Mr.sci. Boris Ilijanić, arh. URBANA GENEZA Rektifikacija starih planova Herceg Novi-Stari grad Crna Gora, Istočna obala Jadranskog mora istraživački rezime Herceg Novi, Chieti, Wellington, 1985-1998 „OMNIA QUAE CERNIS MAGNO CONSTRUCTA LABORE: MOENIA,TEMPLA,DOMUS,FONTES,STABULA, ATRIA THERMES” „Sve što ti oko motri veljim je izgrađeno trudom: zidine, crkve, kuće, česme, staje dvori i kupatila” 1 2 1.- Kanli Kula, 2.- Potkovičasta kula, 3.- Izvor Karadža, 4.- Zapadna vrata, 5.- Sv.Arhanđel Mihailo, 6.- Kula Sv.Jeronima, 7.- Peraška vrata, 8.- Upravni objekat, 9.- Sv.Jeronim, 10.- Sv.Frano/Sv.Leopold/, 11.- Zvonik Sv.Jeronim, 12.- Forte Mare, 13.- Kula Sv.Anta, 14.- Tvrđava Mezaluna /polumjeseca/ 3 4 Boris Ilijanić URBANA GENEZA Herceg Novi – Stari grad (istraživački rezime) 5 6 Ovaj rad je izrađen kao dio magistarske teze u okviru postdiplomskog studija Arhitektonskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: „Urbanizam i Prostorno planiranje“ pod voditeljstvom prof.dr. Bruna Milića. Glavni konsultanti na terenu, kojima dugujem veliku zahvalnost bili su prof.dr. Jerko Marasović iz Splita, prof Svetislav Vučenović iz Beograda, mr Ilija Pušić arheolog iz Herceg Novog, mr. Gligo Odalović iz Herceg Novog, zatim ustanovama: Republički Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Crne Gore, Hercegnovski Arhiv. Arhitektonsko snimanje i izradu dokumentacije uradili su saradnici Zavoda za projektovanje i urbanizam Herceg Novi. Istovremeno se zahvaljujem osoblju institucija: Muzej Correr u Veneciji, Biblioteka Marciana u Veneciji, Biblioteka San Marco u Veneciji, Državnom Arhivu Venecije, Ratnom Arhivu u Beču na usluzi prilikom pretraživanja arhivskih dokumenata. Zahvaljujem za korišćenje privatnih dokumenata mr. Jovici Martinoviću arheologu iz Kotora i fotografu gospodinu Stevu Lepetiću iz Herceg Novog, a prof.dr. Radmili Benderać na pomoći pri sređivanju i organizovanju teksta. autor 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sadržaj Predgovor ......................................................................................................7 Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika ........................................................15 Terminologija i istraživački metod............................................................17 Urbani razvoj kroz rektifikaciju starih planova .......................................25 Nulta faza(KOD 010) ..........................................................................27 Uslovi za razvoj grada/do 1382/(K0D 020)........................................ 31 Srednjovijekovni grad/1382 do 1482/(K0D 030)................................ 35 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/(KOD 040 i 050) ................39 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/(KOD 060)..........................61 Stari grad Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom/1797 do 1918/ (KOD070) .............................................................................................85 Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi/1918 do 1982/(KOD 080)...........95 Zaključci i sugestije ..................................................................................113 Bibliografija ............................................................................................. 117 Spisak fotografija..................................................................................... 118 13 14 I Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika 15 Poglavlje I 16 Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika Shvatajuci aglomeraciju starog urbanog jezgra Herceg Novog, kulturnom, estetskom, umjetničkom i turističkom vrijednošću, a obzirom na vremensku distancu, kao istorijsko kontinuirani urbani kvalitet, postavio se do voljno motivisan zadatak za istraživanje u oblasti urbane geneze.Veća pažnja, koju ovaj prostor zaslužuje aktuelizirana je naročito nakon poznatih destrukcija u pogledu urbanog života jezgra, i u fizičkom i u duhovnom smislu. Znano je da je zemljotres od 15.04.1979. godine samo ubrzao jedan proces umiranja istorijskog jezgra Herceg Novog, jer je i ranije ovaj prostor već bio predodređen za formiranje „slum“ aglomeracije, kako su na to ukazivali životni tokovi, a naročito stihija u planiranju. Motivi za ovaj rad jos su vise potencirani saznanjem da ranije nije bilo aktivnosti u ovoj urbanoj aglomeraciji u pravcu plansko istraživačkih radova, te da nas u budućnosti, očekuje značajno osjetljiv i delikatan posao i u planiranju obnove i revitalizacije Starog Grada. Zbog toga ovaj rad ima pretenziju da obrađuje urbanu genezu istorijskog jezgra Herceg Novog u cilju boljeg sagledavanja njegove današnje situacije u prostoru i da pomogne istraživačkim i planerskim ekipama u cilju pravilnijeg pristupanja rješavanju problema. Terminologija i istraživački metod Kad se govori o istraživanju urbane geneze starog gradskog urbanog jezgra neosporno je da moramo bar djelomično obratiti pažnju na terminologiju, koja je u tom domenu prisutna. Svaki od pojmova, koji su ovdje zastupljeni imaju specifično značenje, zato su vjerovatno i teže razumljivi. Sa dodatnim opisom, koji bolje označava njegovo značenje i obuhvatijivost možemo ga lako i pravilno upotrebiti. U praksi, mnogi pojmovi među sobom se zamjenjuju, dijelom radi jezičkih nasljednosti, ali češće radi nepoznavanja pravog značenja. Istorijski prostor označava prostor posebnog istorijskog događaja i posve napadno se upotrebljava u imenu nekog mjesta 17 Poglavlje I Istorijska mjesto označava dio mjesta ili cijelo mjesto, kao istorijsko urbanu cjelinu Istorijski kompleks, jezgro označava sveobuhvatni urbani spomenik sa ambijentom Ambijent urbane cjeline označava bitan kvalitet nekog prostora u istorijskom, kulturnom, likovnooblikovnom smislu, što se odražava na urbanu cjelinu. Sanacija (asanacija) označava „zdravljenje“ materijala i konstrukcija, ali i urbanog života. Revitalizacija označava funkciju omogućavanja opstanka urbanog života Integralna rekonstrukcija označava ponovnu izgradnju Restauracija označava djelomičnu obnovu prvobitnosti Rektifikacija (lat.rectificatio) označava ispravljanje, poprav1janje, mat.pretvaranje krive linije u pravu, određivanje dužine krivih linija Rektifikovati (lat.rectificare od rectus) ispravljati, ispraviti, popravljati, poboljšati, dotjerati, mat.odrediti dužinu krive. Proučavanje paleogeneze, urbanizacije i samog urbanizma Herceg Novog temelji se na izvornoj građi, kao i svako drugo istorijsko istraživanje. Ti izvori su pisani, crpljeni iz djela raznih pisaca, savremenika prošlih vremena i današnjih, ali i iz tekstova na epigrafskim spomenicima. Za ta razmatranja su od velike važnosti i materijalni ostaci ranijih naselja i elemenata arhitekture, do sada otkriveni i obrađeni arheološkim istraživanjima na istom lokalitetu i u blizoj i daljoj okolini. U rješavanju mnogih problema iz domena urbanizma i urbanizacije konkuriše više disciplina, od kojih svaka ima svoje područje istraživanja i svoje metode naučnog rada.Takav interdisciplinarni pristup istraživanju u urbanoj probematicii preporučili su jos stari klasični pisci: Aristotel kod Grka i Vitruvije u Rimu. 18 Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika Savremene urbaniste često i život prisiljava da se okrenu problemu istorijskog urbanizma, da se upoznaju sa rezultatima istraživanja do kojih su došli arheolozi, istoričari, istoričari umjetnosti; uvijek kada prionu na zadatak da traže nova rješenja za gradove ili njihove dijelove sa dužom urbanom tradicijom. Jezgro tih gradova, kada su u pitanju gradovi istočne obale Jadrana, veoma često imaju svoje početke u antičkom razdoblju i isto tako mnogi od tih gradova formiranih u srednjem vijeku, izgradili su svoja urbana jezgra na osnovu jedne apstraktne, ali uvijek prisutne ideje mediteranskog tipa grada, koji je ovdje doživio autonomni organski razvoj od protourbanog do danas. Izrada rektifikacija starih crteža u domenu proučavanja urbane geneze gradova je veoma značajna, jer kao istraživački metod, koji nije primjenjivan ranije, omogućava otkrivanje niza novih činjenica i baca novu svijetlost na nepoznanice urbanog razvoja. Iako je, u narednim podglavljima urbani razvoj grada Herceg Novog, kao primjera za primjenu navedenog istraživačkog metoda, prikazan, kao i obično, hronološki prema redosljedu nastanka pojedinih faza, u procesu istraživanja, kroz rektifikacije, išlo se obrnutim putem, od poznatih činjenica kakve su danas, pa prema nepoznatim u prošlost i to po pojedinim fazama. Ove faze su podjeljene u osam (8) osnovnih kodova, gdje pojedini imaju i podkodove. Svaki kod, bilo osnovni ili pomoćni, a koji karakteriše određeni stari crtež, ima niz jedinica (listova) i sve zajedno ga objašnjavaju. Svi kodovi i njihov međusobni položaj jasno se sagledavaju prikazom u priloženoj tabeli. Može se pouzdano tvrditi da najranije prilično istinite informacije o gradskim naseljima na obali istočnog Jadrana, daju katastarski planovi sa kraja 19. vijeka. Na primjeru Herceg Novog to je Austrijski katastarski plan iz 1890.godine. Ako se zna da su pomenuti gradovi u svom razvoju stagnirali do početka 20. vijeka, onda su pojedini dijelovi ovog plana dokumenti i ranijih faza, oblika urbane aglomeracije. Rektifikacije starih crteža rađene su precrtavanjem istih preko ažuriranih geodetskih podloga iz današnjeg doba, u razmjeri 1:1000 uz korištenje svih savremenih pomagala i uređaja. Ovakve rektifikovane 19 Poglavlje I crteže možemo direktno koristiti u daljim obradama. Detaljnije rečeno, rađeno je po sledećoj metodi: Stari plan; čiji negativ posjedujemo, geodetskim metodama, reambulacije, je doveden u razmjeru 1:1000 i preklopijen preko savremene ažurirane geodetske situacije, plana 1:1000 na astralon foliji, da bi se izbjegle deformacije papira i time postigla što veća vijernost sa stvarnim dimenzijama. Zatim je preko ova dva plana iscrtavana rektifikacija starog plana oslanjajući se na prave dimenzije iz današnjeg plana i na poznate podatke za obrađivani period iz arhivske građe.Na taj način dobili smo rektifikovan stari plan. Ako je uz taj stari plan bila prikazana i perspektiva, onda je njena rektifikacija rađena na isti način. Kao krajnji rezultat i jedne i druge rektifikacije crteža, imamo novu interpretaciju, koja je proizišla iz novootkrivanih činjenica kroz samo rektifikovanje. Godine 1982, a u skladu sa zaključcima Stalne Konferencije gradova, a u pogledu izučavanja urbanog razvoja gradova jadranske obale, utvrđen je ovaj jasan metod, koji se primjenjuje i na izučavanje urbanog razvoja Splita. U tom smislu ovaj gore navedeni metod je razrađivan i u saradnji sa istraživačima iz Splita, Arhitektonskim fakultetom iz Zagreba, odsjek Split, „Centar za Arhitekturu i Urbanizam” korištena je naprava za crtanje konstruisanih perspektiva sa zadatim elementima, kako je to dato u prilogu položaja Starog grada Herceg Novog. 20 Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika 21 Poglavlje I 001 22 Osnovni motivi, ideje i problematika 002 23 Poglavlje II 24 II Urbani razvoj kroz rektifikaciju starih planova 25 Poglavlje II 26 Nulta faza(KOD 010) Urbani razvoj kroz rektifikaciju starih planova Nulta faza (KOD 010) Za što svestraniju i cjelokupniju sliku i obuhvat svih činjenica, koje utiču i koje bi mogle uticati na urbanu problematiku starog gradskog jezgra Herceg Novog osvrnimo se dakle, na istorijske uslove nastanka i razvoja Herceg Novog. Župa Dračevića spada u red srednjovjekovnih pokrajina, koje su osnovali naši preci, doselivsi se u primorske krajeve. Naseljeno slavensko stanovništvo brzo je počelo osnivati svoje društveno upravne organizacije po uzoru na one koje je imalo u staroj domovini. Istina ove organizacije, ugledale su se, u mnogome, na slične ustanove kod starosjedilaca. Mnogobrojne tekovine ilirske i rimske civilizacije uticale su na društveno formiranje naših predaka, ne samo u organizacionom pogledu već i u kulturnom, urbanom i sl. Znatni arheološki i epitafski spomenici nađeni na ovoj teritoriji jasno i nedvosmisleno govore o tome. Dolaskom na obale jadranskog mora Slaveni naseljavaju obradive površine, koje su bile aktivne i sposobne za poljoprivrednu delatnost još iz rimskog doba. Ovi predjeli bili su povezani glavnom komunikacijom, arterijom „via Adriatica“. Tu spadaju župe: Stonska, Zrnovica (kod Epidaura), Grbalj, Konavle i Dračevica. „Orbini veli, da su Boku, trojanski bjegunci, posle dugog lutanja, naselili, a drugi, da je Sicilija njena mati, jer je Dionisie, sirakuški tiranin, poslao naseobine onamo; neki je i starijom smatraju. Pleme ilirsko Enhelei (jeguljari) stanovaše, gdje su danas općine hercegnovska i risanska, a Adrijeri, gdje su danas općine grbaljska, budvanska, pastrovska i na poluotocima Lustica i Vrmac. Livije i Plinije vele, da bijahu 'Labeates' ilirski ogranci, gdje je danas Crna Gora i Krivošije.“1 Glavna primorska cesta rimskog vremena, koja je išla od Salone, preko Ad Movas (kod Imotskog) na Bigeste (Humac kod Ljubuškog), Naronu i odatle primorjem na Epidaurum (Cavtat). Savo Nakićenović: „Boka“, Antropogeografska studija; Srpska akademija Beograd.1913.god. 1 27 Poglavlje II Od Epidaura iđaše na Sutorinu, a odatle kroz Boku i to najprije kroz Hercegnovsku krajinu (Stolium), pokraj mora na Risan, Perast, Orahovac i Dobrotu (Duleidia) za Kotor. Od Kotora iđaše na Škaljare, preko Troice i Grblja na Budvu, Lastvu itd. Ovim vojničkim putem Boka je došla u neposredan dodir sa Dalmacijom, Epirom, Enheleima, Travuljanima i Dukljanima, te im bez dvojbe donosaše velike koristi.“2 „U Sutorini pak, bila je rimska tvrđava: zato se valjda i zove Sutorina/Sub turris/.Tu se vojničke i trgovačke promjenjivale i odmarale.“3 „Godine 395. po Hr., pošto se Rimsko carstvo podjelilo u istočno i zapadno, Boka pripada zapadnom. Poslije biva seoba naroda uslijed koje Boka postrada. Teodorih, kralj Ist.Gota, osvaja Boku 489.god. te pod njim ostaje do 535.god. kad je Justinian ote Ist. Gotima, te da bi je osigurao od navale divljih naroda, godine 532. gradi tvrđavu Kotor (Cattaro). Zna se da je Kotor primio hrišćanstvo u to doba, jer se spominje god. 451. Paulus Episcopus Cathari civitalis Histor coucil. p. 597.), a isto tako jedan drugi (Johannes) iz 649.god. (Hist.conc. 603). Iz ovog doba su vizantijski gradovi Stole (Stolium), Porto Rose, gradovi koje porušiše u IX v. Saraceni ili usred potresa propadoše.”4 Oko 1018. godine Dračevica spada pod zetsku državu, a godine 1197. potpada pod Nemanjiće. Posle Nemanjića Dračevica dolazi pod bosansku državu i konačno krajem maja 1382.god. bosanski kralj Tvrtko I Kotromanić, polaže temelje za izgradnju grada u sredini župe Dračevice, u romantičnom Topljanskom zalivu Boke kotorske. Ibidem Ibidem 4 Ibidem 2 3 28 Nulta faza(KOD 010) 29 Poglavlje II 30 Uslovi za razvoj grada/do 1382 Uslovi za razvoj grada /do 1382.god./(KOD 020) Sigurno je veoma interesantno potražiti odgovor na pitanje šta su to prvi graditelji vidjeli na lokaciji današnjeg Starog grada Herceg Novog? To je veoma značajno pitanje sa stanovišta proučavanja urbane geneze svake pa i ove urbane aglomeracije. Zašto je grad nikao i zadržao se do danas na ovoj lokaciji? U procesu izrade rektifikacija starih planova obrađena je faza (KOD 010), koja jasno stvara sliku topografije terena i njegov reljef, istaknute tačke i izvore kvalitetne vode. Jasno se vidi da je teren, naročito prema zapadu strmih litica, koje se pružaju od mora prema kopnu cca 380m dužine. One počinju sa morske strane, prirodnim uzvišenjem (gdje je danas tvrđava Forte Mare) i završavaju se istaknutim brežuljkom na kopnu sa kotom 85m (gdje je danas tvrđava Kanli Kula) Pored ovoga, niz stijena i hridi, ostavljalo je mogućnost, sa minimalnim građevinskim intervencijama izradu solidne odbrambene linije. U podnožju oba pomenuta brežuljka su izvori pitke vode od kojih je gornji aktivan i kvalitetan i danas. Drugi je vremenom zatrpan kao zagađen. Nije potrebno, naročito ukazivati na ostale geografske, topografske i klimatske uslove.Već sam prokaz (KOD 010) govori sam za sebe. Jasno je onda da su stari graditelji, koristeći pogodnost terena, izgradili grad prema njegovoj funkciji i kroz sve ostale periode građenja. Ako posmatramo period od Nulte faze (KOD 010) do 1382.god. (KOD 020), ostaje velika nepoznanica prisutnosti objekata na ovoj lokaciji. Dozvoljava se mogućnost postojanja određenih gradnji na visovima zbog naročite topografsko strateške pogodnosti. Zbog tih pogodnosti, prosto je nevjerovatno da ovdje nije postojala stražarnica, osmatračnica ili nešto slično, iz ranijih perioda. 31 Poglavlje II 32 Uslovi za razvoj grada/do 1382 33 Poglavlje II 34 Srednjovijekovni grad/1382 do 1482/ Srednjovijekovni grad /1382 do 1482/ (KOD 030) „Poznato je da je Tvrtko izlaskom na more i krunisanjem 1377.god. za kralja Bosne i ostalih Srpskih zemalja došao u stalan sukob sa ondašnjim svijetom, koji ga je okruživao.Na morskoj obali zatekao je luke , koje su usljed velike konkurencije Dubrovnika izgubile svoj raniji značaj, ili se uopšte nisu pojavljivale kao značajan trgovački faktor u srednjem vijeku.U takvoj situaciji, koja nije nosila nikakva dobra predviđanja, Tvrtko je planirao da podigne grad na dijelu svog slobodnog mora i obale. Izabrao je vrlo atraktivno podneblje Župu Dračevicu, staru travunjsku oblast, koja ima svoje pogodnosti da primami i zadrži populaciju, ali ne u tolikoj mjeri da bi se urbano konsolidovale na pitanje kojoj njenoj lokaciji u srednjem vijeku. Jedina perspektiva takvom gradu je bila trgovina i tranzit. Tvrtko je to dobro znao pa je cijenio sve vrijednosti koje bi takav grad donio. Znači, grad će izgraditi po planu i budućnost mu prilagoditi sledećim uslovima: prvo grad je otvoren prema moru i moći ce da primi transporte roba koje dolaze sa svih obala Jadranskog mora: drugo grad je Sutorinskom dolinom povezan sa dubrovačkim putem, koji ga spaja sa karavanskim putevima Hercegovina i Bosne; a treće po našem mišljenju najvažnije , da je Tvrtko čuo, a i mogao vidjeti da je na obali Sutorine nekada bila solana, industrija za koju je Tvrtko imao naglašenu potrebu. Literatura je usvojila podatak da je Tvrtko sagradio grad da bi se oslobodio velikog nameta, što su ga dubrovčani nanosili u prevozu i prodaji soli kroz bosansku zemlju, a i da bi se oslobodio carine, koja je za ovu vrstu artikla bila vrlo velika. Tvrtko izričito kaže, da je grad sagrađen da u njemu bude trg soli, „i tuzi bes reklo kraljevstvo postaviti slanicu i da budet trg soli i prodavanija.“ I, zaista, prva dokumenta iz prepiske između Tvrtka i Dubrovnika pominju samo trg soli „kumer soli“; a ne nikako da se tu proizvodi so, kako to govore mnogo kasnija dokumenta.“ 5 Na osnovu dostupnih pisanih izvora i arhivskog materijala tačno se može utvrditi period i godina osnivanja grada po nalogu bosanskog kralja Tvrtka I Kotromanića, iako ne i njegov precizan položaj, obim i struktura. Ilija Pušić: „Srednjovijekovni Herceg Novi,Urbanistička razmatranja do pada pod Turke 1482.god.“ 5 35 Poglavlje II Otkrivenih planova iz ovog vremena nemamo. Kroz arhivsku građu postoje određeni opisi grada, ali iz vremena Herceg Stjepana Vukšića Kosače. Određena naučna mišljenja dislociraju prvobitni Tvrtkov grad (Sveti Stefan) sa današnjeg lokaliteta „Stari grad“, bliže solanama u Sutorini. Međutim, materijalnih ostataka za potvrdu ovih mišljenja nema ili nisu dovoljno istražena. Sigurno je da je najraniji period Herceg Novog (Sveti Stefan) nerazjašnjen i zahtijeva strpljiv istraživački rad. Ako govorimo o urbanoj genezi gradske aglomeracije, koja se danas naziva Stari grad, tada ona ovdje, po arhivskoj građi egzistira od 15. vijeka, za čiji je razvoj velike zasluge, prije svih, imao Herceg Stjepan Vukšić Kosača, koji je grad obnovio, utvrdio, dao mu ekonomsku snagu otvaranjem zanatskih radionica i novom trgovinom soli, nakon Tvrtkovog zapostavljanja grada, krunisanjem za kralja Bosne i Srbije. Vladavinom Hercega Stjepana grad je stekao uslove za brzi razvoj. 36 Srednjovijekovni grad/1382 do 1482/ 37 Poglavlje II Rektifikacijom crteža (KOD 040), došlo se do saznanja, koja rasvjetljavaju raniji period (KOD 030). Po grafikama Angela delli Oddi Padovano (KOD 040A) iz djela „Viaggio della provincia di mare della signoria Venetia...“, objavljenog u Veneciji 1584.god., a koja se smatra za jednu od najstarijih poznatih za Herceg Novi; jer proučavanjem urbanog razvoja nekih drugih jadranskih gradova, predstavljenim u ovom djelu, posebno Splita, utvrđen je period nastanka te serije grafika između 1435 i 1539.godine zatim po grafici (KOD 041A) od Camotio Francesco iz djela „Isole famose porti, fortezze e terre maritime sotto posto alla...“ objav-ljenog u Veneciji 1587.godine, po grafici Giacomo Rossacio iz djela „Viaggio da Venetia a Constantinopoli“, objavljenog u Veneciji (KOD 042A), i po grafici nepoznatog autora iz istog perioda (KOD 043A), kao i po nekim drugim kasnijim planovima i njihovim opisima i legendama, brežuljak koji dominira nad područjem današnje Starog grada („Kanli Kula“), bio je označen kao gradska utvrda, stari bedem („vechio recinto“), citadela, zadnje uporište i sl. Ovo upućuje na razmišljanja da je taj dio grada najstariji branjeni položaj. Taj branjeni položaj je fortifikacija četvorougaonog oblika sa sjeverozapadnom pravougaonom kulom i tri okrugle kule na uglovima i petom u sredini južnog zida, prema moru i donjem gradu, uz koju je i gradska kapija.Okrugle kule su novijeg perioda, fortifikacije, koje lakše podnose udare topova. Unutar bedema su objekti malih gabarita i usitnjene strukture beznačajne arhitekture, sa krovovima na dvije vode. Uz sjeverozapadnu kulu locirana su dva veća objekta pravougaone osnove, velike visine i krovovima u vidu kubeta. Ovi objekti imaju dominantan položaj u fortifikaciji i na najvisočijoj su koti Starog grada. Analizirajući grafiku A.delli Oddia (KOD 040A) dolazimo do novih činjenica u mogućoj rekonstrukciji i interpretaciji grada ovog perioda (KOD 030). Ispod pomenute fortifikacije (Citadella) je zidom opasan četvorougaon grad sa okruglim kulama. Značajno je uporediti distancu od južnog zida grada do mora, koju određuje predstavljen put, staza, serpentina, od gradske kapije. Može se zaključiti da južni bedem grada u ovom periodu nije bio na obali mora kako je to danas. 38 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ Herceg Novi pod Turcima /1482 do 1687/ (KOD 040 i 050) Turci su Novi zauzeli prvi put 1482.godine, dakle 100 godina od Tvrtkove povelje o osnivanju grada. Period od 100 godina je je sigurno dovoljan da bi se zaokružio određeni obim srednjovijekovnog utvrđenog grada. O tome nam podatke daje sačuvana arhivska građa (Dubrovački arhiv i dr.), tako da za vrijeme vladavine Tvrtkovih naslijednika, Sandalja Hranića, a pogotovo Hercega Stjepana Vukšića Kosače tokom 15. vijeka, možemo pratiti razvoj Novoga. Međutim, dosta je nejasan njegov urbani i arhitektonski i graditeljski razvoj i izgled. Ostaje pitanje kakav su grad po obimu i strukturi Turci zauzeli 1482. godine. Po arhivskoj građi Herceg Stjepan je u svom dvoru u Novom primao u audienciju, sklapao ugovore, odmarao se, držao stalnu vojsku i tu je i umro. Za života je započeo crkvu Sv.Stefana sa dubrovačkim majstorima klesarima crkve Male Braće. Iz svega ovoga jasno je da se radilo o naselju gradskog karaktera, rezidencijalne i strateške svrhe. Prilikom studiranja crteža (KOD 040), otkrivamo nove činjenice koje idu u prilog tumačenja oblika i strukture grada. /040A/003 39 Poglavlje II Po djelimično vec razmatranoj grafici A. delli Oddia iz 1584.godine (KOD 040A), u gornjem dijelu dominantne fortifikacije grada na visokom kubetu vudljiv je znak moseje. Dakle, turci su već u gradu, što navodi na zaključak da grafika predstavlja stanje grada najranije 1482.godine., kada su turci zauzeli Novi. Grafika ne pokazuje srednji bedem u gradu. Znači ona odražava stanje najkasnije iz 1538.godine, po Camotio F., gdje se prikazuje ovaj zid ili iz 1606.godine po Rossacio Giacomo. /041A/004 Jasno je izdiferenciran grad. Na brežuljku je utvrda pravougaonog oblika sa pet kula od kojih je sjeverozapadna pravougaonog oblika, što navodi na zaključak da je ona možda iz ranijeg perioda. Uz sjeverozapadnu kulu su podignuta dva visoka objekta. Sve ove konstatacije se jasno potvrđuju na terenu kroz materijalne ostatke. Unutar zida je usitnjena struktura objekata za stanovanje i smještaj („magazini“). 40 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ /042A/005 Ispod tvrđave je gradska aglomeracija sa takođje usitnjenom i gustom stambenom arhitekturom, objekata od kojih neki imaju i sprat. Krovovi su kosi na dvije vode. Ističe se zvonik ili munare u donjem dijelu grada. U zapadnom bedemu su tri okrugle kule, južnom jedna okrugla uz kapiju i u istočnom takođe jedna okrugla. Dakle, u gradskom perimetru je glavnu odbrambenu funkciju grada vršila fortifikacija na brežuljku („Citadella“) sa svojih pet kula i gradskim bedemom i pet kula na njemu. Kroz gradsku kapiju u južnom zidu, koja brani zapadnu kulu vodi staza do mora. Nameću se na kraju određeni zaključci i to da grafika A. delli Oddia odražava stanje grada između 1482. i 1538.godine, a južni bedem, koji je prikazan, predstavlja srednji zid u današnjem gradu, što potvrđuju i materijalni ostaci pomenute kapije, a gradski perimetar je bio branjen sa pet okruglih kula. Grafika od Camotio F.(K0D 041A) iz 1587.godine, predstavlja napad hrišćanske vojske pod komandom Andrea Doria na Turski Novi 1538.god. Vidi se da je gradskim bedemima dodan današnji južni zid i jos dvije kule tako da ih sada ima ukupno sedam. Možemo zaključiti da su južni bedem gradili Turci između 1482 i 1538.god. 41 Poglavlje II /043A/006 Grafike od Rossacio G.(KOD 042A) i od nepoznatog autora iz istog perioda (KOD 043A) potvrđuju ove konstatacije. Proučavajući dalji urbani razvoj rektifikacijom starih planova i crteža, ulazimo u period do 1687.godine(KOD 050), kada Turci gube vlast nad gradom od strane Venecije. Rektifikacijom starog plana od Cornellia iz 1687.godine (KOD 050), dolazimo do sledećih podataka: 42 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ Grad je podjeljen u dva dijela i nad gornjim, visočijim dijelom, dominira fortifikacija Kanli Kula („Krvava Kula“). U zapadnom zidu su tri kule, uključujuću i južnu kulu Abaz paše (današnja Forte Mare). Perimetar koji opasava donji, niži dio grada je prilično izlomljen, manje naglašen i uglavnom se oslanja na fortifikaciju na morskoj obali („Mezaluna“). U srednjem zidu grada su dvije poluokrugle kule i objekat, koji je naslonjen na bedem na mjestu današnjeg zvonika crkve Sv.Jeronima. Iako je orginalni plan prilično proizvoljan, ipak važno je ovdje napomenuti određenu odbrambenu arhitekturu u gornjem desnom uglu crteža van zone Starog grada, a približno, na lokalitetu Modra ploča.Ovo je jedini od svih planova koji detaljnije prikazuje ovaj objekat. (?) Da li su to ostaci neke ranije fortifikacije, sigurno treba prostudirati i istražiti. Stari planovi Herceg Novog, često nisu prikazivali ostatke stare arhitekture van zidina, u što se možemo uvjeriti po materijalnim ostacima na terenu u bližoj okolini samog grada. (lokalitet Vojničke banje i sl.) 43 Poglavlje II 44 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ Proučavajući pomoćnu fazu (K0D 051), a posebno rektifikovani plan od Coring.B. (?) (KOD 051 A, B, C), koji možemo datirati oko 1687.godine jer u podgrađu „borgo“ nema ucrtanog starog lazareta na Toploj, (prvi put se javlja na planovima iz 1700.godine), možemo zaključiti da je to jedan od prvih planova, koji identifikuje gradsko tkivo unutar bedema pa i u podgrađu. Odmah je vidljiv značajan položaj zapadnih gradskih vrata, prilično naglašen u odnosu na burg. Istočna vrata su na poziciji „Peraških vrata” (1538.godina), koji E.Čelebija, turski putopisac onog vremena, naziva Trnovica („Tarnovisce“), a nalaze se u vrtu kuće „Spalatina“ i štitila je Begova kula („Fortezza di St.Girolamo“). Zapadna vrata, koja vode na jugozapad, na pristan („Porta di Marina“) su uz samu južnu kulu Abaz paše(„Forte Mare“). Na ovom planu se u perimetru mogu jasno uočiti ostaci nekadašnjih utvrđenja u zapadnom zidu, zatim kule pravougaonog oblika iza kule Abaz paše, po E.Čelebiji, „Donja ravna kula“, a donji istočni zid poprima oblik sa pet toriona poligonalne osnove. Prema moru je istaknut položaj tvrđave „Mezaluna“ i kule St.Antona. U samom gradu je prilično jasna regulacija ulica i trgova, koja se u velikoj mjeri poklapa sa današnjim stanjem. Ipak, neke od ulica su vremenom nestale i namjesto njih formirali su se vrtovi i bašte. To je slučaj sa komunikacijom uz istočni bedem, sa njegove gradska strane, sa prolazom (kapijom?) kroz srednji bedem i silazak u donji niži dio grada („Citta bassa“), zatim djelovi ulice u zapadnom dijelu nižeg grada. Na donjem trgu (Sv.Jeronim) je iskrivljena regulaciona linija objekata u odnosu na današnje stanje i ima pravac sjeverozapad, jugoistok (objekat mošeje, a ranije crkve na istom mjestu). Isti je slučaj i na gornjem trgu („Belavista“), opet kod sakralnih objekata. Iako crtež prilično detaljno obrađuje ulica, trgove i blokove objekata, nije naznačio položaj istočnog zida sa kapijom, a koji se pruža od Peraških vrata do Kanli Kule. Možemo zaključiti da se ovaj plan u priličnoj mjeri podudara sa opisom turskog putopisca E.Čelebije u djelu „Putovanje iz Ljubinja u Dubrovnik“ iz 1664.godine pod naslovom „Čvrsta tvrđava i jaki bedem grad Novi“ i „Oblik i položaj grada Novatejna“ (Novatejn je arapski dual, od Nova što znaci dva Nova). 45 Poglavlje II U korelaciju ovih konstatacija potrebno je ukazati na tri jaka zemljotresa i to iz 1608.godine od 9° MCS, poslije kojeg E.Čelebija piše svoj putopis(1664.GOD.), zatim zemljotres iz 1667.godine od 9° MCS. Posto je E.Čelebija pisao 1664.godine da je južni bedem od hrastovih greda, možemo zaključiti da je u kamenu izgrađen tek poslije zemljotresa iz 1667.godine, jer ga u planu iz 1687.godine možemo identifikovati kao kameni bedem. Za potvrdu ovih konstatacija, podatke nam daje i grafika od G.G.Rossia (K0D 051A) iz 1687.god. Ovdje treba pomenuti i zemljotres iz 1563.godine od 9° do 10° MCS, koji je razrušio grad, a koji po arhivskim podacima Turci popravljaju. Na planu grada sa pogledima iz 1688.godine, nepoznatog autora (K0D 052A), daje se plan buduće gradnje u gradu i oko njega, ali isto tako pogledi, fasade i opisi, legende otkrivaju neke činjenice iz starijeg perioda. Jasno se vide munare mošeje na gornjem i donjem trgu. Na gornjem trgu je „Moshea maggiore hora Chiesa da S.Girolamo“, dakle prva crkva Sv.Jeronima, nije bila na donjem trgu gdje je danas, već na gornjem trgu „Belavista“. Na približnoj lokaciji današnje crkve S.Jeronima bila je crkva S.Frana („Altra Chiesa di padre Cappucini... St.Frano“), koja se kasnije premješta ispod srednjeg zida grada uz objekat „Spedale“. Uz ovu crkvu nalazilo se i manje groblje, gdje su sahranjivani sveštenici, sto je potvrđeno materijalnim ostacima grobova i grobnica, a cijeli plato je bio niži u odnosu na današnji prosječno cea 100 cm. Rektifikacijom je ustanovljeno da se oblik i položaj gradskog bedema poklapa sa današnjim stanjem. Veoma je značajno da ovaj plan pokazuje ucrtanom linijom stari bedem u ostacima sa dvije okrugle kule van istočnog, aktuelnog bedema („Vojničke banje“). Plan grada i okoline iz 1687.godine od Calergi Zorzia (KOD 053A) opet prikazuje objekat koji smo pomenuli u planu Cornellia kao lokalitet „Modra ploča“. Pier Mortier je grafikom predstavio stanje grada za vrijeme Turaka i to poslije zemljotresa 1667.godine, jer se vidu južni bedem izgrađen od kamena. Čitav niz venecijanskih planova oko 1687.godine predstavlja stanje 46 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ grada za vrijeme vladavine Turaka ili odmah neposredno nakon zauzimanja od strane Venecije. Tumačeći naredne planove iz kasnijeg perioda (KOD 060) ukazaćemo na neke činjenice, koje će još više osvijetliti ovaj period. 007 Uopšte za turski period možemo reći sledeće: Dva su perioda pod njihovom vladavinom. Prvi između 1482. i 1538.godine, i drugi od 1539. do 1687.godine. Turci su prvi put zauzeli grad sa utvrđenom kulom na brijegu i gradskim zidom sa pet kula u njemu unutar kojeg je bila smještena varoš, bez borbe, znači bez razaranja odbrambenog sistema. Gornja fortifikacija „Kanli Kula“ je bila manjeg obima nego danas i imala je pet kula od kojih dvije pravougaone. Ostale kule su bile okrugle sa kordon vijencem(potvrda u materijalnim ostacima, arheološkim iskopavanjem).Vjerovatni rezidencijalni dio unutar tvrđave je u sjeverozapadnim visokim objektima. Gradsko tkivo su usitnjeni, prizemni, rijetko spratni objekti sa kosim krovovima na dvije vode, gdje se ističe u donjem dijelu grada jedan zvonik ili minaret. Do godine 1538. Turci bedemom opasavaju i donji, niži dio grada i grade juzni bedem sa fortifikacijom „Mezaluna“, koji teško oštećuje hrišćanska vojska i flota A. Dorije 1538.godine prilikom osvajanja. Hairedin Barbarosa turski admiral je 1539.godine vratio Turcima grad poslije teških borbi i rušenja. 47 Poglavlje II Godine 1563. zemljotres od 9° do 10° MCS je razrusio grad, a konačno se gube dijelovi južnog bedema.Godine 1632 zemljotres od 9° MCS pogodio je grad nakon čega 1664.godine E.Čelebija daje svoj opis grada (južni bedem od hrastovih greda). Do 1664.godine Turci su proširili grad na istok po liniji Kanli Kula, Begova Kula (tvrđava St.Girolamo), kapija Trnovica (Peraška vrata). Dakle, ovaj dio grada je dodat između 1606.godine (po Rossaciu) i 1664, godine (po E.Čelebiji). Godine 1667. zemljotres od 9° MCS je teško oštetio grad. Juzni zid u današnjem obliku je podignut između 1667 i 1687.godine kada grad zauzimaju venecijanci. (KOD 051B). Gradsko tkivo pa i podgrađe je prilično razvijeno. Ističu se dva trga („Belavista“ i kod crkve Sv.Jeronima) sa sakralnim objektima na istaknutim mjestima. Tu su još gradska uprava, škole, kupatila, pekara, zanatske radnje, ekonomski objekti i dr. Funkcioniše gradski vodovod i kanalizacija. Jasno je postavljena regulacija ulica i izgrađenih blokova. Objekti su usitnjene i niske arhitekture. Tri su gradske kapije koje se zatvaraju. Na osnovu ovih konstatacija, dobijamo jasniju sliku urbanog razvoja i kontinuiteta grada za 200 godina Turske vladavine. 008 48 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ /052A/009 i /052B/010 49 Poglavlje II /050A/011 i /050B/012 50 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ 51 Poglavlje II 52 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ /051A/ 013 53 Poglavlje II 54 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ 55 Poglavlje II 56 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ 57 Poglavlje II /053A/ 014 i /053B/ 015 58 Herceg Novi pod Turcima/1482 do 1687/ 59 Poglavlje II 60 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ Venecijancki Castel Novo /1687 do 1797/ (KOD 060) Kako se više približavamo našem vremenu, tako su dokumenti, planovi, crteži sve brojniji i daju obilje realnih podataka, što je i za očekivati. Međutim, te podatke; ipak, treba dobro provjeriti i potvrditi, jer su improvizacije česte i nikada nismo sigurni da li u rukama imamo orginal ili neku njegovu interpretaciju. Osnovni period (K0D 060), za ovaj period, ima najviše podkodova, koji ga upotpunjuju podacima. Venecijanci, Mlečani su 1687.godine pod vodstvom G.Cornera osvojili grad poslije teških borbi i razaranja. O tom događaju su ostavili niz planova, koji ipak odražavaju i staro zatečeno stanje. Proučavajući KOD 061, koji za osnov ima stari plan grada: „M.DCC.8.MARZ0 CASTEL NOVO“, koji sadrži i pogled, perspektivu sa južne strane, izradom rektifikacija ovog crteža, može se konstatovati da je urbani kompleks grada dobio današnju fizionomiju, gdje se ističe gradski perimetar sa dominantnom fortifikacijom na brežuljku („Castello“), gdje se po osnovi objekta primjećuje veliki broj intervencija. Na jugozapadu je fortifikacija „Castel di Mare“. U planu 016 61 Poglavlje II se uočava predstavljeni zid kroz sredinu grada, gdje se gornji dio naziva „Citta di Castel Novo“, a donji „Citta Bassa“. U visočijem dijelu grada ističe se trg ili piaceta sa crkvom i cisternom za pitku vodu na današnjoj „Belavisti“; centralni rezidencijalni dio i sakralni objekat na današnjem trgu kod crkve Sv.Jeronima, koji se jednom stranom uklapa u srednji gradski bedem. Ispod tog bedema, gradskog zida, nalaze se objekti samostana Sv.Frana i u zapadnom dijelu nedefinisani objekti iznad tvrđave „Castel di Mare“. Prvi put se ističu stvarne odlike i karakteristike terena Starog grada, odnosno, klizište sa istočne strane bedema i ponovo su predstavljeni stari zidovi: „Vestiggi mura antica“, sa dvije okrugle kule od kojih južnu definisemo kao „Vojničke banje“. 017 62 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ 63 Poglavlje II Plan KOD 062A, možemo datirati oko 1700.godine, jer se već vidi prikazan Lazaret na Toploj („Lazarine cadente“), koji se opisuje kao razvalina ili objekat u ruševnom stanju. Prikazuje već ustaljeni oblik perimetra grada i njegovu osnovu sa pomenutim punktovima.Važno je pomenuti da je u istočnom bedemu grada na potezu od „Castello“ do tvrđave „St.Girolamo“ u gornjem dijelu naznačen objekat ili ruševina, ostatak sakralnog objekta „St.Chiara“, sto može ukazati, da je taj objekat bio lociran tu i prije izgrade istočnog bedema. /062A/ 018 Jasno se ističe i odbrambeni sistem, bedemi gornjeg grada, „Spagnola“ van grada na dominantnom brežuljku, a koji nije predmet našeg razmatranja. 64 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ /063A/ 019 Rektifikacijom plana KOD 063A, „PIANTA DI CASTEL NOVO“ iz 1700.godine, od Nicolo Ercholominia (?,nečitak potpis), konstatuje se cijelokupan obim i struktura gradskog tkiva. Odbrambeni perimetar, gotovo u potpunosti se poklapa sa današnjim stanjem. Bedem od fortifikacije „Castello“ (Forte di Terra), prema kuli St.Girolamo je prestavljen u cijelosti sa objektom „St.Chiara“. Karakteristični su i položaji troja gradskih vrata u bedemu. 65 Poglavlje II 66 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ 67 Poglavlje II Oni se poklapaju sa opisom E.Čelebije iz turskog perioda. Nisu predstavljena vrata u unutrašnjem istočnom bedemu, kod izvora „Karadža“, a koja možemo danas identifikovati, jer još služe svojoj svrsi. U srednjem gradskom bedemu prikazane su dvije kapije za komunikaciju sa donjim, nižim dijelom grada („Citadella“). Na zapadnom bedemu na dva mjesta vidljiva su ispupčenja, udubljenja (tanglije, kliješta), koja mogu biti naslijeđena od ostataka neke ranije gradnje, sto se djelimično potvrđuje i materijalnim ostacima na terenu. U ovom periodu su u mnogim gradovima pod Venecijom, vršene adaptacije i utvrđivanje starih fortifikacija, radi veće otpornosti na dejstvo topovskih zrna. U pravilu, su se, što se potvrđuje na terenu, stare fortifikacije punile zemljom ili su stari bedemi služili kao pomoćni odbrambeni perimetri za odbranu („terrapiente“). Struktura gradske aglomeracije je organizovana oko dva trga, koji su povezani sa dvije paralelne ulice (sjever/jug). Na gornjrm trgu („PIAZZA“), identifikuje se objekat „Domo“ sa zvonikom (ranije mošeja sa minaretom), uz koji je gradska cistjerna za pitku vodu. Sa trga prema „Borgo“ vodi „Porta di Borgo“. Sa trga se gradski vodovod razdvaja kroz dvije paralelne ulice. Niže ovog trga, omeđena pomenutim ulicama, u centralnom dijelu grada je „Palazzo dell Providur“, vjerovatno naslijeđeni rezidencijalni dio iz turskog vremena. Istočno uz ovaj objekat je objekat „Bagno“, tursko kupatilo a što je potvrđeno arheološkim iskopavanjima. Uz ovaj objekat nastavlja se donji trg sa objektom „Moshea“ (naslijeđena ruševina) i zvonikom uz unutrašnji bedem grada. Odmah niže ovog bedema, južno, je objekat „Spedale“ uz koji je samostan „P.P.Cappucini“. Vodovodna mreža se gravitaciono spuštala u niži dio grada i snabdjevala je sve važnije objekte kao sto su „Moshea Vechia“, „Forno“, „Castel di Marina“, „Bastione di Mare“... Regulaciono riješenje ulica je približno današnjoj regulaciji. Vremenom se izgubila funkcija istočne ulice, uz bedeme. Postojeći objekti na trgovima su srušeni, a novi su dobili novu regulaciju (sjever – jug). Rektifikacija ovog plana i njegovi podaci daju obilje novih saznanja o gradu i u velikoj mjeri potvrđuje činjenično stanje na terenu. Rektifikacijom 68 plana „PIANTA DI CASTEL NOVO nella Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ PROUINCIA d'ALBANIA“, (KOD 064A), iz 1708. od G.Justera, konstatujemo detaljno predstavljen odbrambeni gradski bedem sa kulama. Van grada konstatujemo „Lazaretto“ na Toploj, kao popravljen, rekonstruisan, proširen stari („Lazarine Cadente“), samostan „San Antonio“ sa „Casa dal k.Burouich“, kao i „Fortezza Superiore“ („Spagnola“). U području podgrađa („Borgo“), naznačen je položaj starog jevrejskog groblja („Cimiterio“). Gradski odbrambeni perimetar se poklapa sa današnjim stanjem, sem opet u potezu od „Castel Superiore della Citta“ do „Bastione S.Girolamo“, gdje ga danas nema, odnosno srušen je u periodu izmzđu I i II svjetskog rata. Srednji zid u gradu se naziva „Vechio recinto“, što upućuje da je to ranije bio krajnji južni bedem, a o čemu je bilo riječi ranije. Planovi (KOD 065A i 066A) iz 1708.godine predstavljaju već ranije iznijete konstatacije. 69 Poglavlje II /064A/ 020 i /064B/ 021 70 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ 71 Poglavlje II 72 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ U procesu rektifikacije plana nepoznatog autora (K0D 067A), a koji nije precizno datiran, konstatujemo, potvrđuje se obim gradskog bedema, a i struktura gradskog tkiva, gdje se predstavljanje približava stanju i vjernosti iz katastarskog plana od 1890.godine. Nedostaje pozicija „Carskog puta“ i željezničke trase, koji definitivno dijele grad na dva dijela i ruše važne dijelove gradskog bedema, naročito na obali mora. Ističu se objekti sakralnog karaktera na oba trga, koji su kasnije srušeni, zatim objekat na na donjem trgu koji je isto tako kasnije srušen. U dijelu iznad tvrđave Forte Mare, vidi se niz objekata, najvjerovatnije ekonomskog karaktera na mjestu nekadašnjeg Doma Jugoslovenske narodne armije. /065A/ 022 Na osnovu materijalnih ostataka može se zaključiti da je na ovom mjestu bila „Donja ravna kula“ (E.Čelebija) za vrijeme Turaka, a i kasnije. U nižem dijelu grada je bio veći broj objekata, koji su kasnije srušeni zbog novih radova ili uslijed zemljotresa. Rektifikacijom crteža „DISEGNO DELLA PIANTA E VEDVTA Dl CASTELNOVO“ (KOD 060), konačno zatvaramo sliku urbanog razvoja 73 Poglavlje II 74 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ objekat sa dvovodnim krovom i arkadnim otvorima na bočnim fasadama. Iznad ovog objekta ističe se zvonik, koji može biti ostatak minareta mošeje. Ostala struktura grada sastoji se od prizemnih ili spratnih objekata sa krovovima na dvije ili četiri vode. Možemo zaključiti da je Castel Novo posle dolaska Venecije još jače utvrđen. Fortifikacija „Forte Mare“ u sistemu sa „Mezalunom“, dobija glavni odbrambeni karakter. Ove dvije tvrđave se šire u svom obimu. „Forte Mare“ se nadograđuje. Utvrđuje se i preziđuje bedem od Peraških vrata do tvrđave S.Girolamo. Grad dobija današnji izgled. Preziđuju se dijelovi Kanli Kule („Castello“) i utvrđuje se zapadni bedem. /067A/ 024 75 Poglavlje II 76 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ Stambeni objekti su prizemni ili spratni i u blokovima formiraju pomenute ulice. Uz ove objekte su vrtovi, bašte, ograđene u pravilu visokim kamenim zidovima. Funkciju glavne kapije grada imaju vrata prema podgrađu („Borgo“) i vode na zapad. Istočna kapija je na mjestu Peraških vrata. Uz Forte Mare su vrata koja vode na Pristan („Porta di Marina“), u čijim zidovima nalazimo niz kamenih spolija iz ranijih perioda i građevina, sekundarno ugrađenih. Ističe se kameni blok sa grbovnikom bosanskih velmoža. Sve kapije su imale vrata i mehanizme za zatvaranje.Krajem venecijanske vladavine grad se polako otvara i izlazi iz svojih zidova, najprije u podgrađe („Borgo“), a zatim dalje prema Toploj i Meljinama (Novi Lazaret). /060A/ 025 77 Poglavlje II 78 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ 79 Poglavlje II grada u vrijeme vladavine Venecije. Crtež možemo, a na osnovu činjenica na terenu (kapija P.A. Magno), datirati između 1708 i 1724.godine. Prilično je vjerno i faktički prikazana perspektiva ondašnjeg stanja grada; možemo konstatovati stanje gradskog bedema, a i strukturu grada i oblik objekata unutar zidina. Konstatujemo objekte: „Fortezza Superiore“, „Castel da mar“, „Mezaluna“, „Torion di S.Gerol.0“, „Porta di Borgo“, „Porta di Mare“, „Porta di Perasto“, „Torion di S.Ant.0“, „Forte.a Spagnola“, centralni prostor na mjestu današnjeg trga „Belavista“ označen kao „Citta“, što ukazuje da je centar grada bio na gornjem trgu. /066A/ 023 Uz zapadne zidove grada sa vanjske strane, predstavljena je struktura podgrađa („Borgo“). Kroz srednji zid je probijen prolaz u niži dio grada (prefectus P.A.Magno). Struktura gradskog tkiva je onakva kako smo već ranije napomenuli, u prijašnjim mletačkim planovima. Objekat crkve Sv.Frana/sada Sv.Leopolda/, se poklapa i po osnovi i po izgledu sa današnjim stanjem. Kod objekta stare crkve Sv.Jeronim primjećuje se u izgledu da je to bio 80 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ Na ruševinama moseja, grade se, u početku adaptacijom, a kasnije nanovo sakralni objekti. Prva crkva Sv.Jeronima bila je na trgu „Belavista“ u adaptiranoj mošeji. Isto tako i stara crkva Sv.Frana. Kasnije crkva Sv.Frana/sada Sv.Leopolda/, prelazi u objekat ispod srednjeg gradskog bedema uz samostan P.P.Kapucini. Gradi se prva crkva Sv.Jeronima na temeljima nikad završene crkva Sv.Stefana, iz doba Hercega Stjepana Vukšića Kosače. Veliki broj kamenih spolija sa ove stare crkve ugrađuju se u zidove u crkvu Sv.Jeronima. Na trgu „Belavista“ zadržava se sakralni objekat, međutim nije jasno kome je posvećen. U istočnom bedemu na potezu od Kanli Kule („Castello“) do tvrđave St.Girolamo je kapelica St.Chiara, koja polako gubi svoju funkciju. Grad je organizovan oko gornjeg („Belavista“) i donjeg trga, koji su povezani sa dvije paralelne ulice. Ove dvije ulice su povezane sa pet poprečnih veza od Kanli Kule sve do srednjeg gradskog bedema. U centralnom dijelu je rezidencijalni dio, palata Providura. Uz ovaj objekat su objekti skladišta, administracije, kasarne i dr. 81 Poglavlje II 82 Venecijanski Castel Novo/1687 do 1797/ /060B/ 026 83 Poglavlje II 84 Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ 027 Stari grad Herceg Novi pod austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ (KOD 070) Stanje grada iz ovog perioda, možda, najbolje oslikava opis Sava Nakićenovića u „Boki“, antropoloskogeografskoj studiji, iz 1913.godine. „Varoš je sagrađena na uzbrdici i zalivu Topaljskom, odakle je vrlo lijep pogled, a udaljena je od mora, jedno 5 minuta, polako idući. Varoš je na slabu zemljištu, koje se neprimjetno, danomice roni; varoš je uzdignuta nad morem jedno 40 m. Ima samo jednu živu vodu „Karaču“, koju su Turci ogradili. Voda je zdrava ali nije dovoljna ni za pola varoši, zato su prisiljeni mnogi bili za ograditi cistjerne, a ljeti donositi vodu sa izvora iz Tople i Savine. Prije tri godine se ovoj velikoj potrebi udovoljilo, jer se u varoš dovela vodovodom Crnica, izvor sa Poda. Ovdje snijeg ne pada, izuzev rijetke slučajeve, a najviše duva jug, majestro, (zapadnjak) i bura (istočnjak). 85 Poglavlje II 028 Mnoge kuće u varoši imaju svoje vrtove (14ha), a prema Toploj ima nešto i oranice (2,34), vinograda (3,14) i pašnjaka (2,88). Svega je zemlje podvrgnute porezu 22 a u površini ima 31 hektar. Ove zemlje nemaju imena. Varoš je na hrpe prosuta sa množinom lijepih kuća, a dijeli se na samu varoš, grad i citadelu i na more. 86 Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ 029 Grad to je stari Herceg Novi, ima ulice srednjovijekovne, strme i uske, a glavna ulica, koja vodi kroz grad, zove se „niz grad“. Ona ide od Kanli kule i mesarnice (sjeverno) preko općinskog trga niz grad, do „Forte mar“, a druga, njoj paralelna, od „kafe bellavista“ (sjeverno), pokraj crkve sv.Jeronima do državnog puta, i citadela (južno). Ove su dvije ulice ispresjecane sa 3 uske, manje ulice, od kojih najsjevernija vodi, s jedne strane (istočno), prema Karači, za selo Savinu, a s druge strane (zapadno), ispod tore, za varoš. Kuće su u gradu, većim dijelom stare, sa niskim plafonima malim prozorima i vratima, a mnoge su opkoljene lijepim vrtovima (s leđa), sto je Turski ostatak. U gradu su dva trga: općinski, gdje je općinski dom, srpska čitaonica, hrvatska čitaonica, i pravoslavna crkva sv.Arh.Mihaila, i trg kod sv.Jeronima, gdje je istoimeni samostan milosrdnih sestara, kotarski sud, poerzni ured, odbrambeno zapovjedništvo, vojničko skladište za zivez, 2 kasarne, zapovjedništvo domobranskog dopunitbenog oružja br.37, i zapovjedništvo oružničkog dijela br.7.U gradu je jos: vojnički arsenal, vojnička pec, poštanski i brzojavni ured, a glavne su jos mjesnosti: Kanli kula, Karaca, i Forte Mar. Glavne su mjesnosti za vrijeme mlečića u ovom građu bile: Forta marina, Castol da Mare, Gasa del Governador dell'armi, Chiesa ed Uffico de R.R.P.P.Capucini, Ospital delle Milizie, Gasa dell ospitale, Chiesa Parocchiale di San Girolamo;, Casa assegnata al Parroco, Muracea diroccata, Palazzo(za providnike), Prigone, Camera Fiscale, Gasa del Cancelier Pretorio, Munizion da Polvere, Guartiere par 87 Poglavlje II Soldati, Castel da Terra, Porta Borgo,' Ferraforma a Munizion del Biscotto.Varoš i nove hercegnovske kuće prema Toploj, počinju od općinskog tornja,(tore), gdje, gdje hrpom, a gdje gdje osamljene, posred perivoja, a s jedne i druge strane državnoga kolnog puta, protezu se sve do Sv.Antuna, gdje počinje granica sela Tople. U hrpi su ispod tornja, a pored njih je trg, gdje se vrši svakovrsna prodaja. 88 Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ U Novom, kao i u mnogim drugim primorskim gradovima srednjovijekovnog porijekla, tokom 19. vijeka nastajale su prostorne i strukturalne promjene, koje su dovodile do razaranja tradicionalnih graditeljskih sklopova. Gubljenjem odbrambenog značaja rušeni su pojedini sektori bedema da bi se na njihovim mjestima podizale poslovne ili stambene višespratne zgrade. To se u Novome dogodilo tokom prošlog vijeka, duž trase zapadnog bedema, prema predgrađu. Ova topografski isturena pozicija u najužem centru nudila je funkcionalne povoljnosti. Tako je viševijekovno pročelje grada, srednjovijekovni bedem, bio postepeno zamijenjivan fasadama novih kuća, koje su dominirale u panorami, što se može pratiti na starim fotografijama. 030 89 Poglavlje II 90 Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ Unutar gradskog sklopa, izvođene su nadogradnje starih kuća, njihovo povezivanje u veće cjeline stambenih blokova i višespratnice za rentu.Na mnogim drugim zgradama vršene su manje ili veće pregradnje u granicama naslijeđenih gabarita, ne remeteći staru parcelaciju i mrežu ulica. 031 i 032 91 Poglavlje II Stari planovi i vedute s kraja 18.vijeka ili s početka 19. pokazuju stanje grada, kakav su za sobom ostavili Mlečani, uz manje promjene nastale pod novom upravom. Na položaju nekadašnje palate Providura tada je postojala kasarna. Na trgu je nacrtana osnova nekadašnje džamije preuređene za vrijeme Mlečana u crkvu. Godine 1858. kraj njenih ostataka podignuta je crkva Sv.Jeronima u današnjem obliku. Krajem prošlog vijeka je srušen sakralni objekat („Domo“) na gornjem trgu, da bi pokraj ostataka te građevina bila podignuta sadašnja crkva Sv.Arhanđela Mihajila, ali sa novom regulacijom u smijeru istok zapad. 033 U ovo vrijeme došlo je do realizacije i izgradnje „Carskog puta“ i željezničke pruge. Pomenuti put je razdvojio grad na dva dijela u nivou ulaza u Forte Mare. Kao posljedica ovoga polako dolazi do urbanog odumiranja prostora ispod puta, gdje se broj objekata drastično smanjio. Trasa željzničke pruge uz morsku obalu razrušila je dio južnog gradskog bedema i dio Mezalune. Ostaci su vidljivi na terenu. Pomenimo još da je crkva Sv.Arhanđela Mihajila sagrađena na gornjem trgu 1912.godine u neogotičkom stilu, a crkva Sv.Jeronim na do-njem trgu 1835.godine u neoromaničkom. 92 Herceg Novi pod Austrijskom upravom /1797 do 1918/ 034 93 Poglavlje II 94 Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi/1918 do 1982/ Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi /1918 do 1982/ (KOD 080) Nakon 1918.godine, dakle, formiranjem kraljevine Jugoslavije, urbani razvoj Starog grada stagnira. Stanovnici, koji su do tada svojim djelatnostima predstavljali okosnicu ekonomske stabilnosti polako napuštaju ovu urbanu aglomeraciju i nasljavaju se van nje (Topla, Igalo, Savina i si.), gdje su uslovi za savremeni život, stanovanje većeg standarda, a što je sve donijela industriska revolucija, mnogo povoljniji. Dakle, stanovništvo polako napušta stare ljušture objekata u Starom gradu, prepuštajući ih gradskoj sirotinji i silazi, gradeći nove objekte u podgrađe (Burg) i dalje. U Starom gradu rade se manji zahvati na objektima, prije svega na fasadama i krovnom pokrivaču. Nastavija se moda, iz Austrougarskog perioda, malterisanje kamenih fasada. Nakon Drugog svijetskog rata poslije 1945.godine Stari grad se zatekao u još lošijem stanju. „Dom Kasarne“ je razrušen bombardovanjem; hotel „Savina“ napušten. Polako su se izgubile sve javne funkcije, koje su bile prisutne u ovoj urbanoj sredini. Konačno je zemljotres od 15.04.1979.godine, svojim destruktivnim djelovanjem od 9°MCS, ponovo ukazao na problem Starog grada Herceg Novog, kao njegovog istorijskog jezgra i centra. Shvatilo se da se ova značajna aglomeracija ne može izostaviti iz savremenih zbivanja u opštini, sigurno bar iz činjenice da se nalazi u centru današnjeg cjelokupnog gradskog tkiva. Vjerovatno je to povoljna situacija trenutka, za ovaj Stari grad, jer je sigurno da bi konačno bio zaboravljen u stogodišnjem korovu ovog suptropskog podneblja, da se interesi današnjeg vremena nisu poklopili sa ovom starom, veoma atraktivnom lokacijom. Nadajmo se da se neće ponoviti slučaj Starog Bara i sličnih starih gradova, koji su nestali u vremenu. 95 Poglavlje II Nakon zemljotresa od 15.04.1979. u Starom gradu je podignuto nekoliko objekata na slobodnim parcelama, koje su se teško uklopili u ambijent postojeće strukture. Vjerovatno ce neki budući hroničar moći reci nešto više za Stari grad našeg doba, jer se očekuju značajna sredstva za njegovu sanaciju i revitalizaciju. Stari grad, kako ga posmatramo danas, posjeduje i značajne i vrijedne kulturno istorijske spomenike. Kulturno istorijska vrijednost pojedinačnih objekata nije toliko izražena, koliko je izražena vrijednost objekata u ambijentu i urbanom sklopu. To što su pojedini objekti iskočili iz kulturno istorijske vrijedonosne slike Starog grada svojim bonitetom, ne može biti isključiva i odlučujuća činjenica prilikom utvrđivanja kulturno istorijskih kvaliteta cjelokupnog prostora Starog grada. Ovakva jedinstvena prostorno funkcionalna i estetsko oblikovna cjelina je stvorena u kontinuiranom međusobnom razvoju pojedinih struktura namjene. Stari grad je urbana aglomeracija, koja se razvijala po određenoj logici vezano za niz istorijskih i materijalnih uslova, a kako je to već ranije rečeno. Sigurno je da su geomorfološke odlike terena, uz zahtjeve življenja kroz razne periode, uticale na specifičnost urbanog sklopa Starog grada. Kao posljedicu tih uslova, gradska saobraćajna mreža ima specifičan karakter. Ulice su uglavnom, zadržale svoje osnovne pravce pružanja, mada na pojedinim mjestima ima i određeni devijacija. Analizirajući nalaze arheoloških sondi na donjem trgu kod crkve Sv.Jeronima, možemo konstatovati da je ranija mreža ulica u tom dijelu grada bila orijentisana u pravcu sjeveroistok jugozapad, za razliku od današnjeg stanja koji je u pravcu sjever/jug. Uzrok ovome možemo tražiti u zahtijevima za orijentacijom starih vjerskih objekata. Džamije su bile orijentisane prema Meki, a pravci pružanja njihovih arhitektonskih elemenata određivali su smjerove ulica. 96 Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi/1918 do 1982/ 97 Poglavlje II 035 i 036 98 Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi/1918 do 1982/ 037 99 Poglavlje II 100 Savremeni Stari grad Herceg Novi/1918 do 1982/ Dvije važne paralelne ulice (M.Vojnovića i M.Cara), koje se pružaju po pravcu sjever/jug, povezuju donji i gornji gradski trg. Pomenute ulice su krivudave što je poslijedica vremenske neplanske gradnje, a možda kao i opšte poznate doktrine srednjeg vijeka, da se ulice čine nepreglednim radi lakše odbrane, što u određenom trenutku svaku kuću čini odbrambenim položajem. Tradicionalnom gradskom trgu može se pripisati prostor kod crkve Sv.Arhanđel Mihajilo, odnosno Trg Hercega Stjepana, dok Trg M.Pavlovića, oko crkve Sv.Jeronima ima sekundarnu ulogu u gradu. U sklopu arhitektonskih objekata nalazi se par autohtonih iz prošlih vremena karakterističnih za stanovanje, sa konobom ili magazinom u prizemlju i stambenim spratom, sve zajedno riješeno po tipologiji i organizaciji bokeških primorskih kuća. Prisutni su stambeni objekti na dva sprata, često nadoziđivani, pregrađivani tako da ih u izvornom obliku ima vrlo malo. Arhitektura je, ona stambena koja ima lokalne, autohtone uzore iz 19. i 20. vijeka. Kao vrtne i baštenske prizemne kuće, bliže gradskim bedemima, građeni su slobodnostojeći objekti. Za gradnju masovno se koristi kamen, kao autohtoni materijal, često i za popločavanje ulica i trgova, a posebno onaj u crvenoj boji iz majdana Kamenari. Plemenitije vrste kamena, kao onaj korčulanski, korištene su za izradu kamenih pregova oko otvora, kao i za plastiku na čeonoj fasadi, kotali, kordon vijenci i si. Mnogi od ovih kamenih objekata su kasnije malterisani zbog zaštite od vlage, ali djelom i mode austrijskog perioda. Mnogi krovovi su sačuvali izvorni oblik sa mansardama i karakterističnim otvorima u njima. Krovni pokrivač je često kupa kanalica svijetlocrvene i oker boje, a zatupljen je i noviji „mediteran“ crijep. Suptropsko zelenilo i bilje, koje je zastupljeno u gradu i oko njega daje posebnu karakteristiku Starom gradu. Zastupljeni su slikoviti vrtovi i baštenska riješenja sa širokim spektrom mediteranskog bilja, agruma, palmi, juka, dracena, agava, akacija... Gradski bedem sa tvrđavama je zarastao u korov i tako postao nevidljiv. Taj korov, divlje smokve, divlji orah... posebno razarajuće djeluje na kamene zidove, koji se polako ruše i rastaču. Karakteristično stezanje Starog grada, njegovim suburbima, kao poslijedica građevinskog buma, veoma je izraženo, tako da nekada dominantni objekat Kanli Kula, gubi svoju dominantnost nad panoramom. Novi turistički objekti u bližoj okolini, nadvisuju svojim gabaritima vedute Starog grada. Na tijelo ambijentalne i autohtone urbane aglomeracije Strog grada nakalemile su se razne velike i male prirasline, koje prijete da ga uguše. 101 Poglavlje II 102 103 Poglavlje II 104 105 Poglavlje II 106 107 Poglavlje II 108 109 Poglavlje II 110 111 112 III Zaključci i sugestije 113 114 Zaključci i sugestije Ovaj rad je imao ambiciju da objasni jedan novi metod za proučavanje urbane geneze gradova. Kao primjer za primjenu tog metoda korišten je obimni arhivski materijal za grad Herceg Novi u Crnoj Gori. Možemo zaključiti da je metod izuzetno primjenljiv za proučavanje urbane geneze gradova. Ova metoda može se uspješno koristiti za proučavanje istorijskog razvoja ne samo urbanog sklopa, nego istovremeno svakog interesantnog urbanog objekta ponaosob. To može da se odnosi na specifičan objekat, koji se istražuje, ulicu, trg i sl. Na taj način dolazi se po prvi put, do novih činjenica, koje se doslovo same, grafičkom predstavom, otkrivaju i daju prilog ukupnom znanju o urbanoj genezi grada. Ovaj metod veoma često nam može dati odgovor i gdje se nalazi sami začetak grada. Ovo nam omogućava analiza „nulte faze“, odnosno, prirodno topografske i antropološke odlike, „genius loci“. U smislu daljeg usavršavanja ovog metoda, istraživačima se sugeriše primjena savremenih pomagala, kao sto je kompjuterska tehnologija rad sa grafičkim stanicama, CAD sistemima, primjenom skenera za unošenje grafičkih podataka sa starih planova i konačno izrada trodimenzionalnih interpretacija urbane strukture sa mogućim animacijama. Na ovaj način ulazimo u jednu novu tehniku istraživanja urbane geneze gradova, uvijek bazirano na metodu rektifikacije. 115 116 BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1.-Cornelli “CITTA, FORTEZZE, ED ALTRI LUOGNI PRINCI PALI DELL’ ALBANIA, EPIRO E LIVADIA”, Venezia 1687. 2. -Čelebija Evlia “PUTOPISI”, Sarajevo 1957. 3.-Reiger Giuseppe “PANORAMA DELLE COSTA E DELLE ISOLE DI DALMAZIA” nei viaggi dei piroscafi del Lloyd Aus troungarico - Trieste. Arhiv, Herceg Novi 4.-Bosković Đurđe “STARI GRAD BAR”, Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, Beograd,1962 5.Istraživački radovi prilikom izrade Urbanističkog projekta Revitalizacija Starog Grada, Herceg Novi: Knjiga I Knjiga II Knjiga III KnjigaIV KnjigaV KnjigaVI KnjigaVII Izvori i bibliografija Stare karte i fotografije Fotografska dokumrntacija Postojeće stanje građevinskog fonda Grafičke analize - mape Spomenički fond i valorizacija Arheološka istraživanja Zavod za projektovanje i urbanizam, Herceg Novi, 1983 6.- F.Camotio “Isole famose, porti, fortezze e terre maritime sotto poste”, Venetia, Libraria di S.Marco, 1587, NSB sign.R-VI-8-90 7.- Rossacio Giuseppe “Viaggio da Venetia a Constantinopoli per mare e per terra et insieme quello di Terra santa”, Venetia, 1606, NSB sign.R-VI-16-32 8.-Angelo delli Oddi-Padovano “Viaggio della provincia di mare della Signoria Venetia...”, Venetia,1584 9.-Gligor Stanojević “Popis građevina Boke Kotorske iz 1788god.”, Spomenik SAN CXXVII, Beograd, 1986 117 POPIS FOTOGRAFIJA 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 118 Topografija bokokotorskog zaliva po Cornelli-u, 1688.god. Topografija bokokotorskog zaliva po A. Zambella, 1687.god. Angelo delli Odi, Padovano, Castel Novo, 1584.god Francesco Camotio, Castel Novo, Bakrorez 21x15,5cm, 1587god. Libreria San Marco, Venezia,/Sveučilišna biblioteka Zagreb, R-VI-8/ Giuseppe Rosacio, Castel Novo, Bakrorez 17,5x 10cm. 1606 god. Arhiv Herceg Novog NSB sign. R-VI-16-32 N.A. autor, Herceg Novi, kraj 16vj. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Herceg Novi, 17vj. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Kanli Kula,Herceg Novi,19vj. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Castel Nuovo, plan, 1689.god. Biblioteca Marciana, Venezia, VII-94/10051/ pg.23. zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor N.A. autor, Castel Nuovo, veduta, 1689.god. Biblioteca Marciana, Venezia, VII-94/10051/ pg.23. zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor Cornelli, Castel Nuovo, plan sa okolinom, 1687.god. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi Cornelli, Castel Nuovo, aksonometrija, 1687.god. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi Bertolo Coring/?/, Castel Nuovo, plan, 1687.god. Biblioteca Marciana, Venezia, VII-94, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor Calergi Zorzi, Castel Nuovo, plan, 1687.god. Biblioteca Marciana, Venezia, VII-94, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor Pier Mortier, Castel Novo, bakrorez, 1600god. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 8. mart. 1700.god. Museo Correr, Venezia, MSS Morsini Grimani, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor N.A. autor, Castel Novo, veduta, 8. mart. 1700.god. Museo Correr, Venezia, MSS Morsini Grimani, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 1700.god. Museo Correr, Venezia, MSS Morsini Grimani, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor Nicolo Ercholomini/?/, Castel Novo, plan, 1700.god. Museo Correr, Venezia, P.D.-C.845/9, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor Giuseppe Juster, Castel Novo, plan, 1708.god. zbirka – Stevo Lepetić, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Castel Nuovo, opsada 1687.god. zbirka – Zavičajni muzej, Herceg Novi N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 1700.god. Museo Correr, Venezia, , zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 1708.god. Museo Correr, Venezia,P.D.-C 848/23, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 1708.god. Archivio statale, Venezia, zbirka – mr.Jovica Martinović, Kotor N.A. autor, Castel Novo, plan, 1724.god. Zadarski arhiv, 221A, Zadar N.A. autor, Castel Novo, aksonometrija, 1724.god. Zadarski arhiv, 221A, Zadar Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 N.A. autor, Plan der Stadt Castelnuovo, 1876 god. Kriegs archiv Viena N.A. autor, Situationsskizze der stadt Castelnuovo, 1904 god. Kriegs archiv Viena Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 Fedor Karascay, Castel Nuovo, prva polovina 19 vj. Cvito Fisković, Boka kotorska u akvarelima F.Karascay, SPOMENIK CXXVII, Beograd, 1986.god., str. 203-241 Panorama Herceg Novog, 2008, god. Panorama Herceg Novog, 2008, god. Kanli kula, Herceg Novi, 1996.god. rekonstrukcija 1987.god., autor 119 120 M.A. Boris Ilijanic architect URBAN GENESIS Rectification old plans methodology Herceg Novi Old Town Montenegro, Eastern Adriatic Coast Research summary Herceg Novi, Chieti, Wellington, 1985-1998 121 Omnia quae cernis magno constructa labore: moenia, templa,domus,fontes,stabula atria thermes 122 Boris Ilijanic URBAN GENESIS The Herceg Novi Old Town Nucleus - research summary - Herceg Novi, Chieti, Wellington,1985-1996 123 This presentation has been done as researching thesis of postgraduate studies of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, Croatia,(former Yugoslavia).The studies were titled “Urbanism and Physical Planning”, and were conducted by Prof.Dr.Bruno Milic. The main advisers on the field to whom I express my gratitude were Prof. Svetislav Vucenovic, architect, from Belgrade, who processes preservation of building and monuments heritage, and M.A. Ilija Pusic, archaeologist, M.A. Gligo Odalovic manager of Herceg Novi city archive, then to the Institute for Preservation of Cultural and Monument Heritage of the Republic of Montenegro, and finally to the Archive of Herceg Novi. The architectonic photographing and the compilation of documentation is done by collaborators of the Institute for Town Planning in Herceg Novi. I also thank to M.A. Jovica Marinovic, archaeologist from Kotor for using his private documents, to Mr. Stevo Lepetic, the archive photographer and Prof.Dr. Radmila, Benderac, lector, who helped in arranging and organising of the written material. I am also grateful for help at theese institutions: Correr Museum at Venice, The Marciana Library at Venice, The San Marco Library at Venice, The State Archive of Venice and The War Archive at Vienna. the author 124 Contests Subscript ...................................................................................................124 I Fundamental motives, ideas, problems ................................................127 Terminology and method of researching.................................................128 II Urban genesis through rectification of the old plans Zero phase(CODE 010) .....................................................................133 Possibilities for urban development, until 1382(CODE 020)..........137 From 1382 to 1482(CODE 030) ........................................................139 From 1482 to 1687(CODE 040 and 050) ..........................................143 From 1687 to 1797(CODE 060) ........................................................151 From 1797 to 1918(CODE 070) ........................................................157 From 1918 to 1982(CODE 080) ........................................................161 III Conclusions and suggestions..............................................................167 Bibliography .............................................................................................169 List of photographs...................................................................................170 125 Chapter I 126 I Fundamental Motives, Ideas, Problems 127 Chapter I Terminology and Methodology Study of Urban Development of Old Towns By Method of Rectification of Old Historical Plans and Drawings on the example of Herceg Novi Old Town. Rectification (lat.rectificatio) - to adjust, as in movement or balance; to adjust by calculation. To rectify (lat. rectus/right + facare/to make) - to make right, to correct that which is wrong erroneous or false, to amend as to rectify errors, to rectify an opinion. Making of rectification of the old historical plans and drawings for the sake of studding urban genesis of Herceg Novi is very important because this researching method has never been used before for this area, thus it enables us discovering of the new facts.Many unknown details about urban development of this town agglomeration have been brought to light. The urban development of Herceg Novi has been represented as it should be, chronologically; phase after phase, unlike researching of urban development by method of rectification where we had to take opposite way; from known facts and from the present time, situation, towards unknown phases in the past. These facts are represented in eight fundamental codes some of which have subcodes.Every code (fundamental or assisting) which characterises a certain old historical old historical plan, drawing has many units(sheets) and all of them are here present for it`s better explanation.All codes and their mutual position can be clearly seen from the present chart. 128 Terminology and method of researching The oldest quite true information about urban and settlements agglomeration in this area are obtained from Cadastre plans from the end of 19th century.In the case of Herceg Novi Austrian Cadastre plan from early 20th century As we know, by history, that there was stagnation in this area in the general development of towns, until the beginning of 20th century, that means, that some relevant parts in of this cadastral plan are, at same time, the document of near earlier phases and forms of urban agglomeration. Rectification of all old plans and drawings is worked out by copping them out from the plans of present situation.All helping devices and appliances are used and plans have been done on geodesic, backing in scale 1:1000.These rectified drawings can be used directly in our further processing. To put it pricelessly this was done by the following met The old historical plan of which we posses the film negative, was by geodesic known method, brought to stabile transparent sheet/astralone/ in scale 1:1000.Than it was overlapped on contemporary geodesic map, scale 1:1000 which was also drawn on astralon sheet..What was done later is that over those two plans rectification of the old one was done taking real dimensions from today`s maps.If, in addition, the perspective was also represented than it`s rectification was done in the same way. As a final result of both rectification we have a conclusion, a new interpretation which resulted from newly founded facts brought to light by rectification itself. In the year 1982 on the initiative of Prof.Dr. Bruno Milic from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, a clear method concerning the studies of urban development of Adriatic /Mediterranean old towns was estabilished.The first experiment was done on Split, old Dioclesian Emperor palace - town, but complete research with full resultates was done on Old Town Herceg Novi.This method was in accordance with conclusions brought on Mediterranean Permanent Town’s Conference. 129 Chapter I Year Main code Subcode Units Period A B C D E F 1982 080 080 X X 1982 1890 070 070 X X X 1890 1724 060 060 X X X X X X 1724 067 X 066 X 065 1687 1584 050 040 X X ? 1708 X 1708 064 X 1708 063 X 062 X 1700 061 X X X X 1700 053 X X 1687 052 X X X X 1688 051 X X X X 1687 050 X X X X X X 1687 X X 1700 043 X ? 042 X 1606 041 X 040 X 1587 X 1584 1482 030 030 X 1482 1382 020 020 X 1382 0000 010 010 X 0000 X Units: A. Original old map, plan; B. Orginal old perspective; C. Original old plan 1:1000 D.Rectification/plan/ 1:1000; E. Rectification/persp./1:1000; F. New interpretation 1:1000 130 Terminology and method of researching The mentioned method performed on the example of Split for the first time (the studies still continue) was borrowed for this work. In the first case the studies were collaborated by Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb, department of Split, “Centre for Architecture and Urbanism”.The mechanical device for drawing of constructed perspectives with given elements was used. Having in mind possibility for processing these rectification by computer, if we obtain corresponding software, these plans are ready for this kind of animation.In that case perspective representation of urban agglomeration from different view point (3D) as well as working out of space model for every single phase, become apparent. 131 Chapter II II Urban Genesis Through Rectification of the Old Plans 132 Zero phase(CODE 010) Zero Phase CODE 010 133 Chapter II If we want to have an entire and versatile picture with all facts which influence or could influence the urban problem of the Old Town of Herceg Novi let`s consider historical conditions for beginning and development of this town. The Country of Dracevica belongs to those medieval provinces which were established by our ancestors upon their arrival to coastal towns.The settleties, the ancient Slavs started very soon the establishing of those social units they had in their old homeland.To tell the truth these organisations followed the example of many similar autochton units. Numerous inheritances of Iliric and Roman civilisation influenced social maturing of our ancestors, not only in the sense of organisation but also culture, urbanism etc.A great number of archaeological and epitaph monuments found on this territory show it clearly. Coming to the Adriatic coast, Slavs settle cultivable soil; ready and active from Roman times. These parts were connected with the main communication road named “Via Adriatica”.It went trough districts of Ston, Zrnovica (near Epidaurus), Konavli, Dracevica, Grbalj... Roman writer “Orbini says that Boka was settled by refugees from Troy, who wandered for a long time.He also says that Boka`s mother is Sicily, because Dionisius, the tyrant from Siracusa, sent settles there.Some think Boka is even older.Iliric tribe Enheleis (eel catchers) lived on the place of today`s regions of Risan and Herceg Novi”. *1 “The main road from Roman times, went along Adriatic coast , from Salona, near today`s Split and nucleus of emperor Diocletian`s palace, trough Ad Movis near Imotski, Dalmacia, to Bigeaste, near Ljubuski in Herczegovina, then to Narona and then by seaside to Epidaurum (Cavtat).From Epidaurus it went to Sutorina and then trough Boka , first trough district of Stolium (Herceg Novi), then by seaside to Rihzon (Risan, Perast, Orahovac and Duledia (Dobrota) to Kotor.From Kotor it went to Skaljari, through Troica and Grbalj to Butua (Budva) etc.By this military road Boka got in close touch with Dalmatia, Savo Nakicenovic:”Boka”, Antropological studies,Serbian Academy 1913,Belgrade 1 134 Zero phase(CODE 010) Epir, and Enheleis, people of Travunia and Doclea(Duklja) distict, so undoubtedly it was useful to them”. *2 “In the year 395 A.C. as Roman Empire was divided to eastern and western parts, Boka got under the domination of Western Empire.Then there was a big migration of people and Boka suffered a lot.Teodorih the King of Eastern Goths conquered Boka in 489.It remained under their rule until 535 when Justinian sized it from them and in order to make it safe from the attacks of wild tribes, he built the tower Cattaro(Kotor) in 532.It is known that Kotor was christianised at that time, because Paulus, Episcopus Cathari civitalis Histor Council p.567, was mentioned in the year 451; and also another (Johannes) from the year 649 (Hist.Conc.603).From this period there are visantine cities Stole(Stolium), Porto Rose and they were demolished by Saracenes in 9th century or they despaired in an earthquake.”*3 Around 1018 belonged to the Slav`s state Zeta, Dracevica went in to new period. In 1197 it was under the domination of the Nemanic Dinasty of Serb Kingdom. After Nemanjics it become a part of Bosnian state and finally by the end of 1382 Bosnian King Tvrtko I Kotromanic laid foundations for building of town in the middle of country Dracevica situated in the romantic western part of the Boka bay. 2* 3* ibidem ibidem 135 Poglavlje II 136 Possibilities for urban development, until 1382 Possibilities for Urban Development, until 1382 CODE 020 137 Chapter II Possibilities for Urban Development, until 1382 It could be interesting to find an answer to the question what have the first builders seen on location of the Old Town of Herceg Novi. It is very important question from standpoint of urban genesis of this agglomeration. Why has the town grown up and stayed on the same location up today? In the process of making act of rectification of old historical plans the zero phase (CODE 010) was processed which gives us the picture of the topography of the ground, its relief, outstanding points and sources of drinking water. It can be clearly seen that the ground is sloppy cliffs, especially towards the west. They stretch from the sea to mainland with the length of 380m.The cliffs rise from the sea forming a rise (where there is a fortress “Forte Mare”), and then with remarkable hill on the mainland with the height of 85m.(where is so called fortress Kanli Kula-”Bloody Tower”).Besides, the sequence cliffs and rocks with some minor reconstruction’s offered possibilities for natural defence. At the foot of both mentioned hills are the sources of running water of which the one in the upper part works and is unable even today.The other is disappeared by time. It is not necessary to point out other geographic, topographic and climatic conditions. The drawings of CODE 010 tells enough by itself. So, it is clear, therefore, that the old builders, using conveniences of the ground and land topography, build the town according to its need through all phases in the past. If we analyse the period from the Zero phase (CODE 010) to 1382 (CODE 020) the existence of buildings on this location remains unknown. It could be that there were some buildings on heights because of special topographic and strategic conveniences. It`s unbelievable that watchtower, lookout tower or something similar did not exist here before. 138 From 1382 to 1482(CODE 030) From 1382 to 1482 CODE 030 139 Chapter II From 1382 to 1482 It is known that the Bosnian King Tvrtko The First Kotromanic coming out to the sea and having been crowned for the King of Bosnia and the rest of Serbian states was in constant conflict with states that surrounded him. On the coast he found ports, which having Dubrovnik as a too big competitor, lost their importance or were not at all important concerning trade. In such situation, not very promising one, King Tvrtko planned to build a town on the part of his free sea and coast. He chose a very attractive area, country Dracevica, an old district in his Travunia region. It had conveniences to receive and keep inhabitants but no so many of them to make an urban community in the middle age. The only life perspective for such a town was transit and trade. King Tvrtko knew it very well, so he appreciated all values that a town would bring. That meant the town would be built by plan and its future would be adapted for these conditions: The town is opened to the sea and would be able to receive transportation of commodities from all coast of Adriatic sea, than through the valley of Sutorina it was connected with caravan roads of Herzegovina and Bosnia. The most important thing King Tvrtko heard and was able to see, was that on the coast, of valley Sutorina there used to be saltwork for which King Tvrtko had an urgent need. There is an adapted information in literature that King Tvrtko has built the town to release himself of the big taxation for salt which government of Dubrovnik imposed on his state. King Tvrtko explicitly said that the town was built in order to have a square of salt:”...and there, he said, was going to be saltworks established and square of salt and trade”.*1 “And really the first documents of correspondence between King Tvrtko and Republic of Dubrovnik authorities, mention only square of Ilija Pusic: “Medieval Herceg Novi, Urbanistic Discusses Until its Fall Under the Turks in 1482" separate, Country Museum of Herceg Novi, 1979. 1* 140 From 1382 to 1482(CODE 030) salt “kumer soli” and not all production of salt, as later documents tell.” *2 According to available written sources and historic, archives material we can establish the period and the year of the town foundation by order of the Bosnian King Tvrtko, but we do not find details about the city’s exact position, size and structure. There are no plans found from this period. In the archives we find some description of the town but it is from later time of Herceg Novi, time of ruler Herzeg Stefan Vuksic Kosaca. There are some scientific discussions which dislocate the original King Tvrtko`s town (named St.Stefan) from its today`s locality, closer to saltworks in valley of Sutorina. However, there are neither material evidences to prove these suppositions not sufficient research about the matter. What we can say for sure is that the earliest period of Herceg Novi (St.Stefan) is inexplicable out it requires a patient researching. When we talk about urban genesis of an organizated settlement on the site of the present Old Town of Herceg Novi then it by evidence we have , exists form from the 15th century. The special merritis for that belong to person of Herceg Stefan Vuksic Kosaca who fortified and restaurated the town, brought it to economic power by opening of workshops for different handicraft and by building another salt market as King Tvrtko, having been crowned neglected his affairs here. By efforts of Herceg Stefan the town has got the conditions for faster development. Rectification of old historical plans (CODE 040) shows some details which bring to light earlier period (CODE 030). According to the graphics’ presentation of Angelo delli Oddi (040A) from his work “Viaggio dalla Provincia di Mare della Signioria Venetia...”, published in Venice 1584 and which. is the oldest one in 2* Ibidem 141 Chapter II about Herceg Novi, because by studding of the urban development of some other towns printed in this work, especially Split , we can establish the period of the origin of the graphic presentation from 1435 to 1539.Then according to the graphic (041A) of Camotio F. from his work “Isole famose, porti, fortezze e terre maritime sotto posto alla...”, published in Venice 1587, according graphic (042A) by Rossacio G. from his work “Viaggio da Venetia a Constantinopoli”, published in Venice 1606, then graphic (043A) by unknown author from the same, as well as according to some plans and headlines from latter periods the hill which dominates the area of today’s Old Town (“Kanli Kula” - Bloddy Tower) was marked as fort, old rampart (“vechio recinto”), the Citadel fortification and similar. This indicates that , that part of Old Town was the oldest defended position. That defended position is a fortification of quadrangle shape with three quadrangle and one round towers on the corners and there is a gate with round tower in the south wall.Insade the ramparts are buildings of small volume and some small houses with roofs of two slopes. Next to Northwest tower there are two big buildings with quadrangle base, of big height and with and with roof in the shape of dome. These buildings have a dominating position in fortification and are on the highest peak elevation of the Old Town. By analysing of the graphic (040A) by A.delli Oddi, we find some new facts about the possible reconstruction also of this period (CODE 030).Below the mentioned fortification (Citadella) is quadrangle shaped town surrounded by the walls with the round fortresses. It is important to compare the distance from the southern wall of the town to the sea which can be measured by the length of a road and paths, and a serpentine leading form from town gate. We can conclude that southern rampart of the town on that time was not on seaside, how it is in today’s time. Also, we can conclude that quadrangle towers are from former period, because when was coming cannon war strategy the tower construction became round base, because of defence strategy. 142 From 1482 to 1687(CODE 040 and 050) From 1482 to 1687 (CODE 040 and CODE 050) 143 Chapter II From 1482 to 1687 The Turks conquered Herceg Novi for the first time in 1482, and it means 100 years later from the time of King Tvrtko`s Charter which was about foundation of the town. The period of 100 years was sufficient to finish a building up of a medieval town of certain size. We have the data about this in Dubrovnik archives. These data enable us to trace the development of Herceg Novi from the 15th century when King Tvrtko`s heirs were on power; first Sandalj Hranic and especially Stefan Vuksic Kosaca. However, the urban and architectonic development and outline of the town is vague. The size and the structure of the town are questionable. According to the material from the archives, Herceg Stefan had audiences, made contracts, rested, had permanent army and died in Herceg Novi. During his lifetime he had stonemasons from Dubrovnik monastery “Mala braca” to begin building of the church St.Stephen. From all this is clear that the settlement was meant to be urban, residential and military harbour. By studding of drawing (CODE 040) we can reveal new facts which contribute to explanation of the shape and the structure of the town. According to partly studied graphic (040A) by A.delli Oddi from 1584, in the upper part of dominating fortification of the town on a high dome, signs of mosque can be seen. This means that Herceg Novi had already come under the Turks and the graphic shows the structure of the town as early as 1482. The middle rampart is not shown on the graphic.It means that it represents the state of the town from 1538 the latest, according to Camotio, where this wall is shown , or could be from 1606 according Rossacio Giacomo. 144 From 1482 to 1687(CODE 040 and 050) The town is clearly represented. Up the hill there is fortification of rectangular shape, with five towers from which is one on the Northwest is highest. There are two buildings next tower. All these statements can be clearly confirmed on the place through material remains “on site”,. Inside of the walls the residential buildings and storehouses are petty and dense. Bellow the fortification there are also petty and densely situated facilities some of which have the upper floor. The roofs are with two slopes. We can identify the belfry or minaret in lower town. On the western rampart there is a round tower; on the south part there is also round one next to the gate.. All others are rentagular base type of tower. So, in the city walls the main defence fortress was refuge tower, later called Citadella, with five small defence towers and five towers in the city rampart. Trough the town gate in the southern wall defended by western tower there was path leading to seashore. Finally, some conclusions can be drawn and those are that the graphic by A.delli Oddi show the state of the town between 1482 and 1538, and that southern rampart, which can be seen, represents middle town wall in the present town, which can be proved by material remains of mentioned gate, and the city walls were defended by five round towers. The graphic by Camotio F. (041A) from 1587 represent the attack of Christian army commanded by Andrea Doria on Turkish Novi in 1538. In present situation there are, now. seven small towers in southern city wall, with two towers was added to the town rampart. We can conclude that southern rampart was built by Turks between 1482 and 1538. The graphics (042) by Rossacio G., and (043A) by unknown author confirm these statements. By studding further urban development by rectification of old historical plans and drawings, we come to period of 1687 (CODE 050) when Turks lost finally power over the town and it goes to Venetian hands. By rectification of the old plan by Cornelli, from 1687 (CODE 050) we come to following data: 145 Chapter II The town was divided in two parts and above the upper part there is fortification so called “Bloody Tower” (Kanli Kula).In the western wall there are three towers, including the southern one of Abaz Pasha (Forte Mare).The town wall encircling lower town is quite broken, not very remarkable and it mostly leaned against fortification on seashore (Mezzaluna). In the middle city wall there were two semirounded towers and a facility which leaned against rampart on the site today`s belfry of St.Jeronim`s Church.Although the original plan is quite arbitrary, it is important to mention here, some defence towers in the upper right corner of drawing, but off Old Town limit, and it is approximately on the location called “Blue Tablet”(Modra Ploca).This plan is only one, which shows this piece of architecture in details. If these are remains of some earlier fortification we should study and research. The old historical plan s very often, did not represent the remains on the place near the city walls, which can be proved, according to material remains on the place near the town itself (Military spa and similar). By analysing (CODE 051) and especially rectified plan by Cornig B.(?) (CODE 051 A;C;D;) which probably dates back to 1687 because, in the suburb(“borgo”), there is no sign of old quarantine on place Topla (its appears for the first time in the plans from 1700), we can conclude that it is one of the first plans which identifies town contents inside, as well as outside of the town walls. We can immediately notice that important position of the western town gate.Compared with suburb it is an outstanding position. The eastern gate is on site of Gate of Perast (Porta di Perasto) 1538, which is called Trnovica (“Tarnovisce”) by Evlia Celebia, Turkish writer, and were situated in the garden today’s time called “spalatina” or “bonturin”, and defended by Bey`s Tower (“Fortezza di St.Girolamo”). The western gate leading to the pier on the south (“Porta di Marina”) are next to the southern tower of Abaz Pacha (”Forte Mare”).This plan clearly shows that in the city walls there are remains of some previous fortifications on the western rampart.According Celebia E. there are also rectangular shaped fortress behind the tower of Abaz Pasha, then there is a Lower flat tower, and lower eastern wall with five small towers (torrions) gets its final looks.Towards the seashore Mezzaluna tower and the Tower of St.Anton have remarkable position. 146 From 1482 to 1687(CODE 040 and 050) In the town itself the streets and squares are regulated and, to the great extent, they are the same today. Nevertheless, some of the streets disappeared by time and there are gardens instead. Such is the case with the street along the access to lower part of the town (“Citta Bassa”), and also with some parts of the street in the western part of “Citta Bassa”.On the lower square (St.Jeronim Church) straight line of facilities is deviated compared with present state, and it has the direction Northwest-Southwest (the first church and than mosque on the same place).It is same case on the upper square (“Bellavista”) again with sacral buildings.The streets and squares on the drawing are defined in details but it is not so with position of eastern rampart which stretches from the Gate of Perast to Kanli Kula. It can be concluded that this plan in great extent, coincides with the description of Turkish travelogue writer Celebia E.: “The journey from Ljubinje to Dubrovnik”, from 1664 has two storied named: ”The Town of Novi, a Tough Fortress And a Strong Rampart”., and “The Shape and the Position of the Novatejn” (“Novatejn” is Arabic means New doubled). Three earthquakes must be correlated to this conclusions, one in 1608, 9 degree MCS strong, and after which the mentioned travelogue is written, than the one in1664, and finally catastrophic one in 1667 9 degree MCS strong Celebia E. wrote in 1664 that the southern rampart is built from oak beams, we can conclude that it is rebuilt in 1667, after earthquake , but of stone this time. To prove these suppositions we have the graphic (051B) by G.G. de Rossi from 1687.There an earlier earthquake in 1563 9/10 degree MCS strong and it destroyed the town which was, according archive materials, rebuilt by Turks. The town plan from 1688 by unknown author (052A), there is also plan for future town and its surroundings, also it contains some facts from the past, the minaret of mosque of upper and lower square. On the upper square there is “Moshea maggiore hora Chiesa St.Girolamo”, that means that previous version o site of St. Jeronimo`s Church was not on lower square where it is now, but on square today`s called “Bellavista”. Approximately on the same site of today`s church of St.Jeronim there was a church of St.Frano ("Altra Chiesa di padri Cappucini...St.Frano”), which was later moved below the middle wall leaning on the facility 147 Chapter II called “Ospedale”, a hospital. Next to this church there was a small graves and tombs. The whole plateau was lower than it is today aprox 100cm. By rectification it is set that the shape and position of town rampart coincides the state as it is today. What is important is that this plan has a drawn in line of the old rampart with the remains of two round towers on the east side of eastern rampart. The of the town and its surrounding from 1687 by Calergi Z. (053A) again facility which we have already mentioned in the plan by Cornelli from the locality “Blue Tablet”. P. Mortier`s graphic indicates the state of the town during the Turkish rule after earthquake 1667, because we can see that southern rampart is not wooden. There is a sequence of Venetian plan from around 1687 and they show the state of the town during the Turkish rule or immediately after it came under Venetian. When explaining the plans from the next period (CODE 060) we must point out some facts which clarify this period even better. In general about Turkish period we can say following: Their rule period can be devised in two periods; one between 1482 and 1538, and the other from 1539 to 1687. The first time Turkish conquered the town with fortified tower on the hill and the encircling wall with five towers below, with no battle, which means that defence wall was not demaged. The upper fortification (“Kanli Kula”) was smaller in size then today and it had five towers, two of which were round shape with cordon wreath (there are material proofs).The others were rentagular shape. The residential parts inside the tower was probably in Northwest high facilities. The town contests were petty, groundfloor and sometimes two floor facilities with two slopped roofs. One belfry and minaret are noticeable in lower part of the town. Up to the year 1538 Turks built the city wall in lower part of the town and also the southern wall with fortification “Mezzaluna”, which was heavily damaged by Christian army and fleet of Andrea Doria when they attacked in 1538.In the year 1539, Barbarosa H., the Turkish admiral regained the town to the Turks after heavy battles and destruction’s. In 1563 there was a catastrophic earthquake of 9/10 degree MCS strong which destroyed the town and especially southern wall. There was 148 From 1482 to 1687(CODE 040 and 050) another earthquake in 1632 about 9 degree MCS strong, and in 1664 we already have mentioned description Celebia E. Up to the year 1664 Turks enlarged the town the town eastward in the line Kanli Kula, Begova Kula (Fortress St.Girolamo), the gate Trnovica (The Gate of Perast).So, this part of the town was annexed between 1606 (according Rossacio) and 1664 according to Celebia E. The earthquake in 1667 about 9 degree MCS strong, heavily destroyed the city. The southern wall of the town, in its present shape was built up between 1667 and the latest in 1687 when the town comes to the Venetian hands(051B). The contents of the city and its suburb is quite developed. There are two squares standing out (“Bellavista” and near St.Jeronim church) with sacral facilities on some outstanding posts. There are also town school, administration, bath, bakery, handicraft shops, commercial facilities etc. The waterworks and sewerage system are in function. The regulation of the streets and house blocks is set clearly. The facilities are petty and low. There are three town gates which can be locked. All these statements give us a clear picture of urban development and continuity of the town in the period of 200 years of the Turkish government. 149 Chapter II 150 From 1687 to 1797(CODE 060) From 1687 to 1797 (CODE 060) 151 Chapter II From 1687 to 1797 As we are coming closer to our days, the documents, plans and drawings are greater in number and, quite especially, we can find abundance of details and data. However, these data must be well checked and approved because of frequent improvisations, so that we are never quite sure if the original plan is in our hands or that is only its interpretation. The basic period (CODE 060) has the greatest number of subcodes, which complement it with data. After heavy battles and destruction’s, Venetians conquered the Town in 1687.There sequence of plans they left behind which also represent the state of the city as it was upon their arrival. CODE 061 has for its base the Old Town plan “MDCC.8 Marzzo Castel Novo” and it contains the view and perspective from the southern side. By rectifying this drawing we can conclude that the city section has gained its present outlines. We can notice outstanding city wall with dominating fortification on the hill (Castello) where at the base of the facility a great number of interventions can be seen. In the Southwest there is fortification “Castel di Mare”.The mentioned city through the centre of the town can be notice on the plan. The upper part of the city is called “Citta di Castel Novo” and lower “Citta Bassa”. In the upper part of the city there is square (“piazzeta”) with the church and cistern for drink water supply on today`s square “Bellavista”, then central residential part and sacral building on today’s square near the church St.Girolamo which by one of its sides leans on the mentioned wall.Below the wall which divides town there are building which belong Franciscan Monestery. In the western part, above the fortress “Catel di Mare” there are remains of undefined buildings. For the first time the real characteristic and the traits of the Old Town terrain are noticeable. The plan 062A, dates back to circa 1700 because the Quarantine at suburb Topla("Lazarine Cadente”) can be seen and is described as wreck or ruin. The steady shape and foundation of the city with already mentioned sites are shown on this plan. It is important to mention here that, in the eastern town wall on the line from “Castello” to fortress “St. Girolamo”, 152 From 1687 to 1797(CODE 060) in its upper part, a building or a ruin, remainder of sacred object “St.Chiara” is marked. A remarkable defending system of fortifications “Spanola”, outside of the town, can be clearly seen on its dominating position; By the rectification of the plan “A pianta Di Castel Novo” (063) by Ercholomini N. (very illegible signature) we can make conclusions about the entire size and structure of the Town. The city walls almost entirely coincides the state from today. The rampart of the fortification Castello (“Forte Di Terra”) towards fortress St.Girolamo is represented as an entirety with the church “St.Chiara”. What is also characteristic are the position of city gates in the ramparts. They coincide with the description of Celebia E. from Turkish period. The gate in the inner eastern wall (“Karaca”) which we can identify today is not represented because they were still serving their purpose. In the inner southern wall two gates for communications with low part of the town(“Citadella”) are represented. Immediately below this rampart, on the southern side is the building hospital(“Spedale”) with the Monostery “P.P.Cappucini”. Waterworks descend to lower parts of the city and it supplies all important buildings like old mosque (“Moshea Vechia”), bakery (“Forno”), sea fortress (“Castel di Marina”), “Bastione di Mare”... The regulation of the streets is approximate to today`s. The function of the eastern street along the ramparts was gradually lost by time. The buildings on the squares were knocked down and the newly built ones got a new regulations.(north - south). The rectification of this plan and the data give a great number of new discoveries about the town and, in great measure, they ascertain the existing state on the ground By the rectifying the plan 064A (“Pianta di Castel Novo nella Provincia d`Albania”) from 1708 by Juster G., we can notice city walls shown in details. Out of the town we notice “Lazaretto” in suburb Topla, now repaired, reconstructed and enlarged from old. (“Lazarine Cadente”), Monostery St.Antonio with “Casa dal conte Burovich” as well as “Fortezza Superiore” (Spanola).In the area of suburb there are traces of old Jewish cemetery (“Cimiterio”).On the western rampart , on two places there are bumps recesses which might be proved by material evidences on the place. In many towns under Venetian this is period of adaptation and 153 Chapter II reinforced all fortifications for the sake of better cannon resistance. It is evident that old fortifications were filled with soil, or old ramparts were used as assisting perimeters for the defence.(“terrapiente”).The structure of the Town is arranged around two squares which are connected by two parallel streets (north - south) extending. On the upper square (“piazza”), we can identify the building “Domo” with belfry (ex mosque), and city water cistern next it. City gate, (“Porta di Borgo”) leads outside the square. From here the city waterworks goes along the two parallel streets. City hall (“Palazzo dell Providur”) is in the central position of the Town and lined by the mentioned streets, and is probably inherited residential part from the Turkish times. On the eastern side of this building was so called “Bagno”, Turkish steam bath and that is proved by archaeological excavations on the place. The lower square with “Moshea” (the inherited ruin) and belfry leaning to the rampart from its inner side is a continuance to the mentioned steam bath. The city walls coincides with today’s state except on the line “Castel Superiore della Citta” to “Bastione S.Girolamo”, where it can not be found today. The middle city wall is called old rampart (“Vecchio Recinto”), giving us hints that, as mentioned before, its origins are of a much latter date. Plans 065A and 066A from 1708 give us conclusions that we have already made. In the rectifying process of the plan 067A, by unknown author and from unknown date, volume of the city wall is asserted as well as the structure of city contests where the evaluations approach to those of cadastre plan from 1890. The position of Tzar Road and railroad is also missing.On both squares there were two outstanding buildings (probably of sacred character) which were later knocked down, and than there was a building on lower square also knocked down latter.In the part of the town above Forte Mare on the site of today`s Army Club, there was sequence of facilities for economic purpose. There are material evidences for the existence of Lower Flat Tower(Celebia E.) from Turkish time and latter.In lower part of the town there were many buildings which were latter knocked down by earthquakes or for new buildings. 154 From 1687 to 1797(CODE 060) By rectification of the drawing 060, “Di Segno Della Pianta E Vedvuta Di Castelnovo” we can have a final picture of urban development during Venetian government. The drawing dates back between 1708 and 1724 which we conclude according to the facts found on the ground (Gate P.Angelus Magno).The perspective of the then town is quite factual and true.We can make conclusions about the state of the city walls, the structure of the town and the shape of the buildings in the walls. We can see: “Fortezza Superiore”, “Castel da Mar”, “Mezzaluna”, “Torion di St.Girolamo”, “Porta di Borgo”, “Porta di mare”, “Porta di Perasto”, “Torion di St.Antonio”, “Forte Spagnola”, central part on today`s square “Bellavista” market as “Citta”, which indicates that the centre of the town was on the upper square. Along the western walls, from outside, we can see the structure of suburb (“Borgo”).A passage to lower parts of the town is cat through middle wall (P.A.Magno).The structure of the city contents is the same as we have already mentioned in former Venetian plans. The appearance and bases of the church St.Frano coincide its today’s state. The outlooks of the building near the old church St.Girolamo, shows that it was a building with two sloped roof and arcade side openings on the facade. Above this building there is a remarkable belfry which could be remains of mosque minaret. The remaining structure of the town is represented by bungalows and two story buildings with roof of two or four slopes. We can conclude that upon Venetian arrival Castel Novo, got even stronger fortifications. The fortification Forte Mare and Mezzaluna system gained the most important defending character. These two fortresses were enlarged. The rampart at the Gate of Perast to tower S.Girolamo was also built into, as Forte Mare, and fortified. The city gained its today’s outlook. Parts of Kanli Kula, (“Castello”) were built into , and western rampart was fortified.The ruins of the mosque were the first adapted and then latter rebuilt as sacred buildings.The first church of St.Girolamo was on the square “Bellavista”, and on the adapted mosque was the church of St.Frano. Latter the church of St.Frano moved in to the building under the middle wall next to the Monostery P.P.Cappucini.The first church of St. 155 Chapter II Girolamo was being on the old foundations never finished church St.Stefan, from the time of Herzeg Stefan Vusic Kosaca.The great number of stony elements of the old church was built into the church St.Jeronimo.The sacred building of unknown dedication remained on the place on “Bellavista”.In eastern rampart on the line from “Kanli Kula”(“Castello”) to fortress St.Girolamo in the plan there still stood a small chapel St.Chiara gradually loosing its function. The city was organised around the upper square “Bellavista” and lower square about church S.Girolamo. These two were connected with a couple of parallel streets. The streets were connected with five transversal passages from “Kanli Kula” to the middle rampart. In the central part were residences, so called Palace of Providurs. Next to this were warehouses, administration buildings, barracks etc. The buildings were bungalows, and with one floor, and are lined in sequence forming mentioned streets. All buildings have gardens which are, as a rule, enclosed with high stony walls and yard.Eastern gate was on the place where Gate of Perast were.Next to “Forte Mare” was the gate which lead to the pier (“Porta di Marina”).In these walls we find stony elements (spoils) from previous periods, rebuilt into for the second time.There is an outstanding stony block with armorial bearings of Bosnian aristocrates.All gates had doors and closing mechanism. By the end of Venetian rule the town was becoming opened and broadens out of its walls, first of all suburb called “Borgo”, then further towards suburb called Topla, and on the east Meljine (New Lazaret “Quarantine”). 156 From 1797 to 1918(CODE 070) From 1797 to 1918 (CODE 070) 157 Chapter II From 1797 to 1918 Here is description of the town from early 20th. century by Nakicenovic S. in the book “Boka” from 1913. “The city has been built on a ridge and in the bay of Topla from where you have a beautiful view, and it takes you about five minutes of slow walking from the seaside. The city lies on dilapidated soil crumbling day after day. The city rises about 40m above the sea. There is only one spring of running water built by Turks. This water is drinkable but is insufficient for the whole city, that is why many inhabitants were forced to build cisterns, and in summer they bring water from the springs on Topla and Savina. Three years ago the urgent need for water was met by building up of the waterworks Crnica from the spring on Podi village. It never snows here except very rearelly. Most of the time south wind blows, mistral and Northwest wind. Many houses in the town have gardens (14ha), and towards Topla there are some plowes fields (2,34ha), vineyards (3,14ha) and pastures (2,88ha).Percentile 22% of the ground undergoes taxation; it is the area of 31 ha. These properties are not named. The town is scattered heaps of many nice houses and it consist of several parts: the Old Town, the Town, citadel and seashore. The Old Town is historical nucleus of Herceg Novi with medieval streets sloppy and narrow, and the main street which leads through the city is called “downtown”. It runs from Kanli Kula and the butcher’s shop (on the north), through City Hall square to “Forte Mare”; and the second one, parallel to it, from cafe “Bellavista”(on the north), beside the church of S.Jeronim to the main road and citadel (on the south). These two main streets are intersected with three narrow, small streets from which the Northeast, from its eastern side, leads through Karaca to village of Savina, and from its western side, under the tower towards the town. Most of houses in the town are old with low ceilings, small windows and doors, and many of them are surrounded with backyards, remainder 158 From 1797 to 1918(CODE 070) from the Turkish times. There are two squares in the Town: the City Hall square with the City Hall itself, Serbian National Reading Room, Croatian National Reading Room and Orthodox Christian church of St.Arhangel Michael. On the square at St.Jeronim church, there is Monastery of row of St.Frano (who works as nurses and infermiers), district court, administration, headquarters for defence, military storehouses for food, 2 barracks, home guardsmen headquarters no.37, headquarters of armed forces no.7.There is also a military arsenal, military oven,post and telegraph office, and historical sights are”: Kanli Kula, Karaca, and Forte Mare, and from Venetian times important sights were:“PortaMarina”... ...........the town and new houses of Herceg Novi towards suburb Topla can be found from city hall tower (tora) sometimes in heap, sometimes standing alone in a park and along both sides of mainroad they reach the church St.Anton from where the village Topla begins. The houses are in heap below the water and there is a square in the middle used as a market for all kind of commodities.” In Herceg Novi, like in many other coastal towns, dating from medieval period, during the 19th century many changes concerning space and structure occored. This caused the destruction’s of traditional architecture. As rampart lost its defending character it had be knocked down at many places where business and residential buildings were built up. That happened in Herceg Novi in the course of the last century along western city wall towards suburb. This topographically forward position of the very centre offered functional facilities. In that way medieval rampart front of the town for many years was being replaced by facades of the new houses which dominated the panorama and old photographs show. Building into the old houses was performed as well as connecting of smaller residential parts in one whole, for the sake of renting. On many other buildings some reparations are made within volume limits, not disturbing old parcelling of lots and street network. The old historical plans and prospects from the end of 18th century and also early 19th 159 Chapter II century shows the situation of the town as it was left by Venetian with some slight changes that occurred under the new government. On the place of ex Palace of Providurs (governer there were barracks.On the square there was drawing of the base of ex mosque which was transformed into church during Venetian. In the year 1858 on its remains, the church of St.Jeronim was erected and today it has the same outlooks. The scares “house”(domo), on the upper square was knocked down and the church of St.Archangel Michael was built up but now that building got new regulation plan, east - west and built on neoghotic style. This is the time when “Tzar road” (Tzar Frantz Joseph of AustroUngarian rule), and railroad was built.The road separated the town in two parts at the level of Forte Mare entrance. In this way the number of buildings was tremendously reduced which caused urban diening of this space. Railroad tracks near the coast destroyed a part of southern city wall, and the part of fortress Mezaluna. The evidence still hold on the ground. Many buildings on the square were destroyed too and two new churches with its new positions, east - west, were built up instead. St.Archangel Michael was finished at1912 and St.Jeronim in 1835, and that were last big constructions until 1979 year of catastrophic earthquake 9 degree MCS strong, who demolished the Old Town. 160 From 1918 to 1982(CODE 080) From 1918 to 1982 ( CODE 080) 161 Chapter II From 1918 to 1982 At the time when Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenas, (lather Kingdom of Yugoslavia) was founded and that is in 1918 the urban development of the Old Town underwent stagnation. The inhabitants, who with their trade occupations , represented the base of economical stability started leaving the Old Town, little by little, and they settled of attractive living suburbs areas of Topla, Igalo, Savina...There, the conditions for a modern life and higher standard of living were much more convient the cause of which was industrial revolution. So, inhabitants of the Old Town started leaving the old ruins of the Old Town , and poor moved into.At the same tame they started to built the new houses in the area of near suburb and further. The Old Town underwent smaller reparations first of all on the facades and the roofs. The Austrian fashion of plastering of stone wall facades continued. After the second world war in 1945 the Old Town was even in worse conditions.The so called building “Casarna” was bombed and the hotel “Savina”, next to “Kanli Kula, deserted. This place lost all public functions. Finally the earthquake from the 15th of April in 1979 with all the destruction’s that it caused made the problem of the Old Town very current. Being the very centre of the city in the whole, the old nucleus not be left out from the modern life of commune. The Old Town would have been forgotten in hounded years old weeds if its convenient position hadn’t been so attractive for its development. Let’s hope that destiny of the near Old Town of Bar City forever lost, will not repeat in the case of the Old Town Herceg Novi. After catastrophic earthquake of the 15th of April in 1979 several new buildings were built up on the free lots but they never fitted the existing surroundings. Because of no existing planning strategy, and knowledge, experience for preservation of urban heritage of the Old Town, was happened this “pollution” of this specific urban environment. So, that is the price of 162 From 1918 to 1982(CODE 080) enplaning movement, and rush for resolving accommodation problems for people, remained without its houses by damage of destroying earthquake. However, these causes, are several, and not changed urban image of town too much. The Old Town as we see it today has important and valuable monuments. The value of monuments taken separately is not so important as it is of the buildings with their surroundings and urban frame. Although some buildings do not belong to historical values it is not an important fact in evolution of the whole town. The entity like this has been being built continuously through the time satisfying either functional or estetical reasons. As mentioned above the Old Town is an urban area developed logically and depending of historical and material conditions. Geomorphological features of the ground as well as the needs of everyday life through centuries influenced the contents of the Old Town. Specific conditions also took part in building of town traffic with its specific character.The streets kept their directions although on same places there are some deviations. By analysing of archaeological sonde at the down square of the church St.Jeronim we can conclude that the previous frame of streets was in direction of north - east, south - west unlike it is today, north - south. The reasons for this were in religious buildings which always require specific direction of their position. The mosques were orientated towards Mecca. Two important parallel streets of Voinovic M. and Car M. which extend in the direction north - south, link upper and lower square. The mentioned streets are twisted because there were no planed development of the town through the times. It could be the strategy of medieval streets construction; twisted streets were good for the defence of the town where every house could be a defending post. The traditional town square was the space around the church of St.Arhangel Michael., actually square of Herzeg Stefan while the square of Pavlovich M. around the church of St.Jeronim has the secondarily role in the Town. There a few autochthonius residential buildings from the past times with characteristic features, so called “konoba” (cellar), and the store house in the ground floor, and the first floor for the living. This is thipical organisation of the cadastral houses in Boka Bay area. There residential 163 Chapter II buildings with two floors offered with additions, so a few of them are original. The architecture of residential buildings is autochthonous from 19th and early20th century. Stone was original building material used for houses and paving the streets and squares. The stone which was especially used was red one, from the local mines. Precious kinds of stone like marble from Adriatic Islands were used for building of the stone frames around the windows and doors. Many of this buildings were lather plastered for the protection of the dump. Most of the roofs have their original form with mansards and characteristic windows in them. The roofs are usually covered with semiround light red or yellow pile but we can also see new, so called “Mediterranean” tile. Subtropical greenery and plants which we can find in the town give special characteristic to the town. There are picturesque gardens with wide range of Mediterranean plants - palm trees, agaves, cycases, mimosas etc. The town rampart with its fortress is covered by weeds and so hidden from sight. The weeds, wild figs, wild walnuts tree destroy stone walls by their roots and thus they are slowly falling down. Suburbs which rose up as result of city booms is very evident and that made the Old Town closed inside. In that way the towering fortress Kanli Kula lost domination of the view. The new touristic buildings in the vicinity are dominated (hotel “Plaza”). Once autochthonous urban environment of the Old Town is now threteed to be gasped by small and big buildings - hanger on built halter - skeletal. On 1982 it was 500 years celebration of foundation of the Herceg Novi, by decrets of bosnian King Tvrtko I Kotromanic.In that occasion, and because of urgent need of it (catastrophic earthquake 1979), local and Republic of Montenegro government, by the money of help for reconstruction and revitalisation, started works on research and planning this area of the Old Town of Herceg Novi as urban monument and heritage. That works, plans was leaded by UN experts, from project UNDP/UNCHS/79/104., and chief executor, main planner was author. The reconstruction and revitalisation of the Old Town was permanent work for next 15 years, as building works of reconstructing infrastructure and superstructure by the results of researching and 164 From 1918 to 1982(CODE 080) planning conclusions with permanent supervising of professional staff. The researching was an interdisciplinary approach to problem. There were researching in the branches of : 1.-“Archive bibliography and old documents” 2.-”Existing found of buildings - drawings and plans” 3.-”Archeorogical research” 4.-”Photodocumentation of existing situation” 5.-”Monument heritage, and stile and horology analyses” 6.-”Geological and hidrogeological research of soil” After this basic studies, there was approach to the making Urban plan documentation and conservation tasks and condition for all buildings and rampart with towers. There were 110 buildings, in the 7ha superface of Old Town limits. The plan was successfully accepted by UN authorities and Municipality of Herceg Novi, and by decision become a low.By this law there was a greatest reconstruction of the town worm the whole its history.During that period of 15 years, by the new technology in building, transport etc. There were reconstructed as towers “Kanli Kula” as open theatre function, “Forte Mare” as open cinema auditorium and night club inside, infrastructure, water supply, wastewater system, electricity under the earth, telephone and cable TV installations, pluvial canalisation, streets and stairs, squares. “Tzar road” was rebuilt. The old railway road was rebuilt as seashore promenade. Also, in that period were reconstructed lot of buildings. The sacral buildings St.Archangel Church, which was demolished by earthquake was repaired with strong construction system. Also it was with St.Jeronim and St. Frano/present St.Leopold/, churches. There were a lot of specific conservation works inside of buildings in interiors. 165 For all of buildings, includes city wall rampart there were done all project documentation needed for reconstruction or reparation. Some of buildings are made as integral reconstruction by old plans. There were reconstructed: the City Archive, ex Palas of Providurs (Casarna), the City Court, Music school, Radio boardcasting building, Computer city centre, and almost all of the dwelling houses. In this moment it is not started jet reconstruction of city walls and tower of Mezaluna, with south rampart, and some other small buildings. However, almost the all Old Town is reconstructed, but revitalisation is not come in so rapidly, because of not adequate urban policy. Briliant stone jewellery, between all Mediterranean greens, the Old Town, in the middle centre of Herceg Novi City no have central function. The most first floors are empty with non adequate function. There is hope for next period by tourism that this Town will be discovered as good space and motive for development of sociourban component of life. The Old Town divide its destiny with Herceg Novi city in this time of 1991 - 1997.During the war in near Bosnia, Old Town was not developed, because of economy recession, and it feel that now, also. The communication, for trade and tourism leaned to Dubrovnik and Bosnia are closed. So, the city is open just to the inside of State of Montenegro, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and overseas to Italy and Greece. The city from former Yugoslavia nated 1945, opened and free in all directions, now have just one indoor. But there is hope that Herceg Novi City, and so The Old Town, and urban development on this area, become a new point, with occasion that there are a few frontier here in various directions, that means a new chance for economy increase, through trade, tourism and production. 166 III Conclusions and suggestions 167 Conclusions and suggestions This work has ambition for resolve a new method for research in the file of urban development. As a pilot model for application of this method we was used the Old Town, historic nucleus of Herceg Novi on eastern coast of Adriatic sea in Montenegro, Yugoslavia. One of important reasons for that choice was it, that for this Old Town there are a lot of the graphics and all historical plans. There are not so much old historical plans for any other eastern Adriatic Coast town as it is for Herceg Novi. We can conclude that this method is very useful for research works at the file of urban genesis. This method can be useful for researching, not only for urban development as all, but in the same time it is useful , also, for researching particularly parts, buildings, streets, squares etc. On that way we can make in knowledge, for the first time, the very new facts, which presents itself automatically, with graphics presentations and images, and so, that facts give to us motives for conclusions about urban development for the present town. This method can give to us a very good answer on very curious and always interest question: ”Where was the first nucleus of the town?“. This question and especially good answer is fact who give a lot of research emotions for every researching person or staff. So, for that good answer , to us will help the “zero phase”, what means the analyse of natural and topographic facts for “genius loci”. On that sense, for the further development of this method, and for the researching staff, we can make suggestion and accommodation, application this method on the CAD graphic work stations, and the other parts and units of computer technology, especially graphic scanners for scanning the old historical plans. With that, in the same time, we will come, in to very new level for researching of the urban genesis but always on the base of the rectification of the old historical plans and graphics. The CAD technology through the method of rectification can give us three-dimensional images and animation for every point and time of urban development we want. 168 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.-Cornelli “CITTA, FORTEZZE, ED ALTRI LUOGNI PRINCI PALI DELL’ ALBANIA, EPIRO E LIVADIA”, Venezia 1687. 2. -Celebija Evlia “PUTOPISI”, Sarajevo 1957. 3.-Reiger Giuseppe “PANORAMA DELLE COSTA E DELLE ISOLE DI DALMAZIA” nei viaggi dei piroscafi del Lloyd Aus troungarico - Trieste. 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