Pursuant to the provisions of article 280 and in relation to article 282 of the Companies Act, the Management Board of the ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ HOLDING d.d. company, Personal Identification Number 58828286397, Company Registration Number (MBS) 050002378, of No. 1 Dr. Mile Budaka, Slavonski Brod (hereinafter: the Company), hereby publishes this counter-proposal to the proposed decision under point 13 of the agenda of the notice calling a General Meeting of the ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ HOLDING d.d. company, to be convened on 3 July 2014 (call to shareholders published in the Official Gazette 31/14 of 21 May 2014), as follows: Ad 13. A Decision on the increase of share capital is adopted, that reads as follows: I By this decision the share capital of the ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ HOLDING d.d. company, with seat at No. 1 Dr. Mile Budaka, Slavonski Brod, registered at the court register of the permanent service in Slavonski Brod of the Commercial Court of Osijek under Company Registration Number (MBS)050002378, Personal Identification Number 58828286397 (hereinafter: the Company), is increased from the amount of HRK 64,741,360.00 by the amount of at most HRK 194,224,080.00 to the amount of, at most, HRK 258,965,440.00. II The increase in the share capital of the Company as stated in article I of this Decision shall be conducted by payment in cash, by the allocation of at most 9,711,204 new ordinary registered shares, with an individual nominal value of HRK 20.00 (hereinafter: New Shares). III The New Shares are issued in dematerialised form, as electronic records in the computer system of the Central Depository & Clearing Company Inc. (hereinafter: CDCC), with identification mark as assigned by the CDCC. Each New Share shall give the right to one vote at the Company General Meeting, and all other rights identical to the rights provided by existing Company shares in accordance with the law and the Company Statute. The New Shares shall be registered and give shareholders all rights as provided by law and the Company Statute from the day of the registration of the increase in share capital in the court register. IV The increase in the share capital of the Company on the basis of this Decision shall be conducted by a public offering of New Shares in two rounds. V The New Shares may be issued for a greater amount from the part of the share capital they cover. In accordance with the provisions of article 304, paragraph 3 of the Companies Act, the price of the New Shares is established at no less than HRK 20.00 per New Share. The New Shares shall not be issued under the stated amount. The Company's Management Board is authorised, with the prior approval of the Supervisory Board, in the public invitation to subscribe and pay in the first round, to determine the price range of the issuance of New Shares (hereinafter: the Price Range), where the New Shares shall not be issued for a price below the amount of HRK 20.00 per New Share, no above the amount of HRK 60.00 per New Share. The final price of New Shares shall be determined upon the end of the bid and subscription gathering period for New Shares for existing Company shareholders and shall be within the Price Range, and shall be published as soon as possible. The Company's Management Board, with the prior approval of the Supervisory Board, shall determine the final price of the New Shares based on demand from investors achieved during the subscription period for New Shares, taking into consideration the situation on financial markets in a given moment. The Company's Management Board shall also, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, adopt rules on the allocation of New Shares in the event that during the subscription and payment of a greater number of New Shares are subscribed or paid than the number determined by the decision of the Company General Meeting, and publish this in the public invitation. VI The increase in the share capital of the Company on the basis of this Decision shall be conducted by public offering with the right of priority of existing Company shareholders during the subscription of New Shares. VII New Shares shall be subscribed by written statement (Subscription Form). The subscription and payment of New Shares shall be conducted in the manner determined in the public invitation for the subscription of New Shares. The Company's Management Board shall publish a public invitation for the subscription of New Shares no later than twenty workdays upon receipt of the decision of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency approving the prospectus for New Shares. The public invitation for the subscription of New Shares in the first round and the public invitation for the subscription of New Shares in the second round shall be published by the Company's Management Board on the Company Internet site, and in at least one daily newspaper published in the Republic of Croatia. VIII The subscription of New Shares shall be conducted in two rounds: - In the first round existing Company shareholders, who are Company shareholders on 15 May 2014, shall be entitled to subscribe for New Shares. In the first round New Shares shall be subscribed no later than fourteen days from the date of the publication of the public invitation for subscriptions, with the public invitation for the subscription of New Shares providing detailed information concerning the place and time for the subscription of New Shares via the Subscription Form and the deadline for the payment of the amount of subscribed New Shares. Existing shareholders may subscribe up to 9,711,204 New Shares, relative to the share of their existing shares in the existing share capital of the Company, not including the Company's own shares as of 15 May 2014. - In the second round all existing Company shareholders, who are Company shareholders on 15 May 2014 and who have fully exercised their priority right in the subscription of New Shares in the first round and qualified investors explicitly enumerated in the list that constitutes Annex 1 to this Decision shall be entitled to subscribe for all New Shares that were not subscribed and paid in the first round. These investors may make their subscriptions no later than five (5) workdays following the publication of the public invitation for the subscription of New Shares in the second round, with the public invitation for the subscription of New Shares providing detailed information concerning the place and time for the subscription of New Shares via the Subscription Form and the deadline for the payment of the amount of subscribed New Shares. IX In the event that a custodian bank holds Company shares for the account of shareholders, these shareholders must, along with filling out a Subscription Form for the subscription of new shares, also submit proof that they are an actual company shareholder entitled to subscription on the basis of this Decision, which is submitted in the form of an original confirmation/statement of the custodian bank that it was on 15 May 2014 registered for their shares as the custodian bank that is entitled to subscribe for new Company shares. Otherwise, these persons shall not have the right to participate in the subscription of new shares. X Based on full payment for each New Share, following registration in the court register, the corresponding number of registered New Shares shall be issued, under the identification mark assigned by the CDCC, each in the nominal amount of HRK 20.00 in dematerialised form. XI The exact amount of the increase in share capital is established based on the state of subscriptions and payments on the deadline day for the payment of New Shares, in the subsequent deadline of no later than five (5) workdays. The issuance of New Shares shall be deemed to have been successfully conducted if in the previously determined deadline for the subscription and payment at least 4,000,000.00 New Shares are subscribed and paid for. The Company's Management Board shall, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, establish the success of the issuance of New Shares, the exact amount of the increase in share capital and the exact number of New Shares. If the subscription of New Shares is not successful, the Company shall no later than eight (8) days upon the expiry of the final deadline for the subscription and payment of New Shares, reimburse investors’ funds paid in. In this case the Company shall not bear the costs of payment systems or pay interest to investors. XII If an increase in share capital is not registered in the court register within 6 months from the date of the adoption of this Decision, the statement of subscription (Subscription Form) shall no longer oblige investors, and the Company shall within eight (8) days from the expiry of the stated deadline reimburse funds paid in to investors. In this case the Company shall not bear the costs of payment systems or pay interest to investors. XIII The New Shares shall be listed on the Regular Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange (Zagrebačka burza d.d.), together with all already issued shares that are listed on the Regular Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange, in accordance with the relevant regulations, at the moment of the adoption of this decision. XIV The Company's Management Board is charged with undertaking all legal activities for the implementation of this decision which includes, but is not limited to, drawing up and submitting the New Shares Prospectus to all competent authorities, and to undertake all legal actions for the registration of this decision and the increase in share capital associated with it in the court register of the permanent service in Slavonski Brod of the Commercial Court of Osijek, and for the listing of the New Shares on the Regular Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. XV The Company's Supervisory Board is authorised to, upon the increase in share capital on the basis of this Decision, harmonise the provisions of the Company Statute pertaining to the amount of share capital and the number of shares in the complete text of the Statute with the changes that have occurred with the increase in share capital and the issuance of new shares. Tomislav Mazal President of the Management Board <signature illegible> <text of the stamp: "ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ" HOLDING d.d. SLAV. BROD, Dr. M. Budaka 1 2> 1) Companies managing investment funds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Name AGRAM Invest d.d. Allianz Invest d.o.o. ALTERNATIVE INVEST d.o.o. AUCTOR INVEST d.o.o. Erste Asset Management d.o.o. FIMA GLOBAL INVEST d.o.o. HPB-INVEST d.o.o. HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-INVEST d.d. ICAM d.o.o. ILIRIKA INVESTMENTS d.o.o. KD INVESTMENTS d.o.o. LOCUSTA INVEST d.o.o. NETA Capital Croatia d.d. OTP INVEST d.o.o. PBZ INVEST d.o.o. PLATINUM INVEST d.o.o. RAIFFEISEN INVEST d.o.o. VB INVEST d.o.o. ZB INVEST d.o.o. Seat Ulica grada Vukovara 74, Zagreb Heinzelova 70, Zagreb Republike Austrije 1, Zagreb Dežmanova 5, Zagreb Ivana Lučića 2a, Zagreb Stanka Vraza 25, Varaždin Praška 5, Zagreb Slavonska Avenija 6, Zagreb Masarykova 1, Zagreb Jurišićeva 12, Zagreb Miramarska cesta 105, Zagreb Ljudevita Gaja 28, Zagreb Ilica 1a, Zagreb Zelinska 2, Zagreb Ilica 5, Oktogon, Zagreb Gundulićeva 23, Zagreb Palmotićeva 56, Zagreb Đorđićeva 8a, Zagreb Ivana Lučića 2A, Zagreb 2) Companies managing pension funds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Allianz ZB d.o.o. društvo za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima Allianz ZB d.o.o. društvo za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondom CROATIA osiguranje mirovinsko društvo za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondom d.o.o. ERSTE d.o.o. – društvo za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondom ERSTE DMD društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondom PBZ CROATIA OSIGURANJE d.d. za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondom d.o.o. Raiffeisen mirovinsko društvo za upravljanje dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.o.o. Raiffeisen mirovinsko društvo za upravljanje obveznim mirovinskim fondom d.o.o. Seat Ivana Lučića 2/A, Zagreb Nike Grškovića 31, Zagreb Gundulićeva 63, Zagreb Ulica Ivana Lučića 2/A, Zagreb Ulica Ivana Lučića 2/A, Zagreb Radnička cesta 44, Zagreb Heinzelova 44, Zagreb Heinzelova 44, Zagreb 3) Companies managing economic cooperation funds 1 2 3 4 5 Name Alternative Private Equity d.o.o. Honestas Private Equity Partneri d.o.o. Nexus Private Equity Partneri d.o.o. Prosperus-invest d.o.o. Quaestus Private Equity d.o.o. Seat Republike Austrije 1, Zagreb Ilica 16, 10000 Zagreb Nova Ves 11/I, Zagreb Metaličeva 5, Zagreb Radnička cesta 52, Zagreb 4) Insurance companies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Name AGRAM životno osiguranje d.d. ALLIANZ ZAGREB d.d. BASLER OSIGURANJE ZAGREB d.d. BNP Paribas Cardif osiguranje d.d. CROATIA LLOYD d.d. za reosiguranje CROATIA osiguranje d.d. CROATIA zdravstveno osiguranje d.d. ERGO osiguranje d.d. ERGO životno osiguranje d.d. Erste osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d. EUROHERC osiguranje d.d. GENERALI OSIGURANJE d.d. GRAWE Hrvatska d.d. HOK – OSIGURANJE d.d. Hrvatsko kreditno osiguranje d.d. IZVOR OSIGURANJE d.d. JADRANSKO OSIGURANJE d.d. KD životno osiguranje d.d. MERKUR OSIGURANJE d.d. Societe Generale Osiguranje d.d. SUNCE OSIGURANJE d.d. TRIGLAV OSIGURANJE d.d. UNIQA osiguranje d.d. VELEBIT OSIGURANJE d.d. VELEBIT ŽIVOTNO OSIGURANJE d.d. Wiener osiguranje Vienna Insurance Group d.d. Wüstenrot životno osiguranje d.d. Seat Trnjanska cesta 108, Zagreb Heinzelova 70, Zagreb Radnička 37b, Zagreb Ivana Lučića 2a, Zagreb Ulica Grada Vukovara 62/I, Zagreb Miramarska 22, Zagreb Miramarska 22, Zagreb Radnička cesta 80, Zagreb Radnička cesta 80, Zagr Miramarska 23, Zagreb Ulica Grada Vukovara 282, Zagreb Bani 110, Zagreb Ulica Grada Vukovara 5, Zagreb Capraška ulica 6, Zagreb Bednjanska 14, Zagreb Trpinjska 9, Zagreb Listopadska 2/V, Zagreb Draškovićeva 10, Zagreb Ulica kneza Ljudevita Posavskog 31, Zagreb Ulica Grada Vukovara 284, Zagreb Trnjanska cesta 108, Zagreb Antuna Heinza 4, Zagreb Savska cesta 106, Zagreb Savska 144a, Zagreb Savska 144a, Zagreb Slovenska ulica 24, Zagreb Heinzelova 33a, Zagreb 4) Banks 1 2 3 Name BANCO POPOLARE Croatia d.d. BANKA KOVANICA d.d. BANKA SPLITSKO-DALMATINSKA Seat Petrovaradinska 1, Zagreb Petra Preradovića 29, Varaždin 114. brigade HV-a br. 9, Split 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 d.d. BKS BANK d.d. CROATIA BANKA d.d. ERSTE & STEIERMÄRKISCHE BANK d.d. HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.d. HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-BANK d.d. IMEX BANKA d.d. ISTARSKA KREDITNA BANKA UMAG d.d. JADRANSKA BANKA d.d. KARLOVAČKA BANKA d.d. KENTBANK d.d. KREDITNA BANKA ZAGREB d.d. NAVA BANKA d.d. OTP BANKA HRVATSKA d.d. PARTNER BANKA d.d. PODRAVSKA BANKA d.d. PRIMORSKA BANKA d.d. PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB d.d. RAIFFEISENBANK AUSTRIA d.d. SAMOBORSKA BANKA d.d. SBERBANK d.d. SLATINSKA BANKA d.d. SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE-SPLITSKA BANKA d.d. ŠTEDBANKA d.d. VABA d.d. BANKA Varaždin VENETO BANKA d.d. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA d.d. Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak Mljekarski trg 3, Rijeka Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9, Zagreb Jadranski trg 3a, Rijeka Jurišićeva 4, Zagreb Slavonska Avenija 6, Zagreb Tolstojeva 6, Split Ernesta Miloša 1, Umag Ante Starčevića 4, Šibenik Ivana Gorana Kovačiča 1, Karlovac Gundulićeva 1, Zagreb Ulica grada Vukovara 74, Zagreb Tratinska 27, Zagreb Domovinskog rata 3, Zadar Vončinina 2, Zagreb Opatička 3, Koprivnica Scarpina 7, Rijeka Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb Petrinjska 59, Zagreb Trg kralja Tomislava 8, Samobor Varšavska 9, Zagreb V. Nazora 2, Slatina Ruđera Boškovića 16, Split Slavonska avenija 3, Zagreb Aleja Kralja Zvonimira 1, Varaždin Draškovićeva 58, Zagreb Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10, Zagreb Strossmayerov trg 9, Zagreb
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