63 AUTUMN 2012 BULLETIN OF JEWISH SOCIETY “THE FRIENDS OF LA BENEVOLENCIJA” BILTEN JEVREJSKE ZAJEDNICE “PRIJATELJI LA BENEVOLENCIJE” FOR THE END OF 2012 ZA KRAJ 2012 Evo nas na kraju 20-te godine od dolaska u Veliku Britaniju. Nismo došli iz hira, izmakli smo se pogubnom ratu, ali smo, donekle, napravili svoj izbor. Odlučili smo se da nam je Velika Britanija druga domovina. Pri tome, treba reći, država Bosna i Hercegovina, odlukama Ustavnog Suda, nije odrekla pravo dvojnog državljanstva, pa oni koji su to htjeli, slobodno uživaju to pravo. Tu smo, znači, dvadeset godina. Svojom voljom a dobrotom ove države. Smjestili smo se, pomirili sa činjenicom da je naš život drastično promijenjen, nastanili se, prilagodili i krenuli dalje. Svojom voljom, odlučili smo da nam je dobro i potrebno da se držimo zajedno. Svojom voljom smo se dogovorili da hoćemo da sačuvamo i gajimo, što je moguće više, zajednički jezik, običaje, kulturnu baštinu i sve ono što nas čini onim što jesmo, istovremeno pokušavajući da sve to uskladimo sa novom stvarnošću. Ne smijemo nikada zaboraviti, i ovo spada u sferu špekulacije, kako bi izgledali naši životi da nije bilo ovdašnje jevrejske podrške; drugačiji, teži i gori – svakako. CBF kroz JRC, Jewish Care i drugi su nas ponukali da se organizujemo. Njima je to bilo pogodno za pružanje tako velikodušne i bitne pomoći, a nama potrebno i zbog međusobne podrške. Izgleda da smo nesvjesno stvorili model rada koji se pokazao plodonosnim. Mislimo da smo ovako doprinijeli svom izrastanju i da smo u cijelosti doprinijeli kompleksnosti britanskog društva. Oni mlađi su krenuli ka ispunjenju ambicija, a stariji su sa stoicizmom primili ruku sudbine i nastojali da ostanu na površini. No pravu nadu i vjeru u bolje nam je pružila naša nova generacija. Oni će biti nošeni nekim novim vjetrovima, voditi se novim spoznajama i biti nove bitke. Nadati se da su ostavili iza sebe mračni period svoje rane mladosti i sazrijevanja i da će to biti podloga građenja snažnijih, zrelijih ličnosti. Eto smo i dalje na okupu, pod zaštitom naših jevrejskih domaćina, i mislimo tako još dugo. Nismo zaboravili, i stalno se podsjećamo ko smo, a sve se ljepše snalazimo u novim vodama u kojim hiljadama godina pliva i razvija se britanska slojevita nacija. Našla se i za nas niša. Branko Danon Here we are at the end of the 20th year since our arrival in United Kingdom. It was not our whim to come here; we did it in order to escape the terrifying war, but to some extent it was also our choice. We decided that United Kingdom will be our second homeland. It should be mentioned, though, that based on the decisions passed by the Constitutional Court, Bosnia and Herzegovina has not denied the right to dual citizenship; accordingly all those who wished so enjoy this privilege. Thus, it is twenty years now that we have lived here; of our own accord and by generosity of this country. We settled down, accepted the fact that our lives have drastically changed; we adapted and set off to our new lives. Of our own accord we came to the decision that it would be good and necessary to stick together. Of our own accord we agreed that we want to keep and cherish as much as possible the language, customs, cultural heritage that we all share and anything else that makes us what we are, aiming at the same time to reconcile it with the new reality. We should always bear in mind, and this is only a hypothetical speculation, what our lives might have been were it not for the local Jewish community – they would be different, more difficult and worse. CBF (through JRC), Jewish Care and others helped us to organize ourselves as a group. It was convenient for them to provide for us such a substantial and essential help and necessary to us for reciprocal support. It seems that unintentionally we have created a model of operation that proved to be fruitful. We think that in this way we have contributed to our maturity and also to the overall complexity of the British society. The little ones started their way fulfilling their own ambitions; the older ones accepted stoically the hand of destiny and strived to remain afloat. Nevertheless, the real hope and belief in something better came to us from our new generation. They will be carried by new winds, governed by new perceptions and they will fight new battles. One should only hope that they have left behind the dark period of their early youth and growing up and that this might be the foundation on which to build stronger and more mature personalities. Here we are still together, under the patronage of our Jewish hosts and it is our intention to remain so for a long time to come. Permanently reminding ourselves we have not forgotten who we are but ever more easily we find our ways in the waters in which the British layered society swims and develops.. We found a niche for ourselves. Branko Danon JANET COHEN 1. WJR i JRC koji je djelovao u njegovom okviru osnovani su da pomognu jevrejskim izbjeglicama početkom 30-tih godina prošlog vijeka da se nasele u Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo nakon što su nacionalsocijalisti zgrabili vlast u Njemačkoj i nakon što je postalo jasno kakvu je to opasnost predstavljalo za Jevreje. Iskustvo koje je tada stečeno pomoglo da se kod narednih kriza reaguje na dobro organizovan način? Da li biste opisali okolnostima pod kojima ste se vi uključili u rad WJR/JRC? Šta je to što je pokretalo aktivnosti JRC? Jewish Refugees Committee (Komisija za jevrejske izbjeglice) je osnovana unutar CBF-a sredinom 30-tih godina sa namjerom da se pomogne Jevrejima koji su dolazili iz nacističke Njemačke u UK. Prvi među tim izbjeglicama bio je ljekar mog oca u Harrogate-u. Došao je sa ženom 1933. godine. Bio je rođak Otto Schiffa, bankara i jednog od osnivača CBF-a. Elaine Blond sestra Simona Marksa (osnivača M & S) bila je prvi predsjednik JRC, a Lola de Hahn, sestra Kurta Hahna, je bila član Komisije. Na tom mjestu ju je naslijedila kćerka Dame Simone Prendergast, ali nisam sigurna kada. Dame Simone i Joan Stiebel su blisko sarađivale (Joan je bila sekretarica Otto Schiff-a i obavljala je sve tekuće poslove u CBF; voljeli su je svi oni koji su je poznavali). Pomagale su „momcima“ da dođu ovamo iz Logora nakon Rata. Bavile su se i velikim brojem iranskih izbjeglica koji su dolazili u London na putu za Sjedinjene Države, pa im je bio potreban smještaj i sređivanje papira prije odlaska za Ameriku. Ne- kolicina ih je ostala u UK. Bilo je i nešto Jevreja iz Egipta i drugih arapskih zemalja. Nekako u to vrijeme i ja sam se priključila JRC kao član Komisije pod izvanrednim vodstvom Joan, Simon i ostalih članova Komisije. To je bila Komisija koja je radila na pojedinačnim slučajevima i malo se bavila socijalnim radom, Jewish Care se kasnije počeo baviti tom stranom našeg posla. Veoma smo bili okupirani radom sa izbjeglicama iz Njemačke i ostalih zemalja iz kojih su uspjevali da dodju, među njima i iz SSSR. U Komisiji smo se navikli da se bavimo veoma različitim ljudima koji su pristizali sa različitim pričama i sa malo sredstava da se izdržavaju. Kada su Bosanci počeli da dolaze 1992. godine i prije toga, već smo imali neka pravila koja smo sami morali da postavimo. Svako je dobio džeparac za kupovanje karata za prevoz i pokrivanje svakodnevnih troškova. Već je bio obezbjeđen neki smještaj kao i hrana i tako je naše partnerstvo sa Jewish Care bivalo sve čvršće. Kod svih vas pojavio se još i problem toplog kaputa! Trebalo je srediti vaše papire, posao koji je zahtjevao mnogo vremena. Zapošljavanje advokata u CBF pomoglo nam je da se to obavi. Sem toga vi ste i etnički i religiozno mješana grupa, mada je bar po jedan član u svakoj porodici Jevrej. Sem tog problema imali smo teškoće i sa tim što je samo mali broj govorio više od nekoliko riječi engleskog. Trebalo je što je moguće brže, bilo gdje organizovati časove engleskog. Sad bar svi razumijete ponešto engleskog! Onda je priskočila Judith Hassan i Holocaust Survivors Centre. To i sva pomoć od Jewish Care -a značili su početak Bosanskog Kluba. Judith i ja smo blisko sarađivale, a Branko je otišao da radi u Centar i pomaže Judith da nastavi sa vašim uvođenjem u novi život u UK. JRC je i dalje pomagao novcem, smještajem itd. Svi smo zajedno radili kao tim. Nakon vašeg dolaska morali smo pomagati iračkim Jevrejima da izađu iz zemlje. JRC je za CBF organizovao avion kojim su pobjegli za Izrael. Iz našeg stana u Tel Avivu u kome sam boravila sa jednim pravnikom iz HIAS-a organizovala sam taj cio poduhvat. Sem toga trebalo je smjestiti Jevreje iz Iraka koji su došli da se priključe svojim porodicama i mnoge probleme sa papirima. Bilo je i drugih porodica koje su pristizale prije nego što se situacija u EZ potpuno sredila. 2. WJR je odlučio 2006. Godine da prestane sa aktivnostima u JRC pa je ta Komisija zvanično zatvorena ceremonijom u Gornjem Domu. Vi ste godinama bili na čelu aktivnosti koje je obavljao JRC. Šta je to za vas značilo? Kada je stigla 2006, SSSR je prestao da postoji pošto komunizam nije uspio, tako da su ljudi mogli da nam dođu iz bilo koje zemlje EZ bez da budu izbjeglice. Sem toga tu je i Država Izrael gdje je svaki Jevrejin dobro došao pa su mnogi iz Rusije i bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza kao i iz Etiopije otišli za Izael. Nije više bilo potrebe za radom JRC pa smo tako prestali sa radom. Svi smo bili tužni, ali nam je bilo i drago zato što više nismo bili potrebni. AJR je preuzeo sve naše klijente iz prošlog rata i do danas im pomaže. 3. Imate veliko iskustvo koje se akumulisalo tokom vašeg dugog i uspješnog rada u JRC i kada se sada osvrnete na to da li biste nešto uradili drugačije? Ne bih promjenila ništa, nikad nismo mogli da objavimo šta smo radili pošto bi to moglo da ugrozi živote ljudi, pa je zato na ovoj 20-toj godišnjici po prvi put moguće javno iznjeti kako su Bosanci došli u London. 4. Na dan 15 novembra 2012 označili smo 20-to godišnjicu dolaska bosanskih jevrejskih izbjeglica u UK. To je bilo istovremeno i radosno i nostalgično veče. Šta vi o tom događaju mislite? Bilo mi je drago da ponovo vidim mnoge od vas i koliko su dobrih rezultata postigli mladi od kako su došli u London. Bar svi oni mogu da govore dobar engleski koji im je omogućio da tako dobro uspiju ovdje. Bilo je dobro shvatiti kako podrška dvije dobrotvorne organizacije, naročito pomoć koju nam je svim pružila Judith Hassan, može da tako dobro funkcioniše zajedno. I za mene je to bilo veoma nostalgično veče. 5. Da li biste opisali „Bosanski projekat“ kao uspjeh? Bosanski projekat kako ga vi nazivate je uspješan, ali se nadamo da više neće biti jevrejskih izbjeglica koji bi dolazili ovamo, ali ako to ikada bude potrebno, WJR (ranije CBF) i Jewish Care bi bili tu da im pomognu. Janet Cohen Novembar 2012 JANET COHEN 1. WJR and its JRC were created to help Jewish Refugees to settle in the UK in the early 30s of the last century, after National-Socialism grabbed power in Germany and the unmasked threat it expressed against the Jews. This experience was precious for a well organised response to consequent crises? Please describe the circumstances of your involvement with WJR/ JRC. What was the driving force behind JRC’s activities? The Jewish Refugees Committee was started as part of CBF in the middle 30’s to help Jews coming to the UK from Nazi Germany. The very first Jewish refugee was my Father’s doctor in Harrogate, he and his wife arrived in 1933 and he was a cousin of Otto Schiff a Banker and one of the founders of CBF. Elaine Blond sister to Simon Marks [founder of M & S] was the first Chairman of the JRC and Lola de Hahn sister to Kurt Hahn was on the Committee. Her daughter Dame Simone Prendergast took over from her, I am not sure when this happened. Dame Simone and Joan Stiebel [Joan was the secretary to Otto Schiff and became the person who did all the day to day work at CBF and was loved by all that knew her] worked closely together. They helped the “Boy’s” to come here from the Camps after the War. They also dealt with the very large amount of Iranian Refugees that arrived in London en route for the United States and needed accommodation and their papers putting in order before they went onto the States. Several stayed in the UK. There were also a few Jews from Egypt and other Arab Lands. I joined the JRC about this time, as a Committee Member and had two very good teachers in Joan and Simone, as well as the rest of the Committee. We were a case working Committee and did very little social work and in time Jewish Care dealt with that side of our work. We of course had a very large case load of German Refugees and others arriving from where they could, including Russia and the FSU. We as a Committee became quite used to dealing with all sorts of people arriving here with different stories to tell, and very little to support themselves. When the Bosnians started to arrive in the UK in large numbers in and before 1992 we already had some rules that we had set ourselves. Everyone was given pocket money to buy bus or tube tickets and to cover every day needs. Some accommodation had already been arranged and so had the arrangement of where you were all to be fed and our partnership with Jewish Care grew. With all of you another important need was clothing, as no one had a warm coat! Your papers needed to be sorted out, a very long job and the employment in CBF of a house lawyer helped us do this. You were also of mixed ethnic backgrounds and religion, although at least one per- son in each family was Jewish, this with very few speaking more than a few words of English was also a problem for us. We had to arrange English lessons fast, wherever we could. Now at least you all understand some English! Then came the help from Judith Hassan and the Holocaust Survivors Centre and her input was the beginning of the Bosnian Club and all the help you had from her and Jewish Care. Judith and I had to work closely together and Branko went to work at the Centre helping Judith to continue to resettle you all in the UK. The JRC still helped with money, accommodation etc. We all worked as a team together. After your arrival we had to help the Jews of Iraq to leave. For CBF the JRC arranged the rescue plane to Israel. I sat in our flat in Tel Aviv with a lawyer from HIAS and arranged the whole thing. We also had Jews joining family from Iraq to resettle and many problems with paper work. We also had other families arriving before the EU completely got sorted out. 2. In 2006 WJR decided to wind down its JRC activities and it was officially closed with a ceremony in the House of Lords. You were at the front of JRC’s activities for many years. What did this fact mean to you? When 2006 arrived the FSU was finished as communism had failed and the EU was about to happen, and people could come to us from any EU country and were not Refugees. There is also the State of Israel, where any Jew is made welcome and many from Russia the former FSU and Ethiopia had arrived in Israel. There was no need of the JRC and so we closed. We were all very sad but we were all delighted we were no longer needed. The AJR took on all our War time Clients and to this day help any clients from the last War. 3. With all the experience that was accumulated during your long but satisfying involvement with JRC, in retrospective, would you have done things differently I would not change anything that we did, we could never make public what we did as people’s lives could have been put in danger, hence the 20th Anniversary was the first time any publicity was able to happen about the Bosnian’s coming to London. 4. On 15th November 2012, we marked the 20th Anniversary of the arrival of Bosnian Jewish Refugees in the UK. It was a joyous but a nostalgic evening at the same time. What are your reflections on the event. I was gratified to see so many of you again and see how many good results the young had achieved since arriving in London. At least they can all speak good English to do so well here .It was good to see how the input of two charities, especially all the help we all had from Judith Hassan, can work so well together. It was a very nostalgic evening for me. 5. Would you describe the ‘Bosnian Project’ a success? The Bosnian project as you call it has been a big success and we all hope there will be no more Jewish Refugees coming here, but if they ever have too, WJR [formerly CBF] and Jewish Care would be there to help. Janet Cohen November 2012 Ovako je sala izgledala uoči .... This is how the room looked ahead of ... Čaše su bile pune i spremne The glasses were full & ready Kada je Ivana Gavrić nadahnuto zasvirala Granadosa i Griga, skromni pianino je zazvučao kao koncertni klavir When Ivana Gavrić played Grandioso and Grieg, the upright piano sounded like a grand piano Darija je autoritativno i sa umijećem preuzela ulogu konferansijea Darija took the comparing role skillfuly and with authority James Libson, predsjedavajući WJR, je govorio o značaju ove godišnjice i za širu zajednicu, a WJR posebno Stephen Lewis, predsjedavajući J.C. Je izrazio svoje zadovoljstvo dostignućima ove male zajednice i ulogom J.C. James Libson, WJR Chairman spoke about the significance of this Anniversary for the wider comunity and WJR particular Stephen Lewis, J.C. Chairman expressed his delight with achievments of this small group and with the role of J.C. U ime “Prijatelja La Benevolencije” prisutne je pozdravio Branko Danon Branko Danon greeted the audience on behalf of “The Friends of La Benevolencija” Janet Cohen nije krila svoje oduševljenje smatrajući naš uspjeh i svojim Janet Cohen was delighted, regarding our success as her own Judith Hassan, OBE, sa zadovoljstvom je pratila program Judith Hassan OBE, enjoyed the program wholeheartedly Simon Morris, Izvršni direktor J.C. Zaokružio je lijepo veče Simon Morris, J.C’s Chief Executive wrapped up a very pleasant evening Ako je ko zaslužio cvijeće ove večeri, onda su to bili pjevači Zoran Molnar - tenor u punom zamahu. If anyone deserved flowers on the night, than it were the singers The tenor Zoran Molnar in full swing Zoran, Mia i Ćiro su svojim nastupom pokrenuli prisutne da im se pridruže Bulka, Dragan, Jadranka, Zoran, Mia i Ćiro pjevali su sa oduševljenjem. Zoran, Mia and Ćiro moved the audience to join them Bulka, Dragan, Jadranka, Zoran, Mia i Ćiro sang with entusiasm. Bulka Kamhi Danon je odrasla sa romansom ADIO QUERIDA, pa se spontano pridružila članovima hora Bulka Kamhi Danon grew up with the ladino song ADIO QUERIDA, she joined the choir spontaneously. Poseban ugođaj priredili su članovi bivšeg hora “Slobodan Princip Seljo” otpjevavši omiljene pjesme There was something special and moving when members of the former choir “Slobodan Princip Seljo” took to the stage Ne samo da dobro pjeva, on dobro i svira gitaru, a bitno je uigrao pjevače. Ljubomir Ćiro Ajvazović Not only does he sing, he also plays guitar, but was instrumental in fine tuning the singers. Ljubomir Ćiro Ajvazović Ne zna se šta je bilo privlačnije, boje ili izbor What was more atractive, the colours or the choice Veliki trud je uložen u hranu na opšte zadovoljstvo Lots of efforts in the offer to everybody’s taste Marina Čavić i naša mlada generacija je doprinijela ugođaju Sve je bilo divno aranžirano It was all arranged beautifully Nada Radosavljević i Tilda Puvačić razgledaju prigodno izdanje Nada Radosavljević i Tilda Puvačić enjoy the 20 Year’s edition Our young generation contributed to the festive feeling. Marina Čavić enjoys Avril Kleeman je bila impresionirana izdanjem godišnjaka Avril Kleeman was impressed by the 20th anniversary edition Dvadese -togodišnji registar je bio predmet opšte pažnje 20th anniversary edition drew everyone’s attention URUČIVANJE PRIZNANJA / RECOGNITIONS Judith Hassan za kontinuiranu podršku Eli Bensonu za neumoran rad na prikupljanju pomoći Eli Benson for tireless efforts to secure funding Judith Hassan for continous support Janet Cohen za vodstvo i nesebičan angažman Janet Cohen for leadership and deep interest U IME JEVREJSKE ZAJEDNICE “PRIJATELJI LA BENEVOLENCIJE” U LONDONU, VRIJEDNE REPRINT SARAJEVSKE HAGADE ZASLUŽNIM JE URUČIO PREDSJEDNIK BORIS MONTILJO ON BEHALF OF THE JEWISH SOCIETY “THE FRIENDS OF LA BENEVOLENCIJA” IN LONDON, BORIS MONTILJO - PRESIDENT, HANDED OUT VALUABLE REPRINTS OF THE FAMOUS SARAJEVO HAGGADAH TO INDIVIDUALS WHO SUPPORTED US THE MOST Za divno muziciranje i doprinos proslavi Dragan Ungar predaje cvijeće Ivani Gavrić Za njen ukupni doprinos i šarmantnu konferansu Darija Stojnić je zaslužila lijep buket Za uporan i marljiv rad za dobrobit Zajednice, doajen Paula Ristić uručuje reprint sarajevske hagade Branku Danonu Dragan Ungar hands out the flowers to Ivana Gavrić for her outstanding performanceon the piano Darija Stojnić deservedly received the flowers for her entire contribution and charming comparing Doayen Paula Ristić hands out the reprint of Sarajevo Haggadah to Branko Danon for permanent and stuborn work for the benefit of the society NEKI OD NAŠIH GOSTIJU / SOME OF OUR GUESTS Naši gosti iz B’nei Brith-a Rosalind Josephs i Diana Weston u prijateljskom ćaskanju Inge i Mirko Ovadia sa svojom prijateljicom Janet Cohen Our guests from B’nei Brith Rosalind Josephs i Diana Weston chatting Inge and Mirko Ovadia with their friend Janet Cohen Ivan Svoboda, prijatelj Zajednice i Boris Montiljo Friend of our Society Ivan Svoboda talks to Boris Montiljo Janet Cohen, Paul Anticoni i Simon Morris u živom razgovoru Janet Cohen, Paul Anticoni (WJR) and Simon Morris (JC) in lively discussion Zoran i Sida Pajić u društvu sa Dževadom Tasićem Zoran and Sida Pajić in the company of Dževad Tasić Dragan Ungar zabavlja Sabinu Miller, članicu Centra za preživjele holokausta (HSC) Dragan Ungar entertains Sabina Miller, member of the HSC Photo by Boriša Ristić ZAHVALNOST ZA UČEŠĆE I ORGANIZACIJU THANKS FOR ORGANISATION AND PARTICIPATION GO TO Melanie Gotlieb, Ann Sugarman i Rachel Lazarus, osoblje HSC, njima dugujemo posebnu zahvalnost Special thanks go to Melanie Gotlieb, Ann Sugarman and Rachel Lazarus, HSC members of stuff Aviva Trup, menadžer HSC/ Shalvate bila je bitna za uspjeh večeri Darija Stojnić za ideje i uspješno vođenje večeri; Boris Montiljo jer je predsjednik Aviva Trup, service manager of HSC/ Shalvata, was instrumental for the success of the evening Photo by Boriša Ristić Darija Stojnić for ideas and skillful comparing, Boris Montiljo because he is president Bulka Kamhi Danon; Dragan Ungar; Jadranka Smiljanić; Zoran Molnar; Mia Kordić; Ćiro Ajvazović Zahvaljujući njima, ovo veče će ostati zabilježeno Ivana Gavrić za vrhunsko sviranje Za oduševljenje i lijepo pjevanje Thanks to them, this night will be remembered Ivana Gavrić for high performance For enthusiasm and beautiful singing NAŠU ZAHVALNOST POSEBNO UPUĆUJEMO EMMI BERNSTEIN, BENJAMINU MORISSON-u I CIJELOM CAMPAIGN ODJELU JEWISH CARE OUR GREATEST “THANK YOU” GO TO EMMA BERNSTEIN, BENJAMIN MORISSON AND ENTIRE CAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT - JEWISH CARE GALERIJA PORTRETA GALLERY OF PORTRAITS SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS UVOD / FOREWORD Za kraj godine/ / Branko Danon ..................................1 For the end of year/ / Branko Danon ..................................1 INTERVJU / INTERVIEW sa Janet Cohen/ / Branko Danon ..................................2 with Janet Cohen/ / Branko Danon ..................................3 GALERIJA PORTRETA GALLERY OF PORTRAITS PROSLAVE / CELEBRATIONS 20 GODINA OD NAŠEG DOLASKA U UK/ / Veče u Amelie Housu ..................4-12 20 YEARS SINCE OUR ARRIVAL IN THE UK/ / An Evening in Amelie House .......4-12 All photographs in this edition, unless otherwise stated, by BLAKEEZRAPHOTOGRAPHY www.blakeezraphotography.com IZDAVAČ <> PUBLISHER Jevrejska Zajednica “Prijatelji La Benevolencije” London <> Jewish Society “The Friends of La Benevolencija” London ADRESA <> ADDRESS Shalvata - Jewish Care, Att Mr Branko Danon Parson Street - Corner of Church Road London NW4 1QA Email: [email protected] REDAKCIJA <> EDITORIAL BOARD Branka Danon, Branko Danon, Želimir Kučinović, Sveto Gaćinović, Vesna Domany-Hardy, Dragan Ungar TEHNIČKI UREDNIK I KOMPJUTERSKA OBRADA <> DESIGN AND COMPUTER PROCESSING Dejan Stojnić Logo: Daniel Ovadia SaLon je besplatan i izlazi tromjesečno Mišljenja u SaLonu nisu nužno i stajališta urednika ili izdavača. <> <> <> SaLon is free of charge and published quarterly The opinions expressed in SaLon are not necessarely those of the editors or the publisher Rukopisi i slike se u pravilu ne vraćaju. ® SaLon
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