NEPSIS Sai nt So ph ia’s Spiritual watchfulness and alertness. “Watch, therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42) Gr ee k Ort hod o x Chu rc h 3 2 5 W ar i n g Ro a d S yr a c u se, N e w Yo r k 1 3 2 2 4 P ho ne Fa x ( 3 1 5 ) 4 4 6 -5 2 2 2 ( 3 1 5 ) 2 5 1 -1 6 5 4 A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING After the Liturgy for St. Mary of Egypt, the fifth Sunday of Lent each year, we have a General Assembly meeting at St. Sophia’s. This gives us a chance to reflect on the needs of our parish and plan for the months ahead, through Pascha and the festival, camp and the beginning of the school year, until we have another General Assembly in the fall. The only people who are able to speak or vote at a general assembly meeting are members in good standing. There are technical definitions of ―member in good standing,‖ and recently someone called to ask me what they are. This person had heard me make a comment that being a member in good standing meant more than simply fulfilling a stewardship pledge. ―What does it mean, then?‖ he asked me. As a priest, I think this is a complex question. Imagine a married couple who have been married for twenty years. Something happens, and the man moves out of the house. Perhaps he goes to live in another city, or perhaps he stays in the same city, but either way, he doesn’t consider the place where his wife lives his home anymore. He sends her money – not very much, but a little. He never calls or visits or checks to see what’s going on with the kids. APRIL 2014 NEPSIS VISIT THE PARISH WEBSITE Can you say these people are still married? In the eyes of the law – yes. Technically. But is marriage primarily a legal arrangement? Is it primarily a relationship dictated by technicalities? I would not want to be married to you if you thought so! It’s the same with your membership in the Church. Sure, you can technically be a member, but what good is that? Does our parish exist to fulfill certain legal obligations between the institution and its individual members? I cringe to even write those words. No. The church is a body, the body of Christ. It exists to nurture relationships: between human beings and God, and among those who are a part of the body. Years ago, someone contacted me from a distant city. She wanted a letter of good standing so that she could be a godparent at a baptism. She had lived in that city for four years, and had no intention of moving back to Syracuse. ―Why don’t you get a letter from the church you attend now?‖ I asked her. She kept saying, ―St. Sophia’s is my church.‖ This was around the time when we had the miraculous icon from Hawaii visit our parish. Everyone was talking about it. I asked the young woman on the phone what she thought about the visit of the miraculous icon. She had no idea what I was talking about. In what way, then, was she a member of this parish? Sure, she was technically a member. Historically, she was a member. But when the miraculous was happening right here in this building, she was … not a part. Without a clue. What a beautiful time of the year we are coming to right now: Pascha. The celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord. I pray that, as His perfect body rose from the tomb, we all might rise from the attitude of ―technically a member in good standing‖ to become ―a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light‖ (I Peter 2:9). Your affectionate servant, Father David 2014 Parish Council Andrew Boucounis President Dean Assimon Vice President Peter Lemoniades Secretary Katherine Bristol Treasurer Petros Anastasiou Thomas Anthis, Jr. Constantine Kosmas James Kozanitis Michael Labatos Chris Meskos John Potamianos Christos Tzetzis NEPSIS Page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Parishoners, As we are in this most holy time of Great Lent and getting ready for Easter we should all give thanks and reflect on our many blessings but also help those in need with prayer and possible food donations. Keep in mind our General Assembly Meeting which all should attend. Festival plans continue as it will be here before we know it so please volunteer before, during and after. Yours In Christ, Andrew Boucounis Parish Council President Please Join Us! PAN-ORTHODOX LENTEN VESPERS Schedule of Services 6:00 PM on Sundays followed by a Fasting Meal April 6, 2014 ~ Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt St. Luke’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church MARK YOUR CALENDARS GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 2014 FOLLOWING CHURCH IN THE GYMNASIUM MARK YOUR CALENDARS 2014 GREEK FESTIVAL Thursday, June 5th ~ Friday, June 6th ~ Saturday, June 7th ~ Sunday, June 8th Page 3 NEPSIS St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church Syracuse, New York Centennial Celebration In 2017 the Parish of St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church will celebrate the 100th year since our Charter as a Greek Orthodox Church. There will be a glorious Centennial Celebration, a three day event that will be a historic celebration in the life of our Parish. All donations to support the Centennial at the levels below will be recognized at the celebration. Donations will be used for the improvement of the building as well as for deposits, etc. related to the actual event. Suggested levels of donation—which may be made over a four year period: □ □ □ □ □ □ Blue Level $1,000 ($250 x 4 Years) Bronze Level $2,000 ($500 x 4 Years) Silver Level $4,000 ($1,000 x 4 Years) Gold Level $10,000 ($2,500 x 4 Years) Diamond Level $20,000 and up ($5,000 x 4 Years) Donations from Parishioners of Professional Time and Talents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Telephone: (_____) _____- __________ Email: ______________________ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ Donation $ Amount Pledged: ___________________________________________ Donation Pledged of Professional Time and Talents: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Page 4 NEPSIS APRIL 2014 Program Schedule For Cable Television All Programs Air on Cable Chanel 98 on both the City & Suburban Cable Sunday Programs at 7:00 PM Monday Programs at 7:00 PM April 6 The Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt The new Greek Orthodox series ―Discovering Orthodox Christianity‖ continues this month April 13 The Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem April 7, 2014 The House of God: Iconography April 20 The Paschal Homily of St. John Chrysostom April 27 Holy Transfiguration Monastery April 14 The House of God: Architecture, Vestments & Religious Articles April 21 Music in the Orthodox Church April 28 The Early Church Family Classic TV ~ Sponsored by St. Sophia’s Sundays at 6:00 PM ~ William Tell with Conrad Philips Sundays at 6:30 PM ~ The Adventures of Robin Hood with Richard Greene Thursdays at 8:30 PM ~ Sherlock Holmes with Ronald Howard HELPFUL BOOKS TO READ FOR LENT The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus The Illness and Cure of the Soul in the Orthodox Church by Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain by the Priestmonk Christodoulos An Extraordinary Peace by Archimandrite Lazarus Moore Men’s Study Group The Men’s Study Group is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8 and Tuesday, April 22 at 5:30 PM at the Church. All men of the parish, young and old, are invited and encouraged to attend. Adult Education Tuesday 10:00 AM Bible Study Thursday Bible Study begins after 6:00 PM Paraklisis CHOIR WORKSHOP Wednesday, April 30th 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM with Zachary Martin Page 5 NEPSIS BASKETBALL TEAM & TOURNAMENT The Rochester and Buffalo Churches have challenged us to a Basketball Tournament on Saturday, April 26 & Sunday, April 27 for boys high school teams. Practices are every Wednesday at 6:00 PM for all those interested. We are seeking donations for uniforms. For more information contact John Anthis at (315) 263 -5588 or [email protected]. AHEPA AHEPA MEETING—Mark your calendars for our next AHEPA Meeting on Tuesday, April 8th at 6:00 PM at the Church. We welcome new members to our organization—stop by, check us out! AHEPA CAFENION—Let’s all get together and have some fun at St. Sophia’s CAFENION every Saturday! Join us to have a good time, meet with your friends, old and new, and any age is welcome! ALL IS FREE! We will have all the ―Greek Pastimes‖ every Saturday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM! Coffee, Tea, Mezethes (Snacks), Greek & American Television (a 50 Inch Screen), Tavli (Backgammon), Cards, and Much More! We extend an open invitation to the entire Parish Community. A Special Invitation to the ladies, especially those that knit and crochet. Come and share your talents, learn and teach with others, bring your yarns, needles and threads! We hope to see you at the St. Sophia CAFENION! Sponsored by AHEPA Chapter 37. George Sakellariou President, AHEPA Sunday School News Reminder to turn in the Myrrh-Bearer sign up forms by April 6th. Girls in the 3-7th grade have the opportunity to participate as Myrrh Bearers for the Good Friday Lamentation Service. Further instruction will be provided. Forms can be found across the office on the table stand or see below. On April 12th we will hold our Lazarus Saturday Communion Breakfast after Liturgy. We will be folding the palms for Palm Sunday and spending time with Father David. On April 18th , join us for the Good Friday Retreat. The Retreat begins at 10am and goes to 3pm. During that time we will have a run through with the girls who have signed up to be Myrrh Bearer women. April 20th- Easter Sunday, there will be an Easter Egg Hunt after the Agape Service. On April 27 th the top two Junior and Senior Division finalist will be participating in the District level Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical event at Holy Spirit in Rochester. Yours in Christ, Elizabeth Steinberg, Sunday School Director Attention Parents of 3rd Grade to7th Grade Girls –Myrrh-Bearers Good Friday ~ 7:00 PM Epitafios Service If you would like your daughter to participate please return this form to your daughter’s Sunday School Teacher, Liz Steinberg Sunday School Director or drop the form in the office no later than April 6th. Please note that the girls should be dressed in white and we will have a practice at the Good Friday (April 18) youth retreat. More details to be furnished. Yes, we want our daughter(s) to participate: Name of Daughter(s):______________________________________________ Parent Contact:___________________________________________________ Phone #:_______________________Email Address _____________________ Page 6 NEPSIS January 2014 Registry Wedding James Anthis & Margaret Pusey Sponsor—Maria Turenne Funeral James Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~ February 2014 Registry Baptisms Levi, Son of Lauren Haddad Sponsor— Jean Haddad Ioannis, Son of Jordan & Diane Weismore Sponsors—Peter Cappers & Dafni Kiritsis Funerals Maria Christopulos Ann Vasiliades Magdalini Morena Chris Bravos 2014 GREEK FESTIVAL Thursday, June 5th ~ Friday, June 6th Saturday, June 7th ~ Sunday, June 8th Mark your calendars and save the dates! The 2014 Greek Festival will be here before you know it. The dancers are practicing and the pita ladies are making dough. Look for the baking schedule—soon to be posted! Please support this fundraiser with your volunteer efforts. Again, mark your calendars for June 5th to 8th. Peter Lemoniades Festival Chairman April 2014 Memorials & Trisagions Eternal Be Their Memory April 6, 2014 Memorial Service for Helen Pollastro (40 Days) Memorial Service for Athanasios Tsionas (6 Months) Memorial Service for Ralph Steinberg (1 Year) Trisagion Prayers for Varvara Labatos (5 Years) Trisagion Prayers for Socrates Martys (19 Years) Trisagion Prayers for Panagiota Stamatakos (27 Years) April 2014 Coffee Hour April 6, 2014 In Memory of Ralph Steinberg & Socrates Martys, given by their family April 2014 Ladies Volunteering To Serve Coffee Hour A special thank you to the following ladies of our community who have volunteered to donate their time to serve coffee: April 6, 2014 Joy Anthis, Niki Anthis, Geri Archambeault, Mary Assimon April 13, 2014 Ann Arvan, Katina Baikos, Katherine Bristol, Corinne Cannellos April 20, 2014 Helen Copanas, Katherine Dusckas, Alexandria Felahi, Pam Ganotis April 27 2014 Roslyn Georgakopoulos, Artemis Gilbert, Anne Giopulos, Christine Granato Philoptochos EASTER LILY SALE Philoptochos is now accepting donations for EASTER LILIES to beautify the Church for Pascha and to honor the memory of the Departed. Interested parties should stop by the Philoptochos table in the foyer after Sunday services each week until Palm Sunday. There are a total of twenty four Easter Lilies available and the price is $20.00 each. Page 7 NEPSIS PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Philoptochos would like to welcome our many new members, we look forward to your ideas and enthusiasm. Thank you to everyone who helped make the coffee hour for Sunday of Orthodoxy a success. April is a busy month for us. Our bake sale is April 11 and April 12. Please support us by baking and buying the many delicious items for sale. We need your help to have a positive outcome. The Easter Lily Sale continues until all plants are sold. If you would like to honor the memory of your loved ones by purchasing a plant do not wait. We wish everyone a blessed Pascha. In Christ, Maria Allis Recording Secretary, Philoptochos ELIGIBLE SCHOLARSHIP CANDIDATES With this season of ―endless winter‖, it probably is hard to accept that April is here, and with it, spring vacation, Easter, college acceptance letters and, oh yes, for you seniors, that May 1 st, 5:00 pm deadline is also looming. Candidates for the Philoptochos and St. Sophia Scholarships should be sure to pick up their application form from the church office and make sure they are first and foremost: 1) eligible and 2) able to have all of their required items, including letters of recommendation, (one from Father David, the other from a teacher or counselor- and both letters sealed), transcript sent sealed from your high school, the application itself, complete and legible, and finally, your personal essay- everything into the church office by Thursday, May 1st, 5:00 pm. The Scholarship Committee is very eager to review all eligible applications! Philoptochos Easter Bake Sale Friday, April 11, 2014 ~ 11 AM to 4 PM Saturday, April 12, 2014 ~ 11 AM to 4 PM FEATURING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DELICIOUS GREEK & AMERICAN PASTRIES & TSOUREKI (EASTER BREAD) Parishioners please drop off your donated Pastries Thursday, April 10, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Page 8 NEPSIS YOUTH NEWS Thank You Greek Dancers Practices ―Dancers In Training‖ Sundays at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy in the gym Pink group – Tuesday 6:30 pm – 7:15 pm in the gym Blue group – Tuesday 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm in the gym White group – Sunday 6:00 pm – 7:00pm in the gym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Youth Committee Meeting 9:00am – 10:00am Saturday, April 5 in the gym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greek School Saturday April 5—10:00 am to 12:00 pm Saturday April 12—Folding Palms Saturdays April 19 and 26— NO GREEK SCHOOL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Youth Basketball Wednesdays 6:00 pm ~ For information contact John Anthis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Play Group Meets Friday, April 4 at 11:00 am in the gym The St. Sophia’s Youth Committee would like to thank the community for the support of Greek Independence/ A n n u nc i a t i o n C el e br a t i o n . AHEPA Syracuse Chapter #37 and Tina Lemon, we thank you for being our sponsors. A thank you to Theone Kalkinis and her team for surpassing their goal in raising the funds necessary to purchase costumes for the ―Dancers in Training‖. A special thanks to the Parish Council, Father David and all who helped to make the Greek Independence Day Celebration a successful event. Thank you to our amazing Youth Groups, you made this happen and we are proud of you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mike Labatos ~ Chairperson of Youth Committee (315) 427-7628 or [email protected] DANCERS IN TRAINING BAKE SALE SPECIAL THANK YOU!! We could not have done it without you! Thank you to all for the commitment to volunteer, bake, donate, consume and support the success for Bake Sale Fundraising Event on March 16th to raise funds for the Dancers in Training Costumes. The bake sale raised a total of $785.00! These funds will be used to purchase 15 boys and 15 girls Greek Dancing Outfits just in time for the 2014 Greek Festival! A Special Thank You to Fr. David, Mike Labatos, ALL the bakers, support volunteers and members of Parish Council who supported the efforts of the fundraiser. An extended Thank You to the following donors—Blue & White Carnations donated by Nick Panarites, Assorted Toys donated by Jean Koveos, Dafni Kiritsis donated items the Coffee & Chocolate Escape Basket, Kostas Katsiroumbas for the notable monetary donation towards the Basket Raffle. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! The Dancers In Training Team ~ Theone, Joy, & Heppi 2014 HOLY WEEK AND PASCHA “Therefore, because of the totally positive reason for the creation of this world by God and because God is not the cause of the evil in it, man’s salvation is not accomplished by a Platonic escape of the soul from the world and matter. On the contrary, it consists in the destruction of the devil, an event in the world and in time, through the resurrection and renewal of all things.” Fr. John Romanides ‘’Επομένφς, λόγφ ηης ενηελώς θεηικής αιηίας για ηη δημιοσργία ασηού ηοσ κόζμοσ από ηο Θεό και επειδή ο Θεός δεν είναι η αιηία ηοσ κακού ζ’ασηό, η ζφηηρία ηοσ ανθρώποσ δεν επιησγτάνεηαι με μια απόδραζη πλαηφνική ηης υστής από ηον κόζμο και ηην ύλη. Ανηίθεηα, ζσνίζηαηαι ζηην καηαζηροθή ηοσ διαβόλοσ, μια εκδήλφζη ζηον κόζμο και ζηο τρόνο, μέζα από ηην ανάζηαζη και ηην ανανέφζη όλφν ηφν πραγμάηφν’’. Παηήρ Ιφάννης Ρφμανίδης It is indeed the time for all Christians to celebrate and enjoy the event of the Resurrection of Christ, which is our own resurrection and the renewal of all creation. This schedule is meant to help you commit yourself to attending preparing for the celebration of the Resurrection throughout Holy Week, so that when Pascha arrives your soul is prepared to receive the Risen Christ! Fr. David Smith and the Parish Council of Saint Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church Είναι ππάγμαηι η ώπα για όλοςρ ηοςρ Χπιζηιανούρ να γιοπηάζοςμε και να απολαύζοςμε ηο γεγονόρ ηηρ Αναζηάζευρ ηος Χπιζηού, πος είναι η δική μαρ Ανάζηαζη και η ανανέυζη όληρ ηηρ δημιοςπγίαρ. Αςηό ηο ππόγπαμμα έσει υρ ζηόσο να ζαρ βοηθήζει να δεζμεςηείηε να παπακολοςθήζεηε ηην πποεηοιμαζία για ηον εοπηαζμό ηηρ Αναζηάζευρ όλη ηην εβδομάδα, έηζι ώζηε όηαν θηάζει ηο Πάζσα η τςσή ζαρ να είναι έηοιμη να λάβει ηον Αναζηημένο Χπιζηό! Πάηεπ David Smith και ηο ενοπιακό ζςμβούλιο ηηρ Οπθόδοξηρ Ελληνικήρ Εκκληζίαρ ηηρ Αγίαρ Σοθίαρ. 2014 2014 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE & EVENTS ΑΚΟΛΟΤΘΗΔ ΣΖ ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΔΒΓΟΜΑΓΑ The Saturday of Lazarus—April 12 Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM Communion Breakfast and folding of Palms for Palm Sunday Great Vespers 5:00 PM ΑΒΒΑΣΟ ΣΟΤ ΛΑΕΑΡΟΤ - 12 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Palm Sunday—April 13 Orthros 9:00 AM Blessing of Palms 9:45 AM Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM Nymphios Orthros 7:00 PM ΚΤΡΗΑΚΖ ΣΩΝ ΒΑΪΩΝ - 13 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Holy Monday—April 14 Presanctified Liturgy 9:30 AM Nymphios Orthros 7:00 PM ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΓΔΤΣΔΡΑ - 14 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Holy Tuesday—April 15 Presanctified Liturgy 9:30 AM Nymphios Orthros 7:00 PM (Hymn of Kassiane) ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΣΡΗΣΖ - 15 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Holy Wednesday—April 16 Presanctified Liturgy 9:30 AM Holy Unction 3:00 PM Holy Unction 7:00 PM Holy Thursday—April 17 Vesperal Liturgy 5:45 AM in Chapel Vesperal Liturgy 9:00 AM in Church Egg Dyeing Orthros of the Twelve Gospels 7:00 PM Good Friday—April 18 Royal Hours 10:00 AM Youth Retreat 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM Vespers (Removal of Christ from Cross) 3:00 PM Epitafios 7:00 PM Holy and Great Saturday—April 19 9:00 AM Vesperal Liturgy 10:00 PM Sermon of St Epiphanios 11:00 PM Resurrection Service Pascha—Easter Sunday—April 20 12:00 PM (Noon) Agape Vespers 12:45 PM Egg Hunt for the Children Οξζξνο 9:00 π.κ. Θεία Λεηηνπξγία 10;00 π.κ. Πξωηλό θαη εηνηκαζία ηωλ Βαϊωλ. Μεγάινο Εζπεξηλόο 5:00 κ.κ. Όξζξνο 9:00 π.κ. Αγηαζκόο Βαϊωλ 9:45 π.κ. Θεία Λεηηνπξγία 10:00 π.κ. Αθνινπζία ηνπ Νπκθίνπ 7:00 κ.κ. Ώξεο θαη Πξνεγηαζκέλε Λεηηνπξγία 9:30 π.κ. Αθνινπζία ηνπ Νπκθίνπ 7;00 κ.κ. Ώξεο θαη Πξνεγηαζκέλε Λεηηνπξγία 9:30 π.κ. Αθνινπζία ηνπ Νπκθίνπ (ηξνπάξην ηεο Καζζηαλήο) 7:00 κ.κ. ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΣΔΣΑΡΣΖ - 16 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Ώξεο θαη Πξνεγηαζκέλε Λεηηνπξγία 9:30 π.κ. Ιεξόλ Επρέιαηνλ 3:00 κ.κ. Όξζξνο θαη Ιεξόλ Επρέιαηνλ 7:00 κ.κ. ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΠΔΜΠΣΖ - 17 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Θεία Λεηηνπξγία 5:45 π.κ. ζην παξεθθιήζη Θεία Λεηηνπξγία 9:00 π.κ. ζηελ εθθιεζία Βαθή απγώλ Αθνινπζία ηωλ αρξάληωλ Παζώλ ηνπ Κπξίνπ ηα 12 επαγγέιηα 7:00 κ.κ. ΜΔΓΑΛΖ ΠΑΡΑΚΔΤΖ - 18 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Οη Μεγάιεο Ώξεο 10:00 π.κ. Σπγθέληξωζε λενιέαο 10:00 π.κ κέρξη 3:00 κ.κ. Εζπεπινόρ Απνθαζήιωζηο 3:00 κ.κ. Επηηάθηνο 7:00 κ.κ. ΜΔΓΑΛΟ ΑΒΒΑΣΟ - 19 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Θεία Λεηηνπξγία, Πξώηε Αλάζηαζε 9:00 π.κ. 10:00 MM Κήπςγμα ηος Αγίος Επιθανίος 11:00 ΜΜ Λειηοςπγία ηηρ Αναζηάζευρ ΚΤΡΗΑΚΖ ΣΟΤ ΠΑΥΑ - 20 ΑΠΡΗΛΗΟΤ Εζπεξηλόο ηεο Αγάπεο 12:00 κ.κ. Κπλήγη απγώλ γηα παηδηά 12:45 κ.κ. Donations for the Church Used during Holy Week and through the Year The following donations are for use of the purchase of items used in the Altar throughout the year. Pure beeswax candles and 100% olive oil are preferred since they have no impurities and have no animal products in them. Large Altar Candles, 100% Beeswax $25.00 per two (needed through Small Altar Candles, 100% Beeswax $20.00 per two (needed through Incense $50.00 per pound and needed throughout the year Altar Wine $100.00 per case (needed throughout the year) Ecclesiastical Books year, changed every 2–3 weeks) year, changed every 2-3 weeks) ΓΩΡΔΔ ΣΖΝ ΔΚΚΛΖΗΑ ( ΓΗΑ ΣΖΝ Μ. ΔΒΓΟΜΑΓΑ ΚΑΗ ΓΗΑ ΟΛΟ ΣΟ ΥΡΟΝΟ ) Οη παξαθάηω δωξέεο πξννξίδνληαη γηα ηελ αγνξά πξνηόληωλ πνπ ζα ρξεζηκνπνηεζνύλ ζην Ιεξό γηα όιν ην ρξόλν. Πξνηηκάκε γλήζηνλ θεξί κέιηζζαο θαη αγλό ειαηόιαδν επεηδή δελ έρνπλ θακία άιιε ρεκηθή ή δωηθή πξνζζήθε. - Μεγάια θερηά 100% γλήζηο θερί γηα ηο Ιερό $25.00 γηα δύο (ηα τρεζηκοποηούκε όιο ηο ρξόλν θαη ηα αιιάδνπκε θάζε 2-3 εβδνκάδεο). - Μηθρά θερηά 100% γλήζηο θερί γηα ηο Ιερό $20.00 γηα δύο (ηα τρεζηκοποηούκε όιο ηο τρόλο θαη ηα αιιάδοσκε θάζε 2-3 εβδνκάδεο). - Ληβάλη $50.00 ηο πάοσλη (ηο τρεζηκοποηούκε όιο ηο τρόλο). - Κραζί γηα ηο Ιερό $100.00 ε θάζα (ηο τρεζηκοποηούκε όιο ηο τρόλο). - Εθθιεζηαζηηθά βηβιία. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flowers for Holy Week and Pascha Please give any Amount Palms used on Palm Sunday Flowers for the Ιcon of the Nymphios and the Resurrection. Lilies and cut flowers for vases. Flowers to decorate the Kouvouklion (Epitafios) for Good Friday. ΛΟΤΛΟΤΓΗΑ ΓΗΑ ΣΖ Μ. ΔΒΓΟΜΑΓΑ ΚΑΗ ΠΑΥΑ ( ότι θέλετε προσυέρετε ) - Βαϊα θαη θοίληθες γηα ηελ Κσρηαθή ηωλ Βαϊωλ. - Λοσιούδηα γηα ηελ εηθόλα ηοσ Νσκθίοσ θαη ηες Αλαζηάζεως - Κρίλοη (Λίιεης) θαη ιοσιούδηα γηα ηα βάδα - Λοσιούδηα γηα δηαθόζκεζε ηοσ Κοσβοσθιίοσ ηελ Μ. Παραζθεσή ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pascha Offering Envelopes Please pick up your special Pascha Offering Envelope at the candle stand in the Narthex. Please return this to the Church office by mail or simply drop it in the offering tray. May God bless you for your generosity and support of our Church! ΠΑΥΑΛΗΝΟ ΦΑΚΔΛΑΚΗ Παπακαλούμε, παπαλάβαιηε ηο ιδιαίηεπο θακελάκι για ηην Παζσαλινή πποζθοπά ζαρ από ηον πάγκο ηυν κεπιών, όπος είναι ζηον Νάπθηκα. Σαο παξαθαινύκε ηαρπδξνκείζηε ην ζην γξαθείν ηεο εθθιεζίαο ή αθήζηε ην ζην δίζθν. Ο Θεόο λα ζαο επινγεί γηα ηελ γελλαηνδωξία ζαο θαη ηελ ππνζηήξημή ζαο ζηελ εθθιεζία. Page 12 NEPSIS FLOWERS FOR GREAT & HOLY FRIDAY Come and help decorate the Epitafios with flowers on Good Friday Please telephone Father David if you are interested in helping Training will be provided EASTER EGG HUNT We are looking for some people to help with The Easter Egg Hunt on the morning of Pascha, April 20th at the Church. This is a wonderful traditional event. The Easter Egg Hunt starts after the Noon Agape Vespers Service on Pascha. Please contact Katina at the Church office if you are able to help. We are looking for helpers to primarily stuff the eggs with goodies, scatter the hundreds of eggs around the Church, ensure the parking lot is safe, pass out bags, collect the eggs, and help organize the children. Thanks so much!!!! FLOWERS FOR GREAT LENT, HOLY WEEK & PASCHA Please contact the church office if you would like to donate the flowers, or towards the flowers, for great lent, holy week and pascha The cost of the flowers has increased considerably over the past several years Please take that into account for this year any donation for Flowers will be appreciated! Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Church 325 Waring Road Syracuse, New York 13224 315-446-5222 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fr. David R. Smith, Proistamenos April 1, 2014 Dear Patrons, Preparations are underway for the 41th Annual Greek Cultural Festival of St. Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church. An average of 10,000 visitors will attend this year’s festival from Thursday, June 5th through Sunday, June 8th with many guests coming from towns and cities in the upstate region. We are anticipating another memorable event this year! Our festival publication features ads from local businesses, whose ad income enables us to contribute generously to Town of Dewitt programs, Dewitt Day Camp Scholarships, the Syracuse City School computer program and our own church community programs. The many visitors to our festival read this publication, increasing awareness of the many local businesses and enterprises, which support our work. We invite you to become a sponsor in our quest to present the very best products and services at our festival. If you have advertised in the past, a copy of your last advertisement is enclosed. Please revise your ad, we would be happy to make the changes. An order form is enclosed for your consideration. Submission deadline, to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church c/o Cultural Festival by May 19,2014. Please feel free to submit your file directly to Diane with cc to G. Miledonis: [email protected] In these formats: PDF – JPG - Photoshop – PageMaker Please visit our Parish web site at Should you have any questions or are in need of assistance, contact me at 487-1126, [email protected] or the church office (315) 446-5222. We thank you for your interest and support and hope to see your ad in the festival publication. See you at the Greek Cultural Festival! Sincerely, Gregory Miledonis St Sophia’s Cultural Festival Committee ST. SOPHIA GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 41 ANNUAL GREEK CULTURAL FESTIVAL, JUNE 5-8, 2014 Annual Journal Order Form th WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT Contribution Rates (Please check all that apply) [ ] 1.Centerfold Double Page ** (5 ¼ x 8 ½ 2- pages ) ............................. $500.00 [ ] 2. Back Cover Full Page ** (5 ¼ x 8 ½ ) …….Taken ........................ $400.00 [ ] 3. Front Inside Full Page ** (5 ¼ x 8 ½ ) ...….Taken ........................ $300.00 [ ] 4. Back Inside Full Page ** (5 ¼ x 8 ½ )……….Taken ..................... $300.00 [ ] 5. Full Page (5 ¼ x 8 ½ ) ...................................................... $250.00 [ ] 6. One - Half (1/2) Page (5 ¼ x 4 ¼ ) horizontal ) ........................... $150.00 [ ] 7. One - Quarter(1/4) Page/Business Card (5 ¼ x 2 ¼ ) horizontal )................ $100.00 [ ] 8. Single Line Sponsor Name ................................................................................... $20.00 Pictures may be added, for an additional charge if required by printer. ............................... **FULL PAGE SPONSORS WILL RECEIVE 2- COMPLIMENTARY FULL MEAL TICKETS For items 1-4 please contact Greg Miledonis to confirm availability. Deadline for submission of order form is May 19, 2014. Please make checks payable by May 26,2014 To St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church Cultural Festival Committee. Mail to Greg Miledonis c/o St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church, 325 Waring Road, Syracuse, NY 13224; drop off at the Church Office. Date __________________________ Name _____________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ Please visit our Parish web site at Please send your ad email to: [email protected] Prefer Format: PDF –JPG – Photoshop – PageMaker For questions, please call Greg Miledonis at 487-1126 or [email protected]
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