Lactobacillus GG

Ass. D-r Sowa Bojaxieva
Univerzitetska Klinika za detski bolesti
Oddel za gastroenterohepatologija
Definicija: “Probiotici se `ivi mikroorganizmi
koi, dadeni vo soodvetni koli~ini imaat
pozitiven efekt vrz zdravjeto na doma]inot”.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN) and WHO 2002
Working Group Report on Drafting Guidelines for the Evaluation of Probuitics in
food.London, Ontario, Canada 2002.
Pozitiven efekt na intestinalnata
motorna funkcija
Modulacija na inflamatornata odbrana
Podobruvawe na funkcijata na mukoznata
Inhibirawe na rast na patogeni mikroorganizmi
produciraj]i lactic, acetic i drugi organski
kiselini, namaluvawe na pH
Kompeticija so potencijalno patogeni bakterii za
nutriensi i epitelni adhezivni mesta
Aktivirawe na specifi~ni imunolo[ki
mehanizmi (Bifidobacterium bifidum i Streptococcus
Lactobacillus acidophillus group-(Lactobacillus
acidophilus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus
jenseni, Lactobacillus crispatus)
Lactobacillus casei,
Lactobacillus paracaseti,
Lactobacillus rhamnosus –Lactobacillus GG (ATC 53103) LGG
Lactobacillus agilis
Lactobacillus salivarius
Lactobacillus plantarum
Lactobacillus Pseudoplantarum
Lactobacillus bucheri
Lactobacillus reuteri
Prebioticite se nedigestibilni dietarni
suplementi, tipi~no oligosaharidi i
disaharidi so pomo[en efekt na doma]inot, za
selektivna stimulacija na rastot i/ili
aktivnosta na limitiraniot broj na bakteriski
speciesi koi se ve]e prisatni vo debeloto
Diplock AT, Aggett pJ, Shwell M, et al. Scinetific concepts of functional foods in
Europe;consensus document.BrJ Nutr 1999:81(1):1-27
Synbiotic = pre + probiotic
Kombinacija od nutritivni suplementi
koi se sostaveni od pre i probiotici
 Sinergizam za da se zgolemi korista na
Fooks LJ, Gibson GR.Probiotics as modulators of the gut flora.Br.J
 Inflamatorna bolest na crevata
 Ulcerozen kolit (UK)
 Crohn-ova bolest (CD)
 Nekrotizira~ki enterokolit (NEC)
 Infekcija so Helicobacter pylori
 Colon irritabile
Ulcerozen kolit
Crohn- va bolest
Nastanuva abnormalen imunolo[ki odgovor
kon normalnite crevni bakteriski antigeni.
Vo tek na imunolo[kata reakcija se
aktiviraat proinflamatorni i
imunomodulatorni molekuli, pri [to doa\a
do naru[ena interakcija pome\u crevnata
mukoza i mikroflorata
Shanahan F.Inflammatory bowel disease:immunodiagnostics, immunotherapeutics, and
ecotherapeutics. Gastroenterology 2001;120(3):622-35.
Torres MI, Rios A.Current view of the immunopathogenesis in inflammatory bowel
disease and its implication for therapy.World Gastroenterology 2008;14(13): 1972-1980
Citokini so proinflamatorna funkcija se:
Interleukin 1 (IL-1), tumor nekrotizira~ki
faktor alfa (TNFα), IL-6, IL-8, IL-12
Antiinflamatorna uloga imaat: IL-1 receptor
antagonist (IL-1ra), IL-4, IL-10 i IL-11.
MacDonald T, Path FRC, Disabatino A, Gordon J. Immunopathogenesis of
Crohn’s Disease.Jour.of Parenteral and Enteral Nutriotion 2005;29:1118-125
Cross-talk between Gut bacteria
and the intestinal immune system
Privremena modulacija na
intestinalnata bakteriska flora
Inhibicija na TNFα sekrecija kaj
pacientite so ulcerozen kolit.
T.Mach.Clinical usefulness of probiotics in inflammatory bowel diseases
Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 2006,57, Suppl9,23-33
Intestinal mucosa
IL1, IL6
IL2, IFN↑
Th1 ↑
Adhesions molecules
Th2 ↓
Benefit - remisija na blaga i umerena forma
na UK
T.Mach.Clinical usefulness of probiotics in inflammatory bowel diseases Journal of
Physiology and Pharmacology 2006,57, Suppl9,23-33
Terapija (6 nedeli) so ne patogeni vrsti na E. coli
Nissle 1917 i probiotik preparat VSL#3 administriran
vo mnogu golemi dozi (3600 bilioni bakterii/den) remisija kaj 77% od 32 pacienti so ulcerozen kolit.
Bibiloni R, Fedorak RN, Tannack GW, et al. VSL#3 probiotic-mixture induces remission in patients
with active ulcerative colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2005; 100: 1539-1546.
Vo studiite ne e doka`an benefit od
tretmanot so LGG vo lekuvaweto na deca so
Michael Schultz*1, Antje Timmer1, Hans H Herfarth1 et al. Lactobacillus GG
in inducing and maintaining remission of Crohn's disease BMC
Gastroenterology 2004, 4:5
Bousvaros A, Guandalini S, Baldassano RN,et al. A randomized, double-blind
trial of Lactobacillus GG versus placebo in addition to standard maintenance
therapy for children with Crohn’s disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2005;11(9):833–
Lekuvawe so probiotici kaj vozrasni so
S boulardii, LGG, i E coli Nissle 1917 sé u[te nema
vetuva~ki rezultati
Schultz M, Timmer A, Herfarth HH, Sartor RB, Vanderhoof JA, Rath HC. Lactobacillus
GG in inducing and maintaining remission of Crohn’s disease. BMC Gastroenterol. 2004;4:5
Plein K, Hotz J. Therapeutic effects of Saccharomyces boulardii on mild residual symptoms in a stable
phase of Crohn’s disease with special respect to chronic diarrhea: a pilot study. Z Gastroenterol.
1993;31(2):129 –134
Malchow HA. Crohn’s disease and Escherichia coli: a new approach in therapy to maintain remission
of colonic Crohn’s disease? J Clin Gastroenterol. 1997;25(4):653– 658
Prantera C, Scribano ML, Falasco G, Andreoli A, Luzi C. Ineffectiveness of probiotics
in preventing recurrence after curative resection for Crohn’s disease: a randomised controlled trial with
Lactobacillus GG. Gut. 2002;51(3):405– 409
Cochrane studii - sé u[te ne e doka`an
benefit i remisija posle administrirawe na
probiotici kaj vozrasni so Crohn-ova bolest
Rolfe VE, Fortun PJ, Hawkey CJ, Bath-Hextall F. Probiotics for maintenance
of remission in Crohn’s disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Lactibiane Tolerance - antiinflamatorna uloga,
stimuliraj]i produkcija na IL -10 kaj in vivo
predizvikan kolitis na eksperimentalen model
(`ivotno), < simptomite kaj 50% pacienti so
IBD (p<0,01) ?
Clinical Nutrition Decembar (2006)25,994-1003
Sophie Drouault-Holowacz, Benoit Foligne, Veronique Dennin
Denise Goudercourt, Kathleen Terpend, Andre Burckel, Bruno Pot
PileJe, 37 Quai de Grenella, 75738 Paris Cedex 15, France
Bacteriologie des ecosystemes, Institut Pasteur Lille 1, rue du professeur Calmette,
BP245, 59019 Lille Cedex, France
Pozitivniot efekt - vo terapija na
ulcerozniot kolit so probiotici.
Generalna preporaka za nivna primena
kaj decata so UK nema.
Probioticite ne se prepora~uvaat vo
lekuvawe na Crohn- ova bolest vo detskata
American Academy of Pediatrics.Clinical ReportProbiotics and Prebiotics in Pediatrics.Dan W. Thomas,
Frank R. Greer and committee on nutrition; section on Gastroenterology, Hepatology,and Nutrition.
Pediatrics published online Nov 29, 2010;Downloaded from by on March 1, 2011
Definicija: abdominalna intestinalna
reakcija i razvoj na abnormalen inflamatoren
odgovor na hrana vodej]i do intestinalna
 Prematurni - 7-10 dena od hranewe
 Zreli novorodeni 1-4 dena
 Svetski mortalitet 25%
 Asocijacija so NEC: infekcii, srcevi
anomalii, naru[ena intestinalna cirkulacija,
gastro[iza, nozokomijalnite sepsi .
Nezrelost na imuniot sistem
Nerazvienost na receptorite
Nerazvienost na sekretornite mehanizmi
Nedostok na enzimi
Motilitetot na crevoto
Gestaciska starost
Na~in na poroduvawe
Maj~ina flora
Flora na okolinata
Vid na ishrana
Nedonoseno pred 37 gest.nedela - nezrelost
Motilitetot na crevata e vo korelacija so gestaciskata
Nezrelite motorni funkcii -razvoj na abnormalna
Nedostatok na sekretorna antitela
Kolonizacija na patogeni mikroorganizmi
Bakteriska translokacija
Pickard L.M. Brommer AR. Cordon J.N. McDonald TT. Immune
Prevencija na NEC
Pozitiven efekt na intestinalnata
motorna funkcija
 modulacija na inflamatornata odbrana
 podobruvawe na funkcijata na mukoznata
L. sporogenes- administriran vo doza od
350 000 000 c.f.u. so maj~ino mleko ili formulanema efekt vo namaluvawe na incidencata i
mortalitetot na NEC kaj prematurni so mnogu
mala rodilna te`ina <33 g.n.<1500gr.
Efekt: ja namaluva intolerancijata na hrana
44.5% (n: 49) vs 63.1% (n: 70), o~ekuvano p=0.006.
Sari FN, Dizdar EA, Oguz S, Erdeve O, Uras N, Dilmen U. Oral probiotics:
Lactobacillus sporogenes for prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in very lowbirth weight infants: a randomized, controlled trial.Eur J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jan
19. [Epub ahead of print]
Lactobacillus GG
Probiotic Bacteria in Dietetic Products for
Infants:A Commentary by the ESPGHAN
Committee on Nutrition
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and
Nutrition 38:365–374 2004 Lippincott
Williams &Wilkins, Philadelphia
Lactobacillus GG - nema efekt
Dani C., Biadaioli R., Bertini G, et al. Probiotics feeding in prevention of urinary tract
infection, bacterial sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants. A prospective
double-blind study.Biol.Neonate 2002, 82:103-108
Lactobacillus acidophilus i Bifidobacterium
Benefit - kombinacija na probiotici vneseni
oralno so maj~ino mleko mo`e da gi za[titat
novorodenite so mnogu mala telesna te`ina od
`ivoto-zagrozuva~ki sostojbi.
Lin HC, Su BH, Chen AC. Et all.Oral probiotics reduce the incidence and severity of
nwceotising enterocolites in very low wiight infants.Pediatric 2005;115:1-4
Generalna preporaka za rutinska
upotreba na probiotici kaj prematurni
novorodeni za prevencija na NEC sé u[te
ne postoi.
Benefit - dozi so LGG (6x10 10 cfu) vo tek na 2
nedeli gi namaluva negativnite gastrointestinalni
simptomi (gadewe, dijarea) vo tek na tripla
terapija za Helicobacter pylori infekcija.
Doka`ana e podobra tolerancija, no ne i
eradikacija na samiot Helicobacter pylori.
Dvojno slepa, placebo-kontrolirana studija.
Armuzzi A, Cremonini F, Bartolozzi F, Canducci F, Candelli m, and al. The effect of oral
administration of Lactobacillus GG on antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal side-effects during
Helicobacter pylory eradication therapy.Aliment Pharmacol ther.2001;15:163-9
Benefit -eradikacija na H.pylori kaj 91%
od decata, v.s. 78% samo so triplterapija.
Sheu BS, WU JJ Lo CY, et al.Impact of supplementation
with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium-containing
yogurt on triple therapy for Helicobacter pylory
eradication.Aiment pharmcol Ther 2002:16:1669-75
Pre i probioticite go namalile vremeto na
lekuvawe kaj deca od 1-6 godini i
signifikantno se zgolemil brojot na
laktobacilite vo feces.
Schrezenmeirj, Heller K, mccue m, Liamas C, Lam W, burow H, KindingRohracker M, Fischer W, Sengespeik HC, Comer GM, Alarcon P.Benefit of oral
supplementation with and without synbiotics in young children with acute
bacterial infections.ClinPediat (Phila).2004;43(3):239-49
Edno od naj~estite funkcionalni
gastrointestinalni zaboluvawa so
prevalenca od 3-15% vo generalnata
Povolen efekt vo tretmanot na Colon
irritabile so probiotici.
Andresen V., Baumgart D. Role of probiotics in the treatment of irritable Bowel
Syndrome:potential mechanisms and current clinical evidence Inter.J of Probiotics
and Prebiotics.2006;(1):11-18.
Viola Andresen and Daniel C. Baumgart Role of probiotics in the
treatnebt of irritable bowel syndrome:potential mechanisms and
current clinical evidence.International Journal of Probiotics and
Prebiotics Vol.1,pp.11-18,2006
Potrebni se idni studii za sigurna i
efikasna suplementacija na probioticite vo
detskata vozrast.
Evropskata asocijacija za pedijatriska
gastroenterohepatologija (ESPGHAN) ne
prepora~uva rutinska primena na probiotici
vo detskata vozrast.
 Benefit od probioticite
 Definirawe na minimalni i optimalni dozi
vo detskata vozrast
 Bakteriski fragmenti i bakterii so genetski
in`enering, kako alternativa na probioticite
so cel da se podobrat sakanite korisni efekti.
Vo idnina: nivna klini~ka primena vo
Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov
"Eat foods containing these bacteria L plantarum, L rhamnosus,
L paracasei, L acidophilus, and L salivarius to heal your body and
add years to your life "