Dobrodošli Welcome Willkommen Benvenuti u Marinu Kaštela! to Marina Kaštela! in der Marina Kastela! Marina Kaštela nova je hrvatska marina, smještena na SE obali Kaštelanskog zaljeva, čiju zaštitu vjekovima pružaju brdo Kozjak (N) te poluotok Marjan (SE) i otok Čiovo (SW). Izniman geografski položaj na središnjem dijelu Jadrana kao i stručno isplaniran te implementiran projekt Marinu Kaštela čine: Marina Kaštela is the newest marina in Croatia, situated on the northern shore of the Kaštela bay. It is shielded by the Kozjak Mountain from the north, while the Marjan peninsula and the Island of Čiovo guard its southern sea approach. The outstanding geographical situation in the mid-Adriatic and the excellent project design and implementation mean that our marina is: Die Marina Kaštela ist die neue Marina an der nordöstlichen Küste der Bucht von Kaštela. Eingebettet zwischen dem Berg Kozjak im Norden und den Halbinseln Marjan im Süd-Osten sowie Čiovo im Süd-Westen bietet diese wunderschöne Marina den perfekten Ausgangspunkt für Ihren Urlaub. Durch ihre einzigartige Lage im Herzen Dalmatiens bietet die Marina Kaštela: •• un porto sicuro per le imbarcazioni private e quelle in charter •• a safe harbor for private and charter operated yachts, •• hervorragende Sicherheit für Eignerund Charterboote •• ugodnim mjestom za odmor gdje možete uživati u blagoj mediteranskoj klimi obilježenoj toplim ljetima i blagim zimama •• a pleasant place to spend your holidays, where you can enjoy the mild Mediterranean climate with its dry summers and mild winters, •• problemlose und schnelle Erreichbarkeit aufgrund der Küstenstraße, der neuen Autobahn und des Flughafens Kaštela •• well connected to the Dalmatian tourist destinations, including Trogir and Split, by a network of state roads and highways, •• ausgezeichnete Verbindungsmöglichkeiten mit ganz Europa durch Bahn, Bus und Fähren aus Split •• željezničkim, autobusnim i trajektnim vezama bliskom europskoj transportnoj mreži •• vezanom s čitavim svijetom preko međunarodne Zračne luke Split udaljene tek 7 km •• destinacijom za savršen jedriličarski odmor na srednjodalmatinskim otocima bogate nautičke infrastrukture te s brojnim zaljevima i plažama •• lukom koja nudi široku lepezu usluga, uključujući veliki zimski prostor sa servisnim radionicama te 60 tonski travel lift za dizanje i spuštanje plovila, caffe bar, supermarket, bankomat, čuvani parking i još mnogo toga. •• well connected to the European transport system by railroad, bus and ferry terminals in the vicinity, •• well connected worldwide through the Split International Airport only 7km away, •• very close to the Dalmatian islands, which have a well-developed nautical infrastructure and countless small bays and beaches for a perfect sailing holiday, La Marina Kaštela è una nuova marina croata, situata sulla costa nord orientale del golfo di Kaštela, per secoli protetto a nord dal monte Kozjak, a sud-est dalla penisola di Marjan ed a sud-ovest dall’isola di Čiovo. La sua eccezionale posizione geografica nell’Adriatico centrale, insieme alla sua progettazione, elaborata ed implementata con estrema professionalità, fanno di Marina Kaštela: •• sigurnom lukom za privatne i charter brodove •• magistralnim i autoputovima povezanom s dalmatinskim turističkim odredištima poput Trogira i Splita a Marina Kaštela! •• natürlichen Schutz durch die mitteldalmatinischen Inseln und erstklassige nautische Infrastruktur •• ein reichhaltiges kulturgeschichtliches Umfeld in den Nachbarstädten Trogir und Split sowie Handelszentren ganz in der Nähe •• eine angenehme und freundliche Atmosphäre •• a port that provides a wide range of services, including a large wintering space with repair services and a 60t Travel Lift, caffe bar, supermarket, a cash machine, guarded parking lots and many more. •• Abstellplätze für das Überwintern von über 200 Yachten, 60t Travellift, Cafe, Supermarkt, Bankomat, bewachte Parkplätze, und vieles mehr. Zadovoljstvo nam je predstaviti Vam Marinu Kaštela. It is our pleasure to present to you Marina Kastela. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Aufenthalt in unserer Marina Kaštela. Želimo Vam ugodan boravak! We wish you a pleasant stay! •• un luogo ideale per passare le vacanze e godere del piacevole clima mediterraneo con estati calde ed inverni miti •• una marina ben collegata con diverse destinazioni turistiche dela Dalmazia, quali Spalato e Trogir, tramite una rete di autostrade e superstrade •• una marina collegata con la rete europea di trasporti grazie alle autolinee e linee ferroviarie e marittime •• una marina collegata al resto del mondo per via aerea tramite l’Aeroporto Internazionale di Spalato a 7 chilometri di distanza •• una destinazione perfetta per le vacanze in barca a vela sulle isole dell’Adriatico centrale con infrastrutture nautiche ben sviluppate e centinaia di baie e spiagge •• un porto offrente una vasta gamma di servizi, incluso un ampio spazio per il ricovero invernale dotato di area servizi, travel lift da 60 tonnellate per le operazioni di alaggio e varo delle imbarcazioni, caffe bar, Supermercato, bancomat, parcheggio custodito e molto di più. Siamo lieti di presentarVi la Marina Kaštela. Vi auguriamo un piacevole soggiorno! PRICE LIST 2015. Marina Kaštela is opened all year round. Marina Kaštela price list is effective as of January 1st 2015 and it contains the commercial conditions and prices for nautical services of both wet and dry storage. The annual contractual period is from: For private Boats •• 01.03.2015 - 29.02.2016 •• 01.07.2015 - 30.06.2016 •• 01.10.2015 - 30.09.2016 For Charter Boats •• 01.04.2015 - 31.03.2016 Services included in the price of the annual wet slip rental: •• wet slip and it does not include dry storage, •• use of drinking water and electricity (16Ah) – for vessels less than 12m LOA •• use of sanitary facilities and showers, •• 24h surveillance, •• 1 parking place per boat – for boats licensed for personal use, •• 2 parking places per charter fleet. Services included in the price of the annual dry slip rental: •• dry slip, •• 1 lift and lowering, •• use of drinking water and electricity (16Ah) – for boats connected to systems without readouts, •• use of sanitary facilities and showers, •• 24h surveillance, •• 1 parking place per boat – for boats licensed for personal use, •• cradle, •• 50% discount on daily wet slip rental for boats with a valid annual dry slip contract. Additional fee for winter dry storage: •• can only be used by owners of boats which are not being used for charter, in combination with the paid annual wet slip rental and in the period from 01.10.2015 to 29.02.2016. •• The payment of this service is made in advance that is to say solely upon the conclusion of the slip contract. Subsequent payment for this service is not possible. •• Additional fee for winter dry storage includes: 1 lift and lowering, 1 hull washing and boat cradle during the contract validity period. Semi-annual dry slip contract •• does not include the travel lift pass system or the boat washing. Electricity and water consumption •• Electricity (charging batteries 16Ah) and water (filling up the tanks) for vessels less than 12m LOA is included in slip price. For vessels over 12m LOA, water and electricity consumption will be extra charged: vessels connected to cupboards are charged according to the amount used while those without readouts pay a flat rate. •• When washing the vessel, the use of water regulators (so called water guns) is obligatory. If the regulator is not used, water consumption will be additionally charged according to the amount used and in accordance with the price list. PRICE LIST - IN EURO VALUE ADDED TAX INCLUDED Monthly storage on land Half-yearly land storage 01.10.2015. 31.03.2016. Annual storage on land 26 364 1789 3141 28 430 2057 3454 1095 30 497 2266 3813 1230 35 563 2488 4202 5544 1427 37 629 2608 4937 5898 1568 42 695 2951 5295 851 6491 1799 47 761 3205 5906 906 7739 1986 49 827 3279 6358 86 975 8455 2234 56 860 3502 7047 91 1034 9172 2369 62 893 3727 7702 -6,00 97 1128 9628 2606 75 943 4099 8593 -6,10 109 1256 10319 2854 87 976 4396 8983 -20,99 -6,10 122 1309 11179 By agreement 100 By agreement By agreement By agreement -21,99 -6,30 130 1411 12039 - By agreement - - - -22,99 -6,30 138 1546 12782 -23,99 -6,30 143 1805 13329 -24,99 -6,50 181 2143 13929 -25,99 -6,80 189 2402 14892 -26,99 -6,90 202 2515 15556 -27,99 -7,10 215 2707 16313 -28,99 -7,10 245 2933 17628 -29,99 -7,50 259 3249 18957 +30,00 +8,00 By agreement Additional fees Daily storage for winter dry on land storage Length (meter) Width (meter) Daily berth rental Monthly berth rental Annual berth rental -8,99 -3,20 - - - 807 -9,99 -3,50 - - - 931 -10,99 -3,80 48 655 4999 -11,99 -4,10 55 705 5284 -12,99 -4,40 58 739 -13,99 -4,70 63 810 -14,99 -5,00 69 -15,99 -5,10 76 -16,99 -5,40 -17,99 -5,80 -18,99 -19,99 By agreement By agreement DRY BOAT STORAGE IN HANGAR – in EUR per month Lenght Marina Kaštela up to 5 m 60 5 - 5,99 m 70 6 - 6,99 m 90 7 - 7,99 m 120 8 - 8,99 m 180 9 - 9,99 m 250 10 - 10,99 m 300 •• 6 months - 15% discount on listed prices •• 12 months - 20% discount on listed prices •• Boat lifting and lowering as well as boat transport are charged extra /see the pricelist/ •• The listed prices are valid for users who transport the boat to the hangar. NEW SERVICE - The possibility of using storage box for private owners - FREE OF CHARGE! Notes: •• In case of daily slip rental, slip should be vacant by 14:00h of the last paid day. After 14:00h additional day will be charged. •• In case the vessel remains on the slip less than 2 hours, 50% of daily slip rental will be charged. •• In case the vessel remains on the slip longer than 2 hours, the daily slip rental will be charged. For vessels in charter, the daily charter slip rental will be charged with an additional sum of 70 € for check in and check out. •• For vessels in charter, the slip rental is increased by 20%. •• Monthly wet slip services can not be used during July and August. •• Marina reserves the right to check declared dimensions for each vessel. •• If the maximum width or length of the vessel exceeds a particular category, next price category will be charged. •• For catamarans and trimarans, prices for all services are increased by 100%. SERVICES ON GROUND .-TRAVEL LIFT 60 t, CRANE 5 t, HULL CLEANING OTHER NAUTICAL SERVICES Length (meter) Width (meter) Travel lift 60 t 1 operation Crane 5 t 1 operation The Mast Lift/lowering 1 operation Hull cleaning With a high pressure pump -5,99 do 2,50 97 25 82 20 Parking (car & motorcycle) 2 € / hour -6,99 -2,80 97 30 82 24 Parking (car & motorcycle) 10 € / day -7,99 -3,00 97 52 82 33 Parking (car & motorcycle) 50 € / week -8,99 -3,20 129 82 37 Trailer parking (without boat); van parking 15 € / day -9,99 -3,50 150 82 41 -10,99 -3,80 162 102 49 Camper parking (without electricity & water consumption) 15 € / day -11,99 -4,10 194 154 52 Parking (Bus) 63 Towing within marina premises – lump sum 51 € Damaged mooring line – lump sum 61 € -12,99 -4,10 237 184 SERVICE PRICE/PERIOD 20 € day / 120.- € week -13,99 -4,70 291 205 80 -14,99 -5,00 366 256 105 Diver 81 € -15,99 -5,10 398 By agreement 113 Carello / Forklift 41 € -16,99 -5,40 452 - 140 Consumption of water – lump sum Consumption of water (m3) 20 € 4€ -17,99 -5,80 506 - 160 -18,99 -6,00 560 - 173 Consumption of electricity (kWh) -19,99 -6,10 614 - 186 -20,99 -6,10 668 - 213 Working price of unqualified worker (mussel cleaning) 25 € +21,00 +6,10 By agree. - By agree. Working price of qualified worker 30 € - Notes: •• Travel lift use on bands: 0,5h = 1 operation; over 1h = 2 operations. •• If marina provides services for bottom painting, moving the vessel is free of charge. •• The price for placing the mast does not include its adjusting. •• Lowering a vessel from transportation vehicle on the carrier is charged as 1 operation. •• Transportation on ground (carello) is not included in the slip rental. •• In the case that Marina Kastela performs anti-fouling painting, the boat will be able to use 3 days of dry docking free-of-charge. 0,15 € Work on Sunday, public holiday or outside regular working hours 50% regular work price Conducting activities in marina without contract 70 € / daily / per person Work of mechanic 50 € / hour Work of electrician 51 € / hour Garbage disposal – lump sum Waste filter disposal 25 € 2€ Charter box lease / m2 132 € / 12 months Container lease / m2 112 € / 12 months BUS RENTING - Price list in kuna Bus Type No. of seats Daily rent (up to 300 km) Price of km (over 300 km) minibus 19+1 1.950 5,00 Prices do not include vat and the accommodation cost for the driver in cases of overnight bus renting. Possible additional charges: •• tolls, ferry and parking costs, driver’s accommodations and second driver’s per diem allowance (a second driver is necessary for routes exceeding 9 hours of effective driving). Note: •• The price is calculated based on a cost of 8.00 HRK for 1 l of diesel fuel. In case of a price increase exceeding 5%, we reserve the right to a price correction. •• For an exact calculation and offer send us an inquiry at marinaŞ General notes: Maximum length of the tender is 2,5m. If the tender is not situated on or by the master boat, slip will be charged according to the price list. The space used during cleaning should be kept clean at all times, otherwise the marina will charge cleaning costs of 50.-€. Private cradles (trailers excluded) are not permitted for technical reasons. Services and repair works on vessels are permitted only within the service zone. All customers using the services of Marina Kaštela are obliged to respect the following: conditions stated in the valid Marina Kaštela price list, General trading conditions for contract conclusions and the Rules of conduct within the Marina Kaštela harbour. Marina Kaštela reserves the right to make changes and additions to the price list as well as for possible mistakes in print. You can report your objections to the reception and record them in the Complaints Book Bank details: ERSTE & STEIERMEARKISCHE BANK d.d. Jadranski trg 3 A, 51000 RIJEKA Transfer account (forHRK): Foreign bank account (for EUR): Swift code: IBAN CODE: 2402006-1100426524 7001-01693328 ESBCHR 22 HR5924020061100426524 Marine Kaštela d.o.o. F. Tuđmana 213, 21213 Kaštel Gomilica, Croatia OIB: 91193992241 ID KOD: HR-AB-21-060189292 Tel.: +385 (0)21 20 40 10, Fax: +385 (0)21 20 40 70 WEB: E-mail: [email protected] APARTMANI APARTMENTS APARTMENTS APPARTAMENTI € HRK A/2 55 418 A / 2+2 85 646 A/4 95 722 A / 4+2 125 950 •• Dodatni ležaj se naplaćuje 15,00 € (114,00 hrk) po osobi. •• Boravišna pristojba se naplaćuje posebno. •• For an extra bed we charge 15.00 €. •• Residence fee is separately charged. •• Für ein extra Bett berechnen wir 15.00 €. •• Touristische taxe wird extra berechnet. •• Supplemento per un letto extra 15,00 €. •• La tassa di soggiorno si riscuote separatamento. APARTMENTS MARINA KAŠTELA 43°33’0.86’’, +16°22’38.64” Don Frane Bege 20 21214 Kaštel Kambelovac OIB: 91193992241 ID: HR-AB-21-060189292 For any problems, please contact our service telephone +385 (0)99 31 77 892 These are available 24 hour in case of emergency. BavAdria yacht charter BAVADRIA CHARTER I MARINA KAŠTELA BAVADRIA YACHT CHARTER AND MARINA KAŠTELA BAVADRIA YACHTCHARTER und MARINA KAŠTELA BAVADRIA CHARTER MARINA KAŠTELA “Dvije firme...jedna obitelj” “Two family” “Zwei Firmen...eine Familie“ “Due societa...una famiglia” Zahvaljujući Marini Kaštela koja je u našem vlasništvu, Bavadria pruža svojim gostima mnogo prednosti među kojima ističemo: BavAdria Yachting is placed in our very own marina Kaštela. Both are affiliated companies of the same owner, and BavAdria is able to offer its guest many advantages, such as: Dank der hauseigenen Marina bietet BavAdria seinen Gästen viele Vorteile: Grazie all Marina Kaštela che è di nostra proprietà, la società Bavadria offre ai suoi clienti una serie di significativi vantaggi, tra i cui: •• Najam izravno od vlasnika, •• Charter directly from the owner •• atraktivna vlastita flota, •• New and well maintained charter fleet •• Direkt Chartern beim Eigentümer, ohne Agentur •• Noleggio direttamente dal proprietario, senza agenzie intermediarie •• besplatan parking, •• Free parking for all BavAdria guests •• top-aktuelle eigene Charterflotte •• Una nuova e ben mantenuta flotta •• povoljan transfer od-do zračne luke, •• Mobilni internet hotspot na svim jahtama •• hrvatski mobitel •• svakodnevna vremenska prognoza putem SMS-a, •• BavAdria-Tankstelle - IZBACITI VAN •• Convenient transfer from and to the airport •• Gratisparkplätze für BavAdria Gäste •• Mobile Internet Hotspot on all Yachts •• Mobiler Internet Hotspot auf allen Yachten •• Mobile phone •• Daily weather report via SMS •• Günstige Flughafenanbindung •• kroatisches Mobiltelefon •• Parcheggio gratuito per I nostril client •• transfer dall’aeroporto a prezzi favorevoli •• Internet WiFi hotspot su tutte le barce •• tägliche Wetterinformation via SMS •• cellulare croato - previsioni meteo quotidiane per SMS •• i još mnogo toga... •• and much more… •• und vieles mehr ... •• e molto di piu... Srdačno Vas pozivamo da nas posjetite u naše prostorije SEGELTREFFPUNKT u Grazu u kojima se u zimskom periodu održavaju domjenci za sve prijatelje jedrenja. We also invite you to visit our Sailingpoint in Graz, Austria, where we are organizing sailing related events during the winter season. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, unseren SEGELTREFFPUNKT in Graz zu besuchen. Während der Wintersaison organisieren wir dort zahlreiche Veranstaltungen für alle Freunde des Segelsports. Vi invitiamo cortesemente di visitarci nel nostro circolo velico a Graz dove durante il periodo invernale si organizzano raduni per tutti gli amici velisti.. BavAdria Yachting agent za Europu: BavAdria Yachting agent for Europe: BavAdria Yachting Agent für Europa: BavAdria Yachting agente per l’ Europa: A p m n Marinconsult GmbH Hans-Sachs-Gasse 5/I A-8010 Graz Austria +43 316 71 82 70 /25 +43 316 71 81 29 [email protected] BavAdria Graz BavAdria Yachting d.o.o. Marina Kaštela F. Tuđmana 213 21213 Kaštel Gomilica Croatia A/ p +385 21 204 020 n +385 99 219 7647 m [email protected] bavadria n IDK: HR-AB-21 06008409 OIB: 92996108918
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