20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA Dragi sportski prijatelji, Dear friends of sport, dobrodošli na 20. Grand Prix Croatia, jedan od najkvalitetnijih karate turnira u srednjoj Europi. Na dosadašnjim turnirima prikazan je vrhunski karate uz sudjelovanje velikog broja svjetskih i europskih prvaka iz 30-tak zemalja. Upravo takvu prikazanu kvalitetu karatea su prepoznali oni bez kojih sport ne može – sponzori te su se uključili u njegovu organizaciju. GP Croatia postao je turnir s najatraktivnijim nagradama za najbolje pa su već godinama glavne nagrade automobili, skuteri i atraktivna putovanja, a sve to privlači najkvalitetnije karatiste iz Hrvatske i svijeta. Jedan od aduta ovog turnira svakako je i njegov termin koji je idealan za posljednju provjeru pred Europsko kadetsko, juniorsko i mlañe seniorsko prvenstvo koje se održava u Srbiji (Novi Sad). Nadam se da će sve gore navedeno biti dovoljan razlog da i ove godine sudjelujete na 20. Grand Prix Croatia u Samoboru. Welcome to the 20th Grand Prix Croatia, organized by the Karate Club Samobor Anindol, one of the best karate tournaments in Central Europe. In the past, our tournaments presented very high quality of karate with big number of World and European Champions participating from 30 countries. This quality was recognized by numerous sponsors and they are now included in the organization of our tournament. GP Croatia has become a tournament with the most attractive awards for Champions. Already for years cars, scooters and attractive holidays on beautiful Adriatic Coast have been awarded. Of course, the date of the GP Croatia is ideal as the final preparation and checkup of the sport form for Competitors who will participate at European Championships for Cadets, Juniors and Seniors U21 in Serbia. I hope that these reasons are good enough for you to participate this year at our 20th Grand Prix Croatia in Samobor. Best regards, Sportski pozdrav Predsjednik organizacijskog odbora Darko Šimunec Organizing Committee President Darko Šimunec Tournament Director Davor Cipek Direktor turnira Davor Cipek Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA Subota, 15. siječnja 2011. Saturday, January 15, 2011 08:00 Registracija natjecatelja 08:00 Registration 09:00 BORBE Kadeti 09:00 KUMITE Cadets 11:30 BORBE Seniori U21 11:30 KUMITE Seniors U21 14:00 BORBE Juniori 14:00 KUMITE Juniors 16:30 BORBE Seniori Open 16:30 KUMITE Seniors Open 18:30 Svečano otvaranje 18:30 Opening Ceremony 18:45 Finalna natjecanja: BORBE U21muški/žene FINALE 18:45 Final Competitions: KUMITE U21 male/female FINAL match BORBE seniori OPEN za 3. mjesto FINALE 19:45 Proglašenje pobjednika KUMITE Seniors Open 3rd place match FINAL match 19:45 Victory Ceremony Sunday, January 16, 2011 Nedjelja, 16. siječnja 2011. 09:00 Registracija natjecatelja 09:00 Registration 10:00 KATA mlañe kategorije 10:00 KATA Boys and Girls 11:30 KATA kadeti, juniori i U21 11:30 KATA Cadets, Juniors and U21 13:30 pauza za ručak 13:30 Launch Break 14:30 BORBE učenici/učenice 14:30 KUMITE Boys/Girls 10-11 15:30 BORBE ml.kadeti/ml.kadetkinje 15:30 KUMITE Boys/Girls 12-13 APPROVED KATA LIST girls; boys 7,8,9 years old Heian ( Pinan ) 1 – 3 Bunkai will not be performed in finals! girls; boys 10,11 years old Heian ( Pinan ) 1 – 5 Bunkai will not be performed in finals! girls;boys 12,13 years old Heian 1 - 5 ; finals SHITEI kata Bunkai will not be performed in finals! WKF rules Cadets, Juniors, U21 Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA Entry Fee Kotizacija 120,00 kn za pojedinačnu kategoriju 17 € for Individual category 150,00 kn za ekipnu kategoriju 20 € for Team category Suci Sude suci delegirani komisije HKS-a. od Referees strane Sudačke Stranim sucima organizator pokriva troškove u visini 80 € dnevno. For foreign Referees and Judges, delegated by Croatian karate Union Referee Committee, the organizer will cover costs to the amount of 80 € per day. Prijave Entries Prijave dostaviti organizatoru najkasnije do ponedjeljka, 10. siječnja 2011. Dead line for sending the entries is Monday, January 10, 2011. Smještaj Accommodation ZA SVE INFORMACIJE I REZERVACIJE KONTAKTIRAJTE TURISTIČKU AGENCIJU „SAMOBOR RECEPTIVE” FOR ALL INFORMATIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTACT TRAVEL AGENCY „SAMOBOR RECEPTIVE” TEL: 00385/1/3366-761 FAX: 00385/1/3366-762 e-mail: [email protected] TEL: 00385/1/3366-761 FAX: 00385/1/3366-762 e-mail: [email protected] Nagrade Awards Organizator osigurava vrijedne nagrade. As usually, the organizer prepared attractive awards for winners. Information Informacije Za sve informacije kontaktirajte organizatora: For further information please contact: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 /Mr. Davor Cipek/ E-mail: [email protected] Mobitel: ++385 91 500 7851 /gosp. Davor Cipek/ Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA FOTO : GRAND PRIX 2009 and 2010 GRAND PRIX CROATIA 2009 965 competitors, 128 clubs from 19 countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy , Germany, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Czech Republic, France, FYR of Macedonia, Denmark, Greece, Belgium, Latvia and Sweden participated at Grand Prix Croatia 2009. GRAND PRIX CROATIA 2010 1044 competitors, 132 clubs from 18 countries (Croatia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy , Germany, Serbia, Montenegro, Austria, Czech Republic, Israel, FYR of Macedonia, Denmark, Nederland, Georgia, Latvia and Turkey participated at Grand Prix Croatia 2010. City Sport Hall Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851 20th GRAND PRIX CROATIA 20. GRAND PRIX CROATIA ACCOMMODATION Bed & breakfast – per person a day hostel Samobor Supplement for dinner Number of beds Tourist tax – per person a day* 110,00 kn 45,00 kn Cca 110 7,00 kn 165,00 kn 80,00 kn Cca 100 7,00 kn 175,00 kn 40,00 kn Cca 50 7,00 kn Obrtnička 34, Samobor Hostel Samobor is a cozy hostel, open year round, located in the historic center of Samobor, near the central square of King Tomislav. Facility has two floors, which are secured by three spacious bedrooms on each floor. Bedrooms, equipped with new, high-quality beds and wardrobes, are offered as 2, 4, 6 and 10 beds with associated sanitary facilities. hotel Porin 2* Sarajevska 41, Zagreb Hotel Porin is located near the highway and near the airport Pleso separated from the city noise and just minutes from the business and cultural center of Zagreb, with its own parking space. hotel Lavica 3* Livadićeva 5, Samobor Hotel Lavica is located in the heart of Samobor. All rooms are equipped with new furniture, bathrooms with SOS signs, TV, telephone with direct dialing and minibar. hotel Holiday 3* 220,00 kn 80,00 kn Cca 150 7,00 kn Ljubljanska avenija bb, Zagreb Hotel Holiday is situated at the western entrance to Zagreb, in the middle of the biggest shopping area of Zagreb. Direct highway access makes it quick and comfortable journey away from the urban crowd, while excellent connectivity with the center provides a smooth and quick arrival at the center of the city. hotel Galerija 3* 230,00 kn / Cca 20 7,00 kn 255,00 kn 65,00 kn Cca 10 7,00 kn Pogačićeva 9, Zagreb - Blato Hotel Galerija is located along a major traffic junction Zagreb - South and is due to bypass the city in its vicinity an excellent starting point for a visit any part of town. hotel Paradise 3* Štrokinec 26, Zagreb Hotel Paradise offers affordable hotel accommodation and is convenient for business people and tourists passing through Zagreb. Hotel rooms are comfortably furnished. Quality hotel accommodation in a quiet street, good transport links favors a pleasant vacation and time savings due to the possibility of avoiding traffic jams. 100 EUR = 735 kn • The tourist tax is not paid by children under the age of 12 years. People from 12 to 18 years pay the tourist tax reduced by 50%. FOR ALL INFORMATIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTACT : TRAVEL AGENCY „SAMOBOR RECEPTIVE” TEL: 00385/1/3366-761 FAX: 00385/1/3366-762 e-mail: [email protected] Karate klub Samobor Anindol www.kksa.hr Phone: ++385 91 500 7851
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