Thursday, 26 June 2014 Industry-sponsored Symposia 10:00 - 12:15 Industry-sponsored Symposia 12:15 - 13:45 Industry-sponsored Symposia 10:45 - 12:15 Industry-sponsored Symposia 12:15 - 13:45 14:00 - 15:00 Opening Session - Rector from Jagellionian University Krakow - Klaus Meier, ESOP President - Dr. Mikael Daouphars, ECOP2 Scientific Committee Chair 15:00 - 16:00 Keynote Lecture Chair: Dr. Mikael Daouphars (Rouen, France) Challenges in Cancer Care - Prof. Richard Sullivan, CEO King's College (London, UK) Coffee Break (16:00 – 16:30) Practical Session: New Horizons 16:30 - 17:30 EBM Implementation in Oncology Setting: Role of the Clinical Pharmacist Chair: Fiona Fenech (Floriana, Malta) Speakers: Evidence Based Medicine Implementation in Oncology Setting: Translating Theory into Practice - Sherif Kamal (Cairo, Egypt) From the Lab to the Clinic – practical Solutions to Implementation of new Medicines - Fiona MacLean (Glasgow, UK) Clinical Interactive Session 16:30 - 17:30 Tailoring Therapy for Cancer Patients: Clinical and Pharmacoeconomical Perspectives Chair: Marta Paulina Trojniak (Padova, Italy) Speakers: - Cost Explosion of Anticancer Drugs Dr. Angelo Palozzo (Padova, Italy) Overview of ESMO Survey on the Availability of anti-neoplastic Medicines Marika Saar (Tartu, Estonia) Shortages of essential Cytotoxic Drugs in Europe: A Call for Action Prof. Dr. Günter Wiedemann (Ravensburg, Germany) Clinical Session: New Horizons 17:30 - 18:30 Cancer Treatment: Great Views from the TOP Papers Chair: Dr. Irena Netikova (Prague, Czech Republic) Speakers: Dual HER2 blockade for Breast Cancer Therapy - Adrian Munilla Das (Valencia, Spain) New Melanoma Treatments - Dr. Libby Hardy (Exeter, UK) Practical Interactive Session 17:30 - 18:30 Do Cancer In-Patients benefit from Oncology Pharmacy? Chair: Dr. Mirjam Crul (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Speakers: - Pharmaceutical Care Provision for Cancer Patients - Experiences in Germany Dr. Sven Simons (Neuenrade, Germany) Development of Clinical Pharmacy Services for Oncology Inpatients in Malta Fiona Fenech (Floriana, Malta) Shinya Suzuki (Chiba, Japan): Challenge to Change: Timely ward-based pharmaceutical Intervention is now available Welcome Reception (18:30 – 19:45) Friday, 27 June 2014 08:00 - 09:30 Roundtable: Drug Shortage Chair: Klaus Meier (Soltau, Germany) Speakers: - Prof. Dr. Arnold Vulto (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) - Anabela Luis De Lima Marçal, EMA (London, UK) - Grzegorz Cessak – President, Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (Warsaw, Poland) - François Houÿez, EURODIS (Paris, France) Symposium - Clinical Session 09:30 - 11:00 Does one Size dose fit All? The Importance of Pharmacogenetics Chair: Prof. Per Hartvig Honoré (Copenhagen, Denmark) - Pharmacogenetics in Oncology, where are we? - Prof. Dr. Henk-Jan Guchelaar (Leiden, The Netherlands) - Pharmacogenomics and Colorectal Carcinoma - Dr. Iva Kirac, (Zagreb, Croatia) - Where we are and where we go: Oncology Pharmacy Challenge! – Dr. Mario García Gil (Madrid, Spain) 09:30 - 11:00 Proffered Papers – Mixed Session Chairs: Andrea van Treeck (Vienna, Austria) and Ahmet Bosnak (Gaziantep, Turkey) New Applications of registered Drugs – Dr. Wojciech Placha (Krakow, Poland) P2 A new preclinical Human Cancer Model demonstrates successful Growth of Human Solid Tumors of diverse Tissue Origins in unfertilized Avian Eggs – Dr. Sarah Crawford (New Haven, USA) P3 CAM Use by Patients receiving curative intent Chemotherapy - Peter J Smith (Brisbane, Australia) P39 Why do we need more Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Oncology? - Dr. Christophe Bardin (Paris, France) P40 Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients receiving Paclitaxel and Oxaliplatin containing Chemotherapy: Prevalence and Handling - Marika Saar (Tartu, Estonia) P87 Additional track – ESOP Activities 09:30 - 11:00 What ESOP is offering its Members to show up their Strengths? Chairs: Klaus Meier (Soltau, Germany) and Dr. Youssef Hafidi (Fes, Morocco) Clean Working - Kristjan Kongi (Tallinn, Estonia) Centres of Exchange - Dr. Christophe Bardin (Paris, France) Spill Kit - Natalia Luczak (Aalborg, Denmark) 11: 30-13:00 Additional track – German-Polish Conference Chairs: Dr. Jerzy Lazowski (Warzawa, Poland) and Klaus Meier (Soltau, Germany) - Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic Modelling in Cancer Chemotherapy – Dr. Elzbieta Wyska (Krakow, Poland) - Official Quality Control of cytotoxic Preparations - N. N. - Off-Label Use of Medicinal Products. Pharmaceutical and legal Aspects – Dr. Agnieszka Zimmermann (Gdansk, Poland) - “Oralia-Initiative” – A Program to support Pharmacists in counseling Cancer Patients Dr. Annette Freidank (Fulda, Germany) Coffee Break (11:00 – 11:30) 11:30 - 13:00 Proffered Papers – Clinical Session Chair: Dr. László Horváth (Debrecen, Hungary) The Need for Monitoring of hypoglycemic Effect of Sunitinib in Normoglycemia and Hyperglycemia - Katarzyna Sobanska (Poznan, Poland) P4 Low Dose Intensity in elderly Patients treated with Chemotherapy for Colorectal Cancer Dr. Anais Grand (Toulouse, France) P48 The Role of Clinical Pharmacists in a multidisciplinary enteral Nutrition Support Team (NST) in the Care of Cancer Patients - Pauline Lechner (Fulda, Germany) P49 Impact of multidisciplinary Cancer Conferences (MCCs) on Cancer Therapy Management – Celia Kowal (Paris, France) P50 Clinical Trials in Cancer Care: How to increase Patient Enrolment? - Edwige Kasper (Rouen, France) P51 Symposium - Practical Session 11:30 - 13:00 Is my Mother safe in Hospital Cancer Care? Chair: Stavroula Theophanous-Kitiri (Nicosia, Cyprus) Speakers: - Computerized Order Process – Influence on Prescription Errors Dr. Tilman Schöning (Heidelberg, Germany) Medical Errors in Clinical Practice Dr. Irena Netikova (Prague, Czech Republic) Pharmacovigilance: Monitoring of Adverse Drug Reactions Monika Sonc (Ljubljana, Slovenia) Patient Safety in a paperless Hospital Maria Jose Tames (San Sebastian, Spain) 13:00 - 14:30 Poster Viewing / Lunch Industry-sponsored Symposia 13:00 - 14:30 14:30 – 15:30 Additional track – International Relationships Chair: Dr. Mikael Daouphars (Rouen, France) Education and Training of Oncology Pharmacists in the USA – Prof. Dr. Gary C. Yee (Omaha, USA) A new Opportunity for Clinical Pharmacists: A Pharmacist initiated Clinical Trial – Hirnobu Hashimoto (Japan) 14:30 - 16:00 Debate - Clinical / Practical This House believes in Use of Biosimilars – this House does not substitute with Biosimilars Chair: Klaus Meier (Soltau, Germany) In Favour: Prof. Dr. Alain Astier (Cretéil, France) & Prof. Dr. Arnold Vulto (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Against: Prof. Dr. Irene Krämer (Mainz, Germany) & Prof. Atholl Johnston (London, UK) Coffee Break (16:00 – 16:30) 16:30 - 18:00 Clinical Interactive Session Pain Management in Cancer Patients Chair: Kathleen Simons-Sanders (Tilburg, The Netherlands) - Pain Management – Choosing and Dosing of Analgetics - Stavroula TheophanousKitiri (Strovolos, Cyprus) Pain Treatment in Cancer – old and new Venues - Prof. Per Hartvig Honoré (Copenhagen, Denmark) Management of Cancer Pain: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines Prof. Daniele Santini (Rome, Italy) 16:30 - 18:00 Practical Interactive Session Talking to the Patient, the Role of the Oncology Pharmacist Chair: Sherif Kamal (Cairo, Egypt) - The Role of the Oncology Pharmacist in Counseling the oncology Patient and his Family - Vesna Pavlica (Zagreb, Croatia) Talking to the Juvenile Cancer Patient – Dr. Heba El-Nokoudy (Cairo, Egypt) Talking to the Elderly Cancer Patient - Michael Höckel (Kassel, Germany) Saturday, 28 June 2014 08:30 – 09:00 Keynote Lecture Quo Vadis Regenerative Medicine ? – of Stem Cells, Regeneration, Aging and Cancer Prof. Dr. Mariusz Ratajczak (Louisville, USA) 09:00 - 10:30 Poster Discussion – Clinical Chair: Fiona Fenech (Floriana, Malta) and Dr. Bogumila Julia Sokowiak (Lublin, Poland) Management of Mucositis in Pediatric Oncology in Low Income Countries – Sherif Kamal (Cairo, Egypt) P41 The Project Oncology Competence Pharmacy: Improvement of Quality in German Oncology Pharmacies – Klaus Meier (Soltau, Germany) P42 Pemetrexed off-label Use Improvement after Oncology Pharmacist Survey - Danielle Prébay (Strasbourg, France) P43 Metastatic Breast Cancer: Cost Analysis and Sustainability of Treatment with Eribulin in Patients multi-treated - Giuseppe Bellavia (Sciacca, Italy) P46 Pharmacists' Knowledge and Practice toward Oral Anticancer Agents: A Cross Sectional Study - Mohammad Zaitoun (Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arbia) P47 Retrospective Cost/Effectiveness (C/E) Analysis of Prophylaxis of Febrile Neutropenia (FN) in Breast Cancer Patients treated with Epirubicin/Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide in Dense Dose Schedule (DD EC/AC) – Ana Rosa Rubio Salvador (Toledo, Spain) P80 Clinical Guidelines on the Use of Antiemetic Agents to prevent chemotherapy induced Nausea and Vomiting and Attitudes of Health Care Professionals towards the Guidelines - Thorunn K. Gudmundsdottir (Reykjavik, Iceland) P95 Monitoring of therapeutic Plasma 5-Fluorouracil Levels in Clinical Oncology - Valentina Di Iorio (Meldola, Italy) P112 09:00 - 10:30 Challenge the Expert – Pharmaceutical Care Dr. Irena Netikova (Prague, Czech Republic) Dr. Libby Hardy (Exeter, UK) Dr. Christophe Bardin (Paris, France) Coffee Break (10:30 – 11:00) 11:00 - 12:30 European Contamination Project Chair: Prof. Per Hartvig Honoré (Copenhagen, Denmark) ESOP Pilot Study - Contamination with Cytotoxic Drugs in the Workplace - Ewelina Korczowska (Poznan, Poland) & Dr. Jochen Türk (Duisburg, Germany) 11:00 - 12:30 Poster Discussion – Practical Chair: Kristjan Kongi (Tallinn, Estonia) & Eva Hartvig Honoré (Copenhagen, Denmark) A simulation-based-learning Program to improve Medication Safety in Oncology - Dr. Sophie Hé (Pierre-Bénite, France) P7 Proper Handling of Protein Biopharmaceuticals in the Pharmacy Setting - William J. Galush (San Francisco, USA) P15 Stability of 2 mg/mL Melphalan in 0.9% Sodium Chloride under sequential Conditions – Jean Vigneron (Vandoeuvre, France) P16 Storage Efficiency of the Cleaning Protocol for Chemical Contamination on external Surface of Cytotoxic Vials - Laetitia Lê (Chatenay Malabry, France) P17 New subcutaneous Formulation of Bortezomib: Stability Assessment of reconstituted Solutions – Valentina Di Iorio (Meldola, Italy) P18 Chemotherapy IV Compounding: Comparison between robotic and manual Preparations in the routine Activity of an Hospital Pharmacy - Celestino Bufarini (Ancona, Italy) P19 Oncology Pharmacy Practice in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH): The Ethiopian Experience - Teshale Mekonnen Semre (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) P99 12:30 - 13:30 Roundtable on Oral Chemotherapy Chair: Dr. Mikael Daouphars (Rouen, France) Panel: Shinya Suzuki (Chiba, Japan - ISOPP Asia), Prof. Dr. Dorothee Dartsch (Hamburg, Germany - DGOP) and Dr. Steve Stricker (USA - ISOPP America) Closing Session 13:30 – 13:40 Best Poster Award 13:40 – 13:50 Yellow Hand award 13:50 – 14:00 Klaus Meier Award
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