Map 76 Sinai Compiled by D.F. Graf, 1996 Introduction For the most part, the map covers vast expanses of desert, especially in the Sinai peninsula of Egypt, and in southern Jordan/northwestern Saudi Arabia (the Hisma desert). Most of the settlements marked are clustered at the top right of the map, south of Petra (Map 71 A5), on the plateau of southern Jordan. They are known primarily from recent intense archaeological activity, and their ancient names remain unattested. The impression given by the map that the empty expanses are devoid of settlements and population is misleading. There are in fact scattered signs of small settlements and an extensive desert population in antiquity, especially where the advanced hydrological technology employed by the Nabataeans and their successors made life possible in otherwise adverse conditions. Proof is offered by the remains of cisterns, reservoirs, aqueducts and other catchment devices in the region (Stone 1982, 25-62; Graf 1983), not all of them marked on the map. These traces of a substantial pastoral population are matched by the thousands of graffiti incised in the sandstone mountains and on boulders that litter the desert floor of the Hisma desert (Harding 1952; Graf 1980; Jobling 1982; Livingstone 1985; King 1990; al-Theeb 1993) and Sinai peninsula (Stone 1992). Most of these graffiti are in pre-Islamic Arabic script called “Thamudic” that emanates from the late Hellenistic to early Roman period; but others are in Nabataean Aramaic, and a few in Greek and Latin. The largest concentration of Nabataean texts is in southern Sinai, where almost half the entire corpus of more than 4,000 exists. The Greek and Latin texts are few, concentrated at Auara, Aramaua, and in southern Sinai. The presence of these rock inscriptions and graffiti amply illustrates the literary testimony of Agatharchides (90), who already in the Hellenistic period assigns a substantial pastoral community and many villages to the littoral of the Aelaniticus Sinus. The Roman road system for the region has been largely clarified, especially the Via Nova Traiana between Petra (Map 71 A5) and Aila (Graf 1995), and the Wadi Arabah road between Aila and Ad Dianam (Avner 1996). Some problems remain, however. In particular, TabPeut indicates a route which connected Clysma at the head of the Suez Gulf (Heroopoliticus Sinus) across the Sinai peninsula to Aila. These two port cities were obviously important for the eastern trade, and the focus of multiple caravan routes inland. So a route connecting them is plausible, and the distance given (170 m.p., approximately 158 miles) seems about right. Even so, the attempt to identify the road stations mentioned by TabPeut at Medeia (Marah?) and Pharan with the small stations of Nakhl and el-Thamad of the later Hajj route (Sachsse 1928) is not convincing. Archaeological investigation of these stations indicates that they are purely medieval (and thus omitted from the map), constructed in the Ayyubid-Mamluk period for the pilgrim route between Cairo and Mecca (Rothenberg 1970, 13; Tamari 1982). In consequence, it is tempting to regard the route as a late addition to TabPeut, instead representing the Christian pilgrimage route to St. Catherine’s monastery (Tou Batou), which passed through Pharan in southern Sinai (Mayerson 1981). There are still difficulties, however, with this view. In general, only a few of the many staging-posts mentioned in the travel accounts by Christian pilgrims have been identified; the rest remain a matter of conjecture. The nature of the settlement and canal at Clysma are undetermined. The Roman settlement of Aila is now being uncovered by excavation. There is reason to think of “a southward advance in the shoreline over the millennia” here (Parker 1997, 41; cf. Schur 1986, 393). Other changes in the Red Sea coastline are more difficult to define, however (cf. Greenwood 1997, 19). MAP 76 SINAI 1141 Directory All place names are in Egypt unless otherwise noted Abbreviations CosmasInd EAO JADIS TIR Iudaea Cosmas Indicopleustes, in W. Wolska-Conus (ed.), Topographie Chrétienne, 3 vols., Paris, 1968-73 Egyptian Antiquities Organization, reports by M. Abdalla Ali, chief inspector, Southern Sinai (unpublished), 1995 G. Palumbo (ed.), Jordan antiquities database and information system, Amman, 1994 Tabula Imperii Romani, Iudaea–Palaestina, Jerusalem, 1994 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference G1 G1 Abu el-Lisan Abu el-Nusur Ad Dianam? = (B)Ossia Aelana/ Aila § Haila § Ailana § Berenike § Elath Aelaniticus Sinus HRL HRL JOR JOR Bisheh 1993, 121, 126 Bisheh 1993, 121; Waheeb 1996, 345 HRL Aqaba JOR Hakkert, Lex. Aila F2 F5 G1 G2 G2 E4 D4 G2 F3 G3 F2 G2 B3 E4 G1 G2 F5 F2 D5 G2 Aila = Aelana Ain el-Jamam Ain el-Qattar Ain Hejfeh Ain Hudera Ain Nagila Ain Shellaly Ankale Arabia Eudaemon § Arabia Felix Arabia Petraia Aramaua Arandara § Surandala § Elim el-Arba'in Arieldela Auara F4 Batmizomaneis Biq'at 'Uvdah Bir Abu Swera (B)Ossia/ Ad Dianam? Bythemanoi B2 Clysma D5 E4 D5 D5 D5 ed-Deir ed-Deir Deir Antush Deir Rumhan Deir Umm Arad R R H ACH Strabo 16.2.30, 4.4; Pliny, NH 5.65; RE Ailana HRL HR HR HRL L HR HR HR JOR JOR JOR JOR Haql SAU SAU R HRL Wadi Ramm JOR RL Gharandal L RL HRL Gharandal JOR Humayma JOR SAU Bisheh 1993, 121-23; Waheeb 1996, 344-45 Kirkbride 1947, 15 Kirkbride 1947, 23 Rothenberg 1970, 28 TIR Iudaea 117 Savignac 1932 Ptol. 6.7.27 Pliny, NH 6.138; Ptol. 6.7.27 Ptol. 5.16.1 Ptol. 6.7.27; Savignac 1932; Graf 1979, 125; 1983, 655 TIR Iudaea 66 Wilkinson 1977, 88 TIR Iudaea 66 NotDig Or. 34.44 Ptol. 5.16.4; Graf 1992; OEANE Humeima H HR L RL Yotvata ISR Agatharchides 90 TIR Iudaea 89 TIR Iudaea 89 TIR Iudaea 57 H SAU Agatharchides 89 See Map 74 L L L L L Finkelstein 1985, 70-72 TIR Iudaea 109 Finkelstein 1985, 64; TIR Iudaea 109 Finkelstein 1985, 65 Finkelstein 1985, 66 1142 MAP 76 SINAI Grid Name Period D5 Deir Umm Butme L Finkelstein 1985, 62, 74 (n. 31) E4 D5 G1 D5 G1 Farsh el-Qasr Farsh Habash Fera'Dor el-Fra'iyeh Fuweileh el-Gharbiyeh L L HR L HR JOR Finkelstein 1985, 42-47 Finkelstein 1985, 66 Hart 1985, 269 Finkelstein 1985, 73 Graf 1979, 125; Bisheh 1993, 126 D5 E4 F1 Garindaneis Geth Rabbi Gypsaria? HR L HRL Kuntillet Jirafi ISR Agatharchides 88; Strabo 16.4.18 TIR Iudaea 135 TIR Iudaea 137 G2 B3 D4 Harabet el-Abeyd Heroopoliticus Sinus Horeb Mons, Mon. F3 Iotabe? Ins. G2 H2 D4 D4 Jebel Abu Judeidah Jebel Batra Jebel Moneijah Jebel Serbal HR AHR R L F2 F2 D5 G1 G1 G1 G1 G2 H1 H2 H2 G1 H2 G1 G2 G1 G1 G1 G1 B1 Kheleifeh Kheleifeh el-Khirbet Khirbet Dor Khirbet ein Mudilija Khirbet el-Baridiyeh Khirbet el-Hiyad Khirbet el-Kithara Khirbet el-Mureighah Khirbet el-Nasara Khirbet el-Qirana Khirbet el-Taiyineh Khirbet el-Thalajeh Khirbet Hamdan Khirbet Naqb el-Shtar Khirbet Qurein Khirbet Rassif Khirbet Sherfan Khirbet Umm Ras Koubri AH AH L RL HR H?R L RL AHR HRL HRL AHR HRL HR HR AHR HR HR HR C G5 Madiama AHR F4 AHRL HRL L Maqna SAU Abu Mereir HR L HR Philby 1957; Shahid 1984, 324-27; Knauf 1988 Ptol. 6.7.27; Parr 1972, 35 CosmasInd 5.199 ItMiller 820; Mayerson 1981 Agatharchides 88; Strabo 16.4.18 Finkelstein 1985, 73 Ptol. 5.16.2 C3 Madiane/ Midian Makna Marah § Medeia? Maranites el-Ma'yen Melana Ore Midian = Madiane Mounychiatis el-Bad / Mugha'ir Sh'ayb SAU SAU HR Ptol. 5.16.3 C3 Nabataei HR D3 B1 F4 Naqb Jedid Nekou Diorux Nuweiba HR Agatharchides 88; DiodSic 3.43.4; Pliny, NH 5.65 TIR Iudaea 193 See Map 74 EAO; Rothenberg 1970, 28 F5 B3 D5 D5 B2 Modern Name / Location JOR JOR L R Jebel Sufsuffeh Reference Kirkbride 1947, 21 Pliny, NH 5.65 TIR Iudaea 147 Jazirat Fir'awn Procop., Bell. 1.19.3-4; Mayerson 1992; TIR Iudaea 154 JOR JOR Kirkbride 1947, 17 Musil 1926, 45-48; Graf 1980 Negev 1977a TIR Iudaea 157 JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR JOR Pratico 1993 Practico 1993 Finkelstein 1985, 70 Graf 1995, 250-51 Hart 1985, 269 Glueck 1934, 68-69 Bisheh 1993, 122-23; Waheeb 1996, 339-40 Graf 1995, 261 JADIS 2094001 JADIS 2092002 Parker 1986, 102-104 Glueck 1934, 68 JADIS 2092001; Graf 1980 Glueck 1934, 71 Hart 1985, 269 Hart 1985, 269 Hart 1985, 271 Glueck 1934, 71 Hart 1985, 271 Tuplin 1991, 243 Ptol. 6.7.27; Bosworth 1984 MAP 76 SINAI Grid Name 1143 Period Modern Name / Location Reference RL HR L H H RL Feiran D5 G2 Pharan Pharanitai Phoinikon § Poseideion? Phoinikon Chora ‘Praesidio’ Khirbet al-Khalde JOR Ptol. 5.16.1; ItMiller 820 Ptol. 5.16.3 CosmasInd 5.199 Agatharchides 87 Agatharchides 86 NotDig Or. 34.41; ItMiller 820 G2 G2 B4 Qasr el-Qorbah Qasr Timnah *Qubba RL HR L G2 Quweira RL JOR ISR Deir Bula / S. Paul's Monastery JOR Graf 1995, 258 Glueck 1934, 9 (Map Ic, no. 10) Jerome, Vita Pauli 12, 16; Wilkinson 1977, 88 Graf 1995, 258 D5 B3 D4 D5 G3 G2 Raithenoi Ras Abu el Daraq Rephidim Rhaithou Risqah Rujm Hadid HR L L HR AC R Jebel Tahuna Tor JOR JOR Ptol. 5.16.3 S.E. Sidebotham Euseb., Onom. 142.22-25; TIR Iudaea 214 Ptol. 5.16.3; TIR Iudaea 214 Kirkbride 1969 Glueck 1937, 7-8 B1 C3 D4 C3 G1 D4 Sarakene Serabit el-Khadim Sigillyah Sinai Suweimirah Syna M. R AHR L G2 F4 F4 D5 D4 G2 G5 D4 F2 E4 B1 Taba Sabkha Tayyib al-Ism Tell el-Mashraba Tell el-Raya Tell Mahrad Teraif Merar Thamydenoi Tholas Timnah Tou Batou Traianos Potamos R AR R RL L HR L AR L JOR SAU Deir Tlah ISR S. Catherine’s monastery G2 Umm el-Quseir HR JOR Ossia = (B)Ossia D4 C4 B2 RL Ain Musa Ptol. 5.16.3 LexÄgypt 5, 866-68; Wimmer 1990, 1066 TIR Iudaea 231 Valbelle 1998 Graf 1995, 251 TIR Iudaea 232-33 Sina EGY JOR JOR SAU Graf 1983, 655 Viae E4 C4 G2 C3 G1 G2 F3 C3 G2 Wadi Haggag Wadi Mukkatab Wadi Mulgham Wadi Nasb Wadi Nukhaya Wadi Qelkha Wadi Tuweiba Wadi Umm Zerdal Wujh el-Qattar Smith 1994, 478 Ingraham 1981, 74-75 EAO EAO Hershkovitz 1988 Kirkbride 1947, 9-10 See Map 83 TIR Iudaea 249 TIR Iudaea 250; Wimmer 1990, 1069 ODB Catherine, Monastery of Saint See Map 74 See Roads L HRL RL HRL R Negev 1977; TIR Iudaea 257 Rothenberg 1970, 26 Smith 1994, 475 Rothenberg 1970, 25 Smith 1994, 481 Kirkbride 1947, 22 Rothenberg 1970, 22-23 Rothenberg 1970, 25 Kirkbride 1947, 15 JOR JOR R RL HR Aqueduct Grid Location Period Reference G2 Auara HRL Oleson 1992 1144 MAP 76 SINAI Roads Grid Name / Itinerary B5 G2 Via Hadriana Via Nova Traiana Period Reference See Map 78 See Map 71 Aelana → (B)Ossia → Gypsaria? → NW Clysma → Pharan → Aelana RL RL ItMiller 834; Avner 1996 Mayerson 1981; Graf 1998, 110-11 Unlocated Toponyms Name Period Probable Location Reference (Ge)Rasa Gubba RL RL? road station north of Ad Dianam TIR Iudaea 133 TIR Iudaea 137 Moahile L TIR Iudaea 188 Bibliography Avner 1996 U. 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