Croatian National Workshop Biofuels – Production, Distribution and Incentives June 15th 2010, Zagreb, Croatia Status: Release Author: Boris Cosic, Goran Krajacic, Neven Duic Co-Authors: Date: 26.12.2010 Filename: FSB BIOSIRE_D4_2_Report_National_Workshop_Croatia_UniZag- Table of Contents 1. FOREWORD ........................................................................................ 3 2. EXPERTS’ PRESENTATIONS .......................................................... 5 2.1. NEW ENERGY LEGISLATIONS IN THE BIOFUELS SECTOR .................... 5 2.2. THE IMPACT OF THE EUROPEAN REGULATIONS ON THE CROATIAN BIOFUELS SECTOR ........................................................................................ 7 2.3. THE SUSTAINABILITY CRITERIA OF BIOFUELS PRODUCTION AND PUTTING ON THE MARKET ............................................................................ 8 2.4. ECONOMIC MODEL AND ACTION PLAN FOR BIOFUELS IN CROATIA . 9 2.5. BIOFUELS AND DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF THE COUNTIES AND LARGE CITIES ............................................................................................. 11 2.6. SPECIFIC INTEREST OF THE OBLIGED PERSON IN THE BIOFUELS SECTOR ...................................................................................................... 12 2.7. INTRODUCTION OF THE BIOFUELS IN THE WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPANY “ČISTOĆA - ZAGREB” ................................................................ 13 2.8. A POSSIBILITY OF INTRODUCING BIODIESEL AS A FUEL FOR MOTOR VEHICLES .................................................................................................. 14 3. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................. 15 4. CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ........................................................ 17 5. ANNEX LIST OF PARTICIPANTS ................................................ 21 2 / 24 1. Foreword One of the BIOSIRE project goals is to transfer implementation to the target areas by organising National Workshop. This workshop have goal to generate direct impact with particular reference to evaluating the potential market for alternative fuels and clean vehicles, as well as to launch the first initiatives to support enabling policies and strategies as well as market transformation, in targeted geographical areas. The First BIOSIRE National Workshop, held in Zagreb – Croatia on June 15th 2010, addressed the theme of Biofuels – Production, Distribution and Incentives. Speakers at this workshop were national experts from biofuels sectors (legislation, production, distribution, etc) and listed below: • Nataša Vujec - Ministry of Economy, Labour and Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship - State Secretary • Igor Raguzin - Ministry of Entrepreneurship – Head of Department for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency • Ivan Tilošanec – Lawyer’s Office Tilošanec • Vladimir Bradač – Ekonerg d.o.o. – Director of the System Maintenance Department • Ana Kojaković – Energy Institute “Hrvoje Požar” – Department for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency • Marko Karan - Energy Institute “Hrvoje Požar” – Department for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency 3 / 24 • Prof. Neven Duić - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Head of Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair • Jelena Ricov – INA, Oil Company • Davor Franić – Biodiesel Vukovar d.o.o. • Bojan Ribić – Zagreb Holding – City Waste Disposal Branch • Prof. Zoran Lulić - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Department for Engines and Vehicles Workshop titled „Biofuels – Production, Distribution and Incentives” was organized to enhance mutual communication between local authorities, government and companies which are producing and distributing the raw materials and the biofuels, in order to increase an interest for production and utilization of biofuels in the Republic of Croatia. Workshop was designed for professionals working in the field of collection and transportation of raw materials for biofuels production, owners of restaurants and hotels, biofuels users (car/bus/tourist boats fleets, government bodies and public institutions) and engineers employed in the maintaining sector. The present document provides the workshop proceedings, summarizing the sessions and the debates. The list of participants and presentations is included in an annex. The complete power point presentations of the experts can be downloaded from, a web page specially dedicated to BIOSIRE project in Croatia. 4 / 24 2. Experts’ Presentations 2.1. New energy legislations in the biofuels sector Igor Raguzin, dipl. Ing. - Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Head of the Renewable Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency Division The presentation overview of provides the current Croatian legislation in the field of the RES and biofuels. In the first part of this presentation, current situation of RES in Croatia together with projections of RES structure for 2020 are given. One of the important things presentation is from overview this of employment from renewables and biofuels. Figures for biofuels sector show that we can have over 5000 new jobs if we have 10% of biofuels until 2020. Also, we will have biodiesel for own consumption but there is also huge potential for production of the bio-ethanol not just for own consumption but also for the export. Second part of the presentation contains a very detailed overview of the current Biofuels legislation (Biofuels Act). Croatia’s Biofuels Act fully transposes EU Directive 2003/30/EC on the promotion of the 5 / 24 use of biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport (minimum share of biofuels of 5.75%). This act regulates: • Production, trade and storage of biofuels • The use of biofuels in transport • Adoption of programs and plans for incentives and use of biofuels in transport • Authority and responsibility for establishing and implementing policies for incentives and use of biofuels in transport • Measures for incentives and use of biofuels in transport Also criterias of sustainability are implemented in this act which is regulated by EU Directive 2009/28/EC. Scheme (in Croatian) of bylaws which will be prepared in order to support the Biofuels Act is listed below. ZAKON O BIOGORIVIMA ZA PRIJEVOZ, ZAKON O IZMJENAMA I DOPUNAMA ZAKONA O BIOGORIVIMA ZA PRIJEVOZ ODLUKA O VISINI NAKNADE ZA POTICANJE PROIZVODNJE BIOGORIVA PRAVILNIK O MJERAMA ZA POTICANJE KORIŠTENJA BIOGORIVA U PRIJEVOZU UREDBA O POTICANJU PROIZVODNJE BIOGORIVA ODLUKA O VISINI NOVČANIH POTICAJA ZA PROIZVODNJU BIOGORIVA ODLUKA O NAJVIŠOJ PRODAJNOJ CIJENI BIOGORIVA PRAVILNIK O UVJETIMA I POSTUPKU ZA OSTVARIVANJE PRAVA NA POTICAJ ZA PROIZVODNJU BIOGORIVA UREDBA O POSEBNOJ NAKNADI ZA OKOLIŠ RADI NESTAVLJANJA BIOGORIVA NA TRŽIŠTE PRAVILNIK O NAČINU I UVJETIMA PRIMJENE ZAHTJEVA ODRŽIVOSTI U PROIZVODNJI I KORIŠTENJU BIOGORIVA UREDBA O KAKVOĆI BIOGORIVA PRAVILNIK O UTVRĐIVANJ U PROSJEČNIH ENERGIJSKIH VRIJEDNOSTI GORIVA Sabor Vlada 6 / 24 Ministarstvo 2.2. The impact of the European regulations on the Croatian biofuels sector Ivan Tilošanec – Law Office Tilošanec Presentation given by Mr. Ivan Tilošanec provides detailed overview of bylaws which will be prepared in order to support the Biofuels Act. A total of nine new bylaws will be prepared in order to support national Biofuels Act. These bylaws are: • Regulation on incentives for biofuels production • Regulation on environmental taxation for not putting biofuels on market • Decision on the amount of environmental taxation for not putting biofuels on the market • Decision on financial incentives for biofuels production • Decision on the amount of incentive fees for production of biofuels • Ordinance on conditions and procedure for exercise of incentives for the production of biofuels • Ordinance on measures to promote the use of biofuels in transport • Ordinance on the application of the requirements of sustainability • Ordinance on the determination of average energy value of fuels 7 / 24 During the presentation, detailed explanation and reason for making every of these bylaws is presented. Also, explanation of the National Action Plan (NAP) for biofuels is given in this presentation. 2.3. The sustainability criteria of biofuels production and putting on the market Vladimir Bradač - EKONERG This presentation gives a detailed explanation of sustainability criteria. It also includes ecological criteria for biofuels production. Some of the ecological criteria which member states need to prove and which are important for biofuels production are: • The greenhouse gas emission saving from the use of biofuels and bioliquids shall be at least 35%. (With effect from 1 January 2017, the greenhouse gas emission saving from the use of biofuels and bioliquids shall be at least 50%. From 1 January 2018 that greenhouse gas emission saving shall be at least 60% for biofuels and bioliquids produced in installations in which production started on or after 1 January 2017.) • Biofuels and bioliquids shall not be made from raw material obtained from land with high biodiversity value (primary forest and other wooded land, namely forest and other wooded land of native species, where there is no clearly visible indication of human activity and the ecological processes are not significantly disturbed and highly biodiverse grassland) • Biofuels and bioliquids shall not be made from raw material obtained from land with high carbon stock (wetlands, continuously forested areas, etc.) • Biofuels and bioliquids shall not be made from raw material obtained from land that was peat land in January 2008, unless 8 / 24 evidence is provided that the cultivation and harvesting of that raw material does not involve drainage of previously undrained soil. At the end of the presentation Mr. Bradač explained how to calculate avoided emissions of green house gases by using biofuels. To calculate GHG emission reduction standard formula from EU Directive 2009/28/EC is used. For the BIOSIRE project most interesting are avoided emissions by using biofuels produced from used cooking oil (UCO). In the case of UCO, avoided GHG emissions are 83% while the biofuels produced from soybean have avoided GHG emissions of 31%. 2.4. Economic Model and Action Plan for Biofuels in Croatia Mr. sc. Ana Kojaković and Marko Karan, dipl. oec; Energy institute Hrvoje Požar, Department for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency This presentation has two parts with the first part explaining the National Action Plan (NAP) for biofuels while the second part explains the methodology used to calculate the amount of incentives for biofuels production. NAP’ is a planning document used for the period of 10 years. In order to have 9.18% of biofuels until 2020, additional land is needed to be used. In order to calculate total amount of land area needed for production of biofuels two different scenarios are presented. In the first scenario, average yield for the period 1999-2008 is used. In the second scenario, yield is continuously increasing and because of this the land area needed for 9 / 24 agricultural production of energy crops is decreasing. In the first scenario, we need to have 180.000ha of rapeseed, 11.000 ha of sugar beat and 18.000 ha of corn. While in the second scenario we need 139.000 ha of rape seed, 8.000 ha of sugar beet and 13.000 ha of corn in order to reach 9.18% of biofuels in 2020. In the second part of the presentation, economic model for calculation of the incentives for biofuels production is presented. The main goal of this model is to calculate: • Amount of subsidies for biofuels production (€/l) which will be paid to biofuels producers • Total amount of taxation(€/l) included in the retail price of all petroleum products sold in the Croatian market (with the aim to collect funds necessary for payment of incentives to the producers of biofuels) – Income HROTE • Special taxation (€/MJ) payable by the distributor for the missed opportunity of putting biofuels on the market (failure to fulfil obligations) – Income FZOEU The main characteristics of this model are: • Simplicity • Transparency • Stimulation of producers and penalisation of distributers • Disincentives to export of biofuels 10 / 24 2.5. Biofuels and development potential of the counties and large cities Prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić – UniZag-FSB, Head of the Power Engineering and Energy Management Chair In his presentation prof. Duic introduces the BIOSIRE project and explains the main project goals. In the case of Croatia three demonstration regions are shown with provided information on the current situation in these regions. Also, total potential of the biofuels which can be produced from used cooking oil is presented. Potential is calculated for three sectors households, restaurants and hotels and for 21 counties. Because Croatia has a lot of unused land, prof. Duic presented the total potential of biofuels in the Croatian counties. The main idea is to use this unused land for the production of biodiesel and bioethanol. For this purpose 25% of the unused land will be used for production of the rapeseed while the remaining parts of the unused land will be used for the production of corn. Average yield for rapeseed is 2.14 t/ha while corn yield is 5.55 t/ha. Calculated total potential of biofuels on the unused land in Croatia, using average yield of rapeseed and corn, is 470.000 t. 11 / 24 2.6. Specific Interest of the obliged person in the biofuels sector Jelena Ricov – INA INA is the only company in Croatia which produces fuels and also a company with the largest distribution network in Croatia. Because of this, INA is the most important company for the reaching of national goals of biofuels until 2020. In order to produce different blend, new investment in the refinery is needed. Because of that, INA started building a new facility which will be used for blending. Time needed for building new facilities and adjustment of distribution network for biofuels is approximately two years. Finalisation of this project is planed for the end of 2012. In order to overpass this period until 2012 the best solution is to use B100. The main actors which can help overpass this period are counties and big cities. The main reason for this is that the big cities have public transportation which can use B100 without major investment in the new equipment. Also, some other sectors can participate in this period such as agricultural vehicles and small ships which are used in the fishing industry. 12 / 24 2.7. Introduction of the biofuels in the waste management company “Čistoća - Zagreb” Bojan Ribić, dipl. ing. – Zagrebački holding – Podružnica Čistoća The presentation provides an overview of the “Čistoća” project where part of the company car fleet switched to B5 and B10 fuel. The project started in 2008 and in that time total consumption of fuels was over 2.1 million litres per year. Daily consumption of the fuel in this company is over 7000 litres. In the first phase of project 28 MAN vehicles were used. Fuel used for this vehicles was B5 (blends of biofuels and euro-diesel). A total quantity of B5 used in these vehicles was over 108.000 litres. In the second phase of the project, the share of biofuels in the total blend was increased from B5 to B10. Total quantities of B10 used in these vehicles were over 215.000 litres. The company has its own blending unit because it’s very difficult to buy specific mixture of biofuels. With this unit they can provide different mixture of biofuels for their own vehicles. In order to increase the usage of renewables “Čistoća” is planning to start production of the biogas and to use it in their vehicles. This idea is only in the testing phase and study preparation. Also, the company started with eco driving in order to decrease fuel consumption and GHG emissions and to increase safety of the passengers. 13 / 24 2.8. A possibility of Introducing Biodiesel as a Fuel for Motor Vehicles Zoran Lulić, UniZag-FSB The first part of the presentation provides an overview of the HEP (Hrvatska Croatian Elektroprivreda Electric – power company) pilot project where part of the company car fleet switched to B100 fuel. The technical monitoring results were consistent with the expected figures obtained in the laboratory preliminary evaluations: engine effective efficiency does not change with the use of B100, but the mean effective pressure decreases and so does the engine power, by around 7-8%. The volumetric fuel consumption also increased by around 8%, in line with the expected results. The quality of the fuel was also tested during the study. The company MODIBIT supplied most of the biodiesel (in accordance with EN:14214), but other minor sources were also used. Oxidation stability was below standard, and this was partly due to the low quality of the fuel bought from small private producers, and partly due to inadequate storage. The second part of the presentation gives overview of the diesel engines, how they work and the first usage of biofuels in diesel engines. Also current national legislation for the biofuels quality is presented. Current situation with diesel engines regarding emissions and what we will have in the future is presented. 14 / 24 3. Conclusions Sustainable development implies that welfare of today's generation is not achieved at the expense of the future generations. It is a development in which concern about efficient use of natural resources generates economic growth and offers new possibilities. New legislation in the biofuels sector in the Republic of Croatia aims to increase the quantity of biofuels in both the production sector and the consumption sector, which will contribute to sustainable development of Croatia. The Republic of Croatia has adopted the Act on Biofuels for Transport in May 2009. The purpose of this law is achieving goals of sustainable development in the field of transport: reducing negative impacts on the environment, improving security of supply of fuel and fulfilling international commitments of the Republic of Croatia in the area of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases as well as encouraging the production and the use of biofuels in transport. In order to support this Act, Croatian Government will adopt series of ordinances and regulations in the field of production of biofuels, subsides, action plan for cites and counties and quantities of biofuels which distributors need to put on the market. Also, there will be some amendments on this Act because it was accepted before new DIRECTIVE 2009/28EC which says that biofuels production should be sustainable. Croatia intends to expand domestic biofuels production and provide continuous education and expert support to all relevant actors in the field of biofuels. All participants of the BIOSIRE Workshop in Croatia agreed that the rapid implementation of new legislation is crucial for biofuels producers and other subjects involved. Biofuels sector has been 15 / 24 recognized as an important factor in the process of achieving Croatia’s goals relating to renewable energy in transport as well as a large, currently untapped, potential for job creation and economic development in general. 16 / 24 4. Call for participation BIOGORIVA - PROIZVODNJA, DISTRIBUCIJA I POTICAJI Radionica organizirana u okviru projekta BIOSIRE: Biofuels and Electric Propulsion Creating Sustainable Transport in Tourism Resorts. Održivi razvoj je takav razvoj u kojem dobrobit sadašnje generacije nije postignuta na račun budućih generacija, dakle razvoj koji brigom o efikasnom korištenju prirodnih resursa potiče rast te generira nove djelatnosti u gospodarstvu. Novo zakonodavstvo u sektoru biogoriva u Republici Hrvatskoj ima za cilj da poveća količine biogoriva kako u sektoru proizvodnje tako i u sektoru potrošnje koje će doprinijeti održivom razvoju Hrvatske. Radionica pod nazivom: Biogoriva - proizvodnja, distribucija i poticaji organizirana je radi poboljšanja međusobne komunikacije između lokalnih vlasti, Vlade te tvrtki koje se bave proizvodnjom biogoriva i sirovina za biogoriva u cilju povećanja interesa za proizvodnju i primjenu biogoriva u Hrvatskoj. Skup je namijenjen svima koji imaju interesa u područjima 17 / 24 prikupljanja i prijevoza sirovine za biogoriva, proizvodnje biogoriva, vlasnicima ugostiteljskih objekata i hotela, korisnicima biogoriva (automobili, autobusi, turističke brodice, državna tijela i javne ustanove) te inženjerima zaposlenim u sektoru održavanja vozila kod javnih i privatnih prijevoznika. Organizator radionice: MINGORP - Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Sveučilište u Zagrebu – projekt BIOSIRE SDEWES Centar ( COMBUSTION Institute ( Uz Pokroviteljstvo i sponzorstvo: Europska komisija, program IEE Organizacijski odbor: Prof. Dr. sc. Neven Duić, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, predsjednik Igor Raguzin, dipl. ing. Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva Paulina Tomašković, Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva Boris Ćosić, dipl. ing. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Mislav Kirac dipl. ing. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Goran Krajačić, dipl. ing. Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje LOKACIJA: Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva Velika dvorana - prizemlje Ulica grada Vukovara 78, Zagreb 18 / 24 PROGRAM: 09:30 REGISTRACIJA 10:00 RADIONICA BIOGORIVA- PROIZVODNJA, DISTRIBUCIJA I POTICAJI 10:00 Nataša Vujec, dipl. ing. Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva, državna tajnica za energetiku Uvodna riječ 10:15 Igor Raguzin, dipl. ing. Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva, načelnik Odjela za obnovljive izvore i energetsku učinkovitost Novo energetsko zakonodavstvo u sektoru biogoriva 10:40 Ivan Tilošanec, Odvjetnički ured Tilošanec Utjecaj prava EZ na hrvatsku u sektoru biogoriva 11:05 Vladimir Bradač, EKONERG d.o.o., Direktor Odjela za sustave održavanja Kriterij održivosti proizvodnje i stavljanja na tržište biogoriva 11:30 Ana Kojaković; Marko Karan, dipl. oec.; Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar, Odjela za obnovljive izvore i energetsku efikasnost Ekonomski model i akcijski plan za biogoriva 11:55 Prof. Dr. sc. Neven Duić, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, voditelj Katedre za energetska postrojenja i energetiku Biogoriva i razvojni potencijal županija i velikih gradova 12:20 Jelena Ricov, INA – Industrija nafte d.d. Specifični interesi obveznika stavljanja biogoriva na tržište 12:45 Milodrag Gadže, Biodizel Vukovar d.o.o. 19 / 24 Proizvodnja biodizela 13:10 Bojan Ribić, dipl. ing. Zagrebački Holding - Podružnica Čistoća, Zagreb Uvođenje biogoriva u „Čistoću“ 13:35 Prof. Dr. sc. Zoran Lulić, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Katedre za motore i vozila Biodizel kao pogonsko gorivo 14:00 Ručak 20 / 24 5. Annex list of participants R. br. Prezime i Ime Tvrtka e-mail 1 Baračević Ranka INA [email protected] 2 Baričević Dragan Komunalac d.o.o. Opatija 3 Bašić Matko 4 CIAN d.o.o. [email protected] Bedrica Anđelka INA [email protected] 5 Biloš Zvonko ZET 6 Birkić Mario Croatia Airlines [email protected] 7 Botinčan Berislav Oikon d.o.o. [email protected] 8 Božić Helena EIHP [email protected] 9 Bradač Vladimir Ekonerg d.o.o. 10 Čurlin Mirjana Prehrambeno biotehnološki fakultet [email protected] 11 Ćosić Boris FSB [email protected] 12 Duić Neven FSB [email protected] 13 Đukić Goran FSB [email protected] 14 Fabek Robert EIHP [email protected] INA [email protected] Fabulić15 Ruszkowski Maja Gadže Milodrag Europa Mil Biogoriva 17 Gajer Slaven BIONA d.o.o. 16 18 Galjar Tomislav 19 Geić Krešimir 20 Ivan Petko GATO automatika [email protected] Gradski prijevoz putnika d. o. o. [email protected] Općina Orle [email protected] 21 / 24 21 Ivančić Josip Udruga "Zelena Istra" Ivanković Zlatko WEISSBARTH I PARTNERI d.o.o. 23 Ivanov Denis SGS Adriatica d.o.o. [email protected] Veleučilište Velika Gorica [email protected] 22 24 Kalambura Sanja [email protected] 25 Karan Marko EIHP 26 Karzen Mirna karzenikarzen d.o.o. [email protected] 27 Kaurić Branko HROTE [email protected] 28 Kičić Dubravko Viševica-Komp d.o.o. [email protected] 29 Kirac Mislav FSB 30 Klepo Senka HROTE [email protected] 31 Klobučar Mario FZOEU [email protected] 32 Kojaković Ana EIHP 33 Kolić Matko FSB-student [email protected] Kovačević Miljenko Grad Zagreb, Gradski ured za energetiku, zaštitu okoliša i održivi razvoj [email protected] 35 Krajačić Goran FSB [email protected] 36 Lulić Zoran FSB [email protected] 34 37 Lulić-Šarić Nada MZOPUG [email protected] 38 Magdalenić Zoran INA [email protected] Grad Zagreb [email protected] 39 Majerić Sanja 40 Mamić Zdenka 41 Marušić Daria 42 Medić Igor 43 Mesić Zdenka Istraturis Umag d.d. Gradski prijevoz putnika d. o. o. MINGORP 22 / 24 [email protected] 44 Mimica Mijo Grad Omiš [email protected] 45 Moše Janko Biotron d.o.o. [email protected] Grad Zagreb - Gradski ured za poljoprivredu i gospodarstvo [email protected] Gradski prijevoz putnika d. o. o. [email protected] 46 Mrakužić Branka 47 Nađ Josip 48 Pavlović Vinko Istraturis Umag d.d. 49 Perković Luka FSB [email protected] Peternel Renata Veleučilište Velika Gorica [email protected] Gradski prijevoz putnika d. o. o. [email protected] HROTE [email protected] Pukšec Tomislav FSB [email protected] 54 Raguzin Igor MINGORP 50 51 Pintarić Branko 52 Prelec Leo 53 55 Ranogajec Vlasta 56 Ribić Bojan Rukavina Danijel Grad Zagreb - Gradski ured za poljoprivredu i gospodarstvo [email protected] Zagrebački holding - podružnica čistoće ZAGREBAČKA ŽUPANIJA [email protected] Runko 58 Luttenberser Lidija Komunalac d.o.o. Opatija [email protected] 59 Ružić Marko Grad Velika Gorica [email protected] HERA [email protected] Veleučilište Velika Gorica [email protected] HROTE [email protected] HGK [email protected] 57 60 Strahovnik Tomislav 61 Šilić Đorđe 62 Škrlec Dubravka 63 Štih Krešimir 64 Tilošanec Ivan 65 Tony Karzen Odvjetnički ured Tilošanec Karzenikarzen d.o.o. 23 / 24 66 Turkić Milovan ZET 67 Vištica Nikola HERA [email protected] 68 Voća Neven Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu [email protected] 69 Vukančić Iva APO d.o.o. usluge zaštite okoliša, član HEP grupe [email protected] Vage d.o.o. [email protected] 71 Zimić Andreja WEISSBARTH I PARTNERI d.o.o. [email protected] Županac Gordana ZAGREBAČKA ŽUPANIJA [email protected] 70 72 Vukmanović Igor 24 / 24
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