01 ECOWEEK 2012 Workshop Themes: th 26 Theme A: Urban Sustainability: Green urban intervention & landscape design. Theme B: Social & Community Sustainability: Design to benefit community/organization. Theme C: New Building Sustainability: Zero emissions new passive-solar building. Theme D: Existing Building Sustainability: ‘Green’ upgrade, reuse and expand. Theme E: Integration of ‘Green’ Industry & Design: Technology, design & sustainability. to Oc r be W1 Gernot Minke, Architect, Germany Theme: E | Green Wall Hosted by: Goethe Institute Thessaloniki 66 Vas. Olgas street, Thessaloniki W2 Thomas Doxiadis, Architect, Landscape Architect | doxiadis+, Greece Theme: A | Park Kleanthous near the soccer stadium of PAOK Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki W3 Esra Bici Nasir, Industrial Designer | Dogus University, Turkey Pavlos Voutsadakis, Industrial Designer | AKTO Art & Design College, Greece 03 Theme: E | 4 Technical High School Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki El. Venizelou W4 Dimitris Manios, Architect | AKTO Art & Design College, Greece 04 05 Prof. Emilia Costa, Architect | Politecnico di Milano, Italy Giuditta de Vecchi, Architect | Politecnico di Milano, Italy New in Thessaloniki! The ECOWEEK GREENHOUSE, the new platform by ECOWEEK for innovation, and social and environmental entrepreneurship for young professionals opens in Thessaloniki. The GREENHOUSE is hosted by AKTO. The GREENHOUSE is also operating in Athens and Holon (Israel), and is scheduled to also start operating in Cyprus and Italy. W5 P. Makridis & Associates | Greece Theme: A | Undefined edges along Amoulianis street Hosted by: P. Makridis & Associates 49 G. Papandreou street, Thessaloniki Supporting Partners: W6 K ARD Architects | Greece Theme: A | Papanastastiou Park Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki Aristotelous Agias Sofias Tsimiski Theme: A | Eleftherias Square Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki Leof. Nikis Under the Auspices: lobodan Spasic, Educator | Ecoist, Serbia S Andreas Nassos, Landscape Architect | Vitaverde, Greece & Serbia Egnatia 06 More on the GREENHOUSE: www.ecoweekgreenhouse.org W7 Evdokia Voudouri, Architect | ark4, Greece Theme: A & B | 30th High School Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki www.metallus.gr Communication Partners: 02 th ECOWEEK 2012 Partners in Thessaloniki: Partner Organizations: Egnatia Νέο στη Θεσσαλονίκη! Ξεκινάει τη δραστηριότητά του το ΘΕΡΜΟΚΗΠΙΟ της ECOWEEK, η νέα πλατφόρμα της ECOWEEK για την καινοτομία και την επιχειρηματικότητα για την κοινωνία και το περιβάλλον για νέους επαγγελματίες. Το ΘΕΡΜΟΚΗΠΙΟ φιλοξενείται στον ΑΚΤΟ Θεσσαλονίκης. Το ΘΕΡΜΟΚΗΠΙΟ λειτουργεί επίσης στην Αθήνα και στο Χολόν (Ισραήλ), ενώ προγραμματίζεται να λειτουργήσει επίσης στην Κύπρο και την Ιταλία. ECOWEEK 2012 Workshops: Thermaikos Gulf W8 Senem Doyduk, Architect | Dogus University, Turkey Theme: A & B | 85th & 23rd Nursery School Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki ECOWEEK 2012 Venues: o f. K 07,08 09 andr eou Le o Le Katsimidou rgio u. Pa p 10 s 11 14 Kle a nth o us Alexandrou Papanastasiou street & Omirou street & Epikourou street, Thessaloniki W5 Site: Amoulianis street, Thessaloniki W2 Site: Kleanthous Park, Thessaloniki W7 Site: 30th High School, (Harilaou), 5 Stratigou Gennadiou street, Thessaloniki W1 Site: Goethe Institute Thessaloniki, 66 Vas. Olgas street, Thessaloniki P. Makridis & Associates 49 G. Papandreou street, Thessaloniki Urban Innovation + Green Design Διεθνής Συνάντηση Σχεδιασμού & Παρέμβασης International Happening for ‘Green’ Design & Intervention Thessaloniki, Greece | April 2-8, 2012 sio Kon. K nhou Korit u 12 as ta Acknowledgments: ECOWEEK thanks all the supporters, partners, institutions, consultants, workshop leaders, workshop participants, young and established professionals and students, who supported ECOWEEK this year and made it possible and successful. This program was designed by Panagiotis Metallinos (www.metallus.gr). All rights reserved © ECOWEEK 2012 10 11 12 13 14 as lg li an am ar K n liani Amou .O as .V f o 13 Geo Partner and Cooperating Organizations: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street. & A. Georgiou, Thessaloniki ASTORIA HOTEL Tsimiski street & 9 Salaminos street, Thessaloniki W4 Site: 3 Eleftherias Square, Thessaloniki Olympio Thessaloniki Film Festival, 10 Aristotelous Square, Thessaloniki Site visit group meets here on Sunday April 8, 10:00. DEI College 131 Tsimiski street & Ethn. Amynas street, Thessaloniki W3 Site: 4th Technical. High School, 13 Al.Papanastasiou street, Thessaloniki W9 Site: 6th High School, 21 Al.Papanastasiou str. Thessaloniki W6 Site: Papanastasiou Park with Macedonian Tomb, lo ga Me Le o Evangelos Matziris, Ph.D. Forester - Environmentalist | Municipality of Thessaloniki Ioannis A.Tsalikidis, Landscape Architect | Laboratory of Horiculture and Landscape Architecture, School of Agriculture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 u ro nd a lex uA Nea E g ECOWEEK 2012 Consultants: f. S tra tou Theme: B & C & D | 6th High School Hosted by: AKTO Art & Design College 38-40, 26th October street., Thessaloniki natia W9 Benjamin Gill | BioRegional Consulting Ltd Welcome to ECOWEEK 2012 in Thesaloniki! After the successful ECOWEEK events in Milano, Athens, the Middle East, and before taking off to Krakow (Poland), Rome (Italy), Copenhagen (Denmark), Istanbul (Turkey), Belgrade (Serbia), and Bucharest (Romania), ECOWEEK is back in Thessaloniki for the second time, for an international week of ‘green’ projects and urban innovation and intervention! ECOWEEK 2012 is hosted by AKTO Art & Design College, Olympio, DEI College and the Municipality of Thessaloniki, and is taking place in close cooperation with the City of Thessaloniki, and thanks to the support of the Goethe Institute, the UK Embassy, the British Council, the Embassy of Norway, and the Norwegian Institute. I take this opportunity to thank our partners this year for their cooperation and support in making ECOWEEK 2012 possible and successful. ECOWEEK 2012 takes place at a time of financial and social crisis, and a time when change, innovation and intervention are essential. ECOWEEK 2012 is also taking place the year Thessaloniki is celebrating its 100 years of Greek independence. ECOWEEK, in cooperation with its partners, brings together speakers, young professionals, and workshop leaders from several countries around the world, including Germany, Norway, UK, Turkey, Serbia, and Italy, for a week of education, cooperation, dialogue, sustainable design, and innovative interventions in selected sites within the city: parks and schools. During ECOWEEK 2012 a new initiative is also starting in Thessaloniki: it is called the ECOWEEK GREENHOUSE, a new international initiative by ECOWEEK for innovation and social and environmental entrepreneurship for young professionals. The GREENHOUSE is already planning pilot projects in Athens, Holon, and Jaffa, and is planning to expand also in Cyprus and Italy. For more information on the ECOWEEK GREENOUSE: www.ecoweekgreenhouse.org ECOWEEK is a non-governmental non-profit organization with the mission to raise environmental awareness and to promote the principles of sustainability. ECOWEEK was established on the island of Aegina, Greece, in 2005, and is active in 10 countries in Europe and the Middle East. Visit our website at www.ecoweek.org With best regards and thank you for joining us once again, Dr. Elias Messinas Architect, Environmental Consultant Founding Chairman of ECOWEEK UPCOMING ECOWEEK EVENTS: Mark your calendar! May 17-18, 2012Krakow, Poland REUNION in GREEN DISTRICT Keynote speaker: Nathalie de Vries Architect MVRDV (Holland) September 24-30, 2012Rome, Italy Urban FOOTPRINT + Affordable COMMUNTIES + Green DESIGN November 2012 Belgrade, Serbia February 2013 Middle East March 24-25, 2013 Bucharest, Romania May 2013 Copenhagen, Denmark July 2013 Istanbul, Turkey September 2013 Krakow, Poland For more details: www.ecoweekconference.org ECOWEEK 2012 Speakers Gernot Minke, Architect | Germany Prof. Dr. Ing. Gernot Minke studied architecture and urbanism in Hanover and Berlin. From 1964-1968 he was the research assistant of Prof. Dr. Ing. Frei Otto at the Institute of Light Weight Structures, University of Stuttgart. Since 1967 he has developed: ribbed timber shells, cable-reinforced pneumatic structures, membrane structures for sport activities, street covers, bus stop shelters, self-help light-weight structures for houses and kinder-gardens. Gernot Minke’s lecture is made possible thanks to the cooperation and support of the Goethe Institute in Thessaloniki. 14:15-15:00 Keynote Speaker: Nyheim, Architect PirII OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free In cooperation and with the support of the Embassy of Norway and the Norwegian Institute. Program ECOWEEK 2012 in Thesaloniki! ALLDAY SUNDAY 01|4 Arrival & check-in on your own MONDAY 02|4 08:30-09:30 ECOWEEK Workshops & Lectures On site registration OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Registration only 09:30-10:00 ECOWEEK Welcome & Introduction Speaker: Elias Messinas, ECOWEEK Chairman OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Registration only 10:00-10:30 Theme: Creating Healty & Happy Communities (in a crisis): the One Planet Community approach Speaker: Benjamin Gill, BioRegional OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free In cooperation and the support of the UK Embassy and the British Council. 10:30-11:00 Theme: Sustainable Landscapes Speaker: Thomas Doxiadis, Architect, Landscape Architect, doxiadis+ OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free 15:00-16:00 Keynote Speaker: Gernot Minke, Architect OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free In cooperation and with the support of Goethe Institute Thessaloniki 16:00-17:00 ECOWEEK Workshops & Lectures Title: Meet your Workshop Group OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Registration free 17:00-18:00 Break on your own 18:00-19:45 Film Screening: The Garbage Warrior DEI College Tsimiski 131 Thessaloniki | Admission free TUESDAY 03|4 09:00-17:00 ECOWEEK Design & In-situ Workshops Assigned Workshop Group | Registration only WEDNESDAY 04|4 09:00-17:00 ECOWEEK Design & In-situ Workshops Assigned Workshop Group | Registration only THURSDAY 05|4 09:00-17:00 ECOWEEK Design & In-situ Workshops 11:00-11:30 Theme: Designing with Recycled Materials Καλωσήρθατε στην ECOWEEK 2012 στη Θεσσαλονίκη! Speaker: Esra Nasir, Industrial Designer OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free Μετά τις διοργανώσεις της ECOWEEK στο Μιλάνο, την Αθήνα, τη Μέση Ανατολή και πριν την πραγματοποίηση των διοργανώσεων στην Πολωνία, Ιταλία, Δανία, Τουρκία, Σερβία και Ρουμανία, η ECOWEEK επιστρέφει στη Θεσσαλονίκη για δεύτερη φορά, για μια εβδομάδα οικολογικού σχεδιασμού, οικολογικής δραστηριότητας και καινοτομίας, σε αληθινές τοποθεσίες στην πόλη. Φέτος που η Θεσσαλονίκη γιορτάζει 100 ελληνικής ανεξαρτησίας, η ECOWEEK 2012 σε συνεργασία με τον Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης προγραμματίζει τη διεξαγωγή εργαστηρίων οικολογικού σχεδιασμού που στόχο έχουν να προσφέρουν στη Θεσσαλονίκη προτάσεις ‘πράσινου’ σχεδιασμού και μικρής κλίμακας διαμορφώσεις σε ανοιχτούς δημόσιους χώρους, πάρκα και σχολεία της Θεσσαλονίκης. Φέτος συμμετέχουν στην ECOWEEK περισσότεροι από 150 φοιτητές, αρχιτέκτονες και σχεδιαστές από την Ελλάδα, Αγγλία, Γερμανία, Νορβηγία, Ιταλία, Τουρκία και Σερβία. Με την ευκαιρία αυτή, θα ήθελα να πω ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ στους συνεργάτες και υποστηρικτές της ECOWEEK, που συνέβαλαν στην επιτυχή πραγματοποίηση της ECOWEEK 2012 στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Σε συνεργασία με τον Δήμο Θεσσαλονίκης, προγραμματίζεται ότι μέσα στην εβδομάδα θα γίνει και η εφαρμογή ορισμένων προτάσεων. Το πείραμα αυτό γίνεται για πρώτη φορά στη Θεσσαλονίκη και προσκαλούμε τη συνεργασία όλων των φορέων, ειδικών και ενδιαφερομένων για την επιτυχία του, με την ελπίδα ότι το πείραμα αυτό θα ανοίξει το δρόμο για την εφαρμογή παρόμοιων παρεμβάσεων και σε άλλες πόλεις του κόσμου. Η αστική μη-κερδοσκοπική εταιρεία ECOWEEK δημιουργήθηκε στην Αίγινα το 2005 με σκοπό την περιβαλλοντική ενημέρωση και ευαισθητοποίηση και την προώθηση των αρχών της αειφορίας. Σήμερα είναι ενεργή σε 10 χώρες στην Ευρώπη και τη Μέση Ανατολή. Ευχαριστούμε για τη συνεργασία, 11:30-12:00 Break on your own FRIDAY 06|4 09:00-17:00 ECOWEEK Design & In-situ Workshops Δρ. Ηλίας Μεσσίνας Αρχιτέκτονας, Σύμβουλος Περιβάλλοντος Ιδρυτής και Πρόεδρος ECOWEEK 12:00-13:00 ΣΥΝΕΝΤΕΥΞΗ ΤΥΠΟΥ: ECOWEEK 2012 στη Θεσσαλονίκη Συμμετέχουν: Gernot Minke, Αρχιτέκτονας (Γερμανία), Κωνσταντίνος Ζέρβας, Αντιδήμαρχος Περιβάλλοντος, Ποιότητας Ζωής και Ελευθέρων Χώρων (Δήμος Θεσσαλονίκης), Peter Panes, Διευθυντής (Ινστιτούτο Γκαίτε Θεσσαλονίκης), και Ηλίας Μεσσίνας, Πρόεδρος (ECOWEEK). PRESS CONFERENCE: ECOWEEK 2012 in Thessaloniki Distinguished guests: Gernot Minke, Architect (Germany), Konstantinos Zervas, Deputy Mayor (Municipality of Thessaloniki), Peter Panes, Director (Goethe Institute Thessaloniki) and Elias Messinas, Founding Chairman (ECOWEEK). OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free Language: Greek 13:00-13:30 Theme: The new Seafront in Thessaloniki Speakers: Prodromos Nikiforidis / Bernard Cuomo OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free 13:30-14:00 Theme: A. Perrotti Student Residence, American Farm School Speakers: Petros Makridis, Architect | P.Makridis & Associates OLYMPIO Aristotelous Sq. Thessaloniki | Admission free 14:00-14:15 Break on your own Assigned Workshop Group | Registration only Assigned Workshop Group | Registration only 18:00-21:00 Parallel event: Enviromental Architecture: From City to Shelter Speakers: Nikos Kalogirou, Evaggelia Athanasiou, Kleio Axarli, Zissis Kotionis, Elli Georgiadou, Peter Panes and Nikos Protogeros City Hall Thessaloniki | Admission free This panel discussion is organized by the Architecture Dept. of AUTH, Deputy Municipal Office for City Planning and Networks, and ANELIXI. Language: Greek SATURDAY 07|4 09:00-15:00 Workshop Presentations & Discussion & Diplomas City Hall Thessaloniki | Admission free SUNDAY 08|4 10:00-14:00 Site Visits and visit the ECOWEEK Workshop sites in the city NOTICE: The program may change without prior notice. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program without prior notice. Changes due to force major are not the responsibility of the organizers. In case of a force major the program will be revised accordingly to accommodate the best possible alternative. Please consult the online program for possible last minute changes: http://ecoweekconference.org/files/ecoweek2012_THESS/program.html Orjan Nyheim, Architect | PirII Architects, Norway Orjan has a master degree in architecture from NTNU, with a master thesis on studying the possibilities of building off-grid in Norway. He will represent the Norwegian architectural office Pir II, which uses a holistic approach to environmental friendly buildings. The office has received several awards for projects like Rockheim and the Meteorological Institute. The presentation will include built, and future projects with focus on reused materials, energy efficiency, local energy production and alternative ways of living. www.pir2.no Orjan Nyhein’s lecture is made possible in cooperation and with the support of the Embassy of Norway and the Norwegian Institute. Benjamin Gill, Environmentalist | BioRegional, UK Ben, a Chartered Environmentalist with IEMA, currently works as a freelance environmental consultant based in Athens working on national and international projects. In Athens he established the methodology for the Athens Green 360 programme and has developed carbon reduction plans for 10’s of members. He is consulting on two One Planet Community projects - one on Portugal and the other in Sydney. As Director of BioRegional Consulting he has worked with a diverse range of clients, looking at both community developments and management of businesses. www.bioregional.com Benjamin’s lecture is made possible in cooperation and thanks to the support of the UK Embassy and the British Council. Esra Bici Nasir, Industrial Designer | Dogus University, Turkey Esra Bici Nasir, research assitant in Dogus University, Istanbul. Bachelor of Industrial Design in Middle East Technical University. Got her master degree from the Department of Industrial Design in Istanbul Technical University and is a Ph.D. candidate in the same department. Joined the 1st International Greenage Symposium held in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul in 2010 with the paper ‘Going Beyond the Fashion System in Footwear Design’. Thomas Doxiadis, Architect, Landscape Architect | doxiadis+, Greece PArchitecture and Landscape Architecture from Harvard, specializes in the site planning and integration of architecture and landscape design in a sustainable way. Teaches at Patras and Thessaly University. www.doxiadisplus.com Petros Makridis, Architect | P. Makridis & Associates, Greece P. Makridis & Associates is an architectural firm that provides comprehensive services in architecture, urban and interior design, planning, management and construction. The firm was founded by Petros Makridis, M. Arch. in 1980. The firm has received numerous awards, professional recognition an distinction and has won a number of architectural competitions. www.pmakridis.com Prodromos Nikiforidis, Architect | Nikiforidis Cuomo Architects, Greece Prodromos Nikiforidis and Bernard Cuomo established the award-winning firm Nikiforidis Cuomo in 1986. Among its projects include an apartment building in Paris, the Cultural Center and Theater at Menemeni and Technopolis in Thessaloniki. The firm has won numerous architectural competitions including the EUROPAN 2 Competition and the Thessaloniki seaside promenade. In 2009 they received the Architecture Prize for 2004-2008 by the Hellenic Architectural Institute. www.nikiforidis-cuomo.com
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