3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ 14 -15.novembar 15.novembar 2013. godine ZBORNIK SAŽETAKA Tuzla, novembar, 2013 Organizacioni Odbor Simpozija: Amra Odobašić - predsjednik Zoran Iličković Husejin Keran Vahida Selimbašić Milica Vilušić Gordan Avdić Sabina Begić Zuhdija Aganović Mirela Uljić Naučno – stručni odbor Midhat Suljkanović, Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet Tuzla,/BiH Ranka Kubiček, Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet Tuzla,/BiH Drago Šubarić, Prehrambeno – tehnološki fakultet Sveučilište Josip Juraj Štrosmajer,Osijek/Hrvatska Jadranka Gilev, Tehnološko – metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Skopje/Makedonija Zoltan Zavargo, Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet Novi Sad/ Srbija Stanko Blatnik, IP@K Institut, Velenje/ Slovenija Hyunook Kim, Univerzitet Seul / Republika Korea Mustafa Burgić,Tehnološki fakultet Univerzitet Tuzla/BiH Zlata Hrnjak Murgić, Fakultet Kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilište Zagreb/Hrvatska Jasminka Sadadinović, Tehnološki fakultet Univerzitet Tuzla/ BiH Muhamed Bijedić, Tehnološki fakultet Univerzitet Tuzla/ BiH Neven Voća, Agencija za zaštitu okoliša Zagreb/Hrvatska Tihomir Moslavac, Prehrambeno – tehnološki fakultet Sveučilište Josip Juraj Štrosmajer,Osijek/Hrvatska Radoslav Grujić, Tehnološki fakultet Univerzitet Istočno Sarajevo/BiH Štampa: 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Supercapacitors: High Power Electrochemical Storage Devices Zoran Mandić Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia Abstract Development of electrochemical supercapacitors as high power and storage devices is in the focus of scientific and technological interest in the last decade. They are able to provide high power upon demand and as such they are conveniently used in the various applications requiring intermittent power supply such as smart grids, motive applications, portable electronic devices and so on. While supecapacitors are used in the applications where high currents and consequently high power are needed, they suffer from limited amount of energy which could be stored. Consequently, the main research directions nowadays include designing new materials and their composites with improved charge storage ability, increased voltage range and high chemical stability. Supercapacitors are based on the double layer charging of the interface between electrolyte and highly-porous materials such as carbon. Carbon/electrolyte interface can be polarized in a wide potential range without appreciable contribution of the charge transfer reactions. Taking into account large surface area which could be achieved with nano-sized carbon particles, specific capacitances as high as 200 F g-1 can be achieved. Further progress in supercapacitor applications was made after realization that number of other materials show similar characteristics to the carbon double-layer capacitors. The examples include some of the transition metal oxides and conducting polymers. These materials are called pseudocapacitive materials since they show capacitive-like response but their response does not involve double layer charging, at least not in the significant extent, but is the result of charge transfer i.e. Faradaic reaction. In this lecture, theoretical principles of supercapacitors design and charging/discharging reaction mechanisms will be explained. Recent results obtained in our laboratory on electrochemical properties of thin layers of transition metal oxides (RuO2, MnO2 and NiOOH), conducting polymers (polyaniline, polypyrrole) and their composites will be shown. They demonstrate complexity of pseudocapacitive reactions and importance of the optimization of properties such as combined proton/electron conduction, chemical stability in the wide potential range, fast ion dynamics and different physico-chemical interactions. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Use of carbocalk (byproduct of sugar factory) for improvement of soil fertility Vlado Kovačević University J. J. Strossmayer, Faculty of Agriculture, Osijek, Croatia Abstract Carbocalk is byproduct of sugar factory and is suitable for liming of the acid soils. In the autumn of 2000 two field experiments in four replicates were started with increasing rates of carbocalk application (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 t/ha). In these study yields of the field crops and cadmium (Cd) concentrations in the leaves and grains were shown. In the both experiments maize was grown total eight times (four years) and wheat four years. The lowest rate of applied carbocalk was adequate for the considerable both maize and wheat yield increases for 16% and 28%, respectively (maize 6.92 and 8.04 t/ha; wheat 4.85 t/ha and 6.20 t/ha). By the higher quantities of the carbocalk the yields were mainly low increased. Sunflower, sugar beet, barley and soybean were grown only one growing season and by liming the yields were increased for 48%, 43%, 30% and 8%, respectively. Cd concentrations in the leaves of tobacco were the considerable higher (mean 2.4 mg Cd/kg) in comparison with those of maize (0.097 mg Cd/kg) and soybean (0.150 mg Cd/kg ), while in grain of wheat and barley they were considerably lower (0.02 mg Cd/kg). In general, liming considerably affected on decreases of Cd uptake by plants as follows: for 45% in tobacco leaves (3.6 and 2.0 mg Cd/kg, for the control and mean of the carbocalk treatments, respectively, but only in one of two tested years). The correspondingle values for the leaves of maize were 0.165 and 0.080 mg Cd/kg (decrease for 52%) and for soybean 0.500 and 0.063 mg Cd/kg (decrease for 87%), respectively. Key words: carbocalk, liming, cadmium, yields of the field crops, the eastern Croatia 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Municipal Solid Waste and Depots for Municipal Solid Waste in Croatia – Situation Survey Neven Voća Agencija za zaštitu okoliša, Zagreb, Hrvatska Abstract In order to be able to follow the implementation and evaluation concerning the successful waste management on the European level it its necessary to have the corresponding data and information at disposal. AZO is the central body reporting to the European Commission on the implementation of some certain provisions concerning the protection of the environment, thus including waste as well. The Report on the Municipal Solid Waste for the year 2011 is based on the data reported by the companies collecting such waste as well as the operators managing the waste depots and submitting such data in accordance with the AZO prescribed forms. Out of a total of 212 companies occupying in the mixed municipal waste collecting activity, 199 delivered such data. The waste disposal was reported by 146 depots, while an evaluation was performed for 5 depots and 13 municipalities not delivering the necessary data All municipalities and all cities had an organized waste collecting and waste transport activity and the population included therewith amounts to 96%. The total yearly amount in the year 2011 is 1.645.295 t of municipal solid waste and the quantity per capita amounts to 371 kg. The share of the mixed municipal solid waste in the total collected waste amounted to 84% and 1.377.242 t respectively. The share of the separately collected waste in the municipal solid waste amounted to 16%, , however, only half of this quantity was sent directly for processing. According to the agreement approved during the negotiation process regarding the Republic of Croatia joining the EU, the total amount of waste disposed at the depots which do not satisfy the standards prescribed by the Directive on Waste Disposal will have to be additionally decreased. The total quantity for disposal with the non-coordinated depots till the end of 2013 should not exceed 1.710.000 t. Taking the fact into consideration that the amount of the bio-degradable municipal solid waste is 937.375 t, this quantity exceeds, for approximately 370.000 t, the objective given by the Directive. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Etic, Environment and Turism Stanko Blatnik IPAK Institut, Velenje, Slovenia Abstract The basic problems of 21st century are ethical problems. It is impossible to resolve environmental and social problems without use of ethical principles. There is no sustainable development without ethics. In proposed lecture the ethical problems with which we are confronte, and which we have to resolve if we want to realize sustainable development of local and broader community, will be presented . The most efficient way of development of ethical behaviour is education, which has to start in the kindergarten at latest. The results of ETHOS project which is running in the framework of EU lifelong Learning Programme by the Inova4T company. The objective of project is tu involve of ethics in educational system. And not as a separate subject but with integration of ethical content in all subjects. Authors will present some ideas about „ethical tourism' as only model whch can generate longterm positive results. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja New generation biofuels: Situation and prospects in biodiesel and bioethanol technology Milorad Cakić Faculty of Technology, University of Niš, Leskovac, Serbia Abstract The introduction of first-generation biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas), as a response to the growing global energy crisis and sustainability, has opened new socio-economic, environmental and technical questions and problems. The first-generation biofuels are obtained using conventional technology processing vegetable oils and animal fats (biodiesel) or grains rich in mono- or disaccharide fermentation turn into bioethanol. The questions "food or fuel" , the impact on oil prices, the level of CO2 emissions, deforestation and soil erosion, drinking water, biodiversity, efficiency and balance in the use of energy are opened. That the benefits of the use of biofuels would not be at the expense of food production, environmental and sustainability parameters, there is intensively work on existing technological processes of production improving and the development of new generations of biofuels: the other that uses sustainable and lignocellulose feedstock (agricultural and forest waste), as well as the third generation. The second generation includes ethanol from cellulose, biodimethylether (DME) biohydrogen, bio-dimethylformamide, HTU (Hydro Thermal Upgrading) diesel, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, mixture of alcohols (methanol, ethanol and butanol) and wood gas. The third generation includes biodiesel from algae and micro-organisms. The European Industrial Initiative on bioenergy has set a strategic goal to provide the share of bioenergy in the total energy mix to 20% up to 2020, and reduce emissions GHG by 60% by solving the technical and economic barriers, to the further development and accelerated Commercial development of bioenergy conversion technologies for the sustainable use of biomass resources. The strategic goal is to achieve the development and optimization of thermochemical and biochemical processes, building pilot, demonstration, and finally industrial plants for the production of new generations of biofuels. Bearing in mind the fact that in the Western Balkans biomass used in the production of solid and liquid fuels (bioethanol and biodiesel) existing production procedures were analyzed, advantages and disadvantages were compared, the possibility of their improvement and new technologies development has analyzed. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Biorefinery Supply Networks from the Regional to the Continental Level Lidija Čuček Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University Maribor, Slovenia Abstract This work presents a generic multi-period MILP optimization model for the synthesis of biorefinery supply networks at regional and up to continental level. Several biofuels production technologies are considered including first, second, and third generations of biofuels – bioethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and green gasoline. These technologies, previously modelled and optimized by the authors, are embedded within the biorefinery supply networks as surrogate models. In order to solve the corresponding MILP models with several millions of equations and constraints, different model reduction techniques are used. The proposed model is applied first on smaller and medium scales and finally cross-regionally, by exploring specific regional characteristics for the production and supply of biofuels. Economically-optimal solutions are obtained by accounting for timely-optimal planning of raw materials harvesting and supply, and biofuels production. The results show the extent of renewable energy consumption within the transportation sector is satisfied either within smaller, medium or larger regions, up to continental level. The possibility of food production and avoidance of food for energy conversion is also considered. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Possibility of development in refined oils technology Tihomir Moslavac University J. J. Strossmayer, PTF Osijek, Croatia Abstract Edible oils and fats are renewable resources worldwide available with many different applications. The most widely used method to obtain the oil from oilseeds is pressing followed by solid-liquid extraction. The main solvent used in the extraction is commercial hexane, which is a mixture of aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons. The extraction process results in an oil/solvent mixture (miscella) with about 25–30% (w/w) oil content. The solvent is subsequently removed by evaporation until the hexane content in the oil is lower than 1%. Besides the oil, the solvent also extracts certain undesirable compounds, such as phospholipids, free fatty acids, pigments, sterols, carbohydrates, proteins and their respective degradation products. These are substances that may impart an undesirable flavour and colour and shorten the shelf life of the oil. The crude edible oils need to be refined to meet suitable properties for commercial applications. The paper presents the modern development trends of edible refined oils technology. Membrane separations have been increasingly applied in food industry. A growth in the number of studies on the application of membrane processes in vegetable oil processing has been observed in the last years. The advantages of membrane separation processes include the possibility of operation at mild temperatures, better product quality, low energy consumption, possibility of simultaneous fractionation and concentration, easy operation. One of the major limitations for implementation of this technology in the vegetable oil processing is to find membranes that are stable to oil and organic solvents. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Netermičke metode konzerviranja hrane Drago Šubarić Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet, Sveučilište Josip Juraj Štrossmajer, Osijek, Hrvatska Abstract 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Plenarna predavanja Zbrinjavanje i recikliranje polimernog otpada Lj. Kratofil Krehula, A. Ptiček Siročić, Z. Hrnjak-Murgić Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska Abstract Otpad je u današnje vrijeme izrazito velik društveni problem jer onečišćenje okoliša donosi brojne negativne posljedice: narušava se prirodna ravnoteža, ugrožava ljudsko zdravlje i život, nastaju klimatski poremećaji, kao i problemi u gospodarstvu. Gospodarenje otpadom stoga je iznimno važna djelatnost koja zahtijeva stručan pristup u skladu s donošenjem i provođenjem zakonskih propisa. U ukupnoj količini komunalnog otpada vrlo velik udio zauzima i polimerni otpad, posebice ambalažni. Problem zbrinjavanja polimernog otpada prvenstveno je nemogućnost njegova uključivanja u prirodne kružne tokove jer uglavnom nije podložan biorazgradnji, a njegove se količine neprestano povećavaju. Polimerni otpad može se zbrinuti različitim postupcima, a način zbrinjavanja ovisi o vrsti, raspoloživoj količini i heterogenosti te o organizaciji prikupljanja, tj. društvenoj infrastrukturi. Danas je zbrinjavanje polimernog otpada odlaganjem, kao i spaljivanje bez energetskog iskorištenja, štetno za okoliš, a i u potpunosti ekonomski neprihvatljivo. Zbog toga se sve intenzivnije provode različiti postupci recikliranja koji su daleko ekološki prihvatljiviji i ekonomski povoljniji. Da bi se dobio što kvalitetniji reciklirani materijal, polimerni je otpad na početku procesa recikliranja nužno razdvojiti po vrsti polimernog materijala te provesti postupke pranja i usitnjavanja. Ovako razdvojeni polimerni otpad može se zatim reciklirati mehaničkim i kemijskim postupcima ili energetski oporaviti. Cjelokupan proces zbrinjavanja polimernog otpada sastoji se od prikupljanja, transporta i pripreme za obradu (pranje, usitnjavanje) nakon čega slijedi postupak recikliranja. Uspješan primjer ovakvog cjelokupnog postupka recikliranja svakako je recikliranje ambalažnih poli(etilen-tereftalatnih) boca koje se većinom ponovno recikliraju u boce iako ih je moguće reciklirati i u poliesterska vlakna, filmove i druge proizvode. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Kognitivna grafika i monitoring D. Krmpotić1, S. Blatnik1, S. Selimović2, 1IPAK institut, Velenje, Slovenia 2Inova4t, Velenje, Slovenia Abstract The modern methods of monitoring and process contral are based on strong use of information and communication technologies. The recent fast development of ICT provide us with new and efficient methods of data visualization collected frm the system under monitoring. The cognitive graphice presents strong and efficient method for presentation of the state of the system which can be accepted by human beings on easisest way. In proposed lecture the basic of cognitive graphics and its applications in different fields will be presented. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Elementarna analiza sedimenta rijeke Spreče A. Đozić Tehnološki fakultet Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH Abstract U radu su prikazani rezultati elementarne analize sedimenta rijeke Spreče na 12 mjernih mjesta. Područje ispitivinja obuhvatilo je lokacije od izvora do ušća u rijeku Bosnu. Analizom su obuhvaćeni teški metali ali i ostali elementi koji pri visokim koncentracijama mogu imati toksično djelovanje a sve u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva zagađujućih materija u sedimentu koji na plavnim područjima može dospjeti na poljoprivredno zemljište i time ga na duži niz godina učiniti neupotrebljivim. Koncentracije metala su se povećavale u blizni industrijskih područja što je rezultat antropogenih uticaja prije svega nedostatka postrojenja za prečišćavanje industrijskih otpadnih voda. Analiza uzoraka sedimenta je izvršena pomoću X-ray fluoroscente spektroskopije. Ključne riječi: rijeka Spreča, sediment, teški metali, X-ray fluoroscenta spektroskopija 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Research of neutralization process of acid wastewater using various lime sludge S. Begić1, V. Mićić2, Z. Petrović2, S. Tuzlak1, A. Avdić1 1Faculty 2Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina; of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Zvornik, Bosna i Hercegovina Abstract Lime sludge generated in industrial processes of water softening is a significant environmental and economic burden, due to increasingly stringent national and international regulations relating to the management of waste streams. The high content of calcium carbonate in this material opens the possibility of its application in the processes of neutralization of acidic waste water. In this paper it was conducted a research of the process of neutralization the acidity of water in terms of different initial pH value, using lime sludge generated by treatment of salt and fresh water. Results showed that the initial pH value of the water and the presence of NaCl have a significant effect on the solubility of calcium carbonate in the process of neutralization. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Fizičko-hemijska i mikrobiološka kontrola izvorišnih voda u opštini Bužim A.Aldžić1, A. Bećiraj2, A. Džaferović3, S. Habeš4, A.Ćehajić5, S.Dedić 6 1,5 Visoka zdravstvena škola, Bihać, BiH 2,3,6 Biotehnički fakultet, Bihać, BiH 4 Fakultet zdravstvenih studija, Sarajev, BiH Abstract U ovom radu su vršena istraživanja na tri izvorišta u Opštini Bužim, Unsko-sanski kanton. Analizirani su uzorci pitke vode sa tri izvorišta i to jedno izvorište neprečišćena voda, a ostala dva izvorišta uzorak je uzet nakon prečišćavanja. Analize su praćene prva četiri mjeseca 2012. godine. Pored ovog svakog mjeseca je uzet uzorak vodovodne vode iz različitih struktura Opštine Bužim. U navedenim uzorcima vršene su fizičko-hemijske i mikrobiološke analize. Analize su rađene u Zavodu za javno zdravstvo Unsko-sanskog kantona, prema „Pravilniku o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti vode za piće“ (Sl. glasnik BiH br. 40/10), „Zakonu o vodama“ (Sl. novine FBiH br.70/06) i „Zakonu o hrani“ (Sl. glasnik BiH br. 50/04). Rezultati analiza su pokazali da se radi o vodi dobrog kvaliteta koja zadovoljava navedeni Pravilnik, osim u mjesecu februaru bakteriološka analiza izvorišta „Musići“ ne zadovoljava Pravilnik. U ovom uzorku vode identificiran je UFK-5 i izolirana je E.coli. Fizičko hemijske analize kod svih uzoraka imale su vrijednosti koje zadovoljavaju navedeni Pravilnik. Ključne riječi: izvorišta, fizičko-hemijske analize, mikrobiološke analize, UFK, E. coli 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Kontrola i monitoring sadržaja Joda u soli za ljudsku ishranu I. Kapetanović, R. Babović, A. Brkić, E. Obralić, N. Balvanović Solana d.d. Tuzla, BiH Abstracts Jod je jedan od esencijalnih oligoelemenata neophodnih za funkcionisanje ljudskog organizma. Osnovna funkcija joda u organizmu se odnosi na sintezu tiroidnog hormona, proizvoda štitne žljzde. Kako nebi nastao deficit ili suficit joda, zakonskom regulativom u našoj zemlji je propisano obogačivanje kuhinjske soli. Određivanje joda u jodiranoj soli provedeno je primjenom jodometrijske metode u laboratoriji Solana d.d. Tuzla. Za proizvodnju jodirane kuhinjske soli u Solani d.d. Tuzla se primjenjuje rastvor KIO3. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na kontinuirani monitoring i kontrolu Joda u soli. Provedenim monitoringom zaključeno je da so koja se nalazi na tržištu BiH zadovoljava kvalitet propisan pravilnicima na nivou BiH. Ključne riječi: Jod, so, monitoring, kontrola, jodometrijska metoda. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Računarski sistem za monitoring kvalitete zraka S. Šadl, J. Lodrant, Artes d.o.o,Velenje, Slovenia Abstract The advanced computer technologies and measurement instruments provide conditions for efficient monitoring of the air quality.Artes d.o.o. developed computer based system for monitoring of air quality which measures on selected location COx, Nox, ozon and dust. The measurement stations are connected in the network , and data can be accessed on internet. The ystem was implemented at Velenje, Tuzla and Kosovo. The application gave excellent results. System enables the reliable estiamtion of the air pollution what can be used for definition of environmental pretection measures. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Monitoring vode akumulacije Modrac, najznačajnijeg višenamjenskog vodnog resursa u FBiH M. Uljić1, V. Selimbašić2 poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede TK, BiH 2Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 1Ministarstvo Abstract Akumulacija Modrac, najznačajniji vodni resurs Tuzlanskog kantona i Federacije BiH, formirana je 1964. godine izgradnjom brane u tjesnacu Modrac. Svrstava se u višenamjenske vodne objekte sa sljedećim namjenama po prioritetima: obezbjeđenje vode za potrebe stanovništva, obezbjeđenje vode za potrebe industrije, zaštita od poplava nizvodno od brane, obezbjeđenje biološkog minimuma rijeke Spreče nizvodno od akumulacije, razvoj turizma, rekreacije i sportova na vodi i proizvodnju električne energije na mini hidroelektrani, korištenjem viška vode. Tokom gotovo pedeset godina, kao posljedica, prije svega, aktivnosti na površinskimkopovima i mokrim separacijama uglja u slivu, izmijenjene su morfometrijske karakteristike akumulacije. Geodetska i hidrografska mjerenja dna i priobalja provedena 2012. godine utvrdila su da količina nanosa u akumulaciji Modrac iznosi preko 15 miliona m3. Kada je u pitanju kvalitet vode akumulacije, imajući u vidu izuzetno veliku slivnu površinu od 1.189 km2, što predstavlja preko 60 % cjelokupnog sliva rijeke Spreče, pored površinskih kopova i mokrih separacija uglja, najveći zagađivači su komunalne i industrijske otpadne vode kako u općinskim centrima, tako i decentraliziranim naseljima u slivu. Posljedica ovakvog stanja je povećan sadržaj suspendiranih materija, enormno organsko zagađenje, unos nutrijenata te prisustvo teških metala u vodi akumulacije, usljed unosa zagađenja rijekama Spreča i Turija, kao glavnim pritokama akumulacije. Rezultati praćenja kvaliteta vode i smanjenja zapremine akumulacije Modrac ukazuju na potrebu provedbe multidisciplinarnih mjera zaštite akumulacije Modrac i zajedničkog angažmana svih nivoa vlasti, naučno-obrazovnih institucija i organizacija civilnog društva. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Jestivi filmovi i omotači – proizvodnja i primjena Đ. Ačkar, D. Šubarić, J. Babić, A. Jozinović, S. Jokić Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Croatia ABSTRACT Edible films and coatings are active packaging systems used in food production that are gaining increasing attention. In addition to food protection and shelf-life extension, advantage of edible films is their safety for consumption, unlike other packaging materials that pose environmental issues. Basic film forming components are proteins, lipids and/or polysaccharides. Plasticizers, antimicrobials, antioxidants, colours and/or aroma are often added. Recent researches are mainly focused on application of natural antimicrobials in edible films for meat and minimally processed vegetable application. The aim of this review is to give overview of most important knowledge in edible film and coating applications in food industry. Keywords: edible films, active packaging, production, application 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Ekstrakcija SC fluidima – nova zelena tehnologija S. Jokić1, S. Vidović2, K. Aladić3, Đ. Ačkar1, D. Šubarić1 1Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Osijek, fakultet Novi Sad, Bulevar cara Lazara 1, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija 3Hrvatski Veterinarski Institut, Veterinarski zavod Vinkovci, 32100 Vinkovci, Hrvatska 2Tehnološki Abstract Posljednjih godina, zbog sve većeg negativnog utjecaja ljudskih aktivnosti na okoliš, sve više raste svijest ljudi o potrebi zaštite okoliša te se stoga u prehrambenoj, kemijskoj i farmaceutskoj industriji velika pozornost pridaje zelenim i održivim tehnologijama koje se zasnivaju na prihvatljivom kompromisu između ekonomskih, socijalnih i ekoloških zahtjeva. Trenutno Europska unija donosi nove zakone i odredbe koje imaju za cilj zaštitu okoliša i ljudi od štetnih utjecaja kemikalija, a akademska je zajednica mobilizirana da razvije nove spojeve i otapala koji su manje štetna za ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš Kao novo zeleno otapalo posljednjih se godina razmatra i superkritični ugljični dioksid koji se pokazao kao vrlo poželjno otapalo u separacijskim procesima, ali i sintetskim postupcima, budući da je neotrovan, nezapaljiv, bez okusa i mirisa, jeftin i lako dostupan u većim količinama, kao i zbog toga što je ekološki prihvatljivo i GRAS (generalno prihvaćen kao sigurno) otapalo. Jedna od čestih potreba je tržišni zahtjev za proizvodom visoke kvalitete koji se ne može postići bez primjene ekstrakcije superkritičnim fluidima, kao što je npr. slučaj s bezkofeinskom kavom. Sve češća primjena je i u farmaceutskoj industriji posebice kod ekstrakcije i pročišćavanja aktivnih supstanci iz različitih sirovina Unatoč brojnim prednostima, ovakva tehnologija ekstrakcije još uvijek ima malu primjenu za što je glavni razlog visoka cijena uređaja, mali prinosi visokovrijednih ekstrakata te nedovoljna educiranost koja i dalje otežava primjenu načela zelene kemije kao standardne prakse u razvoju novih industrijskih procesa u Hrvatskoj i susjednim zemljama 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A Zbrinjavanje otpadnih mazivih ulja i zauljene ambalaže na TK J. Sadadinović1, M. Burgić1, F. Zilić2, M. Ahmetbašić1 1 Univerzitet u Tuzli, Tehnološki fakultet, BiH 2INSPEKT RGH d.o.o. Sarajevo, BiH Abstract In order to reduce costs and increase the functionality of various devices and vehicles, increased demand for lubricating oils. Increased consumption and production conditions the creation of large amounts of waste oil and oily packaging. Waste oil is selected into the category of hazardous waste. Improper management of waste lubricating oils, that their runoff is coming to the big threat to the environment and the biggest threat to nature and for the population. The EU countries are constantly working to solve the problem of waste lubricating oil, and has adopted a number of directives on this (starting from the EEC 75/439 to the last 2008/98/EC). In countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is no organized management of waste lubricating oil and oily packaging because of the lack of appropriate regulations and strictly applying laws that already passed, but also because of the lack of environmental awareness. After the exploitation of waste, lubricating oil can be used as an alternative energy source, or can be recycled (rerafionation) into the base oil. In our largely disposal is done in an irregular manner (deposited near roads, streams, fields, applied for burning weeds, as fuel), disposed of as part of the fuel in power plants. In this research with the survey and in direct contact with the consumers (mining, industry, power plants, etc.), it was analyzed current method of waste lubricating oils in Tuzla Canton. The data shows that the state of the current method of waste lubricating oil (spilling, burning, safe disposal or otherwise) and oily packaging is inadequate and poses a potential threat to the environment. Keywords: waste lube oils, oily packaging, adverse effects, treatment. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija A/C Kinetika razgradnje organskih tvari kod ko-kompostiranja peradarskog gnoja sa pšeničnom slamom uz primjenu korekcijskih faktora E. Karić, I. Petric, Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH Abstract Cilj ovo rada je bio da se testira kinetički model zasnovan na promjeni sadržaja organskih tvari za proces kompostiranja peradarskog gnoja i pšenične slame, i da se odrede parametri koji utiču najviše na procjenu konstante brzine reakcije. Kompostiranje peradarskog gnoja pomješanog sa pšeničnom slamom izvršeno je u specijalno dizajniranom reaktoru (volumena 32 l) pod strogo kontrolisanim laboratorijskim uslovima tokom 13 dana. Poređenje eksperimentalnih vrijednosti i modela za sadržaj organskih tvari su pokazala dobro slaganje tokom cijelog procesa u reaktoru. Eksperimentalni podaci su fitovani kinetičkim modelom prvog reda reakcije i kinetičkim modelom reda reakcije različito od jedan, a karakteristike konstante brzine reakcijek kompostiranja su dobijene pod optimalnim uslovima okoline. Kinetički modeli su uspješno opisali eksperimentalne podatke. Za kinetički model prvog reda reakcije k iznosi 0.0509 dan-1 za prvi reaktor i 0.1037 dan-1 za drugi reaktor, a k’ 0.0498 dan-1 za prvi reaktor i 0.1026 dan-1 za drugi reaktor. Za kinetički model reda reakcije različito od jedan k iznosi 6.330e-10 %-2.89 dan-1 za prvi reaktor, a 6.205e-08 %-3.08 dan-1 za drugi reaktor, a k’ 6.023e-10 %-2.89 dan-1za prvi reaktor i 1.817e-08 %-3.08 dan-1za drugi reaktor. Kod oba modela vrijednost za k je veća za drugi reaktor i te razlike su uzrokovane zbog većeg udjela peradarskog gnoja u drugom reaktoru. Kao što se očekivalo procjene k su općenito veće od procjene k’, u nekim slučajevima, k je mnogo veće od k’ i te razlike su uzrokovane zbog razlike između operativnih uvjeta okoline i optimalnih uslova, što je veća razlika između njih veća je razlika između k i k’. NRSME vrijednosti su se kretale u intervalu 1.15% - 1.49% za kinetički model prvog reda reakcije i 0.26% – 0.27% za kinetički model reda reakcije različito od jedan. Rezultati su pokazali da kinetički model reda reakcije različit od 1 daje bolje rezultate od kinetičkog modela prvog reda reakcije. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Energetska efikasnost uz pomoć računarstva u oblaku F. Pustoslemšek1, M. Kranjc2, M. Blatnik 3 1Etrust d.o.o, Slovenija 2 Energetika projekt d.o.o. ,Slovenija 3 IPAK institut, Velenje, Slovenija Abstract The cloud computing is technoloogy which provide flexible independent from location access to computing resources. It is developing very fast. The use of this new technology can provide new services, which are cheaper and more efficient that is the classical use of information and communication technologies. One of most perspective use of cloud computing is the energy efficiency . In proposed lecture the EKOSOR syste wil lbe described. It ws developed by Etrust d.oo. and IPAK institute. The package EKOSOR is analyzing the energy consumption in differetn systems (buildings, industry, traffic,...). The application is realized as cloud computing technology and its strict application can provide energy savings up to 30%. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B The development of Superstructure and model for the synthesis of heat – integrated water networks N. Ibrić1, E. Ahmetović1, Z. Kravanja2 1Faculty 2Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Abstract This contribution describes a methodology used for a superstructure synthesis and a model development for heat-integrated water networks. The methodology is based on a stepwise approach used in order to highlight different parts of the superstructure affecting final network design. The superstructure-based optimization model is described and a two-step solution strategy [1] is used in order to simultaneously synthesize a combined network consisting of a water/wastewater network and a heat exchanger network with minimum total annual cost. The superstructure and optimization model can be successfully applied for the design of the combined networks of different complexities with or without wastewater regeneration. The results obtained for tested examples are in a good agreement with those reported in the literature. Keywords: water and heat integration, superstructure, optimization model 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Current status and trends in the production and use of biofuels A. Jukić,1 I. Šoljić Jerbić 1, J. Pavlagić1, E. Vidović1, Z. Kauzlarić2, M. Miliša Gregurić 3 1 Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 2 INA Industrija nafte d.d., Rafinerija nafte Sisak, Kontrola kvalitete 3 INA Industrija nafte d.d., Rafinerija nafte Rijeka, Kontrola kvalitete Abstract In recent decades, the legislators of the European Union, the United States of America and Brazil are world leaders regarding the promotion and mandatory use of biofuels for vehicles. Thus, the main biofuel in Brazil and the United States is ethanol derived from sugar cane or corn, while in the EU there are so-called FAME biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester), derived from vegetable oils (mainly rapeseed and palm trees), and ethanol, partly in a form of the ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) due to its application advantages. Although the manufacturers of the conventional internal combustion engines and cars emphasize many disadvantages of using a mixture of gasoline and diesel fuels with biofuels, a mandatory share of biofuels in fossil fuels grows recently. Usually, as explanation the environmental protection (often falsely shown), the use of renewable energy sources (biomass), as well as some strategic reasons (less dependence on imported raw materials, employment, development of neglected areas, etc.) are specified. However, in order to avoid negative impacts of fuel production from food as raw materials, the policy of incentives is slowly changing in favor of technologies for production of fuels from waste biomass, mainly based on the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Also, production of hydrocarbon (CH) biodiesel obtained by hydrotreating vegetable oils increases and from the viewpoint of the application in the current car it shows considerable advantages over FAME biodiesel. This work will provide a concise but comprehensive overview of the current status and trends regarding the production and use of biofuels. Special attention will be given to our own results and modeling of a mixture of gasoline and biobutanol (up to 50 vol. %): structural-group composition (GC / DHA / PIONA, NMR), thermodynamical miscibility, distillation characteristics, volatility (vapor pressure), viscosity and refractive index. Additionally, with the use of chemical process simulation software - ChemCAD, thermodynamic mathematical models NRTL, UNIFAC and UNIQUAC are tested in order to describe compatibility and phase stability of the prepared blends. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Application of systematic methods for improving the energy and water efficiences within the proces industries E. Ahmetović1, Z. Kravanja2, N. Ibrić1 1University 2University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology, of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Abstract Systematic methods based on pinch analysis and mathematical programming have been successfully used and applied in order to increase energy and water efficiencies within the process industries. Pinch analysis represents a graphical approach based on process insights, thermodynamics and heuristics, whilst mathematical programming approach is based on the superstructure optimization. In early studies these methods have been only applied for heat or water integration. However, in recent studies water and heat integration within the process industries have been performed simultaneously. The goal of this paper is to present a basic concept of the above-mentioned methods and show applications of mathematical programming for improving energy and water efficiency within the process industries. Keywords: systematic methods, pinch analysis, mathematical programming, energy and water efficiency, process integration, process industry. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Primjena elektrokoagulacije (EC) za uklanjanje reaktivnih bojila iz otpadne vode E. Vidović1, A. Jukić1, J. Volarević2 1Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Hrvatska 2PLIVA HRVATSKA d.o.o. Abstract The industrial growth is accompanied by an increase in water consumption, with simultaneous increase of environmental pollution, including water. Solution of the problem is a reasonable use of water by longer retention in the system for water management and multiple usages trough recovery and recycling, because all forms of water present a valuable resource which is necessary to be evaluated and used according to the quality. We investigated the possibility of processing wastewater contaminated with reactive dye by electrocoagulation. Electrocoagulation is a complex process where a separation of pollutants by electrolysis, coagulation and flotation takes place. The advantage of electrocoagulation over conventional methods of treatment of contaminated water is generation of a coagulant in situ by electrochemical oxidation of anode. Thus, additional burden of water and the need for neutralization of excess chemicals are prevented, as in the case of direct addition of coagulant, i.e. chemical coagulation. Its additional advantage is the possibility to process water loaded with different types of pollutants and design in the scale of smaller, local systems for water treatment that may be preferable to large, centralized systems that require transport to the distance, as well as the additional costs regarding energy, infrastructure, etc. Processes are carried out in batch reactor with a pair of iron electrodes. Processes are performed at different current densities. Influence of initial pH and duration of the process on the effectiveness of electrocoagulation are examined. The total organic carbon (TOC) and the absorption, i.e. the concentration of dye in solution after treatment, were used as performance indicators. Treatment of contaminated solution resulted with a high efficiency of removal of dye and decrease of the TOC. The best values are achieved for the initial pH = 3, wherein the color removal of 99.8% was achieved, and TOC reduction of 92-95% 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Ako imate vremena za facebook imate vremena i za vježbanje J. Uplaznik1, V. Strojnik2, M. Tušak2, A. Ihan3 1Mikropis d.o.o., Slovenia 2Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, Slovenia 3Univerza v Ljubljani,, Medicinska fakulteta, Slovenia Abstract O održivom razvoje se posebno u Europi puno govori, međutim nikad o osnovnoj pretpostavciljudima. Europa po svim demografskim podacima gubi stanovništvo. A bez stanovništva nema održivog razvoja. Zdravlje je najbitniji element u životu svakog pojedinca. Stres je postao svakodnevnica. Potrebno ga je savladati. U radu će biti predstavljen program @life koji uz pomoć interneta i mobilnih aplikacija pomože u savlađivanju stresa i očuvanju zdravlja. Rezultati projekta će smanjiti troškove zdravstva, podržati ekonomski razvoj i naći široku primjenu u turizmu. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Integration of locally integrated energy sectors to from sustainable local energy systems A. Kostevšek,1 L. Cizelj2, J. Petek3, J. J. Klemeš4, P. S. Varbanov5, L. Čuček6, A. Pivec1 1Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj, Slovenia Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Local Energy Agency SpodnjePodravje, Ptuj, Slovenia 4,5 Centre for Process Integration and Intensification – CPI2, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary 6Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia 2Jožef Abstract Energy strategies cover objectives to diminish harmful greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, accelerate share of renewable energy sources (RES) and integrate various ecotechnologies to mitigate negative climate change consequences. Harmful impacts on the environment arise as a consequence of fossil fuels use. The intention of the present energy pathway is to decarbonise current energy systems and form more sustainable ones. Local communities present the appropriate units to form more sustainable energy systems. Integration of Locally Integrated Energy Sectors (LIES) concept and increase of the share of RES present an option to transform local energy systems to more sustainable ones. Initially, the energy efficiency of the existing energy systems should be increased with identification of energy sources and sinks to perform possible energy integrations. The following step requires the identification of the potential usage of versatile RES from techno-economic and environmental aspect. Transformation of present mostly fossil fuel based energy systems present sequential process in order to achieve sustainable energy systems. In this way, the integration of LIES concept presents a suitable tool for increasing the energy efficiency of the energy systems in the first phase and acceleration of RES within local communities on the next one. The proposal of the sustainable energy systems will be presented within the case study of the local energy system in Spodnje Podravje region. This presents the possibility to convert energy systems to the more environmentally acceptable ones. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Proizvodnja cementa i okolišni zahtjevi sa korištenjem alternativnih goriva i sirovina S. Ćatić, E. Ćilimković, Fabrika cementa Lukavac, BiH Abstract 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Energetski audit stambenih objekata Dž. Agić 1, V. Rizvić,¸1 S. Agić2 1Centar 2 za ekologiju i energiju Tuzla, BiH Elektrotehnička škola Tuzla, BiH Abstract Savremeno upravljanje energijom u zgradarstvu uključuje široku analizu svih energetskih sistema zgrade. Energetski pregled (ili audit) podrazumijeva analizu toplinskih karakteristika i energetskih sistema objekta s ciljem utvrđivanja efikasnosti i/ili ne efikasnosti potrošnje energije te donošenja zaključaka i preporuka za povećanje energetske efikasnosti. Energetski pregled utvrđuje način korištenja energije, područja rasipanja energije i identificira mjere za povećanje energetske efikasnosti. Ovisno o nivou i preciznosti informacija koje se prikupljaju o energetskom stanju objekta razlikujemo preliminarni energetski pregled zgrade i detaljni energetski pregled. Za potrebe istraživanja napravljene je anketa, a u svrhu popunjavanja podataka u bazi za jedan tipični stambeni objekat. Za obradu podataka korišten je dio prilagođenog autoriziranog softvera koji je razvila firma Echrsam&Partner AG (www.ehrsampartner.ch) za potrebe energetske analize i procjene troškova u njihovom radu. Uz pomoć Excel tabela, uz programirane matematičke obrasce, unošenjem odgovarajućih podataka moguće je proračunati: pojedinačni toplotni bilans za toplotnu izolaciju, podove i krov objekta; godišnje potrebe za energijom i potrebne toplotne snage; ukupni toplotni bilans toplotne izolacije objekta; grubu procjenu troškova; grafički prikazati energetsku analizu građevinskog dijela; grafički prikazati procjenu troškova svih toplotnih izolatora i krova; unijeti korekciju izračunavanjem koeficijenta naselja na osnovu broja grejnih dana primjenjeno za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. U ovom radu prezentirana je metodoligija rada sa softverom i energetskog audita za jedan objekat. Ključne riječi: energetski audit, energetska efikasnost, toplotni bilans 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija B Analysis of the mechanism and kinetic of thermal degradation of polymer/graphene composites D.Spasevska1, J.Blaževska-Gilev1, R.Fajgar2 and R.Tomovska3,4 1 Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy,”Ss.Cyril&Methodius” University, Skopje, R.of Macedonia. 2 Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the ASCR, v. v. i., Department of Aerosols and Laser Studies, Prague , Czech Republic 3 POLYMAT and Departamento de Química Aplicada, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain 4 IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao, Spain. Abstract A study of the mechanisms and kinetic of a thermal degradation of polymer/graphene composites is presented. The composites were prepared by emulsion mixing technique [1,2], where the water borne polymers poly(methyl methacrylate/butyl acrylate) p(BA/MMA) (monomers ratio 50/50 wt% and 40 % solid content) were mixed by ultrasonication with graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) aqueous dispersion in presence of polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), allowing formation of stable hybrid latexes. The composite films containing GNPs of 0.5 wt%, 1 wt%; 2 wt%; and 3 wt% were prepared from these latexes by water evaporation under standard ambient conditions and characterized by means of Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy (FQM), SEM imaging and Raman spectroscopy. The thermal properties of the composites were examined by Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA). The TGA analyses have been performed by heating at two different rates up to around 723 K. Analytical model of kinetic curve was used, by means of Gropjanov`s method [3], for determination of the mechanisms and kinetic of thermal degradation of the p(BA/MMA)/graphene composites. The thermal variation of the rate constant as well as the kinetic and the mechanism of flow of the reaction, depending on the GNPs content in the examined composites, have been derived. Also the controllable mechanism of the examined process has been determined. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija C Korištenje taloga bijelog mora za kalcizaciju tla N. Akeljić, M. Burgić Sisecam Soda Lukavac d.o.o., Lukavac, BiH Abstract Uticajem opštih globalnih poslovnih trendova fabrika SISECAM SODA LUKAVAC d.o.o.u cilju ispunjavanja istih pristupa poboljšanju svojih proizvodnih procesa. SSL u skladu sa time ide korak naprijed i nus produkte koji nastaju u procesu proizvodnje sode po Solvay-evom postupku pokušava na adekavatan način pretvoriti u sirovinu koja bi se mogla koristiti u poljoprivredne svrhe izradom i realizacijom projekta. Neophodno je uraditi sva potrebna istraživanja u saradnji sa Federanlim zavodom za agropedologiju - analize taloga Bijelo more, analize zemljišta na određenim lokacjama u TK koje je Poljoprivredni zavod TK odredio, kao ogledne parcele na kojima će se vršiti sva istraživanja, kako bi dobili reprezentativne rezultate i u narednom periodu utvrdili mogućnost korištenja taloga za kalcizaciju zemljišta. Sva laboratorijska ispitivanja biti će provedena u skladu sa važećom zakonskom legislativom. Cilj ovog projekta je prije svega, dokazati postavljenu hipotezu mogućnost korištenja taloga Bijelo more za kalcizaciju tla, kako bi se poboljšao kvalitet zemljišta za biljne kulture koje se uzgajaju u regiji Tuzlanskog kantona. S obzirom da je ovo prvi projekat u SSL koji se radi na ovaj način korištenje taloga Bijelo more u poljoprivredne svrhe, zadovoljavajuća potvrda očekivanih rezultata dala bi značajan ekonomsko, tehnički i ekološki doprinos svim zainteresiranim stranama. Društveno-ekonomska ocjena odslikava uticaj projekta na privredu šire društvene zajednice i kao takva ima za cilj da pruži relevantnu ocjenu o njegovoj isplativosti sa stanovišta društva u cjelini. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija C Primjena mikrobne kinetike kod modeliranja procesa kompostiranja peradarskog gnoja i pšenične slame N. Mustafić, I. Petric, Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH Abstract U ovom radu je izvršena numerička simulacija procesa kompostiranja peradarskog gnoja i pšenične slame. Razvijen je relativno jednostavan kinetički model za proces kompostiranja peradarskog gnoja i pšenične slame zasnovan na mikrobnoj kinetici. Izvedene su diferencijalne jednačine koje opisuju masu mikroorganizama, supstrata, kisika, ugljičnog dioksida, sadržaj vlage i temperaturu. Model uključuje dvije mikrobne populacije koje razgrađuju supstrat koji je podijeljen u dvije grupe na osnovu razgradljivosti (lakorazgradljivi i težerazgradljivi). Kinetika mikrobne razgradnje opisana je Monod-ovom jednačinom. Eksperiment je izveden u posebno dizajniranom laboratorijskom reaktoru (32 l), u kontrolisanim uslovima sa konstantnim protokom od 0.18 m3 h-1 (0.97 l min-1 kg-1OT) i početnim sadržajem vlage od 69.11%. Verifikacija predloženog modela izvršena je poređenjem simulacijskih podataka sa eksperimentalnim podacima dobivenim u laboratorijskom reaktoru volumena 32 l za konverziju organskih tvari, koncentraciju kisika, koncentraciju ugljičnog dioksida, temperaturu supstrata i sadržaj vlage. Rezultati poređenja eksperimentalnih i simulacijskih podataka pokazali su dobro slaganje tokom mezofilne i termofilne faze procesa kompostiranja, dok su u fazi razgradnje težerazgradljivog supstrata primjećena određena odstupanja. Analiza osjetljivosti modela prema parametrima izvršena je varijacijom parametara za ±25%, ±50% i ±75% u odnosu na njihove optimalne vrijednosti i praćenjem uticaja varijacija na odabrane funkcije cilja. Varijacija pojedinih parametara najviše je uticala na maksimalnu konverziju organskih tvari, zatim na maksimalnu koncentraciju ugljičnog dioksida, a najmanje na maksimalnu temperaturu supstrata. U radu su određene i optimalne vrijednosti za početni sadržaj vlage od 67 % i protok zraka od 1.35 l min-1 kg-1OT. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija C/A Influence of ligand structure on the efficiency of metal ion transport through liquid organic membranes Mersiha Suljkanović1, Ranka Kubiček2 fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 2Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 1Prirodno-matematički Abstract Quality control of raw materials and products in food and chemical industry as well as quality control of the environment are regulated by legislation which includes implementation of numerous analytical methods. However, the development of new products and better understanding hazards arising from possible contamination, imposes a requirement for permanent development of analytical methods and techniques which reduce the limit of detection of pollutants, but also enable their concentration and separation. Pollutants that occupy one of the most important places in the quality control are heavy metals. Methods for determination of heavy metal content in natural resources (water, soil, air, industrial raw materials and products) are increasingly occupying the attention of researchers. Recently used methods for determination of metal cations are generally based on the principle of „molecular recognition“ and include complexation of metal cations with suitable ligands, followed by their removal in the form of coordination compounds. Efficiency of complexation expressed through the stability of formed complexes is determined by compatibility between cations and ligands. The parameters which determine the ligand nature are: the number and type of electron-donor atoms, the structure of molecules (macrocyclic or long-chained), polarity, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance, etc. One of the technique for succesfully separation and preconcentration of metal cations is transport through liquid organic membranes. The process involves extraction, diffusion and reextraction of metal ions. Efficiency of this process depends on choice of: ligands, organic solvents-liquid membranes, counter-ions and stripping agents. In this paper, investigation of the influence of ligand structure on the efficiency of metal cation transport through liquid organic membranes, metal cations Cd(II) and Pb(II), macrocyclic ligands: 18-crown-6 and dibenzo-18-crown-6, nonionic tenzides: Triton X-00 and Triton X-45, and organic solvents as liquid membranes: dichloromethane and 1,2-dichloroethane, were used. Key words: metal cations, ligands, complexation, liquid membrane transport 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija C/A Primjena indeksa oticanja otpadnih voda na Kantonu Sarajevo N. Ferhatović, A. Žilić Zavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona Sarajevo, BiH Abstract U radu se razmatra primjena urbanog indikatora održivosti, indeksa oticanja otpadnih voda (indexBDE) koji je sa gledišta kriterija održivosti indikator stepena ispunjenja zahtjeva zaštite vodotokova. Autori su tokom proračuna indeksa koristili reprezentativne pokazatelje za posmatrano područje. Lokalne zajednice locirane na području slivnog područja rijeke Bosne, Opštine, mjesne zajednice i pripadajuća domaćinstva, bile su osnovne jedinice iz kojih su se prikupljali podaci i informacije za proračun indeksa. Proračunate vrijednosti (indeksa BDE) za period istraživanja, ograničenog na područje tri glavne pritoke rijeke Bosne (Miljacka, Zujevina i Željeznica) pokazuje negativnu razvojnu tendenciju indikatora sa gledišta utvrđenih kriterija održivosti. Centralnu ulogu u cikličnom procesu stalnog napretka ka ciljevima održivog razvoja predstavlja monitoring, procjena i vrednovanje prema utvrđenim indikatorima. Uspostavljanje praktičnog i relevantnog monitoring i procjena strategije pomoću odgovarajućih indikatora treba da pomogne u praćenju kratkoročnih i dugoročnih ciljeva održivog upravljanja vodnim resursima. Klučne riječi: monitoring, komunalne otpadne vode, indikatori 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija D Primjena Pd(OCOCF3)2 bipiridin kompleksa u formiranju kvaternih ugljikovih centara J. Suljagić Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH Abstract Tranzicijska metalna kataliza je efikasna metoda za formiranje ugljik-ugljik veze, ali još uvijek nije lagano za konstrukciju ugljikovih kvaternih centara. Konjugirana adicija Grignardovih reagenasa u supstituirane nezasićene karbonilne spojeve katalizirana bakrom je dobro poznata, ali reakcija uključuje zrak i osjetljive organometalne komponente i neke funkcionalne grupe ne mogu biti tolerisane ovom reakcijom. U zadnjih petnaest godina organoboron komponente su privukle pažnju mnogih organskih sintetičara zbog njihove tolerancije na široki spektar funkcionalnih grupa, niske toksičnosti i stabilnosti u vodi i na zraku. Samo nekoliko primjera paladijum katalizirane konjugirane adicije organometalnih reagenasa u α,β-nezasićena karbonillna jedinjenja je razvijeno. U ovom radu je razvijena konjugirana adicija arilbornih kiselina u α,β-nezasićena karbonillna jedinjenja katalizirana sa kompleksom Pd(OCOCF3)2/bipiridin sa velikim iskorištenjem produkta i primjenu u vodenim medijima. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija D Heterogeni fotokatalizatori na bazi Na4W10O32 za oksidaciju glicerola A. Bratovčić1, A. Maldotti2, A. Molinari2 1 Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Italia Abstract Photocatalysis for synthetic purposes concerns the use of light to induce chemical transformations of organic or inorganic substrates that are transparent in the wavelength range employed. The overall process can be considered photocatalytic when the photoactive species is regenerated in its initial state at the end of a reaction cycle, when the photocatalyst is consumed less than in stoichiometric amounts, while light is a stoichiometric reagent. The high selectivity of the mild photochemical routes are especially attractive for the manufacture of fine chemicals. Heterogeneous systems represent a suitable means to tailor efficiency and selectivity of photocatalytic processes through the control of the microscopic environment surrounding the photoactive centre, which is located on the catalyst surface or inside pores or in a thin liquid film at the surface.In thispaper, the synthesisand physico-chemical characterization of the newheterogeneousphotocatalyst Na4W10O32 is shown. The photoactivespecies is entrappedin a silica matrix by a sol-gel procedure. The photocatalytic activity of prepared material have been investigated in the oxidation of glycerol in the presence of molecular oxigen, as largely available and clean reagent, and working at room temperature and atmospheric pressure with a minimal environmental impact. The large functionalization of this alcohol renders its selective oxidation particularly difficult. As a consequence, any improvement in selectivity is noticeable if one considers that all oxygenated derivatives of glycerol are of practical value. Moreover, since glycerol is an important by-product in biodiesel production, the development of processes able to convert it into higher value products is an urgent need and a challenging opportunity. . 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Sekcija D Fizikalna svojstva divljeg luka i mogućnosti njegove upotrebe u razvoju novih proizvoda H. Keran1, M. Jašić1, E. Mahovac1, E. Imširović, N. Jull2 1Tehnološki fakultet, Univerziteta u Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2HIST, Trodnheim, Norveška Sažetak Regija sjeveroistočne Bosne i Hercegovine, poznata je po velikim količinama divljeg luka, koji raste u čistim područijima šuma i drugih predjela. Uzimajući u obzir činjenice da je divlji luk veoma ljekovit, i kao takav dosta se upotrebljava kao dodatak uz druge proizvode, potrebno je poznavati njegova fizikalna svojstva i hemijske sastav koji ga određuju za dalju preradu i primjenu. Pored navedenog, provođenjem kontinuiranih istraživanja, moguće je dati preporuke za razvoj novih proizvoda gdje će se on upotrebljavati kao dodatak ili kao osnova. U ovom radu, prikazana su fizikalna svojstva divljeg luka, te mogućnosti njegove primjene kao dodatka prehrani pri čemu nastaju novi proizvodi. Ključne riječi: divlji luk, fizikalna svojstva, novi proizvodi 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Hydropower potential of artificial reservoirs created by mining S. Noćajević1, Đ. Bajramović1 ,M. Jašić2, Dž. Ferhatović3, M. Noćajević3 1Nastavnički fakultet Mostar, Univerzitet“Džemal Bijedić“ Mostar, BiH fakultet Tuzla, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 3Prirodno – matematički fakultet Tuzla, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 2Tehnološki Abstract Bosnia and Herzegovina is rich in natural mineral resources, which until 1990. The controlled exploited. Current exploitation takes place mostly uncontrolled, through the exploitation of surface. Uncontrolled exploitation of mineral resources have degraded large areas (around 20.000ha), where biodiversity is compromised. These defects are formed deep and wide crater filled with rainwater and underground water depths up to 75 m, a diameter of 250-500 m, building successional ecosystems, artificial hydro reservoirs. In these devastated areas are formed 12 unprotected artificial hydro reservoirs (lakes) only in Zivinice. Their rehabilitation has been slow. So far, only a relativized 1200 ha of this land, and in Zivinica 93.4 ha, while the artificial water reservoirs is very little repaired. Only Basigovci lake was created in 1986 by mining activities, from 2010. the decorated and offered as a significant ecological tourist center. This could also be done with the remaining artificial reservoirs or organize them growing ichthyofauna, establish a system of land reclamation and organize the production of organic food, to establish habitats of endemic plants and animals and more. Artificial water reservoir formed an important mining areas of hydropower. Keywords: hydropower, artificial reservoirs, reclamation, recreational tourism 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Monitoring površinskih voda u skladu sa okvirnom Direktivom o vodama J. Ibrahimpašić, H. Makić, A. Bećiraj, A. Džaferović, S. Dedić, M. Toromanović Biotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet Bihać, BiH Abstract 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Teški metali u pritokama rijeke Une S. Hotić, O. Perviz, Biotehnički fakultet, Univerzitet Bihać, BiH Abstract Iz dana u dan se suočavamo sa sve većom degradacijom naših vodotoka. Prirodne vode sadrže u širokom opsegu organske i neorganske čestice. Teški metali su toksični čak i u tragovima (1). Organske i neorganske supstance grade komplekse sa teškim metalima, koji su veoma važni u hemiji teških metala. Cilj ovog rada je da se primjenom vrlo sofisticirane elektroanalitičke metode, kakva je voltametrija anodnog otapanja (ASV), odredi sadržaj teških metala i prodiskutira preciznost ove metode u odnosu na atomsku apsorpcijsku spektroskopiju (AAS). Inverzna voltametrija provodi se u elektroanalitičkoj ćeliji s radnom, referentnom i pomoćnom elektrodom. Nakon izlučivanja živine kapi slijedi proces elektrolize. Postupak voltametrije anodnog otapanja započinje procesom elektrodepozicije ili katodnog izlučivanja određivanog metala iz otopine na površinu radne elektrode. Ako se kao radna elektroda koristi živina elektroda i ako je metal topiv u živi, otapa se u živi stvarajući amalgam (2). Nakon elektrodepozicije slijedi proces mirovanja, a zatim proces anodnog otapanja depozita koji se odvija uz linearnu promjenu potencijala radne elektrode. Tokom procesa anodnog otapanja mjeri se rezultirajuća struja koja je proporcionalna koncentraciji istaloženog metala koji se analizira. Analizirano je pet metala i to kadmij, olovo, bakar, cink i živa.Uzorci su uzeti s lokacija izvorište i rezervoar. Neophodnost kontinuiranog praćenja sadržaja teških metala zbog njihove visoke toksičnosti, nametnula je aktualnost primjene savremenih polarografskih tehnika u kontroli vode. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Management standards in the public water supply D. Trezić1, M. Perušić1 , H. Keran2, Z. Petrovic2 1Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Tehnološki fakultet Zvornik, BiH u Tuzli, Tehnološki fakultet, BiH 2Univerzitet Abstract The subject of this work is the analysis of the management of organizations concerned with the public water supply, ie. preparation and distribution of drinking water in public water supply system. Control analysis was observed in the organizations with or without the relevant international standards and a system of governance, in terms of its document-based, applications, updates, and promotions or the other, not the same, but in terms of good practice. In fact, it is interesting to observe organizational experience during implementation of international standards and quality management system, environment or standards relating to energy efficiency due to the fact the rising costs of preparation and distribution of drinking water. Keywords: Water supply, management, standard 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije The challenges of packaging waste management M. Perušić1, R. Grujić1, H. Keran2, Z. Petrovic1 1Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Tehnološki fakultet Zvornik, BiH 2Univerzitet u Tuzli, Tehnološki fakultet, BiH Abstract Today we are witnessing the problem and the importance of waste management. Packaging waste has a particularly significant portion of communal and noncommunal waste. Therefore, the key stakeholders: (manufacturers of packaging materials, importers, fillers and packers distributors, end suppliers (traders), the end-users (consumers), and public utility companies as well as the society, must take responsibility for management of the same. In this paper, have been analyzed, some key aspects of the management of packaging waste, in fact, it is known that the management of packaging waste is the planning, organization, implementation and promotion of activities related to the collection, transportation, storage, treatment, disposal, and stand-by recycling packaging waste, including monitoring and the activities of some alternative solutions. Today, reuse, recycle, recover energy and other forms of restoration of packaging waste take precedence over disposal if required to do so rationally higher financial costs. For this reason it is necessary to develop a mode of cooperation between public institutions and the private sector in the management of packaging waste. Key words: Packing waste, management, waste recycling. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Uticaj različitog sastava i debljine jestivih ambalažnih filmova na bazi skroba na fizičko-mehaničke, strukturne i barijerne karakteristike jestivih ambalažnih filmova na bazi skroba D.Šuput1, V.Lazić1, A.Jelić1, Lj.Lević1, L. Pezo2, N.Hromiš1, S.Popović1, M.Nićetin1 Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Bulevar Cara Lazara 1, Novi Sad, Srbija 2 Institut za opštu i fizičku hemiju, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Studentski Trg 12, Beograd, Srbija 1 Abstract Interes za održavanjem kvaliteta hrane uz smanjenje količine ambalažnog otpada podstakao je istraživanja u okviru oblasti jestive ambalaže. Ova studija istražuje uticaj različitog sastava i debljine jestivih filmova na strukturna, barijerna i mehanička svojstva jestivih filmova na bazi kukuruznog skroba. Filmovi su dobijeni razlivanjem na Petri ploče i isparavanjem na sobnoj temperaturi tokom 72h rastvora koji sadrži skrob, poliol, guar-ksantan modifikovanu smešu i vodu. Sorbitol je odabran kao poliol i korišćen je u tri različite koncentracije (računato na bazu suvog skroba) jer je kompatibilan sa skrobom i poboljšava fleksibilnost filmova, sprečava njihovo pucanje i olakšava rukovanje. Dobijene su dve grupe uzoraka debljine 100µm i 200 µm. Unutar svake grupe dobijene su još tri podgrupe zbog primenjene tri različite koncentracije sorbitola, što znači da je ukupno dobijeno šest uzoraka filma. Određene su fizičke, mehaničke, strukturne i barijerne karakterisitke filmova: debljina, zatezna jačina i izduženje pri kidanju, strukturne karakteristike (FT-IR) i propustljivost vodene pare i gasova. Generalno, dobijeni su čvrsti, umereno fleksibilni filmovi sa dobrim barijernim osobinama. Dokazano je da je debljina filmova u direktnoj vezi sa svim ispitivanim svojstvima filmova. Ugradnja plastifikatora doprinela je fleksibilnosti filmova. Mehaničke karakteristike filmova se menjaju dodatkom plastifikatora što dovodi do povećanja vrednosti zatezne jačine i istezanja pri kidanju. Propustljivost vodene pare raste kako se udeo plastifikatora u sadržaju filmova povećava. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Scavenging capacity of DPPH radical and reducing power of free and bound phenolics of wheat flour N. Nikolić1, J. Stojanović1, M. Mičić1, M. Lazić1, I. Karabegović1, G. Stojanović2 1Univerzitet 2Univerzitet u Nišu, Tehnološki fakultet, Leskovac, Srbija u Nišu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Niš, Srbija Abstract In this research the antioxidant activity of extract of free and bound phenolics from wheat flour were investigated and compared. The scavenging capacity of 2, 2 diphenil-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH radical) and chelating activity on Fe2+, indicated as reducing power, were determined. The extract of free phenolic compounds were obtained by extraction with methanol. The bound phenolic compounds were liberated by alkali hydrolysis first and then extracted by mixture of diethyl ether and ethyl acetate (1:1, v/v). The obtained extract was evaporated and the dry residue dissolved in methanol. The IC50 value of free and bound phenolic methanol extract, for DPPH radical scavenging capacity, was 2.48 and 0.23 mg/ml, respectively, and for reducing power, 2.32 and 0.21mg/ml, respectively. The obtained results show the extract of bond phenolic of wheat flour have almost ten times higher scavenging capacity of DPPH and chelating activity on Fe2+ than the extract of free phenolics. Acknowledgement: This work is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under the project 172047. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Identification of bioactive compounds in aqueous extracts of cultivated strawberries’ leaves (Fragariae folium) using UHPLC-MS method M. Cakić, Lj. Stanojević, S. Savić, D. Cvetković, D. Ilić, Tehnološki fakultet u Leskovcu, Univerzitet u Nišu Abstract Strawberries are classified as herbs due to their chemical composition. Root, leaf, flower and fruit have the healing properties. Medicinal properties of leaves are attributed to the presence of flavonoids and vitamin C. The extract of wild strawberry leaves is used for blood cleaning, for treatment of oral inflammation, diarrhea, various gastro-intestinal inflammation, and hemorrhoids, as well as its used as a diuretic. So far, it has been proven many positive biological effects of strawberries (anticancer and anticoagulant effect); the positive impact on serum antioxidant capacity in humans is also demonstrated. Strawberry leaves, as a source of bioactive compounds with potentially beneficial biological effects, is poorly investigated. In this study, two types of dry leaves of cultivated strawberries (Zenga strawberry and colonnettes strawberry) are used. Aqueous extracts were obtained by maceration in hot water at room temperature for 45 minutes. Higher content of total extractive matter has been obtained from the leaves of Zenga species. The following compounds have been identified from the extract of colonnettes strawberries leaves using LC-MS analysis: rutin, coumaroyl-galloylglucopyranoside, hydroxyphenylethyl-coumaroyl-glucopyranoside, a derivate of hydroxyphenylethyl-coumaroyl-glucopyranoside, chlorogenic acid and p-coumaroylhexose. In the extract of Zenga type, beside mention compounds, it has been identified and pelargonin-3diglucoside. Bearing in mind that rutin and chlorogenic acid are known as antioxidant and anticancer agents, it has been determined their content in the extracts. The content of both compounds is higher in the extract of Zenga species (3 g/100g of dry extract for chlorogenic acid, and 2.61 g/100 g of dry extract for rutin). The presence of phenolic compounds in the extracts suggests their possible application as natural antioxidants. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia under the project TR-34012. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Praćenje stanja radioaktivnosti u NP Una analizom nekih bioindikatorskih vrsta H.Makić, E.Hodžić, M.Bektašević, A.Bećiraj, S.Rekanović, A.Šahinović Univerzitet u Bihaću, Biotehnički fakultet, BiH Abstract Praćenje nivoa radionuklida u životnoj sredini određenog područja je izuzetno značajno, ne samo za uvid u stanje zagađenosti životne sredine radioaktivnim supstancama, nego i za radijacionu sigurnost humane populacije datog područja. U ovom radu se nastojala sagledati kontaminacija bioindikatora u pojedinim dijelovima Nacionalnog parka „Una“, koji se nalazi na teritoriji Općine Bihać, Unsko-sanski kanton i obuhvata površinu od 19800 ha. U 15 uzoraka mahovine, paprati i koprive, koji su prikupljeni na 5 lokacija na području NP „Una“, su određeni nivoi aktivnosti 137Cs. Radijaciono opterećenje ispitivanih biljnih vrsta dobiveno je izračunavanjem jačine doze, čime je dobiven i uvid u stanje zagađenosti područja radioaktivnim izotopima. Ključne riječi: nacionalni, park, 137Cs, radionuklidi, bioindikatori 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Distribution of species Ichttyosaura alpestris (laurenti, 1768) in the Herzegovina area A. Abaza1, D. Žujo Zekić1, A. Adrović2 1 Biology Department, Faculty of Education, University „Džemal Bijedić Bosnia and Herzegovina; Department, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University in Tuzla,Univerzitetska 4, 7500 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Biology Abstract The problem of global and especially local decline, amphibian populations greater public importance, because amphibians can rapidly respond to changes in the outside environment and can be used as bio-indicators of the general state of the natural environment. With regard to the scope of this paper examines the problem of distribution types Ichtyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) in Herzegovina. Analysing distribution of Ichtyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768), its presence was confirmed at 12 localities: the lake Crvenjak at mountain Čvrsnica, Orlovačko lake at mountain Čvrsnica, plateau Džamija at mountain Visočica, Teleća lastva at Mount Velež (Podveležje), village Presjeka (Nevesinje field), village Kruševljani (Nevesinje field), Kruševac at mountain Prenj, sites Ošljak, Prekača and Žeravac at mountain Prenj, village Zijemlje at southern slopes of mountain Prenj (2 sites). All of the sites studied belong to high mountain regions of Herzegovina, considering that none of the specimens was sampled at elevations below 800 meters above the sea level. According to the vertical gradient, these sites were distributed from 869 m a.s.l. (Zijemlje) to 1974 m a.s.l. (Visočica). Apart from the stated sites, the research was also conducted at other areas where individuals Ichtyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768) were not found. These sites located in Nevesinje field were: Lake Alagovac, Zalomka River catchment area (locality Ponori), village Sopilja, water meadows in Sopilja, village Gornja Bijenja (pond at Ilino hill), village Plužine (flood meadows) and Veleško lake. At the site of Veleško lake the individuals Lissotriton vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 (Small Newt) were located, which is the only existing record of this species within the researched area. Keywords: biological resources, Ichtyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768), distribution, region of Herzegovina, biodiversity. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Značaj brdskog biciklizma za zaštitu okoliša i razvoj turizma u BiH Z. Osmanović1, E.Delić2, Z. Karadžin2, S. Ahmedbegović1 1Tehnološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH 2RGGF Univerziteta u Tuzli, BiH 3PMF Univerziteta u Tuzli, BiH Abstract Naziv "brdski biciklizam" ili "montibajking" (od engleskog izraza mountain-biking) odnosi se na svaku vožnju posebno dizajniranim terenskim biciklom izvan izgrađenih prometnica. To se uglavnom odnosi na brdske i šumske staze a u manjoj mjeri po nepristupačnim urbanim područjima. Zbog svoje namjene, konstrukcija bicikla za ove svrhe je posebna za razliku od bicikla namijenjenom gradskoj vožnji i asfaltiranim stazama. Početak brdskog biciklizma veže se za državu Kaliforniju (SAD), okrug Marin, sedamdesetih godina dvadesetog vijeka. Izrada prvog brdskog bicikla pripisuje se Joeu Breezeu, 1977. godine, a Tomu Ritchey i Gary Fisheru serijska proizvodnja brdskih bicikala. Nakon što je časopis National Gographic uvrstio Bosnu i Hercegovinu u svoju ”Najbolje avanturističku destinaciju za 2012. godinu, preporučujući ”brdski biciklizam” i nakon što je svjetski poznati magazin i turistički vodič Lonley Planet prorekao svijetlu budućnost u razvoju turizma Bosni i Hercegovini, počinje sasvim novi pristup razvoju ovog sporta i njegovoj turističkoj dimenziji. U radu će biti date osnovne informacije o brdskom biciklizmu, i njegova distinkcija od klasičnog biciklizma. Također će biti prikazan način mapiranja potencijala za „agro-bio“ ,„eko“ turizam, kulturno-historijski i religijski turizam; kongresni i sajamski turizam. Dat će se tehnike markiranje planinarskih i brdsko-biciklističkih staza te izrada karata i GPS podrške za kretanje turista duž markiranih staza. U posljednjem dijelu rada bit će prezentirane projektne aktivnosti koje su urađene u cilju promocije brdskog biciklizma za zaštitu okoliša i razvoj turizma u BiH. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Interakcija voda/sediment kao faktor raspodjele olova u vodama rijeke Neretve S. Bobar1, Z. Trešnjo1, K. Šoljić2, 1Univerzitet „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru, Nastavnički fakultet 2Univerzitet „Džemal Bijedić“ u Mostaru, Agromediteranski fakultet Abstract Posljednjih decenija 20.vijeka vode rijeke Neretve u istraživanom prostoru od Konjica do Mostara bile su izložene različitim štetnim polutantima nastalim u privredno-industrijskim kompleksima koji su locirani uglavnom duž obala rijeke Neretve. Sa intenziviranjem ovih privrednih kapaciteta kao i niz poljoprivrednih i drugih djelatnosti može doći do degradacije kvaliteta voda rijeke Neretve. Poseban problem je i taj što se vode rijeke Neretve duži vremenski period zadržavaju na već postojećem akumaulacionim jezerima (Jablaničko, Grabovica, Mostar), čime se olakšava i ubrzava proces eutrofikacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se poznavanjem interakcija sediment/ voda preko raspodijele metala olova i njegove sorpcione ravnoteže utvrdi da li postoji veza između sadržaja olova u vodi i sadržaja metala u riječnom sedimentu u vidu adsorpcionih izotermi Freundlichovog tipa. Istraživanja su obuhvatila osam lokaliteta sa kojih su uzimani uzorci i to: 5 (pet) na glavnom vodotoku i 3 ( tri) na važnijim pritokama rijeke Neretve. Poznavanjem sadržaja metala u vodi a posebno način vezivanja u sedimentima i mogućnosti njihove mobilizacije, transporta i akumulacije, važno je za ocijenu kvaliteta vode i za razumjevanje hemizma koji se odvija u vodenom sistemu. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da rezultati istraživanja pokazuju nizak nivo metala olova u vodama i riječnim sedimentima rijeke Neretve, izmjerene vrijednosti metala kretale su se unutar propisanih granica i zadovoljavaju Okvirne Direktive o vodama EU. Ključne riječi: interakcija, raspodjela metal, voda, riječni sediment 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Applicability of uf membranes for cutting-oil treatment J. Križan Milić, M. Simonič University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Abstract One of the most progressive ways of oily wastewater cleaning is the use of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes, but the main disadvantage of the process is membrane fouling, which is caused by deposition and adsorption of the emulsified oil droplets on the membrane surfaces, results in substantial decline in permeate flux with operation time and consequently limits its wide application. The membrane surface property plays a crucial role in determining the fouling resistance property of membranes. It is widely accepted that the more hydrophilic the membrane surface is, the better the antifouling ability it exhibits.1 Also, electrostatic phenomena, often quantified by the membrane zeta potential, influence permeate flux and the fouling behaviour.2 In this research UF of cutting-oil by three different polymeric membranes (regenerated cellulose (RC), polyacrylonitrile (PAN) and polyetherimide (PEI)) is presented. The membrane flux (J) in dependence of time (t) was studied. Surface and structural properties of membrane are very important for their permeability, which defines the capacity of filtration device. Therefore physical parameters as contact angle and streaming potential of membranes were analysed. Considering the results of these measurements the applicability of polymeric UF membranes and their surface behaviour were determined. The tests showed that among three different UF membrane materials, regenerated cellulose showed the best performance in terms of the water flux and fouling tendency, due to its good hydrophilicity. Keywords: ultrafiltration, polymeric membranes, oily wastewater, fouling, contact angle, zeta potential 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Validation of distillation method for determination of SO2 in beer M. Kolar, I. Jože Košir University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Maribor, Slovenia Slovenian Institute of Hop Research and Brewing, Žalec, Slovenia Abstract Sulphur dioxide (SO2), which is produced in beer during the fermentation, is harmful in high concentrations whereby the maximum allowed concentration in Slovenia is 20 mg/L. The purpose of this study was the implementation and validation of distillation method, which is the official recognized and prescribed method, for sulphur dioxide determination in beer in Slovenia and EU. The method was also compared with the spectrophotometric DTNB method that was previously used for routine analysis. Our research work on distillation method proved that the method is suitable for SO2 determination in beer: optimal distillation time was 20 min using 150 mL of sample. The average recovery at the concentration of 9.7 mg/L was 100.0 % and 85.9 % at 15.3 mg/L. The average repeatability of the method (n=16) was 3.1%, whereby no outliers were detected. Practical application of the method was tested on 25 differentbeer samples (lager light, dark, low alcohol, non-alcohol, a mixture of beer and extracts). For the majority of real samples the measured concentrations of SO2 where in the range from 1.0 to 2.5 mg/L. Keywords: sulphur dioxide, beer, distillation, validation, DTNB. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Determination of glucose and mannitol by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry in olive leaves extracts M. Islamčević Razboršek, I. Pavlovič, Ž. Knez, M. Škerget Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia Abstract Gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method (GC-MS) for the separation and determination of glucose and mannitol in different olive leaves extracts (Oleaeuropaea L.) has been developed. The described method with the previous formation of oxime- and trimethylsilyl- (TMS) derivatives provides a good separation and quantitative determination of thermally stable and volatile TMS ether oxime derivatives of glucose and mannitol. Chromatograms with one peak for mannitol, and not more than two peaks for glucose were obtained as a final result in all GC-MS analyses. The reactions of the oxime- and the TMSderivatives formation were optimized according to silylation agents used, regarding the temperature at which the reactions took place, and the reaction time. The investigated compounds were confirmed using standard compounds, by comparing the retention times, mass spectral properties and by study of fragmentation patterns of TMS ether oxime derivatives. Method was validated and working range, linearity, precision as repeatability, limit of quantitation LOQ and limit of detection LOD were determined. The linearity of the method was tested in the concentration range 5-200 mg L-1. The correlation coefficients (r2) were greater than 0.993. The LOD's for glucose and mannitol were 0.35 mg L-1 and 0.25 mg L-1, respectively. The LOQ's for both compounds were 1 mg L-1. It was proved that the method is repeatable (precise) (RSD<10%), and accurate. The results of the quantitative analysis of different olive leaves extracts showed that the contents of glucose ranged between 31 and 154 mg g-1 dry weight while the contents of mannitol varied from 89 to 218 mg g-1 dry weight. Keywords: glucose, mannitol, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Classification of wines by chemometric analysis R. Kranvogl1, A. Bednárová2, M. Islamčevič Razboršek1, D. Brodnjak Vončina1 1Faculty 2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Nám. J. Herdu 2, SK-917 01, Trnava, Slovakia Abstract A combination of FTIR and chemometrics was applied to classify Slovenian white wines. The identification of the geographical origin of wines is of great interest for wine consumers and producers since it may provide determinant criteria for guarantee of quality. Many researches described the possibilities of prediction of wine origin using efficient methods of wine components analysis connected with multivariate data analysis. The aim of our work is focused on white wine classification. Wine samples were scanned in transmission on a WineScan FT 120 from wave numbers 926 to 5012 cm−1. All samples were sourced from 2004 to 2006 vintage. The present study deals with description and classification of the wine samples originated from several regions of south-west Slovenia by means of the following variables: relative density, content of total, non-volatile and volatile acids, ash, reducing sugar, free sugar, SO2, ethanol and pH. An important additionally available variable was sensorial quality of wine. This sensory variable positively correlates with content of ethanol and content of volatile acids. The effect of the variety of wine and geographical origin was examined and many significant differences were found in the mentioned descriptors. Key words: chemometrics, wine, WineScan FT120, classification. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Utjecaj Ca (II) i Fe(III) iona na određivanje Cd(II) metodom AAS S. Hodžić, R. Kubiček, H. Pašalić Tehnološki fakultet , Univerzitet u Tuzli, BiH Abstract Kontrola kvaliteta sirovina i proizvoda u prehrambenoj i hemijskoj industriji, kao i kontrola kvaliteta okoliša su regulirani legislativom koja uključuje primjenu brojnih analitičkih metoda. Međutim, razvoj novih proizvoda i bolje upoznavanje štetnosti koje proizilaze iz mogućih zagađenja, nameću zahtjev za permanentnim razvojem analitičkih metoda i tehnika koje snižavaju granicu detekcije polutanata, ali i omogućavaju njihovu koncentraciju i separaciju. Polutanti koji zauzimaju jedno od najznačajnih mjesta u kontroli kvaliteta su i teški metali. Metode efikasnog određivanja sadržaja teških metala u prirodnim resursima (voda, vazduh, industrijske sirovine i proizvodi) sve više okupiraju pažnju istraživača. Do sada korištene metode određivanja metalnih kationa uglavnom su bazirane na principu „molekulskog raspoznavanja“ i podrazumijevaju kompleksiranje metalnih kationa pogodnim ligandima, te uklanjanje u vidu formiranih kompleksnih spojeva. Efikasnost kompleksiranja, izražena kroz stabilnost formiranog kompleksa, uslovljena je kompatibilnošću kationa i liganda. Parametri koji određuju prirodu liganda su: broj i vrsta elektron-donorskih atoma, struktura molekule (ciklična ili ravnog lanca), polarnost, hidrofilno-lipofilni balans, i dr. Jedna od tehnika koje se mogu primijeniti za uspješno separiranje i koncentriranje metalnih kationa je transportovanje kroz tečne organske membrane. Proces uključuje ekstrakciju, difuziju i povratnu ekstrakciju (reekstrakciju) metalnog iona. Efikasnost ovog procesa ovisi od izbora: liganda, organskog rastvarača-tečne membrane, suprotno naelektrisanih iona i stripping agensa. U istraživanjimauticaja strukture liganda na efikasnost transporta metalnih kationa kroz tečne organske membrane u ovom radu korišteni su: metalni kationi Cd(II) i Pb(II), makrociklični ligandi: 18-kruna-6 i dibenzo-18-kruna-6, neionski tenzidi: Triton X-00 i Triton X-45, a kao tečne membrane hlorirani organski rastvarači: dihloretan i 1,2-dihlormetan. Ključne riječi: metalni kationi, ligandi, kompleksiranje, transport kroz tečne membrane 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije The effects of surfactant structure in mixed surfactant solution at the precipitation of Ca(II) ions M. Ivanović, R. Kubiček Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract The mixed surfactant solution has a wide range of applications in modern society and an important place in many areas of chemistry, industry and everyday life. Therefore, surfactants are a significant pollutants in waste water. The interaction between this surfactants and existing ions in water and land can result in formating in water hardly soluble anionic surfactants salts and soluble nonionic surfactants complexes. It is also possible the performance of the adsorption of presents cations to surface of mixed surfactant micelle. The concentration of the products depends of concentration and structure of surfactants and it results in influence on the distribution of metal cations in the land. Similar reactions can be carried out in the analytical systems, and by that affect at the interference in determining of cations. Knowledge of cationsurfactant and cation-mixed micelles interaction is particularly interesting in analytical procedures involving separation by precipitation or complexing. Today, it is particularly interesting to study the influence of nonionic polyether-type surfactants on precipitation of hardly solubility calcium salts, in the presence of anionic surfactants and coexistence of carbonate. This paper investigates and analyzes the effect of the concentration and the structure of anionic and nonionic polyether-type surfactants on complexometric determination of Ca (II) ions, as well as the possibility of separation of Ca (II) ions as carbonates. In this study were used: · Anionic surfactant – sodium-dodecylbenzene sulfonate (NaDBS) · Nonionic surfactant - polyethylenglycol p-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) phenyl ether (Triton X-100), nonaethylenglycolmonadodecyl ether (C12E9) Methods used in this study: tensiometry, volumetry, conductometry and spectrophotometry Kay words: anionic surfactant NaDBS, nonionic surfactant C12E9, nonionic surfactant Triton X100, Ca(II) ions, precipitation of CaCO3 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Characterization of Acacia honey by fluorescence spectroscopy A. Softić, A. Smajlović Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract As several analytical methods have to be used together for a reliable authentication of the botanical origin of honey, such work is time consuming and costly. Thus, there is a real need for new methods that allow a rapid and reproducible authentication of the botanical origin of honey at low cost. Compared to spectroscopic techniques based on absorption, fluorescence spectroscopy offers a 100-1000-fold higher sensitivity and it was used to investigate authentication of the botanical origin of honey. Excitation spectra of acacia, meadow and honeydew honeys were scanned from 220 to 400 nm with the emission measured at 420 nm. All honey types showed significant fluorescence maxima of intensity between 220 nm and 257 nm. Samples of meadow honey had higher intensity of fluorescence when compared to acacia honey (3-fold), while honeydew honey showed different intensities of fluorescence. Acacia honey exhibits second maximum between 375 nm and 385 nm while honeydew and meadow honeys did not show significant fluorescence intensity in this range. Emission spectra at 420 nm with an excitation from 220 to 400 nm on Spectrofluorimeter may be used for the identification of acacia honey. Keywords: honey, botanical origin, authenticity, fluorescence spectroscopy, acacia honey 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Application of fluorescence spectroscopy for authenticating of the botanical origin of honey A. Smajlović1, A. Softić1, Meliha Arapčić2, Melisa Arapčić2, N. Srabović1, S. Berbić1, L. Begić1 1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Apoteke Ibn Sina, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract Honey is a remarkably complex natural liquid that is reported to contain at least 181 substances. The composition of honey is rather variable and primarily depends on the floral source; however, certain external factors also play a role, such as seasonal and environmental factors and processing. Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugars, of which fructose (38%) and glucose (31%) are the main contributors. A wide range of minor constituents is also present in honey, many of which are known to have antioxidant properties. These include phenolic acids and flavonoids, certain enzymes (glucose oxidase, catalase), and amino acids and proteins. As polyphenols and aromatic amino acids are strong fluorophores, fluorescence spectroscopy should be helpful for authenticating the botanical origin of honey. In this preliminary study, the application of fluorescence spectroscopy for authenticating the botanical origin of honey was investigated. Two different emission scans were recorded with wavelengths between 350 nm and 650 nm, with excitation wavelengths being 340 and 440 nm. In further experiment, the spectrofluorimetric method „3D excitation increment measurement“ was used. The fluorescence spectra were recorded between 330 nm and 650 nm and between 410 nm and 700 nm, respectively. When excited at 340 nm, the emission spectra of acacia honey showed fluorescence intensity peak at 440 nm, while other honey types showed no significant fluorescence intensity. When excited at 440 nm, the emission spectra of all honey types showed fluorescence intensity peaks between 497 nm and 535 nm. Fluorescence spectra obtained by method of 3D excitation increment measurement are characteristic for particular honey type. Our results indicate that fluorescence spectroscopy may be used as useful method for rapid authenticating of the botanical origin of honey. Keywords: honey, botanical origin, authenticity, fluorescence spectroscopy, 3D excitation increment measurement 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Comparative stady of optimization of the process of fabrication of fly ash ceramics B. Angjusheva, K. Lisichkov, E. Fidančevska, V.Jovanov Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet, Univerzitet Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje, Makedonija Abstract In the frames of this work, the 3D surface model was successfully applied to investigate the influence of the process parameters on the mechanical properties of the fly ash ceramics. Fly ash is industrial waste by-products generated by thermal power plant. The raw material was taken from thermal power plant REK Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. The investigation was conducted on the two samples of fly ash obtained from the different area of the electrostatic precipitator. Dense ceramics was obtained through the process of consolidation. The compacts were pressed at 133 and 266MPa, sintered in the temperature interval 950-11000C, heating rate of 3 and 10 o/min and isothermal time at the final temperature of 60 min. The process of optimization was conducted of the process parameters such, pressing pressure, sintering temperature and heating rate. Also their interactions on the mechanical properties of obtained dense ceramic were reported. Comparing the optimizations of the process parameters of the both fly ash samples, it can be concluded that the same process parameters (for example pressing pressure) influenced in the different way on the mechanical properties of the ceramics compacts. “Statgraphics Centurion” software package was used for the process of optimization. 3. Međunarodni simpozij „Okolišni potencijali, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane „ Poster prezentacije Effects of processing hydrocracked base oils by activated bentonite Z. Petrović1, S. Begić2, Z. Iličković2, F. Salihović1 1Faculty of Technology, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2Faculty of Technology, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract In the processes of production of base oils, different adsorbents are used in order to improve color, stability and removal of undesirable compounds. Effects of processing by adsorbents largely depend on their characteristics, such as specific surface area, pore volume, particle size, chemical composition, etc. These characteristics can be improved by chemical activation processes. In local refineries imported commercial clays are used for processing base oils. Natural bentonites from this area, because of their structure have good adsorption characteristics, but in order of their application for treatment of base oils, they must be activated by acid or alkaline process. This paper was investigating the influence of bentonite activation by sulfuric acid on the adsorption characteristics of bentonite, and the effects achieved by processing of hydrocracked base oils and a commercial active clay. The results of the investigation obtained by using different methods (XRD, DTA, DTG, TG, BET) showed that activated bentonite has very good adsorption characteristics. Also, characterization of refined base oils activated by bentonite has shown that achieved effects are similar to the effects of processing by active alumina. However, it is important to note that the use of activated bentonite for processing of oils leads to a greater reduction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PCA) in oils, than use of commercial clays. Keywords: base oils, bentonites, acid activation, the adsorption characteristics, treatment, PCA
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