Energetska učinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzećima - REC

Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Projekt podræava Ministarstvo zaπtite okoliπa i prostornog planiranja Italije kroz ITF (Italian Trust Fund)
Project is supported by the Ministry for the Environment and Territory, Italy, through ITF (Italian Trust Fund)
Ministero dell’Ambiente
e della Tutela del Territorio
za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu
Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Primjereno zadovoljavanje energetskih potreba znak je blagostanja i napretka. No uporaba energije ima i
svoje slabosti - oneËiπÊenje okoliπa, klimatske promjene - koje veÊ poprimaju ogromne razmjere. ©to se
moæe uËiniti?
Prvo, trebamo smanjiti energetske potrebe i upotrebljavati energiju πto uËinkovitije. Drugo, trebamo
upotrebljavati obnovljive izvore energije poput sunca, vjetra i biomase. I konaËno, trebamo upotrebljavati
fosilna goriva - dok su neophodna - na πto Ëistiji naËin. Ovaj trostruki pristup uporabi energije naziva se
energetskom trijadom.
Mjere koje treba primjenjivati industrija ukljuËuju poboljπanje upravljanja energijom, optimizaciju postojeÊih procesa, uvoenje novih tehnologija i kogeneracijskih postrojenja za istovremenu proizvodnju elektriËne i toplinske energije. No usprkos svemu, ne treba zaboraviti da ukupna potroπnja energije raste s
gospodarskim napretkom.
Kako bismo podræali poveÊanje energetske uËinkovitosti, nuæne su nove tehnologije i inovacije. Takoer
pored poveÊanja energetske uËinkovitosti i drugi Ëimbenici igraju vaænu ulogu, kao πto su primjerice
poboljπanje kakvoÊe proizvoda, primjena novih postrojenja i proizvoda, kao i jaËanje poloæaja na træiπtu
kroz smanjenje troπkova i tehnoloπki napredak.
1. Smanjiti energetske potrebe
(uπtede energije)
Reduce demand (energy saving)
3. Upotreba fosilnih goriva
na πto Ëistiji naËin
Use fosil fuels in the cleanest
possible way
2. PoveÊati uporabu obnovljivih izvora
Increase the use of renewable energy
Energetske potrebe
Energy Demand
Energy brings prosperity and gives us a comfortable life. But our use of energy also has disadvantages environmental pollution, climate change - which have already assumed serious proportions. What can be
done about it? First, we must reduce the energy demand, by using energy as efficiently as possible. Next,
we must use more sustainable energy sources such as sun, wind, biomass. And finally, we must use fossil
fuels - for as long as they are indispensable - in the cleanest possible way. This three-step approach to meeting our energy requirements has been called the trias energetica.
The measures that have to be taken in industry include improved energy management, optimisation of existing processes, introduction of new technologies and implementation of combined heat and power stations.
Despite of all these efforts, the total energy use is still increasing along with the growth of the economy.
In order to sustain the rate at which energy efficiency is improved new technology and system innovations
are necessary. These should lead to drastic improvement in energy efficiency in the energy intensive industry. In addition to the increase in energy efficiency other factors play an important role. Improvement of
product quality, new installations and products and strengthening of competitiveness by cost reduction and
technological advancement are equally important.
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 3
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Jedan od glavnih problema koje doæivljavaju tranzicijske zemlje jest niski stupanj uËinkovitog koriπtenja
energije. Pored nezadovoljavajuÊih i Ëesto dotrajalih tehnologija i postupaka upravljanja energijom i
drugih posljedica loπe energetske politike, ozbiljne prepreke u poboljπanju energetske uËinkovitosti su
neorganizirani pristup energetskim problemima, nedostatak znanja i neuËinkovita razmjena informacija.
PromatrajuÊi stanje u Hrvatskoj, dodatno je prisutan teret proπlog rata. Iako je poratna potroπnja energije
meu najniæima u Europi, a energetski intenzitet i nije toliko visok, Hrvatska se suoËava s problemima koji
proizlaze iz poveÊanih energetskih potreba. Teπko je odræati opskrbu na zadovoljavajuÊoj razini, a
oneËiπÊenje okoliπa raste s proizvodnjom energije.
Financijsko optereÊenje i rastuÊa svijest o potrebi zaπtite okoliπa trebaju naÊi alternativu izgradnji novih
energetskih postrojenja. Organizirano i znaËajno poveÊanje energetske uËinkovitosti i racionalnog
koriπtenja energije nameÊe se u reËenim uvjetima kao imperativ.
NajznaËajniji potroπaËi energije u Hrvatskoj su industrija, javne ustanove - uglavnom bolnice, te turistiËki
objekti - uglavnom hoteli. Udio pojedinih grupa potroπaËa u energetskoj potroπnji prikazan je na sljedeÊoj
One of the main problems that countries in transition encounter is the low level of the efficient use of energy. Beside the inadequate and often obsolete technologies and energy management, and other consequences of the wrong energy policy, serious obstacles to the improvement of energy efficiency are unorganised approach, the lack of up-to-date knowledge and the missing information interchange.
Focusing specifically on the situation in Croatia, there is additionally the burden of the consequences of
the recent war. Although the post-war energy consumption per capita is among the Europe’s lowest, and
the energy intensity is not too high, Croatia is facing problems due to rapidly increasing energy demands.
It is difficult for supply to keep pace and pollution increases with production.
The financial stress and the growing environmental awareness need to find an alternative to the construction of new power plants. The most simple and acceptable solution is the organised and significant increase
of energy efficiency and rational use of energy.
The most significant energy consumers in Croatia are industry, public institutions - mainly hospitals, and
tourist facilities - mainly hotels. The subdivision of the energy consumption throughout the end-use sector
is depicted above.
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Industrija je odgovorna za otprilike 23% energetske potroπnje i mnogo je prostora za poveÊanje uËinkovitosti u ovom sektoru kroz razvijanje modela uπtede energije i njenog uËinkovitog koriπtenja. Gotovo 80%
ukupne industrijske potroπnje elektriËne i toplinske energije nastaje u industriji graevnog materijala,
prehrambenoj industriji, kemijskoj industriji, industriji proizvodnje i obrade stakla i nemetala, papira, æeljeza i Ëelika, te obojenih metala.
Imperativ gospodarskog razvoja koji podrazumijeva poveÊanje produktivnosti, no i πtednju energije i
poveÊanje energetske uËinkovitosti, te podizanje svijesti o potrebi zaπtite okoliπa i oËuvanja prirodnih
resursa, prepoznat je u Hrvatskoj.
U cilju sustavne promocije i poveÊanja energetske uËinkovitosti u zemlji, Vlada RH inicirala je izradu
Strategije razvoja energetskog sektora u Hrvatskoj i projekt PROHES (“Projekt razvoja i organizacije
hrvatskog energetskog sektora”). Kroz PROHES je zapoËeta Mreæa industrijske energetske efikasnosti
(uËinkovitosti) - MIEE u Hrvatskoj. Osnovni cilj MIEE jest izgradnja stalne strukture za organiziranu skrb o
energetskoj uËinkovitosti velikih potroπaËa energije, kroz sektor industrije, sektor usluga i javni sektor. Vlada
RH usvojila je i Program poticaja za malo i srednje poduzetniπtvo 2004.-2008. u kojem takva poduzeÊa
smatra pokretaËkom snagom hrvatskog gospodarstva uz strateπki cilj poveÊanja njihove konkurentnosti na
træiπtu, izmeu ostalog i ulaganjem u ekoloπki utemeljen tehnoloπki razvoj i obrazovanje.
Potroπnja elektriËne energije po sektorima industrije u 2002.
Electricity consumption in industry sectors in 2002
Industry is responsible for roughly 23% of energy consumption and there is much room for efficiency gains
in this sector through energy saving measures and increasing the efficient use of energy. A number of industrial sectors account for approximately 80% of the total industrial energy use, both electricity and heat.
These are the construction materials, food processing, chemical industry, glass and non-metallic industry,
paper, iron and steel, and non-ferrous metals.
The imperative of economic development that involved the increase in productivity, as well as energy savings
and increasing energy efficiency, and raising environmental awareness, is acknowledged also in Croatia.
In order to systematically promote and increase energy efficiency in the country, Croatian Government initiated the Croatian Energy Sector Development Strategy and the PROHES project (Development and
Organisation of Energy Sector). Within PROHES, the initiative for starting an energy efficiency network in
Croatia (Mreæa industrijske energetske efikasnosti - MIEE) has been introduced. The general goal of MIEE is
to build a permanent structure for the organized care for energy efficiency at the large energy consumers,
approached through the sector of industry, sector of services and public sector. Also, the Government of
Croatia adopted a program of initiatives for small and medium enterprises in the period 2004-2008, in
which those companies are considered a moving power of Croatian economy, with the strategic goal of
increasing their competitiveness, among other things, by investing in environmentally friendly technological development and education.
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 5
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Cilj projekta “Energetska uËinkovitosti u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj” jest podræati mala i
srednja poduzeÊa u procjeni vlastitih potencijala energetskih uπteda.
Kroz darovnicu talijanskog Ministarstva zaπtite okoliπa i prostornog planiranja uspostavljeno je projektno
partnerstvo izmeu REC-ovog ureda u Hrvatskoj, ISES-a (Meunarodnog udruæenja za solarnu energiju) iz
Italije te niza domaÊih organizacija, nadleænih za pruæanje savjeta i usluga u podruËju energetske
SpecifiËni ciljevi projekta:
1. kroz program osposobljavanja potaknuti mala i srednja poduzeÊa na uËinkovitije planiranje i provedbu razliËitih mjera energetske uËinkovitosti;
2. ispitati tehniËku i ekonomsku izvodljivost mjera energetske uËinkovitosti kroz analizu moguÊih mjera
koje mogu biti konkretno primijenjene u poduzeÊima;
3. predstaviti rezultate i iskustvo projekta drugim zainteresiranim poduzeÊima, ali i financijskim institucijama koje bi povoljnijim uvjetima financiranja pratile provedbu pojedinih mjera energetske uËinkovitosti.
Potroπnja toplinske energije po sektorima industrije u 2002.
Heat consumption in industry sectors in 2002
The objective of this project is to support small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in their exploitation of
energy saving opportunities.
Through the grant of Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory the partnership was supported
between the REC’s Country Office Croatia, ISES (International Solar Energy Society), Italy, and a number of
local organisations competent in energy efficiency consulting.
The specific objectives of this project are:
1. Building capacity of SMEs for planning and implementation of different energy efficiency measures and
technologies through interactive training activities;
2. Presentation of technical, economical and financial feasibility of energy efficiency measures through
identified case studies in SMEs;
3. Disseminating the information and project experience throughout the country, as well as among the
potential follow-up financing sources of the project.
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Projekt je realiziran u obliku interaktivnog treninga koji se sastojao od istraæivanja, ankete provedene u
malim i srednjim poduzeÊima radi utvrivanja naËina koriπtenja energije, razmjene najboljih iskustava,
serije radionica, nezavisnih procjena (audita) energetske uËinkovitosti u poduzeÊima i podrπke
poduzeÊima u traæenju financijskih sredstava za provedbu mjera energetske uËinkovitosti.
Osim teoretskog osposobljavanja, sudionici su kroz nezavisne procjene (audite) energetske uËinkovitosti sudjelovali u analizi nekoliko mjera energetske uËinkovitosti u svojim poduzeÊima.
Ovaj projekt ukljuËio je 20 predstavnika iz niæe navedenih 8 poduzeÊa iz energetski intenzivnijih sektora,
kao πto su sektor obrade i proizvodnje metala i plastike, prehrambena industrija, farmaceutska i kemijska
industrija, industrija graevinskog materijala te prerade drveta:
SMS d.o.o.
LABUD d.o.o.
LEPA d.o.o.
The project was realized in the form of long-interactive training, consisting of: research, including a survey
of SMEs to identify current energy use patterns, exchange of best practices and perceptions; an intensive
series of workshops, and energy audits for selected SMEs; and support for companies in identifying further
financial resources for the implementation of energy efficiency measures.
Participants were trained both theoretically, as well as through the energy audits, case studies have been
developed for several energy efficiency measures in their companies.
This project involved 20 representatives from the above 8 companies from the most energy-intensive SMEs
present in Croatia, including metal and plastic industry, food processing, pharmaceutical and chemical
industry, brick production and wood industry:
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 7
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Kroz projekt su ustanovljena podruËja najËeπÊih energetskih problema u poduzeÊima:
• sustav komprimiranog zraka: gubici u praznom hodu kompresora ili zbog ispuπtanja zraka, niska
uËinkovitost i predimenzionirani kompresori, previsoko postavljen tlak zraka;
• sustav grijanja - kotlovnica previsoke snage, ruËno upravljanje sustavom;
• priprema tople vode - moguÊnost zamjene elektriËnih bojlera sa solarnim sustavima u nekim
• elektriËna rasvjeta - neuËinkovita, ne postoji sustavno gaπenje nepotrebnih svjetala;
• upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem - nema sustava nadzora i upravljanja vrπnim optereÊenjem; ili
poduzeÊe ne koristi tarifu koja zahtijeva upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem;
• voda - gubici u internom sustavu opskrbe vodom, ili u povratu kondenzata.
Energent koji se najËeπÊe koristi jest elektriËna energija, te loæivo ulje i plin u ovisnosti o tehnologiji i dostupnosti plina. Industrija prerade drva dodatno upotrebljava kruto gorivo (piljevinu i drugi drvni otpad).
Neka poduzeÊa provela su ili planiraju poboljπanja u potroπnji energije. Tako primjerice drvna industrija
intenzivira upotrebu drvnih ostataka u proizvodnji toplinske energije, razmatra se upravljanje vrπnim
optereÊenjem i kompenzira se jalova energija, a neka poduzeÊa planiraju i koriπtenje obnovljivih izvora
energije, kao πto je primjerice sunËeva energija.
Through the project, common problems in the energy efficiency field were identified in the companies,
- compressed air system: losses in the idle mood, or looses due to air leakages, low efficiency and over
dimensioned compressors, air pressure set too high
- heating system - boilers of too high power; manual system operation
- hot water preparation - in some companies electric boilers can be replaced by solar systems
- lighting - inefficient, no systematic shut-off of unnecessary lights
- peak load management - no system of monitoring and management of peak load; or the company does
not use the tariff that requires peak load management
- water - losses in the internal water supply network, or in the recovery of condensate
The most present fuel is electricity, followed by fuel oil and gas, depending on the technology and gas
Some companies undertook or have planned improvements of energy use - wood industries intensify their
use of wood leftovers; in power, peak and load management is under consideration and reactive power is
compensated; some companies are considering the use of renewables (solar energy).
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Dr. Tome BratkoviÊa 2
40000 »akovec, Croatia
Darko Pihir
Odjel odræavanja/Maintenance Division
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima./Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs.
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 9
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
FERRO PREIS je ljevaonica s 50-godiπnjim iskustvom u proizvodnji sivog lijeva i lijevanog æeljeza s kuglastim
grafitom. Posjeduje sustav osiguranja kvalitete ISO 9002, a glavnina izvoza je na europsko træiπte.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere
energetske uËinkovitosti
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Novi, uËinkovitiji kompresori
· Automatska regulacija rada
· Nadzor istjecanja zraka
kroz redovito odræavanje
Investicija 50.000 EUR
Uπtede 13.100 EUR/god
(200.000 kWh/god)
Razdoblje povrata 3,8 god
Sustav grijanja.
· Zamjena postojeÊeg kotla
jedinicom trostruko manje snage
i kompjuteriziranim nadzorom
Investicija 35.000 EUR
Uπtede 7.300 EUR
(16% potroπnje prirodnog plina)
Razdoblje povrata 4,8 god
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Ugradnja elektronskih startera i
bolja organizacija rasvjete
Uπteda 1.200 EUR/god
(21.300 kWh/god)
Upravljanje vrπnim
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage za
20 kW, uz primjenu svih
predloæenih mjera energetske
Uπteda 2.200 EUR/god
Upravljanje potroπnjom
· Uspostava sustava upravljanja
vodom i automatski nadzor
gubitaka u internom
vodovodnom sustavu
Uπteda 4.200 EUR/god
(7.000 m3 vode)
Ukupne uπtede
28.000 EUR/god
FERRO PREIS is a foundry with fifty years of tradition specialized in manufacturing grey cast, ductile iron cast and machine
casts. The company is certified according ISO 9002 quality assurance system, and exports mainly to the European market.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
Compressed air system
· New, efficient compressors
· Automatic control system
· Proper maintenance for
prevention of air leaks
Investment EUR 50,000
Saving 13,100 EUR/year
(200,000 kWh/year)
Payback period 3.8 years
Heating system
· Replacement of an old boiler with
new one with 3 times capacity
· Computerized monitoring
and control system
Investment EUR 35,000
Saving EUR 7,300
(16% of natural gas consumption)
Payback period 4.8 years
· Fitting of electronic
starters in fluorescent lamps
· Better lighting organization
Saving 1,200 EUR/year
(21,300 kWh/year)
Peak load management
· Reduction of engaged power
Saving 2,200 EUR/year
for 20 kW
· Implementation of all other
suggested energy efficiency measures
Water management
· Implementation of water
management system
· Automatic control of water
Total savings
Saving 4,200 EUR/year
(7,000 m3 water)
28,000 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Antuna MuhviÊa 52
51303 Pleπce, Croatia
Marjan Janeπ
Voditelj Odjela odræavanja
Head of Maintenance Division
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima/Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 11
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
LOÆ METALPRES d.o.o. PLE©CE proizvodi metalne i plastiËne proizvode, od kojih 60% izlazi na EU træiπte.
PoduzeÊe posjeduje sustav osiguranja kvalitete ISO 9001.
PodruËje potencijalnih
Predloæene mjere
energetske uËinkovitosti
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Smanjenje tlaka zraka
· Nadzor istjecanja zraka
kroz redovno odræavanje
Uπteda 730 EUR/god
(13.000 kWh/god)
Sustav grijanja.
· Optimizacija i potpuna
automatizacija rada sustava
Uπteda 1.400 EUR/god
Sustav pripreme tople vode.
· Inteligentni sustav za
programirano paljene elektriËnih
grijaËa za pripremu tople vode i
uporaba solarne energije
Uπteda 420 EUR/god
ElektriËna rasvjeta.
· Ugradnja
elektronskih startera i
optimizacija sustava
Uπteda 1.450 EUR/god
(26.000 kWh/god)
Upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage za
40 kW, uz primjenu svih
predloæenih mjera energetske
Uπteda 4.000 EUR/god
Ukupne uπtede
8.000 EUR/god
LOÆ METALPRES d.o.o. PLE©CE produces metal and plastic products, of which 60% is exported to EU market.
The company introduced quality assurance system ISO 9001.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
Compressed air system
Pressure level reduction
Regular maintenance for the
prevention of air leaks
Saving 730 EUR/year
(13,000 kWh/year)
Heating system.
Optimization and full
system automation
Saving 1,400 EUR/year
Hot water preparation
Intelligent relay for programmed
work of electrical heaters and
use of solar energy for hot
water preparation
Saving 420 EUR/year
Fitting of electronic
starters and better lighting
Saving 1,450 EUR/year
(26,000 kWh/year)
Peak load management
Reduction of engaged power
by 40 kW
Implementation of all other
suggested EE measures
Saving 4,000 EUR/year
Total Saving
8,000 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
SMS d.o.o. SPLIT
Kontakt osoba/Contact person - 1:
Kontakt osoba/Contact person - 2:
Kontakt osoba/Contact person - 3:
SMS d.o.o.
Kopilica 5
HR-21000 Split
Boris PeriÊ
TehniËki direktor/Technical Manager
Marija TomiÊ
Stjepan KranjËec
TehniËki razvoj/Technical Development
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima/Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 13
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
SMS d.o.o. SPLIT od svog je osnutka 1989.g. do danas, brzo prerastao u vodeÊeg preraivaËa mediteranske
hrane, s viπe od 50% izvoza u SAD te zapadno i istoËnoeuropske zemlje. PoduzeÊe je prvo u Hrvatskoj uvelo
standard HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) za nadzor sigurnosti hrane. Ova prehrambena
industrija voÊe i povrÊe Dalmacije prerauje tradicionalnim metodama ove regije.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
· Predloæene mjere energetske
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Dodatna poboljπanja - ugradnja
elektronskih startera i optimizacija
Uπteda 500 EUR/god
(5.600 kWh/god)
Sustav pripreme tople vode
· Upotreba solarne energije umjesto
elektriËnih bojlera za pripremu
tople vode
Uπteda 3.200 EUR/god
(37.800 kWh/god)
Upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem
· Promjena tarifnog modela
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage
za 30 kW
Uπteda 3.100 EUR/god
Koriπtenje kiπnice
· Uspostava sustava za moguÊe
koriπtenje kiπnice
Uπteda 500 EUR/god
(400 m3 vode)
Ukupne uπtede
7.300 EUR/god
SMS d.o.o. SPLIT was established in 1989, and until today it has quickly grown into one of the leading producers of Mediterranean foods with more than 50% of exports going to USA, Western and Eastern European
countries. SMS was the first company in Croatia that introduced the HACCP standard (Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point) for food safety management. This food industry processes fruit and vegetables using traditional Dalmatian methods.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
· Fitting of
electronic starters
and better lighting
Saving 500 EUR/year
(5,600 kWh/year)
Hot water
· Usage of solar energy instead
of electrical boilers for hot
water preparation
Saving 3,200 EUR/year
(37,800 kWh/year)
Peak load management
· Change of tariff model
· Reduction of engaged power
by 30 kW
Saving 3,100 EUR/year
Rain water usage
· Implementation of rain water
collection system, where
Saving 500 EUR/year
(400 m3 water)
Total savings
7,300 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Pulac b.b.
HR-51000 Rijeka
Dragutin Jager
TehniËki odjel/Technical Consulting
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima/Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 15
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d., Rijeka, je brzo rastuÊa, farmaceutska, OTC i kozmetiËka tvrtka, treÊa ove
vrste u Hrvatskoj, s viπe od 160 proizvoda u ponudi i 50% izvoza u Srednju i IstoËnu Europu.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere energetske
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Novi sustav cijevi primjerenih
dimenzija i veÊi spremnik zraka
· Smanjenje tlaka zraka
· Eliminacija praznog hoda
Uπteda 1.900 EUR/god
(22.600 kWh/god)
Sustav grijanja/hlaenja i
upotreba solarne energije
· Centralni sustav grijanja/hlaenja
umjesto malih, odvojenih
klimatizacijskih sustava
· Upotreba solarne energije za
pripremu tople vode umjesto
elektriËnih grijaËa
Uπteda 3.400 EUR/god
(39.800 kWh/god)
ElektriËna rasvjeta.
· Dodatna poboljπanja - ugradnja
elektronskih startera i optimizacija
Uπteda 900 EUR/god
(10.800 kWh/god)
Upravljanje vrπnim
· Promjena tarifnog modela.
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage
za 20 kW
Uπteda 12.400 EUR/god
Ukupne uπtede
18.600 EUR/god
Jadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d., Rijeka, is a fast-growing pharmaceutical, OTC and cosmetic company, third
in Croatia. More then 160 products in the portfolio, and 50% of exports in Central and Eastern Europe.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
Compressed air system
· New, better compressed air
network and bigger storage
· Pressure level reduction
· Elimination of work in
stand-by mode
Saving 1,900 EUR/year
(22,600 kWh/year)
Heating/cooling system
and solar energy usage
· A central heating/cooling
system instead of small split
systems for heating/cooling
· Use of solar energy instead
of electrical boilers for hot
water preparation
Saving 3,400 EUR/year
(39,800 kWh/year)
· Fitting of electronic
starters and
better lighting
Saving 900 EUR/year
(10,800 kWh/year)
Peak load management
· Change of tariff model
· Reduction of engaged power
by 20 kW
Saving 12,400 EUR/year
Total savings
18,600 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
LABUD d.o.o.
Æitnjak bb,
HR-10000 Zagreb
Robert Vincek
Voditelj Odjela odræavanja
Head of Maintenance Division
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima/Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 17
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
LABUD d.o.o. ZAGREB je tvornica sredstava za pranje, kozmetike i kemijskih proizvoda, osnovana prije 60tak godina. Do poËetka rata Labud je bio jedan od najveÊih proizvoaËa sredstava za pranje, kozmetiËkih i kemijskih proizvoda na podruËju bivπe Jugoslavije. Danas Labud polako, ali uspjeπno, vraÊa to træiπte izvozom u susjedne zemlje.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere energetske
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Zamjena velikog kompresora s dva
manja i ugradnja nove tlaËne posude
· Automatska regulacija rada
· Smanjenje tlaka zraka
· Kontroliranje istjecanja zraka
kroz redovito odræavanje
Investicija 8.900 EUR
Uπteda 3.800 EUR/god
(44.600 kWh)
Razdoblje povrata 2,3 god
Racionalno koriπtenje pare
· Smanjenje ugovorene koliËine
pare - neinvesticijska mjera
· Rekonstrukcija instalacija i
glavnog izmjenjivaËa topline
· Automatska regulacija rada
· Redovno odræavanje instalacija
· PoveÊanje povrata kondenzata
na viπe od 50%
Investicija 235.000 EUR
Uπteda 49.800 EUR/god
Razdoblje povrata 4,7 godine
Dodatna uπteda 6.900 EUR/god
u povratu kondenzata
PeÊ za proizvodnju vruÊeg zraka
· Nova, primjerena peÊ
Uπteda 20.300 EUR/god
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Ugradnja elektronskih startera i
optimizacija rasvjete
Uπteda 850 EUR/god
(10.100 kWh)
Upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage za 30 kW,
uz primjenu svih predloæenih mjera
energetske uËinkovitosti
Uπteda 1.800 EUR/god
Ukupne uπtede
88.550 EUR/god
LABUD d.o.o. ZAGREB is a company specialized in production of washing accessories, cosmetic and chemical products, established 60 years ago. Before the 1990ies, Labud was the leading producer of this kind in former
Yugoslavia. Today, the company is slowly regaining its former position on the market.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency measures
Compressed air system
· Replacement of a big compressor with
two smaller units and installation of an
additional pressure vessel
· Pressure level reduction
· Installation of automatic control system
· Regular maintenance for prevention
of air leaks
Investment EUR 8,900
Saving 3,800 EUR/year
(44,600 kWh)
Payback period 2.3 years
Protocol steam usage
· Reduction of contracted monthly steam
capacity - non-investment measure
· Reconstruction and computerization
of the heat exchange station
· Installation of automatic control system
· Regular maintenance
· Increase in the reuse of condensate
to more than 50%
Investment EUR 235,000
Saving 49,800 EUR/year
Payback period 4.7 years
Additional saving of
6,900 EUR/year
in condensate return
Process furnace
· New, more appropriate process furnace
Saving 20,300 EUR/year
· Fitting of electronic starters
and better lighting organisation
Saving 850 EUR/year
(10,100 kWh)
Peak load management
· Reduction of engaged power by 30 kW
· Implementation of all other
suggested energy efficiency measures
Saving 1,800 EUR/year
Total savings
88,550 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Ilica 288
HR-10000 Zagreb
Ferid DizdareviÊ
Predsjednik Uprave/General Manager
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima/Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 19
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
CIGLANE ZAGREB d.d. ZAGREB tvornica opeke, crijepa i druge glinene robe te sintetiziranog magnezita koja
je svoje temelje postavila joπ davne 1885. godine CIGLANE su bile prva tvornica u bivπoj Jugoslaviji koja je
ugljen kao tehnoloπko gorivo zamijenila loæ uljem.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere energetske
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Ugradnja elektronskih startera i
bolja organizacija rasvjete
Uπteda 2.700 EUR/god
(32.000 kWh)
Upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem
· Promjena tarifnog modela
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage
za 40-70 kW
Uπteda 65.000 EUR/god
Ukupne uπtede
67.700 EUR/god
CIGLANE ZAGREB d.d. ZAGREB is a brick factory with a very long history of brick production, its beginnings
dating back to 1885. CIGLANE was the first brick factory in former Yugoslavia which replaced coal as technological fuel with fuel oil.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
· Fitting of electronic
starters and better lighting
Saving 2,700 EUR/year
(32,000 kWh)
Peak load management
· Change of tariff model
· Reduction of engaged power
by 40-70 kW
Saving 65,000 EUR/year
Total savings
67,700 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Udio pojedinog goriva u opskrbi
Ratio of energy supply
LEPA d.o.o.
Hrvatskih Pavlina 44
HR-42250 Lepoglava
Davor Maar
StruËnjak zaπtite na radu/Occupational Safety Expert
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima
Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 21
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
LEPA d.o.o. LEPOGLAVA tvornica drvnog namjeπtaja, poput stolova i tapeciranih stolica, osnovana prije 70
godina u Lepoglavi. LEPA posebnu paænju poklanja izboru sirovina, te koristi drvo certificiranih πuma.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere energetske
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Ugradnja nove tlaËne posude
· Automatska regulacija rada
· Nadzor istjecanja zraka
kroz redovito odræavanje
Uπteda 34.000 kWh
(1.900 EUR/god)
Promjena goriva u kotlovnici
za proizvodnju vlaæne pare.
· Novi bojler za proizvodnju
vlaæne pare i zamjena loæ
ulja drvnim ostacima
Investicija 67.000 EUR
Uπteda 56.000 EUR/god
(200.000 kg loæivog ulja)
Razdoblje povrata 1,2 god
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Ugradnja vremenskih releja koji
reguliraju el. rasvjetu
· Zamjena æivinih natrijevim
visokotlaËnim æaruljama
Uπteda 800 EUR/god
(20.300 kWh/god)
Sustav upravljanja vrπnim
· Smanjenje angaæirane
snage za 20 kW
Uπteda 2.200 EUR/god
Upravljanje potroπnjom vode
· Uspostava sustava upravljanja
Uπteda 350 EUR/god
(2.300 m3 vode)
Ukupne uπtede
61.250 EUR/god
LEPA d.o.o. LEPOGLAVA is a manufacturer of wooden furniture, like padded chairs and tables. LEPA gives special attention to input materials, and the wood used comes from certified forests.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
Compressed air system
· Installation of new pressure
· Installation of automatic
control system
· Regular maintenance for the
prevention of air leaks
Saving 34,000 kWh
(1,900 EUR/year)
Heating system
· A new boiler for the production of
wet steam and replacement of
fuel oil with wooden leftovers
Investment EUR 67,000
Saving 56,000 EUR/year
(200,000 kg fuel oil)
Payback period 1.2 years
· Better lighting
· Replacement of mercury with
high pressure sodium bulbs
Saving 800 EUR/year
(20,300 kWh/year)
Peak load management
· Reduction of engaged power
by 20 kW
Saving 2,200 EUR/year
Water Management
· Implementation of water
management system
Saving 350 EUR/year
(2,300 m3 water)
Total savings
61,250 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Kontakt osoba/Contact person:
Udio pojedinog goriva u opskrbi
Ratio of energy supply
V. Holjevca 23
HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Ivan Ribar
Voditelj Odjela planiranja i razvoja
Head of Planning and Development Sector
Udio pojedinog goriva u troπkovima
Percentage breakdown of the fuel costs
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 23
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
DRVOPROIZVOD d.d. JASTREBARSKO je dioniËko druπtvo za proizvodnju i promet drvnih i graevnih
proizvoda, s 25% proizvodnje masivnog parketa u Hrvatskoj.
PodruËje potencijalnih uπteda
Predloæene mjere energetske
Sustav komprimiranog zraka
· Automatska regulacija rada
· Smanjenje tlaka zraka
· Nadzor istjecanja zraka
kroz redovito odræavanje
Investicija u automatizaciju 4.500 EUR
Uπteda 2.500 EUR/god (50.000 kWh)
Razdoblje povrata 1,8 god
Dodatna uπteda u optimizaciji sustava
i odræavanju do 1.000 EUR/god
· Rekonstrukcija parionice,
zamjena goriva (loæivog ulja
drvnim ostacima)
Investicija 21.700 EUR
Uπteda 19.800 EUR/god
(55 000 l loæivog ulja)
Razdoblje povrata 1,1 god
ElektriËna rasvjeta
· Ugradnja elektronskih startera
i optimizacija rasvjete
Uπteda 2.300 EUR
(41.700 kWh/god)
Upravljanje vrπnim
· Smanjenje angaæirane snage
za 25 kW, uz primjenu svih
predloæenih mjera energetske
Uπteda 2.300 EUR
Upravljanje potroπnjom vode
· Uspostava sustava upravljanja
vodom i automatski nadzor
Investicija 3.200 EUR
Uπteda 1.800 EUR/god
(1.300 m3 vode)
Razdoblje povrata 1,8 god
Ukupne uπtede
29.700 EUR/god
DRVOPROIZVOD d.d. JASTREBARSKO is a joint stock company for wood processing and production of construction materials. The company holds 25% production of massive parquet in Croatia.
Area of potential saving
Analyzed energy efficiency
Compressed air system
· Installation of automatic
control system
· Pressure level reduction
· Regular maintenance for the
prevention of air leaks
Investment in automation EUR 4,500
Saving 2,500 EUR/year (50.000 kWh)
Payback period 1.8 years
Additional saving in system
optimization and maintenance
up to 1,000 EUR/year
Steaming unit
· Reconstruction of the steaming
unit and replacement of fuel
oil with wooden leftovers
Investment EUR 21,700
Saving 19,800 EUR/year
(55,000 l fuel oil)
Payback period 1.1 years
· Fitting of electronic
starters and better lighting
Saving EUR 2,300
(41,700 kWh/year)
Peak load management
· Reduction of engaged power
by 25 kW
· Implementation of all other
suggested energy efficiency measures
Saving EUR 2,300
Water Management
· Implementation of water
management system
· Automatic control of water supply
Investment EUR 3,200
Saving 1,800 EUR/year (1,300 m3 water)
Payback period 1.8 years
Total savings
29,700 EUR/year
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
Projekt je pokazao da 8 obraenih poduzeÊa ima solidan potencijal za provedbu mjera energetske
uËinkovitosti. Primjena mjera koje se najviπe isplate moæe vratiti uloæena sredstva u roku od 1-2 godine, a
ukupni troπkovi za potroπnju energije u pojedinom poduzeÊu mogu se smanjiti za 10-30%. Mjere predloæene u veÊini poduzeÊa jesu: optimizacija u sustavu komprimiranog zraka, poboljπanja u sustavu
potroπnje toplinske energije i elektriËne rasvjete, upravljanje vrπnim optereÊenjem, zamjena goriva, posebice koriπtenje drvnih ostataka umjesto loæivog ulja u drvnoj industriji, i sliËno. Pored toga, uvoenje sustava upravljanja vodom ima visok potencijal uπtede. Ne-investicijske mjere (obrazovanje zaposlenika i
razumno gospodarenje energijom i vodom) uglavnom su zanemarene, iako dugoroËno gledano donose
znaËajnu korist. U poduzeÊima koja su manje energetski intenzivna a nalaze se u priobalnom pojasu,
moguÊe je koristiti obnovljive izvore energije, kao πto je primjerice energija sunca, za proizvodnju tople
U sljedeÊoj tablici prikazana su analizirana podruËja energetskih uπteda u poduzeÊima:
The following table compares analyzed areas of potential energy savings in the target companies:
zraka/Compressed /Thermal
air system
Peak load
uπtede u
in EUR
Ferro-preis d.o.o.
Loæ-metalpres d.o.o.
Lepa d.o.o.
Drvoproizvod d.d.
SMS d.o.o.
Jadran galenski
laboratorij d.d.
Labud d.o.o.
Ciglane Zagreb d.d.
X* Potencijal iskoriπavanja sunËeve energije/Potential for solar energy usage
X** Iskoriπavanje kiπnice/Rain water usage
The project results showed that 8 companies have solid potential for the implementation of energy efficiency measures. The most profitable measures can be paid back in 1-2 years, and the total energy costs
in individual companies can be decreased by 10-30%. Commonly identified measures in the companies
include: optimisation in compressed air systems, heating and lighting system improvements, peak load
management, fuel replacement (fuel oil by wooden leftovers in wood processing industry), etc. Besides, the
implementation of water management system has high savings potential. Non-investment measures like
education of employees, and good housekeeping practices in energy and water management, are often
neglected, though they bring significant long-term benefits. In the less energy intensive companies located
in the coastal areas it is possible to use renewable energy resources, like solar energy for production of hot
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 25
Energetska uËinkovitost u malim i srednjim poduzeÊima u Hrvatskoj
Provedba razmatranih mjera donosi mnogostruke dobiti, uπtedu u potroπnji goriva i vode, smanjenje πtetnih emisija u okoliπ, za koje poduzeÊa odnedavno plaÊaju naknade kroz Fond za zaπtitu okoliπa i energetsku uËinkovitost. PoveÊavanjem energetske uËinkovitosti poduzeÊe smanjuje i troπkove za energiju i
naknade za emisije u zrak, πto neposredno utjeËe na konkurentnost i uspjeπnost poduzeÊa na træiπtu.
Kroz program treninga za mala i srednja poduzeÊa, od posebne vaænosti bio je ljudski faktor. Svaka mjera
energetske uËinkovitosti zahtijeva sudjelovanje struËne osobe iz samog poduzeÊa koja dobro poznaje
znaËajke odreenog industrijskog postrojenja. Nadalje, vaænom se pokazala i suradnja sa struËnjacima iz
razliËitih institucija, te su domaÊi struËnjaci odabrani iz redova savjetodavnih i znanstveno-istraæivaËkih
organizacija, kao πto su primjerice Energetski Institut "Hrvoje Poæar" te Fakultet elektrotehnike i raËunarstva (FER) SveuËiliπta u Zagrebu. FER je naroËito pridonio uspjeπnosti projekta kroz detaljne nezavisne
procjene (audite) energetske uËinkovitosti u poduzeÊima.
Potrebno je takoer predvidjeti naËine financiranja za provedbu predvienih mjera energetske uËinkovitosti, πto znaËi aktivno sudjelovanje banaka i drugih financijskih institucija. U ovom programu sudjelovale
su stoga i financijske institucije poput HEP-ESCO-a te Fonda za zaπtitu okoliπa i energetsku uËinkovitost
RH, πto ukazuje na poveÊane moguÊnosti financiranja u ovom podruËju i zanimanje za povezivanje s
potencijalnim klijentima.Na taj su naËin potroπaËi energije, struËnjaci, financijske institucije, nadleæna
ministarstva, kao i ostali dionici od znaËaja za promidæbu i razvoj sustava uËinkovite potroπnje energije u
Hrvatskoj u okviru ovog projekta uspjeπno povezani.
Rezultati ovog projekta predstavljeni su i u okviru programa obrazovanja “Odræivi razvoj: strategije,
metodologije, politika i aktivnosti u Srednjoj i IstoËnoj Europi”, financiranog od Ministarstva zaπtite okoliπa
i prostornog planiranja Italije, kroz ITF (Italian Trust Fund).
Implementation of these measures brings multiple benefits: savings in fuel and water, as well as less hazardous emissions, which are recently taxed through the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency
Fund. By increasing energy efficiency, the company will reduce both energy costs and emission fees, and
thus directly influence the company competitiveness and success on the market.
Throughout the whole program for SMEs, clear importance of the human factor was obvious - that is, each
energy efficiency measure required involving in the training of the competent personnel which is acquainted with all the characteristics of a particular industrial facility. Next, there was a need for collaboration with
competent experts from various institutions, so the local consultants were chosen from research and consulting organisations, like the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Energy Institute Hrvoje Poæar, Faculty of
Electronics and Computing - FER, University of Zagreb. FER specifically contributed to successful project
implementation by conducting energy audits in the companies.
Then, predictions of future financing sources for the implementation of energy efficiency measures should
be made, which involves banks and other financial institutions. In this training program, financial institutions like HEP-ESCO and the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund were involved, that
shows increasing financing possibilities and interest to link to potential financing beneficiaries. All this was
successfully handled in setting a program which linked all those subjects in a properly organised way that
is energy consumers, experts, financing organisations, relevant Ministries, and other organizations significant for the promotion and development of the more rational use of energy.
This project’s results were also presented in the framework of the training program “Course for
Sustainability: Strategies, Methodologies, Policies and Actions for Central and Eastern Europe”, supported
by the Italian Ministry for the Environment and Territory, through the Italian Trust Fund.
REGIONALNI CENTAR ZA©TITE OKOLI©A za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu - Ured u Hrvatskoj
Energy Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Croatia
THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe - Country Office Croatia 27
Regionalni centar zaπtite okoliπa za Srednju i IstoËnu Europu (REC) je neopredijeljena, nepristrana, neprofitna meunarodna
organizacija Ëija je zadaÊa pomoÊ u rjeπavanju problema u zaπtiti okoliπa u Srednjoj i IstoËnoj Europi (SIE). Centar svoju
zadaÊu obavlja potiËuÊi suradnju meu nevladinim udrugama, vladama i drugim zainteresiranim subjektima, te potiËuÊi slobodnu razmjenu informacija i sudjelovanje javnosti u odluËivanju o okoliπu.
REC su 1990. godine utemeljile SAD, Europska komisija i Maarska. Danas su REC-ov pravni temelj povelja koju su potpisale vlade 28 zemalja i Europska komisija, te meunarodni sporazum s Vladom Maarske. Srediπnjica REC-a je u
Szentendreu, u Maarskoj, a lokalni uredi nalaze se u svakoj od 16 zemalja korisnica u regiji SIE, a to su: Albanija, Bosna i
Hercegovina, Bugarska, »eπka Republika, Estonija, Hrvatska, Latvija, Litva, Maarska, Makedonija, Poljska, Rumunjska,
SlovaËka, Slovenija, Srbija i Crna Gora, te Turska.
Najnoviji donatori su Europska komisija i vlade Austrije, Belgije, Bosne i Hercegovine, »eπke Republike, Danske, Estonije,
Finske, Italije, Japana, Kanade, Latvije, Maarske, Nizozemske, Norveπke, NjemaËke, Poljske, Sjedinjenih AmeriËkih
Dræava, Slovenije, Srbije i Crne Gore, ©vedske, ©vicarske i Ujedinjene Kraljevine, kao i druge meuvladine i privatne
REC-ov ured Hrvatskoj djeluje od 1993. godine, sa svrhom prilagoavanja REC-ovih programa lokalnim potrebama te osiguravanja lakπeg pristupa REC-ovim uslugama. Usluge Ureda u Hrvatskoj obuhvaÊaju: program financijskih potpora na
lokalnoj razini, usluge informiranja kroz elektroniËku listu, knjiænicu Ureda i izdavanje lokalnog biltena, te provoenje
regionalnih i lokalnih projekata.
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is a non-partisan, non-advocacy, not-for-profit international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The
center fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among non-governmental organisations, governments, businesses and
other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision-making.
The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally
based on a charter signed by the governments of 28 countries and the European Commission, and on an international agreement with the government of Hungary. The REC has its head office in Szentendre, Hungary, and country offices and field
offices in 16 beneficiary countries which are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, the FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia
and Turkey.
Recent donors are the European Commission and the governments of Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as other intergovernmental and private institutions.
The REC CO Croatia has existed in Croatia since 1993. and contributes to the REC overall mission by ensuring local presence, providing the REC programs that serve the local needs and facilitating local access to REC services. The main activities of REC Croatia include: local grants program for enviornmental NGOs, environmental information dissemination through
the local language newsletter "The Bulletin", CO library and e-mail list, and implementation of local and regional projects.
Za sve dodatne informacije o radu REC-ovog ureda u Hrvatskoj obratite se na:
For further information please contact:
REC-ov ured u Hrvatskoj/REC Country Office Croatia
–oriÊeva 8a, HR-10000 Zagreb
Tel/Phone: +385-1-4810-774, 4873-622
Faks/Fax: +385-1-/4810-844
E-poπta/E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.rec-croatia.hr, http://www.rec.org