Curriculum Vitae Leonardo Testi June 20, 2014 Phone, e-mail: +49–(0)89–32006541, [email protected] Degrees: Ph.D. in Astronomy, awarded in February 1997, Universit`a degli Studi di Firenze; “Laurea in fisica”, June 7th 1993, full quotation cum laude, Universit`a degli Studi di Firenze. Current position: Full Astronomer and European ALMA Programme Scientist, ESO, May 2007 – present Astronomo Associato, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, May 2003 – on leave since May 2007 Previous positions: Ricercatore Astronomo, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, July 1998 – May 2003 Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology, May 1997 - February 1999 Other roles and responsibilities: ESO Board Member, EC Radionet-fp7 and Radionet-3 projects Associate Editor for the Royal Society Open Science Journal Coordinator Progetto Premiale iALMA Positions held in working groups and science policy committes: INAF Consiglio Scientifico, Member (2005–2007; 2008–2011) ASTRONET Science Vision Working Group, Chair of sub-Panel C (2006–2007; 2012-2013) ESO Scientific Technical Committee, Member (2006–2007) ALMA Science Advisory Committee, Member (2003–2007), Chairman (2005) ALMA European Science Advisory Committee, Member (2003–2007), Chairman (2006) VSI/VLTI Science Working Group, Member (2005–2008) AMBER/VLTI Science Working Group, Member (2001–2007) Grants review committees: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), Expert Referee (2012) FONDECYT program, Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (Chile), Expert Referee (2010, 2012) ERC, Advanced and Consolidation Grants, External Reviewer (2010, 2011, 2013) ANR – Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Expert Referee (2010, 2012) Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, UV-IR GO and Archive grants, Referee (2010) NASA Origins of Solar System Review Panel, Observations Subpanel, Member (1999) Time Allocation/Observing Program Committees: Subaru Time Allocation Committee, Referee (2011-2013) Hubble Space Telescope Time Allocation Committee, Panel Member (2008) NRAO Time Allocation Committee, Referee (2007-2008) ESO OPC, Panel C Member (2002–2004), OPC Member-at-large (2004) Spitzer Space Telescope Observing Programme Committee, Panel 4, Member (2004) OVRO millimeter array Time Allocation Committee, Member (1997–1999) Scientific credentials and productivity: I am co-author of over 230 refereed papers (over 400 overall), my current h-index (according to ADS) is 53, total number of citations >9000, over 20 articles with more than 100 citations. I have obtained the ”Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale” for Full Professors in 2013. Professional references Professional references on my scientific activity can be obtained from: Dr. A. Natta (INAFArcetri and DIAS, [email protected]), Prof. A. Sargent (California Institute of Technology, [email protected]), and Prof E. van Dishoeck (Leiden University, [email protected]). References on my work at ESO as European ALMA Project Scientist can be obtained from my direct supervisors Prof. R. Ivison (ESO Director for Science) and Prof. W. Wild (Head of the European ALMA Support Centre), or from Prof. T. de Zeeuw (ESO Director General). References on my work with students and fellows at ESO can be obtained from Prof. E. Emsellem (ESO Head of the Office for Science). References on my contributions to teaching in Bologna and Florence can be obtained from Prof. L. Gregorini (Univ. of Bologna) or Prof. A. Marconi (Univ. of Florence). Definition of science policies and strategies at national and international level As a member of the INAF–Science Council I have contributed to the definition of the science priorities for the National Institute for Astrophysics in Italy in the period from 2005 through 2011. This was a very difficult period in which the institute tried to merge into a coherent national programme the plans and priorities of 19 separate institutes that had been joined into the newly formed INAF, all through a period of increasing financial constraints. As Science Council, we had the responsibility of the oversight of the priorities of the short-term (3-years) plans and of the full development of the long term (10-years) plan. The long term plan we published at the end of 2006 is still driving today the INAF strategic choices and it was based on the principle that the institute programmes are science driven, based on a strong sinergy between space, ground based, theoretical and laboratoy reasearch, optimizing the Italian strengths within the context of European and International cooperation. One of the strongest guidelines that we always maintained was the need for Italy to move from national projects to a more important participation in the international collaborations, especially those connected with the European international organizations. The increased participation of INAF in the instrument development for the ESO major programmes (VLT/I, ALMA, and E-ELT) is a result of the adoption of the strategies laid out in the Long Term Plan. As a member of the Astronet Science Vision working group and chair of Panel C, I faced similar challenges when we were developing the scientific priorities for European astronomy. The result of our e↵orts, the report “A Science Vision for European Astronomy”, has been used to develop the European astronomy Infrastructures Roadmap and I have recently participated in its update. All major ESO programmes are consistent with the Astronet planning and ESO continues to be involved in the Astronet e↵orts of providing a common strategy for European astronomy. In the period 2002-2007, before joining the organization, I have been involved in several of the ESO science advisory committees: OPC, ESAC, ASAC and STC. As part of these boards, I have been chairing the ALMA Science Advisory Committee through arguably one of the most difficult and tense periods of the post approval era of ALMA: the re-baselining process that took place in 2005. In that circumstance we had to critically revisit the science priorities of ALMA, with the goal of redefining the science aims of the baseline project. The key principles that we followed were: maintain ALMA as a transformational observatory, safeguard the di↵erent scientific priorities of the ALMA partners, keep the project within the a↵ordable cost envelope, establish ALMA as an open observatory for future development. The process involved the discussion within the ASAC and with the project, as well as presentations and discussions with the ALMA Board. Current role as European ALMA Programme Scientist As European ALMA Programme Scientist at ESO my duties include: responsibility for setting the science requirements and monitoring compliance with scientific requirements of the European ALMA deliverables, including the science support for European ALMA Development Plan projects; maintain the link between ESO and the European millimetre astronomers community, also supporting the organization and participating in the ESAC, STC and ASAC committees; ensure optimal use of ALMA by European community astronomers; support the development and maintenance of an active millimetre science atmosphere for astronomers within ESO; lead the European ALMA Science Integrated Project Team interfacing with JAO and ALMA partners science teams. The guiding principles of my work in the past six years in this position have been: to promote ALMA science within the community and within ESO; to constantly monitor ALMA construction to ensure the delivery of the science capabilities; to establish a strong and long term ALMA Development programme in Europe through cooperation with the community; to represent and support European science priorities within the ALMA partnership. As part of my role I am also supporting the ESO participation in specific European Commission initiatives, in particular being the ESO representative in the Radionet Board and helping with the inception, preparation and execution of the ESO ALMA Fellows FP7 COFUND programme. Main research interests My main scientific activities are related to observational studies of the formation and early evolution of stars and stellar clusters in our Galaxy and the Local Universe, the formation of substellar objects and the properties and evolution of protoplanetary disks. I co-authored more than 230 refereed papers. The primary objectives of my research are: i) The investigation of the structure and physical properties of protoplanetary disks, including the study of dust emission properties, with the goal of constraining the evolution of protoplanetary disks leading to the formation of planetesimals, and eventually planetary systems; key publications in this area: Testi et al. 2001, ApJ 554, 1087; Testi et al. 2003, A&A 403, 323; Natta, Testi et al. 2007, PPV, 767; Ricci, Testi et al. 2010, A&A 510, 86; Perez et al. 2012, ApJ 760, L17; Testi et al. 2013, PPVI, in press. ii) The study at optical and infrared wavelengths of young stars and brown dwarfs with the goal of constraining their formation mechanism and to use them as tools to understand the physical processes at place in the circumstellar environment; key publications in this area: Natta & Testi 2001, A&A 376, L22; Testi et al. 2002, ApJ 570, 758; Whelan et al. 2005, Nature 435, 652; Natta, Testi & Randich 2006, A&A 452, 245; Ricci, Testi et al. 2012, ApJL 761, L20. iii) The identification of massive protostars and proto-clusters and the study of the formation and early evolution of young massive stars and stellar clusters; key publications in this area: Molinari, Testi, et al. 1998, ApJL 505, L39; Testi et al. 2000, A&A 359, L5 de Wit, Testi et al. 2005, A&A 437, 247; Beltran e al. 2007, Nature 443, 427; Testi et al. 2010, A&A 522, 44; Kraus et al. 2010, Nature 466, 339; Bressert et al. 2012, ApJ 758, L28 iv) The comparison of the properties of massive star formation clouds in our Galaxy with nearby galaxies; key publications in this area: Santangelo, Testi et al. 2009, A&A 501, 495; Longmore et al. 2013, MNRAS 429, 987 v) The determination of the mass and surface density distributions of pre-stellar cores in nearby star forming regions, and the link between these properties with those of the young stellar populations with the aim of constraining our views on the Star Formation process; key publications in this area: Testi & Sargent 1998, ApJL 508, L91; Testi et al. 1999, A&A 342, 515; Andr´e et al. 2010, A&A 518, 102. My activity focuses primarily in providing observational constraints and tests of theories and models across the electromagnetic spectrum from the radio through the submillimetre, infrared and optical. I have contributed to define the science goals and the specifications and to develop instruments and observatories designed to address a broad range of astrophysical questions. Research Grants I have an extensive experience in writing successful grant applications at national and international level. In the early 2000s, together with Antonella Natta we successfully obtained funding for national research networks on young Brown Dwarfs systems through a series of competitive grants from the Italian Ministry for Instruction, University and Research (COFIN-MIUR). In 2006 I led a national team that secured funding from INAF for research in disk evolution and planet formation (PRININAF). I have been the Arcetri Co-I for a series of grants from Agenzia Spaziale Italiana to support research with the Herschel Space Observatory, which are still supporting the Herschel research group in Florence. Since I moved to ESO, I have been involved in supporting the participation in the successful Radionet proposals. I have been the initiator and contributed to the writing of the FP7-COFUND proposal that resulted in obtaining 9 additional postdoctoral Fellowships for the ARC nodes in Europe. I am currently leading the Progetti Premiali 2012 grant iALMA. Teaching and tutoring experience I regularly organize and provide lecture series for international schools for PhD students in Italy and abroad. More specifically, since 2003, I have been involved in several ”Scuola Nazionale di Astrofisica”, organizing full courses and providing extensive lecture series on millimetre and radio interferometry, star formation, circumstellar disks and planet formation. In May 2007, I organised as scientific director the course on Science with ALMA, for which I also provided lectures. Since 2010, I have been regularly providing lecture series for PhD students of Bologna and Florence Universities on millimetre interferometry, protoplanetary disks and early stages of planet formation. These lecture series are normally 4 to 10 hours long courses. I have supervised several students over the years. Before moving to ESO in 2007, I supported the tutoring of two PhD students: Dr. Andrea Isella, University of Milano, PhD 2006, main advisor Dr. A. Natta; Dr. Tommaso Gatti, University of Firenze, PhD 2007, main advisors Dr. A. Natta and Prof. M. Landini. Since I moved to ESO as Full Astronomer, I was able to have a more direct involvement with students: Supervision of Master Theses: Dott. Andrea Banzatti (Laurea Magistrale in Fisica 2008, 110/110 cum laude, University of Milano, co-supervisor Prof. M. Bersanelli); Anna Miotello (Laurea Magistrale in Fisica April 2013, 110/110 cum laude, University of Milano, co-supervisor Prof. G. Lodato); Mr. Giovanni Dipierro (Laurea Magistrale in Fisica October 2013, 110/110 cum laude, University of Milano, co-supervisors Prof. G. Lodato and Prof. G. Bertin); I also supported the Master-level intership programmes of Dr. Paola Pinilla (May-Jun 2010, she then went on to do her PhD in Heidelberg with Prof. C. Dullemond in 2013); Mr. Stefano Carniani (OctNov 2011, he is now doing his PhD in Florence with Prof. A. Marconi); Mrs. Greta Guidi (Feb-Jun 2014, she is now completing her Thesis with Prof. S. Ortolani in Padova). Supervision of PhD Theses: Dr. Gina Santangelo (PhD 2010, University of Bologna, INAF and ESO, co-supervisors Prof. L. Gregorini and Dr. C.M. Walmsley); Dr. Luca Ricci (PhD 2011, Ludwig-Maximillians Universitaet Muenchen, co-tutor Prof. A. Burkert); Dr. Francesco Trotta (PhD 2012, University of Florence, co-supervisor Prof. A. Marconi); Dr. Eli Bressert (PhD 2012, University of Exeter, co-supervisors Dr. J. Patience and Dr. N. Bastian); Dr. Grainne Costigan (PhD 2013, University of Belfast and DIAS, co-supervisors Prof. T. Ray, Dr J. Vink and Dr. A. Scholz); Mr. Carlo Felice Manara (PhD defense expected in July 2014, Ludwig-Maximillians Universitaet Muenchen, co-tutor Prof. B. Ercolano)); Mrs. Sarolta Zahorecz (PhD defense expected in 2015, Budapest University, co-tutor Prof.V. Toth and Dr. Izaskun Jimenez-Serra and Dr. Ke Wang); Mr. Marco Tazzari (PhD defense expected in 2016, Excellence Cluster Universe and Ludwig-Maximillians Universitaet Muenchen, co-tutor Prof. B. Ercolano); Mrs. Anna Faye McLeod (PhD defense expected in 2016, Ludwig-Maximillians Universitaet Muenchen, co-tutor Prof. Th. Preibish). I have been involved in the evaluation and thesis committees of several PhD candidates in various European Universities: Referent for the thesis of Dr. Vincent Geers (PhD 2007, Leiden University, NL); thesis committee member for Dr. Henrik Nissen (PhD 2008, Aarhus University, DK); external referee for the thesis of Dr. Maddalena Caramazza (PhD 2009, Universit´a di Palermo, I); thesis committee member for Dr. Joanna Ascenso (PhD 2009, University of Porto, P); thesis committee member for Dr. Demerese Salter (PhD 2010, University of Leiden, NL); rapporteur and thesis committee member for Yann Boehler (PhD Dec 2011, University of Bordeaux, F); LMU-IMPRS thesis committee for Giovanni Rosotti (PhD expected in 2014, Ludwig Maximillian Universitaet, D); apporteur and thesis committee member for Fabien Louvet (PhD defense expected for Sept 2014, University of Paris, F).
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