Indi an Journal or Chemi stry Vol. -l2A. April 2003. pp. 75 1-7 57 Electrochemical reduction of benzyl bromide in the presence of carbon dioxide Abdiri sa k A (sse & Armando Gennaro* Department or Ph ys ical Chemi stry. Uni versity of Padova. via L oredan 2. 35 13 1 Padova . It al y E-mail: A .Gen naro @c hfi .unipd .it Receil'ed 5 Decelll ber 2002 Th e ele..:trochemi cal reduction o f benzy l brom ide has been in ves ti gated in acetonitril e and CO 2-sa turated aceto nitrile by cyc li c vo ltammetry and contro ll ed-potenti al elec tro lys i s. Electroreduction of the halide in th e absence or CO 2 lead s to a va riety of products. th e di stributi on o f whi ch d epe nd ~ on the elec trode material. applied potcnti al and proton ava ilability in the med ium . Th e elec trocarboxylat ion proresse, ha ve bee n carri ed out at Hg and graphite ca th odes using bo th a twoco mpartment ce ll and an undi vided ce ll w ith di ssol ving AI anode. The best results (87 % pheny laceti c y ield) are ob tain ed at Hg in th e undivided ce ll . Ca talys is by Co(salen ) all ows th e process to be perform ed at potenti als more positi ve than th ose required by direc t reducti on but gi ves onl y poor to moderate y ields of acid. Results obta ined rrom experime nts carri ed out with ben zy l chloride have been compared with th ose obtained in the case of benzy l bromid e. The electrochem ical fixat ion of CO 2 into organic substrates is a convenient method o f synthes is of carboxyl ic ac ids I. In particular, non-steroidal anriinflammatory agents such as 2-ary lpropanoic ac ids may be easily prepared by electrocarboxy lation o f suitabl e benzy l halides. Indeed . thi s process has been the subject of several investigation s with particu lar inlerest to th e optim isation of product y i e ld s 2.~ . To thi s end, chl orides ha ve been largely preferred to brom ides or iod ides as starting material s for elec trocarboxy lat ion. However. a drawback to the use of benzyl ch lorides is that their reduction at the most common ly used cathodes occurs at very hi ghl y negative potential s, where concomitant reduction of CO 2 may tak e place, resulting in undesired products and a decrease of current efficiency. To circ um vent thi s difficulty. various cata lytic systems, mainly based on transition metal comp lexes. have been used 5-8 . [t is widel y known that alky l bromides and iod ides reduce much eas ter than th eir corresponding . Ies '1 ·111 . For example, at a glassy carbon ClII one elec trod e in acetonitrile, th e reduction potential of ben zy l bromide is 0.5 V more positive than that of benzy l chloride Ill . Th e potential s required for th e reduction of benzy l brom ides are considerably less negati ve than the reduction pot ential of CO 2. Hence, use of benzyl bromides in electrochemica l carbox y lati ons ;nay have th e advantage of avoiding concomitant reduction of CO 2. In thi s paper we describe the results of an inves ti gation on th e elec troc hemica l carboxylati on of benzy l bromide in acetonitrile. Th e study W;lS carri ed out at Hg and graphite electrodes using two different cell arrangements: a two-compartment ce ll w ith a Pt anode or an undi vided ce ll w ith a dissolving AI anode. Both direct and indirect (med iated) electroreduct ion of the halide in CO 2-saturated C H, CN were examined. As a cata lyst a coba lt co mpl ex (Co(salen), sa len = lI2,2'- 11 ,2-ethanedi y lbi s2 (nitri lomethy lidyne)]bis[p henolatoIJ - ) , which has been previously reported to have good catal ytic effec ts towards the reduct ion of benzy l chlorides, was 6 used . Materials and Methods Acetonitrile (B OH ) was distilled over Ca H2 and stored under argon atmosphere. T etra-I/butylammonium perchlorate (Fluka) was cry stalli zed twice from EtOH + H 2 0 (2: I ) and dried in a vacuum oven at 60°C. Co(salen)" and benzyl phenylacetate (PhC H 2C0 2C H 2 Ph )1 2 were prepared according to procedures described in th e literature. Carbon di oxide (99 .998 %) was suppli ed hy Sl AO ( Ital y). A ll other reagents were commerc iall y availabl e reagents and we re used as received. Electrochemical measurements were carri ed ou t by using an EG&G PARC (Model 173/179) potentios tatlcoul ometer co upled w ith a uni versal programmer (M odel 175) and a LeCroy L T 322 osc i lloscope. For cyc li c vo ltaJl1metry measurements. glassy carbon or mercury was used as the working electrode. Th e counter and the reference elec trodes were a Pt wire and Ag/Agl/O. I M ( I/- C~ H ~)" I in OMF, respec ti ve ly. A t th e end of th e ex perim ent. th e 752 INDIAN J Cf-IEM . SEC A, APR IL 2003 potential of th e reFerence elec trode was always measu red versus the saturated calome l electrode (SCE) , to which all potential s are finally referred. Con troll ed-potenti al electrol yses were ca rried out e either at a Hg pool Os cm ) or at a co mpact graphite rod (6 cm\ using two different cells: a twocompartment ce ll with a Pt an ode separated from th e cathodic co mpartment by glass Frits and Tylo se-(IlC~ H (» 4 NCl04 -sa turated brid ge or an undivided cell w ith a sacrifi cial AI an ode. All ex periments were performed at 25 °C. The electrolys is products were analysed by using ail HPLC Perkin -E lmer Series 4 liquid ch romatograph. equipped with a UV detector and a reversed-phase LC 18- DB Supelco column . Th e eluent was a mixture of C H, CN and H 20 , acidifi ed with I CH, C0 2 H (5 g L- ). At th e end of th e elec trolys is a samp le of so luti on was withdrawn from the elec troc hemi ca l ce ll and direc tl y analysed by HPLC. Authentic compounds were used for th e identificati on and quantl!'ica ti on of the products. o . -5 0 - J 00 -2 .0 -1.5 , 1.0 E ( V vs SCE ) Fi g. I - Cyc li c vnltam metry o j" 1.93 mM be ll zy l bromid e ill C H,CN + 0.1 M (II-C4 H<j)4NCl04 al a glassy carbo ll elec trode at I ' = 0.2 Vs- I . o ~ Resu lts and Discussion ~--~------~------~--~ 2, 50 1.::teClmcl,elllical redllC lioll of Ph CH ]Br Cyc li c vo ltamlTletry ex perim ents were carried out in C H, CN + 0 .1 M ( Il -C4 H () ~ NClO~ . using mercury and glassy ca rbon electrodes (GC). Figures I and 2 show cyc li c vo ltammetric curves for the reduction of ben zy l brom ide at GC and Hg, respectively. On both electrodes. th e com pound ex hibits a single irreversibl e and broad peak. The va lues of th e peak potentials (Ep) measured at a sean rate (II) of 0.2 V S- I are - 1. 82 V and - 1.5 1 V \IS SCE at GC and Hg. respectivel y. Ep va ri es linearl y w ith the logarithm of II and th e slopes, aE/ alogl', obtai ned at GC and Hg are - 124 m V /decade and - 183 m V /decade , respec ti vely . Th e tran sfer coefficients (a) ca lculated from th e above slopes accord i ng to the equati on IJ aEI/dlog v = - 1.1 5RT/aF are 0.24 and 0. 16 at GC and Hg, respectively. a was also ca lculated fro m th e peak w idth. th e di fference between Ep und th e potenti al at half peak (Ep/c ), accordin g to the equati on 1.1 Ep/2 - Ep = 1.857 RT/a. Th e averages of th e va lues obtained at different scan rates in the 0.2 - 20 V S- I ran ge are 0.30 and 0.28 for GC and Hg, respec ti ve ly . These data are typ ica l of a reducti on controlled by the kineti cs of th e heterogeneous electron trans fer (ET) and are in agreement with the mechani sm previously reported for th e clectroreducti on of Ph C H 2 Br at GC, whi ch IS co nsidered to be an inert electrode materi al 10 . 100 -2.0 -1. 5 -1. 0 -0 .5 E ( V vs SCE) Fig. 2- Cycli c voltam metry of 2.24 mM benzy l bromide in C H ICN + O.t M (II -C4Hq)4NCI04 at a Hg electrode ill th e (- ) ab~c ll c e and (- - -) presence 01'0.28 M CO 2. I' 0.2 V S- I. = Th e vo ltam metri c beha viour of Ph C H 2 Br IS stron gly affected by CO c or by proton do nors such as C H, C0 2 H. For exampl e, when CO 2 is bubbled into a soluti on containing PhC H 2 Br. a con ~ i de ra bl e increase of th e reducti on peak of the bromide is observed (Fig. 2). Add iti on of an ac id brings about a similar effec t. It seems that, in the absence of carbanion scavengers, reducti on o f the halide is not trul y a 2eprocess. T o understand better th e exact stoichiometry of the process, a seri es of con trolled-potential under different elec trol ys is was carried out ex perimental co nditi ons. The results o f th e elec trolys is are summ ari sed in T able I . A first observation on the data is that , if an eff icient pro ton donor is not present in so luti on , the charge consumption is very close to I e-/ molecul e of PhC H 2 Br (entri es 1-4). Add iti on o f I fill water ISSE clal. : ELECTROCARBOXYLATIO S. No. OF BENZYL BROt\lID E 75:' Tabl e I- Elcc trochemi cal reduction or benzy l bromide in CH,CN + 0.1 M (II -C 4 H9 ).:NCI0 4 . h Elec trod e IPhCH 2 Bri II Product zields (% )" E"rp d ROR d mM V vs SCE ROI-I RI-I I-I gR2 RC H 2C Tota l Hg 11 .58 - 1. :1 1 1.0 18 78 0 2 () 98 2 Hg 8.42 - 1.40 1.2 33 20 20 2 8 X] 3 Ho 0 8.42 - 1.65 1.1 49 0 15 4 15 88 4 C - 1.85 U 57 0 10 7 16 90 5 Hg 10.52 8.42,,1 - 1.40 1.0 49 15 4 .'i 15 X8 6 Hg 8.42,,1 - 1.65 1.1 49 () 5 5 :10 Xc) 7 Hg 8.42·,2 - 1.65 1.7 82 0 0 17 () 99 8 C 8.42,,2 - 1.85 1. 7 84 0 0 11 0 96 "Added wa ter: 10. 1 M. 2 1.0 M. hCharge (F/mol) consumed with respect to convert ed PhCH 2 Br. "Yi c ld is ca lculated with respect to PhC H 2 13r disappeared. dYi eld represent s th e percelllage or th e ori ginal PhC H 2 13r incorporated into th e product sign ifi ca ntl y increa. es the charge co nsumption of the process, which now tends to a 2e- reducti on to toluene (entri es 7-8). Tht' electrolys is gi ves, ri se to a variety of products th e distribution of which strongly depends on ex perimental conditions such as cathode material , applied potemial and proton ava il ab ility in th e medium . Wh en the applied potential is negativ e enough to ensure reducti on of th e intermed iate benzyl rad ica l, toluene is formed as th e principal reducti on product. Under such circumstance, th e maj or side prod ucts are hydrocinnamonitrile, benzy l alcohol and dibenzy l ether. w hi ch are formed b y nucl eophili c allack of anion s stemming from the protonation of PhCH :-- at th e startin g benzy l bromide. In fact, th e pro ton donor involved in reaction could be H 2 0 (either resi dual or purposely added) or C H 3CN , w hi ch •nave simi " 1ar p K" va Iues t4 . PhCH 2- + C H,C . - ' • PhCH, + T H 2CN ... ( I ) PhC H 2- + H 20 - . . . (2) . PhC H, + OH . .. (4) I\l so the benzy l alcohol formed in reac tion (4) may get in vo lved in a pro ton transfer react ion wi th PhCH ~ to give an alkoxide Ion PhC H 2 0 - that l11ay further react with PhCH 2 Br. Ph CH 2 - + Ph C H2 0H - - PilC H, + PhCH 20 - ... (5) The di :-. tri butiOI1 of such products is strong ly affected by th e concen tration or 11 2 0 in th e reactio n medium. In nominal ly dry acetonitril e th e yi eld of toluene does not exceed 57 % wh ile significant amounts o f side products are formed (entri es 3-4). It is noteworth y that under such co nditi ons appreciabl e amounts of hydrocinnamonitrile are fo rmed. Wh en H 20 is added to the reacti on medium . the y it' ld o f toluene increases at th e detriment of the y ield of the side products, reachi ng ca 84% in the presence of I M H 2 0. The y ield of hydrocinnamon itril e is particularl y affected by th e presence of H 2 0 , decreasing wit h increasing co ncentration of th e latter. In th e presence of I M H 2 0 , hydrocinn amonitril e form ati on is no longer observed implying that reac ti on ( I ) is outpaced by reacti on (2). Thi s mean s th at H 20 is a much more efficient proton donor than C H, CN. Since, however, th e two proton donors have compa rable pK" va lu t's l~ . the difference in reactivity between th e two compounds should be clue to a signifi ca nt difference between the intrinsic barri ers of the proton transfer reactions ( I ) and (2). The effect of th e appl ied potential (Eapp) on the di stribution of th e products has been inves ti gated at the Hg electrode. I\s show n by the data reported in Table I ·(entri es 1-3), the y ield of toluene increa. e. with decreasing E ilpp . When the electrol ys is was carri ed out at - 1.31 V liS SCE, a poten tial correspo nding to the foo t of the reduction peak o f PhCH 2 Br (see Fig. 2), dibenzyl mercury was obtain ed as the pri nci pal reduction prod uc t. Shi rt ing the electrolysis potential to nlore negative va lues results in a decrease of the yie ld of (PhCH:!h Hg whil e that of Ph C H ~ increases . At - 1. 65 V vs SCE no (PhCH :!) ~ H g is form ed. It is worth noti ng thaI. although radi ca lrad ical coupl ing of benzy l rad ica ls has a rate con , tant of the order of I O~ M- I~ I(Ref. 15), bibenzyl was never observed among th e recluction pr\)(lu cts The ben zyl radica ls arc preferen tiall y captured by th e Hg electrode'. Depending on the app lied potenti al. th e 754 INDI AN J CHEM. SEC A. APR IL 2003 benzy lmercury radi ca l so form ed may either undergo I e- reducti on to PhCH 2- or gi ve diben zy lmercury 9 through di sproporti onati on The electrol ys is at th e graphite elec trode was ca rri ed out at a po tential co rresponding to the E" of the halide as measured at GC electrode. In thi s case th e process in vo lves free benzy l radicals, which are immed iately reduced at th e very negative potential s required for th e reduction of th e starting halide. Thu s, onl y trace amounts of bibenzyl were observed in th e ex periment s carried out at th e graphite elec trode. It was also noti ced that th e nature of the cath ode material has no signifi cant effect on th e se lec ti vit y of th e process so long as an £ va lue negati ve enough to ensure immed iate reducti on of th e intermediate radica ls is app li ed. EleCfJ'Ocarboxvlafion of Plt C H ]X (X = Br. Cf) Accord ing to the data obtai ned from the vo ltammetri c in ves ti gati on, CO 2 is a good scavenger of benzy l ca rbani ons. In fac t. as show n in Fi g. 2. bubbling CO 2 into a soluti on of PhCH 2 Br ca uses a remarkabl e enhancement of th e peak current for th e red ucti on of the halide. In th e presence o f CO 2 . th e benzy l carbani ons are rapidly trapped by CO 2 (Eq. 7) and the overall process tends to become a 2ered ucti on of the halide. Under such ci rcumstances, ph eny l acetate is ex pec ted to be th e principal reducti on product. ... (7) The res ults or preparati ve-sca le electrol ys is of benzy l bromide in CO 2 -saturated C H:1 C are reported in Table 2. Th e elec tro lys is were performed both in div ided and undi vided ce ll s using both Hg and graphite (C) cath odes. T he main reducti on products we re ph eny lacetic acid (RC0 2 H) and tolu ene, bibenzyl being either absent or detec tabl e onl y at trace leve ls. M os t of th e side produc ts observed in th e ex periments performed in th e absence o f CO 2 were also absent : onl y small quantiti es of benzy l alcohol could be observed. Besides pheny laceti c ac id and toluene, ben zy l ph eny l acetate, w hi ch is form ed by nucleophili c attack of th e carboxy late ion on Ph C H 2 Br (Eq. 8), was obtained wh en th e electrol ys is was perform ed in a two-compartm ent cell (Table 2, entri cs 1-2). In such experiments, th e yie ld Ph C H 2 Br + PhCH 2CO c- - PhCH 2 C0 2 C H 2 Ph + Br- .. . (8) of th e acid is very low, th e maj or prod uct being th e es ter, which aecoul1lS for up to 70% of the start ing halide. Wh en the ex periments were performed in an undi vided cell with a sac ri fi cial A I anode (entries 4-5), th e y ield of the acid increased up to 68 o/c w hil e formati on of th e es ter became co mpl etely suppressed. Th e A IJ + cati ons form ed at th e anode stabi I ise th e ca rboxy late ion. mak i ng reac tion (8) too slow to occur in the time scal e of th e experim ent. Th e results of so me elec trocarhoxy lati on ex perim en ts on benly l ch lori de per formecl at a Hg cathode in CO 2-sa tu rated C H.lC are inc I uded in Tabl e 2 (entri es 3, 6). The reduct ion potential of PhC H 2Ci at th e Hg electrode is very nega ti ve ( 'ee Fig. 3), so th e ex periments were carri ed out at a potenti al (- 2. 16 V vs SC E) co rrespond ing to th e foot of the reducti on wave of th e chloride. i n order to minimise th e con tributi on of elec troreduction of CO 2 . A few observation s can be made comparing the res ults of electrocarboxy lati on of PhC H 2Ci w ith th ose of the same process, carri ed ou t under simil ar co nditi ons, for PhCH 2 Br. Firstl y, in both types o f electrochemi ca l ce ll , electrocarbo xy lation or the chloride gi ves better chemica l y ields of pheny laceti c acid. Secondl y, onl y a sma ll quant i ty o f ester is formed w hen PhC H 2 Ci is used, indi catin g that the SN2 reaction (Eq. 8) on the chl oride is quite slow . Red ucti on of PhCH 2Ci , however, requires very nega tive potential , which also in vo lves direct reducti on of CO 2 at th e elec trode (Fig. 3). To minimi se th e in vo l ve ment of 5uch undes irable reac ti on, an appli ed poten tial as much posi ti ve as poss ibl e was selected for th e elec trolys is. Neverth eless, th e charge co nsumpti on (see Table 2. entri es 3,6) is co nsiderabl y greater tha ll th e theoretical va lue or 2e-/molec ul e of PhCH 2Cl req uired for th e carbo xy lati on or th e halide. Co(sa len )-colOlysed el eCl rocor!Joxv!of ion Th e catalytic effect of Co(sal en) 0 11 th e elec trocarboxy lati on process has also been examined. Fi gure 4 shows cyc li c vo ltammogram s fo r th e reducti on of the co mpl ex in th e prese nce of be Illy I bromi de and COo. In th e absence o f ·Ph C HoBr. Co " (salen) ex hibits a reversible pea k cOL~p l e co rresponding to the red uct ion of CoO l ) to Co( l ) .\l ith C" = - 1.30 V vs SCE. Addition I' benzy l bromide causes an increase in th e peak curren l or th e reduction peak which becomes irreversibl e and is shifted to more posi tive potential s, and a new redu cti on peak appears at more negativ e potential s (Fig. 4b). The ISSE el al.: ELECTROCA RBO X YLATION OF BE ZYL BROMIDE Table 2- Elec trochelllical carboxy lati on of benzy l halides in CH,C S. o. Electrode Ce ll" RX fR X I mM 755 + 0. 1 M (II -C.j H<j).jNClO.j. Product yields (* )" E"pp V vs SCE I 2 Hg A PhCH , Br 10.51 - 1.65 IA 26 9 .+.+ 79 PhCH, Br 10.5 1 - 1.85 1.5 13 14 70 <)7 C A 3 Hg A PhCH ,CI 10.86 - 2. 16 2.6 71 22 5 <)R 4 Hg i3 PhCH , Br 10.5 1 - 1.65 2A 62 22 0 R.+ 5 C B PhCH, Br 10.5 1 - 1.85 2.2 68 16 () X'+ 6 Hg B PhCH ,CI 10.86 -2 . 16 SA 87 10 () <) 7 7 C A PhCH, i3r" 10.5 1 - l AO 1.5 8 19 44 71 PhCH,CI " 10.86 - 1.62 2. 1 36 37 I 7.+ 8 C A 9 C i3 PhCH, Br" I 0.51 - l AO 2.0 47 25 () 72 la c B PhCHoCI " 10.86 - 1.62 2A 49 32 0 XI "The ce ll used fo r elec tro lys is was either a t;o compartm ent cell (A) or an undi vi ded cell with an alulllin iulll sacrifi cial anode ( 13 ). hl n the presence of co I mM fCo(sa len) I. "Charge (F/ mo l) consumed with respec t to converted PhCH , X. dYi eld is calcu lated with respect 10 convert ed PhCH, X. cYi eld represents the percentage of th e ori ginal PhCH , X incorporated into the product. 20,---------------- -- -, o Or-50 -20 r- -< ~/ / ... -100 2- I -40 r-1 50 -60 , I' I I , , / -" r- b I /rV -2.5 -2.0 ~ -1.5 E ( V vs SCE) Fig. 3- Cyc li c vo lt ::lInmetry of benzy l chl oride in C H,CN + 0. 1 M (II-C.j I-l<j).jNC I04 at a Hg elec trode at II = 0.2 V S- I. (- ) 2.0 mM PhCH ,CI: (- - -) 0.28 M CO,. Th e arrow indi cates th e appli ed potential of electrolys is of PhCH ,CI in CO,-saturated CH,CN. mechanism of th e electrocata lytic reducti on o f benzyl halides by Co(salen) has been previously described in detail 6. 16.1 7. T he following reacti on sequence takes place: rCo11(salen)] + e- [Co1(salen) r [Co1(sa len)r + Ph C H 2 Br - ~ I Ph C H 2Co lll (sa len)1 + Br[ Ph C H 2 Co lll (sa len)] + e- -~ ll [Ph C H 2Co (salen)r ... (9) - 100 r- ~. " b " " " " ,;'" -200 r- -300 r- ~ ~ Ot- c II1/" t ~ ~ -1 .5 - 1. 0 E (V vs SCE) Fig. 4- Cycli c vo itammogra ills at a glassy carbon electrode of Co(sa len) in CH 3 C + 0. 1 M (II -C4 H<».j CI0 4 at v = 0.2 Vs- I : (a) 0.82 mM Co(salen) (b) as (a) + 8A I mM PhCH , i3r and (c) as (b) in th e presence of 0.28 M CO, . ... ( IOj ... ( I I ) Th e elec trogenerated coba lt(l ) co mpl ex reacts w ith Ph C H 2 Br according to an SN2 mechani sm. Such a reac ti on lead s to th e formation of an orga nocobalt com pl ex (Eq. 10), which is reducible at potenti al s more negativ e th an that of Co(salen). Th e peak for the reduct ion of potential measured lll PhCH 2Co (sa len) is -1.45 V vs SCE at v 0.2 V s· l . Reducti on of th e new ly formed organometall ic co mpl ex (Eq. I I ) yie ld s a very unstabl e coba lt( lI ) species, which rapid ly undergoes homolyti c Co-C bond cleavage to gi ve Ph C H 2 • and [Col(salen)r (Eq . 12). The chemi stry and electrochemi stry of th e benzyl rad ica l so formed are essentiall y th ose already described in th e unmedi ated process. = 756 INDI AN J CHEM. SEC A. APRIL 2003 Acco rdin g to th e above reaction sequence, elcc troca tal y ti c reduction o f PhC H 2 Br ca taly sed by Co(salen) can be achi eved at potenti als co rresponding to th e reduction of th e orga nocobalt co mplex . In fact, th e peak current observed for the latter process is more than twi ce that o f th e I e- reduction of Co"(sa len) to rCo1(salen)r. Indeed, th e process is cataly ti c and the exchanged number o f electron s is signifi ca ntl y greater than I . Th e catal y ti c nature of th e lll red uct ion of Ph C H 2 Co (s al en) becomes more apparent i f th e soluti on is saturat ed w ith CO 2 (see Fig. 4, curve c). Similar results ha ve been already found for th e catalyti c reducti on of benzyl chlorides by Co(sa len) and th e role play ed by CO 2 in th e elec trocata ly ti c process has been ex plain ed elsewhere('. T he results of so me preparati ve-sca le electrocarboxy lati ons of benzyl bromide catal ysed by Co(salen) are reported in Tabl e 2. Th e experiments were co nducted both in divided and undi vided cell s wi th a graphite ca th ode: Hg could not be used for thi s purpose as direct reducti on o f PhC H 2 Br overlapped wi th that of th e ca taly ti c process. Contro ll ed-potential elec trol ys is, in CO 2-sa turated C H, C conta ining co I mM Co(salen) and a 10- fold excess of PhC H 2 Br, was carri ed out at - 1.4 V vs SCE. It is to be noted that thi s potential is in th e ri sing portion of the reduction peak of the organocobalt com pl ex (Fi g. 4. curve b). Such a va lue has been chosen for th e electrolys is in order to avoid unmediated reduction of th e bromide at th e graphite elec trode. Th e appli ed potential , however. ensures immediate reduction o f PhC H 2 • at the electrode since il is co mparabl e w ith th e reducti on potential of th e radi ca l (- 1.43 VI 'S SCE). The data show th at bett er res ults. in term s o f product y ields are obtained by the unmedi ated elec troca rboxy lati on as compared to the Co(salen)-catalysed process. In additi on, th e co balt co mpl ex decomposes during the electrol ys is; at th e end of th e elec trolys is onl y a very small fraction of th e cata lyst still rema ined in th e act ive form . It is very likely th at th e benzy l ca rbani on is involved in th e chemica l process leading to deac tivation o f the catal ys{" w hi ch ex plains, at least i n part, why th e overall y ield of th e catal ysed electrocarbox y lation is alway s small er th an that of the corresponding unmedi ated process . A n advantage o f th e Co(salen)-catal ysed process over th e unmediated one is that th e Fonner can be achi eved at relati ve ly positive potentials. The poss ibility of ex ploiting thi s advantage is, however, se verely limited by th e low turnover number o f th e ca tal yst. A compari son of th e product di st ributi on in th e med iated and unmediated processes shows that catal ys is w ith Co(salen) brin gs about a marked increase of th e RH to RC0 2 H ratio . Th e add iti onal amount of toluene formed in the Co(sa lcn)-ca talysed process may be attributed to th e hyd ro lys is of th e intermed iate organocobalt comp lex (Eq. 13). [phC H 2 Co"(sa len)r + H 2 0 PhCH , + Co " (salen) + O H ... ( 13) The role played by such a reac ti on in the elec trochemi ca l carboxy lati on o f benzy l chl orides ca talysed by Co(salen) has been prev ious ly evidenced by ex periments with D2 0 6. Th e occurrence of reaction ( 13), and hence th e hi gh sensiti vity of th e catal yt ic process to H 20 , is ye t another point in fa vo ur of the unmedi ated process as co mpared to the Co(salen )catalysed one. To co mplete th e co mparI son of th e elec trocarboxy lati on processes of benzy l bromide with th ose of the chl oride. th e Co(sa len)-catalysed of PhC H 2 Ci was also electrocarboxy lation in vesti gated. Indeed. thi s process has been th e subject o f a prev ious study, in whi ch modera te y iel ds of 6 ph eny laceti c acid have been found . Since it has been ev idenced in that study that th e yi eld of th e ac id depends on th e app li ed potenti al, the best results being ob tained at E < - 1. 60 V liS SCE. the ex periments w ith PhC H 2 Ci were perfo rm ed at - 1. 62 V I'S SC E, under oth erwi se identical conditi ons as in th e case of PhC H:> Br. Th e -results are included in Tab le 2 (entries 8, I 0). In good agreement w ith th e unmedi ated processes, in the divided ce ll Ph C H 2CI gi ves a much bett er ph eny lacetic y ield as co mpared to th e bromide. In stead, in th e undi vided ce ll th e two Co(sa len)-catalysed processes gi ve virtuall y the same results. T o sum up, ben zy l bro mide may be used as a startin g materi al in th e electrochemi ca l syn th es is of ph eny laceti c acid . Th e process in t c undi vided ce ll gives a sa ti sfactory acid y ield . The chl ori de appears. hO\A/ever, to be a better ca ndidate i f th e probl ems related w i th th e very nega ti ve potential req uired for its reduction are overcome. e.g.. by effic ient elec trocatal ys is. Acknowledgements Financial support from l he Millisle m del/'/slm zioll e, de// 'Ulli le rsilit c della Ricerca (MIUR ) is gratefull y acknowled ged. ISSE et a l .: EL ECTROCA RBOXYLAT IO References I Sil vestri G. Ga mbino S & Fi lard o G in EII ~.I'lIIatic alld lIIodel co rbllxylmioll alld redllctioll reactiolls for ca rboll dioxide lIlilisotioll. ed ited by M Aresta and J V Schloss. NATO AS I Ser. C. Vol. 3 14 (Klu wer Acade mi c Publi shers. Dordrecht ) 1990, pp. 101 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sil vestri G. Gambino S. Fi lardo G & Gulona A. A ll gel\' Chelllillt Ed Ell g i. 23 ( 1984) 979 . Sock O. T ro upel M & Peri chon J. Tet ra hedroll Lell. 26 ( 1985) 1509. Isse A A & Genn aro A. Chelll COIIIIIIIIII. (2002 ) 2798. Fauvarqu e J F. 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