A.KARAMITSOS 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com e-mail: [email protected] WORKING HOURS: 07.00 - 15.00 Saturday, 18 May 2013 PUBLIC AUCTION No 456 Maps, Engravings, Books, Photographs & Ceramics Start Time: 11.00 Viewing Arrangements: “Athens Auctions” Store Tuesday, 9 April 2013 - Friday, 17 May 2013 (working hours) “Hilton Athens” Hotel Saturday, 18 May 2013: 10.00 - 11.00 “Hilton Athens” Hotel 46, Vasilissis Sofias Ave. - Athens • tel.: +30 210 7281000 • fax: +30 210 7281111 “Athens Auctions” Store 46, Stadiou Str. - Stoa Arsakeiou 5 - Athens • tel.: +30 210 3250173 • fax: +30 210 3250176 Don't forget our other May auctions!!! Public Auction No 455 (General Sale) Public Auction No 457 (Coins, Medals & Banknotes) for more info, visit: www.karamitsos.com Auction No 456 34, Tsimiski Str. - 54623 Thessaloniki - GREECE tel.: +30 2310 264 366 - fax: +30 2310 274 031 www.karamitsos.com . e-mail: [email protected] Έλαβα γνώση των όρων της δημοπρασίας και παρακαλώ να πλειοδοτήσετε για λογαριασμό μου τους παρακάτω λαχνούς, μέχρι το ποσό που έχω σημειώσει αντίστοιχα. Please bid on my behalf op to the limits, only if necessary, for the following lots. I have read and agree to the Conditions of Sale stated in the present Catalogue. 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Οι αγοραστές δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα επιστροφής μικτών λαχνών, συλλογών, λαχνών που έχουν ελαττώματα σε μικροαξίες, καθώς και φωτογραφημένων στον κατάλογο λαχνών, για ελαττώματα ορατά στη φωτογραφία (κεντράρισμα, περιθώρια, οδόνττωση). Όταν η αξία του λαχνού είναι στη σφραγίδα και όχι στο γραμματόσημο, ο λαχνός δεν μπορεί να επιστραφεί για ελάττωμα του γραμματοσήμου. Κάθε λαχνός περιέρχεται στον πλειοδότη, που προσφέρει την υψηλότερη τιμή. Σε περίπτωση ίσων ταχυδρομικών προσφορών, πλειοδότης θεωρείται αυτός που η προσφορά του έφθασε πρώτη στα Γραφεία μας. Τηλεφωνικές εντολές αγοράς γίνονται δεκτές από γνωστούς πελάτες, πρέπει όμως να επικυρωθούν γραπτώς. Πριν από την έναρξη της πωλήσεως ή την ημέρα της δημοπρασίας (για γραπτές προσφορές), η Εταιρία έχει το δικαίωμα να αποσύρει λαχνούς, να διαχωρίσει λαχνούς σε δύο ή περισσότερα μέρη ή να συνενώσει δύο ή περισσότερους λαχνούς. Προσφορές γίνονται δεκτές έως 2 ώρες πριν από την έναρξη της δημοπρασίας. Η πληρωμή πρέπει να γίνεται αμέσως μετά το τέλος της δημοπρασίας στην Αίθουσα ή εντός 10 ημερών από την παραλαβή των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου (για πελάτες Εξωτερικού). Σε αγοραστές εντός Ελλάδος οι λαχνοί αποστέλλονται επί αντικαταβολή και σε γνωστούς πελάτες χωρίς προπληρωμή, για πληρωμή αμέσως μετά την παραλαβή των λαχνών. Αν η πληρωμή καθυστερήσει πέραν των 10 ημερών, η Εταιρία διατηρεί το δικαίωμα να επιβαρύνει το λογαριασμό με το νόμιμο επιτόκιο. Η κυριότητα των λαχνών παραμένει στον πωλητή, μέχρις ότου αποπληρωθεί ο λογαριασμός. Συμμετοχή αγοραστού στη δημοπρασία μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί, αν κατά την κρίση του πωλητού, ο αγοραστής δεν εκπληρώνει τους όρους της καλής πίστεως. Η ταχυδρόμηση των λαχνών ή του τιμολογίου γίνεται στην διεύθυνση, που φαίνεται στο έντυπο προσφορών. Τα έξοδα αποστολής βαρύνουν τον αγοραστή. Έξοδα συσκευασίας δεν χρεώνονται. Η απόδειξη παραλαβής “Συστημένου” του Ταχυδρομείου αποτελεί για την Εταιρία και απόδειξη παραλαβής του υλικού από τον αγοραστή. Στην τιμή κατακυρώσεως προστίθεται ποσοστό 18% για προμήθειά μας και επί πλέον ο αναλογών ΦΠΑ επί της προμήθειάς μας. Όλες οι τιμές στόν κατάλογο είναι σε ΕΥΡΩ. Απούλητοι λαχνοί με τιμή εκκίνησης “OFFER” δεν διατίθενται προς πώληση μετά τη λήξη της δημοπρασίας. Η τιμή πώλησης των λαχνών με την ένδειξη “OFFER” ορίζεται από το ποσό της προσφοράς, με κατοχύρωση του λαχνού στην υψηλότερη. Ο πλειοδότης (είτε βρίσκεται στην Αίθουσα, είτε έχει καταθέσει την προσφορά του μέσω τηλεφώνου/email) είναι υπεύθυνος για την εξόφληση του τιμολογίου, εκτός αν έχει συνεννοηθεί γραπτώς ειδάλλως με την Εταιρία. Οποιοσδήποτε λαμβάνει μέρος στη δημοπρασία είναι γνώστης των προαναφερομένων όρων και τους αποδέχεται πλήρως. Οποιαδήποτε διαφωνία μεταξύ των συμβαλλομένων μερών τίθεται στην κρίση και δικαιοδοσία του αρμοδίου Δικαστηρίου Θεσσαλονίκης. CONDITIONS OF SALE All descriptions are reliable and accurate and the lots are sold as genuine and authentic, unless the contrary is indicated. 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Any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent Court in Thessaloniki, Greece. 1 Maps Lot. 8002 M “Rhodi Citta Fortissima” wood-engraving 8x6.5cm on page from “Supplementi Delle Croniche del Vernando Padre Frate Jacobo Philippo...” 1535. Small wormhole on top-righr corner of page. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8001 M LIBER CHRONICARUM “Achaia CCLXXVI” Schedel, Hartmann, 1493 Latin edition. A single leaf from Nurenberg Chronicle with woodcut engr. presenting an imaginary view of ACHAIA, showing the town as walled, churches, houses & dramatic countryside. An Excellent example of the first latin edition. Leaf size 43x29cm. Rare. Starting Price: 160 € Lot. 8003 M “Von den Inseln so ben...Rhodys...” Munster S., wood engr. in sheet, from “Cosmografia”, German ed. 1544-1572. engr. dim. 12.5x155cm, slight foxing, one small wormhole. Starting Price: 60 € 2 Lot. 8005 M “RHODI” copper engr. map by Porcacchi da Castilione T. in “L’isole piu famose del mundo” 1572-1713. Engr. dim. 15x11cm. Rhodes sorounded by sea monsters. Strong - clear impression. Very Fine. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8004 M “Griechenlandt nach seinen...” Munster S., wood engr. in sheet, from “Cosmografia”, German ed. 1544-1572. engr. dim. 12.5x16cm, slight foxing. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 2443. Starting Price: 65 € Lot. 8007 M “Ragione Vol’Forma et vera postura del’Isola di Rodi”, by Ferretti F., 1579-1580, 1604, 1608, rare presentation of Rhodes in round cartographic frame, island sorounded by ship and sea-monsters, dim: 13x9cm. Rare & Very Fine. Zach.1499 Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8009 M “COSTANTINOPOLI / Martinus Rota Sibenizen fecit 1572” copper engr. by Martin Rota from “Raccolta di le piu illustri...” by Fr. Valesio 1595. Dim. 12.5x8.5cm. A RARE bird eye high detailed city plan of Constantinople accompanied by index of important buildings & landmarks. In Excellent condition. Rare Starting Price: 80 € 3 Lot. 8006 M “Candia / La Cita de Corfu” by Braun & Hogenberg 1575 (First Issue) hand-coloured woodcut, from “Civitates Orbis Terrarum” Volume II. Depicting two (2) bird’s-eye high detailed plan-views of the two towns with numerous fishing and rowing boats. 56x45cm. Latin text on verso. Small tear on the right margin slightly reaching the engraved area and minor repaired faults at margins. Mounted on carton paper (on top). Otherwise in Very Fine condition. Rare item. Starting Price: 1600 € Lot. 8008 M “CANDIA cum Insulis aliquot circa Graeciam / Per Gerardum Mercatorem / Cum Privilegio” Mercator G., 1589-1638, dim. 47x34cm. Beautifully hand coloured copper engr. map with inset maps of “Corfu”, “Zante”, “Milo”, “Nicsia”, “Santorini”, “Scarpanto”. Labyrinth placed on centre of map. Small tears along margin edges not touching engraved area, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 2209. Starting Price: 400 € 4 Lot. 8010 M “TACVLA EVROPAE X” & “TABVLA EVROPAE IX” on verso, PTOLEMAEUS C., two maps on sheet front & verso from “Geographia” ed. of Venice 1598 by G.A Magini & the Galignani brothers. Sheet dim. 28.5x20cm. This is the first ed. in Italian of Magini’s Ptolemy. Apart from the 1511 ed. this is the only format in which Tabula X & Tabula IX are printed back to back. Waterstain on top left corner-not toutching map area & some small brown spots. Zacharakis 2843. Starting Price: 75 € Lot. 8011 M “RHODI / Petrus Kaerius caelavit” copper engr. map by B. Langenes in “Caert-Thresoor” 1603,1606,1635,1649, Latin ed. Engr. dim.: 12.5x8.5cm. Fine early miniature map presenting Rhodes island with text in Latin on verso. Zach.1845 Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8013 M “RHODI” copper engr. map by P. Bertius, 1616,1618,1637,1650, text in Latin, map. dim. 13x9.5cm, presenting Rhodes island along ship & sea monsters. Small tear on right margin, not affecting engr. area & text on verso, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zach.375. Starting Price: 50 € 5 Lot. 8012 M “CRETA louis magni, medio iacet insula ponto...” hand coloured copper engr. map by A. ORTELIUS, from the “Theatrum...” Italian ed. 1608. Depicting Crete with 3 insets: “Corsica”, “Insulae Maris Ionii” & “Sardinia”. Map dim. 49x34cm. Few brown spots & small tears repaired on white margins. Zach. 2504. Starting Price: 320 € Lot. 8014 M “RHODI” copper engr. map by Porcacchi da Castilione T. in “L’isole piu famose del mundo” ed. 1620, complete sheete entitled “DESCRITTIONE DE L’ISOLA DI RHODI” pp.115-116. Engr. dim. 15x11cm, sheet dim.30x21cm. Traces of crease on upper right & lower left corners not touching engr. area or text. Starting Price: 80 € 6 Lot. 8015 M “GRAECIA / Ludovico Valesio Inuictissimo principi... / GRAECIA ANTIQUAE Tabulam Hanc Geographicam offert, dedicat, consecrat NIC. SANSON Abbavillaeus MXCXXXVI (1636) original copper engraved map with handcoloured outline from “Cartes generales de toutes les parties du monde” ed. M. Tavernier, ca. 1660. Size: [56 x 42 cm]. Excellent condition. Zacharakis No.2075. Starting Price: 280 € Lot. 8016 M “Macedonia Epirus et Achaia / Per Gerardum Mercatorem cum Privilegio” Mercator G. from “Atlas Novus” or “ Descriptio Maris..” 1638-1680, beautifully handcolour engr. detailed map of central & northern Greece, with decorative title cartouche. Map. dim. 44x36cm. Slight foxing otherwise Very Fine. Zacharakis 2216. Starting Price: 270 € 7 Lot. 8017 M “MOREA olim Peloponnesus / Per Gerardum Mercatorem...” hand coloured copper engr. map by G. Mercator from “Atlas Novus” 1638-1680. Peloponessus is shown along with the 17th century toponyms and settlement names. Chipped edges & trimmed spots on upper white margin. Map dim 43x34cm. Zach. 2218. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8018 M “CANDIA olim CRETA” copper engr. map by J. BLAEU from “Theatrum Orbis...” Dutch ed. 1642. Presenting Crete & the surronding islands, with sailing ships & 3 cartouches. Map dim. 52x38cm. Light waterstain on bottom left corner (not toutching map area). Zach.386. Starting Price: 180 € 8 Lot. 8019 M “Attica Megarica Corinthiaca, Boeotia, Phocis, Locri. Exdelineatione...” hand coloured copper engr. map by J. JANSSONIUS, 1652-1741. Map of central Greece & part of Euboea, pictorial repres. of relief & fortified main towns. Small tears restored on left margin. Map dim. 50x36.5cm. Zach. 1709. Starting Price: 75 € Lot. 8020 M “CANDIA. met de omleggende Eylanden. t’Amsterdam, by Hendrick Doncker” 1655-1681, copper engr. portolan chart of Crete by H. Doncker 1655-1681. Except from Crete the map includes the islands of Karpathos, Astipalea & Santorini. Rare chart by a map maker famous for the accuracy of his cartogr. products. Map dim. 51x39cm. Two small (1x4mm) wormholes along the centerfold, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zach. 1409. Starting Price: 580 € 9 Lot. 8021 M “CALAMO” copper engr. map by M. Boschini in “L’Archipelago con tutte le isole...” 1658. Map. Dim.: 18.5x12.5cm. Very rare map of Calymnos island by the unique ed. of Boschini work. In excellent condition. Zach.573 Starting Price: 160 € Lot. 8022 M “RODI” copper engr. map by M. Boschini in “L’Archipelago con tutte le isole...” 1658. Map. Dim.: 18.5x12.5cm. Rare map of Calymnos island by the unique ed. of Boschini work. In excellent condition. Zach.547 Starting Price: 150 € Lot. 8023 M “Creta, Cyprus et Rhodus” copper engr. map by P. Cluverius in “Introductionis in Universam Geographiam...” pocket size ed. 1659,1661,1662,1672,1678,1717. Engr. dim. 12.5x12cm. Very clear engr., tiny pinholes on left white margin otherwise in excellent condition. Zach.993 Starting Price: 70 € 10 Lot. 8024 M “CANDIA olim CRETA / Johannes Janssonius excudit.” Janssonius J., 1666, 1690, hand coloured engr. map, map. dim. 53x39cm. Very FIne condition. Zacharakis 1724. Starting Price: 350 € Lot. 8025 M “ΠΟΝΤΟΣ ΕΥΞΕΙΝΟΣ. PONTVS EUXINVS...ex conatibus Abrahami Ortelii / Petrus Kaerius coelavit”, Janssonius J. 1677, copper engr. map of the Black Sea & sorounding countries in classical times, with ancient place names. Ornamented with cartouche & sailing ships. Title of map in Greek. Map dim.:48x37cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.1717. Starting Price: 200 € 11 Lot. 8026 M “INSULA SCHARPANTO” copper engr. map by J. von Sandrart, 1682,1686. Presenting in high details Karpathos island, dim: 11,5x6,5cm. Slight foxing. Scarse. Zach.3099 Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8027 M “RHODIS INSULA” copper engr. map by J. von Sandrart, 1682,1686. Presenting in high details Rhodes island, dim: 11,5x6,5cm. Two brown spots, middle folded. Rare. Zach.3116 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8028 M “CARTE DE LA GRECE...Sur ceux de Mrs Wheler et Tournefort...Par G.DE L’ISLE...A AMSTERDAM Chez JEAN COVENS et CORNEILLE MORTIER Geographes” G. Delisle 1683-1761, 1751, 1740. Large detailed coloured copper engr. map of Greece, Turkey & parts of Italy, Cyprus & southern Balkans, with large decorative title cartouche. Map. dim. 58x47cm. Very Fine condition. Zach. 1338. Starting Price: 320 € 12 Lot. 8029 M “Isle De STALIMENE” hand coloured copper-engraving of Limnos by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Excellent condition. Zacharakis 2141 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8030 M “Plan de CONSTANTINOPLE” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8031 M “NATOLIE” hand coloured copper-engraving depicting Asia Minor, Black Sea & Cyprus by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8032 M “GRECE GENERALE” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2137 Starting Price: 45 € 13 Lot. 8033 M “Les Isles de L’ARCHIPEL Qui Sont Vers L’ASIE” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2126 Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8034 M “I. D’INGNA et de CERIGO” hand coloured copperengraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Excellent. Zacharakis 2148 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8035 M “I. de Ste. MAURE CEFALONIE ZANTE” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2155 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8036 M “I. de SIFANTO et de MILO” hand coloured copperengraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2150 Starting Price: 45 € 14 Lot. 8037 M “I. de ZEA THERMIA et SERIFO” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2149 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8040 M “Is de LERO. CALAMO et de LANGO” hand coloured copperengraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Light damp stain to right white margin, otherwise Very Fine. Zacharakis 2129 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8038 M “Isle de CORFOU” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine. Zacharakis 2154 Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8039 M “Is. de SCHIRO et NEGREPONT” hand coloured copper-engraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Light soiling to the margins otherwise Very Fine. Zacharakis 2144 Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8041 M “I D’ANDRO et de TINE” hand coloured copperengraving by Alain Manesson MALLET published in 1683/Paris in “Description de l’Univers”. Size: 15x11cm. Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 2145 Starting Price: 45 € 15 Lot. 8042 M “Het Eylant Rhodus” copper engr. map by Dapper O., 1688,1701,1703,1730. Highly decorative perpective map, dim.:16,5x13cm, in excellent condition. Zach.1298. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8043 M “CALAMO” copper engr. map by F. Piacenza in “L’Egeo rediviso o sia chorographia dell’Archipelago...” 1688. Map. Dim.: 18.5x14cm. Very rare map of Calymnos island by the unique ed. of Piacenza work. Very light waterstain signs on upper left & lower right margin corners. Zach 2646 Starting Price: 140 € Lot. 8044 M Coronelli V.M. Nine (9) maps of Crete on folded sheet, 1689 from “Il Mediterraneo”, entitled: “Fortezza di Torlulv”, ”Port di S. Teodoro”,”Sn. Todaro”,”Castel Apicorna”,”Isola di Gozzi”,”FOrtezza delle Garabuse”,”POrto di Marathi”,”Veduta del Porto della Suda” & “Porto della Suda”. Three of these maps are not in Zacharakis catalogue. On Verso engr. “Porto della CANEA”. Sheet size 68x49cm. Few light yellow spots. Zach.1108,1110,1111,1112,1113,1114. Starting Price: 270 € 16 Lot. 8045 M “Parallelo geografico dell’antico col Moderno ARCIPELAGO per instruzione dell’istoria dell’isole contenute in esso opera del P. Maestro Coronelli cosmografo della Serenissima Republica di Venezia ad’uso dell’Academia Cosmografica degli Argonauti....” large engraved map from “Corso geografico Universale”, 1692. Map size: 60 x 45 cm., Sheet size: 70 x 50 cm. Tears & faults along margins mostly repaired. Ref. Zacharakis No.670. Starting Price: 220 € Lot. 8046 M “GRAECIAE ANTIQUAE Descriptio Autore N. Sanson. Amstelodami Apud P. Mortier” Sanson N. 1691, 1705. Map dim.:56x45cm. Beautifully handcoloured copper engr. map of Greece & Aegean Archipelago. With decorative title cartouche. Small restoration along centerfold, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Zacharakis 3152. Starting Price: 220 € 17 Lot. 8047 M “Die Stadt PREVESA und die Vestung S. MAURA” large copper engraving 36.5x26cm by Merian from “Theatrum Europaeum...” 1691, presenting the city of Prevesa, S. Maura fortifications and part of mainland. In Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8049 M “A New Map of the Islands of the AEGEAN SEA, Together with the Island of CRETE.../ Sutton Nicholls sculp.” Wells E. from “ A New sett of maps...” 1700-1738, colour copper engr. map of the Aegean sea. Map dim. 37x49cm. Faults on lower map edge & self adhesive tape on part of centerfold. Zacharakis 3678. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8048 M “GRAECIAE ANTIQUAE Tabula geographica. Auctore N. SANSON Abbavillaeo Christianis. Galliarum Regis geographo Patavii ex typographii Seminarii Anno MDCXCIV. A. Bertin sculps” original handcoloured copper engraved map from “Tabulae Geographicae” ed. Seminario Vescovile (Padova), 1699. Size: [54 x 41,5 cm]. Excellent condition. Zacharakis No.2088. Starting Price: 360 € 18 Lot. 8050 M “Corfu Ville dela Republique de Venise / Dans la Dalmatie...” copper engr. dim. 50x39cm, town plan - map by P. MORTIER, early 18th cent. A detailed plan of Corfu fortifications & surrounding landscape accompanied with index of landmarks. Sailing ships. Foxing visible on white margins. Not in Zacharakis. Very Fine. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8051 M “HAVEN en VESTINGH van SPINA LONGA / C. Decker fec.” extra fine impression copper engraving from P. Vander AA. “Le nouveau Theatre du Monde...” 1713. Engr. dim.: 17.5x27cm. Traces of waterstain on lower left corner & right margin. Interesting & rare item. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8052 M “L’ ARCHIPEL avec toutes ses Iles et les Cotes des environs, suivant les anciens geopgraphes, et les Memoires des meilleurs Navigateurs modernes, et de nouveau mis au jour par PIERRE VANDER AA, Marchand Libraire a Leide” hand-coloured engraved map from “Le nouveau Theatre du Monde ou la Geographie Royale”, 1713, ed. by N. Gueudeville. Size: [50 x 44 cm] plus margins, framed & ready to hang. Ref. Zacharakis No.6. Rare. Starting Price: 400 € 19 Lot. 8053 M “De Klip Kaloiero Lero - Nicaria - Calamo” four engraved maps in one plate, each measuring 17x13,5cm. without the border (full sheet 47x37cm.) by Pierr Van Der AA, from “Le nouveau Theatre du Monde ou la Geographie Royale” ed. by N. Gueudeville, 1713. Excellent condition. Ref. Zacharakis 14. Starting Price: 150 € Lot. 8054 M “ARCHIPELAGUSCHE EYLANDEN / ‘t Amsterdam by GERARD VAN KEULEN boekverkooper aand Niewenburg Inde Gekrounde Loots man / XVI / De Stadt en Haven van Rhodus / 1717” copper engraved map, 58 x 51 cm plus margins, framed & ready to hang. Ref. Zacharakis No.1174. Double page sea chart showing the south western coast of Turkey with the Dodecanese and Rhodes. Large title cartouche to upper right corner with costumed figures & the port of Rhodes. Rare. Starting Price: 450 € 20 Lot. 8055 M “Peloponnesus Hodie MOREA ad normam Veterum...” Seutter G. M., 1725-1753, striking large hand coloured copper engr. map, 58x49cm, presenting Peloponnesus along with Zante, Cefalonia, Cerigo, Leykada islands. Towns, settlements, fortifications in high details, mountains & forests pictorially presented. Impressive cartouche showing victorious Venetian Lion of San Marco fighting the Turks. In EXCELLENT condition. Zach. 3345. Starting Price: 320 € Lot. 8056 M “Orbis Romani Pars Orientalis... MDCCLXIV / London printed...ROBERT-SAYER...” D’Anville J. B., 1727-1780, 1768, 1769, large coloured copper engr. map, extending from Greece & the Balkans in the West to Iran, centered on Cyprus & Asia Minor. Map. dim.69x55cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.126. Starting Price: 260 € 21 Lot. 8058 M “Canal de Constantinople.../ A Leide Chez Pierre Vander Aa, Marchand Libraire” P. Vander AA, beautifully hand coloured copper engr. map from “La Galerie Agreable du Monde” 1729. Showing Bosphorus and sea currents along canal. Map dim. 32x22cm. Excellent condition. Zach. 46. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8057 M “Graciae Antiquae Specimen Geographicum... MDCCLXII...” colour copper engr. by J.B.B. D’Anville, 1727-1780. Decorative map 49x51cm, of ancient Greece with inset map of Macedonia. Small tears & foxing along centerfold. Zacharakis 99. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8059 M “PONTI PARS, Ad Halym Iridem Thermodontemq fluuios sita, quam heroicis temporibus AMAZONES, Romanorum aetate MITHRIDATES REGNUM... Autore G. SANSON. Amstelodami Apud I. Covens et C. Mortier” handcolour copper engr. map by Sanson G., prob. from “Atlas Nouveau” 1730. Presenting in details the south coast of Black Sea and the hinterland, showing trade roots. Map dim. 49x34cm. With several faults. Zach.3222 VAR. Starting Price: 70 € 22 Lot. 8060 M “Illyricum Orientis, In quo Partes II Moesia et Thracia... Amstelodami Apud. I. Covens et C. Mortier cum Privilegio” 1730, beautifully handcoloured copper engr. map by SANSON N., from “Atlas Nouveau” Covens & Mortier. Map dim. 52x41cm. Frame including from Adriatic Sea to the Propontis, with large title cartouche. Zacharakis 3188. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 220 € Lot. 8061 M “MARE MEDITERRANEUM, juxta Regna.../ Cum Gratia... Juris Franconici” Seutter M., large handcoloured copper engr. map, c.1730. Dim.: 57x50cm presenting in high details the regions bordering Mediterranean Sea. Beautifull title cartouche with Neptune, wind-god & sailors. Restoration along centerfold, small waterstain on lower right side, small chip on upper left corner. Starting Price: 150 € 23 Lot. 8062 M “BYZONDERE KAART VAN DE LANDEN DAAR APOSTOLE...” Covens J. & Mortier P., in “Atlas antiquus, sacer, ecclesiasticus et profanus” 1735, by Le Clerc. Beautifully coloured copper engr. map, presenting the travel of St. Paul from Rome to Jerusalem. The wide map frame includes Italy, Easter Mediterranean, Greece, Turkey, Middle East & Southern Balkans. Depiction of mountains & vegetation. Map. dim.47x40cm. Minor tear on lower margin. Very Fine. Starting Price: 280 € Lot. 8063 M “Imperii Turcici Europaei Terra in primis GRAECIA...1741” copper engr. map by Homann Heirs. Interesting map of Ottoman Empire extending from Corsica-Sardinia to Black Sea & Balkans to Egypt, including Cyprus. Cartouche with 25 medallionscoins of ancient Greece. Map dim. 57x51cm. Handcoloured. Light waterstain on left & right white margins. Starting Price: 170 € 24 Lot. 8064 M “PLAN DU SIEGE DE CORFU PAR TERRE ET PAR MER avec la situation de deux flottes Venetienne et Ottomanne...” Homann J. c.1750, highly decorative colour copper engr. map, presenting the naval battle at Corfu between Venetian & Ottoman fleets, with large cartouche, small corner inset maps presenting fleet maneuvers and detailed index providing valuable information each fleet formation. Map. dim. 55.5x48cm. Very Fine condition. Zach.1648. Starting Price: 350 € Lot. 8065 M “Carte Reduite De L’Archipel... 1738 / Dheulland sculp.” large hand coloured copper engr. sea chart by J. N. BELLIN, from “Atlas Maritime” or “Atlas de Geographie...” 1751, presenting Aegean sea islands & Crete, with part of coastline of Greece & Asia Minor. Map. dim. 53x66cm. Small repair on left edge part, chipped margin edges. Starting Price: 450 € 25 Lot. 8066 M “P. de la CAVALE et l’ Isle de TASSE” copper engr. by J. Roux in “Receuil des principaux plans des Ports...” 1764, 1779, 1795, engr. dim.:20x14cm. Oily brown spots. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8067 M “Carte Du Peloponese / Grave par P.F.Tardieu” hand coloured copper engr. map by P. F. TARDIEU 1785, 1798. Highly detailed map of Peloponnese. Map. dim. 44x33cm. Excellent condition. Zach. 3461. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8068 M “Suite Du Royaume De Bithinie. Depuis l’An 3689...”, c. 1790, colour engr. map of ancient Bithynia, with descriptive historical text & decorative frame cartouche. Map dim. 51x35cm. Slight foxing & abrasion along centerfold. Starting Price: 60 € 26 Lot. 8070 M “Carte De La Grece Thrace et Macedoine...An X. A Paris chez les Auteurs P.G. Chanlaire et E. Mentelle” handcolour copper engr. map. from the French Revolution period unique ed. “Atlas Universel...” 1798 by Chanlaire P. G. & E. Mentelle. Foxing on lower left corner side. Map. dim. 43x32cm. Zacharakis 913. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8069 M “Histoire Profane. Royaume de LYDIE. Depuis l’An 3286...”, c. 1790, colour engr. map of ancient Lydia, with descriptive historical text & decorative frame cartouche. Map dim. 51x35cm. Slight foxing. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8072 M “Carte Generale de la TURQUIE D’ASIE...1824” Vivien L., from “Atlas universel...”, Desenne & Menard, Paris. Map of Turkey & Middle East, showing regional div. towns & topographical aspects, with relief shown pictorially. Map. dim. 29x46.5cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 € 27 Lot. 8071 M “Carte De La Grece. Dressee sur un grand... Sept. 1707/Ph.Buache...Avec Privilege du 30 Av.1745” detailed copper engr. map by Delisle G., including Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, part of Italy & Balkans. Map dim. 65x45cm. Printed on heavy paper, tears on upper & lower margins, slight age toning. Starting Price: 160 € Lot. 8074 M BRITISH ADMIRALTY “Mediterranean Archipelago. The Islands of Kos, Niseros and Piskopi. By Commander Thomas Graves in H.M.S. Beacon. 1841.? London 1848 (Updated to 1965.) B/W. 48x65 cm. Intensely detailed chart of the 3 islands in the Dodecanese Group between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea includes both topographical and hydrographical details with all major harbors located. Excellent codition, framed & ready to hang. Starting Price: 90 € 28 Lot. 8073 M “Carte DE L’ASIE MINEURE par Delamarche 1837.” Delamarche, coloured copper engr. map presenting Asia Minor, Cyprus, South Black Sea, Anatolia & part of Middle East. Map. dim. 41x28.5cm. In Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8075 M “CARTE DE LA CHALCIDIQUE pour servir a l’intelligence du voyage de Mr. Proust au Mont Athos./ Dresee par A. Voullemin” wood engr. map 16x16cm, from “Le Tour De Monde. Voyage de M. Guillaume...” Paris, 1860. Attached with tape on carton frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8078 M “ΚΙΠΕΡΤ-ΜΕΛΧΙΝΓ ΧΑΡΤΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ 1:500.000”, Εκδ. Οίκος Ελευθερουδάκης, Αθήνα 1921. 6 έγχρωμοι αναδιπλούμενοι χάρτες 85x61cm της Ελληνικής επικράτειας & συνοδευτικό ευρετληριο (σελ.76). Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 80 € 29 Lot. 8076 M “Carte Generale des Provinces Europeennes et Asiatiques de L’EMPIRE OTTOMAN...” 1892 by Kiepert Henry. Large colour map 125x90cm!, scale 1/3000000, presenting Ottoman Empire on a wide frame from Italy to Caspian Sea & from Balkans to Egypt and Persian Gulf. Clothbound, folded in 12 parts. Slight foxing, small tear appr. 1.5cm on lower part of map. Starting Price: 220 € Lot. 8077 M “Carte Ethnographique Del’ EPIRE du NORD 1913 - Grand Quartier General Hellenique” ed. 1919, colour map 70x103cm presenting through graphs on map the population composition of North Epirus. Accompanied by 19 pages with detailed list of all villages-town and their Greek & Albanian populations. In Greek & French. Tears along folds. Starting Price: 100 € 30 Engravings Lot. 8079 ENGR “Quis RHODII digne versu sublime COLOSSI / Cantet onus, radiansque caput, coeloque minanteis / Extensas immane manus quas, pondere tanto / Indignata ...”. Inscr. “Septem orbis admiranda [...] in aereas tabulas [...] relata, a lusto Rychio Gandense versibus celebrata [...] ex antiquitatis monimentis collecta, Roma 1608. Engraving’s size approx.: 28 x 22 cm., framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 150 € Lot. 8081 ENGR “NAPOLI DI ROMANIA” 1687 copper engr. by CORONELLI Vincenzo from “Memorie Istoriogeografiche dell Morea”. An Excellent copper engr. of Nafplio town, fortifications & surrounding landscape. Dim. 44x26.5cm. Folded as issued. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 250 € 31 Lot. 8082 ENGR “RHODUS” Magnificient big copper engraved view of the port of Rhodes, from Cornelis DE BRUYN “Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia. De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste Steden van Aegypten, Syrien En Palestina...”, Delft - Herik van Krooneveld - 1698. Size of view approx.: 640 x 227 mm., Size of paper approx.: 722 x 400 mm., framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 200 € Lot. 8083 ENGR “RHODUS” Magnificient big copper engraved view of Rhodes, from Cornelis DE BRUYN “Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia. De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste Steden van Aegypten, Syrien En Palestina...”, Delft - Herik van Krooneveld - 1698. Size of view approx.: 640 x 227 mm., Size of paper approx.: 722 x 400 mm., framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 200 € 32 Lot. 8084 ENGR “RHODUS” Wonderful copper engraved view of Rhodes, from Cornelis DE BRUYN “Reizen van Cornelis de Bruyn, Door de vermaardste Deelen van Klein Asia. De Eylanden Scio, Rhodus, Cyprus, Metelino, Stanchio, &c. Mitsgaders de voornaamste Steden van Aegypten, Syrien En Palestina...”, Delft - Herik van Krooneveld - 1698. Size of view approx.: 380 x 150 mm., with margins, framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 150 € Lot. 8080 ENGR Large 17th century engr. 34x28cm with “C. Decker fec” iscr. presenting antiquities. Waterstain on margins, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Very Interesting item. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8086 ENGR “NEGROPONTE / Dardanelli / Pag:229, Num:2”, two engravings by Hiller from A. M. Myller’s book “Peregrinus in Jerusalem” 1730, 1735. Engr. Dim. 13.5x17cm. Attached on period blanc sheet. Starting Price: 110 € Lot. 8087 ENGR “Temple of Jupiter Olympius At Athens / Engraved for the New Geographical Dictionary” c.1750 copper engr. interesting view of Temple of Olympian Zeus?. Dim. 23x16cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 45 € 33 Lot. 8088 ENGR “Vue du Port des Bateaux a Rhodes / Del. Lemonnier, Lithographie a la Calcographie Royale de J. Goubaud a Bruxelles” copper engraving from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, c.1, Paris, 1782” by Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier, M[arie] G[abriel] F[lorent] A[uguste]. View size approx.: 20,5 x 34 cm., paper size approx. 31.5 x 46,5 cm., framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8089 ENGR “Vue de la Tour Saint Nicolas a RHODES / A.P.D.R. / C. Weisbrod / Decquevauwillier” copper engraving from “Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, c.1, Paris, 1782” by Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier, M[arie] G[abriel] F[lorent] A[uguste]. View size approx.: 22 x 34 cm., framed & ready to hang. Rare. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8090 ENGR “Nobile greco di Rodi - Isola del’ Archipelago / Noble Grec de Rhodes - Isle de l’Archipel” very beautiful handcoloured engraving by Teodoro Viero (Venice, 1783). Size of the engraving: 17 x 23 cm. Mounted in frame and ready to hang. Starting Price: 90 € 34 Lot. 8091 ENGR “Giovine di S. Giovanni di Patmos - Isola dell’ Archipelago / Fille de St. Iean de Patmos - Isle de l’Archipel - Apud Theodorum Viero Venetii” very beautiful handcoloured engraving by Teodoro Viero (Venice, 1783). Size of the engraving: 17 x 23 cm. Mounted in frame and ready to hang. Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8093 ENGR “Femme de l’Isle de Patmos” handcoloured engraving, designed by Jacques Grasset de St. Sauver (1757-1810) and engraved by J. Laroque, 1784. Size of the engraving: 21 x 14,5 cm. Mounted in frame (35 x 43 cm.) and ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8092 ENGR “Homme de l’Isle de Patmos” handcoloured engraving, designed by Jacques Grasset de St. Sauver (1757-1810) and engraved by J. Laroque, 1784. Size of the engraving: 21 x 14,5 cm. Mounted in frame (35 x 43 cm.) and ready to hang. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8094 ENGR “Prise de Rhodes par les Chevaliers de St. Jean (15 Aout 1310)” steel engraving “Peint par Feron, grave par P. Brunelliere, dessine par Girardet, diagraphe et pantographe Gavard” from the “Gallerie historiqoe de Versailles. Size of engraving: 18,5 x 18 cm. Framed & ready to hang. Starting Price: 50 € 35 Lot. 8095 ENGR “Exercices des Derwischs Rufayis. V. Scene / Pl.132” c.1790 b&w copper engr. 35x24cm after C. N. Cochin fils, from “Tableau General de L’empire Othoman, Divise...” by I. M. D’Ohsson. Few light brown spots. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8097 ENGR “A Dancing Girl” Beautifully hand-coloured engr. publ. London 1812, Engr. dim. 14x17cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8096 ENGR “(Costume from Dodecanese)” very beautiful handcoloured engraving “Octavier Delviant, Delin. - Dadley sculpt.” published (1.1.1802) by W. Miller, Old Bond Str. London. Size of engraving: 22 x 30 cm. Framed & ready to hang. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8098 ENGR “Fancy Ball Dress. No. 24. Asiatic Turkey. Diarbekir” 1832 hand colour lithogr. by L. Mansion from “A Group of Fancy Ball Dress Plates” by Mansion. Engr. dim. 23x28cm. Seld adhesive tape on lower white margin & few small brown spots. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8100 ENGR “Habitans de la Carie” four copper engr. on one plate, des. J. B. Hilair, engr. dim. 21x31cm, from “Voyage pittoresque...” by Choiseul-Gouffier. Small hole on lower left white margin. Starting Price: 50 € 36 Lot. 8099 ENGR “Beyazit Camii Avlusu / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Chipped upper margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8102 ENGR “Remains of the Church of St John Pergamus” c.1840 steel engraving drawn by T.Allom, engraved by J.Tingle from R.Walsh “Constantinople and the Scenery at the Seven Churches of Asia Minor”. Engr. Dim.: 19x12.5cm. Few stains mainly along margins. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 8104 ENGR “Bogazicinde Yalilar / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Fine. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8101 ENGR “Kopru / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Fine. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8103 ENGR “Istanbul Limani / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. tears along lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8105 ENGR “Yeni Cami (Valide Sultan Camii) / William H. Bartlett-XIX. ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Starting Price: 20 € 37 Lot. 8106 ENGR Lot. 8110 ENGR “Besiktas Sirtlarindan Bogazici / William H. Bartlett-XIX. “Governor’s House, Philadelphia. Asia Minor” c.1840 ASIR” large 39x26cm b&w engr. from book “The Beauties of steel engr. des. by T. Allom & engr. by E. Challis, the Bosphorus”, Miss Pardoe, 1838. Tears on lower margin, not beautifully hand-colour. Engr. dim. 19x13cm. Very Fine. affecting engr. area. attached with tape on carton frame. Starting Price: 15 € Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8107 ENGR “The Medak, or Eastern Story Teller. Constantinople” c.1840 beautifull hand colour engr. 13x17cm from “Constantinople and the Scenery of...” drawings by Thomas Allom. Very Fine Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8108 ENGR “A Turkish letter-writer at Constantinople” c.1840 copper engr. 13x17cm from “Constantinople and the Scenery of...” drawings by Thomas Allom. Fine Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 8109 ENGR “The Favorite Odalique” c.1840 beautifull hand colour engr. 13x17cm from “Constantinople and the Scenery of...” drawings by Thomas Allom. Very Fine Starting Price: 20 € 38 Lot. 8111 ENGR Large 20x25cm engr. “ENTREE DU CHATEAU DE LINDOS / Eug. Flandin, Gide. Editeur, Imp. Bertauts, Paris. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8112 ENGR “Prise de Rhodes par les chevaliers de St. Jean (15 Aout 1310)” copper engr. drawn by Feron, engraved by P. Brunelliere, in book “Galeries historiques du palais de Versailles”, Musee national de Versailles, mid. 19th cent. Engr. dim. 19x18.5cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8115 ENGR “Three Greek Sisters at Therapia”, sketched by D. Wilkie, sculpt. W. J. Edwards, beautifully coloured copper engr. c.1875. Engr. dim. 22x19cm. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8113 ENGR “Mosquee de Salonique. Dessin de Girardet d’apres M. A. Proust” b&w engr. 17x17cm, from “Le Tour De Monde. Voyage de M. Guillaume...” Paris, 1860. Attached with tape on carton frame. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8116 ENGR “LE MONT OLYMPE. D’apres une vue communiquee par MM. Heuzey et Daumet” colour wood engr. 13x18cm, from “La Nouvelle Geographie Universelle, la terre et les hommes” Elisee Reclus, 1875-94. Atached with tape on carton frame, small tear on lower margin not affecting engr. area. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8114 ENGR “THE ISLAND OF TENEDOS” large 35x15cm engr. from “The Illustrated London News” 22.8.1863. Attached in paper frame. Excelent condition. Starting Price: 50 € 39 The following 41 lots come all from the French magazine “Le Tour Du Monde” years 1876 to 1878. Lot. 8117 Lot. 8118 Lot. 8119 Lot. 8120 Lot. 8121 Lot. 8122 Lot. 8123 Lot. 8124 Lot. 8125 Lot. 8126 Lot. 8127 Lot. 8128 Lot. 8129 Lot. 8130 Lot. 8131 Lot. 8132 Lot. 8133 Lot. 8134 Lot. 8135 Lot. 8136 Lot. 8137 Lot. 8138 Lot. 8139 Lot. 8140 Lot. 8141 Lot. 8142 Lot. 8143 Lot. 8144 Lot. 8145 Lot. 8146 Lot. 8147 Lot. 8148 Lot. 8149 Lot. 8150 “Gendarmes en tenue de campagne” full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "L'Acropole" full page 24x16cm engr. & "L'Acropole" 16x12cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Ancienne cathedrale d'Athenes" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "La rentree de l'import" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Fenetre d'une habitation turque pres Tripoltza" 8x12cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Peche au javelot" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Forteresse de Navarin" 16x8cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Platanes pres de la riviere Eileos" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Ruines de Beza-Pyrgos" . Very Fine. "Le defile des Thermopyles" full page 24x16cm engr. Few brown spots. "Portique d'Adrien" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Eglise de Pantanasie, facade du nord" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Ornements dans l'eglise de Pantanasie" 16x12cm on reverse. Very Fine. "Hydra" 16x12cm engr., + smaller engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Nauplie et la forteresse Palamede" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Galeries de Tirynthe" 12x8cm engr. on reverse. Few brown spots. "Zante" full page 24x16cm engr. Few brown spots. "Danse a Hagia Anna (Sainte-Anne)" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Sparte et le Taygete" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Citadelle de Mistra" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Femme de Mistra". Very Fine. "Mistra" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Eglise de Pantanasie, a Mistra" smaller 16x12cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Vue d'Argos et du chateau franc de Larissa" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Vue generale du Piree" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Le Taygete, vu de Sparte" 16x12cm engr. Very Fine. "Cour interieure du monastere de Mendeli" 16x12cm engr. plus 16x12cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Fontaine turque" 16x12cm engr. Very Fine. "Kardamyle" 16x12cm engr. Very Fine. "Pappas en tournee de bapteme" 16x12cm engr. & "Monument pyramidal pres d'Argos" 16x8cm engr on reverse. Very Fine. "La plaine de Marathon" full page 24x16cm engr. Fine. "Temple de Minerve a Egine" full page 24x16cm engr. Few brown spots. "L'alerte" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Dernier plateau du Parnasse" 12x8cm on reverse. Very Fine. "Porte desLions, a Mycenes" full page 24x16cm engr. Very small & few brown spots. "Caravane turque" full page 24x16cm engr. Fine. "Campement de bergers vlaques" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. "Temple de Minerve, a Sunium" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Cap Sunium" 16x8cm on reverse. Few brown spots "Gardes - frontieres" full page 24x16cm engr. Fine "Entree de la rade de Navarin" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Rocher dans la rade de Navarin" smaller 16x8cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Athenes et le mont Hymete, vus du mont Saint-Elie" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Plan de l'abbaye de Daphne" smaller 8x9cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Port Panormos, a Scopelos" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Pierres encastrees dans une tour du chateau de Scopelos" 16x7cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ (ENGR) 5€ (ENGR) 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 10 € (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 10 € 10 € 10 € 10 € 10 € (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 10 € 10 € 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 5€ 5€ 5€ (ENGR) (ENGR) 5€ 10 € (ENGR) 10 € (ENGR) 10 € 40 Lot. 8151 Lot. 8152 Lot. 8153 Lot. 8154 Lot. 8155 Lot. 8156 Lot. 8157 "Calamata et le chateau franc" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Coron" 16x7cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "Devideuses de cocons dans la maison du pappas de Trypi" 16x12cm engr. Very Fine. "Pecheurs d'eponges" 16x12cm engr. Very Fine. "Vue de Delphes" full page 24x16cm engr. Fine. "Corfou" full page 24x16cm engr. Some brown spots. "Monastere de Daphne" full page 24x16cm engr. & "Route de Daphne a Eleusis" 12x8cm engr. on reverse. Very Fine. "L'alona, a Achmed-Aga" full page 24x16cm engr. Very Fine. (ENGR) 10 € (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) (ENGR) 7€ 7€ 7€ 7€ 7€ (ENGR) 7€ Lot. 8118 Lot. 8119 Lot. 8120 Lot. 8121 Lot. 8122 Lot. 8123 Lot. 8124 Lot. 8125 Lot. 8127 Lot. 8128 Lot. 8117 Lot. 8126 41 Lot. 8129 Lot. 8130 Lot. 8131 Lot. 8132 Lot. 8133 Lot. 8134 Lot. 8135 Lot. 8136 Lot. 8137 Lot. 8138 Lot. 8139 Lot. 8140 Lot. 8142 Lot. 8143 Lot. 8141 42 Lot. 8144 Lot. 8145 Lot. 8146 Lot. 8148 Lot. 8149 Lot. 8147 Lot. 8150 Lot. 8151 Lot. 8153 Lot. 8154 Lot. 8156 Lot. 8157 Lot. 8152 Lot. 8155 43 Lot. 8158 ENGR “Remains of an ancient Pyramid near Argos” colour engr. 23x12cm, from the British magazine “The illustrated London News” April 14, 1877. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8159 ENGR “View of new Mycenae” colour engr. 23x15cm, from the British magazine “The illustrated London News” Feb. 3, 1877. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8160 ENGR “Our special artist in Greece: Part of the wall of Tiryns, with doorway and passage” colour engr. 22x17cm, from the British magazine “The illustrated London News” April 14, 1877. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8162 ENGR “ΤΟ ΕΝ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΥΠΟΛΕΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΝ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟΝ / Λ. ΘΕΟΧΑΡΗΣ” 20x15cm, από το περιοδικό ΕΣΠΕΡΟΣ c.1883. VF. Starting Price: 20 € 44 Lot. 8161 ENGR “Montenegrins Listening to Songs of War” & “Proposed new Greek Frontier; Vale of Tempe, Thessaly” two colour engr. in one page including corresponding short articles, from ‘The Illustrated London News” Aug. 28.1880, pp.213-214. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8163 ENGR “Rodi - La Citta Murata / Casa editrice d’ Arte Bestetti e Tuminelli, Milano - roma / da un disegno di domenico Trombetta” large b/w lithographed print (ca. 1920) framed & ready to hang. Size: 94 x 70 cm. Starting Price: 120 € 45 Archive Photographs Lot. 8164 RP “Chemin De Fer D’ Anatolie” B. BERGGREN, TURKEY. Large photographic Album c.1880 with 26 albumen photos 26.2x21cm & one albumen folded 47x21cm, by Berggren Guillaume attached on carton (32x40cm). Presenting views of Train stations, Bridges, railway infrastructures, tunnels & construction works. Inscr. on photos: Saccaria, Isnik, Guebzek, Ismidt, Kartal, Pek-Demir, Adabazar, Haidr Pacha, Kara Sou, Sabandja, Gueve, Hereke, TutunTchiflik. Photographs in Very Fine condition, album boards trimmed & bumped, some cartons with chipped edges. RARE item. Starting Price: 500 € 46 Lot. 8165 RP “No 1. Collections D. Rhomaides. Athenes Antique” Photographic Album with 30 photos (photo-mechanic) dim. 23x15cm, of D. Rhomaides, hard-cover raised, gilt title. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 300 € Lot. 8166 RP “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ - ATHENES” c.1890 photographic Album 35x24cm with large (27.5x21cm) b&w photos of Acropole & antiquities “Β. ΠΑΠΑΓΙΑΝΝΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΦΩΤΟΤΥΠΗΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ”. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 160 € 47 Lot. 8167 RP “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ” late 19th cent. photographic Album “Φωτοτυπείον Α. Γκινάκος & Γ.Μαργαρίτης” with 28 b&w printed photos 19x12.5cm, presenting mostly athenian antiquities, views of the town & traditional costumes. Part of front cover missing, back cover detatched. Photographs in excellent condition. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8168 B “The Cairo Electric Railways and Heliopolis Oases Company”, ed. P.G. Evrard, Paris, HELIOPOLIS 1933. Photographic Album with 28 full-page printed b&w illustrations. 27x21cm. Boards with faults & detached. Photographs in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8169 RP “1934 Epidaurus, Rhodos, Samos” photographic album 16x13cm with 47 b&w real photos 10.5x8cm of Epidauros, Rhodes & Samos. Interesting views. Half leather boards. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 80 € 48 Lot. 8170 RP Large photographic Album “Studio Ververis” with 50 b&w photos attached on carton varying sizes (~ 19x14cm). Military photos: ALBANIAN WAR (28), EL ALAMEIN (3), RIMINI (2) & Places: Acropole (10), Tempe, Pelion (2), Metsovo, Corfu (3). Leather boards with fullpage photo of Acropole on front board signed by pencil by the photographer. Photo descriptions by pen on photos margins. Rare collection of Greek military photos. Starting Price: 450 € Lot. 8171 RP “Σπετσεροπούλειον Ορφανοτροφείον. Πρώτη Δωδεκαετία 1929-1941” Ηλιούπολις, Κάϊρον. Λεύκωμα 29x21cm, 62 σελ. με πλούσια εικονογράφηση από τη θεμελίωση του κτιρίου & καθημερινή ζωή. Ελαφρώς φθαρμένα εξώφυλλα και τσακισμένες γωνίες. Starting Price: 25 € 49 Lot. 8172 RP Photographic Album, 29x24cm, presenting scenes of Greece in the 1950’s. through 48 real b&w photographs 17.5x18.5cm, attached on thick carton. Photos of Athens, Cyclades, Dodecanese, Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Thassos, Ionian islands, & Crete. Handwriten descriptions on bottom carton frame. Leather boards. Excellent condition. Starting Price: 200 € Lot. 8174 RP Δημητρίου Κωνσταντίνος, c.1880 “Maison Scliemann” ασπρόμαυρη αλμπουμίνα διαστ. 25.5x19cm, από τον πρώιμο Αθηναίο φωτογράφο. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Σπάνια. Starting Price: 120 € Lot. 8175 RP Athenian antiquity, c.1890 albumen photo coloured with the PHOTOCHROM process. The process was most popular in the 1890s when true colour photogr. was still commercialy impractical. 16.5x22cm, attached on carton. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 € 50 Lot. 8176 RP Three late 19th cent. b&w albumen photos: “The Acropolis - Athens” 19.5x15cm & 2 “Innsbruck” 17x9cm & 16x8cm, attached on carton with handwriten description in pen. Very FIne. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8177 RP View of Acropole, late 19th cent. b&w albumen photo, 20x13cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8178 RP “G. Beiggren. Mosquee Suleymanie. N.154” Late 19th cent. b&w albumen photo 27x21cm. Small grated spots on upper part. Small tear on left side. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8179 RP “View of Acropole Athens, looking from south east”, late 19th cent. b&w albumen photo, 26x21cm, attached on thick carton. Chipped photo corners. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8180 RP “Iles. Musulman de RHODES, Dame musulmane de Rhodes” Printed photograph (20x26cm) of SEBAH PASCAL from the book “Les Costumes... Turquie” HAMDY BEY & Marie De Launay, 1873. Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8181 RP “Iles Rhodes. Juif de Rhodes. Juive de Rhodes” Printed photograph (20x26cm) of SEBAH PASCAL from the book “Les Costumes... Turquie” HAMDY BEY & Marie De Launay, 1873. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8182 RP “Salonique. Hodja de Selanik. Haham bachi de Selanik. Bourgeois de Monastir.” Printed photographs (20x26cm) of SEBAH PASCAL from the book “Les Costumes... Turquie” HAMDY BEY & Marie De Launay, 1873. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € 51 Lot. 8183 RP “Sebah & Joaillier 38. Vue panoramique et la mosquee Suleymanie.” Late 19th cent. b&w albumen photo 27x21cm. Few small brown spots. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8184 RP Smyrne beautiful view of port everyday life c.1900, real b&w albumen photo, 25x21cm. Tiny tear on upper part, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8185 RP CORFU-Circular Temple, albumen photograph c.1900, Dim. 27x20.5cm, numbered “90”, attached on carton. Very Fine. Starting Price: 70 € 52 Lot. 8186 RP “Photo NELLY’S Athens, Ahenes- Le temple de Jupiter et le Stade vues de l’Acropole” large 38x29cm panoramic view of Athens. “Atellier Artistique Nelly’s” & “Copyright by Nelly’s” cachets on reverse. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 220 € Lot. 8187 RP “Μερική άποψις Καστελλόριζου” panorama of Kastelorizo port made by 2 real photographs, late 19th century, attached on thick carton, faded, with slight crease. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8188 RP B&W photo depicting the staff of Bank of Athenes at Constantinople on March 1909, on cardboard with label of “N. Andriomenos” Photo Studio. Photo Dim. 28,5x39cm. Some scratches on frame and photo. Starting Price: 80 € 53 Lot. 8189 PPC The RAREST Greek POSTCARD (Puzzle of 10 PPCs) UNCUT, 10 scenes of the “Return of the Victorious Greek Army” (Balkan Wars), all images show the King Constantine XII combined with a huge portrait of H.M. Excellent condition & UNIQUE! Starting Price: 1200 € Lot. 8191 RP “ΕΛΛΗΝΟ-ΤΟΥΡΚΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ 1915-16 Εις ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΝ 1916” b&w real photo of Greek Officers. On passe partout & in paper folder. Dim. 23x17cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8190 RP Edirne-Adrianopolis early 20th cent. real b&w photo of “Gazi Mihal Koprusu” or Sultan’s Bridge, 17.5x12cm, attached on carton. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8193 RP Rodosto - Tekirdag - Ραιδεστός, rare photo presenting scene of outdoors wrestling, real early 20th cent. photo, 17.5x12cm, with inscriptions in ottoman turkish. Attached on thin carton, slightly chipped edges. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8192 RP Corlu - Τυρολόη, East Thrace, rare photo presenting Greek School during renovation works, real b&w photo 12.5x17cm, attached on thin carton, with inscriptions in ottoman Turkish. Photo with slight edge tears. Starting Price: 60 € 54 Lot. 8194 RP Greek military officers real b&w photograph 17x13cm attached on carton. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8196 RP 10.8.1920 Turkish diplomat signes the “Treaty of Sevres”. “AGENCE DE REPORTAGE...’MEURISSE’...” photographer cachet on reverse. Fine condition. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8198 RP Σάμος - Βαθύ c.1910, δύο (2) μεγάλες 23x17cm ασπρόμαυρες φωτογρ. που απεικονίζουν καθηγητές και σπουδαστές Γυμνασίου. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8195 RP “Παρασημοφορία του Οπλαρχηγού Γκόνου Χρίστου εκ Μπαροβίτσης. εις Γουμενίτσης την 11 δεκεβρίου 1920. Πρόσκοπος & ομάδος Γουμενίτσης”, ασπρόμαυρη φωτογρ. 14.5x11.5cm, επικολλημένη σε χονδρό χαρτόνι. Πληροφορίες για τον οπλαρχηγό Γκόνο στην Ιστορία Ελλ. Έθνους ΙΔ, σελ. 251. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8202 RP “Οι Καθηγηταί του Ομηρείου Ημιγυμνασίου Νισύρου μετά των τελειοφοίτων 1927-28” real b&w photo 17x12cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: OFFER 55 Lot. 8197 RP Πλατεία Λαυρίου & το “ΘΗΡΙΟ” c.1920, 9 ασπρόμαυρες φωτογρ. που απεικονίζουν στιγμές καθημερινής ζωής και αποτυπώνουν την ατμομηχανή του τμήματος Αθηνών - Κηφισιάς (το αποκαλουμενο “ΘΗΡΙΟ”). Διαστάσεις 23x17cm. Πολύ ιδιαίτερες και ΣΠΑΝΙΕΣ φωτογραφίες σε εξαιρετική κατάσταση. Starting Price: 180 € Lot. 8199 RP Salonica-Axios, “Portal crane for AXIOS - steelwork” real b&w photo 23x16.5cm, “Photo Phebus / Salonique”. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8200 RP “Η παρά το Δεμίρ-Χισάρ σιδηροδραμική γέφυρα μετά την ανατίναξη υπό των Βουλγάρων” ασπρόμαυρη φωτογρ. 17χ12cm, με επεξηγηματική χειρόγραφή σημείωση. Starting Price: 30 € 56 Lot. 8201 RP Portrait of a Greek Officer in front of a military aircraft, signed “Γεωρ. Πιζάνιας ανθυπίλαρχος Θεσ/νίκη 4/3/27”, b&w real photo 17x23cm, attached on carton, creased corners. Starting Price: 45 € Lot. 8204 RP Sponge traders & sponge divers in front of lange quantity of sea sponges, b&w real photo 18x12.5cm. Very FIne condition. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8203 RP Θεσσαλονίκη 1928, ασπρόμαυρη φωτογρ. 23x17.5cm, από θεμελίωση-αγιασμό κτιρίου, σε passe partout “ΦΩΤΟ-ΗΛΕΚΤΡΙΚΟΝ / ΦΟΙΒΟΣ & ΓΙΑΝΝΟΥΛΗΣ - ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ”. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8205 RP “Λωρεντης & Παπαιωάννου / Φωτογραφοι” real b&w photo depicting fishermen in sea, 15x10cm, with a small crack. Starting Price: OFFER Lot. 8206 RP Thessaloniki 1935 & 1936, 2 b&w photos 24x17.5cm & 22x17cm with manuscript descriptions on reverse, “Θεσ/νίκη 26 Οκτωβρίου 1935” & “Σχολή Εφέδρων Αξ/κών Πυρ/κού Θεσ/νίκη 1935-1936”, one with cachet “ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ/Γ. ΛΥΚΙΔΟΥ”. Starting Price: 20 € 57 Lot. 8208 RP “FOTO ARTE BIERTI RODI” Two b&w real photos: Young girl in front of wooden burning oven, & detail of Grand Master’s palace, 17.5x23.5cm, one with creased & chipped corners. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8207 RP “Θεσσαλία. Οργωμα με βόδια” - Thessaly, women plowing with oxen. 50s b&w photograph, size: 23x19cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8209 RP “Αίθουσα βρεφών / Βρεφοκομείον Αθηνών” real b&w photo 17x12cm on passe-partout. Very Fine. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8210 RP “Οι κάτοικοι του Χωρίου Δομιανίων αναμένοντας την διέλευση του Διαδόχου” manuscript description on verso, real b&w photo, 18x12.5cm. Fine. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8213 RP Two men and a woman in traditional costumes 1920-1930s probably from Rhodes, real b&w photo 20x25cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8212 RP “CAFE PARADISO ELIA DIAMANTAKI” men outside cafe prob. in Rhodes 1920-1930s, real b&w photo 25x20cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € 58 Lot. 8211 RP Serres 1915-1917, 15 b&w real photographs, 17.5x12cm, with relief inscription of the photographers “Πέννας & Δαϊρετζόπουλος Σέρραι” and manuscript descriptions on verso. Presenting monuments, streets and various views. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 110 € Lot. 8214 RP Panoramic view of Ithaca, probably air-photo, real b&w photo 18.5x17cm. Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8215 RP Οι Βασιλείς Παύλος & Φρειδερίκη φορώντας παραδοσιακές στολές. Ασπρόμαυρη φωτογραφία. 13x17.5cm σε πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 30 € 59 Lot. 8216 RP HARISSIADIS. Two (2) b&w photos of Mount Athos depicting Monasteries of Dionysiou & Pantokrator, by “Photographic Agency ‘D. Harissiadis’” with cachet on reverse. Dim. ~23x20cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8217 RP ZOGRAPHOS N. Large b&w photo of a windmill at Myconos by “Photo Studio N. Zographos” dated 13.11.1929, cachet on reverse. Photo Dim. 19.5x29cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8218 RP ZOGRAPHOS N. Large b&w photo of “Lion Gate” at Mycenae by “Photo Studio N. Zographos” dated 25.08.1930, cachet on reverse. Photo Dim. 19.5x29cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8220 RP View of Pontikonisi-Corfu, b&w print on carton, 24x17.5cm, small creases. Starting Price: 30 € 60 Lot. 8219 RP 1930 Ασπρ. φωτογρ. του Πατρινού φωτογρ. ΑΤΖΑΡΙΤΗ, Φυσιολατρικός Όμιλος στη Μονή Ομπλού - Πατρών, με υπογραφή του φωτογράφου. Διαστ. 16x20cm, επικολλημένη σε passe partout. Πολύ καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8221 RP Two large real photos by “DeBarron” New York City, Studios. 25x33cm. Chipped edges. Starting Price: OFFER Lot. 8222 RP Symi-Sponge store. Large 25x19.5cm b&w photo “National Sponge and Chamois Co. Inc. New York Mediterranean Branch. Symi Egeo”, attached on carton. Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8223 RP “Ο εν τη Παναγία ΚΑΣΟΥ ναός της Θεοτόκου. 24η Απριλίου 1902” real b&w photo 17x12cm in wooden frame 25x20cm. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8224 RP Rhodes view from coastal road, b&w real photo 25x20cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 8225 RP “Νήσος Ρόδος - Λίνδος” real b&w photo 23.5x18cm, one brown spot. Starting Price: 20 € 61 Lot. 8227 RP “Εγκατάστασις υπουργείο εις Αργοστόλι” Δύο ασπρόμαυρες φωτογρ. από την επίσκεψη του Σπ. Μαρκεζίνη στην Κεφαλλονιά μετά το σεισμό 1953. Διαστάσεις 24x18cm. Very Fine. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8226 RP “ΕΛΗΦΘΗ ΤΗ 4 ΑΠΡ. 1963 Από Μιναρέ Πλατείας Ωρολογίου” b&w photo 26x20cm of Rhodes. With placemarks notes made by pen. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8228 RP Street of Rhodes b&w real photo 18x27cm, crease on left lower corner. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8229 RP “ΕΛΗΦΘΗ ΤΗ 4 ΑΠΡ. 1963 Από όρμον Ακαντιάς (όπου σφαγεία)” large b&w photo 30x24cm of Rhodes. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 35 € 62 Cabinet - CDV Lot. 8230 Lot. 8231 Lot. 8232 Lot. 8233 Lot. 8234 Lot. 8235 Lot. 8236 Lot. 8237 Lot. 8238 Lot. 8239 Lot. 8240 Lot. 8241 Lot. 8242 Lot. 8243 Lot. 8244 Lot. 8245 Lot. 8246 Lot. 8247 Lot. 8248 Lot. 8249 Lot. 8250 Lot. 8251 Lot. 8252 Lot. 8253 Lot. 8254 "N. Andriomenos" Armenians in Constantinople late 19th cent., large b&w photo 26.5x19.5cm attached on passe-partout, presenting Armenian school students and teaching staff photographed outdoors in front of school (church?). Vertical crease. "NELLY'S Athenes", b&w real photo 12.5x17cm, portrait of a young married couple, on passe partout with photographer's signs. Very Fine. People gathering in port (Volos??), real b&w photo, 17.5x12cm, attached on thick carton. "Photographie Royale D. Martimianakis - Le Caire", portrait of a gentleman, from the studio at Cairo, b&w real photo 11x21.5cm, on passepartout with relief photographer's sign. Very Fine. R. "Geo Boucas Athens & London" portrait of a young man, by the famous Greek photographer, real b&w photo, Cabinet, 9.5x15cm, on passepartout with photographer's sign. Crease on lower right corner of carton frame. Family photograph, b&w real photo, late 19th cent., photographer's cachet "Boehringer / ATHEN", 18x24cm, attached on thick carton. "Γ. Σ. Λεβαντής ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" family b&w real photo, 16.5x12.5cm, attached on thick carton, relief photographer's sign. "N. S. ATHANASIADES SMYRNE", very expressive portait of a woman (widow??), holding an old photograph of a man. Real photo 10x14cm, attached on thick carton. "Κάβρας φωτ. Β. Αυλής - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" portrait of a woman, real b&w photo, Cabinet, 10x14.5cm, on passe-partout with relief photographer's sign. "Κάβρας Φωτογράφος της Β. Αυλής - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" portrait of a couple, real b&w photo, 9.5x13.5cm, on passe-partout with relief photographer's sign. Handwriten dedication on verso "1908". "I. KΑΡΙΠΗΣ" portrait of a lady with manuscript "Ιω. Καρίπης", dim. 17.5x13.5cm. "B. Borri e figlio - Corfu" real photo of a lady, by the BORRI family, 10x14.5cm, attached on thick carton. Large family real photo on thick carton, b&w 23x17cm, "ΚΑΡΔΙΑΚΙΔΗΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ", vertical crease. "Δ. Σπίγγος - ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" Group of civilians, priest, military officers etc, real b&w photo 17x12cm attached on passe-partout with photographer's sign, with faults. Woman in traditional costume, real b&w photo, attached on thick carton, small crease on carton frame lower corners. Real photograph of 4 gentlemen 12x16cm, late 19th cent. attached on decorative passepartout. Young couple portrait, b&w real photo, 8.5x15cm, attached on thick carton, photographer "A. Ραφανίδης / ΒΩΛΟΣ" relief. "I. KΑΡΙΠΗΣ / ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΥΣ" portrait of a lady with manuscript "Αθήναι 1/6-27" & relief photographer's cachet. "Β. Παπαμήτρος & Δ. Παγώνης ΑΘΗΝΑΙ" Early 20th cent. cabinet, real b&w photo of a young girl, 10x14cm, on passe-partout. Very Fine confition. "Kantas Soeurs" real photograph of a young girl, attached on thick carton, photo dim. 10.5x16cm. "A gentleman, portrait" b&w real photo(N.Birkos), unused.few spots "A little child" b&w real photo(Kantas Joeurs), unused.VF "A gentleman, portrait" b&w real photo(A,Gaziades), unused.VF "A gentleman, portrait" b&w real photo(A.Gaziades), unused.VF Portrait photograph of CAPUANO JACQUES from Thessaloniki late 18th to early 19th century, by "PAUL ZEPDJI PHOTOGRAPHE SALONIQUE" 10.5x16cm, b&w, attached on thick carton with manuscript "Jacques Capuano 1896-1975". (RP) 50 € (RP) 50 € (RP) (RP) 30 € 30 € (RP) 18 € (RP) 25 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 30 € (RP) 10 € (RP) 15 € (RP) (RP) 10 € 10 € (RP) OFFER (RP) OFFER (RP) OFFER (RP) OFFER (RP) 10 € (RP) OFFER (RP) 25 € (RP) 10 € (RP) (RP) (RP) (RP) (RP) 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 45 € 63 Lot. 8255 Photograph of ESTREL HASSID and her mother (linked with Modiano family) from Thessaloniki late 18th to early 19th century, by "PAUL ZEPDJI PHOTOGRAPHE SALONIQUE" 11x16cm, b&w, attached on thick carton. Lot. 8256 "Alexandrie. Aziz & Dores. D. Venetoulis. Επί τη εικοσιπενταετηρίδι της διευθύνσεώς μου. 1878-1905" b&w real photo. (Bernhard Wachtl, Wien), used. Lot. 8257 "A family" b&w real photo(F.Mitsopoulos), unused.stained Lot. 8258 "A young man, portrait" b&w real photo(D.Spingos), unused.VF Lot. 8259 "Young lady, portrait" b&w real photo(A.Smyrnaios), unused.few spots Lot. 8260 "A little child" b&w real photo(C.Boehringer), unused.VF Lot. 8261 "A young couple" b&w real photo(D.Spiggos),unused.VF Lot. 8262 Late 19th cent. b&w real photo 9.5x13.5cm, of a woman in traditional costume in studio, attached on carton. Lot. 8263 "Α. Ραφανίδης Βώλος" real b&w family photo 10x14cm on passe-partout, with faults. Lot. 8264 "Sebah & Joaillier / Constantinople" real b&w photo of a woman & two young girls, on passe-partout, 10.5x16.5cm. Lot. 8265 Early 19th cent. photograph of a woman in impressive traditional costume, attached on carton. Lot. 8266 Portrait of greek military officer, real b&w photo 11x17cm, attached on carton. Lot. 8267 Couple in traditional costumes, real photo attached on thick carton. Lot. 8268 Young couple, old man and three children in traditional costumes, photographed outdoors, "ΕΥΓΕΝΙΑ Γ. ΜΠΑΣΑΚΑΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΚΑΛΑΜΑΙ", late 19th to early 20th century real photo, Cabinet, 11x14cm. Lot. 8269 Young girl in traditional costume real photo 10x13cm, by "ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ ΤΟ 'ΣΙΚ'" Ιπποκράτης Παπαδόπουλος. Lot. 8270 Two young women in tradistional costumes, household scene, 19th cent. real photo 10x14cm, attached on thick carton, by "M. Savvides" Jerusalem. Lot. 8271 Young lady portrait, early 20th century real photo attached on thick carton, by the famous photographer G. Krikorian in Jerusalem. Very Fine Quality. Lot. 8272 Young couple, real photo portrait attached on thick carton, by S. & P. Stournaras photographers at Volos. Crack in middle. Lot. 8273 3 portrait photographs from Thessaloniki late 18th to early 19th century, 2 by "ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΝ Αδελφοί ΛΙΟΝΤΑ/PHOTOGRAPHE FRERES LIONDA" & 1 "Ελληνικόν Φωτογραφείον Μ.Λιόντα Θεσσαλονίκη" 6.5x11cm, 11x16cm & 13.5x18.5cm. All b&w, attached on thick carton. Lot. 8274 Real photo of ANDREAS KORDELLAS (Bohringer 1902) bearing his signature Plus two photos of: his wife Ioanna Theohari (1870) and his mother in law Eleni Theohari. Andreas Kordellas was a mineralogist & metallurgist. After his actions, the mines of Lavrion reoperated. He has been director of Lavrio Mining Company, he treated the water supply problem of Athens & wrote many books. Lot. 8275 "Π. ΜΩΡΑΙΤΗΣ Φωτογράφος της Α.Μ. του Βασιλέως", portrait of king George I of Greece, b&w real photo 6x9.5cm. Very Fine. Lot. 8276 "Αγημα Ελλήνων Ναυτών" c.1870 b&w real photo by "H. LEON Alexandrie (Egypte)" 13.5x10cm attached on carton with manuscript inscr. on verso. Carton creased corners & one pinhole. Lot. 8277 "C. Boehringer", Cabinet b&w real photo 10x14cm, depicting man in traditional costume Evzonas. Very Fine. (RP) 45 € (RP) 9€ (RP) (RP) (RP) (RP) (RP) (RP) 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € 15 € (RP) (RP) 10 € 15 € (RP) 30 € (RP) (RP) (RP) OFFER 10 € 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) OFFER (RP) 25 € (RP) 50 € (RP) 30 € (RP) 40 € (RP) 30 € 64 Lot. 8230 Lot. 8231 Lot. 8235 Lot. 8232 Lot. 8233 Lot. 8236 Lot. 8234 Lot. 8237 65 Lot. 8239 Lot. 8238 Lot. 8240 Lot. 8242 Lot. 8244 Lot. 8247 Lot. 8241 Lot. 8243 Lot. 8246 Lot. 8245 Lot. 8248 66 Lot. 8249 Lot. 8251 Lot. 8250 Lot. 8252 Lot. 8253 Lot. 8254 Lot. 8255 Lot. 8256 67 Lot. 8260 Lot. 8257 Lot. 8258 Lot. 8262 Lot. 8266 Lot. 8259 Lot. 8263 Lot. 8267 Lot. 8261 Lot. 8264 Lot. 8265 Lot. 8268 68 Lot. 8270 Lot. 8269 Lot. 8272 Lot. 8271 Lot. 8273 Lot. 8275 Lot. 8274 Lot. 8276 Lot. 8277 69 Stereoscopic Images Lot. 8278 Lot. 8279 Lot. 8280 Lot. 8281 Lot. 8282 Lot. 8283 Lot. 8284 Lot. 8285 Lot. 8286 Lot. 8287 Lot. 8288 Lot. 8289 Lot. 8290 Lot. 8291 Lot. 8292 Lot. 8293 Lot. 8294 Lot. 8295 Lot. 8296 Lot. 8297 Lot. 8298 Lot. 8299 66 b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901-1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Mostly Very Fine 37 stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood", with text on rev. Mostly Fine 34 b&w stereoscopic photos of views of Athens mainly antiquities by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine condition. Four (4) early mid to late 19th century (!) stereoscopic b&w real photos of Athens antiquities, attached on carton, 17x8.5cm. By Dimitrios Constantinou, one of the earliest greek photographers with his involvement in photography starting on 1858. All with manuscript titles & "D.CONSTANTIN PHOTOGRAPHE 20.Rue d'Eole ATHENES" cachet on reverse. Very Fine condition. Rare items. Late 19th cent. stereoscopic real b&w photo "53. Smyrne Panorama pris du Mont Pagos" attached on carton 18x9cm. Fine condition. Late 19th cent. stereoscopic real b&w photo "European Scenery/Views in Greece" & "47. Athens. As seen from the Bay of Salamis..." description on reverse, attached on carton 17x9cm. Small brown spots on photo. "Άποψις Σταδίου Διεθνείς Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες 1906 / Εκδότης Β. Πετράτος φωτογράφος Κεφαλήν" stereoscopic b&w photos, Olympic Games 1906. Rounded corners. "Η παρέλασις των μαθητών Διεθνείς Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες 1906 / Εκδότης Β. Πετράτος φωτογράφος Κεφαλήν" stereoscopic b&w photos, Olympic Games 1906. Creased corners, small cracks. "Το Ζάπππειον Διεθνείς Ολυμπιακοί αγώνες 1906 / Εκδότης Β. Πετράτος φωτογράφος Κεφαλήν" stereoscopic b&w photos, Olympic Games 1906. Rounded corners. "4107 The Stadium, Scene of the Pan-Athenian Games, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "H. C. White Co. Publ. copyright 1901". Very Fine "63. Athenes. Rue de Lysias", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "60. Athenes. Rue de Platon", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "59. Athenes. Rue d'Eole", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "56. Athenes. Rue d'Eole", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "53. Athenes. Petite Mosquee" b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "52. Athenes. Stoa d'Adrien" b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "51. Athenes. Bazar", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "50. Athenes. Bazar", view of everyday life, b&w stereoscopic photo by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., Steglitz-Berlin 1905". Very Fine. "61. Athenes. Rue de Lysicrate" Stereoscopic b&w real photo depicting street corner Lysicrate & Galanou 18x8.5cm, by "Neue Photographische Gesellschaft A. G., SteglitzBerlin 1905". "(55) 4209 Monasteries of St. Barlaam and Meteoron..." b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(36) 4204 Piraeus and the distant Bay and Island of Salamis" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Fine "(6) 4201 The Temple of the Olympian Jupiter and the Acropolis" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine (RP) 330 € (RP) 180 € (RP) 150 € (RP) 100 € (RP) 35 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 50 € (RP) 25 € (RP) 75 € (RP) 25 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € 70 Lot. 8300 Lot. 8301 Lot. 8302 Lot. 8303 Lot. 8304 Lot. 8305 Lot. 8306 Lot. 8307 Lot. 8308 Lot. 8309 Lot. 8310 Lot. 8311 Lot. 8312 Lot. 8313 Lot. 8314 Lot. 8315 Lot. 8316 Lot. 8317 Lot. 8318 "(64) 4171 The Ship Canal looking East, Isthmus of Corinth, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1902 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(69) 4190 Nauplia and the Lofty Fortress of Palamidi, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Fine "(73) 4189 Primitive Method of Harvesting Grain... Argos, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(66) 4167 Washerwomen at Ancient Roman Fountain, Old Corinth, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(56) 4210 The only means of access to the Monastery of St. Barlaam, Northern Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Fine "(66)-9331-The Arcadian Gate of old-time Messene, (N.) from within the precincts of Sparta's rival, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(55)-9321-General view of the plain and walls of Mantinea and snowy Arcadian mountains W. Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(49)-2408-Galleries of Tiryns..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(67)-9332-Picturesque interior of a modern Greek villager's home, Messene, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "Izmir (Smyrna), the Chief City of Asiatic Turkey, and its Harbor" stereoscopic card, Keystone View Company No. V33986 (1923). VF. "(74)-9337-Athletes entrance E. to stadion Olympia, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(69)-9324-Looking over modern homes in ancient Sparta..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(61) 4163 At the Easter Dancing Festival, MEGARA, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(63) 4165 Greek men at Easter Festival, MEGARA, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(19) 4120 The Parthenon..." b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(57) 4211 Ascending the net up the cliffs 200feet to the Monastery of St. Barlaam" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Fine "(59) 4213 Primitive Greece-old solid wheel carts, still used on the Plain of Thessaly" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(36) 4204 Piraeus and the distant Bay and Island of Salamis" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(24) 4128 Athens, looking east from the Acropolis, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 18 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 12 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 10 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 17 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 12 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 25 € (RP) 18 € 71 Lot. 8319 Lot. 8320 Lot. 8321 Lot. 8322 Lot. 8323 Lot. 8324 Lot. 8325 Lot. 8326 Lot. 8327 Lot. 8328 Lot. 8329 Lot. 8330 Lot. 8331 Lot. 8332 Lot. 8333 Lot. 8334 Lot. 8335 Lot. 8336 Lot. 8337 "(62) 4162 The Dancers, Easter Festival at Megara, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(89) 4193 Olympia and the Plain of Alpheus, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Fine "(100) 4200 Fortress Vecchia, Island of Corfu, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(86) 4217 The Langada Pass from Sparta to Messenia..." b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(92)-2461-North over PHERSALA and the plain ehre Caesar defeated Pompey-Northern Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Fine "(72) 4187 Traveler and Tradesman... in the Streets of ARGOS, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(84) 4215 The modern village of Sparta... Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(96) 4220 Bird's-eye view of Delphi, Valley of Pleistos and the distant Gulf of Corinth, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(57)-9323-Temple of Athene Alea, recently excavated..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine "(28) 4129 Athens and Lycabettus Hill from the Acropolis, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(31) 4203 Aeolos Street and the Stoa of Hadrian, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(34) 4138 The Temple of Theseus and the Acropolis, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(37) 4144 Street of Shoes, a Glimpse of Modern Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Fine "(73) 4189 Primitive Method of Harvesting Grain... Argos, Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(56) 4210 The only means of access to the Monastery of St. Barlaam, Northern Greece" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(14) 4116 Entrance to Acropolis..., Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(1) 4101 General View of Classic Athens from the Lycabettus Hill, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(5) 4108 School children drilling in the Stadium, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(4) 4107 The Stadium, Scene of the Pan-Athenian Games, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine (RP) 18 € (RP) 12 € (RP) 18 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 25 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 10 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 18 € (RP) 10 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 20 € 72 Lot. 8338 Lot. 8339 Lot. 8340 Lot. 8341 Lot. 8342 "(2) 4102 Place de la Constitution and the Royal Palace, Athens, Greece" stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1901 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(54) 4208 Monastery of Hagia Trias (Holy Trinity)...Meteora rocks..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(53) 4207 Looking down on the village of Kalabaka...Meteora..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Very Fine "(6) 4201 The Temple of the Olympian Jupiter and the Acropolis" b&w stereoscopic photos by "The PERFEC STEREOGRAPH, ed. de LUXE, copyright 1903 by H. C. WHITE CO". Text on rev. Very Fine "(47)-9314-Argos, and the plain..." stereoscopic b&w photos by "Keystone View Company copyright Underwood & Underwood". Descriptive text on reverse. Fine Lot. 8278 Lot. 8279 Lot. 8280 (RP) 20 € (RP) 12 € (RP) 20 € (RP) 15 € (RP) 15 € 73 Lot. 8281 Lot. 8282 Lot. 8283 Lot. 8284 Lot. 8285 Lot. 8286 Lot. 8287 74 Lot. 8288 Lot. 8289 Lot. 8290 Lot. 8291 Lot. 8292 Lot. 8293 Lot. 8294 Lot. 8295 75 Lot. 8296 Lot. 8297 Lot. 8298 Lot. 8299 Lot. 8300 Lot. 8301 Lot. 8302 Lot. 8303 76 Lot. 8304 Lot. 8305 Lot. 8306 Lot. 8307 Lot. 8308 Lot. 8309 Lot. 8310 Lot. 8311 Lot. 8312 Lot. 8313 77 Lot. 8314 Lot. 8315 Lot. 8316 Lot. 8317 Lot. 8318 Lot. 8319 Lot. 8320 Lot. 8321 Lot. 8322 Lot. 8323 78 Lot. 8324 Lot. 8325 Lot. 8326 Lot. 8327 Lot. 8328 Lot. 8329 Lot. 8330 Lot. 8331 Lot. 8332 Lot. 8333 79 Lot. 8334 Lot. 8335 Lot. 8336 Lot. 8337 Lot. 8338 Lot. 8339 Lot. 8340 Lot. 8341 Lot. 8342 80 Newspapers - Magazines Lot. 8343 MAG “La Tribuna Supplemento Illustrato della Domenica” 24.11.1895 magazine, with full page colour front & back cover illustrations, “Il Gran-Sultano Abdul-Hamid” & “Le Stragi dei Cristiani Armenia”. Fine condition. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8344 MAG “Le Petit Journal Suppl. Illustre”, 2 Mai 1897, No. 337, with two full page colour engr. “La Guerre Turco-Grecque, Premieres Hostilites - L’affaire de Melouna”, “Manoeuvres Militaires, Les pigeons voyageurs” and a full page b&w map “La Guerre Turco Grecque-Carte du theatre de la querre”. Very Fine. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8346 MAG “LE PETIT JOURNAL. Supplement Illustre”, No.822, 19.8.1906, with two full page colour engr. “LA FETE DES FIGUES A SMYRNE” & “UNE CATASTROPHE MARITIME SUR LES COTES D’ESPAGNE. Le naufrage du vapeur ‘Sirio’”, pp.258-264, folded in middle. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8345 MAG “ANATOLIA Mundus” c.1900 pp.48 magazine in italian, presenting the Human Geography of “Anatolia” richly illustr. with various sized b&w ill. including: Pontus, Bosphorus, Cyprus, Smirne, Brussa, Konia, Kutahia and many other. Contemporary boards. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 60 € 81 Lot. 8348 MAG 9 Vintage “La Domenica del Corriere” magazines. 1912:3, 1913:3, and 1 of 1916, 1921, 1927 & 1941. With colour full page front & back cover illustrations, all with articles concerning news and war facts in the Dodecanese-Egean region. Various condition. Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8347 MAG “La Tribuna Illustrata” 21.03.1909 magazine, with full page colour front & back cover illustrations, “... Eroismo Femminile al Congo” & “Una battaglia fra Arabi, Armeni e soldati Turchi nel palazzo di giustizia a Costantinopoli”. Some dump stains. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8349 MAG “ΕΛΛΗΝΟΠΑΙΣ” Εβδομαδιαίον Εικονογραφημένον Περιοδικόν, Έτος ‘Β, Αριθ.63, Ιούνιος 1913, σελ.1-8, με ολοσέλιδη φωτογρ. “Υποδοχή της Α. Υ. του Διαδόχου Γεωργίου εις Ιωάννινα” & μικρή “Παρέλασις των σχολείων εν Ρόδω”. Starting Price: OFFER Lot. 8352 MAG “’ΑΝΩ ΚΑΤΩ’ ΣατυρικόνΓελοιογραφικόν”, Έτος 6, Περίοδος Β’, Αρ.87, 25 Δεκεμβρίου 1919, Διευθ. Χ. ΔΕΛΗΣ. σελ. 7 με 3 ολοσέλιδες γελοιογραφίες και 2 σε μία σελίδα. Στο πρωτοσέλιδο γελοιογραφία που απεικονίζει τον Βενιζέλο “Ο Μάγος της Ανατολής κομίζων τα δώρα: ΣΜΥΡΝΑΝ, χρυσόν και λίβανον. Με φθορές. Starting Price: 20 € 82 Lot. 8350 NEWS First original publ. of “The Song of Tiadatha No.5: Tiadatha in France” by Owen Rutter (pseudonym Klip-Klip) on “THE ORIENT WEEKLY No.18 Vol.1” printed and published at the office of the ‘BALKAN NEWS’, Salonica October 14 1917. The Song of Tiadatha is described as one of the masterpieces of Great War verse. It’s about the story of a priviliged young man who matures through his war experiences at the Macedonian front. RRR Starting Price: 35 € Lot. 8353 NEWS “Le Petit Journal illustre” 24.9.1922, with two full-page engr. “La defaite Grecque en Asie-Mineure” & Une Bicyclette Aquatique”, 12 pages. middle folded. Very Fine. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8351 NEWS “THE ORIENT WEEKLY / Edited by the Comitadji” printed and published at the office of the “BALKAN NEWS” at Salonica. Seven (7) newspapers: 3 full & 4 front pages, July to October 1917 (No.4 to No.17), with articles & news concerning the everyday life of Thessaloniki from the viewpoint of the “Salonika Front” soldiers. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8354 MAG 3 Vintage “Il Mattino Illustrato” magazines. 1927:2 & 1933:1, with colour full page front & back cover illustrations, all with articles & illustratioons concerning news and war facts in the Dodecanese-Aegean region. Fine Condition. Starting Price: 40 € 83 Lot. 8355 MAG 9 Vintage “L’Illustrazione Fascista” magazines. 1929:4, 1930:3, and 1 of 1931 with full page front & back cover illustrations, all with articles & illustrations concerning news and war facts in the Dodecanese-Aegean region. Fine condition. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8356 MAG “Travel” 11.1935, richly illustrated with b&w photos, with article “Rhodes - City of Conflict”. Fine condition. Starting Price: OFFER Lot. 8357 MAG “IL MATTINO ILLUSTRATO”, 17-24.6.1940, Napoli. pp.14 with full-page illustr. of Mussolini and Hitler on front and back pages. Several photos and illustr. mainly concerning the war in France. Middle folded, tears on paper mainly on edges. Starting Price: 10 € Lot. 8358 MAG “L’Ala d’Italia” 16-31.10.1940, richly illustrated with full page b&w aviation illustrations, with 2 page article “Vittoriose imprese dei bombardieri dell’ Egeo”. Fair condition. Starting Price: OFFER 84 Lot. 8360 NEWS “Ultime Roma Notizie” newspaper, 9.6.1941 with article and 2 b&w photos about the BATTLE OF CRETE. Folded. Starting Price: 15 € Lot. 8359 MAG “La Domenica del Corriere” 9.3.1941 magazine, with full page colour front & back cover illustrations, “La riconquista di Castelrosso...” & “Le truppe...entrate in Bulgaria...Sofia...”. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 20 € Lot. 8361 MAG “Terre Perdute” 1952 magazine, richly illustrated with full page colour plates & b&w photos of Trieste, Istria, Dalmatia, Rhodes, Simi, Lindos, Leros, Patmos, Casos, Lipsos, Astypalaia. Full back cover colour illustration of “Mussolini”. Fine condition. Starting Price: 15 € 85 Books Lot. 8362 B CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria, “Isola di Rodi, Geografica-Storica, Antica, e Moderna...”. First edition, Venice 1688. Dim. 12x19cm, pp.430 + pp.32 printed appentix. 19 engravings including 3 full page & 4 double page folded engr., 8 double page folded maps & 4 double page folded landscape & city plans. 6 blanco strips on title page & first page, small wormholes on lower corner of title page, tear on one engr. not affecting engr. area. Re-backed Leather boards, handwritten title book on backstrip. Otherwise, Very Fine paper & engr. quality. RARE item. Starting Price: 1200 € 86 Lot. 8363 B DAPPER Olfert, “Description Exacte des Isles de l’Archipel...”, Amsterdam: George Gallet, 1703. Hard-bound book with cont. leather boards, dim. 23x56cm, 556+5pp. Most engravings & maps are missing, loose boards, slight foxing. Dapper’s work is as much a lamentfor the present state of Greece’s past glories as it is an architectural & archaeological guide. Starting Price: 250 € Lot. 8364 B “Des neuerofneten Historischen Bilder - Saals, Vierter Theil. In welchem die allemeine Welt-Geschichte von Caiser Carl dem Vierten an, bis auf Caiser Leopold enthalten...” Andreas Lazarus Imhoff, Nurnberg, early 18th century. signet “IEHOVΑ SUSTENTAT”. Dim. 13x19cm, pp.808 + 54 (indexes). Full-page frontpiece and numerous engravings, several concerning Greece & Turkey. Leather boards, missing backstrip, small wormholes on first 59 pages, light foxing. interior and engravings in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 85 € 87 Lot. 8365 B Wells Edward, “AN Historical Geography OF THE NEW TESTAMENT In Two PARTS. PART I. The JOURNEYINGS Of Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST. PART II. The TRAVELS and VOYAGES Of St. PAUL”, 1708, London, First edition. Dim. 12x20cm. The two parts in one (1) vol 1 frondpiece, 2 folded maps, 15 engravings:Nazaret, Bethlehem, Tyre, Sidon, Tabor Mount, Jerusalem (with index), Joppa, Attalia, Ephesus, Smyrna, Metelin, Chios (with index), Coos, Rhodes, Church St. John Acra Starting Price: 90 € Lot. 8366 B “MALTHE OU LISLE-ADAM, DERNIER GRAND-MAITRE DE MALTHE. POEME” Privat De Fontanilles, Paris, 1749, 12mo, pp.199. Period leather binding, raised-gilted bands, rubbed covers, edgeworn, Ex-libris “Comte Rochat de la Vallee”, faults on title page. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8367 B “Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem, appelez depuis chevaliers de Rhodes....”, Abbe De Verlot, five vol. (complete), Fifth ed., La Compagnie, Amsterdam, 1764, 18mo. Leather period binding, raised - gilt decorative bands & title, few pages slightly creased on 1st vol. Very Fine. Starting Price: 130 € 88 Lot. 8368 B “L’ILIADE Traduction Nouvelle Tome Premier” 1776, publ. Barbou, Moutard, Ruault, Paris. Dim. 23x14cm, 260pp + 56pp of text in ancient Greek translated in French. One full page engraving entitled “Briseis enlevee de la tente d’Achille”. Leather period boards, gilt title, boards & edges. Rubbed & bumped, faults between cover & hinge, waterstain throughout pages left margin not toutching text. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8369 B “ΑΔΟΛΕΣΧΙΑ ΦΙΛΟΘΕΟΣ ήτοι ΕΚ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΕΩΣ της ΙΕΡΑΣ ΜΩΣΑΙΚΗΣ ΠΕΝΤΑΤΕΥΧΟΥ ΒΙΒΛΟΥ, Επιστάσεις Ψυχωφελείς τε κ Σωτηριώδεις Υπό του ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΕΥΓΕΝΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΕΩΣ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΣ... Εκδοθείσα Φιλοτίμω Δαπάνη... ΖΩΣΙΜΑΔΩΝ. Επιστασία του Αρχιμανδρίτου ΑΝΘΙΜΟΥ ΓΑΖΗ”, 1801. Δέσιμο εποχής. Διαστ. 13x20εκ., σελ.493+10 “ΠΡΟΘΕΣΙΣ”+16 “Επιστολή χαριστήριος και προσφωνητήριος”. Ελαφρά χαλαρωμένη ράχη, μικρές τσακίσεις στις γωνίες λίγων σελ. Γενικά καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8371 B “Travels in Various Countries of Europe Asia and Africa. Greece Egypt and the Holy Land”, 2nd part, 1st section, Edward Daniel Clarke, Cadell & Davies, London, 1812. Dim. 22x19cm, pp.715 Describing the journey from Constantinople via Greece & Cyprus to the Middle East. 31 full-page engravings (1 folded), 5 maps & plans (1 folded), several engr. within text. Boards detached, missing back-strip, loose pages, rubbed, chipped edges. Interior in Fine condition. Starting Price: 100 € 89 Lot. 8370 B Lot. 8372 B “ΣΕΙΡΑΣ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΔΟΥΣ ΤΩΝ “Abrege du Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece”, Abbe Barthelemy, ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΦΥΣΙΚΩΝ 1st vol. pp.436, 10x17cm. With folded map “Carte de la Grece et ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΕΙΩΝ ΕΚ ΔΙΑΦΟΡΩΝ ses iles” 36x47cm by Barbie du Bocage, frontpiece engraving and ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΩΝ ΣΥΛΛΕΧΘΕΙΣΩΝ ΥΠΟ Κ.Μ. plates within text. Half leather period binding, joint slightly loose & ΚΟΥΜΑ ΛΑΡΙΣΑΙΟΥ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΣ. edgeworn. “Bibliotheca Tilburgi” cachet. Περιέχων την Αριθμητικήν και του Συμβολικού Starting Price: 60 € Λογισμού... Αναλογιών μέχρι των Λογαρίθμων. ΕΝ ΒΙΕΝΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΑΥΣΤΡΙΑΣ ΕΚ ΤΗΣ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ ΒΕΝΔΩΤΟΥ” 1807. Dim. 13x20cm, pp. 28+321+5, half marble board, leather backed, boards rubbed and slightly trimmed. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8373 B “ΠΑΝΗΓΥΡΙΣΤΗΣ ΗΤΟΙ ΛΟΓΟΙ ΠΑΝΤΟΙΑΣ ΥΛΗΣ ΣΥΝΤΕΘΕΝΤΕΣ ή ΠΑΡΑΦΡΑΣΘΕΝΤΕΣ Υπό ΝΕΟΦΥΤΟΥ ΔΟΥΚΑ ΕΙΣ ΤΟΜΟΥΣ ΔΥΟ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟΣ. ΕΝ ΑΙΓΙΝΗ, ΕΚ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ ΚΟΡΟΜΗΛΑ. 1835”, 19.5x12cm, σελ.386, δερματόδετο. Περιλαμβάνει “Εγκώμιον εις τον ηγεμόνα”,”Βίβλος Ζωής”,”Θολυριος εις την Εκστρατείαν του Α.Υψηλάντου”,”Λόγος... προς τον περιβόητον Βεζύρην Αλή-Πασάν” κ.α. Μουτζούρες στην πρώτη σελ. και κάποιες σημειώσεις με μολύβι στο κείμενο. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8374 B “Welt-Gemalde-Gallerie oder Gesciche und Beschreibung... EUROPA Erster Band. GRIECHENLAND”, Mebold C. A., Stuttgart, Schweizerbart, 1836. Dim. 14x21cm. Presenting Greece through numerous engravings (61 of 112), some handcoloured. Hardcover paper boards, broken hinge, foxing throughout book, missing 2 maps. Starting Price: 25 € 90 Lot. 8375 B “ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΒΟΤΑΝΙΚΗΣ και περιγραφή των εντοπιων ως ιατρικά χρησιμων φυτών”, Φράας Ν. Κ., Αθήνα, ΕΚ ΤΗΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗΣ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ, 1839. Εκπαιδευτικό σύγγραμμα του Βαυαρού καθηγητή του Εθνικού Παν. Αθηνών και διεθυντή της Δασικής Σχολής στον Βοτανικό Κήπο. σελ. 128, 1 αναδιπλούμενος πίνακας σχισμενο, 10.5x14.5cm, δερμάτινη ράχη. Καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 30 € Lot. 8376 B “Histoire des Chevaliers de Malte” Abbe De Vertot, 2nd ed., Mame 1839. Dim. 10.5x17cm, pp.312 with 4 full page engr. Decorative raised gilt boards & spine, Rubbed boards. Interior in excellent condition. Starting Price: 65 € Lot. 8377 B “ΘΕΟΚΡΙΤΟΣ. ΠΑΡΑΦΡΑΣΘΕΙΣ, ΣΧΟΛΙΑΣΘΕΙΣ ΤΕ, ΚΑΙ ΕΚΔΟΘΕΙΣ ΥΠΟ ΝΕΟΦΥΤΟΥ ΔΟΥΚΑ. ΕΙΣ ΤΟΜΟΥΣ ΔΥΟ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟΣ. ΕΝ ΑΙΓΙΝΗ, ΕΚ ΤΗΣ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ ΑΝΔΡΕΟΥ ΚΟΡΟΜΗΛΑ. 1839”, 11x19cm, σσ.307, βιβλιοδ. εποχής, ράχη με φθορές αλλά χωρίς σπασίματα. Γενικά σε καλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8379 B “Histoire des Chevaliers Hospitaliers de SaintJean-De-Jerusalem” Abbe De Vertot, Lyon-Paris 1842, 1st volume. Dim. 10,5x17cm, pp.449. Leather boards, decorative raised gilt boards & spine, rubbed boards. Foxing, waterstain on lower part of half book pages. Ex-library: College de Bourgoin. Starting Price: OFFER 91 Lot. 8378 B “Turquie. L’Univers. Histoire et description de tous les peuples. Europe” Jouannin Jh., Jules Van Gaver, Paris, 1840, in 8-vo. dim. 13x21cm, pp.464 with 2 double page maps & 92 engravings (1 double page). Leather backstrip (missing lower 1/4 part). Foxing and some stains. Rubed. Ex Libris “CASA S. ANTONIO/CHIERI”. Starting Price: 130 € Lot. 8380 B “ΚΡΗΤΗΙΣ ΗΤΟΙ Ο ΛΑΚΚΙΩΤΗΣ ΔΡΑΚΟΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ ΟΙ ΟΡΕΙΝΟΙ, ΕΠΟΣ”, Α. Αντωνιάδης, Αθήνα 1868 Εκ του τυπογραφίου Κ. Αντωνιάδου. Δερμάτινη ράχη, λείπει κάτω τμήμα ράχης. Διαστ. 14x22 εκ., σελ.372 + 4 + 2 (ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΙΣ Α & Β). Starting Price: 75 € Lot. 8381 B “Voyage En Orient” Lamartine A., Paris, 1875. Two vols. Detailed description of Lamartine’s travels in Greece, Blakans, Turkey & middle East, with 12 full-page engr. of places. Dim. 15x22cm, 482+512pp. Half leather boards, slightly rubbed on vol.I. Slight foxing throughout. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8382 B “L’Ornement Polychrome-Deuxieme Serie. Cent Vingt Planches en Couleur or et Argent. Art Ancien et Asiatique...Recueil Historique et Pratique...” A. Racinet, with 9 chromolithographic full-page plates accompanied by one ore more pp. of explanatory text. Ed. Firmin-Didot c.1880. Softcover 29x40cm. Chipped edges. Starting Price: 70 € 92 Lot. 8383 B “Storia delle Crociate”, Biblioteca Classica Illustrata, Joseph Michaud, Gustave Dore, probaly 1888 (or 1884) edition. 599pp, 24x33cm with 75 full page b&w engravings. Hard marble boards, slight foxing, rubbed & bumped boards. Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8385 B “ΤΑΞΕΙΔΙΑ ΑΝΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ. ΤΟΜΟΣ ‘Α” Παρασκευόπουλος Γ. Π., Εν ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ - ΕΚ ΤΟΥ ΤΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΕΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ “ΚΟΡΙΝΝΗΣ”, 1895. Περιγραφή της Ελληνικής επικράτειας από τον δημοσιογράφο Γ. Π. Παρασκευόπουλο. Διαστ. 13x19εκ., σελ.566 + 4 (ΑΝΤΙ ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΥ) + 4 (ΠΙΝΑΞ ΤΩΝ ΠΕΡΙΕΧΟΜΕΝΩΝ). Αναδιπλούμενος χάρτης στο τέλος. Πανόδετο. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8384 B “La Turquie D’Asie, Geographie Administrative, Statistique Descriptive et Raisonnee de l’Asie-Mineure”, Cuinet Vital, ed. Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1890-1895. Dim. 19x29cm. Four (4) Volumes complete set, Vol.I 1890, Vol.II 1891, Vol.III 1894, Vol.IV 1895. Historic books with Numerous tables & 1 map, some folded, presenting the economy and Human Geography of Ottoman empire divided in vilayets. Marble boards, raised bands, gilt title, parts of spine detached. Starting Price: 400 € 93 Lot. 8386 B “HISTOIRE DE P. D’AUBUSSON-LA-FEUILLADE, GRAND-MAITRE DE RHODES. PAR B.***”, Bouhours D., Limoges, no date. 315pp., 20x12.5cm, gilt raised illustrations on both boards and backstrip, all edge gilt. Two (2) full page engravings, two missing. Light foxing, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8387 B “An der Westkuste Klein Asiens. Eine Sommerfahrt auf dem Agaischen Meere”, Paul Lindau, Berlin 1900. Dim. 14x21cm, pp.330 with 15 full-page plates from Dardanelles, Tenedos, Lesbos, Smyrna, Chios, Samos, Patmos, Rhodes, Lindos. Slight foxing. Starting Price: 25 € Lot. 8388 B Lot. 8389 B “Voyage aux Sept Merveilles du Lot including Three books concerning Monde” Auge De Lassus, Hachette, Athen’s Olympic Games: 2 books “Burton Paris, 3rd edit. 1909. pp.280, 16x25cm, Holmes Travelogues” Vol.Three, ed. 1910 & with 57 plates. Raised boards, 1920, with numerous illustrations, both cloth gilt decor. boards and spine, binding in Very Fine condition + Small book foxing, edgeworn. in paper case, reprinting of Burton Holmes Travelogues, published by International paper Starting Price: 30 € 1996, during the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8391 B “Les Iles de L’Egee Leurs Privileges. Avec Documents et notes Statistiques” Jeanne Z. Stephanopoli, Athens, Apostolopoulos, 1912. Dim. 15x22cm, pp.226, half leather binding, raised bands, gilt spine. Slight foxing. Starting Price: 25 € 94 Lot. 8390 B “Dans les Balkans 1912-1913. Recits et Visions de Guerre. Tableaux et croquis de route raportes” Georges Scott, Librairie Chapelot, Paris, 1913. Dim. 28x38cm, pp.91, with 40 sketches and 37 plates. Half blue cloth binding, gilt title, somewhat rubbed boards, otherwise in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 170 € Lot. 8392 B “Le Isole dell’Egeo occupate dalle armi italiane / illustrate da Arturo Faccioli. Leggenda e cenni storici / del duca d’Andria Carafa”, Riccardo Carafa d’Andria, BRUNNER & C. COMO, 1913. 23x37cm. Including 32 fullpage, 2 double-page, 3 folding three-page & 1 folding four-page, b&w photo illustrations and 1 map of Dodecannese: Rodi, Cos, Piscopi, Simi, Nisiro, Lipso, Scarpanto, Caso, Calimno, LerosStampalia, Kalki, Patmos. Faults on front cover, photo illustrations in excellent condition. Rare item. Starting Price: 250 € 95 Lot. 8393 B “Grands Souvenirs Historiques-Illustrations de J.J. Kirchner” Bertal J., Muller E., Delagrave, Paris 1913(?). Dim. 19x28cm, pp.240 with 25 full-page & 15 smaller engr. of various places including: Mont Athos, Delphes, Athens-Piree, Rhodes, Bagdad, Jordan, Trebizonde, Cesaree, Erzeroum, Chios, Thessaloniki... Decorated raised boards, full gilt edges, tear on backstrip. Interior with usual foxing in Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8395 B “Monuments Turcs d’Anatolie”, Albert Gabriel, Paris: E. de Boccard, 1931-1934. 2 volumes, 37.5x28cm. Highly illustrated with 136 plates + architectural diagrams & topographical-archaeological plans in text. Original cloth-backed pictorial boards. Occasional foxing, slightly rubbed boards. Work with fundamental importance in the field of Turkish architecture. Rare. Starting Price: 500 € 96 Lot. 8394 B “KONSTANTINOPEL BALKANSTAATEN, KLEINASIEN ARCHIPEL, CYPERN. HANDBUCH FUR REISENDE VON KARL BAEDEKER”, Verlag von Karl Baedeker, 2nd edition, Leipzig, 1914. Rare travel guide to Constantinople, Aegean, Asia Minor & Cyprus with 18 folded maps, 50 plans and 15 layouts. 484pp. 16x10.5cm. Bumbed corners, few pages with very small corner crease. Generally Very Fine. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8396 B “Les Pays D’Europe” Monmarche & Tillion, Paris 1937, tome.III. Dim. 23x30cm. 4000 illustr., 23 panoramas, 172 heliogr. & 23 coloured plates concerning: Greece, Dodecanese, Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania, Yougoslavia, Hungary, Romania, Poland & Russia. Half marble-leather boards, rubbed, raised bands, gilt title, slight faults on upper backstrip. Interior in excellent condition. Starting Price: 40 € Lot. 8397 B “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΙ ΧΟΡΟΙ / FIFTY GREEK DANCES. Συλλογή Χ. ΣΑΚΕΛΑΡΙΟΥ. Αγγλικαι μεταφράσεις Θ. Στεφανίδη”, Athens 1940. in greek & english. Dim. 25x33cm. 50 traditional Greek songs, lyrics, musical scores and sketches illustrating the steps of dances. Printed in 3100 copies. Faults on front cover, cracked spine. Starting Price: 60 € 97 Lot. 8398 B “ΘΥΣΙΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΤΗΣ ΛΕΥΤΕΡΙΑΣ πρωτομαγιά” Εκδ. “Ο ΡΗΓΑΣ” Αθήνα, 1945. Διαστ. 31x44εκ. Λεύκωμα με 1 ολοσέλιδη ξυλογραφία και 9 ξυλογραφίες στο πάνω μισό μέρος των φύλλων & κείμενο στο κάτω μέρος. Το λεύκωμα κυκλοφόρησε αμέσως μετά την απελευθέρωση από τον ΕΑΜικό εκδ. οίκο “Ο ΡΗΓΑΣ”. Ταλαιπωρημένο εξώφυλο και ράχη. Εσωτερικό & χαρακτικά σε πολύ καλλή κατάσταση. Starting Price: 300 € Lot. 8399 B “FOTOGRAFLA TURKIYE - La Turquie en Image/Turkey in Pictures/Die Turkei im Bild”, Photographs by Othmar Pferschy, Matbuat Umum Mudurlugu-Ankara. A magnificent book looking at Turkey in six thematic sections. 19 pp. of text and 143 full-page photogravures. Orange cloth with stamped silver lettering on cover. Trilingual: French, Englidh, German. Dim. 34x25cm. Inscription 1948 on front page. Very Fine condition. Starting Price: 90 € 98 Lot. 8400 B “ΑΘΩΣ-Όρος της Μεταμορφώσεως - Υπό Χρυσοστόμου Νταμ...” εκδ. ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ, Μόναχο, 1959. Διαστ. 23x30εκ. Σελ. 212 με πολλές εξαιρετικής ποιότητας και θεματολογίας ολοσέλιδες φωτογραφίες (έγχρωμες & ασπρόμαυρες). Αφιέρωση στην πρώτη σελίδα “Αρχιμ. Δ. Παπανδρέου”. Υφασματόδετο, σε καλή κατάσταση, χωρίς τον δίσκο των 33ων στροφών. Starting Price: 65 € Lot. 8401 B “ΣΙΚΕΛΙΩΤΗΣ ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ - 32 Κεφάλια 1935-1980”, ARTIGRAF 1982. Λεύκωμα που περιέχει 32 φύλλα με ολοσέλιδα (24x33cm) έγχρωμα αντίτυπα (τα περισσότερα σε φυσικό μέγεθος) έργων του Γιώργου Σικελιώτη. Χαρτί μπριστολ-τουαλ. Σπάνιο ΑΡΙΘΜΗΜΕΝΟ αντίτυπο Νο.177/2000, υπογεγραμμένο από τον Ζωγράφο. Starting Price: 200 € 99 Lot. 8402 B “ΕΝΘΥΜΙΟΝ ΑΜΜΟΧΩΣΤΟΥ.Η ΠΟΛΗ ΤΩΝ ΤΡΙΩΝ ΗΠΕΙΡΩΝ 1600π.Χ-1960μ.Χ/SOUVENIR OF FAMAGUSTA. THE TOWN OF THE THREE CONTINENTS 1600BC1960AD”, Lazarides Stavros, Nicosia 1999, printed in 1000 copies. Dim. 21x29cm. Luxury edition with 214 illustrations, texts in Greek & English. In excellent condition - Unused. Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8403 B “Narrative of a Yacht Voyage in the Mediterranean 1849-1850” & “Photographic Sketches from the Shores of the Mediterranean”, Claudius Galen Wheelhouse, Folios, London, 2006. Two vols. fitted in cloth book case. Dim. 25x29cm. Numerous full page photographs with descriptive texts and technical informations about each photogr. Set in mint condition. Starting Price: 70 € 100 Ceramics Lot. 8404 CER ICAROS Pottery, Hand made in Rhodes Greece, plate. Diameter 30cm. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8405 CER ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑ Plate, “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ Νο 47, Made in Greece”, motif with vase & two peacocks. Diameter 30cm Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8406 CER Plate M. PETERS, “No 8, ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΚΟΣ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ 1933 - SOUNION GREECE ΑΓΙΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ”. Diameter 24cm. Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8407 CER Canakkale Deep Plate, 1st half of the 19th century. Motif composed of free brush strokes. Diameter 22cm Starting Price: 250 € 101 Lot. 8408 CER ΙΚΑΡΟΣ ΡΟΔΟΣ Β61α, Vase. Height 10cm Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8409 CER KUTAHYA Vase, late 19th or early 20th century, peonies motif. Height 15cm Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8410 CER Vase ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΚΟΣ “ΑΘΗΝΑΙ ΔΗΜΑΡΧΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ 1937 ΚΑΡΥΑΤΙΔΕΣ”. Height 21cm Starting Price: 100 € Lot. 8411 CER KUTAHYA Bottle, early 20th century, peonies motif. Height 30cm Starting Price: 200 € 102 Lot. 8412 CER IKAROS Pottery, Hand made in Rhodes Greece, Vase. Height 26cm Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8413 CER Water Pipe Base (Nargile), 1st half of the 20th century, sign on the bottom. Height 18cm Starting Price: 110 € Lot. 8414 CER JUG (Balkans prob.) in green glaze with woman figure. Height 40cm Starting Price: 180 € Lot. 8415 CER ICAROS Pottery, Hand made in Rhodes Greece, Vase. Height 19cm Starting Price: 50 € 103 Lot. 8416 CER IKAROS Pottery, Hand made in Rhodes Greece, Vase. Height 28cm Starting Price: 60 € Lot. 8417 CER JUG (Turkish prob.) in yellow glaze with green splashes. Restoration on the handle. Height 30cm. Starting Price: 240 € Lot. 8418 CER IKAROS Pottery, Rhodes Greece, pitcher Σ10, part of dinnerware set. Height 21cm Starting Price: 70 € Lot. 8419 CER Canakkale Jug, around 1930. Motif composed of flowers on the body and neck. Restoration on the rim. Height 31cm Starting Price: 150 € 104 Lot. 8420 CER Vase. Height 22cm. ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑ c. 1921-22 Starting Price: 80 € Lot. 8421 CER Vase. “ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ / Νο.379”. Height 20 cm. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8422 CER Plate. “ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ / Νο.44 / Made in Greece”. Diameter 29 cm. Starting Price: 50 € Lot. 8423 CER Two Plates. “ΚΙΟΥΤΑΧΕΙΑ ΑΘΗΝΑΙ / Νο.20 / Made in Greece”. Diameter 22 cm. Starting Price: 70 € 105 Lot. 8085 ENGR “CONSTANTINOPOLIS” copper engr. from Cornelis De BRUYN “Voyage to the Levant...” 1702. Impressive panoramic view (nearly 2 meters) of Constantinople gives a spectacular image of the town. Important buildings, minarets & mosques are depicted in high detail, providing a 17th century overview of the town. Variety of ships & boats sailing Bosphorus. Signs of original folds, generally a very good dark impression. Printed on 3 joined sheets , as issued. Dim. 27x188cm. Very Fine condition. Rare item. Starting Price: 2200 € Lot. 8085 Lot. 8085 Lot. 8085 Detail Detail Lot. 8085 Detail Detail 106 Lot. 8173 RP “ATHEN” Impresive 146x20cm!! c.1890 panoramic folded in six parts photograph of Athens & Acropolis, in decorative raised hardcover with gilt title. Very Fine & RARE. Starting Price: 300 € Real Size Details Lot. L t 8173 D Detail t il Lot Lot. 8424 Lot. 8424 M “Η ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΣΜΥΡΝΗ ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΠΛΕΟΝ” colour lithographed print, in two joined parts, 132x22cm, signed “ΣΒΟΛΟΣ”, printed by Roussos. Some cuts repaired and enforced, no missing parts, excellent for framing. Very Rare! Starting Price: 120 € Detail
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