An independent international centre for advanced studies Academic Programme 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia 2015 ABOUT THE IUC • The Inter University Centre Dubrovnik is an independent centre for advanced study, grounded in and sustained by its international network of partner universities; • The IUC Dubrovnik maintains high standards of scientific quality, and provides an open space for critical thinking and innovation; • the IUC Dubrovniks building upon its location and its history serves as a bridge between regions within Europe and between the European region and the world by connecting scientific communities and connecting communities through science; • The IUC Dubrovnik takes pride in bringing together scholars and students from different countries, cultures and academic disciplines to advanced research and higher education programmes; • The IUC emphasizes and supports inter-disciplinary and cross-national collaboration on global challenges such as human universal values and rights, health, education, poverty and climate, encouraging, in addition to east-west collaboration also new north-south initiatives; • The IUC Dubrovnik continues its practice of organizing courses and conferences within the broad spectrum of scientific disciplines provided by scientific staff from multiple countries; • The IUC Dubrovnik also stimulates the development of research activities, in particular related to the courses and conferences within the programme and contributes to connecting leading international partner universities to regional academic institutions. -New partners are most welcome. Please apply! FACILITIES /HFWXUH+DOOXSWRVHDWVƔODUJHFODVVURRPVXSWRVHDWVƔPHGLXPFODVVURRPVXSWR VHDWV Ɣ 7HOH FRQIHUHQFLQJ FODVVURRP VHDWV Ɣ &RPSXWHU URRP 3&V ZLWK LQWHUQHW FRQQHFWLRQ ZLUHOHVV /$1 DQG SULQWHU Ɣ &DELQHWV Ɣ 3URMHFWRUV Ɣ $LU FRQGLWLRQ DQG KHDWLQJƔ/DUJHFRXUW\DUGƔ&DIHWHULD ACKNOWGLEDGEMENT We are grateful to the following foundations: DAAD, Thyssen, Volkswagen, A. v. Humboldt, and F. Naumann, Germany; British Council, UK; Swiss Research Fund, Switzerland; IREX, USA; Foreign Embassies in Croatia, such as American, British, Swiss, Dutch, Norwegian and Indian Embassies. Special thanks also go to OSF, London, for refurbishment of one classroom in the building and to FOSI, Switzerland, supporting participants form Central and SE Europe. Very significant support is received from the Univ Zagreb and the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education & Sports for premises, administrative and technical service. Finally, thanks are expressed to all members and course directors for securing means for the IUC programmes. 2 2015 ACADEMIC PROGRAMME Courses and Conferences 2015 SPRING 2015 10 – 11 April SEPARATION AND INTEGRATION IN THE HISTORY OF HOSPITALS Jane Stevens Crawshaw, Oxford Brookes Univ Irena Benyovsky Latin, Croatian Instit. of History, Zagreb 13 – 17 April COMPARATIVE MEDIA SYSTEMS Media Cultures as Cultures of Mediatization Carmen Ciller, Univ Carlos III, Madrid Steffen Lepa, Technical Univ, Berlin Paolo Mancini, Univ Perugia 6QMHåDQD0LOLYRMHYLüUniv Belgrade Zrinjka Peruãko, Univ Zagreb Slavko Splichal, Univ Ljubljana 22 – 27 March NATIONAL VS. INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL ADJUDICATION* Shadow on the Wall? 'DYRU'HUHQþLQRYLüUniv Zagreb Richard Farkas, DePaul Univ, Chicago Anna-Maria Getoã, Univ Zagreb Michael Kilchling, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Law, Freiburg Charles E. Tucker, DePaul Univ, Chicago 26 – 28 March FORMAL METHODS AND SCIENCE IN PHILOSOPHY Gianfranco Basti, Pontifical Lateran Univ, Rome Grzegorz Bugajak, &DUG6W:\V]\ĔVNL8QLY:DUVDZ Johannes Czermak, Univ Salzburg )LOLS*UJLüInstitute of Philosophy, Zagreb 6UHüNR.RYDþInstitute of Philosophy, Zagreb (GZDUG1LH]QDĔVNLàD]DUVNL8QLY:DUVDZ .RUGXODĝZLĊWRU]HFND&DUGL6WHIDQ:\V]\ĔVNL8QLY Warsaw %HULVODYäDUQLüUniv Split 31 March – 3 April EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Garry Lawrence Jacobs, World Academy of Arts & Science, USA Winston Percival Nagan, Univ Florida Ivo âlaus, Dag Hammarskjöld Univ College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Croatia Alberto Zucconi, Person-Centered Approach Inst Italy 13 – 17 April PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE* Lars Bergstrom, Univ Stockholm James R. Brown, Univ Toronto David Davies, McGill Univ, Montreal Michel Ghins, Catholic Univ Louvain 'XQMD-XWURQLüUniv Maribor James McAllister, Univ Leiden =YRQLPLUâLNLüUniv Zagreb 16 – 19 April ESPEN COURSE OF CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLIC CARE äHOMNR.U]QDULüCroatian Society of Clinical Nutrition, Zagreb Pierre Singer, European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Zagreb 2 007 courses & conferences since 1972 18 – 22 April REVISITING SELF MANAGEMENT Lessons for its Past; Reflections on the Future of Social Economy and Self-Managed Work Hening Salling Olesen, Roskilde Univ Iraj Hashi, Staffordshire Univ Elizabeth Bowman, Center for Global Justice Michael Howard, Univ Maine Len Krikerman, Univ Connecticut 3 2015 19 – 24 April JEAN MONNET SEMINAR European Union Law and Risk Regulation Iris Goldner Lang, Univ Zagreb Adam Lazowski, Univ Westminster 1 874 487 698 214 475 participants in 2014 from Croatia from the EU from USA/Canada from other countries 19 – 28 April DIVIDED SOCIETIES XVIII* ’’The Clash of Civilizations’’ Today? 6LQLãD0DOHãHYLüUniv College Dublin Simona Kuti, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb 6DãD%RåLüUniv Zadar Mitja äagar, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana 0LFKDO9DãHþNDMasaryk Univ, Brno Daphne Winland, York Univ, Toronto 20 – 24 April EUROPEAN CRISIS AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS 2 Concepts of Democracy Hauke Brunkhorst, Univ Flensburg Joseph Bien, Univ Missouri, Columbia Gerard Raulet, Univ Paris, Sorbonne 20 – 24 April PERSPECTIVES OF SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION Ortrud Leßmann, Helmut-Schmidt-Univ, Hamburg Torsten Massonn, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig Wenzel Matiaske, Helmut-Schmidt-Univ, Hamburg Simon Fietze, Univ Southern Denmark, Sonderborg 20 – 24 April PHILOSOPHY OF ART David Davies, McGill Univ, Montreal Jason Gaiger, Ruskin School of Art, Oxford Boåidar Kante, Univ Maribor Matthew Kieran, Univ Leeds Iris Vidmar, Univ Rijeka 24 - 25 April ’’THE CLASH OF CIVILISATIONS’’ IN THE 21ST CENTURY 6LQLãD0DOHãHYLüUniv College Dublin Simona Kuti, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb 6DãD%RåLüUniv Zadar Mitja äagar, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Ljubljana 0LFKDO9DãHþNDMasaryk Univ, Brno Daphne Winland, York Univ, Toronto 27 April – 1 May FUTURE OF RELIGION Toward a Global Ethos Rudolf J. Siebert, Western Michigan Univ, Kalamazoo Francis Brassard, Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubrovnik Denis R. Janz, Loyola Univ, New Orleans 0LVODY.XNRþUniv Split 'LQND0DULQRYLü-HUROLPRYInst Social Research, Zagreb Gottfried Küenzlen, Bundeswehr Univ, Munich Michael R. Ott, Grand Valley State Univ, Allendale 582 lecturers from 106 universities in 29 countries in 2014 11 – 16 May MODALITIES OF TRAUMA IN (MULTI) CULTURAL CONTEXTS* Protagonists, representations and re-covering? (SpeCTReSS workshop) Nebojãa Blanuãa, Univ Zagreb Jennifer Edmond, Trinity College, Dublin Stefan Berger, Ruhr-Univ Bochum Tomasz Bilcezewski, Jagiellonian Univ Krakow Ene Koresaar, Univ Tartu Mridula Mukherjee, Jawaharlal Nehru Univ, New Delhi Laura Izarra, Univ Sao Paulo Ron Eyerman, Yale Univ Masahiro Shimoda, Univ Tokyo 4 2015 11 – 23 May XXXITH VICTIMOLOGY, VICTIM ASSISTANCE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE* Dick Andzenge, St. Cloud Univ, Minnesota Marianne Hilf, Univ Bern Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff, Tokiwa Univ, Mito Elmar G. M. Weitekamp, Univ Tuebingen SUMMER 2015 13 – 16 May INPATIENT TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS * The Spectrum of Interventions 6ODÿDQDâWUNDOM,YH]LüUniv Zagreb ,YDQ8UOLüUniv Split Luisa Brunori, Univ Bologna 25 – 29 May FEMINIST CRITICAL ANALYSIS Queering Knowledge: Spaces, Intimacies and Affects 'DãD'XKDþHNUniv Belgrade Linda Nicholson, Washington Univ, St. Louise Ethel Brooks, Rutgers Univ, New Brunswick 25 – 29 May FEMINISMS IN A TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE* Disrupting Historicity /DGDýDOH)HOGPDQUniv Zagreb 5DGD%RULüCentre for Women’s Studies, Zagreb 5HQDWD-DPEUHãLü.LULQInstitute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb Durre S. Ahmed, Centre for the Study of Gender and Culture, Lahore 59 courses & conferences in 2015 25– 29 May XXTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND JOURNALISM Media Convergence Nenad Prelog, Univ Zagreb Damir Boras, Univ Zagreb Inoslav Beãker, Univ Bologna 25 – 29 May INTERNATIONAL STUDY GROUP FOR PSYCHOSOCIETAL ANALYSIS - SQUID Birgit Volmerg, Univ Bremen Niels Sandholn Larsen, Metropolitan Univ, Copenhagen Joanna Whitehouse, Univ Leicester Katharina Rothe, W.A. White Institute, New York 25 – 30 May ERZÄHLUNGEN DER SOZIALEN PHILOSOPHIE Politk und Kunst *RUDQ*UHWLüUniv Zagreb Jo Moran Ellis, Univ Sussex Claudius Strube, Univ Wuppertal Heinz Suenker, Univ Wuppertal Lars-Henrik Schmidt, Aathus Univ 1– 5 June XXVITH SUMMER STROKE SCHOOL* Healthy Lifestyle and Prevention of Stroke Vida Demarin, Univ Zagreb Roman Haberl, Ludwig – Maximillians Univ, Munich Kurt Niederkorn, Univ Graz Tanja Rudek, Univ Miami Zlatko Trkanjec, Univ Zagreb 3 – 8 June CRITICAL THEORY Regina Kreide, Univ Giessen Banu Bargu, The New School, New York Gurminder K. Bhambra, Univ Warwick Robin Celikates, Univ Amsterdam Jodi Dean, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY Antje Gimmler, Univ Aalborg Rahel Jaeggi, Humboldt Univ Berlin David Strecker, Univ Jena 7 – 14 June ARS NAUTICA Seafaring through Ages – Archaeology, History, Conservation ,UHQD5DGLü5RVVLUniv Zadar Luis Filipe Vieira de Castro, Texas A&M Univ 5 2015 8 – 12 June PRIVATE AND PUBLIC JUSTICE* Remco van Rhee, Univ Maastricht Alan Uzelac, Univ Zagreb Elisabetta Silvestri, Univ Pavia Jon T. Johnsen, Univ Oslo Paul Oberhammer, Univ Vienna Vesna Rijavec, Univ Maribor Burkhard Hess, Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg PETROLEUM ENGINEERING SUMMER SCHOOL 8 – 12 June WORKSHOP 39: EXPLOITATION IN MATURE OIL FIELDS Energy Cliff Concept and Future Production of Hydrocarbons ,JRU'HNDQLüUniv Zagreb Thomas L. Davis, Colorado School of Mines, Golden Peter Kubus, MOL Group, Budapest 15 – 19 June WORKSHOP 40: UNCONVENTIONAL OIL & GAS EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION Natural Gas Supply, Energy Security & Gas Supply Diversification ,JRU'HNDQLüUniv Zagreb Zaki Bassiouni, Louisiana State Univ, Baton Rouge 'DULD.DUDVDOLKRYLü6HGODUUniv Zagreb 12 – 18 June MATH/CHEM/COMP +UYRM9DQþLNUniv Zagreb Jerzy Cislowski, Univ Szczecin 15 – 19 June ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY Pluralism in Mathematics, Logic and Semantics Stewart Shapiro, Ohio State Univ Columbus %RUDQ%HUþLüUniv Rijeka 1HQDG0LãþHYLüUniv Maribor 15 –20 June PHILOLOGIE UND PHILOSOPHIE IN DER FRÜHROMANTIK IV * Sprache – Medium – Kultur Ulrich Breuer, Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz Jure Zovko, Univ Zagreb 7RPLVODY=HOLüUniv Zadar 6 15 – 21 June REGIONAL SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE * 5DGRYDQ9XNDGLQRYLüUniv Zagreb Lee Kendall Metcalf, Florida State Univ, Tallahassee 15 – 21 June SOCIAL STRUCTURES AND SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS* The Quest for Social Justice 2JQMHQýDOGDURYLüUniv Zagreb Garth Massey, Univ Wyoming, Laramie 'DYRUND0DWLüUniv Zagreb Nenad Fanuko, Univ Rijeka Norman Stockman, Univ Aberdeen 21 – 27 June REPRESENTATION THEORY XIV 'UDåHQ$GDPRYLüUniv Zagreb +UYRMH.UDOMHYLüUniv Zagreb Antun Milas, SUNY – Albany, New York 3DYOH3DQGåLü, Univ Zagreb Mirko Primc, Univ Zagreb David Vogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 22 – 26 June GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY VIII Geometric Group Theory and Dynamical Systems Sonja âtimac, Univ Zagreb 9ODVWD0DWLMHYLüUniv Split Jerzy Dydak, Univ of Tennessee, Nashville Alexander N. Dranishnikov, Univ Florida, Gainesville Mladen Bestvina, Univ Utah, Salt Lake City José M.R. Sanjurjo, Univ Complutense, Madrid 167 member universities in 46 countries 22 – 27 June MODERN PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION / RELIGIONSPHILOSOPHIE DER GEGENWART* Hans-Peter Grosshans, Univ Muenster Ingolf U. Dalferth, Univ Zurich Jörg Dierken, Univ Halle-Wittenberg Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt, Univ Tuebingen Jure Zovko, Univ Zadar 29 June – 3 July HUMAN RIGHTS AND MEDICINE $QD%RURYHþNLUniv Zagreb 1HQDG+ODþDUniv Rijeka Miroslav Mastilica, Univ Zagreb Henk ten Have, Duquesne Univ, Pittsburgh 2015 29 June – 10 July MASTER CLASS ON LAW, HISTORY, POLITICS AND SOCIETY IN THE CONTEXT OF MASS ATROCITIES Law and Politics of Genocide: 20 Years after Srebrenica Sonja Biserko, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Serbia Geoffrey Nice, Buckingham Univ Nena Tromp, Univ Amsterdam 1874 Participants in 2014 1 – 5 July ARS MEDICA Science, Clinical Practice and Art 9HOMNRĈRUÿHYLüUniv Zagreb Lukasz Konopka, Yellowbrick and Loyola Medicine Center, Chicago Trevor Walker, St. Mary Univ, London Marijana Braã, Univ Zagreb 20 - 25 July SUMMER SCHOOL OF PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTERAPHY Peter Dunn, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute Dinko Podrug, SUNY Health Science Center, NY 9HGUDQ%LOLüUniv Zagreb 24 – 28 August MIND, WORLD AND ACTION * Majda Trobok, Univ Rijeka 0LORã$UVHQLMHYLüUniv Belgrade Timothy Williamson, Univ Oxford 30 August – 5 September EUROSCHOOL ON EXOTIC BEAMS 2015 Dario Vretenar, Univ Zagreb Christoph Scheidenberger, Justus Liebig Univ, Giessen Gerda Neyens, Catholic Univ Leuven 31 August - 4 September IDENTITÄT EUROPAS * Europe and World Conflicts *RUDQ*UHWLüUniv Zagreb Wolfgang Heuer, Free Univ, Berlin =RUDQ.XUHOLüUniv Zagreb Waltraud Meints-Stender, Univ Hannover Gilbert Merlio, Univ Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle Christina Sanchez, Autonomous Univ Madrid -DQXV]:LĞQLHZVNLUniv Poznan 31 August – 5 September POLITISCHE THEORIE Hans Vorländer, Technical Univ Dresden Nenad Zakoãek, Univ Zagreb Davor Rodin, Univ Zagreb 71 984 participants since 1972 7 – 11 September MODERNE TRANSZENDENTALPHILOSOPHIE XVI Wolfgang Kuhlmann, Technical Univ Aachen Hotimir Burger, Univ Zagreb 7 – 12 September THEATRUM MUNDI* Theatre of the Political Mind Sibila Petlevski, Univ Zagreb 30 August – 4 September *RUDQ*UHWLüUniv Zagreb PHILOSOPHY AND DEMOCRACY* 2OJD0DUNLþ, Univ Ljubljana Cosmopolitan Democracy Henning Ottmann, Ludwig-Maximilians Univ, Munich Tomislav Cipek, Univ Zagreb Katica Kulavkova, Ss. Cyril &Methodius Univ, Skopje 3DYR%DULãLüUniv Split 1HQDG3URNLüUniv Belgrade 0DULWD%UþLü, Univ Split 7 2015 FALL 2015 15 – 19 September URBAN CULTURES AT THE CROSSROADS Kjell Skyllstad, Chiulalongkorn Univ Celine Motzfeldt Loades, Univ Oslo 6DQGUD8VNRNRYLüUniv Dubrovnik 21 – 25 September LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS - LAP =YRQLPLUâLNLüUniv Zagreb Andre Scedrov, Univ Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Silvia Ghilezan, Univ Novi Sad =RUDQ2JQMDQRYLüMathematical Institute SANU, Belgrade 21 – 26 September ETHICS OF NON-EXCLUSION: The Role of Social Work in Social Transformation and Innovation Vito Flaker, Univ Ljubljana Jana Mali, Univ Ljubljana Torill Tjelflaat, NTNU, Trondheim Nino äganec, Univ Zagreb Joe Yates, Liverpool John Moores Univ Juha Hämäläinen, Univ Eastern Finland, Kuopio Paul Stubbs, Institute of Economics, Zagreb 21 – 26 September 2015 FUTURE OF EDUCATION Garry Lawrence Jacobs, World Academy of Arts and Science, USA Winston Percival Nagan, Univ Florida Ivo âlaus, Dag Hammarskjöld Univ College of International Relations and Diplomacy, Croatia Alberto Zucconi, Person-Centered Approach Institute, Italy 28 September – 2 October PHILOSOPHISCHE IDEEN DER BILDUNG* Jure Zovko, Institute of Philosophy, Zagreb Christoph Horn, Univ Bonn 2 – 9 October NATURE, CULTURE AND ’’BILDUNG’’* Myriam Gehrhard, Univ Oldenburg Marie-Elise Zovko, Univ Zagreb Violetta Waibel, Univ Vienna 5 – 9 October 2015 BALKAN CRIMINOLOGY* Crime and Criminology in the Balkans Hans-Jörg Albrecht, Max Planck Institute for foreign and international law, Freiburg Anna-Maria Getoã Kalac, Univ Zagreb Michael Kilchling, Max Planck Institute for foreign and international law, Freiburg $OPLU0DOMHYLüUniv Sarajevo John Winterdyke, Mount Royal University, Calgary Programmes marked with an asterisk (*) offer ECTS credits. 8 2015 Support, Scholarships & Credit Points The IUC is unfortunately not in a position to provide any scholarships, since there are no financial means available to set up appropriate grant programmes, but there are two IUC related funds offering support especially for IUC courses: The Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports provides graduate students and professors from Croatia with four scholarships per course which cover travel expenses and half board accommodation. Applications may be submitted by course directors or interested candidates directly to the IUC Secretariat. For application form visit Furthermore, preferential attention should be paid to national funding institutions and foundations often providing scholarships or grants for postgraduate courses, e.g. DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) offers stipends and support of new courses. For information visit Students from Austria have a look on Course and conference participants are kindly requested to approach their course directors, the academic exchanges service at their home universities and of course the internet for further inquiries. A certificate is awarded to each student who attends a full course and satisfactorily completes a written contribution in the field of study for the course. Course directors decide in accordance with the university and the respective graduate and research training program, how many ECTS points are awarded. ECTS points will be measured by the necessary workload of the student to achieve defined learning outcomes and competences. The workload includes time the student needs for lectures, seminars, independent work, reading, learning, writing papers and exam. Countries of Participants: Albania – Algeria – Argentina – Armenia – Australia – Austria – Azerbaijan – Belarus – Belgium – Bhutan - Bosnia and Herzegovina – Brazil – Bulgaria – Canada – Chile – China – Colombia - Costa Rica – Croatia – Cyprus - Czech – Denmark – Ecuador – Estonia – Finland – France – Georgia – Germany – Greece – Guinea - Hong Kong – Hungary – Iceland – India – Indonesia - Iran – Ireland – Israel – Italy – Japan – Jordanian – Kenya - South Korea – Kosovo – Kuwait – Latvia – Lebanon – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Macedonia – Malta – Mexico – Montenegro – Morocco – Netherlands- New Zealand – Nigeria – Norway – Oman – Pakistan – Portugal – Qatar – Romania – Russia – Serbia – Singapore – Slovakia – Slovenia - South Africa – Spain - Sri Lanka – Sweden – Switzerland – Thailand – Togo – Turkey – Ukraine - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - United States - Zambia 9 2015 Foundation & History The Inter-University Centre has lived a rich life so far and has taken great pride in serving as a venue for scholarly cooperation. It is all set to continue its mission. The idea of the IUC developed in response to urgent affairs; there was a cold war going on. Concerned scholars saw the importance of creating new opportunities for contact and exchange of knowledge and ideas across division lines. Would it be possible to create strong arenas where scholars from various parts of the world could meet to pursue important scientific issues in a diplomatic and peace-generating way? There was a wish to strengthen the role of scientists in bridge-building between nations and cultures, ideologies and political systems, rather than continuing the troublesome schisms that the world had become so used to over the decades following World War II. Plans for a United Nations University were being discussed in the late 1960’s. In a meeting of university leaders in Montreal in 1970, the Rector of the University of Zagreb at that time, Ivan Supek, proposed an alternative or a supplement that won wide support. He suggested to build an Inter-University Centre that is fully in the hands of the cooperating scholars and universities themselves – an institution free of government control. Luckily, the city of Dubrovnik had offered Supek a building that could serve as a home for the kind of international centre he envisioned. It must be remembered that Yugoslavia held a unique position at the time; Yugoslavia under Tito was non-aligned. It had the potential to provide conditions for contacts that could not otherwise be achieved. Dubrovnik, with its rich history, culture, its beauty and friendly atmosphere, certainly appeared as an ideal site, and an Inter-University Centre located here could also serve as a breathing-hole between East and West. For example, scholars from Eastern Europe were allowed to travel to Dubrovnik, whilst to a large extent countries in the West were beyond reach. So, a small group of individuals representing a handful of universities internationally were invited to come to Dubrovnik to consider Supek’s idea. The decision was made: The Inter-University Centre was to become reality, and work was started to establish a viable organization and a sound basis for effective operation. The centre could not have been established and could not have entered into its successful life, without the outstanding generosity of the Univ Zagreb, while vice versa IUC has given much in return by connecting young scholars from Croatia and its broader region to active and generous international networks of scholars. The Inter-University Centre soon became a very attractive venue for academic exchange. From the few universities represented by the founders, the number of universities formally associated with the IUC grew to more than 250 before the outbreak of the wars in 1991. Following the wars the number of member universities has declined to approximately 170. Now the level of programme activities in courses and conferences remains as high as ever, and IUC Dubrovnik in competition with other actors on the international scholarly arena provides a whole series of extensive programmes to promote study abroad and to globalize higher education. Scholars, students and teachers keep coming; they are happy to be in Dubrovnik and they are usually eager to come back for new IUC events. 10 201 Governing Bodies and Organisation Director General Krunoslav Pisk, ,QVW5XÿHU%RãNRYLü=DJUHE Deputy Director General Peter Kampits, Univ Vienna 'RQ)UDQD%XOLüD 20000 Dubrovnik – Croatia Phone + 385 20 41 36 26 Fax + 385 20 41 36 28 Email [email protected] General Secretary %HUWD'UDJLþHYLü Chair of the Council Sigmund Grønmo, Univ Bergen Vice Chair of the Council Ivo Slaus, Croatian Acad. Sciences & Arts, Zagreb Executive Secretary Secretary Executive Committee 1DGD%UXHU/MXELãLü 7RPLVODY.YHVLü Chair: Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund, Univ Oslo Vice Chair: N.N. Univ Zagreb Members: Wieger Bakker, Univ Utrecht; 0LOHQD'UDJLþHYLüâHãLüUniv of Arts, Belgrade; HansPeter Grosshans, Univ Muenster; Gerd Ferdinand Kirchhoff, Tokiwa Univ, Mito; Hrovje .UDOMHYLüUniv Zagreb; Lee Kendall Metcalf, Florida State Univ, Tallahassee; H. Joachim Seitz, Univ Hamburg; Walther Ch. Zimmerli, Humboldt Univ Berlin. Ex Officio Member | IUC Association Ørjar Øyen, Univ Bergen Auditor Henrik Tøndel, Univ Bergen The IUC is structured as a consortium of universities and other scientific institutions that form the centre's policies and objectives. Each Member institution delegates one representative to the IUC Council, which is the policy-making and the highest governing body of the IUC. Council is responsible for the Constitution of the Centre, admission of new Members, establishment of fields of study and academic cooperation, budgetary matters, election of the Executive Committee and appointment of the Director General. It is chaired by Chair of the Council. Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Council between Council meetings on the formation of the annual academic programme, acceptance of budget and financial reports and agreements and contracts with other institutions. It is chaired by Chair of the Executive Committee. Director General is responsible for the functioning of the Centre, its academic programmes, and finances. IUC Association provides a legal basis for the functioning of the Centre, for the personnel, premises, equipment and required funding. It was registered in November 1994 in order to provide the continuity of the institution in the new legal settings of the Republic of Croatia. It is chaired by President of the Association. -All governing functions at the IUC are performed by dedicated members on voluntary basis—————————————————————————————————— Design, Content & Concept 1DGD%UXHU/MXELãLü7RPLVODY.YHVLüDubrovnik; Janet Chukwukelu; H. Joachim Seitz, Hamburg. Print: Digital Page GmbH, Hamburg. 11 Dubrovnik D ubrovnik - Cities C ties of Member Ci Member Universities Universities Addis A Addis Abeba beba Antwerpen Antwerpen Barcelona Ba rccelona Beer Beer Sheva Sheva Beijing Be ijin g Belgrade Be lgrade Bergen Be rgen Berkeley Be rkkeley Berlin Be erlin Bloomington Bl oomington Bologna Bo logna Bradford Bra dford Brighton i h Brno Brussel Bucharest Budapest Cairo Calgary Cambridge Campinas Caracas Carbondale Charlotte Chemnitz Cheney Clermont-Ferrand Cluj-Napoca College Station Copenhagen Cottbus Coventry Denton D etroit Detroit D reesden Dresden D ubro r vnik Dubrovnik E vanston Evanston F reesno Fresno 12 1 2 F ribourg Fribourg G eneva Geneva G ent Gent G oshen Goshen G othenburgg Gothenburg G raz Graz H amburg Hamburg H amden Hamden H amilton Hamilton H atfield Hatfield H averford Haverford H eidelberg Heidelberg i Irvine Isfahan Istanbul Ithaca Jerusalem Kalamazoo Konstanz Koper Kuopio Lecce Lethbridge Leuven Linköping Lisboa Liège Ljubljana àyGĨ London Los Angeles Louisville Lugansk L und Lund M aastricht Maastricht M ainz Mainz M aribor Maribor M iami Miami M inneapolis Minneapolis M innesota Minnesota M ito Mito M oscow Moscow M ostar Mostar M ount P leasant Mount Pleasant M ünster Münster N airobi Nairobi N amur Namur N anchang Nanchang N apa Napa i k New Brunswick New Haven New York Niã Nova Gorica Novi Sad Odessa Oostvoorne Osijek Oslo Osnabrück Oxford Paderborn Paris Pécs Philadelphia Pittsburg Podgorica Portoroå Prague Prishtina P u la Pula Ri jeka Rijeka Ro ma Roma Ro skilde Roskilde Ru se Ruse S an D iego San Diego S an F rancisco San Francisco S anta Barbara Barbara Santa S araajevo Sarajevo S eoul Seoul S iegen Siegen S kopje Skopje S ofia Sofia S p lit Split S t. Petersburg Petersburg St. S tockholm Stockholm Swansea Talahassee Tallinn Teheran Thessaloniki Tirana Torino Trieste Tromsø Trondheim Tronoh Turku Tuzla Tyler Tübingen Udine Uppsala Urbana Utrecht Washington, D.C. West Lafayette W ien Wien W uhan Wuhan Z adar Zadar Z agreb Zagreb Z ürich Zürich
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