se stanovništva za ovaj dio Dobrinjskog udomaćio naziv „Sveti Juraj“ pa se u blizini Vele gromače nalaze i ostaci romaničke crkvice iz 1230. godine, posvećene svecu pobjedniku u borbi sa zmajem - svetome Jurju. 26 18 27 19 PUT GLAGOLJAŠA THE TRAIL OF THE GLAGOLITIC WRITERS 20 N 45 06.497 E 14 33.784 S T U Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland The Glagolitic alphabet is one of the trademarks of the Dobrinj Region. This ancient alphabet of our ancestors has been saved from oblivion thanks to the enthusiasts bringing a touch of the past into the modern time. Svetko Ušalj from Gabonjin is definitely one of the lovers of the Glagolitic world. He has transliterated numerous documents written in the Glagolitic alphabet and copied the Glagolitic letters from the pergamena parchment onto the stone. It was his idea to open the trail of the glagolitic writers in Gabonjin in 2001 which encompasses the complete Glagolitic alphabet, i.e. 37 Glagolitic letters. They were carved in stone by Mr. Svetko and installed at their permanently designated places through the concerted efforts of the citizens. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Sve do „let od Hristova rojstva 1100“ pastirsko naselje, kilometar udaljeno od Dobrinja, bilo je bezimeno. Zahvaljujujući „slavnome Dragoslavu“ (ma tko god on bio), bezimeno naselje dobiva crkvicu, prema njezinom patronu dobiva i ime, a kapitul (župa) Dobrinj biva nadarena materijalnim dobrima. Sve je to kurzivnom glagoljicom zapisano u „Listini slavnog Dragoslava“, jednom od najstarijih i najvažnijih dokumenata starohrvatske diplomatike. Nedaleko crkvice svetog Vida i 14-metarskog zvonika, nalaze se ostaci kamenih pastirskih kućica, derutni drveni vidikovac i nedavno obnovljen križ, koji više od dva stoljeća svjedoči ispunjenom zavjetu anonimnog vojnika. Until ‘the year 1100 after the birth of Christ’ (‘let od Hristova rojstva 1100’), the pastoral village located one kilometre from Dobrinj was nameless. Thanks to the ‘famous Dobroslav’ (whoever he might be), this nameless village got a church and was named after its patron, while the Dobrinj Parish (‘kapitul’) got the material goods. All this is written in italic letters in Listina slavnog Dobroslava, one of the oldest and most important old-Croatian diplomatic documents. Not far from the Chapel of Saint Vitus (Crkvica Svetog Vida) and a 14 metre high bell-tower, there are remnants of old stone pastoral dwellings, a ruinous belvedere and a recently renovated cross which has been bearing witness to a solemn promise kept by an anonymous soldier for more than two centuries now. Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland 28 N 45 07.551 E 14 36.808 G Glagoljica je jedan od zaštitnih znakova Dobrinjskoga. To drevno pismo naših predaka zaboravu je otrgnuto zahvaljujući entuzijastima, koji u suvremeno doba unose dašak prošlosti. Jedan od zaljubljenika u glagoljski svijet je i Svetko Ušalj iz Gabonjina; transliterirao je brojne glagoljske dokumente, a potom je glagoljska slova s pergamene prenio na kamen. Na njegovu zamisao, u Gabonjinu je 2001. godine nastao Put glagoljaša koji obuhvaća kompletnu glagoljsku azbuku, odnosno 37 glagoljskih slova. Iz kamena ih je isklesao gospodin Svetko, a na njihovo trajno mjesto zajedničkim su ih snagama postavili složni mještani. CRKVA SV. VIDA CHURCH OF SAINT VITUS 29 21 OSTACI CRKVE SVIH SVETIH REMNANTS OF THE CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS 22 N 45 09.198 E 14 34.764 V T A Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland The Frankopan family legacy encompasses the village of Sužan as well. It is located close to the Soline Cove (Uvala Soline) which you can see from the viewing post located next to the Church of All Saints (Crkva Svih svetih) dating from 1514. The ruins of the church have been preserved in the memory of several centuries of service next to the village cemetery, and its role was assumed in 1927 by the Church of the Our Lady of Health (Crkva Majke Božje od Zdravlja) built in the centre of Sužan. The remnants of the oldest chapel in the region, the Chapel of Saint John (Crkvica Svetog Ivana) dating from the 15th century (that Sužan was named after) are found in a small forest not far from Sužan. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Velika žena svete uspomene, Flavia Julija Helena, u nas je poznatija kao sveta Jelena Križarica. Predaja kaže da je sudjelovala u pronalasku križa na kojem je Isus raspet i umro. Od crkvice posvećene svetoj Jeleni (vjerojatno iz 16. stoljeća) na Dobrinjskom je ostala također samo predaja, kao i toponim „Pod svetu Jelenu“, nedaleko Uvale Soline. A great woman of holy memory, Flavia Julija Helena, is better known here as Saint Jelena Križarica. The legend says that she participated in the search of the cross on which Jesus was crucified and died. Nothing has been preserved of the chapel dedicated to Saint Helen (dating probably from the 16th century) that used to stand in the Dobrinj Region but the legend and a toponym ‘Pod svetu Jelenu’ located close to the Soline Cove (Uvala Soline). Znamenitosti unutrašnjosti / Sights of the hinterland 30 N 45 08.374 E 14 35.362 F Frankopanska je nadarbina i selo Sužan, nedaleko uvale Soline, koju možete vidjeti s vidikovca uz crkvu Svih svetih iz 1514. godine. Kao spomen na višestoljetna bogoslužja od crkvice uz seosko groblje ostale su ruševine, a njezinu je ulogu 1927. preuzela crkva Majke Božje od Zdravlja u središtu Sužana. Ostatke najstarije ovdašnje crkvice svetog Ivana iz 15. stoljeća (po kojoj je Sužan dobio ime), krije šumarak nedaleko Sužana. OSTACI CRKVE SV. HELENE REMNANTS OF THE CHURCH OF SAINT HELEN 31 ZNAMENITOSTI U DOBRINJU Vjekovno, administrativno, političko i crkveno središte Dobrinjskoga, jedno od ishodišta hrvatske pismenosti i kulture, gradić „vosrid otoka, u koji se ne more neg’priko potoka“; gradić kojeg domaće stanovništvo oduvijek zove imenom „Grad“... IZDVOJENO Današnjica još uvijek nema odgovor na pitanje kako se drvena nadstrešnica ispred dobrinjske crkve svetog Stjepana ovdje našla u tom obliku i pod tim neobičnim imenom - cergan. THE SIGHTS OF DOBRINJ A centuries-old administrative, political and religious centre of the Dobrinj Region, one of the cradles of Croatian literacy and culture, a town in the centre of an island which cannot be approached unless crossing a stream, a town called ‘Grad’ by the locals since the ancient times. 23 TRADICIONALNE MJERE TRADITIONAL MEASURES N 45 07.838 E 14 36.197 HIGHLIGHTS Modern times still do not have an answer to the question: how it happened that the wooden porch in front of the Dobrinj Church of Saint Stephen was built there in that particular shape and bearing that unusual name, cergan. VIŠE NA STR. 36 MORE AT PAGE 36 S “S Place do „Jardina“ put vodi kamenim stubama. Uz njih ćete zasigurno uočiti dva „otvora“ i kamenu figuru koja će vas asocirati na konja. U pravu ste – riječ je o konjskoj glavi, koja zapravo predstavlja konzolu, nosač/potporanj, dijelove zgrada. Ne znamo čiji je balkon ili „balaturu“ krasila ova konjska glava, no, zahvaljujući usmenoj predaji, sa sigurnošću znamo da je tijekom Venecijanske uprave služila kao mjera za dužinu („lakat“, odnosno 63,5 cm). Dva „otvora“ , kako smo ih nazvali, zapravo su tradicijske mjere za žito i ulje, čime se prije, tijekom i nakon vlasti Mlečana, plaćalo porez. Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj S 32 Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj Stone steps lead from Placa to Jardin. Next to the steps, you will surely notice two ‘openings’ and a stone figure that will remind you of a horse. And you are right. It is a horse’s head that is in fact a bearing support for the parts of the building. We do not know whose balcony or ‘balatura’ was decorated by this horse’s head, but the oral legend says that, during the Venetian administration, it used to serve as a measure of length (‘lakat’ or 63.5 cm). The two ‘openings’, as we have previously called them, are in fact traditional measures of wheat and oil, which were used to pay taxes during and after the Venetian administration. 33 24 MASKERON MASKERON 25 N 45 07.830 E 14 36.225 K Kameno jato vrabaca („pinkuzića“) koje vas vodi do Jardina novijeg je datuma, za razliku od Maskerona (kamene muške glave), koji se nalazi na suprotnoj strani Place. Nastao je 1738. godine iz ruku i dlijeta anonimnog umjetnika. Do danas nitko nije ni približno ušao u trag ni umjetniku niti njegovoj inspiraciji… T The stone flock of sparrows (locally known as ‘pinkuzići’), which will take you to Jardin, is of a more recent date compared to Maskeron (a man’s head made of stone) found on the opposite side of Placa. It was created in 1738 by the hands and chisel of an anonymous artist. Until today, no one has come even close to finding out who the artist was or what inspired him to create this work. N 45 07.845 E 14 36.186 P Prema legendi, prilikom gradnje dobrinjskog zvonika, zli jezici buduću su građevinu urekli, predodredivši joj neprekidno urušavanje. Dva udara groma, sravnjivanje sa zemljom u 2. svjetskom ratu te jedna uskočka najezda, opravdali su istinitost predaje o zloj kobi zvonika. Osim tajanstvenosti, gotovo mističnosti, za dobrinjski je zvonik specifično da se ne nalazi uz župnu crkvu,, niti se prostire na jednom „terenu“. Jednim svojim dijelom stoji na ulazu na Zemjinu, odnosno vidikovac, a drugim u dobrinjskom parku, oduvijek znanom kao „Jardin“. Nakon panoramskog pogleda sa Zemjine, prošetajte „Jardinom“ u kojem su početkom 20. stoljeća šetali veliki hrvatski književnik Vladimir Nazor i divna, zlosretna Vrbenčanka, Marija Parčić… T Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj The legend says that when the Dobrinj tower was built, evil tongues put a curse on the future building, saying that it was predestined to be under constant threat of caving in. It was struck by lightning twice, entirely demolished in the Second World War and attacked by the Uskoks once. This proves that the curse put on the bell-tower was active. In addition to being mysterious, almost mystical, the bell-tower of Dobrinj is specific in that it is not located next to the parish church and in that ‘it does not stretch on one terrain only’ (‘niti se prostire na jednom terenu’). One part of it stands at the entrance to Zemjina, a viewing spot, and the other in the park of Dobrinj forever known as Jardin. After enjoying a panoramic view from Zemjina, take a walk along Jardin where Vladimir Nazor, a great Croatian literary writer, and the wonderful, unfortunate woman of Vrbnik, Marija Parčić, used to stroll at the beginning of the 20th century. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj 34 ZVONIK BELL-TOWER 35 26 CRKVA SV. STJEPANA I CERGAN CHURCH OF ST STEPHEN AND ‘CERGAN’ 27 N 45 07.866 E 14 36.199 N M H Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj Modern times still do not have an answer to the question: how it happened that the wooden porch in front of the Dobrinj Church of Saint Stephen (Crkva Svetog Stjepana) was built there in that particular shape and bearing that unusual name, cergan. A word possibly from the Turkish or some other language remains an enigma associated to this, yet another in the series of Dobrinj attractions. The three-nave (originally one-nave) Dobrinj Parish Church mentioned already in 1100 is characterised by a combination of the Baroque and Late Gothic styles. Its altar painting called the Coronation of Mary (Krunjenje Majke Božje) was proclaimed a cultural monument. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Njegovo je ime Ivo Sučić. Uspio je spojiti svoje dvije velike ljubavi – novinarstvo i poučavanje. Snalažljivošću je pridobio Charlesa Lindberga za intervju, a znanjem je pokrenuo Školu stranih jezika u Zagrebu. Treća velika ljubav bila mu je Dobrinj, kojemu je ostavio svoju rodnu kuću. Dobrinjci su, prikupivši raznorazne predmete diljem otoka Krka, Sučićevu kuću pretvorili u jednu od najvećih etno zbirki u Hrvatskoj - u zbirku koja vraća prošlost, oplemenjuje sadašnjost i upozorava za budućnost. His name is Ivo Sučić. He managed to combine his two great loves, i.e. journalism and teaching. He was so dexterous that he even managed to get an interview with Charles Lindberg, while his knowledge helped him start a Language School in Zagreb. His third great love was Dobrinj, a town to which he bequeathed his birth house. By collecting various objects from across the island of Krk, the people of Dobrinj turned Sučić’s house into one of the largest ethnographic collections in Croatia, into a collection that takes one back into the past, enriches the present and warns of the future. Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj 36 N 45 07.815 E 14 36.231 D Današnjica još uvijek nema odgovor na pitanje kako se drvena nadstrešnica ispred dobrinjske crkve svetog Stjepana ovdje našla u tom obliku i pod tim, neobičnim imenom - cergan. Turcizam ili iz nekog drugog jezika, ostaje enigma za ovu, još jednu u nizu atrakcija Dobrinjskoga. Kombinacija baroka i kasne gotike krase trobrodnu (izvorno jednobrodnu) dobrinjsku župnu crkvu, koja se spominje još 1100., a čija je oltarna pala („Krunjenje Majke Božje”) proglašena spomenikom kulture. ETNOGRAFSKI MUZEJ ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSEUM 37 28 ETNOGRAFSKA ZBIRKA ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTION 29 N 45 07.859 E 14 36.206 K Kroz minula stoljeća u Dobrinju je postojalo čak sedam crkvi ili kapelica. Na mjestu jedne od njih, crkve svetog Lovre, danas se nalazi etnografska zbirka u vlasništvu obitelji Barbalić. S koljena na koljeno, s oca na sina, s djeda na unuka prenose se opipljivi dokazi nekadašnjeg života Dobrinja i Dobrinjskoga, ali i priče o pojedincima koji su zadužili dobrinjski kraj. Vrijedi pogledati! I upamtiti! 38 As many as seven churches or chapels existed in the Dobrinj Region in the past centuries. The Ethnographic Collection owned by the Barbalić family is found today at the site of one of them, namely the Church of Saint Laurel (Crkva Svetog Lovre). The tangible evidence of the former life of Dobrinj and the Dobrinj Region together with the stories about the individuals who gave their contributions to the Dobrinj Region have been passed on from one generation to another, from the father onto the son, from the grandfather onto the grandchild. Worth seeing and remembering! Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 07.828 E 14 36.201 T Tko/što povezuje Dobrinj i London? Odgovor: glasoviti umjetnik Paolo Veneziano. Njegov antependij (predoltarje)“Krunjenje Djevice Marije“ iz 14. stoljeća, neprocjenjivo djelo proglašeno spomenikom kulture, najznačajniji je eksponat sakralne zbirke, koja se nalazi u sklopu župnog stana. Identičan antependij istog umjetnika nalazi se u londonskom muzeju „Victoria and Albert“. Osim antependija (koji je pukom slučajnošću pronađen kao otirač u jednoj obiteljskoj kući), dobrinjska sakralna zbirka čuva stare glagoljske zapise, relikvijar svete Uršule, te kao kuriozitet - procesijska raspela na kojima se s jedne strane nalazi razapeti Isus, a s druge njegova majka Marija! W Who/what connects Dobrinj and London? The answer is: Paolo Veneziano, a famous artist. His antependium called the Coronation of Mary (Krunjenje Djevice Marije) dating from the 14th century is a priceless work of art proclaimed a cultural monument and the most significant exhibit of the religious collection housed within the Parish Building. An identical antependium designed by the same artist is found in London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. In addition to the antependium (which was found by coincidence as a doormat in a family home), the Dobrinj Religious Collection also preserves old scripts written in the Glagolitic alphabet, the reliquary of Saint Ursula (Sveta Uršula) and procession crucifixion crosses presenting crucified Jesus on one side and his mother Mary on the other as collection curiosities! Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj A SAKRALNI MUZEJ RELIGIOUS MUSEUM 39 30 GALERIJA “INFELD” INFELD GALLERY 31 N 45 07.818 E 14 36.217 J 40 A At the beginning of the 20th century, one of the main Dobrinj attractions was the house of sailor Franjo Vušković. From the outside, it attracted attention with the style of construction and the colourfulness of the façade, while from the inside one could hear the sounds which intensified the general impression. Those were the mixed sounds of the gramophone music and the song of a parrot that Franjo Vušković brought from one of his journeys. Ninety years later, one of the greatest world art collectors restored the house’s original exterior and expanded its interior to more than 400 sq m. Thanks to now deceased Peter Infeld, the so-called ‘Lady of Dobrinj’ (‘dobrinjska dama’) attracts with its beauty once again, alluring an increasing number of visitors. Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr N 45 07.719 E 14 36.238 V Veća, manja, zaklonjena šipražjem ili još uvijek pristupačna, gumna, suhozidne građevine, dokazi su da nije uzalud rečeno kako su naši preci svaki komadić kruha plaćali bar jednim žuljem na rukama. Na gumnima se vršilo žito, a prije početka „rada“, volovima se na njušku stavljalo brnjice, tj. „jarom“ – svako je zrno vrijedilo, na svako se zrno pazilo. Prisjetite se tih muka kad naiđete na gumno… L Large, small, covered in bushes or still accessible threshing floors, drywall structures locally known as gumna, are proof enough that it was not said in vain that our ancestors paid each piece of bread with at least one blister on their hands. Gumna were used to thresh grain. Before starting to thresh, the oxen (‘jarom’) were muzzled. Each grain was precious, each one counted. Think of that hard work when you come across a gumno. Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj Znamenitosti Dobrinja / Sights of Dobrinj Jedna od glavnih dobrinjskih atrakcija početkom 20. stoljeća bila je kuća moreplovca Franje Vuškovića. Izvana je privlačila pažnju stilom gradnje i šarenilom fasade, a iznutra su pak dopirali zvuci koji su opći dojam samo pojačavali; bili su to pomiješani zvuci glazbe s gramofona i pjesme papagaja, kojeg je Franjo Vušković donio s jednog putovanja. Devedeset godina kasnije, jedan od najvećih svjetskih kolekcionara umjetnina vratio je kući izvorni eksterijer, a njezin interijer proširio na više od 400 m2. Zahvaljujući, sada već pokojnom, Peteru Infeldu „ dobrinjska dama“ iznova plijeni ljepotom te privlači sve veći broj posjetitelja. GUMNA GUMNA 41 VIDIKOVAC DOBRINJ VIEWPOINT IN DOBRINJ VIDIKOVAC GABONJIN VIEWPOINT IN GABONJIN VIDIKOVAC SUŽAN VIEWPOINT IN SUŽAN N 45 06.424 E 14 33.818 N 45 07.854 E 14 36.171 P Pješačke i biciklističke staze Dobrinjskoga (njih preko pedeset kilometara) nedavno su upotpunjene zanimljivim i korisnim detaljima. U pogledu na otočni krajobraz, ali i šire, odsad mogu uživati pješaci, biciklisti, domaći i gosti. Zahvaljujući potpori Hrvatske turističke zajednice, tri su vidikovca na Dobrinjskom uređena i upotpunjena teleskopima. Jedan od njih nalazi se u samom mjestu Dobrinj, na „Zemjini“, nasuprot zvonika. Pogled sa “Zemjine” seže do Melina, Čižića, Sužana, ali i šire - od Jadranova, Rijeke, Opatije, sve do obronaka Učke. 42 Istim je detaljima (betonskim klupicama, držačima za bicikle i sl.) upotpunjen i treći vidikovac na Dobrinjskom – vidikovac na brdu Sveti Petar u Gabonjinu. Do njega ćete doći putevima prošlosti; doslovce rečeno, jer do 252 metra visine koji vas dijele do ovog vidikovca, doći ćete Putem glagoljice! Više informacija/ More informations at: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr T The hiking and bicycle routes of the Dobrinj Region (over 50 kilometers of them) have recently been completed to include certain interesting and useful amenities. Hikers, bicyclists, local people and visitors can now enjoy the view of the island landscape, and wider. Thanks to the support received from the Croatian National Tourist Board, the Dobrinj Region now has three viewing spots that are maintained and equipped with telescopes. One of them is in the centre of Dobrinj, i.e. the Zemjina viewing spot overlooking the bell-tower. The view from Zemjina stretches all the way to Meline, Čižići, Sužan and even wider, from Jadranovo, Rijeka and Opatija all the way to the slopes of the Učka Mountain. The viewing location in Sužan, not far from the remnants of the Church of All Saints (Crkva Svih svetih) offers a palm-of-the hand view (‘pogled na dlanu’) of Meline and Klimno and, thanks to the accompanying amenities, it also serves as a resting place for bicyclists and hikers. The third viewing spot in the Dobrinj Region, the one on the Hill of Saint Peter (Sveti Petar) in Gabonjin, is equipped with the same amenities (concrete benches, bicycle racks, and similar). You will reach it following, literally speaking, the traces of the past, since in order to climb to the height of 252 m asl, where this viewing spot is located, you must pass the Trail of the Glagolitic Alphabet! Vidikovci / Viewpoints Vidikovci / Viewpoints Vidikovac na Sužanu, nedaleko ostataka crkvice Svih svetih, pruža „pogled na dlanu“ na Meline i Klimno, a zahvaljujući popratnim sadržajima, služi kao odmorište za bicikliste i pješake. N 45 09.236 E 14 34.778 43 TZO Dobrinj, 51515 Šilo, Stara cesta bb, HR Tel./Fax: +385 51 852 107, E-mail: [email protected], Web: www.tzo-dobrinj.hr Nakladnik: TZO Dobrinj, 2012. , tekst i lektura: Gordana Gržetić, prof., fotografije & design: U.O. Domino, Klimno
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