Application of Six Sigma Methodology and Use of Data in Decision -Making in the Fixed Line Planning Process Siniša Štifanić, mr. sc., LSS BB [email protected] Gordan Krčelić, dipl. ing., PMP, LSS BB [email protected] Zagreb, 25.02.2015. A Step Reduction Ahead in Customer Satisfaction Project of Waiting List 2010 Six Sigma Program page11 Program,, page Project management: Six Sigma Continuous process improvement Variation Improvement project Commitment Customer satisfaction Cost Sigma value vs # of defects in one million opportunities 6 Sigma Market share 5 Sigma Profit Cycle time Revenue 4 Sigma 3,4 Defects 233 Defects 6,210 Defects Yield 3 Sigma 2 Sigma 66,807 Defects 308,537 Defects page 2/32 Six Sigma stands for A measurement which provides the number of defects in a process Six Sigma is a CUSTOMER-DRIVEN AND SYSTEMATIC PROCEDURE with Six Sigma started within manufacturing industries, but has evolved years ago into service industries. Here it stands for delivery against customer requirements, reducing variation and thereby optimizing cost-to-serve and driving customer satisfaction. CLEAR OBJECTIVES AND RESPONSIBILITIES, A methodology (DMAIC, DFSS) and a proven set of best-in-class tools which ensures A management approach characterized by fact-based decision-making MEASURABLE RESULTS for systematic improvement and design of processes (end-to-end) as well as products. that has proved its ability & power since 1990 in many service industries like IT Services, Telecommunication and Financial Services. Voice of Customer (VoC) is the base of Six Sigma ”Give the Customer what he wants when he wants it – but profitably!” page 3/32 DMAIC Process Improvement Methodology How to systematically improve a business process? What is the problem in fulfilling customer requirements? Identify area of problem Define project contract Nominate project team Explore customer requirements DEFINE How can we make the solution CONTROL sustainable? MEASURE Roll-out Document new process Set in place monitoring Handover Process Owner IMPROVE What is the solution to the problem? Collect solution proposals Evaluate solution alternatives Select and document best solutions Execute pilot implementation How big is the problem? Document as-is state of process Plan data collection Collect data Validate data ANALYZE What is the root cause of the problem? Interpret data Analyze process Identify root causes Verify root causes page 4/32 Sense of Six Sigma Is 99% good enough? 99% good (3,8 Sigma) 99,99966% good (6 Sigma) 20 K lost articles of mail per hour Seven articles lost per hour Unsafe drinking water for almost 15 min. each day One unsafe minute every seven months 5.000 incorrect surgical operations per week 1,7 incorrect surgical operations per week Two short or long landings at most major airports each day One short or long landing every five years 200.000 wrong drug prescriptions each year 68 wrong prescriptions per year No electricity for almost seven hours each month One hour without electricity every 34 years page 5/32 Problem: Choosing the most profitable investments Where to invest? What project size? Which technology to use? Problem: Choosing the most profitable investments Which investment is more profitable? How to compare them? Lean Six Sigma projects for improvement of planning process in copper and fiber access network Background: Broadband waiting list (ADSL+ IPTV) represents dissatisfied customers as their requests for BB services couldn't be fulfilled forcing them to seek in telecom market some other BB service provider and if found it results in churn of basic service. On the other hand, WL represents lost opportunity for increased revenue for the company. Strategic goals in T-HT are revenue increase, customer loyalty, quality and efficiency. Reducing number of BB pending requests on WL is therefore tightly aligned with company’s strategic goal which is additionally emphasized with targets set in CTO area regarding WL decrease by 30% by the EOY 201x. Projects: Improve fiber optic access network planning process Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time - bound Detected problem : On there were xy BB pending requests in Croatian Telecom Inc. related to resource delivery, e.g. there is no technical ability for their fulfillment. Present CAPEX implementation access network plan covers only 6,5% of BB WL. PCM related BB WL holds xy pending requests which corresponds to 17% of total BB CAPEX WL. Project’s goal: Network related fiber optics CAPEX budget to be used in most profitable way. Improve copper access network planning process Reduce PCM related CAPEX Broad Band WL by 30% till EOY 201x. Detected problem : On there were xy BB pending requests in Croatian Telecom Inc. related to resource delivery, e.g. there is no technical ability for their fulfillment. Present CAPEX implementation access network plan covers only 6,5% Broad Band WL. Access network related BB WL (PCM excluded) holds yx pending requests which correspond to 60% of BB CAPEX WL. Project’s goal: Network related copper CAPEX budget (all necessary investment needed to increase copper access network capacity included) to be used in most profitable way. Reduce Access network related CAPEX BB WL by 30% till EOY 201x. page 8/32 D As-is process map M A I C PROCESS DOOR “Which problem causes were identified in the process flow?” Swim Line Diagram – Planning to Realization process Snimljen na radionici 16.09.2010. Sudionici radionice: Joško Alfirević; Damir Buneta; Dražen Košir; Željko Matotek; Frane Brkić; Boris Skular; Stanko Matok; Dražen Kralj; Dražen Šušnjar Analiza parametara OPEX + Potencijal Rangiranje projekata (kandidiranje) na temelju strateških KPI Određivanje implementacisjkog plana Izrada operativnog DRAFT plana realizacije Finalni plan ralizacije Zahtjev za odobrenjem svakog projekta sukladno vremenskom plau Kvartalna prednajava radova; mjesečna najava prodaji; Forecast materijala Kreiranje projektnih zadataka Unos u SAP; Narudžba za izvođenje Unos u KVAZAR, otvaranje strukture u SAP-u Kontrola kvalitete Predaja izgrađenih resursa u exploataciju Aktivacija nove imovine; Zatvaranje projekta T44 T44 Sudjeluje u izradi operativnog DRAFT plana realizacije T1 T1 Sudjeluje u izradi operativnog DRAFT plana realizacije T45 T45 T42 T42 T43 T43 Kreiranje tehničkih rješenja Strukturiranje projekata (Obuhvat + tehnologija) Otprilike na dan 01.09. Kontrola kvalitete Izrada projektne dokumentacije (teh. prostori, klima i napajanje) Odobrenje svakog projekta/entiteta sudjeluju direktori T43, T45, T4, T5, CTO Određivanje IPF-a Realizacija napajanja; klime i tehničkih prostora Kontrola kvalitete Primopredaja tehničkih prostora Kontrola kvalitete Primanje u exploataciju Buđetiranje projekta u BREEZE T3 T3 Usuglašavanje plana s obzirom na dostupne resurse za primopredaju Izrada detaljnog kvartalnog plana realizacije Izrada projektne dokumentacije Vanjski Vanjski dobavljači dobavljači T5 T5 Kreiranje tehničkih rješenja Usuglašavanje plan realizacije s obzirom na dostupne resurse Nabava Nabava Kontroling Kontroling Izrada projektne dokumentacije Izvođenje radova Izvođenje radova PRAP status u SAP-u Nabava page 9/32 D Cause and Effect diagram M A I C PROCESS DOOR “Which might be the causes of insufficient as-is process performance?” Material Measurements Ulazni podaci u proces planiranja ne ažuriraju se u Breezu; X neažurirane i neprecizne baze Ne postoji unificirana forma projektnog zadatka X Komunalni redari: zauzimanje javne površine C Realizacija CAPEX-a Projektiranje je podređeno kao cilj je važniji od drugim zahtjevima: - pražnjenje zaliha sa skladišta ROI investicije - nepostojanje suglasnosti X N - FTTA gdje se ne treba kopati Ugradnja restlova kabela zahtijeva ugradnju dodatnih spojnica što povećava vrijednost radova X Postojeća dokumentacija upitna i nakon provjere zbog uvlačenja kabela od strane drugih operatora Methods C Pronalaženje rješenja zadovoljenja zakonske regulative kroz: - intervencije X - rekonstrukcije - razradu proj. dok. mimo one koja treba zakonom Preuranjeno puštanje novih aplikacija u produkciju uvođenjem kojih je svaki puta nastupio zastoj u procesu (KVAZAR, MPC, X SUPREMA, BREEZE) Suglasnosti: - Lokalna uprava - HEP - HAC C HAKOM: nova regulativa Poslovne potrebe nisu dobro artikulirane Ne postoji BC (ROI) za svaki projekt C Nemamo rang listu projekata po ROI C Nije jasno koju topologiju mreže koristiti u kontekstu novih pravilnika X Zašto se CAPEX za CU/FO ne koristi na najprofitabilniji način? Educiranost resursa za korištenje novih aplikacija (KVAZAR, MPC, SUPREMA, BREEZE) X C Mother Nature X Machines Men X Cause that can be influenced C Constant - cannot be influenced N Noise page 10/32 D Model for calculating investment profitability in copper and fiber access network Process Input M A I C Output Planning & Strategy Services & Maintenance Sales & Marketing Project prioritization Customer potential S.1.1; S1.2; I.1.3; I.1.4* OPEX A.2.3; A3.3* CAPEX S.3.1* •Existing services upsell •Future services upsell •Income erosion prevention Model for PI** calculation in FO access network •1st level FR •2nd level FR •Maintenance •TK equipment relocation •Ducts construction •FO Access netw. constr. •Cu Access netw. constr. •Active system constr. Model for PI calculation in Cu access network PROJECT PI BUKOVAC PK_PK_007 3,45 JOSIPOVAC_PK_003 3,70 SESVETE_PK_002 4,00 DONJI ANDRIJEVCI_003 4,02 DONJI ANDRIJEVCI_PK_ 4,23 SESVETE_PK_03 5,23 PEŠĆENICA_PK_04 6,00 DUBRAVA ZAPAD PK_05 6,44 DONJI GRAD_PK_06 6,67 MARKUŠEVAC_PK_07 7,70 TROGIR_PK_08 7,80 SINJ_PK_O9 7,91 S.1.1; S1.2; I.1.3; I.1.4; A.2.3; A3.3; S.3.1* - eTOM Business Process Framework Level 1: Market Strategy & Policy; Product & Offer Portfolio Planning; Product & Offer Capability Delivery; Marketing Capability Delivery; Service Problem Mgmt; Resource Trouble Mgmt; RM&O Support & Readiness PI**- Priority Index page 11/32 Model for Customer potential estimation at Distribution Point level in T-HT D M A I C Customers on Broad Band WL Customer penetration: “Short/long loop” Existing services upsell Win back from ULL Win back from CPS-a Customer Potential Income erosion prevention FO/Cu Comparison of the current throughput of each network segment, and predicted distribution of income by ranges of speed in 2016 DWH.DIS; DWH.SAP_IST DATA SOURCE page 12/32 D M A Potential income allocation regarding Broad Band services penetration I C “Short/long loop” penetration principle Penetration on DP’s with technical posibility: RSS/DSLAM Active Brod Band services on DP ADSL MaxTV ADSL: 6+5+4+6+4+4=30 / 60 = 50% IPTV: 4+3+2 = 9/30 = 30% DP’s 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 5 4 6 5 0 4 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 %ADSL 60% 50% 40% 60% 50% 0% 40% 0% %MaxTV 40% 30% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% + ADSL 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 +IPTV 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 Potential income per DP* = Nr. of additional services x ARPU x 12 *Assumptions: • The population is homogeneous along the cable, no difference in habits, needs and purchasing power among customers who are located a few dozen meters from the junction compared to those who are 2 or 3 km from the node • Penetration of ADSL per cable is calculated as: (nr. of ADSL + WL_ADSL + max(ULL/2; CHURN_ADSL) / (nr. of POTS_BRA + nr. of ULL) – it is assumed that 50% ULL customers have ADSL service installed; analog math is used for MaxTV uwith assumption that 20% ULL customers have IPTV service installed page 13/32 D Income erosion prevention* M A I C Variable customer potential and Future services up-sell Ranges of rate Distribution of income 20xx 5,5 MB > 12 MB > 20 MB > 25 MB > 50 MB > Annual potential: P [kn] T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 DP today T2 20 pairs 80% 91% 11% 99% 5% 3% 1% 0% T4 % Income at risk z% Distribution of income 201x 10% 5% 10% 20% 30% 55% 25% Yearly allocated income z•85% IT2=P• z•85% [kn] z•55% IT4=P• z•55% [kn] PI_rr_gp_pp_izv *Assumptions: • Attainable rate for each DP is calculated as the lowest measured rate of all currently active Broad Band services on this DP and in accordance with this information each DP is classified in the category with corresponding rate • If on some DP currently we don’t have any active Broad Band service, DP is placed in corresponding category according to the data about distance from the node. • z% customers will never need Broadband service IT4 < IT2 page 14/32 Model for potential OPEX savings allocation at Distribution Point level in HT D Fault handling cost in CC M A I C DWH.DIS # of 1st level faults resolved on access network multiplied 1st level FR by average fault resolution cost for 1st level FR in MFG / Subcontractors and SMC DWH.STAGE_WWMS Revenue loss due to traffic interruption due1st level faults OPEX savings potential per Distribution Point FO/Cu Cost of material on 1st level faults 2nd level FR/Maintenan ce/TK infrastructure relocation DWH.DIS; DWH.DONAT SAP 2nd level fault handling cost DWH.DIS; DWH.STAGE_WWMS; SAP Preventive maintenance cost DWH.DIS; DWH.STAGE_WWMS; SAP TK equipment relocation cost DWH.DIS; DWH.STAGE_WWMS; SAP DATA SOURCE page 15/32 Modules for CAPEX investment estimation D M A I C Area type (Rurral/Urbn) DTK DTK length, nr. of tubes …. FTTA Length of the route Nr. of HH, … Nr. of subscribers CAPEX project Obect type FTTH Area type Fiber Trunk Shortening of the CU loop Length of the route DTK length, Area type Expert team, based on many years of experience, has created a modules to estimate the size of CAPEX investments in a particular segment of the network using several key parameters. Modules were tested on already finished projects and it was determined that the estimated investment is within + / - 20% of the actual investment Active equipment Cable works page 16/32 Calculated values are displayed on GIS portal which enables simple selection of project area coverage For every DP potential and possible OPEX savings are shown on map D M A I C With several mouse clicks it is possible to determine project coverage DP data in ceratin project coverage can be easily transferred to excel or some other system page 17/32 Advantages of proposed concept D M A I ■ Based on relevant customer data, their services, accounts and unrealized requests, reported faults and other OPEX costs for all distribution points in network, the benefits are uniquely determined that can be achieved by investing in fiber or copper access network ■ Quick, simple and transparent determination of needed CAPEX investment ■ Unambiguous determination of the projects scope - introduced link between the project, included distribution points and affected customers ■ Facilitated decision making on investments prioritization in access network ■ Reduced possibility of input data misinterpretation ■ Planning experts are allowed to easily update the relevant information about the benefits of the project whose implementation requires longer period of time ■ This approach creates the preconditions to communicate to any user on the Resources part of the WL information about the expected time of realization of his/her request C page 32/32 QUESTIONS? D M A I C
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