Medicinal Chemistry - e

Chimica Farmaceutica
During more than 2,000 years, Hippocratic medical tradition weighed
on the development of a modern medicine and a renewed approach of
the treatment of diseases. The basis for the use of drugs remained
founded on empirical theories linked to the equilibrium of body’s
“humors” con­sisting in sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and
choleric. Health and disease were seen as a question of balance or
imbalance with foods and herbs classified according to their ability to
affect natural homeostasis.
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Why Medicines?
Before the 1800s, pharmacy remained an empiric science, guided by
traditional medicine, inherited from “Ancients.”
Numerous drugs, most of them being prepared with plant extracts, sometimes
efficacious, were available. But none of them could respond to a chemical
definition of what we call today a drug, except drugs coming from mineral
The technology of making drugs was crude at best: tinctures, poultices, soups,
and infusions were made with water- or alcohol-based extracts of freshly
ground or dried herbs or animal products such as bone, fat, or even pearls,
and sometimes from minerals best left in the ground
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Toward a New Science
The 18th century concluded its progress in chemistry with an enthusiastic environment.
Joseph Priestley in the United Kingdom, Carl Wilhelm Scheele in Sweden, Antoine
Laurent de Lavoisier in France, gave a precise signification to the chemical reactivity
and promoted a large number of substances to the statute of chemical reagents. Scheele
and Priestley prepared and studied oxygen. Both of them discovered nitrogen as a
constituent of air, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and several other gases; manganese,
barium and chlorine; isolated glycerin and many acids, including tartaric, lactic, uric,
prussic, citric, and gallic. Lavoisier is generally considered as the founder of modern
chemistry as creating the oxygen theory of combustion. He should be known as one of
the most astonishing 18th century “men of the Enlightenment,” the founder of modern
scientific experimental methodology. By formulating the principle of the conservation of
mass, he gave a clear differentiation between elements and compounds, something so
important for pharmaceutical chemistry.
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Toward Chemistry
Few years later, Antoine François de Fourcroy, Louis Nicolas
Vauquelin, Joseph Louis Proust, Jöns Jakob Berzelius, Louis-Joseph
Gay-Lussac, and Humphrey Davy introduced new concepts in
chemistry. Those scientists integrated the practical advancements of
a new generation of experimenters. All these industrial innovations
would have their own impact on other developments in industrial and
then medicinal chemistry At the turn of the 19th century, as the result
of a scientific approach, drugs are becoming an industrial item. Claude
Louis Berthollet began the industrial exploitation of chlorine (1785).
Nicolas Leblanc prepared sodium hydroxide (1789) and then, bleach
(1796). Davy performed electrolysis and distinguished between acids
and anhydrides. Louis Jacques Thénard prepared hydrogen peroxide
and Antoine Jérôme Balard discovered bromide (1826)
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The growing of therapeutic resources was mainly due to the mastery of chemical or
physico-chemical principles proposed by Gay-Lussac and Justus Von Liebig.
chemists’ generation, by realizing all these discoveries, established the compost of the
therapeutic discoveries of the 19th century. The constitution of chemistry as a
scientific discipline found a new turn few decades later by crossing the road of biology
which included revolutionary works of Claude Bernard, Rudolph Virchow, and Louis
Pasteur. Besides these fundamental sciences, physiology, biochemistry, or microbiology
were becoming natural tributaries of the out­break of pharmacology. Thus, rational
treatments were about to be designed on the purpose of new knowledge in various
clinical or fundamental fields. After a period characterized by extraction and purification
from natural materials (mainly plants), drugs would be synthesized in chemical factories
or prepared through biotechnology (fermentation or gene technology) after a rational
research, design and development in research laboratories.
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Organic Chemistry
Whereas the purpose was to isolate active molecules from plants
during the first half of the 19th century, the birth of organic chemistry
following charcoal and oil industries, progressively led chemists and
pharma­cists toward organic synthesis performed in what would be
called “laboratory” a new concept created by this generation of
scientists. Even when those laboratories hosted discoveries like active
principles extracted from plants, progresses in drug compounding and
packaging made irreversible industrialization processes. At the same
time, the economical dimension of growing pharmaceutical industry
transformed drugs as strategic items, mainly when it could interfere
with military processes, for instance during colonial expeditions
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Toward Medicinal Chemistry
The “modern” word “pharmacology” became more and more often used by physicians
after the works of François Magendie in France or Oscar Schmiedeberg in Germany.
Progressively a clear dichotomy took place between those two entities. Materia Medica
considered drugs with a static and conservative view as for their production and the
compounding of medicines. It was somewhere considered as the natural history of
drugs. At the contrary, pharmacology was embracing the creation of drugs through a
more dynamic point of view, studying drugs with respect of their site and mechanism of
action. At the same time, medicinal chemistry was becoming the application of chemical
research techniques to the synthesis of new pharmaceuticals. During the early stages of
medicinal chemistry development, chemists were primarily concerned with the isolation
of medicinal agents found in plants. Today, in this field they are also equally concerned
with the creation of new synthetic drug compounds. As a constant, medicinal chemistry
is almost always geared toward drug discovery and development.
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More Chemistry
A radical turn in the development of new chemicals occurred when charcoal and then oil
distillation offered so many opportunities. After the extract of paraffin, carbon derivatives
chemistry knew considerable developments with a lot of industrial consequences during the
second third of the century. The first organic molecules used for their therapeutic properties
had acyclic structures: chloroform was discovered in 1831 by three independently working
chemists: Eugene Soubeiran of France (1831), Justus Von Liebig of Germany, and Samuel
Guthrie of the United States (1832). Von Liebig taught chemistry through books like
Physiology (1840), and Organic Chemistry in its Application to Physiology and Pathology
(1842) and editing the journal that was to become the preeminent chemistry publication in
Europe: Annalen der Chemie und Pharmazie. Liebig and Friedrich Wöhler began in 1825
various studies over two substances that had apparently the same composition – cyanic
acid and fulminic acid – but very different characteristics. The silver compound of fulminic
acid, investigated by Liebig was explosive; whereas Wöhler’s silver cyanate was not. These
substances, called “isomers” by Berzelius, lead chemists to suspect that substances were
defined not simply by the number and kind of atoms in the molecule but also by the
arrangement of those atoms.
Fulminic Acid
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Cyanic Acid
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The First Synthesis
The most famous creation of an isomeric compound was Wöhler’s “accidental”
synthesis of urea (1828), when failing to prepare ammonium cyanate. For the
first time someone prepared an organic compound by the means of inorganic
ones. That “incident” made Wöhler saying: “I can no longer, so to speak,
hold my chemical water and must tell you that I can make urea without
needing a kidney, whether of man or dog; the ammonium salt of cyanic
acid is urea”. Liebig and Wöhler’s original objective was to interpret radicals
as organic chemical equivalents of inorganic atoms. It was an early step along
the path to structural chemistry. Organic chemistry precipitously entered the
medicinal arena in 1856 when the youngster William Perkin, in an unsuccessful
attempt to synthesize quinine, stumbled upon mauveine, the first synthetic dye,
leading to the development of many other synthetic dyes, which will give birth
few decades later to the first antiseptic and anti-infectious drugs..
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Medicinal Chemistry
Indeed, industrial world understood that some of these dyes could have therapeutic
effects. Synthetic dyes, and especially their medical “side effects” helped to put Germany
and Switzerland in the forefront of both organic chemistry and synthesized drugs.
The dye–drug connection began to be a very prolific way to discover drugs. After the first
developments in organic chemistry during the first half of the 19th century, the question
of the chemical origin of life was clearly put in the forefront of the scientific debate. Since
Wöhler’s works, it was clear that chemistry was a unique science, with the same rules
governing reactions kinetics and atomic, radical, or molecular arrangements. A
characteristic of the way to continue on discovery pathway was a beginning of scientific
cooperation meaning as well multidisciplinary approaches as more curiosity from
scientists taking here and there the knowledge necessary to understand natural or
experimental phenomena. As an example, Louis Pasteur, the French emblematic
physicist and chemist after beginning his career as a specialist in crystallography,
studied the impact of bac­teria on stereo-chemical properties of tartaric acid crystals, and
after productive research on alcoholic and acetic fermentations, put the concept of
spontaneous generation to pieces. As bacteria could react on organic substances, he
presumed that they also could be active on living beings.
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The Medicine Concept
Besides conceptual progresses, the formal evolution in the concept of
medicines was based on the radical transformation of the nature of
medicines. One of the theorists of this trend, Charles Louis Cadet de
Gassicourt, reported in the inaugural issue of the Bulletin de
Pharmacie (1809) that the use of complex preparations had to be
withdrawn in favor of pure substances. Pharmacist and physicians
had, first, to classify drugs and their use. This trend was much more
convenient with pure substances. Between 1815 and 1820, the first
active principles were isolated from plants. At that time, a new era in
pharmaceutical chemistry opened. Hereafter, drug activity would not
depend on the quality of extracts or tinctures and their inherent
variability in active principles. The only variability acceptable in
therapeutics would be the patient himself.
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Discovery of Alcaloids
The first controversy is to know who discovered morphine. Jean-Francois Derosne, in
Paris, prepared a crude extract of opium (with alcohol and water), and obtained, after
potassium carbonate precipitation, what he called “sel de Derosne.” Derosne’s
alkaloidal fraction lacked narcotic properties and was probably largely made of
narcotine (also known as noscapine), perhaps mixed with meconic acid. This work,
has been presented at the Institute of France in 1804, but only published in 1814. It
describes the isolation of a compound, but did not report any animal or human
experiment. A young German apothecary from Paderborn (Germany), Friedrich
Sertürner did, in fact, begin publishing on opium in 1805, and claimed to have begun
work before a paper on opium by Derosne had appeared in 1804. This claim has been
interpreted to mean that Sertürner began work in 1803. However, Sertürner’s earlier
work fixated on acid constituents of opium. Thus, his 1806 paper is mainly concerned
with the constituent we now know as meconic acid. It was only in 1817 that he
unequivocally reported the isolation of pure morphine. He prepared it by extracting opium
with hot water and precipitating morphine with ammonia. He obtained colorless crystals,
poorly soluble in water, but soluble in acids and alcohol. He then established that the
crystals carried the pharmacological activity of opium. The name “morphine” has been
coined later. The discovery was received by great perplexity: morphine had an alkaline
reaction toward litmus paper. The scientific world was doubtful and Pierre Jean Robiquet
performed new experiments in order to check Sertürner results. For the first time a
substance extracted from a plant was not an acid!
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Morphine: Among the First Alcaloids
Gay-Lussac finally accepted the revolutionary idea that alkaline drugs
could be found in plants. All alkaline substances isolated in plants
would be given a name with the suffix “-ine ” (Wilhelm Meissner, 1818)
in order to remind the basic reaction of all these drugs. Morphine
gained wide medical use in the beginning of the 1860s during the
American Civil War, but many injured soldiers returned from the war as
morphine addicts, victims of the “soldiers’ disease”. In 1874, English
researcher, C. R. Alder Wright (Saint Mary’s Hospital, London) first
synthesized (diacetyl­morphine) by boiling morphine acetate over a
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Twenty years later, Heinrich Dreser working for the Bayer Company of
Elberfeld, Germany, found (erroneously) that diluting morphine with acetyls
produced a drug without the common morphine side effects. In 1895, Bayer
began the production of diacetylmorphine and coined the name “heroin” and
introduced it, commercially, after another three years. At the beginning of the
20th century, heroin addiction rose to alarming rates driving United Kingdom,
United States and France to ban opium and opiate drugs. During next 70
years, morphine will be almost completely withdrawn from medical use, before
its “rehabilitation” that came through the so-called Hospice movement, founded
in the United Kingdom in order to alleviate suffering of dying patients within
Candace Pert, together with Solomon Snyder (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore,
USA), first identified opioid receptors in the brain in 1972. In 1975 Hans
Kosterlitz and John Hughes (Aberdeen, UK) reported the existence of an
endogenous morphine-like substance and named it enkephalin (for “in the
head”). Enkephalins, endorphins, and dynorphins bind to specific receptor sites
in the brain.
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The Chemical Discovery of Aspirin
Another active principle soon extracted from plants was salicylic acid. Salicin,
extracted from the willow tree, has been launched in 1876 by a Scottish physician,
Thomas John McLogan.
It was in extensive competition with Cinchona bark and quinine and never became a
very popular treatment for fever or rheumatic symptoms.
The Italian chemist Raffaele Piria, after having isolated salicylaldehyde (1839) in
Spireae species, prepared salicylic acid from salicin.
This acid was easier to use and was an ideal step before future syntheses. Its
structure was closely related to benzoic acid, an effective preservative useful as an
intestinal antiseptic for instance in typhoid fever.
Acetylsalicylic acid has been first synthesized by Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853
and then, in a purer form, by Johann Kraut (1869).
Acetylsalicylic acid synthesis with carbolic acid and carbon dioxide was improved by
Hermann Kolbe in1874, but in fact nobody noticed its pharmacological interest.
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Synthesis of Aspirin
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Aspirin as a Drug
During the 1880s and 1890s, physicians became intensely interested in the
possible adverse effects of fever on the human body and the use of antipyretics
became one of the hottest fields in therapeutic research.
It is likely that acetylsalicylic acid was synthesized under Arthur Eichengrün’s
direction and that it would not have been introduced in 1899 without his
Dreser carried out comparative studies of aspirin and other salicylates to
demonstrate that the former was less noxious and more beneficial than the latter.
Bayer built his fortune upon this drug which received the name of “Aspirin” the
most familiar drug name. For the first time, an industrial group illustrated the close
relationship between chemistry and practical therapeutics. It was not until the late
1970s that aspirin’s ability to inhibit prostaglandins production by the cyclooxygenase enzymes was identified as the basis of its therapeutic activity.
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Aspirin Pharmacological Mechanism of Action
Prostaglandins are known as end-products of the so-called arachidonic acid cascade.
Arachidonic acid is normally stored in membrane-bound phospholipids and released by the
action of phospholipases. Enzymatic conversion of released arachidonic acid into
biologically active derivatives proceeds through several routes. First, cyclooxygenase
converts arachidonic acid to unstable cyclic endoperoxides from which prostaglandins,
prostacyclin and thromboxanes are derived. Second, the production of the leukotrienes
from arachidonic acid is initiated by the action of 5-lipoxygenase producing leukotrienes
which are also believed to play an important pathophysiological role in allergic
bronchoconstriction of asthma.
Through pharmacological intervention in the arachidonic acid cascade various antiinflammatory agents have been developed.
These include aspirin-like drugs, which inhibit cyclooxygenase. Corticosteroids appear to
indirectly inhibit phospholipases thus preventing release of arachidonic acid. Future
progress in this field is likely to produce drugs which antagonize arachidonic acid
derivatives or inhibit the enzymes involved in their synthesis with greater specificity.
The impact of aspirin administration at low dose for the prevention of stroke or coronary
attack resulted from its effect on enzymes regulating the production of prostaglandins.
Vane then assigned a major physiological function to the vascular endothelium which
became a pharmacological target for new drugs. He won Albert Lasker Prize in 1977 and
Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology in 1982
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The arachidonic acid cascade and its lipo-oxygenase branch
The arachidonic acid cascade and its lipo-oxygenase branch
AA is metabolized by three major oxidative pathways:
cyclooxygenase (COX), forming prostaglandins and
related eicosanoids;
lipoxygenase (LOX), forming leukotrienes and related
CYP450, forming epoxides and 20-HETEs.
Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EET)s are vasodilatory and antiinflammatory, whereas 20-HETE antagonizes these effects
of EETs. Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) degrades EETs
to their less bioactive corresponding
dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid (DHETs), thereby reducing
beneficial effects of EETs.
Inhibitors of sEH stabilize EETs, and prolong the duration
of action of EETs, thus, enhancing the effects of reducing
hypertension, inflammation, and pain
Aspirin Chemical Mechanism of Action
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The Discovery of Digitalic Compounds
In the second half of 18th century, William Withering, an English physician,
heard that the local population was able to cure dropsy using a complex plant
decoction. After having tested the various herbs on dropsy, digitalis leaf
remained the most active and probably contained a substance increasing the
ability of the weakened heart to improve pumping blood.
In 1775, Withering published a pamphlet in which he reported his discovery,
meticulously describing how the extract of the digitalis should be prepared,
and giving precise instructions on dosage, including warnings about side
effects and overdose from the experience learnt from 163 patients.
The only but not least problem was a dreadful continuous vomiting and
diarrhea during the treatment that was caused by the fact that the boundary
between the therapeutic dose and poisoning was exceedingly narrow.
It was therefore evident and absolutely necessary to purify the active
substance in order to fix the effective and non-toxic dosage.
After decades of works, Homolle and Quevenne, two Parisian pharmacists
obtained from foxglove leaves an amorphous substance they called
“digitaline,” keeping the “ine” terminology, as they were sure that it was an
In fact it was a complex substance containing a specific sugar. It is not until
1867 that another French pharmacist, Nativelle was able to purify foxglove
leaves and to produce the effective substance in the form of white crystals
that he called “crystallized digitalin.”
Just a few years, later the German, Oswald Schmiedeberg, managed to
produce digitoxin (1875).
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Digitalis as a Cardiac Drug and Mechanism of Action
One hundred years later, explanation for the cardiotonic properties of digitalis, ouabain and
strophantin were given through molecular pharmacology experiments.
Skou studied in the early 1950s the action of local anesthetics. He thought that membrane protein
might be affected by local anesthetics. He therefore had the idea of looking at an enzyme which was
embedded in the membrane: ATPase, discovering that it was most active when exposed to the right
combination of sodium, potassium and magnesium ions. Skou left out the term “sodium-potassium
pump” from the title of his publication, continuing his studies on local anesthetics.
In 1958, Skou met Robert L. Post, who had been studying the pumping of sodium and potassium in
red blood cells recently discovered that three sodium ions were pumped out of the cell for every two
potassium ions pumped in, his research being made by the use of a substance called ouabain which
had recently been shown to inhibit the pump.
Conversations between Post and Skou about ATPase drove Skou to verify if ouabain inhibited the
pump. Indeed, it did inhibit the enzyme, thus establishing a link between the enzyme and the
sodium–potassium pump.
Skou received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1997). Julius C. Allen and Arnold Schwartz (Houston,
USA) then studied digitalis effect on cardiac contractility (positive inotropic effect), caused by the
drug’s highly specific interaction with Na+/K+-ATPase.
It has been established that partial inhibition of the ion pumping function of cardiac Na+/K+-ATPase
by digitalis glycosides led to a modest increase in intracellular Na+, which in turn, affected the
cardiac sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, causing a significant increase in intracellular Ca2+ and in
the force contraction.
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The Introduction of the Term Receptor
As for giving a symbolic landmark to drugs history at the beginning of
the century, Paul Ehrlich (Institut für experimentelle Therapie,
Frankfurt) introduced, in 1900, the term “receptor.” The receptor
concept as such, was in fact developed in the context of immunology.
The drug receptor theory, in turn, would be later developed in Ehrlich’s
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Further Readings
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Medicinal Chemistry
A definition of medicinal chemistry was given by a IUPAC specialized
Medicinal chemistry concerns the discovery, the development, the
identification and the interpretation of the mode of action of biologically
active compounds at the molecular level.
Emphasis is put on drugs, but the interests of the medicinal chemist are
not restricted to drugs but include bioactive compounds in general.
Medicinal chemistry is also concerned with the study, identification, and
synthesis of the metabolic products of these drugs and related
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Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Drugs – natural and synthetic alike – are chemicals used for medicinal
purposes. They interact with complex chemical systems of humans or
Medicinal chemistry is concerned with this interaction, focusing on the
organic and biochemical reactions of drug substances with their targets.
This is one aspect of drug chemistry.
Other important aspects are the synthesis and the analysis of drug
substances. The two latter aspects together are sometimes called
pharmaceutical chemistry , but the synthesis of drugs is considered by
some people – mainly chemists – to be part of medicinal chemistry,
denoting analytical aspects as pharmaceutical chemistry.
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MedChem Objectives
The objectives of medicinal chemistry are as easily formulated as they
are difficult to achieve: Find, develop and improve drug substances that
cure or alleviate diseases and understand the causative and
accompanying chemical processes .
Medicinal chemistry is an interdisciplinary science covering a particularly
wide domain situated at the interface of organic chemistry with life
sciences, such as biochemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology,
genetics, immunology, pharmacokinetics and toxicology on one side,
crystallography, spectroscopy and computer-based techniques of
simulation, data analysis and data visualization on the other side
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What is a Drug
In medicinal chemistry, the chemist attempts to design and synthesize
a pharmaceutical agent that has a desired biological effect on the
human body or some other living system.
Such a compound could also be called a 'drug', but this is a word that
many scientists dislike because society views the term with suspicion.
With media headlines such as 'Drugs Menace’ or 'Drug Addiction
Sweeps City Streets’ this is hardly surprising.
However, it suggests that a distinction can be drawn between drugs
that are used in medicine and drugs that are abused.
Is this really true? Can we draw a neat line between 'good drugs' like
penicillin and 'bad drugs' like heroin?
If so, how do we define what is meant by a good or a bad drug in the
first place? Where would we place a so-called social drug like
cannabis in this divide? What about nicotine, or alcohol?
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Drugs are compounds that interact with a biological system to
produce a biological response.
No drug is totally safe. Drugs vary In the side effects they might
The dose level of a compound determines whether it will act as a
medicine or as a poison,
The therapeutic index is a measure of a drug's beneficial effect at a
low dose versus its harmful effects at higher dose, A high
therapeutic Index Indicates a large safety margin between
beneticlal and toxic doses.
The principle of selective toxicity means that useful drugs show
toxicity against foreign or abnormal cells but not against normal
host cells.
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Drugs → Formulation
Drugs are composed of drug substances (syn. active pharmaceutical
ingredients, APIs) and excipients (syn. ancillary substances). The
combination of both is the work of pharmaceutical technology (syn.
galenics) and denoted a formulation.
In 2007, the World Drug Index contained over 80,000 marketed and
development drug substances. In the United States, approximately
21,000 drug products were marketed in 2006; however, when duplicate
active ingredients, salt forms, supplements, vitamins, imaging agents,
etc. are removed, this number is reduced to only 1,357 unique drugs, of
which 1,204 are small molecule drugs and 166 are biologicals. In 2006 in
Germany, approximately 8,800 drugs in 11,200 formulations contained
approximately 2,400 APIs and 750 plant extracts. The WHO Essential
Medicines List held approximately 350 drug substances in 2007.
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What makes a chemical “druggable”? Because of the versatility of their
molecular targets, there can be no universal characteristic of drug substances.
However since the general structure of the target organisms is identical,
generalizations as to drug substance structure are possible for biopharmacy.
For a chemical to be readily absorbed by the gut and distributed in the body, its
size, hydrophilicity/lipophilicity ratio, stability toward acid medium and
hydrolytical enzymes, etc. have to meet defined physicochemical criteria.
A careful analysis of reasons for drug attrition revealed that only 5% were
caused by pharmacokinetic difficulties whereas 46% were due to insufficient
efficacy and 33% to adverse reactions in animals or humans.
Since both wanted and unwanted effects are due to the biological activity, 79%
of drug candidates had unpredicted or wrongly predicted sum activities.
Predictions of toxicity from molecular features are very precarious.
Only rather general rules are for sure; such as avoidance of very reactive
functional groups, for example, aldehyde because of oxidative instability and
haptene nature; α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and 2-halopyridines
because of their unspecific reactivity as electrophiles
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Drug Discovery/Invention?
Most drugs were discovered rather than developed. That is why a large number of drug
substances are natural products or derivatives thereof. It is a matter of debate if ethnic
medicines or nature still hold gems as yet undiscovered by pharmacy.
Synthetic substance collections (“libraries”) have been created through (automated)
organic chemistry. The very high number and diversity of natural and synthetic chemical
entities is faced with an equally growing number of potential reaction partners (targets)
from bio­chemical and pathophysiological research.
In virtual, biochemical and cell-based testing, compound selections are run against an
isolated or physiologically embedded target that may be involved in the disease process.
Compounds that exceed a certain threshold value in binding to the target or modulation
of some functional signal behind it, are called hits. If the identity and purity of the
compound and the assay result are confirmed in a multi­point activity determination, the
compound raises to the status of validated hit. From this one hopes to develop leads. A
lead is a compound or series of compounds with proven activity and selectivity in a
screen and fulfills some drug development criteria such as originality, patentability and
accessibility (by extraction or synthesis). Molecular variation hopefully tunes the
physicochemical parameters so that it becomes suitable for ADME.
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The Ideal Drug
The resulting optimized lead (preclinical candidate), if it displays no toxicity in cell and
animal models, becomes a clinical candidate. If this stands the tests of efficacy and
safety in humans and overcomes marketing hurdles, a new drug entity will enter the
treasure trove of pharmacy. The Box below will help to appreciate that activity is a
necessary but not sufficient quality of medicines. There is, of course, no ideal drug in real
world, but one has to find a relative optimum.
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