Berane - kulturna ruta

Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
Glavna ulica
Najbolji način da upoznate grad je da,
kao i svaki pravi Beranac, prošetate
predveče čuvenim beranskim korzom.
Prostrana i neuobičajeno široka,
glavna ulica bila je i ostala središte
svih zbivanja. Projektovao ju je turski
arhitekta Rizvan beg, tek svršeni
student arhitekture sa Sorbone, po
ugledu na pariske bulevare. Ovdje
je otvorena prva apoteka, prva benzinska pumpa, prvi hoteli i hanovi. Tu su
se nalazile najbolje pekare i ćevabdžinice, nekoliko kafana i brojne zanatske
radnje. I danas je glavna ulica poznata po mjestima gdje možete da uživate u
tradicionalnim specijalitetima: bureku, pastrmci sa roštilja, slatkom kačamaku,
ali i u poznatom beranskom gostoprimstvu.
Stari grad
Ovdje, na širokom platou tik uz
glavnu ulicu, nekada se nalazio
begluk – glavni gradski trg i pijaca. Tu
su se prodavale razne vrste žitarica,
mlijeko, voće i povrće, a u okolnim
dućanima mogli su se kupiti različiti
manufakturni proizvodi. U blizini su
se nalazili hanovi gdje su trgovci uz
kafu ugovorali poslove. Na zapadnoj
strani begluka, 1883. godine, podignuta je vakufska kuća, spoj tradiconalne i
orijentalne arhitekture, sa pet drvenih stubova i dva polukružna drvena luka u
prizemlju. Sastavni dio vakufske kuće bile su čuvene gradske česme zbog kojih
je i bila
poznatija kao „kuća kod česama“. Do njih je voda dolazila
bukovim čunkovima sa manastirskog vrela kod Đurđevih
Stupova. Bio je to prvi gradski vodovod dugačak 2
Polimski muzej
Preko 9000 eksponata iz arheološke,
prirodnjačke i umjetničke zbirke Polimskog muzeja
otkriće vam kako je izgledao život u Polimlju od
praistorije do današnjih dana. Alatke od jelenskih
Adresa: Mojsija Zečevića 8
Tel./Faks: + 382 (0) 51 236 664
Email: [email protected]
Hotel S ***
Mitropolita Pajsije bb
Tel: +382 (0) 51 232 031 / +382 (0) 69 085 167
E-mail: [email protected]
Restorani nacionalne kuhinje
Restoran Etna - Polimska 71
Tel. +382 (0) 51 233 776
Restoran Ambiente - Mojsije Zečevića bb
Tel. +382 (0) 68 527 056
E-mail: [email protected]
Restoran Dva jelena - Svetosavska bb
Tel: +382 (0) 67 853 693
Kako stići - Transport
Vojvoda Gavro Vuković (Lijeva Rijeka, 1852
– Berane, 1928) bio je dugogodišnji ministar
spoljnih poslova Crne Gore i utemeljivač
moderne crnogorske diplomatije. Sin poznatog
cmogorskog glavara Miljana Vukova Vešovića,
bio je prvi školovani pravnik u Crnoj Gori.
Uspješno je vodio crnogorsku diplomatiju
u teškim pregovorima o razgraničenju sa
Osmanskim carstvom. Iza sebe je ostavio
preko hiljadu strana „Memoara“ u kojima je
napravio prikaz spoljne politike Crne Gore
sa kraja 19. i početka 20. Vijeka. U prizemlju
spomen kuće vojvode Gavra Vukovića nalazi se radna soba sa bibliotekom, u
kojoj se čuvaju njegove lične stvari i brojni rukopisi.
Đurđevi Stupovi
Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi jedan je od
najznačajnijih i najstarijih manastira u
Polimlju. Podignut 1213. godine kao
zadužbina župana Stefana Prvoslava,
u njemu je Sveti Sava uspostavio
činjenici da je pet puta paljen i razaran,
manastir je uspio da se održi, ostajući centar duhovnog i političkog života
pravoslavnog stanovništva za vrijeme turske vlasti. Za freske Đurđevih Stupova
kažu da su „u ljutim ranama“ jer je najveći broj prvobitnog freskopisa iz 14. vijeka
stradao u čestim napadima na manastir. Na onome što je ostalo prepoznaje
se ruka darovitih dečanskih majstora. Jednobrodna crkva posvećena Svetom
velikomučeniku Georgiju pripada arhitekturi kakva se do tada razvijala u
primorju u 11. i 12. vijeku.
Nalazite se u Beranama, gradu na Limu okruženom obroncima visokih planina
sa bajkovitim ledničkim jezerima. I dok uživate u svježem vazduhu i idiličnim
planinskim prizorima, ne zaboravite da se nalazite u kulturnom središtu Polimlja
naseljenom još od praistorije.
Lukas Hotel ***
Milorada Jovančevića bb
Tel. +382 (0) 78 108 142 / +382 (0) 67 611 766
E-mail: [email protected]
Kuća Gavra Vukovića
Dobro došli!
Turistička organizacija Berane
Hotel “IL SOLE” ****
Tel: +382 51 231270 / Fax: +382 51 231 320
E-mail: [email protected]
Polimska 71, Berane
rogova, ogrlica od vučjih očnjaka, ukrasi od ćilibara i unikatna pancirna košulja
iz krstaških ratova, samo su dio bogate arheološke zbirke koja prati razvoj ovog
kraja još od mezolita. Nošnje, nakiti i predmeti za svakodnevnu upotrebu čine
srž etnografske zbirke koja najbolje ilustruje kako su izgledali i kako su živjeli
stanovnici ovih krajeva.
Prenoćište Vidikovac ***
Dušana Vujoševića 1
Tel: +382(0) 51 233 971
Motel Buče
Tel. +382 (0) 78 104 410
+382 (0) 67 416 395
Hotel Pešić
Jelovica b.b
Tel: +382 (0) 69 042 522
+382 (0) 67 535 753
Slatki kačamak
Kačamak je tradicionalno jelo od
pšeničnog i kukruznog brašna,
karakteristično za mnoge planinske
krajeve. Slatki kačamak, je slatkiš
koji možete da nađete samo u
Beranama! Zato ne propustite priliku
da probate ovaj specijalitet od
šampite i sladoleda
koji možete da
nađete u mnogim
Avio transport: najbliži aerodrom je u
Podgorici (150 km)
Voz: Željeznička stanica u Bijelom Polju (35 km),
Autobus: dobro povezan autobuskim linijama sa svim gradovima
u regionu. Autobuska stanica Berane +382 (0) 51 234 828
Automobil: Magistralnim putem od Podgorice (144 km), od Bijelog Polja (35 km), od
Beograda (350 km), od Nacionalnog parka Biogradska gora (70 km), od Nacionalnog parka
Prokletije (50 km)
Kulturna ruta Berana vodi vas do najzanimljivijih mjesta u gradu, na kojima
ćete otkriti kako se nekada živjelo na begluku, kako je preživio manastir koji je
pet puta paljen i obnavljan, zašto treba da napravite par krugova beranskim
korzom, kako je izgledala pancirna košulja iz doba krstaških ratova, i gdje
je to sakrivena pećina sa blagom. Moći ćete da vidite i kako izgleda jedina
trospratna džamija u Crnoj Gori i pročitate istoriju Polimlja ispisanu na 40
granitnih blokova.
Više informacija o kulturnoj ruti i pomoć u
organizaciji ture možete dobiti u Turističkoj
organizaciji Berane
Radno vrijeme:
radnim danima: 08h do 16h
Adresa: Mojsija Zečevića 8
Tel/fax: +382 (0) 51 236 664
Email: [email protected]
Spomenik Slobode
na Jasikovcu
Najljepši pogled na grad pruža
se sa brda Jasikovac, omiljenog
izletišta Beranaca koje se nalazi na
samo kilometar od centra grada.
Tu su Turci posle boja na Rudešu
1862. godine podigli svoje vojno
utvrđenje i sa njega kontrolisali
okolno stanovništvo. Danas se na
Jasikovcu nalazi spomenik Slobode
posvećen žrtvama oslobodilačkih ratova. Ovaj neobični spomenik visok 18
metara, okružen je sa 40 granitnih blokova na kojima je sa više od 10.000 slova
ispisana istorija Polimlja.
Manastir Šudikova
Idilični pejzaži Tifranske klisure
skrivaju jedan od najznačajnijih
manastira u ovom dijelu
Polimlja. Vjekovima je manastir
Šudikova bio važan duhovni
i kulturni centar sa poznatom
spisateljskom i freskopisačkom
školom iz koje je potekao i
čuveni zograf pop Strahinja
Budimljanin. Turski osvajači zapalili su manastir 1738. godine, a njegovo
obnavljanje započelo je 2005. godine. U blizini manastira nalazi se izvor nazvan
Sveto vrelo koji se i po nekoliko puta dnevno pojavi i nestane pod zemljom.
Legenda kaže da je ova ljekovita voda pomogla i oslijepjelom kralju Stefanu
Dečanskom. Nedaleko od manastira u Tifranskoj klisuri, nalazi se spomenik
podignut 1929. godine.
Manastir Kaludra
Na devetom kilometru od Berana,
u selu Kaludra, okružen bogatim
šumama i visokim planinama, nalazi se
manastir Svetog Luke. Podignut u 14.
vijeku, za vrijeme Nemanjića, vjeruje se
Nastanak grada
Temelje varoši Berana postavio je Mehmed beg Bahtijarević-Jajčanin vojni zapovjednik i
gradski kajmakam. Posle bitke na Rudešu 1862. godine, turska vojska podigla je utvrđenje
na Jasikovcu, a potom i drveni most na Limu i kasarne i konjušnice na lijevoj obali rijeke, na
mjestu gdje se danas nalazi bolnica. Dolaskom zanatlija i trgovaca iz Bijelog Polja, Nikšića,
Peći i drugih krajeva Crne Gore, naselje se brzo i stihijski širilo. Mehmed beg Jajčanin i
sam je uticao na uređenje i razvoj grada odredivši pravce i širine ulica. Kada je umro 1896.
godine, na njegovoj dženazi – poslednjem ispraćaju, po prvi put su prisutvovali stanovnici
obje vjeroispovijesti.
Beranski korzo
Kažu da je beranski korzo star koliko
i sam grad. Neuobičajeno široka
glavna ulica kao stvorena je da se
njom prošetaju, naprave nekoliko
krugova, „vide i budu viđeni“, za tu
priliku dotjerani šetači. Tradicionalno
su sredinom ulice šetali stariji,
„ozbiljniji“ ljudi, sa desne mladi
Beranci, a sa lijeve mladi iz okoline grada. Korzo je uvijek bio veoma važan dio gradskog
života, pa se tako u periodu kada je glavna ulica bila otvorena za saobraćaj, sa jednom
kolovoznom i dvije pješačke trake, od 17/18 do 22h ona zatvarala za saobraćaj i pretvrala
u gradsko šetalište. Korzo se, kao i sam grad, vremenom mijenjao. Krajem 20 vijeka
glavna ulica je popločana, a brojni kafići otvoreni sa obje strane ulice. Iako je sada prostor
za šetnju smanjen, Beranci nisu napustili svoj korzo, samo su ga drugačije organizovali.
Sada se od 18h do 21h ulicom šetaju stariji ljudi i roditelji sa djecom, a od 21h pa nadalje
okupljaju se mladi.
Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, 1949. godine, Berane mijenja ime u Ivangrad, po narodnom
heroju iz Crne Gore, Ivanu Milutinoviću. Istaknuti komunista i revolucionar Ivan Milutinović
učestvovao je u organizovanju partizanskih odreda širom zemlje. Nakon 43 godine,
referendumom je odlučeno da se gradu vrati stari naziv Berane.
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
Iako ne postoji obilježena biciklistička staza, čitavu trasu rute, moguće je
obići planinskim biciklom.
da ga je freskopisao čuveni pop Strahinja iz Budimlja. Razoren je i zapustio u
17. vijeku u doba turske vladavine. Posle tri vijeka manastir je 2001. godine,
obnovljen i oslikan. U blizini manastira nalaze se teško pristupačne pećine
isposnice, u kojima su tokom srednjeg vijeka živjeli i pripremali se za monaški
život kaluđeri isposnici. I danas se mogu prepoznati tragovi njihovog obitavanja
kao što su sjedišta uklesana u stijeni.
Džamija u Petnjici
Jedina trospratna džamija u regionu
nalazi se u Petnjici. Na dvadesetak
kilometara od Berana, naići ćete
na jednu od najvećih džamija na
Balkanu, jedinstvene arhitekture sa
drvenim, ručno rezbarenim stubovima.
Podignuta kao mala seoska džamija,
više puta je dograđivana i obnavljana
prilozima građana, da bi sa sadašnjom
površinom od 550m2 mogla da primi
i do 1200 vjernika. U narodu postoji
predanje da je kamen za njenu izgradnju
donešen sa džamije koja se nalazila u
srednjevjekovnom utvrđenju Bihor.
Petnjički kraj
Na 700 metara nadmorske visine, u dolini rijeke Popče, nalazi se varoš
Petnjica, središte Gornjeg Bihora. Petnjički kraj poznat je po jabukama
i izvorskoj vodi, a najviše po bogatoj istoriji. Naseljen još u bronzanom
dobu, na arheološkom lokalitetu Torine čuva ostatke jedne od najznačajnijih
eneolitskih kultura u Crnoj Gori. Tu je pronađena i jedinstvena ženska figurina
stara 5000 godina. Na brdu
Gradina nalaze se ostaci
srednjevjekovnog grada Bihora,
koji je tokom srednjeg vijeka i
turske vladavine dominirao ovim
dijelom Polimlja. Za ovaj kraj
vezane su i mnoge legende, a
najzanimljivija je ona o Brativiru,
vodopadu neizmjerne ljepote,
iza koga kažu da se krije pećina
sa blagom.
Berane - Cultural Route
1. The Main Street
2. The old town
3. Museum of the Polimlje Region
4. Gavro Vuković’s house
5. Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery
6. The Monument to Liberty in Jasikovac
7. Šudikova Monastery
8. Kaludra Monastery
9. The Mosque in Petnjica
10. The Region of Petnjica
The Main Street
The best way to explore the town is to
take an evening walk along the famous
promenade, like any true resident of
Berane. The spacious and unusually
wide main street was, and still is today,
the centre of all events. It was designed
by the Turkish architect Rizvan-bey.
Having just graduated from the
University of Sorbonne, he modelled
the promenade on Parisian boulevards. This street was the place where the
first pharmacy was opened, the first petrol station, as well as the first hotels
and inns. The main street included the best bakeries and grill houses, a few
cafés and a number of craft shops. Nowadays, the main street is a well-known
place for enjoying traditional specialities: burek, grilled trout, sweet kačamak
(cornmeal mash), and the hospitality of the people of Berane.
The old town
A long time ago, the beyluk, the
main town square and market, was
located on a wide plateau near the
main street. It was the place where
merchants used to sell different
types of cereals, milk, fruits and
vegetables, and in nearby shops
they displayed various manufactured
goods. Just across the street, inside
the inns, merchants would sit and make business deals. In 1883, on the west
side of the beyluk, a waqf (endowment) house was built. It was a blend of
traditional and Middle-Eastern architecture, with five wooden pillars and two
semicircular wooden arches on the ground plan. The two famous city fountains
were an integral part of the waqf house, which led to it being known as the
“house beside the drinking fountains”. The drinking fountains
were filled from water from the monastery’s spring which was
transferred through beech pipes. It was the first twokilometre-long town water supply system.
Museum of the Polimlje Region
Over 9,000 exhibits from the archaeological,
ethnographic, numismatic, heraldic, natural history and
art collections of the museum will reveal what life was
like in Polimlje from prehistory to the present day. Tools
Address: Mojsija Zečevića 8
Tel/Fax: + 382 (0) 51 236 664
E-mail: [email protected]
Hotel S ***
Mitropolita Pajsije bb
Tel: +382 (0) 51 232 031 / +382 (0) 69 085 167
E-mail: [email protected]
National Cuisine Restaurants
Etna Restaurant - Polimska 71
Tel. +382 (0) 51 233 776
Ambiente Restaurant - Mojsije Zečevića bb
Tel. +382 (0) 68 527 056
E-mail: [email protected]
Dva jelena Restaurant - Svetosavska bb
Tel: +382 (0) 67 853 693
How to Get There – Transport
Air: the closest airport is in Podgorica (150 km)
Duke Gavro Vukovic (Lijeva Rijeka, b.1852, d.
Berane, 1928) was the long-time Minister of
Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and the founder of
Montenegrin modern diplomacy. He was the son
of the famous Montenegrin official Miljan Vukov
Vešović and the first trained lawyer in Montenegro.
He successfully led Montenegrin diplomacy
during difficult negotiations on determining the
borders of the Ottoman Empire. Gavro Vuković left
a legacy of thousands of pages of his “Memoirs”
which are a showcase of Montenegrin foreign
policy from the late 19th century and the early
years of the 20th century. On the ground floor of the Gavro Vuković Memorial
House there is a study with a library which houses his personal belongings and
numerous manuscripts.
Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery
Djurdjevi Stupovi Monastery is one
of the most important and oldest
monasteries in Polimlje. It was built in
1213 as an endowment of Prince Stefan
Prvoslav and in this monastery, St. Sava
established the Episcopacy of Budimlje.
Despite the fact it was burned down
and destroyed five times, the monastery
was able to remain the centre of the
spiritual and political life of the Orthodox
population during Ottoman rule. The
frescoes in the monastery are in bad
condition because most of the original frescoes from the 14th century suffered
during frequent attacks on the monastery. It is easy to detect the workmanship
of master craftsmen from Dečani. The architecture of the single-nave church
dedicated to St. George the Great-Martyr is the same as the architecture that
was developing on the coast during the 11th and 12th centuries.
You are in Berane, a town on the River Lim, surrounded by high mountain
slopes, with fabulous glacial lakes. And while you are enjoying the fresh air and
idyllic mountain scenery, do not forget that you are also in the cultural centre of
the Polimlje region, inhabited since prehistoric times.
Lukas Hotel ***
Milorada Jovančevića bb
Tel. +382 (0) 78 108 142 / +382 (0) 67 611 766
E-mail: [email protected]
Gavro Vuković’s house
Berane Tourist Organization
Hotel “IL SOLE” ****
Tel: +382 51 231270 / Fax: +382 51 231 320
E-mail: [email protected]
Polimska 71, Berane
made from antlers, a necklace made from wolf fangs, amber ornaments and
a unique sleeveless coat of mail from the time of the Crusades are only part of
the rich archaeological collection, which follows the development of this region
since the Mesolithic Era. Costumes, jewellery and items for everyday use are
the core of the ethnographic collection that illustrates what the inhabitants of
this area looked like and how they lived.
Bed and Breakfast Vidikovac ***
Dušana Vujoševića 1
Tel: +382(0) 51 233 971
Motel Buče
Tel. +382 (0) 78 104 410
+382 (0) 67 416 395
Hotel Pešić
Jelovica b.b
Tel: +382 (0) 69 042 522
+382 (0) 67 535 753
Sweet kačamak
Kačamak is a traditional dish
made of wheat and corn flour,
typical of many mountain
regions. Sweet kačamak is a
delicacy that can be found only
in Berane! So do not miss the
opportunity to try this speciality
of cream and ice
cream which
you can find
in many cake
shops in
Rail: Bijelo Polje Railway Station (35 km),
Bus: well connected by bus routes from all the towns in the region
Berane Bus Station +382 (0) 51 234 828
Car: accessible by major roads from Podgorica (144 km), Bijelo Polje (35 km), Belgrade (350
km), Biogradska Gora National Park (70 km), Prokletije National Park (50 km)
The cultural route of Berane takes you to the most interesting places in the
town, where you will discover how people used to live at the beyluk, how the
monastery managed to survive, having been razed and rebuilt five times, why
you need to make a few laps along the Berane Promenade, what a suit of mail
from the time of the Crusades looks like, and where a treasure cave is hidden.
You will be able to see the only three-storey mosque in Montenegro and read
the history of the Polimlje region written on 40 granite slabs.
More information about the cultural route and
assistance in organizing tours are available at: Berane
Tourist Organization
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00
Address: Mojsija Zečevića 8
Tel/Fax: + 382 (0) 51 236 664
E-mail: [email protected]
The Monument to
Liberty in Jasikovac
The most beautiful view of the town is
from Jasikovac Hill, a favourite picnic
spot for the inhabitants of Berane. It
is located just one kilometre from
the town centre. It was the place
where the Ottomans built their military
fortification after the battle in Rudeš
in 1862. From that point they controlled the local population. Nowadays,
instead of a military fortification, there is a monument dedicated to the victims
of the struggles for liberation. This unusual eighteen-metre-tall monument is
surrounded by 40 granite blocks where the history of the Polimlje region is
written in 10,000 letters.
Šudikova Monastery
The idyllic landscape of the Tifran
Gorge hides one of the most
important monasteries in this part
of Polimlje. For centuries, Šudikova
Monastery was an important
spiritual and cultural centre with a
well-known scriveners’ school and
fresco-painting school. The famous
painter and priest Strahinja of
Budimlje attended this school. Ottoman invaders razed the monastery in 1738,
and rebuilding work began in 2005. Near the monastery there is a spring called
the Sacred Spring which appears and disappears underground several times a
day. Legend says that this healing water healed the blind King Stefan of Dečani.
Not far from the monastery in the Tifran Gorge, there is a monument dedicated
to King Aleksandar Karadjordjević that was built in 1929.
Kaludra Monastery
About nine kilometres from Berane, in
the village of Kaludra, is the Monastery
of St. Luke, surrounded by dense
forests and high mountains. It was built
in the 14th century during the rule of the
Nemanjić dynasty. It is believed that the
famous painter, Priest Strahinja from
Budimlje, painted all of the frescoes in
The Founding of the City
The foundations of the town of Berane were laid by Mehmed-bey Bahtijarević-Jajcanin, the
military chief and city sub-governor. After the Battle of Rudeš in 1862, the Ottoman army
erected a fortification at Jasikovac, and then a wooden bridge over the River Lim, and
barracks and stables on the left bank of the river, on the site of the present-day hospital.
The military and administrative authorities were established as well as the District of Berane
within the Skadar Sandzak. With the arrival of craftsmen and traders from Bijelo Polje,
Niksic, Pec and other parts of Montenegro, the settlement spread quickly and chaotically.
Mehmed-bey Jajcanin himself influenced the planning and development of the town,
assigning the road layout and street widths. When he died in 1896, for the first time,
residents of both religions were present at his funeral – to give their last farewell.
The Promenade
promenade is old as the city itself.
An unusually broad main street, as
if made for walking, with walkers
completing a few laps, to “see and
be seen” and share all essential and
non-essential news, groomed for the
occasion. The promenade had its
own peculiarities. Traditionally, the
middle of the street is the part for
older, “more serious” people, with the young people of Berane on the right side, and on
the left side, young people from the surrounding villages. Every group had its own section
of the street, some of them gathered at kiosks and others at shops, and so on, all along
the main street. Many love stories began on the promenade because it used to be the only
place where young people could go out and meet each other. The promenade has always
been an important part of town life, and this was also true in the period when the main
street was open to traffic, with one lane for traffic and two for pedestrians. Between 5 or 6
pm and 10 pm it was closed to traffic and that was when it became the town promenade.
The promenade, like the city itself, has changed over time. At the end of the 20th century
the main street was paved, and many outdoor cafes were opened on either side of the
street. Although the space for walking is reduced now, the people of Berane have not
forgotten the promenade – they have just organized it differently. Now, between 6 pm and
9 pm it is occupied by
older people and parents with children, and
from 9 pm young people
gather there and walk along the promenade.
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
Although there is no marked bicycle path, the entire route can be visited
on mountain bike.
the monastery. It was neglected and destroyed during Ottoman rule in the 17th
century. In 2001, after three centuries, the monastery was rebuilt and painted.
Near the monastery and almost completely inaccessible are anchorites’ cells
built into caves, in which, during the Middle Ages, monks lived and prepared
themselves for an ascetic life. Even today, it is possible to see signs of their
habitation in seats carved out of the rock.
The Mosque in Petnjica
The only three-storey mosque in the
region is located in Petnjica. About twenty
kilometers from Berane, you’ll find one
of the largest mosques in the Balkans,
unique in its architecture, made of wood,
with hand-carved pillars. It was built as a
small village mosque, but was repeatedly
expanded and updated with the help of
contributions from the local townspeople.
With its present size of 550m2 it can
accommodate up to 1,200 worshippers.
Legend says that the stone for its
construction was taken from the medieval
fortress at Bihor.
The Region of Petnjica
The town of Petnjica is located in the valley of the River Popča, 700 metres
above sea level, at the centre of the Gornji Bihor area. The region of Petnjica
is famous for its apples and spring water, but most of all for its rich history.
This area has been inhabited since the Bronze Age and at the archaeological
site of Torine the remains of one of the most important Eneolithic cultures
in Montenegro are preserved. A unique female figurine, 5000 years old,
was found on this site. Gradina
Hill holds the remains of the
medieval city of Bihor, which
dominated this part of Polimlje
during the Middle Ages and
Ottoman rule. There are many
legends connected to this region,
the most interesting one of which
is to do with Brativir: a legend
about a waterfall of extraordinary
beauty behind which, they say, a
cave full of treasure is hidden.
Glavna ulica
Sve priče o životu i istoriji Berana
počinju i završavaju se u glavnoj
ulici. I njeno ime mijenjalo se u
zavisnosti od istorijskih zbivanja
i okolnosti. Tokom godina bila je:
Glavna čaršija, ulica Kralja Nikole,
ulica Kralja Petra Oslobodioca,
Ujedinitelja, Via Viktora Emanuela,
Glavna Ulica, ulica Maršala Tita,
da bi od 1994. do današnjih
dana nosila ime Mojsija Zečevića.
osmanlijsko gradsko uređenje,
glavna ulica je prava i široka.
Projektovao ju je, po ugledu na
evropske metropole, Rizvan beg,
čuveni arhitekta i pariski đak.
Berane je tako dobilo najprostraniju
i najširu ulicu među tadašnjim
turskim gradskim naseobinama
na ovom dijelu Balkana.
Glavna ulica bila je i ostala centar
svih dešavanja. Svako popodne,
ona bi se pretvarala u najljepše
i najveće gradsko šetalište –
čuveni Beranski korzo. Sredinom
korza šetali bi polagano stariji
i ozbiljniji Beranci, razmatrajući
kako najnovija svjetska dešavanja,
tako i „povjerljive“ gradske priče.
Sa strane su išli oni mlađi, koji
bi se šetajući korzom i po prvi
put zaljubljivali. Svako je imao
svoje utvrđeno mjesto i niko
nije htio da propusti da napravi
par krugova, “vidi i bude viđen”.
Čak i kada je glavna ulica bila
All the stories about the life and
history of Berane begin and finish
in the main street. Its name has
changed as well, depending
on historical occurrences and
circumstances. Over the years
it has been called: Main District,
King Nikola Street, King Petar the
Liberator Street, King Aleksandar
the Unifier Street, Via Viktora
Emanuela, Main Street, Marshal
Tito Street, and from 1994 to
the present day it has been
called Mojsija Zečevića Street.
Rather unusually for Ottoman
urban planning, the main street
is straight and wide. Modelled on
European metropolises, it was
designed by Rizvan-Bey, a famous
architect educated in Paris. In
this way, Berane obtained the
most spacious and widest street
amongst the Ottoman urban
settlements of that time in this
part of the Balkans.
The main street was and has
remained to this day the centre
of all events. Every afternoon, it
would turn into the most beautiful
and largest town pedestrian
area – the famous promenade of
Berane. Older and more reserved
people from Berane would
slowly stroll along the central line
of the promenade, discussing
both the latest world events
and “confidential” town stories.
Younger people walked along the
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
rivalstvo sa bleh orkestrom iz
Bijelog Polja. Takmičenja su se
održavala u hotelu Evropa, a
two World Wars, experienced a
full blossoming. It is a period when
the first tambura ensembles and
Zaživjela je pozorišna scena
na kojoj su amaterski ansambli
izvodili djela Branislava Nušića i
Koste Trifkovića. Tada su po prvi
put u pozorištu zaigrale i djevojke.
Značajnu ulogu u kulturnom životu
imali su i čuveni beranski hoteli
u kojima su održavane mnoge
zabavne i kulturne večeri. Pred
Drugi svjetski rat Berane je imalo
više hotela nego što ih ima danas.
otvorena za saobraćaj, ona bi se u
popodnevnim časovima zatvarala
i korzo bi neometano nastavljao
da živi.
Glavna ulica bila je i centar
kulturnog života koji je, posebno u
periodu između dva svjetska rata,
doživio puni procvat. Naročito
je bogat bio muzički život. To je
period kada nastaju tamburaški
zborovi i muzička društva, uvode
se novi instrumenti i rađaju
gradske pjesme. Čuven je bio
beranski bleh orkestar i njegovo
sides of the promenade and often
while they were walking there, they
would fall in love for the first time.
Everyone had a regular spot and
no one wanted to miss the chance
to do a couple of laps, “to see and
to be seen”. Even when the main
street was open to traffic, it would
be closed during the afternoon
hours and the promenade would
continue to live on undisturbed.
The main street was also the
centre of cultural life, which in
particular in the period between
uspješniji su najčešće bili Beranci.
Novi kulturni sadržaji pojavili su se
i sa otvaranjem Doma Trezvenosti.
brass orchestra of Berane was
famous, as indeed was its rivalry
with the brass orchestra from
Bijelo Polje. Competitions were
held in the Evropa Hotel, and
overall the orchestra from Berane
was more successful. New
cultural offerings came with the
opening of the Sobriety Home. A
theatrical stage on which amateur
ensembles performed plays by
Branislav Nušić and Kosta Trifković
The Main Street
i tu je, kažu, uvijek bila najbolja
muzika. Odmah preko puta
njega, sagrađen je hotel Imperijal,
koji je tokom Drugog svjetskog
rata pretvoren u oficirsku menzu
italijanske vojske. Tada je, priča
se, u Beranama bilo više
stanovnika. Prva tombola u gradu
organizovana je u hotelu Amerika
podignutom u samoj glavnoj ulici.
Na najboljem glasu bio je hotel
Evropa, koji se nalazio odmah
pored Amerike. Tu je tradicionalno
bila najbolja kuhinja, i svako od
poznatih Beranaca imao je svoj
sto. Vlasnici hotela Evropa svakom
gostu koji tu prespava, poklanjali
su po flašu domaće rakije koju
su sami pravili. Na dnu glavne
ulice nalazila su se i dva hana, u
kojima su putnici mogli prespavati
i odmoriti konje. U hanovima se,
osim kafe i čaja, mogao popiti i
salep, nadaleko poznat orijentalni
I danas se u glavnoj ulici nalaze
ovim čuvenim korzom, zastanite
i probajte neki od poznatih
beranskih specijaliteta: slatki
kačamak, pastrmku sa roštilja,
ili burek iz čuvenih beranskih
music societies were organised,
new instruments were introduced
and town songs were created. The
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
U samom centru postojala su 4
hotela i 2 hana. Prvo je podignut
hotel Danilović, na mjestu
sadašnje zgrade Osnovnog suda,
started to develop. Then for the
first time girls started to act in the
The famous hotels of Berane in
which many entertainment and
cultural evenings were held also
had an important role in the town’s
cultural life. Just before World War
II, Berane had more hotels than it
has today. In the very centre there
were four hotels and two inns.
First the Danilović Hotel was built,
on the location of the presentday building of the Basic Court of
Berane, and there, it is said, the
best music was always played.
Just opposite it, the Imperijal
Hotel, which during World War II
was turned into the officers’ mess
of the Italian army, was built. At
that time, it is said, in Berane there
were more Italian solders than
local people. The first tombola
in the town was organised in the
Amerika Hotel, built right on the
main street. However, the Evropa
Hotel, which was situated just
beside the Amerika Hotel, enjoyed
the best reputation. Traditionally,
its cuisine was the best, and all
of the well-known
Berane had their
own table there.
The owners of the
Evropa Hotel used
to give a bottle of
home-made rakija
they themselves
made, to every
guest who stayed the night there.
At the bottom of the main street
there were also two inns, in which
travellers could stay the night
and rest their horses. In the inns,
apart from coffee and tea, salep,
a widely known Middle-Eastern
aphrodisiac could also be drunk.
While you are walking along this
famous promenade, stop off
and try some of the well-known
specialities of Berane such as
sweet kačamak, grilled trout, or
burek in the famous grill houses
of Berane.
Stari grad
Nalazite se u središtu nekadašnjeg
starog grada. Među hanovima,
dućanima i zanatskim radnjama
koje su krajem 19. vijeka počele
nicati pored turskog vojničkog
naselja zvanog „kršla“ nalazio se i
begluk – glavni gradski trg i pijaca,
smješten na širokom platou, tik
uz glavnu ulicu.
You are standing in the centre of
the former old town. Amongst
the inns, shops and craftsmen’s
shops which at the end of the 19th
century began to sprout up beside
the Turkish military settlement
called the “kršla”, there was also
the beyluk – the main town square
and a marketplace, situated on
a broad plateau just beside the
main street.
Berane - kulturna ruta
vrijeme obavljala vjerska služba i
bio je organizovan rad niže vjerske
škole za djecu.
On the western side of the
beyluk in 1883 a waqf (religious
endo-wment) house was built,
and it was an example of a
mixture of traditional and Oriental
five wooden pillars and two
semicircular wooden arches in
the ground-floor section. The
waqf house is the endowment of
Ahmed-hamdi Pasha, the mutefik,
or supervisor, of Berane, who
dedicated it to his only son who
Na zapadnoj strani begluka 1883.
godine podignuta je vakufska
kuća, primjer spoja tradiconalne
i orijentalne arhitekture, sa pet
drvenih stubova i dva polukružna
drvena luka u prizemnom dijelu.
Vakufska kuća je zadužbina
Ahmed-hamdi paše, beranskog
mufetiša – nadzornika, koji ju je
posvetio svom rano preminulom
sinu jedincu. Krajem 19. vijeka,
ovdje je bilo sjedište državne
pošte. U vakufskoj kući se jedno
Vakufska kuća je u narodu bila
poznata i kao “kuća kod česama”.
Sastavni dio kuće bile su česme
koje su bile začeci gradskog
vodovoda. “Kuću kod česama”
projektovao je turski arhitekta
Rizvan beg, tek svršeni student
arhitekture sa Sorbone. Voda je
bukovim čunkovima dovedena sa
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
had passed away prematurely.
At the end of the 19th century the
headquarters of the state post
was situated here. In one period
religious services were held and
the work of the lower religious
school for children was organised
within the waqf house.
Among the locals, the waqf house
was also known as “the house
beside the drinking fountains”.
The drinking fountains, which were
the foundation of the town water
supply system, were an integral
part of the house. The “house
beside the drinking fountains”
was designed by Turkish architect
Rizvan-Bey, just after he had
graduated in architecture from
Sorbonne University. Water was
transferred through beech pipes
from the monastery’s spring at
Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery. It
was two kilometres long, and
it was in function right up until
the nineteen-eighties. Above the
drinking fountains there was a tarih
(date plaque), a lyrical form which
manastirskog vrela kod Đurđevih
Stupova. Njegova dužina bila je
2 km, a bio je u funkciji sve do
osamdesetih godina 20. vijeka.
Iznad česama se nalazio tarih,
lirska forma koja se koristila za
obilježavanje važnih događaja,
obično uklesana u kamen,
ispisan mješavinom staroturskog
i arapskog pisma:
was used for recording important
events, usually carved in stone,
and it was written in a mixture of
old Turkish and Arabic script:
The drinking fountain of Mr. Šehid
Oglu Mufetiš
Ahmed Hamdi-paša
Rebiul-Evvel in 1300
Česma gospodina Šehid Oglu
Ahmed Hamdi – paša
Rebiul – Evvel 1300. godine
From those “drinking fountains”
water was transferred to the
fountain which was located in
front of the town mosque. The
mosque was situated in the very
centre of the town, at the end of
the main street. Built of bondruk
(wooden laths and clay) in 1883,
it had two floors, a high minaret
10. januar 1883. godine
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
Iz tih “česama” voda je bila
sprovedena do šadrvana koji se
nalazio ispred gradske džamije.
Džamija se nalazila u samom
centru grada, na kraju glavne
ulice. Sagrađena od bondruka
January 10, 1883
(drvenih letvi i gline) 1883. godine,
imala je dva sprata, sa visokim
minaretom od drveta i krovom
pokrivenim šindrom. Džamija je
srušena 1946. godine.
made of wood and a roof covered
with shingle. The mosque was
knocked down in 1946.
In the Beyluk – the marketplace
– people used to buy and sell
different types of cereals, dairy and
other produce. In the surrounding
shops various manufactured
goods, such as sacks and other
woollen products, harnesses and
items for carts and horses as well
as shoemaker’s products were
sold. The once well-known bakery
of the Lazarević family, famous
for hot ćahije (a type of bread
with black cumin served during
Ramadan) and somun (a type of
flat bread), where local women
could bake the bread which they
had prepared, was situated there
as well. In the beyluk fruit and
vegetables from the surrounding
villages were sold, too. Green
tomatoes were highly valued,
whereas red tomatoes were not
offered at all, since they were
thought to be rotten. Business
deals were made in the inns of
Old town
Na Begluku – pijaci građani
su prodavali i kupovali razne
vrste žitarica, mliječne i druge
okolnim dućanima prodavani su
različiti manufakturni proizvodi:
džakovi i drugi vuneni proizvodi,
amovi i proizvodi za zaprežna
kola i konje kao i opančarski
proizvodi. Tu se nalazila i
nekad čuvena pekara porodice
Lazarević poznata po vrućim
ćahijama (vrsta ramazanskog
hljeba sa sjemenom ćurekota) i
somunima, u kojoj su domaćice
mogle da ispeku hljeb koji su
same spremale. Na begluku se
prodavalo i voće i povrće iz okolnih
sela. Na cijeni je bio zeleni paradajz
dok se crveni nije ni nudio jer se
smatrao pokvarenim. Poslovi su
ugovarani u hanovima Softića
i Ramusovića. Uz kafu se nudio
napitak šerbe i šurup. Iz ovog
perioda ostao je zapisan način
pripremanja napitka šurup koji se
spravljao od latica majske ruže ili
stambolke, koje se i danas mogu
naći u beranskim baštama. Skupe
se latice od 40 ruža, operu i naliju
hladnom, prokuvanom vodom i
dodaju im se 3 kesice limuntusa.
Tako stoje 5-6 dana, dok tečnost
potpuno ne poprimi boju ruža, a
latice ne poblijede. Onda se sok
procijedi, pa se na jedan litar soka
doda kilogram šećera i ostavi da
odstoji još barem 24 sata. Pije
se razblažen sa vodom i dobro
rashlađen. Od iste vrste ruže pravi
se i slatko, a kažu da Beranke
svoju ljepotu duguju upravo ovoj
mirišljavoj majskoj ruži.
Za vrijeme stare Jugoslavije
begluk su zvali i Gornjoseljski
begluk jer su Lubničani i
Gornjoselci na njemu prodavali
razne proizvode od drveta:
kace, štruglje, kačamare i ostalo
drveno posuđe.
the Softić and the Ramusović
families. Apart from coffee, drinks
known as šerbe and šurup were
offered. From this period a written
recipe was preserved with the
manner of preparation of the drink
called Šurup, made of the petals
of the May rose or stambolka,
which even today can be found
in the gardens of Berane. Collect
the petals of 40 roses, wash and
pour with cold, boiled water and
add to them 3 bags of limuntus (a
food additive). Let them sit for 5-6
days like that until the liquid fully
absorbs the colour of the roses,
and the petals fade. Then strain
the juice and add one kilogramme
of sugar to one litre of juice and let it
sit for at least 24 hours. It is served
diluted with water and cooled. A
rose petal preserve is made as
well from the same type of rose,
and it is said that the women of
Berane owe their beauty precisely
to this fragrant May rose.
In the time of the old Yugoslavia the
beyluk was also called Gornoseljski begluk since people from
Lubnice and Gornja Sela used
to sell various products made
of wood such as wooden vats,
wooden pails, special wooden
clubs for making kačamak
(cornmeal mash) and other types
of wooden dishes there.
Polimski muzej
Posebnu vrijednost arheološke
zbirke čine predmeti pronađeni
u humkama iz ilirskog perioda.
Ukras od ćilibara iz šestog
vijeka prije nove ere, otkriven u
kneževskom grobu sa Lisijevog
polja, jedinstven je po svojoj ljepoti
i vrijednosti. Na maloj pločici
reljefno je prikazan konjanik sa
Bogatu istoriju ovog kraja najbolje
ćete upoznati u Polimskom
muzeju. Preko 9000 eksponata
svjedoče o dešavanjima u
Gornjem Polimlju, na području
Berana, Andrijevice, Plava i
Rožaja, naseljenom još od
mezolita. Muzej osnovan 1955.
zbirki: arheološka, etnografska,
prirodnjačka i umjetnička, kao i
galerija Šudikova.
Veliki broj eksponata arheološke
zbirke datira upravo iz mlađeg
kamenog doba-neolita, bakarnog
i bronzanog doba. Na brojnim i
bogatim arheološkim lokalitetima
u Polimlju pronađeni su oruđe,
nakit, keramika i ostali predmeti
za svakodnevnu upotrebu. Tu
su nađene i jedinstvene alatke
rađene od jelenskih rogova kao i
neobična ogrlica napravljena od
bušenih vučjih očnjaka.
Berane - kulturna ruta
psom, a umjetnički je najvrjednija
dimenzija sa krupnim kosim
očima. Pronađeni materijal u
humci na Lisijevom polju jasno
pokazuje da je u Polimlju živjelo
nezavisno pleme koje je krajem 6.
vijeka prije nove ere, razvilo kulturu
sa jedinstvenim karakteristikama.
Možda najzanimljiviji predmet iz
srednjevjekovnog perioda čini
unikatna pancirna košulja sa
kapuljačom iz 14. vijeka, koja je
činila sastavni dio ratne opreme
vojnika iz doba krstaških ratova.
Značajan dio srednjevjekovne
arheološke kolekcije predstavljaju
Neolithic, the Copper Age and
the Bronze Age. Tools, jewellery,
ceramics and other objects of
everyday usage have been
found in the numerous and
rich archaeological localities
in the Polimlje Region.
Unique tools made of deer
antlers as well as an unusual
necklace made of pierced wolf’s
fangs have been found here, too.
Objects found in graves from the
Illyrian period are a particularly
valuable part of the archaeological
collection. An ornament of
amber from the sixth century
B.C. discovered in a ducal grave
in Lisijevo polje is unrivalled in
terms of its beauty and value. A
horseman is represented with
a dog in relief on a small plate,
whereas a head made of amber
of miniature dimensions with
large slanted eyes is the most
valuable artistically. Materials
found in a grave in Lisijevo polje
clearly show that an independent
tribe, which at the end of the 6th
Zgrada u kojoj je smješten
muzej podignuta je početkom
20. vijeka kao zadužbina kralja
Aleksandra I Karađorđevića za
uprisings and liberation wars
which were fought in this region.
Within the heraldic collection
you can see a standard from
the Balkan Wars belonging to a
squadron from Trepča, as well as
an Ottoman flag confiscated on
Jasikovac Hill during the last battle
for the liberation of the town from
the Ottomans in 1912.
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
You will discover the rich history of
this area at its best in the Museum
of the Polimlje Region. Over 9,000
exhibits bear witness to events in
Gornje Polimlje (Upper Polimlje),
in the area of Berane, Andrijevica,
Plav and Rožaje, inhabited even
since the Mesolithic Age. The
iz Balkanskih ratova odreda iz
Trepče, kao i tursku zastavu
zaplijenjenu na Jasikovcu prilikom
poslednje bitke za oslobođenje
grada od Turaka 1912. godine.
museum, founded in 1955, is
comprised of several collections:
numismatic, heraldic, natural
history and an art collection, as
well as the Gallery of Šudikova.
A large number of exhibits in the
archaeological collection date
back to the Early Stone Age – the
The Museum of the
Polimlje Region
nalazi otkriveni u utvrđenjima i
arhitektonskim ostacima velikog
broja crkava i manastira sa ovog
prostora. Pored bogoslužbenih
predmeta izdvajaju se fragmenti
živopisa, kamenog mobilijara i
arhitektonske plastike.
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
century B.C. developed a culture
with unique characteristics, lived
in the Polimlje Region.
Perhaps the most interesting
object from the medieval period
is a unique shirt of armour with
a hood from the 14th century,
which was an integral part
of the war equipment
of soldiers from
the period of the
Crusades. Finds
discovered in
remains of a
large number
of churches
Kako su izgledali, šta su
oblačili i kako su živjeli
stanovnici Polimlja kroz
istoriju najbolje ilustruju
Naročito su zanimljive
narodne nošnje na čijim
detaljima se najbolje
vidi preplitanje kulturnih
uticaja različitih etničkih
predstavlja veliki broj
i vatrenog oružja,
od jatagana i sablji
do kremenjača i
Barjaci i zastave
ovom području. U
možete vidjeti barjak
and monasteries from this area
make up a significant part of
the medieval archaeological
collection. Besides liturgical
objects, fragments of fresco
paintings, stone furniture and
architectural decoration are very
ethnographic collection best
illustrate what the inhabitants of
the Polimlje Region looked like,
what they wore and how they lived
through history. Folk costumes,
in whose details the interweaving
of the cultural influences of the
various ethnic groups of the
Polimlje Region is best seen, are
especially interesting. A large
number of cold weapons and
firearms, from yatagans (a type
of Ottoman knife) and sabres to
flintlocks and cartridge-based
firearms represent a special group
within this collection.
Standards and flags bear
witness to numerous
potrebe Trezvenjačke omladine i
Trezvenosti postao je centar
kulturnog života u kom su
organizovane razne priredbe,
koncerti, maskenbali i prve
pozorišne predstave. Tokom
Drugog svjetskog rata, ovdje
je, 1941. godine, održana prva
skupština narodnih predstavnika
i izabran prvi Odbor narodnog
oslobođenja u Beranama.
The building in which the museum
is situated was built at the
beginning of the 20th century as a
legacy (memorial building) of King
Aleksander I Karađorđević for the
needs of the Youth Temperance
and the Soko (Falcon) Societies.
The Sobriety Home became the
centre of cultural life in which
masquerade balls and first
theatre shows were organised.
During World War II, in 1941, the
first assembly of the people’s
representatives was held and
the first Committee of People’s
Liberation in Berane was elected
Kuća vojvode
Gavra Vukovića
„ je niskog, srednjeg rasta,
već star i islabio, tih i mio čovjek,
kojemu nije bilo, što se kaže,
zazorno ni sa djetetom da
progovori. Uprkos tom povučenom
držanju bilo je kod njega utoliko više
nečeg dostojanstvenog i na dlaku
odmjerenog. Držao je do svakog
pokreta i svake riječi. Vidjelo se na
njemu da je iz glavarskih kuća.“
Ovako je vojvodu Gavra Vukovića
vidio Milovan Đilas u svom djelu
„Besudna zemlja“ opisujući period
kada je on pohađao čuvenu
beransku gimnaziju, a vojvoda
Gavro Vuković provodio svoje
poslednje dane pišući memoare
u Beranama.
dugogodišnji ministar inostranih
poslova Knjaževine Crne Gore
jedna je od najznačajnijih ličnosti
novovjekovne crnogorske istorije.
Rođen je 1852. godine u selu
Lopate u Lijevoj Rijeci, u poznatoj
vojvodskoj porodici crnogorskog
glavara, junaka i senatora Miljana
Vukova Vešovića. Školovanje je
započeo u manastiru Đurđevi
Stupovi, a nastavio na Cetinju, u
Nici i Beogradu gdje je diplomirao
pravo na Velikoj školi i tako
postao prvi diplomirani pravnik iz
“..he was short and of medium
build, already old and weakened,
a quiet and nice man, who, as
the saying goes, did not have a
problem speaking even to a child.
Despite that modest attitude or
maybe precisely for that reason
there was something dignified
and quite steady in him. He was
conscious of his every movement
and word. It was visible in him that
he was from a noble house.” This
was the way that Milovan Đilas
depicted Duke Gavro Vuković in
his book “Land Without Justice”
describing the period when
he was attending the famous
Berane Gymnasium, and Duke
Gavro Vuković was seeing out his
last days writing his memoirs in
Duke Gavro Vuković, a long-time
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
Principality of Montenegro is one
personalities of the new era of
Montenegrin history. He was born
in 1852 in the village of Lopate
in Lijeva Rijeka, in the prominent
noble family of the Montenegrin
official, hero and senator Miljan
Vukov Vešović. He started his
education in the Đurđevi Stupovi
Monastery, and continued it in
Cetinje, Nice and Belgrade where
he graduated in law from the
Great School and thus became
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
Vojvoda Gavro Vuković bavio
se diplomatskim poslovima u
jednom od najkomplikovanijih
momenata crnogorske istorije.
Posle višedecenijskog vojevanja
i borbi za oslobođenje, sve
probleme sada je trebalo rješavati
diplomatskim putem. Razgraničiti
se sa Turskom, održati dobre
odnose sa Rusijom, popraviti
odnose sa Srbijom i uklanjati sve
izvore konfrontacija sa novim
Najteže je bilo u pregovorima
sa Osmanskim carstvom kada
the first Bachelor of Law from
Montenegro. Upon his return to
the country, he occupied high
positions and was assigned to
significant state affairs. He held
the position of Minister of Foreign
Affairs for sixteen years (18891905). He was President of the
State Council from 1906 to 1908,
and he was elected a Member
of Parliament twice, in 1906 and
1914. For his merits in 1892 he
was awarded the title of duke,
which his father also held.
Duke Gavro Vuković was engaged
in diplomatic affairs at one of the
most complicated moments in
Montenegrin history. After several
decades of warfare and fighting
for liberation, all problems then
were to be resolved in a diplomatic
manner. Agreeing borders with
Turkey, maintaining good relations
with Russia, improving relations
with Serbia and removing all
sources of confrontation with their
new neighbour, Austria-Hungary.
The most difficult part was in the
prikaz spoljne politike Crne
Gore sa kraja 19. i početka 20.
vijeka, utemeljen na originalnim
dokumentima iz lične arhive.
Vojvoda Gavro Vuković umro je
29. jula 1928. godine u Beranama,
a sahranjen je kod Manastira
Đurđevi Stupovi koji je pred kraj
života svakodnevno posjećivao.
Crne Gore. Po povratku u zemlju
Na mjestu ministra inostranih
poslova bio je šesnaest godina
(1889-1905). Bio je predsjednik
Državnog savjeta od 1906. do
1908. godine, a za narodnog
poslanika biran je dva puta, 1906.
i 1914. godine. Za svoje zasluge,
1892. godine dobija zvanje
vojvode, koje je imao i njegov otac.
je posle Berlinskog kongresa
teritorija. Upravo Gavro Vuković
The house of Duke
Gavro Vuković
negotiations with the Ottoman
Empire, when the delineation
of territories was to be worked
Poslednjih godina života vojvoda
Gavro Vuković se povukao u
Berane i potpuno posvetio pisanju
out after the Congress of Berlin.
It was Gavro Vuković who was
appointed chargé d’affaires of
the Principality of Montenegro in
Istanbul, where he stayed, with
breaks, from 1879 to 1884. Writing
of that period in his memoirs he
says: “I had neither assistant, nor
interpreter, no security guard, not
even a servant. And I had to do
the most difficult work, negotiating
with the impossible Turks day and
“With desperate patience I
endured a whole year struggling
with material shortages as well.
Alone, so to speak, I mended
all alone the issue of political
svojih memoara. Kroz ovo obimno
štivo, koje u rukopisu broji preko
hiljadu strana, želio je da napravi
During the last years of his life,
Duke Gavro Vuković retired to
Berane and fully devoted himself
postavljen je za otpravnika
poslova Knjaževine Crne Gore
u Carigradu, gdje je boravio sa
prekidima od 1879. do 1884.
godine. O tom periodu u svojim
memoarima kaže: „Ni pomoćnika
ni dragomana ni kavaza pa ni
sluge nijesam imao. A morao sam
raditi najteži posao, pregovarati
sa nemogućim Turcima dan i noć.
Sa očajničkim strpljenjem izdržao
sam cijelu godinu dana boreći
se i sa materijalnim oskudicama.
Sam, takoreći iskrpio sam, sam
pitanje političkih granica.“
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
Spomen kuća Vojvode Gavra
godine, umnogome je sačuvala
sa baroknim elementima. U
prizemlju kuće nalazi se galerijski
prostor i nekadašnja radna soba
Gavra Vukovića sa bibliotekom.
Namještena po uzoru na kuće
tog vremena, u radnoj sobi se
čuvaju lične stvari vojvode Gavra
među kojima i njegova sablja
kao i brojni rukopisi. Ispred kuće
postavljena je njegova bista,
rad vajara Mitana Vučeljića. U
čast najznačajnijeg crnogorskog
akademija „Gavro Vuković“ koja
se svakog ljeta održava u njegovoj
spomen kući.
to writing his memoirs. Through
this extensive tome, which in
manuscript form contains over a
thousand pages, he wanted to
conduct a review of Montenegro’s
foreign policy at the end of 19th
and the beginning of the 20th
centuries, based on original
documents from his private
archive. Duke Gavro Vuković
died on 29 July 1928 in Berane,
and was buried beside Đurđevi
Stupovi Monastery which he used
to visit every day at the end of his
The Memorial House of Duke
Gavro Vuković, restored in
2001, has largely preserved
its characteristic architecture
with Baroque elements. On the
ground floor of the house there
is a gallery space and the onetime study of Gavro Vuković,
along with the library. It has been
decorated like the houses of that
time, and in the study are kept
the personal belongings of Duke
Gavro, among which is his sabre,
as well as numerous manuscripts.
In front of the house stands his
bust, the work of sculptor Mitan
Vučeljić. In honour of the most
significant Montenegrin diplomat,
the Gavro Vuković Diplomatic
Academy, which is held in his
Memorial House every summer,
was founded in 2003.
Spomenik Slobode
na Jasikovcu
Berane - kulturna ruta
Spomenik na Jasikovcu podignut
1972. godine, okružen je sa 40
granitnih blokova. Na njima je,
sa preko 10.000 slova ispisana
istorija Polimlja. A istorija Berana
počinje upravo ovdje. Na brdu
Jasikovac. Tu su posle boja
na Rudešu 1862. godine Turci
podigli svoje vojno utvrđenje i
tek povremeno prelazili na lijevu
obalu Lima da umire buntovno
Turski oficiri i njihove porodice
podigli su kuće u podnožju
Jasikovca. Tako je nastalo
The monument at Jasikovac,
built in 1972, is surrounded by 40
granite blocks. The history of the
Polimlje area has been written
on those blocks in over 10,000
letters. And the history of Berane
begins right here – on Jasikovac
Hill. After the Battle of Rudeš
in 1862 the Turks built their
military fortification there and only
occasionally did they cross over
to the left bank of the River Lim to
subdue the rebellious population.
Turkish officers and their families
built their houses in the foothills
do Rizvan–bega koji se vratio u
Hareme i odmah pogubio slugu.
Ne htjevši da ga čeka u kući,
Alba je otišla do Lima gdje se
sa visoke stijene bacila u duboki
vir. To mjesto, na kom je kasnije
sagrađen hotel Berane i danas se
po nesrećnoj Albi zove Albin fir.
A Rizvan-beg se više nikad nije
vratio u Berane.
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
You are standing in front of the
Monument to Liberty, one of
the most unusual monuments in
Montenegro. It was built in the
place where on 17 July 1941
German occupiers executed
Berane’s patriots. An imposing
cone resembling the nose of
a bullet, 18 metres high, is the
symbol of the struggle for liberation
which was fought in this region
during the Balkan Wars, and the
First and Second World Wars. The
creator of the monument is the
well-known architect and former
mayor of Belgrade, Bogdan
Bogdanović, famous for his daring
ideas and memorial architecture.
He is the creator of numerous
memorials built in memory of the
victims of fascism over the whole
former Yugoslavia, among which
the best known is the Stone Flower
in Jasenovac.
The Monument to
Liberty at Jasikovac
Nalazite se ispred spomenika
je na mjestu gdje su 17.
jula 1941. godine njemački
rodoljube. Impozantna kupa koja
podsjeća na fišek metka, visoka
18 metara, simbol je borbe za
oslobođenje koja se u ovom kraju
vodila tokom Balkanskih, Prvog
i Drugog svjetskog rata. Autor
spomenika je poznati arhitekta
Beograda, Bogdan Bogdanović,
čuven po smjelim idejama i
memorijalnoj arhitekturi. Autor
podignutih u znak sjećanja na
žrtve fašizma u čitavoj bivšoj
Jugoslaviji, među kojima je
najpoznatiji Kameni cvijet u
Hareme, prvo urbanizovano i
projektovano naselje na ovom
području, koje je ime dobilo baš
po tome što su tu živjele žene
turskih oficira (harem – kuća
za žene). U Haremima su u
početku živjeli samo oficiri turske
vojske i njihove porodice, kao i
viđenije muslimanske porodice
begovskog porijekla. Tu je svoju
kulu imao i čuveni Rizvan-beg,
arhitekta školovan u Parizu,
koji je projektovao najznačajnije
objekte u Beranama: vojno
utvrđenje na Jasikovcu, Hareme,
glavnu gradsku čaršiju, kasarnu,
džamiju, šedrvan i gradsku
česmu. Za potrebe vojnog
utvrđenja sproveo je vodu do
Jasikovca, pa su tako i skoro sve
kuće u Haremima dobile vodu.
of Jasikovac. That was how
Hareme, the first urbanised and
designed settlement in this region,
was created, and it was named
after the fact that the wives of
Turkish officers were living there
(harem – house for women).
To begin with, only officers of
the Turkish army, their families
and prominent Muslim families
descended from chieftains (beys)
were living in Hareme. There
was also the blockhouse of the
famous Rizvan-bey, an architect
educated in Paris, who designed
the most significant buildings in
Berane: the military fortification
at Jasikovac, Hareme, the town’s
main street, the army barracks, the
mosque, a water fountain and the
town’s drinking fountain. For the
Za Rizvan–bega i njegovu
hanumu Albu vezana je i jedna
od najstarijih beranskih legendi.
Kao arhitekta Rizvan-beg je često
putovao i dugo odsustvovao od
needs of the military fortification
he supplied Jasikovac with water,
and in that way almost all the
houses in Hareme also obtained
running water.
Na samo kilometar od centra
grada, park na Jasikovcu postao
je omiljeno izletište Beranaca, i
mjesto sa kog se pruža najbolji
pogled na čitav grad.
Ostaci Rizvan-begove kule
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
šančevima zatvorenog tipa, bilo
je poprište i poslednje bitke za
oslobođenje grada od Turaka,
1912. godine. Tom prilikom
zaplijenjena je mala turska
zastava koja se i danas čuva u
Polimskom muzeju.
kuće. Samujući, njegova mlada
žena Alba zaljubila se u slugu.
Kada više nijesu mogli da kriju
svoju ljubav, započeli su zajednički
život. Te vijesti brzo su došle i
Also, one of Berane’s oldest
legends is related to Rizvan-bey
and his wife Alba. As an architect,
Rizvan-bey often travelled and
was absent from his home for a
long time. Spending time all alone,
his young wife Alba fell in love with
a servant. When they could not
keep their love secret any longer
they started living together. This
news soon reached Rizvan-bey,
who came back to Hareme and
killed the servant immediately.
Not wanting to wait for him in the
house, Alba went to the River Lim
where she threw herself from a
high rock into the deep whirlpool.
That place, at which the Berane
Hotel was built later on, even today
is called Alba’s Whirlpool, after the
unfortunate Alba. And Rizvan-bey
never again came back to Berane.
The Jasikovac fortification, with
its closed-type trenches, was also
the battlefield for the last battle for
the liberation of the town from the
Turks in 1912. On that occasion a
small Turkish flag was captured,
which still today is kept in the
Museum of the Polimlje area.
Being only a kilometre away
from the town centre, the park at
Jasikovac has become a favourite
picnic spot for the people of
Berane, and the place offers the
best view of the whole town.
Ђурђеви Ступови
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
Манастир пред којим стојите за
својих 800 година постојања 5
пута је паљен, 5 пута рушен и 5
пута обнављан. У народу га зато
зову и манастир мученик. Ипак
манастир Ђурђеви Ступови
успио је да надживи сваку
невољу. Подигнут је далеке
2013. године, као задужбина
жупана Стефана Првослава,
господара Будимља, сина
великог жупана Тихомира и
синовца Стефана Немање.
О томе свједочи и натпис на
десној страни наоса изнад
ктиторовог гроба. Колика је
била важност овог манастирa
и читавог Будимља у доба
Немањића, говори и чињеница
да је Свети Сава 1219. године
епископију, четврту по реду
од осам првобитних епархија
и на овом мјесту устоличио
првог будимљанског епископа
The monastery you are standing
in front of has been set on fire
five times, destroyed five times
and rebuilt five times in its eighthundred year-long existence. For
this reason, among the locals, it
is called the Martyr Monastery.
Monastery managed to outlive all
its misfortunes. It was built back
in 1213 as a memorial monastery
of Prince Stefan Prvoslav, Lord of
Budimlje, the son of Grand Prince
Tihomir and the nephew of Stefan
Nemanja. An inscription on the
right side of the cella above its
benefactor’s grave witnesses to
that fact, too. The importance of
this monastery and the whole of
Budimlje in the Nemanjić era is also
testified to by the fact that in 1219
in Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery St
Sava established the Episcopacy
of Budimlje, the fourth in order out
of the eight original dioceses, and
also consecrated the first bishop
of Budimlje, Jakov.
Под сводовима овог манастира
одржавани су зборови и
сабори, договарани устанци
одлука о уједињењу са Црном
Гором 1857. године. Можда
Under the arches of this monastery
meetings and gatherings were
held, uprisings and rebellions
were planned, the independence
of the Principality of Vasojevići
was declared and the decision
Montenegro in 1857 was made.
изгоре у њему. Манастир
је том приликом одбрањен,
али је ипак горио и пети пут,
1912. године, непосредно
уочи Првог балканског рата.
и трудом народа Ђурђеви
Ступови су коначно обновљени
баш због тога, често је био
на удару турских власти, а у
једном тренутку угашена је и
будимљанска епископија.
Од 18. до 20. вијека турски
освајачи су више пута пљачкали
и палили манастир: 1738.,
1825., 1862. и 1875. године.
Када су 1898. године поново
хтјели да запале манастир,
народ је устао у одбрану.
У манастир се затворило
27 људи, народних првака,
који су одлучили, - или да
одбране манастир или да
иконостас урађен је 1927.
године. Епископско сједиште
обновљено је 4. маја 2002.
године оснивањем Епархије
Будимљанско-никшићке, а за
епископа устоличен је епископ
Јоаникије Мићовић.
Perhaps for that precise reason
it was frequently attacked by the
Ottoman authorities, and at one
time the Episcopacy of Budimlje
even ceased to exist.
From the 18th to 20th century the
Ottoman conquerors plundered
and set the monastery on fire
several times: in 1738, 1825,
1862 and 1875. When in 1898
they wanted to set the monastery
on fire again the people rose to its
defence. Twenty-seven people,
popular leaders, who decided
that they would either defend the
monastery or burn to death in it,
shut themselves in the monastery.
On that occasion the monastery
was successfully defended,
but still it was set fire to for the
fifth time, in 1912, immediately
before the First Balkan War. By
the unparalleled strivings and
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
великомученику Георгију је
једнобродна грађевина са
источној страни. У комплексу
манастира запажају се три
грађевинске фазе, а поједини
елементи архитектуре упућују
efforts of the locals, Đurđevi
Stupovi Monastery was finally
reconstructed in 1925, and a
new iconostasis was made in
1927. The Episcopal seat in
the Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery
was re-established on 4 May
2002 by the foundation of the
Diocese of Budimlje-Nikšić, and
Bishop Joanikije Mićović was
consecrated as the bishop of
The church dedicated to St
George the Great - Martyr is a
single - nave building with a
semicircular apse on the eastern
side. Within the monastery
Đurđevi Stupovi
да се настанак првобитне цркве
може помјерити дубље у 12.
вијек. Од првобитних фресака
насталих у 14. вијеку за вријеме
цара Душана није много
остало. Као да није довољно
паљбе турских топова са
Јасиковца, у Првом свjетском
рату, Аустроугарска војска је
манастир претворила прво у
коњушницу а потом и у кухињу
и спаваоницу. На ономе што је
остало од фресака препознаје
се рука даровитих дечанских
которске школе сликања. Од
изузетне вриједности су и
велики крст, ремек дјело
кујунџијске вјештине 19. вијека
и велико јеванђеље сребрних
корица, који се чувају у
Уз сам манастир сахрањен
је игуман Мојсије Зечевић
који је столовао у Ђурђевим
Ступовима у првој половини
19. вијека. Световни и духовни
је учинио за ослобођење
Ступовима основао је прву
манастирску школу за монахе
1824. године, а потом и прву
световну школу 1836. године.
За њега се везује и обнова
дванаест точака“.
complex, three constructional
phases are noticeable, and certain
elements of architecture suggest
that the building of the original
church can be moved further back
into the 12th century. Not much
remains from the original frescoes
created in the 14th century during
the rule of Czar Dušan.
As if it was not destroyed enough
from unceasing firing of Ottoman
cannons from Jasikovac Hill,
during World War I, the AustrianHungarian Army converted the
monastery first into a stable
for horses, and afterwards
into a kitchen and dormitory
respectively. In what remains of the
frescoes, one can recognise the
hand of the talented masters from
Dečani Monastery, originating
from the Kotor school of painting.
A large cross, a masterpiece of
silversmithing skills of the 19th
century and a large Gospel with
silver covers, which are kept in
the monastery, are of exceptional
Prior Mojsije Zečević who was
Monastery in the first half of the
19th century was buried beside
the monastery itself. Being the
secular and spiritual leader of
the Vasojevići clan, he did a
lot towards the liberation and
unification of Montenegrin clans.
In Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery,
Prior Mojsije Zečević founded the
first monastic school for monks
in 1824, and afterwards in 1836
the first secular school as well.
The restoration of “The Vasojevići
Clan Law of Twelve Articles” is
connected with him as well.
Манастир Шудикова
Братство манастира тада би
сва црквена блага склањало
у саму клисуру гдје су се
пећински отвори.
troops. The brotherhood of the
monastery would then hide all
the church’s treasures in the very
gorge where the monks’ cells
and inaccessible embanked cave
openings were located.
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
16. вијека када је већ био
фрескописачком и сликарском
свакако била сликарска из
које је поникао чувени зограф,
поп Страхиња Будимљанин,
један од наших најпознатијих
mentioned in written documents
just before the 16th century when
it was already well known as a
spiritual and educational centre
with a famous scriptorium and
literary school, as well as a frescopainting and painting school. The
best-known of those for certain
was the painting school from
which the famous fresco-painter
Priest Strahinja of Budimlje, one of
our best-known painters from the
end of the 16th century, originated.
Bishop Teophilios and the monk
Јевстатије. Сви они додали су
свом имену Будимљaнин.
Велики углед уживала је
и преписивачка школа. У
Шудикови је настао и један од
најстаријих писаних споменика
из ових крајева Светоотачки
зборник који се данас чува
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
сликара са краја 16. вијека. Из
фреско-иконографске школе
у Шудикови поникли су и
епископ Теофил и монах
Eustatios originated from the
fresco-painting and iconographic
school in Šudikova, too. All of
them added to their name the title
настављена су 2002. године,
Полимског музеја открила
Богородице и конака који се
налазе сјеверно и западно
од цркве. На основу нађеног
сматра се да је црква подигнута
у 14. вијеку. Манастир је почео
да се обнавља 2005. године.
Hidden right by the entrance to the
Tifran Gorge, Šudikova Monastery
with its church dedicated to the
Entry of the Theotokos has for
centuries been the spiritual and
cultural centre of the Polimlje
region. It is said that this
monastery was a retreat and
a shelter for the clergy of the
from frequent invasions by the
Ottoman conquerers during the
16th and 17th century, and the
only active place in which the
work on educating the clergy was
continued. This secluded place
could be approached only from
the village of Budimlje, whereas
the watchtower on Viša Rock on
the other side of the River Lim
warned of the arrival of Ottoman
Šudikova Monastery
Сакривен на самом улазу
црквом посвећеном Ваведењу
Богородице вjековима је био
духовни и културни центар
представљао одступницу и
будимљанске митрополије од
честих упада турских освајача
током 16. и 17. вијека, и једино
активно мјесто у којем је
настављен рад на образовању
свештенства. Овом скровитом
мјесту могло се прићи само из
села Будимља, а кула мотриља
на Вишином кршу са друге
стране Лима упозоравала је
на долазак турских јединица.
“… of Budimlje”.
The scribes’ school also enjoyed
a great reputation. In Šudikovo
one of the oldest written
monuments from the wider region
was created as well – the Holy
Fathers’ Collection, which is kept
today in Holy Trinity Monastery
in Pljevlja. In 1573 Metropolitan
у манастиру Свете Тројице
будимски Герасим, ту је
написао 1573. године познати
Минеј који се данас налази
у Народној библиотеци у
Београду, јеромонах Данило је
1592. године написао Псалтир
који се чува у Бечу, а 1602.
године ђакон Михаило, написао
је Молебник који се налази у
библиотеци грофа Уварова у
спалили као одмазду за учешће
народа Полимља у ратовима
на страни Аустрије. Два вијека
касније, током 1923. године,
директор гимназије у Беранама
са професорима и ђацима
откопао је остатке цркве
пронађене фрагменте фресака
и дјелове каменог мобилијара
пренио је у зборницу школе.
Пронађени материјал страдао
је у пожару 1941. године.
Манастир Шудикова познат је
и по извору који се повремено
појављује у близини манастира.
Овај извор, назван Свето
врело, и по неколико пута у
току једног дана се појави и
опет нестане под земљом.
Сматра се да је ова љековита
Gerasimos of Budim wrote the
famous Menaion there which is
today kept in the National Library
in Belgrade; Hieromonk Danilo
in 1592 wrote The Psalter which
is kept in Vienna, and in 1602
Deacon Mihailo wrote The Prayer
Book which is kept in the Library
of Count Uvarov in Moscow.
In 1738 the Ottomans destroyed
and set the monastery on fire as
retribution for the participation of
people from the Polimlje region
in the wars on the side of the
Austrians. Two centuries later, in
1923, the head teacher of the
Gymnasium in Berane, along
with te teachers and students,
excavated the remains of the
Church of the Entry of the
Theotokos, and he transferred the
discovered fragments of frescoes
and parts of stone furniture into
the senior common room of the
school. The discovered material
was destroyed in a fire in 1941.
Archaeological excavations were
а према предању и сам
ослијепљели краљ Стефан
Дечански се ту лијечио.
Недалеко од манастира, у
Тифранској клисури, на старом
путу Беране - Бијело Поље,
налази се споменик краљу
Александру, подигнут 1929.
године, као знак захвалности
изградњу бројних грађевина,
као што су пут Пећ - Чакор Андријевица, школа у Трепчи,
Дом трезвености - данас зграда
Полимскиг музеја у Беранама и
пут Беране-Бијело Поље.
continued in 2002, when an expert
team from the Museum of the
Polimlje Region discovered the
remains of the Church of the Entry
of the Theotokos and a dormitory
which are located to the north
and to the west of the church.
On the basis of the discovered
archaeological material it is
thought that the church was
built in the 14th century. The
reconstruction of the monastery
started in 2005.
Šudikova Monastery is also
famous for a spring which
periodically appears in the
vicinity of the monastery. This
spring, called the Sacred Spring,
appears even several times within
a day and then again disappears
underground. It is thought that this
healing water particularly helped
the blind, barren women, lepers
and the insane, and according to a
legend the blinded King Stefan of
Dečani himself was healed there.
Near the monastery, in the Tifran
Gorge, on the old Berane–Bijelo
Polje Road, there is a monument
dedicated to King Alexander,
built in 1929, in gratitude of the
people of the Vasojevići clan for
the construction of numerous
structures, such as the Peć–
Čakor–Andrijevica Road, the
school in Trepča, the Sobriety
Home - today the building of the
Museum of the Polimlje Region
in Berane and the Berane–Bijelo
Polje Road.
Манастир Светог
Луке у Калудри
парохијске цркве по регионима.
Дивљак, у 14. вијеку подигнут
посвећеном Светом Апостолу
Луки. Цркву је највјероватније
осликао чувени поп Страхиња
најзначајнијих фрескописаца
тог доба.
Више од три вијека на овом
мјесту постојале су само
рушевине. Легенда каже да
је само чобаница Лабуда из
села Калудра знала да се овдје
некада налазио манастир.
Средином прошлог вијека,
свакодневно је голим рукама
Soon after the foundation of the
episcopacy in Đurđevi Stupovi
Monastery in the 13th century, the
main parish churches in various
regions were built. Here, on the
right bank of the River Kaludra,
right under the slopes of Mt. Divljak,
in the 14th century a monastery
with a church dedicated to St Luke
the Apostle was built. The church
was most probably fresco-painted
by the famous Priest Strahinja
from Budimlje, one of the most
significant fresco painters of that
For more than three centuries
only ruins existed at this
location. Legend has it that only
a shepherdess named Labuda
from the village of Kaludra knew
that a monastery had once been
situated there. In the middle of
the last century, every day, she
dug out the foundations of the
фрескописана је и чобаница
Лабуда. На лијевом зиду храма,
уз сами иконостас, испод
фресака светог Георгија и
светог Димитрија, налази се
и Лабудин лик - како клечи
над рушевинама храма, са
упаљеном свијећом у руци и
молитвеним погледом у небо.
Испод фреске је записано:
„Дјевојка Лабуда из Калудре у
свакодневној молитви да се не
утули пламен ове светиње.“
Манастир је постао познат
по пештерима - пећинама
испосницама у којима су
the shepherdess Labuda was
represented on a fresco painting
as well. On the left wall of the
church, right beside the iconostasis and below the frescoes
Laid to waste in the 17th century
monastery was reconstructed at
the turn of the new millennium.
In only seven months, between
March and October 2001, on
the old foundations the frescopainted church dedicated to St
Luke the Apostle was built. The
манастира је Вељко Ралевић.
Тада је саграђен и конак са
десет келија, звоник и рибњак.
Манастир је освештао 28.
октобра 2001. године његова
господин Павле.
benefactor of the monastery is
Veljko Ralević. On this occasion
a dormitory with ten cells, a belltower and a fishpond ware built
there as well. The monastery
was consecrated on 28 October
2001 by His Holiness Patriarch
Pavle of Serbia. In the treasury of
the monastery a wonderful silver
cross studded with precious
stones is kept, as well as part of
the relics of St Luke the Apostle,
St Artemios the Great-Martyr, St
Eustatius Plakida the Great-Martyr
and St Ignatios of Iviron the New
Righteous Martyr.
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
church with her bare hands and
regularly lit wax candles, which
she made of wax collected from
wild beehives, saying to both
herself and others that there had
been a church there. People in the
village considered her crazy, since
nobody understood what she was
doing in the ruined foundations.
Разорен у 17. вијеку за вријеме
турске владавине, манастир
је обновљен на самом почетку
новог миленијума. За само
седам мјесеци, од марта до
октобра 2001. године, на
старим темељима подигнут је
и фрескописан храм посвећен
Светом Апостолу Луки. Ктитор
Berane - kulturna ruta
откопавала темеље цркве и
редовно палила воштанице,
које је правила од сакупљеног
воска из дивљих пчелињака,
говорећи и себи и другима да је
ту била црква. У селу су је људи
сматрали лудом, јер нико није
разумио шта то она ради крај
разорених темеља.
The Monastery of St
Luke in Kaludra
живјели и припремали се за
испосници. По њима су и ријека
и оближње село добили име
Калудра, а због келиотског
живота монаха испосника
манастир је у народу постао
познатији под именом Ћелије
(келије). Једна од пећина
налази се на десетак минута
хода од манастира. На око 70
метара изнад пута, окренута
ка југозападу, ова пећина
висока је 4 метра, дугачка 17
метара, а широка не више од
6 метара. Још увијек се могу
видјети трагови некадашњег
обитавања, као што су сједишта
уклесана у стијени и крст
уклесан на предњој страни
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
of St George and St Demetrios,
there is Labuda’s image too – of
her kneeling before the ruins of
the church, with a lit candle in
her hand and praying, looking
towards the sky. Below the fresco
there is a text which reads: “The
girl Labuda from Kaludra in her
everyday prayer for the flame of
this sacred place, never to be
The monastery became famous
for pešters – anchorites’ cells built
into caves, in which anchorite
monks (kaluđeri) lived and
prepared for the monastic life.
Both the river and the nearby
village were named Kaludra
after them, and because of the
стијене. Пећинске цркве и
станишта биле су значајан
средњег вијека. Подигнуте у
омогућавале удаљавање од
свијета и приближавање богу.
Настањивали су их само највећи
подвижници, који су се у својим
келијама бавили молитвом и
контемплацијом, али и израдом
различитих рукотворина и
преписивањем књига.
anchoritic life of these monks in
their cave-cells the monastery
became better-known by the
name Ćelije (cells) among the
locals. One of the caves is located
some ten-minutes’ walk away
from the monastery. About 70
metres above the road, orientated
towards the southwest, this cave
is 4 metres high, 17 metres deep,
and no more than 6 metres wide.
One can still see the traces of
earlier habitation, such as seats
cut into the rock and a cross in
the front side of the rock. Cave
churches and dwelling places
were an important part of medieval
spiritual life. Built in inaccessible
anchorites to withdraw from the
secular world and to approach
God. These were inhabited only
by the greatest ascetics, who
in their cells practised prayer
and contemplation as well as
producing various handicrafts and
copying books.
У ризници манастира чува
се предиван крст опточен
сребром и драгим камењем
и дјелови моштију Светог
Евстатијa Плакиде и Светог
преподобномученика Игњатија
Džamija u Petnjici
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
Ne zna se sa sigurnošću kada je
nastala. Narodno predanje kaže
da je to bilo krajem 16. vijeka,
kada su sa opadanjem
značaja grada Bihora,
počele da se grade
džamije i van njegovih
zidina. Glavni putevi išli
su rijekom Popčom,
pa su se uz njen tok
podizale i džamije.
Istoričari njenu izgradnju
povezuju sa dolaskom
Hajdar - paše Selima,
1689. godine, kada je
izgrađeno više objekata
orijentalnog stila u
Bihoru i Limskoj dolini.
Njen prvobitni izgled
znatno se razlikovao
od današnjeg. Obim zgrade je
bio manji, prvi sprat napravljen
You are standing in front of one
of the largest mosques in the
Balkans, characterised by its
unique architecture with wooden,
hand-carved pillars. With a
floor area of about 550m2 it can
accommodate up to as many
as 1,200 believers. The mosque
in Petnjica is also the only threestorey mosque in Montenegro. It is
several centuries old and as such
its appearance has also changed
over time.
It is not known for certain when it
was built. Legend says it
was at the end of the 16th
century, when with the
decrease in importance
of the town of Bihor,
mosques started to be
built outside its walls
as well. Major roads led
along the River Popča
mosques were built
along its course as well.
Historians connect its
construction with the
arrival of Haidar-pasha
Selim, in 1689, when
several Oriental-style
structures were built in Bihor and
the River Lim valley.
pa se 1901. godine krenulo sa
proširenjem, o čemu svjedoči
tarih napisan arapskim pismom
na ploči koja se čuva u džamiji.
od kamena, a drugi od drveta.
Minare je bilo drveno, a džamija je
bila pokrivena tahtom. U narodu
postoji predanje da je kamen za
njenu izgradnju donešen sa
džamije koja se nalazila u
sela Bioča.
Krajem 17. i početkom 18. vijeka
broj stanovnika u petnjičkom kraju
je rastao, a Petnjica je prerasla
u značajno okružno središte.
Džamija je postala premala,
The Mosque in Petnjica
Nalazite se pred jednom od
najvećih džamija na Balkanu,
stubovima. Sa površinom od oko
550m2 ona može da primi i do
1200 vjernika. Džamija u Petnjici
je i jedina trospratna džamija
u Crnoj Gori. Stara je nekoliko
vjekova, te se i njen izgled
vremenom mijenjao.
Its original appearance differed
significantly from the current
one. The size of the building was
smaller; the first floor was made of
stone, whereas the second floor
was made of wood. The minaret
was wooden, while the mosque
was covered with wooden
boards. Among the locals
there is a legend that the
stone for its construction
was brought from a mosque
which was located within the
medieval fortification of Bihor, at
the top of the steep hill of Gradina,
above the village of Bioče.
“La Ilahe illalah Muhameden
Mutevelija iz Trpezi,
Cikotić Hasan (Huso) Bejtov i
Tahir Abdurahmanov Kršić, iz
Glavni majstor iz Hercegovine,
nastanjen u Beranama Ajdin
imam mula Šaćir Hodžić,
godine 1321.h. (1903)“
Materijal za dogradnju džamije,
unutrašnje opremanje, kao i novac
i hranu za majstore, obezbijedio
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
Chief artisan from Hercegovina,
Ajdin Korijanić settled in Berane,
Imam Mullah Šaćir Hodžić,
in the year 1321 H. (1903)“
At the end of the 17th and the
beginning of the 18th century
the number of inhabitants of the
region of Petnjica was growing,
and Petnjica developed into an
important regional centre. The
mosque became too small and
therefore in 1901 its enlargement
was initiated, which is witnessed
to by the date written in Arabic
script on the plate kept in the
“La Ilahe illalah Muhameden
Mutevelija (estate manager) from
Cikotić Hasan (Huso) Bejtov and
Tahir Abdurahmanov Kršić, from
Material for the enlargement of the
mosque and its furnishing, as well
as money and food for the artisans
were provided by the people
of this region through voluntary
presents and contributions. The
size of the enlarged mosque was
15.80 x 13.20 m2 and it had three
floors and a wooden minaret
considerably higher than the
current one.
je narod ovog kraja dobrovoljnim
darovima i prilozima. Veličina
dograđene džamije je bila 15,80 x
13,20 m, imala je tri sprata i drve
no minare znatno više od
Čuven je bio i hladnjak izgrađen
1930. godine u bašti džamije, u
koji je moglo da sjedne oko 50
ljudi. Bilo je to mjesto za okupljanje
i razgovor prije samog ulaska u
The hladnjak (shade), in which
about 50 people could sit, built in
1930 in the garden of the mosque
was famous as well. It was a place
for gathering and conversation
before entering the mosque.
The foundations were made of
stone, on which wooden beams
with wooden construction and a
cover made of wooden planking
were leaned. The structure was
removed in 1956. During the 20th
džamiju. Temelji su bili od kamena,
a na njih su se naslanjali drveni
direci sa drvenom konstrukcijom
i pokrovom od tahte. Objekat je
uklonjen 1956. godine. Tokom
20. vijeka džamija je pretrpjela
nekoliko promjena, da bi joj
2005. godine, bio vraćen
pređašnji izgled.
Džamija u Petnjici imala je veoma
značajnu ulogu u opismenjavanju
i očuvanju kulturnog identiteta
Bihoraca. U arhivu džamije i
danas se čuvaju liste rođenih,
vjenčanih, kao i druge pojedinosti
o stanovništvu ovog kraja. Vjeruje
se da ova džamija nikada nije
stradala, jer njene temelje čuvaju
meleci - anđeli kao i pokloni
Bihoraca dati za napredak
porodice i čitavog kraja.
century the mosque went through
several alterations only to regain
its former appearance with the
last reconstruction in 2005.
The mosque in Petnjica had a
very important role in making
local people literate and in the
preservation of the cultural identity
of people of the region of Bihor.
In the archive of the mosque
even today the registers of birth
and registers of marriage, as
well as other details about the
population of this region, are kept.
It is believed that this mosque has
never been destroyed because its
foundations are guarded by
meleks, i.e. angels as well as
by the presents from the people
of Bihor people given for the
advancement of their families and
the whole region.
Petnjički kraj
U samom centru Bihora, na
brdu Gradina, iznad ušća rijeke
Lješnice u Lim, nalaze se ostaci
srednjevjekovnog grada Bihora.
Podignut na 1000m nadmorske
visine, dominirao je velikim dijelom
Limske doline, i kontrolisao
značajne saobraćajnice koje su
spajale Budim i Bihor sa Plavom
na jednoj i Sjenicom i Novim
Pazarom na drugoj strani. O
grada ne zna se mnogo. Turci
su ga zauzeli 1455. godine, a
iz detaljnog popisa prizrenskog
sandžaka nastalog u periodu
1521. - 1530., saznajemo da je u
to vrijeme grad – tvrđava Bihor
Old people from Bihor say that
Petnjica was named after five
small ploughed fields which, when
viewed from the surrounding
mountains, were clearly visible
in the valley. The valley was first
called “Pet njivica” (five small
ploughed fields), which was later
transformed into Petnjica. Here,
at an elevation of 700 metres
above sea level, in the valley of the
River Popča and just beside the
Radman Gorge, is located the little
town of Petnjica, the centre of the
Gornji Bihor area, which, it is said,
was named after behar (blossom)
covering it in early spring. The
whole area is widely known for its
cold spring water and juicy apples
about which many songs and
poems were written. Senabije,
đulabije, šarenike, pašinke and
babovače are only some of the
types of apples which grow best
right here, and these are also used
for making the even better-known
The remains of the medieval
town of Bihor are situated at the
very centre of Bihor, on Gradina
Hill, above the confluence of the
River Lješnica and the River Lim.
Erected at an elevation of 1000m
above sea level it dominated a
large area of the River Lim valley,
and controlled important roads
which connected Budim and
Bihor with Plav on one side, and
with Sjenica and Novi Pazar on the
Berane - kulturna ruta
1. Glavna ulica
2. Stari grad
3. Polimski muzej
4. Kuća vojvode Gavra Vukovića
5. Manastir Đurđevi Stupovi
6. Spomenik na Jasikovcu
7. Manastir Šudikova
8. Manastir u Kaludri
9. Džamija u Petnjici
10. Petnjički kraj
toponim Crkvina što ukazuje na
dugu predosmansku tradiciju
ovog prostora.
imala svoju posadu koju su
sačinjavali dizdar, ćehaja, tobdžija,
imam i 21 mustahfiz. Grad Bihor
postao je sjedište istoimene nahije
i kadiluka, pa je polovinom 16.
vijeka njegova posada brojala 226
ljudi, i bila je opremljena sa četiri
topa i skladištima sa žitaricama.
Pod turskom vlašću bio je sve do
1912. godine kada je napušten.
Danas se mogu identifikovati
ostaci tri kule i cisterne za vodu,
kao i trase nekadašnjih bedema
koje dosežu i do tri metra visine.
Uz tvrđavu Bihor postojalo je i
podgrađe, a to ime nosi i današnje
seoce čije se kuće nalaze ispod
utvrđenja. U Podgrađu su vidljivi
ostaci groblja, a sačuvan je i
The Region of Petnjica
Pričaju stari Bihorci da je Petnjica
dobila ime po pet njivica koje su
se, gledajući sa okolnih planina,
jasno uočavale u dolini. Dolinu
su prvo nazvali “Pet njivica” što
se kasnije pretvorilo u Petnjicu.
Ovdje, na 700 metara nadmorske
visine, u dolini rijeke Popče, tik
uz Radmansku klisuru, nalazi se
varoš Petnjica, centar Gornjeg
Bihora, koji je, kažu, dobio ime
po beharu koji ga prekrije u rano
proljeće. Čitav kraj nadaleko je
čuven po hladnoj izvorskoj vodi
i sočnim jabukama o kojima
su mnoge pjesme ispjevane.
pašinke i babovače samo su
neke od sorti koje najbolje rađaju
upravo ovdje, a od njih se prave i
još čuvenije pite.
other. Not much is known about
the past of this mysterious town.
The Ottoman Turks occupied it
in 1455, and from the detailed
register of the Prizren Sandžak
made in the period from 1521
to 1530, we know that at that
time town-fortress of Bihor had a
garrison comprised of a fortress
commander, a deputy commander
and a manager of the estate, a
cannon operator, an imam and 21
mustahfizs (guardians). The town
of Bihor became the centre of the
nahiye (the smallest administrative
unit in the Ottoman Empire) and
kadilik (court unit, county) of the
same name; thus in the mid-16th
centu-ry its garrison had 226
U blizini Petnjice nalazi se i jedno
od najznačajnijih arheoloških
nalazišta u Crnoj Gori - lokalitet
Torine, u Radmanskoj klisuri, sa
čuvenom zazidanom pećinom.
Torine su najvrednije i najbogatije
nalazište iz mlađeg bronzanog
doba - eneolita. Tu je pronađena
stara 5000 godina. Figurina
predstavlja nagu ženu sa
realistično prikazanim torzom i
karakterističnom petougaonom
glavom, bez urezanih motiva
i ukrasa. Na dubini od svega
pola metra, na ovom lokalitetu
Bjelasica, Komovi & Prokletije
otkrivena je i kuća iz bronzanog
doba, u kojoj je, oko ognjišta,
nađen veliki broj cijelih keramičkih
sudova, koštanih alatki, pijuka
od jelenskih rogova, igala, šila i
probadača. Sve ukazuje na to
da se radi o ljetnjem sezonskom
naselju, preteči današnjih katuna.
Na ovom lokalitetu pronađena
je i poznata ogrlica od vučjih
zuba, bakarne igle i keramika.
Pronađeni predmeti čuvaju se u
Polimskom muzeju u Beranama.
people, and it was equipped with
four cannons and warehouses
for cereal crops. It was under the
Ottoman rule until 1912 when
it was abandoned. Today the
remains of three towers and a
Mnogo legendi se pripovijeda
o Brativiru, teško pristupačnom
vodopadu izuzetne ljepote koji se
nalazi nadomak Petnjice. Kažu
da je na ovom mjestu nekada
davno postojala pećina u kojoj
je bilo sakriveno veliko blago.
Blago je bilo ukleto, pa se svaki
trag gubio onima koji bi pokušali
da ga se domognu probijajući
se do pećine. Priča se i da su
dvije gorštačke porodice bile u
zavadi, pa se svaki njihov susret
završavao u teškim ranama, a
nekad čak i ubistvima. Niko nije
water cistern, as well as the lines
of the former ramparts reaching
up to as much as three metres in
height can be identified. Besides
the Bihor fortress there was a
podgrađe (suburbium) as well,
and today that is also the name of
a small village, the houses of which
are located under the fortification.
The remains of the cemetery in
Podgrađe are visible, and the
toponym of Crkvina (church land)
has been preserved as well, which
all suggest a long pre-Ottoman
tradition in this area.
In the vicinity of Petnjica one of the
most significant archaeological
sites in Montenegro – the locality
of Torine, in the Radmanska
Gorge, with its famous walledup cave is located as well. Torine
is the most valuable and the
richest site from the Early Bronze
Age – the Eneolithic. A unique
female figurine 5,000 years old
was found there. The figurine
represents a nude woman with
a realistically represented torso
mogao da ih izmiri, sve do jednog
dana kada su dva brata spasila
mladića iz one druge porodice
dok se davio u vrtlogu nabujalog
vodopada. Kada je mladić ispričao
šta mu se desilo i ko ga je spasio,
njegov dedo i otac poslali su ljude
da od bivših neprijatelja traže mir
i pobratimstvo. Od tada su mnogi
ovdje nalazili mir pa zbog toga i
ime Brativir.
and characteristic pentagonal
head, without carved motifs or
ornaments. At a depth of only half
a metre, in this locality a house
from the Bronze Age was also
discovered, in which around the
fireplace a large number of fully
intact ceramic dishes, bone tools,
pickaxes made of deer’s antlers,
needles, bradawls and studs
were found. Everything indicates
that it was a summer seasonal
settlement, a precursor of today’s
shepherds’ katuns. In this locality a
well-known wolf’s teeth necklace,
copper needles and ceramics
were found, too. The discovered
objects are kept in the Museum
of the Polimlje Region in Berane.
Many legends have been told
about Brativir, a barely accessible
waterfall of extraordinary beauty,
which is located near Petnjica. It is
said that in this place once upon
a time there was a cave in which
an immense treasure was hidden.
The treasure was cursed, so that
every trace of those who would try
to retrieve it disappeared making
their way towards the cave. It is
said as well that two families of
highlanders were in a quarrel, and
every encounter between them
used to end in severe wounding,
and sometimes even in murder.
No one could reconcile them, until
one day two brothers rescued a
young man from the other family
from was drowning in the whirlpool
of the swollen waterfall. When the
young man recounted what had
happened to him and who had
rescued him, his grandfather and
his father sent people to seek
peace and blood brotherhood
with their former enemies. Since
then many people have found
peace here and therefore it
became known as Brativir (brat =
brother; vir = whirlpool).