Horizon 2020 Health/biotech/ict opportunities Caterina BUONOCORE NCP Sfida Sociale 1, Health, wellbeing , Dem. Change. APRE AGENDA 1.Horizon 2020: opportunità per la Salute e il piano di lavoro per la Sfida Sociale 1 2014-2015 2. Novità, regole di partecipazione e criteri di valutazione 3. Elementi per una proposta di successo in H2020 2 Struttura basata su tre pilatri interconnessi. Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Security society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) 3 Coverage of the full innovation chain Societal challenges Industrial leadership Excellent science Basic Research Demonstration Technology R&D Prototyping Large scale validation Pilots Market uptake FP7 Health (2007-2013): first outcomes Key figures First outcomes (on 319 closed projects) 5.4 b€ invested 10,200 publications 1,052 projects 32 publications per project 11,900 teams 3,500 organisations 130 countries 3.2 average SJR* 200 patent applications 30 spin-offs created * SCImago Journal Ranking Health in Horizon 2020 Pillar 3: Societal Challenge Health, demographic change and wellbeing R&I action s 7.4 b€ IMI-2 Pillar 2: Industrial leadership LEIT Biotech Pillar 1: Excellent science ERC Fast track EDCTP2 PPI Risk finance FET JP AA L EI P SME instrumen t Marie SkłodowskaCurie EIT ERA NET Eureka Eurostars Infrastructures Budget for the 3 pillars in % 7 Budget in the 3 pillars Excellent Science Societal challenges Industrial Leadership Budget from FP1 to Horizon 2020 Programmi Quadro quadriennali e quinquennali Programmi Quadro settennali. TOP DOWN OR BOTTOM UP Health, demographic change and wellbeing TOP DOWN BOTTOM UP TOP DOWN BOTTOM UP (SME) Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy TOP Secure, clean andDOWN efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport BOTTOM Climate UP action, resource efficiency and raw materials (SME) Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Security society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) 10 3° PILLAR SOCIETAL CHALLENGES 11 STRATEGIC INITIATIVES Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 www.imi.europa.eu Active and Assisted Living 2 www.aal-europe.eu European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/eipaha European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2) www.edctp.org Struttura del programma Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Security society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) 13 Healthcare opportunities: making medical treatments more personalised • Avalanche of new –omics and molecular information following the sequencing of the human genome • Translation of – omics from basic to clinical research can bring us better understanding of health and disease Clinical definition of disease Molecular definition of disease Molecular definition of health • Need innovative approaches for changing the focus from treatment and cure to prediction and prevention Personalised Medicine Workshops & conference • Vision for Europe 2020: identify bottlenecks for PM implementation into clinical practise • 2010: Preparatory workshops (-omics, biomarkers, clinical trials/regulatory, uptake) • 2011: European Perspectives in PM conference Available on: http://ec.europa.eu/research/health Challenges in SC 1. Personalised Medicine: a novel approach with many challenges along the way. R&D the basics “Omics” Technologies R&D stratifying tools Biomarkers Identification Qualification Validation Data Samples Statistics Data modelling tools Technical aspects & challenges R&D test in human Clinical trials Methodologies Ethics Patient recruitment Towards the market Uptake in healthcare Diagnostics & Therapies Pricing & Reimbursement Approval processes Health economy HTA Regulatory aspects Novel models of healthcare organisation Prediction - Prevention – Treatment - Cure In patients Availability & usability in the clinic Patient perspective Equal treatment Training of professionals 1. HEALTH, DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND WELLBEING 17 Pers. Health and Care Broad topics Less prescriptive topic texts Two-year work programme Stronger focus on end users Clinical trials Personalised medicine – towards a definition "Personalised medicine refers to a medical model using molecular profiling for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time, and/or to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention" International cooperation in H2020: General opening • Horizon 2020 is open to participation from across the world • Automatic funding: • • Member States (including overseas departments and overseas territories) • Associated Countries • exhaustive list of countries in annex to work programme (but: no longer BRIC + Mexico in this list!) Participants from other countries only funded in exceptional cases: • when provision is made in the call text • bilateral agreement (e.g. Health challenge – NIH) • when the Commission deems it essential (case by case assessment) The Horizon 2020 societal challenge of ‘Health, Demographic change and Wellbeing’ (SC1) for the years 2014 and 2015 Includes 36 topics in the ‘personalising health and care’ focus area call, and 15 topics in the ‘co-ordination activities’ call. The total budget available is approximately EUR 1.20bn. Topics in the call are divided into 7 areas. Societal challenge 1 is also implemented by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), the Active and Assisted Living programme (AAL) and the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA). Many topics will be evaluated in two stages. Exceptions to the two stage approach include a number of ‘close to market’ type topics, including those which make use of the SME instrument. The 2014 topics deadlines are as follows: Two stage calls: • Stage 1 – 11 March 2014 • Stage 2 – 19 August 2014 One stage calls: 15 April 2014 The 2015 topics deadlines are as follows: Two stage calls: • Stage 1 – 14 October 2014 • Stage 2 – 24 February 2015 One stage calls: 21 April 2015 21 7 Focus Areas Understanding health, ageing & disease Effective health promotion, disease prevention, preparedness and screening Improving diagnosis Innovative treatments and technologies Advancing active and healthy ageing Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care Improving health information, data exploitation and providing an evidence base for health policies and regulation Understanding the call topics: example • 'PHC 2 – 2015' • 'Specific challenge' • 'Scope' • 'Expected impact' • 'Type of action' Understandin g health, agein g & disease Unravelling health and disease • Determinants, risk factors and pathways of diseases (2014) (PHC 1) Determinants and pathways of healthy and active ageing (2014) (PHC 1) • Systems medicine approaches (2015) (PHC 2) • Common mechanisms of diseases and potential co-morbidities (2015) (PHC 3) Effective healt h promotion, disease prevention, p reparedness a nd screening From "omics" … to prevention • Inter-sector cooperation for environment- and healthbased interventions (2015) (PHC4) • Translating -omics into stratified prevention and health promotion (2014) (PHC 5) • Evaluating existing screening and prevention programmes (2014) (PHC 6) • Control of infectious epidemics through rapid pathogen identification (2014) (PHC 7) (see also SC2) • Vaccine platforms for TB (2014) (PHC 8) and HIV (2015) (PHC9) Improving dia gnosis In biomarkers we trust … and in novel diagnostic tools • In vitro devices, assays and platforms (2014) (PHC 10) • In vivo medical imaging technologies (2015) (PHC 11) • Clinical validation of biomarkers (2014, 2015) (PHC 12) SME type of action Innovative tr eatments nd technologies a Finding the cure … and evaluating existing treatments • Therapies for non-communicable diseases (2014) (PHC 13) and rare diseases (2015) (PHC 14) • Clinical research on regenerative medicine (2014) (PHC15) • Tools and technologies for advanced therapies (2015) (PHC 16) • Comparing and establishing effectiveness of health interventions in the elderly (2014) (PHC 17) and in paediatric population (2015) (PHC 18) Advancing ac tive and healt hy ageing Adding more life to our years • Service robotics within assisted living environments (2014) (PHC 19*) • Pilot projects on independent living with cognitive impairments (2014) (PHC 20*) (Innovation type of action) • Early risk detection and intervention (2015) (PHC 21*) • Promoting mental wellbeing in the ageing population (2015) (PHC 22) * Topics with ICT focus Integrated, s ustainable, citizen-centre d care The citizen in the centre • New models for prevention oriented health and care systems (2014) (PHC 23) • Piloting personalised medicine in health and care systems (2015) (PHC 24) • Self-management of health and disease: • citizen engagement and mHealth for disease management (2014), (PHC 26*) • patient empowerment supported by ICT (2015) (PHC 27*) • based on predictive computer modelling (2015) (PHC28*) * Topics with ICT focus Integrated, s ustainable, citizen-centre d care The citizen in the centre (2) • Public procurement of innovative eHealth services (2015) (PHC 29*) • ICT systems for integrated care (2015) (PHC 25*) • eHealth sectorial inducement prize (2015) * Topics with ICT focus Big Data for research Improving he alth informati on, data exploita tion and prov iding an evidence ba se for health polic ies and regula tion • Digital representation of health data to improve diagnosis and treatment (2015) (PHC 30*) • Foresight for health policy development and regulation (2014) (PHC 31) • Advancing bioinformatics for clinical needs (2014) (PHC 32) • Improve predictive human safety testing (2015) (PHC 33) • eHealth interoperability (2014) (PHC 34*) Call for Co-ordination activities 2014-2015 1.1. EIP on AHA – European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing 1.2. JPI – Joint Programming Initiative More Years and Better Lives 1.3. European Reference Networks: Efficient network modelling and validation 1.4. Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes 1.5. ERA-NETs - Synergies between JPND (Neurodegenerative Diseases) and H2020 - Cancer Research - Brain related diseases - Systems medicine for clinical needs research - Rare Diseases research implementing IRDiRC objectives 32 Personalised medicine in Europe www.geenivaramu.ee www.cancerresearchuk.org www.imtm.cz www.medizin.uni-greifswald.de/GANI_MED French National Cancer Institute (INCA) Economic impact of molecular testing Cancer Drug lung cancer gefitinib colorectal cancer erlotinib cetuximab Panitumumab % Nb of Number of Median PFS Cost of patients Biomarker tested spared for non treatment/ with patients prescriptions responders patient mutation EGFR mut KRAS mut 10,3% 36% 16722 17250 15000 8 weeks 15000 8 weeks 4 600 € 8 months 32 419 € 8 weeks 9 263 € 6 210 4 weeks 4 600 € 4 390 € Spared cost Public fundings allocated for the provision of the test €69 M €1.7 M € 201 M €57 M €2.5 M €27 M www.e-cancer.fr Source: F. Calvo presentation 13-05-2011 www.healthcompetence.eu Progetti finanziati nel settore Health nel vi e vii PQ. 36 37 38 39 Struttura del programma Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research & the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Security society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation Science with and for society Joint Research Center (JRC) 40 H2020: HEALTH-RELATED TOPICS IN OTHER WORK PROGRAMMES 41 42 43 44 45 46 H2020 - Competitive Industries “health” is mentioned as one of the potential application areas to demonstrate the results of research performed Six main activity lines have been identified in the ICTLEIT part of the Work Programme 2014 - 2015: 1. A new generation of components and systems 2. Advanced Computing 3. Future Internet 4. Content technologies and information management 5. Robotics 6. Micro- and nano-electronic technologies, Photonics + - ICT Cross cutting activities - ICT Innovation Actions Call 2015 48 FP7 support to Life Sciences Infrastructures (early 2013) red/purple: ESFRI projects; ISBE, blue: Integrat. activities AnaEE green: e-infrastructures http://www.eurorisnet.eu/transnational-access-calls NCP network New website! Transnational Access open calls/e-infrastructures services: One-stop shop http://www.euroris-net.eu/ transnational-access-opportunities PRACE Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network *** European Life Science Infrastructure for Biological Information European Marine Biology Resource Centre European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents Prossime CALL 2013 The IMI 11th Call 2013 for proposals includes a topic covering the following key research priority: - Applied public-private research enabling osteoarthritis clinical headway . - European platform for proof of concept for prevention in Alzheimer’s Disease . - Blood-based biomarker assays for personalised tumour therapy: value of latest circulating biomarkers . - Zoonoses anticipation and preparedness initiative. -Generation of research tools to translate genomic discoveries into drug discovery projects. - EcoRisk Prediction. IMI 11th Call Publication date: 11 Dicembe 2013 Deadline: 8 Aprile 2014 Topics under the New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme on antimicrobial resistance: - Epidemiology research and development of novel systemic antibacterial molecules against healthcare-associated infections due to Gram-negative pathogens -Development of novel inhaled antibiotic regimens in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and patients with non-CF bronchiectasis (BE) IMI Partner Search Tool http://www.imi.europa.eu/content/future-topics 53 • IMI è una partnership pubblico-privata che unisce la Commissione Europea e la Federazione delle Industrie Farmaceutiche Europee (EFPIA) • IMI è stata creata allo scopo di finanziare la ricerca collaborativa pre-competitiva nel campo dell’efficienza e sicurezza dei farmaci indirizzati ad un ristretto nucleo di patologie 54 Funding rates are the following (only for beneficiaries): -Research activities: a maximum of 75% of total eligible costs. -Other activities, including management and training activities: a maximum of 100% of total eligible costs. Indirect costs - actual indirect cost. - or a flat rate of 20% of total eligible direct costs (excluding subcontracting costs and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary) for organisations which do not aggregate their indirect costs at a detailed level, but can aggregate them at the level of the legal entity. Ageing well – the EU picture Active and Healthy Ageing EIP New Knowledge Proven Ideas New solutions Evidence and innovation guidelines Deployment support JPIs More Years Better Lives Alzheimer’s Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 Health Structural Funds EIB ESF eHealth eHealth ICT & Ageing Research Public Health Programme AALn JP V2 Innovation EIT-KIC Deployment Further Information • Digital Agenda for Europe http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda • • ICT Policy Support Programme http://ec.europa.eu/ict_psp/ Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme http://www.aal-europe.eu/ • JPI - More Years – Better Lives http://www.jp-demographic.eu • Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership • http://ec.europa.eu/active-healthy-ageing Contact: CNECT-ICT4ageing (at) ec.europa.eu ••• 57 Criteri di valutazione e struttura di una propostaH2020 nelle SC e LEITs CRITERI DI SELEZIONE E ATTRIBUZIONE (Art. 15) 3 CRITERI POSSIBILI BANDI CON PROCEDURA DI PRESENTAZIONE A DUE STEP ECCELLENZA, UNICO CRITERIO PER LE AZIONI ERC PESO PONDERATO CRITERIO ‘IMPATTO’ NELLE INNOVATION ACTION Calls HORIZON 2020 CALLS FUNDING GUIDE Horizon 2020 COSME 66 results Filter options Search Topics Call Updates Other Funding Opportunities Type: Calls for proposal Calls for tender Specific Programme: Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Spreading excellence and widening participation Science with and for society Status: Open calls ○ Closed calls ○ Forthcoming calls Previous Framework Programmes (FP7 & CIP) Sort by: Stay informed RSS feed iCal Email notification Publication date ○ Deadline ○ Title ○ Call ID ONLINE SUBMISSION FORMS PROPOSAL PART A Administrative PART B Technical Single stage SC 1 (Deadline: 15th April 2014) PARTE B PARTE A 1) Excellence 1)General Information 1.1) Objectives 1.2)Relation to the Work Programme 1.3) Concept and Approach 1.4) Ambition 2) Impact 2)Participants & Contacts 3)Budget 4)Ethics 2.1) Expected impacts 2.2) Measures to maximize the impact - Dissemination and exploitation of results - Communication activities 3) Implementation 3.1) Work plan — Work packages, deliverables and milestones 3.2) Management structure and procedures 3.3) Consortium as a whole 3.4) Resources to be committed 4) Members of the consortium Template pdf online sul Participant Portal 4.1) Participants (applicants) 4.2) Third parties involved in the project (including use of third party resources) 5) Ethics and Security Documento Word scaricabile dal Participant Portal Max. 70 pages! 62 Consigli • Far riferimento alla propria rete di contatti per la partnership/investire in visibilità del team • Costruire un progetto «multidiscilinare» e transettoriale/trasferibilità • Rafforzare il coinvolgimento attivo degli utilizzatori finali. • Coinvolgimento dell’industria (PMI o grande) a cui affidare l’avvicinamento al Mercato • Curare minuziosamente l’impatto sul mercato, sulla società, sul settore scientifico e clinico, l ‘innovazione. • Far rileggere le proposte in bozza ai NCP per avere commenti strutturale e migliorare la chiarezza e la coerenza. 64 PARTICIPANT PORTAL ECAS ACCOUNT PARTICIPANT PORTAL PIC Codice Identificativo del Partecipante (9 CIFRE) cui sono associati i dati amministrativo-finanziari (dati amm.vi dell’ente, status giuridico, metodo di calcolo dei costi indiretti, etc…) Si ottiene tramite registrazione online tramite la cd. Unique Regitration Facility, ospitata dal Participant Portal: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal//desktop/en/organisations/register.html Presuppone validazione dell’ente da parte della CE Obbligatorio in fase di negoziazione I dati associati al PIC possono essere modificati/aggiornati solo tramite il LEAR (Legal Entity Authorized Representative) PART A Administrative PART B Technical H2020 - PARTICIPATION RULES – MAIN ELEMENTS 68 SOGGETTI GIURIDICI PARTECIPANTI (art.7)/ ELEGGIBILITA’ PER IL FINANZIAMENTO (art.10) CHI PUO’ PARTECIPARE? Qualsiasi soggetto giuridico, universita’ o centro di ricerca stabilito in uno stato membro o associato* o in un paese terzo JRC (Joint Research Centre) CHI PUO’ RICEVERE IL FINANZIAMENTO? Qualsiasi soggetto giuridico, universita’ o centro di ricerca stabilito in uno stato membro o associato o in un paese terzo JRC (Joint Research Centre) Paesi ICPC Organizzazioni internazionali di interesse EU Organizzazioni internazionali di interesse EU Organizzazioni internazionali e soggetti stabiliti in paesi terzi in aggiunta alle condizioni minime *Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, CroaZia, FYR Macedonia, Islanda, Israele, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norvegia, Serbia, Turchia (DA CONFERMARE) Organizzazioni internazionali e soggetti stabiliti in paesi terzi non ICPC solo eccezionalmente se previsto dal WP/accordo bilaterale oppure se essenziale per l’azione POSSIBILITA’ DI JOINT CALL CON I PAESI TERZI E LE ORG. INTERNAZIONALI APRE 2013 PAESI ELEGGIBILI PAESI TERZI SVIZZERA EQUIPARATA A PAESI TERZI INDUSTRIALIZZATI: NO FINANZIAMENTO AUTOMATICO APRE 2013 CONDIZIONI MINIME DI PARTECIPAZIONE (art.9) 3 SOGGETTI GIURIDICI indipendenti stabiliti in 3 diversi stati membri o associati 1 SOLO PARTECIPANTE ERC, SME Instrument, Azioni Co-fund, CSA, Azioni A Supporto Della Mobilita’ E Della Formazione Dei Ricercatori(marie Curie) CONDIZIONI AGGIUNTIVE: possono essere previste nel work programme (n. di partecipanti, tipologie di partecipanti, etc…) APRE 2013 WHICH TYPE OF ACTIONS AND FUNDING % 72 Azioni AZIONE DI RICERCA E INNOVAZIONE (RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ACTION) AZIONE DI INNOVAZIONE (INNOVATION ACTION) AZIONE DI COORDINAMENTO E SUPPORTO (COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTION) ERANET CO-FUND (PROGRAMME CO-FUND) APRE 2013 DEFINIZIONI (art.2) UNICA % DI RIMBORSO PER PROGETTO RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ACTION (RIA) attività di ricerca, sviluppo tecnologico, dimostrazione e innovazione, comprese la promozione della cooperazione con i paesi terzi e le organizzazioni internazionali, la diffusione e l'ottimizzazione dei risultati nonché la promozione della formazione di elevata qualità e della mobilità dei ricercatori nell'Unione fino al 100% dei costi eleggibili COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTION (CSA) Standardizzazione, diffusione, sensibilizzazione e comunicazione, collegamento in rete, studi di apprendimento reciproco, dialoghi in materie di politiche APRE 2013 DEFINIZIONI (art.2) NEW INNOVACTION ACTION (IA) Attività di creazione di prototipi, collaudo, dimostrazione, progetti pilota, convalida dei prodotti su larga scala e prime applicazioni commerciali, per prodotti, processi o servizi nuovi, modificati o migliorati UNICA % DI RIMBORSO PER PROGETTO fino al 70% dei costi eleggibili (fatta eccezione per organismi no-profit, finanziabili fino al 100%) APRE 2013 SME INSTRUMENT (art.53) INNOVATION ACTION – PROCEDURE SPECIFICHE A. STRUMENTO PMI • SOLO PER PMI (1 PMI o consorzio di PMI) • APPROCCIO BOTTOM UP (più o meno generico) nei SC/LEIT • OPEN CALL, organizzate in 3 FASI 1. lump sum per esplorare la fattibilità e il potenziale commerciale dell’idea progettuale 2. Grant per attività di R&I con focus sulle attività dimostrative 3. Misure di supporto e attività di networking per lo sfruttamento dei risultati • Nessun obbligo per i partecipanti di coprire tutte e tre le fasi • Combinanzione di attività di dimostrazione (test, prototipizzazione, …), e ricerca • Gestione centralizzata (EACI) APRE 2013 INNOVATION ACTION - PROCEDURE B. STRUMENTO PMI Pre-Commercial Procurement SME window EU financial facilities Idea to concept, risk assessment, technological & commercial feasibility Lump sum: 50.000 € 1-3 (5) M€ contributo CE ~ 6 mesi ~ 12 to 24 mesi Idea Quality label for successful projects, access to risk finance, indirect support Demonstration, prototyping, testing , market replication, scaling up, miniaturisation, research Nessun finanziamento diretto Sostegno continuo per l'intera durata Mercato APRE 2013 STRUMENTO PMI ESEMPIO FINANZIAMENTO 70% (predominante attività dimostrativa) FINANZIAMENTO 100% (predominante attività di ricerca) APRE 2013 COSTI INDIRETTI (Art. 29) NEW STANDARD FLAT RATE (20%) SPECIAL FLAT RATE (60%) SIMPLIFIED METHOD or ACTUAL INDIRECT COSTS UNICO TASSO FORFETARIO DEL 25% DEI COSTI DIRETTI (ECCETTO I SUBCONTRATTI E COSTI DELLE RISORSE MESSE A DISPOSIZIONE DA TERZI CHE NON VENGONO UTILIZZATE NEI LOCALI DEL BENEFICIARIO, NONCHÉ DEL SOSTEGNO FINANZIARIO A TERZI) APRE 2013 FINANZIAMENTO DELL’AZIONE (Art. 28) UNICA % DI RIMBORSO PER NEW PROGETTO, SENZA DISTINZIONE TRA BENEFICIARI •fino al 100% dei costi eleggibili per progetti R&S (cd. RESEARCH & INNOVATION action) • fino al 70% per progetti dimostrativi cd. INNOVATION action (fatta eccezione per organismi no-profit, finanziabili fino al 100%) e CO-FUND APRE 2013 EXAMPLE: In FP7, around 90 % of the Universities and more than a half of the Research Organisations apply the 60 % flat-rate for indirect costs. For all these participants the impact on the EU contribution of the H2020 funding model will be favourable: Flat-rate (60 %) 100 / 25 Funding Direct costs Indirect costs Total costs 100 60 160 Direct costs Indirect costs 100 25 % EU EU contribution contribution 75% € 120 Total % EU EU costs contribution contribution 125 100% € 125 A chi rivolgersi per un supporto? + Punti di Contatto Nazionali (APRE) Informazioni pratiche & consigli sulle procedure e regole di partecipazione National delegates in Programme Committees Interpretazione scientifica dei bandi, input all’elaborazione dei Work Programme European Enterprise Networks (EEN) EC Information desks (contattabili via e-mail o telefono) 82 LINK UTILI •Participant Portal •http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html •ECAS account creation •https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/cas/eim/external/register.cgi •FAQ •http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/support/faq.html •FITFORHEALTH: ricerca partner •http://mm.fitforhealth.eu/common/contactslogin.asp •HEALTH2MARKET: assistenza a portare i risultati della ricerca al mercato. •http://www.health2market.eu/ www.HealthCompetence.eu An open, pan-European infrastructure for information on research projects & results within Health Science 84 http://www.health2market.eu/ 85 GRAZIE PER L‘ATTENZIONE! APRE Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea via Cavour, 71 00184 - Roma www.apre.it Tel. (+39) 06-48939993 Fax. (+39) 06-48902550 Caterina Buonocore Health NCP [email protected] 86
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