. Ltd nts Eve 2013 Forum o financiranju energetike na Balkanu 16-17 listopad 2013 Balkan Energy Finance Forum 6th annual Powering future growth in Southeast Europe 16-17 October 2013, The Westin Hotel, Zagreb Officially endorsed by pod pokroviteljstvom REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA / REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Ministarstvo gospodarstva Ministry of Economy Official 2013 Host Službeni domaćin 2013 Following the success of our 2012 edition that attracted over 200 participants from more than 25 countries, BEFF 2013 will again unite key players from across the energy industry, both from private and public sectors, tackling key issues facing the development of the energy market. Bosnia and Herzegovina FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENERGY, MINING AND INDUSTRY Nakon uspješnog foruma 2012. godine koji je privukao više od 200 sudionika iz preko 25 zemalja, BEFF 2013. ponovno okuplja ključne sudionike iz privatnog i javnog sektora energetske industrije kako bi se uhvatili u koštac s gorućim pitanjma razvoja energetskog tržišta. . Ltd nts Eve mergin g t in e m en a m gent in i l l e t n i ves t Moving away from generic energy discussions, this year’s event will address: Za razliku od dosadašnjih općenitih rasprava o energiji, na ovogodišnjem susretu razgovarat će se o sljedećim temama: - Market trends and analysis - trendovi i analiza tržišta - potencijal projekata vezanih za obnovljive izvore energije i energetsku učinkovitost - profitabilnost projekata vezanih za obnovljive izvore energije - izgradnja i povezivanje Balkanske mreže - određivanje cijena i trgovina električnom energijom - diverzifikacija izvora električne energije - budućnost prirodnog plina - Bankability of Renewable Energy projects - Building and connecting the Balkan Grid - Diversification of power generation sources - The future of natural gas ets rk - Potential of Renewable and Energy Efficiency projects - Electricity pricing and trading Associate Sponsors sponzori www.eelevents.co.uk Speakers Govornici Chairing Board / Predsjedavajući odbor Ms Ana-Maria Boromisa Head of Department for International Economic and Political Relations, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia Mr Dominique Courbin Head of Division Lending Operations in Slovenia, Croatia & Western Balkans, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Mr Christopher Knowles Head of Climate Change & Environment Division, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Mr Olaf Zymelka Division Chief Energy & Transport - SEE & Turkey, KfW, Germany Mr Dominic Hereth Manager – Head of Project Finance Coviolmpetence Center, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Mr Sebastian von Wolff Manager – Head of Energy Competence Center, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Mr Adam de Sola Pool Chief Executive Officer, Environmental Investment Partners, Poland Ms Đulizara Hadžimustafić President, Regulatory Commission for Electricity (FERK), Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Speaker tbc Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Croatia Mr Nicholas Sofianos Research Coordinator, Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), Greece InternationalProjectFinance Association Mr Thomas Schiller Managing Director, MACS Management & Consulting Services GmbH, Germany Ms Klaida Çekrezi Manager of Project and Structured Finance Department, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, Albania Expert Panellists / Panelisti stručnjaci Mr Skender Gjonbalaj Director of Market Operator Department, KOSTT Transmission, System and Market Operator J.S.C., Kosovo Mr Boris Makšijan Head of Department for Energy Systems, Directorate for Energy and Mining, Ministry of Economy, Croatia Mr Marin Zovko CEO, Plinacro d.o.o., Croatia Ms Violeta Kogalniceanu Head of Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency Unit, Energy Community Secretariat, Austria Partneri Speaker tbc Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), Switzerland Mr Miloš Vučković Senior Partner, Karanovic & Nikolic, Serbia Mr Erdal Trhulj Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Partners Ms Irina Peltegova Senior Market reporter CEE/SEE, ICIS Heren, United Kingdom Confirmed Presenters / Potvrđeni prezentatori Ms Ermina Salkičević-Dizdarević Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy Relation, Bosnia and Herzegovina Official 2013 Host Službeni domaćin 2013 Am SECC AMERICAN SOUTHEAST EUROPE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr Dušan Bajatović CEO, J.P. Srbijagas, Serbia Mr Damjan Međimorec Assistant CEO for Institutional and International Affairs, Croatian Transmission System Operator Ltd., Croatia Mr Marko Ćosić Executive Director, ProEnergy, (KORLEA d.o.o.), Croatia Mr Harald Stindl Managing Director, Gas Connect Austria GmbH, Austria gent in i l l e t n i ves t Mr Naim Bejtullahu CEO, KOSTT - Transmission, System and Market Operator J.S.C., Kosovo Mr Kostas Karayannakos Division Head, International Projects & Division Head, Gas Supply, Public Gas Corporation (DEPA ) S.A., Greece Mr Predrag Savić Head of Regional Origination SEE, GEN-I, d.o.o., Serbia mergin g t in e m en a m Ms Milica Sredanovic Investment Officer, IFC, Serbia Mr Zoran Stošić Vice President ICO South East Europe, AREVA GmbH, Germany Mr Costis Stambolis Deputy Chairman and Executive Director, Institute of Energy for South East Europe (IENE), Greece Mr Götz Hanau Head of Corporate Development and Organisation, RWE Hrvatska d.o.o., Croatia Mr Manuel Mahler-Hutter Managing Director, Energy Eastern Europe Hydropower GmbH, Austria Mr Ronald Given Managing Partner, Wolf Theiss Zagreb Branch, Croatia Mr Ole Johansen Energy Sector Expert, COWI-IPF Consortium, Serbia Speaker tbc Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas (Aeeg), Italy Mr Julije Domac Managing Director, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA), Croatia Mr Viktor Garbev Sales Manager South Eastern, Vestas Central Europe, Austria . Ltd nts Eve ets rk Mr Nikola Gazdov Managing Director juwi Bulgaria / Head of Business Development SEE, juwi Solar GmbH, Bulgaria Mr Wolfgang Kröpfl COO, enso hydro GmbH, Austria Mr Dejan Vasić CEO, EPS Supply, Serbia . Ltd nts Eve Mr Marco Testolin Sales director South and Eastern Europe, REpower Italia S.r.l., Italy Mr Andreas Chollet Managing Director SEE, WPD Europe GmbH, Germany www.eelevents.co.uk Agenda Day 1: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Prvi dan: Energetska učinkovitost i obnovljivi izvori energije Official 2013 Host Službeni domaćin 2013 08:30 Registration and coffee 08:30 Registracija i kava 09:00 Chairwoman’s welcoming address 09:00 Dobrodošlica predsjedateljice konferencije 09:10 Ministerial feature address 09:10 Obraćanje predstavnika ministarstava Market Trends and Analysis: regional overview Trendovi i analiza tržišta: pregled stanja u regiji 09:30 The EU and Balkan region: Future outlook 09:30 EU i Balkan: izgledi za budućnost 09:50 Overview of energy related investment situation in SEE 09:50 Pregled investicija povezanih s energetikom u jugoistočnoj Europi 10:10 Panel Discussion: Market trends and analysis 10:10 Panelska rasprava: Trendovi i analiza tržišta 11:00 Networking coffee break 11:00 Pauza za kavu i širenje kontakata Financing Energy Financiranje energetskih projekata Hosted by Domaćin 11:50 Successful financing of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Projects 11:50 Uspješno financiranje projekata vezanih za obnovljive izvore energije i energetsku učinkovitost Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia Boris Makšijan, Ministry of Economy, Croatia Ermina Salkičević-Dizdarević, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economy Relation, Bosnia and Herzegovina Erdal Trhulj, Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Western Balkan regional overview in EU context - Impact of EU accession of Croatia, Serbia’s progress - Key regulatory and legal updates Costis Stambolis, Institute of Energy for South-East Europe (IENE), Greece - Limiting the effects of regulatory changes - Minimising continual economic climate challenges - Opportunities and challenges for investors Panel Chair: Adam de Sola Pool , Environmental Investment Partners, Poland Panellists: Miloš Vučković, Karanovic & Nikolic, Serbia Andreas Chollet, WPD Europe GmbH, Germany Julije Domac, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency (REGEA), Croatia Götz Hanau, RWE Hrvatska d.o.o., Croatia - Overview of financing institutions (commercial banks, IFIs etc) and selecting the right partner for your investment - Financing of Energy Efficiency and very small scale Renewable Energy projects - Bankability of larger RE projects - Limited recourse versus non-recourse financing Moderator: Olaf Zymelka, KfW, Germany Co-Moderator: Sebastian von Wolff, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Panellists: Klaida Çekrezi, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, Albania Violeta Kogalniceanu, Energy Community Secretariat, Austria Milica Sredanovic, IFC, Serbia Thomas Schiller, MACS Management & Consulting GmbH, Germany Speaker tbc, Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Croatia 13:20 Networking lunch break Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (IRMO), Hrvatska Boris Makšijan, Ministarstvo gospodarstva, Hrvatska Ermina Salkičević-Dizdarević, zamjenica ministra, Ministarstvo vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa, Bosna i Hercegovina Erdal Trhulj, Ministarstvo energije, rudarstva i industrije, Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine - pregled stanja na zapadnom Balkanu u kontekstu Europske unije - utjecaj pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, napredak Srbije - glavne regulatorne i zakonske promjene Costis Stambolis, IENE, Grčka - ograničavanje učinka regulatornih promjena - minimiziranje izazova koji proizlaze iz neprestanih promjena u gospodarskoj klimi - prilike i izazovi za investitore Predsjedavaljući Adam de Sola Pool , Environmental Investment Partners, Poland Panelisti: Miloš Vučković, Karanovic & Nikolic, Srbija Andreas Chollet, WPD Europe GmbH, Njemačka Julije Domac, Regionalna energetska agencija sjeverozapadne Hrvatske (REGEA), Hrvatska Götz Hanau, RWE Hrvatska d.o.o., Hrvatska - pregled financijskih institucija (komercijalne banke, međunarodne financijske institucije (IFI) i odabir pravog partnera za investiciju - financiranje energetske učinkovitosti i vrlo malih projekata vezanih za obnovljive izvore energije - profitabilnost većih projekata vezanih za obnovljive izvore energije - financiranje s ograničenim regresom vs. financiranje bez regresa Voditelj panela: Olaf Zymelka, KfW, Njemačka Suvoditelj: Sebastian von Wolff, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Panelisti: Klaida Çekrezi, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, Albanija Violeta Kogalniceanu, Energy Community Secretariat, Austrija Milica Sredanovic, IFC, Srbija Thomas Schiller, MACS Management & Consulting GmbH, Njemačka Govornik (očekujemo potvrdu), Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Hrvatska 13:20 Pauza za ručak i širenje kontakata . Ltd nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk Agenda Day 1: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Prvi dan: Energetska učinkovitost i obnovljivi izvori energije Official 2013 Host Službeni domaćin 2013 Renewable Energy in SEE: lessons learnt Obnovljiva energija u Jugoistočnoj Europi: što smo dosad naučili 14:20 Overview of Western Balkan and Southeast European wind energy market 14:20 Pregled stanja na tržištu energije vjetra na Zapadnom Balkanu i jugoistočne Europe 14:40 Risks and opportunities for renewable energy investors in South East Europe 14:40 Rizici i prilike za investitore koji ulažu u obnovljivu energiju na području jugoistočne Europe 15:00 Renewed interest in hydro potential 15:00 Ponovni interes za hidroenergiju 15:20 Networking coffee break 15:20 Pauza za kavu i širenje kontakata Renewable Energy Success Stories Uspješni primjeri korištenja obnovljive energije Hosted by Domaćin 16:00 How can Renewable Energy projects be successfully implemented in challenging environments? 16:00 Kako se projekti obnovljive energije mogu uspješno provoditi u kontekstu gospodarskog okruženja koje je puno izazova? Marco Testolin, REpower Italia S.r.l., Italy - Managing risks related to constantly changing regulatory environment in Southeast Europe - Aligning international bankability standards with local legal-administrative and technical risks - Case study and practical experience from SEE markets: BG, ROM, GR, TR Nikola Gazdov, juwi Solar GmbH, Bulgaria - Large vs. small scale projects - Theoretical RE potential vs. actual installation in South-East-Europe - Regulatory conditions: Positive trends in the Balkans - Successful examples of implemented RE projects - Which conditions attract investors and what prevents them from investing Moderator: Dominique Courbin, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Co-Moderator Dominic Hereth, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Panellists: Manuel Mahler-Hutter, Energy Eastern Europe Hydropower GmbH, Austria Wolfgang Kröpfl, enso hydro GmbH, Austria Nicholas Sofianos, IENE, Greece Ronald Given, Wolf Theiss, Croatia Viktor Garbev, Vestas Central Europe, Austria Milica Sredanovic, IFC, Serbia Marco Testolin, REpower Italia S.r.l., Italija - svladavanje rizika povezanih sa konstantnim regulatornim promjenama u jugoistočnoj Europi - usklađivanje međunarodnih standarda s regionalnim zakonskim, administrativnim i tehničkim rizicima - studija slučaja i praktično iskustvo s tržišta Jugoistočne Europe: BG, ROM, GR, TR Nikola Gazdov, juwi Solar GmbH, Bugarska - veliki vs. mali projekti - teoretski potencijal obnovljive energije vs. sama realizacija u Jugoistočnoj Europi - regulatorni uvjeti: pozitivni trendovi na Balkanu - primjeri uspješnih projekata korištenja obnovljive energije - koji uvjeti privlače investitore, a što ih odbija Voditelj panela: Dominique Courbin, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luksemburg Suvoditelj Dominic Hereth, Finance in Motion, (Investment Advisor to the) Green for Growth Fund, Southeast Europe Panelisti: Manuel Mahler-Hutter, Energy Eastern Europe Hydropower GmbH, Austrija Wolfgang Kröpfl, enso hydro GmbH, Austrija Nicholas Sofianos, IENE, Grčka Ronald Given, Wolf Theiss, Hrvatska Viktor Garbev, Vestas Central Europe, Austrija 17:30 Chairwoman’s closing remarks 17:30 Završna riječ predsjedateljice 17:40 Networking cocktail reception 17:40 Prijem uz koktele, širenje kontakata Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia Hosted by Key-note cocktail reception welcoming address Christopher Knowles, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luxembourg Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (IRMO), Hrvatska Hosted by Obraćenje gostima i govor dobrodošlice Christopher Knowles, European Investment Bank (EIB), Luksemburg . Ltd nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk Agenda Official 2013 Host Day 2: Gas Market and Electricity Grid, Pricing, Trading Službeni domaćin 2013 Drugi dan: Tržište plina i elektroenergetska mreža, cijene, trgovina 08:50 Registration and coffee 08:50 Registracija i kava 09:20 Chairwoman’s welcoming address 09:20 Dobrodošlica predsjedateljice :The Future of Gas Budućnost plina 09:40 Gas competition in SEE: IGB - a factor for growth' 09:40 Konkurencija na tržištu plina u Jugoistočnoj Europu: IGB čimbenik rasta Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia Kostas Karayannakos, DEPA, Greece 10:00 Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) -Interconnection possibilities with existing and planned infrastructure in the region Speaker tbc, Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), Switzerland Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (IRMO), Hrvatska Kostas Karayannakos, DEPA, Grčka 10:00 Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) - mogućnosti povezivanja s postojećom i planiranom infrastrukturom u regiji - Govornik (očekujemo potvrdu), Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), Švicarska 10:20 Panel Discussion: The future of gas 10:20 Panelska rasprava: Budućnost plina 11:20 Networking coffee break 11:20 Pauza za kavu i širenje kontakata - Demand diversification - Pipeline route progress: TAP, IAP, TANAP, Nabucco, South Stream - LNG potential - Security of supply - Gas distribution liberalisation Panellists: Marin Zovko, Plinacro d.o.o, Croatia Dušan Bajatović, J.P. Srbijagas, Serbia Harald Stindl, GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH, Austria Ole Johansen, COWI-IPF Consortium, Serbia Speaker tbc, Regulatory Authority for Electricity and Gas (Aeeg), Italy Speaker tbc, Trans Atlantic Pipeline (TAP), Switzerland Power Generation Sources: incorporating renewables - diversifikacija ponude - napredak u izgradnji plinovoda: TAP, IAP, TANAP, Nabucco, Južni tok - potencijal LNG-a - sigurnost opskrbe - liberalizacija distribucije plina Panelisti: Marin Zovko, Plinacro d.o.o, Hrvatska Dušan Bajatović, J.P. Srbijagas, Srbija Harald Stindl, GAS CONNECT AUSTRIA GmbH, Austrija Ole Johansen, COWI-IPF Consortium, Srbija Govornik (očekujemo potvrdu), Regulatorno tijelo za električnu energiju i plin (Aeeg), Italija Govornik (očekujemo potvrdu), Trans Atlantic Pipeline (TAP), Švajcarska Izvori električne energije 12:00 Traditional supply sources and renewables’ competiveness 12:00 Tradicionalni izvori i konkurentnost obnovljivih izvora 12:20 Challenges for the Future Generation Mix 12:20 Izazovi za budući generacijski miks 12:40 Issues of Power Security of Supply in Kosovo 12:40 Pitanja sigurnosti opskrbe električnom energijom na Kosovu 13:00 Networking lunch break 13:00 Pauza za ručak i širenje kontakata - Overcoming increasing dependence on electricity imports - Responding to increasing consumption - Diversification of power generation sources - Improvements for conventional power supported by Renewable Energy technology - Combination of conventional and Renewable Energy power Zoran Stošić, AREVA GmbH, Germany - Managing de-centralised and central generation - Setting regulatory schemes for renewables - Considering Energy Efficiency Measurements Götz Hanau, RWE Hrvatska d.o.o., Croatia - Ensuring Security of Supply from lignite resources - Development of renewable generation capacities - Cooperation with Albanian market in order to secure power supply in both countries Naim Bejtullahu, KOSTT - Transmission, System and Market Operator J.S.C., Kosovo - rješavanje problema sve veće ovisnosti o uvozu električne energije - odgovor na rastuću potražnju - diversifikacija izvora električne energije - unapređenje konvencionalnih izvora energije korištenjem tehnologija obnovljivih izvora energije - kombinacija konvencionalnih i obnovljivih izvora energije Zoran Stošić, AREVA GmbH, Njemačka - upravljanje de-centraliziranim i centralnim generacijama - postavljanje regulatornih okvira za obnovljive izvore energije - razmatranje mjera za energetsku efikasnost Götz Hanau, RWE Hrvatska d.o.o., Hrvatska - osiguranje opskrbe korištenjem lignita - izgradnja kapaciteta za struju iz obnovljivih izvora energije - suradnja s albanskim tržištem kako bi se osigurala opskrba energijom u obje zemlje Naim Bejtullahu, KOSTT - Operator prijenosa, sustava i tržišta A.D., Kosovo . Ltd nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk www.eelevents.co.uk 16-17 October 2013, Zagreb Agenda Official 2013 Host Day 2: Gas Market and Electricity Grid, Pricing, Trading Službeni domaćin 2013 Drugi dan: Tržište plina i elektroenergetska mreža, cijene, trgovina Electricity Pricing and Trading 14:00 Changing liquidity on the CEE/SEE OTC electricity markets - Influence of regulatory changes - Market coupling - Exchange trading Irina Peltegova, ICIS Heren, United Kingdom 14:20 The opening of the Federation of BiH electricity market - Implementation of the EU acquis communautaire - Tasks and obligations of the DSO (Distribution System Operator), suppliers and buyers for the retail electricity market - Retail electricity metering process Đulizara Hadžimustafić, Regulatory Commission for Electricity in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Određivanje cijena i trgovina električnom energijom 14:00 Mijenjanje likvidnosti na tržištima električne energije u regijama CEE/SEE i na OTC-tržištu - učinak regulatornih promjena - udruživanje tržišta - burzovno trgovanje Irina Peltegova, ICIS Heren, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo 14:20 Otvaranje tržišta električne energije u FBIH - implementacija pravne stečevine EU - zadaci i obaveze ODS-a, dobavljača i kupaca na maloprodajnom tržištu - procesci mjerenja na maloprodajnom tržištu Đulizara Hadžimustafić, Federalna regulatorna komisija za električnu energiju (FERK), Bosna i Hercegovina 14:40 Panel Discussion: Electricity Grid, Pricing, Trading 14:40 Panelska rasprava: elektroenergetska mreža, cijena, trgovina 15:40 Chairwoman’s closing address 15:40 Zaključni komentar predsjednice konferencije 16:00 End of the conference 16:00 Kraj konferencije - Affect of coal, shale gas, renewables on prices - Market coupling - SEE regional power exchange - Increasing industry focus on end consumer Panellists: Damjan Međimorec, Croatian Transmission System Operator Ltd., Croatia Skender Gjonbalaj, KOSTT - Transmission, System and Market Operator J.S.C., Kosovo Dejan Vasić, EPS Supply, Serbia Predrag Savić, GEN-I, d.o.o., Slovenia Marko Ćosić, ProEnergy (KORLEA d.o.o.), Croatia Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia - utjecaj ugljena, plina iz škriljevca i obnovljive energije na cijene - udruživanje tržišta - regionalno tržište električne energije u Jugoistočnoj Europi - jači fokus sektora na krajnjeg potrošača Panelisti: Damjan Međimorec, Croatian Transmission System Operator Ltd., Hrvatska Skender Gjonbalaj, KOSTT – Operator prijenosa, sustava i tržišta A.D., Kosovo Dejan Vasić, EPS Supply, Srbija Predrag Savić, GEN-I, d.o.o., Slovenija Marko Ćosić, ProEnergy (KORLEA d.o.o.), Hrvatska Ana-Maria Boromisa, Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose (IRMO), Hrvatska Interested in attending our other upcoming energy events? 5th Baltic Energy Summit 13-14 November 2013 Helsinki 5th Turkey Renewables Congress 26 November 2013 Ankara Register now and receive 10% on multiple bookings 5th annual . Ltd nts Eve www.eelevents.co.uk 16-17 October 2013, Zagreb Delegate seat registration form: Balkan Energy Finance Forum 2013 YES! Please register me for ______ place(s) Super Early Bird - £790 Expired 05 August 2013 Early Bird - £990 Expires 13 September 2013 Full Fee - £1,190 Valid from 16 September 2013 Concession - £390 (Public Sector, Charities, Students and Academics) Local Representatives - £590 (Subject to availability) Available to companies from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia Promotional Code / Discount Coupon / Booking Ref Thank you for choosing to attend this E.E.L. Events Ltd. Conference. We look forward to welcoming you! 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Ltd nts Eve Easy ways to register: Online: www.eelevents.co.uk Email: [email protected] Fax: + 44 (0) 207 681 2889 Balkan Energy Finance Forum Powering future growth in SEE 16-17 October 2013, Zagreb
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